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DAGANGON, Misha Carmae D.

March 11, 2020

CCC151-Information Management

Laboratory 1.
Task 1.1. Create SALECO database.

Task 1.2. Show databases

Task 1.3. Use SALECO

Task 1.4. Create SALECO database

Laboratory 2.
Task 2.1. Create a Database called Theme Park.

Task 2.2. Create the THEMEPARK table.

Task 2.3. Create the EMPLOYEE table.

Task 2.4. Create TICKET table.

Task 2.5. Create ATTRACTION table.

Task 2.6. Create HOURS table.

Task 2.7. Create SALES table.

Task 2.8. Create SALES_LINE table.

Task 2.9. Create the EMP_LNAME_INDEX. Add the CREATE INDEX SQL

Task 2.10. Display a table’s structure. Describe EMPLOYEE.

Task 2.11. SHOW TABLE.


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