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Name : Hemmia Florenta Br Tarigana

Nim : 180204088

Class: 2.2

A. Your Friend is sick and you must bring him to see the doctor
Hemmia: hi, irma how are you
Irma: hi hemmia too, I'm not feeling well today
Hemmia: are you sick?
Irma: i guess so
Hemmia: have you checked into the hospital?
Irma: not yet
Hemmia: alright let's go see a doctor
Irma: alright

B. You and your friend are going to discuss Campus Assignment in your home
Hemmia: hi, irma do you understand the assignment given by the teacher earlier?
Irma: hi hemmia, yes i understand.
Hemmia: can you help teach me? I don't really understand
Irma: okay, you can come to my house later this afternoon
Hemmia: okay, I'll be there this afternoon, thank you
Irma: okay, you're welcome

C. Your mother ask you to do your home work but you are Lazy to do it
Hemmia: hey mother, i'm home
Mom: oh glad to see you son, how was today at school?
Hemmia: very exciting mother
Mom: Alright son, is there any assignment from school today?
Hemmia: hmm ... actually there is, but tomorrow I will do it because tonight I have an
event with my friends
Mom: Alright then if you do your schoolwork now, then tonight you can go out with your
Hemmia: okay mom, I'm doing my school work now
Mom: alright
2. Your Plan For The Future after graduated from Sari mutiara University

Plan for the future after I graduate college of the University of Sari Mutiara later that I
was in the gin to work in a home sick .And that is where I will Try to reach the ideal goal
I.Before pass is usually a student / student doing practice field . there I will learn be a nurse who
is responsible and can help sick people .

It is a plan that I want for future ahead I was there endlessly , ba a multitude of once who
wanted me to achieve and I am tired after graduating college.plan la in me besides becoming a
nurse I also want happy both the parents I.With how to become a person who success , and
become children who can be proud of by the parents . The success was spelled out number one in
planning period ahead , so I had to mem waste taste lazy in myself I am so I could be the person
who succeed . Hopes that wanted me to accomplish in life I after graduating college , namely :

1.I will be looking for work

2.happy the parents


4.It Activities The Helpful

Education is not able to guarantee success , but with education that is high will be a lot of choice
in the future front.After graduated college I would do the trip for releasing fatigue and
exhaustion after the college.After pass Of A selection of the most major is looking for a job that
is in accordance with the field I when college. Entering level career after I graduated college has
a lot once the benefits , in addition to going to get right the income that remains , I am also going
to get a experience work that could help progress a career . Do not forget I have to reply to the
services the elderly I that have to send me until I pass the porters a h .

Enough so that is the plan I after graduating college later . Hopefully all the plans that I
want are fulfilled Amen .... if not sure God had prepared a plan that is best for me   

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