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From: The Office of Security Department,

St Stephen’s Kitara Church of Uganda,


To: The Vicar,

St Stephen’s Kitara Church of Uganda.

Thru: The Chief Security Advisor.

June 2nd 2020.

Dear Sir,


The above mentioned matter does refer. In your respective capacity Sir, allow our office to thank you
once again, for your tremendous and thoroughly continued support you have always accorded us and
mostly, during the pandemic Covid 19/ Coronavirous scaring moments where you have donated us with
finances, food and moral support.

It’s within the same support that we vehemently try to swing in swiftly whenever any bad occurrence
surfaces. It’s very unfortunate that our office has of late made a decision to reach out to you after clearly
identifying one of us involved in an unacceptable theft and threatening behavior.

A one called Mr Ochen Bonny has on several counts been found involved in the above captioned matter
and some of the acts he has involved himself in are as follows;

1. There is a Security Phone that got lost and as security department, it was up on our confines to
have our responsibity executed. Every staff distanced him/herself from it. Using his wisdom and
intelligence, the Head of Security Department had to act and directly went to Mr Ochen’s house
without his knowledge and indeed, the same phone was with him. He completely felt ashamed
and started talking in tongues. The phone was brought back to office.

2. One of the Canteen Ladies lost her Flask and it took about 2 months of search. With our
collaborated efforts, Mr Yorokamu Ruyumbu went to Mr Ochen’s house and still found the
Flask. At that very time, he found a had long been lost Radio belonging to our colleague, Mr
Nuwagaba Geoffrey. These two items were never retrieved up to today only that Mr Yorokamu
reported to us.
3. He is found of stealing money. An example is when Mr Nuwagaba Geoffrey had 240,000=
Shillings and Mr Ochen tried to pick pocket him physically and Ochen was asked why he wanted
to grab that money. He just laughed off. Indeed, as the night went on, Mr Geoffrey found his
same money missing from his pocket in the morning. It’s believed that Mr Ochen kept the whole
night on alert with intent to steal it. We then decided to use our Cameras and clearly saw Ochen
had severally moved to the small gate inside the security house where Mr Geoffrey was and
perhaps there was a time Geoffrey slept off and Ochen used that opportunity. We tasked Ochen
to vomit the lost money, all in vain.

4. Rev Annet’s Banana (Bogoya) that had been brought at the church gate premises was also stolen
by Mr Ochen. The said Banana has spent a night and in the morning, a certain Canteen Lady in
the Name of Bettty saw Ochen with a Kaveera picking from the Banana sack and went away.

5. One day, the night security staff decided to trap him by planning and agreeing to hide
somewhere and see whether Mr Ochen could do anything related to theft. When that was
done, he was openly, clearly and physically seen entering one of the Canteens and immediately
picked a bottle of Kituzi juice drink. They also swung into action and found him red handed,
asked him what he was doing and he never responded at all apart from rolling down his
shameful eyes.

6. We suspect him to have also stolen a Church Ladder and some broken chairs that were kept
near the Container for safety purposes. In his efforts to cover up the scenario, he was the first
person to alert us that these goods had gone missing. As our investigations continued,
information leaked that he had previously tried to convince Mr Yorokamu that they should sell
some of the Church items to pay themselves while claiming that his money was always chopped
off in the bank due to several loans on his neck meaning he was running broke and had to find
was of survival. He was always forcing the accountant to pay him cash at hand, something that
was illegal.

7. A Certain Church Mattress that was taken to his home by Mr Ordinand who heads Kalimajongs
has since been retained and stolen by this same Ochen. It’s believed that Mr Ordinard had been
helped to use that mattress for a few days and return it and instead, went to sleep at Mr
Ochen’s home instead of renting. When we, as security department tried to engage Mr
Ordinand to produce that mattress, he openly revealed as it was at Mr Ochen’s home and
wondered how and why it had up to then never been returned. To out dismay, Mr Ochen has up
to today ignorantly and stubbornly rejected our appeal.
8. We have also on several times lost things like a bag belonging to Alex, Jacket belonging to
Ronald, a certain kept Security Bulb /Light and others we may not have noticed and our clear
investigations show that he is the same culprit.

9. The Head of Security found him trying to drive a Church Car and when the Key was checked, it
had almost gotten broken. Fear engulfed and the Key was taken away from the car and kept for
safety reasons. Due to the fact that Mr Ochen’s current character is feared dangerous, he could
have even stolen that car. Surprisingly, in that very night, Ochen called the Head of Security
claiming to be with our Vicar and the car was wanted so he needed the Key. In the morning,
when the Vicar was contacted, he denied any knowledge of the same related to what Ochen
claimed. This is a dangerous act that isn’t forgivable.

10. He broke the Church Window screen, Detector Mirror and the Door. We wonder why he is the
same person involved in all acts we have highlighted.

11. He has of late resorted to threatening violence and there is complete fear that any time soon, he
could cause danger. An example is when he attacked the Church Accountant forcefully and
illegally demanding for an advance payment then with Tushabe Eunice, Mr Ochen physically and
verbally told her that he was going to kill her and disappear after Eunice had told him to stop his
bad stealing habits.

Therefore, we have united ourselves as the entire Security team and written to you for assistance in
order to have this man put to order by using powers conferred un to you. We believe that following the
magnitude at which Mr Ochen operates, he is an unwanted person at this Church and the only request is
that, he should, with immediate effect be dismissed forever.

This not being the first time we have informed you, where we have written and verbally alerted you, we
see him a great threat and as security department, we can’t withstand such obnoxious behavior occur
within our own structure. We are mandated to fully, operate and guarantee safety of this Church, its
properties including Members and for any of us to instead cause insecurity is a long red evil hand we
can’t associate with.

However, it’s within your own legally binding knowledge that you will, as management decide on what
to do. For we take him as a criminal and completely distance ourselves from him.
Thank you so much in advance;


1. Mr Tayebwa Stephen …………………………………………………………………………………… Head of Security.

2. Miss Owembabazi Ziporah……………………………………………………………………………… Secretary.
3. Miss Tukamushaba Shallot…………………………………………………………………………….Assistant Secretary.
4. Mr Yorokamu Ruyumbu………………………………………………………………………………… Discipline.
5. MissTushabe Eunice……………………………………………………………………………………….Health.
6. Mr Nuwagaba Geoffrey…………………………………………………………………………………..Information.

Cc: The Head of Laity, St Stephen’s Kitara Church of Uganda

Cc: Treasurer, St Stephen’s Kitara Church of Uganda

Cc: The Chief Security Advisor, St Stephen’s Kitara Church of Uganda

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