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 3

 Need Assessment 4

 Initiation Process Group 5

 Planning Process Group 9

 Executing Process Group 39

 Monitoring and Controlling Process Group 43

 Closing Process Group 44

 Conclusion 44

 References 45


After the 1948 conflict that happened in Palestine, some 450,000 refugees came to Lebanon

and registered with UNRWA where 53,000 of them live in one of the 12 refugee camps

(Where we work, 2014). A refugee camp is defined as a plot of land owned by the state, or

land leased by the host government from local landowners (Palestine refugee, n.dd).

These refugees do not enjoy their full rights in Lebanon and suffer from various harsh
social, economical, and health conditions. A recent socio-economic survey was taken by the
American University of Beirut and commissioned by UNRWA in 2010 estimated that more
than two-third of Palestinians are poor (living on less than $6 per day), 6.6% are extremely
poor (living on less than $2.17 per day), 56% are jobless, 31% have chronic illnesses, and
95% are without health or social insurance (Project proposal, n.d).

These health conditions are mainly due to the lack of adequate infrastructures in the camps,
lack of hygiene and sanitation, and most importantly lack of health information and
knowledge, since they consider that providing them with the basic needs is more important
than taking care of their health.

Although UNRWA is working hard to achieve the needs and wants of the refugees since it
has an office in every camp, there are still many problems need to be solved in order to
ensure adequate standard of living. These problems must be solved not only to the refugees,
but also to prevent future problems that might spread out the camps and reach the Lebanese
society, for example diseases or even social problems.

Need Assessment

Many organizations are working to enhance the situation in the refugee camps through
providing the refugees what they need especially water. And because of the health
consequences that are arising between people living in the camps, many organizations
rushed to find solutions to stop the spread of the diseases through practical solutions. Health

Care & Environment Health Association (HCEHA) was one of them. It is a non-
governmental community based organization concerned with community development,
environment, and health. Its main activities are project implementation and training (UNDP
list of NGOs, 2004).

HCEHA members visited Dbayeh camp and investigated the situation there. This camp was
established in 1956 on a hill 12 kilometers east of Beirut where 4,259 Palestine refugees
registered as residing in the camp (Project proposal, n.d). The members found many areas
need to be developed in order to ensure a safe and adequate place for living. The most
important conclusion they reached after visiting and asking the refugees, is the lack of
appropriate infrastructure in the camp which means lack of sewage system and individual
toilets. This leads to the necessity for constructing public toilets with well sewers supplies to
avoid infectious diseases. This was in coordination and supervision of members from

HCEHA visited our company “Make It Real”; since we are a private organization
specialized with project implementation, and gave us the exclusive for the implementation
of the project. In addition, it provided us with the needed information to ensure the necessity
of these toilets in Dbayeh camp. The deadline given to construct one toilet block with six
cabinets is eight months starting in 1 June 2015, and the estimated cost is $80,000. Our
company will ensure to achieve this goal in a high quality, in the time and with the cost
required, through our high specialized project management team and other professional

Initiation Process Group

After our company has accepted to hold the responsibility of the toilet construction project,
and got an approval from the government for this project, the project management team met
and conducted a project charter that illustrates the whole project in brief.

1. Project Charter : Toilet Construction

Background: Toilet Construction project in Dbayeh camp in being undertaken by our

project management team because of the lack and high need for a proper sewage system
detected by the NGO Health Care & Environment Health Association (HCEHA) through its
field visit. This would surely facilitate the Refugees’ way of living, and improve the hygiene
to eliminate any source of infections and diseases. The availability of an empty space in the
camp and the funds brought by the NGO are our opportunities to make this project real.

Goals: - Completing the toilet construction by 1 February 2016

- Reducing the spread of diseases between the refugees in the camp to 40% by 2017
- Increasing the level of hygiene of the refugees to 60% by 2018

Scope: This project aims to provide the refugees of Dbayeh camp the right to have a safe
sewage system with well constructed toilet block.
The project team in our company, with professional architectures, accountants, engineers
and representatives from the HCEHA, UNRWA, and Dbayeh camp residents, will put
detailed technical specifications, designs for construction, cost plan, time plan, and bring
high quality resources for construction. After these preparations, the team will start applying
the plan: digging the chosen spot for building, distributing the sewage pipes, constructing
the blocks with the needed ventilations and electricity, and placing the toilet cabinets with
the accessories needed. However, the project team will not be responsible for the stage after
finishing the construction. HCEHA will carry the role of maintaining proper hygiene for the
toilet cabinets and checking periodically the effectiveness of the ventilations and the sewage
system through specialized workers.

Key Stakeholders :

Clients : Dbayeh camp refugees

Sponsor: Health Care & Environment Health Association (HCEHA)
Project Manager : Mr. Bassel Hayek

Project team members : seven members

Project Milestones:

Approval of Project Planning: 31 July 2015

Approval of Toilet Facilities: 5 December 2015
Approval of the Project: 1 February 2016
This will be changed after setting the Gantt chart

Project Budget:

Recurring costs:
-Salary of the workers (Engineers, Accountants, Architectures, and construction workers)
-Expenditure on inspection and supervision (Project Team members)
-Cost of construction materials
-Cost of toilet accessories and pipes
-Cost of ventilation and electricity systems

Non-Recurring costs:
-Repair or replace worn down or broken equipments
-Gains or losses as a result of a lawsuit
-Employee-separation costs
-Write offs such as design, development and investment costs

Constraints, Assumptions, Risks and Dependencies

-Improper water supply by the government
-Improper sewage supplies by the government
-Poor communication between the stakeholders
-Cultural or social constraints

-Funding provided by the NGO HCEHA
-Availability of an empty space in the camp for building
-Acceptance and welcome of the idea by the camp refugees

-Political conflicts which may delay the processes of the project
-Bad climate for several days restricting the progress of the project
- Good weather for extra working time.
-Workers withdrawing from the project.
- Incident injuries in workers.

Make sure that the sewage, water, electricity, and ventilation systems are working
effectively and efficiently before delivering the project to HCEHA to take charge over
controlling the maintenance of the toilet blocks.

2. Stakeholder identification:

Key stakeholders : are involved internally and directly in the project, having high
interest and authority, includes:
-Project manager : Mr. Bassel Hayek, the person in charge of achieving the project’s
objectives, and must be able to understand all details, but manage with an overall project

-Sponsor: the NGO HAEHA, will provide the financial resources. It is an important decision
maker in the project and plays a significant role.
-Project management team : consist of seven specialized members having more than five
years experience in the field of project implementation. They are responsible for tasks and
producing deliverables as outlined in the project plan and directed by the project manager.

-Dbayeh camp refugees, since they are positively affected by the toilet construction project.
They have a high interest since they will gain a safe and healthy sewage systems aiming to
increase their health status.
- Workers that the company has a contract with them to construct the toilet blocks, for
example, construction workers, engineers, and architectural.
-Sellers/ business partners are externally and positively affected by this project. Sellers will
provide the needed materials and tools for construction (construction materials, pipes, toilet
cabinets, toilet accessorize...), and the business partners will provide specialized expertise
(engineers, architectural, accountants and construction workers).

Other stakeholders :
The Lebanese citizens would indirectly be influenced by the toilet construction project in
Dbayeh camp, since the refugees will have their right to gain a proper hygienic system
trying to increase their awareness to the importance of having a healthy life. This would
decrease the possibility of having diseases and spreading out of the camp reaching the
Lebanese society.

Planning Process Group

Project Management Plan

Project management plan provide a baseline of what should be achieved by the project, how
to be achieved, who will be involved, how it will be reported and measured and how
information will be communicated.
It includes the following

- Scope Management Plan (Refer to scope management plan)
- Time Management Plan (Refer to time management plan)
- Cost Management Plan (Refer to cost management plan)
- Human Resource Management Plan (Refer to human resource management plan)
- Communication Management Plan (Refer to communication management plan)
- Risk Management Plan (Refer to risk management plan)
- Procurement Management Plan (Refer to procurement management plan)
- Stakeholder Management Plan (Refer to stakeholder management plan)

I. Project Scope Management

Project scope management is done in the planning process group which defines and controls
what is and what is not included in the project, which means only the work required to
complete the project. It contains six processes, plan scope management, collect
requirements, define scope, create WBS, validate scope and control scope.

The first process is plan scope management which provides guidance and direction on how
scope will be managed throughout the project. The inputs of this process is the project
management plan, project charter, the enterprise environmental factors including the
infrastructure and culture of Dbayeh Camp, the government regulations, and the
organizational culture, and the organizational process assets includes policies and
procedures that affect the project processes. For the plan scope management to be efficient
and effective, opinions and judgments from expert personnel should be considered for
improvements or changes that must be done on the scope management plan. Also meetings
can be done between the project team and stakeholders to know what they expect or if there
is a specific request from them. After that, scope management plan and requirements
management plan are released.

A- Scope Management Plan:

1- Project Overview

The NGO, Health Care & Environment Health Association (HCEHA), have asked our company
“Make it Real”, to hold the responsibility of achieving a Toilet Construction project in Dbayeh
Camp. This project was proposed to enhance the hygiene of the refugees and thus their overall
health status, since these are no proper sewage system and private toilets in this camp. The time
given to complete the project is eight months starting from 1 June 2015 to 1 February 2016.
2- Project Objectives

2.1- Business Objectives:

The project is initiated in Dbayeh Camp because of the need for proper sewage system after
investigation, thus to increase the level of hygiene between the refugees and decrease the
incidence of diseases and illnesses.
HCEHA as a sponsor for this project insisted on its importance not only for the refugees, but
also for the surrounding Lebanese societies, to eliminate any source of diseases that might
spread outside the camp.
And since an approval is taken from the Lebanese government and UNRWA, it is highly
possible for this project to be successful. However, missing this opportunity or not meeting
the business goals would lead to future serious problems related to health, economic, social,
and psychological problems for the refugees as well as the surrounding Lebanese societies.

2.2- Solution Description:

The solution for the Refugee Camp is to construct high quality toilet cabinets connected to
well bond sewage and water pipes. The goals of this solution are as mentioned before:
reduce the spread of diseases between the refugees to 40% by 2017, and increase the level
of hygiene to 60% by 2018.

2.3- Deliverables:
- Project Management
- Engineering and architectural report
- Digging the empty areas
- Connecting sewage and water pipes

- Constructing the toilet block
- Connecting electricity and ventilation system
- Completed product (building)
- Evaluating the product
- Closing the project

3- Project Description:

3.1- Project Scope:

In scope: -Planning for the toilet construction project

- Digging the land and connecting sewage and water pipes
-Constructing toilet block with six cabinets
-Placing electric and ventilation systems
-Testing and evaluating the project

Out of scope: The sponsor which is the NGO HCEHA will be responsible for monitoring
and controlling the hygiene and clearness of the toilet block.

3.2- Functional Requirements:

It is required to have an effective sewage and water systems connected to the toilet cabinets
to solve the problem of poor hygiene and sanitation.

3.3- Technical Requirements:

The sewage and water system pipes must be of high qualities that prevent any leakage in the
future, and they must be well connected to the source of the government establishments
where the sewage will be disposed in an efficient way. Also the ventilation system must be
checked if it’s working effectively before handling on the project.

3.4- Constraints: Refer to the Project Charter

3.5- Dependencies: Refer to the Project Charter

3.6- Assumptions : Refer to the Project Charter

3.7- Risks: Refer to the Project Charter

3.8- Critical Success Factors:
Achieving the project in the quality, time, and cost required to finish the project. Also
meeting the objectives of the project is also considered as critical success factors. Moreover,
the refugees of Dbayeh camp must be satisfied with the project to consider it successful.

4- Project Approach:
The toilet construction project is a one phase project. It depends on staffing engineer,
architecture, and construction workers from outside our company as external resources for
the responsibility of constructing the toilet block. This block will be constructed by very
high quality infrastructures and materials, bought from the supplier that the NGO has a
contact with him. When the project finishes, HCEHA will hold the responsibility of
maintaining and controlling the hygiene and cleanness of the cabinets. $1,000 will be
charged daily if the project exceeds the deadline given to finish it.

5- Project Controls:

5.1- Communication Management:

During the processes of the project, the project team members will send emails to the key
stakeholders informing them about the project. The stakeholders will also meet every two
weeks to review the processes and check if any update or change must be done. In the case
of an urgent matter, all the stakeholders involved in this project will be asked for a meeting
where solutions can be taken if any problem occurred.

6- Project Estimates:
6.1- Schedule Estimation:

Project Milestones Target Completion Date

1. Approval of Project Planning June/31/2015

2. Approval of Toilet Facilities Dec/05/2015

3. Approval of the Project Feb/01/2016

6.2- Estimated Resources:

Required Resources Duration Quantity


1. Project Manager 170 1

6.3- 2. Project Team Management 170 7

3. Engineer 144 2

4. Architectural 170 1

5. Construction Workers 124 10

6. Supplier 124 2

Total 34

Estimated Project Cost:

Expense Type Expected Expense
Internal labor $5,000

External labor $10,000

Construction $30,000

Toilet buildings $20,000

+ pipes

Ventilation and $10,000


B- Requirements Management Plan

- This plan contains Requirements Management Approach which is broken down into
four areas: requirements identification, requirements analysis, requirements documentation,
and ongoing requirements management.

1- Requirement Identification:

The “Make it Real” project team will conduct various interviews with the different stakeholders
involved in the project, as well as meetings, questionnaires and surveys to collect requirements
and thoughts. This will help the team members know exactly what the stakeholders are looking
for and perform according to that.

2- Requirement Analysis:

After the project team have collected all the requirements, they will analyze and categories them.
This analysis will determine where in the WBS the requirements will fall or what work activities
correspond to particular requirements

3- Requirement Documentation:

After the analysis, the requirements will be documented and added to the project plan and project
requirements checklist which must be completed before formal project closure is accepted by the
project sponsor.

4- Ongoing Requirements Management:

The project manager will ensure all team members are reporting requirement status and raising
any issues or concerns with their assigned requirements as appropriate throughout the project
lifecycle. It also includes receiving approval of all requirements by all vested parties as part of
project closure.

It also includes Configuration Management which is divided to Documentation and Version

Control and Change Control.

1- Documentation and Version Control:

All project documentation will be loaded into the Configuration Management Database (CMDB)
as the central storage area for the company projects.
Any proposed changes to project requirements must be reviewed by the Configuration Control
Board (CCB) especially the Change Control person in the company, and have written approval
by the project sponsor before any documentation changes are made.

2- Change Control:

If any changes are considered to be important for the project, they must be well reviewed since
they affect the project scope, time, and / or cost, especially by the control department.

This plan also contains Requirements Prioritization Process which states that the project
manager will facilitate stakeholder meetings in order to establish priorities for all project
requirements. A three-level scale will be used in order to prioritize requirements. The chart
below illustrates these levels and defines how requirements will be grouped:

Priority Level Definition

These requirements are mission critical. They are required for project/product
success or for progression to next project phase
These requirements support product/process operations but can be completed
under the next product release
These requirements are quality and/or functional enhancements and are not
desirable if time and resources permit

In addition, it includes Product Metrics which states the cost, quality, and performance
requirements as outlined in the project charter.

Cost: The cost for the six cabinets in the toilet block must not exceed $20,000. This price
includes the cost of the sewage and water pipes, the tiles, and toilet seats. The rest of the budget
is divided on the construction materials, salaries of the workers, and other accessories.

Quality: All the construction and toilet accessories are of high quality, purchased from the two
contracted suppliers.

Performance: Since all the materials bought are of high quality, the performance should be good
in terms of preventing future problems like leakage or breakdown of the ventilation system.

Finally, Requirement Traceability Matrix is the last section in the Requirements Management
Plan. It ensures that all product requirements are completed in accordance with the project
Req. # 1: Construct a toilet block
Req. # 2: Construct six toilet cabinets in the toilet block
Req. # 3: Connect sewage and water pipes
Req. # 4: Place ventilation system

The second process is Defining Scope, where detailed description of the project is developed.
The project team will use requirements documentation, scope management plan, project charter,
and organizational process assets to define scope. Expert judgment is used as a tool to analyze
the information needed to develop it. Also, Product Analysis can be used as an important tool
since it includes techniques such as: product breakdown, systems analysis, requirements analysis,
value engineering, system engineering, and value analysis. Project Scope Statement and
Project Documents Updates are the results of this process

A- Project Scope Statement:

Project Objective

To construct a high-quality Toilet block in Dbayeh camp within eight months at cost not to
exceed $80,000.

- Project Management
- Engineering and architectural report
- Digging the empty areas
- Connecting sewage and water pipes
- Constructing the toilet block
- Connecting electricity and ventilation system
- Completed product (building)
- Evaluating the product
- Closing the project

Project Milestones :
Approval of Project Planning: 31 July 2015
Approval of Toilet Facilities: 5 December 2015
Approval of the Project: 1 February 2016

Technical Requirements

High quality sewage pipes

High quality water pipes
The toilet block must contains six cabinets
High quality ventilation system

Limits and Exclusions

1. The toilet block will be built to the specifications and design as the engineers and
architecture suggest.
3. Site work limited to Monday to Friday, from 8:00 A.M. to 12:00 P.M and 1:00 to 5:00 pm
2. The NGO HCEHA is responsible for toilet block.

B- Project Documents Updates:
During the planning process of the project, some updates might be done due to different
reasons. These updates may occur in the requirements documentation, stakeholder
registration or any other area in the project.

The third process is creating a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) for the project. This
will be done by the help of the project scope statement, scope management plan,
requirements documentation, enterprise environmental factors, and organizational process
assets. A decomposition technique is used to divide and subdivide the project scope and
project deliverables into smaller, more manageable parts.


1- Project 3- Build up 4- Facilities 5- Test and

Management 2- Reports

2.1.Engineeri 3.1-Digging the 4.1-Electric 5.1.Operatio

1.1-Plan for system nal test
the project ng Report land

2.2.Architectur 3.2-Connecting 4.2-Ventilation

1.2- Supporting system
al Report sewage and nal test
PM Activities
water pipes
the block
The outputs for this process are
the Scope baseline which includes the approved version of the Scope statement, the WBS
and the WBS dictionary, and the Project Documents Updates.

II. Project Time Management

Project time management includes the processes necessary to administer the timely
achievement of the project. It consist of six processes

1- Plan Schedule Management:

This process is used to establish the policies, procedures, and documentation in order to
plan, develop, manage, execute, and control the project schedule. To do that, the project
team must use the information in the project management plan, project charter, enterprise
environmental factors, and organizational process assets. This will be also in coordination
with the expert judgments acquired to know historical information from previous similar
projects. And in order to issue a Schedule Management Plan, a Gantt chart will be created
upon the activities required to make the project a success.

Schedule Management Plan

1- Schedule Management Approach

- Activity Identification: the activities are identified based on the project aim and
goals. The project team members will put a list of activities that must be achieved to
consider the project a success.

- Sequencing: the activities will be sequenced as follows: planning for the project by
the team members and stakeholders will be in sequence with writing reports by the
engineering and architecture. Also, purchasing the construction materials and pipes
will occur as long as the construction is taking place.

- Resource Estimating: the resources are estimated by the budget that is given to finish
the project with. Upon this budget, the resources will be purchased in a way they

don’t exceed the limit required. Also the number of human resources depends on the
salaries that will be given to each person based on the budget of the project.
- Duration Estimated: the duration of the activities are estimated based on the deadline
given to finish la project. The project team will analyze each activity and put a
specific duration for it.

2- Monitoring and Controlling:

- Schedule Updates: In case any change must be done in any area of the project, the
schedule will surely be affected. This will lead to schedule update to mitigate the
effects that a change might cause.
- Schedule Change: For a change to occur, a change request must be launched by the
ordered person. This will be sent to the Configuration Control Board (CCB) and a
change person in the company. They will study and analyze the change and approve
it. After that, the project team will make the necessary updates on the documents to
implement the change.
- Reporting: Reporting must be done by each level of person involved directly to the
project. For example, engineers must report to the project team every step the
construction workers are performing and finished performing it. This will ensure that
the project is on the right track, and to prevent future problems.
- Delay: If the project is divided two three parts we will get the following: Planning for
the project, constructing the toilet blocks, and closing the project. A delay of 10 days
is accepted for planning, 5 days for constructing, and 1 day closing.

2- Define Activities

This process is used to identify and document the specific actions through breaking down
work packages into activities. The inputs used in this process are schedule management
plan, scope baseline, EEF and OPS. A decomposition tool will be used to decompose each
work package within the WBS into activities that produce that work package. The outputs
will be Activity list, Activity Attributes, and Milestones list.

Activity List
Project: Toilet Construction

Activity Activity Name Description of Work Responsibility

ID No.
101 Planning for the This activity consists of planning Project manager,

project for the project through issuing project team, sponsor

management plans for different and other key

knowledge areas stakeholders

102 Complete This activity consist of a report The two engineers

Engineering report that contains all the information

needed for constructing the toilet

blocks like the area and height for

constructing the toilet block

103 Complete This activity involves a report in The architecture

Architectural report what design the toilet must be

104 Complete building This activity consist of digging The ten construction

up the facilities the land, connecting sewage and workers

water pipes, constructing the

block, connect electricity and

ventilation system
105 Test and evaluation This activity consist of Project Management

operational, functional and other team and sponsor

Activity Attributes
This is an extended description for the activities through identifying multiple components
associated with the activity. For example, the resources and skills sets required for this
activity, predecessor activities, successor activities, imposed dates, assumptions and so on.

Milestone List
Project: Toilet Construction Date:
Milestone Milestone Mandatory/Optiona Completio Verification

No. l n Date
001 Approval of the Mandatory 31/7/2015

002 Approval of the Mandatory 5/12/2015

toilet facilities
003 Approval of the Mandatory 1/2/2016


3. Sequence Activities

The third process is used where the relationship between the project activities is identified.
Several inputs are used like schedule management plan, project scope statement, EEF, and
OPA. The used tool for this process is called Precedence Diagramming Method (PDM). The
activities are presented graphically by nodes using PDM, where a Project Schedule
Network Diagram is the result of this tool.

This is a sample of a Project Schedule Network Diagram for the Toilet Construction Project.
It starts with Project Management and finished with testing and evaluation.

10 10

Engineering Ventilation

Report system

Planning for
Digging the Connecting Constructi Test and
Project the project 23
land pipes ng block Evaluate
40 7 57 46


10 10


4. Estimate Activity Resources

The forth process is the Estimate Activity Resources where materials, equipments, and
workers are estimated for the activities of the project. The project team members use
resource calendars that includes when and how long identified project resources will be
available during the project. A bottom- up estimating method is used in order for the
resources needed be estimated for the lower-level components of the WBS. And thus, the
resource for the whole activity is estimated. As a result, Activity Resource Requirements
and Resource Breakdown Structure are issued.

Resource Breakdown Structure

Resource Categories and Types Quantity

Project Manager 1
Project team members 7
Engineers 2
Architecture 1
Construction Workers 10
Suppliers 2
Construction equipments 20
Bulldozers 4
Sewage pipes 6
Water pipes 10
Cement Bags 500
Building Stones 1,000
Courts 500
Electricity connections 8
Ventilation connections 8
Lamps 9 24
Ventilation hoods 8
Mirrors 4
Rubbish 8
5. Estimate Activity Durations
It is a process where work periods needed are estimated to complete activities with the
required resources. All the related inputs are used for instance, activity list, activity
attributes, resource breakdown structure and others. A Group Decision-Making technique
is used by gathering the involved workers in the project like the engineers, architecture and
construction workers to know more information from their perspective about the project and
they estimate to the different resources. This will also help the team project motivate the
workers to give the high quality result needed. This will lead to Activity Duration
Estimates which estimate a specific time required for an activity to be accomplished.

After all these processes, a Gantt chart is prepared using Microsoft Office Project to
demonstrate the schedule of the project’s activities with the start and finish date.

III. Project Cost Management

Project cost management includes all the processes required to manage the project’s budget
to not be exceeded. These processes are Planning Cost Management, Estimating Cost,
and Determining Budget.

1- Planning Cost Management

This process is used to provide guidance for the project team members and stakeholders on
how the project cost will be managed through planning, managing, expending, and
controlling project costs. These will be done by revising the project management plan,
project charter, and considering the EEF and OPS of the organization. The project team can
ask for help from experts that they might have worked on a same project before, and
meetings can be also done between the different stakeholders to manage the budget of the
project. The result of these meetings will be a Cost Management Plan which will provide
direction on how costs will be planned, structured and controlled.

Cost Management Plan

-Cost Management Approach
The project team members will meet with the different stakeholders, identify the different
costs for the whole project, and put a list of them. Two of the team members will hold the
financial responsibility. They will revise the policies and procedures of expending the
budget in coordination with the project manager, put a plan throughout the project life cycle
for managing the costs, and monitoring and controlling these costs to not exceed the limits

-Estimate Cost
The financial team members will revise the project activities and the ordered costs by the
stakeholders. They will study each activity and put assumptions on the cost that will result
from it. They will make estimations based on expert judgments and meeting in a way not to
exceed the budget. These estimations must be approximately 60% accurate since the team
members know how much each component in the project costs. For example, the suppliers

have provided them with the accurate costs of the ordered construction materials and
accessories. The unit used for estimation is American Dollars ($).

-Cost Baseline
Each activity in the work breakdown structure has an estimated cost as follows:

WBS NO. Direct Cost ($)

1.1 2,500
1.2 2,500
2.1 2,000
2.2 2,000
3.1 11,000
3.2 10,000
3.3 24,000
4.1 7,000
4.2 8,000
5.1 1,000
5.2 3,000
5.3 2000

Control accounts are used by the financial members to summarize accounts receivable and
accounts payable.
In the company, a management reserve is always found for any project to make sure the
budget of the project is well invested in the activities related to the project rather than taking
part of it as management reserve.
As for the Contingency reserve, 6.9% ($5,500) is considered to be a part from the budget for
reserve, if any unexpected risk occurred.
The funds ($80,000) are provided by the NGO (HCEHA). However, if any additional funds
are needed during the execution of the project, UNRWA donated to give the needed money.

-Cost Control
An Earned Value Management (EVM) will be used as a tool to control cost over the project
lifetime. EMV monitors different components in the project like the planned value (PV),
Earned Value (EV), Actual Cost (AC), Schedule and Cost Variance, the Schedule

Performance Index, and the Cost Performance Index. After that approaches will be used to
forecast the estimated to complete (ETC) which will give an early warning signal if the
Estimated at Completion (EAC) forecasts are not within acceptable tolerance. Finally to-
complete performance index (TCPI) is used to measure the cost performance that is required
to be achieved with the remaining resources to meet the goal.
If the cost variance is outside the threshold, an additional funds will be needed which will
be provided by UNRWA.

-Cost Reporting
Cost reporting will be performed after each completed activity in the WBS. These reports
permit the project team members, responsible for financial issues, to detect any variances in
the cost performance, and to solve the problem before starting a new activity.

-Change Control
If any change need to occur due to detected variances in the project cost, the financial team
members need to issue a change request and send it to the Configuration Control Board to
review and accept it. This will make the project team members change the scope, time, or
cost baseline to be in compliance with the occurred change.

2-Estimate Costs
The second process is cost estimation which determines the amount of cost required to
complete project work. The team members will use the needed inputs like cost management
plan, HR management plan, risk register, and scope baseline. As a technique, they will use a
Parametric Estimating one which uses statistical relationship between relevant historical
data and other variables (area of construction) to calculate a cost estimate for project work.
As a result Activity Cost Estimate will be released.

Activity Cost Estimate

WBS NO. Resource Direct Cost ($) Method

1.1 Internal labors 2,500 Parametric
1.2 Internal labors 2,500 Parametric

2.1 External engineers, 2,000 Parametric
2.2 External 2,000 Parametric
3.1 Bulldozers, 11,000 Parametric
construction workers
3.2 Pipes, construction 10,000 Parametric
3.3 Cement bags, 24,000 Parametric
building stones,
construction workers
and other equipments
4.1 Electric wires and 7,000 Parametric
4.2 Ventilation wires and 8,000 Parametric
5.1 Special equipment 1,000 Parametric
5.2 Special equipment 3,000 Parametric
5.3 Special equipment 2,000 Parametric

3- Determine Budget
This process is used to determine the cost baseline in order to monitor and control project
performance. Many inputs are used by the team members, for example, activity cost
estimates, basis of estimates, resource calendar and activity attributes. They will use a
historical relationship technique that results in parametric estimates to develop a cost
Cost Baseline : Refer to Cost Management Plan (Cost Baseline)

IV. Project HR Management

Project HR Management includes the necessary processes that organize, manage, and lead
the project team. On the top of these processes there is the Plan HR management.

Plan HR Management
It is a process that identifies and documents the role, responsibilities, and required skills for
each person involved in the project. The manager and two members from the project team
will use project management plan, activity resource requirements, EFF, and OPS as outputs.
They will also use a Text-Oriented Format to specify the role, responsibilities and authority
for each person in the project. As a result, HR Management Plan will be issued by the
project manager and the two members containing the roles and responsibilities, and staffing
management plan for the stakeholders of the project.

HR Management Plan
Roles Responsibilities Authority When How long
Project team Plan, manage, The right to From the
members execute and issue a change beginning of the
control the request, sign on project 245
project documents and initiation
activities monitor the
work in field
Financial team Plan, manage The right to From the
members and control the monitor beginning of the
project costs activities and project 245
issue a change initiation
Configuration Receive change The right to From the
control board requests and accept or refuse beginning of the
analyze them the change project planning 245
requests process
Sponsor Provide the Attending From the
(HCEHA) financial meetings, beginning of the
resources and signing project
monitor the documents and 245

toilet building approving or
after project refusing
completion changes
Suppliers Supply the The right to From the
project with the attend meeting beginning of the
needed when planning planning 240
materials and for resources process
Engineers Put an Accept or From the
engineering refuse changes beginning of the
plan and in building planning 190
oversight the resources process
Architectural Put an Accept or From the
architectural refuse changes beginning of the
plan and in resources and planning 240
oversight the materials used process
building process
Construction Construct the The right to ask From the
workers toilet building for changes in beginning of the
with six schedule planning 190
cabinets process

V. Project Communication Management

Project Communication Management includes the processes needed to ensure an effective
and efficient disposition of project information between the project manager, team members,
and other project stakeholders. To do so, Plan Communication Management should occur to
develop an appropriate approach and plan for project communication. Project management
plan, stakeholder register, EEF, and OPS will be the inputs of this process.

First of all, the project manager should perform a communication requirements analysis to
determine the information needs of the project stakeholders. Second, he should consider the

number of potential communication channels or path which is the following: number of
stakeholders is n=43, 43 (43-1)/2 = 903 potential communication channels. Since the
number of the channels is large, technological tools should be considered to be the
technique for communication since the message can be sent to large number of people in
just one second. This is considered to be a push communication since the project manager
will be sending emails or voice mails to the stakeholders. An interactive communication can
also occur if the manager invited the stakeholders to a meeting.

As a result, a Communication Management Plan will be issued containing all the

information needed to deliver the messages needed from the project manager to the
stakeholders. And also, it contains the language, format, content and level of details of the
information sent.

VI. Project Procurement Management

Project procurement management includes the processes needed to purchase or acquire
products, services or results from outside the project team. Documenting project
procurement decisions, specifying the approach, and identifying potential sellers are
performed in the Plan Procurement Management process. The project team uses the
requirements documentation, activity resource requirements, schedule and activity cost
estimates to determine the requirements of the project. The organization has previously done
firm fixed price contracts with multiple suppliers which will use in this project. The three
suppliers that will supply the project are: one that provides expert workers like the engineers
and architectural, one that provides construction equipments and materials like cement bags
and stones, and one that provides accessories like toilet cabinets, mirrors, and lights. All this
is planned in the Procurement Management Plan by the project team members.

VII. Project Stakeholders Management

Project stakeholder management includes the processes required to identify the people that

could impact or be impacted by the project, analyzed their expectations and their impact,

and develop appropriate management strategies to engage them in the project. Plan

Stokehold Management is the first step after identifying the stakeholders.

Plan Stakeholder Management

It is the process used to engage stakeholders throughout the project life cycle after
identifying their needs interests and their potential impact on project success. Project
Management Plan, Stakeholder Register, EEF, and OPA are used as inputs for this process.
An analytical technique is used to classify the engagement level of the stakeholders
throughout the project.
As a result, Stakeholder Management Plan will be issued from this process which
identifies the management strategies required to effectively engage stakeholders. Refer to
Scope Management plan (Project estimates- Estimated resources) and Project Charter
(Stakeholder Identification).

VIII. Project Quality Management

It includes the processes that determine the quality policies, objectives and responsibilities
for the project to meet the needs and the goal. Plan Quality Management is the process in
which quality requirements are being indentified. The project team picked the check sheet
tool to be used to track any error throughout the project to ensure its high quality.

IX. Project Risk Management

It includes the processes that conduct risk management planning, identify risk, analyze risk,
put a response plan and control the risk.
1- The first Process is Plan Risk Management which is used to define how to
conduct risk management activities for the project. The project team uses Project
management plan, project charter, EEF and OPA as inputs. The used tool will be the
Analytical Technique in order to define the overall risk management context of the
project. Also, meetings will be done with the stakeholders to identify and understand
the risks that might occur. A Risk Management Plan will be issued containing how
risk management activities will be structured and performed.

2- The second process is Identify Risk which is process that identifies the risks that
may occur throughout the project. This is done by the use of HR management plan,
scope baseline, activity cost estimates, activity duration estimates and project
documents. The project team will use brainstorming technique to identify the risks
with the help of the stakeholders. A risk register will be released which will show the
results of the meeting and brainstorming done.
List of risks:
a) Political conflicts which may delay the processes of the project. The response
for this risk is to accept it since nothing can be done if it occurred.
b) Bad climate for several days restricting the progress of the project. The
response for this risk is to mitigate through building a shelter when the winter
season starts to prevent work restriction when raining.
c) Good weather is an opportunity which may be exploited through making deals
with the construction workers to work extra time in these days.
d) Workers withdrawing from the project which may be a burden on the project
team to solve this problem because many changes might occur like scope,
cost, and schedule. The response for this risk is to avoid it from the beginning
through recruiting enough workers so that if any one left, the project will not
be affected.
e) Incident injuries in workers which may increase the expenses of the project.
The response of this risk would be transferring the effect to an insurance
company which will hold the responsibility of the costs of injuries.

3- The third process is Perform Qualitative Risk Analysis which is used to

prioritize the risks by assessing and combining their probability of occurrence and
impacts. The project team may use scope baseline, risk register, EEF and OPA as
inputs. Risk Probability and Impact Assessment is used as a tool to investigate the
likelihood that each risk will occur and its impact on the project. A risk register
update will be issued since new information on the risk will be indentified after this

4- The forth process is Perform Quantitative Risk Analysis which is used to
analyze the effect of the risk numerically. Cost management plan, schedule
management plan, and risk management plan are being used as inputs. An interview
technique will be used to quantify the probability and impact of risks on project
objectives through historical data. The output will be updates in the risk register.

5- The fifth process is Plan Risk Response which is used to develop options and
actions to benefit from the opportunities and decrease threats. Risk management plan
and risk register are used as inputs. As for the responses, refer to the “List of risks”
in the second process (Identify risk). In addition, a contingent response strategy is
being used to identify the contingency reserve that must be taken because of the

Risk Probability Impact Ex$V

A 30% -$4,000 -$1200
B 80% -$5,000 -$4,000
C 75% $4,000 $3,000
D 60% -$4,000 -$2,400
E 20% -$3,000 -$900
Contingency Reserve Fund -$5,500

Finally, Project Management Plan Update and Project Documents Update will be the
result of this process.

Executing Process Group

After the process of planning is done by the project manager, project team members and the
different stakeholders involved in the project, and an approval from the sponsor has been
taken, the implementation of the project should begin. Every person knows previously the
task that he is assigned to perform, and orders for construction materials have been taken by
the suppliers, that the organization have contracts with them, to deliver them on the right
time. The work in Dbayeh camp should starts in October 8 as the assigned schedule. The
first step is to dig the area for construction in the required depth and width highlighted in
the engineering report. This requires bulldozers and other equipments that the construction
workers need. Meanwhile sewage and water pipes will be connected in a specialized way.
After completion, the construction of the building may begin. These all are happening under

the supervision of the engineers, architectural, project manager, and project team members.
Finally, electricity and ventilation systems will be connected within the building.

But first, the project team, especially the construction workers, should confirm their
availability to complete the project activities. After that, this team must be developed in a
way that training sessions with the project team members can be undertaken to teach them
the objectives of this project. Also a team building activity might be taken into
consideration. Finally, the project team must be managed through observation and
conversation, performance appraisals, and enhancing the interpersonal skills.

Here is an example of resource cost overview of the project after assigning for each person
the activity and the cost per hour.

Also there was no over allocated resources detected when assigning the activity for each

In order to ensure that adequate information is being received to all the stakeholders, letters
will be sent via electronic emails and through a formal handed letter to the office, company
or their home. Also a feedback from stakeholders is being issued to learn for future projects
from problems or issue that they went through.

Each step taken during execution is being reported by the engineers and project team
members. Also, they are using the quality check sheet to detect if any problem occurs at an
early stage, and to ensure the ongoing process of quality management.
The project has faced the following risks: bad weather for couple of days during the winter
season, injuries within the construction workers, and good weather for couple of months.
The following Gantt chart is after the allocation of the human resources on each activity.

Monitoring and Controlling Process Group

Throughout the execution process, the team members and the different stakeholders will be
monitoring and controlling the project activities. They will also perform integrated change
control in the needed areas. The team members will validate scope through formalizing
acceptance on the performed deliverables. This is done through inspection and measuring
whether the work meets the requirements or not. If any difference was determined, the cause
of variance will be detected using variance analysis in the control scope process.

Also, it is very important to monitor the status of the project and to see if it is behind
schedule or not. This process of controlling schedule is performed using the Gantt chart
prepared in the Schedule Management Plan which contains the duration of each activity, the
start date and the end date of the project. This chart can help through controlling the
schedule of the activities during execution.

Moreover, not only schedule is being monitored, cost is also being under supervision by the
financial members in the project team and the sponsor. This is done through using the
Earned Value Management tool, forecasting, and to- complete performance index. All these
are done to investigate whether the project is over budget or not, and to forecast the
upcoming steps in the project lifetime.

In addition, communication is also being controlled and monitored throughout the project to
ensure that information is in a permanent flow until the project is done.

Meanwhile, if any risk was to occur during the project implementation, the project team will
conduct the control risk process which if taking the risk responses that were identified in the
risk management plan.

Procurement is also under monitoring since the project team management needs to report to
the suppliers if there were any problems in the supplied equipments or resources.

Closing Process Group

After building the Toilet block, the project manager, sponsor, team member, and other
stakeholders tested the effectiveness and efficiency of the toilet cabinets and the ventilation
system. The goal of this project was achieved successfully in the quality, time and cost

The financial members should make sure that all costs are being paid and close the
procurement with the suppliers through giving them the required amount of money and
providing them with comments and suggestions for future projects.


Since the project achieved the initial goal which is building a toilet block with six cabinets
in a high quality, and in the required time and cost, it is considered to be successful. Also,
the sponsor and the refugee citizens will be satisfied by the resulted project since the money
were invested the right place for the right people.


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