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Concepts to learn
• Asset Pipeline
• Standard Assets and Assets Packages
• More Editors Features
• Project Organization
Lecture 3: Developing our first game – Roller • Physics

“Game Development is Hard Fun”

Concepts to learn Roller Madness

• User Interface Basics • We will learn the concepts by making a game in unity
• Trial Renderers • First of all download the assets from VLE
• Particle System • In our first project we didn’t included standard assets
▫ Import standard assets like character
• Animation
▫ Cross Platform Input
• Game Play Systems ▫ Prototyping
▫ Utility

• It will take some time as it makes the copy of the



Roller Madness Setting up the scene : Base Level

• Import the assets you downloaded • We will design the base level with the standard unity
▫ Unity package assets
▫ We make package of our assets to share with others ▫ Standard Assets - Prototyping – Prefabs -
• Import the sound assets you downloaded • Drag this in to your scene view
• Reset the Floor to origin
• Scale to (0.5, 1, 0.5)

Setting up the scene : Obstacles Setting up the scene : Obstacles

• We will design the obstacle with the standard unity • Now select the Bumper material and change its
assets texture through
▫ Standard Assets - Prototyping – Prefabs – ▫ Albedo map to SwatchTea
• Rename it to Bumper • Now apply the Material to the Bumper Object
• As you can see that the Bumper has navygrid
material attached • Position the Bumper to (-2, 1, 0)
▫ Duplicate the navy blue material and name it bumper


Prefabs Setting up the scene : Obstacles

• Unity has a Prefab asset type that allows you to store a • Create a prefab of the obstacle
GameObject object complete with components and
• Create a prefab of the floor as well
• Create the copies of obstacles and drop them to
• The prefab acts as a template from which you can create scene
new object instances in the scene ▫ Copy 1 will be on (7,1,0)
▫ Copy 2 will be on (2, 1,8)
• Any edits made to a prefab asset are immediately ▫ Copy 3 will be on ( 2, 1, -8)
reflected in all instances produced from it but you can
also override components and settings for each instance

Setting up the scene : Characters Camera Settings

• Select the Standard Assets and select Roller Ball • Align the camera with the view
• Go to the prefab and get the RollerBall Prefab • In the standard assets
• Set the RollerBall to (0,2,0) ▫ Select utility
• Save the Scene ▫ And select smoothfollow script
• Drag and drop it in to the inspector of main camera
▫ Select the target to follow
▫ And distance to 6
• Add the solid color to skybox
• Add background music to camera


Project Organization Physics

• Organize all your game objects in the folder • Two physics engines
▫ 3D Physics = PhysX Engine
• Most of the time its useful to create empty objects ▫ 2D Physics = Box2D Engine
to organize the game objects • RollerBall has a sphere collider attached
• Similarly, Bumper has a box collider attached
• Trigger allows us with extra options

Physics: Rigidbody Physics: Kinematic

• A Rigidbody is the main component that enables • Is Kinematic If enabled, the object will not be driven
physical behaviour for an object by the physics engine, and can only be manipulated
by its Transform
• With a Rigidbody attached, the object will
immediately respond to gravity • This is useful for moving platforms or if you want to
animate a Rigidbody that has a HingeJoint attached
• If one or more Collider components are also added
then the object will be moved by incoming collisions


Physics: Material Player Control and Appearances

• You would notice that RollerBall has a rubber • Lets tweak some player control settings
• You can attach material to Bumpers as well • In the ball script make
▫ Attach Bounce Material to Bumpers ▫ Jump Power to 0 and
▫ You can select it from the Box colliders ▫ Move Power to 100
• Now select the material that is applied to RollerBall
and Duplicate that
▫ I want my own setting for that material (00ffeaff)
▫ Apply the material to the RollerBall

Player Control and Appearances Health and Damage

• Select RollerBall and • Add script to RollerBall – Health
▫ Add Effects and Trail Renderer ▫ That is used to track health in game
• Create new material for trail ▫ Tweak the options for on lives gone to : load level
▫ Change Shader from Standard to Particle –Alpha  Make sure to change it to default if you include game
Blended manager
▫ Select color to white ▫ Specify the name of level for example Level 1
• Apply material to RollerBall Trail effect
• Some other settings
▫ Time =2 Start Width = 0.8 End Width = 0 and Colors
to 00ffeaff ( make them a little transparent)


Health and Damage Health and Damage

• To detect damage we need something that Rollerball can • Now , select the
hit ▫ Damage script and apply it to deathzone
▫ So we duplicate the floor and rename it to death zone
▫ Make a Prefab of death zone
▫ Make the box collider of damage script to is trigger
▫ Death zone position (0, -2, 0 )
▫ Scale should be (2, 1 ,2 )
• Also create a new material for deathzone
▫ Select the material of deathzone i.e. Navygrid
▫ Duplicate it and name it deathgrid
▫ Apply it to deathzone
▫ Change color to make it more visible

Pickups Pickups
• Go to prototyping standard assets • Now we can add some points for coin
▫ Select models – PickupPrototyping 01 *01 * 01 ▫ Add Treasure script
▫ Drag it to scene and name it coin • You can see that Rollerball has a Tag of Player
▫ Position (0,1,0) scale (.4,.4,.4) ▫ A Tag is a word which you link to one or more GameObjects.
▫ Change material to something like yellow (Note : you
can make new material ) • Lets make a new tag (pickup) and attached this tag to
▫ Add a new component from physics- Sphere collider coin
▫ Make it a rigid body (is kinematic with no gravity) • Make coin a prefab as we want multiple copies of it
▫ Add from scripts the Rotate script • Through some coins in the scene
 Speed (180)


UI Basics UI Basics
• Under the hierarchy select UI – Text • For the game over Under the hierarchy select UI –
• In Canvas Scalar Script attached (Canvas) Text
▫ Make it scale with Screen Size • In Canvas Scalar Script attached (Canvas)
• Now select the text as we want it at the top Press F and ▫ Make it scale with Screen Size
also go in to 2D mode • Copy values from the Score text to GameOver Text
• From the Anchor Presets Select Top ▫ It should be in the middle
• From the Text you can write text and can change fonts ▫ Font should be 100 (a little big)
• From the Paragraph ▫ Set it in middle
▫ Select overflow from both Horizontal and Vertical
▫ Select font color to EEFFFB9B

UI Basics Game Manager

• We also need a button for play again
• For the game over Under the hierarchy select UI – • It controls the states of game
Button • Three states Playing, Death, Game Over
▫ But it a little below score • Create an empty game object : Game Manager
▫ Change the color of the button to EEFFFB9B (origin)
• Copy values from the Score text to Button’s child Text • Add script and game manager
▫ Text should be Play Again ▫ Add player RollerBall
• Add Script UI Button Level Load ▫ Can bear level unchecked
▫ Level to load should be level 1 ▫ Select Main Canvas as your Main UI
▫ Go to button again and On Click option add plus ▫ Attach text where needed . Map them from Uis
 Drag the button text there
 From no function select the script added and select load level
▫ Add appropriate audio


Enemies Enemies
• Create a new 3D object cube and place it to origin (0,1,0) • We need to add a script Damage
• Create a new material for the enemy name it enemy ▫ Select damage on collision
material • Add script of Health therefore it also dies
▫ Change it to orange albedo • Make enemy a prefab
▫ Apply it to enemy object
▫ Add two more enemies
• Add Script Chaser
▫ select speed to 4 and distance 0 and target RollerBall
• Make it away from the player
• Make it rigid body
• Box Collider physical material should be bouncy

Particle System Particle System

• Create a new particular system from hierarchy • Add audio source to your particle
▫ Name it explode particles
• Tweak with some properties ▫ Explosion audio
▫ Start Lifetime 1 • Add script timeobject detructor
▫ Gravity 0.5 • Make Particle a Prefab
▫ Emission
 Rate =0 • Delete the game object
 Burst =20 particles • Go to RollerBall game object and in Health click
• Shape property to Hamisphere
explosion prefab attached the particle system
• Size of lifetime checked
• Change Renderer to Mesh and RollerBal
• Change Material to RollerBall


Particle System Particle System

• Duplicate the particle system and name it coin • Duplicate the particle system and name it enemy
particle system particle system
▫ Start size= .2 ▫ Start size= .2
▫ Particles = 10
▫ Particles = 10
• Renderer select cube
• Renderer select coin
• Change Material to enemy
• Change Material to coin • Enemy explosion sound effect
• Coin explosion sound effect • In Enemy game object
• In Coin game object ▫ Damage script and Health attached the particle
▫ treasure script attached the particle system system


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