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Technology S-Curve

資管三 陳彥如
資管三 劉有智
電機三 黃文泰
物理三 張本育
物理三 廖建安


 Abstract
 The usefulness of technology S-curve at the industry level
 The limitation of S-curve at the individual firms level
 Summary
 More discussions

What is “S-Curve”?
 The uses of S-curve at the industry level :
Š The description of the magnitude of improvement
Š The prescriptive S-Curve theory
 Product performance results from:
Š Component technology
Š Architectural design
S-curve can provide convincing explanations of why alternative technologies
have made substantial inroads against currently dominant technology?

The Position on S-curve Corresponding to BCG

HIGH Market Share



Time or engineering effort


The Limitation of S-Curve

 From the point of view of a manger within a single firm,

could the S-curve be the prescriptive tool for new component
technology development? (at the individual firm level)
Š The observed maturation of a technology maybe the result, rather than
the cause, of the launch of an alternative development program.
ƒ Nobody knows what the natural, physical performance limit is in complex
engineered products.
Š The flattening of S-curve is a firm-specific, rather than uniform
industry, phenomenon.
Š Extending the conventional technology S-curve, rather than switching
ƒ By improving the architectural system
ƒ By applying effort to less mature element of the system

Magnetic Rigid Disk Drives

 Hard Disk industry :

Š During 1970~1989, the improvement was steady, averaging 34% per
Š With time as the horizontal metric, no S curve pattern of progress is
yet apparent.
Š Measure total industry revenue as a proxy for engineering effort

Using S-Curve to Prescribe Development of
New Component Technologies

 The risk to switching to a new S-curve.

Š Cost more and take much longer time
 When to manage the switch from one component
technology to another?
Š Engineers sensed they were approaching the physical limit of ferrite
cores before 1970.
Š With a process used in integrated circuit manufacturing, thin-film
photolithography, they can create much smaller, more precise
electromagnets on the head.

Two S-curves for Ferrite-oxide Technologies at

Fujitsu and CDC

 The areal density was pushed

to about triple the level at
which seems initially to have
planned to abandon
 Is 30 mbpsi Fujitsu reached in
1987 the “real” natural limit of
ferrite heads and oxide disk?

The observed maturation of a technology maybe the result,

rather than the cause, of the launch of an alternative
development program.
Points at which Thin-Film Technology was Adopted by Leading
Manufacturers, Relative to the Capabilities of Ferrite-Oxide
Technology at the Time of the Switch

Points at which Thin-Film Technology was Adopted by Leading

Manufacturers, Relative to the Capabilities of Ferrite-Oxide
Technology at the Time of the Switch

 Only 5 of the 15 firms shown actually leapt above the

convention technology.
 Conventional technology progressed far further than anyone
 Different competitors switched S-curves at different points.
 Little evidence show that companies switched S-curve early
enjoyed attacker’s advantages.

Relationship between Order of Adoption Thin-Film Technology and
Areal Density of Highest Performance 1989 Model

There is no correlation between order of adoption and rank

order of density ÎEntrants enjoy no attackers advantage.



Relationship between Order of Adoption Thin-Film Technology and
Areal Density of Highest Performance 1989 Model

 Entrants enjoy no attackers advantage.

 No systematic differences exist in how firms respond to

potential maturity in component technology. (EXHIBT 8)
Š IBM, switching to advanced component technology
Š HP, relying upon
ƒ Incremental improvement in established component technologies
ƒ Refinements in system design

Switching to new S-curve is not the only option.


S-curve of Architectural Innovation

 Different from S-curve of component innovation

Š Architectural technologies indeed follow S-curve patterns!
 Timely S-curve switching seems critical when confronting
architectural technology change.
 Not only technological dimensions but also market

Comparing Prescriptive S-curve and S-curve
of Architectural innovation


Comparing Prescriptive S-curve and S-curve

of Architectural innovation (con’t)


 The application of S-curve at a managerial level seems to be

very ambiguous.
 There is more than one way to skin the cat.
 There was no clear evidence of any first mover benefits or
“attackers’ advantage.”
 Comparing with architectural technologies.

1. Switching to new component technology S-curve

early results in no competitive advantage
2. Switching to architectural S-curve enjoys
powerful first-mover advantage


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