Seminar Topit NR 6

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TOPIT, seminar nr 6 – situatii propuse spre analiza :

Compania X din Bucuresti :

1) „Madina trebuie curatata inainte de a se da la inchiriere (era f murdara in interior, cu un miros

f urat) si trebuie sa se faca o inspectie tehnica prealabila(roata de rezerva era pe pana si rotile nu
erau echilibrate;am revenit cu masina a-2a zi dupa inchiriere pt a echilibra rotile in unul din service-
urile propuse de agentul dumneavoastra). Consider ca nu e normal ca platind un pret de
inchiriere/zi, sa fim tot noi cei care ne ocupam de a repune in buna stare de funtionare masina
inchiriata,pe timpul nostru (si de fapt tot pe banii nostri pt ca acel timp de stat in service l-am
platit).Multumesc,voi mai inchiria de la dumneavoastra o alta masina daca imi veti da certitudinea
ca nu voi mai avea aceleasi probleme tehnice. „

2) „ Am primit autoturismul cu rezervorul aproape gol la o ora tarzie din noapte de amble dati
cand am inchiriat autoturisme de la dumneavostra.
Am returnat apoi autoturismul cu rezervorul aproape plin pentru ca este f dificil in aceste conditii de
apreciat cata benzina o sa ai nevoie. In aceste conditii agentul nu a stiut cum se poate rezolva
problema. Apreciez ca in rezervor era benzina de aproape 1oo Ron fata de ce am primit.
As dori sa stiu daca aveti o solutie?
Multumesc „

3) „ I was very disappointed to be charged 50 euros for a problem caused by a defect in the car -
the car lost a front vent cover while driving on the motorway an hour after collecting it which was
very clearly a pre-existing issue. The person collecting the car, besides being two and a half hours
late was, under instructions from head office, totally uncompromising. In the end I paid the arbitrary
amount just to avoid an argument, waste holiday time and also because your representative refused
to release the deposit or to take the money from the deposit which would have allowed me to claim
it from MasterCard or my insurance company but still feel it was totally unfair.

I would be grateful if someone from Eurocars could explain:

a) Why was I forced to pay the money for a problem with the car.

b) Why did your representative refuse to take the money from the deposit which I would be tempted
to say is a dishonest commercial practice.

Kind Regard „

Compania Y din Bucuresti :

1) „ I rented cars many times cars from your company without any problems but this time the
quality service was not as good as usual.

- When we arrive at the airport, nobody from Eurocars was there to welcome us, we try to call the
number that you give to us but nobody answer, if it has been in the middle of the night we should
have understand, but it was 5 pm !! After half an hour waiting the agent and trying to call
somebody, we were about to book another car to another rental company at the airport when the
agent finally arrive.

- With the car we had no problems during the week, the car was perfect.
- At the end of the trip we park the cars to the airport’s parking to give it back to your agent. He
checked the car, and there was no problem as usual, then he told me that he has to charge me 5 more
euros because the car was a bit dirty outside. First surprise, we’ve rent many times cars from your
company and you never charged us for that before. Beside, when we have took the car the agent
didn’t tell us that there will be additional fee if we do not bring it back absolutely clean! After that
the agent wanted us to pay the airport parking unacceptable for us we have already paid 20 euro
additional fee for an airport delivery, and beside it is the first time that somebody asked us to pay
for that. He said we should have leaved it outside the parking in a place where it is forbidden to
park! We refused to pay, and the agent said that next time he will charge us with the fee if we bring
back the car in the airport’s parking. I don’t think so, next time we will book car from another
company. When we are agreeing on a price that’s the price it’s unacceptable that you try to charge
us more. We will be back to Romania in April and we will rent a car for a week, but it will be from
another agency this time! „

2) Mult pesimism am avut. Deoarece avind 200 Euro Garantie si autoturismul mi s-a predat cu
foarte multe zgirieturi mi s-a pärut modul de predare foarte timp risipitor.La starea aceasta nu
inteleg de ce se mai protocoleazä fiecare zgirieturä.Dacä loveam masina inteleg cä trebuie sä fiu
räspunzätor si sä renunt la garantie.S-au fäcut si poze cea ce ma fäcut foarte sceptic ???
Din fericire la predarea autoturismului scepticismul meu nu s-a adeverit.
Vin si in septembrie ia-rä si as lua autoturismul tot de la voi.

Multe salutäri
Manfred Schuster

3) Upon return of the car the service agent wanted to have 25RON from us for the cleaning the
car. After explaining him, that it has not been mentioned in the contract and we had not been
informed about this regulation beforehand. There was quite a bit of loud discussion until we
eventually decided to contact the reservation desk to verify the issue. Upon this inquiry he called
someone and confirmed that the end-cleaning didn't have to be paid by us.
This unfortunate event had destroyed all the previous positive impression about the agency.

Compania Z din Targu Mures :

1) Your customer service is excellent, we changed emails several times regards to the booking
and always got prompt reply within hours. Very helpful.

However the agent delivered the car 40minutes later (TGU Mures Airport), with no petrol. It was
clean but the car was not the one we expected as we booked a Ford Focus and got a Renault
Megane. This was however fine as it is probably the same category.
At return, it was early hours, noone came to pick up the car and the agent did not advise us about
this. We had to call the emergency number a couple of times, probably woke the agent up. He said
we can leave the keys with the information desk. The only information desk was open at that early
time was WizzAir Desk and they weren't sure what to do in this case. However Thankfully they
have accepted the keys and - as we found out later - the agent picked it up in the morning.

I would actually rather pay a little more money for renting and have a better experience with the
agent. I expect the cars to turn up at the agreed times and also want to leave the car in safe terms. It
would have been nice even if the agent advised us that he is not going to come and pick it up, just
for us to know what to do .

Best Regards,
Viktor Rozsa

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