"Use Your PLR" Action Checklist: Introduction: Can You REALLY Make Money Using PLR Content?

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Introduction: Can You REALLY Make Money

Using PLR Content?
Before you get to the checklist, I wanted to address the
question of whether you can really make money with PLR. Of
course, my answer is “yes, but…” PLR will only make you
money if you use it the right way!

Many people buy PLR but don’t have a plan for how it fits into
their business and sales funnel. If you follow this checklist,
you’ll be able to come up with a plan, and you’ll know exactly
which content you can ready to use.

You CAN use PLR as-is, but only in the right circumstances. If
you create a website that ONLY contains unedited PLR then I’m
afraid I don’t think that’s going to do much for you. However, I
have seen people create whole websites and memberships
from PLR that do very well because they brand it and add their
own voice to it. That way, your content is always “original”
even if it uses PLR as a foundation.

So please have this in mind as you go through the checklist…

PLR is a foundation for your content. Your content can even be
90% PLR as long as the other 10% is YOU and your *unique*
personality & view on the subject.

Note: I’ll go through this whole process, and into more

detail, as part of my “Use Your PLR” course/ challenge.
If you’d like to get access, you can get it as a bonus to
my current Paleo Mega PLR pack here:

© Ruth Pound - http://www.contentshortcuts.com - You do NOT have PLR rights to this guide.

Put Your PLR to Use – Action Checklist


☐ Download and organize any PLR you buy right away.

Create your own filing system to track what you have to make
it easy to use.

See my blog post for more tips:


☐ Check the license terms for the PLR you want to use,
and make sure you save them in a text document within the
PLR folder if the seller hasn’t already included a license.

If you don’t understand the terms, check Sue’s post about this
here: http://suefleckenstein.com/understanding-your-plr-


NOTE: You do not need to use every single part of a PLR

package for it to be valuable to your business!

☐ Go through the different elements of the PLR pack and

plan where you’re going to use them e.g. on your blog, as a
paid product etc. Note this down on my sales funnel worksheet,
download it here: http://www.contentshortcuts.com/plrfunnel

☐ Make a rough plan in your calendar for when you will

work on the different PLR elements in your sales funnel.

© Ruth Pound - http://www.contentshortcuts.com - You do NOT have PLR rights to this guide.


To help you use PLR more quickly, I recommend creating

templates that include your branding/ fonts etc. so that you
can quickly insert new PLR content and edit it ready for quick

☐ Create a simple blog post template by creating a draft

using the correct formatting for images, fonts and
subheadings. Whenever you want to create a new post from
PLR, copy this draft as a foundation.

☐ Create a Word document template that includes a few

key elements: terms of use, your bio, headers and footers and
any design elements for your branding. This makes it easy to
publish new checklists, reports and eBooks quickly.

☐ You can also create templates for: social media images,

slideshows/ videos and more.


☐ Now it’s time to edit your PLR according to your


☐ Once you’ve used it, refer back to your organization

system from step 1 to archive it so you know it’s already been

© Ruth Pound - http://www.contentshortcuts.com - You do NOT have PLR rights to this guide.

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