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1. Trace Jose Rizal voyage with the help of a globe or a world map.
2. Mention Rizal’s plan secret mission and reasons of studying abroad.
3. Write down courses finished by Rizal abroad.
4. Acquire skills for critical thinking and analysis during the learning
5. Appreciate Rizal’s motivation and willingness to endure the
importance of education, travel in man’s life.


In preparation of Jose Rizal Herculean task of liberating his oppressed

people from Spanish tyranny. He decided on May 3. 1882 to start his journey
abroad, with the purpose of observing the life, culture, languages, customs, laws
industries and government of the European nations. He boarded in the SS
Salvadora using Jose Mercado as his passport for his sojourn abroad. His passport
was to the courtesy of his uncle Antonio Rivera father Leonor Rivera

Singapore - May 9, 1882 - First stop over of Rizal on his way to Spain. To
continue his voyage, Rizal boarded a boat Djemnah for Spain bound. Upon arrival
in Singapore he made some observation of the place. Onboard Rizal converse and
played chess

Sri Lanka – May 18, 1882 – Rizal’s journey to Colombo Sri Lanka was
important for him to improve his knowledge of the French language while in
board ship in Djemnah. In the evening after arrival in Colombo the trip was

May 26, 1882 – Rizal landed at Aden and made observation of the place

June 2, 1882 – He arrived at the Suez Canal going to Marseilless. He was

quarantined on boarding the Djemnah in Suez Canal.

June 7, 1882 – Arrival at Port Said, he describes his trip en route to Aden
and Suez Canal in a letter to his parents.

Italy – June 11, 1882 – The first European ground he left foot on was the
city of Napeles Italy.

Spain – June 16, 1882 – Rizal boarded in Fonda de Espana Real when he
arrived in Barcelona Spain.

June 23, 1882 – Rizal wrote a letter to his parent describing his previous
travel from port Said to Barcelona and requested his parents regarding his Birth
certificate and a statement to prove that he had his parents in the Philippines.

August 18, 1882- A certified copy of Rizal’s Birth Certificate was issued by
P. Leoncio Lopez of Calamba.

August 20, 1882 – A Manila newspaper with Basilio Teodoro as editor

published his article Amor Patrio in “Diaryong Tagalog” and this was the first
article written by Rizal abroad.

September 2, 1882 – Rizal Left Barcelona to continue his medical studies

and the Universidad Central de Madrid. With his private tutors Rizal took courses
in philosophy, Litters, French, German and English Lesson.
September 12, 1882 - In Universidad Central de Madrid he Matriculated
and took subjects Medical Clinic, Surgical Clinic, Legal Medicine, and obstetrical

October 2-4, 1882 – Regular classes of Rizal started, the members of

Circulo Hispono-Filipino in their togetherness requested Rizal to deliver a poem.
Rizal recited “ Mepidden Versos” and this happened in the house of Mr. Pablo
Ortiga y Rey.

November 7, 1882 – Las Dudas an article written by Rizal signed by


December 30, 1882 – Paciano received a letter from Rizal regarding his
plan going to Paris or Rome of June, Rizal explained that he wanted to practice
French in Paris and Italian in Rome as well as to observe the customs of the
people in the cities.

February 15, 1883 - Rizal wrote a letter again to Paciano on his activities
in Madrid such as impressions and meetings with friends.

May 2, 1883 – Recollection of his impressions in his hometown in

Calamba and Fiesta in Madrid where Rizal attended.

May 26, 1883 – Paciano wrote Rizal informing him of the one thousand
three hundred fifty loaves of milled sugar from the “Pansol Farm” and permission
granted to him to procced to Paris after finishing his medical course in Madrid.

Germany – Feb 3, 1883 – Rizal arrived Heidelberg Germany. A poem

entitled “To the Flowers of Heidelberg” was made by him to show how he was
affected and fascinated by the beautiful of the town. He studied German and
practice using good German Language.

November 1, 1886 – Rizal was admitted to the Real Bibliotheca de Berlin

together with friend Viola. He started teaching Viola German language.

First Home Coming (1887- 1888) -August 5, 1887 – After 5 years of study
he missed the Philippines and plan to be back for some personal reasons

1. Financial constrain
2. Dissatisfied with his study in Madrid
3. He wants to prove that there is no reason fear going home
4. His belief that the Spaniards will not give him punishment

Rizal arrived in Manila although was warned by his family and friends like Paciano
Mercado, Silvestre Ubaldo, Jose Maria Cecilio not to return because of the Noli
Me Tangere publication, but was so determined to return for the following

1. To operate on his mother’s eyes.

2. To serve Filipino people under the abuses of Spaniards.
3. To make a survey how his Noli Me Tangere and other writings affected
Filipino and Spaniards.
4. Stablish Medical Clinic.
5. Inquire about Leonor Rivera silence in their relationship.

While he was in Calamba rumors spread that he was

1. Germany Spy
2. Otto Von Bismarck object
3. Protestant
4. Mason
5. Soul Halfway to damnation

In this regard his brother did not leave him to protect his brother from
enemy assault. Don Francisco also warned him not to go outside alone. Other
events took place that makes him sad while in Calamba.

1. When he tried to visit Leonor Rivera in Tarlac. Her parents where cold
of Rizal because Leonors mother did not like him as son in-law.
2. Olimpia Mercado Ubaldo died because of childbirth.
3. Enemies kept letting Rizal down as in Governor General Emilio Terrero
requested him to report in Malaca ñang Palace as he heard someone
that Noli Me Tangere as a book contained subversive ideas against
spanish priest and the administration of the Spaniards in the
Philippines, how ever Rizal explained that the book is just to expose the
truth but no subversive ideas contained in the book.

Second Voyage Abroad

Hongkong – Feb 8, 1888 – After Rizal’s five days trip from the Philippines,
he is stayed In Jose Basa house.

Japan – Feb 28, 1888 – Rizal studied Japanese Customs, culture, and their

United States - April 28 – May 4, 1888 – Rizal’s arrival San Francisco

Rizal was quarantined six days on board the Belgic which anchored off
San Francisco Bay.

May 5 – 6, 1888 – Boarded at the Palace Hotel, San Francisco California.

He went around for observation of the city.

May 8-9, 1888 – He started his trip across the American continent. He
passed through Reno, Ogden, Denver, Farmington, Salt Lake City and Provo.
As he continued his trip he passed by the territory of the state of Colorado.
England - May 16-24, 1888 –Rizal Departed from New York bound for
Liverpool. He had nine days travelled in the city of Rome from New York to
Queenstown and boarded at the Adelphi Hotel.

May 25, 1888 – Rizal left Liverpool going to London England, In Liverpool
England he was recommended by the authorities to the British museum
and Rizal was called by them as Pearl of a man.

London - June 2, 1888 – Dr. Reinhold Rost, a book lover and famous
Malayalogist had special predilections for Rizal.

June 23, 1888 – He thought of publishing the second edition of Noli Me

Tangere with Juan Luna illustrations.

July 12, 1888 – The Hispano Filipino Association was reorganized in Madrid
by the Filipinos and the Spaniards sympathized the Filipinos lead by Sr.

July 27, 1888 – Mariano Ponce received a letter from Rizal narrating his
experience and his travel from Manila, Hong Kong, Japan and North
America plus the people he meet in Hong Kong whom Rizal said this people
are enthusiastic about Noli Me Tangere.

August 18, 1888 – Rizal’s desire of writing the continuation of Noli Me

Tengere, he send a letter to Mariano Ponce to send him copies of Noli Me
Tangere. He planned to have a picture taken, with one copy to be send to
Ponce and the other one to be included in the second novel publication.


1. Timeline making of Rizal Journey abroad.

2. Album/scrap book making, collect Rizal’s pictures and activities.
3. Komik’s style Illustration of Rizal Exile in Dapitan thru drawings and
4. Make a reaction paper on Jose Rizal’s long trip abroad.
5. Summarize Rizal’s Travel abroad.


1. Enumerate the importance of Rizal’s Travel.

2. Why did Rizal leave the country secretly for studying abroad?
3. Discuss: Did Rizal make a good decision in leaving the country and study
4. Evaluate Rizal’s life abroad.
5. Why did Rizal leave Philippines for second time?
6. Compare and Contrast Rizal’s life as students of present.
7. Mention some issues related to Rizal second time abroad.
8. Explain Rizal’s word of wisdom “He who does not love his own language
his worst than an animal and smelly fish”.
9. Why do you think Rizal was impress of Japan culture during his stay in
that country?
10. What is your personal impression of Rizal regarding his studies abroad.

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