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Vidyamandir Classes

Mathematics Class Tutorial Sheet-2 man

Conic Section

1. The equation of the parabola whose vertex is at (2, 1) and focus at (2, 3) is :
(A) x2 4 x 8 y 12 0 (B) x2 4 x 8 y 12 0
(C) x2 8y 12 (D) None of these

2. If the tangent at the point P(2, 4) to the parabola y2 = 8x meets the parabola y2 = 8x + 5 at Q and R, then
the midpoint of QR is :
(A) (2, 4) (B) (4, 2) (C) (7, 9) (D) None of these
3. A(x1, y1) and B(x2, y2) are any two points on the parabola y = ax2 + bx + c. If P(x3, y3) be the point on
the arc AB where the tangent is parallel to the chord AB, then :
(A) x2 is the A.M. between x1 and x3 (B) x2 is the G.M. between x1 and x3
(C) x2 is the H.M. between x1 and x3 (D) None of these
4. If a, b, c are rational and the tangent to the parabola y2 = 4kx at P(p, a) and Q(q, b) meet at R(r, c),
then the equation ax2 + bx 2c = 0 has :
(A) imaginary roots (B) real and equal roots
(C) rational roots (D) irrational roots
5. PSQ is a focal chord of a parabola whose focus is S and vertex A. PA and QA are produced to meet the
directrix in R and T respectively. Then RST =
(A) 90° (B) 60° (C) 45° (D) 30°

x2 y2
6. Image of the ellipse 1 in the line x + y = 10 is :
25 16
2 2 2 2
x 10 y 10 x 10 y 10
(A) 1 (B) 1
16 25 25 16
2 2 2 2
x 5 y 5 x 5 y 5
(C) 1 (D) 1
16 25 25 16
7. An arch of a bridge is semi-elliptical with major axis horizontal. If the length of the base is 9 meter and
the highest part of the bridge is 3 meter from the horizontal; the best approximation of the height of the
arch, 2 meter from the centre of the base is :
11 8 7
(A) m (B) m (C) m (D) 2m
4 3 2

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8. If the tangent at the point 4cos , sin to the ellipse 16x2 + 11y2 = 256 is also a tangent to the
circle x2 + y2 2x = 15, then the value of is :
(A) (B) (C) (D)
2 4 3 6
x2 y2
9. If the chords of contact of tangents from two points x1 , y1 and x2 , y2 to the ellipse 1 are
a2 b2
x1 x2
at right angles, then is equal to :
y1 y 2
a2 b2 a4 b4
(A) (B) (C) (D)
b2 a2 b4 a4
x2 y2
10. If P( ) and Q are two points on the ellipse 1, then locus of the mid-point of PQ is :
a2 b2
x2 y2 1 x2 y2 x2 y2
(A) (B) 4 (C) 2 (D) None of these
a2 b2 2 a2 b2 a2 b2
x2 y2 x2 y2 1
11. The foci of the ellipse 1 and the hyperbola coincide, then the value of
16 b2 144 81 25
b2 is :
(A) 1 (B) 5 (C) 7 (D) 9

x2 y2
12. If 1 (a b) and x2 y2 = c2 cut at right angles, then :
a2 b2
(A) a2 + b2 = 2c2 (B) b2 a2 = 2c2 (C) a2 b2 = 2c2 (D) a2b2 = 2c2

13. Let P(asec , btan ) and Q(asec , btan ) where + = /2, be two points on the hyperbola
2 2
x y
1 . If (h, k) is the point of intersection of the normals at P and Q then k is equal to :
a b2
(A) a2 b2 a (B) a2 b2 a (C) a2 b2 b (D) a2 b2 b

x2 y2
14. Two tangents are drawn to the hyperbola 1 such that the product of their slopes is c2.
a2 b2
The locus of their point of intersection is :
(A) x2 a2 c2 y2 b2 (B) x2 a2 c2 y 2 b2

(C) y2 b2 c2 x2 a2 (D) None of these

x2 y2
15. If PQ is a double ordinate of the hyperbola 1 such that CPQ is an equilateral triangle, C
a 2 b2
being the centre of the hyperbola. Then the eccentricity e of the hyperbola satisfies :
2 2 3 2
(A) 1 e (B) e (C) e (D) e
3 3 2 3

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Paragraph for Questions 16 - 18

x2 y2
Consider an ellipse S1 1 0.
a2 a 2 (1 e2 )
Let S2 0 be a parabola on the right of y-axis confocal with S1 0 having vertex at the centre of S1 0.
Let P be the point of intersection of the parabola and the directrix of ellipse in the 1 quadrant and L = 0 is the
directrix of the parabola.
16. The ordinate of the point from which the pair of tangents drawn to both the parabola and the ellipse,
are separately at right angles is :

(A) a 1 e2 (B) 2 a 1 e2 (C) 2a 1 e 2 (D) a 2 e2

17. Pair of tangents are drawn from any point on L = 0 to S1 0 and S 2 0 . Then the locus of point of
intersection of their chord of contact is :

a a 1 e2
(A) x = ae (B) x (C) x (D) x ae 1 e 2
e e
18. If the tangent at point Q on S1 0 and the line joining the points P to the focus of S 2 0 intersect at
the auxiliary circle of S1 0 , then eccentric angle of the point Q is : (Q lies in 1 quadrant)

1 e 1 2e
(A) tan (B) tan
1 e2 1 e2

1 2e 1 e
(C) tan (D) tan
1 e 1 e2

Paragraph for Questions 19 - 20

Two curved mirrors with equation y f ( x ) and y g ( x ) passing through (8, 6) are so placed such that all
light rays emerging from the origin, after getting reflected from the mirror become parallel to x-axis.
19. Curves f ( x ) and g ( x ) are :
(A) both parabolas (B) one circle and one parabola
(C) both circles (D) either both circles or both parabolas

20. Angle between tangents to y f ( x ) and y g ( x ) at (8, 6) is :

(A) (B) (C) (D)

3 6 2 4

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21. Let P and Q be distinct points on the parabola y 2 2 x such that a circle with PQ as diameter passes
through the vertex O of the parabola. If P lies in the first quadrant and the area of OPQ is 3 2 , then
which of the following is(are) the coordinates of P?
1 1
(A) (4, 2 2) (B) (9, 3 2) (C) , (D) (1, 2)
4 2
22. Let PQ be a focal chord of the parabola y 2 4 ax . The tangents to the parabola at P and Q meet at a
point lying on the line y 2 x a, a 0 .Length of chord PQ is :
(A) 7a (B) 5a (C) 2a (D) 3a
23. Let A and B be two distinct points on the parabola y 4 x . If the axis of the parabola touches a circle
of radius r having AB as its diameter, then the slope of the line joining A and B can be :
1 1 2 2
(A) (B) (C) (D)
r r r r
24. Let E1 and E2 be two ellipses whose centres are at the origin. The major axes of E1 and E2 lie along
the X-axis and Y-axis, respectively. Let S be the circle x 2 ( y 1) 2 2 . The straight line x y 3
2 2
touches the curves S, E1 and E2 at P, Q and R, respectively. Suppose that PQ . If e1 andPR
e2 are the eccentricities of E1 and E2 respectively, then the correct expression(s) is(are) :
43 7 5 3
(A) e12 e22 (B) e1e2 (C) | e12 e22 | (D) e1e2
40 2 10 8 4

25. Consider the hyperbola H : x 2 y 2 1 and a circle S with centre N ( x2 , 0) . Suppose that H and S
touch each other at a point P ( x1 , y1 ) with x1 1 and y1 1 . The common tangent to H and S at P
intersects the X-axis at point M. If (l , m) is the centroid of PMN , then the correct expression(s)
is(are) :
dl 1 dm x1
(A) 1 for x1 1 (B) for x1 1
dx1 3x12 dx1 3 x12 1

dl 1 dm 1
(C) 1 for x1 1 (D) for y1 1
dx1 3x12 dy1 3

x2 y2 2
26. Let the eccentricity of the hyperbola 2 2
1 be reciprocal to that of the ellipse x 4 y2 4 . If
a b
the hyperbola passes through a focus of the ellipse, then :
x2 y2
(A) the equation of the hyperbola is 1
3 2
(B) a focus of the hyperbola is (2, 0)
(C) the eccentricity of te hyperbola is
(D) the equation of the hyperbola is x 2 3 y 2 3

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x2 y2
27. 1 is an ellipse with foci at S 1 and S 2 . Rectangle S 1 PS 2 Q is completed (where P and Q
2 1
are on the ellipse)
(A) number of such pair P, Q is one
(B) area of rectangle S 1 PS 2 Q is equal to 2sq. unit
(C) there will be infinite such pair P, Q (D) rectangle S 1 PS 2 Q is a square

28. For the parabola having directrix as the line x + y = 1 and focus at (1, 1)
3 3
(A) the length of latus rectum is 2 (B) vertex is ,
2 2
1 1
(C) the chord of contact of point , with respect to the parabola is x + y = 2
2 2
(D) equation of the parabola is x 2 y2 2 xy 2 x 2 y 1 0

29. From a variable point on a fixed normal to a parabola, two other normal are drawn to parabola. Line
joining their feet is
(A) parallel to a fixed line
(B) making acute angle with x-axis if slope of fixed normal is positive
(C) diameter to a parabola of fixed axis (D) None of these
y2 x2
30. Consider the hyperbola 1 . Let y k intersects this hyperbola at two points, where
b2 a2
k b 0 , at A and B and produced to meet the asymptotes to the hyperbola at A and B . Then the
value of B A. AA is equal to :
(A) b2 (B) a2 (C) a (D) b


Note : Each statement in column-I has one or more than one match in column-II.
Column I Column II
(A) The point a, 2a is an interior point of the region bounded by the (p) 8

parabola y 2 16 x and latus rectum, then ‘a’ can be

(B) The set of points on the axis of the parabola y 2 2 y 4x 5 0 (q) 2

from which all the three normals are real is x, 1 , then x can be
(C) A line L passing through the focus of the parabola y 2 4 x 1 (r) 3
intersects the parabola in two distinct points. If m be the slope of
the line then m can be
(D) The circle x 2 y2 2 x 0, x R , touches the parabola (s) 5

y2 4 x externally. Then the value of may be

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Column I Column II
(A) The tangents drawn from point (2, 3) to the parabola y 2 4x (p)
(9, –6)
touches parabola at
(B) From a point P on the circle x 2 y2 5 the equation of chord of (q)
contact to the parabola y 2 4 x is y 2 x 2 the co-ordinate of (1, 2)
point P will be
(C) P(4, –4), Q are points on parabola y 2 4 x such that area of POQ (r)
is 6 sq. units where O is the vertex, then co-ordinate of Q will be (–2, 1)

(D) The chord which is common to circle x 2 y2 5 and parabola (s)

(4, 4)
6 y 5 x 2 7 x will pass through point(s)


Column I Column II
(A) (p)
If the angle between the asymptotes is , then the eccentricity of its
3 1
conjugate hyperbola is
(B) Point of intersection of the lines 3x y 4 3m 0 (q)
and 3 mx my 4 3 0 describes a hyperbola of eccentricity
(C) The line x y k touches the hyperbola x 2 2 y 2 18 , if k = (r) 2

(D) x2 y2 x2 y2 (s)
The curves 4 (a b ) and 1 are confocal. If e1
a2 b2 a2 b2
e12 e22
and e2 be the eccentricities of the curves, then


Column I Column II

(A) Locus of centre of circles touching circles x2 + y2 – 4x – 4y = 0 (p) straight line

internally and x2 + y2 – 6x – 6y + 17 = 0 externally is

(B) The locus of the point (3h – 2, 3k), where (h, k) lies on the circle (q) circle
x2 + y2 – 2x – 4y – 4 = 0

(C) Locus of centre of circles touching two circles x2 + y2 + 2x = 0 and (r) ellipse
x2 + y2 – 6x + 5 = 0 externally is
(D) The extremities of a diagonal of a rectangle are (0, 0) and (s) hyperbola
(4, 4). The locus of the extremities of the other diagonal is

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Column I Column II
(A) The angle (in degrees) between the tangents drawn from the point (p)
(0, 2) to the curve y2 – 4x – 4y + 8 = 0, is 11

(B) The angle(in degrees) between the tangents drawn from the point (q)
x2 y 2 12
(2, 3) to the ellipse 1, is
9 4
(C) A variable parabola is drawn through (–5, 0) and (5, 0) such that its (r)
directrix always touches the circle x 2 y 2 36 . If the locus of the
x2 y2
focus of the parabola is 1 , then value of is
(D) If the locus of point of intersection of two perpendicular normals to (s)
the parabola x 2 8 y is x 2 2 y 0 , then value of is 90


x2 y2
36. Find the coordinates of all the points P on the ellipse 1 , for which the area of the triangle
a2 b2
PON is maximum, where O denotes the origin and N, the foot of the perpendicular from O to tangent
at P.
37. A ray emanating from the point ( 3, 0) is incident on the ellipse 16x2 + 25y2 = 400 at the point P with
ordinate 4. Find the equation of the reflected ray after first reflection.
38. Prove that if an ellipse slides between two straight lines at right angles to each other, the locus of its
centre is a circle.
39. From a point P on a rectangular hyperbola, a tangent is drawn which intersects the asymptotes of the
hyperbola at A and B. Show that the area of the triangle OAB (O is the origin) is a constant,
independent of the position of P.
40. Find the locus of the point of intersection of tangents drawn at the extremities of a normal chord of the
x2 y2
hyperbola 1 . Deduce the corresponding result if the hyperbola is rectangular.
a2 b2


41. A water jet from a fountain reaches its maximum height of 4m at a distance 0.5 meter from the vertical
passing through the point O of water outlet. Find the height of the jet above the horizontal OX at a
distance of 0.75 meter from the point O.
42. If m1 ,m2 , m3 are the slopes of normals from a point P (not on the axis) to the parabola y2 = 4x, such
that m1m2 = , find the value of for which the locus of P is a part of the given parabola.
43. The length of the chord of the circle x 2a y2 a 2 if the chord is a tangent to the parabola
y2 4ax and passes through the point (–4a, 0) is then equals.

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44. On the axis of any given parabola, there exists a point K which has the property that for any chord PQ
1 1 1
of the parabola passing through K , 2 2
is then equal to __________.
PK QK .a

45. If two different tangents of y2 = 4x are the normals to x2 = 4by, then find [b]max (here [.] G.I.F.).

46. If two concentric ellipses be such that the foci of one be on the other and if e and e be their

1 ( e2 e2 ) 2 2 2
eccentricities, if the angle between their axes is cos then equals

x2 y2
47. The tangent at the point on the ellipse 1 meets the auxiliary circle in two points which
a2 b2
cos ec
subtend a right angle at the centre. The eccentricity of the ellipse is then equal
cot 2
to __________.
48. If the tangent and normal to a rectangular hyperbola cut off intercepts a1 and a2 on one axis, and b1 and
b2 on the other, then a1a2 + b1b2 = 0 is equal to __________.
49. Chords of the hyperbola x2 y2 = a2 touch the parabola y2 = 4ax. The locus of their middle point is the
curve y 2 ( a x) x3 then is__________.
x2 y2
50. Number of common tangent to the hyperbola 1 and its conjugate hyperbola is _________.
a2 b2
51. Prove that the perpendicular focal chords of a rectangular hyperbola are equal.

52. In both an ellipse and a hyperbola, prove that the focal distance of any point and the perpendicular
from the centre upon the tangent at it meet on a circle whose centre is the focus and whose radius is the
semi-transverse axis.
x2 y2
53. If the normals at the four points x1 , y1 , x2 , y2 , x3 , y3 and x4 , y4 on the ellipse 1
a2 b2
are concurrent. Prove that :
1 1 1 1
x1 x2 x3 x4 4 or cos sec 4
x1 x2 x3 x4
where , , , are the eccentric angles of the points.
x2 y2 x2 y2
54. From any point on the conic 4 , tangents are drawn to the conic, 1 . Prove that
a2 b2 a2 b2
1 2
the normals at the points of contact meet on the conic a 2 x 2 b2 y 2 a2 b2 .

55. If S and H be the focii of an ellipse and any point A be taken on the curve and the chords ASB, BHC,
CSD and DHE be drawn and eccentric angles of A, B, C, D, E, . . . be 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , . . . Prove that :
1 2 2 3 3 4
tan tan cot cot tan tan ....
2 2 2 2 2 2

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56. A circle cuts a parabola in four points. Prove that the common chords are in pairs equally inclined to
the axis of the parabola.

57. A parabola of latus rectum 4a, touches a fixed equal parabola, the axes of the two curves being
parallel ; prove that the locus of the vertex of the moving curve is a parabola of latus rectum 8a.

58. A family of chords of the parabola y 2 4ax is drawn so that their projections on a straight line
inclined equally to both the axes are all of a constant length c; prove that the locus of their middle point
is the curve y 2 4ax y 2a 2a 2 c 2 0.

59. Let PQ be a variable normal chord of the parabola y 2 4 x whose focus is S. If the locus of the
centroid of the triangle SPQ is the curve gy 2 3 x 5 ky 4 w where g, k, w N , find the least value
of (g + k + w).

60. The normals to the parabola y 2 4 x at the point P, Q and R are concurrent at the point (15, 12). Find:
(a) the equation of the circle circumscribing the triangle PQR.
(b) the co-ordinates of the centroid of the triangle PQR.

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Answers to Class Tutorial Sheet-2

Mathematics | Conic Section
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
31 32 33
[A-q, r] [B-p, r] [C-p, q, r, s] [D-p, q, r, s] [A-q, s] [B-r] [C-p, q] [D-q, r] [A-r] [B-r] [C-q, s] [D-p]
34 35
[A-r] [B-q] [C-s] [D-q] [A-s] [B-s] [C-p] [D-q]
41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
3 2 2 6 0 3 2 0 0 0

VMC | Mathematics 10 Illuminati Class Tutorial Sheet-2BI

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