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AMC consultants have been tackling some of the
most challenging modelling and engineering problems AMC are starting to see a trend emerge. More
facing the mining industry for over thirty years. companies are attempting to reduce risk and improve
As a long term customer of Datamine, AMC have their mine planning by combining recently captured
used Datamine software on hundreds of consulting “quality” data with older non-standard or sub-optimal
projects. historical data. Typically, these opportunities for
improvement have their own unique challenges and
One reason for AMC’s continued use of Datamine there isn’t a “one-size-fits-all” approach that works.
software is because it provides the ability to implement AMC’s experience coupled with their access to the
data modelling and engineering methodologies that power and flexibility of Datamine software enables
are highly specific to individual situations. Datamine maximum additional value to be derived from each
software comprises multiple packaged pieces of opportunity.
workflow but also allows experienced geologists and
engineers to manipulate data in the way they require
to successfully model unique situations.
This case study outlines a recent example of how AMC
were able to help improve the design and scheduling
Use of Historical Data
of a large underground mine by using sparse historical
With new mineral deposits becoming harder to find
data to construct a reliable geotechnical model
and develop, mining companies are doing whatever
containing RQD and Q’ derived values. The historical
they can to maximize the value of existing projects.
data was in the form of a database of hand written
Many operations have an abundance of historical data,
logs and contained no direct RQD measurements.
frequently stored in a variety of ill-defined formats,
that has not been used effectively to influence the
Using reliable geotechnical models can have a positive
design and extraction of their ore.
impact on mine planning and it’s now common practice
for sites to record RQD values during core logging.
Typically, a variety of Kriging is used on the recorded
values to estimate the RQD values throughout the
deposit and use these to influence the safe design
of stopes and determine the difficulty and timing of
their extraction.

Because the historical data did not contain direct RQD

measurements the standard estimation methodology
was not automatically applicable. Fortunately, the
client had spent a significant amount of time deriving
RQD values from the historical database using
standardised table values as a proxy for a description
of the fracture in the core samples. From these values
Studio RM was used to determine a discrete indicator
value for each sample to represent rock quality.
Estimating Reliable Model Values
AMC’s clients required a lithology based block model
populated with RQD and Q’ values. Commonly used
estimation techniques couldn’t be employed because
the samples now comprised discrete values rather
than continuous variables from direct measurement.
AMC tackled the problem by treating the data and
their estimation as a multiple indicator Kriging (MIK)

By using multiple indicators, RQD values were

converted into indicator bins, allowing the use of
estimation techniques to determine the proportion
of each RQD ‘bin’ in individual blocks.

Studio RM provided a robust set of functions to

validate and process the data.
AMC consultants set up the estimation parameters
Working with the original drill hole database, AMC for running Multiple Indicator Kriging. This uses a
consultants were able to prepare and validate the process called INDEST, which uses ESTIMA to run an
data. They used a set of rich and versatile Studio indicator estimation for a set of bins.
process, for example using bespoke mathematical and
algebraic expressions, to prepare the data, associated ESTIMA is a powerful process for grade interpolation
parameters and meta-data for the estimation. that can be accessed by the Estimate wizard. Along
with other functions such as Variogram and Dynamic
Using Studio RM’s estimation functions three Anisotropy, ESTIMA is part of the comprehensive
indicator bins were defined, comprising RQD values group of geostatistical tools in Studio RM.
of 20, 60 and 90. RQD was estimated into the block
model using stable and reasonable sample support. After the model was complete, Studios advanced
The result was a model in which each block contained validation functions were used to confirm that model
the probability of each indicator, with probabilities results were consistent with the source RQD data
summing to one. and UG mapping.

This probability set can be easily converted into a

cumulative frequency distribution. As should be Unfortunately, The E-Type result of the MIK estimate
expected, it has a stepped rather than a smooth still suffers from the same non-additive problem,
profile. stemming from the artificial binning of the data.

As a result, it is not possible to use the E-type value,

rather a secondary, probabilistic, approach is needed.
The other output from the MIK approach is the
probability of a block falling within each of the MIK
RQD bins.

It is to this probability estimate AMC used turn to

help decide to which RQD bin the block should be
By using a classical random number generator
and performing a limited Monte-Carlo simulation
by iteratively intersecting randomly generated
probabilities against the probability distribution, it is
possible to generate a theoretical set of equiprobable
RQD values for each block (Figure 3).

The greater the quantity of Monte-Carlo simulations

the more statistically representative the result. For
this step the Monte Carlo simulation process in
Studio RM was used.

With a functional, valid and arguably well nformed

well-defined distribution per block, from the MIK
estimate; it’s simple to derive the moments of that
distribution, as well as secondary attributes

Moments were defined by AMC as the means and

variance of distribution. The zeroth moment is the
total probability, while the first moment is the mean Figure 3 Synthetic distribution showing subset of
simulation results
and the second moment is the variance.

Due to the fractured nature of the input data, AMC In the synthetic example constructed, 24 simulations
couldn’t use the E-type estimate. They turned to the were run against the distribution.
median and mode of the interpolated data set.
Not unexpectedly, 63% of the simulations returned
The median is derived through simple linear a RQD value of 90, while 29% returned a value of
interpolation, the intersection of a probability of 50% 60 and the remainder 20.
(from the ordinate axis – Y Axis) and the interpolated
cumulative probability line, to give the corresponding
RQD value from the abscissa (X-Axis).

In the synthetic example below (Figure 3), the

Mean RQD is 67, which is not possible given the Table 1 Summary of Monte-Carlo simulation results from
discontinuous nature of the data available, however synthetic case
the median value is 90.

This value is reasonable, as 50% of the MIK constructed

distribution, is from the RQD 90 bin interval.
The median value provides a valid RQD value that is
derived from the non-continuous RQD data set, but
the Monte-Carlo simulation provides a short-cut to
understanding the dominant RQD values and a mea-
sure of the variance of the values which can be di-
rectly used as a measure of variability in the expected
RQD values

The outcome of this simulation approach was ver-

ified visually, statistically (against the input data, as
shown in Figure 4) and later against quantitative
continuous RQD data that had been acquired in a
more conventional manner, but was significantly
restricted in its spatial extent.

Through imaginative use of a dozen or so Studio RM
processes, whilst working within the limitations of a
discrete dataset, AMC were able to convert previ-
ously unusable qualitative data into a defensible and
practical model that reasonably represented the de-
posit’s rock quality.

By incorporating the poor-quality secondary data into

a RQD model, the need gather data through mapping
and drilling was completely eliminated.
Figure 4 Validation plot from real world
case The model AMC generated gave the engineers a sta-
ble, robust platform from which to design the stopes
The entire process of performing the MIK estimate,
and support requirements appropriately.
deriving the median values and finally running the
Monte-Carlo simulations, was all accomplished by Without this model, engineers would be forced to
combing the use of standard Studio RM processes. work with low resolution assumptions - normally
worst-case assumptions. This would have changed
Through imaginative use of a dozen or so Studio RM the economics of the stopes, the planned extraction
processes, whilst working within the limitations of a rates and extraction sequence. By working with the
discrete dataset, we were able to convert previously tools in Studio RM, AMC was able to generate a time
unusable qualitative data into a defensible and prac- and cost saving product that will benefit the client in
tical model that reasonably represented the deposit’s the short and long term.
rock quality.

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