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1004.(2) Lichens can be used as air pollution indicators,

especially of the concentration of sulfur dioxide in
the atmosphere. Air pollutants dissolved in rainwater,
especially sulfur dioxide, can damage lichens, and
prevent them from growing. This makes lichens
natural indicators of air pollution.
1005.(3) The kidneys maintain our body’s water balance
by controlling the water concentration of blood
plasma. The kidneys also control salt levels and the
excretion of urea.
1006.(1) Algae are chlorophyll (green pigment) containing
thallophytes. They prepare their own food and are
thus autotrophic in their mode of nutrition.
1007.(4) Anopheles (female): Malaria; Culex: Filariasis; Sand
Fly: Kala-azar; Tse-tse fly: Sleeping Sickness. 1016.(3) Vitamin B1: Thiamine; Vitamin B2: Riboflavin;
1008.(4) Sucrose is the organic compound commonly known Vitamin B6: Pyridoxine; Vitamin B12 : Cyano-cobalamin.
as table sugar and sometimes called saccharose. A 1017.(2) When plants and animals die, they become food
white, odorless, crystalline powder with a sweet taste, for decomposers like bacteria, fungi and earthworms.
it is best known for its role in food.
The dead things that are eaten by decomposers are
1009.(2) Chlorophyll molecule contains a magnesium ion. called detritus which means “garbage”.
Green plants are dependent on chlorophyll for
1018.(1) Deciduous means “falling off at maturity” or “tending
photosynthesis, and magnesium is required for
to fall off”. Deciduous trees or shrubs lose their leaves
chlorophyll production.
seasonally. The converse of deciduous is evergreen.
1010.(4) Hydroponics is a method of growing plants using
1019.(2) A Red Data Book contains lists of species whose
mineral nutrient solutions, in water, without soil.
continued existence is threatened. Species are
Plants are grown with their roots in the mineral
classified into different categories of perceived risk.
nutrient solution only or in an inert medium, such as
Each Red Data Book usually deals with a specific
perlite, gravel, mineral wool, expanded clay pebbles
or coconut husk. group of animals or plants (e. reptiles, insects, mosses).
1011.(4) Animals and non-green plants cannot prepare their 1020.(1) The laws of heredity were discovered by Gregor
own food and depend directly or indirectly on green Mendel in about 1856-1863. Mendel conducted
plants for their nutrition. This mode of nutrition is experiments in plant hybridization, collecting the
called heterotrophic nutrition. Fungi are non- results of cross-fertilizing hundreds of edible pea
chlorophyllos. They should be classified as animals plants. The results from Mendel’s experiments
because of their heterotrophic mode of nutrition. But, confirmed his ideas about heredity: the law of
they are classified under plant kingdom as they have segregation, which has become known as Mendel’s
many plant characters. First Law, and the law of independent assortment,
1012.(4) Hormone secretion from the anterior pituitary gland also known as Mendel’s Second Law.
is regulated by releasing hormones secreted by the 1021.(2) Insulin is central to regulating carbohydrate and
hypo thalamus. Neuro-endo crine cells in the fat metabolism in the body. It stops the use of fat as
hypothalamus project axons to the median eminence, an energy source by inhibiting the release of gluca-
at the base of the brain. At this site, these cells can gon. It removes excess glucose from the blood, which
release substances into small blood vessels that travel otherwise would be toxic.
directly to the anterior pituitary gland 1022.(2) Plant genetic material in ‘GENE BANK’ is preserved
1013.(4) Old, “worn out” RBCs are mostly broken down in at -196° Celsius in Liquid Nitrogen as mature seed
the spleen. It is the organ that filters the blood, checks (dry). In plants, it is possible to unfreeze the material
it for infection, and removes undesirable substances. and propagate it.
RBCs are produced in the red bone marrow of bones. 1023.(3) Flowers emit fragrance to attract pollinators which
The average life span of erythrocytes is about 120 are mainly insects. The fragrance plays a prominent
days. role in the localization and selection of flowers by
1014.(1) Self-pollination can lead to inbreeding depression, insects, especially moth-pollinated flowers, which are
or the reduced health of the species, due to the detected and visited at night.
breeding of related specimens. This is why many 1024.(4) Radioactive materials are first encased in resin or
flowers that could potentially self-pollinate have a concrete and sealed in steel drums. The drums are
built-in mechanism to avoid it. then packed into concrete casks and placed in con-
1015.(4) There are rows and columns in any spreadsheet. crete trenches up to 18 metres deep.
Each column has a capital letter on the top to show
1025.(1) Vitamin C (Ascorbic acid) cures scurvy, which
what column it is. Each row has a number to the
can cause abnormal gum bleeding. Excellent sources
immediate left of the first column, to show what row
include citrus fruits such as oranges, lemons, limes,
it is. So address of the cell in the first column, first
and grapefruits.
row is A1.


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