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Savage Spreading

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Table of Contents

Introduction - SavageSpreading
Method 1 – MineCraft Spreading
Method 2 – Educational Spreading with Email
Method 3 – Runescape YouTube Spreading
Method 4 – Runescape Spreading
Method 5 – eWhore Spreading
Method 6 – SEO Spreading
Method 7 – Social Media Comment Spreading
Method 8 – Roblox Message Spreading

Savage Spreading - Introduction

Hello and welcome to Savage spreading. Within this eBook we will be teaching unique spreading
methods that are effective and successful. These methods will work with whatever stub type you’re
using (.Net/Native etc…). So, I’m already assuming your stub is setup correctly and you’re ready to
start spreading. We will be covering topics from traditional style spreading methods to advanced
mass spreading.

You will learn beginner methods all the up to professional spreading methods within this eBook. This
eBook has been created for every type of spreader out there looking for new tips and tricks, from
old to new, to never seen before. Each method has been setup to provide you with links required for
other software and tools, along with step by step instructions to setup these methods before
executing the methods provided within this guide.

The methods within this guide is for educational usage only. We are not responsible for your actions
when using our methods. These methods have bee written for the purposes of learning, education
and knowledge.

2 Copyright 2018 © SavageSpreading

Method 1 – Minecraft Spreading

Minecraft client
Minecraft account
Skype or Discord

As you know, YouTube is growing and growing and with it is the increasing amount of YouTube star
wannabees. What will we do? Take advantage of their need to be famous and rich.

You are going to want to go into a Minecraft server and say into the chat "Making YouTube intro's
and Skins for Free!" This works especially good around Christmas just say, "Merry Christmas!" at the
end and that somehow justifies your "generosity". Tell them to add you on Skype. Make sure to chat
them up beforehand. Don't try and half-ass this and just send them the stub right away. This doesn't
take that much work, but you still must put in a minimal amount of work.

Example of chat: Me: So, what do you want in your Intro?

Victim: Something with my YouTube channel name and a bunch of stars
Me: You want shining stars?
Victim: Yes Me: Link me to your channel? Victim: [link]
Me: Do you want like a player coming in and fighting them?
Victim: Uhm, sure.
Me: What else do you want?
Victim: Can you make my player kill another player?
Me: Do you want me to send you a template on some of the player motions I have?
Victim: Sure Me: [STUB] I have yet to have somebody say no to the templates.


After you've had a bit of a chat, send them the stub which can be named whatever you desire. I
make mine "Graphics.scr". Make sure not to do .exe or they will get suspicious. Not a lot of people
know what the extension .scr is and will blindly follow. Make the icon a folder icon as well. I don't
know, it just seems to work better with crypting, etc. That's pretty much it. You can make this
Autopilot, but it works better Manual.

3 Copyright 2018 © SavageSpreading

Method 2 – Educational Spreading with Email

Email spoofer
DOC exploit (Either marco/silent)
Gmail account

Most school sites have their own website, and on the site they will have a "contact us" or even a
"administration" page. Go to this spot, and they will list all of the teachers / staff and also have their
school emails. You can scrape the emails using a tool or use it with inspect element.

You're going to want to download an email spoofer. Don't worry, my good friend Neos07 has made a
free spoofer which can be downloaded:
You're going to try and find who is "in charge". It won't be hard, just find out who the principle or
network administrator is and mark their email separate from the rest. This is important.

Create a fake gmail, with the first and last name of the person. This can be anything. It can be or even or add an underscore, it's not that
important, but adds some authentic nature if you fuck up. Now for the DOC exploit, you can either
create your own using the public source code I’ve provided and compile it yourself or purchase a

Source code:

Setup Tutorial:

Builder 1:
Builder 2:

4 Copyright 2018 © SavageSpreading


Now that you have everything setup, it's now time to execute. Load up Neos07 email spoofer. It
should look like this:

Fill in the information accordingly and leave the body blank for now. DO NOT SEND EMAIL. For the
sender, put the administrator of the school.

For all the staff, it will look as if the administrator is sending an email. The reason I told you to mark
them separate, is so they won't get the email. Of course, they will find out relatively fast, but it will
give you some time. So, get creative with the next part, but for those of you who are not creative I
will supply you with a script to use.

This is a basic script, and like all my Tutorials, you can always use your imagination and improve this
to suit your needs. Leave a link to your DOC exploit in the attachment or upload it and simply link it
within the body of the email. If you did it right, the email should look like this:

5 Copyright 2018 © SavageSpreading

Method 3 – RuneScape YouTube Spreading

Requirements – Runescape Youtube Spreading

Youtube Account
Download link to your .exe
Runescape account (RS3 or OSRS)

This method always guarantees installs and is autopilot. To do this all you need is a YouTube account
and ensure your RAT is setup and crypted. First go to or or any other of video sharing website besides YouTube (Don’t use videos
found on Youtube, as it increases the chances of getting your video deleted by Youtube) and find
videos related to Runescape private servers.

Once you have found your video, the next step is to download it. You can do this by copy and pasting
the video URL into a video converter website like or for example.

Once you have found your Runescape private server video the next step is too upload it to Youtube
using your YouTube account. Also, it is best to rename your stub and give it an icon related to your
Runescape Private server.

When uploading your video to YouTube, name the video something like “Ownaged RSPS Looking for
staff” or “SavageRSPS – Pking/PvM Server – Looking for staff” as example. It doesn’t need to be this
exactly, it just has to have the part “Looking for staff” as this does get searched frequently.

6 Copyright 2018 © SavageSpreading


Now within the description input text related to your RSPS, and make it seem legitimate and ensure
you include your download link to your “RSPS.exe”. Now just sit back and relax, as this method is
autopilot. You can increase your downloads by uploading more videos related to Runescape private
servers along with botting your video views, likes and subscribes making your video and channel
looking more legitimate and trustful, allowing better chances of infection.

Optional: You can design your YouTube channel specifically for Runescape, as people find it more
realistic (Runescape avatars, banners etc). If you have a Java RAT or Keylogger it is more effective to
.jar files using this method. As all Runescape privates require Java and use .jar files to run there
private server clients.

Method 4 – Runescape Spreading

Discord Account or Skype (Both is better)
DOC/PDF/XLSX exploit
Runescape Account (Either RS3 or OSRS, or both)
Virtual Machine

This method works like a charm. First off, ensure your RAT is setup and crypted and you’ve compiled

7 Copyright 2018 © SavageSpreading

it into a .Doc, .Xlsx or .PDF exploit. .Doc is more preferred. For the DOC exploit, you can either create
your own using the public source code I’ve provided and compile it yourself or purchase a builder.
Note: This method works more effective with a .doc exploit, as we need to trick the user to fill in a
application form for this so called giveaway.

Source code:

Setup Tutorial:

Builder 1:
Builder 2:

When compiling your .Doc, .xlsx or .PDF exploit, rename the file to either giveaway.doc or
contest.doc as this is important, as it makes the user believe this is the giveaway form you’re giving
them to fill in to enter your giveaway within game.

Once you successfully are setup, the next step is to load up your virtual machine and ensure you
have an autotyper downloaded along with RS3 or OSRS client. I recommend as an autotyper. Once you have your autotyper, login to your
Runescape account in popular worlds and within popular areas like the Grand Exchange.

Note: Now ensure you have a fake Discord or Skype account setup just in case, as you might get
banned from these platforms


Now spam messages in game like “100m Giveaway! Add me on Skype: skypeusernamehere” or
“100m Giveaway! add me on Discord: Discorduser#1010”. Do this within your virtual machine, so
you don’t interrupt your autotyper messages within game, so you can use your main PC or another
virtual machine to talk to users who add you on Skype or Discord. Because most users have Skype or
Discord, they will add you because they want to enter the giveaway for a chance of the 100m. Once
they have added you, talk to them regarding your giveaway and send them your exploit you’ve
compiled and tell them to fill in the application to enter the 100m giveaway and tell them to send it

8 Copyright 2018 © SavageSpreading

back to you once done. Ensure you do everything to make this giveaway look legitimate to make
them fill in your application (exploit).

Optional: You can have 1 virtual machine for RS3, and another for OSRS just spamming areas. Use
your main PC or another virtual machine to engage with people who add you on Discord or Skype.
It’s best to talk to them like a human, or you can just copy and paste your message directly telling
them to go to your website and fill in a giveaway application once you’ve accepted their friends

Also, once you have installs playing Runescape, you can use their accounts to spam messages in
game instead of your own RS accounts.

Also, this method is more effective if you have 100m to trade and show users before they enter the
giveaway, as it makes it seem more legitimate because you have that amount of GP in game.

Feel free to use this method or change anything you personally feel that will make this method more

Method 5 – eWhore Spreading

.Doc Exploit
Female images or eWhore pack

9 Copyright 2018 © SavageSpreading

This method is one of the easiest methods within this guide, as it’s very easy to find victims on the
Addmecontacts platform. This is because there is a lot of horny men on this platform always adding
Skype usernames to try and get lucky with females. For this method you will need to create a Skype
account with a female’s name, like “eve26, hailey12, emily69” etc, and have your avatar on Skype
set as a female picture. Basically, do everything and anything to make your Skype profile look more
like a legitimate female, as this will be used to trick your victims.

Now once you have created your fake female Skype account, head over to and enter your Skype details and set your age between 18 – 20
years old and your gender female and click add me.


You will now get a ton of Skype friends requests from horny men, it will almost seem like spam and
they will not stop adding you. It’s your job to engage a conversation with these users and make out
you’re a real female (If you have eWhoring experience you will find this method extremely easy to
do, if not, I’d suggest learning how to eWhore just in case you want to learn more about this method
and what eWhoring is).

Now within the conversation tell them that you’re a model and you’re in a plenty of model
magazines, try and make them believe you. Get to a point within the conversation that they will ask
to see these magazines or offer to show the user them. When doing this, send an attachment via of
your .DOC exploit which will be called “modelmagzines.doc” or “mymagzine.doc” etc, or something
relatable to a magazine name.

Method 6 – SEO Spreading

$$ for domains & web hosting
HTML/CSS basic experience
Notepad or text editor

10 Copyright 2018 © SavageSpreading

This method is a very effective method. To start we need to find websites that provide a malware
removal tool or kit to remove malicious malware from computer systems. We notice these days that
all malware, trojans and worms have different type of names for example, W32.Brontok,
W32.Dabber-C, Worms.Win32.VB.arz, etc … So, it’s up to you to find a name of a virus that exists, as
you will be using this virus name to spread basically.

Once you have found your virus, the next step is to jump on Google and find a website related to the
malware you have chosen and find a removal tool or kit for that specific malware you have selected.
Do not download any malware removal tool for this method. For this tutorial I will be using

Now once you have found a website that provides a malware removal kit for your selected malware
it’s then time to download all the HTML/CSS/JS files from that website, as we will be using these files
to create our own fake looking malware removal tool website, or you can make your own website.
However, I’ll be showing you how to download a full website within this method.

To download all the website files for your selected malware website we will be using a program
called Httrack.


Once you have downloaded and installed httrack, feel free to read the manual on how to use the
Httrack, or just follow my instructions.

First create a new project and setup your destination folder and name your project and click next.

11 Copyright 2018 © SavageSpreading

Now input the URL within for your selected malware removal tool website and use the action option
“Download website(s)” and click next.

Httrack is now downloading the website files to your selected destination folder.

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Ok now that we have our websites files, it’s time to find a domain. You can purchase domains from
any domain registry like Namecheap, Godaddy etc. Please ensure you use crypto currencies as a
payment method. An example of a domain can be or w32brontekremover or
w32brontekremovaltool. The domain just needs to be related to your malware and as a malware
removal tool, as this will be used for SEO for google rankings allowing traffic to come and download
your malware removal tool.

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Next step is to find website hosting, it is best to use offshore, but you can use any. If you don’t know
how to point a domain to your web hosting server, please google it or find a tutorial on how to do

Once you have pointed your domain to your webhosting server, it’s now time to edit the download
link within the HTML file of the page. Either open notepad or any text editor that supports HTML and
find the section within the HTML file that will display the download link to the user when viewing the
website and replace the download link with a download link to your own file.


Once you have edited the HTML and included your download link to your .exe, then upload all the
website files to your webhosting server. Go to your domain and you should see your website live
with a link directly to your .exe, instead of a legitimate malware removal tool. This will make the user
believe that your .exe is a malware removal tool and begin to download and run the file. Google will
automatically rank your website, allowing you to gather more traffic because people always search
for malware removal tools.


- Search for new malware out there. If you create a website related to malware removal tools
or kits for new malware which has been recently discovered, you will pull more installs
- The more domains you have related to your chosen malware pointing to the same website,
the more chances of increasing your traffic and downloads
- Host your malware on a different server so your website doesn’t get banned for hosting
malware, as it will get detected. So basically, redirect your download button on your website
to another website that will just download the file. Or host it on your server for traffic
purposes, just ensure you check detections regularly, or your domains/hosting gets flagged.
Having FUD malware and updating it regularly to avoid detection is key to the outcome of
this method.

14 Copyright 2018 © SavageSpreading

Method 7 – Social Media Comment Spreading

$$ for Social Media services
Social Media accounts (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube)
Direct link to your stub
Notepad or text editor

This method is a reliable method as it tricks many users into making your comments realistic and
believable that they will click and be redirected to your .exe or stub. Now to do this we will be
needing bots to automatically like our comments on top and trending videos, tweets and Facebook
statuses. To do this we will need $$ to purchase services to like our comments automatically once
we post them so the audience we are targeting will see these as the top comment, allowing us to
post our stub and gain victims.

You can purchase comment likes/favourites from any of these services, or feel free to search on
Google for social media services, as many provide comment likes for different platforms. Also prices
vary from service to service.

• InstantPanel
• Cheap.SocialandTraffic
• DripFeedPanel
• SocialDealers

Also, please ensure you have a direct link to your stub. Can either be a domain/website you own, or
by using an anonymous file uploading service that won’t distribute your stub to AVs or VirusTotal


Once you have purchased your like/favourite comment bots it’s time to get started working on the
method. This method can be used for targeting different types of audiences depending on the
content you’re targeting. So, feel free to switch it up and use this method however you wish, for
example you can target specific niches with this method like Runescape, Steam, CSGO, etc, as
YouTube is used by many people.

Now as shown as above, you can have the comment as anything you want. Having a comment
related to the niche/content you’re posting on always ensures a better success rate. This method
can be used on anything, which allows you to become open minded when it comes to implementing
this method. Also, the more accounts you have posting comments on different social media
platforms, the more your executions rate increases. So, go wild.

15 Copyright 2018 © SavageSpreading

Method 8 – Roblox Message Spreading

Roblox account
JavaScript file
YouTube account
Direct link
Disposal email address
Notepad or text editor

To do this method we must search for a gaming related video mainly related to game plugins or
Minecraft plugins etc and upload to YouTube. Go to or or any other of video sharing website besides YouTube (Don’t use videos
found on Youtube, as it increases the chances of getting your video deleted by Youtube) and search
for gaming related videos. Once you have found your video, the next step is to download it. You can
do this by copy and pasting the video URL into a video converter website like or for

Ensure your .exe is setup to look like a game plugin. As the user will be downloading this

Once you have downloaded your gaming related video, you now must upload it to YouTube and
ensure you’ve made it legitimate and looking like a game plugin download or a Minecraft plugin
download with a title/description and include your direct link to your .exe within the description , as
we will be using the YouTube URL for your video you have just uploaded for these next steps.

Now go to Roblox and create an account and verify it via email. Then go to your account settings,
then go to privacy. Within this page put all options on “All Users” .

Now go to the games tab and try and find the most popular and trending game related to your
YouTube video plugin that you’ve uploaded related to your game plugin, as finding a direct audience
is key to this method. Once you have found your video copy the game ID within the URL. I have
outlined the part red within the image below.

If you haven’t already, download the JavaScript file as we will be using this to automate messaging.
Once you have downloaded it open it up in notepad or any text editor and edit line 1 and input the
game ID you have just copied from your selected Roblox game, ensure you keep the semi colon at
the end of line 1.

16 Copyright 2018 © SavageSpreading

Now go back to your YouTube video you have uploaded and copy it to your clipboard then go back
to then JavaScript file. You can edit the text you’re sending anywhere within the red area I’ve
highlighted below with the script. At the end of it, please include your YouTube video URL, as this is
what we’re going to use to gain traffic and get execution rates.


Now go to Chrome and open the development tool by pressing (CTRL + SHIFT + I) on your keyboard.
The console will open, now copy and paste your JavaScript file you have edited within the console
and press enter.

You might find errors when running the script like “Error sending to “victim”:
RecipientPrivacySettingsTooHigh “, meaning that the user you’re sending your message to has their
privacy settings turned off disallowing your message. It’s ok, the script will keep messaging other

When a successful message is sent using the script the console will output “Sent message to "victim"

If you get banned from Roblox, simply create a new email and new account.

17 Copyright 2018 © SavageSpreading

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