RANA - (Success Story)

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RANA-(Success Story)

To highlight the hardwork of a hockey player from childhood to his achievements
of goals also financial problems that were stucked into his success.
A boy and his problems as well as some personells that are part of his success.
This story will revolve around hardwork from hand to mouth and some close
relations of subject that will be telling about his consistency,performances and
passion for hockey.
In first minute of documentary I will show how this small boy put his effort on his
game.it will include some motivational sounds an voice over with extreme close
shots to depict emotion that will narrate his passion towards hockey.
Youth,Students,Hockey Players, Middle Class Family
Rana Waheed(Hockey Player), Rana Ashraf(Father), Nawaz Dogar(Coach)
 Questions:
When you started hockey? How you Became Part of hockey?
How Did you get support from family?
To Whom do u Suppot For your Success?
What help you got from Coach side?
What was turning point of your life?
Have u ever losed hope that now you cant play more?
When you get selected into National Hockey Team What was your reaction and
family Reaction?
What Financial Problems did u faced?
Was there any leg pulling?
Any memorable moment?goals,performances?
How did your friends supported you?
How do you manage your home with game? You get tired what do u do?
How You are seeing yourself into future? Have you set any goal?
What message will you give to new players,especially to those who are from
lower statuses?
How did u feel Rana Waheed as a Player?
How quick he pick the tricks told during training?
When did u realized he is a talented boy? He will be part of National Hockey
Which Performance of Rana Waheed is Proud for you?
How much is brighter future of Rana Waheed?
How your academy works,trains and support players?
Usually parents don’t let childrens to play how did u realized that he should play
Who didn’t supported in family?
What is his identity in family as a son?
How did you supported at start? What were problems at that time?
How is Rana Waheed as a Friend?
Was there any changes after being selected into National Team?
How passionate he was about his game?
How you enjoy when u are free?

Documentary Sequence

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