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7u1f NORD

Certlflcate No. TUVTLTPR/151001224

lnspection Certificate Date of lnapectlon : 24t June 2015
Locetion : Labuan

This is to certify that the undersigned Surveyor lo the Society did at the request of
Sarku Englneerlng Services Sdn. Bhd. to carry out the survey on the equipment described below:

Item Description : Gangway (Combino Primary & Sscondary)
Manufacturer : Unknown
Date of Manufacturing : Unknown
Serial No. : GW-05A & B
Material : Carbon Stoel
Dimension (mm) '. 225601L1 t 1220(w) x 2,300(H)
Tare Mass : 8,000 kg
Payload / Capacity : 2,000 kg
Max. Gross Mass : 6,000 kg
Test Load Applied : 12,000 kg
Applicable Code : Cliont's rsquircment

ScoDo of lngDections
. To perform visual inspection and proof load test with the equipment lined otf the ground for 5 minutes.

2. To perform Magngtic Particlo lnspection (MPl) on pad eyes weldment.

Observsiion8 , Findinqs
1. Visual inspection result was satisfactory with no distorlion or deflection to the structural members
or damage to critical weld joints observed during and after the load test.
2. MPI resull was satislactory. See attached report no. TUV/UPR l51061175.
3. Next due date and safety markings to be properly stenciled on the equipment.

Noxt Due Date

23'd Juna 2016

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P.!. i ol1 [tdm{n No TLrV/tE(trs R.e 1

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