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Paul University Surigao

Surigao City, Philippines

Technology for Teaching and Learning

Activity 2. TPACK and the SAMR Integration Model

Name: ______________________Course & Year: ______________ Date: ________

What is it all about?

This lesson will introduce to you the Pedagagical Content Knowledge (PCK) framework
founded by Shulman in 1986 which later expanded by Mishra and Koehler (2007) to
include Technology Knowledge on the framework; hence, Technological, Pedagogical,
Content Knowledge (TPACK).

I also include in this module Puentedura’s (2013) Substitution, Augmentation,

Modification, Redefinition Model of Technology Integration. This framework has been
utilized by many IT applications in education like the QuipperSchool.

What to do?

Do a thorough review on the works of Shulman, Mishra and Koehler, and Puentedura
using the documents I appended on this Activity. I also included some videos for further
understanding of the models. For further understanding you can find other documents or
journals about these models.

I want you to understand how these frameworks should be utilized in teaching and
learning, and the issues on their utilization especially by would-be teachers like your
case. Also, decipher how the QuipperSchool (as espoused by our University) in the
context of these models.

Then, answer the following.

1. How do technology, content and pedagogy interrelate as explicated in the TPACK


2. Cite sample technology integration activity, which was done by your teacher in
the past, in each stage of the SAMR similar to the one on the next page.
3. Aside from the financial factor, what do you think could be the issues for teachers
in fully implementing the: (a) TPACK and (b) SAMR?

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