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Approved by:GM/QM
Determination of pH Value
Standard methods for the examination of water and wastewater 23rd edition 4500H+B Electrometric Method

Sample type Tested by

CTLG-Q ref. Tested on
Sampled on Sampled by

Date of Time of Analysed

YES/NO Holding time
collection collection immediately

Condition of sample when received Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory Size of sample

Calibration Standard Lot # Expiry date Tolerence Value obtained CAL PASS/FAIL

Slope verification 95-105 %

Verification Standard Lot # Expiry date Value obtained
Plot in accuracy PASS/FAIL
control chart

3 point Calibration: Place the electrode in 1st buffer(4.00) the press CAL the meter reaches the calibration value .Rinse PH electrode then put into
another buffer (7.00) stir and wait ,press Button CAL ,Rinse PH electrode then put into another buffer stir (10.00) and wait ,press Button CAL. NOTE:
Press button READ to store the calibration and exit the offset and the slope are shown in the display for 3 seconds.


PARAMETER pH Value Temperature C TIPS

Place the electrode in the sample ,stir for 10 seconds ,and wait for 30-
SAMPLE (S) 60 seconds

Press button READ to start the pH measurement

When the meter reaches the proper value ,the pH walue with
the temperature isdisplayed on the screen
RPD (S -D ) X 100
Reapeat the same with the Duplicate sample and calculate
(S + D )/2

PASS/FAIL the RPD and check for accepatance criteria

Control charts

Verfication of Standard value :Result to be plotted in accuracy control chart

Relavtive percent difference (RPD):Result to be plotted in precision control chart.

Tested by : Reviewed by :

Equipment pH meter

Ref #.
C/V Date

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