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Small crafts
Recreational Craft Directive
and DIN Standards
Edition 2005
An introduction to using DIN EN ISO Small Craft Standards
by Lloyd’s Register Yacht Services

In general, all boats with a length of hull1) between 2.5 m and 24 m intended for leisure
purposes which are going to be placed on the European Market require to be in conformity
with the Essential Safety Requirements (ESR) of Annex I of the Recreational Craft Directive
94/25/EC as amended (RCD). This is also the case for certain specific components listed in
Annex II of this directive.

According to the directive, the manufacturer of a craft (or component) shall establish a
Technical Construction File (TCF) in which he details how the conformity with the ESR has
been ensured.
The enclosed DIN EN ISO Small Craft standards are the mandated standards to support the
RCD2). This means that if the design and construction of a boat or component is in
accordance with these technical provisions, the highest presumption of conformity with the
ESR can be assumed.

It is, however, not compulsory to comply with the harmonised EN ISO Small Craft standards.
Other rules, acknowledged standards or special technical solutions may be used to
demonstrate conformity with the ESR. Still, the EN ISO Small Craft standards set the level of
safety which will have to be considered when looking for an alternative technical solution.

The use of the EN ISO standards facilitates the compliance procedure because many EN
ISO Small Craft standards provide for different options of technical requirements to be
followed depending on the design category, the length and the type of the boat. Therefore it
is much easier to ensure conformity by using the EN ISO Small Craft standards than other
rules or regulations. In addition, the Recreational Craft Sectoral Group3) recommends to
make use of the EN ISO Small Craft standards in the first place (see RSG Guidelines,
Recommendation for Use # 40).

There is, however, one exception to the above. This is where standards are still under
validation, meaning they are not yet harmonised but at the draft stage. Currently, almost all
mandated standards are harmonised, except for a few standards dealing with the
construction of the boat4). As an alternative, other construction rules for yachts, such as
Lloyd's Register Special Service Craft Rules, GL Yacht Rules, ABS Rules or other
classification rules, may be used.

As all standards undergo a regular review during a cycle of five years to identify if changes or
additions have become necessary, manufacturers should check whether they are still using
the latest harmonised standards before commencing a project. Further information can be
found on the RSG website, in the Official Journal of the European Commission5) or at

Depending on the length of the boat, the intended design category or the standards used6),
the manufacturer is obliged to apply for a technical assessment of the boat or component
through a Notified Body (NB), in order to obtain certification.

The length of hull is specified in EN ISO 8666.
See Article 5 of the directive.
The RSG consists of Notified Bodies, industry organisations, CEN and the European Commission. Their task is to harmonise
the conformity assessment procedure under the RCD. For this purpose, RSG Guidelines have been developed which are
updated on an annual basis. More information can be found at “”.
Draft Standards are for example prEN ISO 12215-5 ‘Scantlings Design pressures, allowable stresses, scantling
determination’ and others.
For harmonised EN ISO Small Craft standards please see
If the relevant harmonised EN ISO Standards for stability (EN ISO 12217) have been considered for boats below 12 m length
of hule in design category C the involvement of a Notified Body is not mandatory.
Details on the conformity procedure:

First Step: Every manufacturer should take the time to familiarise himself with the RCD first,
to determine his responsibilities and obligations.

Second Step: The applicable parts of the EN ISO Small Craft standards should be selected.
As already mentioned above, depending on the type of boat, for sailing boats, motor boats,
personal watercraft or inflatable boats, different standards need to be used for reference.

Third Step: If applicable, arrange the assessment for conformity certification with a NB. See
the enclosed table for easy reference. This table on the modular choice already includes the
new requirements for noise and exhaust emission testing and for personal watercraft of the

Regardless whether the assessment through an NB is made mandatory by the directive or

not, there are certain advantages to applying for CE certification:

First of all, the TCF is checked and the product is certified by a NB who is an independent
third party and usually accredited to EN 45011 and EN 45012. Before the assessment is
commenced, the standards applied or technical solutions are agreed with the NB. With this,
the manufacturer further ensures to fulfil his obligations with regard to product liability.

In addition, many NBs like Lloyds Register have developed manufacturer checklists on the
basis of the EN ISO Small Craft standards to facilitate the development of a TCF further.
These checklists, however, can only be used with the standards to hand. The relevant
calculations, test reports and plans also have to be added to the checklists to make it a
complete TCF.

Some further important points:

A manufacturer should be aware to utilise only CE-certified components of Annex II. Usually,
component manufacturers nowadays only sell CE-certified products. These are portlights,
hatches, prefabricated fuel tanks, fuel hoses, steering gear and other devices. See Annex II
of the RCD for details. Considering the transitional period, CE conformity will also have to be
maintained for engines7).

Beside the technical requirements, it is important not to forget the formal requirements as
well. One very important document in the TCF is the Owner’s Manual. This manual shall
include the Declaration of Conformity (DoC) according to Annex XV of the directive. With this
document, the manufacturer declares which standards were utilised to comply with the
Essential Safety Requirements of the RCD. A sample of the DoC 8) for RCD 94/25/EC can be
found on this CD. A revised DoC taking into account the amendments of 2003/44/EC will be
available via the ICOMIA9) website.

The requirements of 2003/44/EC amending RCD 94/25/EC becoming applicable as from 01.01.2005. Noise and exhaust
emission compliance becomes mandatory for most of the engines and boats starting from 01.01. 2006.
The enclosed version of the DoC was recommended for use by the ADCO. The ADCO group consists of the national
authorities conducting market surveillance regarding product conformity. This version, however, does not consider the
amendments of 2003/44/EC.
International Council of Marine Industry Associations. See
next page


Document Edition Title

94/25/EC 1994-06-16 Directive 94/25/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 June
1994 on the approximation of the laws, regulations and administrative
provisions of the Member States relating to recreational craft
03/44/EC 2003-06-16 Directive 2003/44/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 June
2003 amending Directive 94/25/EC on the approximation of the laws,
regulations and administrative provisions of the Member States relating to
recreational craft
2004 Recreational Craft Directive and comments to the Directive combined
Matrix for Modular Choice
Declaration of Conformity
2005 RSG Guidelines 2005
DIN EN 28846 1993-10 Small craft; electrical devices; protection against ignition of surrounding
flammable gases (ISO 8846:1990)
DIN EN 28848 1993-10 Small craft; remote steering systems (ISO 8848:1990)
DIN EN 29775 1993-10 Small craft; remote steering systems for single outboard motors of 15 kW to 40
power kW (ISO 9775:1990)
DIN EN ISO 4566 1995-06 Small craft with inboard engine – Propeller shaft ends and bosses with 1:10
taper (ISO 4566:1992)
DIN EN ISO 4589-3 1996-10 Plastics – Determination of burning behaviour by oxygen index – Part 3:
Elevated-temperature test (ISO 4589-3:1996)
DIN EN ISO 6185-1 2002-06 Inflatable boats – Part 1: Boats with a maximum motor power rating of 4,5 kW
(ISO 6185-1:2001)
DIN EN ISO 6185-2 2002-06 Inflatable boats – Part 2: Boats with a maximum motor power rating of 4,5 kW to
15 kW inclusive (ISO 6185-2:2001)
DIN EN ISO 6185-3 2002-06 Inflatable boats – Part 3: Boats with a maximum motor power rating of 15 kW
and greater (ISO 6185-3:2001)
DIN EN ISO 7840 2004-05 Small craft – Fire-resistant fuel hoses (ISO 7840:2004)
DIN EN ISO 8099 2001-07 Small craft – Toilet waste retention systems (ISO 8099:2000)
DIN EN ISO 8469 1995-06 Small craft – Non-fire-resistant fuel hoses (ISO 8469:1994)
DIN EN ISO 8665 1995-12 Small craft – Marine propulsion engines and systems – Power measurements
and declarations (ISO 8665:1994)
DIN EN ISO 8666 2003-04 Small craft – Principal data (ISO 8666:2002)
DIN EN ISO 8847 2004-08 Small craft – Steering gear – Cable and pulley systems (ISO 8847:2004)
DIN EN ISO 8849 2004-02 Small craft – Electrically-operated direct-current bilge pumps (ISO 8849:2003)
DIN EN ISO 9093-1 1998-02 Small craft – Seacocks and through-hull fittings – Part 1: Metallic components
(ISO 9093-1:1994)
DIN EN ISO 9093-2 2003-02 Small craft – Seacocks and through-hull fittings – Part 2: Non-metallic
(ISO 9093-2:2002)
DIN EN ISO 9094-1 2003-07 Small craft – Fire protection – Part 1: Craft with a hull length of up to and
including 15 m (ISO 9094-1:2003)
DIN EN ISO 9094-2 2003-07 Small craft – Fire protection – Part 2: Craft with a hull length of over 15 m
(ISO 9094-2:2002)
DIN EN ISO 9097 1995-02 Small craft – Electric fans (ISO 9097:1991)
next page

Document Edition Title

DIN EN ISO 10087 1996-05 Small craft – Hull identification – Coding system (ISO 10087:1995)
DIN EN ISO 10088 2001-12 Small craft – Permanently installed fuel systems and fixed fuel tanks
(ISO 10088:2001)
DIN EN ISO 10133 2002-04 Small craft – Electrical systems – Extra-low voltage d.c. installations
(ISO 10133:2000)
DIN EN ISO 10239 2001-02 Small craft – Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) systems (ISO 10239:2000)
DIN EN ISO 10240 2005-01 Small craft – Owner's manual (ISO 10240:2004)
DIN EN ISO 10592 1995-06 Small craft – Hydraulic steering systems (ISO 10592:1994)
DIN EN ISO 11105 1997-07 Small craft – Ventilation of petrol engine and/or petrol tank compartments
(ISO 11105:1997)
DIN EN ISO 11547 1995-11 Small craft – Start-in-gear protection (ISO 11547:1994)
DIN EN ISO 11591 2001-09 Small craft, engine-driven – Field of vision from helm position (ISO 11591:2000)
DIN EN ISO 11592 2002-04 Small craft less than 8 m length of hull – Determination of maximum propulsion
power rating (ISO 11592:2001)
DIN EN ISO 11812 2003-07 Small craft – Watertight cockpits and quick-draining cockpits (ISO 11812:2001)
DIN EN ISO 12215-1 2001-02 Small craft – Hull construction and scantlings – Part 1: Materials: Thermosetting
resins, glass-fibre reinforcement, reference laminate (ISO 12215-1:2000)
DIN EN ISO 12215-2 2002-09 Small craft – Hull construction and scantlings – Part 2: Materials: Core materials
for sandwich construction, embedded materials (ISO 12215-2:2002)
DIN EN ISO 12215-3 2002-09 Small craft – Hull construction and scantlings – Part 3: Materials: Steel,
aluminium alloys, wood, other materials (ISO 12215-3:2002)
DIN EN ISO 12215-4 2002-09 Small craft – Hull construction and scantlings – Part 4: Workshop and
manufacturing (ISO 12215-4:2002)
DIN EN ISO 12216 2002-10 Small craft – Windows, portlights, hatches, deadlights and doors – Strength and
watertightness requirements (ISO 12216:2002)
DIN EN ISO 12217-1 2002-10 Small craft – Stability and buoyancy assessment and categorization – Part 1:
Non-sailing boats of hull length greater than or equal to 6 m (ISO 12217-1:2002)
DIN EN ISO 12217-2 2002-10 Small craft – Stability and buoyancy assessment and categorization – Part 2:
Sailing boats of hull length greater than or equal to 6 m (ISO 12217-2:2002)
DIN EN ISO 12217-3 2003-03 Small craft – Stability and buoyancy assessment and categorization – Part 3:
Boats of hull length less than 6 m (ISO 12217-3:2002)
DIN EN ISO 13297 2001-04 Small craft – Electrical systems – Alternating current installations
(ISO 13297:2000)
DIN EN ISO 13590 2004-11 Small craft – Personal watercraft – Construction and system installation
requirements (ISO 13590:2003)
DIN EN ISO 13929 2001-07 Small craft – Steering gear – Geared link systems (ISO 13929:2001)
DIN EN ISO 14509 2001-03 Small craft – Measurement of airborne sound emitted by powered recreational
craft (ISO 14509:2000)
DIN EN ISO 14509/A1 2004-12 Small craft – Measurement of airborne sound emitted by powered recreational
craft; Amendment 1 (ISO 14509:2000/A1:2004)
DIN EN ISO 14895 2003-05 Small craft – Liquid-fuelled galley stoves (ISO 14895:2000)
DIN EN ISO 14945 2004-07 Small craft – Builder's plate (ISO 14945:2004)
DIN EN ISO 14946 2001-12 Small craft – Maximum load capacity (ISO 14946:2001)
DIN EN ISO 15083 2003-06 Small craft – Bilge pumping systems (ISO 15083:2003)
DIN EN ISO 15084 2003-09 Small craft – Anchoring, mooring and towing – Strong points (ISO 15084:2003)
Document Edition Title
DIN EN ISO 15085 2003-10 Small craft – Man-overboard prevention and recovery (ISO 15085:2003)
DIN EN ISO 15584 2001-09 Small craft – Inboard petrol engines – Engine-mounted fuel and electrical
components (ISO 15584:2001)
DIN EN ISO 16147 2003-02 Small craft – Inboard diesel engines – Engine-mounted fuel and electrical
components (ISO 16147:2002)
L 214/18 EN Official Journal of the European Union 26.8.2003


of 16 June 2003
amending Directive 94/25/EC on the approximation of the laws, regulations and administrative
provisions of the Member States relating to recreational craft
(Text with EEA relevance)

THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND THE COUNCIL OF THE between industrial competitiveness and environmental
EUROPEAN UNION, protection (5), were taken up in the conclusions of the
Industry Council of 29 April 1999.
Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Commu-
nity, and in particular Article 95 thereof,

Having regard to the proposal from the Commission (1), (6) Laws, regulations and administrative provisions are in
force in some Member States limiting noise and exhaust
Having regard to the opinion of the European Economic and emissions from recreational craft and engines in order to
Social Committee (2), protect human health, the environment and, where
appropriate, domestic animal health. Those measures
differ and are likely to affect the free movement of such
Acting in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article products and constitute barriers to trade within the
251 of the Treaty (3) in the light of the joint text approved by Community.
the Conciliation Committee on 9 April 2003,

(7) In the framework of Directive 98/34/EC of the European
(1) Developments since the adoption of Directive 94/25/EC Parliament and of the Council of 22 June 1998 laying
of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 down a procedure for the provision of information in
June 1994 on the approximation of the laws, regulations the field of technical standards and regulations and of
and administrative provisions of the Member States rules on Information Society services (6) Member States
relating to recreational craft (4) have made it necessary to have notified draft national regulations aimed at redu-
amend that Directive. cing noise and exhaust emissions from the engines of
recreational craft. Such technical regulations are consid-
(2) Directive 94/25/EC does not cover personal watercraft, ered, like the national provisions already in force, to be
while since its adoption some Member States have intro- likely to affect the free movement of such products or to
duced laws, regulations and administrative provisions create obstacles to the proper functioning of the internal
concerning such craft. market. It is therefore necessary to draw up a binding
Community instrument.

(3) The propulsion engines on recreational craft and

personal watercraft produce exhaust emissions of carbon
monoxide (CO), hydrocarbons (HC), nitrogen oxides
(NOx), noise emissions and particle emissions which (8) The harmonisation of national laws is the only way to
affect both human health and the environment. abolish such barriers to trade and unfair competition
found in the internal market. The objective of limiting
(4) Exhaust emissions produced by the engines of such noise and exhaust emissions cannot be satisfactorily met
by the Member States individually. The measures
recreational craft and personal watercraft and noise
provided for in this Directive lay down only the essential
emissions produced by such craft are also not covered
requirements for the free movement of recreational craft,
by Directive 94/25/EC.
personal watercraft and all the types of engines to which
this Directive applies.
(5) It is now necessary to integrate environmental protection
requirements into the various Community activities in
order to promote sustainable development. Such provi-
sions, which are already the subject of the Council Reso-
lution of 3 December 1992 concerning the relationship (9) These measures are in accordance with the principles set
out in the Council Resolution of 7 May 1985 on a new
(1) OJ C 62 E, 27.2.2001, p. 139 and OJ C 51 E, 26.2.2002, p. 339. approach to technical harmonisation and standards (7),
(2) OJ C 155, 29.5.2001, p. 1. with reference being made to harmonised European
(3) Opinion of the European Parliament of 5 July 2001 (OJ C 65 E, standards.
14.3.2002, p. 310), Council Common Position of 22 April 2002
(OJ C 170 E, 16.7.2002, p. 1) and Decision of the European Parlia-
ment of 26 September 2002 (not yet published in the Official (5) OJ C 331, 16.12.1992, p. 5.
Journal). European Parliament Decision of 14 May 2003 and (6) OJ L 204, 21.7.1998, p. 37. Directive as amended by Directive 98/
Council Decision of 19 May 2003. 48/EC (OJ L 217, 5.8.1998, p. 18).
( ) OJ L 164, 30.6.1994, p. 15. (7) OJ C 136, 4.6.1985, p. 1.
26.8.2003 EN Official Journal of the European Union L 214/19

(10) The provisions on exhaust and noise emissions laid between procedures with equivalent stringency. Those
down in this Directive should apply to all engines, procedures should comply with Council Decision 93/
whether inboard, outboard or stern drive with or 465/EEC of 22 July 1993 concerning the modules for
without integral exhaust, and to personal watercraft in the various phases of the conformity assessment proce-
order to ensure optimum effectiveness in the protection dures and the rules for the affixing and use of the CE
of human health and the environment. Engines under- conformity marking which are intended to be used in
going major modifications should be included as regards technical harmonisation Directives (1).
exhaust emissions. Craft with stern drive engines without
integral exhausts or inboard propulsion engine installa-
tions undergoing major craft conversion should be
included as regards noise emissions when placed on the
Community market within five years following conver-
sion. (16) As far as exhaust emissions are concerned, all types of
engines, including personal watercraft and other similar
powered craft, should bear the CE mark affixed by the
manufacturer or his authorised representative within the
Community, except inboard engines and stern drive
(11) Conformity with the essential requirements for emissions
engines without integral exhaust, engines type-approved
from the engines concerned is essential to protect
according to stage II of Directive 97/68/EC (2) and
human health and the environment. Maximum
engines type-approved according to Directive 88/77/
authorised levels should be laid down for exhaust emis-
EEC (3) which should be accompanied by the manufac-
sions of carbon monoxide (CO), hydrocarbons (HC),
turer's declaration of conformity. As far as noise emis-
nitrogen oxide (NOx) and particulate pollutants. As far
sions are concerned, only outboard engines and stern
as noise emissions are concerned, the maximum levels
drive engines with integral exhaust must bear the CE
should be broken down as a function of the power of
mark affixed by the manufacturer or his authorised
such engines and the number and type of engines on
representative or the person placing the product on the
board. These measures should be consistent with all
market and/or putting it into service within the Commu-
other measures to reduce engine emissions in order to
nity. For noise emissions and for all types of engines,
protect human beings and the environment.
except outboard engines and of stern drive engines with
integral exhaust, the CE mark affixed on the craft
demonstrates conformity with the relevant essential
(12) Member States should consider introducing national
support measures to encourage the use of synthetic
biodegradable lubrication oils to reduce water pollution
by recreational craft. The introduction of measures at
Community level should be considered during the review
of this Directive. (17) Directive 94/25/EC should be amended also to take
account of manufacturing needs, which require a greater
choice of certification procedures.

(13) For the two types of emission in question, the data certi-
fying their conformity should always accompany the
recreational craft, personal watercraft or engine.
(18) For the sake of legal certainty and to ensure the safe use
of recreational craft, it is necessary to clarify a number
of technical issues relating to the essential construction
(14) Harmonised European standards, in particular as regards requirements of recreational craft concerning the boat
the measurement of levels and test methods, make it design categories, the maximum recommended load, the
easier to demonstrate conformity with the essential craft identification number, the fuel tanks, the fire
requirements, also in the case of emissions from the fighting equipment and the discharge prevention.
recreational craft and personal watercraft covered by this

(15) In view of the nature of the risks involved, it is necessary (19) The Commission should closely monitor the evolution
to adopt conformity assessment procedures to ensure of engine technology and the need to meet future envir-
the necessary level of protection. The manufacturer or onmental protection requirements in order to examine
his authorised representative or, if they do not fulfil their the possibility of further reducing emission limit values
obligations, the person placing the product on the for noise and exhaust emissions.
market and/or putting it into service, should ensure that
the products covered by this Directive comply with rele- (1) OJ L 220, 30.8.1993, p. 23.
(2) OJ L 59, 27.2.1998, p. 1. Directive as amended by Commission
vant essential requirements, when they are placed on the Directive 2001/63/EC (OJ L 227, 23.8.2001, p. 41).
market and/or put into service. Adequate procedures (3) OJ L 36, 9.2.1988, p. 33. Directive as last amended by Commission
should be laid down which provide a choice Directive 2001/27/EC, (OJ L 107, 18.4.2001, p. 10).
L 214/20 EN Official Journal of the European Union 26.8.2003

(20) In order to facilitate the application of measures conversion and subsequently placed on the
concerning the efficient functioning of legislation, the Community market within five years following
procedure establishing a close cooperation between the conversion;
Commission and Member States in the framework of a
Committee should be maintained and reinforced. (iii) personal watercraft;
(iv) outboard engines and stern drive engines with
(21) The measures necessary for the implementation of this integral exhausts intended for installation on
Directive should be adopted in accordance with Council recreational craft;
Decision 1999/468/EC of 28 June 1999 laying down
the procedures for the exercise of implementing powers
(d) for products falling under (a)(ii), (b) and (c), the provi-
conferred on the Commission (1).
sions of this Directive shall only apply from the first
placing on the market and/or putting into service after
(22) It is necessary to provide for a transitional arrangement the date of entry into force of this Directive.
enabling certain products complying with the national
rules in force on the date of entry into force of this
Directive to be placed on the market and/or put into 2. The following shall be excluded from the scope of
service, this Directive:
(a) with regard to paragraph 1(a):
(i) craft intended solely for racing, including rowing
racing boats and training rowing boats, labelled
HAVE ADOPTED THIS DIRECTIVE: as such by the manufacturer;
(ii) canoes and kayaks, gondolas and pedalos;
(iii) sailing surfboards;
Article 1
(iv) surfboards, including powered surfboards;
Directive 94/25/EC is hereby amended as follows: (v) original historical craft and individual replicas
thereof designed before 1950, built predomi-
1. Article 1 shall be replaced by the following: nantly with the original materials and labelled as
such by the manufacturer;
‘Article 1 (vi) experimental craft, provided that they are not
subsequently placed on the Community market;
Scope and definitions
(vii) craft built for own use, provided that they are
not subsequently placed on the Community
1. This Directive shall apply:
market during a period of five years;
(a) with regard to design and construction, to:
(viii) craft specifically intended to be crewed and to
(i) recreational craft and partly completed boats; carry passengers for commercial purposes,
(ii) personal watercraft; without prejudice to paragraph 3(a), in particular
those defined in Council Directive 82/714/EEC of
(iii) components referred to in Annex II when placed 4 October 1982 laying down technical require-
on the Community market separately and when ments for inland waterway vessels (*), regardless
intended for installation; of the number of passengers;

(b) with regard to exhaust emissions, to: (ix) submersibles;

(i) propulsion engines which are installed or specifi- (x) air cushion vehicles;
cally intended for installation on or in recreational
craft and personal watercraft; (xi) hydrofoils;
(ii) propulsion engines installed on or in these craft (xii) External combustion steam powered craft, fuelled
that are subject to a “major engine modification”; by coal, coke, wood, oil or gas;

(c) with regard to noise emissions, to:

(b) with regard to paragraph 1(b):
(i) recreational craft with stern drive engines without
integral exhausts or inboard propulsion engine (i) propulsion engines installed or specifically
installations; intended for installation on the following:
(ii) recreational craft with stern drive engines without — craft intended solely for racing and labelled as
integral exhausts or with inboard propulsion such by the manufacturer,
installations which are subject to a major craft
(*) OJ L 301, 28.10.1982, p. 1. Directive as amended by the 1994 Act
(1) OJ L 184, 17.7.1999, p. 23. of Accession.
26.8.2003 EN Official Journal of the European Union L 214/21

— experimental craft, provided that they are not — involves a major engine modification,
subsequently placed on the Community
market, — alters the craft to such an extent that it is consid-
ered a new craft;
— craft specifically intended to be crewed and to
carry passengers for commercial purposes, (f) “means of propulsion”: the mechanical method by
without prejudice to paragraph 3(a), in parti- which the craft is driven, in particular marine propel-
cular those defined in Directive 82/714/EEC, lers or waterjet mechanical drive systems;
regardless of the number of passengers,
— submersibles, (g) “engine family”: the manufacturer's grouping of
— air cushion vehicles, engines which, through their design, are expected to
have similar exhaust emission characteristics and
— hydrofoils; which comply with the exhaust emissions require-
ments of this Directive;
(ii) original and individual replicas of historical
propulsion engines, which are based on a pre-
1950 design, not produced in series and fitted on (h) “manufacturer”: any natural or legal person who
craft referred to in paragraph 2(a)(v) and (vii); designs and manufactures a product covered by this
Directive or who has such a product designed and/or
(iii) propulsion engines built for own use provided that manufactured with a view to placing it on the market
they are not subsequently placed on the Commu- on his own behalf;
nity market during a period of five years;
(i) “authorised representative”: any natural or legal person
(c) with regard to paragraph 1(c): established in the Community who has received a
— all craft referred to in point (b) of this paragraph, written mandate from the manufacturer to act on his
behalf with regard to the latter's obligation under this
— craft built for own use, provided that they are not Directive.’;
subsequently placed on the Community market
during a period of five years.
2. Article 4 shall be replaced by the following:
3. For the purposes of this Directive the following defi-
nitions shall apply:
‘Article 4
(a) “recreational craft”: any boat of any type intended for
sports and leisure purposes of hull length from 2,5 m Free movement of the products referred to in Article
to 24 m, measured according to the harmonised stan- 1(1)
dard, regardless of the means of propulsion; the fact
that the same boat could be used for charter or for
recreational boating training shall not prevent it being 1. Member States shall not prohibit, restrict or impede
covered by this Directive when it is placed on the the placing on the market and/or putting into service in
Community market for recreational purposes; their territory of products referred to in Article 1(1)
bearing the CE marking referred to in Annex IV, which
(b) “personal watercraft”: a vessel less than 4 m in length indicates their conformity with all the provisions of this
which uses an internal combustion engine having a Directive, including the conformity procedures set out in
water jet pump as its primary source of propulsion Chapter II.
and designed to be operated by a person or persons
sitting, standing or kneeling on, rather than within the
confines of, a hull; 2. Member States shall not prohibit, restrict or impede
the placing on the market of partly-completed boats where
(c) “propulsion engine”: any spark or compression igni- the builder or his authorised representative established in
tion, internal combustion engine used for propulsion the Community or the person responsible for the placing
purposes, including two-stroke and four-stroke on the market declares, in accordance with Annex IIIa, that
inboard, stern-drive with or without integral exhaust they are intended to be completed by others.
and outboard engines;

(d) “major engine modification”: the modification of an 3. Member States shall not prohibit, restrict or impede
engine which: the placing on the market and/or putting into service of
components referred to in Annex II and bearing the CE
— could potentially cause the engine to exceed the marking referred to in Annex IV which indicates their
emission limits set out in Annex I.B. excluding conformity with the relevant essential requirements where
routine replacement of engine components that do these components are accompanied by a written declara-
not alter the emission characteristics, or tion of conformity as provided for in Annex XV and are
— increases the rated power of the engine by more intended to be incorporated into recreational craft, in
than 15 %; accordance with the declaration, referred to in Annex IIIb,
of the manufacturer, his authorised representative estab-
(e) “major craft conversion”: a conversion of a craft which: lished in the Community or, in the case of imports from a
third country, of any person who places those components
— changes the means of propulsion of the craft, on the Community market.
L 214/22 EN Official Journal of the European Union 26.8.2003

4. Member States shall not prohibit, restrict or impede 3. the following Article shall be inserted:
the placing on the market and/or putting into service of:

— inboard engines and stern drive propulsion engines ‘Article 6a

without integral exhaust,
Committee procedure

— engines type-approved according to Directive 97/68/ 1. Amendments which are necessary, in the light of
EC (*) which are in compliance with stage II provided evolution of technical knowledge and new scientific
for in section 4.2.3 of Annex I to that Directive and of, evidence, to the requirements of Annex I.B.2 and Annex
I.C.1 excluding direct or indirect modifications to exhaust
or noise emission values and to the Froude and P/D ratio
values shall be adopted by the Commission assisted by the
— engines type-approved according to Directive 88/77/
Standing Committee set up pursuant to Article 6(3), acting
EEC (**);
as a regulatory committee in accordance with the proce-
dure referred to in paragraph 2. Issues to be dealt with
shall include the reference fuels and the standards to be
where the manufacturer or his authorised representative used for exhaust and noise emissions testing.
established in the Community declares in accordance with
Annex XV.3 that the engine will meet the exhaust emission
requirements of this Directive, when installed in a recrea- 2. Where reference is made to this paragraph, Articles 5
tional craft or personal watercraft in accordance with the and 7 of Decision 1999/468/EC shall apply, having regard
manufacturer's supplied instructions. to the provisions of Article 8 thereof.

The period laid down in Article 5(6) of Decision 1999/

468/EC shall be set at three months.
5. At trade fairs, exhibitions, demonstrations, etc.,
Member States shall not create any obstacles to the
showing of the products referred to in Article 1(1) which 3. The Committee shall adopt its rules of procedure.’;
do not comply with this Directive, provided that a visible
sign clearly indicates that such products may not be
marketed or put into service until they have been made to 4. the first subparagraph of Article 7(1) shall be replaced by
comply. the following:

‘1. Where a Member State ascertains that products

falling within the scope of Article 1 and bearing the CE
6. Where the products referred to in Article 1(1) are marking referred to in Annex IV, when correctly designed,
subject to other Directives covering other aspects and constructed, installed where appropriate, maintained and
which provide for the affixing of the CE marking, the latter used in accordance with their intended purpose may
shall indicate that such products are also presumed to endanger the safety and health of persons, property or the
conform to the provisions of those other Directives. The environment, it shall take all appropriate interim measures
CE marking shall indicate conformity with the applicable to withdraw them from the market or prohibit or restrict
Directives or relevant parts thereof. In this case, the parti- their being placed on the market and/or put into service.’;
culars of the said Directives applied by the manufacturer,
as published in the Official Journal of the European Union,
5. Article 7(3) shall be replaced by the following:
must be given in the documents, declaration of conformity
or instructions required by the Directives and accompa-
nying such products. ‘3. Where a non-complying product referred to in
Article 1 bears the CE marking, the appropriate measures
(*) Directive 97/68/EC of the European Parliament and of shall be taken by the Member State which has authority
the Council of 16 December 1997 on the approxima-
tion of the laws of the Member States relating to over whomsoever affixed the marking; that Member State
measures against the emission of gaseous and particu- shall inform the Commission and the other Member States
late pollutants from internal combustion engines to be thereof.’;
installed in non-road mobile machinery (OJ L 59,
27.2.1998, p. 1). Directive as amended by Commission
Directive 2001/63/EC (OJ L 227, 23.8.2001, p. 41). 6. Article 8 shall be replaced by the following:
(**) Council Directive 88/77/EEC of 3 December 1987 on
the approximation of the laws of the Member States
relating to the measures to be taken against the emis- ‘Article 8
sion of gaseous and particulate pollutants from
compression ignition engines for use in vehicles, and
the emission of gaseous pollutants from positive igni- 1. Before placing on the market, and/or putting into
tion engines fuelled with natural gas or liquefied service, products referred to in Article 1(1) the manufac-
petroleum gas for use in vehicles (OJ L 36, 9.2.1988, turer or his authorised representative established within
p. 33). Directive as last amended by Commission the Community shall apply the procedures referred to in
Directive 2001/27/EC (OJ L 107, 18.4.2001, p. 10).’; paragraphs 2, 3 and 4 of this Article.
26.8.2003 EN Official Journal of the European Union L 214/23

In the case of post-construction assessment for recreational mented by conformity to type (module C)
craft, if neither the manufacturer nor his authorised repre- referred to in Annex VIII, or any of the
sentative established within the Community fulfils the following modules: B+D, or B+E, or B+F, or G,
responsibilities for the product's conformity to this Direc- or H,
tive, these can be assumed by any natural or legal person
established within the Community who places the product — where the harmonised standards relating to
on the market, and/or puts it into service, under his own Sections 3.2 and 3.3 of Annex I.A are not
responsibility. In such a case, the person who places the complied with: the internal production control
product on the market or puts it into service must lodge plus tests (module Aa) referred to in Annex VI,
an application for a post-construction report with a noti- or the EC type-examination (module B) as
fied body. The person who places the product on the described in Annex VII, supplemented by
market and/or puts it into service must provide the noti- conformity to type (module C) referred to in
fied body with any available document and technical file Annex VIII, or any of the following modules:
referring to the first placing on the market of the product B+D, or B+E, or B+F, or G, or H;
in the country of origin. The notified body shall examine (ii) for boats from 12 m to 24 m hull length: the EC
the individual product and carry out calculations and other type-examination (module B) referred to in Annex
assessment to ensure its equivalent conformity with the VII followed by conformity to type (module C)
relevant requirements of the Directive. In this case, the referred to in Annex VIII, or any of the following
Builder's plate described in Annex I, 2.2 shall include the modules: B+D, or B+E, or B+F, or G or H;
words (“Post-construction certificate”). The notified body
shall draw up a report of conformity concerning the
assessment carried out and shall inform the person who (c) for category D:
places the product on the market and/or puts it into for boats from 2,5 m to 24 m hull length: the internal
service of his obligations. That person shall draw up a production control (module A) referred to in Annex V,
declaration of conformity (see Annex XV) and affix, or or the internal production control plus tests (module
cause to be affixed, the CE mark accompanied by the Aa) referred to in Annex VI, or the EC type-examina-
distinguishing number of the relevant notified body on the tion (module B) as described in Annex VII, supple-
product. mented by conformity to type (module C) referred to
in Annex VIII, or any of the following modules: B+D,
or B+E, or B+F or G or H;

2. With regard to design and construction of products (d) for personal watercraft:
referred to in Article 1(1)(a), the boat manufacturer or his
authorised representative established in the Community the internal production control (module A) referred to
shall apply the following procedures for boat design cate- in Annex V, or the internal production control plus
gories A, B, C and D as referred to in section 1 of Annex tests (module Aa) referred to in Annex VI, or the EC
I.A: type-examination (module B) as described in Annex VII
followed by conformity to type (module C) referred to
(a) for categories A and B: in Annex VIII, or any of the following modules: B+D,
or B+E, or B+F, or G or H;
(i) for boats from 2,5 m to 12 m hull length: the
internal production control plus tests (module Aa) (e) for components referred to in Annex II: any of the
referred to in Annex VI, or the EC type-examina- following modules: B+C, or B+D, or B+F, or G or H.
tion (module B) as described in Annex VII, supple-
mented by conformity to type (module C) referred
to in Annex VIII, or any of the following modules: 3. With regard to exhaust emissions:
B+D, or B+E, or B+F, or G or H; for products referred to in Article 1(1)(b), the engine
manufacturer or his authorised representative established
(ii) for boats from 12 m to 24 m hull length: the EC in the Community shall apply the EC type-examination
type-examination (module B) referred to in Annex (module B) as described in Annex VII followed by confor-
VII supplemented by conformity to type (module mity to type (module C) referred to in Annex VIII, or any
C) referred to in Annex VIII, or any of the of the following modules: B+D, or B+E, or B+F, or G or H.
following modules: B+D, or B+E, or B+F, or G or
4. With regard to noise emissions:
(a) for products referred to in Article 1(1)(c)(i) and (ii), the
(b) for category C:
boat manufacturer or his authorised representative
established in the Community shall apply:
(i) for boats from 2,5 m to 12 m hull length:
(i) where tests are conducted using the harmonised
— where the harmonised standards relating to standard (*) for noise measurement: either internal
Sections 3.2 and 3.3 of Annex I.A are complied production control plus tests (module Aa) referred
with: the internal production control (module to in Annex VI, or unit verification (module G)
A), referred to in Annex V, or internal produc- referred to in Annex XI, or full quality assurance
tion control plus tests (module Aa) referred to (module H) referred to in Annex XII;
in Annex VI, or the EC type-examination
(module B) as described in Annex VII, supple- (*) EN ISO 14509.
L 214/24 EN Official Journal of the European Union 26.8.2003

(ii) where the Froude number and power displacement ratio method is used for assessment: either
the internal production control (module A) referred to in Annex V, or the internal production
control plus tests (module Aa) referred to in Annex VI, or unit verification (module G) referred
to in Annex XI, or full quality assurance (module H) referred to in Annex XII;
(iii) where certified reference boat data, established in accordance with point (i), is used for assess-
ment: either internal production control (module A) referred to in Annex V, or internal
production control plus supplementary requirements (module Aa) referred to in Annex VI, or
unit verification (module G) referred to in Annex XI, or full quality assurance (module H)
referred to in Annex XII;
(b) for products referred to in Article 1(1)(c)(iii) and (iv), the personal watercraft/engine manufacturer
or his authorised representative established in the Community shall apply: internal production
control plus supplementary requirements referred to in Annex VI (module Aa) or module G or H.’;

7. Article 10(1), (2) and (3) shall be replaced by the following:

‘1. When the following products are placed on the market, they shall bear the CE marking of
(a) recreational craft, personal watercraft and components referred to in Annex II, which are regarded
as meeting the corresponding essential requirements set out in Annex I;
(b) outboard engines which are regarded as meeting the essential requirements set out in Annex I.B
and I.C.;
(c) stern drive engines with integral exhaust which are regarded as meeting the essential requirements
set out in Annex I.B. and I.C.

2. The CE marking of conformity, as shown in Annex IV, must appear in a visible, legible and
indelible form on the craft and the personal watercraft as in point 2.2 of Annex I.A, on components,
as referred to in Annex II and/or on their packaging, and on outboard engines and stern drive engines
with integral exhaust as in point 1.1 of Annex I.B.

The CE marking shall be accompanied by the identification number of the body responsible for imple-
mentation of the procedures set out in Annexes IX, X, XI, XII, and XVI.

3. The affixing of markings or inscriptions on products covered by this Directive which are likely
to mislead third parties with regard to the meaning or the form of the CE marking shall be prohibited.
Any other markings may be affixed to products covered by this Directive and/or on their packaging
provided that the visibility and legibility of the CE marking is not thereby reduced.’;

8. Annex I is hereby amended as follows:

1. the heading shall be replaced by the following:




For the purposes of this Annex the term “craft” shall cover recreational craft and personal water-

A. Essential safety requirements for the design and construction of craft.’;

2. the table under ‘1. BOAT DESIGN CATEGORIES’ shall be replaced by the following:

Wind force Significant wave height

‘Design category
(Beaufort scale) (H 1/3, metres)

A- “Ocean” exceeding 8 exceeding 4

B- “Offshore” up to, and including, 8 up to, and including, 4
C- “Inshore” up to, and including, 6 up to, and including, 2
D- “Sheltered waters” up to, and including, 4 up to, and including, 0,3’
26.8.2003 EN Official Journal of the European Union L 214/25

3. the definition of Boat Design Category A shall be replaced by the following:

‘A. Ocean: Designed for extended voyages where conditions may exceed wind force 8 (Beaufort
scale) and significant wave heights of 4 m and above but excluding abnormal conditions, and
vessels largely self-sufficient.’;

4. the definition of Boat Design Category D shall be replaced by the following:

‘D. Sheltered waters — Designed for voyages on sheltered coastal waters, small bays, small lakes,
rivers and canals when conditions up to, and including, wind force 4 and significant wave
heights up to, and including, 0,3 m may be experienced, with occasional waves of 0,5 m
maximum height, for example from passing vessels.’;

5. the last subparagraph under section 1. ‘Boat design categories’ shall be replaced by the following:

‘Craft in each Category must be designed and constructed to withstand these parameters in respect
of stability, buoyancy, and other relevant essential requirements listed in Annex I, and to have
good handling characteristics.’;

6. the text under section 2. ‘General requirements’ shall be replaced by the following:

‘Products falling under Article 1(1)(a) shall comply with the essential requirements in so far as they
apply to them.’;

7. in section 2.1:
(a) the title should read as follows: ‘Craft identification’;
(b) the introductory wording shall read as follows:
‘Each craft shall be marked with an identification number including the following informa-

8. in section 2.2 ‘Builder's plate’, the fourth indent shall read as follows:

‘— manufacturer's maximum recommended load derived from section 3.6 excluding the weight
of the contents of the fixed tanks when full’;

9. in section 3.6 ‘Manufacturer's maximum recommended load’ the following words shall be deleted:

‘…, as marked on the builder's plate,…’;

10. the following section shall be added in section 5 ‘Installation requirements’:

‘5.1.5. Personal watercraft running without driver.

Personal watercraft shall be designed either with an automatic engine cut-off or with an
automatic device to provide reduced speed, circular, forward movement when the driver
dismounts deliberately or falls overboard.’;

11. section 5.2.2 shall be replaced by the following:

‘5.2.2. Fuel tanks

Fuel tanks, lines and hoses shall be secured and separated or protected from any source
of significant heat. The material the tanks are made of and their method of construction
shall be according to their capacity and the type of fuel. All tank spaces shall be venti-

Petrol fuel shall be kept in tanks which do not form part of the hull and are:
(a) insulated from the engine compartment and from all other source of ignition;

(b) separated from living quarters;

Diesel fuel may be kept in tanks that are integral with the hull.’;
L 214/26 EN Official Journal of the European Union 26.8.2003

12. section 5.6.2 shall be replaced by the following:

‘5.6.2. Fire-fighting equipment

Craft shall be supplied with fire-fighting equipment appropriate to the fire hazard, or the
position and capacity of fire-fighting equipment appropriate to the fire hazard shall be
indicated. The craft shall not be put into service until the appropriate fire-fighting equip-
ment is in place. Petrol engine enclosures shall be protected by a fire extinguishing system
that avoids the need to open the enclosure in the event of fire. Where fitted, portable fire
extinguishers shall be readily accessible and one shall be so positioned that it can easily
be reached from the main steering position of the craft.’;

13. section 5.8 shall be replaced by the following:

‘5.8. Discharge prevention and installations facilitating the delivery ashore of waste

Craft shall be constructed so as to prevent the accidental discharge of pollutants (oil, fuel,
etc.) overboard.

Craft fitted with toilets shall have either:

(a) holding tanks, or
(b) provision to fit holding tanks.

Craft with permanently installed holding tanks shall be fitted with a standard discharge
connection to enable pipes of reception facilities to be connected with the craft discharge

In addition, any through-the-hull pipes for human waste shall be fitted with valves which
are capable of being secured in the closed position.’;

14. the following parts shall be added:

‘B. Essential requirements for exhaust emissions from propulsion engines

Propulsion engines shall comply with the following essential requirements for exhaust emis-

1. Engine identification

1.1. Each engine shall be clearly marked with the following information:
— engine manufacturer's trademark or trade-name,
— engine type, engine family, if applicable,
— a unique engine identification number,
— CE marking, if required under Article 10.

1.2. These marks must be durable for the normal life of the engine and must be clearly
legible and indelible. If labels or plates are used, they must be attached in such a manner
that the fixing is durable for the normal life of the engine, and the labels/plates cannot
be removed without destroying or defacing them.

1.3. These marks must be secured to an engine part necessary for normal engine operation
and not normally requiring replacement during the engine life.

1.4. These marks must be located so as to be readily visible to the average person after the
engine has been assembled with all the components necessary for engine operation.

2. Exhaust emission requirements

Propulsion engines shall be designed, constructed and assembled so that when correctly
installed and in normal use, emissions shall not exceed the limit values obtained from
the following table:
26.8.2003 EN Official Journal of the European Union L 214/27

Table 1


Carbon monoxide Hydrocarbons

CO ¼ A þ B=PnN HC ¼ A þ B=PnN Nitrogen
Type oxides
A B n A B n

Two-stroke spark 150,0 600,0 1,0 30,0 100,0 0,75 10,0 Not
ignition applicable

Four-stroke spark 150,0 600,0 1,0 6,0 50,0 0,75 15,0 Not
ignition applicable

Compression 5,0 0 0 1,5 2,0 0,5 9,8 1,0


Where A, B and n are constants in accordance with the table, PN is the rated engine
power in kW and the exhaust emissions are measured in accordance with the harmo-
nised standard (*).

For engines above 130 kW either E3 (IMO) or E5 (recreational marine) duty cycles may
be used.

The reference fuels to be used for the emissions test for engines fuelled with petrol and
diesel shall be as specified in Directive 98/69/EC (Annex IX, Tables 1 and 2), and for
those engines fuelled with Liquefied Petroleum Gas as specified in Directive 98/77/EC.

3. Durability

The manufacturer of the engine shall supply engine installation and maintenance
instructions, which if applied should mean that the engine in normal use will continue
to comply with the above limits throughout the normal life of the engine and under
normal conditions of use.

This information shall be obtained by the engine manufacturer by use of prior endur-
ance testing, based on normal operating cycles, and by calculation of component fatigue
so that the necessary maintenance instructions may be prepared by the manufacturer
and issued with all new engines when first placed on the market.

The normal life of the engine is considered to mean:

(a) inboard or stern drive engines with or without integral exhaust: 480 hours or 10
years, whichever occurs first;
(b) personal watercraft engines: 350 hours or five years, whichever occurs first;
(c) outboard engines: 350 hours or 10 years, whichever occurs first.

4. Owner's manual

Each engine shall be provided with an owner's manual in the Community language or
languages, which may be determined by the Member State in which the engine is to be
marketed. This manual shall:
(a) provide instructions for the installation and maintenance needed to assure the
proper functioning of the engine to meet the requirements of paragraph 3,
(b) specify the power of the engine when measured in accordance with the harmonised

(*) EN ISO 8178-1: 1996.

L 214/28 EN Official Journal of the European Union 26.8.2003

C. Essential requirements for noise emissions

Recreational craft with inboard or stern drive engines without integral exhaust, personal
watercraft and outboard engines and stern drive engines with integral exhaust shall comply
with the following essential requirements for noise emissions.

1. Noise emission levels

1.1. Recreational craft with inboard or stern drive engines without integral exhaust, personal
watercraft and outboard engines and stern drive engines with integral exhaust shall be
designed, constructed and assembled so that noise emissions measured in accordance
with tests defined in the harmonised standard (**) shall not exceed the limit values in
the following table:

Table 2

Single engine power Maximum Sound Pressure Level = LpASmax

In kW In dB

PN ≤ 10 67

10 < PN ≤ 40 72

PN > 40 75

where PN = rated engine power in kW at rated speed and LpASmax = maximum sound
pressure level in dB.

(**) EN ISO 14509.

For twin-engine and multiple-engine units of all engine types an allowance of 3 dB may
be applied.

1.2. As an alternative to sound measurement tests, recreational craft with inboard engine
configuration or stern drive engine configuration, without integral exhaust, shall be
deemed to comply with these noise requirements if they have a Froude number of ≤
1,1 and a power displacement ratio of ≤ 40 and where the engine and exhaust system
are installed in accordance with the engine manufacturer's specifications.

1.3. “Froude number” shall be calculated by dividing the maximum boat speed V (m/s) by
the square root of the waterline length lwl (m) multiplied by a given gravitational
constant, (g = 9,8 m/s2)

Fn ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi .

“Power displacement ratio” shall be calculated by dividing the engine power P (kW) by
the boat's displacement D ðtÞ ¼

1.4. As a further alternative to sound measurement tests, recreational craft with inboard or
stern drive engine configurations without integral exhaust, shall be deemed to comply
with these noise requirements if their key design parameters are the same as or compa-
tible with those of a certified reference boat to tolerances specified in the harmonised

1.5. “Certified reference boat” shall mean a specific combination of hull/inboard engine or
stern drive engine without integral exhaust that has been found to comply with the
noise emission requirements, when measured in accordance with section 1.1, and for
which all appropriate key design parameters and sound level measurements have been
included subsequently in the published list of certified reference boats.
26.8.2003 EN Official Journal of the European Union L 214/29

2. Owner's Manual

For recreational craft with inboard engine or stern drive engines with or without inte-
gral exhaust and personal watercraft, the owner's manual required under Annex I.A
Section 2.5, shall include information necessary to maintain the craft and exhaust
system in a condition that, insofar as is practicable, will ensure compliance with the
specified noise limit values when in normal use.

For outboard engines, the owner's manual required under Annex I.B.4 shall provide
instructions necessary to maintain the outboard engine in a condition, that insofar as is
practicable, will ensure compliance with the specified noise limit values when in normal

9. Section 4 of Annex II shall read as follows:

‘4. Fuel tanks intended for fixed installations and fuel hoses.’;

10. Annex VI shall be replaced by the following:



This module consists of module A, as referred to in Annex V, plus the following supplementary

A. Design and construction

On one or several boats representing the production of the manufacturer one or more of the
following tests, equivalent calculation or control shall be carried out by the manufacturer or on
his behalf:
(a) test of stability according to section 3.2 of the Essential Requirements (Annex IA);

(b) test of buoyancy characteristics according to section 3.3 of the Essential Requirements (Annex

Provisions common to both variations:

These tests or calculations or control shall be carried out under the responsibility of a notified
body chosen by the manufacturer.

B. Noise emissions

For recreational craft fitted with inboard or stern drive engines without integral exhaust and for
personal watercraft:
On one or several craft representing the production of the craft manufacturer, the sound emission
tests defined in Annex I.C shall be carried out by the craft manufacturer, or on his behalf, under
the responsibility of a notified body chosen by the manufacturer.

For outboard engines and stern drive engines with integral exhaust:
On one or several engines of each engine family representing the production of the engine manu-
facturer, the sound emission tests defined in Annex I.C shall be carried out by the engine manu-
facturer, or on his behalf, under the responsibility of a notified body chosen by the manufacturer.

Where more than one engine of an engine family is tested, the statistical method described in
Annex XVII shall be applied to ensure conformity of the sample.’;
L 214/30 EN Official Journal of the European Union 26.8.2003

11. the following point shall be added to Annex VIII:

‘4. With regard to the assessment of conformity with the exhaust emission requirements of this Direc-
tive and if the manufacturer is not working under a relevant quality system as described in Annex
XII, a notified body chosen by the manufacturer may carry out or have carried out product checks
at random intervals. When the quality level appears unsatisfactory or when it seems necessary to
verify the validity of the data presented by the manufacturer, the following procedure shall be
An engine is taken from the series and subjected to the test described in Annex I.B. Test engines
shall have been run in, partially or completely, according to the manufacturer's specifications. If
the specific exhaust emissions of the engine taken from the series exceed the limit values according
to Annex I.B, the manufacturer may ask for measurements to be done on a sample of engines
taken from the series and including the engine originally taken. To ensure the conformity of the
sample of engines defined above with the requirements of the Directive, the statistical method
described in Annex XVII shall be applied.’;

12. the following subparagraph shall be added to section 5.3 in Annex X:

‘For the assessment of conformity with the exhaust emission requirements, the procedure defined in
Annex XVII shall be applied.’;

13. Annex XIII shall be replaced by the following:



The technical documentation referred to in Annexes V, VII, VIII, IX, XI and XVI must comprise all rele-
vant data or means used by the manufacturer to ensure that components or craft comply with the
essential requirements relating to them.
The technical documentation shall enable understanding of the design, manufacture and operation of
the product, and shall enable assessment of conformity with the requirements of this Directive.
The documentation shall contain so far as relevant for assessment:
(a) a general description of the type,
(b) conceptual design and manufacturing drawings and schemes of components, sub-assemblies,
circuits, etc.,
(c) descriptions and explanations necessary for the understanding of said drawings and schemes and
the operation of the product,
(d) a list of the standards referred to in Article 5, applied in full or in part, and descriptions of the
solutions adopted to fulfil the essential requirements when the standards referred to in Article 5
have not been applied,
(e) results of design calculations made, examinations carried out, etc.,
(f) test reports, or calculations namely on stability according to section 3.2 of the Essential Require-
ments and on buoyancy according to section 3.3 thereof (Annex I.A),
(g) exhaust emissions test reports demonstrating compliance with section 2 of the Essential Require-
ments (Annex I.B),
(h) sound emissions test reports or reference boat data demonstrating compliance with section 1 of
the Essential Requirements (Annex I.C).’;

14. point 1 of Annex XIV shall be replaced by the following:

‘1. The body, its director and the staff responsible for carrying out the verification tests shall not be
the designer, manufacturer, supplier or installer of the products referred to in Article 1 which they
inspect, nor the authorised representative of any of these parties. They shall not become either
involved directly or as authorised representatives in the design, construction, marketing or main-
tenance of the said products. This does not preclude the possibility of exchanges of technical
information between the manufacturer and the body.
26.8.2003 EN Official Journal of the European Union L 214/31

1a. A notified body must be independent and must not be controlled by the manufacturers or by

15. Annex XV shall be replaced by the following:



1. The written declaration of conformity to the provisions of the Directive must always accompany:
(a) the recreational craft and the personal watercraft and must be included with the owner's
manual (Annex I.A section 2.5),
(b) the components, as referred to in Annex II,
(c) propulsion engines and must be included with the owner's manual (Annex I.B.4).

2. The written declaration of conformity shall include the following (*):

(a) name and address of the manufacturer or his authorised representative established in the
Community (**),
(b) description of the product defined in point 1 (***),
(c) references to the relevant harmonised standards used, or references to the specifications in rela-
tion to which conformity is declared,
(d) where appropriate, the references of the other Community Directives applied,
(e) where appropriate, reference to the EC type-examination certificate issued by a notified body,
(f) where appropriate, the name and address of the notified body,
(g) identification of the person empowered to sign on behalf of the manufacturer or his authorised
representative established within the Community.

3. With regard to:

— inboard engines and stern drive propulsion engines without integral exhaust,
— engines type-approved according to Directive 97/68/EC which are in compliance with stage II
provided for in section 4.2.3 of Annex I of the latter Directive and,
— engines type-approved according to Directive 88/77/EEC,

the declaration of conformity shall include in addition to the information of point 2, a statement of
the manufacturer that the engine will meet the exhaust emission requirements of this Directive,
when installed in a recreational craft, in accordance with the manufacturer's supplied instructions
and that this engine must not be put into service until the recreational craft into which it is to be
installed has been declared in conformity, if so required, with the relevant provision of the Direc-

(*) Must be drawn up in the language(s) as provided for under section 2.5 of Annex I.A.
(**) Business name and full address; the authorised representative must also give the business name
and address of the manufacturer.
(***) Description of the product make, type, serial number, where appropriate.’

16. the following Annexes shall be added:



1. This module describes the procedure whereby the manufacturer who satisfies the obligations of
point 2 ensures and declares that the products concerned are in conformity with the type as
described in the EC type-examination certificate and satisfy the requirements of the directive that
apply to them. The manufacturer or his authorised representative established within the Commu-
nity must affix the CE mark to each product and draw up a written declaration of conformity.
The CE mark must be accompanied by the identification symbol of the notified body responsible
for surveillance as specified in point 4.
L 214/32 EN Official Journal of the European Union 26.8.2003

2. The manufacturer must operate an approved quality system for final product inspection and
testing as specified in point 3 and must be subject to surveillance as specified in point 4.

3. Quality system

3.1. The manufacturer must lodge an application for assessment of his quality system for the
products concerned, with a notified body of his choice.

The application must include:

— all relevant information for the product category envisaged,
— the quality system's documentation,

— if applicable, the technical documentation of the approved type and a copy of the EC type-
examination certificate.

3.2. Under the quality system, each product must be examined and appropriate tests as set out in the
relevant standard(s) referred to in Article 5 or equivalent tests shall be carried out in order to
ensure its conformity with the relevant requirements of the directive. All the elements, require-
ments and provisions adopted by the manufacturer must be documented in a systematic and
orderly manner in the form of written policies, procedures and instructions. This quality system
documentation must ensure a common understanding of the quality programmes, plans,
manuals and records.

It must contain in particular an adequate description of:

— the quality objectives and the organisational structure, responsibilities and powers of the
management with regard to product quality,
— the examinations and tests that will be carried out after manufacture,
— the means to monitor the effective operation of the quality system,

— quality records, such as inspection reports and test data, calibration data, qualification reports
of the personnel concerned, etc.

3.3. The notified body must assess the quality system to determine whether it satisfies the require-
ments referred to in point 3.2.

It presumes conformity with these requirements in respect of quality systems that implement the
relevant harmonised standard.

The auditing team must have at least one member experienced as an assessor in the product
technology concerned. The assessment procedure must include an assessment visit to the manu-
facturer's premises.

The decision must be notified to the manufacturer. The notification must contain the conclusions
of the examination and the reasoned assessment decision.

3.4. The manufacturer must undertake to fulfil the obligations arising from the quality system as
approved and to maintain it in an appropriate and efficient manner.

The manufacturer or his authorised representative must keep the notified body which has
approved the quality system informed of any intended updating of the quality system.

The notified body must evaluate the modifications proposed and decide whether the modified
quality system will still satisfy the requirements referred to in point 3.2 or whether a reassess-
ment is required.

It must notify its decision to the manufacturer. The notification must contain the conclusions of
the examination and the reasoned assessment decision.

4. Surveillance under the responsibility of the notified body

4.1. The purpose of surveillance is to make sure that the manufacturer duly fulfils the obligations
arising out of the approved quality system.
26.8.2003 EN Official Journal of the European Union L 214/33

4.2. The manufacturer must allow the notified body entrance for inspection purposes to the locations
of inspection, testing and storage and shall provide it with all necessary information, in parti-
— the quality system documentation,

— the technical documentation,

— the quality records, such as inspection reports and test data, calibration data, qualification
reports of the personnel concerned, etc.

4.3. The notified body must periodically carry out audits to ensure that the manufacturer maintains
and applies the quality system and must provide an audit report to the manufacturer.

4.4. Additionally, the notified body may pay unexpected visits to the manufacturer. At the time of
such visits, the notified body may carry out tests or have them carried out in order to check the
proper functioning of the quality system where necessary; it must provide the manufacturer with
a visit report and, if a test has been carried out, with a test report.

5. The manufacturer must, for a period ending at least 10 years after the last product has been
manufactured, keep at the disposal of the national authorities:
— the documentation referred to in the third indent of the second subparagraph of point 3.1,

— the updating referred to in the second subparagraph of point 3.4,

— the decisions and reports from the notified body which are referred to in the final subpara-
graph of point 3.4, points 4.3 and 4.4.

6. Each notified body must forward to the other notified bodies the relevant information
concerning the quality system approvals issued and withdrawn.



1. For verifying the conformity of an engine family, a sample of engines is taken from the series. The
manufacturer shall decide the size (n) of the sample, in agreement with the notified body.

2. The arithmetical mean X of the results obtained from the sample shall be calculated for each regu-
lated component of the exhaust and noise emission. The production of the series shall be deemed
to conform to the requirements (pass decision) if the following condition is met:

X + K. S ≤ L

S is standard deviation, where:

X 2
S2 ¼ ðx – XÞ =ðn – 1Þ

X = the arithmetical mean of the results

x = the individual results of the sample

L = the appropriate limit value

n = the number of engines in the sample

k = statistical factor depending on n (see table)

L 214/34 EN Official Journal of the European Union 26.8.2003

n 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

k 0,973 0,613 0,489 0,421 0,376 0,342 0,317 0,296 0,279

n 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

k 0,265 0,253 0,242 0,233 0,224 0,216 0,210 0,203 0,198

If n ≥ 20 then k = 0,860/√n. k ¼ 0; 860= n’.

Article 2

By 31 December 2006 the Commission shall submit a report on the possibilities of further improving the
environmental characteristics of engines and consider inter alia the need to revise the boat design cate-
gories. If deemed appropriate, in the light of this report, the Commission shall by 31 December 2007
submit appropriate proposals to the European Parliament and the Council. The Commission shall in the
light of the experience gained take account of:
(a) the need to further reduce emissions of air pollutants and noise in order to meet environment protec-
tion requirements;
(b) the possible benefits of a system for ‘in-use compliance’;
(c) the availability of cost efficient techniques for controlling emissions;
(d) the need to reduce evaporation and spill of fuel;
(e) the possibility of agreeing on international standards for exhaust and noise emissions;
(f) possible simplifications of the system for conformity assessment procedures.

Article 3

1. Member States shall adopt and publish the laws, regulations and administrative provisions necessary
to comply with the requirements of this Directive by 30 June 2004. They shall immediately inform the
Commission thereof.

Member States shall apply such measures as from 1 January 2005.

2. Member States shall permit the placing on the market and/or putting into service of products which
comply with the rules in force in their territory on the date of entry into force of this Directive, as follows:
(a) until 31 December 2005 for the products falling under Article 1(1)(a);
(b) until 31 December 2005 for compression ignition and four-stroke spark ignition engines; and,
(c) until 31 December 2006 for two-stroke spark ignition engines.

3. When Member States adopt the measures referred to in paragraph 1, they shall contain a reference to
this Directive or shall be accompanied by such reference on the occasion of their official publication. The
methods of making such reference shall be laid down by Member States.

4. Member States shall communicate to the Commission the text of the provisions of national law
which they adopt in the field governed by this Directive.

Article 4

Member States shall determine the penalties applicable to breaches of the national provisions adopted
pursuant to this Directive. The penalties shall be effective, proportionate and dissuasive.

Article 5

This Directive shall enter into force on the day of its publication in the Official Journal of the European
26.8.2003 EN Official Journal of the European Union L 214/35

Article 6
This Directive is addressed to the Member States.

Done at Luxembourg, 16 June 2003.

For the European Parliament For the Council

The President The President
Recreational craft directive and comments to the directive combined Second edition
Enterprise Publications


Second edition

ISBN 92-894-7553-6
European Commission

9 789289 475532

A guide to the application of Directive 94/25/EC of 16 June 1994

on the approximation of the laws, regulations and administrative provisions
of the Member States relating to recreational craft
Second edition
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Cataloguing data can be found at the end of this publication.

Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2004

ISBN 92-894-7553-6

© European Communities, 2004

Reproduction is authorised provided the source is acknowledged.

Printed in Italy



Foreword . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

Corpus of the recreational craft directive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

Chapter 1:
Scope, placing on the market . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

Article 1: Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

Article 2: Placing on the market and putting into service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

Article 3: Essential requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

Article 4: Free movement of the products referred to in Article 1(1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

(i) Placing on the market . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

(ii) Making available . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

(iii) Putting into service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

(iv) Manufacturer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

(v) Authorised representative . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

(vi) Importer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

(vii) Application of the machinery directive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

(viii) Summary of the application of the directive after 16 June 1998 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

Article 5: Proof of conformity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

Article 6: Management of the lists of standards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

Article 7: Safeguard clause . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

Chapter 2:
Conformity assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

Article 8: Modular choice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

Article 9: Notified bodies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

Chapter 3:
Marking to Demonstrate Conformity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

Article 10: CE marking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

Recreational craft directive and comments to the directive combined

Chapter 4:
Final provisions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

Article 11: Decisions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

Article 12: Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

Article 13: Transposition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

Article 14: Entry into force . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

Article 15: Final article . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

Annex I:
Essential safety requirements for the design
and construction of recreational craft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

1. Boat design categories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

2. General requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

2.1. Hull identification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

2.2. Builder’s plate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
2.3. Protection from falling overboard and means of reboarding . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
2.4. Visibility from the main steering position . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
2.5. Owner’s manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
3. Integrity and structural requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

3.1. Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
3.2. Stability and freeboard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
3.3. Buoyancy and flotation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
3.4. Openings in hull, deck and superstructure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
3.5. Flooding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
3.6. Manufacturer’s maximum recommended load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
3.7. Liferaft stowage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
3.8. Escape . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
3.9. Anchoring, mooring and towing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
4. Handling characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

5. Installation requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

5.1. Engines and engine spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

5.1.1. Inboard engine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

5.1.2. Ventilation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

5.1.3. Exposed parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

5.1.4. Outboard engines starting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39


5.2. Fuel system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

5.2.1. General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
5.2.2. Fuel tanks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
5.3. Electrical system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
5.4. Steering system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
5.4.1. General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
5.4.2. Emergency arrangements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
5.5. Gas system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
5.6. Fire protection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
5.6.1. General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
5.6.2. Fire-fighting equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
5.7. Navigation lights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
5.8. Discharge prevention . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

Annex II:
Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
1. Ignition-protected equipment for inboard and stern drive engines . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
2. Start-in-gear protection devices for outboard engines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
3. Steering wheels, steering mechanisms and cable assemblies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
4. Fuel tanks and fuel hoses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
5. Prefabricated hatches and portlights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

Annex III:
Declaration by the builder or his authorised representative established
in the Community or the person responsible for placing on the market . . . . . . . . 45

Annex IV:
CE Marking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

Annex V:
Internal production control (module A) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

Annex VI:
Internal production control plus tests (module Aa, option 1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48

Annex VII:
EC type-examination (module B) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49

Annex VIII:
Conformity to type (module C) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

Recreational craft directive and comments to the directive combined

Annex IX:
Production quality assurance (module D) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52

Annex X:
Product verification (module F) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54

Annex XI:
Unit verification (module G) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56

Annex XII:
Full quality assurance (module H) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57

Annex XIII:
Technical documentation supplied by the manufacturer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59

Annex XIV:
Minimum criteria to be taken into account by Member States
for the notification of bodies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60

Annex XV:
Written declaration of conformity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61

DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63

Appendix 1:
Preamble and Justifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65

Appendix 2:
Text of Directive 94/25/EC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69

Appendix 3:
Standards harmonised under Directive 94/25/EC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97

Appendix 4:
List of notified bodies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101

Appendix 5:
Useful addresses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105

1. European Commission services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105

2. Member States . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105

3. Recreational Craft Sectoral Group (RSG) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106

4. European standards organisation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106


This document updates and replaces the first edition of the application guide issued in 2001
and sets out and comments on the text of Directive 94/25/EC relating to the design and
construction requirements for recreational craft (the directive).

This guide is intended to be a reference document for all parties directly or indirectly involved
with the recreational craft industry. It should be read and used as an aid in the application of
the directive. It does not, however, substitute for it. It is the intention that it should explain and
clarify certain important issues related to the directive. In addition, these guidelines are
intended to promote the free movement of goods in the EU/EEA internal market having been
presented to Member States’ government experts, industry, notified bodies, users and other
parties for comment. The competent services of the European Commission very much appre-
ciate the assistance given during the preparation of the second edition of this guide (1).

The guide is publicly available, but it is not binding in the same sense as legal acts adopted by
the Community. The legally binding provisions are those transposing the directive into the
national legislation of the EU/EEA Member States.

Since Directive 94/25/EC is a ‘new approach’ directive, additional guidance on the principles
of the new approach can be found in the Guide to the implementation of directives based on the
new approach and the global approach. This guide has been published by the European
Commission and can be downloaded from the Commission’s website at the following address:

It should be noted that the text of the directive speaks of the ‘Community’ or ‘EU’ in the sense
of a trade area; this should be read to mean both the European Union (EU) and the European
Economic Area (EEA).

(1) In addition to this guide issued by the Commission services, there are the Recreational Craft Sectoral Group
(RSG) guidelines. The RSG is the group of notified bodies under the directive with representatives of
industry and users. These RSG guidelines give general guidance to notified bodies and manufacturers on
the uniform technical application and interpretation of the directive and the conformity assessment proce-
dures in particular.

Corpus of the recreational craft directive

Chapter 1: Scope, placing on the market

Article 1: Scope NB: Kit boats

Kit boats may be envisaged as partly com-

Article 1(1)
pleted boats purchased from a manufacturer
1. This Directive shall apply to recreational where all parts necessary to complete the con-
craft, partly completed boats and components struction of the boat in compliance with the es-
referred to in Annex II when separate and sential requirements of the directive are pro-
when installed. vided.

Paragraph 1 specifies the products covered: When the kit boat manufacturer has supplied
all parts necessary for completion, as defined
— Recreational craft in the proper sense; above, then, subject to written confirmation
that the boat was completed in accordance
— Partly completed boats: with the manufacturer’s instructions being
returned to the kit boat manufacturer, CE
• A partly completed boat is a boat consisting of marking shall be fixed accordingly. Compli-
a hull or a hull and one or more components ance with the directive shall in these cases be
(other aspects of the boat than Annex II com- ensured for all variations available from the
ponents). It might be possible that compo- manufacturer, especially those that would
nents, as referred to in Annex II, are installed
on a partly completed boat. These compo-
change the stability characteristics from the
nents are subject to conformity assessment, as basic model, for example variations in mast
explained below. Boat kits consisting of panels configuration and rigging.
and parts to make the boat and its hull, typi-
cally of wood or metal, are also to be consid- The above does not absolve the kit manufac-
ered as partly completed boats (see note on kit
turer of his responsibilities, within the
boats below).
modular system, as detailed under Article 8 of
• The ‘partly completed boat’ does not fulfil all the directive.
the essential safety requirements of the direc-
tive related to the design and the construc-
See also Article 1(3)(g).
tion of the craft and is either destined to be
completed, i.e. completely fulfil the essential
requirements, by another party who will be Article 1(2)
regarded as the manufacturer, or placed on
the market as such. 2. ‘Recreational craft’ shall mean any boat of
any type, regardless of the means of propul-
— The components referred to in Annex II sion, from 2.5 to 24 m hull length, measured
when separate and when installed: according to the appropriate harmonised
standards intended for sports and leisure
• The statement that the directive applies to purposes. The fact that the same boat could
components referred to in Annex II ‘when
be used for charter or for recreational boating
separate and when installed’ means, in
particular, that these components are subject training shall not prevent it being covered by
to conformity assessment in accordance with this Directive when it is placed on the market
Article 8 before being installed in boats. for recreational purposes.

Recreational craft directive and comments to the directive combined

Paragraph 2 defines the types of recreational (a) craft intended solely for racing, including
craft covered. rowing racing boats and training rowing
boats labelled as such by the manufacturer;
These boats are defined, not by their type or
The exclusion in (a) concerns craft intended
means of propulsion, but:
solely for racing and designated as such by
their builder. These include rowing racing
— by their hull length of 2.5 to 24 m,
boats and boats intended for rowing training
that are designed exclusively for racing. Some
and, in particular, racing boats are by their very design so ex-
treme in their racing profile that they could in
— by their intended use for sports and no way be examined against the requirements
leisure purposes. of the directive. It is these designs for which this
exclusion was drafted. In the remaining major-
It is specified that chartered, i.e. hired, recre- ity of craft, examination against the require-
ational craft are covered by the directive, as ments of the directive could be feasible. That
are recreational craft used for recreational said, a manufacturer who decides, as it is his
boating training. In both cases, the activity is decision, to label the boat ‘intended solely for
not a commercial passenger transport activity racing’ is demonstrating the intended prime
but one for sports or leisure purposes, even if purpose of the boat to compete adequately
the craft is hired with crew. with other boats (perhaps employing minimal-
ist internal fittings). Such a labelling should be
Relevant harmonised standard clearly visible when affixed to the boat. If, in the
future, this boat is placed on the EEA market
EN ISO 8666:2002: Small craft — Principal not as a racing boat, perhaps because the de-
data sign is no longer competitive, the boat then
falls under the requirements of the directive as
Article 1(3) this would constitute the ‘first placing on the
market’ as a recreational craft.
3. The following shall be excluded from the
scope of this Directive: (b) canoes and kayaks, gondolas and pedalos;

Paragraph 3 contains a list of craft which are The exclusions in (b) concern types of watercraft,
excluded from the scope of the directive. which are by nature incompatible with some of
the essential requirements but whose inclusion
in the directive might be debatable. Canoes and
Whilst it is for the manufacturer to decide
kayaks, gondolas and pedalos are considered to
whether or not a boat is covered by the direc-
be craft designed to be propelled by human
tive, advice may be sought from the Member
power excluding rowing. Rowing is considered
State administration, in order, perhaps, to
to be the use of more than one oar. If canoes are
give greater validity to the decision. The
so designed and constructed that they can be fit-
Commission’s comments to the directive may
ted with an engine and placed on the market as
be used for guidance. If a Member State
such, they are covered by the directive.
administration is, finally, still unsure, even
after consultation with a notified body, then
advice may be sought from the Commission. (c) sailing surfboards;
In this case, advice would be sought on a The exclusion in (c) concerns craft whose
wider basis using the services of the standing design is incompatible with the essential
committee referred to in Article 6 of the direc- requirements of the directive.
tive or other groups created under the direc-
(d) powered surfboards, personal watercraft
and other similar powered craft;
There is no provision for this information to
be notified to the Commission or for the The exclusion in (d) is intended to exclude
Commission to keep a list of excluded craft. personal watercraft being craft which use an

Chapter 1: Scope, placing on the market

internal combustion engine powering a water NB:

jet pump as their primary source of propul-
sion and which are designed to be operated All Member States have individual boat designs
by a person or persons sitting, standing or that are peculiar to that State or region thereof,
kneeling on rather than within the confines of for example ‘pattini’ in Italy or ‘treehandiri’ in
their hull. Greece. These boats are generally:

Powered surfboards or similar powered craft — of a design pre-dating 1950,

are considered to be craft carrying no more
than two persons sitting, standing or kneeling — built in specialist yards of original mat-
on the craft’s hull and fitted with flotation and erials.
fail-safe controls.
Of the two points above, the first takes
Similar craft meeting these considerations are predominance. The Member State must be
also considered to lie outside the scope of the satisfied that such an exclusion from the
directive. directive would not give carte blanche for
series production.
(e) original, and individual replicas of, histor-
ical craft designed before 1950, built pre- (f) experimental craft, provided that they are
dominantly with the original materials not subsequently placed on the Commu-
and labelled as such by the manufacturer; nity market;

The exclusion in (e) is intended to exclude The exclusion in (f) concerns experimental
from the scope of the directive craft designed craft. Such craft may be placed on the EEA
market only if their design and construction
before 1950. In addition, this exclusion is also
are subsequently certified in conformity with
intended to exclude craft and/or types or
the directive.
classes of craft which were designed or devel-
oped before 1950 and which are individually
constructed predominantly but not exclu- (g) craft built for own use, provided that they
sively using the original materials. Builders of are not subsequently placed on the
historical craft are able to build the same Community market during a period of
authentic bygone design, one boat after five years;
another. These boats are still unique and indi- The exclusion in (g) concerns craft built by their
vidual, when built using methods and mate- future user, provided that they are not placed
rials consistent with the original design, and on the EEA market within five years of being put
retain their aesthetic charm and characteris- into service. This does not preclude the sub-
tics. In this respect, ‘predominantly with the contracting, by the builder, of specialists in cer-
original materials’ means using the original tain aspects of the fitting-out of the boat, for
materials for both the hull and the deck, but example electrical or electronic engineers.
allowing contemporary use of materials, for
example plywood instead of solid timber, A kit boat bought by its end-user, from the kit
laminated frames, modern adhesives, paints, boat manufacturer, not completed in accor-
sealant and fastenings. Series production by dance with the kit boat manufacturer’s
means of moulds (e.g. GRP production) shall instructions (i.e. modified (2)) but to the
not be possible in these cases. ‘desires’ of the end-user is considered to be a
‘boat built for own use’.
It is noted that some classes of boat that were
designed before 1950 which were originally If, for whatever reason, a boat built for own
made exclusively of wood are now produced use is intended to be placed on the Commu-
of modern plastics. These contemporary
constructions are considered to fall within the
(2) It is considered that these modifications relate to
scope of the directive as the criteria regarding compliance with the directive’s essential safety
‘predominantly with the original materials’ is requirements and not features outside the scope
not fulfilled. of Annex I.

Recreational craft directive and comments to the directive combined

nity market, whether completed or partly means that recreational craft, which are
completed, within the five-year period, then crewed and are used for sports and/or leisure
certification by a person or persons fulfilling purposes, are not excluded.
the role of manufacturer would be required in
a similar manner to (f) above. These persons NB:
would take the responsibility for the appraisal
of the design, construction and any necessary Council Directive 82/714/EEC of 4 October
modification of the boat. This appraisal, with 1982, which lays down technical require-
regard to compliance with essential require- ments for inland waterway vessels, excludes
ments of the directive, involves the proce- recreational craft from its scope but does not
dures necessary for conformity assessment. define them. However, it does exclude and
define passenger boats as follows:
‘Passenger boat’ means any vessel built and
A member of the general public building his fitted out to carry more than 12 passengers.
own boat (in his garage or garden, for As a result of this definition, the phrase
example) from materials bought on the open ‘regardless of the number of passengers’ had
market is deemed to be ‘building a boat for to be added to Directive 94/25/EC.
his own use’. This boat lies outside the scope
of the directive and does not require compli- (i) submersibles;
ance with the essential requirements and thus
CE marking. If, for whatever reason, this situa- (j) air cushion vehicles;
tion changes, then the provisions detailed (k) hydrofoils.
above would be seen to apply.
The above three exclusions lie outside the
It should be made clear that a private person scope of the directive, as their physical char-
who enters into a contractual arrangement acteristics are not consistent with the essential
with a professional company, yard or indi- requirements.
vidual constructor to build a one-off boat
(bespoke) is deemed to have entered into an
arrangement where there will be a transfer of Article 2: Placing on the market
ownership. Such a boat is deemed to fall and putting into service
under the directive and will have to comply
with the essential requirements of the direc- Article 2(1)
tive and applicable conformity assessment
procedures. Reference is made to text 1. Member States shall take all necessary
expanding Article 4. measures to ensure that the products referred
to in Article 1(1) may be placed on the market
Boats built for own use have the concept that and put into service for use in accordance with
a person is building his own boat and not their intended purpose only if they do not
having it built by others. endanger the safety and health of persons,
property or the environment when correctly
(h) craft specifically intended to be crewed constructed and maintained.
and to carry passengers for commercial
purposes, without prejudice to paragraph Paragraph 1 points out that the Member States
2, in particular those defined in Directive are obliged to take all necessary measures to en-
82/714/EEC of 4 October 1982 laying sure that recreational craft and the other prod-
down technical requirements for inland ucts referred to in Article 1(1) can only be
waterway vessels, regardless of the placed on the market and put into service if they
number of passengers; do not endanger the safety and health of per-
sons, property or the environment.
The exclusion in (h) concerns craft specifically
intended to be crewed and to carry passen- One of the prime objectives of the directive
gers for commercial transport purposes. This was to ensure the free circulation of goods by

Chapter 1: Scope, placing on the market

removing technical barriers to trade. In this experts. These groups are providing a forum
respect, a craft bearing the CE marking is for national market surveillance experts to
considered to fulfil the requirements of para- meet and cooperate on practical matters.
graph 1. They have a fundamental role as a network
for practical cooperation: experts can identify
For complete comprehension of the termi- and share views on problems with implemen-
nology used in this article, see the explanation tation of the directive, exchange information
of the terms under Article 4. and improve cooperation in a very practical
Market surveillance
For further information on market surveil-
Market surveillance is an essential tool for the lance, see Chapter 8 of the Guide to the imple-
enforcement of the new approach directives. mentation of directives based on the new
It needs to function effectively in order to approach and the global approach.
provide the following guarantees:
Article 2(2)
— uniform application of Community law;
2. The provisions of this Directive shall not
— equal protection for all citizens; prevent Member States from adopting, in
compliance with the Treaty, provisions
concerning navigation on certain waters for
— maintenance of a level playing field for
the purpose of protection of the environment,
the fabric of waterways, and ensuring safety
of waterways, providing that this does not
It involves two main stages: require modification to craft conforming to
this Directive.
— national surveillance authorities monitor
that products placed on the market Paragraph 2 makes it clear that the directive
comply with the provisions of the appli- leaves it to the Member States to adopt, in
cable national legislation transposing the compliance with the Treaty, provisions
new approach directives; concerning navigation, i.e. regulations on the
use of craft, in order to protect the environ-
— when necessary, they then take action to ment and both the fabric and safety of water-
establish conformity (see also Articles 7 ways.
and 10(4)).
However, the objective of the directive to
In addition to the implicit obligations establish a single market is not jeopardised as
contained in the EC Treaty, the new approach these national rules cannot require any modi-
directives contain an explicit requirement for fication to be made to craft conforming to
Member States to carry out market surveil- the directive. In addition, national rules shall
lance activities (see, for example, Article 2(1) also not cause any distortion to technical or
of the directive). The principle of subsidiarity safety information available to the consumer,
applies, and it is for Member States to deter- associated with compliance with the direc-
mine the administrative structures used to tive, for example design category, load
fulfil their obligations in this field. capacity, etc.

Effective cross-border cooperation between The navigation rules could concern, in partic-
market surveillance authorities is essential if ular, the imposition of speed limits in restric-
products are to be subject to the same high tive or sensitive areas, permission or otherwise
level of surveillance throughout the Union. to navigate certain canals depending on the
The Commission is actively encouraging this size of the craft, visibility at night in certain
cooperation by supporting the activities of local areas, problems of water and air pollu-
directive-specific administrative cooperation tion on certain waterways, problems of noise,
(ADCO) groups of market surveillance etc.

Recreational craft directive and comments to the directive combined

Article 3: Essential requirements For complete comprehension of this article, it

is necessary to explain the following terms (3):
Article 3

The products referred to in Article 1(1) shall

(i) Placing on the market
meet the essential safety, health, environ-
mental protection and consumer protection
This means the first making available, against
requirements set out in Annex I.
payment or free of charge, of a product
covered by the directive, on the EEA market,
The essential requirements set out in Annex for the purpose of distribution and/or use in
I, which must be met by the products the EEA.
covered by the scope of the directive, fall
within the four areas referred to in Article The concept of ‘placing on the market’ deter-
95(3) of the Treaty establishing the European mines the moment when a product covered
Community: by the directive passes for the first time from
the manufacturing stage to the market of the
— safety, EEA or the importing stage from a third
country with a view to its distribution and/or
— health, use in the EEA. Since placing on the market
refers only to the first instance of making the
— environmental protection, and product available on the EEA market with a
view to distribution or use within the
— consumer protection. Community, the directive only covers new
products manufactured in the EEA and new or
used products imported from a third country.
As far as the construction of recreational craft
Boats not falling within the scope of the direc-
is concerned, the concepts of health and
tive because they were originally designed
safety are obviously linked when one
and built for purposes other than sports or
considers the possible consequences of failure
leisure but which are afterwards made avail-
during use.
able on the market for sports or leisure
purposes are also covered by the directive.
The concept of environmental protection is
included, as this has to be taken into account Placing on the market refers to each indi-
from the design stage for certain craft. vidual product which physically exists and is
complete (except those specifically referred to
The concept of consumer protection covers in the directive) and is covered by the direc-
not only the users of the craft but also all tive, regardless of the time or place of manu-
other users of watercourses where the craft is facture and whether it was made as an indi-
used. vidual unit or in series.

The concept of placing on the market must

Article 4: Free movement of the be clearly distinguished from sale. Placing on
products referred to in Article 1(1) the market relates to the physical availability
of the product regardless of the legal aspects
of the act of transfer (loan, gift, sale or hire).
Article 4 establishes free movement in the
Thus, manufacturer’s stock, wherever physi-
single market for:
cally situated after 16 June 1998 where no
transfer has taken place (see definition of
— recreational craft,

(3) For more information, see also the Guide to the

— partly completed boats,
implementation of directives based on the new
approach and the global approach, referred to in
— the components referred to in Annex II. the foreword to this application guide.

Chapter 1: Scope, placing on the market

‘making available’), will be required to comply into service as soon as it is placed on the
with the requirements of the directive when market. The above does not apply when it is
placed on the market. reasonably possible to determine when the
boat was first used for its intended purpose,
floated, became operational, etc.
(ii) Making available
If a product is manufactured or imported
‘Making available’ means the transfer of the from a third country for the manufacturer’s or
product. importer’s own use, there is confusion
between placing on the market and putting
into service. The obligation of conformity with
The transfer of the product is:
the directive arises at the time of the first use.
— the transfer of ownership, or
The free movement of the products covered
by the scope of the directive is granted by the
— the physical handover of the product by:
Member States provided the products bear
the CE marking, which indicates their
• the manufacturer,
conformity with all the provisions of the direc-
• the manufacturer’s authorised repre- tive, including the conformity assessment
sentative in the EEA; to procedures. This does not affect the rights of
Member States under Article 7.
(a) the importer established in the EEA,

(b) the person responsible for distribu- (iv) Manufacturer

tion of the product on the EEA
market, or The manufacturer is the person or persons:

(c) the final user. — responsible for the design and construc-
tion of the product covered by the direc-
The product is considered to be transferred tive with a view to placing it on the EEA
either when the physical handover or the market on his/their behalf;
transfer of ownership has taken place. This
transfer can be for payment or free of charge, — responsible for ‘rebuilding’ or modifying
and it can be based on any type of legal an existing boat or product falling under
instrument (for instance, sale, loan, hire, lease the directive, in so doing creating an ‘as-
or gift). new’ product, with a view to placing this
on the EEA market;
The product must comply with the directive
at the moment of transfer. — who take responsibility for the appraisal
of the design, construction and any
necessary modification of used products
(iii) Putting into service from third countries covered by the direc-
tive. This appraisal, with regard to
This means the first use of a product covered compliance with the essential require-
by the directive in the EEA territory by its end- ments of the directive, involves the proce-
user. dures necessary for conformity assess-
ment. This relates to the requirement that
A product which is ready for use at the third-country imports, whether new or
moment of placing on the market and which used, are subject to the provisions of the
does not have to be assembled, and where directive.
distribution or transport would make no
difference to the integrity or performance of The manufacturer may be based in the EEA or
the product, is considered to have been put elsewhere. In either case, the manufacturer

Recreational craft directive and comments to the directive combined

may appoint an authorised representative EEA territory in order to act on behalf of the
who must be established in the EEA to act on manufacturer under the terms of the direc-
his behalf. tive. In this respect, the manufacturer shall
provide the authorised representative with a
Comments written mandate to act on his behalf. The
obligations, for which the manufacturer dele-
The manufacturer is responsible for designing gates responsibility, shall be detailed therein.
and manufacturing the product covered by the However, in accordance with Section 3.2 of
directive in accordance with the directive’s es- the Guide to the implementation of directives
sential requirements and procedures for con- based on the new approach and the global
formity assessment (declaration of conformity, approach, a manufacturer established outside
certification, fixing of CE marking). the Community is not obliged to have an
authorised representative in the Community.
The manufacturer may subcontract some
operations within the manufacture, including Comment
the design if he physically manufactures the
product, or the manufacture if he designs the By way of example, the authorised represen-
product. However, in both cases, he must tative could be appointed to undertake the
retain overall control and responsibility. By the required testing in the EEA territory, complete
same token, he may use ready-made items or the declaration of conformity, affix the CE
components, carrying the CE marking or not, marking and hold the declaration of
in the process of manufacture, but still retains conformity and technical construction files at
his responsibility as manufacturer. the disposal of the competent authorities.

The ‘rebuilding’ or modifying of a boat (or

component) in the context of manufacturer (vi) Importer
responsibility means that the boat has been
changed to such an extent that compliance The term ‘importer’ is not used explicitly in
considerations with the essential requirements
the directive. However, it is a term that should
are altered from those of the boat when orig-
be defined to clarify the exact meaning and
inally assessed. This would mean, for
to avoid confusion with the authorised repre-
example, that the stability and buoyancy
sentative as these are frequently thought to
characteristics of the boat have been changed
be interchangeable.
due to the addition of new accommodation
or rigging arrangement. Such modification
would mean that the ‘new’ boat presents a The importer is the person who places on the
new overall design and with it new risks. In EEA market and puts into service the product
this respect, such a modification in a third that is covered by the directive and imported
country of a boat with the CE marking or an from a third country.
existing boat would require compliance with
the directive if placed on the EEA market or Unlike the authorised representative, the
put into service. importer has no preferential relationship with
the manufacturer in the third country.

(v) Authorised representative
An owner who buys a boat in a third country
This is a person appointed by the manufac- (whether new or second-hand) and sails to
turer to act on his behalf in carrying out EEA territory, or returns an existing boat to
certain tasks required by the directive, which EEA territory, is considered to be an importer,
have been delegated to him by the manufac- except if the boat had been placed on the
turer. Community market or put into service within
the Community before 16 June 1998. At the
All authorised representatives appointed by time of putting into service, the provisions of
the manufacturer must be established in the the directive become applicable under the

Chapter 1: Scope, placing on the market

heading ‘second-hand boat imported from a conformity with all of the relevant essential re-
third country’. The only exemption is that the quirements of the directive but are the subject
boat was designed before 1950. It should be of a declaration by the builder (Annex IIIa).
mentioned that any Member State usage or With regard to boats that are designed to be
navigation requirements would, additionally, operated in conjunction with an outboard mo-
be applicable. tor or have the provision to be fitted with such
a unit, reference is made to the requirements
Article 4(1) for the declaration of conformity of Annex XV.

1. Member States shall not prohibit, restrict or Components as referred to in Annex II are
impede the placing on the market and putting given the CE marking and are also the
into service in their territory of the products subject of a declaration of conformity (An-
referred to in Article 1(1) bearing the CE nex XV) by the component manufacturer. If
marking referred to in Annex IV, which indi-
they are to be incorporated into recre-
cates their conformity with all provisions of
ational craft, they are the subject of an
this Directive, including the conformity proce-
Annex IIIb declaration.
dures set out in Chapter II.
Article 4(4)
Article 4(2)
4. At trade fairs, exhibitions, demonstrations,
2. Member States shall not prohibit, restrict or
etc., Member States shall not create any
impede the placing on the market of partly
obstacles to the showing of the products
completed boats where the builder or his
referred to in Article 1(1) which do not comply
authorised representative established in the
with this Directive, provided that a visible sign
Community or the person responsible for the
clearly indicates that such products may not
placing on the market declares, in accordance
be marketed or put into service until they have
with Annex IIIA, that they are intended to be
been made to comply.
completed by others.

Paragraph 4 concerns the showing at exhibi-

Article 4(3)
tions of products which do not comply with
3 Member States shall not prohibit, restrict or the directive.
impede the placing on the market and putting
into service of components referred to in Annex Boats or components exhibited at boat shows
II and bearing the CE marking referred to in An- do not necessarily have to comply with the re-
nex IV which indicates their conformity with the quirements of the directive, even after 16 June
relevant essential requirements where these 1998. The display of a boat or component at a
components are intended to be incorporated boat show, whether a trade or retail show, does
into recreational craft, in accordance with the not constitute ‘placing on the market’. How-
declaration, referred to in Annex IIIb, of the ever, if the boat or component is not in full con-
manufacturer, his authorised representative es- formity with the provisions of the directive, this
tablished in the Community or, in the case of fact must be clearly advertised next to the boat
imports from a third country, of any person who or component being exhibited.
places those components on the Community
market. To require that all boats or components
comply with the requirements of the directive
Paragraphs 2 and 3 provide for free move- when exhibited would mean that manufac-
ment: turers could not show concept designs or
prototypes. Thus, the public would be
— for partly completed boats, deprived of boats or components showing the
‘shape of things to come’ and manufacturers
— for components. from showing exciting new designs.

Partly completed boats are not given the CE If a manufacturer, his authorised representa-
marking since by definition they cannot be in tive in the EEA or the importer offers a boat or

Recreational craft directive and comments to the directive combined

component covered by the directive in a cata- As regards outboard engines, these are subject
logue, it is deemed not to have been placed to the essential requirements of the directive on
on the market until it is actually made avail- recreational craft, particularly those in points
able for the first time. Therefore, boats or 2.5, 4 and 5.1.4 of Annex I.
components offered in a catalogue would not
have to be in conformity with the recreational Moreover, Article 1(4) of the machinery direc-
craft directive, but this fact must be clearly tive should be taken into consideration:
advertised in the catalogue.
‘Where, for machinery or a safety component,
Article 4(5) the risks referred to in this Directive are wholly
or partly covered by specific Community
5. Where the products referred to in Article 1(1)
Directives, this Directive shall not apply, or
are subject to other Directives concerning other
shall cease to apply, in the case of such
aspects and which also provide for the affixing
of the CE marking, the latter shall indicate that machinery and of such risks on the entering
such products also fulfil the provisions of those into force of these specific Directives.’
other Directives. However, should one or more
of those Directives allow the manufacturer, dur- The risks covered by the essential requirements
ing a transitional period, to choose which of the directive on recreational craft, relating to
arrangements to apply, the CE marking shall in- outboard engines (points 2.5, 4 and 5.1.4 of
dicate that the product fulfils the provisions Annex I), are those concerning the installation
only of those Directives applied by the manu- and putting into service of outboard engines on
facturer. In this case, the particulars of those Di- recreational craft. These risks are not the same
rectives, as published in the Official Journal of as those concerning the actual design and con-
the European Communities, must be given in struction of the outboard engines which may be
the documents, notices or instructions required placed on the market and put into service sepa-
by those Directives and accompanying such rately from the recreational craft to which they
products. are fitted without being permanently installed.

Paragraph 5 refers to the provisions, which In these circumstances, outboard engines are
will apply if the products referred to in Article subject:
1(1) are the subject of other directives, which
relate to other aspects and provide for the — to the essential requirements of the direc-
affixing of the CE marking. tive on recreational craft, particularly those
in points 2.5, 4 and 5.1.4 of Annex I;

(vii) Application of the machinery — to the essential health and safety require-
directive ments of the machinery directive.

As regards inboard and stern drive engines: In this connection, the CE marking must be
‘means of transport, i.e. vehicles and their affixed to outboard engines when they are
trailers intended solely for transporting placed on the market.
passengers by air or on road, rail or water
networks’ are excluded from the scope of
Community legislation on machinery (Direc- (viii) Summary of the application of
tives 89/392/EEC and 91/368/EEC, Article the directive after 16 June 1998
1(3)). The essence of the directive outlines
that the vehicle itself and the engine incorpo- The requirements of the directive apply to
rated into it are excluded; thus inboard
the following:
engines and stern drive engines are only
subject to the essential requirements of the
All new boats placed on the EEA market
directive on recreational craft, particularly
those in points 2.5, 4 and 5.1.1 to 5.1.3 of — A boat produced for placing on the market or
Annex I. putting into service within the EEA must comply

Chapter 1: Scope, placing on the market

with the directive and thus be provided with CE — In addition, used boats from third countries that
marking. are put into service for the first time in the EEA
territory also fall under the scope of the direc-
— This also applies to boats that are completed tive, except where these boats were originally
from partly completed boats, from inside or placed on the market in the EEA. This means
outside the EEA. In this respect, it is the date of that the owner of a boat from a third country
completion of the boat that takes precedence shall ensure that his boat complies with the
and not the date of manufacture of the partly directive when the boat is first put into service.
completed boat. Reference is made to the ‘1950’ exclusion, below
and in Article 1(e).
— Regarding kit boats, the requirements of the
directive shall apply to all kits placed on the
market after 16 June 1998 that contain all parts Partly completed boats from third countries
necessary for completion to comply with the that are brought into the EEA and placed on
directive. Kits that do not contain all parts neces- the EEA market
sary to fulfil all the essential requirements of the
directive are considered to fall under Annex III as — Boats that are partly completed when brought
partly completed boats. into the EEA (see Annex III), specifically destined
to be placed individually on the market, will be
required to comply with the applicable require-
All boats placed on the EEA market from third
ments of the directive at the time of entry.
— A boat produced in a third country, must comply Boats already in the EEA which are trans-
with the directive and thus be provided with CE formed into recreational craft when they were
marking when placed on the EEA market after 16 previously used for another purpose
June 1998, regardless of whether or not it has
been put into service. For example, experimental craft, racing boats,
former commercial boats.
— A boat manufactured in a third country and
placed, for the first time, on the EEA market as a
‘second-hand/used boat’ must comply with the Boats built for own use that are placed on the
requirements of the directive. market within five years after their first putting
into service
The requirements of the directive do not
Switzerland, while a member of the European apply to the following:
Free Trade Association (EFTA), is not a contract-
ing party to the EEA Agreement and, as a result,
Boats already in the EEA
new and second-hand boats originating in
Switzerland are considered as originating out- — The directive does not contain any retrospective
side the EEA. It should be noted that Switzer- provisions and, as such, existing boats in service
land has to a very large extent incorporated the (in use) in the EEA lie outside the scope of the
provisions of the directive into its national legis- directive whatever their origin of build. In this
case, placing on the market is considered to
lation, through a revision in January 2000 of the have been carried out.
‘Verordnung über die Schifffahrt auf schweiz-
erischen Gewässern’ (BSV, SR 747.201.1).
Partly completed boats that are brought into
the EEA for completion
All boats first put into service in the EEA
— Boats that are partly completed when brought
— All boats that are put into service for the first into the EEA but not placed on the EEA market,
time in EEA territory waters, without prior specifically destined for completion by another
placing on the market, shall be subject to the party, who will be regarded as the manufacturer,
requirements of the directive. will not be required to comply with the applicable
requirements of the directive at the time of entry.
— A boat owner who has bought a new boat or a
used boat in a third country and returns the boat
by whatever means to the EEA territory and NB:
places that boat into service, for the first time in
the EEA, will be subject to the requirements of Placing on the market is considered not to
the directive. take place where a product is transferred to a

Recreational craft directive and comments to the directive combined

manufacturer for further processing (e.g. to status of existing boats, most especially in
modify the product or to integrate it into relation to third countries. In amplification of
another product, or to put his own name on the above, the following guidance is addition-
the product). ally provided on the question of the applica-
bility of the directive.
Boats already in the EEA subsequently placed
on the EEA market — Where a boat had been constructed, placed on
the market or put into service in the present EEA
— Again, it is considered that these boats have already Member States prior to full application of the
been placed on the market and put into service in directive, then the requirements of the directive
the EEA and as such lie outside the scope of the di- do not apply if the boat is brought back into the
rective (see ‘Boats already in the EEA’ above). EEA after 16 June 1998. For the purposes of this
section, the ‘EEA’ is considered to include not
New boats, from third countries, destined for only ‘EEA’ States but also their overseas territories
export outside the EEA to third countries and and dependencies to which the EC Treaty applies
(reference Article 299 of the Treaty). These terri-
prototype boats that are displayed at trade
tories are listed in the Treaty.
— The applicability of the directive is not
— Self-explanatory. dependent on where the boat was on 16 June
1998, but where it had been previously.
Boats designed before 1950 (wherever con-
structed) — In very broad terms, regarding used boats from
third countries, the directive only applies to
— These are considered to be historical craft; refer- boats built outside the EEA which have never
ence is made to Article 1(3)(e). been sold or used in the EEA before.

Given the above, the requirements of the direc-

Replica boats based on designs that pre-date
tive may not apply if an owner is ‘returning an
existing boat to the EEA’. However, the direc-
— These are considered to be historical craft; refer- tive’s requirements would apply to a boat in the
ence is made to Article 1(3)(e). case of ‘the placing on the market and/or put-
ting an existing boat into service for the first
Tourist boats time in the EEA’. This approach was outlined to
all parties in the various committees during
— It is not the intention of the directive to restrict drafting, and is consistent with other new ap-
the free movement of persons. Therefore, boats
temporarily put into service in the EEA for
proach directives and Commission documents.
reasons of tourism or passage lie outside the
scope of the directive’s requirements. For these
boats, local usage requirements and by-laws Article 5: Proof of conformity
would be applicable.

Article 5
Boats in (customs) transit
Member States shall presume compliance with
Placing on the market is considered not to take
the essential requirements referred to in Article
place where a product is not (yet) granted re-
3 of products referred to in Article 1(1) which
lease for free circulation by customs, or has
meet the relevant national standards adopted
been placed under another customs procedure
pursuant to the harmonised standards the
(e.g. transit, warehousing or temporary impor-
references of which have been published in the
tation), or is in a free zone (4).
Official Journal of the European Communi-
ties; Member States shall publish the refer-
Existing boats ences of such national standards.
Queries have been raised by several Member
States, industry and users relating to the This article contains three important elements
with regard to the recreational craft directive:
(4) See Council Regulation (EEC) No 2913/92 estab-
lishing the Community Customs Code. — presumption of conformity;

Chapter 1: Scope, placing on the market

— essential requirements; safety requirements and, in accordance with

Article 6(1), shall notify the committee estab-
— harmonised standards. lished under Directive 83/189/EEC in case they
are of the opinion that such would not be the
These elements are very closely related. case.

The ‘essential requirements’ as referred to in European standards are technical specifica-

Article 3 and detailed in Annex I have to be met tions adopted by one of the European stan-
by products covered by the directive. The ap- dards organisations (CEN, Cenelec and the
plication by a manufacturer of a harmonised European Telecommunications Standards
standard in order to fulfil the essential require- Institute (ETSI)) for repeated or continuous
ments gives a presumption of conformity. application. In the case of the recreational
However, application of a harmonised standard craft directive, only a mandate to CEN (5) has
remains voluntary and is not the only method been issued, which foresees cooperation with
available to demonstrate conformity with the Cenelec (6), whenever required.
essential requirements. The manufacturer can
choose whether or not he refers to harmonised The standards listed in Appendix 3 are those
standards, as long as his products fulfil the es- harmonised under the recreational craft direc-
sential requirements. However, if a manufac- tive.
turer chooses not to follow a harmonised stan-
dard, he has the obligation to prove that his The European standards organisations do not
product is in conformity with the essential re- necessarily develop new standards, but may
quirements by the use of other means of his identify existing standards, which fulfil the
own choice (e.g. by means of any existing tech- terms of the mandate, perhaps after modifica-
nical specifications). If the manufacturer ap- tion. These existing standards may be interna-
plies only a part of a harmonised standard or tional, national or industrial technical specifi-
the applicable harmonised standard does not cations. In respect of the preparation of the
cover all the essential requirements, the pre- mandated standards, it is the responsibility of
sumption of conformity exists only to the ex- the standards organisation to elaborate the
tent that the standard corresponds to the es- standard and organise technical committees
sential requirements. to find technical solutions.

Harmonised standards Elaboration of the technical aspects of stan-

dards is carried out in designated ‘working
In very broad terms, harmonised standards are groups’ by technical experts. On completion,
European standards, which are adopted by Eu- the text is first made available for public
ropean standards organisations (ESOs), pre- enquiry after which any comments received
pared in accordance with the general guide- are analysed. After voting by the individual
lines agreed between the European Commis- national standards bodies, the standards
sion and ESOs, and follow a mandate issued by organisation ratifies the text and transmits the
the Commission. Harmonised standards are references to the Commission for publication.
deemed to exist when the ESOs formally pres-
ent to the European Commission the European One of the underlying characteristics of a
standards elaborated or identified in conform- harmonised standard, over and above ordi-
ity with the mandate. Although European stan- nary European standards, is that its content
dards are considered as harmonised before the must match the essential requirements of the
publication of their references in the Official directive to which ‘it is harmonised’.
Journal, it is this publication that gives pre-
sumption of conformity to the essential safety It is the role of the ‘CEN consultant’ to
requirements of the directive. examine the content against the essential

In the context of their market surveillance ac- (5) CEN — European Committee for Standardisation.
tivities, Member States are monitoring whether (6) Cenelec — European Committee for Electrotech-
harmonised standards meet fully the essential nical Standardisation.

Recreational craft directive and comments to the directive combined

requirements and using appropriate annexes this Directive is applied practically in a

to clearly distinguish sections not applicable uniform manner in pursuance of paragraph 3.
to the directive’s essential requirements.
Article 6(3)
Finally, after elaboration, voting and checking,
the standards organisation transmits to the 3. The Commission shall be assisted by a
Commission the title and reference which are standing committee (hereinafter referred to
then published in the Official Journal. as ‘the Committee’).

For standards to be considered harmonised Where references is made to this paragraph, Ar-
standards within the meaning of the new ticles 3 and 7 of Decision 1999/468/EC(*) shall
approach directives, they are deemed to exist apply, having regard to the provisions of Article
when the European standards organisations 8 thereof.
formally present to the Commission the Euro-
pean standards elaborated or identified in
The Committee shall adopt its rules of proce-
conformity with the mandate. Member States
must then transpose the standards at national
level replacing, any existing national stan-
dards. Conformity with a national standard Article 6(4)
that transposes a harmonised standard,
4. The Standing Committee may, in addition,
whose reference has been published, confers
examine any question concerning the applica-
a presumption of conformity with the essen-
tion of this Directive and raised by its
tial requirements of the applicable new
approach directive that is covered by such a chairman, either at the chairman’s initiative or
standard. at the request of a Member State.

Paragraphs 2, 3 and 4:
Article 6: Management of the lists
— empower the Commission to adopt any
of standards
appropriate measure to ensure that the di-
rective is applied practically in a uniform
Article 6(1)
1. Where a Member State or the Commission
is of the opinion that the harmonised stan- — set up an advisory standing committee to
dards referred to in Article 5 do not fully meet deliver opinions on the drafts of measures
the essential requirements referred to in Article to be taken. The chairman, who is a repre-
3, the Commission or the Member State shall sentative of the Commission, submits these
notify the committee set up under Directive drafts, and, if necessary, a vote is taken.
83/189/EEC, setting out its reasons. The
committee shall deliver an urgent opinion.
The Commission shall take the utmost
account of the opinion delivered and inform
In the light of the opinion of the committee,
the Commission shall inform Member States if the committee of the manner in which its
the standards concerned should be withdrawn opinion has been taken into account.
from the publications referred to in Article 5.
Furthermore, the committee may also
The first paragraph provides for the proce- examine any question not relating to the
dure for the consultation of the committee set adoption of measures.
up under Directive 83/189/EEC.

Article 6(2) (*) Council Decision 1999/468/EC of 28 June 1999

laying down the procedures for the exercise of imple-
2. The Commission may adopt any appro- menting powers conferred on the Commission
priate measure with a view to ensuring that (OJ L 184, 17.7.1999, p. 23).

Chapter 1: Scope, placing on the market

Article 7: Safeguard clause claimed that those standards have been

applied: this refers, in particular, to cate-
This is the safeguard clause which enables the gory C craft (design category: ‘inshore’)
Member States to take provisional safeguard of 2.5 to 12 m for which the declaration
measures contrary to the free movement of compliance with the harmonised stan-
provided for in Article 4. dards relating to

Article 7(1) — stability and freeboard (essential re-

quirement 3.2), and
1. Where a Member State ascertains that
recreational craft or components referred to in — buoyancy and flotation (essential re-
Annex II and bearing the CE marking referred quirement 3.3),
to in Annex IV when correctly constructed,
installed, maintained and used in accordance
enables the manufacturer to use module
with their intended purpose may endanger the
A (internal production control) and not to
safety and health of persons, property or the
have to involve a third party;
environment, it shall take all appropriate
interim measures to withdraw them from the
market or prohibit or restrict their being (c) shortcomings in the standards referred to
placed on the market or put into service. in Article 5 themselves.

The Member State shall immediately inform The procedure described in the comment
the Commission of any such measure, indi- relating to Article 5 has been extended precisely
cating the reasons for its decision, in partic- in order to try to avoid these shortcomings.
ular where non-conformity is the result of:
Article 7(2)
(a) failure to comply with the essential 2. The Commission shall enter into consulta-
requirements referred to in Article 3; tion with the parties concerned as soon as
(b) incorrect application of the standards possible. Where, after such consultation, the
referred to in Article 5, in so far as it is Commission finds that:
claimed that those standards have been
applied; — the measures are justified, it shall immedi-
ately so inform the Member State which took
(c) shortcomings in the standards referred to the initiative and the other Member States;
in Article 5 themselves. where the decision referred to in paragraph 1
A Member State, which invokes the safeguard is attributed to shortcomings in the stan-
clause in respect of products bearing the CE dards, the Commission shall, after consulting
marking and used in accordance with their the parties concerned, bring the matter be-
intended purpose, must inform the Commis- fore the Committee referred to in Article 6(1)
sion, pointing out whether the risk to safety, within two months, if the Member State
health, goods or the environment is due to: which has taken the decision intends to
maintain it, and shall initiate the procedure
referred to in Article 6(1),
(a) failure to comply with the relevant essen-
tial requirements. Attention is drawn in — the measures are unjustified, it shall
this respect to the first paragraph of point immediately so inform the Member State
2 of Annex I (‘General requirements’): which took the initiative and the manu-
‘Recreational craft and components as facturer or his authorised representative
referred to in Annex II shall comply with established in the Community.
the essential requirements in so far as
they apply to them’;
Article 7(3)

(b) incorrect application of the standards 3. Where a non-complying component referred

referred to in Article 5, in so far as it is to in Annex II or craft bears the CE marking, the

Recreational craft directive and comments to the directive combined

appropriate measures shall be taken by the it is considered to be justified and thus

Member State which has authority over whom- extending it throughout the Commu-
soever affixed the marking; that Member State nity for a period to be agreed, or
shall inform the Commission and the other
Member States thereof. — requesting the Member State con-
cerned to terminate the safeguard
Article 7(4) measure if it is considered to be unjus-
tified, or
4. The Commission shall ensure that the
Member States are kept informed of the
progress and outcome of this procedure. — adopting another solution to ensure
that the directive is applied practically
These safeguard measures obviously only in a uniform manner, the Commission
apply to products bearing the CE marking being responsible for this;
and used in accordance with their intended
purpose since any other products may, by (b) if the safeguard measure was attributed to
definition, not be placed on the market or put shortcomings in the standards, the Com-
into service. mission, after consulting the standing
committee, will also consult the commit-
Paragraph 2 sets out the continuation: tee set up under Directive 83/189/EEC be-
fore informing the Member States of the
(a) the Commission consults the parties con- possible withdrawal of the standards con-
cerned as soon as possible, in particular cerned from the list of titles of standards
through the standing committee provided published in the Official Journal.
for in Article 6(3). The chairman, a represen-
tative of the Commission, submits to the Article 7(3) confirms that surveillance of the
standing committee a draft of the measures market is the responsibility of the national
to be taken on which the committee deliv- authorities, which must take appropriate
ers its opinion. The draft will consist: measures against any person who wrongly
affixes the CE marking. The Commission is
— either of confirming the safeguard informed of this and it then informs the
measure taken by the Member State if Member States.

Chapter 2: Conformity assessment

Article 8: Modular choice 3. For category D:

Article 8 For boats from 2.5 m to 24 m hull length:

the internal production control (module A)
Before producing and placing on the market referred to in Annex V.
products referred to in Article 1(1), the manu-
facturer or his authorised representative estab- 4. For components referred to in Annex II: any
lished in the Community shall apply the of the following modules: B + C, or
following procedures for boat design cate- B + D, or B +F, or G or H.
gories A, B, C and D as referred to in section 1
of Annex I.
The choice of the modules was the subject of
difficult negotiation between the Member
1. For categories A and B: States and the outcome is a compromise. The
modular framework does not permit a manu-
— for boats of less than 12 m hull facturer the freedom to choose another
length: the internal production control module other than A or Aa, where these are
plus tests (module Aa) referred to in specified, thus involving a notified body, and
Annex VI, still remain in the regulatory modular system.
— for boats from 12 m to 24 m hull
length: the EC type-examination (mod- The conformity assessment procedures accord-
ule B) referred to in Annex VII supple- ing to the required module and, in particular,
mented by module C (type conformity) the affixing of the CE marking must take place
referred to in Annex VIII, or any of the prior to placing on the market.
following modules: B + D, or B + F, or G
or H. As the scope of the modules is defined in
Annexes V to XII to the directive, the
2. For category C: following is a reminder of the characteristics
of the modules.
(a) for boats from 2.5 m to 12 m hull
length: If a manufacturer chooses for commercial
reasons additional assessment or certification
— where the harmonised standards following, for example, the procedures laid
relating to sections 3.2 and 3.3 of down in another module than that required,
Annex I are complied with: the in- such a decision lies in the voluntary domain.
ternal production control (module The certification body involved may then
A), referred to in Annex V, undertake certification under its own name
— where the harmonised standards and not under an EC certification heading.
relating [to] sections 3.2 and 3.3
of Annex I are not complied with: Until such time as the choice of modules
the internal production control available within the directive may be
plus tests (module Aa) referred to amended, the modular choice for manufac-
in Annex VI. turers, within the regulatory sector, remains
that shown on the following page.
(b) for boats from 12 m to 24 m hull
length: the EC type-examination (mod-
ule B) referred to in Annex VII followed
by module C (type conformity) referred
to in Annex VIII, or any of the following
modules: B + D, or B + F, or G or H.

Recreational craft directive and comments to the directive combined

Design Available modular choice

category 2.5 m <
_ hull length < 12 m 12 m <
_ hull length <
_ 24 m
If harmonised
for stability A B + C, or B + D, or
and buoyancy B + F, or G or H
C are complied with
‘Inshore’ If harmonised
for stability Aa
and buoyancy
are not complied with
‘Sheltered A

‘Components’ B + C, or B + D, or B + F, or G or H

Module Title Description

A Internal Internal conformity assessment and production control by the manufacturer himself
production who draws up a written declaration of conformity containing the information
control given in Annex XV.
Aa Internal This is module A, plus tests of stability and buoyancy carried out on the responsibility
production of the notified body, which issues an examination report.
plus tests
B EC Covers EC type-examination; the notified body issues an EC type-examination certificate
type-examination for a representative production sample which it has assessed in accordance
with the essential safety requirements. This module applies only to the design phase
and must be followed up by the manufacturer applying a module providing
for assessment in the production phase.
C Conformity Covers the manufacturer’s declaration on the basis of conformity to type,
to type approved by the notified body (module B above).
D Production Generally supplements module B. Derives from quality assurance standard EN ISO 9002
quality with the notified body responsible for approving and controlling the quality system
assurance set up by the manufacturer.
F Product Supplements module B. Covers product verification at the production phase,
verification with the involvement of a notified body, which controls conformity to type
and issues the certificate of conformity.
G Unit verification Covers unit verification of the design and production of each product controlled
by a notified body, which issues a certificate of conformity.
H Full quality Derives from the quality assurance standard EN ISO 9001 with the intervention
assurance of a notified body responsible for approving and controlling the quality system
set up by the manufacturer.

Chapter 2: Conformity assessment

Directive/regulatory domain Private domain

Conformity assessment according Conformity assessment according
to the appropriate module to the agreement between the manufacturer
and the certification body (the principles laid
down in a module may be used)
Notified body Certification body
(which may be a notified body)
CE marking Private logos and markings

Article 9: Notified bodies however, Member States may promote or

withdraw a notified body at any time.
Article 9(1)
For more information on the principles of
1. Member States shall notify the Commission notification, the notification procedure and
and other Member States of the bodies which general responsibilities of notified bodies, see
they have appointed to carry out the tasks the Guide to the implementation of directives
pertaining to the conformity assessment proce- based on the new approach and the global
dures referred to in Article 8, together with the approach (‘blue book’). This guide is down-
specific tasks which these bodies have been loadable from the Enterprise DG’s website on
appointed to carry out and the identification the Europa server at the following address:
numbers assigned to them beforehand by the
Commission. newapproach/legislation/guide/legislation.htm.

The Commission shall publish a list of the noti- Article 9(2)

fied bodies, together with the identification
numbers it has allocated to them and the 2. Member States shall apply the criteria laid
tasks for which they have been notified, in the down in Annex XIV in assessing the bodies to
Official Journal of the European Communities. be indicated in such notification. Bodies
meeting the assessment criteria laid down in
It shall ensure that the list is kept up to date.
the relevant harmonised standards shall be
presumed to fulfil those criteria.
Paragraph 1 stipulates that the Member
States are responsible for informing the
Article 9(3)
Commission of the bodies which they have
appointed to carry out conformity assess- 3. A Member State shall withdraw its
ment. The notification must indicate the approval from such a body if it is established
specific field for which the body has been that the latter no longer satisfies the criteria
notified. referred to in Annex XIV. It shall inform the
Commission and the other Member States of
Appendix 4 provides a non-exhaustive list of its action forthwith.
notified bodies under the recreational craft
directive and the conformity assessment Paragraphs 2 and 3 refer to the criteria for
modules they are entitled to apply. This list assessing the bodies to be notified (Annex
was updated at the time of going to press; XIV) and the possible withdrawal of approval.

Chapter 3: Marking to demonstrate conformity

Article 10: CE marking to the packaging, if it exists, and to the

accompanying documents. Such an excep-
Article 10(1) tional move of the CE marking from the
product can only be considered in the case of
1. Recreational craft and components as components as referred to in Annex II, if the
referred to in Annex II which are regarded as CE marking cannot be applied to a particular
meeting the essential requirements referred to component. Stick-on labels on components
in Article 3 must bear the CE marking of could be admitted in such cases.
conformity when they are placed on the
market. The identification number of the notified
body must accompany the CE marking where
Article 10(2) it has intervened during the manufacturing
process (modules D, F, G and H).
2. The CE marking of conformity, as shown in
Annex IV, must appear in a visible, legible and
Module B
indelible form on the recreational craft as in
point 2.2 of Annex I and on components as Reference to module B (Annex VII) is omitted
referred to in Annex II and/or on their pack- as it refers to the role of the notified body in
aging. the design stages, that is:

The CE marking shall be accompanied by the — ascertains conformity with essential re-
identification number of the notified body quirements,
responsible for implementation of the proce-
dures set out in Annexes VI, IX, X, XI and XII. — carries out tests if necessary,

Recreational craft must, when they are placed — issues EC type-examination certificate.
on the market, bear the CE marking on the
builder’s plate together with other informa-
Module B, however, is utilised in association
tion indicated in essential requirement 2.2.
with one of the modules C to F in the overall
conformity assessment procedure. It is not
The CE marking symbolises conformity to all explicit that the same notified body be
the obligations incumbent on manufacturers involved in both the design and production
in respect of the product covered by the stages. It is possible that the notified body
directive. may not be approved to carry out both the
modules involved (ref. especially QA). Thus, it
The CE marking shall, as a rule, be affixed to is the notified body carrying out conformity
the product or to its data plate. In addition, it assessment in the manufacturing stage whose
can be affixed, for instance, to the packaging number appears or the CE marking — the CE
or to the accompanying documents. marking being affixed after the manufacturing
However, it may exceptionally be moved from stage.
the product or its data plate if this rule cannot
be followed. This would be justified where Module C
affixing it to the product was impossible, or
not possible under reasonable technical and The identification number of a notified body
economic conditions, or where the minimum is not required under module C. In this case,
dimensions could not be respected, or it the manufacturer or his authorised represen-
could not be ensured that the CE marking tative is responsible for ensuring conformity
was visibly, legibly and indelibly affixed. In with the approved prototype (EC type-
such cases, the CE marking has to be affixed examination).

Recreational craft directive and comments to the directive combined

Article 10(3) conditions laid down by the Member

3. The affixing of markings or inscriptions on
the craft which are likely to mislead third (b) where non-compliance continues, the
parties with regard to the meaning or the Member State shall take all appropriate
form of the CE marking shall be prohibited. measures to restrict or prohibit the placing
Any other markings may be affixed to the on the market of the product in question or
recreational craft and components as referred to ensure that it is withdrawn from the
to in Annex II and/or on their packaging, market, in accordance with the procedure
provided that the visibility and legibility of the laid down in Article 7.
CE marking [are] not thereby reduced.
Paragraphs 3 and 4 refer respectively to the leg-
Article 10(4) ibility of the marking and the responsibilities of
the Member States with regard to surveillance of
4. Without prejudice to Article 7: the market, in particular where the marking has
been affixed wrongly. The measures are taken by
(a) where a Member State establishes that the the Member States without prejudice to the ap-
CE marking has been affixed wrongly, the plication of the safeguard clause.
manufacturer or his authorised represen-
tative established in the Community shall The design of the CE marking is defined in
be obliged to end the infringement under Annex IV.

Chapter 4: Final provisions

Article 11: Decisions Member States shall apply these provisions

from 16 June 1996.
Article 11
The Standing Committee referred to in Article
Detailed grounds shall be given for any deci- 6(3) may assume its tasks from the date of the
sion taken pursuant to this Directive leading entry into force of this Directive. Member States
to a restriction on the marketing and putting may take the measures referred to in Article 9 of
into service of products referred to in Article such date.
1(1). The party concerned shall be informed of
the decision as soon as possible together with When Member States adopt the provisions re-
the means of redress available under the laws ferred to in the first subparagraph, these shall
in force in the Member State concerned and contain a reference to this Directive or shall be
the periods within which appeals must be accompanied by such a reference at the time of
lodged. their official publication. The procedure for such
reference shall be adopted by Member States.
Article 11 ensures transparency with regard
to any marketing restrictions, for which Article 13(2)
detailed grounds must be given. Furthermore,
the parties concerned must be informed of 2. Member States shall communicate to the
any such decision and of the means of redress Commission the text of the provisions of
available to them. national law which they adopt in the field
governed by this Directive.

Article 12: Information Article 13(3)

3. Member States shall accept the placing on

Article 12
the market and putting into service of prod-
The Commission shall take the necessary ucts referred to in Article 1(1) which comply
measures to ensure that data affecting all with the rules in force in their territory on the
pertinent decisions concerning the manage- date of adoption of this Directive during a
ment of this Directive are made available. period of four years from that date.

This article stipulates that the Commission is

responsible for ensuring that data affecting Article 14: Entry into force
decisions concerning the management of the
directive are made available. Article 14

This Directive shall enter into force on the day

of its publication in the Official Journal of the
Article 13: Transposition European Communities.

Article 13(1)
Articles 13 and 14 set out the timetable for
1. Member States shall adopt and publish the introduction of the directive.
the laws, regulations and administrative
provisions necessary to comply with this — Adoption: 16 June 1994
Directive not later than 16 December 1995.
They shall immediately inform the Commis- — Entry into force: 30 June 1994 (publica-
sion thereof. tion in the Official Journal)

Recreational craft directive and comments to the directive combined

— Adoption and publication of the national Article 15: Final article

transpositions of the directive: 16 Decem-
ber 1995 Article 15

— Application of the directive: 16 June 1996 This Directive is addressed to the Member States.

Annex I

Essential safety requirements for the design tions up to, and including, wind force 4 and
and construction of recreational craft significant wave heights up to, and including,
0.5 m may be experienced.
Article 3 of the directive (Essential require-
ments) requires that products referred to in Boats in each category must be designed and
Article 1(1) shall meet the essential safety, constructed to withstand these parameters in
health, environmental protection and con- respect of stability, buoyancy, and other rele-
sumer protection requirements set out in vant essential requirements listed in Annex I,
Annex I. and to have good handling characteristics.

1. Boat design categories Notes on boat design categories

Design Wind force Significant The main purpose for having boat design
category (Beaufort scale) wave height categories is to differentiate between the
(H 1/3, metres) various levels of risks related to the construc-
tion of boats and to choose from among the
A — ‘Ocean’ exceeding 8 exceeding 4 various conformity assessment modules the
adequate modules for each design category,
also taking into account the hull length.
B — ‘Offshore’ up to, and up to, and
including, 8 including, 4
The ‘significant wave height’ is considered to
be the primary factor and other parameters
C — ‘Inshore’ up to, and up to, and
including, 6 including, 2 (e.g. meteorological) are descriptions of when
these wave heights may be expected to occur.
D — ‘Sheltered up to, and up to, and
waters’ including, 4 including, 0.5 NB:

The design category parameters are intended

to define the physical conditions that might
arise in any category for design evaluation, and
A. OCEAN: Designed for extended voyages where should not be used to limit the geographical
conditions may exceed wind force 8 (Beaufort areas of operation due to the variety of physical
scale) and significant wave heights of 4 m and conditions likely to be met in different geo-
above, and vessels largely self-sufficient. graphical areas.

B. OFFSHORE: Designed for offshore voyages The directive does not include any navigation
where conditions up to, and including, wind or usage rules and there is no link between
force 8 and significant wave heights up to, the design categories and any such rules;
and including, 4 m may be experienced. taking into account construction safety, the
user is only clearly informed of what the boat
C. INSHORE: Designed for voyages in was designed and built for in relation to
coastal waters, large bays, estuaries, lakes certain parameters of significant wave heights
and rivers where conditions up to, and and wind speeds.
including, wind force 6 and significant wave
heights up to, and including, 2 m may be The physical conditions shall be determined
experienced. from the maximum wind force and wave
profiles, where wave profiles are consistent
D. SHELTERED WATERS: Designed for voyages with waves generated by wind blowing at the
on small lakes, rivers, and canals where condi- maximum stated force for a prolonged period

Recreational craft directive and comments to the directive combined

subject to the limits of the implied fetch and — manufacturer’s code,

of the maximum stated wave heights, and
excluding abnormal factors such as sudden — country of manufacture,
change in depth or tidal races.
— unique serial number,
For category A, extreme conditions apply as
they reflect that a vessel engaged on a long — year of production,
voyage might be subject to any conditions and
should be designed accordingly, excluding ab- — model year.
normal weather conditions, for example ‘hurri-
The relevant harmonised standard gives details
of these requirements.
For category D, allowance should be made
for waves of passing vessels up to a maximum
The hull identification number identifies the
wave height of 0.5 m.
craft and gives details of the abovementioned
subjects. The two-digit code for the country of
As the design categories define physical condi- manufacture refers to the original place of
tions that may arise in any category for design
manufacture of the craft, not necessarily the
evaluation, category D need not be considered,
hull, as the construction of the latter may have
exclusively, as a ‘freshwater only’ category.
been subcontracted within or outside the EEA.
The three-digit code for the identification of
It is possible for a boat to be simultaneously as- the manufacturer is not designed to refer to the
signed more than one design category with dif- ‘nationality’ of the person who places the boat
ferent maximum capacities corresponding to on the EEA market or puts it into service.
each design category assigned (number of per-
sons, engine power, maximum weight), if all
Relevant harmonised standard
relevant essential requirements are satisfied.
The assigned design categories and their corre-
EN ISO 10087:1996/A1:2000: Small craft —
sponding data concerning number of persons,
Hull identification — Coding system
engine power and maximum load should be
(ISO 10087:1995)
clearly and consistently indicated on the
builder’s plate, in the manual and on the rele-
vant certificates. 2.2. Builder’s plate

Each craft shall carry a permanently affixed

2. General requirements plate mounted separately from the boat hull
identification number, containing the following
Recreational craft and components as referred information:
to in Annex II shall comply with the essential
requirements in so far as they apply to them. — manufacturer’s name,

A number of harmonised standards, the refer- — CE marking (see Annex IV),

ences of which have been published in the Of-
ficial Journal, can be used to demonstrate con- — boat design category according to section 1,
formity with the essential requirements of the
directive in accordance with the provisions of
— manufacturer’s maximum recommended
Article 5. A list of standards harmonised under
load according to section 3.6,
this directive can be found in Appendix 3. See
also the comments related to Article 5.
— number of persons recommended by the
manufacturer for which the boat was de-
2.1. Hull identification
signed to carry when under way.
Each craft shall be marked with a hull identifi-
cation number including the following infor- Some boat builders may wish to add the
mation: maximum rated engine power to the builder’s

Annex I

plate. This information is already contained in 2.5. Owner’s manual

the owner’s manual: such a practice is consid-
ered acceptable, provided the information in Each craft shall be provided with an owner’s
the owner’s manual and on the builder’s plate manual in the official Community language or
is fully consistent. languages which may be determined by the
Member State in which it is marketed in accor-
dance with the Treaty. This manual should
The builder’s plate refers to the manufacturer
draw particular attention to risks of fire and
of the boat and not, in the context of second-
flooding and shall contain the information
hand boats, the person who places the boat
listed in sections 2.2, 3.6 and 4 as well as the
on the EEA market.
unladen weight of the craft in kilograms.
In the case of second-hand boats that are ex-
Relevant harmonised standard
tensively modified to be considered ‘new’, here,
again, the person carrying out the modification
becomes the manufacturer. As the rebuilding or EN ISO 10240:1996: Small craft — Owner’s
modification could change the information on manual (ISO 10240:1995)
the original builder’s plate (load capacity, num-
ber of persons and even builder’s name) a new The owner’s manual is provided as guidance
builder’s plate should be provided in addition to to the owner of the boat, most particularly on
the remaining requirements of the directive. safety issues. This manual should be written in
the language applicable to the EEA State onto
2.3. Protection from falling overboard and the market of which the product is to be
means of reboarding placed.

Depending on the design category, craft shall This manual should cover risks applicable to
be designed to minimise the risks of falling the type of boat. Information not relevant to
overboard and to facilitate reboarding. the boat model must be deleted to avoid
The basic principle indicating that essential
requirements shall be complied with, ‘in so far The owner’s manual does not have to include
as they apply’ to the craft to be certified, shall complete technical service information, but
be taken into account. Therefore, as far as this should contain a trouble-shooting part, for
essential requirement is concerned, the reduc- example how to change a fuel filter or to get
tion in the possibility of falling overboard and rid of air in the fuel system. Some sections of
the provision of ‘means of reboarding’ should the manual may be filled in by hand, espe-
be considered for all craft to be certified. cially when related to one particular boat
Relevant harmonised standard
3. Integrity and structural requirements
EN ISO 15085:2003: Small craft — Man-
overboard prevention and recovery 3.1. Structure
(ISO 15085:2003)
The choice and combination of materials and its
2.4. Visibility from the main steering position construction shall ensure that the craft is strong
enough in all respects. Special attention shall be
For motor boats, the main steering position shall paid to the design category according to section
give the operator, under normal conditions of use 1, and the manufacturer’s maximum recom-
(speed and load), good all-round visibility. mended load in accordance with section 3.6.

Relevant harmonised standard Relevant harmonised standards

EN ISO 11591:2000: Small craft, engine- EN ISO 12215-1:2000: Small craft — Hull
driven — Field of vision from helm position construction and scantlings — Part 1: Mat-
(ISO 11591:2000) erials: Thermosetting resins, glass-fibre rein-

Recreational craft directive and comments to the directive combined

forcement, reference laminate (ISO 12215- Relevant harmonised standards

EN ISO 12217-1:2002: Small craft — Stability
EN ISO 12215-2:2002: Small craft — Hull con- and buoyancy assessment and categorisation
struction and scantlings — Part 2: Materials: — Part 1: Non-sailing boats of hull length
Core materials for sandwich construction, em- greater than or equal to 6 m (ISO 12217-
bedded materials (ISO 12215-2:2002) 1:2002)

EN ISO 12215-3:2002: Small craft — Hull EN ISO 12217-2:2002: Small craft — Stability
construction and scantlings — Part 3: Mat- and buoyancy assessment and categorisation
erials: Steel, aluminium alloys, wood, other — Part 2: Sailing boats of hull length greater
materials (ISO 12215-3:2002) than or equal to 6 m (ISO 12217-2:2002)

EN ISO 12215-4:2002: Small craft — Hull EN ISO 12217-3:2002: Small craft — Stability
construction and scantlings — Part 4: Work- and buoyancy assessment and categorisation
shop and manufacturing (ISO 12215-4:2002) — Part 3: Boats of hull length less than 6 m
(ISO 12217-3:2002)
EN ISO 6185-1:2001: Inflatable boats — Part
1: Boats with a maximum motor power rating Points 3.2 and 3.3 of the essential require-
of 4.5 kW (ISO 6185-1:2001) ments are especially referred to in Article 8
(‘Modular choice’), paragraph 2: for boats of
EN ISO 6185-2:2001: Inflatable boats — Part design category C (‘Inshore’), from 2.5 m to
2: Boats with a maximum motor power rating 12 m hull length, compliance with the above-
of 4.5 kW to 15 kW inclusive (ISO 6185- mentioned harmonised standards permits the
2:2001) manufacturer to use the internal production
control (module A) without third-party inter-
EN ISO 6185-3:2001: Inflatable boats — Part vention.
3: Boats with a maximum motor power rating
of 15 kW and greater (ISO 6185-3:2001) 3.4. Openings in hull, deck and superstructure

3.2. Stability and freeboard Openings in hull, deck(s) and superstructure

shall not impair the structural integrity of the
The craft shall have sufficient stability and craft or its weathertight integrity when closed.
freeboard considering its design category
according to section 1 and the manufacturer’s Windows, portlights, doors and hatchcovers
maximum recommended load according to shall withstand the water pressure likely to be
section 3.6. encountered in their specific position, as well
as pointloads applied by the weight of persons
3.3. Buoyancy and flotation moving on deck.
The craft shall be constructed to ensure that it
has buoyancy characteristics appropriate to Through hull fittings designed to allow water
its design category according to section 1.1, passage into the hull or out of the hull, below
and the manufacturer’s maximum recom- the waterline corresponding to the manufac-
mended load according to section 3.6. All turer’s maximum recommended load
habitable multihull craft shall be so designed according to section 3.6, shall be fitted with
as to have sufficient buoyancy to remain shutoff means which shall be readily acces-
afloat in the inverted position. sible.

Boats of less than six metres in length that are Relevant harmonised standards
susceptible to swamping when used in their
design category shall be provided with appro- EN ISO 9093-1:1997: Small craft — Seacocks
priate means of flotation in the swamped and through hull fittings — Part 1: Metallic
condition. (ISO 9093-1:1994)

Annex I

EN ISO 9093-2:2002: Small craft — Seacocks the boat was designed, as marked on the
and through hull fittings — Part 2: Non- builder’s plate, shall be determined according
metallic (ISO 9093-2:2002) to the design category (section 1), stability and
freeboard (section 3.2) and buoyancy and
EN ISO 12216:2002: Small craft — Windows, flotation (section 3.3).
portlights, hatches, deadlights and doors —
Strength and watertightness requirements Relevant harmonised standard
(ISO 12216:2002)
EN ISO 14946:2001: Small craft — Maximum
The cockpit and windows, portlights and load capacity (ISO 14946:2001)
hatches may be included as possible tests,
equivalent calculations or controls in the This very important indication of the manu-
assessment carried out by or on the responsi- facturer’s maximum recommended load is to
bility of the notified body in the context of a be written in the owner’s manual with the
module Aa conformity assessment (Annex VI), relevant load information repeated on the
as it may be argued that the design and builder’s plate.
construction of these details are inseparable
parts of the issue and therefore should also be This paragraph governs the maximum load in
assessed. relation to design category, stability and free-
board, and buoyancy and flotation. Fixed fuel
3.5. Flooding and water tanks are to be assumed to be full
All craft shall be designed so as to minimise when the recommended load is assigned and
the risk of sinking. excluded from the load specified on the
builder’s plate.
Particular attention should be paid where
appropriate to: 3.7. Liferaft stowage

All craft of categories A and B, and craft of

— cockpits and wells, which should be self- categories C and D longer than six metres
draining or have other means of keeping shall be provided with one or more stowage
water out of the boat interior, points for a liferaft (liferafts) large enough to
hold the number of persons the boat was
— ventilation fittings, designed to carry as recommended by the
manufacturer. This (these) stowage point(s)
— removal of water by pumps or other means. shall be readily accessible at all times.

Relevant harmonised standards This paragraph refers only to the need to pro-
vide a suitable point or space for a liferaft,
EN ISO 11812:2001: Small craft — Water- where appropriate. It does not lay down di-
tight cockpits and quick-draining cockpits mensions for liferaft stowage nor does it specify
(ISO 11812:2001) that any specific fittings, brackets, lockers or
tie-down points should be provided.
EN ISO 15083:2003: Small craft — Bilge-
pumping systems (ISO 15083:2003) 3.8. Escape

All habitable multihull craft over 12 metres

EN 28849:1993/A1:2000: Small craft — Elec-
long shall be provided with viable means of
trically operated bilge pumps (ISO 8849:1990)
escape in the event of inversion.
3.6. Manufacturer’s maximum recommended
All habitable craft shall be provided with
viable means of escape in the event of fire.
The manufacturer’s maximum recommended
load (fuel, water, provisions, miscellaneous This essential requirement is linked to, but not
equipment and people (in kilograms)) for which covered by the essential requirement relating

Recreational craft directive and comments to the directive combined

to stability (3.2), so far as inversion of habit- EN ISO 11592: Small craft with hull length of
able multihulls is concerned. less than 8 m — Determination of maximum
propulsion power rating (ISO 11592:2001)
Habitable craft are those boats which contain
living space designed for sleeping and which The meaning of the last sentence of point 4 is
are equipped with bunks. to require that the owner’s manual for the
craft shall state the maximum rated engine
Relevant harmonised standards power.

EN ISO 9094-1:2003: Small craft — Fire pro- 5. Installation requirements

tection — Part 1: Craft with a hull length of up
to and including 15 m (ISO 9094-1:2003) 5.1. Engines and engine spaces

EN ISO 9094-2:2002: Small craft — Fire 5.1.1. Inboard engine

protection — Part 2: Craft with a hull length
of over 15 m (ISO 9094-2:2002) All inboard-mounted engines shall be placed
within an enclosure separated from living
quarters and installed so as to minimise the
EN ISO 12216:2002: Small craft — Windows,
risk of fires or spread of fires as well as
portlights, hatches, deadlights and doors —
hazards from toxic fumes, heat, noise or vibra-
Strength and watertightness requirements
tions in the living quarters.
(ISO 12216:2002)
Engine parts and accessories that require
3.9. Anchoring, mooring and towing
frequent inspection and/or servicing shall be
All craft, taking into account their design cate- readily accessible.
gory and their characteristics, shall be fitted
with one or more strong points or other means The insulating materials inside engine spaces
capable of safely accepting anchoring, shall be non-combustible
mooring and towing loads.
Relevant harmonised standards
Relevant harmonised standard
EN 28846:1993/A1:2000: Small craft — Elec-
EN ISO 15084:2003: Small craft — Anchoring, trical devices — Protection against ignition of
mooring and towing — Strong points (ISO surrounding flammable gases (ISO 8846:1990)
EN ISO 9094-1:2003: Small craft — Fire pro-
4. Handling characteristics tection — Part 1: Craft with a hull length of up
to and including 15 m (ISO 9094-1:2003)
The manufacturer shall ensure that the
handling characteristics of the craft are satis- EN ISO 9094-2:2002: Small craft — Fire
factory with the most powerful engine for protection — Part 2: Craft with a hull length
which the boat is designed and constructed. of over 15 m (ISO 9094-2:2002)
For all recreational marine engines, the
maximum rated engine power shall be EN ISO 7840:1995/A1:2000: Small craft —
declared in the owner’s manual in accordance Fire-resistant fuel hoses (ISO 7840:1994)
with the harmonised standard.
EN ISO 10088:2001: Small craft — Perma-
Relevant harmonised standards nently installed fuel systems and fixed fuel
tanks (ISO 10088:2001)
EN ISO 8665:1995/A1:2000 Small craft —
Marine propulsion engines and systems: EN ISO 10133:2000: Small craft — Electrical
power measurements and declarations (ISO equipment — Extra-low-voltage DC installa-
8665:1994) tions (ISO 10133:2000)

Annex I

EN ISO 11105:1997: Small craft — Ventila- 5.1.4. Outboard engines starting

tion of petrol engines and/or petrol tank
compartments (ISO 11105:1997) All boats with outboard engines shall have a
device to prevent starting the engine in gear,
EN ISO 15584:2001: Small craft — Inboard except:
petrol engines — Engine-mounted fuel and
electrical components (ISO 15584:2001) (a) when the engine produces less than 500
newtons (N) of static thrust;
EN ISO 16147:2002: Small craft — Inboard (b) when the engine has a throttle limiting
diesel engines — Engine-mounted fuel and device to limit thrust to 500 N at the time
electrical components (ISO 16147:2002) of starting the engine.

Non-combustible materials refer to materials Relevant harmonised standard

not sustaining combustion.
EN ISO 11547:1995/A1:2000: Small craft —
Materials are considered to be non-com- Start-in-gear protection (ISO 11547:1994)
bustible if the oxygen index is at least 21 when
measured in accordance with ISO 4589, Part 3, 5.2. Fuel system
as referred to in EN ISO 9094-1:2003.
5.2.1. General
5.1.2. Ventilation
The filling, storage, venting and fuel-supply
The engine compartment shall be ventilated. arrangements and installations shall be
The dangerous ingress of water into the designed and installed so as to minimise the
engine compartment through all inlets must risk of fire and explosion.
be prevented.
Relevant harmonised standards
Relevant harmonised standards
EN ISO 7840:1995/A1:2000: Small craft —
EN ISO 11105:1997: Small craft — Ventila- Fire-resistant fuel hoses (ISO 7840:1994)
tion of petrol engines and/or petrol tank
compartments (ISO 11105:1997) EN ISO 8469:1995/A1:2000: Small craft —
Non-fire-resistant fuel hoses (ISO 8469:1994)
EN ISO 12217-1:2002: Small craft — Stability
and buoyancy assessment and categorisation — EN ISO 9094-1:2003: Small craft — Fire
Part 1: Non-sailing boats of hull length greater protection — Part 1: Craft with a hull length
than or equal to 6 m (ISO 12217-1:2002) of up to and including 15 m (ISO 9094-
EN ISO 12217-2:2002: Small craft — Stability
and buoyancy assessment and categorisation EN ISO 9094-2:2002: Small craft — Fire
— Part 2: Sailing boats of hull length greater
protection — Part 2: Craft with a hull length
than or equal to 6 m (ISO 12217-2:2002)
of over 15 m (ISO 9094-2:2002)

EN ISO 12217-3:2002: Small craft — Stability

EN ISO 10088:2001: Small craft — Perma-
and buoyancy assessment and categorisation
nently installed fuel systems and fuel tanks
— Part 3: Boats of hull length less than 6 m
(ISO 10088:2001)
(ISO 12217-3:2002)
EN ISO 11105:1997: Small craft — Ventila-
5.1.3. Exposed parts
tion of petrol engines and/or petrol tank
Unless the engine is protected by a cover or its compartments (ISO 11105:1997)
own enclosure, exposed moving or hot parts of
the engine that could cause personal injury EN ISO 14895:2003: Small craft — Liquid-
shall be effectively shielded. fuelled galley stoves (ISO 14895:2000)

Recreational craft directive and comments to the directive combined

EN ISO 15584:2001: Small craft —Inboard Petrol is defined in EN ISO 10088:2001 as

petrol engines — Engine-mounted fuel and hydrocarbon fuel or blends thereof which are
electrical components (ISO 15584:2001) liquid at atmospheric pressure and are used in
spark ignition engines.
EN ISO 16147:2002: Small craft — Inboard
diesel engines — Engine-mounted fuel and Petrol fuel tanks can be installed in engine com-
electrical components (ISO 16147:2002) partments according to EN ISO 10088:2001, as
this will satisfy the requirements of point 5.2.2(a).
All fuel system components from the fuel
filling opening to the point of connection Annex I, points 5.2.1 and 5.3 also apply to
with the propulsion or auxiliary engine, such fuel-supply arrangements and installations on
as filters, non-metallic and metallic, shall be in the engine.
compliance with EN ISO 10088:2001 as appli-
cable. All engine-mounted fuel and electrical 5.3. Electrical system
components on diesel and petrol inboard-
mounted engines shall be in compliance with Electrical systems shall be designed and in-
EN ISO 16147:2002 (diesel) and EN ISO stalled so as to ensure proper operation of the
15584:2001 (petrol). craft under normal conditions of use and shall
be such as to minimise risk of fire and electric
NB: Portable fuel tanks and their portable shock.
hoses are considered to lie outside the scope
of the directive. Attention shall be paid to the provision of over-
load and short-circuit protection of all circuits,
5.2.2. Fuel tanks except engine starting circuits, supplied from
Fuel tanks, lines and hoses shall be secured
and separated or protected from any source of Ventilation shall be provided to prevent the ac-
significant heat. The material the tanks are cumulation of gases, which might be emitted
made of and their method of construction from batteries. Batteries shall be firmly secured
shall be according to their capacity and the and protected from ingress of water.
type of fuel. All tank spaces shall be ventilated.
Relevant harmonised standards
Liquid fuel with a flashpoint below 55 °C shall
be kept in tanks which do not form part of the EN ISO 10133:2000: Small craft — Electrical
hull and are: systems— Extra-low-voltage DC installations
(ISO 10133:2000)
(a) insulated from the engine compartment
and from all other source of ignition; EN ISO 13297:2000: Small craft — Electrical
systems— Alternating current installations
(b) separated from living quarters.
(ISO 13297:2000)
Liquid fuel with a flashpoint equal to or above
55 °C may be kept in tanks that are integral EN ISO 28846:1993/A1:2000: Small craft —
with the hull. Electrical devices — Protection against igni-
tion of surrounding flammable gases (ISO
All fuel tanks shall be provided with a means 8846:1990)
of preventing over- or under-pressure during
filling or draining by adjoining combustion EN ISO 15584:2001: Small craft — Inboard
machinery. petrol engines — Engine-mounted fuel and
electrical components (ISO 15584:2001)
The definition of petrol fuel as having a flash-
point lower than 55 °C and diesel fuel as EN ISO 16147:2002: Small craft — Inboard
having a flashpoint higher than 55 °C is now diesel engines — Engine-mounted fuel and
obsolete. electrical components (ISO 16147:2002)

Annex I

EN 60092-507:2000: Electrical installations in steering systems shall be provided with emer-

ships — Part 507: Pleasure craft (IEC 60092- gency means of steering the craft at reduced
507:2000) (This standard is applicable only to speed.
craft with three-phase electrical systems)
In case of failure of the remote-control system
In so far as electrical safety is concerned, the for the rudder steering, the emergency means
low voltage directive (LVD) remains appli- of steering should enable a manual control of
cable. This is Council Directive 73/23/EEC of the rudder, for example by means of an emer-
19 February 1973 on the harmonisation of gency tiller or similar equipment.
laws of Member States relating to electrical
equipment for use within certain voltage 5.5. Gas system
limits, as amended by Directive 93/68/EEC
(Article 13) of 22 July 1993 on the affixing Gas systems for domestic use shall be of the
and use of the CE marking. vapour-withdrawal type and shall be designed
and installed so as to avoid leaks and the risk
Low voltage with regard to the low voltage of explosion and be capable of being tested
directive refers to 75 to 1 500 volts DC or 50 for leaks. Materials and components shall be
to 1 000 volts AC. suitable for the specific gas used to withstand
the stresses and exposures found in the marine
Annex I, points 5.2.1 and 5.3 also apply to environment.
fuel-supply arrangements and installations on
the engine. Each appliance shall be equipped with a flame
failure device effective on all burners. Each
5.4. Steering system gas-consuming appliance must be supplied by
a separate branch of the distribution system,
5.4.1. General and each appliance must be controlled by a
separate closing device. Adequate ventilation
Steering systems shall be designed, constructed must be provided to prevent hazards from
and installed in order to allow the transmission leaks and products of combustion.
of steering loads under foreseeable operating
conditions. All craft with a permanently installed gas
system shall be fitted with an enclosure to
Relevant harmonised standards contain all gas cylinders. The enclosure shall
be separated from the living quarters, acces-
EN 28847:1989: Small craft — Steering gear — sible only from the outside and ventilated to
Wire rope and pulley systems (ISO 8847:1987) the outside so that any escaping gas drains
overboard. Any permanent gas system shall be
EN 28848:1993/A1:2000: Small craft — tested after installation.
Remote steering systems (ISO 8848:1990)
Relevant harmonised standard
EN ISO 10592:1995/A1:2000: Small craft —
Hydraulic steering systems (ISO 10592:1994) EN ISO 10239:2000: Small craft — Liquefied
petroleum gas (LPG) systems (ISO 10239:2000)
EN 29775:1993/A1:2000: Small craft — Re-
mote steering systems for single outboard mo- 5.6. Fire protection
tors of 15 kW to 40 kW power (ISO 9775:1990)
5.6.1. General
EN ISO 13929:2001: Small craft — Steering
gear — Geared link systems (ISO 13929:2001) The type of equipment installed and the layout
of the craft shall take account of the risk and
5.4.2. Emergency arrangements spread of fire. Special attention shall be paid
to the surroundings of open flame devices, hot
Sailboat and single-engined inboard powered areas or engines and auxiliary machines, oil
motor boats with remote-controlled rudder and fuel overflows, uncovered oil and fuel

Recreational craft directive and comments to the directive combined

pipes and avoiding electrical wiring above hot requirements for local use. Moreover, Colreg
areas of machines. 1972, Annex I, point 13, specifies that the
construction of light and shapes and the
5.6.2. Fire-fighting equipment installation on board the vessel shall be to the
satisfaction of the appropriate authority of the
Craft shall be supplied with fire-fighting equip- State whose flag the vessel is entitled to fly.
ment appropriate to the fire hazard. Petrol
engine enclosures shall be protected by a fire 5.8. Discharge prevention
extinguishing system that avoids the need to
open the enclosure in the event of fire. Where Craft shall be constructed so as to prevent the
fitted, portable fire extinguishers shall be accidental discharge of pollutants (oil, fuel,
readily accessible and one shall be so posi- etc.) overboard. Craft fitted with toilets shall
tioned that it can easily be reached from the have either:
main steering position of the craft.
(a) holding tanks; or
Relevant harmonised standards
(b) provision to fit holding tanks on a tempo-
rary basis in areas of use where the
EN ISO 9094-1:2003: Small craft — Fire discharge of human waste is restricted.
protection — Part 1: Craft with a hull length
of up to and including 15 m (ISO 9094- In addition, any through-the-hull pipes for
1:2003) human waste shall be fitted with valves, which
are capable of being sealed shut.
EN ISO 9094-2:2002: Small craft — Fire
protection — Part 2: Craft with a hull length The directive states that pipes penetrating the
of over 15 m (ISO 9094-2:2002) hull and carrying human waste shall be fitted
with valves capable of being sealed shut. The
Due to differing national regulations regarding concept of sealed shut in this case is to
fire-fighting equipment, this paragraph only prevent inadvertent or accidental discharge.
requires the position for and capacity of the To this end, these valves shall be provided
fire-fighting equipment to be designated. with the means of being sealed shut, thus
preventing the valves being inadvertently
5.7. Navigation lights opened. If the seal is broken, then there is
clear indication that the valve has been oper-
Where navigation lights are fitted, they shall ated, whether intentionally or in error.
comply with the 1972 Colreg or CEVNI regula-
tions, as appropriate. Relevant harmonised standard

Navigation lights have to comply with the EN ISO 8099:2000: Small craft — Waste
1972 Colreg or CEVNI rules. Rule 1b of Colreg water retention and treatment — Toilet waste
1972, however, allows different national retention systems (ISO 8099:2000)

Annex II

Components 3. Steering wheels, steering mechanisms and

cable assemblies
Annex II gives five specific components li-
sted under the directive, which when sepa- For steering wheels, steering mechanisms and
rate and when installed require their own cable assemblies, refer to Annex I, points
conformity assessment and CE marking. Ac- 5.4.1 and 5.4.2.
cording to Article 8, five conformity as-
sessment modules or combinations of mo- Relevant harmonised standards
dules can be applied to them. All these
modules imply a third-party intervention, EN ISO 13929:2001: Small craft — Steering
which has to take place before the compo- gear — geared link systems (ISO 13929:2001)
nent is put on the market.
EN ISO 28847:1989: Small craft — Steering
gear — Wire rope and pulley systems (ISO
1. Ignition-protected equipment for inboard
and stern drive engines
EN 28848:1993/A1:2000: Small craft —
For ignition-protected equipment for inboard Remote steering systems (ISO 8848:1990)
and stern drive petrol engines and petrol fuel
tank spaces, refer to Annex I, points 5.1.1 and EN 29775:1993/A1:2000: Small craft —
5.2.2, first indent. Remote steering systems for single outboard
motors of 15 kW to 40 kW power (ISO
It is the intention here to emphasise the risk 9775:1990)
of ignition of flammable gases. This risk is
significantly greater with petrol, as defined 4. Fuel tanks and fuel hoses
in EN ISO 10088:2001, than with other
less-volatile fuels. For this reason petrol en- For fuel tanks and fuel hoses, refer to Annex I,
gine installations (i.e. those using low-flash- point 5.2.2 for fuel tanks and point 5.2.1 for
point fuel) are directly specified. However, fuel hoses. See point 1 above with regard to
ignition risks should be recognised in all petrol.
It is considered that fuel tanks refer to prefab-
2. Start-in-gear protection devices for out- ricated, separate fuel tanks, i.e. those not inte-
board engines gral to the structure of the vessel, fabricated
prior to installation.
For start-in-gear protection for outboard
In addition, it is considered that portable fuel
engines, refer to Annex I, point 5.1.4.
tanks, as defined in ISO 13591 (capacity less
than 27 l), those that are not only inde-
Relevant harmonised standard pendent of the structure but are not perma-
nently fixed to the boat structure to the
EN ISO 11547:1995/A1:2000: Small craft — extent they may be easily removed, fall
Start-in-gear protection (ISO 11547:1994) outside the scope of the directive.

Recreational craft directive and comments to the directive combined

5. Prefabricated hatches and portlights tain the integrity of the freeboard area.

For prefabricated hatches and portlights, Relevant harmonised standard

refer to Annex I, point 3.4
EN ISO 12216:2002: Small craft — Windows,
A portlight is considered to be any port or portlights, hatches, deadlights and doors —
window above the maximum load waterline Strength and watertightness requirements (ISO
whose watertightness is essential to main- 12216:2002)

Annex III

Declaration by the builder or his authorised — a description of the component,

representative established in the Community
or the person responsible for placing on the — a statement that the component
market complies with the relevant essential
(Article 4(2) and (3)) The declaration of the builder or his authorised
representative established in the Community
(a) The declaration by the builder or his
or the person responsible for the placing on the
authorised representative established in
market, in the case of partly completed craft
the Community referred to in Article 4(2)
(Article 4(2) and in the case of components (Ar-
(partly completed craft) shall contain the
ticle 4(3)), is self-explanatory.

— the name and address of the builder, Reference is made to the definitions given
under Article 4 of ‘manufacturer’ and ‘autho-
— the name and address of the repre- rised representative’, etc.
sentative of the builder established
in the Community or, if appropriate, Some confusion may exist in the case of a
of the person responsible for the boat destined to be fitted with an outboard
placing on the market, engine. In this case, the ‘boat’ is effectively
— a description of the partly completed finished/completed by the boat builder and
craft, requires only the outboard engine to be
provided. Many of these boat types are
— a statement that the partly com- placed on the market without an engine, this
pleted craft is intended to be com- being provided/purchased at the choice of
pleted by others and that it complies the eventual owner: they are, however, suit-
with the essential requirements that able to be put into service. Reference should
apply at this stage of construction. be made in this respect to Annex XV.

(b) The declaration by the builder, his autho-

When a boat manufacturer places a boat, re-
rised representative established in the quiring an inboard or stern drive engine, on the
Community or the person responsible for market without an engine being mounted, this
placing on the market referred to in is considered to be a partly completed boat un-
Article 4(3) (components) shall contain der the directive. The requirements of Annex I
the following: would therefore apply. In these few instances,
— the name and address of the builder, the engine is selected by the end-user and not
fitted by the boat manufacturer, prior to plac-
— the name and address of the repre- ing it on the market. It is considered that, in
sentative of the builder established these cases, competent marine engine in-
in the Community or, if appropriate, stallers would fit the engine and would then
of the person responsible for the take the responsibility to complete the remain-
placing on the market, ing conformity assessment requirements.

Annex IV

CE marking The various elements of the CE marking must

have about the same vertical dimension,
The CE conformity marking must consist of the which shall not be less than 5 mm.
initials ‘CE’ taking the following form:
The CE marking is followed by the identifica-
tion number of the notified body, if it inter-
venes in the control of production.


A corrigendum was published in the Official

Journal of the European Communities L 127,
10.6.1995, p. 27, where it was stated that, in
the last sentence of this annex, the words ‘as
well as by the last two figures of the year that
If the marking is reduced or enlarged, the the CE marking is affixed’ are to be deleted.
proportions given in the above graduated The text of the directive now reads as shown
drawing must be respected. above.

Annex V

Internal production control (module A) person who places the product on the
Community market.
1. The manufacturer or his authorised repre-
3. Technical documentation shall enable the
sentative established within the Commu-
conformity of the products with the
nity, who carries out the obligations laid
requirements of the Directive to be
down in point 2, ensures and declares
assessed. It shall, as far as relevant for
that the products concerned satisfy the
such assessment, cover the design, manu-
requirements of the Directive that apply
facture and operation of the product (see
to them. The manufacturer or his autho-
Annex XIII).
rised representative established within the
Community shall affix the CE marking to 4. The manufacturer or his authorised repre-
each product and draw up a written sentative shall keep a copy of the decla-
declaration of conformity (see Annex XV). ration of conformity with the technical
2. The manufacturer shall establish the
technical documentation described in 5. The manufacturer shall take all measures
paragraph 3 and he or his authorised necessary in order that the manufac-
representative established within the turing process shall ensure compliance of
Community shall keep it for a period the manufactured products with the tech-
ending at least 10 years after the last nical documentation referred to in point
product has been manufactured at the 2 and with the requirements of the Direc-
disposal of the relevant national authori- tive that apply to them.
ties for inspection purposes.
Annex V describes conformity assessment
Where neither the manufacturer nor his module A: ‘internal production control’, where
authorised representative is established the manufacturer himself takes full responsibil-
within the Community, the obligation to ity for declaring that the products concerned
keep the technical documentation avail- satisfy the requirements of the directive, with-
able shall be the responsibility of the out any third-party intervention.

Annex VI

Internal production control plus tests (module — test of buoyancy characteristics according
Aa, option 1) to point 3.3 of the essential requirements.

This module consists of module A, as referred These tests (or calculations or control) are
to in Annex V, plus the following supplemen- carried out on the responsibility of a notified
tary requirements: body chosen by the manufacturer.

On one or several boats representing the The second sentence of Annex VI shall be
production of the manufacturer one or more of understood to mean that tests, or equivalent
the following tests, equivalent calculation or calculation or control shall be carried out by
control shall be carried out by the manufac- the manufacturer, or on his behalf, to demon-
turer or on his behalf: strate that the craft meet the essential require-
ments of Annex I, points 3.2 and 3.3, as appli-
— test of stability according to point 3.2 of cable.
the essential requirements,
In discussions with the manufacturer, the noti-
— test of buoyancy characteristics according fied body should agree on the type, number
to point 3.3 of the essential requirements. and scope of the tests, equivalent calculations
or controls to be undertaken, and the number
Provisions common to both variations of boats upon which they have to be applied.

These tests or calculations or control shall be It shall be the notified body’s responsibility to
carried out on the responsibility of a notified ensure that such test, equivalent calculation
body chosen by the manufacturer. On the or control shall be carried out to demonstrate
responsibility of the notified body, the manu- conformity with points 3.2 and 3.3 of the
facturer shall affix the former’s distinguishing essential requirements.
number during the manufacturing process.
Module Aa requires notified body intervention
Annex VI describes module Aa, option 1, only for stability and buoyancy for the craft
where the module A procedure is supple- under review and the fixing of the notified
mented by: body’s distinguishing number. It should be
noted that there is no requirement for notified
— test of stability according to point 3.2 of body intervention in the manufacturing
the essential requirements, process.

Annex VII

EC type-examination (module B) manufactured in conformity with the

technical documentation and identify
1. A notified body ascertains and attests the elements which have been de-
that a specimen, representative of the signed in accordance with the rele-
production envisaged, meets the provi- vant provisions of the standards re-
sions of the Directive that apply to it. ferred to in Article 5, as well as the
components which have been de-
2. The application for the EC type-examina- signed without applying the relevant
tion shall be lodged by the manufacturer provisions of those standards;
or his authorised representative estab-
lished within the Community with a noti- 4.2. perform or have performed the appro-
fied body of his choice. priate examinations and necessary
tests to check whether, where the stan-
The application shall include: dards referred to in Article 5 have not
been applied, the solutions adopted by
— the name and address of the manufac-
the manufacturer meet the essential
turer and, if the application is lodged
requirements of the Directive;
by the authorised representative, his
name and address in addition, 4.3. perform or have performed the ap-
propriate examinations and neces-
— a written declaration that the same
sary tests to check whether, where the
application has not been lodged
manufacturer has chosen to apply
with any other notified body,
the relevant standards, these have
— the technical documentation, as de- actually been applied;
scribed in point 3.
4.4. agree with the applicant the loca-
The applicant shall place at the disposal tion where the examinations and
of the notified body a specimen, represen- necessary tests shall be carried out.
tative of the production envisaged and
5. Where the type meets the provisions of the
hereinafter called ‘type’ (*).
Directive, the notified body shall issue an
The notified body may request further EC type-examination certificate to the ap-
specimens if needed for carrying out the plicant. The certificate shall contain the
test programme. name and address of the manufacturer,
conclusions of the examination, conditions
3. The technical documentation shall enable for its validity and the necessary data for
the conformity of the product with the re- identification of the approved type.
quirements of the Directive to be assessed.
It shall, as far as relevant for such assess- A list of the relevant parts of the technical
ment, cover the design, manufacture and documentation shall be annexed to the
functioning of the product (see Annex XIII). certificate and a copy kept by the notified
4. The notified body shall:
If the manufacturer is denied a type certi-
4.1. examine the technical documenta- fication, the notified body shall provide
tion, verify that the type has been detailed reasons for such denial.

6. The applicant shall inform the notified body

(*) A type may cover several versions of the product
provided that the differences between the versions
that holds the technical documentation
do not affect the level of safety and the other re- concerning the EC type-examination certifi-
quirements concerning the performance of the cate of all modifications to the approved
product. product which must receive additional ap-

Recreational craft directive and comments to the directive combined

proval where such changes may affect the 9. The manufacturer or his authorised repre-
conformity with the essential requirements sentative shall keep with the technical
or the prescribed conditions for use of the documentation copies of EC type-exami-
product. This additional approval is given nation certificates and their additions for
in the form of an addition to the original EC a period ending at least 10 years after
type-examination certificate. the last product has been manufactured.

7. Each notified body shall communicate to Where neither the manufacturer nor his
the other notified bodies the relevant authorised representative is established
information concerning the EC type- within the Community, the obligation to
examination certificates and additions keep the technical documentation avail-
issued and withdrawn. able shall be the responsibility of the
person who places the product on the
8. The other notified bodies may receive Community market.
copies of the EC type-examination certifi-
cates and/or their additions. The annexes Annex VII describes module B: ‘the EC type-
to the certificates shall be kept at the examination’, which is coupled in this direc-
disposal of the other notified bodies. tive with module C or D or F.

Annex VIII

Conformity to type (module C) certificate and with the requirements of

the Directive that apply to them.
1. The manufacturer or his authorised repre-
3. The manufacturer or his authorised repre-
sentative established within the Commu-
sentative shall keep a copy of the decla-
nity ensures and declares that the products
ration of conformity for a period ending
concerned are in conformity with the type
at least 10 years after the last product
as described in the EC type-examination
has been manufactured.
certificate and satisfy the requirements of
the Directive that appl[y] to them. The Where neither the manufacturer nor his
manufacturer shall affix the CE marking to authorised representative is established
each product and draw up a written decla- within the Community, the obligation to
ration of conformity (see Annex XV). keep the technical documentation avail-
able shall be the responsibility of the
2. The manufacturer shall take all measures person who places the product on the
necessary to ensure that the manufac- Community market (see Annex XIII).
turing process assures compliance of the
manufactured products with the type as Annex VIII describes module C, which is the
described in the EC type-examination ‘conformity to type’ module.

Annex IX

Production quality assurance (module D) shall be documented in a systematic

and orderly manner in the form of writ-
1. The manufacturer who satisfies the obliga- ten policies, procedures and instruc-
tions of point 2 ensures and declares that the tions. The quality system documenta-
products concerned are in conformity with tion must permit a consistent interpre-
the type as described in the EC type-exami- tation of the quality programmes,
nation certificate and satisfy the require- plan[s], manuals and records.
ments of the Directive that apply to them.
It shall contain in particular an ade-
The manufacturer or his authorised repre-
quate description of:
sentative established within the Community
shall affix the CE marking to each product — the quality objectives and the or-
and draw up a written declaration of con- ganisational structure, responsi-
formity (see Annex XV). The CE marking bilities and powers of the man-
shall be accompanied by the distinguishing agement with regard to product
number of the notified body responsible for quality,
the monitoring as specified in point 4.
— the manufacturing, quality con-
2. The manufacturer shall operate an ap- trol and quality assurance tech-
proved quality system for production, final niques, processes and systematic
product inspection and testing as specified actions that will be used,
in paragraph 3 and shall be subject to
monitoring as specified in point 4. — the examinations and tests that
will be carried out before, during
3. Quality system and after manufacture, and the
frequency with which they will
3.1. The manufacturer shall lodge an ap-
be carried out,
plication for assessment of his quality
system with a notified body of his — the quality records, such as inspec-
choice, for the products concerned. tion reports and test data, calibra-
tion data, qualification reports of
The application shall include:
the personnel concerned, etc.,
— all relevant information for the
— the means to monitor the achieve-
product category envisaged,
ment of the required product
— the documentation concerning quality and the effective opera-
the quality system, tion of the quality system.

— where appropriate, the technical 3.3. The notified body shall assess the
documentation of the approved quality system to determine whether it
type (see Annex XIII) and a copy satisfies the requirements referred to
of the EC type-examination cer- in point 3.2. It shall presume conform-
tificate. ity with these requirements in respect
of quality systems that implement the
3.2. The quality system shall ensure compli- relevant harmonised standard.
ance of the products with the type as
described in the EC type-examination The auditing team shall have at least
certificate and with the requirements one member with experience of evalu-
of the Directive that apply to them. ation in the product technology con-
cerned. The evaluation procedure shall
All the elements, requirements and pro- include an inspection visit to the man-
visions adopted by the manufacturer ufacturer’s premises.

Annex IX

The decision shall be notified to the — the quality records, such as in-
manufacturer. The notification shall spection reports and test data,
contain the conclusions of the exami- calibration data, qualification
nation and the reasoned assessment reports of the personnel con-
decision. cerned, etc.

3.4. The manufacturer shall undertake to 4.3. The notified body shall periodically
fulfil the obligations arising out of the carry out audits to make sure that the
quality system as approved and to manufacturer maintains and applies
uphold it so that it remains adequate the quality system and shall provide
and efficient. an audit report to the manufacturer.

The manufacturer or his authorised 4.4. Additionally the notified body may
representative shall keep the notified pay unexpected visits to the manufac-
body that has approved the quality turer. During such visits the notified
system informed of any intended up- body may carry out, or cause to be
dating of the quality system. carried out, tests to verify that the
quality system is functioning cor-
The notified body shall evaluate the rectly, if necessary. The notified body
modifications proposed and decide shall provide the manufacturer with a
whether the amended quality system visit report and, if a test has taken
will still satisfy the requirements re- place, with a test report.
ferred to in paragraph 3.2 or whether
a reassessment is required. 5. The manufacturer shall, for a period end-
ing at least 10 years after the last product
It shall notify its decisions to the manu- has been manufactured, keep at the dis-
facturer. The notification shall contain posal of the national authorities:
the conclusions of the examination
and the reasoned assessment decision. — the documentation referred to in the
second indent of the second subpara-
4. Surveillance under the responsibility of the graph of point 3.1,
notified body
— the updating referred to in the second
4.1. The purpose of surveillance is to make subparagraph of point 3.4,
sure that the manufacturer duly fulfils
the obligations arising out of the ap- — the decision and reports from the no-
proved quality system. tified body which are referred to in
the final subparagraph of point 3.4,
4.2. The manufacturer shall allow the no- point 4.3 and point 4.4.
tified body entrance for inspection
purposes to the locations of manufac- 6. Each notified body shall give the other no-
ture, inspection and testing, and stor- tified bodies the relevant information con-
age and shall provide it with all nec- cerning the quality system approvals is-
essary information, in particular: sued and withdrawn.

— the quality system documenta- Annex IX describes module D, which is the

tion, ‘production quality assurance’ module.

Annex X

Product verification (module F) 4.2. The notified body shall affix, or cause
to be affixed, its distinguishing number
1. This module describes the procedure whereby to each approved product and draw
a manufacturer or his authorised representa- up a written certificate of conformity
tive established within the Community checks relating to the tests carried out.
and attests that the products subject to the
4.3. The manufacturer or his authorised
provisions of point 3 are in conformity with
representative shall ensure that he is
the type as described in the EC type
able to supply the notified body’s cer-
examination certificate and satisfy the requi-
tificates of conformity on request.
rements of the Directive that apply to them.
5. Statistical verification
2. The manufacturer shall take all measures
necessary in order that the manufacturing 5.1. The manufacturer shall present his
process ensures conformity of the products products in the form of homogeneous
with the type as described in the EC type- lots and shall take all measures neces-
examination certificate and with the re- sary in order that the manufacturing
quirements of the Directive that apply to process ensures the homogeneity of
them. The manufacturer or his authorised each lot produced.
representative established within the Com-
munity shall affix the CE marking to each 5.2. All products shall be available for ver-
product and shall draw up a declaration ification in the form of homogeneous
of conformity (see Annex XV). lots. A random sample shall be drawn
from each lot. Products in a sample
3. The notified body shall carry out the ap- shall be individually examined and
propriate examinations and tests in order appropriate tests as set out in the rele-
to check the conformity of the product vant standard(s) referred to in Article
with the requirements of the Directive ei- 5, or equivalent tests, shall be carried
ther by examination and testing of every out to ensure their conformity with the
product as specified in point 4 or by exam- requirements of the Directive which
ination and testing of products on a statis- apply to them and to determine
tical basis, as specified in point 5, at the whether the lot is accepted or rejected.
choice of the manufacturer.
5.3. The statistical procedure shall use the
3a. The manufacturer or his authorised repre- following elements:
sentative shall keep a copy of the declara-
tion of conformity for a period ending at — the statistical method to be ap-
least 10 years after the last product has plied,
been manufactured.
— the sampling plan with its oper-
4. Verification by examination and testing of ational characteristics.
every product
5.4. In the case of accepted lots, the noti-
4.1. All products shall be individually ex- fied body shall affix, or cause to be af-
amined and appropriate tests as set fixed, its distinguishing number to
out in the relevant standard(s) re- each product and shall draw up a
ferred to in Article 5 or equivalent written certificate of conformity relat-
tests shall be carried out in order to ing to the tests carried out. All prod-
verify their conformity with the type ucts in the lot may be put on the mar-
as described in the EC type-examina- ket except those products from the
tion certificate and the requirements sample which were found not to be in
of the Directive that apply to them. conformity.

Annex X

If a lot is rejected, the notified body or the latter’s distinguishing number

the competent authority shall take during the manufacturing process.
appropriate measures to prevent the
putting on the market of that lot. In 5.5. The manufacturer or his authorised
the event of frequent rejection of lots representative shall ensure that he is
the notified body may suspend the able to supply the notified body’s cer-
statistical verification. tificates of conformity on request.

The manufacturer may, under the re- Annex X describes module F, which is the
sponsibility of the notified body, affix ‘product verification’ module.

Annex XI

Unit verification (module G) dard(s) referred to in Article 5, or equiva-

lent tests, to ensure its conformity with the
1. This module describes the procedure relevant requirements of the Directive.
whereby the manufacturer ensures and de-
The notified body shall affix, or cause to be
clares that the product concerned, which
affixed, its distinguishing number on the
has been issued with the certificate referred
approved product and shall draw up a cer-
to in point 2, conforms to the requirements
tificate of conformity concerning the tests
of the Directive that apply to it. The manu-
carried out.
facturer or his authorised representative
established within the Community shall af- 3. The aim of the technical documentation is
fix the CE marking to the product and to enable conformity with the requirements
draw up a declaration of conformity (see of the Directive to be assessed and the de-
Annex XV). sign, manufacture and operation of the
product to be understood (see Annex XIII).
2. The notified body shall examine the indi-
vidual product and carry out the appropri- Annex XI describes module G, which is the
ate tests as set out in the relevant stan- ‘unit verification’ module.

Annex XII

Full quality assurance (module H) It shall contain in particular an ade-

quate description of:
1. This module describes the procedure
— the quality objectives and the or-
whereby the manufacturer who satisfies
ganisational structure, responsi-
the obligations of paragraph 2 ensures
bilities and powers of the man-
and declares that the products concerned
agement with regard to design
satisfy the requirements of the Directive
and product quality,
that apply to them. The manufacturer or
his authorised representative established — the technical design specifica-
within the Community shall affix the CE tions, including standards, that
marking to each product and draw up a will be applied and, where the
written declaration of conformity (see An- standards referred to in Article 5
nex XV). The CE marking shall be accom- will not be applied in full, the
panied by the distinguishing number of means that will be used to en-
the notified body responsible for the sur- sure that the essential require-
veillance as specified in point 4. ments of the Directive that apply
2. The manufacturer shall operate an ap- to the products will be met,
proved quality system for design, manufac- — the design control and design
ture and final product inspection and test- verification techniques, processes
ing as specified in point 3 and shall be sub- and systematic actions that will
ject to surveillance as specified in point 4. be used when designing the prod-
3. Quality system ucts pertaining to the product
category covered,
3.1. The manufacturer shall lodge an ap-
plication for assessment of his quality — the corresponding manufactur-
system with a notified body. ing, quality control and quality
assurance techniques, processes
The application shall include: and systematic actions that will
be used,
— all relevant information for the
product category envisaged, — the examinations and tests that
will be carried out before, during
— the quality system’s documenta- and after manufacture, and the
tion. frequency with which they will
3.2. The quality system shall ensure com- be carried out,
pliance of the products with the re- — the quality records, such as in-
quirements of the Directive that apply spection reports and test data,
to them. calibration data, qualification re-
All the elements, requirements and pro- ports of the personnel concerned,
visions adopted by the manufacturer etc.,
shall be documented in a systematic — the means to monitor the achieve-
and orderly manner in the form of writ- ment of the required design and
ten policies, procedures and instruc- product quality and the effective
tions. This quality system documenta- operation of the quality system.
tion shall ensure a common under-
standing of the quality policies and 3.3. The notified body shall assess the
procedures such as quality pro- quality system to determine whether
grammes, plans, manuals and records. it satisfies the requirements referred

Recreational craft directive and comments to the directive combined

to in point 3.2. It shall presume com- all necessary information, in particu-

pliance with these requirements in re- lar:
spect of quality systems that imple-
ment the relevant harmonised stan- — the quality system documenta-
dard (EN 29001). tion,

The auditing team shall have at least — the quality records as foreseen
one member experienced as an asses- by the design part of the quality
sor in the product technology con- system, such as results of analy-
cerned. The evaluation procedure ses, calculations, tests, etc.,
shall include an assessment visit to — the quality records as foreseen by
the manufacturer’s premises. the manufacturing part of the
The decision shall be notified to the quality system, such as inspection
manufacturer. The notification shall reports and test data, calibration
data, qualification reports of the
contain the conclusions of the exami-
personnel concerned, etc.
nation and the reasoned assessment
decision. 4.3. The notified body shall periodically
carry out audits to make sure that the
3.4. The manufacturer shall undertake to
manufacturer maintains and applies
fulfil the obligations arising out of the
the quality system and shall provide
quality system as approved and to
an audit report to the manufacturer.
uphold it so that it remains adequate
and efficient. 4.4. Additionally the notified body may pay
unexpected visits to the manufacturer.
The manufacturer or his authorised
At the time of such visits, the notified
representative shall keep the notified
body may carry out tests or have them
body that has approved the quality
carried out in order to check the proper
system informed of any intended up-
functioning of the quality system where
dating of the quality system.
necessary; it shall provide the manu-
The notified body shall evaluate the facturer with a visit report and, if a test
modifications proposed and decide has been carried out, with a test report.
whether the amended quality system
5. The manufacturer shall, for a period end-
will still satisfy the requirements re-
ing at least 10 years after the last product
ferred to in paragraph 3.2 or whether
has been manufactured, keep at the dis-
a reassessment is required.
posal of the national authorities:
It shall notify its decision to the man-
— the documentation referred to in the
ufacturer. The notification shall con-
second indent of the second subpara-
tain the conclusions of the examina-
graph of point 3.1,
tion and the reasoned assessment de-
cision. — the updating referred to in the second
subparagraph of point 3.4,
4. EC surveillance under the responsibility of
the notified body — the decisions and reports from the no-
tified body which are referred to in
4.1. The purpose of surveillance is to make the final subparagraph of point 3.4,
sure that the manufacturer duly fulfils point 4.3 and point 4.4.
the obligations arising out of the ap-
proved quality system. 6. Each notified body shall forward to the
other notified bodies the relevant informa-
4.2. The manufacturer shall allow the no- tion concerning the quality system ap-
tified body entrance for inspection provals issued and withdrawn.
purposes to the locations of design,
manufacture, inspection and testing, Annex XII describes module H, which is the
and storage, and shall provide it with ‘full quality assurance’ module.

Annex XIII

Technical documentation supplied by the man- and schemes and the operation of the
ufacturer product,

— a list of the standards referred to in Article 5,

The technical documentation referred to in An-
applied in full or in part, and descriptions of
nexes V, VII, VIII, IX and XI must comprise all rel-
the solutions adopted to fulfil the essential
evant data or means used by the manufacturer
requirements when the standards referred
to ensure that components or craft comply with
to in Article 5 have not been applied,
the essential requirements relating to them.
— results of design calculations made, exam-
The technical documentation shall enable un- inations carried out, etc.,
derstanding of the design, manufacture and
operation of the product, and shall enable as- — test reports, or calculations namely on sta-
sessment of conformity with the requirements of bility according to point 3.2 of the essential
this Directive. requirements and on buoyancy according
to point 3.3 of the essential requirements.
The documentation shall contain so far as Annex XIII indicates the technical documen-
relevant for assessment: tation which has to be supplied by the manu-
facturer using the following conformity assess-
— a general description of the type, ment modules: A, B, C, D and G.
— conceptual design and manufacturing
drawings and schemes of components, This documentation includes test reports or
sub-assemblies, circuits, etc., calculations namely on stability according to
point 3.2 of the essential safety requirements
— descriptions and explanations necessary and on buoyancy according to point 3.3 of
for the understanding of said drawings the essential safety requirements.

Annex XIV

Minimum criteria to be taken into account by 4. The staff responsible for inspection shall
Member States for the notification of bodies have:

— sound technical and professional train-

1. The body, its director and the staff
responsible for carrying out the verifica-
tion tests shall not be the designer, manu- — satisfactory knowledge of the require-
facturer, supplier or installer of boat or ments of the tests they carry out and
components which they inspect, nor the adequate experience of such tests,
authorised representative of any of these
parties. They shall not become either — the ability to draw up the certifi-
involved directly or as authorised repre- cates, records and reports required
sentatives in the design, construction, to authenticate the performance of
marketing or maintenance of the said the tests.
products. This does not preclude the
5. The impartiality of inspection staff shall
possibility of exchanges of technical infor-
be guaranteed. Their remuneration shall
mation between the manufacturer and
not depend on the number of tests
the body.
carried out or on the results of such tests.
2. The body and its staff shall carry out the
6. The body shall take out liability insurance
verification tests with the highest degree
unless its liability is assumed by the State
of professional integrity and technical
in accordance with national law, or the
competence and shall be free from all
Member State itself is directly responsible
pressures and inducements, particularly for the tests.
financial, which might influence their
judgment or the result of the inspection, 7. The staff of the body shall be bound to
especially from persons or groups of observe professional secrecy with regard
persons with an interest in the result of to all information gained in carrying out
verifications. its tasks (except vis-à-vis the competent
administrative authorities of the State in
3. The body shall have at its disposal the which its activities are carried out) under
necessary staff and possess the necessary the Directive or any provision of national
facilities to enable it to perform properly law giving effect to it.
the administrative and technical tasks
connected with verification; it shall also Annex XIV indicates the minimum criteria to
have access to the equipment required for be taken into account by Member States for
special verification. the notification of bodies.

Annex XV

Written declaration of conformity 1. This declaration of conformity must always

1. The written declaration of conformity to
the provisions of the Directive must always — the recreational craft and be joined to
accompany: the owner’s manual (Annex I, point 2.5),

— the recreational craft and be joined — the components as referred to in An-

to the owner’s manual (Annex I, nex II.
point 2.5),

— the components as referred to in An- 2. The written declaration of conformity shall

nex II. include the following:

2. The written declaration of conformity shall — name and address of the manufac-
include the following (1): turer or his authorised representative
established in the Community,
— name and address of the manufac-
turer or his authorised representative
established in the Community (2), — description of the recreational craft or
of the component,
— description of the recreational craft (3)
or of the component (3), — references to the relevant harmonised
standards used, or references to the
— references to the relevant harmonised specifications in relation to which
standards used, or references to the conformity is declared,
specifications in relation to which
conformity is declared,
— where appropriate, reference to the
— where appropriate, reference to the EC EC type-examination certificate issued
type-examination certificate issued by by a notified body,
a notified body,
— where appropriate, the name and
— where appropriate, the name and ad- address of the notified body,
dress of the notified body,
— identification of the person empow-
— identification of the person empow-
ered to sign on behalf of the manufac-
ered to sign on behalf of the manu-
turer or his authorised representative
facturer or his authorised representa-
established within the Community.
tive established within the Commu-
Reference is made to the definitions given
Annex XV deals with the written declaration under Article 4 of manufacturer and autho-
of conformity to the provisions of the direc- rised representative, etc.
A number of boat manufacturers build boats
(1) And drawn up in the language(s) as foreseen designed to be powered by outboard motors
under point 2.5 of Annex I. without the motors being part of the final
(2) Business name and full address; authorised repre- delivery when the boat is placed on the
sentative must also give the business name and market. The dealer or the end-user chooses
address of the manufacturer. the size and type of motor to be used and, in
(3) Description of the product make, type, serial some cases, whether a motor is actually
number, where appropriate. desired. In this respect, the boat is considered

Recreational craft directive and comments to the directive combined

to be ready for use before the motor is format has been used by the market surveil-
selected and reference should be made to the lance authorities as a model to develop
above requirements for the written declara- national versions of the declaration of
tion of conformity. conformity in the official language(s) of the
Member State. Although the use of this
The Administrative Coordination Working common format is not mandatory, it is highly
Group of Market Surveillance Authorities in recommended, since it will facilitate its
the Member States (ADCO) adopted at its acceptance throughout the European Union
10th meeting in Greece on 12 and 13 June as it provides all the essential information
2003 a common format for the declaration of judged necessary by the market surveillance
conformity, which is reproduced below. This authorities in the EEA Member States.

Annex XV

Directive 94/25/EC

Name of the manufacturer:

Address: ___________________________________________________________________________
Postcode: _____________________ City: ______________________________________________
Country: (code) _________________ (printed) ___________________________________________
Conformity assessment module(s) used (check):
A Aa B+C B+D B+F G H


Name of the authorised representative:

Address: ___________________________________________________________________________
Postcode: _____________________ City: ______________________________________________
Country: (code) _________________ (printed) ___________________________________________


Name: Identification number: ______________

Address: ___________________________________________________________________________
Postcode: _____________________ City: ______________________________________________
Country: (code) _________________ (printed) ___________________________________________
If EC type-examination certificate is issued (number and date yy/mm/dd) ___ / ___ / ___


Hull identification number (HIN):

Brand name of the craft: ____________________________________________________________
Type or number: ___________________________________________________________________
Design category ..........................................................................................................:______
Type of craft * (* See codes on opposite page) ....................................................................:______
Type of hull * (* See codes on opposite page) .......................................................................:______
Deck * (* See codes on opposite page) ..................................................................................:______
Construction material * (* See codes on opposite page) .......................................................:
Propulsion * (* See codes on opposite page) .........................................................................:
Type of engine * (* See codes on opposite page) ..................................................................:______
Maximum recommended engine power (kW) .............................................................:______
Length and beam of hull (m) ............................................................................:______/______
Draught (m) ..................................................................................................................:______

I declare at my own and sole responsibility that the craft mentioned above complies with all applicable essential safety
requirements in the way mentioned overleaf (and is in conformity with the type for which the abovementioned EC type-
examination certificate has been issued) **
Name: ____________________________ Signature and title: ____________________________
(identification of the person empowered to sign on behalf (or an equivalent marking)
of the manufacturer or his authorised representative)

Date (yy/mm/dd): ___ / ___ / ___ (** Include text between brackets only if such certificate has been issued.)

Recreational craft directive and comments to the directive combined

Type of craft: Propulsion:

01 sailboat 01 sails
02 inflatable 02 petrol engine
03 other (specify): 03 diesel engine
04 electrical motor
Type of hull: 05 oars
01 monohull 06 other (specify):
02 multihull
03 other (specify): Type of engine:
01 outboard
Construction material: 02 inboard
01 aluminium, aluminium alloys 03 z or stern drive (lift)
02 plastic, fibre reinforced plastic 04 other (specify):
03 steel, steel alloys
04 wood Deck:
05 other (specify): 01 decked
02 partly decked
03 open


(reference to relevant points in Annex I to Directive 94/25/EC) standards standards normative technical
used used documents file
General requirements (2)
Hull identification number — HIN (2.1)
Builder’s plate (2.2)
Protection from falling overboard and means of reboarding (2.3)
Visibility from the main steering position (2.4)
Owner’s manual (2.5)
Integrity and structural requirements (3)
Structure (3.1)
Stability and freeboard (3.2)
Buoyancy and flotation (3.3)
Openings in hull, deck and superstructure (3.4)
Flooding (3.5)
Manufacturer’s maximum recommended load (3.6)
Liferaft stowage (3.7)
Escape (3.8)
Anchoring, mooring and towing (3.9)
Handling characteristics (4)
Installation requirements (5)
Engines and engine spaces (5.1)
Inboard engine (5.1.1)
Ventilation (5.1.2)
Exposed parts (5.1.3)
Outboard engines starting (5.1.4)
Fuel system (5.2)
General — fuel system (5.2.1)
Fuel tanks (5.2.2)
Electrical system (5.3)
Steering system (5.4)
General — steering system (5.4.1)
Emergency arrangements (5.4.2)
Gas system (5.5)
Fire protection (5.6)
General — fire protection (5.6.1)
Fire-fighting equipment (5.6.2)
Navigation lights (5.7)
Discharge prevention (5.8)

Appendix 1

Preamble and Justifications the Member States which differ in scope and
content (and must be harmonised) are those
DIRECTIVE 94/25/EC OF THE EUROPEAN PAR- relating to the safety characteristics of recre-
LIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 16 June ational craft. These concern only the safety
1994 on the approximation of the laws, regula- characteristics for the construction of recre-
tions and administrative provisions of the Mem- ational craft and not any other provisions.
ber States relating to recreational craft
Whereas harmonisation of national legislation
THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND THE COUN- is the only way in which to remove these
CIL OF THE EUROPEAN UNION, barriers to free trade; whereas this objective
cannot be satisfactorily achieved by the indi-
vidual Member States; whereas this Directive
Having regard to the Treaty establishing the
merely lays down the requirements vital to
European Community, and in particular Article
freedom of movement for recreational craft;
100a thereof,
The third recital justifies harmonisation by
Having regard to the proposal from the Com-
means of the directive, the transpositions of
which replace the former national provisions,
on the grounds that this is the only way in
Having regard to the opinion of the Economic which to remove barriers to trade.
and Social Committee,
It has been possible to quantify the effects of
Acting in accordance with the procedure laid these barriers to trade: the Member States with
down in Article 189b of the Treaty, national laws in this area covered about 70 %
of market demand from domestic production,
Whereas the internal market is to comprise an while other Member States covered only about
area without internal frontiers in which the 50 %. This recital also restricts the scope of the
free movement of goods, persons, services and directive to laying down essential construction
capital is ensured; requirements to remove barriers to trade.

The first recital is taken from the second Whereas this Directive should cover only recre-
paragraph of Article 7a (ex Article 8a) of the ational craft of a minimum length of 2.5 m
Treaty establishing the single market. Article and a maximum length of 24 m, derived from
100a, the legal basis of the directive, is cited the ISO standards;
in the first paragraph of this article as one of
the provisions on the basis of which the The fourth recital introduces Article 1 and
Community adopts measures for the progres- stipulates the hull length (Lh) of the recre-
sive establishment of the single market. ational craft concerned, namely 2.5 to 24 m
Whereas the laws, regulations and administra-
tive provisions in force in the various Member Whereas the removal of technical barriers in the
States relating to the safety characteristics of field of recreational craft and their components,
recreational craft differ in scope and content; to the extent that they cannot be removed by
whereas such disparities are liable to create mutual recognition of equivalence among all
barriers to trade and unequal conditions of the Member States, should follow the new ap-
competition within the internal market; proach set out in the Council resolution of 7
May 1985 which calls for the definition of es-
The second recital stipulates that the laws, sential requirements on safety and other as-
regulations and administrative provisions of pects which are important for the general well-

Recreational craft directive and comments to the directive combined

being; whereas paragraph 3 of Article 100a dards and regulations and pursuant to the gen-
provides that, in its proposals, concerning eral guidelines referred to above;
health, safety, environmental protection and
consumer protection, the Commission will take The sixth recital repeats the need for compli-
as a base a high level of protection; whereas the ance with the essential requirements of the
essential requirements constitute the criteria directive and the role of harmonised stan-
with which recreational craft, partly completed dards to facilitate the task of proving compli-
craft and their components when separate and ance with the essential requirements while
when installed must comply; retaining their non-mandatory status.

The fifth recital again justifies the directive Whereas, in view of the nature of the risks involved
on the grounds that some Member States do in the use of recreational craft and their compo-
not have any laws, regulations or administra- nents, it is necessary to establish procedures ap-
tive provisions that could be the subject of plying to the assessment of compliance with the
mutual recognition of equivalence between essential requirements of the Directive; whereas
the Member States. these procedures must be devised in the light of
the level of risk which may be inherent in recre-
This recital also brings the directive under the ational craft and their components; whereas,
‘new approach’ and, in particular, paragraph therefore, each category of conformity must be
3 of Article 100a, which states that Commis- supplemented by an appropriate procedure or a
sion proposals concerning health, safety, envi- choice between several equivalent procedures;
ronmental protection and consumer protec- whereas the procedures adopted comply with
tion will take as a base a high level of protec- Council Decision 93/465/EEC of 22 July 1993 con-
tion. Although safety is the field normally cerning the modules for the various phases of the
covered by the ‘new approach’ directives, this conformity assessment procedures and the rules
directive is the first in which the environment for the affixing and use of the CE conformity mark-
has been specifically covered by one of the ing which are intended to be used in the technical
essential product construction requirements. harmonisation Directives;

Whereas, therefore, this Directive sets out essen- The seventh recital justifies the adoption of
tial requirements only; whereas, in order to fa- different procedures for the assessment of
cilitate the task of proving compliance with the compliance with the essential requirements
essential requirements, harmonised European depending on the level of risk inherent in the
standards are necessary for recreational craft recreational craft.
and their components as referred to in Annex II;
whereas harmonised European standards are Whereas the Council has provided for the
drawn up by private bodies and must retain affixing of the CE marking by either the manu-
their non-mandatory status; whereas, for this facturer or his authorised representative within
purpose, the European Committee for Stan- the Community; whereas that mark means
dardisation (CEN) and the European Commit- that the recreational craft and components
tee for Electrotechnical Standardisation (Cen- comply with all the essential requirements and
elec) are recognised as the bodies competent to assessment procedures provided for by the
adopt harmonised standards which follow the Community law applying to the product;
general guidelines for cooperation between the
Commission and those two bodies, signed on The eighth recital explains the meaning of
13 November 1984; whereas, for the purposes the CE marking, namely to indicate compli-
of this Directive, a harmonised standard is a ance with the essential requirements and the
technical specification (European Standard or conformity assessment procedures applying
harmonisation document) adopted by one or to the product.
other of those bodies, or by both, at the
prompting of the Commission pursuant to Whereas it is appropriate that the Member
Council Directive 83/189/EEC of 28 March States, as provided for by Article 100a(5) of
1983 laying down a procedure for the provision the Treaty, may take provisional measures to
of information in the field of technical stan- limit or prohibit the placing on the market

Appendix 1

and the use of recreational craft or constituent Whereas the construction of recreational craft
products thereof in cases where they present a may have an impact on the environment to
particular risk to the safety of persons and, the extent that the craft may discharge
where appropriate, domestic animals or prop- polluting substances; whereas it is therefore
erty, provided that the measures are subject to necessary to include provisions on the protec-
a Community control procedure; tion of the environment in the Directive, in so
far as those provisions concern the construc-
The ninth recital introduces the safeguard tion of recreational craft from the point of
clause in Article 7. view of its direct impact on the environment;

Whereas the recipients of any decision taken The 13th recital introduces the essential
as part of this Directive must be aware of the construction requirements which must be
reasons behind that decision and the means of provided for in the design of recreational craft
appeal open to them; in order to protect the environment.

The 10th recital introduces the transparency Whereas the provisions of this Directive should
clause in Articles 11 and 12. not affect Member States’ entitlement to lay
down, in accordance with the Treaty, such
Whereas it is necessary to provide for a transi- requirements as they may deem necessary
tional arrangement enabling recreational craft concerning navigation on certain waters for
and their components manufactured in compli- the purpose of protection of the environment,
ance with the national regulations in force at the fabric of waterways and ensuring safety
the date of adoption of this Directive to be mar- on waterways, provided that this does not
keted and placed in service; mean that the recreational craft is modified in
a way not specified in this Directive,
The 11th recital explains the need for the transi-
tional arrangement provided for in Article 13(3). The 14th and last recital underpins the 12th
recital and indicates that, in accordance with
Whereas this Directive does not contain any provi- the Treaty, the Member States may lay down
sions directed towards limiting the use of the requirements concerning navigation on certain
recreational craft after it has been put into service; waters provided that this does not mean that
the recreational craft is modified in a way not
The 12th recital makes it clear that no provi- specified in the directive.
sion in the directive is intended to restrict the
use of recreational craft. HAVE ADOPTED THIS DIRECTIVE:

Appendix 2

Text of Directive 94/25/EC

Recreational craft directive and comments to the directive combined

Appendix 2

Recreational craft directive and comments to the directive combined

Appendix 2

Recreational craft directive and comments to the directive combined

Appendix 2

Recreational craft directive and comments to the directive combined

Appendix 2

Recreational craft directive and comments to the directive combined

Appendix 2

Recreational craft directive and comments to the directive combined

Appendix 2

Recreational craft directive and comments to the directive combined

Appendix 2

Recreational craft directive and comments to the directive combined

Appendix 2

Recreational craft directive and comments to the directive combined

Appendix 2

Recreational craft directive and comments to the directive combined

Appendix 2

Recreational craft directive and comments to the directive combined

Appendix 2

Recreational craft directive and comments to the directive combined

Appendix 2

Recreational craft directive and comments to the directive combined

Appendix 2

31.10.2003 Official Journal of the European Union L284/1


of 29 September 2003

adapting to Council Decision 1999/468/EC the provisions relating to committees which assist the
Commission in the exercise of its implementing powers laid down in instruments subject to the
procedure referred to in Article 251 of the EC Treaty




List of instruments subject to the advisory procedure and adapted to the corresponding
provisions of Decision 1999/468/EC in accordance with the amendments below:

9) Directive 94/25/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 June 1994 on the approximation of
the laws, regulations and administrative provisions of the Member States relating to recreational craft(1).

Article 6(3) is replaced by the following:

’3. The Commission shall be assisted by a standing committee (hereinafter referred to as "the Committee").

Where reference is made to this paragraph, Articles 3 and 7 of Decision 1999/468/EC(*) shall apply, having
regard to the provisions of Article 8 thereof.

The Committee shall adopt its rules of procedure.

Council Decision 1999/468/EC of 28 June 1999 laying down the procedures for the exercise of implementing powers
conferred on the Commission (OJ L 184, 17.7.1999, p. 23).’

(1) OJ L 164, 30.6.1994, p. 15.

Appendix 3

Standards harmonised under on publication of harmonised standards in the

Directive 94/25/EC Official Journal, please consult the Commis-
sion’s website at the following address: http://
(Status on 30 November 2003)
The information contained in this list is a com-
pilation of the references of standards which This list does not have any legal validity; in ac-
have been published in the Official Journal of the cordance with Article 5 of the directive, only
European Union. Although the list was updated publication in the Official Journal produces le-
before publication of the application guide, it gal effect for the standards to be considered as
may not stay complete over time. For updates harmonised.

Standard reference Title Publication in the OJ


EN ISO 6185-1:2001 Inflatable boats — Part 1: Boats with a C 91 of 17.4.2002

maximum motor power rating of 4.5
kW (ISO 6185-1:2001)

EN ISO 6185-2:2001 Inflatable boats — Part 2: Boats with a C 91 of 17.4.2002

maximum motor power rating of 4.5
kW to 15 kW inclusive (ISO 6185-

EN ISO 6185-3:2001 Inflatable boats — Part 3: Boats with a C 91 of 17.4.2002

maximum motor power rating of 15
kW and greater (ISO 6185-3:2001)

EN ISO 7840:1995 Small craft — Fire-resistant fuel hoses C 59 of 25.2.1998

EN ISO 7840:1995/ Small craft — Fire-resistant fuel hoses C 138 of 11.5.2001

A1:2000 (ISO 7840:1994)

EN ISO 8099:2000 Small craft — Waste water retention C 138 of 11.5.2001

and treatment — Toilet waste retention
systems (ISO 8099:2000)

EN ISO 8469:1995 Small craft — Non-fire-resistant fuel C 59 of 25.2.1998


EN ISO 8469:1995/ Small craft — Non-fire-resistant fuel C 138 of 11.5.2001

A1:2000 hoses (ISO 8469:1994)

EN ISO 8665:1994 Small craft — Marine propulsion C 384 of 18.12.1997

engines and systems — Power meas-
urements and declarations

EN ISO 8665:1995/ Small craft — Marine propulsion C 138 of 11.5.2001

A1:2000 engines and systems — Power meas-
urements and declarations (ISO

EN ISO 8666:2002 Small craft — Principal data C 118 of 20.5.2003

(ISO 8666:2002)

EN ISO 9093-1:1997 Small craft — Seacocks and through C 138 of 11.5.2001

hull fittings — Part 1: Metallic
(ISO 9093-1:1994)

Recreational craft directive and comments to the directive combined

Standard reference Title Publication in the OJ


EN ISO 9093-2:2002 Small craft — Seacocks and through C 80 of 3.4.2003

hull fittings — Part 2: Non-metallic
(ISO 9093-2:2002)

EN ISO 9094-1:2003 Small craft — Fire protection — Part 1: C 163 of 12.7.2003

Craft with a hull length of up to and
including 15 m (ISO 9094-1:2003)

EN ISO 9094-2:2002 Small craft — Fire protection — Part 2: C 118 of 20.5.2003

Craft with a hull length of over 15 m
(ISO 9094-2:2002)

EN ISO 9097:1994 Small craft — Electric fans C 59 of 25.2.1998

EN ISO 9097:1994/ Small craft — Electric fans C 138 of 11.5.2001

A1:2000 (ISO 9097:1991)

EN ISO 10087:1990 Small craft — Hull identification — C 384 of 18.12.1997

Coding system

EN ISO 10087:1996/ Small craft — Hull identification — C 138 of 11.5.2001

A1:2000 Coding system (ISO 10087:1995)

EN ISO 10088:2001 Small craft — Permanently installed C 91 of 17.4.2002

fuel systems and fixed fuel tanks
(ISO 10088:2001)

EN ISO 10133:2000 Small craft — Electrical systems — C 59 of 6.3.2002

Extra-low-voltage DC installations
(ISO 10133:2000)

EN ISO 10239:2000 Small craft — Liquefied petroleum gas C 138 of 11.5.2001

(LPG) systems (ISO 10239:2000)

EN ISO 10240:1995 Small craft — Owner’s manual C 384 of 18.12.1997

(ISO 10240:1995)

EN ISO 10592:1995 Small craft — Hydraulic steering C 59 of 25.2.1998


EN ISO 10592:1995/ Small craft — Hydraulic steering C 138 of 11.5.2001

A1:2000 systems (ISO 10592:1994)

EN ISO 11105:1997 Small craft — Ventilation of petrol C 384 of 18.12.1997

engines and/or petrol tank compart-
ments (ISO 11105:1997)

EN ISO 11547:1994 Small craft — Start-in-gear protection C 384 of 18.12.1997

EN ISO 11547:1995/ Small craft — Start-in-gear protection C 138 of 11.5.2001

A1:2000 (ISO 11547:1994)

EN ISO 11591:2000 Small craft, engine-driven — Field of C 59 of 6.3.2002

vision from helm position
(ISO 11591:2000)

EN ISO 11592:2001 Small craft with hull length less than 8 C 59 of 6.3.2002
m — Determination of maximum
propulsion power rating
(ISO 11592:2001)

EN ISO 11812:2001 Small craft — Watertight cockpits and C 91 of 17.4.2002

quick-draining cockpits
(ISO 11812:2001)

Appendix 3

Standard reference Title Publication in the OJ


EN ISO 12215-1:2000 Small craft — Hull construction and C 138 of 11.5.2001

scantlings — Part 1: Materials:
Thermo-setting resins, glass-fibre rein-
forcement, reference laminate (ISO

EN ISO 12215-2:2002 Small craft — Hull construction and C 235 of 1.10.2002

scantlings — Part 2: Materials: Core
materials for sandwich construction,
embedded materials (ISO 12215-

EN ISO 12215-3:2002 Small craft — Hull construction and C 235 of 1.10.2002

scantlings — Part 3: Materials: Steel,
aluminium alloys, wood, other mate-
rials (ISO 12215-3:2002)

EN ISO 12215-4:2002 Small craft — Hull construction and C 235 of 1.10.2002

scantlings — Part 4: Workshop and
manufacturing (ISO 12215-4:2002)

EN ISO 12216:2002 Small craft — Windows, portlights, C 318 of 19.12.2002

hatches, deadlights and doors —
Strength and watertightness require-
ments (ISO 12216:2002)

EN ISO 12217-1:2002 Small craft — Stability and buoyancy C 235 of 1.10.2002

assessment and categorisation — Part
1: Non-sailing boats of hull length
greater than or equal to 6 m (ISO

EN ISO 12217-2:2002 Small craft — Stability and buoyancy C 235 of 1.10.2002

assessment and categorisation — Part
2: Sailing boats of hull length greater
than or equal to 6 m (ISO 12217-

EN ISO 12217-3:2002 Small craft — Stability and buoyancy C 235 of 1.10.2002

assessment and categorisation — Part
3: Boats of hull length less than 6 m
(ISO 12217-3:2002)

EN ISO 13297:2000 Small craft — Electrical systems — C 59 of 6.3.2002

Alternating current installations
(ISO 13297:2000)

EN ISO 13929:2001 Small craft — Steering gear — Geared C 59 of 6.3.2002

link systems (ISO 13929:2001)

EN ISO 14895:2003 Small craft — Liquid-fuelled galley C 261 of 30.10.2003

stoves (ISO 14895:2000)

EN ISO 14946:2001 Small craft — Maximum load capacity C 59 of 6.3.2002

(ISO 14946:2001)

EN ISO 15083:2003 Small craft — Bilge-pumping systems C 261 of 30.10.2003

(ISO 15083:2003)

EN ISO 15084:2003 Small craft — Anchoring, mooring and C 163 of 12.7.2003

towing — Strong points
(ISO 15084:2003)

EN ISO 15085:2003 Small craft — Man-overboard preven- C 261 of 30.10.2003

tion and recovery (ISO 15085:2003)

Recreational craft directive and comments to the directive combined

Standard reference Title Publication in the OJ


EN ISO 15584:2001 Small craft — Inboard petrol engines C 59 of 6.3.2002

— Engine-mounted fuel and electrical
components (ISO 15584:2001)

EN ISO 16147:2002 Small craft — Inboard diesel engines C 80 of 3.4.2003

— Engine-mounted fuel and electrical
components (ISO 16147:2002)

EN 28846:1993 Electrical devices — Protection against C 255 of 30.9.1995

ignition of surrounding flammable

EN ISO 28846:1993/ Small craft — Electrical devices — C 138 of 11.5.2001

A1:2000 Protection against ignition of
surrounding flammable gases (ISO

EN 28847:1989 Small craft — Steering gear — Wire rope C 255 of 30.9.1995

and pulley systems (ISO 8847:1987)

EN 28848:1993 Remote steering systems C 255 of 30.9.1995

EN 28848:1993/ Small craft — Remote steering systems C 138 of 11.5.2001

A1:2000 (ISO 8848:1990)

EN 28849:1993 Electrically operated bilge pumps C 255 of 30.9.1995

EN 28849:1993/ Small craft — Electrically operated C 138 of 11.5.2001

A1:2000 bilge pumps (ISO 8849:1990)

EN 29775:1993 Remote steering systems for single C 255 of 30.9.1995

outboard motors of 15 kW to 40 kW

EN 29775:1993/ Small craft — Remote steering systems C 138 of 11.5.2001

A1:2000 for single outboard motors of 15 kW
to 40 kW power (ISO 9775:1990)

EN 60092-507:2000 Electrical installations in ships — Part C 137 of 12.6.2003

507: Pleasure craft (IEC 60092-

(*) Date from which compliance with the national standard adopted pursuant to the adoption of this harmonised standard
enables the invocation of, subject to the provisions of Article 5 of the directive, a presumption of compliance with the
essential requirements which the national standard covers.

Appendix 4

List of notified bodies

NOTIFIED BODY Authorised to perform conformity assessment for:

Products/ Aa B D F G H
Address Distinguishing
product range (Annex (Annex (Annex (Annex (Annex (Annex

EUROCONTROL SA Recreational craft X X X X

C/ Zurbano, 48
E-28010 Madrid 0057 Components X X X

BUREAU VERITAS Recreational craft X X X X X X

17, place de Reflets La Défense 2
F-92400 Courbevoie 0062 Components

GERMANISCHER LLOYD AG Recreational craft X X X X X X

Vorsetzen 35
D-20459 Hamburg 0098 Components X X X X X

TÜV PRODUCT SERVICE GmbH Recreational craft X X X X

Ridlerstraße 65
D-80339 Munich 0123 Components X X X


Pruf- und Zertifizierungsstelle im BG-
Klinkerweg 4
D-40699 Erkrath 0299 Components X X X X X


Via Rombon, 11
I-20133 Milan 0302 Components X X X X X

INSTITUTO GIORDANO SpA Recreational craft X X X X X X

Via Rossini, 2
I-47041 Bellaria-Igea (RN) 0407 Components X X X X X

VERITEC LIMITED Recreational craft X X X X

Faraday House, The Village
Birchwood House
Cheshire WA3 6FZ
United Kingdom 0466 Components X X X


Via Corsica, 12
I-16128 Genoa 0474 Components X X X X X


Centro Direzionale Colleoni
Viale Colleoni, 9 — Palazzo Sirio, 2
I-20041 Agrate Brianza (MI) 0496 Components X X X X X


11, route de Luxembourg
L-5230 Sandweiler 0499 Components X X X X X

Recreational craft directive and comments to the directive combined

NOTIFIED BODY Authorised to perform conformity assessment for:

Products/ Aa B D F G H
Address Distinguishing
product range (Annex (Annex (Annex (Annex (Annex (Annex


Mönckebergstraße 27
D-20095 Hamburg 0525 Components X X X X X


PL 1701
FIN-33101 Tampere 0537 Components X X X X X

DET NORSKE VERITAS AS Recreational craft X X X X X X

Veritasveien 1
N-1322 Høvik 0575 Components X X X X X


52, rue Senac-de-Meilhan
F-17000 La Rochelle 0607 Components X X


Rue Abbé Cuypers 3
B-1040 Brussels 0609 Components X X


(NKIP® Classification bureau)
Businesspark ‘Woudfennen’
Nipkowweg 9
8500 AB Joure
Netherlands 0613 Components X X X


Julianaweg 224a
1131 NW Volendam
Netherlands 0614 Components X X X


Akti Miaouli 23
GR-18535 Piraeus 0618 Components X X X X X


Estrada do Paco do Lumiar,
Polo Tecnológico, Lote 17,
Edifício Rinave
P-1600-485 Lisbon 0743 Components X X X X X


3 Park Road (categories A, B, C)
Dun Laoghaire
Ireland 0808 Components X

LUXCONTROL SA Recreational craft X X X

1, avenue des Terres Rouges
BP 349
L-4004 Esch-sur-Alzette 0882 Components X

Appendix 4

NOTIFIED BODY Authorised to perform conformity assessment for:

Products/ Aa B D F G H
Address Distinguishing
product range (Annex (Annex (Annex (Annex (Annex (Annex


Via Riviera del Brenta, 12
I-30032 Fiesso d’Artico 0966 Components X X X X X


Via Porto, 34
I-84100 Salerno 1262 Components X X X X X


Products Certification Body
Ing. L’ubomir Palčák
Vel’ky’ Diel 3323
SK-01008 Žilina
Slovak Republic 1358 Components X X

ČESKY’ LODNÍ A PRŮMYSLOVY’ Recreational craft X X X X X X

(Czech Register of Shipping and
Industry, Ltd.)
Soběslavská 2063/46
130 00 Praha 3 – Vinohrady
Czech Republic 1387 Components

POLSKI REJESTR STATKÓW S.A. (PRS) Recreational craft X X

al. Gen. Józefa Hallera 126
PL-80-416 Gda’nsk
Poland 1463 Components X X

Recreational craft directive and comments to the directive combined

Conformity assessment body added to the list of conformity assessment

bodies under the column ‘US access to the EC market’ of the sectoral
annex on recreational craft to the agreement between the European
Community and the United States of America
CONFORMITY ASSESSMENT BODY Authorised to perform conformity assessment for:

Products/ Aa B D F G H
Address Distinguishing
product range (Annex (Annex (Annex (Annex (Annex (Annex


12, Laboratory Dr. • Fire-resistant fuel
Research Triangle Park hoses
North Carolina 27709
USA 1081 • Non-fire-resist-
ant fuel hoses

• Electrical devices
— Protection
against ignition
of surrounding
flammable gases

• Electrically oper-
ated bilge

• Seacocks and
through hull fit-
tings — Metallic

• Seacocks and X X X
through hull fit-
tings — Non-

• Permanently in-
stalled fuel sys-
tems and fixed
fuel tanks

• Electrical systems
— Extra-low-
voltage DC in-

• Alternating cur-
rent installations

• Interchangeabil-
ity dimensions of
navigation lights

Appendix 5



Head of Unit
1.1. ENTERPRISE DG/E/5: Enterprise DG/G/2 — SC15 2/9
AND MARITIME INDUSTRIES Tel. (32-2) 29-95672/54650
Fax (32-2) 29-67019
Mr Gwenole Cozigou E-mail:
Head of Unit
Enterprise DG/E/5 — AN88 6/55 2. MEMBER STATES
B-1049 Brussels
Tel. (32-2) 29-51304 Belgium
Fax (32-2) 29-67014
Vanderstraeten Werner
Expert in navigation
Federal Public Service Mobility and Transport
Mr Johan Renders Directorate-General for Sea Transport
Principal Administrator Shipping Inspectorate — Yachting
Enterprise DG/E/5 — AN88 6/35 Perronstraat 6
B-1049 Brussels B-8400 Ostend
Tel. (32-2) 29-69962 Tel. (32-59) 33 95 04
Fax (32-2) 29-67014 Fax (32-59) 33 07 29
E-mail: E-mail:

Mr Michael Quillinan Denmark

Enterprise DG /E/5 — AN88 6/30
B-1049 Brussels Website:
Tel. (32-2) 29-62803
Fax (32-2) 29-67014 Germany
Mr Jacques McMillan
Head of Unit Mr Denis Clérin/Mr Jean-Pierre Saunier
Enterprise DG/G/1 — SC15 3/31 Ministère chargé de la mer
B-1049 Brussels Direction du transport maritime,
Tel. (32-2) 29-52475 des ports et du littoral
Fax (32-2) 29-98031 Bureau de la plaisance et des activités
E-mail: nautiques
22, rue Monge
F-75005 Paris
Tel. Clérin: (33) 140 81 72 71
Tel. Saunier: (33) 140 81 72 78
Fax (33) 140 81 71 87

Recreational craft directive and comments to the directive combined

Ireland Finland
Netherlands Sjöfartsinspektionen
S-601 78 Norrköping
Inspectorate of Transport and Water Manage- E-mail:
Postbus 8634 United Kingdom
3009 AP Rotterdam
Netherlands Website:
Tel. (31-10) 266 84 83
Fax (31 10) 202 26 16 3. RECREATIONAL CRAFT SECTORAL
E-mail: GROUP (RSG)

Austria Technical Secretariat

c/o Balance Technology Consulting GmbH
Legal Administration and Market Surveillance
Contrescarpe 45
D-28195 Bremen
Mr Wolfgang Lentsch Tel. (49-421) 33 51 70
Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Arbeit Fax (49-421) 335 17 11
(Federal Ministry of Economy and Labour) Website:
Stubenring 1 E-mail:
A-1011 Vienna
Tel. (43-1) 711 00 58 31 4. EUROPEAN STANDARDS
Fax (43-1) 714 27 18 ORGANISATION
Technical unit
Central Secretariat
Mr Bernhard Bieringer Rue de Stassart 36
Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Innovation B-1050 Brussels
und Technologie/Oberste Schifffahrtsbehörde Tel. (32-2) 550 08 11
(Federal Ministry of Transport, Innovation Fax (32-2) 550 08 19
and Technology/Supreme Shipping
Radetzkystraße 2
A-1030 Vienna
Tel. (43-1) 711 62 59 04
Fax (43-1) 711 62 59 99

Mrs Fernanda Capelo
Ministério da Economía
Direcção Geral da Industria
Campus do Lumiar — Edifício O
Estrada do Paço do Lumiar
P-1649-038 Lisbon
Tel. (351) 217 10 21 80
Fax (351) 217 10 21 14

European Commission

Recreational craft directive and comments to the directive combined — A guide to the
application of Directive 94/25/EC of 16 June 1994 on the approximation of the laws, regula-
tions and adiminstrative provisions of the Member States relating to recreation

Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities

2004 — 106 pp. — 21 x 29.7 cm

ISBN 92-894-7553-6
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Recreational craft directive and comments to the directive combined Second edition
Enterprise Publications


Second edition

ISBN 92-894-7553-6
European Commission

9 789289 475532
Modular Choice for RCD 94/25/EC as amended*

Available Modular Choice

Design Category/ 12m ≤ hull
2.5m ≤ hull length <12m
Product type length ≤ 24m
Aa, B+C, B+D, B+E, B+F, G or H
B+C, B+D,
A, Aa, B+C, B+D, B+E, B+F, G or H B+E, B+F, G or

If harmonised standard for stability and H

C buoyancy are complied with
“Inshore” Aa, B+C, B+D, B+E, B+F, G or H
If harmonised standard for stability and
buoyancy are not complied with
A, Aa, B+C, B+D, B+E, B+F, G or H
“Sheltered Waters”
PWC A, Aa, B+C, B+D, B+E, B+F, G or H

Components B+C, B+D, B+E, B+F, G or H


Recreational Marine
B+C, B+D, B+E, B+F, G or H
Propulsion Engines.

Reference Boat Fn + P/D

Pass-by test
concept method
Outboard engines,
Personal Watercraft and
Aa, G or H

stern drive engines with

integral exhaust
Recreational craft with
inboard engines or stern
Aa, G or H A, Aa, G or H A, Aa, G or H
drive engines without
integral exhaust

* According to 2003/44/EC this modular choice is available for certification starting from 01.01.2005.
Declaration of Conformity
Recreational Craft
Directive 94/25/EC

Name of the manufacturer: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Address: _________________________________________________________________________________

Post Code: _______________________ Town: _________________________________________________

Country: (code) ______ (printed)_____________________________________________________________

Module(s) used (check): A _- Aa _ _ B+C _ - B+D _ _ B+F _ G _- H__


Authorised Representative : _________________________________________________________________
established in the EEA territory
Address: _________________________________________________________________________________

Post Code: _______________________ Town: _________________________________________________

Country: (code) ______ (printed)_____________________________________________________________


Name: __________________________________________________Identification number: _____________

Address: _________________________________________________________________________________

Post Code: _______________________ Town: _________________________________________________

Country: (code) ______ (printed)_____________________________________________________________

EC type-examination certificate number: ________________________________________

Date: (yr/month/day) ___ / ___ / ___


Hull Identification Number (HIN): -

Brand name of the craft:__________________________________________________________________________________________

Type or number: ________________________________________________________________________________________________

Design category: ..................................................................................................................................................................... :_____________

Type of craft:* ........................................................................................................................................................................ :_____________

Type of hull:*.......................................................................................................................................................................... :_____________

Deck:* ..................................................................................................................................................................................... :_____________

Construction material:*......................................................................................................................................................... :_____________

Propulsion:*............................................................................................................................................................................ :_____________

Type of engine:* ..................................................................................................................................................................... :_____________

Maximum recommended engine power (kW):..................................................................................................................... :_____________

Length and beam of hull (m) ......................................................................................................................: ____________ /_____________

Draught (m):........................................................................................................................................................................... :_____________

*codes on opposite side
I declare at my own and sole responsability that the craft mentioned above complies with all applicable
essential requirements in the way specified overleaf (and is in conformity with the type for which above
mentioned EC type examination certificate has been issued) – include text between brackets only if such
certificate has been issued.
Name: __________________________________________ Signature and title: _____________________________________________
(identification of the person empowered to sign on (or an equivalent marking)
behalf of the manufacturer or his authorised representative)
Date (yr/mon/day): ___ / ___ / ___
Type of craft Propulsion:
01 sailboat 01 sails
02 inflatable 02 petrol engine
03 other (specify):______________________________ 03 diesel engine
04 electrical motor
Type of hull: 05 oars
01 monohull 06 other (specify): _______________________________
02 multihull
03 other (specify): ______________________________ Type of engine:
01 outboard
Construction material: 02 inboard
01 aluminium, aluminium alloys 03 z or sterndrive
02 plastic, fiber reinforced plastic 04 other (specify): _______________________________
03 steel, steel alloys
04 wood Deck
05 other (specify): ______________________________ 01 decked
02 partly decked
03 open

Essential requirements

Harmonised standards used

Other normative document

(reference to relevant articles in Annex 1 of the Directive)

See the technical file

ISO-standards used

General requirements (2)
Hull Identification Number – HIN (2.1)
Builder’s Plate (2.2)
Protection from falling overboard and means of reboarding (2.3)
Visibility from the main steering position (2.4)
Owner’s manual (2.5)
Integrity and stuctural requirements (3)
Structure (3.1)
Stability and freeboard (3.2)
Buoyancy and floatation (3.3)
Openings in hull, deck and superstructure (3.4)
Flooding (3.5)
Manufacturer’s maximum recommended load (3.6)
Liferaft stowage (3.7)
Escape (3.8)
Anchoring, mooring and towing (3.9)
Handling characteristics (4)
Engines and engine spaces (5.1)
Inboard engine (5.1.1)
Ventilation (5.1.2)
Exposed parts (5.1.3)
Outboard engine starting (5.1.4)
Fuel system (5.2)
General – fuel system (5.2.1)
Fuel tanks (5.2.2)
Electrical systems (5.3)
Steering systems (5.4)
General – steering system (5.4.1)
Emergency arrangements (5.4.2)
Gas systems (5.5)
Fire protection (5.6)
General – fire protection (5.6.1)
Fire-fighting equipment (5.6.2)
Navigation lights (5.7)
Discharge prevention (5.8)
for the

Recreational Craft Directive 94/25/EC

as amended by Directive 2003/44/EC

For general application of the conformity assessment procedures

by Notified Bodies and manufacturers.
This supersedes the 2004 version.

Prepared by


Technical Secretariat, c/o BALance Technology Consulting GmbH
Contrescarpe 33, 28203 Bremen, Germany
Tel: +49 421 335170, Fax: +49 421 3351711
URL:; e-mail:
Document name: GUIDE2005r8 050214.doc
Copyright © 2005 European Communities, 2005, Prepared by Recreational Craft Sectoral Group (RSG)
05 February 2005

A. The RSG............................................................................................................................................................. 4
B. Introduction ........................................................................................................................................................ 5
C. General Guidelines for Certificate Procedures ................................................................................................... 7
D. Chapters and Articles of the Directive ............................................................................................................... 8
E. Annex I – Essential Requirements...................................................................................................................... 9
E.A. Essential Safety Requirements for the Design and Construction of Craft ........................................... 9
E.A.1 Boat Design Categories........................................................................................................................ 9
E.A.2 General Requirements........................................................................................................................ 11
E.A.2.1 Craft Identification....................................................................................................................... 12
E.A.2.2 Builder's Plate .............................................................................................................................. 13
E.A.2.3 Protection from Falling Overboard and Means of Re-boarding................................................... 14
E.A.2.4 Visibility from the Main Steering Position .................................................................................. 14
E.A.2.5 Owner's Manual ........................................................................................................................... 15
E.A.3 INTEGRITY AND STRUCTURAL REQUIREMENTS .................................................................. 16
E.A.3.1 Structure............................................................................................................................... 16
E.A.3.2 Stability and Freeboard and ................................................................................................. 19
E.A.3.3 Buoyancy and Flotation ....................................................................................................... 19
E.A.3.4 Openings in Hull, Deck and Superstructure ........................................................................ 22
E.A.3.5 Flooding............................................................................................................................... 24
E.A.3.6 Manufacturer’s Maximum Recommended Load ................................................................. 25
E.A.3.7 Liferaft stowage ................................................................................................................... 25
E.A.3.8 Escape.................................................................................................................................. 25
E.A.3.9 Anchoring, mooring and towing .......................................................................................... 27
E.A.4 HANDLING CHARACTERISTICS ................................................................................................. 28
E.A.5 INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS............................................................................................... 30
E.A.5.1 Engine and engine spaces .................................................................................................... 30
E.A.5.2 Fuel system .......................................................................................................................... 34
E.A.5.3 Electrical system.................................................................................................................. 36
E.A.5.4 Steering system.................................................................................................................... 38
E.A.5.5 Gas system........................................................................................................................... 40
E.A.5.6 Fire protection...................................................................................................................... 42
E.A.5.7 Navigation lights.................................................................................................................. 44
E.A.5.8 Discharge prevention and installations facilitating the delivery ashore of waste ................ 45
E.A.6 INFLATABLE BOATS AND RIBS ................................................................................................. 46
E.A.7 PERSONAL WATERCRAFT ........................................................................................................... 48
E.B. ESSENTIAL REQUIREMENTS FOR EXHAUST EMISSIONS FROM ............................................... 49
E.B.1 ENGINE IDENTIFICATION............................................................................................................ 49
E.B.1.1 ...................................................................................................................................................... 49
E.B.1.2 ...................................................................................................................................................... 49
E.B.1.3 ...................................................................................................................................................... 49
E.B.1.4 ...................................................................................................................................................... 50
E.B.2 EXHAUST EMISSION REQUIREMENTS ..................................................................................... 51
E.B.3 DURABILITY ................................................................................................................................... 52
E.B.4 OWNER'S MANUAL ....................................................................................................................... 53
E.C. ESSENTIAL REQUIREMENTS FOR NOISE EMISSIONS .................................................................. 54
E.C.1 NOISE EMISSION LEVELS ............................................................................................................ 54
E.C.1.1 ...................................................................................................................................................... 54
E.C.1.2 ...................................................................................................................................................... 55
E.C.1.3 ...................................................................................................................................................... 55
E.C.1.4 ...................................................................................................................................................... 56
E.C.1.5 ...................................................................................................................................................... 56
E.C.2 OWNER'S MANUAL ....................................................................................................................... 57
F. GUIDELINES FOR ASSESSMENT OF COMPONENTS...................................................................... 58
F.1. Ignition protected equipment for inboard and stern drive engines..................................................... 58
F.2. Start-in-gear protection devices for outboard engines ....................................................................... 58
F.3. Steering wheels, steering mechanisms and cable assemblies............................................................. 59
F.4. Fuel tanks intended for fixed installations and fuel hoses.................................................................. 60
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F.5. Prefabricated hatches and portlights .................................................................................................. 60
G. CONFORMITY ASSESSMENT MODULES.......................................................................................... 61
H. TECHNICAL DOCUMENTATION ........................................................................................................ 90
I. POST CONSTRUCTION ASSESSMENT................................................................................................... 98
J. RECOMMENDATIONS FOR USE........................................................................................................... 101

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The Recreational Craft Sectoral Group (RSG), consisting of all Notified Bodies and others
parties with valid interest, has been established to assist in the uniform application and
interpretation of the actual version of the Recreational Craft Directive (RCD).
The objectives of co-operation within the RSG are:
• to share experience and exchange views on the application of the conformity
assessment procedures with the aim of contributing to a uniform understanding and
application of requirements and procedures;
• to elaborate opinions from a technical point of view on matters of conformity
assessment procedures by seeking a consensus;
• to give advice to the Commission following its request on subjects related to the
application of the Directives;
• to consider aspects of ethics related to Notified Body activities and to elaborate, if
necessary, statements on that topic;
• to remain in coherence with standardisation work at European and international level;
• to remain informed of harmonisation activities at European level.
This is accomplished by co-operation among certification organisations, user organisations,
and manufacturers, who are participating in the development of these RSG guidelines1.
The tasks of the RSG are:
• to be a forum for exchanging information and raising issues of common concern
relating to conformity assessment and other technical aspects;
• to define points of difficulty, propose possible solutions and either agree on a common
solution or agree on the equivalence of several solutions;
• to prepare recommendations and draft guidelines for acceptance by the Standing
Committee established under the RCD and for the Commission;
• to receive and discuss Commission guidance documents and other information
pertinent to the practical application of the RCD;
• to collect and collate questions and problems arising from the practical application of
the RCD and to present these, together with RSG recommended solutions, where
possible, to the Commission.
The composition of RSG comprises the following parties:
• Notified Bodies
• The Commission
• The Recreational Craft Industry
• User Organisation
• European Standardisation Bodies

1 In addition to these RSG Guidelines, there are guidelines issued by the Commission services, called
“Recreational Craft Directive and Comments to the Directive Combined” (the CC-paper), printed copies of
which can be obtained from the Commission services or which can be downloaded from the Commission's
website at following URL:
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These guidelines are prepared to assist with the conformity assessment procedures undertaken
by Notified Bodies for recreational craft, personal watercraft, their components and their
engines, in accordance with the Directive 94/25/EC of the European Parliament and of the
Council, dated 16 June 1994 on the approximation of the laws, regulations and administrative
provisions of the Member States relating to recreational craft as amended by Directive
2003/44/EC. This Directive lays down the requirements for the assessment procedures to be
followed by manufacturers when demonstrating conformity of their products.
The English text of the Recreational Directive as amended and as published in the Official
Journals L/164/15 from 30.06.1994, L/127/27 from 10.06.1995, L/41/20 from 15.02.2000 and
L 214/18 from 26.08.2003 is the basic text used for a common understanding within the
Recreational Craft Sectoral Group.
When these guidelines provide information for craft and engines outside those conformity
assessment procedures undertaken by Notified Bodies, this information is provided for
guidance only.
In addition to changes for design and construction, Directive 2003/44/EC of the European
Parliament and of the Council, dated 16 June 2003, provides a major extension of the scope of
Directive 94/25/EC by including personal watercraft and by adding essential requirements on
noise and exhaust emissions for craft with propulsion engines. Directive 2003/44/EC does not
replace or revoke Directive 94/25/EC, but amends some of its provisions and adds some new
requirements. The provisions of the original directive 94/25/EC which have not been changed
by Directive 2003/44/EC therefore remain in force. Both directives should always be
considered as a combined document. Whenever reference is made in these Guidelines to the
RCD, to the Directive or to the amended Directive, this should be read to mean Directive
94/25/EC as amended by Directive 2003/44/EC.
The following statement is given in the preamble to Directive 94/25/EC:
Whereas, in view of the nature of risks involved in the use of recreational craft and their
components, it is necessary to establish procedures applying to the assessment of compliance
with the essential requirements of the Directive; whereas these procedures must be devised in
the light of the level of risk which may be inherent in recreational craft and their components;
The RSG has taken these risks, so far as possible, into consideration when preparing these
In Annex IA, under General Requirements, the amended Directive states:
Products falling under Article 1(1)(a) shall comply with the essential requirements in so far as
they apply to them.
This provision is also addressed in Annex XIII, Technical Documentation Supplied by the
Manufacturer. Among other provisions the Directive states:
The documentation shall contain so far as relevant for assessment:... a list of the standards
referred to in Article 5, applied in full or in part, and descriptions of the solutions adopted to
fulfil the essential requirements when the standards referred to in Article 5 have not been
Due to the variety of recreational craft between and including 2,5 and 24 meters hull length,
the RSG has considered the applicability of various parts of existing standards to different
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recreational craft, personal watercraft and engine types.

RSG urges the industry and Notified Bodies to use EN Standards.
Where suitable standards are not available the RSG has established uniform guidelines to
assist with demonstrating conformity with the Essential Safety Requirements of the Directive.
The RSG guidelines will be reviewed when suitable standards become available and amended
as may be necessary.
The list of "Standards in support of the RCD" is available from the RSG website
Part of this list is a column identifying the date from which a specific document is valid in
accordance with the RSG Guidelines either as a CD, a DIS or an FDIS, or the date of
publication of the harmonised standard in the Official Journal of the EU.
It should be noted that Article 5 of the Directive recommends the use of harmonised standards
as this ensures presumption of conformity with the essential requirements of the Directive.
Harmonised standards are standards adopted by the European standardisation organisations
and the references of these adopted standards have to be published in the Official Journal of
the European Communities and be transposed into national standards by the Member States
(See also Chapter D). The use of harmonised standards is voluntary, with the exception of the
two mandatory standards for noise and exhaust emission testing specified in the amended
Directive. Also the use of a harmonised standard is obligatory for the length measurement of
craft (see article 1.3(a) of the Directive)

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• Members of RSG have agreed to co-operate in the preparation of Guidelines to
provide harmonisation of approach and application of the conformity assessment
• RSG Guidelines will be published, given wide circulation, and made available to
manufacturers and other organisations.
• RSG Guidelines have been formatted to follow the numbering system of the EC
Directive relating to recreational craft.
• RSG Guidelines will be available from the RSG Secretariat.
• RSG Guidelines will be revised when necessary to reflect changes in the state of the
art and standards.
• RSG RFUs are submitted for acceptance by the Standing Committee established in
accordance with article 6(3) of Directive 94/25/EC.

• RSG does not issue Certificates. EC Certificates are issued, where required by the
Directive, by a Notified Body who is responsible for the validity and contents of the

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Text of Article 5 of the Directive:
Member States shall presume compliance with the essential requirements referred to in
Article 3 of products referred to in Article 1 (1) which meet the relevant national standards
adopted pursuant to the harmonised standards the reference of which have been published in
the Official Journal of the European Communities; Member States shall publish the
references of such national standards.
With reference to the harmonised standards mentioned in Article 5, the Notified Bodies and
manufacturers should refer to the references of these standards as published in the Official
Journal of the European Communities and the references of the national standards as
published by the Member States. In the absence of harmonised standards, other means of
demonstrating compliance with the essential requirements could consist e.g. of applying the
latest project list and the current status (ISO/CD, ISO/DIS, ISO, EN, etc.) of standards under
The relevant parts of the standards in support of the essential requirements of the Directive
are mentioned in their annex ZA of the DIS and FDIS versions of the standards. Annex ZA
will only appear in EN-ISO standards (harmonised standards) and not in the published ISO
standards (non-harmonised standards).
The standards that have been used shall be referenced in the Technical Documentation.
In cases where the RSG group is of the opinion in accordance with the convenors of the
standards that the updated standard is preferably to be used, the revision of the non-
harmonised standard will be mentioned in addition to the harmonised standard on the
standards list of the RSG website

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For the purposes of this Annex the term "craft" shall cover recreational craft and personal

E.A. Essential Safety Requirements for the Design and Construction of Craft


a. Text of Annex I of the Directive:

Design category Wind force Significant wave height
(Beaufort scale) (H 1/3, meters)
A - ‘Ocean’ exceeding 8 exceeding 4
B - ‘Offshore’ up to, and including, 8 up to, and including, 4
C - ‘Inshore’ up to, and including, 6 up to, and including, 2
D - ‘Sheltered waters’ up to, and including, 4 up to, and including, 0,3
A. OCEAN: Designed for extended voyages where conditions may exceed wind force 8
(Beaufort scale) and significant wave heights of 4 m and above but excluding abnormal
conditions, and vessels largely self-sufficient.
B: OFFSHORE: Designed for offshore voyages where conditions up to, and including, wind
force 8 and significant wave heights up to, and including, 4 m may be experienced.
C: INSHORE: Designed for voyages in coastal waters, large bays, estuaries, lakes and rivers
where conditions up to, and including, wind force 6 and significant wave heights up to,
and including, 2 m may be experienced.
D: SHELTERED WATERS: Designed for voyages on sheltered coastal waters, small bays,
small lakes, rivers and canals when conditions up to, and including, wind force 4 and
significant wave heights up to, and including, 0,3 m may be experienced, with
occasional waves of 0,5 m maximum height, for example from passing vessels.
Craft in each Category must be designed and constructed to withstand these parameters in
respect of stability, buoyancy, and other relevant essential requirements listed in Annex I, and
to have good handling characteristics.
NOTE: The Design category parameters are intended to define the physical conditions that
might arise in any category for design evaluation, and are not intended for limiting the use of
the recreational craft in any geographical areas of operation, after it has been put into service.
The physical conditions shall be determined from the maximum wind strength and wave
profiles, where wave profiles are consistent with waves generated by wind blowing at the
maximum stated strength for a prolonged period, subject to limits of the implied fetch and the
maximum stated wave heights, and excluding abnormal factors such as sudden change in
depth or tidal races.
For category D, allowance should be made for waves of passing vessels up to a maximum
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wave height of 0,5 m.

For category A, unlimited conditions apply as they reflect that a vessel engaged on a long
voyage might incur any conditions and should be designed accordingly, excluding abnormal
weather conditions e.g. hurricane.
The last paragraph is an introduction. The assessment in respect of stability, buoyancy,
handling characteristics and other relevant essential requirements are dealt with in other parts
of Annex I of the Directive.

b. Recommendations for use.

Relevant Approved Recommendations for Use (ARFU): #28

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a. Text of Annex I of the Directive:

Products falling under Article 1(1)(a) shall comply with the essential requirements in so far
as they apply to them.
The essential requirements listed below apply to all craft as defined in Article 1. Where
harmonised standards have been adopted to demonstrate compliance with the ESR they are
referenced below. For inflatable boats, rigid hull inflatable boats and PWC separate
harmonised standards have been adopted to cover demonstration of compliance with all the
relevant essential requirements – see E.A.6 and E.A.7.

b. Relevant harmonised standard – length measurement:

Article 1.2 specifies that the length of a recreational craft shall be from 2,5m to 24m measured
according to the appropriate harmonised standard. The harmonised standard to be used for
length measurement is EN ISO 8666:2002 Principal Data.
Clauses of Corresponding clauses of Comments
EN ISO 8666:2002 RCD
All clauses As appropriate Defines principal boat
dimensions and data
4.2.2 Article 1.3, clause (a) and Hull length measurement
(b), Article 8, clause 1, 2 ,
Annex I.A, clause 3.3, 3.8
Annex I.C, clause 1.3

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E.A.2.1 Craft Identification

a. Text of Annex I of the Directive:

Each craft shall be marked with an identification number including the following information:
o manufacturer’s code,
o country of manufacture
o unique serial number,
o year of production,
o model year.
The relevant harmonised standard gives details of these requirements.

b. Relevant harmonised standard:

EN ISO 10087:1996/A1:2000 – Small craft - Craft identification - Coding System

Clauses of EN ISO Corresponding clauses of
10087:1996/A1:2000 RCD Comments
All clauses Annex I A, Clause 2.1, Hull Under revision
EN ISO 10087:1996/A1:2000 is being revised to make it clear that the identification number
applies to the complete craft, not just the hull. In accordance with the amendments to the
Directive the revised standard will refer to a ‘Craft identification number’ instead of the ‘Hull
identification number’.

c. Recommendations for use.

Relevant Approved Recommendations for Use (ARFU): #33, #39
Relevant Recommendations for Use (RFU): #48

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E.A.2.2 Builder's Plate

a. Text of Annex I of the Directive:

Each craft shall carry a permanently affixed plate mounted separately from the boat hull
identification number, containing the following information:
o manufacturer’s name,
o CE marking,
o boat design category according to section 1,
o manufacturer's maximum recommended load derived from section 3.6 excluding
the weight of the contents of the fixed tanks when full
o number of persons recommended by the manufacturer for which the boat was
designed to carry when underway.
The requirement to state the manufacturer’s maximum recommended load on the builder’s
plate excludes the weight of the liquids in any fixed tanks from the weight shown on the plate.
This is to avoid the possibility of users accidentally overloading boats because they thought
that the weight shown for the content of tanks could be used for carry on items, luggage etc.
In case of post construction assessment see the provisions and comments made under Article
8 of directive 2003/44/EC.

b. Relevant parts of the non-harmonised draft standard:

EN ISO 14945:2003 - Small craft - Builder's plate

Clauses of Corresponding clauses of
EN ISO 14945:2003 RCD Comments
All clauses Annex I A, Clause 2.2, A CE mark shall also be
Builder's Plate displayed (followed by the
identification number of the
notified body where
Note: The Harmonized standard specifies that for craft which are powered by outboard
engine(s) the mass of the engine(s) shall be included, with the outboard engine symbol.

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E.A.2.3 Protection from Falling Overboard and Means of Re-boarding

a. Text of Annex I of the Directive:

Depending on the design category, craft shall be designed to minimise the risks of falling
overboard and to facilitate re-boarding.

b. Relevant parts of the standard:

EN ISO 15085:2003 - Small craft - Man overboard prevention and recovery

Clauses of Corresponding clauses of
EN ISO 15085:2003 RCD Comments
All clauses Annex 1A, 2.3 Sets requirements to
reduce the risk of falling
overboard. The
requirements vary
according to Design
Category and boat type.
Also covers man-
overboard recovery.

E.A.2.4 Visibility from the Main Steering Position

a. Text of Annex I of the Directive:

For motor boats, the main steering position shall give the operator, under normal conditions of
use (speed and load), good all-round visibility.

b. Relevant parts of the harmonised standard:

EN ISO 11591:2000 – Small Craft - Engine-driven small craft - Field of vision from helm

Clauses of Corresponding clauses of Comments

EN ISO 11591:2000 RCD

All clauses Annex I A, Clause 2.4, Sets requirements for motor

Visibility from the main boats for all-round visibility
steering position from the helmsman’s
7 Annex I A, Clause 2.5,
Owner’s manual

In this context, motor boats are boats with engines as the primary source of propulsion.

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E.A.2.5 Owner's Manual

a. Text of Annex I of the Directive:

Each craft shall be provided with an owner’s manual in the official Community language or
languages, which may be determined by the Member State in which it is marketed in
accordance with the Treaty. This manual should draw particular attention to risks of fire and
flooding and shall contain the information listed in sections 2.2, 3.6 and 4 as well as the
unladen weight of the craft in kilograms.

b. Relevant parts of the harmonised standard: EN ISO 10240:1996 Small Craft - Owner's

Corresponding clauses
Clauses of
of RCD Comments
prEN ISO/FDIS 10240:2003

Annex 1 A, 2.5 Owner’s
All clauses 10240:2003 is a revision
of EN ISO 10240:1996

prEN ISO/FDIS 10240:2003 (revision of EN ISO 10240:1996) has been prepared to meet the
Directive’s requirements for an Owner’s Manual for craft, taking into account development of
the other harmonised standards which sometimes refer to information required in the Owner’s

c. Language, translation and scope of Owner’s Manual

A procedure shall be established for the particular information, as required by the Directive,
to be included in the language required in the area where the product is put on the market.
Equipment manuals supplied, in addition to the Owner's Manual, are not required to be
Even where a standard requires descriptions, drawings, and diagrams, the information in the
Owner’s Manual may be limited to the safe operation of the craft, with due consideration for
the environment. The Owner’s Manual does not have to include full technical servicing
information, such as wiring diagrams, fuel piping, etc., which may be included in a document,
separate from the Owner’s Manual. This technical service document need not be translated.
A generic Owner’s Manual, if relevant is acceptable. It may have provisions for filling out
specific model information by hand.
The Owner's Manual may be in a language specified by the boat owner.

d. Recommendations for use.

Relevant Approved Recommendations for Use (ARFU): #36

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E.A.3.1 Structure

a. Text of section 3.1 of Annex I of the Directive:

The choice and combination of materials and its construction shall ensure that the craft is
strong enough in all respects. Special attention shall be paid to the design category
according to section 1, and the manufacturer’s maximum recommended load in accordance
with section 3.6.

b. Relevant harmonised standard: EN ISO 12215 Small craft - Hull construction -

Scantlings - parts 1 to 4
Part 1:2000 Materials: Thermosetting resins, glass fibre reinforcement, reference laminate.
Clauses of Corresponding clauses of Comments
EN ISO 12215-1:2000 RCD
All clauses 3.1 of Annex I A, Structure The standard provides
requirements for fibre
reinforced plastic construction

Part 2:2002 Sandwich construction

Clauses of Corresponding clauses of Comments
EN ISO 12215-2:2002 RCD
All clauses Annex 1 A, 3.1 The standard provides
requirements for core
materials suitable for
sandwich construction

Part 3:2002 Steel, wood, aluminium, other materials

Clauses of Corresponding clauses of Comments
EN ISO 12215-3:2002 RCD
All clauses Annex 1 A, 3.1 The standard provides
requirements for steel,
aluminium and wood
construction materials

Part 4:2002 Workshop and construction

Clauses of Corresponding clauses of RCD Comments
EN ISO 12215-4:2002
All clauses Annex 1 A, 3.1 The standard provides
requirements for workshop and

c. Relevant non-harmonised standards: EN ISO 12215 Small craft - Hull construction -

Scantlings - Parts 5 to 9, under preparation and validation
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Part 5: Design pressures, allowable stresses, scantling determination (under validation)

Clauses of Corresponding clauses of Comments
prEN ISO/DIS 12215- RCD
Clause 1 to 9 Annex 1 A, 3.1 Structure Full method for calculating hull
Clause 10 Annex 1 A, 2.5 Owner’s Owner’ Manual
Annex A Annex 1 A, 3.1 Structure Graphical method for calculating
hull scantlings and simple method
for calculating scantlings of small
sailing boats
Annex B Annex 1 A, 3.1 Structure Drop test method for boats less than
6m length
Annex C Annex 1 A, 3.1 Structure FRP laminate properties
Annex D Annex 1 A, 3.1 Structure Sandwich laminate properties
Annex E Annex 1 A, 3.1 Structure Wood laminate properties
Annex F Annex 1 A, 3.1 Structure Metal properties
Annex G Annex 1 A, 3.1 Structure Stiffeners
Annex H Annex 1 A, 3.1 Structure Laminate stack analysis
Part 6: Details of design and construction (under validation)
Clauses of Corresponding clauses of RCD Comments
prEN ISO 12215-6.2:2004
All clauses Annex 1 A, 3.1 Covers structural arrangements
and details
Part 7: Scantling determination of multihulls (under validation)
Part 8: Rudderstocks and bearings (under validation)
Part 9 Appendages and rig attachments (under validation)

Although there may be standards or parts of standards that relate to the integrity and structure
of component parts of craft, RSG has interpreted the Essential Safety Requirements as
relating to the integrity and structural requirements of the hull, deck and superstructure. This
includes items such as keel attachments, rudder, chain plates and other strength critical items
as appropriate.

e. To assess the structural integrity, one of the following approaches shall be considered:
1. Application of appropriate parts of EN ISO12215, provided that the scantlings
derived from draft parts of the standard are checked by one of the methods described
below. Appropriate documentation shall be developed (see f .1 below).
2. The structural requirements of the hull may be assessed by other acceptable
scantling determination methods that are applicable to the boat type, design category
and the manufacturer's maximum recommended load. Appropriate documentation
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shall be kept (see f .1 below)

3. As an alternative to acceptable scantlings determination methods or in cases where
no applicable rules exist, acceptable construction calculation(s) or testing may be
used. Calculations and proof of testing shall be documented (see f .2 below).
4. In particular cases and if acceptable empirical knowledge can be demonstrated as to
the structural requirements of the hull, this may be used as an alternative to the
previous methods outlined. This shall include relevant documentation (see f .3

f. Appropriate documentation supporting the methods used shall be developed.

If applicable the following shall be included when drafting the appropriate documentation:
1. Scantling determination method
• Description of the acceptable scantling determination method used for assessment
• Description of material, principle of structure and scantlings for the case
• Input values for strength and stiffness of materials used
• Input and output calculation results on the different structural members
2. Calculation and/or testing
• Description of case
• Reference to applied calculation method (loads, materials, geometry, analysis
• Evaluation and statement of the applicability of the method for assessment
• Input and output calculation results on the different structural members
• Description of test methods and their applicability for the case
• Test results and their validity for assessment purposes
3. Empirical knowledge
• Description of case
• Description of applicability of the empirical material used for assessment
• Documentation of empirical records (information of conditions of use in relation
to intended design category, failures, reclamation, tests, etc.)
• Documentation of transposition method used from the empirical data to actual use
• Assessment of the case in relation to empirical knowledge according to method
For structural requirements of opening appliances, see EN ISO 12216:2002 – Small Craft -
Windows, port lights, hatches, deadlights and doors - Strength and tightness requirements
(see E.3.4).

g. Recommendations for use.

Relevant Recommendations for Use (RFU): #45

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E.A.3.2 Stability and Freeboard and

E.A.3.3 Buoyancy and Flotation

a. Text of section 3.2 and 3.3 of Annex I of the Directive

Stability and Freeboard: The craft shall have sufficient stability and freeboard considering its
design category according to section 1 and the manufacturer’s recommended load according
to section 3.6.
Buoyancy and Flotation: The craft shall be constructed to ensure that it has buoyancy
characteristics appropriate to its design category according to section 1.1, and the
manufacturer’s maximum recommended load according to section 3.6. All habitable
multihull craft shall be so designed as to have sufficient buoyancy to remain afloat in the
inverted position.
Boats of less than six meters in length that are susceptible to swamping when used in their
design category shall be provided with appropriate means of flotation in the swamped

b. Relevant parts of the harmonised standards:

EN ISO 12217 Small craft - Stability and Buoyancy - Methods of assessment and
categorisation, parts 1 to 3.
EN ISO 12217 Part 1:2001 Non-sailing boats over 6 metres hull length
Clauses of Corresponding clauses of RCD Comments
EN ISO 12217-1:2001
5, 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4, 7, Annex 1 A, Clause 3.2, Stability Design categories A, B, C and
Annex A, B, C, D and Freeboard, Clause 3.5, D defined in the standard are
Flooding, and Clauses 3.6 and considered to correspond to
3.2, maximum load and number design categories A, B, C and
of persons D of the Directive
6.5, Annex E, F Annex 1 A, Clause 3.3, Buoyancy
and flotation.
Annex G Annex 1 A, Clause 2.5, Owner’s

EN ISO 12217 Small craft - Stability and Buoyancy - Methods of assessment and

Part 2:2001 Sailing boats over 6 metres hull length.

Clauses of Corresponding clauses of RCD Comments
EN ISO 12217-2:2001
5, 6, 7, 8, Annex A, B, C Annex 1 A, Clause 3.2, Stability Design categories A, B, C and
and Freeboard, Clause 3.5, D defined in the standard are
Flooding, and Clauses 3.6 and considered to correspond to
3.2, maximum load and number design categories A, B, C and
of persons D of the Directive

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6.7, 7.6, Annex D, E Annex 1 A, Clause 3.3, Buoyancy

and flotation.
Annex F Annex 1 A, Clause 2.5, Owner’s

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EN ISO 12217 Small craft - Stability and Buoyancy - Methods of assessment and

Part 3:2002 Boats up to and including 6 metres hull length

Clauses of Corresponding clauses of RCD Comments
EN ISO 12217-3:2002
5, 6, 7, 8, Annex A, B, C, D Annex 1 A, Clause 3.2, Design categories A, B C
Stability and Freeboard, and D defined in the
Clause 3.5, Flooding, and standard are considered to
Clauses 3.6 and 3.2, maximum correspond to design
load and number of persons categories A, B, C and D of
the Directive
6.4, 6.5, 7.3, Annex B, C, D Annex 1 A, Clause 3.3,
Buoyancy and flotation.
Annex E Annex 1 A, Clause 2.5,
Owner’s manual
The assumption has been made that the important requirement for a personal watercraft is the
ability of the user to recover from a stability incident, rather than to prevent capsizing, as
defined by EN ISO 12217 Part 3 for capsize-recoverable sailing dinghies.

Note that compliance with EN ISO 12217 - Stability and Buoyancy assumes compliance with
EN ISO 14946:2001 - Maximum load capacity, EN ISO 11812:2001 - Watertight and quick
draining cockpits and EN ISO 12216:2002 - Windows, portlights, hatches, deadlights and
doors - Strength and tightness requirements, where relevant.

Stability of inflatable boats and RIBs is covered by EN ISO 6186 – see E.A.6.

c. Recommendations for use.

Relevant Approved Recommendations for Use (ARFU): #04, #32
Relevant Recommendations for Use (RFU): #52

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E.A.3.4 Openings in Hull, Deck and Superstructure

a. Text of section 3.4 of Annex I of the Directive:

Openings in hull, deck(s) and superstructure shall not impair the structural integrity of the
craft or its weather tight integrity when closed.
Windows, portlights, doors and hatch covers shall withstand the water pressure likely to be
encountered in their specific position, as well as point loads applied by the weight of persons
moving on deck.
Through hull fittings designed to allow water passage into the hull or out of the hull, below
the waterline corresponding to the manufacturer’s maximum recommended load according to
section 3.6, shall be fitted with shutoff means which shall be readily accessible.

b. Relevant Parts of the harmonised standards:

EN ISO 12216:2002 – Small Craft - Windows, portlights, hatches, deadlights and doors -
Strength and tightness requirements
Clauses of Corresponding clauses of RCD Comments
EN ISO 12216:2002
3, 4.1, 5, 6, 7, 8 Annex 1 A, Clause 3.1, Structure Structural requirements for
Annex A, B, C, D, E and F and 3.4, Openings in hull, deck openings and opening
and superstructure - structural appliances.
3, 4.2, 4.3, Annex A and Annex 1 A, Clause 3.4, Openings Watertightness requirements
D1 in hull, deck and superstructure - for openings and opening
weathertight integrity. appliances.
3.8, 6.3.7 Annex 1 A, Clause 3.8, Escape - Multihull escape hatch
multihull escape.
3, 4, 5, 6 (6.3.8), Annex A, Annex II, 5, Components -
B, C, D, E and F Prefabricated hatches and

EN ISO 9093 – Small Craft - Seacocks and through-hull fittings, parts 1 and 2
Part1:1997 Metallic
Clauses of Corresponding clauses of RCD Comments
EN ISO 9093-1:1997
3, 4, 5, 6, 7, & 9. Annex 1 A, Clause 3.4 - ISO 9093-1 provides a
Openings in hull, deck and standard for compliance with
superstructure. 'shutoff means which shall be
readily accessible'.
6&9 Annex 1 A, Clause 2.5 - Owner's Details of the correct operation
Manual of seacocks to minimise risk of
flooding should be given in the
Owners Manual.
5.2, 9.1 & 9.4 Annex 1 A, 3.1 - Structure and Clauses 5.2, 9.1 and 9.4 relate
Annex 1, 3.4 - Openings in hull, to the strength of the craft in
deck and superstructure. way of through hull fittings.
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3, 4, 5, 6, 7 & 9 Annex 1 A, 3.3 - Buoyancy and The design and installation of

flotation and Annex 1, 3.5 - through hull fittings and
Flooding. seacocks should not create a
risk of flooding or impair the
craft's buoyancy or flotation

EN ISO 9093 – Small Craft - Seacocks and through-hull fittings

Part 2:2002 Non-Metallic
Clauses of Corresponding clauses of RCD Comments
EN ISO 9093-2:2002
All clauses Annex 1 A, 3.4 - Openings in hull Risk of flooding from through
Annex 1 A, 3.5 – Flooding hull fittings
10.1.1 Annex 1, 3.1 – Structure Annex 1 Strength of hull at through hull
A, 3.4 – Openings in hull fittings.
12 Annex 1 A, Clause 2.5 - Owner's

c. Recommendations for use.

Relevant Recommendations for Use (RFU): #56

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E.A.3.5 Flooding

a. Text of section 3.5 of Annex I of the Directive:

All craft shall be designed so as to minimise the risk of sinking.
Particular attention should be paid where appropriate to:
o cockpits and wells, which should be self-draining or have other means of keeping
water out of the boat interior,
o ventilation fittings,
o removal of water by pumps or other means.

b. Cockpits and wells

Relevant parts of the harmonised Standard:
EN ISO 11812:2001 - Small craft - Watertight and quick draining cockpits
Clauses of Corresponding clauses of RCD Comments
EN ISO 11812:2001
All Clauses Annex 1 A, 3.5, Flooding - Defines cockpits that are
Cockpits and wells ‘quick-draining’ when
10 Annex 1 A, Clause 2.5, required to be so by EN
Owner's manual ISO 12217

c. Ventilation fittings
Relevant harmonised standards: EN ISO 12216:2002 – Small Craft - Windows, portlights,
hatches, deadlights and doors - Strength and tightness requirements and EN ISO 12217 –
Small Craft - Stability - Non-sailing and sailing vessels, Parts 1 to 3

d. Removal of water by pumps

Relevant parts of standards:
EN ISO 15083:2003 - Small craft - Bilge pumping systems
Clauses of Corresponding clauses of RCD Comments
EN ISO 15083:2003
All clauses Annex 1 A, Clause 3.5, Flooding Requirements for removal of
residual water by pumps.
8, Annex A Annex 1 A, 2.5, Owner’s manual Requirements vary with boat
type, size and Design
Note that the requirements of EN ISO 15083:2003 - Small craft - Bilge pumping systems, do
not cover pumps intended for damage control or damage control systems. Sealed or non-water
retaining volumes of a hull do not require bilge pumps.
EN 28849:1993/A1:20000– Small craft - Electrically operated bilge pumps (ISO 8849:1990)
– See E.5.3.

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E.A.3.6 Manufacturer’s Maximum Recommended Load

a. Text of section 3.6 of Annex I of the Directive:

The manufacturer’s maximum recommended load (fuel, water, provisions, miscellaneous
equipment and people (in kilograms)) for which the boat was designed shall be determined
according to the design category (section 1), stability and freeboard (section 3.2) and
buoyancy and flotation (section 3.3).

b. Relevant parts of the harmonised standard:

EN ISO 14946:2001 - Small craft - Maximum load capacity
Clauses of Corresponding clauses of RCD Comments
EN ISO 14946:2001
All clauses Annex 1 A, Clause 3.6, The standard defines the items of
Manufacturer's maximum load, including weight of persons, to
recommended load. be included in the manufacturers
maximum recommended load for
stability and buoyancy tests.

Note: The maximum load shown on the Builder's Plate excludes fixed tank capacities. See
also Section E.2.2. For craft which are powered by outboard engine(s) the weight shown on
the builder’s plate shall include the mass of the engine(s), and may be larger than the
manufacturer’s maximum recommended load.

E.A.3.7 Liferaft stowage

a. Text of section 3.7 of Annex I of the Directive:

All craft of categories A and B, and craft of categories C and D longer than six metres shall
be provided with one or more stowage points for liferaft (s) large enough to hold the number
of persons the boat was designed to carry as recommended by the manufacturer. This (these)
stowage point(s) shall be readily accessible at all times.

RSG interprets the words stowage point(s) to mean any space or surface in or on the craft.

E.A.3.8 Escape

a. Text of section 3.8 of Annex I of the Directive:

All habitable multihull craft over 12 metres long shall be provided with viable means of
escape in the event of inversion.
All habitable craft shall be provided with viable means of escape in the event of fire.

b. Relevant parts of harmonised standards:

Applicable parts of the standards EN ISO 9094-1:2003, EN ISO 9094-2:2002 – Small Craft -
Fire protection and EN ISO 12216:2002 – Small Craft - Windows, portlights, hatches,

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deadlights and doors - Strength and tightness requirements.

c. Each habitable area of a multihull craft shall have access to an escape hatch capable of
being used in the capsized position.

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E.A.3.9 Anchoring, mooring and towing

a. Text of section 3.9 of Annex I of the Directive:

All craft, taking into account their design category and their characteristics shall be fitted
with one or more strong points or other means capable of safely accepting anchoring,
mooring and towing loads.

b. Relevant part of standard:

EN ISO 15084:2003 Small craft - Anchoring, mooring and towing - Strong points.
Clauses of Corresponding clauses of RCD Comments
EN ISO 15084:2003
All clauses Annex 1 A, Clause 3.9 Specifies number, position and
strength of strong points for
anchoring, mooring and towing

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a. Text of the first sentence of section 4 of Annex I of the Directive:

The manufacturer shall ensure that the handling characteristics of the craft are satisfactory
with the most powerful engine for which the boat is designed and constructed.

This essential requirement is considered to relate only to high speed handling characteristics
of powered craft when operated at or near to maximum speed (as it refers to the
characteristics with the most powerful engine). It does not apply to sailing boats and slow
speed craft, but aspects of handling of all craft in rough weather are addressed in the stability
standards (E 3.3, 3.4).

c. Relevant part of the harmonised standards:

EN ISO 11592:2001 – Small Craft - Determination of maximum propulsion power - in terms
of manoeuvrability, for craft less than 8 m length of hull.
Clauses of Corresponding clauses of RCD Comments
EN ISO 11592:2001
1, 2, 3, 4.2, 4.4, 4.5, 5, 6, Annex 1 A, Clause 4, Handling The standard provides a method of
7 and Annex A characteristics determining maximum engine
power for boats of less than 8m
hull length.

Annex B Annex 1 A, Clause 2.5, Owner’s A power capacity label is not

manual required for Directive 94/25/EC,
but the maximum rated engine
power shall be declared in the
Owner’s Manual.

The harmonised standard covers only motor boats below 8m length. In recognition of the
need for a standard for motor boats of over 8m length covering handling when operating at or
near to maximum speed, a sub-group of ISO/TC 188 has been established. Dependant on the
outcome of this work, a new standard may be introduced for motor boats above 8m length.
Until then the handling characteristics of a motor boat above 8m length may be assessed by
acceptable methods for assessing handling characteristics that are applicable to boat type,
design category and the manufacturers recommended maximum powering and load.

d. Text of the second sentence of section 4 of Annex I of the Directive

For all recreational marine engines, the maximum rated engine power shall be declared in
the owner's manual in accordance with the harmonised standard.

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e. Relevant part of the harmonised standards:

The directive requires measurement of engine power according to the harmonised standard
EN ISO 8665:1995/A1:2000. For a reference to the standard, compare to Chapter E.B.4. Note
that this is one of the few cases for the Recreational Craft Directive where the use of the
harmonised standard is mandatory.
The Directive requires that the maximum power of all propulsion engines for recreational
craft, including both inboards and outboards, shall be declared in the owner’s manual
according to the harmonised standard (EN ISO 10240).

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E.A.5.1 Engine and engine spaces

E.A.5.1.1 Inboard engine

a. Text of paragraph one and two of section 5.1.1 of Annex I of the Directive:
All inboard mounted engines shall be placed within an enclosure separated from living
quarters and installed so as to minimise the risk of fires or spread of fires as well as hazards
from toxic fumes, heat, noise or vibrations in the living quarters.
Engine parts and accessories that require frequent inspection and/or servicing shall be
readily accessible.

b. Relevant parts of harmonised standards

There are no specific standards for engine installation or engine compartments, but parts of
other harmonised standards set requirements relevant for engine installation regarding the
engine’s fuel supply (EN ISO 10088 - Permanently installed fuel systems and fixed fuel
tanks, EN ISO 7840 - Fire resistant fuel hoses), electrical installation (EN ISO 10133 -
Electrical Equipment - Extra-low-voltage) and fire precautions (EN ISO 9094 - Fire
For petrol engines additional requirements apply for ventilation (EN ISO 11105 -Ventilation
of compartments containing petrol engines and/or petrol fuel tanks) and ignition protection
EN 28846 - Electrical devices - Protection against ignition of surrounding flammable gases).
Inboard and stern drive engines are not subject to the Machinery Directive, but are referred to
in the Essential Safety Requirements of the Recreational Craft Directive. The following
harmonised standards apply to inboard and stern drive petrol and diesel engines when
supplied by the engine manufacturer with fitted fuel and electrical components.
EN ISO 15584:2001 - Small craft - Inboard petrol engines – Engine-mounted fuel and
electrical system components
Clauses of Corresponding clauses of RCD Comments
EN ISO 15584:2001
All clauses Annex 1 A, Clause 5.1.1, Inboard The standard sets requirements
engines for fuel and electrical
4.2, 5 Annex 1 A, Clause 5.2.1, Fuel components mounted on
system inboard and stern drive petrol
6 Annex 1 A, Clause 5.3, Electrical engines.
4.1, 6 Annex II, Components, 1
EN ISO 16147:2002 - Inboard diesel engines – Engine-mounted fuel and electrical system
Clauses of Corresponding clauses of RCD Comments
EN ISO 16147:2002
All clauses Annex 1 A, Clause 5.1.1, Inboard The standard sets requirements
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5 Annex 1 A, Clause 5.2.1, Fuel for fuel and electrical

system components mounted on
inboard and stern drive diesel
6 Annex 1 A, Clause 5.3, Electrical
Conforming document(s) shall be supplied by the manufacturer/supplier of the engine. The
standard ISO 13592 - Small craft - Backfire flame control for petrol engines (not a
harmonised standard) may also be relevant for engine manufacturers.

c. Text of paragraph three of section 5.1.1 of Annex I of the Directive:

The insulating materials inside engine spaces shall be non-combustible.
Materials are considered as non-combustible if the oxygen index is at least 21 when measured
in accordance with ISO 4589, Part 3, as referred to in EN ISO 9094-1:2003. In addition the
material shall present a non-fuel absorbent surface to the engine – See RFU #51 (design and
construction only).

E.A.5.1.2 Ventilation

a. Text of section 5.1.2 of Annex I of the Directive:

The engine compartment shall be ventilated. The dangerous ingress of water into the engine
compartment through all inlets must be prevented.

b. For diesel engines no standard is envisioned for ventilation. Adequate natural

ventilation must be provided and the risk of flooding through ventilation openings must be
minimised - see ESR A.3.3 and A.3.4.

c. Relevant parts of harmonised standard for petrol engines:

EN ISO 11105:1997- Small craft - Ventilation of compartments containing petrol engines
and/or petrol fuel tanks.
Clauses of Corresponding clauses of Comments
EN ISO 11105:1997 RCD
7 2.5 of Annex 1 A, Owner’s Specifies requirements for
manual ventilation of petrol engine
compartments and petrol
5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 6.3 3.5 of Annex 1 A, Flooding tank compartments.
4, 5, 6 5.1.1 of Annex 1 A, Inboard
4, 5, 6 5.1.2 of Annex 1 A,
4, 5, 6 5.2 of Annex 1 A, Fuel tanks

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E.A.5.1.3 Exposed parts

a. Text of section 5.1.3 of Annex I A of the Directive:

Unless the engine is protected by a cover or its own enclosure, exposed moving or hot parts of
the engine that could cause personal injury shall be effectively shielded.

b. No standard is envisioned.

E.A.5.1.4 Outboard engines starting

a. Text of section 5.1.4 of Annex I A of the Directive:

All boats with outboard engines shall have a device to prevent starting the engine in gear,
(a) when the engine produces less than 500 Newton (N) of static thrust;
(b) when the engine has a throttle limiting device to limit thrust to 500 N at the time
of starting the engine.

b. Relevant harmonised standard:

EN ISO 11547:1995/A1:2000 - Small craft - Start-in-gear protection
Clauses of EN ISO Corresponding clauses of RCD Comments
All clauses Annex 1 A, Clause 5.1.4, Sets requirements for
Outboard engines starting methods to prevent an
outboard motor being
Annex II, Components, 2 started while in gear.
5 Annex 1 A, Clause 2.5,
Owner’s manual
This harmonised standard is relevant mainly to the outboard engine manufacturer for
application of Annex II, Components.

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E.A.5.1.5 Personal watercraft running without driver.

a. Text of section 5.1.5 of Annex I A of the Directive:

Personal watercraft shall be designed either with an automatic engine cut-off or with an
automatic device to provide reduced speed, circular, forward movement when the driver
dismounts deliberately or falls overboard.

b. Relevant harmonised standard:

EN ISO 13590:2003 - Small craft – Personal Watercraft – Construction and System
Installation Requirements
Clauses of Corresponding clauses of RCD Comments
EN ISO 13590:2003
12 Annex 1 A, Clause 5.1.5,
Personal watercraft running
without driver

c. Recommendations for use.

Relevant Recommendations for Use (RFU): #50, #51, #55

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E.A.5.2 Fuel system

E.A.5.2.1 General

a. Text of section 5.2.1 of Annex I A of the Directive:

The filling, storage, venting and fuel supply arrangements and installations shall be designed
and installed so as to minimise the risk of fire and explosion.
These requirements apply to on-board fuel installations and fuel components mounted on
inboard engines, both main engines and auxiliary engines (see E.A. 5.1).

b. Relevant parts of harmonised standards:

EN ISO 10088:2001 - Small craft - Permanently installed fuel systems and fixed fuel tanks
Clauses of Corresponding clauses of RCD Comments
EN ISO 10088:2001
All clauses Annex I A, Clause 5.1.1, Inboard The standard sets requirements
Engine for the installation of fuel
systems and fuel tanks
Annex I A, Clause 5.2, Fuel (excluding portable tanks).

Annex I A, Clause 5.6.1 – Fire

protection, General

Annex II, Components, 4 Includes some fuel tank

construction requirements,
also relevant for Annex II.4.

EN ISO 7840:1995/A1:2000 - Small craft - Fire resistant fuel hoses – See Annex II.4
EN ISO 8469:1995/A1:2000 - Small craft - Non-fire resistant fuel hoses – See Annex II.4
EN ISO 11105:1997- Small craft - Ventilation of compartments containing petrol engines
and/or petrol tanks – See E.A.5.1.2
EN ISO 9094 - Small craft - Fire protection – See E.A.5.6.

c. Portable fuel tanks and their hoses are outside the scope of the Directive, i.e. will not
receive any CE marking according to Annex II.

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E.A.5.2.2 Fuel tanks

a. Text of section 5.2.2 of Annex I A of the Directive:

Fuel tanks, lines and hoses shall be secured and separated or protected from any source of
significant heat. The material the tanks are made of and their method of construction shall be
according to their capacity and the type of fuel. All tank spaces shall be ventilated.
Petrol fuel shall be kept in tanks which do not form part of the hull and are:
a) insulated from the engine compartment and from all other source of ignition;
b) separated from living quarters;
Diesel fuel may be kept in tanks that are integral with the hull.

b. Relevant parts of non-harmonised draft standard:

prEN ISO 21487 – Small craft – Permanently installed petrol and diesel fuel tanks.
Clauses of Corresponding clauses of RCD Comments
prEN ISO 21487
Annex I A, Clause 5.2.2, Fuel The standard sets construction
All clauses tanks requirements for fuel tanks
Annex II, Components, 4, Fuel (excluding portable tanks).
The standard prEN ISO 21487 is currently a draft, but when it is complete and harmonised it
is intended that its requirements will supersede any fuel tank construction requirements in EN
ISO 10088:2001.

c. Purpose-designed ventilation systems are only required for petrol fuel tank spaces (see
EN ISO 11105:1997)

d. Recommendations for use.

Relevant Approved Recommendations for Use (ARFU): #22, #23, #25, #30
Relevant Recommendations for Use (RFU): #55, #60

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E.A.5.3 Electrical system

a. Text of section 5.3 of Annex I A of the Directive:

Electrical systems shall be designed and installed so as to ensure proper operation of
the craft under normal conditions of use and shall be such as to minimise risk of fire
and electric shock.
Attention shall be paid to the provision of overload and short-circuit protection of all
circuits, except engine starting circuits, supplied from batteries.
Ventilation shall be provided to prevent the accumulation of gases, which might be
emitted from batteries. Batteries shall be firmly secured and protected from ingress of

b. Relevant parts of the harmonised standards:

EN ISO 10133:2000 - Small craft - Electrical Equipment - Extra-low-voltage electrical
Clauses of Corresponding clauses of Comments
EN ISO 10133:2000 RCD
4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11,12 Annex 1 A, 5.3 The standard provides
requirements for an on-
board DC electrical system
12.1 Annex 1 A, 5.2.2 (a) Ignition protection
7.1, 7.4 Annex 1 A, 5.6.1 Fire protection

EN ISO 13297:2000 - Small craft - Electrical Equipment - AC installations

Clauses of Corresponding clauses of Comments
EN ISO 13297:2000 RCD
4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, Annex 1 A, 5.3 The standard provides
11,12, 13,14, Annex A, requirements for an on-
Annex B board AC electrical system
6 Annex 1 A, 5.2.2 (a) Ignition protection
7.1, 7.4, Annex B Annex 1 A, 5.6.1 Fire protection

EN 60092-507:2000 Electrical installations in ships – Part 507: Pleasure craft

Clauses of Corresponding clauses of Comments
EN 60092-507:2000 RCD
All clauses Annex 1 A, 5.3 Electrical System - Three
phase systems only
EN 28846:1993/A1:2000 (ISO 8846:1990) - Small craft - Electrical devices - Protection
against ignition of surrounding flammable gases – see Annex II, Components, Ignition
protected equipment.

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c. The requirement in 5.3 for electrical system applies to all electrical parts on the engine,
which could create a spark, and also to other electrical components, which may be in the
engine compartment. The harmonised standard for electrical equipment installation EN
ISO 10133:2000, clause 12.1 states: "Electrical components installed in compartments
which may contain explosive gases shall be ignition protected in accordance with EN
28846:1993/A1:2000 (ISO 8846:1990)". Thus it applies to all parts such but not limited
to the following when installed in the engine compartment:
c.1 Electric fans
Relevant parts of harmonised standards:

EN ISO 9097:1994/A1:2000 Small Craft - Electric fans

Clauses of EN ISO Corresponding clauses of RCD Comments
All clauses Annex I A, Clause 5.1.2, The standard sets requirements
Ventilation for construction of electric
Annex I A, Clause 5.2.2, fans intended for use on
Fuel system recreational craft.
Annex II, Components, 1
c.2 Bilge pumps
Relevant parts of harmonised standards:

EN ISO 8849:1993/A1:2000 Small craft - Electrically operated bilge pumps (ISO 8849:1990)
Clauses of EN ISO Corresponding clauses of RCD Comments
All clauses Annex I A, Clause 3.5, Flooding The standard sets requirements
Annex I A, Clause 5.3, Electrical only for design of electric
system bilge pumps as components,
4.2 Annex II, Components, 1 with some requirements for

c.3 Engines
Electrical components on engines, including both main engines and auxiliary engines, are
covered by the harmonised standards below - See E.A.5.1.1, Inboard engines:

EN ISO 15584:2001 - Small Craft - Inboard mounted petrol engine fuel and electrical system
EN ISO 16147:2002 - Small craft - Inboard mounted diesel engine fuel and electrical

d. Recommendations for use.

Relevant Recommendations for Use (RFU): #55

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E.A.5.4 Steering system

E.A.5.4.1 General

a. Text of section 5.4.1 of Annex I A of the Directive:

Steering systems shall be designed, constructed and installed in order to allow the
transmission of steering loads under foreseeable operating conditions.

b. Relevant parts of harmonised standards:

EN 28847:1989/A1:2000- Small craft - Steering gear - wire rope and pulley systems (ISO
Clauses of Corresponding clauses of RCD Comments
EN 28847:1989/A1:2000
All clauses Annex I A, Clause 5.4.1 –
Steering system, General
Annex II, Components, 3

EN 28848:1993/A1:2000 - Small craft - Remote steering systems (ISO 8848:1990)

Clauses of Corresponding clauses of RCD Comments
EN 28848:1993/A1:2000
All clauses Annex I A, Clause 5.4.1, Steering
system, General
Annex II, Components, 3

EN ISO 10592:1994/A1:2000 - Small craft - Hydraulic steering gear

Clauses of Corresponding clauses of RCD Comments
All clauses Annex I A, Clause 5.4.1,
Steering system, General
Annex II, Components, 3

EN 29775:1993/A1:2000 - Small craft - Remote steering systems for outboard motors of 15

kW to 40 kW power (ISO 9775:1990)
Clauses of Corresponding clauses of RCD Comments
EN 29775:1993/A1:2000
All clauses Annex I A, Clause 5.4.1, Steering
system, General
Annex II, Components, 3

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EN ISO 13929:2001 - Small craft - Steering gear - Geared link systems

Clauses of Corresponding clauses of RCD Comments
EN ISO 13929:2001

All clauses Annex I A, Clause 5.4.1, Steering

system, General
3.1 Annex I A, Clause 5.4.2, Compliance with Clause A.3.1
Emergency arrangements is not required for
twin-engine installations
4.5 Annex I A, Clause 2.5, Owner’s
All Annex II, Components, 3.
Non-harmonised standards:
prEN ISO/FDIS 15652- Small craft - Remote steering system for inboard and mini jet boats

E.A.5.4.2 Emergency arrangements

a. Text of section 5.4.2 of Annex I A of the Directive:

Sailboat and single-engine inboard powered motor boats with remote-controlled rudder
steering systems shall be provided with emergency means of steering the craft at
reduced speed.

b. No standard is envisioned.

c. Recommendations for use.

Relevant Recommendations for Use (RFU): #45

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E.A.5.5 Gas system

a. Text of section 5.5 of Annex I A of the Directive:

Gas systems for domestic use shall be of the vapour-withdrawal type and shall be designed
and installed so as to avoid leaks and the risk of explosion and be capable of being tested for
leaks. Materials and components shall be suitable for the specific gas used to withstand the
stresses and exposures found in the marine environment.
Each appliance shall be equipped with a flame failure device effective on all burners. Each
gas-consuming appliance must be supplied by a separate branch of the distribution system,
and each appliance must be controlled by a separate closing device. Adequate ventilation
must be provided to prevent hazards from leaks and products of combustion.
All craft with a permanently installed gas system shall be fitted with an enclosure to contain
all gas cylinders. The enclosure shall be separated from the living quarters, accessible only
from the outside and ventilated to the outside so that any escaping gas drains overboard. Any
permanent gas system shall be tested after installation.

b. Relevant parts of harmonised standards:

EN ISO 10239:2000 - Small craft - Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) systems
Clauses of Corresponding clauses of RCD Comments
EN ISO 10239:2000
5.5 of Annex I A, Gas system The standard
4.2 Gas systems for domestic use shall be ‘vapour-
withdrawal’ type
for an on-
4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11 Designed and installed to avoid leaks and risk of board gas
explosion installation
10 Capable of being tested for leaks
4.1, 5.6, 5.7, 6.2.1, 6.4, Materials and components to withstand marine
6.5.1, 6.5.4, 7.1 environment
7.3 Flame failure device on all burners
6.6 Each appliance to have separate branch of
distribution system and each appliance to have
separate closing system
8 Adequate ventilation to prevent hazard from leaks
7.6, 9 (Annex A), 13 Adequate ventilation to prevent hazards from
products of combustion

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8.2, 8.3 An enclosure shall contain all gas cylinders

permanently installed
Enclosure shall be:
(i) separated from living quarters;
(ii) accessible only from the outside;
(iii) ventilated only to outside.
10 Gas systems shall be tested after installation

7.7, 7.9, 11 5.6.1 of Annex I A, Fire protection

Installation shall take account of risk of fire from
open flame devices

12 (Annex C) 2.5 of Annex I A, Owner’s manual

c. Semi fixed systems based on portable devices is considered as permanently installed

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E.A.5.6 Fire protection

a. Text of section 5.6.1 and 5.6.2 of Annex I A of the Directive:

E.A.5.6.1 General
The type of equipment installed and the layout of the craft shall take account of the risk and
spread of fire. Special attention shall be paid to the surroundings of open flame devices, hot
areas or engines and auxiliary machines, oil and fuel overflows, uncovered oil and fuel pipes
and avoiding electrical wiring above hot areas of machines.

E.A.56.2 Fire-fighting equipment

Craft shall be supplied with fire-fighting equipment appropriate to the fire hazard, or the
position and capacity of fire fighting equipment appropriate to the fire hazard shall be
indicated. The craft shall not be put into service until the appropriate fire fighting equipment
is in place. Petrol engine enclosures shall be protected by a fire extinguishing system that
avoids the need to open the enclosure in the event of fire. Where fitted, portable fire
extinguishers shall be readily accessible and one shall be so positioned that it can easily be
reached from the main steering position of the craft.
b. Relevant parts of harmonised standards:

EN ISO 9094-1:2003 - Small craft - Fire protection

Part 1: Craft with hull length of up to and including 15 m
Clauses of Corresponding clauses of RCD Comments
EN ISO 9094-1:2003
4.2 Annex 1 A, Clause 3.8 – Escape Requirements for escape
routes and openings
4.4.1 Annex 1 A, Clause 5.1.1 – Engine space insulating
Inboard engine materials (see also E.5.1.1)
3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, Annex A Annex 1 A, Clause 5.6.1 - Fire General requirements for fire
protection, general protection
5,6,7,9 Annex 1 A, Clause 5.6.2 – Fire- Requirements for fire-fighting
fighting equipment equipment
10, Annex B Annex 1 A, Clause 2.5 - Owner's

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EN ISO 9094-2:2002 - Small craft - Fire protection

Part 2: Craft with hull length of over 15m and up to 24 m
Clauses of Corresponding clauses of RCD Comments
EN ISO 9094-2
4.2, 4.3 Annex 1 A, Clause 3.8 – Escape Requirements for escape
routes and openings
4.5.2 Annex 1 A, Clause 5.1.1 – Engine space insulating
Inboard engine materials (see also E.5.1.1)
3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, Annex A Annex 1 A, Clause 5.6.1 - Fire General requirements for fire
protection, general protection
5,6,7,9 Annex 1 A, Clause 5.6.2 – Fire- Requirements for fire-fighting
fighting equipment equipment
10, Annex B Annex 1 A, Clause 2.5 - Owner's

c. Craft meet the RCD with the position and capacity of fire extinguisher(s) indicated
(labelled), but can not be put into service and operation until they are in place.

d. Recommendations for use.

Relevant Recommendations for Use (RFU): #61

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E.A.5.7 Navigation lights

a. Text of section 5.7 of Annex I A of the Directive:

Where navigation lights are fitted, they shall comply with the 1972 COLREGS or CEVNI
regulations, as appropriate.

b. Relevant regulations: 1972 COLREGS or CEVNI as amended.

See also RFU # 27 (design and construction only)
Non-harmonised standard: Draft standard prEN ISO 16180 Small craft – Electric navigation
lights is being prepared to support the application of COLREG for navigation lights.

c. Recommendations for use.

Relevant Approved Recommendations for Use (ARFU): #27

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E.A.5.8 Discharge prevention and installations facilitating the delivery ashore of waste

a. Text of section 5.8 of Annex I A of the Directive:

Craft shall be constructed so as to prevent the accidental discharge of pollutants (oil, fuel,
etc.) overboard.
Craft fitted with toilets shall have either:
(a) holding tanks, or
(b) provision to fit holding tanks.
Craft with permanently installed holding tanks shall be fitted with a standard discharge
connection to enable pipes of reception facilities to be connected with the craft discharge
In addition, any through-the-hull pipes for human waste shall be fitted with valves which are
capable of being secured in the closed position.

b. Relevant parts of harmonised standards:

EN ISO 8099:2000 Small craft - Waste water retention and treatment - Toilet waste retention
Clauses of Corresponding clauses of Comments
EN ISO 8099:2000 RCD
All clauses Annex 1 A, 5.8, Discharge The standard sets
prevention requirements for on-board
toilet systems and holding
12 Annex 1 A, 2.5, Owner's

c. Craft with toilets shall always have a provision to fit holding tanks if no such tanks are
fitted. The requirement may be met by providing any suitable space for fitting holding
tanks. This space need not be maintained solely for the purpose of fitting a holding tank,
but can be any space that could be adapted if needed.

“Capable of being secured in the closed position” can be met by securing the valve
opening/closing device in the closed position, for example by securing a seacock lever
arm in the closed position mechanically by a bolt, wire etc.
Note that EN ISO 8099 does not include requirements relating to accidental discharge
overboard of pollutants such as fuel and oil. .

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a. Text of the Directive Article 1 (3):

For the purposes of this Directive the following definitions shall apply:
(a) "recreational craft": any boat of any type intended for sports and leisure
purposes of hull length from 2,5 m to 24 m, measured according to the harmonised
standard, regardless of the means of propulsion; the fact that the same boat could be
used for charter or for recreational boating training shall not prevent it being covered
by this Directive when it is placed on the Community market for recreational purposes

b. Relevant parts of harmonised standards:

All the relevant essential requirements, including the stability and buoyancy requirements, for
inflatable boats and rigid hull inflatable boats are covered by one harmonised standard.
EN ISO 6185 Small craft - Inflatable boats
Part 1:2001 Boats with a motor maximum power rating of 4,5 kW
Clauses of Corresponding clauses of the Comments
EN ISO 6185-1:2001 Directive Annex 1 A,
1. Boat design categories Part 1 Inflatable boats shall be
assigned to Boat Design
Category D only
8 2.2 Builder's plate The Builder's Plate must also
include the CE mark and Boat
Design Category. It is not a
requirement of the Directive to
show maximum engine power on
the Builder's Plate, but this must
be given in Owner's Manual
6.7 2.3 Means of reboarding
6.11 2.4 Visibility for steering
9 2.5 Owner's manual Maximum engine power must be
included in Owner's Manual
4, 5.1, 5.2, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 3.1 Structure
5.12, 6.5, 6.6, 7, B.2
6.3 3.2 Stability and freeboard
3, 6.8, 6.10 3.3 Buoyancy and flotation
5.7 3.4 Openings in hull
5.7, 7.5 3.5 Flooding
6.1, 6.4 3.6 Manufacturer's maximum
5.11, 7.3 3.9 Anchoring, towing
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6.2, 6.9, 7.1, 7.2, B.4 4. Handling characteristics

5.8, 5.9 5.4 Steering system

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a. Text of the Directive Article 1 (3):

For the purposes of this Directive the following definitions shall apply:
"personal watercraft": a vessel less than 4 m in length which uses an internal
combustion engine having a water jet pump as its primary source of propulsion and
designed to be operated by a person or persons sitting, standing or kneeling on, rather
than within the confines of, a hull;

b. Relevant parts of harmonised standards:

All the relevant essential requirements, including the stability and buoyancy requirements, for
inflatable boats and rigid hull inflatable boats are covered by one harmonised standard.
EN ISO 13590:2003 Small craft – Personal Watercraft – Construction and system installation
(to be completed in line with annexes ZA and ZB of the standards)
Clauses of Corresponding clauses of the Comments
EN ISO 13590:2003 Directive

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Propulsion engines shall comply with the following essential requirements for exhaust


a. Text of section B.1.1 of Annex I of the Directive:

Each engine shall be clearly marked with the following information:
• engine manufacturer's trademark or trade-name,
• engine type, engine family, if applicable,
• a unique engine identification number,
• CE marking, if required under Article 10.

b. Relevant parts of harmonised standards:

Actually, there are no standards envisaged.


a. Text of section B.1.2 of Annex I of the Directive:

These marks must be durable for the normal life of the engine and must be clearly legible and
indelible. If labels or plates are used, they must be attached in such a manner that the fixing
is durable for the normal life of the engine, and the labels/plates cannot be removed without
destroying or defacing them.

b. Relevant parts of harmonised standards:

Actually, there are no standards envisaged.


a. Text of section B.1.3 of Annex I of the Directive:

These marks must be secured to an engine part necessary for normal engine operation and
not normally requiring replacement during the engine life.

b. Relevant parts of harmonised standards:

Actually, there are no standards envisaged.

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a. Text of section B.1.4 of Annex I of the Directive:

These marks must be located so as to be readily visible to the average person after the engine
has been assembled with all the components necessary for engine operation.

b. Relevant parts of harmonised standards:

Actually, there are no standards envisaged.

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a. Text of section B.2 of Annex I of the Directive:

Propulsion engines shall be designed, constructed and assembled so that when correctly
installed and in normal use, emissions shall not exceed the limit values obtained from the
following table:
Table 1
Carbon Monoxide Hydrocarbons
n n
CO = A + B/P N HC = A + B/P N Nitrogen oxides Particulates
g/kWh g/kWh NOx g/kWh PT g/kWh
A B n A B n
Two-stroke 150,0 600,0 1,0 30,0 100,0 0,75 10,0 Not applicable
spark ignition
Four-stroke 150,0 600,0 1,0 6,0 50,0 0,75 15,0 Not applicable
spark ignition
Compression 5,0 0 0 1,5 2,0 0,5 9,8 1,0

Where A, B and n are constants in accordance with the table, PN is the rated engine power in
kW and the exhaust emissions are measured in accordance with the harmonised standard (EN
ISO 8178-1:1996).

For engines above 130 kW either E3 (IMO) or E5 (recreational marine) duty cycles may be
The reference fuels to be used for the emissions test for engines fuelled with petrol and diesel
shall be as specified in Directive 98/69/EC (Annex IX, Tables 1 and 2), and for those engines
fuelled with Liquefied Petroleum Gas as specified in Directive 98/77/EC.

b. Relevant parts of harmonised standards:

EN ISO 8178 - Reciprocating internal combustion engines

It should be noted that different parts of EN ISO 8178 may need to be referred to for
application of the exhaust emission tests.

Clauses of Corresponding clauses of the Comments

EN ISO 8178 Directive

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c. Reference is made to 130 kW as this is the engine power limit that IMO applies. For
diesel engines the E3 (IMO) or E5 (recreational marine) duty cycles may also be used for
engine power below 130 kW. Petrol engines should use the E4 duty cycle.

The specifications of these reference fuels as specified in Directive 98/69/EC are given in
Annex IX table 1 (petrol fuel) and table 2 (diesel fuel). If, in the light of evolution of technical
knowledge and new scientific evidence amendments to the specification for reference fuels
become necessary, these should be adopted using the Regulatory Committee procedure
provided for in Article 6a.


a. Text of section B.3 of Annex I of the Directive:

The manufacturer of the engine shall supply engine installation and maintenance instructions,
which if applied should mean that the engine in normal use will continue to comply with the
above limits throughout the normal life of the engine and under normal conditions of use.
This information shall be obtained by the engine manufacturer by use of prior endurance
testing, based on normal operating cycles, and by calculation of component fatigue so that the
necessary maintenance instructions may be prepared by the manufacturer and issued with all
new engines when first placed on the market.
The normal life of the engine is considered to mean:
(a) inboard or stern drive engines with or without integral exhaust: 480 hours or
10 years, whichever occurs first;
(b) personal watercraft engines: 350 hours or 5 years, whichever occurs first;
(c) outboard engines: 350 hours or 10 years, whichever occurs first.

b. Relevant parts of harmonised standards:

Actually, there are no standards envisaged.

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a. Text of section B.4 of Annex I of the Directive:

Each engine shall be provided with an Owner's Manual in the Community language or
languages, which may be determined by the Member State in which the engine is to be
marketed. This manual shall:
(a) Provide instructions for the installation and maintenance needed to assure the
proper functioning of the engine to meet the requirements of paragraph 3,
(b) Specify the power of the engine when measured in accordance with the
harmonised standard.

b. Relevant parts of harmonised standards:

EN ISO 8665:1995/A1:2000 – Small Craft - Marine propulsion engines and systems - Power
measurements and declarations
Clauses of EN ISO Corresponding clauses of RCD Comments
All clauses Annex 1 A, Clause 4, Handling This standard is relevant only
to the engine manufacturer. It
defines the required method of
measuring engine power. The
power of the engine measured
according to this standard shall
be declared by the engine
manufacturer in the owner’s
manual supplied with the

The engine power and speed may alternatively be presented as a power curve (see also notes
on calculation of the Power/displacement ratio in Annex I.C)

c. Language, translation and scope of Owner’s Manual

A procedure shall be established for the particular information, as required by the Directive,
to be included in the language required in the area where the product is put on the market..
A generic Owner’s Manual, if relevant is acceptable. It may have provisions for filling out
specific model information by hand.

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a. Text of section C.1.1 of Annex I of the Directive:

Recreational craft with inboard or stern drive engines without integral exhaust, personal
watercraft and outboard engines and stern drive engines with integral exhaust shall be
designed, constructed and assembled so that noise emissions measured in accordance with
tests defined in the harmonised standard* shall not exceed the limit values in the following

Table 2
Single Engine Power Maximum Noise Pressure
Level = LpASmax

In kW In dB
PN ≤ 10 67
10 < PN ≤ 40 72
PN > 40 75

where PN = rated engine power in kW at rated speed and LpASmax = maximum noise pressure
level in dB.
For twin-engine and multiple-engine units of all engine types an allowance of 3 dB may be

b. Relevant parts of harmonised standards:

EN ISO 14509:2000-1 and Amendment 1: Small craft - Measurement of noise pressure level
of airborne noise emitted by powered recreational craft
Clauses of Corresponding clauses of RCD Comments
EN ISO 14509:2000-1/A1

* EN ISO 14509
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a. Text of section C.1.2 of Annex I of the Directive:

As an alternative to noise measurement tests, recreational craft with inboard engine

configuration or stern drive engine configuration, without integral exhaust, shall be deemed
to comply with these noise requirements if they have a Froude number of ≤ 1.1 and a power
displacement ratio of ≤ 40 and where the engine and exhaust system are installed in
accordance with the engine manufacturer's specifications.

b. Relevant parts of harmonised standards:

Actually, there are no standards envisaged.


a. Text of section C.1.3 of Annex I of the Directive:

"Froude number" shall be calculated by dividing the maximum boat speed V (m ) by the
square root of the waterline length lwl (m) multiplied by a given gravitational constant
( g = 9,81 m )
Fn =
( g ⋅ lwl )

"Power displacement ratio" shall be calculated by dividing the engine power P (kW) by the
boat's displacement D(t ) = P

b. Relevant parts of harmonised standards:

Clauses of Corresponding clauses of RCD Comments

c. Displacement shall be measured in [t] at the performance test mass condition in

accordance with EN ISO 8666:2002.

The total engine power (P) shall be measured in [kW] in accordance with EN ISO 8665:2002.

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a. Text of section C.1.4 of Annex I of the Directive:

As a further alternative to noise measurement tests, recreational craft with inboard or stern
drive engine configurations without integral exhaust, shall be deemed to comply with these
noise requirements if their key design parameters are the same as or compatible with those of
a certified reference boat to tolerances specified in the harmonised standard.

b. Relevant parts of harmonised standards:

prEN ISO 14509:2 – Measurement of airborne noise emitted by powered recreational craft
Part 2: Noise Assessment using reference craft
Clauses of Corresponding clauses of RCD Comments


a. Text of section C.1.5 of Annex I of the Directive:

"Certified reference boat" shall mean a specific combination of hull/inboard engine or stern
drive engine without integral exhaust that has been found to comply with the noise emission
requirements, when measured in accordance with section 1.1, and for which all appropriate
key design parameters and noise level measurements have been included subsequently in the
published list of certified reference boats.

b. Relevant parts of harmonised standards:

prEN ISO 14509:2 – Measurement of airborne noise emitted by powered recreational craft
Part 2: Noise Assessment using reference craft
Clauses of Corresponding clauses of RCD Comments

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a. Text of section C.2 of Annex I of the Directive:

For recreational craft with inboard engine or stern drive engines with or without integral
exhaust and personal watercraft, the Owner's Manual required under Annex I.A Section 2.5,
shall include information necessary to maintain the craft and exhaust system in a condition
that, insofar as is practicable, will ensure compliance with the specified noise limit values
when in normal use.
For outboard engines, the Owner's Manual required under Annex I.B.4 shall provide
instructions necessary to maintain the outboard engine in a condition, that insofar as is
practicable, will ensure compliance with the specified noise limit values when in normal use.

b. Relevant parts of harmonised standards:

Actually, there are no standards envisaged.

c. Introduces a new requirement for the owner’s manual supplied with the recreational
craft or personal watercraft to specify information on maintenance of the craft, engine and
exhaust system to ensure continued compliance with the noise limits. With respect to stern
drive engines with integral exhaust this requirement is satisfied by keeping a copy of the
owner’s manual for the engine with the owner’s manual for the boat, provided that the
owner’s manual for the engine provides instructions as laid out in the paragraph below for
outboard engines.

The owner’s manual supplied with the outboard engine shall include information on
maintenance for continued compliance with the noise emission limits.

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Certain components are specifically mentioned in the Directive:
"-whereas the essential requirements constitute the criteria by which recreational craft,
partly completed craft and their components when separate and when installed must
The certification requirements imply third party intervention, which has to take place
before the component is placed on the market. However, if the components in F3, F4,
and F5 below are made specifically by or for the craft builder, the conformity
assessment may be made by the craft builder. (This is an interpretation that goes against
the requirements of the Directive: article 8.2 (e) specifies that Annex II components
have to subject to conformity assessment according modules B+C, B+E, B+F, or G or
H, all of which require 3rd party intervention)
CE marking for RCD is only permitted for components listed in Annex II.
The following are listed in Annex II:

F.1. Ignition protected equipment for inboard and stern drive engines

a. Relevant parts of harmonised standards:

EN 28846:1993/A1:2000 Small craft - Electrical devices - Protection against

ignition of surrounding flammable gases (ISO 8846:1990)
Clauses of EN Corresponding clauses of RCD

All clauses Annex I A, Clause 5.1.1, Inboard engines

4.1, 5 Annex I A, Clause 5.2.1, Fuel system Sets requirements for

6 Annex I A, Clause 5.3, Electrical system equipment

4.2, 6 Annex II, Components, 1

F.2. Start-in-gear protection devices for outboard engines

a. Relevant standards:

Harmonised standards:

EN ISO 11547:1995/A1:2000- Small craft - Start-in-gear protection – see E.A.5.1.4

Outboard engines starting

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F.3. Steering wheels, steering mechanisms and cable assemblies

a. Relevant parts of harmonised standards:

EN 28847:1989/A1:2000- Small craft - Steering gear - wire rope and pulley

systems (ISO 8847)
EN 28848:1993/A1:2000 - Small craft - Remote steering system (ISO 8848:1990)
EN 29775:1993/A1:2000 - Small craft - Remote steering systems for outboard
motors of 15 kW to 40 kW power (ISO 9775:1990)
EN ISO 10592:1994/A1:2000 - Small craft - Hydraulic steering gear
EN ISO 13929:2001 - Small craft - Geared link steering

Non-harmonised standard:

prEN ISO 15652- Small craft - Remote steering system for inboard and mini jet

See E.A.5.4 for details of steering standards.

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F.4. Fuel tanks intended for fixed installations and fuel hoses

a. Relevant parts of harmonised standards:

EN ISO 10088:2001 Small craft - Permanently installed fuel systems and fixed fuel
tanks – see E.A.5.2.
EN ISO 7840:1995/A1:2000 Small craft - Fire resistant fuel hoses
Clauses of EN ISO Corresponding clauses of RCD Comments
All clauses Annex I A, Clause 5.1.1, Inboard Specifies requirements for fire
Engine resistant fuel hoses that may
Annex I A, Clause 5.2.1, Fuel be used in engine
system, General compartments.
Annex I A, Clause 5.6.1 – Fire
protection, General
Annex II, Components, 4

EN ISO 8469:1995/A1:2000 Small craft - Non-fire-resistant hoses

Clauses of EN ISO Corresponding clauses of RCD Comments

All clauses Annex I A, Clause 5.1.1, Inboard Specifies requirements for

Engine fuel hoses that may not be
Annex I A, Clause 5.2.1, Fuel used in engine compartments
system, General
Annex I A, Clause 5.6.1, Fire
protection, General
Annex II, Components, 4

Note 1: Portable fuel systems (as specified by EN ISO 13591) are outside the scope of the
Directive, i.e. will not receive any CE marking according to this Annex II.

Note 2: Fuel tanks that are an integral part of the structure of the craft are also excluded from
the scope of Annex II and therefore should not be CE marked.
F.5. Prefabricated hatches and portlights

a. Relevant parts of harmonised standards:

EN ISO 12216:2002 Small craft - Windows, portlights, hatches, deadlights and doors -
Strength and tightness requirements – see E.A.3.4.

b. The term portlight refers to windows in the hull.

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05 February 2005


The Recreational Craft Directive establishes procedures applying to the assessment of
compliance with the essential safety requirements. These procedures comply with Council
Decision No 93/465/EEC of 22 July 1993 concerning the modules for the various phases of
the conformity assessment procedures and the rules for the affixing of the CE conformity
marking, which are intended to be used in the technical harmonization directives.

It is to be noted, amongst other points, from this Council Decision (in Annex), that:

1. The essential objective of a conformity assessment procedure is to enable the public

authorities to ensure that products placed on the market conform to the requirements
as expressed in the provisions of the directives, in particular with regard to the health
and safety of users and consumers,

2. Conformity assessment can be subdivided into modules, which relate to the design
phase of products and to their production phase,

3. As a general rule a product must be subject to both phases before being able to be
placed on the market if the results are positive.

4. Notified bodies should be encouraged to apply the modules without unnecessary

burden for the economic operators. The Commission, in cooperation with the Member
States, must ensure that close cooperation is organized between the notified bodies in
order to ensure consistent technical application of the modules,

5. Whenever directives provide the manufacturer with the possibility of using modules
based on quality assurance techniques, the manufacturer must also be able to have
recourse to a combination of modules not using quality assurance, and vice versa,
except where the compliance with the requirements laid down by the directives
requires the exclusive application of a certain procedure.

6. Whenever the NB subcontracts testing or verifies subcontracted testing, etc,..., it is the

responsibility of the NB to ensure that the subcontractor has the facilities and meets
the criteria for that function (Annex XIV).

a) Text of Article 8 of the Directive as amended

1. Before placing on the market, and/or putting into service, products referred to in
Article 1(1) the manufacturer or his authorised representative established within the
Community shall apply the procedures referred to in paragraphs 2, 3 and 4 of this

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In the case of post-construction assessment for recreational craft, if neither the

manufacturer nor his authorised representative established within the Community
fulfils the responsibilities for the product's conformity to this Directive, these can be
assumed by any natural or legal person established within the Community who
places the product on the market, and/or puts it into service, under his own
responsibility. In such a case, the person who places the product on the market or
puts it into service must lodge an application for a post-construction report with a
notified body. The person who places the product on the market and/or puts it into
service must provide the notified body with any available document and technical file
referring to the first placing on the market of the product in the country of origin.
The notified body shall examine the individual product and carry out calculations
and other assessment to ensure its equivalent conformity with the relevant
requirements of the Directive. In this case, the Builder's plate described in Annex I,
2.2 shall include the words "(Post-construction certificate)". The notified body shall
draw up a report of conformity concerning the assessment carried out and shall
inform the person who places the product on the market and/or puts it into service of
his obligations. That person shall draw up a declaration of conformity (see Annex
XV) and affix, or cause to be affixed, the CE mark accompanied by the distinguishing
number of the relevant notified body on the product.

Note: Comments to post construction assessment see chapter I of this document

2. With regard to design and construction of products referred to in Article 1(1)(a), the
boat manufacturer or his authorised representative established in the Community
shall apply the following procedures for boat design categories A, B, C and D as
referred to in section 1 of Annex I.A:

(a) for categories A and B:

(i) for boats from 2,5 m to 12 m hull length: the internal production control
plus tests (module Aa) referred to in Annex VI, or the EC type-
examination (module B) as described in Annex VII, supplemented by
conformity to type (module C) referred to in Annex VIII, or any of the
following modules: B+D, or B+E, or B+ F, or G or H;

(ii) for boats from 12 m to 24 m hull length: the EC type-examination

(module B) referred to in Annex VII supplemented by conformity to type
(module C) referred to in Annex VIII, or any of the following modules: B
+ D, or B+E, or B + F, or G or H;

(b) for category C:

(i) for boats from 2,5 m to 12 m hull length:

– where the harmonised standards relating to Sections 3.2 and 3.3 of

Annex I.A are complied with: the internal production control
(module A), referred to in Annex V, or internal production control
plus tests (module Aa) referred to in Annex VI, or the EC type-
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05 February 2005

examination (module B) as described in Annex VII, supplemented

by conformity to type (module C) referred to in Annex VIII, or any
of the following modules: B+D, or B+E, or B+F, or G, or H,
– where the harmonised standards relating to Sections 3.2 and 3.3 of
Annex I.A are not complied with: the internal production control
plus tests (module Aa) referred to in Annex VI, or the EC type-
examination (module B) as described in Annex VII, supplemented
by conformity to type (module C) referred to in Annex VIII, or any
of the following modules: B+D, or B+E, or B+F, or G , or H;

(ii) for boats from 12 m to 24 m hull length: the EC type-examination

(module B) referred to in Annex VII followed by conformity to type
(module C) referred to in Annex VIII, or any of the following modules:
B+D, or B+E, or B+F, or G or H;

(c) for category D:

for boats from 2,5 m to 24 m hull length: the internal production control
(module A) referred to in Annex V, or the internal production control plus tests
(module Aa) referred to in Annex VI, or the EC type-examination (module B)
as described in Annex VII, supplemented by conformity to type (module C)
referred to in Annex VIII, or any of the following modules: B+D, or B+E, or
B+F or G or H;

(d) for personal watercraft:

the internal production control (module A) referred to in Annex V, or the

internal production control plus tests (module Aa) referred to in Annex VI, or
the EC type-examination (module B) as described in Annex VII followed by
conformity to type (module C) referred to in Annex VIII, or any of the following
modules: B+D, or B+E, or B+F, or G or H;

(e) for components referred to in Annex II: any of the following modules: B+C, or
B+D, or B+F, or G or H.

3. With regard to exhaust emissions:

for products referred to in Article 1(1)(b), the engine manufacturer or his authorised
representative established in the Community shall apply the EC type-examination
(module B) as described in Annex VII followed by conformity to type (module C)
referred to in Annex VIII, or any of the following modules: B+D, or B+E, or B+F, or
G or H.

4. With regard to noise emissions:

(a) for products referred to in Article 1(1)(c)(i) and (ii), the boat manufacturer or
his authorised representative established in the Community shall apply:

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(i) where tests are conducted using the harmonised standard 2 for noise
measurement: either internal production control plus tests (module Aa)
referred to in Annex VI, or unit verification (module G) referred to in
Annex XI, or full quality assurance (module H) referred to in Annex XII;

(ii) where the Froude number and power displacement ratio method is used
for assessment: either the internal production control (module A)
referred to in Annex V, or the internal production control plus tests
(module Aa) referred to in Annex VI, or unit verification (module G)
referred to in Annex XI, or full quality assurance (module H) referred to
in Annex XII;

(iii) where certified reference boat data, established in accordance with

point (i), is used for assessment: either internal production control
(module A) referred to in Annex V, or internal production control plus
supplementary requirements (module Aa) referred to in Annex VI, or unit
verification (module G) referred to in Annex XI, or full quality assurance
(module H) referred to in Annex XII;

(b) for products referred to in Article 1(1)(c)(iii) and (iv), the personal
watercraft/engine manufacturer or his authorised representative established in
the Community shall apply: internal production control plus supplementary
requirements referred to in Annex VI (module Aa) or module G or H.

b) Comments
These conformity assessment procedures applying to products covered by the directive can be
summarized in the following table:

Available Modular Choice

Design Category/ 12m ≤ hull
2.5m ≤ hull length <12m
Product type length ≤ 24m
Design & Construction

Aa, B+C, B+D, B+E, B+F, G or H
B+C, B+D,
A, Aa, B+C, B+D, B+E, B+F, G or H B+E, B+F, G or
If harmonised standard for stability and H
C buoyancy are complied with
“Inshore” Aa, B+C, B+D, B+E, B+F, G or H
If harmonised standard for stability and
buoyancy are not complied with

2 EN ISO 14509: 2000.

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A, Aa, B+C, B+D, B+E, B+F, G or H
“Sheltered Waters”
PWC A, Aa, B+C, B+D, B+E, B+F, G or H

Components B+C, B+D, B+F, G or H


Recreational Marine
B+C, B+D, B+E, B+F, G or H
Propulsion Engines.

Reference Boat Fn + P/D

Pass-by test
concept method
Outboard engines,
Personal Watercraft and
Aa, G or H

stern drive engines with

integral exhaust
Recreational craft with
inboard engines or stern
Aa, G or H A, Aa, G or H A, Aa, G or H
drive engines without
integral exhaust

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a) Text of Annex V of the Directive:

1. The manufacturer or his authorized representative established within the Community, who
carries out the obligations laid down in point 2, ensures and declares that the products
concerned satisfy the requirements of the Directive that apply to them. The manufacturer or
his authorized representative established within the Community shall affix the CE marking to
each product and draw up a written declaration of conformity (see Annex XV).
2. The manufacturer shall establish the technical documentation described in paragraph 3
and he or his authorized representative established within the Community shall keep it for a
period ending at least 10 years after the last product has been manufactured at the disposal of
the relevant national authorities for inspection purposes.
Where neither the manufacturer nor his authorized representative is established within the
Community, the obligation to keep the technical documentation available shall be the
responsibility of the person who places the product on the Community market.
3. Technical documentation shall enable the conformity of the products with the requirements
of the Directive to be assessed. It shall, as far as relevant for such assessment, cover the
design, manufacture and operation of the product (see Annex XIII).
4. The manufacturer or his authorized representative shall keep a copy of the declaration of
conformity with the technical documentation.
5. The manufacturer shall take all measures necessary in order that the manufacturing
process shall ensure compliance of the manufactured products with the technical
documentation referred to in point 2 and with the requirements of the Directive that apply to

b) Procedure to be applied for module A:

Manufacturer or his authorized Notified Body:
Design phase (specimen) Design phase (specimen)
- To ensure that the craft meets the No intervention
requirements of the Directive the
manufacturer shall assess the craft by all
necessary test, procedures and/or calculations.
- It is the obligation of the manufacturer or
his authorized representative in the
Community to
 establish the Declaration of
Conformity and to affix the CE
mark to the craft.
establish the technical file and the Owner’s
Manual in accordance with chapter H of the

The technical documentation shall, as far

as relevant, cover design, manufacture, and
operation of the craft.
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Manufacturer or his authorized Notified Body:


4. The technical documentation and a copy of

the Declaration of Conformity shall be kept for
at least 10 years with either
- the manufacturer, or
- the authorized representative in the
Community, or
- the person who places the craft on the
Community market

Production phase Production phase

5. It is the obligation of the manufacturer No intervention
to take all measures necessary in order that the
manufacturing process shall ensure compliance
of the manufactured craft with the technical
documentation and the applicable parts of the
essential safety requirements.

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a) Text of Annex VI of the Directive:

This module consists of module A, as referred to in Annex V, plus the following
supplementary requirements:

A. Design and construction:

On one or several boats representing the production of the manufacturer one or

more of the following tests, equivalent calculation or control shall be carried out by
the manufacturer or on his behalf:

(a) test of stability according to section 3.2 of the Essential Requirements

(Annex IA);

(b) test of buoyancy characteristics according to section 3.3 of the Essential

Requirements (Annex IA).

Provisions common to both variations:

These tests or calculations or control shall be carried out under the responsibility of
a notified body chosen by the manufacturer.

B. Noise Emissions:

For recreational craft fitted with inboard or stern drive engines without integral
exhaust and for personal watercraft:

On one or several craft representing the production of the craft manufacturer, the
noise emission tests defined in Annex I.C shall be carried out by the craft
manufacturer, or on his behalf, under the responsibility of a notified body chosen by
the manufacturer.

For outboard engines and stern drive engines with integral exhaust:

On one or several engines of each engine family representing the production of the
engine manufacturer, the noise emission tests defined in Annex I.C shall be carried
out by the engine manufacturer, or on his behalf, under the responsibility of a
notified body chosen by the manufacturer.

Where more than one engine of an engine family is tested, the statistical method
described in Annex XVII shall be applied to ensure conformity of the sample.

b) Recommendations for use

Relevant Approved Recommendations for Use (ARFU): #04, #06, #07
Relevant Recommendations for Use (RFU): #15, #57, #59, #66

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In discussions with manufacturer, the Notified Body (NB) will agree on tests, equivalent
calculations, or controls to be undertaken, the number of these, and the number of boats upon
which they have to apply. The NB supervises tests or controls carried out by the
manufacturers or on their behalf.

These tests or controls may be carried out by the craft manufacturer and witnessed and/or
verified by the notified body. Alternatively the tests may be conducted by another party
appointed by the manufacturer and witnessed and/or verified by the notified body, or
conducted by the notified body itself.

Tests of the craft may not be necessary if the analysis results are clearly on the conservative
side. This may be the case when
- a few well defined items are removed or added
- a few well defined measures are decreased or increased
- the relevant requirements are obviously fulfilled with a large margin
- extrapolation and/or interpolation is based on verified types very close to the craft in

In discussion with the Notified Body, the manufacturer may establish boat families for noise
assessment (compare RFU #66, chapter J).

Procedure to be applied for module Aa:

Manufacturer or his authorized Notified Body:
Design phase (specimen) Design phase (specimen)
1. To ensure that the craft meets the In discussions with manufacturer, the Notified
requirements of the Directive the manufacturer Body (NB) will agree on tests, procedures,
shall perform all necessary test, procedures equivalent calculations, or controls to be
and/or calculations in order to assess the craft. It undertaken, the number of these, and the number
is the obligation of the manufacturer or his of boats upon which they have to apply.
authorized representative in the Community to
establish the Declaration of Conformity and to It shall be the NB’s responsibility to ensure that
affix the CE mark to the craft. such tests, procedures, equivalent calculations or
controls are assessed to demonstrate conformity
2. It is the manufacturer’s obligation to with Annex I A par. 3.2 & 3.3 of the ESR and
establish the technical file and the Owner’s Annex I.C. of the ESR. The NB supervises tests
Manual in accordance with chapter H of the or controls carried out by the manufacturers or
Guidelines on their behalf.

3. The technical documentation shall, as It shall be the NB’s responsibility to ensure that
far as relevant, cover design, manufacture, and such tests, equivalent calculations or controls are
operation of the craft. assessed to demonstrate conformity with the
relevant essential requirements of Annex I.
4. The technical documentation shall be These tests or controls may be carried out by the

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Manufacturer or his authorized Notified Body:

lodged with either craft manufacturer and witnessed and/or verified
- the manufacturer, or by the notified body. Alternatively the tests may
- the authorized representative in the be conducted by another party appointed by the
Community, or manufacturer and witnessed and/or verified by
- the person who places the craft on the the notified body, or conducted by the notified
Community market body itself.

5. Choose a Notified Body to ensures Tests of the craft may not be necessary if the
compliance with the stability and buoyancy analysis results are clearly on the conservative
related requirements in A.3.2 and A.3.3 of the side. This may be the case when
ESR. a few well defined items are removed or added
Note: In order to maintain the validity of the a few well defined measures are decreased or
examination report it is the manufacturer’s increased
responsibility, to inform the notified body of the relevant requirements are obviously fulfilled
any change that may affect the conformity with with a large margin
the essential requirements. extrapolation and/or interpolation is based on
verified types very close to the craft in question
6. In discussion with the Notified Body, the To perform this assessment, the NB must review
manufacturer may establish boat families for any technical documentation established by the
noise assessment (compare RFU #66, chapter manufacturer which deals exclusively with
J). stability and freeboard (A.3.2) and buoyancy and
flotation (A.3.3) as well as with cockpit
drainage, openings and windows, noise as

This documentation may comprise of test

reports, calculations or other controls.

Tests, procedures calculations, or other controls

are performed on one or several boats
representing the production of the manufacturer,
which are identified in the technical
documentation. For noise assessment, boat
families may be used to identify the boats
representing the production (This is subject to an
ongoing PFE discussion in the RSG).

When conformity evidence to the Directive is

given, an official document is established by the
NB. It must be titled as Examination Report.

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Manufacturer or his authorized Notified Body:

Production phase Production phase
It is the obligation of the manufacturer to take No intervention
all measures necessary in order that the
manufacturing process shall ensure compliance
of the manufactured craft with the technical
documentation and the applicable parts of the
essential safety requirements.
Module Aa requires notified body intervention
only for stability, buoyancy and noise for the
craft under review.

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a) Text of Annex VII of the Directive:

1. A notified body ascertains and attests that a specimen, representative of the production
envisaged, meets the provisions of the Directive that apply to it.
2. The application for the EC type-examination shall be lodged by the manufacturer or his
authorized representative established within the Community with a notified body of his
The application shall include:
- the name and address of the manufacturer and, if the application is lodged by the authorized
representative, his name and address in addition,
- a written declaration that the same application has not been lodged with any other notified
- the technical documentation, as described in point 3.
The applicant shall place at the disposal of the notified body a specimen, representative of the
production envisaged and hereinafter called 'type' (*).
The notified body may request further specimens if needed for carrying out the test
3. The technical documentation shall enable the conformity of the product with the
requirements of the Directive to be assessed. It shall, as far as relevant for such assessment,
cover the design, manufacture and functioning of the product (see Annex XIII).
4. The notified body shall:
4.1. examine the technical documentation, verify that the type has been manufactured in
conformity with the technical documentation and identify the elements which have been
designed in accordance with the relevant provisions of the standards referred to in Article 5,
as well as the components which have been designed without applying the relevant provisions
of those standards;
4.2. perform or have performed the appropriate examinations and necessary tests to check
whether, where the standards referred to in Article 5 have not been applied, the solutions
adopted by the manufacturer meet the Essential Requirements of the Directive;
4.3. perform or have performed the appropriate examinations and necessary tests to check
whether, where the manufacturer has chosen to apply the relevant standards, these have
actually been applied;
4.4. agree with the applicant the location where the examinations and necessary tests shall be
carried out.
5. Where the type meets the provisions of the Directive, the notified body shall issue an EC
type-examination certificate to the applicant. The certificate shall contain the name and
address of the manufacturer, conclusions of the examination, conditions for its validity and
the necessary data for identification of the approved type.
A list of the relevant parts of the technical documentation shall be annexed to the certificate
and a copy kept by the notified body.
If the manufacturer is denied a type certification, the notified body shall provide detailed
reasons for such denial.
6. The applicant shall inform the notified body that holds the technical documentation

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concerning the EC type-examination certificate of all modifications to the approved product

which must receive additional approval where such changes may affect the conformity with
the essential requirements or the prescribed conditions for use of the product. This additional
approval is given in the form of an addition to the original EC type-examination certificate.
7. Each notified body shall communicate to the other notified bodies the relevant information
concerning the EC type-examination certificates and additions issued and withdrawn.
8. The other notified bodies may receive copies of the EC type-examination certificates and/or
their additions. The annexes to the certificates shall be kept at the disposal of the other
notified bodies.
9. The manufacturer or his authorized representative shall keep with the technical
documentation copies of EC type-examination certificates and their additions for a period
ending at least 10 years after the last product has been manufactured.
Where neither the manufacturer nor his authorized representative is established within the
Community, the obligation to keep the technical documentation available shall be the
responsibility of the person who places the product on the Community market.
(*) A type may cover several versions of the product provided that the differences between the
versions do not affect the level of safety and the other requirements concerning the
performance of the product.

b) Recommendations for use

Relevant Approved Recommendations for Use (ARFU): #10, #17
Relevant Recommendations for Use (RFU): #15, #59, #67

ARFU # 10 refers to point 4.2 and especially to “perform or have performed” (to be revised
according to 2003/44/EC)

ARFU # 17 refers to point 4.1 (to be revised according to 2003/44/EC):

1. To verify that the type has been manufactured in conformity with the technical
documentation. the NB must visit the workshop.
2. In case the manufacturing process is not relevant for the conformity assessment, no such
visit is required.

c) Procedure to be applied for module B:

Manufacturer or his authorized Notified Body:
representative or person placing the product
on the market
Design phase (specimen) Design phase (specimen)
11. To ensure that the product meets the - examine the technical documentation
requirements of the Directive. The established by the manufacturer covering all
manufacturer shall assess the product by all objectives stated by the essential safety
necessary tests and/or calculations. requirements of the Directive,
The technical documentation shall be in
12. It is the manufacturer’s obligation to compliance with Annex XIII, detailed in a
further paragraph of this RSG Guideline
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Manufacturer or his authorized Notified Body:

representative or person placing the product
on the market
- Provide before the beginning of the (Chapter H). This documentation can not be
manufacturing process the technical limited to leaflets for boat shows, and is to be
information needed by the notified body at composed of drawings, list of applied standards
this stage. or documented solutions followed, documents,
- Ensure at the time of inspection that the list of CE marked components including their
relevant technical documentation is available DOCs, test reports, construction procedures, as
to the notified body. appropriate clearly.
- Establish the technical file and the Owner’s
Manual in accordance with chapter H of the - check the compliance of a specimen,
Guidelines. representative of the production as stated in the
Directive) with the examined technical
3. The technical documentation and a copy of documentation.
the EC type examination certificate shall be
kept for at least 10 years by either When conformity to the Directive has been
- the manufacturer, or verified, an EC type-examination certificate is
- the authorized representative in the issued by the NB. The certificate contains the
Community, or name and address of the manufacturer,
conclusions of the examination, conditions for
- the person who places the craft on the its validity and the necessary data for
Community market identification of the approved type.

4. The manufacturer or the authorized Craft

representative shall apply for the EC type
examination and places at the disposal of the In general this involves visiting the workshop
notified body one (or more) specimen(s), which and witnessing the different steps of the
is (are) representative of the production construction of the craft (from hull construction
envisaged. till the final manufacturer’s tests); and include
the examination of construction processes in
particular, for example composite construction
5. The manufacturer or the authorized which is highly dependant on the production
representative must consider whether procedures. Test specimens may support the
modification may affect the conformity with the verification
essential safety requirements or the prescribed
conditions for use of the product and inform the
notified body of all such modifications to the - witness all tests deemed necessary, or endorse
approved product. This must receive additional the corresponding test reports.
approval from the NB. The manufacturer shall
note that the type shall be maintained as The following minimum survey activities must
described in module C, D and F. be performed (when applicable by random
The manufacturer shall take all measures checks) with regards to
necessary to ensure that the manufacturing
process assures compliance of the manufactured a) construction
products with the type as described in the EC -if necessary for the assessment of the structure,
type-examination certificate and with the surveys shall be carried out during selected

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Manufacturer or his authorized Notified Body:

representative or person placing the product
on the market
requirements of the Directive that apply to phases of the project.
them. -verification of dimensions and position of
structural members and enforcements
If additional approval is needed, the -visual inspection of construction details
manufacturer shall decide whether he applies -perform spot check of the specimen’s
for a modification to the old EC type certificate, construction process. (laminating, welding,
or a complete new EC type certificate. gluing, etc.)

b) installations
Verification of technical installations, e.g.:
a. Engine and engine spaces
b. Fuel system
c. Electrical system
d. Steering system
e. Gas system
f. Fire protection
g. Navigation lights
h. Discharge prevention
i. CE marked components

c) final inspection and trials

- Hull identifications, positioning, size
,composition and affixing.
- Builder’s plate
- Protection from falling overboard and
means of reboarding
- Visibility from the main steering
- Liferaft stowage
- Escape (when applicable)
- Anchoring, mooring and towing.
- Stability tests and handling tests when

Components and Engines

• Witness all tests deemed necessary, or
endorse the corresponding test reports.
Production phase Production phase
Not covered by this module Not covered by this module

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The text of Annex VIII of the Directive:

1. The manufacturer or his authorised representative established within the Community
ensures and declares that the products concerned are in conformity with the type as described
in the EC type-examination certificate and satisfy the requirements of the Directive that
applies to them. The manufacturer shall affix the CE marking to each product and draw up a
written declaration of conformity (see Annex XV).
2. The manufacturer shall take all measures necessary to ensure that the manufacturing
process assures compliance of the manufactured products with the type as described in the
EC type-examination certificate and with the requirements of the Directive that apply to them.
3. The manufacturer or his authorised representative shall keep a copy of the declaration of
conformity for a period ending at least 10 years after the last product has been manufactured.
Where neither the manufacturer nor his authorised representative is established within the
Community, the obligation to keep the technical documentation available shall be the
responsibility of the person who places the product on the Community market (see Annex
4. With regard to the assessment of conformity with the exhaust emission requirements of
this Directive and if the manufacturer is not working under a relevant quality system as
described in Annex XII, a notified body chosen by the manufacturer may carry out or have
carried out product checks at random intervals. When the quality level appears
unsatisfactory or when it seems necessary to verify the validity of the data presented by the
manufacturer, the following procedure shall be used:
An engine is taken from the series and subjected to the test described in Annex I.B. Test
engines shall have been run in, partially or completely, according to the manufacturer's
specifications. If the specific exhaust emissions of the engine taken from the series exceed the
limit values according to Annex I.B, the manufacturer may ask for measurements to be done
on a sample of engines taken from the series and including the engine originally taken. To
ensure the conformity of the sample of engines defined above with the requirements of the
Directive, the statistical method described in Annex XVII shall be applied.

b) Procedure to be applied for module C:

Manufacturer or his authorized Notified Body:
representative or person placing the craft on
the market:
Design phase Design phase
Not covered by this module. Not covered by this module.

Production phase Craft and components:

It is the obligation of the manufacturer to take
all measures necessary in order that the Production phase
manufacturing process shall ensure compliance No intervention.
of the manufactured product with the technical
documentation of the type and the applicable
parts of the essential safety requirements. Exhaust Emissions:
Note: In order to maintain the validity of the If the manufacturer is not working under a
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EC-type examination it is the manufacturer’s relevant quality system as described in Annex

responsibility, as required under module B, to XII, a notified body chosen by the manufacturer
inform the Notified Body of any change that may carry out or have carried out product
may affect the conformity with the essential checks at random intervals.


Text of Annex IX of the Directive:

1. The manufacturer who satisfies the obligations of point 2 ensures and declares that the
products concerned are in conformity with the type as described in the EC type-examination
certificate and satisfy the requirements of the Directive that apply to them. The manufacturer
or his authorised representative established within the Community shall affix the CE marking
to each product and draw up a written declaration of conformity (see Annex XV). The CE
marking shall be accompanied by the distinguishing number of the notified body responsible
for the monitoring as specified in point 4.
2. The manufacturer shall operate an approved quality system for production, final product
inspection and testing as specified in paragraph 3 and shall be subject to monitoring as
specified in point 4.
3. Quality system
3.1. The manufacturer shall lodge an application for assessment of his quality system with a
notified body of his choice, for the products concerned.
The application shall include:
- all relevant information for the product category envisaged,
- the documentation concerning the quality system,
- where appropriate, the technical documentation of the approved type (see Annex XIII) and a
copy of the EC type-examination certificate.
3.2. The quality system shall ensure compliance of the products with the type as described in
the EC type-examination certificate and with the requirements of the Directive that apply to
All the elements, requirements and provisions adopted by the manufacturer shall be
documented in a systematic and orderly manner in the form of written policies, procedures
and instructions. The quality system documentation must permit a consistent interpretation of
the quality programmes, plan, manuals and records.
It shall contain in particular an adequate description of
- the quality objectives and the organisational structure, responsibilities and powers of the
management with regard to product quality,
- the manufacturing, quality control and quality assurance techniques, processes and
systematic actions that will be used,
- the examinations and tests that will be carried out before, during and after manufacture,
and the frequency with which they will be carried out,
- the quality records, such as inspection reports and test data, calibration data, qualification
reports of the personnel concerned, etc.,

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- the means to monitor the achievement of the required product quality and the effective
operation of the quality system.
3.3. The notified body shall assess the quality system to determine whether it satisfies the
requirements referred to in point 3.2. It shall presume conformity with these requirements in
respect of quality systems that implement the relevant harmonised standard.
The auditing team shall have at least one member with experience of evaluation in the
product technology concerned. The evaluation procedure shall include an inspection visit to
the manufacturer's premises.
The decision shall be notified to the manufacturer. The notification shall contain the
conclusions of the examination and the reasoned assessment decision.
3.4. The manufacturer shall undertake to fulfil the obligations arising out of the quality
system as approved and to uphold it so that it remains adequate and efficient. The
manufacturer or his authorised representative shall keep the notified body that has approved
the quality system informed of any intended updating of the quality system.
The notified body shall evaluate the modifications proposed and decide whether the amended
quality system will still satisfy the requirements referred to in paragraph 3.2 or whether a
reassessment is required.
It shall notify its decisions to the manufacturer. The notification shall contain the conclusions
of the examination and the reasoned assessment decision.
4. Surveillance under the responsibility of the notified body
4.1. The purpose of surveillance is to make sure that the manufacturer duly fulfils the
obligations arising out of the approved quality system.
4.2. The manufacturer shall allow the notified body entrance for inspection purposes to the
locations of manufacture, inspection and testing, and storage and shall provide it with all
necessary information, in particular:
- the quality system documentation,
- the quality records, such as inspection reports and test data, calibration data, qualification
reports of the personnel concerned, etc.
4.3. The notified body shall periodically carry out audits to make sure that the manufacturer
maintains and applies the quality system and shall provide an audit report to the
4.4. Additionally the notified body may pay unexpected visits to the manufacturer. During
such visits the notified body may carry out, or cause to be carried out, tests to verify that the
quality system is functioning correctly, if necessary. The notified body shall provide the
manufacturer with a visit report and, if a test has taken place, with a test report.
5. The manufacturer shall, for a period ending at least 10 years after the last product has
been manufactured, keep at the disposal of the national authorities:
- the documentation referred to in the second indent of the second subparagraph of point 3.1,
- the updating referred to in the second subparagraph of point 3.4,
- the decision and reports from the notified body which are referred to in the final
subparagraph of point 3.4, point 4.3 and point 4.4.
6. Each notified body shall give the other notified bodies the relevant information concerning
the quality system approvals issued and withdrawn.

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b) Recommendation for use:

RFU # 15 (to be revised according to 2003/44/EC)

c) Procedure to be applied:
This module is to be used in conjunction with module B (EC type-examination). This module
refers to a quality system operated by the builder.

The assessment under this module shall be performed by a NB, which may be different from
the NB who assessed the product under module B.
The two different following cases are to be considered:

1st Case: Quality system already approved:

As mentioned in A.3.3 of the text of the directive, the NB shall presume conformity with the
requirements referred to in point A.3.2 in respect of quality systems that implement the
relevant harmonised standard. In conformity with the Council Decision 93/465/CEE, the
harmonised standard referred to is the EN 29002.
Even if a quality system is certified according to the standard by an accredited certification
body, the NB has the obligation to assess the system, in order to give approval. The purpose
of module D is product certification, while the purpose of the harmonised standard is system
certification. Accordingly, the assessment by the NB of quality systems, which are certified,
should focus on the product-related parts of the system. The extent of the assessment has to
be decided by the NB in each case. The NB may require modification of the system.
When the approval of the NB is partly based on the system certification of an accredited
certification body, the surveillance by the NB should concentrate on:
- Validity of the certificate
- Review of audit reports and corrective action
- Focus on product related procedures and end product, rather than the system in
general, during audits.
2nd Case: Quality system not approved
When the NB approves an uncertified quality system normal procedures for system
certification should be applied, again bearing in mind that product certification is the main
object of the approval. Reference should be made to relevant parts of EN 29002 and not to
the entire standards.
The above also applies to the surveillance of the quality system by the NB.
d) Recommendations for use
Relevant Recommendations for Use (RFU): #15, #59

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a) Text of Annex X of the Directive:

1. This module describes the procedure whereby a manufacturer or his authorised
representative established within the Community checks and attests that the products subject
to the provisions of point 3 are in conformity with the type as described in the EC type-
examination certificate and satisfy the requirements of the Directive that apply to them.
2. The manufacturer shall take all measures necessary in order that the manufacturing
process ensures conformity of the products with the type as described in the EC type-
examination certificate and with the requirements of the Directive that apply to them. The
manufacturer or his authorised representative established within the Community shall affix
the CE marking to each product and shall draw up a declaration of conformity (see Annex
3. The notified body shall carry out the appropriate examinations and tests in order to check
the conformity of the product with the requirements of the Directive either by examination
and testing of every product as specified in point 4 or by examination and testing of products
on a statistical basis, as specified in point 5, at the choice of the manufacturer.
3a. The manufacturer or his authorised representative shall keep a copy of the declaration of
conformity for a period ending at least 10 years after the last product has been manufactured.
4. Verification by examination and testing of every product
4.1. All products shall be individually examined and appropriate tests as set out in the
relevant standard(s) referred to in Article 5 or equivalent tests shall be carried out in order to
verify their conformity with the type as described in the EC type-examination certificate and
the requirements of the Directive that apply to them.
4.2. The notified body shall affix, or cause to be affixed; it’s distinguishing number to each
approved product and draw up a written certificate of conformity relating to the tests carried
4.3. The manufacturer or his authorised representative shall ensure that he is able to supply
the notified body's certificates of conformity on request.
5. Statistical verification
5.1. The manufacturer shall present his products in the form of homogeneous lots and shall
take all measures necessary in order that the manufacturing process ensures the homogeneity
of each lot produced.
5.2. All products shall be available for verification in the form of homogeneous lots. A
random sample shall be drawn from each lot. Products in a sample shall be individually
examined and appropriate tests as set out in the relevant standard(s) referred to in Article 5,
or equivalent tests, shall be carried out to ensure their conformity with the requirements of
the Directive which apply to them and to determine whether the lot is accepted or rejected.
5.3. The statistical procedure shall use the following elements:
- the statistical method to be applied,
- the sampling plan with its operational characteristics.
For the assessment of conformity with the exhaust emission requirements, the procedure
defined in Annex XVII shall be applied.
5.4. In the case of accepted lots, the notified body shall affix, or cause to be affixed, its
distinguishing number to each product and shall draw up a written certificate of conformity
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relating to the tests carried out. All products in the lot may be put on the market except those
products from the sample which were found not to be in conformity.
If a lot is rejected, the notified body or the competent authority shall take appropriate
measures to prevent the putting on the market of that lot. In the event of frequent rejection of
lots the notified body may suspend the statistical verification.
The manufacturer may, under the responsibility of the notified body, affix the latter's
distinguishing number during the manufacturing process.
5.5. The manufacturer or his authorised representative shall ensure that he is able to supply
the notified body's certificates of conformity on request.

b) Recommendations for use

Relevant Recommendations for Use (RFU): #15, #59

c) Procedures to be applied
This module is to be used in conjunction with Module B (EC Type-examination)

The assessment under this module shall be performed by a NB, which may be different from
the NB who assessed the product under module B.


a) Text of Annex XI of the Directive

1. This module describes the procedure whereby the manufacturer ensures and declares that
the product concerned, which has been issued with the certificate referred to in point 2,
conforms to the requirements of the Directive that apply to it. The manufacturer or his
authorised representative established within the Community shall affix the CE marking to the
product and draw up a declaration of conformity (see Annex XV).
2. The notified body shall examine the individual product and carry out the appropriate tests
as set out in the relevant standard(s) referred to in Article 5, or equivalent tests, to ensure its
conformity with the relevant requirements of the Directive.
The notified body shall affix, or cause to be affixed; it’s distinguishing number on the
approved product and shall draw up a certificate of conformity concerning the tests carried
3. The aim of the technical documentation is to enable conformity with the requirements of the
Directive to be assessed and the design, manufacture and operation of the product to be
understood (see Annex XIII).

b) Recommendations for use

Relevant Recommendations for Use (RFU): #15, #59

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c) Procedure to be applied for module G:

Manufacturer or his authorized Notified Body:
representative or person placing the product
on the market:
Design phase (product) Design phase (product)

1. To ensure that the product meets the - examine the technical documentation
requirements of the Directive. The established by the manufacturer covering all
manufacturer shall assess the product by all objectives stated by the essential safety
necessary tests and/or calculations. requirements of the Directive.
The technical documentation shall be in
2. It is the manufacturer’s obligation to compliance with Annex XIII, detailed in a
- Provide before the beginning of the further paragraph of this RSG Guideline
manufacturing process the technical (Chapter H). This documentation can not be
information needed by the notified body at limited to leaflets for boat shows, and is to be
this stage. composed of drawings, list of applied standards
or documented solutions followed, documents,
- Ensure at the time of inspection that the list of CE marked components including their
relevant technical documentation is available DOCs, test reports, construction procedures, as
to the notified body. appropriate clearly.
- Establish the technical file and the Owner’s - check the compliance of the product, with the
Manual in accordance with chapter H of the examined technical documentation.

When conformity to the Directive has been

3. The manufacturer or the authorized verified, a Certificate of Conformity is issued by
representative shall apply for the Unit the NB. The certificate contains the name and
Verification and places at the disposal of the address of the manufacturer, conclusions of the
notified body the product. examination, conditions for its validity and the
necessary data for identification of the approved

Craft (design and construction)

In general this involves visiting the workshop

and witnessing the different steps of the
construction of the craft (from hull construction
till the final manufacturer’s tests); and include
the examination of construction processes in
particular, for example composite construction
which is highly dependant on the production
procedures. Test specimens may support the

- witness all tests deemed necessary, or endorse

the corresponding test reports.

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The following minimum survey activities must

be performed (when applicable by random
checks) with regards to

2. construction
-if necessary for the assessment of the structure,
surveys shall be carried out during selected
phases of the project.
-verification of dimensions and position of
structural members and enforcements
-visual inspection of construction details
-perform spot check of the specimen’s
construction process. (laminating, welding,
gluing, etc.)

3. installations
Verification of technical installations, i.e.:
a. Engine and engine spaces
b. Fuel system
c. Electrical system
d. Steering system
e. Gas system
f. Fire protection
g. Navigation lights
h. Discharge prevention
i. CE marked components

4. final inspection and trials

- Hull identifications positioning, size,
composition and affixing.
- Builder’s plate
- Protection from falling overboard and
means of reboarding
- Visibility from the main steering
- Liferaft stowage
- Escape (when applicable)
- Anchoring, mooring and towing.
- Stability tests and handling tests when

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1. Noise emissions
2. Exhaust emissions

The notified body shall affix, or cause to be

affixed, its distinguishing number on the
approved product.

Note: For post-construction assessment refer to

chapter I of the RSG Guidelines.

Production phase Production phase

Not covered by this module Not covered by this module


a) Text of Annex XII of the Directive

1. This module describes the procedure whereby the manufacturer who satisfies the
obligations of paragraph 2 ensures and declares that the products concerned satisfy the
requirements of the Directive that apply to them. The manufacturer or his authorised
representative established within the Community shall affix the CE marking to each product
and draw up a written declaration of conformity (see Annex XV). The CE marking shall be
accompanied by the distinguishing number of the notified body responsible for the
surveillance as specified in point 4.
2. The manufacturer shall operate an approved quality system for design, manufacture and
final product inspection and testing as specified in point 3 and shall be subject to surveillance
as specified in point 4.
3. Quality system
3.1. The manufacturer shall lodge an application for assessment of his quality system with a
notified body.
The application shall include:
- all relevant information for the product category envisaged,
- the quality system's documentation.
3.2. The quality system shall ensure compliance of the products with the requirements of the
Directive that apply to them.
All the elements, requirements and provisions adopted by the manufacturer shall be
documented in a systematic and orderly manner in the form of written policies, procedures
and instructions. This quality system documentation shall ensure a common understanding of
the quality policies and procedures such as quality programmes, plans, manuals and records.
It shall contain in particular an adequate description of:
- the quality objectives and the organisational structure, responsibilities and powers of the
management with regard to design and product quality,
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- the technical design specifications, including standards, that will be applied and, where the
standards referred to in Article 5 will not be applied in full, the means that will be used to
ensure that the essential requirements of the Directive that apply to the products will be met,
- the design control and design verification techniques, processes and systematic actions that
will be used when designing the products pertaining to the product category covered,
- the corresponding manufacturing, quality control and quality assurance techniques,
processes and systematic actions that will be used,
- the examinations and tests that will be carried out before, during and after manufacture,
and the frequency with which they will be carried out,
- the quality records, such as inspection reports and test data, calibration data, qualification
reports of the personnel concerned, etc.,
- the means to monitor the achievement of the required design and product quality and the
effective operation of the quality system.
3.3. The notified body shall assess the quality system to determine whether it satisfies the
requirements referred to in point 3.2. It shall presume compliance with these requirements in
respect of quality systems that implement the relevant harmonised standard (EN 29001).
The auditing team shall have at least one member experienced as an assessor in the product
technology concerned. The evaluation procedure shall include an assessment visit to the
manufacturer's premises.
The decision shall be notified to the manufacturer. The notification shall contain the
conclusions of the examination and the reasoned assessment decision.
3.4. The manufacturer shall undertake to fulfil the obligations arising out of the quality
system as approved and to uphold it so that it remains adequate and efficient.
The manufacturer or his authorised representative shall keep the notified body that has
approved the quality system informed of any intended updating of the quality system.
The notified body shall evaluate the modifications proposed and decide whether the amended
quality system will still satisfy the requirements referred to in paragraph 3.2 or whether a
reassessment is required.
It shall notify its decision to the manufacturer. The notification shall contain the conclusions
of the examination and the reasoned assessment decision.
4. EC surveillance under the responsibility of the notified body
4.1. The purpose of surveillance is to make sure that the manufacturer duly fulfils the
obligations arising out of the approved quality system.
4.2. The manufacturer shall allow the notified body entrance for inspection purposes to the
locations of design, manufacture, inspection and testing, and storage, and shall provide it
with all necessary information, in particular:
- the quality system documentation,
- the quality records as foreseen by the design part of the quality system, such as results of
analyses, calculations, tests, etc.,
- the quality records as foreseen by the manufacturing part of the quality system, such as
inspection reports and test data, calibration data, qualification reports of the personnel
concerned, etc.
4.3. The notified body shall periodically carry out audits to make sure that the manufacturer
maintains and applies the quality system and shall provide an audit report to the
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4.4. Additionally the notified body may pay unexpected visits to the manufacturer. At the time
of such visits, the notified body may carry out tests or have them carried out in order to check
the proper functioning of the quality system where necessary; it shall provide the
manufacturer with a visit report and, if a test has been carried out, with a test report.
5. The manufacturer shall, for a period ending at least 10 years after the last product has
been manufactured, keep at the disposal of the national authorities:
- the documentation referred to in the second indent of the second subparagraph of point 3.1,
- the updating referred to in the second subparagraph of point 3.4,
- the decisions and reports from the notified body which are referred to in the final
subparagraph of point 3.4, point 4.3 and point 4.4.
6. Each notified body shall forward to the other notified bodies the relevant information
concerning the quality system approvals issued and withdrawn.

b) Recommendations for use

Relevant Recommendations for Use (RFU): #15, #59

c) Procedure to be applied:
The two different following cases are to be considered:

1st Case: Quality system already approved:

As mentioned in 3.3 of the text of the directive, the NB shall presume conformity with the
requirements referred to in point 3.2 in respect of quality systems that implement the relevant
harmonised standard. In conformity with the Council Decision 93/465/CEE, the harmonised
standard referred to is the EN 29001.

Even if a quality system is certified according to the standard by an accredited certification

body, the NB has the obligation to assess the system, in order to give approval. The purpose
of module H is product certification, while the purpose of the harmonised standard is system
certification. Accordingly, the assessment by the NB of quality systems, which are certified,
should focus on the product-related parts of the system. The extent of the assessment has to
be decided by the NB in each case. The NB may require modification of the system.

When the approval of the NB is partly based on the system certification of an accredited
certification body, the surveillance by the NB should concentrate on:

- Validity of the certificate

- Review of audit reports and corrective action
- Focus on product related procedures and end product, rather than the system in general,
during audits.

2nd Case: Quality system not approved

When the NB approves an uncertified quality system normal procedures for system
certification should be applied, again bearing in mind that product certification is the main
object of the approval. Reference should be made to relevant parts of EN 29001 and not to
the entire standards.
The above also applies to the surveillance of the quality system by the NB.
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a) Text of Annex XVI of the Directive

1. This module describes the procedure whereby the manufacturer who satisfies the
obligations of point 2 ensures and declares that the products concerned are in
conformity with the type as described in the EC type-examination certificate and satisfy
the requirements of the directive that apply to them. The manufacturer or his
authorised representative established within the Community must affix the CE mark to
each product and draw up a written declaration of conformity. The CE mark must be
accompanied by the identification symbol of the notified body responsible for
surveillance as specified in point 4.

2. The manufacturer must operate an approved quality system for final product inspection
and testing as specified in point 3 and must be subject to surveillance as specified in
point 4.

3. Quality system

3.1. The manufacturer must lodge an application for assessment of his quality system for the
products concerned, with a notified body of his choice.

The application must include:

– all relevant information for the product category envisaged,

– the quality system's documentation,

– if applicable, the technical documentation of the approved type and a copy of the
EC type-examination certificate.

3.2. Under the quality system, each product must be examined and appropriate tests as set
out in the relevant standard(s) referred to in Article 5 or equivalent tests shall be
carried out in order to ensure its conformity with the relevant requirements of the
directive. All the elements, requirements and provisions adopted by the manufacturer
must be documented in a systematic and orderly manner in the form of written policies,
procedures and instructions. This quality system documentation must ensure a common
understanding of the quality programmes, plans, manuals and records.

It must contain in particular an adequate description of:

– the quality objectives and the organisational structure, responsibilities and

powers of the management with regard to product quality,

– the examinations and tests that will be carried out after manufacture,

– the means to monitor the effective operation of the quality system,

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– quality records, such as inspection reports and test data, calibration data,
qualification reports of the personnel concerned, etc.

3.3. The notified body must assess the quality system to determine whether it satisfies the
requirements referred to in point 3.2.

It presumes conformity with these requirements in respect of quality systems that

implement the relevant harmonised standard.

The auditing team must have at least one member experienced as an assessor in the
product technology concerned. The assessment procedure must include an assessment
visit to the manufacturer's premises.

The decision must be notified to the manufacturer. The notification must contain the
conclusions of the examination and the reasoned assessment decision.

3.4. The manufacturer must undertake to fulfil the obligations arising from the quality
system as approved and to maintain it in an appropriate and efficient manner.

The manufacturer or his authorised representative must keep the notified body which
has approved the quality system informed of any intended updating of the quality

The notified body must evaluate the modifications proposed and decide whether the
modified quality system will still satisfy the requirements referred to in point 3.2 or
whether a re-assessment is required.

It must notify its decision to the manufacturer. The notification must contain the
conclusions of the examination and the reasoned assessment decision.

b) Recommendations for use

Relevant Recommendations for Use (RFU): #59

c) Procedure to be applied:
This module is to be used in conjunction with module B (EC type-examination). This module
refers to a quality system operated by the builder.

The assessment under this module shall be performed by a NB, which may be different from
the NB who assessed the product under module B.
The two different following cases are to be considered:

1st Case: Quality system already approved:

As mentioned in Annex XVI 3.3 of the text of the directive, the NB shall presume conformity

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with the requirements referred to in point Annex XVI 3.2 in respect of quality systems that
implement the relevant harmonised standard. In conformity with the Council Decision
93/465/CEE, the harmonised standard referred to is the EN 29003.

Even if a quality system is certified according to the standard by an accredited certification

body, the NB has the obligation to assess the system, in order to give approval. The purpose
of module E is product certification, while the purpose of the harmonised standard is system
certification. Accordingly, the assessment by the NB of quality systems, which are certified,
should focus on the product-related parts of the system. The extent of the assessment has to be
decided by the NB in each case. The NB may require modification of the system.

When the approval of the NB is partly based on the system certification of an accredited
certification body, the surveillance by the NB should concentrate on:

- Validity of the certificate

- Review of audit reports and corrective action
- Focus on product related procedures and end product, rather than the system in general,
during audits.

2nd Case: Quality system not approved

When the NB approves an uncertified quality system normal procedures for system
certification should be applied, again bearing in mind that product certification is the main
object of the approval. Reference should be made to relevant parts of EN 29003 and not to the
entire standards.

The above also applies to the surveillance of the quality system by the NB.

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Technical Documentation supplied by the manufacturer

a) Text of Annex XIII of the Directive

The technical documentation referred to in Annexes V, VII, VIII, IX, XI and XVI must
comprise all relevant data or means used by the manufacturer to ensure that components or
craft comply with the essential requirements relating to them.

The technical documentation shall enable understanding of the design, manufacture and
operation of the product, and shall enable assessment of conformity with the requirements of
this Directive.

The documentation shall contain so far as relevant for assessment:

(a) a general description of the type,

(b) conceptual design and manufacturing drawings and schemes of components,

sub-assemblies, circuits, etc.,

(c) descriptions and explanations necessary for the understanding of said drawings and
schemes and the operation of the product,

(d) a list of the standards referred to in Article 5, applied in full or in part, and
descriptions of the solutions adopted to fulfil the essential requirements when the
standards referred to in Article 5 have not been applied,

(e) results of design calculations made, examinations carried out, etc.,

(f) test reports, or calculations namely on stability according to section 3.2 of the
Essential Requirements and on buoyancy according to section 3.3 thereof (Annex I.A),

(g) exhaust emissions test reports demonstrating compliance with section 2 of the
Essential Requirements (Annex I.B),

(h) noise emissions test reports or reference boat data demonstrating compliance with
section 1 of the Essential Requirements (Annex I.C).

In general the Technical Documentation below is applicable according to the Recreational
Craft Directive, however an individual Notified Body may ask for further clarification.
Alternative media, such as photos, are acceptable in place of some drawings.

ESR ESR name Documentation Standard

A.1 Design General description of the type
EN ISO 8666:2002

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ESR ESR name Documentation Standard

General product description:
- type of product
- main particulars, (e.g. Length, Beam, Draft)
- boat design category
A.2.1 Hull General description of the type
HIN – code 10087:1996/A1:20
A.2.2 Builder’s plate General description of the type prEN ISO 14945
Builders plate, including Builders plate
A.2.3 Protection from Design and manufacturing drawings
overboard and Deck plan 15085:2003
means of
reboarding Detail drawings
- hand grips, railing, toe rails etc…
Reboarding means
e.g: Protection: Choice of option and solutions
specs of fittings required in prevention of falling
A.2.4 Visibility from Motor driven craft only
the main Drawing with compliance to 11591
steering 11591:2000

A.2.5 Owner’s Description of the craft and its operation.

Manual should draw special attention to risk of fire 10240:1996

and flooding and shall contain the information listed

in 2.2, 3.6 and 4 as well as the unladen weight of the
List of applied standards or documented
solution followed
A.3.1 Structure Design and manufacturing drawings EN ISO 12215-
General arrangement 1:2000
Lines plan, if used for assessment EN ISO 12215-
Deck plan
EN ISO 12215-
Construction plan (with cross sections over 3:2002
bulkheads and several frames) EN ISO 12215-
Detail drawings
prEN ISO 12215-5
- engine mounts and other strength critical items prEN ISO 12215-6
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ESR ESR name Documentation Standard

- keel - hull connection prEN ISO 12215-7
- deck - hull connection
prEN ISO 12215-8
- mast support
- chainplates prEN ISO 12215-9
- strong points
- cockpit drainage
Laminate details

Manufacturing details
List of fitted materials
GRP schedule / Sandwich schedule
Description welding procedure
Description laminate construction / laminate
procedure (e.g. resin / core)
Description of wood construction

Calculations / Tests
Strength calculations

e.g: Material specification for structural members,

glues, hull, deck superstructures: Structural members
in side view, plan view, cross section; laminate plans
for FRP construction; structural details, transitions,
connections; engine foundation, thrust bearing,
propeller bracket; built-in tanks (dimensions,
pressure head, fastening);
Mast step/mast pillar, Ballast keel : Geometry,
weight, centre of gravity; Keel root (configuration)
and bolts (number, location, anchoring in keel,
material), transition of forces into hull; welding
specification Rudder: Geometry, rudder stock
dimensions, incorporation of stock in rudder blade;
bearings (material, dimensions, working loads,
seats); shaft tube, Chain plates: Related to rig
dimensions; material, dimensions, bolt diameters,
transition of forces into hull structure, details of
fitting attachments.

A.3.2 Stability and Design and manufacturing drawings

EN ISO 12217-
Sail plan, if used for assessment 1:2001
Lines plan, if used for assessment EN ISO 12217-

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ESR ESR name Documentation Standard

General arrangement EN ISO 12217-
Calculations / Tests 3:2002
Stability calculations, test reports
e.g: CG position (calculation, inclining test);
data; proof of stability for relevant load cases;
closing appliances

A.3.2 Buoyancy and Design and manufacturing drawings

EN ISO 12217-
Calculations / Tests 1:2001
Buoyancy calculations EN ISO 12217-
e.g. :(where applicable) Buoyancy tanks and devices 2:2001
(material, positioning) Calculation, test EN ISO 12217-
(documentation) 3:2002
A.3.4 Openings in Design and manufacturing drawings
hull deck and
structure Deck plan 12216:2002
- windows, hatches
e.g: Hatches, doors, portlights (see Annex II, clause 5
prefabricated) degree of watertightness of closing

A.3.5 Flooding Design and manufacturing drawings EN ISO

Detail drawings 11812:2001
- cockpit drainage EN ISO
Schemes of components, system drawings and 15083:2003
circuits EN ISO 9093-
Drainage (e.g. bilge and toilet, including list 1:1997
of bilge-pumps and capacity) EN ISO 9093-
e.g.: Sill heights; cockpit drainage;
Bilge pumping arrangement (pumps, lines, EN
discharge, back-flow prevention), position of through- 28849:1993/A1:
hull fittings; 2000 (ISO
Electrically operated bilge pumps 8849:1990)

A.3.6 Manufacturer’s Break down to be mentioned in owner’s manual

recommended 14946:2001

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ESR ESR name Documentation Standard

A.3.7 Liferaft stowage Design and manufacturing drawings
- liferaft stowage area
- strong points
e.g: Feasible position in relation to size (number of
A.3.8 Escape hatch Size, position when boat upright and inverted (multihulls only)

A.3.9 Anchoring, Designated strong points; transfer of forces into hull

mooring, structure
towing 15084:2003

A.4 Handling Prevention of overpowering (motorboats only)

characteristics Rudder size, profile and position suitable for the craft. Assessment only
by sea trial. Maximum rated power to be stated in the owner’s manual. 11592:2001

A.5.1.1 Inboard engine Schemes of components, system drawings and

Engine installation, including possible
exposed parts
Exhaust system
e.g: Separation from living quarters; risk and spread
of fire; hazard from fumes, heat, noise, vibration;
easy access to engine parts needing servicing;
insulation material; exhaust system;

A.5.1.2 Ventilation Design and manufacturing drawings EN ISO

- engine room ventilation 11105:1997
e.g.: Details of ventilation for engine and fuel spaces;
Ventilation of petrol engine and tank spaces

A.5.1.3 Exposed parts Schemes of components, system drawings and

Engine installation, including possible
exposed parts
e.g.: Shielding of exposed parts, unless engine is

A.5.1.5 Personal (to be defined)

running without 13590:2003
A.5.2.1 Fuel system – Schemes of components, system drawings and EN ISO
circuits 10088:2001
Fuel system
e.g.: Minimising risk of fire and explosion;
Fuel lines, fittings (material, support, routing)
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ESR ESR name Documentation Standard

Detailed checklist for ISO 10088 advisable.

A.5.2.2 Fuel tanks Design and manufacturing drawings EN ISO

Tanks 10088:2001
e.g.: Material, fittings, support, positioning, CE
marking, test results.
A.5.3 Electrical Schemes of components, system drawings and
circuits 10133:2000
Electrical system, AC/DC EN ISO
E.g.: Cables (routing, chafe protection, connections, 13297:2000
board; power generators and batteries (location,
type, protection, ventilation), battery disconnect
switch (max amps), wiring
(colour code or traceability, conduits, type, temp.
class); wiring diagram; fuses, switch shielding);
grounding / bounding; GFCI devices; panels design;
power source system
A.5.4 Steering system Design and manufacturing drawings
Detail drawings
- rudderstock
- rudder construction
- shaft

Schemes of components, system drawings and

Steering system, including emergency
arrangements (= steering system only)
e.g.: General layout, accessibility of components;
Compliance with Annex II, clause 3; emergency

A.5.5 Gas system Schemes of components, system drawings and EN ISO

circuits 10239:2000
LPG system
e.g.: Pipes, flexible lines (routing, chafe prevention,
expansion); CE marked consuming devices. Test

A.5.6 Fire protection Schemes of components, system drawings and prEN ISO 9094-1
circuits EN ISO 9094-
Fire extinguisher system (permanent- and/or 2:2002
portable, including volume and capacities) EN ISO
e.g.: Escape route, alternative escape route, escape 14895:2003

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ESR ESR name Documentation Standard

hatch sizes,
fixed extinguishing system Portable extinguishers:
number, location, capacity
protection of engine and fuel space
Liquid fuelled galley stoves
A.5.7 Navigation Schemes of components, system drawings and
Colreg / Cevni
Navigation lights
e.g.: Certificates, position on craft.
A.5.8 Discharge Schemes of components, system drawings and
EN ISO 8099:2000
Drainage (e.g. bilge and toilet, including list
of bilge-pumps and capacity)
Through hull fittings
e.g.: Fuel, oil, oily water: prevention from overboard
Seacock (Y-valve?) able to be sealed shut; holding
tank, deck fitting. Height of anti-siphon

B. Exhaust Exhaust emission test report (including Declaration of EN ISO 8178


C. Noise emissions Noise emission test report (including Declaration of EN ISO 14509

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ESR ESR name Documentation Standard

Annex II: Manufacturing details EN
Componen List of fitted installations and components 28846:1993/A1:20
ts 00 (ISO
(including Declaration of Conformities)
00 (ISO
00 (ISO

d) Recommendations for use

Relevant Approved Recommendations for Use (ARFU): #36

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a) Text of Article 8 (1) of the Directive
see under chapter G (Conformity assessment modules) of this document
In accordance with Article 8 of the Directive, the manufacturer shall, before producing and
placing his products on the market, apply the conformity assessment procedure foreseen in
relation to the boat design category and hull length. However, in certain cases, it is necessary
for existing boats to be certified, in line with Article 8.1 of the RCD, after they have been
built. All essential safety requirements are applicable for such boats. In the directive no
modules are defined for post construction assessment. RSG recommends Notified Bodies to
follow as far as practical procedures of module G.

As examples, the following boats are covered by post construction assessment:

• boats that were not constructed, placed on the market or put into service in the present
EEA Member State territory prior to the full application date of the Directive
• boats built for own use when placed on the market within the first five years of completion
• boats intended solely for racing or experimental craft, subsequently placed on the market
as recreational craft and therefore required to be CE marked in accordance with the
• Totally refitted boats (e.g. former commercial boats)

Attention is drawn to the responsibility and the legal aspects, having the owner, the importer,
or the person placing the craft on the market or putting it into service in the EEA, as
applicable, to assume the role of the manufacturer and being identified as the responsible
person in this context.

RSG Guidelines offer, in general, a common interpretation of the conformity assessment

procedures undertaken by Notified Bodies.
The present chapter gives additional information to assist with compliance with the essential
safety requirements of the Directive, exclusively for those existing boats where its application
could cause extensive modifications.

A.1. Boat Design Categories: see chapter E of the Guidelines

A.2.1. Craft identification: The scope of the requirement is to identify each craft with some
indications relevant to the manufacturer, and particularly referred to a serial production. In
case such information are missing or unidentified (e.g.: the date of build or model year when
the builder is unknown) it becomes the responsible person’s duty to act as though he was the
original builder and include such details in the CIN.

A.2.2. Builder’s plate: the responsible person takes the role of the manufacturer and includes
his name on the plate.

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05 February 2005

A.2.3. Protection from falling overboard and means of reboarding: see chapter E of the

A.2.4. Visibility from the main steering position: see chapter E of the Guidelines

A.2.5. Owner’s manual: the responsible person shall ensure that the manual is provided in
accordance with chapter E of the Guidelines

A.3.1. Structure: in order to assess the strength of the structure it is recommended to obtain
as much information as possible concerning hull construction and scantlings (e.g.: past
acceptability by Certification Bodies or Local Authorities or declaration of conformity in
accordance with the Annex III of the Directive) and any possible empirical data (e.g.: details
of voyages undertaken or record relevant to adequate experience of safe operation in an area
where the sea and weather condition are not less than those applicable in the Design
Category). If there is insufficient documentation to assess construction of the boat or
insufficient empirical data to demonstrate adequate strength compliance, then tests may also
be carried out. A hull inspection should then be carried out in order to assess satisfactorily the
conditions of the boat.
A.3.2. Stability and Freeboard: see chapter E of the Guidelines. For all design categories,
a Notified Body is required to have assessed this Essential Safety Requirement

A.3.3. Buoyancy and Flotation: see chapter E of the Guidelines. For all design categories,
a Notified Body is required to have assessed this Essential Safety Requirement

A.3.4. Openings in the hull, deck and superstructure: Tightness degree test and strength
assessment relevant to the installation of the appliances according to EN ISO 12216:2002 is
required. This test may be omitted provided that a visual inspection is carried out
satisfactorily and adequate experience in the use may be demonstrated.

A.3.5. Flooding: see chapter E of the Guidelines.

A.3.6. Manufacturer’s Recommended Maximum Load: see chapter E of the Guidelines.

The maximum load, crew limit and design category are strictly linked. The relationship
between the three items is given in the Stability and Buoyancy Standard

A.3.7. Liferaft stowage: see chapter E of the Guidelines

A.3.8. Escape: see chapter E of the Guidelines

A.3.9. Anchoring, mooring and towing: see chapter E of the Guidelines

A.4. Handling characteristics: see chapter E of the Guidelines

A.5.1. Engine and engine spaces: see chapter E of the Guidelines. In the absence of
satisfactory information insulating materials may be tested and the relevant results included in
the Technical Documentation

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05 February 2005

A.5.2. Fuel system: compliance of the fuel system may be assessed by mean of an inspection
of the fuel system and parts of it as installed on the lines, including filling, venting and return
hoses, connection to the tanks, fuel filters, any shut-off valves or auxiliary equipment. In case
of petrol system, non-ignition protected components are required to be replaced in the engine
compartment. Fuel tanks are to be inspected as installed to ascertain any corrosion or leaking
areas, tests may be required.

A.5.3. Electrical system: inspection of the installed system including batteries, generators,
switches, battery chargers is to be carried out as applicable. Information is required to verify
the characteristics of the electrical cables and protection systems

A.5.4. Steering system: compliance with the relevant standards is to be assessed as

applicable. A functional test is required.

A.5.5 Gas system: a general inspection of the system including gas storage, gas cylinders,
piping hoses, pressure devices and ventilation is required, tests may be required.

A.5.6. Fire protection: see chapter E of the Guidelines

A.5.7. Navigation lights: see chapter E of the Guidelines

A.5.8. Discharge prevention: see chapter E of the Guidelines

B. Exhaust Emissions: to be discussed

C. Noise Emissions: see chapter E of the Guidelines

Components listed in Annex II: components not CE certified in compliance with the RCD
are to be inspected according to the relevant standards as applicable. In case such components
are found not in compliance they are to be replaced.

Technical documentation: the owner, or the person putting the craft into EEA service, is
also responsible to draw up the technical documentation and to retain this for at least ten

d) Recommendations for use

Relevant Approved Recommendations for Use (ARFU): #09, #26

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05 February 2005


RSG meets frequently to discuss the common interpretation and implementation of the
Some of these decisions are established as Recommendation for Use (RFU). These RFUs
form an integral part of this RSG Guidelines and are taken into consideration by the Notified
Bodies in their certification procedures. Recommendations for Use as worked out by the RSG
are discussed for final acceptance by the Standing Committee established under article 6(3) of
the Directive. Those RFUs, which have successfully passed this scrutiny procedure are named
Approved Recommendation for Use (ARFU). Those RFUs which are still subject of approval
by the Standing Committee remain named Recommendation for Use.
Additional RFUs are published prior to subsequent revisions of the RSG Guidelines and are
available from the RSG Secretariat or from the RSG website, which is
All ARFU’s and RFU’s valid at the time of issue of this revision of the RSG Guidelines are
listed below.
Recommendations for Use as worked out by the RSG are discussed for final acceptance by
the Standing Committee established under article 6(3) of the Directive. Those RFUs, which
have successfully passed this scrutiny procedure are named Approved Recommendation for
Use (ARFU). Those RFUs which are still subject of approval by the Standing Committee
remain named Recommendation for Use.

In the course of the ongoing discussion some RFUs have become obsolete or have been
incorporated into the text of guidelines. Therefore, the following RFUs have been withdrawn
and you may not find them in the table: 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 11, 12, 13, 16, 18, 19, 21, 29, 37, 38, 53


RCD 94/25, 2003/44 Relevant ARFU / RFU

Chapter 1 Scope, placing on the market # 34, # 44, # 46, # 47, # 53, # 54, #
Chapter 2 Conformity assessment # 58
Chapter 3 Marking to demonstrate conformity # 24, # 35
Chapter 4 Final Provisions
Annex IA - 1 Boat design categories # 28
Annex IA - Craft Identification # 33, # 39, # 48
Annex IA - Builder's Plate
Annex IA - Protection from falling overboard.
Annex IA - Visibility from the main steering
2.4 position
Annex IA - Owner's Manual # 36
Annex IA - Structure # 45
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05 February 2005

Annex IA - Stability and freeboard # 04, # 32, # 52

Annex IA - Buoyancy and flotation # 04, # 32, # 52
Annex IA - Openings in hull, deck and # 56
3.4 superstructure
Annex IA - Flooding
Annex IA - Manufacturer’s max. recommended
3.6 load
Annex IA - Liferaft stowage
Annex IA - Escape
Annex IA - Anchoring, mooring and towing
Annex IA - 4 Handling characteristics
Annex IA - Engine and engine spaces # 50, # 51, # 55
Annex IA - Fuel system # 22, # 23, # 25, # 30, # 55, # 60
Annex IA - Electrical system # 55
Annex IA - Steering system # 45
Annex IA - Gas system
Annex IA - Fire protection # 61
Annex IA - Navigation lights # 27
Annex IB - 1 Exhaust emissions - engine
Annex IB - 2 Exhaust emissions- requirements
Annex IB - 3 Exhaust emissions- durability
Annex IB - 4 Exhaust emissions- owner's manual
Annex IC - 1 Noise emission - levels
Annex IC - 2 Noise emission - owner's manual
Annex II Components # 09, # 26
Annex III Declaration by the builder # 31, # 49
Annex IV Int. production control – Module A # 57
Annex VI Int. production control plus tests – # 04, # 06, # 07, # 15, # 57, # 59, #66
Module Aa
Annex VII EC type examination – Module B # 10,# 15, # 17, # 59, #67
Annex VIII Conformity to type – Module C
Annex IX Production quality assurance – Module # 15, # 59
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05 February 2005

Annex X Product verification – Module F # 15, # 59

Annex XI Unit verification – Module G # 15, # 59
Annex XII Full quality assurance – Module H # 15, # 59
Annex XIII Tech. Doc. supplied by the # 36
Annex XIV Min. criteria to be taken into account
by menber states for the notification of
Annex XV Written declaration of conformity # 20, # 49
Annex XVI Product quality assurance – Module E # 59
Annex XVII Conformity of production assessment # 59
for exhaust and noise

Page 103/155
RFU No.: 04
Revision No.: 3
Recreational Craft Sectoral Group
ARFU Recreational Craft Directive 94/25/EC as amended Page:104/1
Document ID : arfu # 04r3 050124.doc
Origin (Notified Body): VTT, Finland

Contact Person: Mr. Gunnar Holm, VTT


Approval by RSG Committee (Meeting No./Date):

Approval by Member States Expert Group:
Additional Comments:

Question related to
Directive No.: 2003/44/EC Standard: Other:
Article: 3.2
Annex: 1A
Key Words:
Acceptable methods, related to: stability, freeboard, buoyancy and flotation


What is an acceptable method? (In conjunction with applicable conformity assessment methods during the
period without harmonized standards).

Recommended Solution:

a. The method is accepted on at least a national level or by an independent classification society.

b. It has been used within a certification system.

c. The criteria in a. and b. in addition to the applicability of the method, this taking into account the boat
type and the design category, have to be ensured and documented by the certifier.
Applicability means that the method includes the required elements in the ESR.

RSG Technical Secretariat, c/o BALance Technology Consulting GmbH

Contrescarpe 33, 28203 Bremen, Germany, Tel: +49 421 335170, Fax: +49 421 3351711
URL:; e-mail:
RFU No.: 06
Revision No.: 2
Recreational Craft Sectoral Group
ARFU Recreational Craft Directive 94/25/EC as amended Page: 105/1
Document ID : arfu # 06r2 050124.doc
Origin (Notified Body): Sjöfartsverket, Sweden

Contact Person:


Approval by RSG Committee (Meeting No./Date):

Approval by Member States Expert Group:
Additional Comments:

Question related to
Directive No.: 2003/44/EC Standard: Other:
Article: 3.2
Annex: 1A
Key Words:
Test procedures


Test procedures, interpretation of Annex 6 par.3.2.2 and 3.2.3

Recommended Solution:
Annex 6, 2 sentence shall be understood to mean that tests, or calculations, or controls shall be carried
out by the manufacturer, or on his behalf, to meet the requirements of 3.2, and 3.3, as applicable.

RSG Technical Secretariat, c/o BALance Technology Consulting GmbH

Contrescarpe 33, 28203 Bremen, Germany, Tel: +49 421 335170, Fax: +49 421 3351711
URL:; e-mail:
RFU No.: 07
Revision No.: 3
Recreational Craft Sectoral Group
ARFU Recreational Craft Directive 94/25/EC as amended Page: 106/1
Document ID : arfu # 07r3 050124.doc
Origin (Notified Body): PFE 136

Contact Person:


Approval by RSG Committee (Meeting No./Date):

Approval by Member States Expert Group:
Additional Comments:

Question related to
Directive No.: 2003/44/EC Standard: Other:
Article: 3.2
Annex: 1A
Key Words:
Modules, assessment


What kind of assessment under Module Aa does the NB have to carry out?

Recommended Solution:

In discussion with the manufacturer, the NB will agree on tests, equivalent calculations, or controls to be
undertaken, the number of these, and the number of boats upon which they have to apply.

It shall be the NB’s responsibility to ensure that such test, equivalent calculation, or control shall be carried
out to demonstrate conformity with par.3.2 & 3.3 of the ESR.

RSG Technical Secretariat, c/o BALance Technology Consulting GmbH

Contrescarpe 33, 28203 Bremen, Germany, Tel: +49 421 335170, Fax: +49 421 3351711
URL:; e-mail:
RFU No.: 09
Revision No.: 2
Recreational Craft Sectoral Group
ARFU Recreational Craft Directive 94/25/EC as amended Page:107/1
Document ID : arfu # 09r2 050124.doc
Origin (Notified Body): Sjöfartsverket, Sweden

Contact Person:


Approval by RSG Committee (Meeting No./Date):

Approval by Member States Expert Group:
Additional Comments:

Question related to
Directive No.: 2003/44/EC Standard: Other:
Article: 3.2
Annex: 1A
Key Words:
Assessment, components, boat manufacturer


What kind of assessment shall be undertaken in cases where components are produced by the boat
manufacturer and installed in boats subject to modules A and Aa.

Recommended Solution:

These components will be covered by the CE-marking on the boat.

RSG Technical Secretariat, c/o BALance Technology Consulting GmbH

Contrescarpe 33, 28203 Bremen, Germany, Tel: +49 421 335170, Fax: +49 421 3351711
URL:; e-mail:
RFU No.: 10
Revision No.: 4
Recreational Craft Sectoral Group
ARFU Recreational Craft Directive 94/25/EC as amended Page: 108/1
Document ID : arfu # 10r4 050124.doc
Origin (Notified Body): Sjöfartsverket, Sweden

Contact Person:


Approval by RSG Committee (Meeting No./Date):

Approval by Member States Expert Group:
Additional Comments:

Question related to
Directive No.: 2003/44/EC Standard: Other:
Article: 3.2
Annex: 1A
Key Words:
Assessment, subcontracting


What kind of assessment the Notified Body shall have to carry out in relation to B.4.2 : “perform or have

Recommended Solution:

Whenever a Notified Body subcontracts testing etc., then it is the responsibility of the NB to ensure that
the subcontractor has the facilities and meets the criteria required for that function (RCD Annex XIV, RCD
Article 9 paragraph 2, Guide to the Implementation of Directives based on New Approach and Global
Approach 6.5).

RSG Technical Secretariat, c/o BALance Technology Consulting GmbH

Contrescarpe 33, 28203 Bremen, Germany, Tel: +49 421 335170, Fax: +49 421 3351711
URL:; e-mail:
RFU No.: 14
Revision No.: 3
Recreational Craft Sectoral Group
ARFU Recreational Craft Directive 94/25/EC as amended Page: 109/1
Document ID : arfu # 14r3 050124.doc
Origin (Notified Body): RSG

Contact Person: Mr. Gunnar Holm, VTT


Approval by RSG Committee (Meeting No./Date):

Approval by Member States Expert Group:
Additional Comments:

Question related to
Directive No.: 2003/44/EC Standard: Other:
Article: 3.2
Annex: 1A
Key Words:
Translations, Interpretation, Basic text


Which basic version of the RCD shall be used within the RSG?

Recommended Solution:

The English text of the Recreational Craft Directive as published in the Official Journal L/164/15 from
30.06.1994, L/127/27 from 10.06.1995, and L/41/20 from 15.02.2000 is the basic text used for a common
understanding within the Recreational Craft Sectoral Group.

RSG Technical Secretariat, c/o BALance Technology Consulting GmbH

Contrescarpe 33, 28203 Bremen, Germany, Tel: +49 421 335170, Fax: +49 421 3351711
URL:; e-mail:
Revision No.: 5
Recreational Craft Sectoral Group
Date: 2005-01-24
RFU Recreational Craft Directive 94/25/EC as amended Page:110/1
Document ID : rfu # 15r5 050124.doc
Origin (Notified Body): RSG

Contact Person: Mr. Gunnar Holm


Approval by RSG Committee (Meeting No./Date):

Additional Comments:

Question related to
Directive No.: 2003/44/WC Standard: Other:
Article: 3.2
Annex: 1A
Key Words:
Certification modules, documents, RFU 38


What kind of documents shall be used in the different certification modules?

Recommended Solution:

For conformity assessment documents issued by Notified Bodies under the different modules, only the
following names shall be used :
Module Aa: Examination Report,

Module B: EC Type - Examination Certificate

Module D, H: Quality system assessment decision

Module F, G: Certificate of Conformity

RSG Technical Secretariat, c/o BALance Technology Consulting GmbH

Contrescarpe 33, 28203 Bremen, Germany, Tel: +49 421 335170, Fax: +49 421 3351711
URL:; e-mail:
RFU No.: 17
Revision No.: 3
Recreational Craft Sectoral Group
ARFU Recreational Craft Directive 94/25/EC as amended Page:111/1
Document ID : arfu # 17r3 050124.doc
Origin (Notified Body): PFE 118

Contact Person:


Approval by RSG Committee (Meeting No./Date):

Approval by Member States Expert Group:
Additional Comments:

Question related to
Directive No.: 2003/44/EC Standard: Other:
Article: 3.2
Annex: 1A
Key Words:
module B, verify the manufacturing, conformity, technical documentation, visiting the workshop


According to module B (annex VII) par.4.1, the NB shall verify that the type has been manufactured in
conformity with the technical documentation. Is this equivalent to a visit at the manufacturer’s workshop to
inspect that he (or she) manufactures in conformity with the technical documentation?
Or is it enough to let the manufacturer declare on his honor, with some sort of a contract, that his
manufacturing process is in conformity?

Recommended Solution:

1. To verify that a type with a laminated or moulded (e.g. FRP, wood) construction has been
manufactured in conformity with the technical documentation the Notified Body must visit the
2. 2. To verify that a type with a non-laminated or moulded construction (such as e.g. fabricated
steel, aluminum) has been manufactured in conformity with the technical documentation, the
Notified Body should inspect the construction as appropriate for the materials used.

RSG Technical Secretariat, c/o BALance Technology Consulting GmbH

Contrescarpe 33, 28203 Bremen, Germany, Tel: +49 421 335170, Fax: +49 421 3351711
URL:; e-mail:
RFU No.: 20
Revision No.: 4
Recreational Craft Sectoral Group
ARFU Recreational Craft Directive 94/25/EC as amended Page: 112/1
Document ID : arfu # 20r4 050124.doc
Origin (Notified Body): IMCI

Contact Person: Mr. Ulrich Heinemann, IMCI


Approval by RSG Committee (Meeting No./Date):

Approval by Member States Expert Group:
Additional Comments:

Question related to
Directive No.: 2003/44/EC Standard: Other:
Article: 3.2
Annex: 1A
Key Words:
Declaration, Conformity, Manufacturer, Representative


Can a manufacturer in a third country sign the Declaration of Conformity?

Recommended Solution:

The manufacturer in a third country can draw up the Declaration of Conformity.

A signature is not required but recommended.

This solution is supported through the following quotes from the “Guide to the implementation of directives
based on the new approach and the global approach (Blue Book 2000 Edition, para 5.4, page 35, bullet
point no.5 and footnote no. 103):

„As a minimum the following information should be provided:

• the date of issue of the declaration; signature and title or an equivalent marking of authorized

“It is not necessary for the signatory to be domiciled in the Community. A manufacturer established
outside the Community is entitled to carry out all the certification procedures at his premises and,
therefore, to sign the declaration of conformity, unless otherwise provided for in the directive(s).”

RSG Technical Secretariat, c/o BALance Technology Consulting GmbH

Contrescarpe 33, 28203 Bremen, Germany, Tel: +49 421 335170, Fax: +49 421 3351711
URL:; e-mail:
RFU No.: 22
Revision No.: 2
Recreational Craft Sectoral Group
ARFU Recreational Craft Directive 94/25/EC as amended Page: 113/1
Document ID : arfu # 22r2 050124.doc
Origin (Notified Body): IMCI

Contact Person: Mr. Ray Velting, IMCI


Approval by RSG Committee (Meeting No./Date):

Approval by Member States Expert Group:
Additional Comments:

Question related to
Directive No.: 2003/44/EC Standard: Other:
Article: 5.2.1
Annex: 1A
Key Words:


Does the Oetiker Ear Clamp meet the intent of the RCD?

Ref. ISO 10088 – par.6.4.3 “clamps” must be re-usable, and clamps “depending solely on spring tension
shall not be used”.

Recommended Solution:

The recommended solution is :

“These clamps do not meet the intent of the RCD”.

RSG Technical Secretariat, c/o BALance Technology Consulting GmbH

Contrescarpe 33, 28203 Bremen, Germany, Tel: +49 421 335170, Fax: +49 421 3351711
URL:; e-mail:
RFU No.: 23
Revision No.: 3
Recreational Craft Sectoral Group
ARFU Recreational Craft Directive 94/25/EC as amended Page:114/1
Document ID : arfu # 23r3 050124.doc
Origin (Notified Body): VTT, Finland

Contact Person: Mr. Gunnar Holm


Approval by RSG Committee (Meeting No./Date):

Approval by Member States Expert Group:
Additional Comments:

Question related to
Directive No.: 2003/44/EC Standard: Other:
Article: 5.2.2a
Annex: 1A
Key Words:
Petrol fuel tanks, engine compartments


Can petrol fuel tanks be installed in engine compartments?

Recommended Solution:

Petrol fuel tanks can be installed in engine compartments according to ISO 10088, as this will satisfy the
requirements of 5.2.2 a (a).

RSG Technical Secretariat, c/o BALance Technology Consulting GmbH

Contrescarpe 33, 28203 Bremen, Germany, Tel: +49 421 335170, Fax: +49 421 3351711
URL:; e-mail:
RFU No.: 24
Revision No.: 5
Recreational Craft Sectoral Group
ARFU Recreational Craft Directive 94/25/EC as amended Page:115/1
Document ID : arfu # 24r5 050124.doc
Origin (Notified Body): ICOMIA

Contact Person: Mr. Tom Nighy


Approval by RSG Committee (Meeting No./Date):

Approval by Member States Expert Group:
Additional Comments:

Question related to
Directive No.: 2003/44/EC Standard: Other:
Article: 10
Annex: II
Key Words:
Components, marking, labeling


Art.10 requires that Annex II components are either indelibly marked or their packaging is labeled
(10.1 & 10.2)

1) Are stick-on labels on components admitted?

2) Is it sufficient for fuel hoses to just have the details required by the Standard printed on the hose?

Recommended Solution:

The answer is YES on both questions.

The answer is supported through the following quote from the Directive (Chapter III, Article 10.2):
„The CE marking of conformity, as shown in Annex IV, must appear in a visible, legible and indelible form
... on components as referred to in Annex II and/or on their packaging.“

and the comments in the CC Guide on this article

“In the case of components as referred to in Annex II, the marking may appear on the
packaging if it cannot be applied to a particular component”

RSG Technical Secretariat, c/o BALance Technology Consulting GmbH

Contrescarpe 33, 28203 Bremen, Germany, Tel: +49 421 335170, Fax: +49 421 3351711
URL:; e-mail:
RFU No.: 25
Revision No.: 4
Recreational Craft Sectoral Group
ARFU Recreational Craft Directive 94/25/EC as amended Page: 116/1
Document ID : arfu # 25r4 050124.doc
Origin (Notified Body): IMCI, VOLVO PENTA

Contact Person: Mr. Ulrich Heinemann


Approval by RSG Committee (Meeting No./Date):

Approval by Member States Expert Group:
Additional Comments:

Question related to
Directive No.: 2003/44/EC Standard: Other:
Annex: I par 5.2.1
Key Words:
Fire protection, Fuel filter, Fire test, Fuel system


Must all non-metallic fuel filters meet a fire test according to ISO 10088 or a similar fire test?
Should the fire test include metal covered filters with internal plastic parts, which could cause a leak after
the test?

Recommended Solution:

According to ESR 5.2.1 all fuel systems components such as filters shall be in compliance with ISO 10088
as applicable.
Fuel filters must not be CE marked. CE marking for RCD is only permitted for components listed in Annex

RSG Technical Secretariat, c/o BALance Technology Consulting GmbH

Contrescarpe 33, 28203 Bremen, Germany, Tel: +49 421 335170, Fax: +49 421 3351711
URL:; e-mail:
RFU No.: 26
Revision No.: 3
Recreational Craft Sectoral Group
ARFU Recreational Craft Directive 94/25/EC as amended Page: 117/1
Document ID : arfu # 26r3 050124.doc
Origin (Notified Body): ICOMIA

Contact Person: Mr. Tom Nighy


Approval by RSG Committee (Meeting No./Date):

Approval by Member States Expert Group:
Additional Comments:

Question related to
Directive No.: 2003/44/EC Standard: Other:
Annex: II
Key Words:
Pre-fabricated hatches and portlights


There are many small ports giving access to valves, junction boxes, pipe connections and sealed
compartments. They are located on decks, in cockpits and on bulkheads and described as:
-inspection covers
-inspection ports
-deck plates

They vary in sizes from 100mm to 300mm clear opening.

Are these components intended to be part of Annex II.5?

Recommended Solution:

According to ESR 5.2.1 all fuel systems components such as filters shall be in compliance with ISO 10088
as applicable.
Fuel filters must not be CE marked. CE marking for RCD is only permitted for components listed in Annex

RSG Technical Secretariat, c/o BALance Technology Consulting GmbH

Contrescarpe 33, 28203 Bremen, Germany, Tel: +49 421 335170, Fax: +49 421 3351711
URL:; e-mail:
RFU No.: 27
Revision No.: 4
Recreational Craft Sectoral Group
ARFU Recreational Craft Directive 94/25/EC as amended Page:118/1
Document ID : arfu # 27r4 050124.doc
Origin (Notified Body): IMCI

Contact Person: Mr. Ulrich Heinemann


Approval by RSG Committee (Meeting No./Date):

Approval by Member States Expert Group:
Additional Comments:

Question related to
Directive No.: 2003/44/EC Standard: Other:
Annex: 1A I.5.7
Key Words:
Navigation light, COLREG


Is it sufficient for CE certification if the navigation lights meet the 1972 Colreg?

Some countries have adopted different standards according to Annex I, b in Colreg. One example is a
one-half meter separation between the all round white light and sidelights or a country specifies for
instance the height for the lens and requires its own national approval certification.

Recommended Solution:

The RSG considers recreational craft not fitted with navigation lights or fitted with navigation lights in
accordance with Annex I from Colreg 1972 for installation locations, light intensity, chromaticity and cut-off
angles to comply with the RCD.

National administrations may apply different requirements for local use, as provided for in rule 1 b of 1972

“COLREG 1972: Annex I, point 13:

Approval: The construction of light and shapes and the installation of light on board the vessel shall be to
the satisfaction of the appropriate authority of the State whose flag the vessel is entitled to fly.”

RSG Technical Secretariat, c/o BALance Technology Consulting GmbH

Contrescarpe 33, 28203 Bremen, Germany, Tel: +49 421 335170, Fax: +49 421 3351711
URL:; e-mail:
RFU No.: 28
Revision No.: 2
Recreational Craft Sectoral Group
ARFU Recreational Craft Directive 94/25/EC as amended Page:119/1
Document ID : arfu # 28r2 050124.doc
Origin (Notified Body): Hellenic Register of Shipping

Contact Person: Dr. Alexandros Theodoulides


Approval by RSG Committee (Meeting No./Date):

Approval by Member States Expert Group:
Additional Comments:

Question related to
Directive No.: 2003/44/EC Standard: Other:
Annex: I
Key Words:
Design categories


Is it possible for a boat to be simultaneously assigned more than one design category with different
maximum capacities corresponding to each one? (Number of persons, engine power, maximum weight).

Recommended Solution:

Yes, if all relevant requirements are satisfied.

RSG Technical Secretariat, c/o BALance Technology Consulting GmbH

Contrescarpe 33, 28203 Bremen, Germany, Tel: +49 421 335170, Fax: +49 421 3351711
URL:; e-mail:
RFU No.: 30
Revision No.: 2
Recreational Craft Sectoral Group
ARFU Recreational Craft Directive 94/25/EC as amended Page: 120/1
Document ID : arfu # 30r2 050124.doc
Origin (Notified Body): Det Norske Veritas, Norway

Contact Person: Mr. T. Hertzenberg


Approval by RSG Committee (Meeting No./Date):

Approval by Member States Expert Group:
Additional Comments:

Question related to
Directive No.: 2003/44/EC Standard: Other:
Annex: I 5.2
Key Words:
Fuel system, engine


Annex I 5.2.1 refers to fuel supply arrangements and installations in general while ISO 10088 exclude the
engine unit itself.

Does Annex I 5.2.1 apply to fuel supply arrangements and installations on the engine?

Recommended Solution:

Annex I 5.2.1 and 5.3 applies to fuel supply arrangements and installations on the engine.

RSG Technical Secretariat, c/o BALance Technology Consulting GmbH

Contrescarpe 33, 28203 Bremen, Germany, Tel: +49 421 335170, Fax: +49 421 3351711
URL:; e-mail:
RFU No.: 31
Revision No.: 2
Recreational Craft Sectoral Group
ARFU Recreational Craft Directive 94/25/EC as amended Page: 121/1
Document ID : arfu # 31r2 050124.doc
Origin (Notified Body): PFE 117

Contact Person:


Approval by RSG Committee (Meeting No./Date):

Approval by Member States Expert Group:
Additional Comments:

Question related to
Directive No.: 2003/44/EC Standard: Other:
Annex: III
Key Words:
Declaration by the builder, partly completed craft


With craft in excess of 12 m of hull length, should a Notified Body require retrospective inspection of a hull
structure where a declaration by the builder exists in accordance with Annex III?

Recommended Solution:

Such declaration must include statements from the Notified Body where their involvement has been
required by the modular system.

RSG Technical Secretariat, c/o BALance Technology Consulting GmbH

Contrescarpe 33, 28203 Bremen, Germany, Tel: +49 421 335170, Fax: +49 421 3351711
URL:; e-mail:
RFU No.: 32
Revision No.: 2
Recreational Craft Sectoral Group
ARFU Recreational Craft Directive 94/25/EC as amended Page: 122/1
Document ID : arfu # 32r2 050124.doc
Origin (Notified Body): PFE 122

Contact Person:


Approval by RSG Committee (Meeting No./Date):

Approval by Member States Expert Group:
Additional Comments:

Question related to
Directive No.: 2003/44/EC Standard: Other:
Article: 3.2 & 3.3
Annex: 1A
Key Words:
Stability, buoyancy, flotation


When tests according to point 3.2 (Stability) and 3.3 (Buoyancy & Flotation) of the essential safety
requirements are carried out in module Aa, it may be argued that the design and construction of the
following details are inseparable parts of the issue and therefore should also be assessed by or on the
responsibility of one of the Notified Bodies:

-Quick draining cockpits

-Windows, portlights and hatches (positioning, tightness and scantlings?)

Recommended Solution:

The cockpit and windows, portlights and hatches should be included as possible tests,
equivalent calculations or controls, in the assessment carried out by or on the
responsibility of the Notified Body.

RSG Technical Secretariat, c/o BALance Technology Consulting GmbH

Contrescarpe 33, 28203 Bremen, Germany, Tel: +49 421 335170, Fax: +49 421 3351711
URL:; e-mail:
RFU No.: 33
Revision No.: 2
Recreational Craft Sectoral Group
ARFU Recreational Craft Directive 94/25/EC as amended Page: 123/1
Document ID : arfu # 33r2 050124.doc
Origin (Notified Body): PFE 127

Contact Person:


Approval by RSG Committee (Meeting No./Date):

Approval by Member States Expert Group:
Additional Comments:

Question related to
Directive No.: 2003/44/EC Standard: Other:
Key Words:
Hull identification code, country of manufacture


1) Is the use of country code for the hull identification for the country of manufacture normative?
2) Is it possible to have different interpretations on the use of the HIN-code for country of manufacture?
The HIN-code identifies the hull of the craft and hence the country of the origin of ONLY the hull. The DOC
is the legal document for placing the craft on the market within the EU.
Description of problem:
1) There are hulls and crafts both subcontracted and manufactured in third countries which uses the
orders country code (countries within the EU) for the hull identification, which is against the relevant
standard and the RCD (Annex I, ESR 2.1, second indent - country of manufacture).
2) This may lead to unfair competition and is also misleading regarding the origin of the hull.
3) The country code for the same craft may differ depending on to which country’s market a boat is being
placed on. This may cause confusion having the same boat with different HIN-codes for the country

Recommended Solution:

The Hull Identification Number (HIN) shall reflect the party on the builder’s plate or the manufacturer of the

RSG Technical Secretariat, c/o BALance Technology Consulting GmbH

Contrescarpe 33, 28203 Bremen, Germany, Tel: +49 421 335170, Fax: +49 421 3351711
URL:; e-mail:
RFU No.: 34
Revision No.: 2
Recreational Craft Sectoral Group
ARFU Recreational Craft Directive 94/25/EC as amended Page: 124/1
Document ID : arfu # 34r2 050124.doc
Origin (Notified Body): RSG chair

Contact Person:


Approval by RSG Committee (Meeting No./Date):

Approval by Member States Expert Group:
Additional Comments:

Question related to
Directive No.: 2003/44/EC Standard: Other:
Article: Ch.I, 1a
Annex: 1A
Key Words:
inflatables (Lh >2 (m), non reinforced PVC


Are such small inflatables with Lh>2,5 m of non reinforced PVC to be considered as boats in the sense of
the RCD ?

Recommended Solution:

In the sense of the RCD 94/25 EC inflatables of Lh>2,5m of non reinforced PVC are to be considered as

RSG Technical Secretariat, c/o BALance Technology Consulting GmbH

Contrescarpe 33, 28203 Bremen, Germany, Tel: +49 421 335170, Fax: +49 421 3351711
URL:; e-mail:
RFU No.: 35
Revision No.: 2
Recreational Craft Sectoral Group
ARFU Recreational Craft Directive 94/25/EC as amended Page:125/1
Document ID : arfu # 35r2 050124.doc
Origin (Notified Body): IMCI

Contact Person: Ulrich Heinemann


Approval by RSG Committee (Meeting No./Date):

Approval by Member States Expert Group:
Additional Comments:

Question related to
Directive No.: 2003/44/EC Standard: Other:
Article: Ch.I, 1a
Annex: 1A
Key Words:
CE marking of boats, CE marking of products not covered by RCD but by other Directives.


A boat can be brought into the market equipped with computers, dishwashers, stereo devices , TV,
microwave oven, electric heater, air condition etc

Are those devices be CE marked before the boat is CE marked ?

Recommended Solution:

1) The manufacturer or the person who puts the boat on the market is responsible that the boat and the
components of annex 2 are in compliance of the RCD.
2) The manufacturer is only responsible for the compliance of components with other directives if these
components have not been placed on the market or put into service in the EU.
3) The responsibility of assessment of the NB’s is restricted to the RCD.

RSG Technical Secretariat, c/o BALance Technology Consulting GmbH

Contrescarpe 33, 28203 Bremen, Germany, Tel: +49 421 335170, Fax: +49 421 3351711
URL:; e-mail:
RFU No.: 36
Revision No.: 2
Recreational Craft Sectoral Group
ARFU Recreational Craft Directive 94/25/EC as amended Page: 126/1
Document ID : arfu # 36r2 050124.doc
Origin (Notified Body): IMCI

Contact Person: Ulrich Heinemann


Approval by RSG Committee (Meeting No./Date):

Approval by Member States Expert Group:
Additional Comments:

Question related to
Directive No.: 2003/44/EC Standard: Other:
Article: I (2,5) and XII
Annex: 1A
Key Words:
Technical file, Owner’s manual


1) Can a Notified Body produce, either fully or partly, a Technical File or an Owner’s Manual for a Boat

2) Can a company whose equity is partly owned by a Notified Body and or his Staff produce, either fully
or partly, a Technical File or an Owner’s Manual for a Boat builder?

Recommended Solution:

The answer is “No” for both questions

RSG Technical Secretariat, c/o BALance Technology Consulting GmbH

Contrescarpe 33, 28203 Bremen, Germany, Tel: +49 421 335170, Fax: +49 421 3351711
URL:; e-mail:
RFU No.: 39
Revision No.: 2
Recreational Craft Sectoral Group
ARFU Recreational Craft Directive 94/25/EC as amended Page: 127/1
Document ID : arfu # 39r2 050124.doc
Origin (Notified Body): PFE 137
Contact Person:

Approval by RSG Committee (Meeting No./Date):

Approval by Member States Expert Group:

Additional Comments:

Question related to
Directive No.: 2003/44/EC Standard: Other:
Article: 3.2
Annex: 1A
Key Words:
HIN (ISO) and other HINs



A boat is built outside the EU. As required by the national waterways authorities it has got a (non-ISO)

The manufacturer wants to export that boat model to the EU. It fulfils all requirements of the RCD and has
to get its HIN according to ISO 10087.


May this boat show both numbers?

Recommended Solution:


RSG Technical Secretariat, c/o BALance Technology Consulting GmbH

Contrescarpe 33, 28203 Bremen, Germany, Tel: +49 421 335170, Fax: +49 421 3351711
URL:; e-mail:
RFU No.: 40
Revision No.: 2
Recreational Craft Sectoral Group
ARFU Recreational Craft Directive 94/25/EC as amended Page: 128/1
Document ID : arfu # 40r2 050124.doc
Origin (Notified Body): PFE 134

Contact Person:


Approval by RSG Committee (Meeting No./Date):

Approval by Member States Expert Group:
Additional Comments:

Question related to
Directive No.: 2003/44/EC Standard: Other:
Article: 3.2
Annex: 1A
Key Words:
Acceptable standards other than EN


Situation :

Considering the RCD Art. 5, Blue Book Part 1.2, RSG Guidelines and the CC-Paper, the manufacturer has
the obligation to prove that his product is in conformity with the essential requirements of RCD by the use
of the harmonised standards or other means of his own choice. It is the task of the Notified Body to make
its own decision if the level of safety required by the ESR of the Directive is fulfilled or not.


Are standards other than EN to be used as a method to comply with the RCD?

Recommended Solution:

RSG urged industry and Notified Bodies to use EN Standards.

RSG Technical Secretariat, c/o BALance Technology Consulting GmbH

Contrescarpe 33, 28203 Bremen, Germany, Tel: +49 421 335170, Fax: +49 421 3351711
URL:; e-mail:
Revision No.: 2
Recreational Craft Sectoral Group
Date: 2005-01-24
RFU Recreational Craft Directive 94/25/EC as amended Page:129/1
Document ID : rfu # 43r2 050124.doc
Origin (Notified Body): European Certification Bureau B.V.

Contact Person: Peter Jacops


Approval by RSG Committee (Meeting No./Date):

Additional Comments:

Question related to
Directive No. 2003/44/EC Standard: Other:
Key Words:
EC type examination


A producer requests an EC type examination and presents a representative prototype to the Notified
Body. One year later there is still no new product.

Can the producer keep this type examination or should this one be changed to Unit Verification.

Recommended Solution:

A Notified Body can not withdraw an EC-Type Examination Certificate on this basis. Unit Verification
certificates (module G) should only be issued at manufacturer's request.

RSG Technical Secretariat, c/o BALance Technology Consulting GmbH

Contrescarpe 33, 28203 Bremen, Germany, Tel: +49 421 335170, Fax: +49 421 3351711
URL:; e-mail:
Revision No.: 2
Recreational Craft Sectoral Group
RFU Recreational Craft Directive 94/25/EC as amended Page:130/1
Document ID : rfu # 44r2 050124.doc
Origin (Notified Body): RSG Chair

Contact Person: Dirk Brügge


Approval by RSG Committee (Meeting No./Date):

Additional Comments:

Question related to
Directive No.: 2003/44/EC Standard: Other:
Key Words:
Kit boats


Are Kit boats covered by the RCD? There are two interpretations possible for kit boats:
- as amateur built boats they are out of the field of the Directive
- as indicated in the "Comments to the Directive combined" when all parts necessary for completion
are supplied and subject to confirmation that the building is properly made, a kit boat can be CE

Recommended Solution:

The interpretation of kit boat should be as given in the CC document, i.e. all parts necessary for
completion are supplied by a professional manufacturer. As a person building a boat for own use shall not
have it built by others, a kit boat cannot be considered as amateur built. Hence, kit boats of length 2,5-24m
are covered by the RCD. Reference is made to the CC document Chapter 1, Article1.

RSG Technical Secretariat, c/o BALance Technology Consulting GmbH

Contrescarpe 33, 28203 Bremen, Germany, Tel: +49 421 335170, Fax: +49 421 3351711
URL:; e-mail:
Revision No.: 2
Recreational Craft Sectoral Group
RFU Recreational Craft Directive 94/25/EC as amended Page:131/1
Document ID : rfu # 45r2 050124.doc
Origin (Notified Body): GL

Contact Person: Dirk Brügge


Approval by RSG Committee (Meeting No./Date):

Additional Comments:

Question related to
Directive No.: 2003/44/EC Standard: Other:
Key Words:
Assessment of rudder, chain plates and ballast keel attachment.


Rudder, chain plates and ballast keel attachment are major structural details of a sailing boat design.
ISO/DIS 12215-6.1 (date 2001-03-02) states that "when determining the detailed scantlings of the craft the
following considerations shall be taken into account: "followed by a list of items such as rudder stocks,
keel bolts, chain plates etc. without providing any criteria of how to consider them. The question is how to
achieve a common assessment for all NB's without having as standard providing any criteria of how to
consider them.

Recommended Solution:

A Notified Body has the necessary technical competence for conformity assessment. Lack of standards
does not exclude important essential requirements for assessment.

RSG Technical Secretariat, c/o BALance Technology Consulting GmbH

Contrescarpe 33, 28203 Bremen, Germany, Tel: +49 421 335170, Fax: +49 421 3351711
URL:; e-mail:
Revision No.: 2
Recreational Craft Sectoral Group
RFU Recreational Craft Directive 94/25/EC as amended Page:132/1
Document ID : rfu # 46r2 050124.doc
Origin (Notified Body): CEproof Ltd. UK

Contact Person: Alasdair Reay


Approval by RSG Committee (Meeting No./Date):

Additional Comments:

Question related to
Directive No.: 2003/44/EC Standard: Other:
Article: 1
Key Words:
EU Member States Dates of Access


Imagine a boat is built in Sweden, before Sweden became a member of the EU. The boat is put into
service in Sweden before be exported from South Africa. Sweden then becomes an EU member before
the boat is imported from South Africa to UK.
Should the above craft be required to comply with the RCD on arrival in UK

Recommended Solution:

The issue goes beyond the mandate of RSG. This matter should be dealt with by the Commission.

RSG Technical Secretariat, c/o BALance Technology Consulting GmbH

Contrescarpe 33, 28203 Bremen, Germany, Tel: +49 421 335170, Fax: +49 421 3351711
URL:; e-mail:
Revision No.: 2
Recreational Craft Sectoral Group
RFU Recreational Craft Directive 94/25/EC as amended 133/1
Document ID : rfu # 46r2 050124.doc
Origin (Notified Body): RSG Chair

Contact Person: Dirk Brügge


Approval by RSG Committee (Meeting No./Date):

Additional Comments:

Question related to
Directive No.: 2003/44/EC Standard: Other:
Key Words:
Total refitted boats (former professional boats)


Has a total refitted former professional boat to be CE marked? A number of former professional boats
(fishing boats, pilot or rescue launches, tugs…) are sold as recreational craft and then subject to CE
marking despite the fact that they were already on the communautary market and proved their capacity to
sail in secure conditions.
The buyers of former professional boats make important conversions which can affect the security of the
boat and make a new certification necessary.

Recommended Solution:

For a former professional boat, before it is put on the market as a recreational craft, the CE marking is

RSG Technical Secretariat, c/o BALance Technology Consulting GmbH

Contrescarpe 33, 28203 Bremen, Germany, Tel: +49 421 335170, Fax: +49 421 3351711
URL:; e-mail:
Revision No.: 2
Recreational Craft Sectoral Group
RFU Recreational Craft Directive 94/25/EC as amended Page:134/1
Document ID : rfu # 48r2 050124.doc
Origin (Notified Body): IMCI

Contact Person: Ulrich Heinemann


Approval by RSG Committee (Meeting No./Date):

Additional Comments:

Question related to
Directive No.: 2003/44/EC Standard: Other:
Article: 1
Annex: A.1
Key Words:
HIN, catamaran hull is today destroyed by collision.


A catamaran has been marked properly with a HIN on his starboard hull. A hidden HIN was placed inside
the hull as well. During some collision this hull has totally be damaged so that a repair is not
recommended. As this craft is of demountable type a simple replacement of the damaged hull by a new
one is possible.
How to attach a HIN to a replacement hull?

Recommended Solution:

The RSG Group general statement is: Repairs are not covered by the RCD.

RSG Technical Secretariat, c/o BALance Technology Consulting GmbH

Contrescarpe 33, 28203 Bremen, Germany, Tel: +49 421 335170, Fax: +49 421 3351711
URL:; e-mail:
Revision No.: 2
Recreational Craft Sectoral Group
RFU Recreational Craft Directive 94/25/EC as amended Page:135/1
Document ID : rfu # 49r2 050124.doc
Origin (Notified Body): IMCI

Contact Person: Ulrich Heinemann


Approval by RSG Committee (Meeting No./Date):

Additional Comments:

Question related to
Directive No.: 2003/44/EC Standard: Other:
Annex: III and IV
Key Words:
Duplicate information


It appears that Annexes III and XV ask for the component manufacturers to provide duplicate information.
Both annexes refer to the components listed in Annex II; first Annex III via Article 4 (3), which refers to
Annex II and second Annex XV, which refers to Annex II directly. All information required by Annex III is
also required by Annex XV. How to avoid that?

Recommended Solution:

Declaration of Conformity has to be in accordance with Annex XV for components requirements of

Annex III b.

RSG Technical Secretariat, c/o BALance Technology Consulting GmbH

Contrescarpe 33, 28203 Bremen, Germany, Tel: +49 421 335170, Fax: +49 421 3351711
URL:; e-mail:
Revision No.: 2
Recreational Craft Sectoral Group
RFU Recreational Craft Directive 94/25/EC as amended Page: 136/1
Document ID : rfu # 50r2 050124.doc
Origin (Notified Body): IMCI

Contact Person: Ulrich Heinemann


Approval by RSG Committee (Meeting No./Date):

Additional Comments:

Question related to
Directive No.: 2003/44/EC Standard: Other:
Annex: II
Key Words:
Ignition protection


Should petrol inboard and sterndrive engines be ignition protected as specified in ISO DIS 15584 and
certified under Annex II??

Recommended Solution:

Electrical devices/components for petrol inboard and stern drive engines shall be certified under Annex II,
when sold separately as components, not the engines. The electrical system on the engines shall comply
with ISO 15584, and conforming document shall be supplied by the manufacturer, Ref. RSG Guidelines
page 37.

RSG Technical Secretariat, c/o BALance Technology Consulting GmbH

Contrescarpe 33, 28203 Bremen, Germany, Tel: +49 421 335170, Fax: +49 421 3351711
URL:; e-mail:
Revision No.: 2
Recreational Craft Sectoral Group
Date: 2005-01-24
RFU Recreational Craft Directive 94/25/EC as amended Page:137/1
Document ID : rfu # 51r2 050124.doc
Origin (Notified Body): European Certification Bureau B.V.

Contact Person: Peter Jacops


Approval by RSG Committee (Meeting No./Date):

Additional Comments:

Question related to
Directive No.: 2003/44/EC Standard: Other:
Annex: I
Key Words:
Insulation material engine room


During RSG meeting 20-21 November 1997 it was decided that part 2 of ISO 4589 would be used for
determination of allowable insulation materials. The comments to the directive as well as the RSG
guidelines refer to ISO 4589 or ASTM D2863. ASTM D2863 is technically equivalent to ISO 4589 part 2 as
mentioned on the web site of ASTM (direct link underneath):"--This test method and ISO 4589-2 are
technically equivalent when using the Type A gas measurement and control device accuracy as described
in 6.4.."
Therefore we can conclude that the comments and the RSG guidelines mean ISO 4589 part 2 for fulfilling
requirement of E.S.R. 5.1.1 Inboard engine. However ISO 9094-1 (relevant standard for ESR 6.1) refers to
ISO 4589 part 3. As it is not possible to compare both tests this would mean that a producer needs to
have his material tested twice in order to fulfil both requirements.

Recommended Solution:

Follow the CC-document and the RSG Guidelines for assumption of conformity with the Directive.

RSG Technical Secretariat, c/o BALance Technology Consulting GmbH

Contrescarpe 33, 28203 Bremen, Germany, Tel: +49 421 335170, Fax: +49 421 3351711
URL:; e-mail:
Revision No.: 2
Recreational Craft Sectoral Group
RFU Recreational Craft Directive 94/25/EC as amended Page:138/1
Document ID : rfu # 52r2 050124.doc
Origin (Notified Body): RINA S.p.A.

Contact Person: Pino Mazza


Approval by RSG Committee (Meeting No./Date):

Additional Comments:

Question related to
Directive No.: 2003/44/EC Standard: Other:
Annex: I
Key Words:
RIB (rigid inflatable boat) greater than 8,00 m in overall length


ISO 6185 (part 1-2-3) is applicable to inflatable boats and RIBs having overall length less than 8,00 m.
The current production is growing in size so that RIBs longer than 8 m are more and more popular (up to
12/16 m). No mandated standard exists specifically for such types of RIBs which moreover have to comply
with ISO 12217, ISO 11812, ISO 14496, ISO 8666, ISO 12215 and others, all of them were drafted mainly
for traditional power boats.

Recommended Solution:

RSG stresses the need of a new standard for RIBs greater than 8,00 m in over all length (ISO 6185-4). In
the meanwhile, Manufacturers and Notified Bodies, have the possibility to use ISO 12217, ISO 11812, ISO
14496, ISO 8666, ISO 12215, as applicable, including the relevant parts of ISO 6185 for what concerns
the reinforced material of inflatable part of the hull only.

RSG Technical Secretariat, c/o BALance Technology Consulting GmbH

Contrescarpe 33, 28203 Bremen, Germany, Tel: +49 421 335170, Fax: +49 421 3351711
URL:; e-mail:
Revision No.: 2
Recreational Craft Sectoral Group
RFU Recreational Craft Directive 94/25/EC as amended Page:139/1
Document ID : rfu # 54r2 050124.doc
Origin (Notified Body): IMCI

Contact Person: Ulrich Heinemann


Approval by RSG Committee (Meeting No./Date):

Additional Comments:

Question related to
Directive No.: 2003/44/EC Standard: Other:
Article: Ch. 1 Art. 1
Key Words:
floating devices with special recreational purposes


Scenario: There are floating devices with i.e. water-chutes (slides) out in the field. Others are used to take
a sunbath only or to serve as a floating island. These devices are either rigid or inflatable or rigid inflatable.
Their size is above 2,50 m of length or diameter. They are free floating and/or moored and not used to
move specifically from point A to point B by engine or human power.

Question: Are these devices considered as boats in the sense of RCD?

Recommended Solution:

RSG agrees that aquatic toys are not considered as boats and are out of the scope of the RCD.

RSG Technical Secretariat, c/o BALance Technology Consulting GmbH

Contrescarpe 33, 28203 Bremen, Germany, Tel: +49 421 335170, Fax: +49 421 3351711
URL:; e-mail:
Revision No.: 2
Recreational Craft Sectoral Group

RFU Recreational Craft Directive 94/25/EC as amended Page:

Document ID : rfu # 55r2 050124.doc
Origin (Notified Body): TÜV Product Service GmbH

Contact Person: Rainer van de Stolpe


Approval by RSG Committee (Meeting No./Date):

Additional Comments:

Question related to
Directive No.: 2003/44/EC Standard: Other:
Key Words:
Ignition Protection / compartments open to atmosphere


Scenario: In EN ISO 11105:1997, "Ventilation of petrol engine and/or petrol tank compartment", § 4.7, the
ignition protection of electrical devices is reduced to compartments which are not open to atmosphere
given in §3.1 of that standard).
Furthermore in ISO 10088:2001 in §4.3.4 it says that "Petrol engine compartments and petrol tank
compartments shall have ventilation and ignition protection in accordance with ISO 11105 and ISO 8846".
However in ISO 10088:2001 in §4.1.5 it says that "Electrical devices located in compartments with petrol
tanks or petrol fuel system connections or joints shall be ignition protected in accordance with ISO 8846".

Question: Should electrical devices be ignition protected in petrol engine/tank compartments that are just
opened to atmosphere in their upper part and corners are existing inside these compartments where petrol
gas might accumulate?

Recommended Solution:

Yes, electrical devices that are installed in compartments defined as open to atmosphere
have to be ignition protected, if the regarding compartments have their opening solely in
the upper part.

RSG Technical Secretariat, c/o BALance Technology Consulting GmbH

Contrescarpe 33, 28203 Bremen, Germany, Tel: +49 421 335170, Fax: +49 421 3351711
URL:; e-mail:
Revision No.: 2
Recreational Craft Sectoral Group
RFU Recreational Craft Directive 94/25/EC as amended Page: 141/1
Document ID : rfu # 56r2 050124.doc
Origin (Notified Body): Det Norske Veritas, Norway

Contact Person: Asbjørn Lønmo


Approval by RSG Committee (Meeting No./Date):

Additional Comments:

Question related to
Directive No.: 2003/44/EC Standard: Other:
Article: 2, clause 1
Annex: I, A.3.4
Key Words:
Sliding roof hatches and cabin doors


Scenario: Sliding roof hatches and cabin doors that can not be secured in open position may in heavy
seas and at manoeuvring at high-speed start sliding and cause injuries to people on board.
This item is not covered by any of the mandated ISO standards, but article 2, clause 1 of the directive
requires that products refereed to in article 1 shall not endanger the safety and health of persons when
correctly constructed and maintained.

Recommended Solution:

Lock for open position of sliding roof hatches and cabin doors to be required, provided a warning for petrol
boats on the risk and potential for exhaust gas intrusion. This requirement may be included in ISO 12216.

RSG Technical Secretariat, c/o BALance Technology Consulting GmbH

Contrescarpe 33, 28203 Bremen, Germany, Tel: +49 421 335170, Fax: +49 421 3351711
URL:; e-mail:
Revision No.: 2
Recreational Craft Sectoral Group
RFU Recreational Craft Directive 94/25/EC as amended Page: 142/1
Document ID : rfu # 57r2 050124.doc
Origin (Notified Body): RSG Committee

Contact Person: Chairman


Approval by RSG Committee (Meeting No./Date):

Additional Comments:

Question related to
Directive No.: 2003/44/EC Standard: Other:
Annex: I
Key Words:
Conformity Assessment for boats Lh<12m, Application of Module A for boat design category C


Reference is taken to the harmonisation of EN ISO 12217 part 1, 2 and 3. What implication does this
harmonisation have?

Recommended Solution:

Harmonised standards in the meaning of the New Approach are deemed to exist when the European
standards organisations (CEN) formally present to the Commission the European standards elaborated or
identified in conformity with the mandate (quote from the “blue book”).

The Commission has been formally informed by CEN about the adoption of EN ISO 12217 part 1 and part
2 on 31.7.2002 of EN ISO 12217-part 3 on 31.8.2002. Therefore, the harmonised standards referred to in
Article 8 (1), para 2 (a), indent 1 (self certification) are deemed to exist and boat-builders can apply the
provisions of that article.

Builders should be informed by the approached NB at the time of the first contact about the possibilities for
self-assessment and all related required documentation.

Builders shall apply self-certification (module A) for boats assigned to design-category C below Lh <12m
when complying with ISO 12217, harmonised stability standard.

Where a boat finally proves compliance with the harmonised standard, a NB cannot issue any regular
document with reference to the directive. If conformity to the Harmonised standard is found, Documents in
the Voluntary Domain may be issued, at the discretion of the NB, showing conformance with EN ISO
If conformity to the Harmonised standard is not found, a Statement in the Regulatory Domain may be
issued, at the discretion of the NB (ref. Annex VI) taking due consideration to RFU 40, showing
conformance with the RCD Annex I essential safety requirements 3.2 and 3.3.

RSG Technical Secretariat, c/o BALance Technology Consulting GmbH

Contrescarpe 33, 28203 Bremen, Germany, Tel: +49 421 335170, Fax: +49 421 3351711
URL:; e-mail:
Revision No.: 2
Recreational Craft Sectoral Group
RFU Recreational Craft Directive 94/25/EC as amended Page: 143/1
Document ID : rfu # 58r2 050124.doc
Origin (Notified Body): ICOMIA

Contact Person: Jan Matthiesen


Approval by RSG Committee (Meeting No./Date):

Additional Comments:

Question related to
Directive No.: 2003/44/EC Standard: Other:
Article: 8
Annex: I
Key Words:
Craft modification during production


There are two forms of craft modifications during production:

1. Modification of a product type (Module B): The manufacturer changes one model of the EC type
approved product. In this case the manufacturer has to inform the notified body, who holds the
technical documentation, of the change he made. When the change affects the conformity of the
ESRs, an addition to the EC type examination certificate must be issued. This scenario is stated in
Annex VII para 6.
2. Modification of a product (Module A or Aa): The manufacturer changes the product, rather than
the product type. When he modifies the product to such extend that it would affect the ESRs, the
craft could be considered as a new product and the manufacturer should self-certify the product

Is the understanding of both cases above correct?

Do modifications that affect the ESR in a positive way need to be re-assessment?

Recommended Solution:

If the ESRs are affected by modifications the craft should be re-assessed.

RSG Technical Secretariat, c/o BALance Technology Consulting GmbH

Contrescarpe 33, 28203 Bremen, Germany, Tel: +49 421 335170, Fax: +49 421 3351711
URL:; e-mail:
Revision No.: 2
Recreational Craft Sectoral Group
RFU Recreational Craft Directive 94/25/EC as amended Page: 144/1
Document ID : rfu # 59r2 050124.doc
Origin (Notified Body): ECB

Contact Person: Peter Jacops


Approval by RSG Committee (Meeting No./Date):

Additional Comments:

Question related to
Directive No.: 2003/44/EC Standard: Other:
Annex: I
Key Words:
Non-conformity, reassessment


When non-conformity has been found on board during an inspection, what are acceptable ways for the
producer to proof compliance of his product after the changes? When is reassessment needed?

Recommended Solution:

Notified Bodies may accept a picture, a written declaration of the manufacturer or a drawing of change.
Decision of acceptance on the proof of compliance is to be made by the Notified Body according to the
nature of the non-conformity.

RSG Technical Secretariat, c/o BALance Technology Consulting GmbH

Contrescarpe 33, 28203 Bremen, Germany, Tel: +49 421 335170, Fax: +49 421 3351711
URL:; e-mail:
Revision No.: 2
Recreational Craft Sectoral Group
Date: 2005-01-24
RFU Recreational Craft Directive 94/25/EC as amended Page:145/1
Document ID : rfu # 60r2 050124.doc
Origin (Notified Body): PFE # 174

Contact Person: Jan Matthiesen, ICOMIA


Approval by RSG Committee (Meeting No./Date):

Additional Comments:

Question related to
Directive No.: 2003/44/EC Standard: Other:
Annex: I, A.5.2.1
Key Words:
Fuel Return lines


Some automotive based diesel engines, commonly used in small craft, feature non-fire resistant tubing to
carry leak-off fuel from the injectors. This fuel return normally connects with the fuel pump return line
before going to the tank.
In the event of a fire it is believed that a failure of these tubes could lead to a leak of fuel that may increase
or 'feed' 'the fire.
The fitting of hose that meets the fire resistance test of ISO 7840 in place of the original tubing is
impractical due to the design of the injector and the non-availability of suitable small bore hose.
By arranging the tube installation so that the amount of fuel in the injector return system is reduced to the
minimum the possibility of 'feeding' the fire is removed.
Or by shielding the injector return system from fire, the risk of failure is removed.

Recommended Solution:

All three following options meet the Essential Safety Requirement 5.2.1."The filling, storage, venting and
fuel-supply arrangements and installations shall be designed and installed so as to minimise the risk of fire
and explosion".
Option 1: To minimise the flow of fuel from the injector leak off tubes in the event of a failure, a
separate injector leak-off return line, self draining to the fuel tank, or other collection tank.
Option 2: To minimise the risk of reverse flow from either the fuel tank return line or the fuel pump
return line in the event of the injector fuel return line failing due to fire damage, the
installation of a non-return valve between the injector leak off line and the fuel pump return
Option 3: To minimise the risk of failure through fire, the injector return system shall be shielded and
fire tested in accordance with ISO 7840 Annex A, as installed on the engine.
The three options shall apply to engines with a total fuel flow rate (all injectors, excluding injector pump) in
the injector return system of maximum 8.3 ml/min.

RSG Technical Secretariat, c/o BALance Technology Consulting GmbH

Contrescarpe 33, 28203 Bremen, Germany, Tel: +49 421 335170, Fax: +49 421 3351711
URL:; e-mail:
Revision No.: 2
Recreational Craft Sectoral Group
Date: 2005-01-24
RFU Recreational Craft Directive 94/25/EC as amended Page:146/1
Document ID : rfu # 61r2 050124.doc
Origin (Notified Body): PFE # 175

Contact Person: Peter Jacops, ECB


Approval by RSG Committee (Meeting No./Date):

Additional Comments:

Question related to
Directive No.: 2003/44/EC Standard: Other:
Article: 5.6
Annex: I
Key Words:
Fixed fire-extinguishing systems - EN 9094-1/2


Standard ISO 9094 does not indicate if the visual indication of discharge of an extinguishing system
should be placed in or out the protected place, As the standard is written now the visual indication could
be inside the engine room. Opening the protected place to control if the extinguishing system has been
discharged could lead to dangerous situations.


Small craft — Fire protection —Part 1:Craft with a hull length of up to and including 15 m.
7 Fixed fire-extinguishing systems.
7.5 Discharge and control.
7.5.1 A visual indication of discharge shall be provided.

Recommended Solution:

"A visual indication shall be placed so it can be seen from outside the protected space (e.g. an LED).
Note: The protected space shall be the engine space or any similar space protected by the fire-
extinguishing system."

RSG Technical Secretariat, c/o BALance Technology Consulting GmbH

Contrescarpe 33, 28203 Bremen, Germany, Tel: +49 421 335170, Fax: +49 421 3351711
URL:; e-mail:
Revision No.: 2
Recreational Craft Sectoral Group
Date: 2005-01-24
RFU Recreational Craft Directive 94/25/EC as amended Page:147/2
Document ID : rfu # 62r2 050124.doc
Origin (Notified Body): PFE # 164

Contact Person: RSG Chairman, Dirk Brügge, GL


Approval by RSG Committee (Meeting No./Date):

Additional Comments:

Question related to
Directive No.: 2003/44/EC Standard: Other:
Article: 1, 3(b)
Annex: I
Key Words:
CE Marking of Canoes

None of the following described “canoes” have a CE-marking. Should they have???
Example 1 – Safe Canoe.

Example 2 – Discovery Sport 13, 15 and 17 feet.

RSG Technical Secretariat, c/o BALance Technology Consulting GmbH

Contrescarpe 33, 28203 Bremen, Germany, Tel: +49 421 335170, Fax: +49 421 3351711
URL:; e-mail:
Example 3 – Mad River Canoe

The exclusions in Article 1 3 (b) (canoes and kayaks, gondolas and pedalos) concern types of watercraft,
which are by nature incompatible with some of the essential requirements but whose inclusion in the
Directive might be debatable. Canoes and kayaks, gondolas and pedalos are considered to be craft
designed to be propelled by human power excluding rowing. Rowing is considered to be the use of more
than one oar.

Recommended Solution:


Definition of canoe or kayak in relation to Art. 1(3) 3.(b):

Canoes and kayaks are crafts which are narrow (Bh <1.1m), pointed in both ends, intended for paddling
and which do not have fixed points for engines, more than one oar or sails.

Reference to the CC Guide Article 1 (3) b

“The exclusions in (b) concern types of watercraft, which are by nature incompatible with some of the
essential requirements but whose inclusion in the directive might be debatable. Canoes and kayaks,
gondolas and pedalos are considered to be craft designed to be propelled by human power excluding
rowing. Rowing is considered to be the use of more than one oar. If canoes are so designed and
constructed that they can be fitted with an engine and placed on the market as such, they are covered by
the directive.”

RSG Technical Secretariat, c/o BALance Technology Consulting GmbH

Contrescarpe 33, 28203 Bremen, Germany, Tel: +49 421 335170, Fax: +49 421 3351711
URL:; e-mail:
Revision No.: 2
Recreational Craft Sectoral Group
Date: 2005-01-24
RFU Recreational Craft Directive 94/25/EC as amended Page:149/1
Document ID : rfu # 63r2 050124.doc
Origin (Notified Body): PFE # 176

Contact Person: ECB, Peter Jacops


Approval by RSG Committee (Meeting No./Date):

Additional Comments:

Question related to
Directive No.: 2003/44/EC Standard: Other:
Annex: I, A.5.5
Key Words:
Gas locker

Text of directive:
All craft with a permanently installed gas system shall be fitted with an enclosure to contain all gas
cylinders. The enclosure shall be separated from the living quarters, accessible only from the outside and
ventilated to the outside so that any escaping gas drains overboard.
ISO 10239
8.3 Cylinders, pressure regulators and safety devices located below decks or in cockpits shall be mounted
in cylinder lockers which, when closed, are vapour-tight to the craft interior, openable only from outside the
craft interior, vented at the bottom by a drain of not less than 19 mm inside diameter or the equivalent area
if not circular.
ISO 10133
12.2 Electrical components installed in certain compartments in craft with liquefied petroleum gas (LPG)
systems, such as lockers and housings containing LPG cylinders and pressure regulators, shall be
ignition-protected (see ISO 8846) as required in ISO 10239.
Can a general storage enclosure separated from the living quarters act as cylinder housing or a cylinder
locker as defined under ISO 10239?

Recommended Solution:


RSG Technical Secretariat, c/o BALance Technology Consulting GmbH

Contrescarpe 33, 28203 Bremen, Germany, Tel: +49 421 335170, Fax: +49 421 3351711
URL:; e-mail:
Revision No.: 2
Recreational Craft Sectoral Group
Date: 2005-01-24
RFU Recreational Craft Directive 94/25/EC as amended Page:150/1
Document ID : rfu # 64r2 050124.doc
Origin (Notified Body): PFE # 178

Contact Person: IMCI, Ulrich Heinemann


Approval by RSG Committee (Meeting No./Date):

Additional Comments:

Question related to
Directive No.: 2003/44/EC Standard: Other:
Article: 3
Annex: I
Key Words:
Compliant and non-compliant systems installed on board in parallel

A boat is under RCD assessment. The manufacturer installs parallel to some device (# 1) covered by the
RCD requirements a second device of same function but different characteristics (# 2) leaving by some
switch the choice of using the one or the other device by the user.
With # 1 the boat complies fully with RCD. If # 2 would be installed as the only option, the boat would not
comply with RCD.
The OM shows the caution note: Please use device # 2 only when having left EU demarcation lines.

Is this approach in accordance with RCD?

Recommended Solution:

No. (Compare RCD Article 3)

RSG Technical Secretariat, c/o BALance Technology Consulting GmbH

Contrescarpe 33, 28203 Bremen, Germany, Tel: +49 421 335170, Fax: +49 421 3351711
URL:; e-mail:
Revision No.: 2
Recreational Craft Sectoral Group
Date: 2005-01-24
RFU Recreational Craft Directive 94/25/EC as amended Page:151/1
Document ID : rfu # 65r2 050124.doc
Origin (Notified Body): PFE # 179

Contact Person: IMCI, Ulrich Heinemann


Approval by RSG Committee (Meeting No./Date):

Additional Comments:

Question related to
Directive No.: 2003/44/EC Standard: Other:
Article: 1
Annex: I
Key Words:
Powered remote controlled unmanned device

A builder in the USA is about to be assessed for a product, a self-propelled "doodlebug" which tows a
water-skier. The skier controls the speed and direction of this self powered device through the connecting
tow line.

No one rides on it, but it does have all the other features of a boat; engine, fuel system, steering et cetera.
These vessels are banned in Canada.

Is it a craft covered by the RCD?

Recommended Solution:

The RSG is regarding it as “powered surfboard”. Therefore it is excluded from the RCD (compare
Article 1.3.d).

RSG Technical Secretariat, c/o BALance Technology Consulting GmbH

Contrescarpe 33, 28203 Bremen, Germany, Tel: +49 421 335170, Fax: +49 421 3351711
URL:; e-mail:
Revision No.: 1
Recreational Craft Sectoral Group
Date: 2005-01-31
RFU Recreational Craft Directive 94/25/EC as amended Page:152/4
Document ID : rfu # 66 050131.doc
Origin (Notified Body): ICOMIA

Contact Person: Jan Matthiessen


Approval by RSG Committee (Meeting No./Date): meeting No. 29/13-14 January 2005
Additional Comments:

Question related to
Directive No.: RCD 2003/44/EC Standard: Other:
Annex: Annex VI.B.
Key Words: Boat families


Annex VI.B states:

“For recreational craft fitted with inboard or stern drive engines without integral exhaust and for personal

On one or several craft representing the production of the craft manufacturer, the sound emission tests
defined in Annex I.C shall be carried out by the craft manufacturer, or on his behalf, under the
responsibility of a notified body chosen by the manufacturer.”

Module Aa recognizes that not all craft will have to be tested if the builder can establish a selection of craft
representing the production. Furthermore, it should be noted the European Commission’s Application
Guide to Directive 94/25/EC specifies in relation to Module Aa assessment that “in discussions with the
manufacturer, the notified body should agree on the type, number and scope of the tests to be carried

How can the builder establish this selection of craft representing the production?

Recommended Solution:

Note: The RSG agrees to the concept of Boat Families as outlined below. However, it should be
noted that certain parameters may be subject to further evaluation.

“Boat family” is a grouping of craft which have similar sound emission characteristics and which comply
with the sound emission requirements of the directive.
Boat builders select “Master Boats” against which other boats are assessed. Such Master Boats must
have taken and passed the “pass-by” test (EN ISO 14509).

The following provides a guide for establishing such grouping:

RSG Technical Secretariat, c/o BALance Technology Consulting GmbH

Contrescarpe 33, 28203 Bremen, Germany, Tel: +49 421 335170, Fax: +49 421 3351711
URL:; e-mail:
Boat builders may establish boat families in discussion with their Notified Body by using the following


1. Selection of Master Boat.

• Selection of Master Boats should be made in coordination with the Notified Body.
• Master Boats must record a sound level in the EN ISO 14509 pass by test equal to or
less than the following :
a.Single Engined Craft – 72 dB(A)
b.Multiple Engined Craft - 75 dB(A)
This is because of the current tolerance between pass-by sound measurements
and on-board sound measurements. (It is hoped that this tolerance may be
revised down slightly following further evaluation from the Soundboat project)

2. Hull Parameters for Building a Boat Family:

Key Parameters Units Master Family Tolerance Level Within

Boat Boat vs Master Boat Tolerance?
1 Length of the waterline LWL m ± 10 %
as defined in ISO 8666
2 Beam at the waterline BWL m ± 10 %
as defined in ISO 8666
3 Bottom type configuration Same
(hard-chine, multi-chine, flat,
4 Performance test mass, mp kg ± 25 %
as defined in EN ISO 8666
5 stern shape (plan view) Same

6 stern shape (elevation) Same

7 stern swim platform yes or Same

8 stern swim platform Same
construction (solid or open)
9 On-board sound level. dB(A) Equal to or less
Enter Master Boat’s than Master Boat’s
Maximum Allowable Sound Maximum
and Family Boat’s recorded Allowable Sound
on-board sound

3. Operating and Test Conditions for on-board sound measurement

• The boat speed shall be 70kph or maximum speed whichever is the smaller
• Equipment Specification: The sound measurement equipment including the
windshield recommended by the manufacturer shall meet the requirements for a
Class 2 instrument according to IEC 61672-1. A sound calibrator, which meets the
requirements of IEC 60942 shall be used. The overall acoustic performance of the
measurement equipment shall be checked with the sound calibrator according to the
instructions of its manufacturer at the beginning and at the end of each series of
measurements, and at least at the beginning and end of each measurement day. The
sound calibrator used for calibration of the sound level meter shall undergo laboratory
verification every year with traceability to a primary standards laboratory. The
microphone shield shall not show any evidence of moisture.

4. Measurement of on-board Sound

• Measurements shall be made at the seven microphone positions given in the figure in paragraph 5

RSG Technical Secretariat, c/o BALance Technology Consulting GmbH

Contrescarpe 33, 28203 Bremen, Germany, Tel: +49 421 335170, Fax: +49 421 3351711
URL:; e-mail:
• The microphone is best fitted to the end of a pole which is held manually in turn at each of the
positions indicated in paragraph 5 for the time specified
• Each on-board sound level measurement shall be recorded over a 10 s period.
• At all times the microphone windshield must remain dry.
• The average of these seven sound level measurements shall be the arithmetic average of the
value measured at each of the seven microphone positions.
• Master Boats. The sound level recorded on the sound pass-by test shall be subtracted from the
allowable maximum in paragraph 1a or 1b above as applicable. This should be added to the
actual recorded on-board sound. This total will be known as the Master Boat’s Maximum
Allowable Sound.
• Family Boats. The family boat’s on-board sound measurement must be equal to or less than the
Master Boat’s Maximum Allowable Sound.
• The family boat’s average sound level measurement is the on-board sound level to be inserted at
Item 9 in the Key Parameters Table in paragraph 1 above.
The Master Boat with a single engine records the following sound emissions:
• EN ISO 14509 Test: 69dB(A)
• On-board sound: 80dB(A)
The Family Boat on-board sound measurement is made
Calculation of Maximum Allowable Sound
• Allowed sound level (single engine) (a) 72dB(A)
• Recorded EN ISO 14509 sound (b) 69dB(A)
• Difference (a) minus (b) = (c) 3dB(A)
• Maximum Allowable Sound: Recorded on-board sound (80dB(A)) + Difference at (c) 3dB(A)
= 83dB(A). This must be entered at Serial 9 in the table in paragraph 2.
• Recorded On-Board Sound of family boat was 82dB(A), which is less than the Master Boat’s
Maximum Allowable Sound of 83dB(A). The 82dB(A) must be entered at Serial 9 in the table
in paragraph 2.
4. On-board Sound Measurement.
Microphone Positions. Measurements shall be made at the seven microphone positions shown

Tolerance: +0.5m

Microphones shall be located not less than 1m from the hull and not more than 1.5m from the hull.
Similarly they shall be located not less than 1m from the water surface and not more than 1.5m from the
water surface.

RSG Technical Secretariat, c/o BALance Technology Consulting GmbH

Contrescarpe 33, 28203 Bremen, Germany, Tel: +49 421 335170, Fax: +49 421 3351711
URL:; e-mail:
Revision No.: 01
Recreational Craft Sectoral Group
Date: 2005-02-28
RFU Recreational Craft Directive 94/25/EC as amended Page:155/1
Document ID : rfu # 67r1 050228.doc
Origin (Notified Body): RINA

Contact Person: Pino Mazza


Approval by RSG Committee (Meeting No./Date): meeting No. 29/13-14 January 2005
Additional Comments:

Question related to
Directive No.: RCD 2003/44/EC Standard: Other:
Annex: Annex VII
Key Words: existing “ EC Type-Examination Certificates “ (module B) issued under Directive 94/25/EC

From 1 January 2005 and considering that existing EC Type-Examination Certificates issued under
Directive 94/25/EC can maintain their validity for the transitional period only, for boats still in production
and to be placed in the market, Manufacturers will have to apply with a Notified Body for a new EC Type-
Examination Certificate to certify conformity with amending provisions of Directive 2003/44/EC or an
additional approval to EC Type-examination Certificate issued under Directive 94/25/EC.

What kind of assessment / verifications the Notified Body will have to carry out (excluding “noise emission”
to be assessed under Module A, Aa, G or H) ?

Recommended Solution:

An addition to an existing EC Type-Examination Certificate issued under Directive 94/25/EC or a new EC

Type-Examination Certificate may be issued by the Notified Body on the basis of an examination of
technical documentation and/or declaration supplied by the Manufacturer concerning the compliance with
the new and amended provisions regarding design and construction introduced by Directive 2003/44/EC
and after having verified that the type has been manufactured in conformity with the technical
documentation and/or declaration.

RSG Technical Secretariat, c/o BALance Technology Consulting GmbH

Contrescarpe 33, 28203 Bremen, Germany, Tel: +49 421 335170, Fax: +49 421 3351711
URL:; e-mail:
Inflatable boats
Part 1: Boats with a maximum motor power rating of 4,5 kW {
(ISO 6185-1 : 2001)
English version of DIN EN ISO 6185-1 EN ISO 6185-1

ICS 47.080 This standard supersedes parts

of DIN 7870, February 1981
edition, and DIN 7871, Novem-
Aufblasbare Boote – Teil 1: Boote mit einer Motorhöchstleistung
ber 1990 edition, and, together
von 4,5 kW (ISO 6185-1 : 2001)
with DIN EN ISO 6185-2,
June 2002 edition, supersedes
DIN 7872 and DIN 7879,
November 1990 editions,
and DIN 32930,
September 1990 edition.

European Standard EN ISO 6185-1 : 2001 has the status of a DIN Standard.

A comma is used as the decimal marker.

This standard includes safety requirements within the meaning of the Gerätesicherheitsgesetz (German
Equipment Safety Law).

National foreword
This standard has been published in accordance with a decision taken by CEN/CMC to adopt, without
alteration, International Standard ISO 6185-1 as a European Standard.
The responsible German body involved in its preparation was the Normenausschuss Sport- und Freizeitgerät
(Sports Equipment Standards Committee).
The scope of this standard explicitly excludes single-chambered boats, a fact which the responsible German
committee interprets as a statement that such boats are not safe. This opinion is, however, not shared by
other CEN members, and Germany fears that single-chambered boats could subsequently enter the market
without being covered by a standard.
In Germany and elsewhere, current safety regulations require that inflatable boats retain a residual buoyancy
after a chamber has failed, following the principle of redundancy for essential functions. Single-chambered
boats cannot fulfil this requirement and their use is therefore unsafe.
The DIN Standards corresponding to the International Standards referred to in clause 2 of the EN are as
ISO Standard DIN Standard
ISO 1817 DIN 53521
ISO 7000 DIN 40101-2 and 70005-2
ISO 8665 DIN EN ISO 8665
ISO 9775 DIN EN 29775
ISO 12215-1 DIN EN ISO 12215-1

Continued overleaf.
EN comprises 35 pages.

© No part of this standard may be reproduced without the prior permission of Ref. No. DIN EN ISO 6185-1 : 2002-06
DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V., Berlin. Beuth Verlag GmbH, 10772 Berlin, Germany, English price group 15 Sales No. 1115
has the exclusive right of sale for German Standards (DIN-Normen).
Page 2
DIN EN ISO 6185-1 : 2002-06

DIN 7870, February 1981 edition, DIN 7871, November 1990 edition, DIN 7872 and DIN 7879, November 1990
editions, and DIN 32930, September 1990 edition, have been superseded by the specifications of
EN ISO 6185-1, which is identical to ISO 6185-1.

Previous editions
DIN 7870-1: 1976-12; DIN 7870: 1981-02; DIN 7871-1: 1976-03; DIN 7871-2: 1978-03; DIN 7871: 1984-01,
1986-01, 1990-11; DIN 7872: 1982-05, 1990-11; DIN 7879: 1983-02, 1987-04, 1990-11; DIN 32930: 1985-06,

National Annex NA
Standards referred to
(and not included in Normative references and Bibliography)
DIN 40101-2 Graphical symbols for use on electrical equipment – Symbols for use on electronic data
DIN 53521 Determination of the behaviour of rubber when exposed to fluids and vapours
DIN 70005-2 Graphical symbols for motor vehicles – Principles and survey
DIN EN 29775 Small craft – Remote steering systems for single outboard motors of 15 kW to 40 kW
power (ISO 9775 : 1990)
DIN EN ISO 8665 Marine propulsion engines and systems for small craft – Power measurements and
declarations (ISO 8665 : 1994)
DIN EN ISO 12215-1 Small craft – Hull construction and scantlings – Part 1: Materials: Thermosetting resins,
glass-fibre reinforcement, reference laminate (ISO 12215-1 : 2000)
EN ISO 6185-1

November 2001

ICS 47.080

English version

Inflatable boats
Part 1: Boats with a maximum motor power rating of 4,5 kW
(ISO 6185-1 : 2001)

Bateaux pneumatiques – Partie 1: Aufblasbare Boote – Teil 1: Boote mit

Bateaux équipés d’un moteur d’une einer Motorhöchstleistung von 4,5 kW
puissance maximale de 4,5 kW (ISO 6185-1 : 2001)
(ISO 6185-1 : 2001)

This European Standard was approved by CEN on 2001-11-10.

CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations
which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a
national standard without any alteration.
Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national stand-
ards may be obtained on application to the Management Centre or to any CEN
The European Standards exist in three official versions (English, French, German).
A version in any other language made by translation under the responsibility of a
CEN member into its own language and notified to the Management Centre has
the same status as the official versions.
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, the Czech
Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy,
Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland,
and the United Kingdom.

European Committee for Standardization
Comité Européen de Normalisation
Europäisches Komitee für Normung

Management Centre: rue de Stassart 36, B-1050 Brussels

© 2001. CEN – All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means Ref. No. EN ISO 6185-1 : 2001 E
reserved worldwide for CEN national members.
Page 2
EN ISO 6185-1 : 2001

International Standard
ISO 6185-1 : 2001 Inflatable boats – Part 1: Boats with a maximum motor power rating of 4,5 kW,
which was prepared by ISO/TC 188 ‘Small craft’ of the International Organization for Standardization, has been
adopted by CEN/CMC as a European Standard.
This European Standard has been prepared under a mandate given to CEN by the European Commission and
the European Free Trade Association and supports essential requirements of the relevant EU Directive.
For relationship with this directive, see Annex ZA.
This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an identical
text or by endorsement, and conflicting national standards withdrawn, by May 2002 at the latest.
In accordance with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organizations of the follow-
ing countries are bound to implement this European Standard:
Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy,
Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom.

Endorsement notice
The text of the International Standard ISO 6185-1 : 2001 was approved by CEN as a European Standard without
any modification.
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EN ISO 6185-1 : 2001


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EN ISO 6185-1 : 2001

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EN ISO 6185-1 : 2001
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EN ISO 6185-1 : 2001
Inflatable boats
Part 2: Boats with a maximum motor power rating of 4,5 kW to {
15 kW inclusive (ISO 6185-2 : 2001)
English version of DIN EN ISO 6185-2 EN ISO 6185-2

ICS 47.080 This standard supersedes parts

of DIN 7870, February 1981
edition, and DIN 7871, Novem-
Aufblasbare Boote – Teil 2: Boote mit einer Motorhöchstleistung von
ber 1990 edition, and, together
4,5 kW bis 15 kW (ISO 6185-2 : 2001)
with DIN EN ISO 6185-1,
June 2002 edition, supersedes
DIN 7872 and DIN 7879,
November 1990 editions,
and DIN 32930,
September 1990 edition.

European Standard EN ISO 6185-2 : 2001 has the status of a DIN Standard.

A comma is used as the decimal marker.

This standard includes safety requirements within the meaning of the Gerätesicherheitsgesetz (German
Equipment Safety Law).

National foreword
This standard has been published in accordance with a decision taken by CEN/CMC to adopt, without
alteration, International Standard ISO 6185-2 as a European Standard.
The responsible German body involved in its preparation was the Normenausschuss Sport- und Freizeitgerät
(Sports Equipment Standards Committee).
The scope of this standard explicitly excludes single-chambered boats, a fact which the responsible German
committee interprets as a statement that such boats are not safe. This opinion is, however, not shared by
other CEN members, and Germany fears that single-chambered boats could subsequently enter the market
without being covered by a standard.
In Germany and elsewhere, current safety regulations require that inflatable boats retain a residual buoyancy
after a chamber has failed, following the principle of redundancy for essential functions. Single-chambered
boats cannot fulfil this requirement and their use is therefore unsafe.
The DIN Standards corresponding to the International Standards referred to in clause 2 of the EN are as
ISO Standard DIN Standard
ISO 1817 DIN 53521
ISO 4674 DIN 53356
ISO 7000 DIN 40101-2 and 70005-2
ISO 8665 DIN EN ISO 8665
ISO 9775 DIN EN 29775
ISO 10592 DIN EN ISO 10592
ISO 12215-1 DIN EN ISO 12215-1

Continued overleaf.
EN comprises 31 pages.

© No part of this standard may be reproduced without the prior permission of Ref. No. DIN EN ISO 6185-2 : 2002-06
DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V., Berlin. Beuth Verlag GmbH, 10772 Berlin, Germany, English price group 14 Sales No. 1114
has the exclusive right of sale for German Standards (DIN-Normen).
Page 2
DIN EN ISO 6185-2 : 2002-06

DIN 7870, February 1981 edition, DIN 7871, November 1990 edition, DIN 7872 and DIN 7879, November 1990
editions, and DIN 32930, September 1990 edition, have been superseded by the specifications of
EN ISO 6185-2, which is identical to ISO 6185-2.

Previous editions
DIN 7870-1: 1976-12; DIN 7870: 1981-02; DIN 7871-1: 1976-03; DIN 7871-2: 1978-03; DIN 7871: 1984-01,
1986-01, 1990-11; DIN 7872: 1982-05, 1990-11; DIN 7879: 1983-02, 1987-04, 1990-11; DIN 32930: 1985-06,

National Annex NA
Standards referred to
(and not included in Normative references and Bibliography)
DIN 40101-2 Graphical symbols for use on electrical equipment – Symbols for use on electronic data
DIN 53356 Testing of artificial leather and similar materials – Tear growth test
DIN 53521 Determination of the behaviour of rubber when exposed to fluids and vapours
DIN 70005-2 Graphical symbols for motor vehicles – Principles and survey
DIN EN 29775 Small craft – Remote steering systems for single outboard motors of 15 kW to 40 kW
power (ISO 9775 : 1990)
DIN EN ISO 8665 Marine propulsion engines and systems for small craft – Power measurements and
declarations (ISO 8665 : 1994)
DIN EN ISO 10592 Small craft – Hydraulic steering systems (ISO 10592 : 1994)
DIN EN ISO 12215-1 Small craft – Hull construction and scantlings – Part 1: Materials: Thermosetting resins,
glass-fibre reinforcement, reference laminate (ISO 12215-1 : 2000)
EN ISO 6185-2

November 2001

ICS 47.080

English version

Inflatable boats
Part 2: Boats with a maximum motor power rating of 4,5 kW
to 15 kW inclusive
(ISO 6185-2 : 2001)

Bateaux pneumatiques – Partie 2: Aufblasbare Boote – Teil 2: Boote mit

Bateaux équipés d’un moteur d’une einer Motorhöchstleistung von 4,5 kW
puissance maximale comprise entre bis 15 kW (ISO 6185-2 : 2001)
4,5 kW et 15 kW inclus
(ISO 6185-2 : 2001)

This European Standard was approved by CEN on 2001-11-10.

CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations
which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a
national standard without any alteration.
Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national stand-
ards may be obtained on application to the Management Centre or to any CEN
The European Standards exist in three official versions (English, French, German).
A version in any other language made by translation under the responsibility of a
CEN member into its own language and notified to the Management Centre has
the same status as the official versions.
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, the Czech
Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy,
Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland,
and the United Kingdom.

European Committee for Standardization
Comité Européen de Normalisation
Europäisches Komitee für Normung

Management Centre: rue de Stassart 36, B-1050 Brussels

© 2001. CEN – All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means Ref. No. EN ISO 6185-2 : 2001 E
reserved worldwide for CEN national members.
Page 2
EN ISO 6185-2 : 2001

International Standard
ISO 6185-2 : 2001 Inflatable boats – Part 2: Boats with a maximum motor power rating of 4,5 kW to 15 kW
which was prepared by ISO/TC 188 ‘Small craft’ of the International Organization for Standardization, has been
adopted by CEN/CMC as a European Standard.
This European Standard has been prepared under a mandate given to CEN by the European Commission and
the European Free Trade Association and supports essential requirements of the relevant EU Directive.
For relationship with this directive, see Annex ZA.
This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an identical
text or by endorsement, and conflicting national standards withdrawn, by May 2002 at the latest.
In accordance with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organizations of the follow-
ing countries are bound to implement this European Standard:
Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy,
Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom.

Endorsement notice
The text of the International Standard ISO 6185-2 : 2001 was approved by CEN as a European Standard without
any modification.
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EN ISO 6185-2 : 2001


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EN ISO 6185-2 : 2001

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EN ISO 6185-2 : 2001
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EN ISO 6185-2 : 2001
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EN ISO 6185-2 : 2001
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EN ISO 6185-2 : 2001
Inflatable boats
Part 3: Boats with a maximum motor power rating of 15 kW and greater {
(ISO 6185-3 : 2001)
English version of DIN EN ISO 6185-3 EN ISO 6185-3

ICS 47.080

Aufblasbare Boote – Teil 3: Boote mit einer Motorhöchstleistung von mindestens 15 kW (ISO 6185-3 : 2001)

European Standard EN ISO 6185-3 : 2001 has the status of a DIN Standard.

A comma is used as the decimal marker.

This standard includes safety requirements within the meaning of the Gerätesicherheitsgesetz (German
Equipment Safety Law).

National foreword
This standard has been published in accordance with a decision taken by CEN/CMC to adopt, without
alteration, International Standard ISO 6185-3 as a European Standard.
The responsible German body involved in its preparation was the Normenausschuss Sport- und Freizeitgerät
(Sports Equipment Standards Committee), Technical Committee Aufblasbare Boote.
The DIN Standards corresponding to the International Standards referred to in clause 2 of the EN are as
ISO Standard DIN Standard(s)
ISO 1817 DIN 53521
ISO 4674 DIN 53356
ISO 7000 DIN 40101-2 and DIN 70005-2
ISO 8665 DIN EN ISO 8665
ISO 8848 DIN EN 28848
ISO 8849 DIN EN 28849
ISO 9097 DIN EN ISO 9097
ISO 9775 DIN EN 29775
ISO 10592 DIN EN ISO 10592
ISO 11105 DIN EN ISO 11105
ISO/DIS 11192 DIN EN ISO 11192*)
ISO 11592 DIN EN ISO 11592
ISO 12215-1 DIN EN ISO 12215-1

*) Currently at draft stage.

Continued overleaf.
EN comprises 30 pages.

© No part of this standard may be reproduced without the prior permission of Ref. No. DIN EN ISO 6185-3 : 2002-06
DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V., Berlin. Beuth Verlag GmbH, 10772 Berlin, Germany, English price group 13 Sales No. 1113
has the exclusive right of sale for German Standards (DIN-Normen).
Page 2
DIN EN ISO 6185-3 : 2002-06

National Annex NA
Standards referred to
(and not included in Normative references and Bibliography)
DIN 40101-2 Graphical symbols for use on electrical equipment – Symbols for use on electronic data
DIN 53356 Testing of artificial leather and similar materials – Tear growth test
DIN 53521 Determination of the behaviour of rubber when exposed to fluids and vapours
DIN 70005-2 Graphical symbols for motor vehicles – Principles and survey
DIN EN 28848 Small craft – Remote steering systems (ISO 8848 : 1990)
DIN EN 28849 Small craft – Electrically operated bilge-pumps (ISO 8849 : 1990)
DIN EN 29775 Small craft – Remote steering systems for single outboard motors of 15 kW to 40 kW
power (ISO 9775 : 1990)
DIN EN ISO 8665 Marine propulsion engines and systems for small craft – Power measurements and
declarations (ISO 8665 : 1994)
DIN EN ISO 9097 Small craft – Electric fans (ISO 9097 : 1991)
DIN EN ISO 10592 Small craft – Hydraulic steering systems (ISO 10592 : 1994)
DIN EN ISO 11105 Small craft – Ventilation of petrol engine and/or petrol tank compartments
(ISO 11105 : 1997)
DIN EN ISO 11592 Small craft of hull length less than 8 m – Determination of maximum propulsion power
rating (ISO 11592 : 2001)
DIN EN ISO 12215-1 Small craft – Hull construction and scantlings – Part 1: Materials: Thermosetting resins,
glass-fibre reinforcement, reference laminate (ISO 12215-1 : 2000)
EN ISO 6185-3

November 2001

ICS 47.080

English version

Inflatable boats
Part 3: Boats with a maximum motor power rating of 15 kW and greater
(ISO 6185-3 : 2001)

Bateaux pneumatiques – Partie 3: Aufblasbare Boote – Teil 3: Boote

Bateaux équipés d’un moteur d’une mit einer Motorhöchstleistung von
puissance maximale supérieure ou mindestens 15 kW (ISO 6185-3 : 2001)
égale à 15 kW (ISO 6185-3 : 2001)

This European Standard was approved by CEN on 2001-11-10.

CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations
which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a
national standard without any alteration.
Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national stand-
ards may be obtained on application to the Management Centre or to any
CEN member.
The European Standards exist in three official versions (English, French, German).
A version in any other language made by translation under the responsibility of a
CEN member into its own language and notified to the Management Centre has
the same status as the official versions.
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, the Czech
Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy,
Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland,
and the United Kingdom.

European Committee for Standardization
Comité Européen de Normalisation
Europäisches Komitee für Normung

Management Centre: rue de Stassart 36, B-1050 Brussels

© 2001. CEN – All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means Ref. No. EN ISO 6185-3 : 2001 E
reserved worldwide for CEN national members.
Page 2
EN ISO 6185-3 : 2001

International Standard
ISO 6185-3 : 2001 Inflatable boats – Part 3: Boats with a maximum motor power rating of 15 kW and greater,
which was prepared by ISO/TC 188 ‘Small craft’ of the International Organization for Standardization, has been
adopted by CEN/CMC as a European Standard.
This European Standard has been prepared under a mandate given to CEN by the European Commission and
the European Free Trade Association, and supports essential requirements of the relevant EU Directive.
For relationship with this directive, see Annex ZA.
This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an identical text
or by endorsement, and conflicting national standards withdrawn, by May 2002 at the latest.
In accordance with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organizations of the
following countries are bound to implement this European Standard:
Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy,
Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom.

Endorsement notice
The text of the International Standard ISO 6185-3 : 2001 was approved by CEN as a European Standard without
any modification.
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EN ISO 6185-3 : 2001


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EN ISO 6185-3 : 2001
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EN ISO 6185-3 : 2001
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EN ISO 6185-3 : 2001
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EN ISO 6185-3 : 2001
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EN ISO 6185-3 : 2001
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EN ISO 6185-3 : 2001
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EN ISO 6185-3 : 2001
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EN ISO 6185-3 : 2001
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EN ISO 6185-3 : 2001
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EN ISO 6185-3 : 2001
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EN ISO 6185-3 : 2001
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EN ISO 6185-3 : 2001
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EN ISO 6185-3 : 2001
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EN ISO 6185-3 : 2001
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EN ISO 6185-3 : 2001
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EN ISO 6185-3 : 2001
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EN ISO 6185-3 : 2001
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EN ISO 6185-3 : 2001
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EN ISO 6185-3 : 2001
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EN ISO 6185-3 : 2001

DIN EN ISO 7840 {

ICS 47.080 Supersedes June 1995 edition.

Small craft
Fire-resistant fuel hoses
(ISO 7840 : 2004)
English version of DIN EN ISO 7840

Kleine Wasserfahrzeuge – Feuerwiderstandsfähige Kraftstoffschläuche (ISO 7840 : 2004)

European Standard EN ISO 7840 : 2004 has the status of a DIN Standard.

A comma is used as the decimal marker.

National foreword
This standard has been published in accordance with a decision taken by CEN/BT to adopt, without
alteration, International Standard ISO 7840 as a European Standard.
The responsible German body involved in its preparation was the Normenstelle Schiffs- und Meerestechnik
(Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering Standards Committee), Technical Committee Motoren und
The DIN Standards corresponding to the International Standards referred to in clause 2 of the EN are as
ISO Standard DIN Standard
ISO 3 DIN 323-1
ISO 1307 DIN EN ISO 1307
ISO 1402 DIN EN ISO 1402
ISO 1817 DIN 53521
ISO 7233 DIN EN ISO 7233
ISO 7326 DIN EN 27326
ISO 8469 DIN EN ISO 8469
ISO 10088 DIN EN ISO 10088

Continued overleaf.
Document comprises 15 pages.

© No part of this standard may be reproduced without the prior permission of English price group 10
DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V., Berlin. Beuth Verlag GmbH, 10772 Berlin, Germany,
has the exclusive right of sale for German Standards (DIN-Normen).
08.04 9568532
Page 2
DIN EN ISO 7840 : 2004-05

This standard differs from the June 1995 edition in that is has been completely revised.

Previous edition
DIN EN ISO 7840: 1995-06.

National Annex NA
Standards referred to
(and not included in Normative references and Annex ZA)
DIN 323-1 Preferred numbers and preferred number sizes – Basic, calculated and rounded values
DIN 53521 Determination of the behaviour of rubber when exposed to fluid and vapours
DIN EN 27326 Rubber and plastics hoses; assessment of ozone resistance under static conditions
(ISO 7326 : 1991)
DIN EN ISO 1307 Rubber and plastics hoses for general-purpose industrial applications – Bore diameters
and tolerances, and tolerances on length (ISO 1307 : 1992)
DIN EN ISO 1402 Rubber and plastics hoses and hose assemblies – Hydrostatic testing (ISO 1402 : 1996)
DIN EN ISO 7233 Rubber and plastics hoses and hose assemblies – Determination of suction resistance
(ISO 7233 : 1991)
DIN EN ISO 8469 Small craft – Non-fire-resistant fuel hoses (ISO 8469 : 1994)
DIN EN ISO 10088 Small craft – Permanently installed fuel systems and fixed fuel tanks (ISO 10088 : 2001)
EN ISO 7840

February 2004

ICS 47.080 Supersedes EN ISO 7840 : 1995.

English version

Small craft
Fire-resistant fuel hoses
(ISO 7840 : 2004)

Petits navires – Tuyaux à carburant Kleine Wasserfahrzeuge – Feuerwider-

souples résistants au feu standsfähige Kraftstoffschläuche
(ISO 7840 : 2004) (ISO 7840 : 2004)

This European Standard was approved by CEN on 2004-01-16.

CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations
which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a
national standard without any alteration.
Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national stand-
ards may be obtained on application to the Management Centre or to any
CEN member.
The European Standards exist in three official versions (English, French, German).
A version in any other language made by translation under the responsibility of a
CEN member into its own language and notified to the Management Centre has
the same status as the official versions.
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, the
Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary,
Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands,
Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and
the United Kingdom.

European Committee for Standardization
Comité Européen de Normalisation
Europäisches Komitee für Normung

Management Centre: rue de Stassart 36, B-1050 Brussels

© 2004. CEN – All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means Ref. No. EN ISO 7840 : 2004 E
reserved worldwide for CEN national members.
Page 2
EN ISO 7840 : 2004

International Standard
ISO 7840 : 2004 Small craft – Fire-resistant fuel hoses,
which was prepared by ISO/TC 188 ‘Small craft’ of the International Organization for Standardization, has been
adopted by CEN/BT as a European Standard.
This European Standard has been prepared under a mandate given to CEN by the Commission of the European
Communities and the European Free Trade Association, and supports essential requirements of the relevant
EC Directive.
For relationship with this directive, see Annex ZB.
This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an identical text
or by endorsement, and conflicting national standards withdrawn, by August 2004 at the latest.
In accordance with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, the following countries are bound to implement this
European Standard:
Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary,
Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal,
Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom.

Endorsement notice
The text of the International Standard ISO 7840 : 2004 was approved by CEN as a European Standard without
any modification.
NOTE: Normative references to international publications are listed in Annex ZA (normative).

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EN ISO 7840 : 2004
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EN ISO 7840 : 2004
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EN ISO 7840 : 2004
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EN ISO 7840 : 2004
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EN ISO 7840 : 2004
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EN ISO 7840 : 2004
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EN ISO 7840 : 2004
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EN ISO 7840 : 2004
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EN ISO 7840 : 2004
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EN ISO 7840 : 2004
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EN ISO 7840 : 2004
Small craft
Toilet waste retention systems {
(ISO 8099 : 2000)
English version of DIN EN ISO 8099 EN ISO 8099

ICS 47.080 Supersedes DIN ISO 4567,

September 1990 edition.

Kleine Wasserfahrzeuge – Toiletten-Abfall-Sammel-Anlagen (ISO 8099 : 2000)

European Standard EN ISO 8099 : 2000 has the status of a DIN Standard.

National foreword
This standard has been published in accordance with a decision taken by CEN/CMC to adopt, without
alteration, International Standard ISO 8099 as a European Standard.
The responsible German body involved in its preparation was the Normenstelle Schiffs- und Meerestechnik
(Shipbuilding and Marine Technology Standards Committee).
The DIN Standards corresponding to the International Standards referred to in clause 2 of the EN are as
ISO 228-1 DIN ISO 228-1
ISO 9093-1 DIN EN ISO 9093-1
ISO 13297 DIN EN ISO 13297

DIN ISO 4567, September 1990 edition, has been superseded by the specifications of EN ISO 8099, which
is identical to ISO 8099.

Previous edition
DIN ISO 4567 : 1990-09.

National Annex NA
Standards referred to
(and not included in Normative references and Annex ZA)
DIN EN ISO 9093-1 Small craft – Seacocks and through-hull fittings – Part 1: Metallic components
(ISO 9093-1 : 1994)
DIN EN ISO 13297 Small craft – Electrical systems – Alternating current installations (ISO 13297 : 2000)

Continued overleaf.
EN comprises 12 pages.

© No part of this standard may be reproduced without the prior permission of Ref. No. DIN EN ISO 8099 : 2001-07
DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V., Berlin. Beuth Verlag GmbH, 10772 Berlin, Germany, English price group 08 Sales No. 1108
has the exclusive right of sale for German Standards (DIN-Normen).
EN ISO 8099

December 2000

ICS 47.080

English version

Small craft
Toilet waste retention systems
(ISO 8099 : 2000)

Petits navires – Systèmes de Kleine Wasserfahrzeuge –

rétention des déchets des Toiletten-Abfall-Sammel-Anlagen
installations sanitaires (toilettes) (ISO 8099 : 2000)
(ISO 8099 : 2000)

This European Standard was approved by CEN on 2000-12-10.

CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations
which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a
national standard without any alteration.
Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national stand-
ards may be obtained on application to the Management Centre or to any
CEN member.
The European Standards exist in three official versions (English, French, German).
A version in any other language made by translation under the responsibility of a
CEN member into its own language and notified to the Management Centre has
the same status as the official versions.
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, the Czech
Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy,
Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland,
and the United Kingdom.

European Committee for Standardization
Comité Européen de Normalisation
Europäisches Komitee für Normung

Management Centre: rue de Stassart 36, B-1050 Brussels

© 2000. CEN – All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means Ref. No. EN ISO 8099 : 2000 E
reserved worldwide for CEN national members.
Page 2
EN ISO 8099 : 2000

International Standard
ISO 8099 : 2000 Small craft – Toilet waste retention systems,
which was prepared by ISO/TC 188 ‘Small craft’ of the International Organization for Standardization, has been
adopted by CEN/CMC as a European Standard.
This European Standard has been prepared under a mandate given to CEN by the European Commission and
the European Free Trade Association and supports essential requirements of the relevant EU Directive.
This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an identical text
or by endorsement, and conflicting national standards withdrawn, by June 2001 at the latest.
In accordance with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organizations of the
following countries are bound to implement this European Standard:
Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy,
Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom.

Endorsement notice
The text of the International Standard ISO 8099 : 2000 was approved by CEN as a European Standard without
any modification.
NOTE: Normative references to international publications are listed in Annex ZA (normative.)

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EN ISO 8099 : 2000
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EN ISO 8099 : 2000
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EN ISO 8099 : 2000
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EN ISO 8099 : 2000
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EN ISO 8099 : 2000
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EN ISO 8099 : 2000
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EN ISO 8099 : 2000
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EN ISO 8099 : 2000
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EN ISO 8099 : 2000
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EN ISO 8099 : 2000
Small craft
Principal data {
(ISO 8666 : 2002)
English version of DIN EN ISO 8666 EN ISO 8666
ICS 47.080

Kleine Wasserfahrzeuge – Hauptdaten (ISO 8666 : 2002)

European Standard EN ISO 8666 : 2002 has the status of a DIN Standard.

A comma is used as the decimal marker.

National foreword
This standard has been published in accordance with a decision taken by CEN/CMC to adopt, without
alteration, International Standard ISO 8666 as a European Standard.
The responsible German body involved in its preparation was the Normenstelle Schiffs- und Meerestechnik
(Shipbuilding and Marine Technology Standards Committee).
The DIN Standards corresponding to the International Standards referred to in clause 2 of the EN are as
ISO Standard DIN Standard
ISO 12217-1 DIN EN ISO 12217-1
ISO 12217-2 DIN EN ISO 12217-2
ISO 12217-3 DIN EN ISO 12217-3
ISO 14946 DIN EN ISO 14946

National Annex NA
Standards referred to
(and not included in Normative references)
DIN EN ISO 12217-1 Small craft – Stability and buoyancy assessment and categorization – Part 1: Non-
sailing boats of hull length greater than or equal to 6 m (ISO 12217-1 : 2002)
DIN EN ISO 12217-2 Small craft – Stability and buoyancy assessment and categorization – Part 2: Sailing
boats of hull length greater than or equal to 6 m (ISO 12217-2 : 2002)
DIN EN ISO 12217-3 Small craft – Stability and buoyancy assessment and categorization – Part 3: Boats
of hull length less than 6 m (ISO 12217-3 : 2002)
DIN EN ISO 14946 Small craft – Maximum load capacity (ISO 14946 : 2001)

EN comprises 22 pages.

© No part of this standard may be reproduced without the prior permission of Ref. No. DIN EN ISO 8666 : 2003-04
DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V., Berlin. Beuth Verlag GmbH, 10772 Berlin, Germany, English price group 13 Sales No. 1113
has the exclusive right of sale for German Standards (DIN-Normen).
EN ISO 8666

November 2002

ICS 47.080

English version

Small craft
Principal data
(ISO 8666 : 2002)

Petits navires – Données principales Kleine Wasserfahrzeuge – Haupt-

(ISO 8666 : 2002) daten (ISO 8666 : 2002)

This European Standard was approved by CEN on 2002-09-23.

CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations
which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a
national standard without any alteration.
Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national stand-
ards may be obtained on application to the Management Centre or to any CEN
The European Standards exist in three official versions (English, French, German).
A version in any other language made by translation under the responsibility of a
CEN member into its own language and notified to the Management Centre has
the same status as the official versions.
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, the Czech
Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy,
Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzer-
land, and the United Kingdom.

European Committee for Standardization
Comité Européen de Normalisation
Europäisches Komitee für Normung

Management Centre: rue de Stassart 36, B-1050 Brussels

© 2002. CEN – All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means Ref. No. EN ISO 8666 : 2002 E
reserved worldwide for CEN national members.
Page 2
EN ISO 8666 : 2002

International Standard
ISO 8666 : 2002 Small craft – Principal data,
which was prepared by ISO/TC 188 ‘Small craft’ of the International Organization for Standardization, has been
adopted by CMC as a European Standard.
This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an identical
text or by endorsement, and conflicting national standards withdrawn, by May 2003 at the latest.
In accordance with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organizations of the follow-
ing countries are bound to implement this European Standard:
Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy,
Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom.

Endorsement notice
The text of the International Standard ISO 8666 : 2002 was approved by CEN as a European Standard without
any modification.
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EN ISO 8666 : 2002
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EN ISO 8666 : 2002
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EN ISO 8666 : 2002
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EN ISO 8666 : 2002
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EN ISO 8666 : 2002
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EN ISO 8666 : 2002
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EN ISO 8666 : 2002
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EN ISO 8666 : 2002
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EN ISO 8666 : 2002
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EN ISO 8666 : 2002
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EN ISO 8666 : 2002
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EN ISO 8666 : 2002
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EN ISO 8666 : 2002
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EN ISO 8666 : 2002
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EN ISO 8666 : 2002
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EN ISO 8666 : 2002
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EN ISO 8666 : 2002
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EN ISO 8666 : 2002
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EN ISO 8666 : 2002
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EN ISO 8666 : 2002
D EUTSCHE NORM August 2004

DIN EN ISO 8847 {

ICS 47.080 Supersedes
DIN ISO 8847,
September 1990 edition.

Small craft
Steering gear – Cable and pulley systems
(ISO 8847 : 2004)
English version of DIN EN ISO 8847

Kleine Wasserfahrzeuge – Steuerungssystem – Kabel- und Seilzugsteuerung (ISO 8847 : 2004)

European Standard EN ISO 8847 : 2004 has the status of a DIN Standard.

National foreword
This standard has been published in accordance with a decision taken by CEN/CMC to adopt, without
alteration, International Standard ISO 8847 as a European Standard.
The responsible German body involved in its preparation was the Normenstelle Schiffs- und Meerestechnik
(Shipbuilding and Marine Technology Standards Committee).

ISO 8847 having been adopted as a European Standard, the status of the corresponding DIN Standard
(DIN ISO 8847) has been changed accordingly.

Previous edition
DIN ISO 8847: 1990-09.

Continued overleaf.
Document comprises 10 pages.

Normenausschuss Bauwesen (NABau) im DIN

© No part of this standard may be reproduced without the prior permission of English price group 8
DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V., Berlin. Beuth Verlag GmbH, 10772 Berlin, Germany,
has the exclusive right of sale for German Standards (DIN-Normen).
11.04 9587442
EN ISO 8847

May 2004

ICS 47.080 Supersedes EN 28847 : 1989.

English version

Small craft
Steering gear – Cable and pulley systems
(ISO 8847 : 2004)

Petits navires – Appareils à gouver- Kleine Wasserfahrzeuge – Steue-

ner – Systèmes à drosses et réas rungssystem – Kabel- und Seilzug-
(ISO 8847 : 2004) steuerung (ISO 8847 : 2004)

This European Standard was approved by CEN on 2004-04-08.

CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations
which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a
national standard without any alteration.
Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national
standards may be obtained on application to the Management Centre or to any
CEN member.
The European Standards exist in three official versions (English, French, German).
A version in any other language made by translation under the responsibility of a
CEN member into its own language and notified to the Management Centre has
the same status as the official versions.
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, the
Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary,
Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands,
Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and
the United Kingdom.

European Committee for Standardization
Comité Européen de Normalisation
Europäisches Komitee für Normung

Management Centre: rue de Stassart 36, B-1050 Brussels

© 2004. CEN – All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means Ref. No. EN ISO 8847 : 2004 E
reserved worldwide for CEN national members.
Page 2
EN ISO 8847 : 2004

International Standard
ISO 8847 : 2004 Small craft – Steering gear – Cable and pulley systems,
which was prepared by ISO/TC 188 ‘Small craft’ of the International Organization for Standardization, has been
adopted by CEN/CMC as a European Standard.
This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an identical
text or by endorsement, and conflicting national standards withdrawn, by November 2004 at the latest.
In accordance with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organizations of the follow-
ing countries are bound to implement this European Standard:
Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary,
Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal,
Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom.

Endorsement notice
The text of the International Standard ISO 8847 : 2004 was approved by CEN as a European Standard without
any modification.
NOTE: Normative references to international publications are listed in Annex ZA (normative).

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EN ISO 8847 : 2004
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EN ISO 8847 : 2004
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EN ISO 8847 : 2004
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EN ISO 8847 : 2004
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EN ISO 8847 : 2004
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EN ISO 8847 : 2004
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EN ISO 8847 : 2004
D EUTSCHE NORM February 2004

DIN EN ISO 8849 {

ICS 47.080 Supersedes DIN EN 28849,
October 1993 edition.

Small craft
Electrically-operated direct-current bilge pumps
(ISO 8849 : 2003)
English version of DIN EN ISO 8849

Kleine Wasserfahrzeuge – Elektrisch angetriebene Gleichstrom-Bilgepumpen (ISO 8849 : 2003)

European Standard EN ISO 8849 : 2003 has the status of a DIN Standard.

A comma is used as the decimal marker.

National foreword
This standard has been published in accordance with a decision taken by CEN/CMC to adopt, without
alteration, International Standard ISO 8849 as a European Standard.
The responsible German body involved in its preparation was the Normenstelle Schiffs- und Meerestechnik
(Shipbuilding and Marine Technology Standards Committee).
DIN EN 28846 and DIN EN ISO 10133 are the standards corresponding to International Standards ISO 8846
and ISO 10133, respectively, referred to in clause 2 of the EN.

DIN EN 28849; October 1993 edition, has been superseded by the specifications of EN ISO 8849, which is
identical to ISO 8849.

Previous edition
DIN EN 28849: 1993-10.

National Annex NA
Standards referred to
(and not included in Normative references and Annex ZA)
DIN EN 28846 Small craft – Electrical devices – Protection against ignition of surrounding flammable
gases (ISO 8846 : 1990)
DIN EN ISO 10133 Small craft – Electrical systems – Extra-low voltage d.c. installations (ISO 10133 : 2000)

Continued overleaf.
Document comprises 8 pages.

© No part of this standard may be reproduced without the prior permission of English price group 7
DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V., Berlin. Beuth Verlag GmbH, 10772 Berlin, Germany,
has the exclusive right of sale for German Standards (DIN-Normen).
06.04 9557417
EN ISO 8849

October 2003

ICS 47.080 Supersedes EN 28849 : 1993.

English version

Small craft
Electrically-operated direct-current bilge pumps
(ISO 8849 : 2003)

Petits navires – Pompe de cale à mo- Kleine Wasserfahrzeuge – Elektrisch

teur électrique en courant continu angetriebene Gleichstrom-Bilgepum-
(ISO 8849 : 2003) pen (ISO 8849 : 2003)

This European Standard was approved by CEN on 2003-09-01.

CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations
which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a
national standard without any alteration.
Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national stand-
ards may be obtained on application to the Management Centre or to any
CEN member.
The European Standards exist in three official versions (English, French, German).
A version in any other language made by translation under the responsibility of a
CEN member into its own language and notified to the Management Centre has
the same status as the official versions.
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, the Czech
Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland,
Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Slovakia,
Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom.

European Committee for Standardization
Comité Européen de Normalisation
Europäisches Komitee für Normung

Management Centre: rue de Stassart 36, B-1050 Brussels

© 2003. CEN – All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means Ref. No. EN ISO 8849 : 2003 E
reserved worldwide for CEN national members.
Page 2
EN ISO 8849 : 2003

International Standard
ISO 8849 : 2003 Small craft – Electrically-operated direct-current bilge pumps,
which was prepared by ISO/TC 188 ‘Small craft’ of the International Organization for Standardization, has been
adopted by CMC as a European Standard.
This European Standard has been prepared under a mandate given to CEN by the European Commission and
the European Free Trade Association and supports essential requirements of the relevant EU Directive. For
relationship with this directive, see Annex ZA.
This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an identical
text or by endorsement, and conflicting national standards withdrawn, by April 2004 at the latest.
In accordance with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organizations of the follow-
ing countries are bound to implement this European Standard:
Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland,
Italy, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and the
United Kingdom.

Endorsement notice
The text of the International Standard ISO 8849 : 2003 was approved by CEN as a European Standard without
any modification.
NOTE: Normative references to international publications are listed in Annex ZA (normative).
Page 3
EN ISO 8849 : 2003
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EN ISO 8849 : 2003
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EN ISO 8849 : 2003
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EN ISO 8849 : 2003
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EN ISO 8849 : 2003
D EUTSCHE NORM February 1998
Small craft – Seacocks and through-hull fittings
Part 1: Metallic components {
(ISO 9093-1 : 1994)
English version of DIN EN ISO 9093-1 EN ISO 9093-1

ICS 47.020.30; 47.080

Descriptors: Shipbuilding, small craft, seacocks, through-hull fittings.

Kleine Wasserfahrzeuge – Seeventile und Außenhautdurchführungen –

Teil 1: Metallische Teile (ISO 9093-1 : 1994)

European Standard EN ISO 9093-1 : 1997 has the status of a DIN Standard.

A comma is used as the decimal marker.

National foreword
This standard has been published in accordance with a decision taken by CEN/TC to adopt, without
alteration, International Standard ISO 9093-1 as a European Standard.
The responsible German body involved in its preparation was the Normenstelle Schiffs- und Meerestechnik
(Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering Standards Committee).
DIN ISO 228-1 is the standard corresponding to International Standard ISO 228-1 referred to in clause 2 of
the EN.

EN comprises 7 pages.

© No part of this standard may be reproduced without the prior permission of Ref. No. DIN EN ISO 9093-1 : 1998-02
DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V., Berlin. English price group 07 Sales No. 1107
Beuth Verlag GmbH, D-10772 Berlin, has the exclusive right of sale for German Standards (DIN-Normen).
EN ISO 9093-1

December 1997

ICS 47.080.00
Descriptors: Shipbuilding, small craft, seacocks, through-hull fittings.

English version

Small craft – Seacocks and through-hull fittings

Part 1: Metallic components
(ISO 9093-1 : 1994)

Navires de plaisance – Vannes de Kleine Wasserfahrzeuge – Seeventile

coque et passe-coques – Partie 1: und Außenhautdurchführungen –
Construction métallique Teil 1: Metallische Teile
(ISO 9093-1 : 1994) (ISO 9093-1 : 1994)

This European Standard was approved by CEN on 1997-11-10.

CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations
which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a
national standard without any alteration.
Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national stand-
ards may be obtained on application to the Central Secretariat or to any CEN
The European Standards exist in three official versions (English, French, German).
A version in any other language made by translation under the responsibility of a
CEN member into its own language and notified to the Central Secretariat has the
same status as the official versions.
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, the Czech
Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy,
Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland,
and the United Kingdom.

European Committee for Standardization
Comité Européen de Normalisation
Europäisches Komitee für Normung

Central Secretariat: rue de Stassart 36, B-1050 Brussels

© 1997. CEN – All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means Ref. No. EN ISO 9093-1 : 1997 E
reserved worldwide for CEN national members.
Page 2
EN ISO 9093-1 : 1997

International Standard
ISO 9093-1 : 1994 Small craft – Seacocks and through-hull fittings – Part 1: Metallic,
which was prepared by ISO/TC 188 ‘Small craft’ of the International Organization for Standardization, has been
adopted by CEN/CS as a European Standard.
This European Standard has been prepared under a mandate given to CEN by the Commission of the European
Communities and the European Free Trade Association, and supports essential requirements of the relevant
EC Directives (see Annex ZA).
This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an identical
text or by endorsement, and conflicting national standards withdrawn, by June 1998 at the latest.
In accordance with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organizations of the follow-
ing countries are bound to implement this European Standard:
Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy,
Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom.

Endorsement notice
The text of the International Standard ISO 9093-1 : 1994 was approved by CEN as a European Standard without
any modification.
NOTE: Normative references to international publications are listed in Annex ZA (normative).
Page 3
EN ISO 9093-1 : 1997
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EN ISO 9093-1 : 1997
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EN ISO 9093-1 : 1997
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EN ISO 9093-1 : 1997
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EN ISO 9093-1 : 1997
D EUTSCHE NORM February 2003
Small craft
Seacocks and through-hull fittings {
Part 2: Non-metallic
(ISO 9093-2 : 2002)
English version of DIN EN ISO 9093-2
EN ISO 9093-2

ICS 47.080

Kleine Wasserfahrzeuge – Seeventile und Außenhautdurchführungen – Teil 2: Nichtmetallische Teile

(ISO 9093-2 : 2002)

European Standard EN ISO 9093-2 : 2002 has the status of a DIN Standard.

A comma is used as the decimal marker.

National foreword
This standard has been published in accordance with a decision taken by CEN/CMC to adopt, without
alteration, International Standard ISO 9093-2 as a European Standard.
The responsible German body involved in its preparation was the Normenstelle Schiffs- und Meerestechnik
(Shipbuilding and Marine Technology Standards Committee).

EN comprises 10 pages.

© No part of this standard may be reproduced without the prior permission of Ref. No. DIN EN ISO 9093-2 : 2003-02
DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V., Berlin. Beuth Verlag GmbH, 10772 Berlin, Germany, English price group 08 Sales No. 1108
has the exclusive right of sale for German Standards (DIN-Normen).
EN ISO 9093-2

October 2002

ICS 47.080

English version

Small craft
Seacocks and through-hull fittings
Part 2: Non-metallic
(ISO 9093-2 : 2002)

Petits navires – Vannes de coque et Kleine Wasserfahrzeuge – Seeventile

passe-coques – Partie 2: Construc- und Außenhautdurchführungen –
tion non métallique Teil 2: Nichtmetallische Teile
(ISO 9093-2:2002) (ISO 9093-2:2002)

This European Standard was approved by CEN on 2002-09-23.

CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations
which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a
national standard without any alteration.
Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national stand-
ards may be obtained on application to the Management Centre or to any CEN
The European Standards exist in three official versions (English, French, German).
A version in any other language made by translation under the responsibility of a
CEN member into its own language and notified to the Management Centre has
the same status as the official versions.
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, the Czech
Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy,
Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzer-
land, and the United Kingdom.

European Committee for Standardization
Comité Européen de Normalisation
Europäisches Komitee für Normung

Management Centre: rue de Stassart 36, B-1050 Brussels

© 2002. CEN – All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means Ref. No. EN ISO 9093-2 : 2002 E
reserved worldwide for CEN national members.
Page 2
EN ISO 9093-2 : 2002

International Standard
ISO 9093-2 : 2002 Small craft – Seacocks and through-hull fittings – Part 2: Non-metallic,
which was prepared by ISO/TC 188 ‘Small craft’ of the International Organization for Standardization, has been
adopted by CMC as a European Standard.
This European Standard has been prepared under a mandate given to CEN by the Commission of the European
Communities and the European Free Trade Association, and supports essential requirements of the relevant
EC Directive.
For relationship with this directive, see Annex ZB.
This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an identical
text or by endorsement, and conflicting national standards withdrawn, by April 2003 at the latest.
In accordance with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organizations of the follow-
ing countries are bound to implement this European Standard:
Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy,
Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom.

Endorsement notice
The text of the International Standard ISO 9093-2 : 2002 was approved by CEN as a European Standard without
any modification.
NOTE: Normative references to international publications are listed in Annex ZA (normative).
Page 3
EN ISO 9093-2 : 2002
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EN ISO 9093-2 : 2002
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EN ISO 9093-2 : 2002
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EN ISO 9093-2 : 2002
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EN ISO 9093-2 : 2002
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EN ISO 9093-2 : 2002
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EN ISO 9093-2 : 2002
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EN ISO 9093-2 : 2002
Small craft – Fire protection
Part 1: Craft with a hull length of up to and including 15 m {
(ISO 9094-1 : 2003)
English version of DIN EN ISO 9094-1 EN ISO 9094-1
ICS 13.220.20; 47.080

Kleine Wasserfahrzeuge – Brandschutz – Teil 1: Wasserfahrzeuge mit einer Rumpflänge bis 15 m

(ISO 9094-1 : 2003)

European Standard EN ISO 9094-1 : 2003 has the status of a DIN Standard.

A comma is used as the decimal marker.

National foreword
This standard has been published in accordance with a decision taken by CEN/CMC to adopt, without
alteration, International Standard ISO 9094-1 as a European Standard.
The responsible German body involved in its preparation was the Normenstelle Schiffs- und Meerestechnik
(Shipbuilding and Marine Technology Standards Committee).
The DIN Standards corresponding to the International Standards referred to in clause 2 of the EN are as
EN/ISO Standard DIN Standard
EN 1869 DIN EN 1869
ISO 4589-3 DIN EN ISO 4589-3
ISO 5923 DIN EN 25923
ISO 7840 DIN EN ISO 7840
ISO 8846 DIN EN 28846
ISO 10088 DIN EN ISO 10088
ISO 10133 DIN EN ISO 10133
ISO 10239 DIN EN ISO 10239
ISO 11105 DIN EN ISO 11105
ISO 13297 DIN EN ISO 13297

Continued overleaf.
EN comprises 25 pages.

© No part of this standard may be reproduced without the prior permission of Ref. No. DIN EN ISO 9094-1 : 2003-07
DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e.V., Berlin. Beuth Verlag GmbH, 10772 Berlin, Germany, English price group 13 Sales No. 1113
has the exclusive right of sale for German Standards (DIN-Normen).
Page 2
DIN EN ISO 9094-1 : 2003-07

National Annex NA
Standards referred to
(and not included in Normative references, Annex ZA and Bibliography)
DIN EN 1869 Fire blankets
DIN EN 25923 Fire protection – Fire extinguishing media – Carbon dioxide (ISO 5923 : 1989)
DIN EN 28846 Small craft – Electrical devices – Protection against ignition of surrounding flammable
gases (ISO 8846 : 1990)
DIN EN ISO 4589-3 Determination of the burning behaviour of plastics by oxygen index – Part 3: Elevated-
temperature test (ISO 4589-3 : 1996)
DIN EN ISO 7840 Small craft – Fire-resistant fuel hoses (ISO 7840 : 1994)
DIN EN ISO 10088 Small craft – Permanently installed fuel systems and fixed fuel tanks (ISO 10088 : 2001)
DIN EN ISO 10133 Small craft – Electrical systems – Extra-low voltage d.c. installations (ISO 10133 : 2000)
DIN EN ISO 10239 Small craft – Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) systems (ISO 10239 : 2000)
DIN EN ISO 11105 Small craft – Ventilation of petrol engine and/or petrol tank compartments
(ISO 11105 : 1997)
DIN EN ISO 13297 Small craft – Electrical systems – Alternating current installations (ISO 13297 : 2000)
EN ISO 9094-1

February 2003

ICS 13.220.20; 47.080

English version

Small craft – Fire protection

Part 1: Craft with a hull length of up to and including 15 m
(ISO 9094-1 : 2003)

Petits navires – Protection contre Kleine Wasserfahrzeuge – Brand-

l’incendie – Partie 1: Bateaux d’une schutz – Teil 1: Wasserfahrzeuge mit
longueur de coque inférieur ou égale einer Rumpflänge bis 15 m
à 15 m (ISO 9094-1 : 2003) (ISO 9094-1 : 2003)

This European Standard was approved by CEN on 2002-12-12.

CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations
which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a
national standard without any alteration.
Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national
standards may be obtained on application to the Management Centre or to any
CEN member.
The European Standards exist in three official versions (English, French, German).
A version in any other language made by translation under the responsibility of a
CEN member into its own language and notified to the Management Centre has
the same status as the official versions.
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, the Czech
Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ire-
land, Italy, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Slovakia,
Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom.

European Committee for Standardization
Comité Européen de Normalisation
Europäisches Komitee für Normung

Management Centre: rue de Stassart 36, B-1050 Brussels

© 2003. CEN – All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means Ref. No. EN ISO 9094-1 : 2003 E
reserved worldwide for CEN national members.
Page 2
EN ISO 9094-1 : 2003

International Standard
ISO 9094-1 : 2003 Small craft – Fire protection – Part 1: Craft with a hull length of up to and including 15 m,
which was prepared by ISO/TC 188 ‘Small craft’ of the International Organization for Standardization, has been
adopted by CMC as a European Standard.
This European Standard has been prepared under a mandate given to CEN by the Commission of the European
Communities and the European Free Trade Association, and supports essential requirements of the relevant
EC Directive. For relationship with this directive, see Annex ZB.
This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an identical
text or by endorsement, and conflicting national standards withdrawn, by August 2003 at the latest.
In accordance with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organizations of the follow-
ing countries are bound to implement this European Standard:
Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland,
Italy, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and the
United Kingdom.

Endorsement notice
The text of the International Standard ISO 9094-1 : 2003 was approved by CEN as a European Standard without
any modification.
NOTE: Normative references to international publications are listed in Annex ZA (normative).
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EN ISO 9094-1 : 2003

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EN ISO 9094-1 : 2003
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EN ISO 9094-1 : 2003
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EN ISO 9094-1 : 2003
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EN ISO 9094-1 : 2003
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EN ISO 9094-1 : 2003
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EN ISO 9094-1 : 2003
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EN ISO 9094-1 : 2003
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EN ISO 9094-1 : 2003
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EN ISO 9094-1 : 2003
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EN ISO 9094-1 : 2003
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EN ISO 9094-1 : 2003
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EN ISO 9094-1 : 2003
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EN ISO 9094-1 : 2003
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EN ISO 9094-1 : 2003
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EN ISO 9094-1 : 2003
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EN ISO 9094-1 : 2003
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EN ISO 9094-1 : 2003
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EN ISO 9094-1 : 2003
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EN ISO 9094-1 : 2003
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EN ISO 9094-1 : 2003
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EN ISO 9094-1 : 2003
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EN ISO 9094-1 : 2003
Small craft – Fire protection
Part 2: Craft with a hull length of over 15 m {
(ISO 9094-2 : 2002)
English version of DIN EN ISO 9094-2 EN ISO 9094-2
ICS 13.220.20; 47.080

Kleine Wasserfahrzeuge – Brandschutz – Teil 2: Wasserfahrzeuge mit einer Rumpflänge über 15 m

(ISO 9094-2 : 2002)

European Standard EN ISO 9094-2 : 2002 has the status of a DIN Standard.

A comma is used as the decimal marker.

National foreword
This standard has been published in accordance with a decision taken by CEN/CMC to adopt, without
alteration, International Standard ISO 9094-2 as a European Standard.
The responsible German body involved in its preparation was the Normenstelle Schiffs- und Meerestechnik
(Shipbuilding and Marine Technology Standards Committee).
The DIN Standards corresponding to the International Standards referred to in clause 2 of the EN are as
EN/ISO Standard DIN Standard
EN 1869 DIN EN 1869
ISO 4589-3 DIN EN ISO 4589-3
ISO 5923 DIN EN 25923
ISO 7840 DIN EN ISO 7840
ISO 8665 DIN EN ISO 8665
ISO 8846 DIN EN 28846
ISO 10088 DIN EN ISO 10088
ISO 10133 DIN EN ISO 10133
ISO 10239 DIN EN ISO 10239
ISO 11105 DIN EN ISO 11105
ISO 13297 DIN EN ISO 13297

Continued overleaf.
EN comprises 26 pages.

© No part of this standard may be reproduced without the prior permission of Ref. No. DIN EN ISO 9094-2 : 2003-07
DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e.V., Berlin. Beuth Verlag GmbH, 10772 Berlin, Germany, English price group 14 Sales No. 1114
has the exclusive right of sale for German Standards (DIN-Normen).
Page 2
DIN EN ISO 9094-2 : 2003-07

National Annex NA
Standards referred to
(and not included in Normative references, Annex ZA and Bibliography)
DIN EN 1869 Fire blankets
DIN EN 25923 Fire protection – Fire extinguishing media – Carbon dioxide (ISO 5923 : 1989)
DIN EN 28846 Small craft – Electrical devices – Protection against ignition of surrounding flammable
gases (ISO 8846 : 1990)
DIN EN ISO 4589-3 Determination of the burning behaviour of plastics by oxygen index – Part 3: Elevated-
temperature test (ISO 4589-3 : 1996)
DIN EN ISO 7840 Small craft – Fire-resistant fuel hoses (ISO 7840 : 1994)
DIN EN ISO 8665 Marine propulsion engines and systems for small craft – Power measurements and dec-
larations (ISO 8665 : 1994)
DIN EN ISO 10088 Small craft – Permanently installed fuel systems and fixed fuel tanks (ISO 10088 : 2001)
DIN EN ISO 10133 Small craft – Electrical systems – Extra-low voltage d.c. installations (ISO 10133 : 2000)
DIN EN ISO 10239 Small craft – Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) systems (ISO 10239 : 2000)
DIN EN ISO 11105 Small craft – Ventilation of petrol engine and/or petrol tank compartments
(ISO 11105 : 1997)
DIN EN ISO 13297 Small craft – Electrical systems – Alternating current installations (ISO 13297 : 2000)
EN ISO 9094-2

November 2002

ICS 47.080

English version

Small craft – Fire protection

Part 2: Craft with a hull length of over 15 m
(ISO 9094-2 : 2002)

Petits navires – Protection contre Kleine Wasserfahrzeuge – Brand-

l’incendie – Partie 2: Bateaux d’une schutz – Teil 2: Wasserfahrzeuge mit
longueur de coque supérieure à 15 m einer Rumpflänge über 15 m
(ISO 9094-2 : 2002) (ISO 9094-2 : 2002)

This European Standard was approved by CEN on 2002-11-12.

CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations
which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a
national standard without any alteration.
Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national
standards may be obtained on application to the Management Centre or to any
CEN member.
The European Standards exist in three official versions (English, French, German).
A version in any other language made by translation under the responsibility of a
CEN member into its own language and notified to the Management Centre has
the same status as the official versions.
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, the Czech
Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy,
Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzer-
land, and the United Kingdom.

European Committee for Standardization
Comité Européen de Normalisation
Europäisches Komitee für Normung

Management Centre: rue de Stassart 36, B-1050 Brussels

© 2002. CEN – All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means Ref. No. EN ISO 9094-2 : 2002 E
reserved worldwide for CEN national members.
Page 2
EN ISO 9094-2 : 2002

International Standard
ISO 9094-2 : 2002 Small craft – Fire protection – Part 2: Craft with a hull length over 15 m,
which was prepared by ISO/TC 188 ‘Small craft’ of the International Organization for Standardization, has been
adopted by CMC as a European Standard.
This European Standard has been prepared under a mandate given to CEN by the Commission of the European
Communities and the European Free Trade Association, and supports essential requirements of the relevant
EC Directive. For relationship with this directive, see Annex ZB.
This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an identical
text or by endorsement, and conflicting national standards withdrawn, by May 2003 at the latest.
In accordance with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organizations of the follow-
ing countries are bound to implement this European Standard:
Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy,
Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom.

Endorsement notice
The text of the International Standard ISO 9094-2 : 2002 was approved by CEN as a European Standard without
any modification.
NOTE: Normative references to international publications are listed in Annex ZA (normative).
Page 3
EN ISO 9094-2 : 2002

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EN ISO 9094-2 : 2002
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EN ISO 9094-2 : 2002
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EN ISO 9094-2 : 2002
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EN ISO 9094-2 : 2002
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EN ISO 9094-2 : 2002
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EN ISO 9094-2 : 2002
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EN ISO 9094-2 : 2002
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EN ISO 9094-2 : 2002
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EN ISO 9094-2 : 2002
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EN ISO 9094-2 : 2002
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EN ISO 9094-2 : 2002
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EN ISO 9094-2 : 2002
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EN ISO 9094-2 : 2002
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EN ISO 9094-2 : 2002
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EN ISO 9094-2 : 2002
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EN ISO 9094-2 : 2002
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EN ISO 9094-2 : 2002
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EN ISO 9094-2 : 2002
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EN ISO 9094-2 : 2002
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EN ISO 9094-2 : 2002
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EN ISO 9094-2 : 2002
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EN ISO 9094-2 : 2002
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EN ISO 9094-2 : 2002
D EUTSCHE NORM December 2001
Small craft
Permanently installed fuel systems and fixed fuel tanks {
(ISO 10088 : 2001)
English version of DIN EN ISO 10088 EN ISO 10088

ICS 47.020.30; 47.080

Kleine Wasserfahrzeuge – Fest eingebaute Kraftstoffsysteme und -tanks

(ISO 10088 : 2001)

European Standard EN ISO 10088 : 2001 has the status of a DIN Standard.

A comma is used as the decimal marker.

National foreword
This standard has been published in accordance with a decision taken by CEN/CMC to adopt, without
alteration, International Standard ISO 10088 as a European Standard.
The responsible German body involved in its preparation was the Normenstelle Schiffs- und Meerestechnik
(Shipbuilding and Marine Technology Standards Committee).
The DIN Standards corresponding to the International Standards referred to in clause 2 of the EN are as
ISO Standard DIN Standard
ISO 7840 DIN EN ISO 7840
ISO 8469 DIN EN ISO 8469
ISO 8846 DIN EN 28846
ISO 11105 DIN EN ISO 11105
ISO 13297 DIN EN ISO 13297

National Annex NA
Standards referred to
(and not included in Normative references, Bibliography and Annex ZA)
DIN EN 28846 Small craft – Electrical devices – Protection against ignition of surrounding flammable
gases (ISO 8846 : 1990)
DIN EN ISO 7840 Small craft – Fire-resistant fuel hoses (ISO 7840 : 1994)
DIN EN ISO 8469 Small craft – Non-fire-resistant fuel hoses (ISO 8469 : 1994)
DIN EN ISO 11105 Small craft – Ventilation of petrol engine and/or petrol tank compartments
(ISO 11105 : 1997)
DIN EN ISO 13297 Small craft – Electrical systems – Alternating current installations (ISO 13297 : 2000)

EN comprises 17 pages.

© No part of this standard may be reproduced without the prior permission of Ref. No. DIN EN ISO 10088 : 2001-12
DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e.V., Berlin. Beuth Verlag GmbH, 10772 Berlin, Germany, English price group 10 Sales No. 1110
has the exclusive right of sale for German Standards (DIN-Normen).
EN ISO 10088

May 2001

ICS 47.080

English version

Small craft
Permanently installed fuel systems and fixed fuel tanks
(ISO 10088 : 2001)

Petits navires – Installations à com- Kleine Wasserfahrzeuge – Fest einge-

bustible installées à demeure et baute Kraftstoffsysteme und -tanks
réservoirs fixes correspondants (ISO 10088 : 2001)
(ISO 10088 : 2001)

This European Standard was approved by CEN on 2001-05-01.

CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations
which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a
national standard without any alteration.
Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national stand-
ards may be obtained on application to the Management Centre or to any CEN
The European Standards exist in three official versions (English, French, German).
A version in any other language made by translation under the responsibility of a
CEN member into its own language and notified to the Management Centre has
the same status as the official versions.
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, the Czech
Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy,
Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland,
and the United Kingdom.

European Committee for Standardization
Comité Européen de Normalisation
Europäisches Komitee für Normung

Management Centre: rue de Stassart 36, B-1050 Brussels

© 2001. CEN – All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means Ref. No. EN ISO 10088 : 2001 E
reserved worldwide for CEN national members.
Page 2
EN ISO 10088 : 2001

International Standard
ISO 10088 : 2001 Small craft – Permanently installed fuel systems and fixed fuel tanks,
which was prepared by ISO/TC 188 ‘Small craft’ of the International Organization for Standardization, has been
adopted by CEN/CMC as a European Standard.
This European Standard has been prepared under a mandate given to CEN by the European Commission and
the European Free Trade Association, and supports essential requirements of the relevant EU Directive.
For relationship with this directive, see Annex ZB.
This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an identical
text or by endorsement, and conflicting national standards withdrawn, by November 2001 at the latest.
In accordance with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organizations of the follow-
ing countries are bound to implement this European Standard:
Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy,
Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom.

Endorsement notice
The text of the International Standard ISO 10088 : 2001 was approved by CEN as a European Standard without
any modification.
NOTE: Normative references to international publications are listed in Annex ZA (normative.)
Page 3
EN ISO 10088 : 2001
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EN ISO 10088 : 2001
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EN ISO 10088 : 2001
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EN ISO 10088 : 2001
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EN ISO 10088 : 2001
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EN ISO 10088 : 2001
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EN ISO 10088 : 2001
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EN ISO 10088 : 2001
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EN ISO 10088 : 2001
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EN ISO 10088 : 2001
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EN ISO 10088 : 2001
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EN ISO 10088 : 2001
Page 15
EN ISO 10088 : 2001
Page 16
EN ISO 10088 : 2001
Page 17
EN ISO 10088 : 2001
Small craft
Electrical systems – Extra-low voltage d.c. installations {
(ISO 10133 : 2000)
English version of DIN EN ISO 10133 EN ISO 10133

ICS 47.080

Kleine Wasserfahrzeuge – Elektrische Systeme – Kleinspannungsgleichstrom-(DC-)Anlagen

(ISO 10133 : 2000)

European Standard EN ISO 10133 : 2000 has the status of a DIN Standard.

A comma is used as the decimal marker.

National foreword
This standard has been published in accordance with a decision taken by CEN/CMC to adopt, without
alteration, International Standard ISO 10133 as a European Standard.
The responsible German body involved in its preparation was the Normenstelle Schiffs- und Meerestechnik
(Shipbuilding and Marine Technology Standards Committee).
The DIN Standards corresponding to the IEC Publications/International Standards referred to in clause 2,
Annex D, and Annex ZA of the EN are as follows:
IEC Publication/
ISO Standard DIN Standard
IEC 60446 DIN EN 60446
IEC 60529 DIN EN 60529
IEC 60947-7-1 DIN EN 60947-7-1
ISO 6722-3 DIN ISO 6722-3
ISO 8846 DIN EN 28846
ISO 10239 DIN EN ISO 10239
ISO 10240 DIN EN ISO 10240
ISO 13297 DIN EN ISO 13297

National Annex NA
Standards referred to
(and not included in Normative references, Annex D, and Annex ZA)
DIN EN 28846 Small craft – Electrical devices – Protection against ignition of surrounding flammable
gases (ISO 8846 : 1990)
DIN EN 60446 Basic and safety principles for man-machine interface – Identification of conductors by
colours or numerals (IEC 60446 : 1999)
DIN EN 60529 Degrees of protection provided by enclosures (IP code) (IEC 60529 : 1989 + A1 : 1999)
DIN EN 60947-7-1 Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear – Part 7: Ancillary equipment – Section 1: Ter-
minal blocks for copper conductors (IEC 60947-7-1 : 1989 + A1 : 1999)
DIN EN ISO 10239 Small craft – Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) systems (ISO 10239 : 2000)
DIN EN ISO 10240 Small craft – Owner’s manual (ISO 10240 : 1995)
DIN EN ISO 13297 Small craft – Electrical systems – Alternating current installations (ISO 13297 : 2000)

Continued overleaf.
EN comprises 16 pages.

© No part of this standard may be reproduced without the prior permission of Ref. No. DIN EN ISO 10133 : 2002-04
DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V., Berlin. Beuth Verlag GmbH, 10772 Berlin, Germany, English price group 10 Sales No. 1110
has the exclusive right of sale for German Standards (DIN-Normen).
EN ISO 10133

December 2000

ICS 47.080

English version

Small craft
Electrical systems – Extra-low voltage d.c. installations
(ISO 10133 : 2000)

Petits navires – Systèmes électriques – Kleine Wasserfahrzeuge – Elektrische

Installations à très basse tension à Systeme – Kleinspannungsgleich-
courant continue (ISO 10133 : 2000) strom-(DC-)Anlagen (ISO 10133 : 2000)

This European Standard was approved by CEN on 2000-12-01.

CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations
which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a
national standard without any alteration.
Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national stand-
ards may be obtained on application to the Management Centre or to any
CEN member.
The European Standards exist in three official versions (English, French, German).
A version in any other language made by translation under the responsibility of a
CEN member into its own language and notified to the Management Centre has
the same status as the official versions.
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, the Czech
Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy,
Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland,
and the United Kingdom.

European Committee for Standardization
Comité Européen de Normalisation
Europäisches Komitee für Normung

Management Centre: rue de Stassart 36, B-1050 Brussels

© 2000. CEN – All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means Ref. No. EN ISO 10133 : 2000 E
reserved worldwide for CEN national members.
Page 2
EN ISO 10133 : 2000

International Standard
ISO 10133 : 2000 Small craft – Electrical systems – Extra-low voltage d.c. installations,
which was prepared by ISO/TC 188 ‘Small craft’ of the International Organization for Standardization, has been
adopted by CEN/CMC as a European Standard.
This European Standard has been prepared under a mandate given to CEN by the European Commission and
the European Free Trade Association and supports essential requirements of the relevant EU Directive.
For relationship with this directive, see Annex ZB.
This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an identical
text or by endorsement, and conflicting national standards withdrawn, by June 2000 at the latest.
In accordance with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organizations of the follow-
ing countries are bound to implement this European Standard:
Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy,
Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom.

Endorsement notice
The text of the International Standard ISO 10133 : 2000 was approved by CEN as a European Standard without
any modification.
NOTE: Normative references to international publications are listed in Annex ZA (normative).

Page 3
EN ISO 10133 : 2000
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EN ISO 10133 : 2000
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EN ISO 10133 : 2000
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EN ISO 10133 : 2000
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EN ISO 10133 : 2000
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EN ISO 10133 : 2000
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EN ISO 10133 : 2000
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EN ISO 10133 : 2000
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EN ISO 10133 : 2000
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EN ISO 10133 : 2000
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EN ISO 10133 : 2000
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EN ISO 10133 : 2000
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EN ISO 10133 : 2000
Page 16
EN ISO 10133 : 2000
D EUTSCHE NORM February 2001
Small craft
Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) systems {
(ISO 10239 : 2000)
English version of DIN EN ISO 10239 EN ISO 10239

ICS 47.080

Kleine Wasserfahrzeuge – Flüssiggas-Anlagen (LPG) (ISO 10239 : 2000)

European Standard EN ISO 10239 : 2000 has the status of a DIN Standard.

A comma is used as the decimal marker.

National foreword
This standard has been published in accordance with a decision taken by CEN/CMC to adopt, without
alteration, International Standard ISO 10239 as a European Standard.
The responsible German body involved in its preparation was the Normenstelle Schiffs- und Meerestechnik
(Shipbuilding and Marine Technology Standards Committee).
DIN EN 28846 and DIN EN ISO 10240 are the standards corresponding to International Standards ISO 8846
and ISO 10240, respectively, referred to in clause 2 of the EN.

National Annex NA
Standards referred to
(and not included in Normative references and Annex ZA)
DIN EN 28846 Small craft – Electrical devices – Protection against ignition of surrounding flammable
gases (ISO 8846 : 1990)
DIN EN ISO 10240 Small craft – Owner’s manual (ISO 10240 : 1995)

EN comprises 16 pages.

© No part of this standard may be reproduced without the prior permission of Ref. No. DIN EN ISO 10239 : 2001-02
DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V., Berlin. Beuth Verlag GmbH, 10772 Berlin, Germany, English price group 10 Sales No. 1110
has the exclusive right of sale for German Standards (DIN-Normen).
EN ISO 10239

September 2000

ICS 47.080

English version

Small craft
Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) systems
(ISO 10239 : 2000)

Petits navires – Installations Kleine Wasserfahrzeuge –

alimentées en gaz de pétrole liquéfiés Flüssiggas-Anlagen (LPG)
(LPG) (ISO 10239 : 2000) (ISO 10239 : 2000)

This European Standard was approved by CEN on 2000-09-01.

CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations
which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a
national standard without any alteration.
Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national
standards may be obtained on application to the Central Secretariat or to any
CEN member.
The European Standards exist in three official versions (English, French, German).
A version in any other language made by translation under the responsibility of a
CEN member into its own language and notified to the Central Secretariat has the
same status as the official versions.
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, the Czech
Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy,
Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland,
and the United Kingdom.

European Committee for Standardization
Comité Européen de Normalisation
Europäisches Komitee für Normung

Central Secretariat: rue de Stassart 36, B-1050 Brussels

© 2000. CEN – All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means Ref. No. EN ISO 10239 : 2000 E
reserved worldwide for CEN national members.
Page 2
EN ISO 10239 : 2000

International Standard
ISO 10239 : 2000 Small craft – Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) systems,
which was prepared by ISO/TC 188 ‘Small craft’ of the International Organization for Standardization, has been
adopted by CEN/CMC as a European Standard.
This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an identical
text or by endorsement, and conflicting national standards withdrawn, by March 2001 at the latest.
In accordance with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organizations of the
following countries are bound to implement this European Standard:
Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy,
Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom.

Endorsement notice
The text of the International Standard ISO 10239 : 2000 was approved by CEN as a European Standard without
any modification.

NOTE: Normative references to international publications are listed in Annex ZA (normative.)

Page 3
EN ISO 10239 : 2000
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EN ISO 10239 : 2000
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EN ISO 10239 : 2000
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EN ISO 10239 : 2000
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EN ISO 10239 : 2000
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EN ISO 10239 : 2000
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EN ISO 10239 : 2000
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EN ISO 10239 : 2000
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EN ISO 10239 : 2000
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EN ISO 10239 : 2000
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EN ISO 10239 : 2000
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EN ISO 10239 : 2000
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EN ISO 10239 : 2000
Page 16
EN ISO 10239 : 2000
DEUTSCHE NORM January 2005

DIN EN ISO 10240 {

ICS 47.080 Supersedes
July 1996 edition.

Small craft
Owner’s manual
(ISO 10240 : 2004)
English version of DIN EN ISO 10240

Kleine Wasserfahrzeuge – Handbuch für Schiffsführer (ISO 10240 : 2004)

A comma is used as the decimal marker.

National foreword
This standard has been published in accordance with a decision taken by CEN/CMC to adopt, without al-
teration, International Standard ISO 10240 as a European Standard.
The responsible German body involved in its preparation was the Normenstelle Schiffs- und Meerestechnik
(Shipbuilding and Marine Technology Standards Committee).
The DIN Standards corresponding to the International Standards referred to in clause 2 of the EN are as
ISO Standard DIN Standard
ISO 1000 DIN 1301-1 and DIN 1301-2
ISO 8099 DIN EN ISO 8099
ISO 8666 DIN EN ISO 8666
ISO 10133 DIN EN ISO 10133
ISO 10239 DIN EN ISO 10239
ISO 11105 DIN EN ISO 11105
ISO 11192 DIN EN ISO 11192 *)
ISO 11547 DIN EN ISO 11547
ISO 11592 DIN EN ISO 11592
ISO 13297 DIN EN ISO 13297
ISO 14946 DIN EN ISO 14946
ISO 15083 DIN EN ISO 15083
ISO 15084 DIN EN ISO 15084
ISO 15085 DIN EN ISO 15085

*) Currently at draft stage.

Continued overleaf.
Document comprises 17 pages.

© No part of this standard may be reproduced without the prior permission of English price group 11
DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V., Berlin. Beuth Verlag GmbH, 10772 Berlin, Germany,
has the exclusive right of sale for German Standards (DIN-Normen).
05.05 9626703
Page 2
DIN EN ISO 10240 : 2005-01

This standard differs from the July 1996 edition in that it has been completely revised.

Previous edition
DIN EN ISO 10240: 1996-07.

National Annex NA
Standards referred to
(and not included in Normative references and Bibliography)
DIN 1301-1 Units – Names and symbols
DIN 1301-2 Units – Fractions and common multiples
DIN EN ISO 8099 Small craft – Toilet waste retention systems (ISO 8099 : 2000)
DIN EN ISO 8666 Small craft – Principal data (ISO 8666 : 2002)
DIN EN ISO 10133 Small craft – Electrical systems – Extra-low voltage d.c. installations (ISO 10133 : 2000)
DIN EN ISO 10239 Small craft – Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) systems (ISO 10239 : 2000)
DIN EN ISO 11105 Small craft – Ventilation of petrol engine and/or petrol tank compartments
(ISO 11105 : 1997)
DIN EN ISO 11547 Start-in-gear protection of small craft (ISO 11547 : 1994)
DIN EN ISO 11592 Small craft less than 8 m length of hull – Determination of maximum propulsion power rat-
ing (ISO 11592 : 2001)
DIN EN ISO 13297 Small craft – Electrical systems – Alternating current installations (ISO 13297 : 2000)
DIN EN ISO 14946 Small craft – Maximum load capacity (ISO 14946 : 2001)
DIN EN ISO 15083 Small craft – Bilge-pumping systems (ISO 15083 : 2003)
DIN EN ISO 15084 Small craft – Anchoring, mooring and towing – Strong points (ISO 15084 : 2003)
DIN EN ISO 15085 Small craft – Man-overboard prevention and recovery (ISO 15085 : 2003)
EN ISO 10240
October 2004

ICS 47.080 Supersedes EN ISO 10240 : 1996.

English version

Small craft
Owner’s manual
(ISO 10240 : 2004)

Petits navires – Manuel du proprié- Kleine Wasserfahrzeuge – Handbuch

taire (ISO 10240 : 2004) für Schiffsführer (ISO 10240 : 2004)

This European Standard was approved by CEN on 2004-07-07.

CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations
which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a
national standard without any alteration.
Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national
standards may be obtained on application to the Management Centre or to any
CEN member.
The European Standards exist in three official versions (English, French, German).
A version in any other language made by translation under the responsibility of a
CEN member into its own language and notified to the Management Centre has
the same status as the official versions.
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, the
Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary,
Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands,
Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and
the United Kingdom.

European Committee for Standardization
Comité Européen de Normalisation
Europäisches Komitee für Normung

Management Centre: rue de Stassart 36, B-1050 Brussels

© 2004. CEN – All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means Ref. No. EN ISO 10240 : 2004 E
reserved worldwide for CEN national members.
Page 2
EN ISO 10240 : 2004

International Standard
ISO 10240 : 2004 Small craft – Owner’s manual,
which was prepared by ISO/TC 188 ‘Small craft’ of the International Organization for Standardization, has been
adopted by CEN/CMC as a European Standard.
This European Standard has been prepared under a mandate given to CEN by the European Commission and
the European Free Trade Association, and supports essential requirements of the relevant EU Directive.
For relationship with this directive, see Annex ZA.
This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an identical
text or by endorsement, and conflicting national standards withdrawn, by April 2005 at the latest.
In accordance with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organizations of the follow-
ing countries are bound to implement this European Standard:
Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary,
Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slo-
vakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom.

Endorsement notice
The text of the International Standard ISO 10240 : 2004 was approved by CEN as a European Standard without
any modification.
Page 3
EN ISO 10240 : 2004
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EN ISO 10240 : 2004
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EN ISO 10240 : 2004
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EN ISO 10240 : 2004
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EN ISO 10240 : 2004
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EN ISO 10240 : 2004
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EN ISO 10240 : 2004
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EN ISO 10240 : 2004
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EN ISO 10240 : 2004
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EN ISO 10240 : 2004
Page 13
EN ISO 10240 : 2004
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EN ISO 10240 : 2004
Page 15
EN ISO 10240 : 2004
Small craft
Ventilation of petrol engine and/or petrol tank compartments {
(ISO 11105 : 1997)
English version of DIN EN ISO 11105 EN ISO 11105
ICS 47.020.90

Descriptors: Watercraft, ventilation, tank compartments.

Kleine Wasserfahrzeuge – Belüftung von Räumen mit Ottomotoren und/oder Benzintanks (ISO 11105 : 1997)

European Standard EN ISO 11105 : 1997 has the status of a DIN Standard.

A comma is used as the decimal marker.

National foreword
This standard has been published in accordance with a decision taken by CEN/BT/WG 69 to adopt, without alteration,
International Standard ISO 11105 as a European Standard.
The responsible German body involved in its preparation was the Normenstelle Schiffs- und Meerestechnik (Shipbuilding
and Marine Engineering Standards Committee).
DIN EN 28846 and DIN EN ISO 9097 are the standards corresponding to International Standards ISO 8846 and ISO 9097,
respectively, referred to in clause 2 of the EN.

National Annex NA
Standards referred to
(and not included in Normative references and Annex ZA)
DIN EN 28846 Small craft – Electrical devices – Protection against ignition of surrounding flammable gases
(ISO 8846 : 1990)
DIN EN ISO 9097 Small craft – Electric fans (ISO 9097 : 1991)

EN comprises 8 pages.

© No part of this standard may be reproduced without the prior permission of Ref. No. DIN EN ISO 11105 : 1997-07
DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e.V., Berlin.
English price group 07 Sales No. 1107
Beuth Verlag GmbH, Berlin, has the exclusive right of sale for German Standards (DIN-Normen).
EN ISO 11105
May 1997

ICS 47.020.20

Descriptors: Watercraft, ventilation, tank compartments.

English version

Small craft
Ventilation of petrol engine and/or petrol tank compartments
(ISO 11105 : 1997)

Navires de plaisance – Ventilation des Kleine Wasserfahrzeuge – Belüftung von

compartiments moteur à essence et/ou Räumen mit Ottomotoren und/oder
réservoir à essence (ISO 11105 : 1997) Benzintanks (ISO 11105 : 1997)

This European Standard was approved by CEN on 1997-03-20.

CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which
stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a national standard
without any alteration.
Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national standards may be
obtained on application to the Central Secretariat or to any CEN member.
The European Standards exist in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in
any other language made by translation under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own
language and notified to the Central Secretariat has the same status as the official versions.
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic,
Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Nether-
lands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom.

European Committee for Standardization
Comité Européen de Normalisation
Europäisches Komitee für Normung

Central Secretariat: rue de Stassart 36, B-1050 Brussels

© 1997. CEN – All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means Ref. No. EN ISO 11105 : 1997 E
reserved worldwide for CEN national members.
Page 2
EN ISO 11105 : 1997

International Standard
ISO 11105 : 1997 Small craft – Ventilation of petrol engine and/or petrol tank compartments,
which was prepared by ISO/TC 188 ‘Small craft’ of the International Organization for Standardization, has been adopted by
CEN/BT as a European Standard.
This European Standard has been prepared under a mandate given to CEN by the European Commission and the European
Free Trade Association and supports essential requirements of the relevant EU Directive (cf. Annex ZB).
This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an identical text or by
endorsement, and conflicting national standards withdrawn, by November 1997 at the latest.
In accordance with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organizations of the following countries
are bound to implement this European Standard:
Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg,
the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom.

Endorsement notice
The text of the International Standard ISO 11105 : 1997 was approved by CEN as a European Standard without any modifi-
NOTE: Normative references to international publications are listed in Annex ZA (normative).
Page 3
EN ISO 11105 : 1997
Page 4
EN ISO 11105 : 1997
Page 5
EN ISO 11105 : 1997
Page 6
EN ISO 11105 : 1997
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EN ISO 11105 : 1997
Page 8
EN ISO 11105 : 1997
D EUTSCHE NORM September 2001
Small craft, engine-driven
Field of vision from helm position {
(ISO 11591 : 2000)
English version of DIN EN ISO 11591 EN ISO 11591

ICS 47.080

Motorgetriebene kleine Wasserfahrzeuge – Sichtfeld vom Steuerstand (ISO 11591 : 2000)

European Standard EN ISO 11591 : 2000 has the status of a DIN Standard.

A comma is used as the decimal marker.

National foreword
This standard has been published in accordance with a decision taken by CEN/BT to adopt, without altera-
tion, International Standard ISO 11591 as a European Standard.
The responsible German body involved in its preparation was the Normenstelle Schiffs- und Meerestechnik
(Shipbuilding and Marine Technology Standards Committee).

EN comprises 10 pages.

© No part of this standard may be reproduced without the prior permission of Ref. No. DIN EN ISO 11591 : 2001-09
DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V., Berlin. Beuth Verlag GmbH, 10772 Berlin, Germany, English price group 07 Sales No. 1107
has the exclusive right of sale for German Standards (DIN-Normen).
EN ISO 11591

December 2000

ICS 47.080

English version

Small craft, engine-driven

Field of vision from helm position
(ISO 11591 : 2000)

Petits navires à moteur – Champ de Motorgetriebene kleine Wasserfahr-

visibilité au niveau du poste de zeuge – Sichtfeld vom Steuerstand
pilotage (ISO 11591 : 2000) (ISO 11591 : 2000)

This European Standard was approved by CEN on 2000-12-15.

CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations
which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a
national standard without any alteration.
Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national stand-
ards may be obtained on application to the Management Centre or to any CEN
The European Standards exist in three official versions (English, French, German).
A version in any other language made by translation under the responsibility of a
CEN member into its own language and notified to the Management Centre has
the same status as the official versions.
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, the Czech
Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy,
Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland,
and the United Kingdom.

European Committee for Standardization
Comité Européen de Normalisation
Europäisches Komitee für Normung

Management Centre: rue de Stassart 36, B-1050 Brussels

© 2000. CEN – All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means Ref. No. EN ISO 11591 : 2000 E
reserved worldwide for CEN national members.
Page 2
EN ISO 11591 : 2000

International Standard
ISO 11591 : 2000 Small craft, engine-driven – Field of vision from helm position,
which was prepared by ISO/TC 188 ‘Small craft’ of the International Organization for Standardization, has been
adopted by CMC as a European Standard.
This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an identical
text or by endorsement, and conflicting national standards withdrawn, by June 2001 at the latest.
In accordance with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organizations of the follow-
ing countries are bound to implement this European Standard:
Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy,
Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom.

Endorsement notice
The text of the International Standard ISO 11591 : 2000 was approved by CEN as a European Standard without
any modification.
Page 3
EN ISO 11591 : 2000
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EN ISO 11591 : 2000
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EN ISO 11591 : 2000
Page 6
EN ISO 11591 : 2000
Page 7
EN ISO 11591 : 2000
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EN ISO 11591 : 2000
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EN ISO 11591 : 2000
Page 10
EN ISO 11591 : 2000
Small craft less than 8 m length of hull
Determination of maximum propulsion power rating {
(ISO 11592 : 2001)
English version of DIN EN ISO 11592 EN ISO 11592

ICS 47.080

Kleine Wasserfahrzeuge bis 8 m Rumpflänge – Bestimmung der maximalen Vortriebsleistung

(ISO 11592 : 2001)

European Standard EN ISO 11592 : 2001 has the status of a DIN Standard.

A comma is used as the decimal marker.

National foreword
This standard has been published in accordance with a decision taken by CEN/CMC to adopt, without
alteration, International Standard ISO 11592 as a European Standard.
The responsible German body involved in its preparation was the Normenstelle Schiffs- und Meerestechnik
(Shipbuilding and Marine Technology Standards Committee).
DIN EN ISO 8665 and DIN EN ISO 10240 are the standards corresponding to International Standards
ISO 8665 and ISO 10240, respectively, referred to in clause 2 of the EN.

National Annex NA
Standards referred to
(and not included in Normative references, Annex ZA and Bibliography)
DIN EN ISO 8665 Marine propulsion engines and systems for small craft – Power measurements and
declarations (ISO 8665 : 1994)
DIN EN ISO 10240 Small craft – Owner’s manual (ISO 10240 : 1995)

Continued overleaf.
EN comprises 14 pages.

© No part of this standard may be reproduced without the prior permission of Ref. No. DIN EN ISO 11592 : 2002-04
DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V., Berlin. Beuth Verlag GmbH, 10772 Berlin, Germany, English price group 10 Sales No. 1110
has the exclusive right of sale for German Standards (DIN-Normen).
EN ISO 11592

June 2001

ICS 47.080

English version

Small craft less than 8 m length of hull

Determination of maximum propulsion power rating
(ISO 11592 : 2001)

Petits navires d’une longueur de coque Kleine Wasserfahrzeuge bis 8 m

de moins de 8 m – Détermination de la Rumpflänge – Bestimmung der
puissance maximale de propulsion maximalen Vortriebsleistung
(ISO 11592 : 2001) (ISO 11592 : 2001)

This European Standard was approved by CEN on 2001-05-11.

CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations
which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a
national standard without any alteration.
Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national stand-
ards may be obtained on application to the Management Centre or to any
CEN member.
The European Standards exist in three official versions (English, French, German).
A version in any other language made by translation under the responsibility of a
CEN member into its own language and notified to the Management Centre has
the same status as the official versions.
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, the Czech
Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy,
Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland,
and the United Kingdom.

European Committee for Standardization
Comité Européen de Normalisation
Europäisches Komitee für Normung

Management Centre: rue de Stassart 36, B-1050 Brussels

© 2001. CEN – All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means Ref. No. EN ISO 11592 : 2001 E
reserved worldwide for CEN national members.
Page 2
EN ISO 11592 : 2001

International Standard
ISO 11592 : 2001 Small craft less than 8 m length of hull – Determination of maximum propulsion power rating,
which was prepared by ISO/TC 188 ‘Small craft’ of the International Organization for Standardization, has been
adopted by CEN/CMC as a European Standard.
This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an identical
text or by endorsement, and conflicting national standards withdrawn, by December 2001 at the latest.
In accordance with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organizations of the follow-
ing countries are bound to implement this European Standard:
Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy,
Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom.

Endorsement notice
The text of the International Standard ISO 11592 : 2001 was approved by CEN as a European Standard without
any modification.
NOTE: Normative references to international publications are listed in Annex ZA (normative).


Page 3
EN ISO 11592 : 2001
Page 4
EN ISO 11592 : 2001
Page 5
EN ISO 11592 : 2001
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EN ISO 11592 : 2001
Page 7
EN ISO 11592 : 2001
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EN ISO 11592 : 2001
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EN ISO 11592 : 2001
Page 10
EN ISO 11592 : 2001
Page 11
EN ISO 11592 : 2001
Page 12
EN ISO 11592 : 2001
Page 13
EN ISO 11592 : 2001
Page 14
EN ISO 11592 : 2001
Small craft less than 8 m length of hull
Determination of maximum propulsion power rating {
(ISO 11592 : 2001)
English version of DIN EN ISO 11592 EN ISO 11592

ICS 47.080

Kleine Wasserfahrzeuge bis 8 m Rumpflänge – Bestimmung der maximalen Vortriebsleistung

(ISO 11592 : 2001)

European Standard EN ISO 11592 : 2001 has the status of a DIN Standard.

A comma is used as the decimal marker.

National foreword
This standard has been published in accordance with a decision taken by CEN/CMC to adopt, without
alteration, International Standard ISO 11592 as a European Standard.
The responsible German body involved in its preparation was the Normenstelle Schiffs- und Meerestechnik
(Shipbuilding and Marine Technology Standards Committee).
DIN EN ISO 8665 and DIN EN ISO 10240 are the standards corresponding to International Standards
ISO 8665 and ISO 10240, respectively, referred to in clause 2 of the EN.

National Annex NA
Standards referred to
(and not included in Normative references, Annex ZA and Bibliography)
DIN EN ISO 8665 Marine propulsion engines and systems for small craft – Power measurements and
declarations (ISO 8665 : 1994)
DIN EN ISO 10240 Small craft – Owner’s manual (ISO 10240 : 1995)

Continued overleaf.
EN comprises 14 pages.

© No part of this standard may be reproduced without the prior permission of Ref. No. DIN EN ISO 11592 : 2002-04
DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V., Berlin. Beuth Verlag GmbH, 10772 Berlin, Germany, English price group 10 Sales No. 1110
has the exclusive right of sale for German Standards (DIN-Normen).
EN ISO 11592

June 2001

ICS 47.080

English version

Small craft less than 8 m length of hull

Determination of maximum propulsion power rating
(ISO 11592 : 2001)

Petits navires d’une longueur de coque Kleine Wasserfahrzeuge bis 8 m

de moins de 8 m – Détermination de la Rumpflänge – Bestimmung der
puissance maximale de propulsion maximalen Vortriebsleistung
(ISO 11592 : 2001) (ISO 11592 : 2001)

This European Standard was approved by CEN on 2001-05-11.

CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations
which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a
national standard without any alteration.
Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national stand-
ards may be obtained on application to the Management Centre or to any
CEN member.
The European Standards exist in three official versions (English, French, German).
A version in any other language made by translation under the responsibility of a
CEN member into its own language and notified to the Management Centre has
the same status as the official versions.
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, the Czech
Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy,
Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland,
and the United Kingdom.

European Committee for Standardization
Comité Européen de Normalisation
Europäisches Komitee für Normung

Management Centre: rue de Stassart 36, B-1050 Brussels

© 2001. CEN – All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means Ref. No. EN ISO 11592 : 2001 E
reserved worldwide for CEN national members.
Page 2
EN ISO 11592 : 2001

International Standard
ISO 11592 : 2001 Small craft less than 8 m length of hull – Determination of maximum propulsion power rating,
which was prepared by ISO/TC 188 ‘Small craft’ of the International Organization for Standardization, has been
adopted by CEN/CMC as a European Standard.
This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an identical
text or by endorsement, and conflicting national standards withdrawn, by December 2001 at the latest.
In accordance with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organizations of the follow-
ing countries are bound to implement this European Standard:
Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy,
Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom.

Endorsement notice
The text of the International Standard ISO 11592 : 2001 was approved by CEN as a European Standard without
any modification.
NOTE: Normative references to international publications are listed in Annex ZA (normative).


Page 3
EN ISO 11592 : 2001
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EN ISO 11592 : 2001
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EN ISO 11592 : 2001
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EN ISO 11592 : 2001
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EN ISO 11592 : 2001
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EN ISO 11592 : 2001
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EN ISO 11592 : 2001
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EN ISO 11592 : 2001
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EN ISO 11592 : 2001
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EN ISO 11592 : 2001
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EN ISO 11592 : 2001
Page 14
EN ISO 11592 : 2001
Small craft
Watertight cockpits and quick-draining cockpits {
(ISO 11812 : 2001)
English version of DIN EN ISO 11812 EN ISO 11812

ICS 47.080

Kleine Wasserfahrzeuge – Wasserdichte und schnell-lenzende Plichten (ISO 11812 : 2001)

European Standard EN ISO 11812 : 2001 has the status of a DIN Standard.

A comma is used as the decimal marker.

National foreword
This standard has been published in accordance with a decision taken by CEN/CMC to adopt, without
alteration, International Standard ISO 11812 as a European Standard.
The responsible German body involved in its preparation was the Normenstelle Schiffs- und Meerestechnik
(Shipbuilding and Marine Technology Standards Committee).
DIN EN ISO 9093-1 is the standard corresponding to International Standard ISO 9093-1 referred to in
clause 2 of the EN.

National Annex NA
Standard referred to
(and not included in Normative references)
DIN EN ISO 9093-1 Small craft – Seacocks and through-hull fittings – Part 1: Metallic components
(ISO 9093-1 : 1994)

Continued overleaf.
EN comprises 40 pages.

© No part of this standard may be reproduced without the prior permission of Ref. No. DIN EN ISO 11812 : 2003-07
DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V., Berlin. Beuth Verlag GmbH, 10772 Berlin, Germany, English price group 16 Sales No. 1116
has the exclusive right of sale for German Standards (DIN-Normen).
EN ISO 11812

December 2001

ICS 47.080

English version

Small craft
Watertight cockpits and quick-draining cockpits
(ISO 11812 : 2001)

Petits navires – Cockpits étanches et Kleine Wasserfahrzeuge – Wasser-

cockpits rapidement autovideurs dichte und schnell-lenzende Plichten
(ISO 11812 : 2001) (ISO 11812 : 2001)

This European Standard was approved by CEN on 2001-11-12.

CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations
which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a
national standard without any alteration.
Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national stand-
ards may be obtained on application to the Management Centre or to any
CEN member.
The European Standards exist in three official versions (English, French, German).
A version in any other language made by translation under the responsibility of a
CEN member into its own language and notified to the Management Centre has
the same status as the official versions.
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, the Czech
Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy,
Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland,
and the United Kingdom.

European Committee for Standardization
Comité Européen de Normalisation
Europäisches Komitee für Normung

Management Centre: rue de Stassart 36, B-1050 Brussels

© 2001. CEN – All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means Ref. No. EN ISO 11812 : 2001 E
reserved worldwide for CEN national members.
Page 2
EN ISO 11812 : 2001

International Standard
ISO 11812 : 2001 Small craft – Watertight cockpits and quick-draining cockpits,
which was prepared by ISO/TC 188 ‘Small craft’ of the International Organization for Standardization, has been
adopted by CMC as a European Standard.
This European Standard has been prepared under a mandate given to CEN by the European Commission and
the European Free Trade Association, and supports essential requirements of the relevant EU Directive. For
relationship with this directive, see Annex ZA.
This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an identical text
or by endorsement, and conflicting national standards withdrawn, by June 2002 at the latest.
In accordance with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organizations of the
following countries are bound to implement this European Standard:
Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy,
Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom.

Endorsement notice
The text of the International Standard ISO 11812 : 2001 was approved by CEN as a European Standard without
any modification.
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EN ISO 11812 : 2001

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EN ISO 11812 : 2001

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EN ISO 11812 : 2001
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EN ISO 11812 : 2001
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EN ISO 11812 : 2001
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EN ISO 11812 : 2001
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EN ISO 11812 : 2001
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EN ISO 11812 : 2001
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EN ISO 11812 : 2001
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EN ISO 11812 : 2001
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EN ISO 11812 : 2001
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EN ISO 11812 : 2001
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EN ISO 11812 : 2001
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EN ISO 11812 : 2001
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EN ISO 11812 : 2001
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EN ISO 11812 : 2001
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EN ISO 11812 : 2001
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EN ISO 11812 : 2001
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EN ISO 11812 : 2001
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EN ISO 11812 : 2001
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EN ISO 11812 : 2001
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EN ISO 11812 : 2001
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EN ISO 11812 : 2001
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EN ISO 11812 : 2001
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EN ISO 11812 : 2001
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EN ISO 11812 : 2001
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EN ISO 11812 : 2001
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EN ISO 11812 : 2001
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EN ISO 11812 : 2001
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EN ISO 11812 : 2001
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EN ISO 11812 : 2001
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EN ISO 11812 : 2001
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EN ISO 11812 : 2001
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EN ISO 11812 : 2001
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EN ISO 11812 : 2001
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EN ISO 11812 : 2001
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EN ISO 11812 : 2001
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EN ISO 11812 : 2001
D EUTSCHE NORM February 2001
Small craft – Hull construction and scantlings
Part 1: Materials: Thermosetting resins, glass-fibre {
reinforcement, reference laminate (ISO 12215-1 : 2000)
English version of DIN EN ISO 12215-1 EN ISO 12215-1

ICS 47.080

Kleine Wasserfahrzeuge – Rumpfbauweise und Dimensionierung – Teil 1: Werkstoffe: Härtbare Harze,

Verstärkungsfasern aus Textilglas, Referenzlaminat (ISO 12215-1 : 2000)

European Standard EN ISO 12215-1 : 2000 has the status of a DIN Standard.

A comma is used as the decimal marker.

National foreword
This standard has been published in accordance with a decision taken by CEN/CMC to adopt, without
alteration, International Standard ISO 12215-1 as a European Standard.
The responsible German body involved in its preparation was the Normenstelle Schiffs- und Meerestechnik
(Shipbuilding and Marine Technology Standards Committee).
The DIN Standards corresponding to the International Standards referred to in clause 2 of the EN are as
ISO Standard DIN Standard
ISO 62 DIN 53495
ISO 75-1 DIN EN ISO 75-1
ISO 75-2 DIN EN ISO 75-2
ISO 178 DIN EN ISO 178
ISO 527-1 DIN EN ISO 527-1
ISO 527-2 DIN EN ISO 527-2
ISO 1675 DIN 53479
ISO 2078 DIN EN ISO 2078
ISO 2811 DIN 53217-2
ISO 2884 DIN 53229
ISO 3374 DIN 53854
ISO 4585 DIN 53397
ISO 4901 DIN 53394

Continued overleaf.
EN comprises 8 pages.

© No part of this standard may be reproduced without the prior permission of Ref. No. DIN EN ISO 12215-1 : 2001-02
DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V., Berlin. Beuth Verlag GmbH, 10772 Berlin, Germany, English price group 07 Sales No. 1107
has the exclusive right of sale for German Standards (DIN-Normen).
Page 2
DIN EN ISO 12215-1 : 2001-02

National Annex NA
Standards referred to
(and not included in Normative references and Annex ZA)
DIN 53217-2 Determining the density of paints, varnishes and similar coating materials by the
pycnometer method
DIN 53229 Determination of viscosity of paints, varnishes and similar coating materials at high shear
rates using rotational viscometers
DIN 53394 Determination of the styrene content of unsaturated polyester resin moulding materials
using the Wijs solution
DIN 53397 Determining the interlaminar tensile strength of glass fibre reinforced plastics
DIN 53479 Determination of density of plastics and elastomers
DIN 53495 Determination of water absorption of plastics
DIN 53854 Determination of the mass of textile materials except for knitted fabrics
DIN 55958 Resins – Terminology
DIN EN ISO 75-1 Determination of temperature of deflection of plastics under load – Part 1: General test
method (ISO 75-1 : 1993)
DIN EN ISO 75-2 Determination of temperature of deflection of plastics under load – Part 2: Plastics and
ebonite (ISO 75-2 : 1993)
DIN EN ISO 178 Determination of the flexural properties of plastics (ISO 178 : 1993)
DIN EN ISO 527-1 Plastics – Determination of tensile properties – Part 1: General principles for the
determination of tensile properties (ISO 527-1 : 1993 + Corr 1 : 1994)
DIN EN ISO 527-2 Plastics – Determination of tensile properties – Part 2: Test conditions for moulding and
extrusion plastics (ISO 527-2 : 1993 + Corr 1 : 1994)
DIN EN ISO 2078 Textile glass yarns – Designation (ISO 2078 : 1993)
EN ISO 12215-1

September 2000

ICS 47.080

English version

Small craft – Hull construction and scantlings

Part 1: Materials: Thermosetting resins, glass-fibre reinforcement,
reference laminate
(ISO 12215-1 : 2000)

Petits navires – Construction de Kleine Wasserfahrzeuge – Rumpf-

coques et échantillons – Partie 1: bauweise und Dimensionierung –
Matériaux: Résines thermodurcis- Teil 1: Werkstoffe: Härtbare Harze,
sables, renforcement de fibres Verstärkungsfasern aus Textilglas,
de verre, stratifié de référence Referenzlaminat
(ISO 12215-1 : 2000) (ISO 12215-1 : 2000)

This European Standard was approved by CEN on 2000-06-30.

CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations
which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a
national standard without any alteration.
Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national
standards may be obtained on application to the Central Secretariat or to any
CEN member.
The European Standards exist in three official versions (English, French, German).
A version in any other language made by translation under the responsibility of a
CEN member into its own language and notified to the Central Secretariat has the
same status as the official versions.
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, the Czech
Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy,
Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland,
and the United Kingdom.

European Committee for Standardization
Comité Européen de Normalisation
Europäisches Komitee für Normung

Central Secretariat: rue de Stassart 36, B-1050 Brussels

© 2000. CEN – All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means Ref. No. EN ISO 12215-1 : 2000 E
reserved worldwide for CEN national members.
Page 2
EN ISO 12215-1 : 2000

International Standard
ISO 12215-1 : 2000 Small craft – Hull construction and scantlings – Part 1: Materials: Thermosetting resins,
glass-fibre reinforcement, reference laminate,
which was prepared by ISO/TC 188 ‘Small craft’ of the International Organization for Standardization, has been
adopted by Technical Committee CEN/CMC as a European Standard.
This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an identical
text or by endorsement, and conflicting national standards withdrawn, by March 2001 at the latest.
In accordance with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organizations of the
following countries are bound to implement this European Standard:
Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy,
Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom.

Endorsement notice
The text of the International Standard ISO 12215-1 : 2000 was approved by CEN as a European Standard
without any modification.
NOTE: Normative references to international publications are listed in Annex ZA (normative.)
Page 3
EN ISO 12215-1 : 2000
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EN ISO 12215-1 : 2000
Page 5
EN ISO 12215-1 : 2000
Page 6
EN ISO 12215-1 : 2000
Page 7
EN ISO 12215-1 : 2000
Page 8
EN ISO 12215-1 : 2000
D EUTSCHE NORM September 2002
Small craft – Hull construction and scantlings
Part 2: Materials: Core materials for sandwich construction, {
embedded materials (ISO 12215-2 : 2002)
English version of DIN EN ISO 12215-2 EN ISO 12215-2
ICS 47.080

Kleine Wasserfahrzeuge – Rumpfbauweise und Dimensionierung – Teil 2: Werkstoffe: Kernwerkstoffe für

Verbundbauweise, eingebettete Werkstoffe (ISO 12215-2 : 2002)

European Standard EN ISO 12215-2 : 2002 has the status of a DIN Standard.

A comma is used as the decimal marker.

National foreword
This standard has been published in accordance with a decision taken by CEN/BT/WG 69 ‘Small Craft’
(Secretariat: Sweden) to adopt, without alteration, International Standard ISO 12215-2 as a European
The responsible German body involved in its preparation was the Normenstelle Schiffs- und Meerestechnik
(Shipbuilding and Marine Technology Standards Committee).
The DIN Standards corresponding to the International Standards referred to in clause 2 of the EN are as
ISO Standard DIN Standard
ISO 844 DIN 53421
ISO 845 DIN 53420
ISO 1922 DIN 53427
ISO 1926 DIN 53430
ISO 2896 DIN ISO 2896
ISO 3131 DIN 52182
ISO 3132 DIN 52192
ISO 3345 DIN 52188
ISO 4589-1 DIN EN ISO 4589-1
ISO 4589-2 DIN EN ISO 4589-2
ISO 4589-3 DIN EN ISO 4589-3
ISO 12215-5 DIN EN ISO 12215-5

Continued overleaf.
EN comprises 8 pages.

© No part of this standard may be reproduced without the prior permission of Ref. No. DIN EN ISO 12215-2 : 2002-09
DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e.V., Berlin. Beuth Verlag GmbH, 10772 Berlin, Germany, English price group 08 Sales No. 1108
has the exclusive right of sale for German Standards (DIN-Normen).
Page 2
DIN EN ISO 12215-2 : 2002-09

National Annex NA
Standards referred to
(and not included in Normative references)
DIN 52182 Determination of density of wood
DIN 52188 Determining the tensile strength of wood parallel to the grain
DIN 52192 Compression testing of wood perpendicular to the grain
DIN 53420 Determination of bulk density of cellular plastics
DIN 53421 Compression testing of rigid cellular plastics
DIN 53427 Determining the shear strength of rigid cellular plastics sandwiched between metal
DIN 53430 Tensile testing of rigid cellular materials
DIN EN ISO 4589-1 Plastics – Determination of burning behaviour by oxygen index – Part 1: Guidance
(ISO 4589-1 : 1996)
DIN EN ISO 4589-2 Plastics – Determination of burning behaviour by oxygen index – Part 2: Ambient-tem-
perature test (ISO 4589-2 : 1996)
DIN EN ISO 4589-3 Determination of the burning behaviour of plastics by oxygen index – Elevated-tempera-
ture test (ISO 4589-3 : 1996)
DIN EN ISO 12215-5 Small craft – Hull construction and scantlings – Part 5: Design pressures, design
stresses, scantling determination
EN ISO 12215-2

May 2002

ICS 47.080

English version

Small craft – Hull construction and scantlings

Part 2: Materials: Core materials for sandwich construction,
embedded materials
(ISO 12215-2 : 2002)

Petits navires – Construction de Kleine Wasserfahrzeuge – Rumpf-

coques et échantillons – Partie 2: bauweise und Dimensionierung –
Matériaux: Matériaux d’âme pour les Teil 2: Werkstoffe: Kernwerkstoffe für
constructions de type sandwich, Verbundbauweise, eingebettete
matériaux enrobés Werkstoffe (ISO 12215-2 : 2002)
(ISO 12215-2 : 2002)

This European Standard was approved by CEN on 2002-05-01.

CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations
which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a
national standard without any alteration.
Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national
standards may be obtained on application to the Management Centre or to any
CEN member.
The European Standards exist in three official versions (English, French, German).
A version in any other language made by translation under the responsibility of a
CEN member into its own language and notified to the Management Centre has
the same status as the official versions.
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, the Czech
Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy,
Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzer-
land, and the United Kingdom.

European Committee for Standardization
Comité Européen de Normalisation
Europäisches Komitee für Normung

Management Centre: rue de Stassart 36, B-1050 Brussels

© 2002. CEN – All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means Ref. No. EN ISO 12215-2 : 2002 E
reserved worldwide for CEN national members.
Page 2
EN ISO 12215-2 : 2002

International Standard
ISO 12215-2 : 2002 Small craft – Hull construction and scantlings – Part 2: Materials: Core materials for
sandwich construction, embedded materials,
which was prepared by ISO/TC 188 ‘Small craft’ of the International Organization for Standardization, has been
adopted by CEN/BT as a European Standard.
This European Standard has been prepared under a mandate given to CEN by the Commission of European
Communities and the European Free Trade Association and supports essential requirements of the relevant EC
This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an identical
text or by endorsement, and conflicting national standards withdrawn, by November 2002 at the latest.
In accordance with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organizations of the follow-
ing countries are bound to implement this European Standard:
Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy,
Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom.

Endorsement notice
The text of the International Standard ISO 12215-2 : 2002 was approved by CEN as a European Standard
without any modification.

Page 3
EN ISO 12215-2 : 2002
Page 4
EN ISO 12215-2 : 2002
Page 5
EN ISO 12215-2 : 2002
Page 6
EN ISO 12215-2 : 2002
Page 7
EN ISO 12215-2 : 2002
Page 8
EN ISO 12215-2 : 2002
D EUTSCHE NORM September 2002
Small craft – Hull construction and scantlings
Part 3: Materials: Steel, aluminium alloys, wood, other materials {
(ISO 12215-3 : 2002)
English version of DIN EN ISO 12215-3 EN ISO 12215-3
ICS 47.080

Kleine Wasserfahrzeuge – Rumpfbauweise und Dimensionierung – Teil 3: Werkstoffe: Stahl, Aluminium-

legierungen, Holz, andere Werkstoffe (ISO 12215-3 : 2002)

European Standard EN ISO 12215-3 : 2002 has the status of a DIN Standard.

A comma is used as the decimal marker.

National foreword
This standard has been published in accordance with a decision taken by CEN/BT/WG 69 ‘Small Craft’
(Secretariat: Sweden) to adopt, without alteration, International Standard ISO 12215-3 as a European
The responsible German body involved in its preparation was the Normenstelle Schiffs- und Meerestechnik
(Shipbuilding and Marine Technology Standards Committee).
DIN EN ISO 12215-4 is the standard corresponding to International Standard ISO 12215-4 referred to in
clause 2 of the EN.

National Annex NA
Standard referred to
(and not included in Normative references and Bibliography)
DIN EN ISO 12215-4 Small craft – Hull construction and scantlings – Part 4: Workshop and manufacturing
(ISO 12215-4 : 2002)

EN comprises 12 pages.

© No part of this standard may be reproduced without the prior permission of Ref. No. DIN EN ISO 12215-3 : 2002-09
DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e.V., Berlin. Beuth Verlag GmbH, 10772 Berlin, Germany, English price group 09 Sales No. 1109
has the exclusive right of sale for German Standards (DIN-Normen).
EN ISO 12215-3

May 2002

ICS 47.080

English version

Small craft – Hull construction and scantlings

Part 3: Materials: Steel, aluminium alloys, wood, other materials
(ISO 12215-3 : 2002)

Petits navires – Construction de Kleine Wasserfahrzeuge – Rumpf-

coques et échantillons – Partie 3: bauweise und Dimensionierung –
Matériaux: Acier, alliages d’alumi- Teil 3: Werkstoffe: Stahl,
nium, bois, autres matériaux Aluminiumlegierungen, Holz, andere
(ISO 12215-3 : 2002) Werkstoffe (ISO 12215-3 : 2002)

This European Standard was approved by CEN on 2002-05-01.

CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations
which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a
national standard without any alteration.
Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national
standards may be obtained on application to the Management Centre or to any
CEN member.
The European Standards exist in three official versions (English, French, German).
A version in any other language made by translation under the responsibility of a
CEN member into its own language and notified to the Management Centre has
the same status as the official versions.
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, the Czech
Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy,
Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzer-
land, and the United Kingdom.

European Committee for Standardization
Comité Européen de Normalisation
Europäisches Komitee für Normung

Management Centre: rue de Stassart 36, B-1050 Brussels

© 2002. CEN – All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means Ref. No. EN ISO 12215-3 : 2002 E
reserved worldwide for CEN national members.
Page 2
EN ISO 12215-3 : 2002

International Standard
ISO 12215-3 : 2002 Small craft – Hull construction and scantlings – Part 3: Materials: Steel, aluminium alloys,
wood, other materials,
which was prepared by ISO/TC 188 ‘Small craft’ of the International Organization for Standardization, has been
adopted by CEN/BT as a European Standard.
This European Standard has been prepared under a mandate given to CEN by the Commission of European
Communities and the European Free Trade Association and supports essential requirements of the relevant EC
This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an identical
text or by endorsement, and conflicting national standards withdrawn, by November 2002 at the latest.
In accordance with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organizations of the follow-
ing countries are bound to implement this European Standard:
Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy,
Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom.

Endorsement notice
The text of the International Standard ISO 12215-3 : 2002 was approved by CEN as a European Standard
without any modification.

Page 3
EN ISO 12215-3 : 2002
Page 4
EN ISO 12215-3 : 2002
Page 5
EN ISO 12215-3 : 2002
Page 6
EN ISO 12215-3 : 2002
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EN ISO 12215-3 : 2002
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EN ISO 12215-3 : 2002
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EN ISO 12215-3 : 2002
Page 10
EN ISO 12215-3 : 2002
Page 11
EN ISO 12215-3 : 2002
Page 12
EN ISO 12215-3 : 2002
D EUTSCHE NORM September 2002
Small craft – Hull construction and scantlings
Part 4: Workshop and manufacturing {
(ISO 12215-4 : 2002)
English version of DIN EN ISO 12215-4 EN ISO 12215-4
ICS 47.080

Kleine Wasserfahrzeuge – Rumpfbauweise und Dimensionierung – Teil 4: Werkstatt und Fertigung

(ISO 12215-4 : 2002)

European Standard EN ISO 12215-4 : 2002 has the status of a DIN Standard.

National foreword
This standard has been published in accordance with a decision taken by CEN/BT/WG 69 ‘Small Craft’
(Secretariat: Sweden) to adopt, without alteration, International Standard ISO 12215-4 as a European
The responsible German body involved in its preparation was the Normenstelle Schiffs- und Meerestechnik
(Shipbuilding and Marine Technology Standards Committee).
DIN EN ISO 12215-1 is the standard corresponding to International Standard ISO 12215-1 referred to in
clause 2 of the EN.

National Annex NA
Standard referred to
(and not included in Normative references)
DIN EN ISO 12215-1 Small craft – Hull construction and scantlings – Part 1: Materials: Thermosetting
resins, glass-fibre reinforcement, reference laminate (ISO 12215-1 : 2000)

EN comprises 13 pages.

© No part of this standard may be reproduced without the prior permission of Ref. No. DIN EN ISO 12215-4 : 2002-09
DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e.V., Berlin. Beuth Verlag GmbH, 10772 Berlin, Germany, English price group 09 Sales No. 1109
has the exclusive right of sale for German Standards (DIN-Normen).
EN ISO 12215-4

May 2002

ICS 47.080

English version

Small craft – Hull construction and scantlings

Part 4: Workshop and manufacturing
(ISO 12215-4 : 2002)

Petits navires – Construction de Kleine Wasserfahrzeuge – Rumpf-

coques et échantillons – Partie 4: bauweise und Dimensionierung –
Ateliers de construction et fabrication Teil 4: Werkstatt und Fertigung
(ISO 12215-4 : 2002) (ISO 12215-4 : 2002)

This European Standard was approved by CEN on 2002-05-01.

CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations
which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a
national standard without any alteration.
Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national
standards may be obtained on application to the Management Centre or to any
CEN member.
The European Standards exist in three official versions (English, French, German).
A version in any other language made by translation under the responsibility of a
CEN member into its own language and notified to the Management Centre has
the same status as the official versions.
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, the Czech
Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy,
Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzer-
land, and the United Kingdom.

European Committee for Standardization
Comité Européen de Normalisation
Europäisches Komitee für Normung

Management Centre: rue de Stassart 36, B-1050 Brussels

© 2002. CEN – All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means Ref. No. EN ISO 12215-4 : 2002 E
reserved worldwide for CEN national members.
Page 2
EN ISO 12215-4 : 2002

International Standard
ISO 12215-4 : 2002 Small craft – Hull construction and scantlings – Part 4: Workshop and manufacturing,
which was prepared by ISO/TC 188 ‘Small craft’ of the International Organization for Standardization, has been
adopted by CEN/BT as a European Standard.
This European Standard has been prepared under a mandate given to CEN by the Commission of European
Communities and the European Free Trade Association and supports essential requirements of the relevant EC
This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an identical
text or by endorsement, and conflicting national standards withdrawn, by November 2002 at the latest.
In accordance with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organizations of the follow-
ing countries are bound to implement this European Standard:
Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy,
Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom.

Endorsement notice
The text of the International Standard ISO 12215-4 : 2002 was approved by CEN as a European Standard
without any modification.

Page 3
EN ISO 12215-4 : 2002
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EN ISO 12215-4 : 2002
Page 5
EN ISO 12215-4 : 2002
Page 6
EN ISO 12215-4 : 2002
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EN ISO 12215-4 : 2002
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EN ISO 12215-4 : 2002
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EN ISO 12215-4 : 2002
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EN ISO 12215-4 : 2002
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EN ISO 12215-4 : 2002
Page 12
EN ISO 12215-4 : 2002
Page 13
EN ISO 12215-4 : 2002
D EUTSCHE NORM October 2002
Small craft – Windows, portlights, hatches,
deadlights and doors {
Strength and watertightness requirements (ISO 12216 : 2002)
English version of DIN EN ISO 12216 EN ISO 12216

ICS 47.080

Kleine Wasserfahrzeuge – Fenster, Bullaugen, Luken, Seeschlagblenden und Türen – Anforderungen an die
Festigkeit und Wasserdichtheit (ISO 12216 : 2002)

European Standard EN ISO 12216 : 2002 has the status of a DIN Standard.

A comma is used as the decimal marker.

National foreword
This standard has been published in accordance with a decision taken by CEN/CMC to adopt, without
alteration, International Standard ISO 12216 as a European Standard.
The responsible German body involved in its preparation was the Normenstelle Schiffs- und Meerestechnik
(Shipbuilding and Marine Technology Standards Committee).
The DIN Standards corresponding to the International Standards referred to in clause 2 of the EN are as
ISO Standard DIN Standard
EN 1063 DIN EN 1063
ISO 6603-1 DIN EN ISO 6603-1
ISO 7823-1 DIN EN ISO 7823-1 *)
ISO/DIS 11812 DIN EN ISO 11812 *)

National Annex NA
Standards referred to
(and not included in Normative reference)
DIN EN 1063 Glass in building – Security glazing – Testing and classification of resistance against
bullet attack
DIN EN ISO 6603-1 Plastics – Determination of puncture impact behaviour of rigid plastics – Part 1:
Non-instrumented impact testing (ISO 6603-1 : 2000)

*) Currently at draft stage.

Continued overleaf.
EN comprises 65 pages.

© No part of this standard may be reproduced without the prior permission of Ref. No. DIN EN ISO 12216 : 2002-10
DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V., Berlin. Beuth Verlag GmbH, 10772 Berlin, Germany, English price group 18 Sales No. 1118
has the exclusive right of sale for German Standards (DIN-Normen).
EN ISO 12216

June 2002

ICS 47.020.10; 47.080

English version

Small craft – Windows, portlights, hatches,

deadlights and doors
Strength and watertightness requirements
(ISO 12216 : 2002)

Petits navires – Fenêtres, hublots, Kleine Wasserfahrzeuge – Fenster,

panneaux, tapes et portes – Exi- Bullaugen, Luken, Seeschlagblenden
gences de résistance et d’étanché- und Türen – Anforderungen an die
ité (ISO 12216 : 2002) Festigkeit und Wasserdichtheit
(ISO 12216 : 2002)

This European Standard was approved by CEN on 2002-05-26.

CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations
which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a
national standard without any alteration.
Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national stand-
ards may be obtained on application to the Management Centre or to any CEN
The European Standards exist in three official versions (English, French, German).
A version in any other language made by translation under the responsibility of a
CEN member into its own language and notified to the Management Centre has
the same status as the official versions.
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, the Czech
Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy,
Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzer-
land, and the United Kingdom.

European Committee for Standardization
Comité Européen de Normalisation
Europäisches Komitee für Normung

Management Centre: rue de Stassart 36, B-1050 Brussels

© 2002. CEN – All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means Ref. No. EN ISO 12216 : 2002 E
reserved worldwide for CEN national members.
Page 2
EN ISO 12216 : 2002

International Standard
ISO 12216 : 2002 Small craft – Windows, portlights, hatches, deadlights and doors – Strength and watertight-
ness requirements,
which was prepared by ISO/TC 188 ‘Small craft’ of the International Organization for Standardization, has been
adopted by CEN/CMC as a European Standard.
This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an identical
text or by endorsement, and conflicting national standards withdrawn, by December 2002 at the latest.
In accordance with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organizations of the follow-
ing countries are bound to implement this European Standard:
Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy,
Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom.

Endorsement notice
The text of the International Standard ISO 12216 : 2002 was approved by CEN as a European Standard without
any modification.
Page 3
EN ISO 12216 : 2002

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EN ISO 12216 : 2002

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EN ISO 12216 : 2002
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EN ISO 12216 : 2002
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EN ISO 12216 : 2002
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EN ISO 12216 : 2002
D EUTSCHE NORM October 2002
Small craft – Stability and buoyancy assessment and categorization
Part 1: Non-sailing boats of hull length greater than or equal to 6 m {
(ISO 12217-1 : 2002)
English version of DIN EN ISO 12217-1 EN ISO 12217-1

ICS 47.080

Kleine Wasserfahrzeuge – Festlegung und Kategorisierung von Querstabilität und Auftrieb –

Teil 1: Nicht-Segelboote ab 6 m Rumpflänge (ISO 12217-1 : 2002)

European Standard EN ISO 12217-1 : 2002 has the status of a DIN Standard.

A comma is used as the decimal marker.

National foreword
This standard has been published in accordance with a decision taken by CEN/CMC to adopt, without
alteration, International Standard ISO 12217-1 as a European Standard.
The responsible German body involved in its preparation was the Normenstelle Schiffs- und Meerestechnik
(Shipbuilding and Marine Technology Standards Committee).
The DIN Standards corresponding to the International Standards referred to in clause 2 of the EN are as
ISO Standard DIN Standard
ISO 2896 DIN ISO 2896
ISO 9093-1 DIN EN ISO 9093-1
ISO/DIS 9094-1 DIN EN ISO 9094-1 *)
ISO 10240 DIN EN ISO 10240
ISO/DIS 11812 DIN EN ISO 11812 *)
ISO/DIS 12216 DIN EN ISO 12216 *)
ISO 14946 DIN EN ISO 14946

National Annex NA
Standards referred to
(and not included in Normative references and Annex ZA)
DIN EN ISO 9093-1 Small craft – Seacocks and through-hull fittings – Part 1: Metallic components
(ISO 9093-1 : 1994)
DIN EN ISO 10240 Small craft – Owner’s manual (ISO 10240 : 1995)
DIN EN ISO 14946 Small craft – Maximum load capacity (ISO 14946 : 2001)

*) Currently at draft stage.

Continued overleaf.
EN comprises 48 pages.

© No part of this standard may be reproduced without the prior permission of Ref. No. DIN EN ISO 12217-1 : 2002-10
DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V., Berlin. Beuth Verlag GmbH, 10772 Berlin, Germany, English price group 18 Sales No. 1118
has the exclusive right of sale for German Standards (DIN-Normen).
EN ISO 12217-1

April 2002

ICS 47.080

English version

Small craft – Stability and buoyancy assessment and

Part 1: Non-sailing boats of hull length greater than or equal to 6 m
(ISO 12217-1 : 2002)

Petits navires – Evaluation et catégo- Kleine Wasserfahrzeuge – Festlegung

risation de la stabilité et de la flotta- und Kategorisierung von Quer-
bilité – Partie 1: Bateaux à propulsion stabilität und Auftrieb – Teil 1: Nicht-
non vélique d’une longueur de coque Segelboote ab 6 m Rumpflänge
supérieure ou égale à 6 m (ISO 12217-1 : 2002)
(ISO 12217-1 : 2002)

This European Standard was approved by CEN on 2002-03-11.

CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations
which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a
national standard without any alteration.
Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national stand-
ards may be obtained on application to the Central Secretariat or to any CEN
The European Standards exist in three official versions (English, French, German).
A version in any other language made by translation under the responsibility of a
CEN member into its own language and notified to the Central Secretariat has the
same status as the official versions.
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, the Czech
Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy,
Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzer-
land, and the United Kingdom.

European Committee for Standardization
Comité Européen de Normalisation
Europäisches Komitee für Normung

Central Secretariat: rue de Stassart 36, B-1050 Brussels

© 2002. CEN – All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means Ref. No. EN ISO 12217-1 : 2002 E
reserved worldwide for CEN national members.
Page 2
EN ISO 12217-1 : 2002

International Standard
ISO 12217-1 : 2002 Small craft – Stability and buoyancy assessment and categorization – Part 1: Non-sailing
boats of hull length greater than or equal to 6 m,
which was prepared by ISO/TC 188 ‘Small craft’ of the International Organization for Standardization, has been
adopted by CEN/CMC as a European Standard.
This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an identical
text or by endorsement, and conflicting national standards withdrawn, by October 2002 at the latest.
In accordance with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organizations of the follow-
ing countries are bound to implement this European Standard:
Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy,
Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom.

Endorsement notice
The text of the International Standard ISO 12217-1 : 2002 was approved by CEN as a European Standard
without any modification.
NOTE: Normative references to international publications are listed in Annex ZA (normative).
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EN ISO 12217-1 : 2002

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EN ISO 12217-1 : 2002
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EN ISO 12217-1 : 2002
D EUTSCHE NORM October 2002
Small craft – Stability and buoyancy assessment and categorization
Part 2: Sailing boats of hull length greater than or equal to 6 m {
(ISO 12217-2 : 2002)
English version of DIN EN ISO 12217-2 EN ISO 12217-2

ICS 47.080

Kleine Wasserfahrzeuge – Festlegung und Kategorisierung von Querstabilität und Auftrieb –

Teil 2: Segelboote ab 6 m Rumpflänge (ISO 12217-2 : 2002)

European Standard EN ISO 12217-2 : 2002 has the status of a DIN Standard.

A comma is used as the decimal marker.

National foreword
This standard has been published in accordance with a decision taken by CEN/CMC to adopt, without
alteration, International Standard ISO 12217-2 as a European Standard.
The responsible German body involved in its preparation was the Normenstelle Schiffs- und Meerestechnik
(Shipbuilding and Marine Technology Standards Committee).
The DIN Standards corresponding to the International Standards referred to in clause 2 of the EN are as
ISO Standard DIN Standard
ISO 2896 DIN ISO 2896
ISO 9093-1 DIN EN ISO 9093-1
ISO/DIS 9094-1 DIN EN ISO 9094-1 *)
ISO/DIS 11812 DIN EN ISO 11812 *)
ISO/DIS 12216 DIN EN ISO 12216 *)
ISO 14946 DIN EN ISO 14946

National Annex NA
Standards referred to
(and not included in Normative references and Annex ZA)
DIN EN ISO 9093-1 Small craft – Seacocks and through-hull fittings – Part 1: Metallic components
(ISO 9093-1 : 1994)
DIN EN ISO 14946 Small craft – Maximum load capacity (ISO 14946 : 2001)

*) Currently at draft stage.

Continued overleaf.
EN comprises 62 pages.

© No part of this standard may be reproduced without the prior permission of Ref. No. DIN EN ISO 12217-2 : 2002-10
DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V., Berlin. Beuth Verlag GmbH, 10772 Berlin, Germany, English price group 20 Sales No. 1120
has the exclusive right of sale for German Standards (DIN-Normen).
EN ISO 12217-2

April 2002

ICS 47.080

English version

Small craft – Stability and buoyancy assessment and

Part 2: Sailing boats of hull length greater than or equal to 6 m
(ISO 12217-2 : 2002)

Petits navires – Evaluation et catégo- Kleine Wasserfahrzeuge – Festlegung

risation de la stabilité et de la flotta- und Kategorisierung von Querstabilität
bilité – Partie 2: Bateaux à voiles und Auftrieb – Teil 2: Segelboote ab
d’une longueur de coque supérieure 6 m Rumpflänge (ISO 12217-2 : 2002)
ou égale à 6 m (ISO 12217-2 : 2002)

This European Standard was approved by CEN on 2002-03-11.

CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations
which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a
national standard without any alteration.
Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national stand-
ards may be obtained on application to the Central Secretariat or to any CEN
The European Standards exist in three official versions (English, French, German).
A version in any other language made by translation under the responsibility of a
CEN member into its own language and notified to the Central Secretariat has the
same status as the official versions.
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, the Czech
Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy,
Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzer-
land, and the United Kingdom.

European Committee for Standardization
Comité Européen de Normalisation
Europäisches Komitee für Normung

Central Secretariat: rue de Stassart 36, B-1050 Brussels

© 2002. CEN – All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means Ref. No. EN ISO 12217-2 : 2002 E
reserved worldwide for CEN national members.
Page 2
EN ISO 12217-2 : 2002

International Standard
ISO 12217-2 : 2002 Small craft – Stability and buoyancy assessment and categorization – Part 2: Sailing
boats of hull length greater than or equal to 6 m,
which was prepared by ISO/TC 188 ‘Small craft’ of the International Organization for Standardization, has been
adopted by CEN/CMC as a European Standard.
This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an identical
text or by endorsement, and conflicting national standards withdrawn, by October 2002 at the latest.
In accordance with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organizations of the follow-
ing countries are bound to implement this European Standard:
Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy,
Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom.

Endorsement notice
The text of the International Standard ISO 12217-2 : 2002 was approved by CEN as a European Standard
without any modification.
NOTE: Normative references to international publications are listed in Annex ZA (normative).
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EN ISO 12217-2 : 2002

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EN ISO 12217-2 : 2002
Small craft – Stability and buoyancy assessment
and categorization
Part 3: Boats of hull length less than 6 m
(ISO 12217-3 : 2002)
English version of DIN EN ISO 12217-3 EN ISO 12217-3

ICS 47.080

Kleine Wasserfahrzeuge – Festlegung und Kategorisierung von Querstabilität und Auftrieb – Teil 3: Boote
unter 6 m Rumpflänge (ISO 12217-3 : 2002)

European Standard EN ISO 12217-3 : 2002 has the status of a DIN Standard.

A comma is used as the decimal marker.

National foreword
This standard has been published in accordance with a decision taken by CEN/CMC to adopt, without
alteration, International Standard ISO 12217-3 as a European Standard.
The responsible German body involved in its preparation was the Normenstelle Schiffs- und Meerestechnik
(Shipbuilding and Marine Technology Standards Committee).
The DIN Standards corresponding to the International Standards referred to in clause 2 of the EN are as
ISO Standard DIN Standard
ISO 2896 DIN ISO 2896
ISO 9093-1 DIN EN ISO 9093-1
ISO/DIS 9094-1 DIN EN ISO 9094-1*)
ISO 10240 DIN EN ISO 10240
ISO/DIS 11812 DIN EN ISO 11812*)
ISO/DIS 12216 DIN EN ISO 12216*)
ISO 14946 DIN EN ISO 14946

National Annex NA
Standards referred to
(and not included in Normative references, Bibliography and Annex ZA)
DIN EN ISO 9093-1 Small craft – Seacocks and through-hull fittings – Part 3: Metallic components
(ISO 9093-1 : 1997)
DIN EN ISO 10240 Small craft – Owner’s manual (ISO 10240 : 1995)
DIN EN ISO 14946 Small craft – Maximum load capacity (ISO 14946 : 2001)

*) Currently at draft stage.

Continued overleaf.
EN comprises 48 pages.

© No part of this standard may be reproduced without the prior permission of Ref. No. DIN EN ISO 12217-3 : 2003-03
DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V., Berlin. Beuth Verlag GmbH, 10772 Berlin, Germany, English price group 18 Sales No. 1118
has the exclusive right of sale for German Standards (DIN-Normen).
EN ISO 12217-3

May 2002

ICS 47.080

English version

Small craft – Stability and buoyancy assessment

and categorization
Part 3: Boats of hull length less than 6 m
(ISO 12217-3 : 2002)

Petits navires – Evaluation et catégo- Kleine Wasserfahrzeuge – Festlegung

risation de la stabilité et de la flot- und Kategorisierung von Querstabilität
tabilité – Partie 3: Bateaux d’une und Auftrieb – Teil 3: Boote unter 6 m
longueur de coque inférieure à 6 m Rumpflänge (ISO 12217-3 : 2002)
(ISO 12217-3 : 2002)

This European Standard was approved by CEN on 2002-05-01.

CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations
which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a
national standard without any alteration.
Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national stand-
ards may be obtained on application to the Management Centre or to any
CEN member.
The European Standards exist in three official versions (English, French, German).
A version in any other language made by translation under the responsibility of a
CEN member into its own language and notified to the Management Centre has
the same status as the official versions.
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, the Czech
Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy,
Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden,
Switzerland, and the United Kingdom.

European Committee for Standardization
Comité Européen de Normalisation
Europäisches Komitee für Normung

Management Centre: rue de Stassart 36, B-1050 Brussels

© 2002. CEN – All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means Ref. No. EN ISO 12217-3 : 2002 E
reserved worldwide for CEN national members.
Page 2
EN ISO 12217-3 : 2002

International Standard
ISO 12217-3 : 2002 Small craft – Stability and buoyancy assessment and categorization – Part 3: Boats of hull
length less than 6 m,
which was prepared by ISO/TC 188 ‘Small craft’ of the International Organization for Standardization, has been
adopted by Technical Committee CEN/CMC as a European Standard.
This European Standard has been prepared under a mandate given to CEN by the European Commission and
the European Free Trade Association and supports essential requirements of the relevant EU Directive.
This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an identical text
or by endorsement, and conflicting national standards withdrawn, by November 2002 at the latest.
In accordance with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organizations of the
following countries are bound to implement this European Standard:
Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy,
Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom.

Endorsement notice
The text of the International Standard ISO 12217-3 : 2002 was approved by CEN as a European Standard
without any modification.
NOTE: Normative references to international publications are listed in Annex ZA (normative).
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EN ISO 12217-3 : 2002
Small craft
Electrical systems – Alternating current installations {
(ISO 13297 : 2000)
English version of DIN EN ISO 13297 EN ISO 13297

ICS 47.080

Kleine Wasserfahrzeuge – Elektrische Systeme – Wechselstrom-(AC)-Anlagen (ISO 13297 : 2000)

European Standard EN ISO 13297 : 2000 has the status of a DIN Standard.

A comma is used as the decimal marker.

National foreword
This standard has been published in accordance with a decision taken by CEN/CMC to adopt, without
alteration, International Standard ISO 13297 as a European Standard.
The responsible German body involved in its preparation was the Normenstelle Schiffs- und Meerestechnik
(Shipbuilding and Marine Technology Standards Committee).
The DIN Standards corresponding to the IEC Publications/International Standards referred to in clause 2 of
the EN are as follows:
IEC Publication/
ISO Standard DIN Standard
IEC 60079-0 DIN EN 50014
IEC 60446 DIN EN 60446
IEC 60529 DIN EN 60529
IEC 60947-7-1 DIN EN 60947-7-1
ISO 8846 DIN EN 28846
ISO 10240 DIN EN ISO 10240

National Annex NA
Standards referred to
(and not included in Normative references and Annex ZA)
DIN EN 28846 Small craft – Electrical devices – Protection against ignition of surrounding flammable
gases (ISO 8846 : 1990)
DIN EN ISO 10240 Small craft – Owner’s manual (ISO 10240 : 1995)
DIN EN 50014 Electrical apparatus for potentially explosive atmospheres – General requirements
DIN EN 60446 Basic and safety principles for man-machine interface – Identification of conductors by
colours or numerals (IEC 60446 : 1999)
DIN EN 60947-7-1 Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear – Part 7: Ancillary equipment – Section 1:
Terminal blocks for copper conductors (IEC 60947-7-1 : 1989 + A1 : 1999)
DIN EN 60529 Degrees of protection provided by enclosures (IP code) (IEC 60529 : 1989 + A1 : 1999)

Continued overleaf.
EN comprises 19 pages.

© No part of this standard may be reproduced without the prior permission of Ref. No. DIN EN ISO 13297 : 2001-04
DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V., Berlin. Beuth Verlag GmbH, 10772 Berlin, Germany, English price group 11 Sales No. 1111
has the exclusive right of sale for German Standards (DIN-Normen).
EN ISO 13297

December 2000

ICS 47.080

English version

Small craft
Electrical systems – Alternating current installations
(ISO 13297 : 2000)

Petits navires – Systèmes Kleine Wasserfahrzeuge – Elektrische

électriques – Installations de Systeme – Wechselstrom-(AC)-
distribution de courant alternatif Anlagen (ISO 13297 : 2000)
(ISO 13297 : 2000)

This European Standard was approved by CEN on 2000-12-01.

CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations
which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a
national standard without any alteration.
Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national stand-
ards may be obtained on application to the Management Centre or to any
CEN member.
The European Standards exist in three official versions (English, French, German).
A version in any other language made by translation under the responsibility of a
CEN member into its own language and notified to the Management Centre has
the same status as the official versions.
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, the Czech
Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy,
Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland,
and the United Kingdom.

European Committee for Standardization
Comité Européen de Normalisation
Europäisches Komitee für Normung

Management Centre: rue de Stassart 36, B-1050 Brussels

© 2000. CEN – All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means Ref. No. EN ISO 13297 : 2000 E
reserved worldwide for CEN national members.
Page 2
EN ISO 13297 : 2000

International Standard
ISO 13297 : 2000 Small craft – Electrical systems – Alternating current installations,
which was prepared by ISO/TC 188 ‘Small craft’ of the International Organization for Standardization, has been
adopted by CEN/CMC as a European Standard.
This European Standard has been prepared under a mandate given to CEN by the European Commission and
the European Free Trade Association and supports essential requirements of the relevant EU Directive.
For relationship with this directive, see Annex ZB.
This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an identical text
or by endorsement, and conflicting national standards withdrawn, by June 2001 at the latest.
In accordance with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organizations of the
following countries are bound to implement this European Standard:
Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy,
Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom.

Endorsement notice
The text of the International Standard ISO 13297 : 2000 was approved by CEN as a European Standard without
any modification.
NOTE: Normative references to international publications are listed in Annex ZA (normative.)

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EN ISO 13297 : 2000
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EN ISO 13297 : 2000
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EN ISO 13297 : 2000
D EUTSCHE NORM November 2004

DIN EN ISO 13590 {

ICS 47.080

Small craft
Personal watercraft
Construction and system installation requirements
(ISO 13590 : 2003)
English version of DIN EN ISO 13590

Kleine Wasserfahrzeuge – Wasserskooter – Anforderungen an Konstruktion und Einbau von Systemen

(ISO 13590 : 2003)

A comma is used as the decimal marker.

National foreword
This standard has been published in accordance with a decision taken by CEN/CMC to adopt, without
alteration, International Standard ISO 13590 as a European Standard.
The responsible German body involved in its preparation was the Normenstelle Schiffs- und Meerestechnik
(Shipbuilding and Marine Technology Standards Committee).
The DIN Standards corresponding to the International Standards referred to in clause 2 of the EN are as
ISO Standard DIN Standard
ISO 1402 DIN EN ISO 1402
ISO 1817 DIN ISO 1817 *)
ISO 7326 DIN EN 27326
ISO 7840 DIN EN ISO 7840
ISO 8469 DIN EN ISO 8469
ISO 10133 DIN EN ISO 10133

*) Currently at draft stage.

Continued overleaf.
Document comprises 26 pages.

Normenausschuss Bauwesen (NABau) im DIN

© No part of this standard may be reproduced without the prior permission of English price group 13
DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V., Berlin. Beuth Verlag GmbH, 10772 Berlin, Germany,
has the exclusive right of sale for German Standards (DIN-Normen).
03.05 9609543
Page 2
DIN EN ISO 13590 : 2004-11

National Annex NA
Standards referred to
(and not included in Normative references)
DIN EN 27326 Rubber and plastics hoses – Assessment of ozone resistance under static conditions
(ISO 7326 : 1991)
DIN EN ISO 1402 Rubber and plastics hoses and hose assemblies – Hydrostatic testing (ISO 1402 : 1994)
DIN EN ISO 7840 Small craft – Fire-resistant fuel hoses (ISO 7840 : 1994)
DIN EN ISO 8469 Small craft – Non-fire-resistant fuel hoses (ISO 8469 : 1994)
DIN EN ISO 10133 Small craft – Electrical systems – Extra-low voltage d.c. installations (ISO 10133 : 2000)
EN ISO 13590

December 2003

ICS 47.080

English version

Small craft
Personal watercraft
Construction and system installation requirements
(ISO 13590 : 2003)

Petits navires – Motos aquatiques – Kleine Wasserfahrzeuge – Wasser-

Exigences de construction et d’in- skooter – Anforderungen an Kon-
stallation des systèmes struktion und Einbau von Systemen
(ISO 13590 : 2003) (ISO 13590 : 2003)

This European Standard was approved by CEN on 2003-12-08.

CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations
which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a
national standard without any alteration.
Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national
standards may be obtained on application to the Management Centre or to any
CEN member.
The European Standards exist in three official versions (English, French, German).
A version in any other language made by translation under the responsibility of a
CEN member into its own language and notified to the Management Centre has
the same status as the official versions.
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, the Czech
Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland,
Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Slovakia,
Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom.

European Committee for Standardization
Comité Européen de Normalisation
Europäisches Komitee für Normung

Management Centre: rue de Stassart 36, B-1050 Brussels

© 2003. CEN – All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means Ref. No. EN ISO 13590 : 2003 E
reserved worldwide for CEN national members.
Page 2
EN ISO 13590 : 2003

International Standard
ISO 13590 : 2003 Small craft – Personal watercraft – Construction and system installation requirements,
which was prepared by ISO/TC 188 ‘Small craft’ of the International Organization for Standardization, has been
adopted by CMC as a European Standard.
This European Standard has been prepared under a mandate given to CEN by the European Commission and
the European Free Trade Association, and supports essential requirements of the relevant EU Directives.
This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an identical
text or by endorsement, and conflicting national standards withdrawn, by June 2004 at the latest.
In accordance with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organizations of the follow-
ing countries are bound to implement this European Standard:
Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland,
Italy, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and the
United Kingdom.

Endorsement notice
The text of the International Standard ISO 13590 : 2003 was approved by CEN as a European Standard without
any modification.
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EN ISO 13590 : 2003

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EN ISO 13590 : 2003
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EN ISO 13590 : 2003
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EN ISO 13590 : 2003
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EN ISO 13590 : 2003
Small craft
Steering gear – Geared link systems {
(ISO 13929 : 2001)
English version of DIN EN ISO 13929 EN ISO 13929

ICS 47.080

Kleine Wasserfahrzeuge – Ruderanlagen – Mechanisch verbundene Systeme (ISO 13929 : 2001)

European Standard EN ISO 13929 : 2001 has the status of a DIN Standard.

National foreword
This standard has been published in accordance with a decision taken by CEN/CMC to adopt, without
alteration, International Standard ISO 13929 as a European Standard.
The responsible German body involved in its preparation was the Normenstelle Schiffs- und Meerestechnik
(Shipbuilding and Marine Technology Standards Committee).

Continued overleaf.
EN comprises 9 pages.

© No part of this standard may be reproduced without the prior permission of Ref. No. DIN EN ISO 13929 : 2001-07
DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V., Berlin. Beuth Verlag GmbH, 10772 Berlin, Germany, English price group 07 Sales No. 1107
has the exclusive right of sale for German Standards (DIN-Normen).
EN ISO 13929

January 2001

ICS 47.080

English version

Small craft
Steering gear - Geared link systems
(ISO 13929 : 2001)

Petits navires – Appareils à gouverner Kleine Wasserfahrzeuge – Ruderan-

– Transmission à engrenages lagen – Mechanisch verbundene
(ISO 13929 : 2001) Systeme (ISO 13929 : 2001)

This European Standard was approved by CEN on 2000-11-24.

CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations
which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a
national standard without any alteration.
Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national stand-
ards may be obtained on application to the Management Centre or to any
CEN member.
The European Standards exist in three official versions (English, French, German).
A version in any other language made by translation under the responsibility of a
CEN member into its own language and notified to the Management Centre has
the same status as the official versions.
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, the Czech
Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy,
Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland,
and the United Kingdom.

European Committee for Standardization
Comité Européen de Normalisation
Europäisches Komitee für Normung

Management Centre: rue de Stassart 36, B-1050 Brussels

© 2001. CEN – All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means Ref. No. EN ISO 13929 : 2001 E
reserved worldwide for CEN national members.
Page 2
EN ISO 13929 : 2001

International Standard
ISO 13929 : 2001 Small craft – Steering gear – Geared link systems,
which was prepared by ISO/TC 188 ‘Small craft’ of the International Organization for Standardization, has been
adopted by CEN/CMC as a European Standard.
This European Standard has been prepared under a mandate given to CEN by the European Commission and
the European Free Trade Association and supports essential requirements of the relevant EU Directive.
This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an identical text
or by endorsement, and conflicting national standards withdrawn, by July 2001 at the latest.
In accordance with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organizations of the
following countries are bound to implement this European Standard:
Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy,
Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom.

Endorsement notice
The text of the International Standard ISO 13929 : 2001 was approved by CEN as a European Standard without
any modification.
Page 3
EN ISO 13929 : 2001
Page 4
EN ISO 13929 : 2001
Page 5
EN ISO 13929 : 2001
Page 6
EN ISO 13929 : 2001
Page 7
EN ISO 13929 : 2001
Page 8
EN ISO 13929 : 2001
Page 9
EN ISO 13929 : 2001
Small craft
Measurement of airborne sound emitted by powered {
recreational craft
(ISO 14509 : 2000)
English version of DIN EN ISO 14509 EN ISO 14509

ICS 17.140.30; 47.080

Kleine Wasserfahrzeuge – Messung des von motorgetriebenen Sportbooten abgestrahlten Luftschalls

(ISO 14509 : 2000)

European Standard EN ISO 14509 : 2000 has the status of a DIN Standard.

A comma is used as the decimal marker.

National foreword
This standard has been published in accordance with a decision taken by CEN/CMC to adopt, without
alteration, International Standard ISO 14509 as a European Standard.
The responsible German body involved in its preparation was the Normenausschuss Akustik, Lärmminderung
und Schwingungstechnik (Acoustics, Noise Control and Vibration Engineering Standards Committee),
Technical Committee Geräuschemissionsmessungen an Fahrzeugen einschließlich Messungen im Fahr-
gastraum und am Arbeitsplatz.
The DIN Standards corresponding to the IEC Publications and International Standards referred to in clause 2
of the EN are as follows:
IEC Publication/ DIN Standard
ISO Standard
IEC 60651 DIN EN 60651
IEC 60804 DIN EN 60804
IEC 60942 DIN EN 60942
ISO 2922 DIN EN ISO 2922
ISO 3744 DIN EN ISO 3744
ISO 8178-4 DIN EN ISO 8178-4
ISO 8665 DIN EN ISO 8665
ISO 10087 DIN EN ISO 10087
ISO 12001 DIN EN ISO 12001

National Annex NA
Standards referred to
(and not included in Normative references and Annex ZA)
DIN EN 60651 Sound level meters (IEC 60651 : 1979 + A1 : 1993)
DIN EN 60804 Integrating-averaging sound level meters (IEC 60804 : 1985 + A1 : 1989 + A2 : 1993)
DIN EN 60942 Electroacoustics – Sound calibrators (IEC 60942 : 1997)
DIN EN ISO 2922 Acoustics – Measurement of noise emitted by vessels on inland waterways and
harbours (ISO 2922 : 2000)
DIN EN ISO 3744 Acoustics – Determination of sound power levels of noise sources using sound
pressure – Engineering method in an essentially free field over a reflecting plane
(ISO 3744 : 1994)
DIN EN ISO 8178-4 Reciprocating internal combustion engines – Exhaust emission measurement –
Part 4: Test cycles for different engine applications (ISO 8178-4 : 1996)
DIN EN ISO 8665 Marine propulsion engines and systems for small craft – Power measurements and
declarations (ISO 8665 : 1994)
DIN EN ISO 10087 Small craft – Hull identification – Coding system (ISO 10087 : 1995)
DIN EN ISO 12001 Noise emitted by machinery and equipment – Rules for the drafting and presentation
of a noise test code (ISO 12001 : 1996)
Continued overleaf.
EN comprises 18 pages.

© No part of this standard may be reproduced without the prior permission of Ref. No. DIN EN ISO 14509 : 2001-03
DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V., Berlin. Beuth Verlag GmbH, 10772 Berlin, Germany, English price group 11 Sales No. 1111
has the exclusive right of sale for German Standards (DIN-Normen).
EN ISO 14509

November 2000

ICS 17.140.30

English version

Small craft
Measurement of airborne sound emitted by powered
recreational craft
(ISO 14509 : 2000)

Petits navires – Mesurage du bruit Kleine Wasserfahrzeuge – Messung

aérien émis par les navires de des von motorgetriebenen
plaisance motorisés Sportbooten abgestrahlten Luftschalls
(ISO 14509 : 2000) (ISO 14509 : 2000)

This European Standard was approved by CEN on 2000-10-08.

CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations
which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a
national standard without any alteration.
Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national stand-
ards may be obtained on application to the Management Centre or to any
CEN member.
The European Standards exist in three official versions (English, French, German).
A version in any other language made by translation under the responsibility of a
CEN member into its own language and notified to the Management Centre has
the same status as the official versions.
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, the Czech
Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy,
Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland,
and the United Kingdom.

European Committee for Standardization
Comité Européen de Normalisation
Europäisches Komitee für Normung

Management Centre: rue de Stassart 36, B-1050 Brussels

© 2000. CEN – All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means Ref. No. EN ISO 14509 : 2000 E
reserved worldwide for CEN national members.
Page 2
EN ISO 14509 : 2000

International Standard
ISO 14509 : 2000 Small craft – Measurement of airborne sound emitted by powered recreational craft,
which was prepared by ISO/TC 188 ‘Small craft’ of the International Organization for Standardization, has been
adopted by CEN/CMC as a European Standard.
This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an identical text
or by endorsement, and conflicting national standards withdrawn, by May 2001 at the latest.
In accordance with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organizations of the
following countries are bound to implement this European Standard:
Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy,
Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom.

Endorsement notice
The text of the International Standard ISO 14509 : 2000 was approved by CEN as a European Standard without
any modification.
NOTE: Normative references to international publications are listed in Annex ZA (normative).

Page 3
EN ISO 14509 : 2000
Page 4
EN ISO 14509 : 2000
Page 5
EN ISO 14509 : 2000
Page 6
EN ISO 14509 : 2000
Page 7
EN ISO 14509 : 2000
Page 8
EN ISO 14509 : 2000
Page 9
EN ISO 14509 : 2000
Page 10
EN ISO 14509 : 2000
Page 11
EN ISO 14509 : 2000
Page 12
EN ISO 14509 : 2000
Page 13
EN ISO 14509 : 2000
Page 14
EN ISO 14509 : 2000
Page 15
EN ISO 14509 : 2000
Page 16
EN ISO 14509 : 2000
Page 17
EN ISO 14509 : 2000
Page 18
EN ISO 14509 : 2000
DEUTSCHE NORM December 2004

DIN EN ISO 14509/A1 {

ICS 17.140.30; 47.080 Modifies DIN EN ISO 14509,
March 2001 edition.

Small craft
Measurement of airborne sound emitted by
powered recreational craft
Amendment 1
(ISO 14509 : 2000/A1 : 2004)
English version of DIN EN ISO 14509 : 2000/A1 : 2004

Kleine Wasserfahrzeuge – Messung des von motorgetriebenen Sportbooten

abgestrahlten Luftschalls – Änderung 1 (ISO 14509 : 2000/AM1 : 2004)

A comma is used as the decimal marker.

National foreword
This standard has been published in accordance with a decision taken by CEN/CMC to adopt, without al-
teration, Amendment AM1 to International Standard ISO 14509 : 2000 as a European Standard.
The responsible German body involved in its preparation was the Normenausschuss Akustik, Lärm-
minderung und Schwingungstechnik (Acoustics, Noise Control and Vibration Engineering Standards Com-
mittee), Technical Committee Geräuschemissionsmessungen an Fahrzeugen einschließlich Messungen im
Fahrgastraum und am Arbeitsplatz.

Document comprises 7 pages.

© No part of this standard may be reproduced without the prior permission of English price group 7
DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V., Berlin. Beuth Verlag GmbH, 10772 Berlin, Germany,
has the exclusive right of sale for German Standards (DIN-Normen).
04.05 9614524
EN ISO 14509 : 2000/A1
September 2004

ICS 47.080; 17.140.30

English version

Small craft
Measurement of airborne sound emitted by powered
recreational craft
Amendment 1
(ISO 14509 : 2000/A1 : 2004)

Petits navires – Mesurage du bruit Kleine Wasserfahrzeuge – Messung

aérien émis par les navires de plai- des von motorgetriebenen Sportboo-
sance motorisés – Amendement 1 ten abgestrahlten Luftschalls – Ände-
(ISO 14509 : 2000/AM1 : 2004) rung 1 (ISO 14509 : 2000/AM1 : 2004)

This amendment modifies European Standard EN ISO 14509 : 2000. It was

approved by CEN on 2004-09-02.
CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations
which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a
national standard without any alteration.
Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national
standards may be obtained on application to the Management Centre or to any
CEN member.
This amendment exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A
version in any other language made by translation under the responsibility of a
CEN member into its own language and notified to the Management Centre has
the same status as the official versions.
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, the
Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary,
Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands,
Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and
the United Kingdom.

European Committee for Standardization
Comité Européen de Normalisation
Europäisches Komitee für Normung

Management Centre: rue de Stassart 36, B-1050 Brussels

© 2004. CEN – All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means Ref. No. EN ISO 14509 : 2000/A1 : 2004 E
reserved worldwide for CEN national members.
Page 2
EN ISO 14509 : 2000/A1 : 2004

Amendment AM1 to International Standard
ISO 14509 : 2000 Small craft – Measurement of airborne sound emitted by powered recreational craft –
Amendment 1,
which was prepared by ISO/TC 188 ‘Small craft’ of the International Organization for Standardization, has been
adopted by CEN/CMC as a European Standard.
This European Standard has been prepared under a mandate given to CEN by the European Commission and
the European Free Trade Association, and supports essential requirements of the relevant EU Directive. For
relationship with this directive, see Annex ZA.
This Amendment shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an identical text or by
endorsement, and conflicting national standards withdrawn, by March 2005 at the latest.
In accordance with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organizations of the follow-
ing countries are bound to implement this European Standard:
Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary,
Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slo-
vakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom.

Endorsement notice
The text of Amendment ISO 14509 : 2000/AM1 : 2004 has been approved by CEN as a European Standard
without any modification.
NOTE: Normative references to international publications are listed in Annex ZA (normative).
Page 3
EN ISO 14509 : 2000/A1 : 2004
Page 4
EN ISO 14509 : 2000/A1 : 2004
Page 5
EN ISO 14509 : 2000/A1 : 2004
Page 6
EN ISO 14509 : 2000/A1 : 2004
Small craft
Liquid-fuelled galley stoves {
(ISO 14895 : 2000)
English version of DIN EN ISO 14895 EN ISO 14895
ICS 47.080

Kleine Wasserfahrzeuge – Kombüsenherde für flüssige Brennstoffe (ISO 14895 : 2000)

European Standard EN ISO 14895 : 2003 has the status of a DIN Standard.

National foreword
This standard has been published in accordance with a decision taken by CEN/CMC to adopt, without
alteration, International Standard ISO 14895 as a European Standard.
The responsible German body involved in its preparation was the Normenstelle Schiffs- und Meerestechnik
(Shipbuilding and Marine Technology Standards Committee).
The DIN Standards corresponding to the International Standards referred to in clause 2 of the EN are as
ISO Standard DIN Standard
ISO 10133 DIN EN ISO 10133
ISO 10239 DIN EN ISO 10239
ISO 10240 DIN EN ISO 10240

National Annex NA
Standards referred to
(and not included in Normative references and Annex ZA)
DIN EN ISO 10133 Small craft – Electrical systems – Extra-low voltage d.c. installations
(ISO 10133 : 2000)
DIN EN ISO 10239 Small craft – Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) systems (ISO 10239 : 2000)
DIN EN ISO 10240 Small craft – Owner’s manual (ISO 10240 : 1995)

EN comprises 8 pages.

© No part of this standard may be reproduced without the prior permission of Ref. No. DIN EN ISO 14895 : 2003-05
DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e.V., Berlin. Beuth Verlag GmbH, 10772 Berlin, Germany, English price group 09 Sales No. 1109
has the exclusive right of sale for German Standards (DIN-Normen).
EN ISO 14895

January 2003

ICS 47.080

English version

Small craft
Liquid-fuelled galley stoves
(ISO 14895 : 2000)

Petits navires – Réchauds de cuisine Kleine Wasserfahrzeuge – Kom-

alimentés par combustible liquide büsenherde für flüssige Brennstoffe
(ISO 14895 : 2000) (ISO 14895 : 2000)

This European Standard was approved by CEN on 2002-01-03.

CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations
which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a
national standard without any alteration.
Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national
standards may be obtained on application to the Management Centre or to any
CEN member.
The European Standards exist in three official versions (English, French, German).
A version in any other language made by translation under the responsibility of a
CEN member into its own language and notified to the Management Centre has
the same status as the official versions.
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, the Czech
Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ire-
land, Italy, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Slovakia,
Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom.

European Committee for Standardization
Comité Européen de Normalisation
Europäisches Komitee für Normung

Management Centre: rue de Stassart 36, B-1050 Brussels

© 2003. CEN – All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means Ref. No. EN ISO 14895 : 2003 E
reserved worldwide for CEN national members.
Page 2
EN ISO 14895 : 2003

International Standard
ISO 14895 : 2000 Small craft – Liquid-fuelled galley stoves,
which was prepared by ISO/TC 188 ‘Small craft’ of the International Organization for Standardization, has been
adopted by CMC as a European Standard.
This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an identical
text or by endorsement, and conflicting national standards withdrawn, by September 2003 at the latest.
In accordance with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organizations of the follow-
ing countries are bound to implement this European Standard:
Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland,
Italy, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and the
United Kingdom.

Endorsement notice
The text of the International Standard ISO 14895 : 2000 was approved by CEN as a European Standard without
any modification.
Page 3
EN ISO 14895 : 2003
Page 4
EN ISO 14895 : 2003
Page 5
EN ISO 14895 : 2003
Page 6
EN ISO 14895 : 2003
Page 7
EN ISO 14895 : 2003
Page 8
EN ISO 14895 : 2003

DIN EN ISO 14945 {

ICS 01.080.99; 47.080

Small craft
Builder’s plate
(ISO 14945 : 2004)
English version of DIN EN ISO 14945

Kleine Wasserfahrzeuge – Hersteller-Schild (ISO 14945 : 2004)

European Standard EN ISO 14945 : 2004 has the status of a DIN Standard.

A comma is used as the decimal marker.

National foreword
This standard has been published in accordance with a decision taken by CEN/BT to adopt, without altera-
tion, International Standard ISO 14945 as a European Standard.
The responsible German body involved in its preparation was the Normenstelle Schiffs- und Meerestechnik
(Shipbuilding and Marine Technology Standards Committee), Technical Committee Hauptmaße und
Kennzeichnung der Boote.
DIN EN ISO 8666 and DIN EN ISO 14946 are the standards corresponding to International Standards
ISO 8666 and ISO 14946, respectively, referred to in clause 2 of the EN.

National Annex NA
Standards referred to
(and not included in Normative references)
DIN EN ISO 8666 Small craft – Principal data (ISO 8666 : 2002)
DIN EN ISO 14946 Small craft – Maximum load capacity (ISO 14946 : 2001)

Continued overleaf.
Document comprises 8 pages.

Normenausschuss Bauwesen (NABau) im DIN

© No part of this standard may be reproduced without the prior permission of English price group 8
DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V., Berlin. Beuth Verlag GmbH, 10772 Berlin, Germany,
has the exclusive right of sale for German Standards (DIN-Normen).
10.04 9578614
EN ISO 14945

April 2004

ICS 47.080

English version

Small craft
Builder’s plate
(ISO 14945 : 2004)

Petits navires – Plaque du construc- Kleine Wasserfahrzeuge – Hersteller-

teur (ISO 14945 : 2004) Schild (ISO 14945 : 2004)

This European Standard was approved by CEN on 2004-03-01.

CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations
which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a
national standard without any alteration.
Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national
standards may be obtained on application to the Management Centre or to any
CEN member.
The European Standards exist in three official versions (English, French, German).
A version in any other language made by translation under the responsibility of a
CEN member into its own language and notified to the Management Centre has
the same status as the official versions.
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, the
Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary,
Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands,
Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and
the United Kingdom.

European Committee for Standardization
Comité Européen de Normalisation
Europäisches Komitee für Normung

Management Centre: rue de Stassart 36, B-1050 Brussels

© 2004. CEN – All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means Ref. No. EN ISO 14945 : 2004 E
reserved worldwide for CEN national members.
Page 2
EN ISO 14945 : 2004

International Standard
ISO 14945 : 2003 Small craft – Builder’s plate,
which was prepared by ISO/TC 188 ‘Small craft’ of the International Organization for Standardization, has been
adopted by Technical Committee CMC as a European Standard.
This European Standard has been prepared under a mandate given to CEN by the European Commission and
the European Free Trade Association and supports essential requirements of the relevant EU Directive. For
relationship with this directive, see Annex ZA.
This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an identical
text or by endorsement, and conflicting national standards withdrawn, by October 2004 at the latest.
In accordance with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organizations of the follow-
ing countries are bound to implement this European Standard:
Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary,
Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal,
Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom.

Endorsement notice
The text of the International Standard ISO 14945 : 2004 was approved by CEN as a European Standard without
any modification.
NOTE: Normative references to international publications are listed in Annex ZA (informative).

Page 3
EN ISO 14945 : 2004
Page 4
EN ISO 14945 : 2004
Page 5
EN ISO 14945 : 2004
Page 6
EN ISO 14945 : 2004
Page 7
EN ISO 14945 : 2004
D EUTSCHE NORM December 2001
Small craft
Maximum load capacity {
(ISO 14946 : 2001)
English version of DIN EN ISO 14946 EN ISO 14946

ICS 47.080

Kleine Wasserfahrzeuge – Maximale Zuladung

(ISO 14946 : 2001)

European Standard EN ISO 14946 : 2001 has the status of a DIN Standard.

A comma is used as the decimal marker.

National foreword
This standard has been published in accordance with a decision taken by CEN/CMC to adopt, without
alteration, International Standard ISO 14946 as a European Standard.
The responsible German body involved in its preparation was the Normenstelle Schiffs- und Meerestechnik
(Shipbuilding and Marine Technology Standards Committee).
DIN EN ISO 10240 and DIN EN ISO 14945 are the standards corresponding to International Standards
ISO 10240 and ISO 14945, respectively, referred to in clause 2 and in the bibliography of the EN.

National Annex NA
Standards referred to
(and not included in Normative references and Bibliography)
DIN EN ISO 10240 Small craft – Owner’s manual (ISO 10240 : 1995)
DIN EN ISO 14945 Small craft – Builder’s plate (ISO 14945 : 2001

EN comprises 5 pages.

© No part of this standard may be reproduced without the prior permission of Ref. No. DIN EN ISO 14946 : 2001-12
DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e.V., Berlin. Beuth Verlag GmbH, 10772 Berlin, Germany, English price group 07 Sales No. 1107
has the exclusive right of sale for German Standards (DIN-Normen).
EN ISO 14946

September 2001

ICS 47.080

English version

Small craft
Maximum load capacity
(ISO 14946 : 2001)

Petits navires – Capacité de charge Kleine Wasserfahrzeuge – Maximale

maximale (ISO 14946 : 2001) Zuladung (ISO 14946 : 2001)

This European Standard was approved by CEN on 2001-09-15.

CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations
which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a
national standard without any alteration.
Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national stand-
ards may be obtained on application to the Management Centre or to any CEN
The European Standards exist in three official versions (English, French, German).
A version in any other language made by translation under the responsibility of a
CEN member into its own language and notified to the Management Centre has
the same status as the official versions.
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, the Czech
Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy,
Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and
the United Kingdom.

European Committee for Standardization
Comité Européen de Normalisation
Europäisches Komitee für Normung

Management Centre: rue de Stassart 36, B-1050 Brussels

© 2001. CEN – All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means Ref. No. EN ISO 14946 : 2001 E
reserved worldwide for CEN national members.
Page 2
EN ISO 14946 : 2001

International Standard
ISO 14946 : 2001 Small craft – Maximum load capacity,
which was prepared by ISO/TC 188 ‘Small craft’ of the International Organization for Standardization, has been
adopted by CEN/CMC as a European Standard.
This European Standard has been prepared under a mandate given to CEN by the European Commission and
the European Free Trade Association, and supports essential requirements of the relevant EU Directive.
This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an identical
text or by endorsement, and conflicting national standards withdrawn, by March 2002 at the latest.
In accordance with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organizations of the follow-
ing countries are bound to implement this European Standard:
Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy,
Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom.

Endorsement notice
The text of the International Standard ISO 14946 : 2001 was approved by CEN as a European Standard without
any modification.
Page 3
EN ISO 14946 : 2001
Page 4
EN ISO 14946 : 2001
Page 5
EN ISO 14946 : 2001
Small craft
Bilge-pumping systems {
(ISO 15083 : 2003)
English version of DIN EN ISO 15083 EN ISO 15083

ICS 47.080

Kleine Wasserfahrzeuge – Lenzeinrichtungen (ISO 15083 : 2003)

European Standard EN ISO 15083 : 2003 has the status of a DIN Standard.

A comma is used as the decimal marker.

National foreword
This standard has been published in accordance with a decision taken by CEN/CMC to adopt, without
alteration, International Standard ISO 15083 as a European Standard.
The responsible German body involved in its preparation was the Normenstelle Schiffs- und Meerestechnik
(Shipbuilding and Marine Technology Standards Committee).
DIN 40050-9 and DIN EN ISO 9093-1 are the standards corresponding to IEC Publication IEC 60529 and
International Standard ISO 9093-1, respectively, referred to in clause 2 of the EN.

National Annex NA
Standards referred to
(and not included in Normative references and Annex ZA)
DIN 40050-9 Road vehicles – Degrees of protection provided by enclosures (IP-code) – Protection
of electrical equipment against contact, foreign bodies and water
DIN EN ISO 9093-1 Small craft – Seacocks and through-hull fittings – Part 1: Metallic components
(ISO 9093-1 : 1994)

Continued overleaf.
EN comprises 11 pages.

© No part of this standard may be reproduced without the prior permission of Ref. No. DIN EN ISO 15083 : 2003-06
DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V., Berlin. Beuth Verlag GmbH, 10772 Berlin, Germany, English price group 09 Sales No. 1109
has the exclusive right of sale for German Standards (DIN-Normen).
EN ISO 15083

February 2003

ICS 47.080

English version

Small craft
Bilge-pumping systems
(ISO 15083 : 2003)

Petits navires – Systèmes de pompes Kleine Wasserfahrzeuge – Lenzein-

de cale (ISO 15083 : 2003) richtungen (ISO 15083 : 2003)

This European Standard was approved by CEN on 2002-12-11.

CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations
which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a
national standard without any alteration.
Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national stand-
ards may be obtained on application to the Management Centre or to any
CEN member.
The European Standards exist in three official versions (English, French, German).
A version in any other language made by translation under the responsibility of a
CEN member into its own language and notified to the Management Centre has
the same status as the official versions.
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, the Czech
Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland,
Italy, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Slovakia, Spain,
Sweden, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom.

European Committee for Standardization
Comité Européen de Normalisation
Europäisches Komitee für Normung

Management Centre: rue de Stassart 36, B-1050 Brussels

© 2003. CEN – All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means Ref. No. EN ISO 15083 : 2003 E
reserved worldwide for CEN national members.
Page 2
EN ISO 15083 : 2003

International Standard
ISO 15083 : 2003 Small craft – Bilge-pumping systems,
which was prepared by ISO/TC 188 ‘Small craft’ of the International Organization for Standardization, has been
adopted by CMC as a European Standard.
This European Standard has been prepared under a mandate given to CEN by the European Commission and
the European Free Trade Association, and supports essential requirements of the relevant EU Directive. For
relationship with this directive, see Annex ZB.
This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an identical text
or by endorsement, and conflicting national standards withdrawn, by August 2003 at the latest.
In accordance with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organizations of the
following countries are bound to implement this European Standard:
Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland,
Italy, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and the
United Kingdom.

Endorsement notice
The text of the International Standard ISO 15083 : 2003 was approved by CEN as a European Standard without
any modification.
NOTE: Normative references to international publications are listed in Annex ZA (normative).

Page 3
EN ISO 15083 : 2003
Page 4
EN ISO 15083 : 2003
Page 5
EN ISO 15083 : 2003
Page 6
EN ISO 15083 : 2003
Page 7
EN ISO 15083 : 2003
Page 8
EN ISO 15083 : 2003
Page 9
EN ISO 15083 : 2003
Page 10
EN ISO 15083 : 2003
Page 11
EN ISO 15083 : 2003
D EUTSCHE NORM September 2003
Small craft – Anchoring, mooring and towing
Strong points {
(ISO 15084 : 2003)
English version of DIN EN ISO 15084 EN ISO 15084

ICS 47.080

Kleine Wasserfahrzeuge – Ankern, Festmachen und Schleppen – Festpunkte (ISO 15084 : 2003)

European Standard EN ISO 15084 : 2003 has the status of a DIN Standard.

A comma is used as the decimal marker.

National foreword
This standard has been published in accordance with a decision taken by CEN/CMC to adopt, without
alteration, International Standard ISO 15084 as a European Standard.
The responsible German body involved in its preparation was the Normenstelle Schiffs- und Meeres-
technik (Shipbuilding and Marine Technology Standards Committee).
The DIN Standards corresponding to the International Standards referred to in clause 2 of the EN are as
International Standard DIN Standard
ISO 1140 DIN EN 696
ISO 1141 DIN EN 697
ISO 1346 DIN EN 699
ISO 8666 DIN EN ISO 8666

National Annex NA
Standards referred to
(and not included in Normative references, Bibliography or Annex ZA)
DIN EN 696 Fibre ropes for general service – Polyamide ropes
DIN EN 697 Fibre ropes for general service – Polyester ropes
DIN EN 699 Fibre ropes for general service – Polypropylene ropes
DIN EN ISO 8666 Small craft – Principal data (ISO 8666 : 2002)

EN comprises 9 pages.

© No part of this standard may be reproduced without the prior permission of Ref. No. DIN EN ISO 15084 : 2003-09
DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V., Berlin. Beuth Verlag GmbH, 10772 Berlin, Germany, English price group 09 Sales No. 1109
has the exclusive right of sale for German Standards (DIN-Normen).
EN ISO 15084

February 2003

ICS 47.080

English version

Small craft – Anchoring, mooring and towing

Strong points
(ISO 15084 : 2003)

Petits navires – Mouillage, amarrage Kleine Wasserfahrzeuge – Ankern,

et remorquage – Points d’ancrage Festmachen und Schleppen –
(ISO 15084 : 2003) Festpunkte (ISO 15084 : 2003)

This European Standard was approved by CEN on 2003-01-09.

CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal
Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard
the status of a national standard without any alteration.
Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national
standards may be obtained on application to the Management Centre or to any
CEN member.
The European Standards exist in three official versions (English, French,
German). A version in any other language made by translation under the
responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the
Management Centre has the same status as the official versions.
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, the Czech
Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland,
Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Slovakia,
Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom.

European Committee for Standardization
Comité Européen de Normalisation
Europäisches Komitee für Normung

Management Centre: rue de Stassart 36, B-1050 Brussels

© 2003. CEN – All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means Ref. No. EN ISO 15084 : 2003 E
reserved worldwide for CEN national members.
Page 2
EN ISO 15084 : 2003

International Standard
ISO 15084 : 2003 Small craft – Anchoring, mooring and towing – Strong points,
which was prepared by ISO/TC 188 ‘Small craft’ of the International Organization for Standardization, has been
adopted by CMC as a European Standard.
This European Standard has been prepared under a mandate given to CEN by the Commission of the European
Communities and the European Free Trade Association, and supports essential requirements of the relevant EC
For relationship with this directive, see Annex ZB.
This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an identical text
or by endorsement, and conflicting national standards withdrawn, by August 2003 at the latest.
In accordance with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organizations of the
following countries are bound to implement this European Standard:
Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland,
Italy, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and the
United Kingdom.

Endorsement notice
The text of the International Standard ISO 15084 : 2003 was approved by CEN as a European Standard without
any modification.
NOTE: Normative references to international publications are listed in Annex ZA (normative).

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EN ISO 15084 : 2003
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EN ISO 15084 : 2003
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EN ISO 15084 : 2003
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EN ISO 15084 : 2003
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EN ISO 15084 : 2003
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EN ISO 15084 : 2003
Page 9
EN ISO 15084 : 2003
D EUTSCHE NORM October 2003
Small craft
Man-overboard prevention and recovery {
(ISO 15085 : 2003)
English version of DIN EN ISO 15085 EN ISO 15085

ICS 47.080

Kleine Wasserfahrzeuge – Verhütung von Mann-über-Bord-Unfällen und Bergung (ISO 15085 : 2003)

European Standard EN ISO 15085 : 2003 has the status of a DIN Standard.

A comma is used as the decimal marker.

National foreword
This standard has been published in accordance with a decision taken by CEN/CMC to adopt, without
alteration, International Standard ISO 15085 as a European Standard.
The responsible German body involved in its preparation was the Normenstelle Schiffs- und Meerestechnik
(Shipbuilding and Marine Technology Standards Committee).
DIN EN ISO 8666 is the standard corresponding to International Standard ISO 8666 referred to in clause 2
of the EN.

National Annex NA
Standard referred to
(and not included in Normative references, Bibliography and Annex ZA)
DIN EN ISO 8666 Small craft – Principal data (ISO 8666 : 2002)

Continued overleaf.
EN comprises 26 pages.

© No part of this standard may be reproduced without the prior permission of Ref. No. DIN EN ISO 15085 : 2003-10
DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V., Berlin. Beuth Verlag GmbH, 10772 Berlin, Germany, English price group 13 Sales No. 1113
has the exclusive right of sale for German Standards (DIN-Normen).
EN ISO 15085

April 2003

ICS 47.080

English version

Small craft
Man-overboard prevention and recovery
(ISO 15085 : 2003)

Petits navires – Prévention des chutes Kleine Wasserfahrzeuge – Verhütung

d’homme à la mer et remontée à bord von Mann-über-Bord-Unfällen und
(ISO 15085 : 2003) Bergung (ISO 15085 : 2003)

This European Standard was approved by CEN on 2002-12-06.

CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations
which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a
national standard without any alteration.
Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national stand-
ards may be obtained on application to the Management Centre or to any
CEN member.
The European Standards exist in three official versions (English, French, German).
A version in any other language made by translation under the responsibility of a
CEN member into its own language and notified to the Management Centre has
the same status as the official versions.
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, the Czech
Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland,
Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Slovakia,
Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom.

European Committee for Standardization
Comité Européen de Normalisation
Europäisches Komitee für Normung

Management Centre: rue de Stassart 36, B-1050 Brussels

© 2003. CEN – All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means Ref. No. EN ISO 15085 : 2003 E
reserved worldwide for CEN national members.
Page 2
EN ISO 15085 : 2003

International Standard
ISO 15085 : 2003 Small craft – Man-overboard prevention and recovery,
which was prepared by ISO/TC 188 ‘Small craft’ of the International Organization for Standardization, has been
adopted by CEN/CMC as a European Standard.
This European Standard has been prepared under a mandate given to CEN by the European Commission and
the European Free Trade Association, and supports essential requirements of the relevant EU Directive.
For relationship with this directive, see Annex ZB.
This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an identical
text or by endorsement, and conflicting national standards withdrawn, by October 2003 at the latest.
In accordance with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organizations of the follow-
ing countries are bound to implement this European Standard:
Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland,
Italy, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and the
United Kingdom.

Endorsement notice
The text of the International Standard ISO 15085 : 2003 was approved by CEN as a European Standard without
any modification.
NOTE: Normative references to international publications are listed in Annex ZA (normative).
Page 3
EN ISO 15085 : 2003

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EN ISO 15085 : 2003

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EN ISO 15085 : 2003
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EN ISO 15085 : 2003
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EN ISO 15085 : 2003
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EN ISO 15085 : 2003
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EN ISO 15085 : 2003
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EN ISO 15085 : 2003
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EN ISO 15085 : 2003
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EN ISO 15085 : 2003
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EN ISO 15085 : 2003
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EN ISO 15085 : 2003
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EN ISO 15085 : 2003
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EN ISO 15085 : 2003
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EN ISO 15085 : 2003
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EN ISO 15085 : 2003
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EN ISO 15085 : 2003
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EN ISO 15085 : 2003
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EN ISO 15085 : 2003
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EN ISO 15085 : 2003
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EN ISO 15085 : 2003
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EN ISO 15085 : 2003
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EN ISO 15085 : 2003
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EN ISO 15085 : 2003
D EUTSCHE NORM September 2001
Small craft – Inboard petrol engines
Engine-mounted fuel and electrical components {
(ISO 15584 : 2001)
English version of DIN EN ISO 15584 EN ISO 15584

ICS 47.080

Kleine Wasserfahrzeuge – Einbau-Benzinmotoren – Fest am Motor montierte Bauteile

für die Kraftstoff- und Stromversorgung (ISO 15584 : 2001)

European Standard EN ISO 15584 : 2001 has the status of a DIN Standard.

A comma is used as the decimal marker.

National foreword
This standard has been published in accordance with a decision taken by CEN/BT to adopt, without altera-
tion, International Standard ISO 15584 as a European Standard.
The responsible German body involved in its preparation was the Normenstelle Schiffs- und Meerestechnik
(Shipbuilding and Marine Technology Standards Committee).
The DIN Standards corresponding to the International Standards referred to in clause 2 of the EN are as
ISO Standard DIN Standard
ISO 1817 DIN 53521
ISO 7840 DIN EN ISO 7840
ISO 8846 DIN EN 28846
ISO 9227 DIN EN 50021 *)

National Annex NA
Standards referred to
(and not included in Normative references and Annex ZA)
DIN 53521 Determination of the behaviour of rubber when exposed to fluids and vapours
DIN EN 28846 Small craft – Electrical devices – Protection against ignition of surrounding flammable
gases (ISO 8846 : 1990)
DIN EN ISO 7840 Small craft – Fire-resistant fuel hoses (ISO 7840 : 1994)

*) Currently at draft stage.

EN comprises 8 pages.

© No part of this standard may be reproduced without the prior permission of Ref. No. DIN EN ISO 15584 : 2001-09
DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V., Berlin. Beuth Verlag GmbH, 10772 Berlin, Germany, English price group 07 Sales No. 1107
has the exclusive right of sale for German Standards (DIN-Normen).
EN ISO 15584

March 2001

ICS 47.080

English version

Small craft – Inboard petrol engines

Engine-mounted fuel and electrical components
(ISO 15584 : 2001)

Petits navires – Moteurs intérieurs à Kleine Wasserfahrzeuge – Einbau-

essence – Eléments des circuits Benzinmotoren – Fest am Motor
d’alimentation et des systèmes montierte Bauteile für die Kraftstoff-
électriques (ISO 15584 : 2001) und Stromversorgung
(ISO 15584 : 2001)

This European Standard was approved by CEN on 2001-03-15.

CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations
which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a
national standard without any alteration.
Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national stand-
ards may be obtained on application to the Management Centre or to any CEN
The European Standards exist in three official versions (English, French, German).
A version in any other language made by translation under the responsibility of a
CEN member into its own language and notified to the Management Centre has
the same status as the official versions.
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, the Czech
Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy,
Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland,
and the United Kingdom.

European Committee for Standardization
Comité Européen de Normalisation
Europäisches Komitee für Normung

Management Centre: rue de Stassart 36, B-1050 Brussels

© 2001. CEN – All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means Ref. No. EN ISO 15584 : 2001 E
reserved worldwide for CEN national members.
Page 2
EN ISO 15584 : 2001

International Standard
ISO 15584 : 2001 Small craft – Inboard petrol engines – Engine-mounted fuel and electrical components,
which was prepared by ISO/TC 188 ‘Small craft’ of the International Organization for Standardization, has been
adopted by CEN/CMC as a European Standard.
This European Standard has been prepared under a mandate given to CEN by the European Commission and
the European Free Trade Association, and supports essential requirements of the relevant EU Directive.
For relationship with this directive, see Annex ZB.
This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an identical
text or by endorsement, and conflicting national standards withdrawn, by September 2001 at the latest.
In accordance with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organizations of the follow-
ing countries are bound to implement this European Standard:
Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy,
Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom.

Endorsement notice
The text of the International Standard ISO 15584 : 2001 was approved by CEN as a European Standard without
any modification.
NOTE: Normative references to international publications are listed in Annex ZA (normative.)
Page 3
EN ISO 15584 : 2001
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EN ISO 15584 : 2001
Page 5
EN ISO 15584 : 2001
Page 6
EN ISO 15584 : 2001
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EN ISO 15584 : 2001
Page 8
EN ISO 15584 : 2001
D EUTSCHE NORM February 2003
Small craft – Inboard diesel engines
Engine-mounted fuel and electrical components {
(ISO 16147 : 2002)
English version of DIN EN ISO 16147 EN ISO 16147

ICS 47.080

Kleine Wasserfahrzeuge – Eingebaute Dieselmotoren – Am Motor befestigte Kraftstoff- und

Elektrikbauteile (ISO 16147 : 2002)

European Standard EN ISO 16147 : 2002 has the status of a DIN Standard.

A comma is used as the decimal marker.

National foreword
This standard has been published in accordance with a decision taken by CEN/CMC to adopt, without
alteration, International Standard ISO 16147 as a European Standard.
The responsible German body involved in its preparation was the Normenstelle Schiffs- und Meerestechnik
(Shipbuilding and Marine Technology Standards Committee).
The DIN Standards corresponding to the International Standards referred to in clause 2 and Annex ZA of the
EN are as follows:
ISO Standard DIN Standard
ISO 7840 DIN EN ISO 7840
ISO 8846 DIN EN 28846
ISO 9227 DIN 50021
ISO 10088 DIN EN ISO 10088
ISO 10133 DIN EN ISO 10133

National Annex NA
Standards referred to
(and not included in Normative references and Annex ZA)
DIN 50021 Corrosion testing – Spray tests with different sodium chloride solutions
DIN EN 28846 Small craft – Electrical devices – Protection against ignition of surrounding flammable
gases (ISO 8846 : 1990)
DIN EN ISO 7840 Small craft – Fire-resistant fuel hoses (ISO 7840 : 1994)
DIN EN ISO 10088 Small craft – Permanently installed fuel systems and fixed fuel tanks (ISO 10088 : 2001)
DIN EN ISO 10133 Small craft – Electrical systems – Extra-low voltage d.c. installations (ISO 10133 : 2000)

EN comprises 7 pages.

© No part of this standard may be reproduced without the prior permission of Ref. No. DIN EN ISO 16147 : 2003-02
DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V., Berlin. Beuth Verlag GmbH, 10772 Berlin, Germany, English price group 07 Sales No. 1107
has the exclusive right of sale for German Standards (DIN-Normen).
EN ISO 16147

October 2002

ICS 47.080

English version

Small craft – Inboard diesel engines

Engine-mounted fuel and electrical components
(ISO 16147 : 2002)

Petits navires – Moteurs intérieurs Kleine Wasserfahrzeuge – Eingebaute

diesels – Eléments des circuits Dieselmotoren – Am Motor befestigte
d’alimentation et des systèmes Kraftstoff- und Elektrikbauteile
électriques fixés sur le moteur (ISO 16147 : 2002)
(ISO 16147 : 2002)

This European Standard was approved by CEN on 2002-10-09.

CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations
which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a
national standard without any alteration.
Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national stand-
ards may be obtained on application to the Management Centre or to any CEN
The European Standards exist in three official versions (English, French, German).
A version in any other language made by translation under the responsibility of a
CEN member into its own language and notified to the Management Centre has
the same status as the official versions.
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, the Czech
Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy,
Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzer-
land, and the United Kingdom.

European Committee for Standardization
Comité Européen de Normalisation
Europäisches Komitee für Normung

Management Centre: rue de Stassart 36, B-1050 Brussels

© 2002. CEN – All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means Ref. No. EN ISO 16147 : 2002 E
reserved worldwide for CEN national members.
Page 2
EN ISO 16147 : 2002

International Standard
ISO 16147 : 2002 Small craft – Inboard diesel engines – Engine-mounted fuel and electrical components,
which was prepared by ISO/TC 188 ‘Small craft’ of the International Organization for Standardization, has been
adopted by CMC as a European Standard.
This European Standard has been prepared under a mandate given to CEN by the Commission of the European
Communities and the European Free Trade Association, and supports essential requirements of the relevant
EC Directive.
For relationship with this directive, see Annex ZB.
This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an identical
text or by endorsement, and conflicting national standards withdrawn, by April 2003 at the latest.
In accordance with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organizations of the follow-
ing countries are bound to implement this European Standard:
Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy,
Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom.

Endorsement notice
The text of the International Standard ISO 16147 : 2002 was approved by CEN as a European Standard without
any modification.
NOTE: Normative references to international publications are listed in Annex ZA (normative).
Page 3
EN ISO 16147 : 2002
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EN ISO 16147 : 2002
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EN ISO 16147 : 2002
Page 6
EN ISO 16147 : 2002
Page 7
EN ISO 16147 : 2002
The "Recreational Craft Directive and comments to the Directive combined" and
"RSG Guidelines 2005" are included by kind permission of the European Commission,
DG Enterprise & Industry. This CD-ROM contains the most recent (2005) version of the
RSG Guidelines. Users of the CD-ROM can find the most recent version at any time by
consulting the RSG website at

Edited by: DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e.V.

© 2005 Beuth Verlag GmbH

Berlin · Wien · Zürich
Burggrafenstr. 6
10787 Berlin
Phone: +49 30 2601-0
Fax: +49 30 2601-126

1st edition in English

Complete to April 2005

All rights reserved. Without written permission from the publisher, no part of this work
may be used for purposes not permitted by German copyright law, including duplication,
translation, microform reproduction and electronic storage and processing.

Copyright for DIN Standards held by Deutsches Institut für Normung e.V., Berlin.

The contents of this work have been checked carefully by the authors and publisher,
but no responsibility can be taken for their accuracy. The publisher accepts liability solely
for damage caused by its own intent or gross negligence.

Cover design by Beuth Verlag GmbH.

Photograph courtesy of Lloyd's Register Yacht Services, Bremen
"56‘ Rodman Yacht", built by Rodman Polyships S.A.U., Vigo, Spain

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