Accomplishmen T Report: Barangay Bagong Silang

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Submitted to:
Angel Mae N. Sarile
OIC- Overall President, ACSBC
Prepared by:
John Acel L. Atuan
Brgy. President, Bagong Silan

Color Fun run and Zumba

August 2, 2019
August is the month of Nutrition. The city celebrated the Nutrition Month 45 th
celebration 2019 at Capitol compound, Balanga City. Scholars and gust gathered at
Bataan People Center for some zumba and the fun run started at Five o’clock in the
morning. Scholars who joined the said activity had been given star points and extra
points for their attendance, they also receive food and medal for finishing the run.

Distribution of Scorecard (1st sem)

August 12, 2019

On the 2nd week of August, Bagong silang iskolars were reminded about the
distribution of scorecards for first semester. Schoars from different barangays of green
cluster gathered at Brgy. Ibayo covered court. Headed by the Cluster leader, Presidents
from different barangays distribute scorecards to their fellow barangay co scholars.
Scholars of Bagong silang signed their attendance sheets and went home safely.
Clean-Up Drive
September 22, 2019
In the month of September, the scholars of Iskolar ng Bataan in Bagong Silang
conducted their first Clean-Up drive for the first semester. They were assisted by the
Barangay Officials. Scholars brought their own cleaning materials such as broom sticks,
dust pans and sacks. Scholars split into groups to clean the designated area they are
assigned. Maintaining cleanliness of the environment improves the sanitary life of the
September 22, 2019
Right after the Barangay Clean-Up drive happened early morning. The meeting
started at seven o’clock and it was conducted by the President of Barangay Bagong
Silang. The meeting involves introduction of new barangay officers and new

requirements for the first semester. Scholars were tasked to bring five empty 1.5 liter of
bottles and an ornamental plant on the next Clean-Up drive. Scholars were also
reminded about the consequences of not complying with the required activities. After
the aforementioned discussion, the President signed the scorecards of each scholars as
proof that they attended the meeting.
Clean-Up Drive
September 29, 2019
Before the month of September ends, the scholars of Iskolar ng Bataan in
Bagong Silang conducted their second Clean-Up drive for the first semester. Each
scholar brought their own cleaning materials such as broom sticks, dust pans, shovel
and sacks. Scholars form into groups and designated each group to a part Phase 2 that
they should clean. Maintaining the cleanliness of the surroundings provides a sense of
peace and order in one’s community which inspires people in their everyday life.
September 29, 2019
After the Barangay Clean-Up drive that happened early morning. The meeting
started quarter past seven o’clock and it was conducted by the President of Barangay
Bagong Silang it involves the new, re-introduction of officers and the things they should
bring on the next meeting such as five empty 1.5 liter of bottles and an ornamental plant
for the botanical garden. The president also reminded the new iskolars of the 1pm
meeting in Ibayo Court in which they have to attend to get their scorecard. After the
meeting was adjourned, the president signed their scorecards as proof of their
attendance that day.
International Coastal Clean-Up Day
September 28, 2019
At six o’clock in the morning, Scholars gathered at the Plaza of Balanga in
preparations for the Coastal Clean-Up to be conducted at the Balanga Nature and
Wetland Park in Tortugas. Scholars brought their own cleaning materials such as broom
sticks, dust pans and sacks. Many organization and scholars from different clusters took
part in the Coastal Clean-Up to save mother nature from man-made pollution. It is
important to take care of our environment to prevent plague and destruction of our
planet and to promote unity for everyone towards a great cause.
Clean-Up Drive
October 20, 2019
Before the month of October ends, the scholars of Iskolar ng Bataan in Bagong
Silang conducted their third Clean-Up Drive for the first semester. Scholars brought their
own cleaning materials such as broom sticks, dust pans, and sacks. Along with the
newly arrive and inform scholars, they work in unison with everyone. Cleanliness should
be observed and maintain since it reflects the kind of residence our Barangay have.

October 20, 2019
After the Barangay Clean-Up Drive ended, Scholars went back to the Barangay
hall for the meeting that started half an hour before 8 o’ clock and it was conducted by
the President of Barangay Bagong Silang. The President of the said barangay reminded
scholars regarding the extension of submission of scorecards to November 11 to 16.
Newly arrive Iskolars are re-oriented of the past activity to bring 5 pieces 1.5 liter of
empty bottles which is 3-5 sacks of clear empty bottles and also reminded about tickets
for the event.BLH rules are again reminded to everyone. The President also inform the
scholars about the incoming Dance Competition and that they are to sold 5 tickets each
costing P20 for a raffle which will be conducted at the said event.

Botanical Garden
October 27, 2019
Before the month of October ends, the Scholars of Iskolar ng Bataan in Bagong
Silang conducted the beautification of the garden, headed by the Treasurer which is
their project for the Barangay. Scholars brought their own cleaning materials like broom
sticks, dust pans, sacks and shovel. It is important that we take care of our garden like
we take care of our things, because it doesn’t just help the environment but it also
develops discipline among us.

General Meeting
November 10, 2019
Half an hour before 4 in the afternoon, the General Meeting headed by the
President of Barangay Bagong Silang was conducted at the Senior Citizen Hall. During
the meeting, Scholars are asked about problems faced regarding BLH and are
reminded the proper way to deal with it. It was noted that at December 8, the scholars
will conduct their last Clean-Up Drive for the year, the beautification of the garden, and
the collection of scorecards. The major event for ACSBC, the Dance Battle was also
discussed about. Stating that all participants would get ACSBC points and an additional
should our Barangay wins and that the distribution of tickets would be next week. At
4pm, the meeting was dismissed.

Collection of Bottles
November 16, 2019
On the middle week of November, the scholars, mostly the new ones, brought
their 5 sacks of clean empty bottles. Among the sacks, there are also dirty bottles and
colored bottles mix in. The President and Vice-President of Barangay Bagong Silang
took it upon themselves to segregate the bottles. The Bottles were collected by the City
on November 17, headed by the Secretary.

Clean-Up Drive
December 8, 2019
On the first week of December, the scholars of Iskolar ng Bataan in Bagong
Silang conducted their last Clean-Up drive for the year. The scholars brought their own
cleaning materials such as, broom sticks, sacks, dust pans, and shovel. Together they
swept up the roads and canals along their path. It is important to maintain the
cleanliness of our surrounding to prevent harmful cases in our barangay.

Collection of Bottles
December 8, 2019
The same day after the last Clean-Up drive for the year was conducted, the
sacks of clean empty bottles gathered by the scholars were scheduled to be pick up at
10am. The President of Barangay Bagong Silang along with its officers, supervised and
make sure that all sacks were completely delivered.

RUN COB “Grand TFG Run”

December 6, 2019
Friday, at 3am in the morning, the scholars gathered at the Capitol of Balanga
City to prepare for the Grand TFG Run sponsored by the City. Exactly 5am the 5km run
started. After the Run COB, the participants of the fun run along with the scholars
headed to the Bataan People Center for the raffle event headed by the Government
Officials of Balanga. The raffle prizes include 200 Mi Band watches, 20 Mountain Bikes
and 1 Iphone 11. The event was excitingly fun. It promotes unity among the citizens and
inspire everyone to have a healthy way of living, and for the youth to be more active not
only for the systems benefit but their own as well.

Switching on of Christmas Lights

December 9, 2019
All scholars were invited to watch the Switching on of Christmas Lights at Plaza
mayor de Balanga. The event started at exactly 7:00 pm. Every scholars watch and
sing along with the performances made by Singers from our own town. All eyes were
astonished as the lights was sparkling and so beautiful. After the event scholars were
asked to fall in line to sign attendance sheets given by the federated president.

Iskolars ng Balanga “Dance Bottle”

December 12, 2019
At 5pm in the afternoon, the scholars gathered at the Plaza to register for the
Dance Bottle event. Registration was open till 6pm. Late scholars were asked to show
their COR as an excuse for being late. Upon arrival, a point was given for Scholars who
arrive on time and was wearing their cluster color shirt. During the event, each group of
scholars performed a 5minute dance to represent their respective Barangay and hoped
to bring home the 1st place prize. Suddenly it rained, and the event was cut short.
Thankfully all of the scholars were done with their turn. The host of the event, resumed
with the raffle to wrapped up the event. It was the Scholars of Balanga first event
managed by each officer per Barangay. The event was a success. It is important that
everyone works together with events like this to produce a desired outcome. This event
shows the unity of the scholars and their capability to handle such events and that their
able to do good for society.

Parade of Floats
January 11, 2020
On the 11th day of January, Bataan celebrated its 263 rd year of being a province.
The said event was held at Capitol compound. During the event, scholars from different
towns watched floats and dancers groove and compete. Presidents from each
barangays and Iskolar ng Bataan staffs administered the said events. Scholars who
attended the said event was given star points. After the event, scholars of Bagong
Silang signed their attendance as a proof that they attended and was administered by
the Barangay Vice President.

Barangay Meeting
January 12, 2020
The day of the parade of floats, a meeting has been made. The
meeting started at nine thirty and it was conducted by the Vice President of
Barangay Bagong Silang. It involes the Distribution of signed scorecards,
requirements for the upcoming validation and selecting scholars for dance
presentation for the upcoming Feast of Sto. Nino. (Unfortunately no photo
has been captured that time.

International day of Education

January 27, 2020
Before the month of January end, International day of Education was celebrated.
On the event, there are booths that anyone can play and buy different products.
Scholars from other barangays were invited to join the said event which was held at
Plaza mayor de balanga. Scholars were told to sign for the attendance given by the
administrators of the event.

SOCA 2019 “State of the City

January 31, 2020
Before 7pm, Scholars gathered at the plaza to witness the SOCA 2019. At
7:30pm the program started with a Doxology followed by the National Anthem. The
Mayor of Balanga emphasized his vision of a “Highly liable family-oriented City” and for
Balanga to be a University Town by 2030. Some of his featured accomplishments and
work in progress were the Upgraded Road from Talisay to Pto. Rivas, the Vista Mall’s
Express Jeep (MEX Jeep), the 200 Taxi franchise slots granted to Bataan, P38 million
pesos worth of Road Projects implemented in 2019, The Bunker and Waltermart Mall.
The SOCA ended at 8:50pm.

Clean-Up Drive
Distribution of Scorecards
February 9, 2020
Scholars from different barangays of green cluster had an assembly at Brgy.
Ibayo covered court. Every scholars were tasked to bring Green folder, ballpen, scissor

and glue. They gathered there at 3:30 pm and the meeting start at 4:00pm. Scholars
were asked some questions regarding on the scorecards. Scorecard was distributed by
the Barangay President.

Clean-Up Drive
February 16, 2020
On the third week of February, the scholars of Iskolar ng Bataan in Bagong
Silang conducted their first Clean-Up drive for the year 2020. Headed by the President
of the said barangay, the Scholars brought their own cleaning materials such as, broom
sticks, sacks, dust pans, and shovel. Together they swept up the roads and canals
along their path throughout the entirety of Phase 3. Working together for the cleanliness
of the environment is something that we must take to heart, as it is also beneficial to us.

Clean-Up Drive
March 1, 2020
On the 1st day of March, the scholars of Iskolar ng Bataan in Bagong Silang
conducted their second Clean-Up drive for the year. Headed by the President of the
said barangay, the Scholars brought their own cleaning materials such as, broom sticks,
sacks, dust pans, and shovel. Together they swept up the roads and canals from Phase
3 to Phase 1 area of the barangay.

ACSBC Garage Sale Like & Share

August 1, 2019
On the 1st day of August, ACSBC Leaders conduct a garage sale posted on
Facebook. Scholars of Bagong Silang was told to like and share the post by the
Barangay president. Each iskolars should at least tag 15 of their friends. 2pts are given
for those who comply. In order for the President to know if they follow the instruction,
scholars sent a screen shot of the post as proof.

Following ACSBC Page

September 29, 2019

Before the month of September end, iskolars of Barangay Bagong Silang was
told to Like and follow the Page of ACSBC. Reminded by the barangay president,
Iskolars like and follow the page in order to be updated on the news regarding events
and iskolars activities. Scholars that comply the said activity had been given 2pts.
Sending the screen shot of the page is the proof that iskolars of Bagong Silang Like and
Follow the Page.

Barangay Online Basketball and Soccer Tournament

March 15, 2020
On the first week of quarantine, Presidents from different barangay in Balanga
City agreed to Federated President’s idea to conduct an online basketball tournament in
each barangay. Iskolars of Barangay Bagong Silang actively joined the said activity.
The mechanics of the game is to get the highest score among the group for one day.
First, second third got high scores and the rest got 2pts for participating. Iskolar with
the highest score will be selected and will represent the barangay in the Inter barangay

Inter Barangay Football and Basketball Tournament

March 19, 2020
After selecting scholars that top the Leaders boards, 2 Iskolars of Barangay
Bagong Silang represented the barangay. 1 iskolar for each sport. Headed by the
Federated President, Iskolars battle their way up to the leader boards. Time is Up and
the representative of Brgy. Bagong Silang falls short as their competitor was too good.

Those who participated in the said activity had been given extra points by the Barangay


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