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7: 187–197 (2006)
Published online in Wiley InterScience
( DOI: 10.1002/shi.252

Tarot as a projective
Inna Semetsky

This paper presents Tarot readings from the perspective of projective hypothesis.
Rorschach Inkblot Method and Jungian Sandplay provide some compatible frameworks
for analysing the phenomenon of Tarot and its practical application as a counselling
tool that may fulfil some clinically relevant assessments tasks. The feeling of the
relatedness of the reader provides the necessary support for the client and brings
congruence into the therapeutic relationship; especially when in this interaction the
client’s unspoken, yet projected in the layout, view of herself becomes validated. The
paper presents the actual reading for ‘Sam’ whose Tarot spread functions as a
projection of a series of psychic events and experiences that create a dynamic process
of self-expression. Further, the paper asserts that projection has another meaning,
namely: when functioning as the archetype of the Shadow, the dark side of oneself,
which can easily possess one’s psyche. Importantly, the Shadow can often become
projected onto others, and one may attribute to significant others those qualities that
one is tempted to deny in oneself. The integration of the Shadow, by means of
becoming aware of its effects via Tarot readings, leads to therapeutic change. Copyright
© 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Key words: consciousness and the unconscious, individuation, psyche, sandplay, the Shadow

Introduction ‘I saw my spiritual guru yesterday,’ says he;

‘She said she didn’t see a speck of death in
It is the year 199 and I am working at me.’
my clinical placement in West Hollywood.
The client population in the area is mainly The impact of that phrase on me was like
represented by gay men. I am having a a turning point. It brought something
counselling session with one of my clients, equivalent to the paradigm shift to our
in his thirties, who is suffering from AIDS. therapeutic relationship. The session became
We are discussing the outbursts of sudden illuminated by what was of paramount
anger in his relationship with his live-in importance, significance and value to my
boyfriend, when abruptly he switches the client’s internal world. It redistributed
issue: the ‘weights’ of issues my client was

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188 Inna Semetsky

overwhelmed with. It indicated that my some unstructured stimuli in a manner

client was reaching out to whoever could consistent with a specific individual’s pattern
understand his hopes and fears, acknowledge of conscious and unconscious needs, fears,
them, reflect back and help him to work desires, impulses, conflicts, as well as her
through at least some of his problems. I own unique ways of perceiving and
wondered what response or intervention I responding to those stimuli (Cohen et al.,
would be able provide in view of the 1992, p. 441). We can see such projections in
behavioural-cognitive approach advocated by the cards’ layout (Semetsky, 2005) because in
the agency I was working for. What could one the Tarot spread images and symbols that
do in a framework of cognitive orientation for constitute the content of the pictures on the
the client whose initial assessment, according cards are stimuli, and the client, by shuffling
to his intake form, indicated the early stage of the cards, supplies them with a particular
dementia? Desperate and overwhelmed by his structure represented by a particular card
one and only reality, he turned to somebody falling into a specific position of the layout.
he called a guru. My immediate feeling was: In terms of its function as a type of projective
if only I could introduce into the session a tool, Tarot reading comes close to the
‘spiritual dimension’ (Corey, 1991, p. 421) in sandplay technique that has been called the
the format of Tarot readings, wouldn’t it work wonderful therapy by Joel Ryce-Menuhin
to the benefit of my client? At the very least (1992) in his book of the same title, and
his worldview would be validated; at the very which is used today more and more for
best, he might discover the meaning and treating not children exclusively but adults as
sense of his tragedy. While the inclusion in well. Similar to Jungian sandplay, Tarot
counselling of spiritual perspective has long bypasses to a certain extent the language
been advocated as a valuable supplement to barrier and uses non-verbal images as ‘a
cognitive-behavioural therapy (Bergin, 1988; psychological guideline’ (Ryce-Menuhin,
Miller, 1988), the definition of what spiritual 1992, p. 2). By means of projecting a client’s
means has been limited to either religious life-world of beliefs, hopes or unconscious
experience by professional observers or a desires, Tarot collects ‘data’ that may be
pastoral role performed by priests. Tarot considered clinical: a person’s thoughts,
practice, however, is not only committed to emotions, feelings, level of awareness,
endorsing spiritual values but also enables one judgement, social adjustment, coping abilities,
to achieve the wider scope of awareness by relationship with significant others plus the
virtue of integrating the unconscious material whole world of repressions that may emerge
into consciousness. In this respect, the and call for exploration during a reading.
meaning of spiritual becomes broader and may Thus Tarot can be considered as a
include, but is not limited to, one’s religious supplementary source of valuable clinical
beliefs and values. During Tarot readings, material. In this respect it can parallel the
the spiritual realm becomes available to Rorschach test in a manner consistent with
consciousness in its projected form. In what the latter viewed as ‘a structured interview’
follows, I address the phenomenon of Tarot (Cohen et al., 1992, p. 449), that is, ‘less of a
from the perspective of projective hypothesis, test’ and more as ‘an open and flexible arena
which in its various disguises plays an for studying interpersonal transactions’
important role in the area of psychological (ibid., p. 449).1
testing and assessment. Tarot even expands the boundaries of
By definition, the projective hypothesis the said arena by adding to it a quality of
asserts that an individual supplies structure to being a projective field for explorations

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Tarot as a projective technique 189

of intrapsychic conflicts as well. From a communication serving the function of

projective methods standpoint, Tarot goes in reducing a client’s resistance. Although some
yet another direction: it is not only what the resistance at the verbal level may be present,
individual sees (in an ink blot, for example) as in any traditional session, and may even
and how the individual perceives it, but also contribute to a character assessment, it has a
why she sees what she sees. By putting her tendency to be reduced, because the reading
preconscious into a spread, a client finds the triggers spontaneous associations for a
means to express herself, to reveal something client who thus tends to respond equally
that sometimes she is unable (subconsciously) spontaneously. At a non-verbal level
or is unwilling (consciously) to put into resistance is practically overcome, as – and
words. Both aspects provide significant contrary to such a projective method as, for
therapeutic material to work with as, using example, the Thematic Apperception Test –
words of the man who coined the term any ‘intentional desire to fake good or to fake
projective technique, ‘the most important bad’ (Cohen et al., 1992, p. 462) simply
things about the individual are what he cannot take place. Intentional means
cannot or will not say’ (Frank, 1939, p. 395). conscious; as for a client, she is not choosing
Each Tarot spread is an area with tangible cards with pictures facing her: the process of
boundaries: the geometric pattern of the shuffling or picking up cards appears, prior to
layout is limited by such a simple thing as the reading and interpretation, to lack any sense
size of a table the cards are put on. Similar to whatsoever.
a bounded space of a sand tray, Tarot spread While on the subject of resistance, a
thus becomes a container, in both the therapeutic technique called story weaving
physical and psychological sense. The (DeCosta and Stewart, 1994, pp. 52–54), may
unconscious material, if not contained, may be of relevance to this discussion. According
have a boomerang effect on a client, leading to this method, a therapist becomes a story
her to the verge of a psychotic breakdown. weaver making up various ‘threads’ to put
However, the process of physically focusing together the elements of a client’s life
eyes, attention, mind on a layout has a comprising presenting problems and myths;
calming, centring and grounding effect. Plus to facilitate a therapeutic change for a client,
this relief, when the stuff a client has been a therapist thus provides a powerful
overwhelmed with is practically being taken intervention. In some sense a Tarot spread,
out of her mind and literally put – projected – when narrated, appears to be similar to the
onto the table: the therapeutic benefits cannot story created by a therapist for a client.
be overestimated! The additional, albeit However, since each Tarot story is based on
intangible, boundaries are elicited by the projections of ‘how the psyche experiences
presence of the reader (therapist), who the physical fact’ (Jung, 1959, p. 154), this is
monitors the therapeutic process (reading) in the client who weaves a story for herself, the
a course of its development and serves as a therapist still being responsible for putting the
container for clients’ free-associations that ‘threads’ together by communicating the
may emerge within a session. It may be less client’s as yet non-verbal story back to her. In
threatening for a client with a high level of this respect ‘weaving’ a Tarot story during
anxiety to communicate via the medium of a readings provides the means of reinforcing
layout than through ‘nothingness’ between the unconscious material, which therefore –
her and a therapist in a traditional session, metaphorically speaking – becomes an extra
such mediated, or transversal (Deleuze ‘thread’ that makes the canvas more durable.
and Guattari, 1987; Semetsky, 2002) The story may reveal the current psychic

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190 Inna Semetsky

state, in which the client may be stuck, but the unconscious, but it is her territory, the
when projected through the mages of the privacy of which is to be respected. The Tarot
cards (the ‘threads’ of the story) it becomes spread is only a map, and – as Gregory
an aid in a therapeutic process to ‘free’ a Bateson (1979) famously reminded us – the
client from some present fixation. map is not the territory. A therapist reads this
Tarot goes beyond such a projective map to find a proper way, road or path for
method as word association. There is no the ego to reach the Self in the process called
persistent questioning that may be perceived by Jung individuation. Sure, the map’s symbolic
by a client as threatening and only elevate language – the knowledge of its legend – is to
her level of anxiety and accordingly her be mastered by a therapist so as to translate it
resistance. During counselling sessions, into words capable of reaching the client’s
haven’t we ever encountered that dissonance, level of cognitive abilities and emotional
when something rings a bell for us and we strength. As Ryce-Menuhin put it, ‘The psyche
rush to ask a client a seemingly appropriate – naked – may need to be only observed at
and timely question . . . only to get in first, never interpreted irrevocably’ (1992,
response her activated defences and denials: p. 15). A somewhat premature
‘Resistance never yields profound results’ therapeutic interpretation may be quite
(Roberts, 1987, p. 5). The Jungian counterproductive. During readings, however,
transcendent function of bringing the the probability of such a danger is greatly
unconscious into consciousness operates by reduced. Cards that fall into a spread are
projection of archetypal images through ‘selected’ by the collective unconscious, and
cards, and a reader’s task is the same as that their timing and dosage (the crucial elements
of the analyst, that is, ‘according to Jung . . . in the analytic process), are not affected by
to mediate the symbolic function for the the personal choice or an individual
patient . . . As archetype per se is so deeply judgement call but manifest the re-enactment
buried in the collective unconscious at its leading to the ego experiencing itself in a
very bedrock level, we can never perceive it process that may be called, following
as such. It can be known only through its Whitmont (1985), the full, authentic
images in consciousness, e.g. as portrayed in experience. When a reader interprets the
sandplays’ (Ryce-Menuhin, 1992, pp. 20–22) meaning of a sequence of cards, the client
or as projected in the cards’ layout. Tarot does experience certain affect and emotion.
cards are aligned with the Jungian collective Her feedback, triggered by the associative
unconscious, and the power of symbols is process, becomes a means of reality checking
such that images transcend, or move through, at the elevated level of consciousness, along
existing blocks, challenges and defences. the aforementioned road to individuation. The
As various themes emerge, therapeutic reading thus is a projection of both mental
material is being created. Overview of the events and concrete life experiences, which
total spread may direct attention to the are lived and reality-tested: as such, readings
particular card, providing insight into an represent an example of psychotherapy that
important part of the whole. A sequence of not only facilitates understanding but is
images is like a video-recording of psychic experiential as well (cf. Whitmont, 1985).
content in a dynamic process. It is important The reading is an intuitive and
during a reading to secure a permanent inspirational process: in order to pick up the
connection with this content. This is the client’s projections the therapist must ‘attune’
client’s ego, which may be quite infantile, to that hypothetical subtle frequency that is
fragile and immature, hidden in the depth of being used by the collective unconscious to

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Tarot as a projective technique 191

transmit the information it holds (Semetsky, through the therapist’s body language or facial
1998; in press). It proceeds in a genuinely expression that may provoke certain
sharing environment when the spiritual world responses. The client is not being asked a
of the psyche participates in the inward and series of questions; she is not expected to
outward experience of the reading. Readings come up with answers: by presenting her
are quite ritualistic: a finite number of cards, problem literally to herself it is she that posits
a certain sequence of operations, a specific questions bothering her, which prompted her
structure of a spread; all this creates a holding to seek counselling, and the collective
environment. Together sharing and holding unconscious is eager to respond via Tarot
do contribute to a healing effect. The therapist images. The layout in its symbolic content
is not a power figure: a reader and a client may manifest the presence of pathology,
are equally parts of the system of certainly not necessarily and not always in a
synchronistic regulation with Tarot framework of the DSM classification but
performing a feedback function (Semetsky, rather indicating some areas of sensitivity: if
2001). Both the reader and the client you prick it, it hurts. It is precisely the what,
concentrate on shuffling cards, both focus on where, how and why it hurts that is projected
a layout; the spread does connect both people, into the cards. Among the 56 minor cards
being almost a physical link; metaphysically there are those carrying the messages of grief,
the connection is created by the collective anger, frustration, depression, ‘pain in the
unconscious; therapeutically the connection neck’, inability to carry on, indecisiveness,
is secured through a relationship which in fantasizing, insecurity, anxiety, confusion,
turn is supported by the said physical and exhaustion etc., and a reading process brings
metaphysical means. Jung was saying that he those issues and affects into sharp focus and
does not simply provide his patients with an leads to the instant expression of the problem
opportunity to find free associations to their areas at a pre-verbal level. Predominance of
dreams; this prerogative is equally shared any one suit (how many cups cards, or
by the analyst whose ideas, opinions and wands, or swords, or pentacles) in the spread
interpretations supplement analysands’ own may indicate the general mental status of a
associations. The same principle can be client. What is a dominant affect? Is she
applied to Tarot readings. In this respect the emotional? Is she at her intellectual best or
personality of a reader is but one big worst? What are her perceptions? Is she in
situational variable that may affect a reading. touch with her feelings? What mood does she
A reader is not an examiner who is supposed demonstrate? Does she have any insight?
simply to interpret a projective test and What bothers her most: the earthy practical
involuntarily may put her subjective material matter or the heavy emotional burden? These
into an interpretation; a reader must and other questions cannot be answered
continuously work on herself for the purpose by a layout simultaneously but a spread
of expanding her own consciousness (and not nevertheless provides complementary material
forgetting the dangerous possibility of her that can be used in conjunction with other
own ego becoming inflated!). clinical data. This sensibility allows a therapist
Other factors that may affect projective to understand a client’s typology, to level
testing are, however, absent in a reading: with her, to join her through a function or
there is no expectation on the side of the attitude the client is projecting. This feeling of
therapist that a client may pick up on, there the relatedness of the reader provides the
are no ‘subtle reinforcement cues’ (Cohen necessary support for the client and brings
et al,, 1992, p. 480) or influences on a client congruence into the therapeutic relationship;

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192 Inna Semetsky

especially when in this interaction the client’s widening the boundaries of individual
unspoken view of herself becomes validated. consciousness. Apart from the compensatory
Rapport thus is being established, and from it mode, ‘Jung . . . acknowledged that many
grows trust: one cannot doubt one’s mirror re dreams function in other ways, such as
flection. . . . This reminds me of a paradoxical prospectively, that is anticipating a
though typical situation. I had a reading once psychological direction or development
for a client whose main concern and extrasensorily, affording one information
disappointment were connected to the way about an occurrence outside of the awareness
her business was going. The session revealed of one’s five senses; and prophetically,
that she simply lacked proper training in the predicting a future occurrence’ (Hopcke,
know-how of running it. However, at the 1992, p. 26). Descriptions of the cards’
deeper level of the unconscious she projected positions in the layout (Semetsky, 2005)
an inflated ego and over-confidence well on confirm just that: there is a progressive,
the way to a grandiosity complex. Her prospective development and trend in the
reaction to the cards’ pointing towards the direction of the psychological outcome. The
desirability of opening a couple of books or collective unconscious communicates with us
attending refresher courses was negative: she in its projective format both through dreams
dismissed the suggestion, arguing that she and through Tarot. Jung emphasized the
knew better – thus ironically confirming the importance of a series of dreams; as for Tarot,
cards’ message of being too self-centred and a spread is a projection of a series of events
over-confident. . . . whereby various cards interact and interplay
If and when the archetypal patterns are with each other, creating a dynamic process
projected into the cards, understanding of the by means of which the individual psyche
current situation may be assisted by the fact expresses itself. The reading process is
that, despite similar behavioural or emotional not a shortcut; each card’s position and,
symptoms, the client might presently be accordingly, information provided by its
affected by the completely different symbolism, becoming a focus for the
archetypal constellation and hence would be consequent reading thus offering an
unable to avoid the repetition of past actions additional dimension of exploration (cf.
or mistakes. Counselling and facilitating the Whitmont, 1985). The reason a certain card
client’s awareness of such a possibility would appears in a particular position may seem
eliminate or reduce guilt or shame, contribute both rational and irrational at the same time.
to an increase in a client’s confidence and The collective unconscious uses whatever
feeling of self-worth; in short, would promote means are available to attract our attention
psychological healing. In this respect Tarot to the specific problem areas. Or, to put it
may be considered as performing a Jungian another way: the client’s personal
compensatory function, similar to dreams in unconscious demands attention, it is reaching
the analytic process. Projection of out (toward consciousness?); this is an
unconscious material in the spread does important matter right now otherwise this
compensate for whatever is yet missing, is out card would not fall into a spread. Why now,
of the client’s conscious awareness. The we may want to ask, and thus begin a
unconscious is capable of spontaneously dialogue with the client. Or some
producing images ‘irrespective of wishes and surrounding cards may provide a valuable
fears of the conscious mind’ (Jung, Collected insight as past influences, present concerns
Works, Vol. 11, p. 745). The reading brings this and future possibilities are all projected
material to the client’s cognitive level, hence into a layout waiting to be explored and

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Tarot as a projective technique 193

communicated to the client. Representing the

very depth of the psyche, Tarot images
manifest a spiritual realm of the archetypes
embedded in the collective unconscious as
projected onto a physical plane, and in the
material, paint-and-paper format of the cards.
The term projection may have yet another
meaning: it can also be considered in terms
of a specific archetype that Jung called the
Shadow. Jung saw how powerfully this
archetype worked behind the scenes,
implicitly affecting one’s mind and explicitly
influencing one to behave in a neurotic or
compulsive manner. Among Tarot major
Arcana, the Shadow archetype corresponds to
card number XV, ‘The Devil’ (Figure 1): the
fallen angel, the dark archetypal shadow of
oneself. In the guise of the Shadow, the
Devil can easily possess one’s psyche and,
importantly, the Shadow can often become
projected onto the others, and one may very
well attribute to significant others those
qualities that one is tempted to deny in
The two naked figures in the picture have
lost all the power of thinking clearly and
consciously. The heavy chains representing
one’s self-destructive tendencies and
weaknesses are holding them in bondage.
Several questions immediately arise: What is Figure 1.2
it that is holding the subject of the reading in
bondage? How does one overcome the fears
of one’s own free self? How does one get rid inside one feels rather inferior. In
of those chains? Is there any particular path interpersonal relationships, the Devil can
to self-liberation? The concept of Shadow reflect upon co-dependency issues. It may
describes a cluster of impulses, complexes, be a deeply engraved fear of breaking free,
shameful and unacknowledged desires, self- similar to battered women who are unable
indulgences and being a slave to one’s own to leave and continue to stay in an abusive
primitive instincts. Sexual compulsion, poor relationship with their spouses.
impulse control and low frustration tolerance For the purpose of illustrating the dual
are some behavioural signs that may manifest meaning of projections I present, in the
in real life under the unconscious influence remainder of this paper, the actual reading for
of this archetype. Plain old greed may drive ‘Sam’, who wanted to consult Tarot for, as he
one crazy or destroy the ability for clear indicated, some current professional problems
judgement. It may be a fear, or a superficial (see Semetsky, 2005, case 4). The spread for
complex of superiority, when in fact deep Sam is shown here in Figure 2. I am going to

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194 Inna Semetsky

Figure 2. Sam’s Tarot spread.

briefly address the whole layout representing being buried alive. Subconsciously Sam
the projection of Sam’s unspoken concerns wanted to move in the direction where his
and then focus on the Devil card as the professional abilities and talents – pointed to
projected Shadow.3 by the Magician – would be rewarded. The
The Knight of Cups in the first position past energies surrounding Sam were not
indicated that things in Sam’s life were not supportive, however. The seven of swords in
progressing currently as swiftly as he would the fourth position indicated that Sam’s
have liked them to be. Sam’s aspirations were present stagnation had been influenced by a
possibly connected with the field of arts. To feeling of defeat or perhaps deception. Sam
this Sam commented that he was an actor but said at this point that, yes, he felt cheated
earning his living by means of various because somebody did not keep his promise
unrelated occupations. Yet, Sam heard the regarding a career offer.
symbolic sounds of the trumpet (‘The Were there any psychological reasons –
Judgment’ card in the third position) that has beside circumstantial ones – for Sam not
apparently awakened him from the feeling of having been able to get the promised

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Tarot as a projective technique 195

contract? The eight of swords pointed to a supported at home but he accepted it and had
longstanding trait: Sam was quite unaware of learned to live with it. Such was the Devil in
how his own power was being suppressed, the action: this image took away Sam’s self-
at either personal or professional levels. esteem; it imprisoned Sam, making him
According to this card, his usual mode of repress his strong emotions and exist in a
existence resembled a sleepwalker who was state of denial of the actual state of affairs.
moving around as though blindfolded and The three of swords provided further insight
stepping on his own repressed feelings and into the Empress. Sam, who was governed
unexpressed emotions. The Empress in the by the activated Mother archetype into the
second position told me that Sam’s psyche behavioural pattern of giving love, attention
was overtaken by the archetype of the and support to others, was not getting the
Mother. The crossing position of the Empress reciprocal qualities in return and – his energy
was a clear indication that this otherwise thereby depleted – he was unable to get a
positive force was quite counterproductive desired job in his professional field. Sam was
to Sam’s own personal and professional a slave of emotional and, quite possibly,
development. Sam was explicitly focusing on sexual dependency, as depicted by the Devil;
the well-being of his family and children (the he was immobile, as if chained by his
Page of Cups in the position of Sam’s mental feelings towards his wife, who, however, was
outlook) at the expense of devoting some not giving him any support so as to keep his
time and emotional strength to pursuing his psyche in balance.
own interests. The balance between The Devil indicated that although Sam was
conflicting concerns had thereby been convinced that, as he said, he had ‘learned to
destroyed. live’ with a total lack of emotional support or
The cluster of three cards in the fifth love, as if having made a conscious choice, he
position pointed to Sam’s current inability to was in fact driven by unconscious instincts
undertake clear and focused decision-making. and co-dependent character traits. The
Sam literally fluctuated between his vocational symbolism of the Devil carried connotations
calling (The Magician) and the Shadow part of those traits functioning as chains that were
of his nature (The Devil) that was keeping Sam in the underworld of denial and
progressively making him a dependent dependency. To win over the polarity of
personality unable to move forward. At this opposites in his personality (the Magician and
point Sam said that I was wrong and he did the Devil) Sam would have to use the help of
not depend on anyone: just the opposite, he the Chariot (the overall card), that is, make a
was working at a job that he’d rather give up conscious effort to move forward and learn to
because he was currently supporting his wife control his presently unrecognized impulses.
financially through law school. So in Sam’s From the inertia, idealism and immaturity of
mind it was his wife who was dependent on the Knight of Cups, Sam would be carried by
him and not he himself who was chained by the Chariot into the new life cycle, his next
the Devil: such was the projection! The three step to individuation represented by the
of swords in the position of significant others equally noble – yet wise –King of Cups
indicated that Sam’s role in the family was (in the position of hopes and fears, not
not appreciated at all. Before interpreting incidentally) as a symbol of personal
the meaning of this card, since it was such development and growth. The Chariot
a sensitive issue, I asked Sam if he felt signified that Sam definitely had the potential
supported; he said that he never felt energy he needed to accomplish a desired

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196 Inna Semetsky

goal. An image, when ‘purposively interpreted they are imprisoned by their own repressions
. . . seems like a symbol, seeking to and denials. However, human development
characterize a definite goal with the help of is impossible without recognition of the
the material at hand, or trace out a line of bondage that might have created an obstacle
future psychological development’ (Jung, to the journey ahead. Due to this reading,
Collected Works, Vol. 6, p. 720), such future Sam was given an opportunity to start the
development culminating for Sam in the process of understanding some aspects of
Death card representing transformative, even himself that kept him in an emotionally
if painful, change in his whole character and destructive pattern of behaviour. Sam’s
attitude. On the everyday level, the Queen reading represented a path towards his
of Wands in the sixth position indicated individuation, seen as a process of integrating
supportive energies belonging to the woman, the unconscious aspects of one’s self into
perhaps Sam’s business associate, who would consciousness for the ‘achievement of a
not only be affected by Sam’s positive greater personality’ (Jung, Collected Works, Vol.
qualities but was also herself capable of 7, p. 136). The integration of the Shadow, by
affecting his future. Sam said at this point means of becoming aware of its projective
that he wanted to contact an agent. Indeed, effects via Tarot readings, leads to potential
The Queen of Wands promised enthusiastic change in self-destructive ways of thinking,
assistance from a concrete person. Sam then feeling and behaving. To achieve mental
asked a question regarding the state of his health means to work continuously on
health (thus confirming the layout’s statement expanding the boundaries of individual
that his energy had been overused). He consciousness, and Tarot readings serve as a
picked up a card, which happened to be the tool that helps in achieving this purpose. The
Ace of Swords. Sam’s physical health had been extra, spiritual dimension brought ‘within
damaged to the point where it needed to be reach’ by virtue of Tarot has profound
watched continuously and protected, his life therapeutic implications for the subject of the
thus being a constant battle to overcome reading. It enables a critical and self-reflexive
obstacles pertaining to his health. Assisted by look at oneself and empowers one with the
determination, though, the upright sword ability to make sense of conflicting
promised to win against the illness, especially experiences, thereby providing a timely
should Sam’s emotional and mental heath intervention that contributes to the healing of
start improving as a result of the insights the psyche. As Roberts (1987, p. 4) said, it is
provided by this reading. ‘wilful change, conscious evolution, spiritual
When I finished interpreting the layout, growth’ that become attributes of those who
Sam said that it had made him nervous when choose the road to individuation marked by
‘it hit emotional nerves’. Well, thus spike the Tarot images.
Devil: the stripping of old outgrown feelings
and thoughts that were about to be discarded
as broken chains can be. The poisonous
quality of the shadow must be recognized;
otherwise, it will fall into the depths of the Inna Semetsky, PhD, Postdoctoral
unconscious while being projected into actual Research Fellow, Faculty of Education,
life events. Often people almost deliberately Monash University, Australia.
create an illusion of being free and self-
conscious when in fact, and similar to Sam,

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Tarot as a projective technique 197


1. The Rorschach Inkblot Method originated in 1921, with the publication of Hermann Rorschach’s
Psychodiagnostics. It fulfils such clinically relevant assessments tasks as personality description,
personality structure and personality dynamics, and provides a differential diagnosis.
2. The illustrations in Figure 1 and Figure 2 are from the Rider-Waite Tarot Deck, known also as the
Rider Tarot and the Waite Tarot. Reproduced by permission of US Games Systems Inc., Stamford, CT
06902, USA. Copyright 1971 by US Games Systems, Inc. Further reproduction prohibited.
3. This section is a reworked excerpt from my article ‘What evil lurks in the hearts of men? The
Shadow!’, Trickster’s Way, 1(3), 15 July 2002, available online at:

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