Ministry of Information, Culture, Arts and Sports

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01. NS1369/0022/2006 HASSANI A.SAIDI ODPES
02. NS0147/0046/2009 ATHUMAN T. SOLOMON ODPES
03. NS2714/0010/2010 JACOBO MAMBIA ODSC
04. NS2197/0072/2011 DANIEL MADINDILO
06. NS0947/0235/2009 MUSA LAMECK


1. Discuss the role of sport in national development

2. Describe the benefits of athletes participating special olympic

Sports, is an activity involving physical exertion and skill in which an individual or team
competes against another or others for entertainment.

Sports development; is a process whereby interest and desire to take part may be created
in those who are currently indifferent to the message of sport.

Apart from definition above the following are the roles of sports in national development
such as:

Builds and define the character of a nation; It helps in elevating qualities like
discipline, determination, teamwork and a passion for fitness in the psyche of nation. After the
industrial revolution our lives have become far more sedentary than our predecessors, thanks to
the various comforts brought in the advent of technology. Many of these also once you are into
sports certain virtues like teamwork, ethics and sportsmanship become lifelong qualities.

Help in guiding the youth in the proper direction;

Overcoming problems likes children dropping out of school, rampant drug abuse in the slums,
this has created hope and brought positivity amongst thousands of children in the slums.

Creating a global community

Any major international sporting event like the Olympics or a world cup promotes universal
brotherhood and gives one a sense of belonging to a larger global community sports people have
always been very successful good will ambassadors for any country and have admirers across
borders. For example in football Brazil or Argentina on of the first thoughts that cross our mind
is that of football and it’s legends “PELE and MARADONA and also in Tanzania is MBWANA

Helps in building infrastructure; For example in Tanzania once the national stadium
built the government decided to provide the better infrastructure like road water supply for
carrying of pitch and these water and the roads people can use it in different activities.

It promote gender equality; Through the production of national guidelines and

implementing strategy for gender mainstreaming in sports more than 100 officials, sports leaders,
athletes and coaches from national sporting groups have taking part in gender mainstreaming

It encourages people to stay fit and healthy. If people are fit and healthy through
participation in sport, automatically it leads to the development of the individuals and then
development of a country as whole.
Employment opportunity. This is to those people employed to facilitate their duties for
example coaches, managers are used to pay tax which used in development of the country by
providing the services like building infrastructures and provision of other social services.

It provides the different experts, like managers, coaches who will work for the duties
within the country by providing seminars, short and long courses to produce other experts and
the best athletes.

Generally,sports play a great role in national development due to the facts that sports
contribute to the development of an individual and national in general.

Special Olympics is the world's largest sports organization for children and adults
with intellectual disabilities and physical disabilities.

The following are the benefits of athletes participating in special Olympic;

All Ages Can Participate

The Special Olympics welcomes both children and adults with developmental disabilities,
inviting them to compete in events regardless of skill level. Any individual above the age of
seven can participate in the games, while those younger than seven can participate in preparatory
activities. This allows disabled individuals to begin participating in the games as young children
and continue throughout their lives.
Individuals with developmental disabilities are often excluded from many common peer
situations, and have less opportunity to learn the necessary social skills for effective interaction.
This results in isolation and inability to successfully function in a social setting.
Practicing for and competing in the Special Olympics allows participants to meet many other
individuals who live the same lifestyle with similar disabilities. Teammates and coaches work
together to build lasting friendships amongst themselves. This also gives participants the chance
to converse with individuals who enjoy the same sports and likely share other similar interests.
The Special Olympics promotes the integration of disabled and non-disabled participants.
According to a study by the Journal of Research in Developmental Disabilities, participants’
perception of their social acceptance increases with the number of medals and number of training
hours per week . 2

Sense of Achievement
Competing in the Special Olympics gives participants a sense of achievement. No matter how
they compare to other competitors, all athletes receive a medal to recognize their
accomplishments. This allows participants to take pride in their abilities and show off their
experience as a Special Olympics athlete.
Athletes also work together to build upon current skills, allowing them to improve their sports
and relationship skills at the same time. This can positively impact their self confidence and
sense of achievement throughout the experience. A participant’s perception of self-worth and
achievement increases with medals, number of competitions, and number of years participating
in the games .

Focus on Ability
In preparation for and during the tournaments of the Special Olympics, the focus is on the ability,
not disability, of each competitor. Coaches, volunteers, attendees, and other competitors spend
this time focusing not on what individuals are unable to do, but instead on what they are able to
do. This is a rewarding time for individuals to be the focal point of a positive situation.
While many participants have likely been the center of attention due to their disability, this gives
each a chance to be the focus for a different reason, which they may not experience often.
Preparing for and competing in the Special Olympic Games instills confidence in participants.
Competing in the games has a positive effect on many psychological factors which influence an
individual’s confidence, such as body image, perceptions of self-efficacy, satisfaction, and
quality of life . All those who participate are encouraged to be themselves and do their best. This

leads to higher employment rates and longer sustained employment in disabled adults, as the
confidence gained during the games translates to daily life.
Supportive Community
Because everyone attending the Special Olympics competitions understands, supports, and likely
has a family member or friend with a disability, there is a strong sense of community. This is a
time when family members and friends can lean on each other for support and share stories and
information with those in similar situations.
Physical ability
Participating in the Special Olympic Games helps to improve physical factors such as aerobic
capacity, gross motor function, physical fitness, endurance, skill level, balance, and muscle
strength . The main goals of the Special Olympics include providing sports training, encouraging

fitness, commitment, and discipline through sport, and providing the opportunity to participate,
train for, and compete in a wide variety of sporting events.
Reduce stress of mind. Are sports playing person would certainly experience less
depression because sports ensure the peace of mind, most not worthy sports bring happiness and
joy in the life of individual.
Building character value. Sports play the important role of imparting character values
according to sports and development participating in sports helps teach honesty, teamwork, and
fair play experiencing the roles of graceful winner and looser teaches people about being humble
and competition in general can teach individual about self respect, confidence, and managing

Learning life skills; Teach the participants many valuable life skills including
leadership, the value of teamwork and cooperation, Athletes teens also learn how to handle stress
and pressure, sets goals and work harder to reach goals.

Reduce risk of developing a chronic condition such as diabetes, stroke or heart

diseases. As the athletes engage in special Olympic Games their body immunity tends to be
active all times which prohibits them from being attacked with different diseases.

Actually special Olympic is more than just a program of sport training and competition
ultimately it is a strong statement of optimism about human life. It is say that every human being
can learn and growth and contribute to the society we all share.


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