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Indi an Journal of Chemical Technology

Vol. 6. Jul y 1999. pp. 207 -2 18

A review of electrochemical techniques applied to microbiologically

influenced corrosion in recent studies
R Sagar Dubey, R S Dubey* & S N Upadhyay
De partment o f Chemical Engineering and Technology, Institute of Technology,
Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi 221 005, India

Received 14 October 1997; accepted 10 Jun e 1999

Mic robiologicall y influ enced corrosion (MIC) has been receiving attention from different areas in the last years, as an
answer to the demand of variou s industries. Remedy for most of the MIC problems can be achieved by establishing a close
link between mi crobi ology, electrochemistry, medical science and metallurgy. The present paper critically reviews the ·e lec·
trochemi cal techniques employed in se veral recent publications on the subject, with the aim of clarifying basic and applied
aspects o f mi crobi o logically influenced corrosion (MIC) and biofouling. During MIC corrosion products migrate from the
metal to th e so luti on ro llowed by the settelment of biofilm from the bulk solution to the metal surface. These processes can
be studi ed by e lectrochemi cal tec hniques, such as the measurement of open circuit potential, potentiodynamic polarization ,
electrochemical impedance techniques, pol arization resistance measurements, electrochemical sensors, and electrochemical
noi se analys is.

Corrosion is an irreversible interfacial reaction of a occurring on the metal surface. The presence of mi-
material (metal, ceramic, polymer) with its environ- crobial growths or deposits on a metal surface en-
ment which results in consumption of the material or courages the formation of different aeration cells
in dissolution into the material of a component of the between the deposit and the surrounding environment
environment J. Around 70% of the earth sruface is which stimulate the corrosion processes B•
marine and seawater contains about 3.4% salt and is
slightly alkaline (PH 8) in nature. Sulphate reducing The biodeterioration of off-shore structures, stor-
bacteria (SRB) thrive frequently in sea water2.3 and age facilities, transmission lines associated with oil
even in deep ocean sediments4 .5 . Their survival in the and gas production, propellers, shafts, heat exchang-
well oxygenated (225 11 mollL) seawater is due to the ers, ship hulls and ropes etc. causes substantial in-
presence of the oxygen-protectiv.e enzyme catalase vestment loss and danger to the human life. MIC is
and superoxide dismutase 6 . When suitable growth not only limited to metals, but concrete, ceramics,
s'lbstrates are available, the high sulphate content of polymers and a variety of materials are involved in
sea water (29 11 moUL) allows rapid SRB ,prolifera- this process. There are some empirical environmental
tion . conditions which can be used to predict the environ-
ment of microorganisms in the corrosion process.
Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion (MIC) These are:
Microbiologically influenced corrosion is the dete-
rioration of metals by corrosion processes that occur (i) Proper environment - suitable pH values ranging
directly or indirectly, as a result of metabolic activity between 4 and 9 (some sulphur oxidisers toler-
of microorganisms? Alternatively microbial corrosion ate even a lower level), temperatures generally
may be defined as the degradation or deterioration of below 50-60°C, approximately redox conditions,
metallic structures due to the activity of various or- and an appropriate nutrient for the activity of the
. .
ganisms which either produce aggressive metabolites mIcroorganIsms.
to render the environment corrosive or are able to (ii) Typical morphology and chemistry of the corro-
participate directly in the electrochemical reactions sion products.
(iii) Typical changes in the environment due to mi-
*Present address: Department of Chemistry. R. J. College, Ghat· crobial activity, for example marked changes in
kopar. Mumbai. pH in either acid or alkaline medium.

Bacteri al corrosion is electrochemical in nature like rosion on the basis of metabolism of organisms as
other corrosion reactions, except for the fact that one follows:
never knows the exact chemicals involved in the cor- (a) Absorption of nutrients (oxygen) by microbial
rosion process. Corrosion may be enhanced biologi- growths adhering to the metal surface,
cally, through direct enzymatic action of bacteria, or (b) Liberation of corrosive metabolites or end-
abioticall y, as a result of reaction with metabolic by- products of fermentative growth,
products or changes in local conditions (for example (c) Production of sulphuric acid, and
9 2o
pH) by the bacterial activity. Many workers - have (d) Interference in the cathodic process under oxy-
reported the process of biofouling, mechanisms, gen free condition by obligate anaerobes.
method of detection, case hi stories, treatment and
Electrochemical techniques include. measurement
prevention of mi crobio logically influenced corrosion
of redox potentials and potential s of corrosion elec-
in biological processes. Sugars, carbohydrates, succi-
trodes, measurement of current density between cou-
nate, fumarate, pyruvate, NH" N0 2-, H 2S, S20/-,
2 pled electrodes in inoculated and sterile media, po-
Fe + , H2 are substrates which may be oxidized in
tentiodynamic polarization, polarization resistance,
biological proeesses and O 2, NO,-, SO/-, Fe'+, H 20,
potentiokinetic curves, electrochemical impedance
CO 2 etc are reducible species. Therefore, it can be
spectroscopy, electrochemical noise and electro-
concluded that most of the reactions involved in bio-
chemical sensors.
logical corrosion processes are electrochemical in
nature and e lectrochemical measurement techniques Open Circuit Potential Measurements
are the most widely applicable techniques In ex- When a metal specimen is immersed in a corrosive
plaining the corrosion phenomenon. medium, both oxidation and reduction processes oc-
cur on its surface. Typically the specimen oxidizes
Mechanisms of Microbial Corrosion
(corrodes) and the medium (solution) is reduced. The
When a metal is immersed in water, damp soil or
specimen must function as both anode and cathode,
other aqueous environment, the initial reaction is the
and both anodic and cathodic currents occur on the
di sso luti on of the metal as metallic cations which
specimen surface at anodic and cathodic areas . .
leave be hind an excess of electrons. For example in
When a specimen is in contact with an aqueous
case of iron:
medium and is not connected to any instrumentation,
... (I) it assumes a potential , which is termed as the open
circuit potential or corrosion potential. The Eoc can be
These e lec trons are consumed at near by cathodic defined as the potential at which the rate of oxidation
sites by the bal ancin g reaction, which in near neutral is exactly equal to the rate of reduction . It is usually
so luti on is usu all y the reduction of oxygen to hy- measured relative to a reference electrode. A speci-
droxyl ions, men at Eoc has both anodic and cathodic currents pre-
sent on its surface. However, these currents are ex-
. . . (2)
actly equal in magnitude so there is no net current to
be measured. The specimen is at quasi-equilibrium
In the absence of oxygen the usual cathodic reaction
with the environment.
for corrosion processes is the reduction of hydrogen
Open circuit potential measurements have been
... (3) . d out b y severa I wor kers 2526·
carrIe j'ff erent mICro-
. In (I .
bial corrosion systems. Gundersen et al .25 reported
a reac ti on is rapidly limited to neutral solutions thu s the variation of open c ircuit potential with time for
stifling the co rros ion process. 254 SMO, SAF 2507 and SIS 2343 stainless steel
Many workers reported that for microorganisms to immersed in natural seawater with and without
participate in co rrosion, the production of oxidising chlorination . When OCP shifts in negative direction,
agents throu gh th eir metabolism is an essential proc- it· indicates the increase of corrosion rate whereas a
ess. Th e ro le of mi croorganisms is to participate di- shift of OCP in noble direction is generally responsi-
rect ly in one or both of the e lectrochemical reactions ble for decrease of corrosion of the metal or alloy un-
on th e metal thereby initiating or exacerbating the der study. Fig. la-c show Eoc during continuous
reaction. Previous rev iews 23 .24 classify microbial cor- chlorination with 0. 1, 0.2 and 100 ppm res idual chlo-

(0 )




~ 0·4
u >
<t w'
( D)
<t 800 -0·4
> lAF 2507
> '254 SMO
E 400
-1 .2
SIS 2343
-6 ·0 - 5·0 -"·0 -3·0 -2 ·0
.. 0
log ~ A/cm 2
PI Fig. 2-Polarization curves 22 at 25°C of 99.99% AI in :
(a) sterile electro lyte (0.25 ~m diamond po li shi ng paste sur-
"-SIS 2343 "-254 SMO face fini sh)
(b) sterile ele(; trol yte (600 grid surface finish)
400 (c) anodic in in ocu lated electrolyte
(d) cathodic in inocul ated electrolyte
(e) cath odic in steril e electro lyte

o 20 40
Exposure time, doys
sampl e may unde rgo diffe re nt electrochemical reac-
ti o ns, res ultin g in anodi c and cathodic ce ll currents
Fig. I-Open ci rcuit potenti al for 254 SMO, SAF 2507 ,SIS 2343, which may va ry ove r man y orders of magnitude. Fig.
and Pt vs time of immersion in natural seawater during intermit- 2 shows the polarization curves of 99.99 % Al in dif-
tent chlorin ation wi th 0. 1. 0 .2 and 100 ppm resid ual chlorine fere nt e lec tro lytes with and without the fungu s lIor-
res pec ti ve ly. 30 min/day.
moconis resinae 2H . Curves (a), (b) and (c) show the
anodic nat ure , whereas curve (d ) and (e) are cathodic.
rine, respec tive ly. The time dependence of Eoc con- The proliferation of Hormoconis resinae on th e
tinues to ri se s low ly even a fte r 40 days of exposure at tes ted sa mpl es dec reases the pitting potenti al (Epit ) by
0.1 ppm. The response in potenti al for various mate- 2.6V fo r 99.99 % pure a luminum.
ria ls are di ffe re nt at low chlorine concentration. The Pol arizati o n tec hnique s have also been applied for
least nobl e of the sta inless steel SIS 2343 has a con- the eva lu ati on of loca li zed corrosion phenomena. The
sistently lower ElK than the more nobe l alloys. The pittin g potential Epit and the protection potenti a l Ep rot
ope n c ircuit pote nti a l for SAF 2507 is generally have bee n used to c harac terize the susceptibility of
hi ghe r th a n that fo r 254 SMO in the c hl orinated sea- me ta ls a nd a ll oys to pitting corrosion. The difference
water. in El'il a nd the co rrosion po te nti a l ELorr has been used
to asses the susceptibility of a me tal to pittin g in a
Potentiodynamic Polarization Measurements g ive n e nviro nme nt. EI'II is th e pote ntial value at w hi ch
The deve lopment of potenti ostat a ll o wed the use of th e curre nt density begins to increase drasti cally in
pote nti ostati c and po te ntiod yna mic po larization tech- the pass ive range in so luti o ns containin g aggressive
niques, with Oliver's pape r on the pass ivation be- ani o ns (Cl , Br- , e tc.). Ep,ol is the protecti on potential ,
haviour of Fe-Cr a ll oys27 The potentiodynamic tech- i.e., th e pote nti a l be low w hic h no pittin g occurs and
niqu e is ll sed to exa min e the overa ll corrosion be- above whic h pits a lready nucl eated can growN
ha viour of a syste m . In a typical potenti od yna mi c Fig.J shows th e anodi c po la rizati o n curves of mi ld
scan, th e pote nti a l is s low ly swept over a ve ry wide stee l in ste ril e Pos tagate C med ium and a SRB culture
potenti a l ra nge (typica ll y -2 to +2 vo lt s rel ative to a in th e same medium 'O .
marked decrease of the pi t-
re fe re nce e lectrode). During the s weep , the me ta l tin g pote ntial as we ll as a diminuti o n of the pass ive

zone can be noticed due to the synergic action of 0 ·0

chloride anion s contained in the med ium and sulphide
anion s produced by the metabolic activity of the bac-
teria. u a

> -0·4
Tafel Plots
The Tafel technique is used to obtain an accurate >
estimate of the corrosion rate of a metal in solution. ...c

Cell current is measured during a slow sweep of the ...

potential. The sweep typically is from -250 to +250 a. - 0·8
mV relative to Eoc. An electrochemical half-reaction
uhder kinetic control obeys the Tafel equation : .
o (231l3(£-C°)th ) . 2
I = Ie .. . (4) - - Current Density, mA/cm

Fi g. 3--An odic polari zati on curves of mild steel in steri le Posta-

In this equation I is the current resulting from the gate C Medium.
reaction, 10 is a reaction dependent constant called
the exchange current, E is the electrode potential, EO
-0·3 , - - -- - - -- - - -
is the equilibrium potential ( constant for a given re-
action), and b is the reaction 's ~ coefficient (constant - 0·4
for a given reaction), ~ has a unit of Volts/decade. ANODIC
The Tafel equation describes the behaviour of one -0·5
isolated reaction . In a corrosion system, there are two
opposing reactions . The Tafel equation for both the > -0·6

anodic and cathodic reactions in a corrosion system o

'" '"
- - - - - - - - /l'\ '" Ecorr
can be· combined to generate the Stern-Geary equa- ..
C -0·7
tion 32. 34 . Q.

I = I Carr \e
(. 2303(E- Ec",, )lba )
- (2 .303(E - E Carr )/ bC ') CATHODIC
- 0· 9
... (5)
- 1· 0
: teorr
where I is the measured cell current in ampere, l eorr is 1
-1· 1 ..........~-----'---'--'--_--'- _ _...l-_--'
tbe corrosion current in ampere, E corr is the corrosion 2 3
potential in volts, b a is the anodic ~ coefficient in log Current Density, JlA Icm 2

volts/decade, and be is the cathodic ~ coefficient in

volts/decade. Fig. 4--Tafel plot co nstru cted form data obtained during polari-
zation of mild steel coupo n in B Ii) medi um26
Log I versu s E plot is generally called a Tafel plot.
A Tafel plot is performed to experimentally deter-
mine l eorr ' from which the corrosion rate is calculated. E Corr is we ll applicable in the case of charge-transfer
l eorr as obtained by extrapolating tbe linear portion controlled corrosion reactions which give well de-
of Tafel plot to E eorr . as shown in Fig. 4 . The corro- fin ed Tafel plots. In the case of processes which are
sion rate can be calculated from ICorr by using the fol- diffu sion controll ed, the extrapol ated values depend
lowing equation , stron gly on the properties of the reacting interface
and on the hydrodynami c conditi ons. Lorenz and
Corrosion rate R(mpy ) = 15
Mansfeld reported th at ex trapolati on procedure can
0. 1288/~A/cm 2 ) eq.wt(g ) ... (6) not be used for sys tems havin g non-lin ear behaviour.
D{g / em 3
) However, their non linearity can be overcome by
means of pul se polari zation conditions, because under
where I is the current density and D is the specimen these conditi ons the surface properti es of the corrod-
density. The extrapol ation of polarization curves to . e Iec tro de remam
mg . co nstant"14 .

Polarization Resistance Method 105

Polarization res istance is defined as the slope (0 )
(dE/dJ) at the corrosion potential of a poten- PH=2 ·0
E 70
tial/current den sity curve. This slope has units of re- r;
sistance area and is known as the polarization resis- ......

tance. In I'nathematical form polarization resistance, ~'

Rp , is expressed as :
Rp =( dE) ,E = ECorr ... (7) 0 60 120 180 240 300
dI ai DAYS
5 J6
Stern and Gear/ . simplified the fundamental equa-
tion for s imple charge tran sfer controlled reaction, in
E 100
which the relation ship between ICorr and Rp has the r;
form: ......

~, 50
... (8) W

where ~ a and ~ c are the anodic and cathodic Tafel DAYS

slopes. For a quantitative determination of ICorr ; ~a ,
~ c and Rp have to be determined. Computer programs Fig. 5--lntegrated corro sion loss LINT for mild steel sensors
H J8 w embedded in concrete 3S .
such as CORFIT , POLCURR and POLEFIT have
been developed by Mansfeld and co-workers for the
determination of prec ise va lue of Icorr . Kasahara and Some of the most common errors that are poss ible
Kajiyama 40 used po larizati on res istance technique for in this method is the invalidation of results through
active and in acti ve SRB condition s. oxidation of so me other electroactive species besides
Mansfe ld et al.~J have used the linear polarization the corroding metal concerned, a change in corrosion
technique to determin e Rp for mild steel sensors em- potential , Ecorr during the time taken to perform the
bedded in co ncrete . The concrete samples were ex- measurement and the application of a large applied
posed to sewer e nvironmen t for about nine months. potential resulting in inadvertent departure from lin-
One sample was peri odi ca lly flu shed with sewage in ear current density versus potential behaviour.
an attempt to remo ve the acidic environment pro-
du ced by the bi ofilm, the other sa mple was used as Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS)
control. A spec ial data logg ing system was used to The term electrochemical impedance spectroscopy
co ll ec t Rp dat a at 10 min interval s simultaneously for was first introduced by Mansfeld 42.43 by replacing the
the two co rros ion senso rs and two pH electrodes previou sly used term AC impedance. Since its intro-
which were placed on the concrete surface. Fig. 5 duction by Epelboin et al.~, EIS has become very
shows the cumulati ve co rros ion loss LINT, where popular and has been applied to all types of corrosio n
INT was obta ined by integration of the IlRp-time phenomenon . Some of the ad vantage of EIS tech-
curves as niques are the use of only very sma ll signals which do
t, not di sturb the electrode properties to be measured,
INT= J-=-dtlR p ... (9) the poss ibility of studying corrosion reaction and
t J
measuring corrosion rates in low conductivity media
) A quantitative measure of corrosion rate can be where traditiona l DC methods fail, and the fact th at
obtained from slope of the curves in Fig. 5. The cor- polarization resi stance as well as double layer ca-
rosion loss remained very low during the first two pacitance data can be obtained in the sa me measure-
month and then showed a large increase for both ment.
samples . The total corrosion loss as determined from Application of EIS in MIC studies ha ve included
the integrated Rp data was less for the control than for monitoring corrosion over time on carbon steel ex-
the flushed sample. posed to bacteria~ 5, carbon steel exposed to bacteria

and treated with 'biocides46 , stainless steel weldments c

exposed to bacteria and stainless steel samples ex-
posed to natural seawater . The advantages of using RS
EIS in MIC studies have been reviewed 49 • One of the
advantages of using EIS is that small amplitude sig-
nals, within the linear response range and generally 5
mY rms or less, are applied. Repeated EIS analysis on
stainless steel samples with biofilm caused no change RS =Sotution resistance
in the open-circuit potential after the analysis, pro-
Ret= Charge transfer imped-once
viding indirect evidence that EIS do not damage the
C = Double layer capacitance
metal samples or biofilms 50 . Effect of EIS on micro-
bial biofi.lm cell numbers, viability and activities of W =War burg impedance

sessile bacteri a on stainless steel have been reported

51 Fig. &---Equivalent ci rcui t fo r a corroding electrode.
by Franklin et ai. • They concluded that EIS can be
used to study mec hani sms of MIC with little or no
damage to the numbers of viable bacteria in a biofilm the phase difference between the perturbation and the
or to th e activity of the bacteria. response.
It is ass umed that elec trochemical reactions that When the result is ex pressed in thi s way, imped-
determine th e corrosion behaviour can be defined in ance measure ment do not provide direct information
terms of c harge transfer across an interface between a about the system. In order to gain useful information
sol id elec trode and an electrolyte. The driving force one has to solve the full/(£) equation, or to represent
for th e charge tran sfer reaction is the ' potential drop the sys tem in electri cal engineering terms, or to
across the interface, E, usually measured against a model the system as a parallel plate capac itor.
reference e lec trode. Thi s requires that the electric One approac h that is applied in many practical
current betwee n the e lectrode and the electrolyte will cases is the network an alysis. Th is implies utilizing
be a uni que function of the voltage drop across the electri cal circuit elements such as capacitors and re-
interface . All th e mechani stic information about the sistors, correlatin g these elements with some physical
rate limiting steps in sllch a system is contained in process and c harge accumu lation modes in the elec-
thi s functi onal relation , i.e., I(£) . If we introduce a troc hemical corrosion system, building the electrical
network and composing the respon se of the network
small time depende nt perturbation in the voltage, M,
with the measured response. One usuall y finds (hat
the resulti ng c hange in the cllnent can be extended in
the mathematics is relatively easy and much of the
Taylor series to yield :
work is already done and results can be found in any
I (E+M)= I ~E) + (oJ /OEh,M
good book on circuit analysis.
+ ~0 2 1 /~ E )E,I M 2 ... (10)
To illustrate the application of these principles let
If the' mplitude ofJhe perturbation is small enough us assume that the electrochemical reactions that de-
slIch....t+rat the second and higher derivatives can be termine the corrosion behaviour are of very simple
neglected then the resulting change in the current can nature and can be represented by the familiar Ran-
be expressed as : dle's equivalent circuit shown in Fig. 6.
Rs represents the seri es resistance of the electrolyte,
M = (011 OE)E.I M ... ( II) ReI is the charge transfer resistance, W is the Warburg
impedance, and C is the double layer capacitance,
Yew) = Z-I(w) == (Ol / oE)E! is defined as the ad-
From Fig. 6, it follows that the system impedance is
mittance of the system and Z(w) as its impedance; w
gi ven by-
is the angu lar freq uency of the perturbation.
The measuremen t is relative ly simple. In the most Z(w) = Rs + [Ill we + ( IIReT + aw- 1n - icrw- 1I2)]
co mmon app licati on, a small AC component which (J 2)
vari es with time in a sinusoidal way: M(t) = fiE Sin where (J is the Warburg impedance. From this com-
WI , is superimposed on the DC voltage and the change plicated ex pression two limiting cases can be consid-
in the current is measured . The change in the cunent ered. First, when charge transfer is important, and
can be exp ressed as 6/(t) = M SIn (wt+ 8) , where 8 is when electroactive species are always at their Nem-

stian concentration at the electrode surface, Eq. (9) Decreasing frequency -

simplifies to -

Z(w) - R +
iroeRb ... (13)
- S 1+ ro 2
e Rb 1 + ro 2 e 2 Rb
2 Rct =2Mtan ex.
If the imaginary component of this impedance, Z ',
is plotted versus the real component of the imped-
ance, Z, for each excitation frequency, a single semi
circle is obtained (Fig. 7), having a diameter of nu-
merical value ReI (=l/w*c, where w* is the fre-
quency/HZ at the maximum of the semicircle). This
Fig. 7--Estimation of charge transfer impedance by tangential
representation for evaluating AC impedance data is method.
known as Nyquist plot, or Cole-Cole plot, or complex
impedance plane diagram. When charge transfer is
small compared with diffusion , the impedance is W=2nf c= __1 _
given by, . 2nf*R ct
Z" f Decreasing
Z(w ) =Rs + Rel + crw- 11 2- .l(crw-1/2 + 2a-.1.c ) .. . (14)
In this case the impedance spectrum in the complex
plane is a straight line of slope 45°. For cases where \

neither charge transfer nor diffusion is solely impor- ,

tant, there is interaction between the interfacial im-
pedance and the Warburg impedance. In general, the Z'
shapes obtained in the complex impedance plane de-
Fig. 8--Typical Nyquist plot.
pend on the relative values of RCt , cr, and e, and typi-
cal diagram is shown in Fig. 8. Fig. 9 is the Bode plot
for the same data as in Fig. 8. This format permits very difficult. The importance of a particular data
examination of the absolute impedance, (Z), as cal- presentation lies in its ability to suggest to the inves-
culated by ti gator the general feature of a model that might be
applicable for anal ys is of the system.
(Z) =(i 2 + i '2) 112 .. . (\5) Analy sis of carbon steel affected by Vibrio natri-
gens in batch and continuous flow culture using EIS
as a fun cti on of frequency. The Bode plot is useful and direct current techniques has been made by
alternati ve to the Nyqui st plot to avoid the longer Dowling et ai. 52 Most of the impedance diagrams ex-
measurement times associated with low frequency ReI hibited single depressed capacitive loops with centres
determinations. Thi s is because the log (Z) versus log below the real axis [Fig. \0 a & b) . A comparison of
f plot so metimes a llows a more effective extrapola- the corrosive effects of V. natrigens in batch culture
ti on of data from higher frequencies. The Bode for- with that of a sterile chamber over a three day period
mat is also desi rable when data scatter precludes ade- showed that the presence of the bacteria considerably
quate fitting of the Nyqui st semicircle. In general, the increased the corrosion rate. If the assumption that a
Bode plot prov ides a c lear description of the electro- is good approximation of Rp proves true and the ano-
chemical system 's frequency-dependent behaviour dic Tafel slopes (Pa) is assumed to be constant, then ,
that does the Nyqui st plot where the frequency values
are implicit. I
2 .3A
... (\6)
Other types of plots (e.g. Randell plots, i versus
WZ' etc.) optimize data interpretation for special ex- Thus the presence of V. natrigens in batch culture
perimental systems, providing better information than accelerated the corrosion rate compared with the
the Nyqui st or Bode Plots. Since today most of the sterile side over the same period and also the intitial
more sophi sticated ex perimental setup attached to rate before passivation.
some form of computing facility for data handling, Hernandez et at. 53 have reported the EIS study of
the transfer of data from one form to the next is not the corrosion inhibition of steel by Psuedomonas sp.

1·6 6 90

' ·4 (0 )
• (0 )
- - - With bactcr io

' ·2 •
-- -'I ,/

, 60
'·0 • 3 I
I .......
\ 45
0 ·8 I

• NE 2 I
E • ..
I 30
u 0.4
• ~
0·2 ••· .
a ~a
I Dp
• ",'

:> 0


I c
"a ( t»
- - - 20 da ys 0

,N "' (~ )
0- 5 - - 30doys
75 :l:0
-, , ·0 ~ c

0·8 60

• • • e •• 45

0 · 0~-nD-~~-L~~~-L~~~ 15
0.0 0·2 0 4 0·6 0 ·8 , ·0 ' ·2 ' ·4 ' .6
0 0
Z'I k ohms . cm
2 -1 a 2 3 4
tog Fre que ncy, Hz

Fig. 9--Typi cal Bode plo t.

Fi g. I I- a- EIS spec tra obta in ed afte r 20 d ays o f the exposu re
with and without Pseudo mon as sp. S ~ . Curves are g iven fo r indi-
2·0 , - - - - - - - - - - -- ---. vidu alrun s. Stand ard devi:lli o n between rep li cates was ±IO%. b-

(a )
E IS s pectra obtai ned afte r differen t ti mes of exposu re in NSS with
•• 8"':; ... . . DOY4 Pseudomon as sp . S ~. Curves are given for ind ivi du al run s. Stan-
dard deviatio n between rep li eales was ± I 0 % .
1·0 0" 000 :-' "

E rr-.;f8 0 ~o • • ,
u 80
reaction kinetics at th e metal electro lyte inte rface was
E 0·0 L @
very hi gh and could not be ca lcu lated at low fre-
:, 2'0t; b ) Day 9 quency limit used .
~I !I Mans fe ld states that EIS can also be used for the
1· 0r- 0
o'to o
" 0 0
detec ti on and monitoring of locali zed corros ion of
0 0. . . • • • ' 0 .~. " '\,
aluminium a lloys and alumi num based metal matrix

0.0- 1
lt ,

' ·0

' . ' 0'b: ~

2 ·0

3· 0
composi tes. Thus it can be co nclu ded th at EIS can be
best appl ied in mon it orin g and study of MIC.

Z') k oh ms .c m 2 Electrochemical Sensors

Various types of e lec trodes, avail a ble for the
Fig. IO---Impedance data monocu1tute of V I1Glrigells (closed measure ment of d issolved O 2 , CO 2 , pH, redox poten-
circle) was compared with a cul ture of the vi brio and two SRB (0)
in continuo us flow (Days 4) and bath culture :Day 9)
tial (E H ) and H concentration (CH ) in steel, are of gal-
vanic (potent iometric) or poiarographic (am-
S9 in synthetic scaw;.:ter. Fig. II a & b shows imped- perome tric) types. Hydrogen embri ttle ment (HE) oc-
ance spectra ohtai ned after 20 days of immersion in cu rs du to the penetration of atomic hydrogen (H
: !uile an d inoculated ni ne salt solution (NSS). T he atoms) into a metal, which res ult s in de arburization, 1
!Jhase angle vers us frequency curve showed a maxi - loss of duc tility and te nsile strength cf the metal. Hy-
lum at 45" fo r the steri le so luti on ind icati ng a Wai- drogen can be absorbed by steel in several way and
burg type impedance, the cu rves of modules versus one of th most important of these is th e corrosion
frequency il1d icated little corrosion occurred du ing influenced by sulphate reducing bacteria (SRB). b
the first 20 day s in 11e case of bacterial suspension, the presence of SRB , the common cathodic reaction is
since the charge transfe r resistance characterizing the the educ tion of H 20 to hydrogen ato 1S . By using

Shitld.d Cu wi~
ShietcMd compen!I<JllId •
thermocoUple •• tcnsion
TMnnoc"",* juoclion
c:ompcnsat i on moduW:

Chort rvc",d~r

Fig. 13--Typical response chart for tests using Hay sensors (test
solution= NACE TM 0177) .'7
ru~r QOSkel

woll JII t2 I2 ( I I
Corrosi..- _dium

I~ I I:; '~( J I/2 [

exp - 4Dapp ~- 12
... (21 )
I t¢J I
Th e amperometric senso r desc ribed by Hay is
show n in F ig. 1261.62. The meta l diapharm, Fe(H) in
Fig. 12--Secti onal view and eq uival ent ci rcuit of Hay sensors. the equi va le nt c ircuit , was the steel pipe line int o
which hydrogen was introduced by the corrosive me-
some of thi s hydrogen in the con version of sulphate dium. React io ns at the interface I and II cou ld be
to sulphide, as given in Eq . (14), the bacteria are writte n as :
tbought to depolarize the cathodic reaction at the steel Reacti on I : Hl'e ---7 H ~q + e l- ... (22)
surface and the corrosion rate is increased 55 ,56.
Reaction Il :
SO ~- + 4 H 2 ---7 S 2- + 4 H 2 0 .. . ( 17)
e~ + H IIlI + II2NiO ---71/ 2H 20 + II2Ni (23)
The presence of su lph ide promotes the absorption
of hydrogen due to the following cathodic reaction . The nicke l-ni cke l ox ide e lectrode (cathode) co m-
prised an e lectron si nk, and the current is measured
... (18) by the pote nti al d rop (E) across a standard resisto r
(R). CHi is calculated by Eq ( 16). Dapp for H in steel
The measurement of hydrogen concentration at the
cou ld be de termined by Eq. ( 18) .
inner surface of steel (CHi) is pe rformed by am-
In pract ica l app li cati o n, th e surface of th e mild
perometric sensors . Potentiome tric sen sors enable
stee l is c lean ed with emery pape r and degreased wi th
calculation of the equivalent pressure of H2 gas
appropriate so lvent. The sensor is mounted on the
(PH2et:l' by application of the Nemst equation. In
steel . urface a nd sea led wi th sui tabl e epoxy res in .
Devanathan-S tachurski cell,57.59 the concentration of
Now the sa mple is e xposed to the corrosive e nvi ro n-
hydrogen in the metal is est imated as 60 ,
ment and measure ment is pe rformed. Fig. 13 shows
CHi =1JIDapp ... (19) the res ponse c hart from H ay senso r6J. There is maxi-
mum po te ntial d ro p across the standard resistor whic h
where, 1 is hydrogen atom fl ux , J is the thickness of
is fo ll owed by a 'Iow decline. CHi determined from
the diaphram and Dapp is the diffusion coeffic ient.
the Hay se nsor was reported in the above experi-
Hydrogen atom flu x (1) is determined by measuring
me nt}' arou nd 4 .62 x 10'c to 7.17 x 10. 2 mL (STP) g
the current density which IS rela ed to each other by
tbe equati on . tee I.

J = ifF .. . (20) Elec tr ochemical Noise A nalysis

More recent ly , s ign ificant deve;opments describing
where i is the current den sity and F is the Faraday the use of e lect rochemical no ise techn iques have been
constant. The diffusio n coeffc ie ni: Dapp may be de- repo rted fr:om whi c h insigh ts into electrode processes
temuned from the current iransient at two shor t times a nd hence corrosi o n phe nome na can be obta ined by
tl and l 2 as mo nitori ng the "po ntaneou, fluctuations of poten tial


+ 0 .053Or-( 0-)--,.--------=-='.:-:-\-,--~-~-.t..-~-.- - , due to localized breakdown of film fo llowed by rapid
+0·0576 .r';
'. : I. Finally it can be concluded that electrochemical
.; noise techniques are very useful in evaluating the
o :~ nature of the corrosion process and in monitoring mi-
~ -0 ·0530 I- :;
-..J crobial corrosion but presently this technique is under
~ the initial stage of its development.
-0 · 1737
~ Since MIC is a complex process in the corrosion
-0·2943 I I
38·96 39·03 39·10 39·17 39·24 phenomenon, it may be concluded that electrochemi-
cal techniques are very useful in the study of micro-
1000 1000 bial corrosion. Electrochemical tenchiques coupled
with chemical and biochemical techniques can solve
- - Magnitude
> - - - - Population most of the problems in the diagnosis, surveillance
E 100 t- 100z and monitoring of bacterial corrosion processes . Most
w' i=
0 ct of the microbial corrosion and microbial metabolisms
::l I
.t' ::l which are associated with MIC may be studied with
z 10 b- 10
I !I' 0
electrochemical techniques . Mechanistic investiga-
ct I~ el.
.1 1
tions and microstructure of biofilm as well as the cor-
,, il/\U

rosion behavious of various specific-systems in the
1 1
0·001 0·01 0·1 1 10 100 course of MIC can be best elucidated by applying a
MILLIVOLTS combination of electrochemical techniques and sur-
face analytical techniques such as electron spectros-
Fig. 14--Tirne record after 216 days for covered reinforcements
in media containing active cultures of SRB . ~3 copy for chemical analysis (ESCA), Auger electron
spectroscopy, strain electrometry, ellipsometery,
or current that occur at electrode/electrolyte inter- transmission and scanning electron microscopy (TEM
faces . The minute variations in potential can be and SEM), energy di spersive X-ray analysis (EDAX),
measured using a sensitive voltmeter, coupled to a low energy electron diffraction (LEED), reflection
microprocessor, and analyzed usi ng Fast Fourier electron diffraction (RED) and ion microprobe mass
Transforms (FFT) or Minimum Entropy Model spectrometry . Thus electrochemical techniques are
(MEM ) analysi s routines. For example, the current equally applicable in basic research and fie ld appli-
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