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LEL Supplier Scorcard

Parameter Weight Criteria Details Score

Number of line item OS&Ds as a %age of total line item deliveries

Quality 20% Acceptable Lots 0% 100
(overage, Shortage, Damages, Documentation)
< 10% 80
< 30% 60
< 60% 30
> 90% 0

Number of line items having gone through "QC Hold" status as a %age of
total line items ordered (Accepted with comments, Discrepancies, Hold, 0% 100
etc… anything except Accept)
< 10% 80
< 30% 60
< 60% 30
> 90% 0

Number of line items cancelled as a %age of total line items ordered 0% 100

< 10% 80
< 30% 60
< 60% 30
> 90% 0

On-time line item deliveries as a %age of total line item deliveries (all
DDP/ DAP = {PO promised date + 3 days} - {GRN date}
Service 30% Delivery CFR / CIF / CPT = {PO promised date} - {Shipment arrival date entered by > 90% 100
FCA / EX Works / FOB = {PO promised date} - {Date of readiness entered
by Expeditors}

> 60% 80
> 30% 60
< 10% 30
0% 0

Number of Late deliveries as a %age of total line item deliveries (all

0% 100
< 10% 80
< 30% 60
< 60% 30
> 90% 0

Number of Early deliveries as a %age of total line item deliveries (all

> 90% 100
> 60% 80
> 30% 60
< 10% 30
0% 0

Number of line items not shipped on time as a %age of total line items
0% 100
shipped (Overseas vendors)
< 10% 80
< 30% 60
< 60% 30

07/09/2020 Page 1 of 5
LEL Supplier Scorcard

Parameter Weight Criteria Details Score
> 90% 0

Number of GRNs >1 (multiple deliveries) per line item level on a PO as a

0% 100
%age of total GRNs for the vendor
< 10% 80
< 30% 60
< 60% 30
> 60% 0

%age price reduction over last 3,5,8 and 10 (whichever is greater) POs for
Price 35% Best Price >20% 100
same part ID
> 10% 80
> 7% 60
> 5% 30
> 2% 10

Overall average %age price reduction over all the POs at part ID level
>20% 100
issued to a vendor in a year calculated as a gross of all POs
> 10% 80
> 7% 60
> 5% 30
> 2% 10

Overall average %age price reduction over the past year offered through
>20% 100
lumpsum discounts on POs
> 10% 80
> 7% 60
> 5% 30
> 2% 0

Total Price discount in USD offered over the past year on POs issued to
> $ 100K 100
> $ 50K 80
> $ 30K 60
> $ 20K 30
> $ 10K 10

Invoice %age of PO line items with payment terms matching the supplier
10% Payment terms > 90% 100
Accuracy registered terms
> 60% 80
> 30% 60
< 10% 30
< 5% 0

%age of PO line items with payment terms better than registered payment
> 90% 100
> 60% 80
> 30% 60
< 10% 30
< 5% 0

%age of PO line items with payment terms not better than registered
0% 100
payment terms
< 10% 80
< 30% 60

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LEL Supplier Scorcard

Parameter Weight Criteria Details Score
< 60% 30
> 90% 0

%age of PO line items rejected due to invoice discrepancies 0% 100

< 10% 80
< 30% 60
< 60% 30
> 90% 0
Scoring by the
3% Manual Communication, Professionalism, Support, Attitude, etc… Scale of 1-5
Scoring by the Reporting, Communication, Professionalism, Support, Attitude, After sales
3% Manual Scale of 1-5
Expeditor service etc...

07/09/2020 Page 3 of 5
Purchase Price Variance
Evaluating the Cost price of a product in reference to the price at a given period of time.
Calculate as follows:-
Purchase price’s x qty purchased in Period 1(say in 2008 you purchased the item at different times at different prices)
Purchase prices’s x qty purchased in Period 2

Sum Period 1 and divide by total Qty(period 1) = ACP 1

Sum Period 2 and divide by total Qty(period 2) = ACP 2

Now the difference in ACP of period 1 & 2 is the variance which can be multiplied with qty between 2 period’s to see positive o
es at different prices)

een 2 period’s to see positive or negative Purchase variance

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