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0 Critical commentary on the analysis of the main trends found

Within this section there are three main trend to be commented on with the first one being
the Number and type or management bodies compared to the number of Strata schemes. As
we go along the years from 2013 to 2017 the number of Strata schemes have been increasing
with the number of JMB/MC established being at 458 (39%) bearing in mind that an MC can
only be established after strata titles have been issued, and at least a quarter (25%) of the
aggregate share units have been transferred to unit owners. Other established Strata without a
management body are still relatively newly developed with works being done in establishing a
management body underway. Furthermore, the COB of MBSJ are putting in work in order to
recognise the JBM/MC in low cost flat (PKR) which still see a lack of JBM/MC. Thus the
expected number of management bodies established in the following years are forecasted to
continue along an upward trend.
Secondly is type and number of complaints received by MBSJ. As the quantity of Strata
developments have increased, so has the complaints received by the MBSJ. Despite the ever-
increasing quantity of complaints with peaked in 2017 with 1161, 99.9% of the complaints were
ultimately resolved by the COB of MBSJ a number that does exhibit the effectiveness of
management. However, it does need to be acknowledged that within PKR flats, the number of
complaints may very well be under reported, but with efforts being put in place to establish and
recognizer more management bodies within those flats, the transparency and number of issues
may see a spike in the coming years.
In accordance to the second area of critical assessment, the third is the response which sees
the number and type of enforcement actions undertaken by the COB of MBSJ, generally the
trend shows a sharp increase within the year of 2017 in regards to enforcement actions
undertaken. This is largely due to the rapid development of Subang Jaya and the increase in
Strata schemes in 2015 which has called for rapid acts of regulation from the local authority as
shown by the number of enforcement acts in that year as opposed to the following year of 2016.
The spike in 2017 is also attributed to the up and coming Strata Schemes from the previous
years which have been rising in residence which has seen an increase in complaints as well.

5.0 Conclusion

The COB of MBSJ have diligently and professionally completed their tasks in managing the
Strata schemes of the district. From encouraging the establishment of JMB/MC by establishing
and recognising 15 of them in all categories of stratified buildings to efficiently resolving
complaints, the work done has been more than satisfactory despite managing an ever
devoloping and vey densely populated municipal.
In conclusion, COB perform his duties professionally as assigned throughout this period with
highest number of enforcement actions being recorded in 2017. Act 757 can only be said well if
degree of its enforcement is high.

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