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( 19 April 2020)

Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

Situation Report - 13 Data as reported by States and Regions by 10:30 PM MST 18 April 2020
Global Situation
(according to WHO situation report - 89, data as of 15:30 MST 18 April 2020)
Confirmed cases Deaths
2,160,207 146,088
Map showing COVID-19 laboratory confirmed cases Total tested Specimen for COVID-19
(as of 18-4-2020,10;30 PM)
Negative Positive Recovered Deaths
4,040 107 5 5
No. State/Region COVID –19 Recovered Deaths
Confirmed case
1. Yangon 87(12 new) 3 4( 1 new)
2. Bago 5 - 1
3. Chin 4 - -
4. Mandalay 2 1 -
5. Sagaing 2 - -
6. Shan(East) 2( 1 new) - -
7. Shan(South) 1 - -
8. Naypyitaw 1 1 -
9. Shan(North) 1 - -
10. Mon 1 - -
11. Magway 1
12. Kayar - - -
Case 13. Rakhine - - -
14. Ayeyarwaddy - - -
15. Kayin - - -

n (case) = 107 16. Kachin - - -

17. Thanintharyi - - -
n (death) = 5
Total 107(13 new ) 5 5( 1 new)

COVID-19 confirmed cases by date of laboratory confirmation (as of 18-4-2020,10;30 PM) n= 107

Imported Local transmission

Nationality Total Total
Total Total cases deaths
cases Deaths cases Deaths

Myanmar 17 1 86 4 103 5
French 3 - - - 3 -
Switzerland 1 - - - 1 -
Total 21 1 86 4 107 5

Total laboratory confirmed cases by date(as of 18.4.2020, 10:30 PM) Presentation of COVID-19 confirmed cases (as of 18.4.2020)

SN Type of cluster No. of clusters # of Cases

1 Family cluster 7 19

2 Work place cluster 3 9

3 Religious event cluster 1 45

Countries of travelling of COVID-19 confirmed cases (as of 18.4.2020) COVID-19 confirmed cases among PUI and Quarantine( as of 18.4.2020)

No. Types of isolation and Quarantine No. of cases

1. PUI 48

2. Facility Quarantine 43

3. Home Quarantine 11

4. Hotel Quarantine 3

5. Hospital Quarantine 2

Total 107

Summary of COVID-19 confirmed cases (as of 18-4-2020) ,n= 2237

Travel/ Contact History Cases Number of contacts Case from contact Number of contacts
USA (C_01) 137 (C_31,74,78,88) 8
USA (C_23) NA
UK (C_02) 61
UK (C_03) 69
Same workplace
UK (C_06) 12
USA (C_04) 52 Family
Australia, Singapore (C_05) 44 (C_10) 19
Switzerland (C_07) 10
Thailand (C_09) 59
(C_08) 421 (C_28, 40,71) 3
(C_11) Family
French tour group
(C_12) 152
Thailand (C_14) 55 Family
International Medical Center (C_15) 48 (C_17) 93 (C_30)
Family Member returned from Dubai (C_16) 89 (C_18, 19, 20) NA
USA, Korea, Thailand (C_21) 23
USA, Korea, Thailand (C_22) 2 Total contacts-312 (C-63) (C-26,97)
No travel/contact (C-25) 256 (C- 62) Family
Thailand (C_27) 8 Insein group (C-24)
UK (C_29) 13 (C-34 to 37) (C-36 , 41) (C-42 to 52)(C-69,70,75
China (C_32) 26 (C-54 to 61,64,80,81) 76,77,84,89,90,91,94,98)
No Travel/ Contact (C_33) NA (C-73) (C-72) 8 Mile group
No Travel/ Contact (C_38) NA (C-86)
No Travel/ Contact (C_39) 16 (C_65 to 68,95,99) (C-47) (C-96)
Thailand (C-53) 27 Family (C-50) (C-100 to 107)
Turkey (C-82) 31
No Travel/ Contact (C-83)
No Travel/ Contact (C-79) 9 (C-92,93)
No Travel/ Contact (C-85)
No travel / Contact (C-87)

Summary of situation (17.4.2020 – 18.4.2020)
Type New Total
Suspected and Person Under Investigation (PUI) 127 1,881
Hospital Quarantine 12 199
Facility Quarantine 1,901 44,382
Person under Investigation (PUI) by State/Region
hospitals (31.1.2020 – 18.4.2020) n=1,881 Summary of Facility Quarantine List (as of 18.4.2020)

Total no. of
No. State/Region PUI No. State/Region No. of facilities
quarantine people
1. Yangon 877
1. Magway 2,694 9,810
2. Mandalay 222
2. Sagaing 1,446 6,028
Bago 123
3. Bago 756 5,327
4. Shan (N) 93
4. Mandalay 784 4,289
5. Magway 68
5. Kachin 333 4,277
6. Kayin 62
6. Kayin 426 3,199
7. Mon 62
7. Mon 151 1,823
8. Shan ( E) 58
8. Shan (N) 282 1,805
9 Kayar 49
9 Shan (S) 219 1,681
10. Shan (S) 48
10. Yangon 22 1,329
11. Naypyitaw 48 11. Naypyitaw 3 1,020
12. Ayeyarwaddy 47 12. Shan ( E) 22 961
13. Sagaing 41 13. Ayeyarwaddy 222 933
14. Rakhine 32 14. Rakhine 144 895
15. Tanintharyi 22 15. Tanintharyi 228 769
16. Kachin 17 16. Chin 22 123
17. Chin 12 17. Kayar 18 113
Total 1881 Total 7,772 44,382

COVID-19 laboratory confirmed cases among PUI (31.1.2020-18.4.2020), n( PUI)= 1,881, n( confirmed)=48

Preparedness and Response to COVID-19 in Myanmar

Definition of the term “Contact Person”

(as of 7-4-2020) (Reference – European Center for Disease Prevention and Control)

 A contact of a COVID-19 case is any person who had contact with a COVID-19 case within a timeframe ranging
from 48 hours before the onset of symptoms of the case to 14 days after the onset of symptoms.
 If the case had no symptoms, a contact person is defined as someone who had contact with the case within a
timeframe ranging from 48 hours before the sample which led to confirmation was taken to 14 days after the
sample was taken.

Classification of contact based on level of exposure

High-risk exposure (Close Contact)
A person:
 having had face-to-face contact with a COVID-19 case within one metre for more than 15 minutes
 having had physical contact with a COVID-19 case
 having unprotected direct contact with infectious secretions of a COVID-19 case (e.g. being coughed on)
 who was in a closed environment (e.g. household, classroom, meeting room, hospital waiting room, etc.)
with a COVID-19 case for more than 15 minutes
 in an aircraft, sitting within two seats (in any direction) of the COVID-19 case, travel companions or persons
providing care, and crew members serving in the section of the aircraft where the index case was seated (if
severity of symptoms or movement of the case indicate more extensive exposure, passengers seated in the
entire section or all passengers on the aircraft may be considered close contacts)
 A healthcare worker or other person providing care to a COVID-19 case, or laboratory workers handling
specimens from a COVID-19 case, without recommended PPE or with a possible breach of PPE

Low-risk exposure
A person:
 having had face-to-face contact with a COVID-19 case within one metre for less than 15 minutes
 who was in a closed environment with a COVID-19 case for less than 15 minutes
 travelling together with a COVID-19 case in any mode of transport
 A healthcare worker or other person providing care to a COVID-19 case, or laboratory workers handling spec-
imens from a COVID-19 case, wearing the recommended PPE

Hotline Number— 0673420268 Data source - CEU, DMS, NHL, States and Regions Health Department

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