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Samantha Sierra




May 3, 2020

The Relevance of ASEAN to the Philippines and to Filipinos

ASEAN, or the Association of Southeast Asian Nations is a Regional Intergovermental

Organization composed of ten countries from Southeast Asia. Among the aims of the

organization are the following: to promote regional peace and stability, to accelerate economic,

social, and cultural progress and development, and to promote cooperation (in terms of

economic, military, social, educational, and sociocultural integration) among its member

countries. It also aims to promote active and effective collaboration, assistance, and mutual

respect within the states. It was established back then in August 8, 1967 in Bangkok, Thailand,

after the first five members have signed the ASEAN Declaration, showing their solidarity against

communist insurgency within these countries. It is said that the creation of ASEAN was

motivated by the fear of communism.

This organization was formed because to the members’ ambitions to promote peace in the

Southeast Asian region and to become aware and appreciate the culture of Southeast Asian

countries. The member states of ASEAN also wanted to prevent the disputes and arguments that
occur between them from becoming into severe conflict by settling disagreements in a peaceful

manner and avoiding the use of force, weapons, and war. They also wanted to leave behind their

differences in terms of culture and religion in the pursuit of common interests, and to remove the

sense of ignorance and separation with each other due to past colonization by powerful countries

such as United States, Spain, and United Kingdom. Lastly, it also aims to prevent Southeast

Asian countries from becoming the place where the powerful countries battle.

ASEAN is now known as the most durable and successful regional organization in the

developing world. It has contributed significantly to regional harmony and prosperity within its

member states. It effectively took over three political organizations: the Association of Southeast

Asia or ASA, MAPHILINDO, which consists of Malaysia, the Philippines, and Indonesia; and

the Asia and Pacific Council, wherein Australia, China, Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia,

the Philippines, New Zealand, Thailand, and Vietnam. Additionally, the regional organization

has been widely recognized for its geopolitical and strategic importance.

The first five states who signed the ASEAN Declaration and thus became the first five

members of ASEAN include Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand, all of

which have joined right during the regional organization’s formation. Brunei Darussalam later

joined in January 7, 1984, becoming its sixth member after becoming independent from United

Kingdom. Brunei was later followed by Vietnam in July 28, 1995, after becoming an observer

for a short period of time, and after the tensions that occur during the past Cold War has

lessened. Laos and Myanmar then joined in July 23, 1997. Cambodia delayed their admission to
April 30, 1999 after stabilizing its government due to solving political conflict within its own

country, making them the tenth and final member of ASEAN. One of the observer countries in

the present include Papua New Guinea and East Timor.

The importance of it to the Philippines is that ASEAN integration can benefit the

Filipinos. Firstly, it aims to remove barriers in trade and to facilitate trade of goods, resources,

and services between the Philippines and the member states of ASEAN. This means that the

prices and the amount of tax of goods such as food, clothing, materials, services, and other

resources will become lower and more affordable to those who need them, and some taxes on

imported good have even been eliminated. It will also mean that food, resources, and goods that

were not available in our country will be easier to own and access and will be cheaper to afford,

which helps businesses and companies thrive and earn more money. Import and export of trade,

tourism, resources, and services will be enhanced through ASEAN integration.

Second, ASEAN integration contributes in making it easier for resources, services, and

foods both from our own country and other ASEAN member states to cross each other’s borders.

It also has helped to give more Filipino tourists better opportunities to travel to ASEAN

countries so that they can experience their culture and places safely and with less difficulty. This

is very important especially for families, students, and employees wanting to live, work, and

study in Southeast Asian countries. ASEAN integration has made air travel much less

complicated and more affordable for Filipinos to fly to other neighboring countries. Countries

such as Indonesia and Cambodia have become VISA-free (in other ASEAN countries such as
Myanmar and Malaysia, however, they are required to use an electronic visa in order to visit

each other’s countries), which is very useful and helpful for easier air travel and sea travel for

ASEAN members, especially our country. Also, a lot of people with different nationalities are

able to visit most of the ASEAN countries without owning a visa or just by using an electronic

visa. Also, ASEAN states have signed plans that tackles on improvement of transportation within

its states during the 23rd ASEAN Transport Ministers Meeting back in 2017. This results in

promoting and improving the tourism industry in the Philippines, especially since tourism is a

very important and essential source of revenue and income for not only the Philippines, but also

for the rest of the ASEAN member states. Back in 2015, around 109 million tourists have visited

or travelled to ASEAN member countries, making tourism greatly important for 9 million

ASEAN workers who work in the tourism industry. Also, tourism is directly and indirectly

accountable for 10% of ASEAN’s annual revenue. This will also create an impact in making the

ASEAN member states become closer with each other.

In addition to that, more and better job opportunities can be given to Filipino workers,

especially Filipinos planning to become workers abroad. In fact, ASEAN’s goal is also to help

allow people from ASEAN states to work abroad in order to facilitate free flow of skilled labor,

increase productivity, and to also ensure more protection for overseas Filipino workers, among

other benefits. Also, ASEAN is also important for Filipino students, as it gives them the chance

to be able to study abroad, especially in ASEAN member countries. This is important because by

students being able to study in countries such as Cambodia, Singapore, Myanmar, and Malaysia,

they will be able to make friends with people from different nationalities and be able to
appreciate the life and culture of these other nationalities. Thus, the future generation will

become more open-minded, capable, and stronger than the previous generations.

ASEAN is also important in terms of Southeast Asian countries dealing with climate

change, as this major concern is highly impacting these member states. The average temperature

trends in Southeast Asia has been continuously increasing and rising by around 0.1 to 0.3

degrees Celsius over the last five decades, and unfortunately this will probably continue to rise

and reach 2 to 4 degrees Celsius by the time the 21st century concludes. The Philippines, along

Southeast Asian regions such as Vietnam and Indonesia, is also known as one of the regions that

are most at-risk in the world to the effects of climate change, constantly facing extreme natural

disasters such as drought, landslides, flooding, and hurricanes every year. This also affects the

Philippine population and their livelihood, as poverty is prevalent in the country and Filipinos

rely extremely on agricultural livelihoods such as farming and fishing. Since climatological and

hydro-meteorological hazard-based disasters are becoming more frequent and intense, ASEAN’s

role in tackling climate change has been very important not only for the Philippines, but the rest

of the region as well. Not only that, the Philippines (along with the ASEAN member states) are

also one of the countries facing the effects of high greenhouse gas emission levels, resulting in

3,414 million tons of carbon dioxide emissions due to trying to meet massive energy demands

such as the use of coal-powered power plants. Which is why these problems are addressed by

ASEAN by conducting a variety of environmental, economic, and social actions and activites

over the decades. Furthermore, ASEAN, through the ASEAN Working Group on Climate

Change, has contributed in enhancing regional cooperation and action to address the massive

impact of climate change to all of the member states by formulating the interest, concerns, and
priorities of the member countries in coming up with measures and solutions or at least help

lessen the impact of climate change. In addition to that, the ASEAN Working Group on Climate

Change has also served as a consultative forum that helps promote collaboration and

communication among the ASEAN Sectoral Bodies that are dealing with sectors that are

impacted by climate change, to further create efforts in addressing and dealing with climate


ASEAN gives an impact to the Philippines, especially in terms of economy and tourism.

Due to the massive economic support that the ASEAN member countries are constantly giving to

each other, the globalization of Philippines is improving in a fast rate. ASEAN integration has

helped the country a place for potential investors and businessmen. It has also contributed to the

stability of the country through creation of stronger ties between the other ASEAN member

states. The intergovernmental organization also is helpful as it is also addressing and dealing

with the impacts of climate change to Southeast Asian countries, including the Philippines.

Despite the criticism given to ASEAN, especially with dealing with environmental issues, it still

has truly helped our country in much more aspects, which is why ASEAN integration is very

important and essential to Filipinos.



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