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April Fools’ Day

Student Copy: 1º/2º ESO

Activity 1 – Vocabulary – Buscad las siguientes palabras/expresiones en Word

Reference ( o Cambridge Dictionary ( y
escribid sus significados y después un ejemplo.

1. To play a prank
2. Fool
3. Hoax
4. Gullible

Activity 2 – Listening – Escuchad el listening y rellenad los huecos.

Choose from the following words

Until – Juice – Each – Cutting – Real – Apply–
Readers – Quite – First – Good – Lasts – Anything –
Exact – Grow – What – Classic

April Fools' Day is on the (1)__________ of April every year. It is a day when people
can play tricks, practical jokes and hoaxes on (2)__________ other. No one really
knows the (3)__________ origin of this day. The writer Mark Twain famously said: “This
is the day upon which we are reminded of what we are on the other three-hundred and
sixty-four days.” In some countries, you have (4)__________ noon to play your jokes. If
you play a trick on someone after midday, you are the April Fool. In other countries,
April Fools' Day(5) __________ the whole day. On this day, you never know
(6)__________ or who to believe. Even newspapers and television stations play April
Fools' jokes on their (7)__________ and viewers. Sometimes people actually think the
(8)__________ news is an April Fools' joke.

Some of the most famous April Fools' jokes are (9)__________ amazing. My favorite
happened in 1957. The BBC showed a documentary of people in Switzerland
(10)__________ spaghetti from spaghetti trees. Lots of people contacted the BBC
asking how they could (11)__________ their own spaghetti trees! Another
(12)__________ one was the “left-handed burger” advertised by Burger King on April
1st, 1998. They said all of the (13)__________ would drip out of the right hand side of
the burger. Many customers asked the Burger King staff for the traditional right-handed
burger. Other (14)__________ jokes include the BBC’s 1965 news of “Smell-o-vision”
and Google’s 2008 invitation for people to (15)__________ to be astronauts to live on
the website’s new base on Mars. If you believe that, you’ll believe (16)__________!

Activity 3 – Comprehension Questions Contestad las siguientes preguntas usando la

información del listening (de la actividad 2).

1. When is April Fools’ Day?

2. What do people do on April Fools’ Day?
3. In some countries you have until noon (12:00 PM) to play a trick on someone. If
you wait until after, what are you?
4. What did the BBC do as an April Fool’s Prank in 1957?
5. What did Burger king do in 1998 as an April Fools’ Prank?
6. What holiday here in Spain is similar to April Fools’ Day? Esta pregunta no se
encuentra en el listening, es algo que podéis adivinar. 

Activity 4 – Spell the jumbled words (from the listening). Las palabras subrayadas
están mal escritas. Tenéis que escribirlas bien (vienen del listening) y escribir una frase
para cada palabra subrayada. ¡No uséis la misma frase del listening!

Paragraph 1:

1. the exact irngio of this day


2. readers and virewse


Paragraph 2:

1. people catdetocn the BBC


2. invitation for people to paply to be astronauts


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