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Kenya Adolescents and Youth SUN Network (KAYSUN)

Adolescents and Youth Movement for Nutrition to Achievethe SDGs

A ToR for setting up of the Network

a. Purpose of the ToR
The ToR is aimed at guiding the set up and formalization of the network. The process is championed by
Organisaion of African Youth-Kenya with the support of MoH Kenya SUN Focal Point, Kenya SUN
Civil Society Alliance (CSA) and Amref Kenya.
b. Objectives of the ToR
1. To develop the identity , purpose and structure of the Kenya SUN Youth Network
2. To intrdocuce and orient SUN concept and principles to members
3. To develop 3 year strategy and work plan
4. To support set of a functional and operational coordination mechanism and secretariat
5. To resource mobilize for the network

c. Duration of the ToR

March 2020-

a. Background Information
Malnutrition, poverty and hunger are global issues that impede human progress and prosperity despite
the global action and efforts such as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Globally, many people
are chronically food insecure leading to socio-economic challengessuch as stunted growth, lost potential,
obesity and low birth weight. According to USAID, annually, about 4 million Kenyans face starvation,
with under nutrition contributingtoaboutthird of under 5.5 children’s deaths and less than one-quarter of
children 6-23 months receiving a minimum acceptable diet. In Kenya, food insecurity challenges occur
due to reliance on rain-fed agriculture, high food prices, poor food storage and wastages, poor distribution
and poverty. Eventually, the socio-economic stability and growth of Kenyan is affected.

The inclusion of adolescent and youth health in the SUN 2016-2020 Strategy and Roadmap especially the
focus on their right to food and nutrition and need to build nutrition awareness , present unique
opportunities to intensify efforts to ensure that the cohort has the knowledge, skills, and opportunities, for
a healthy and productive life. Comprehensive support to improve health and development of adolescent is
not only to be provided by health and all development sectors, but also taking young people as active
change agents in its own rights.

Tapping on the youth and youth organizations networks and skills will accelerate their meaningful
involvement in prevention of malnutrition which could be further advance in later stages of lives.
Enhancing nutrition knowledge in the youth organizations that seek to reach, access and serve young
people, in their diversity, will enhance theability of such organizations to apply effective strategies for the
diverse nutrition and food security needs and situations of those young people. Further, there are very to
almost none youth led organizations in Kenya whose core mandate is on food security and nutrition
compared to their active enaggenement and social accountability in other sectors such as SRHR,
Governance and Economic Empowerment.

The adolescents and youth however have a role to play in reversing the trends. According to Nutrition
International ‘good nutrition and gender equality are mutually reinforcing; improving nutrition is critical
to achieving gender equality, and in turn improving gender equality leads to improved nutrition’.
Addressing the malnutrition and hunger challenges thus require concerted effort and coordination of all
stakeholder and sectors. The adolescents and youth can play critical role in all the processes and efforts as
young professionals, peer educators, and advocates. organized and coordinated youth led advocacy can
support the work of other SUN networks, and champion policy formulation and accountability to drive
the nutrition agenda across Kenya.The Scaling Up Nutrition Movement is a global push for action and
investment to improve maternal and child nutrition. Formed in 2010, the SUN Movement promotes
collaboration across sectors to end malnutrition, in all its forms. ‘With the governments of SUN Countries
in the lead, it unites people—from civil society, the United Nations, donors, businesses and researchers—
in a collective effort to improve nutrition.’

It is on this basis that youth organizations in Kenya have come together to champion the scaling up
nutrition agenda in Kenya. The process is a follow up of a meeting between Organisation of African
Youth-Kenya and SUN Global Coordinator during the 2019 Women Deliver Conferencei in Vancouver,
and subsequent meeting with the MoH Kenya SUN Focal Point and SUN Civil Society Alliance (CSA)
Chairperson. The movement seeks to create a coordinated SUN platform to advocate for better nutrition,
capacity build young champions in every sector, run demonstration projects and drive accountability and
resources allocation. KAYSUN seeks tomobilisie and empower adolescents and youth from diverse
sectors to drive nutrition and food security agenda in Kenya in pursuit of Big 4 Agenda and Asgenda
2030 for Sustainable Develoment . In line with the Global and National SUN prirototes , the network will
leverage on the SUN family and All Network platforms to advocate for and support effective and
meaningful particpatpion of the adolescents and youth to enable influence the nutirion processes, from
farm to fork, and promote health and wellbeing and linkages to opportunities.

Kenya Adolescents and Youth SUN Network (KAYSUN)

b. Setting Up Kenya Youth SUN Network
Based on the advice from Kenya SUN Focal Point and SUN Civil Society Alliance (CSA) Chair, the
Kenya SUN Youth Network should not be created from scratch but be part of ongoing processes by the
nutrition community, and contribute to bring together new players. The team must be diverse and
reflective of Kenya’s geographic landscapes. The network will be initially hosted by Organization of
African Youth (OAY) and ride on structure of Kenya Adolescents and Youth SRHR Network.

Vision: A platform for coordinated adolescents and youth engagement in nutrition and food security
agenda in Kenya
Mission: To mobilize and empoweradolescentrs and youth youth nutrition champions towards realization
of malnutrition free communities

Membership will be drawn from youth led organisations across Kenya, while ensuring geographic and
diverse representation , with core qualification being atleast a focus on food security and nutrition as one
of the mandates of the organisations.
The geographic spread should reflect Kenya’s economic blocs namely;
 Frontier Counties Development Council (FCDC)

 North Rift Economic Bloc (NOREB)
 Lake Region Economic Bloc (LREB)
 Jumuiaya Kaunti za Pwani
 South Eastern Kenya Economic Bloc
 Mt. Kenya and Aberdares Region Economic Bloc

3. Membership Criteria
a. Ordinary members
i. Alignment to SUN network’s mission and principles
ii. At least a focus on nutrition
iii. Sign up for membership
iv. Registered advocacy or service providing youth led organization
b. Affiliate members
i. Alignment to SUN network’s mission and principles
ii. Engaged in food production or nutrition sensitive business
iii. Sign up for membership
They benefit through trainings and linkages to SUN Business Network
c. Young Nutrition Champions
i. individuals not necessary affiliated to organization but passionate about nutrition
ii. have influence, repsect and recognition among adolescents and youth
They will assist in publicity (online and offline) and influencing youth into action


i. CSA to assist in resource mobilization
ii. CSA and Amref to provide TA
iii. OAY to provide coordination and documentation
iv. initial membership to be capped at 8 and reflect Kenyan georgarphical landscape
v. CSA to develop a clear reporting mechanism in partnership with the members



1. 2 Youth Board Reps ( or one alternate)
2. Youth Membership in all the committees
3. Linkage and reporting to CSA Secretariat

SUN Youth Coordinating Team 4

1. Represengtative from coordinating organization

2. Members Representatives (Male and Female)

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