CS Post-ECQ General Policy, Standards, Procedures, Guidelines-V31May2020

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Unified Post-ECQ Recommendations for the College of Science1

I. General Policy

After the lifting of the Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ), the College of Science (CS)
shall continue observing established public health and social measures in the prevention
and control of COVID-19 in consideration of the health, safety, and security of all CS
personnel. Resolutions by the Inter-Agency Task Force (IATF) and the Local Government
Units shall also be complied with.

In accordance with the UPD Post-ECQ Administrative Order, work-from-home (WFH) set-
up would be the default mode for at least six weeks after the ECQ. Office functions are to
be modified so that some services can be provided online. A skeleton workforce, composed
of key personnel who qualify to physically report for work, will be maintained by each unit
to carry out essential and priority work which will be determined by the units.

The CS Office of the Associate Dean for Facilities and Resources Management
(OADFARM) and Office of the Associate Dean for Research Innovation Development and
Enterprise (OADRIDE) shall be designated as the CS Post-ECQ Coordinating Offices
(PECOs) which shall discharge overall coordination and monitoring. For research-related
activities and research personnel, OADRIDE shall be the coordinating office. The
OADFARM shall be the PECO for activities and personnel related to facilities and
resources, including transportation and temporary housing arrangements. The CS Post-
ECQ Team, who shall be coordinating with the Office of the Vice-Chancellor for Community
Affairs (OVCCA), will be composed of the Dean, the ADRIDE, ADFARM, SSP Director,
and the College Health Liaison Officer (HLO).

The CS PET and PECOs shall ensure that the following standards, procedures, and
guidelines are observed in the College of Science, University of the Philippines - Diliman
during the post-ECQ period.

II. Standards

A. Skeleton Workforce

The skeleton workforce is defined as the minimum number of personnel (referred to

as key personnel) needed to perform essential and priority work. As stated in the UPD
Administrative Order [1] :

“Essential work” refers to tasks that are absolutely necessary and indispensable
for the basic functioning of the University. Such work includes those concerning
appointments and salaries of employees, campus and building safety and
security, and communication lines among members of the University, among
“Priority work” refers to tasks that also require major attention so that the most
important goals identified by the University’s academic and support units are
accomplished or attended to. This includes work such as research and
publication, academic content development, teaching, extension work, and
service maintenance, among others.
During the first week after the lifting of the ECQ, only employees residing within UPD
Campus or those with personal vehicles and are not from areas declared under the
Extreme Enhanced Community Quarantine (EECQ) (or are considered high-risk) shall
be allowed to physically report for work. After the first week, if a unit has key personnel

1This document unifies Post-ECQ recommendations made by UP Diliman[1], the CS Office of the
Associate Dean for Research Initiatives Development [2], and the CS Post-ECQ Ad Hoc Committee.
residing outside the UP Campus and has no private mode of transportation, the unit
must provide pre-arranged transportation and/or temporary housing on campus.
Faculty members may be allowed to enter their office after the lifting of the ECQ but
only to get materials needed for their teaching duties or to submit grades, and subject
to the same criteria as our other employees.
Unless certified by the Head of Unit to be very essential, employees can only physically
report for work for a maximum of two (2) times each week.

B. Fit-to-Work Criteria

Only CS personnel who satisfy the conditions given below may be assigned to
physically report for duty. If someone must be assigned to physically report for work
but does not satisfy at least one condition, permission from the Dean should be secured.
The following are the fit-to-work criteria:

1. has none of the symptoms for CoVid-19 (fever, cough, sore throat, difficulty of
breathing, colds, diarrhea, loss of sense of smell/taste);
2. has not been in contact with someone with COVID-19;
3. no recent travel history (domestic or international);
4. has been strictly following the ECQ guidelines and observed the 14-day home
quarantine period as stated in the ECQ guidelines;
5. has no known comorbidities such as diabetes, obesity, hypertension, lung ailment,
cancer and other conditions which may lower the immunity.

C. Minimum Public Health Standards

1. All personnel who must physically report for duty are required to do self-screening
and make sure they are fit to work before reporting for duty. Personnel should
refrain from physically reporting for work if symptoms would so warrant.
2. All personnel who physically report for duty are required to wear face masks at all
times and properly wash/disinfect hands regularly. Guards on duty are advised to
wear face shields and gloves.
3. Physical distancing of at least 2 meters should be observed at all times.
4. Upon entrance and exit, all personnel are required to sanitize their hands and step
on a disinfection mat to sanitize their footwear.
5. The body temperature of all incoming personnel will be measured and if the
temperature is above 37.8°C (for two measurements), personnel will not be allowed
to work in their office and will be referred to the University Health Service (UHS).

III. Procedures

A. General Procedure for Work Programs Post-ECQ

1. Period 1: Prior to the lifting of the ECQ

Period 1 shall cover the duration prior to the lifting of the current work suspension,
in compliance with the current enhanced community quarantine (ECQ). However,
such period may be extended until the end of any further declarations restricting
physical reporting for work (e.g., general community quarantine [GCQ], and other
CoViD-related quarantine regulations). For the purposes of this document, any
period later than Period 1 shall be referred to as “Post-ECQ”.
Prior to the lifting of the ECQ, all CS units must:

a) Form their respective Post-ECQ Teams (PETs), each composed of 2-5 persons
including the unit’s Health Liaison Officer (HLO). At least half of the team must
be able to physically report for work. The primary tasks of PETs would be to (i)
monitor the proper implementation of Post-ECQ Guidelines, (ii) monitor the
health and welfare of all personnel, (iii) collate and disseminate CoViD reference
materials, and (iv) submit reports to the CS Post-ECQ Coordinating Office;
b) Conduct an initial assessment of personnel (e.g., health status, proximity of
residences to office work stations, local quarantine status, means of
transportation, etc.), respective tasks, possible substitutes, available facilities
and resources, and all other information relevant to Post-ECQ plan of
c) Formulate their respective initial Post-ECQ work programs, implementing
essential and priority work only, and with work-from-home (WFH) setup as the
default mode;
d) Determine their respective skeleton workforce (including research personnel)
who may be allowed to physically report for work at least during the first week
of the post-ECQ. The building guards of each unit must be furnished with a list
of personnel in the skeleton workforce for the first week;
e) Schedule entry of faculty members who need to get their materials/resources for
the conduct of their classes and submission of grades. The guards should be
given a copy of the list of faculty members who may be allowed entry during the
first week;
f) Have their preliminary design for physical distancing of their skeleton workforce
and location of entrance/exit gates, thermal scanning, disinfecting foot mat and
emergency holding area for personnel with symptoms;
g) Ensure availability of supplies, equipment, and facilities necessary at least for
the first week of operation of the Unit. Important supplies to be checked: alcohol,
masks, handsoap, cleaning/disinfecting materials;
h) Coordinate with the janitorial and security services in preparation for the tasks
during the first week. The Unit is responsible for briefing their guards on duty on
the proper usage of the thermal scanners;
i) Submit to the CS PET a copy of their plans, including those for research-related
activities, for items (a) - (f) through a designated google drive folder;
j) Inform the OADFARM regarding needs for supplies, equipment, and facilities.

2. Period 2: First week following the lifting of the suspension of physically reporting for

a) The heads of units (Dean and his Executive Staff, Directors, and Deputy
Directors) may physically report for work as they may deem necessary during
the Post-ECQ period, but are also all subject to fit-to-work screening;
b) Assessment, disinfection/ decontamination of the building(s), workstations,
building surroundings (including canteens, and food kiosks) shall be the main
tasks for the first 2-3 days. Checking of the electrical and airconditioning systems
and purging of water supply systems must also be carried out. The thermal
scanner and disinfecting foot mat should likewise be installed prior to re-entry of
c) Only personnel listed in the skeleton workforce and faculty members scheduled
during the first week of the Post-ECQ shall be allowed to enter CS buildings and
physically discharge duties;
d) All personnel in the skeleton workforce list must conduct self-screening prior to
leaving their respective homes, and should refrain from physically reporting for
work if symptoms would so warrant;
e) Thermal screening should be done before allowing entry to CS buildings. For
cases reaching temperature threshold (37.8°C; see also Article D.I.2 of the UPD
Guidelines) or those found with symptoms, they shall be brought to the
designated emergency holding area of the Unit. The PET and the CS Post-ECQ
Coordinating Office shall then be immediately notified. Following the University
Health Service (UHS) Guidelines, these individuals may be referred soonest to
the UHS for further evaluation;
f) Schemes for physical distancing at offices, laboratory workstations (employee
density) shall be refined, considering the possibility of not using the air
conditioning systems;
g) In coordination with the administrative staff and laboratory heads, the initial Post-
ECQ work program for each Unit shall be revised, consistent with the UPD
Guidelines, with work-from-home (WFH) arrangement as the default mode, but
otherwise always mindful of the recommendations on social distancing
(employee density; bare minimum number of employees physically working) and
the frequency of those personnel who may need to physically report for work;
h) Such a revised work program of the Unit, together with the expanded skeleton
workforce list of employees who may be allowed to physically report for work
during the second week of Post-ECQ and beyond, shall be submitted to the CS
PET. The building guards should likewise be furnished with the list of personnel
in the expanded skeleton workforce, and;
i) For Units with research activities as part of their work programs, the concurrence
of the Office of the Associate Dean for Research, Innovation, Development and
Enterprise (OADRIDE) shall also be sought.

3. Period 3: Second week following the lifting of the suspension of physically reporting
for work and beyond

a) Only the heads of the constituent units of CS and those personnel (including
faculty members) on the expanded list may be allowed entry to CS buildings, all
subject to fit-to-work / self-screening assessment daily;
b) To minimize physical contact, visitors without prior appointments shall not be
allowed entry to CS buildings. Only in special cases, the guard-on-duty may ask
the Post-ECQ Team for further advice on visitors without prior appointments;
c) Continue with the implementation of thermal screening at the gate(s), and for
cases reaching temperature threshold (37.8°C; see also Article D.I.2 of the UPD
Guidelines), take immediate and appropriate actions as above (III.A.2.e);
d) All CS Units shall implement work programs (III.A.2.g) consistent with the UPD
e) The College of Science shall provide drop-off points and delivery schedules for
messengerial tasks within and outside the college. To the extent possible and
subject to accounting and auditing rules, an electronic transmission system for
certain documents (e.g., certifications, true copy of grades, memoranda, request
letters, announcements, etc.) shall be developed and implemented;
f) The CS PET, together with the Unit’s PETs shall monitor the proper
implementation of the work program of the Units as well as the health and
welfare of the employees (either WFH or physically reporting), including
assistance on needs for transportation, housing, supplies, equipment, and
g) Consistent with the UPD Post-ECQ Guidelines and the CS Post-ECQ
Recommendations, the various CS Units may implement guidelines specific to
the circumstances and functional mandates (teaching, research, extension) of
the Units, e.g., laboratory practices, ozonation protocols, autoclaving of PPEs,
etc. The CS PET shall be provided with copies of such unit-specific guidelines,
if any.
B. Procedures for Research-Related Activities

1. Authorization of Research Personnel

a) All Units, through the respective Deputy Director for Research (DDR), are
hereby tasked to compile the list of personnel for authorization in their respective
Units with the endorsement of the Unit Head. The list must include specific
information for each individual on the nature of work, work schedule, and
justification of the essentiality of work. The list must be submitted to OADRIDE
for approval.
b) All Units must ensure that all personnel in the list have add-on health insurance
(on top of PhilHealth) that covers COVID-19 medical expenses. For project-
based personnel, realignment of project funds may be requested to the
respective funding agencies for this purpose.
c) The OADRIDE will provide a template Certificate of Authorized Entry (CAE) to
all Units. Each Unit must then fill up the necessary details, including the most
recent ID photo, for each of their approved authorized personnel. A unique code
will be assigned to the Authorized personnel. The CAE must be presented upon
entry into CS Units or buildings specified therein.

2. Essential Fieldworks (see [2] for more details)

Each Unit can opt to draft and specify their own guidelines including their concerns.
Authorized fieldworks should be done safely in compliance with the University
policies and requirements, as well as local and national regulatory requirements.

a) A request must be submitted to OADRIDE including the agreement with the

pertinent LGU(s) and a certificate from the funding agency. The request shall
include justification as to why the activity cannot be postponed, the essence of
the research activity, information on the associated research staff and the steps
that will be taken to ensure the safety of participants.
b) The supervisor’s request must be addressed to the Chancellor and endorsed by
the Unit Head and the Dean. Application for IATF permit must also be included
in the request.
c) Use of proper personal protective equipment (PPE) is required and the team
must ensure they have enough supply of PPEs for the duration of the fieldwork.

IV. Guidelines

A. Work from Home Tasks (WFH) may include, but are not limited to, the following:

1. Preparation of vouchers for salaries of personnel;

2. Preparation of regularly submitted reports;
3. Dissemination of information to stakeholders;
4. Updating of websites and official social media accounts;
5. Processing of received documents (applications, requests, etc.);
6. Answering queries from stakeholders;
7. Processing of online transactions;
8. Coordination with supervisor, other personnel or third parties;
9. Encoding, data processing and updating of records.

B. Cleaning and Disinfecting

All areas, such as offices, bathrooms, and common areas, should be cleaned and
disinfected prior to entry of personnel. Frequently touched office objects (tables, door
knobs, light switches, telephones, photocopier, keys, etc) should be disinfected at least
four (4) times each day – twice in the morning and twice in the afternoon. Disinfection
of electronic equipment may be tasked to the janitors with supervision from the
authorized representative(s) of the workplace.

Some additional guidelines:

1. Janitors should wear face mask and disposable gloves, if possible, while disinfecting
2. While disinfecting, room should be well ventilated.
3. To clean surfaces, use soap and water.
4. For disinfecting, the following may be used (depending on surface)
70% ethyl alcohol, lysol, bleach (eg, clorox, zonrox) solution (~⅓ cup per
4 liters of water or a ratio of 1:9 ). Solution must be left on the surface for at least
5 minutes.
5. The OADFARM may be requested to give an orientation for janitors on proper
cleaning and disinfection.

C. Delivery of Supplies and Equipment

Deliveries must be coordinated between the guard on duty and any authorized
representative in the workplace. Delivery personnel will also be required to undergo the
same entry procedures for authorized individuals. Identification, such as company ID,
of the delivery personnel must be presented to the guard on duty for logging purposes.
If possible, the delivery containers should also be decontaminated.

D. Online Procurement

The CS-OADRIDE will coordinate with UP Diliman and UP System on the electronic
procurement process. A current checklist of suppliers will be made available to CS
researchers. Further discussion of E-inspection and online payments will be arranged.

E. Disposal of Personal Protective Equipment (PPEs)

All Units must provide leak-proof and puncture-proof biohazard waste bins and
biohazard waste bags to all of their respective workplaces for the collection of
disposable, single-use PPEs. Provision of separate bins for reusable PPEs such as lab
gowns and goggles for proper and thorough washing and disinfection by safety
personnel is advised. PPEs must not be taken home. The biohazard bin and PPE re-
use bin must be strategically located near the Exit of the laboratory. These bins must
be properly labelled and color-coded to avoid confusion [2].

These wastes should be sprayed with alcohol upon disposal into the dedicated garbage
bin, everything should be wrapped in plastic afterwards, and the exterior should be
sprayed with bleach solution so that trash collectors are not exposed to possible
hazards [1].

F. Food, Transportation, and Lodging Needs for Key Personnel

1. All personnel must be required to bring their own food in reusable containers. Food
sharing must also be strictly prohibited. If staff will avail of food delivery, drop-off
point for orders should be at the guard station.
2. All CS Units are expected to make arrangements for the transportation of key
personnel who reside outside UP Campus. The CS PET can help make
arrangements if necessary.
3. For health emergency cases, if the UPHS ambulance is not available, the CS e-
trike may be requested.
4. All CS units are advised to reserve rooms in their buildings to serve as temporary
accommodation for key personnel. If a unit has no rooms or amenities to serve this
purpose, the CS PET has to be informed so arrangements can be made.
V. References Relevant to the CS Post-ECQ Work Programs and Programs

1. UPD Post-ECQ Administrative Order

2. CS OADRIDE Post-ECQ Guidelines
3. A Common Sense Guide For Returning To The Post COVID-19 Workplace
4. Buildings closed by coronavirus face another risk: Legionnaires’ disease
5. Return to work protocol
6. Working from home guidelines
7. Getting your workplace ready for COVID-19: How COVID-19 spreads
8. Research preparedness: General research operations (https://hub.jhu.edu/novel-
9. Reopening workplaces during the CoViD-19 pandemic
10. How to operate and use building services in order to prevent the spread of the
coronavirus disease (COVID-19) virus (SARS-CoV-2) in workplaces

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