Duhok Polytechnic University: Highways and Bridges Engineering

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FIRST YEAR (2016-2017)


By: Heval Mohammed Ibrahim

Experiment Name: 5.Testing of Aggregate Concrete Blocks
Date Performed: 14-01-2017
Date Submitted: 21-01-2017
Group Number: (B2)
5.Testing of Aggregate Concrete Blocks

• The compression strength of a material is the ability of
a material to resist forces that attempt to squeeze or
compress the material together.
• The use of concrete blocks are more appropriate in
regions where soil bricks are costly and are not
• The mixes are designed with the available materials to
give overall economy and the required properties of the
• This test provides a means of evaluating compressive
strength characteristics, according to IQS 1077/1987, of
concrete blocks through testing of samples obtained
from construction sites.
• A sample size of 20 concrete blocks shall be chosen for
every 10,000 blocks or when the source of concrete
blocks changes.
• For the purpose of acceptance, age of testing the
specimens shall be at least 28 days.
5.Testing of Aggregate Concrete Blocks

The aim of this test is to determine the maximum
compressive strength for concrete blocks.

5.3.Apparatus and Materials:

1. Full size solid concrete blocks.
2. The universal compression test machine in DPU
5.Testing of Aggregate Concrete Blocks

1. Measure the dimensions of the block face in which
the load will be applied.
2. Specimens shall be placed with the centroid of their
bearing surface (bedding face).
3. The load up to one-half of the expected maximum
load may be applied at a convenient rate. Use a rate of
140 kg/cm2/min (13.7 N/mm2/min) until the sample
fails (crushes).
4. The load up to one-half of the expected maximum
load may be applied at any convenient rate, after which
the control of the machine shall be adjusted as required
to give a uniform rate of travel of the moving head such
that the remaining load is applied in not less than one
nor more than two minutes.
5. The compression strength of a concrete block shall be
taken as the maximum applied load. The load shall be
recorded to the nearest 0.1 N.
6. The compression strength shall be calculated to the
nearest 0.1 N/mm2 separately for each unit and the
average for the full size units.
5.Testing of Aggregate Concrete Blocks

5.6.Calculations and Results:

Calculate the compression strength:
σ= Loaded Area

σ : is the compressive strength (N/mm ) 2

P : is the applied load (N) at failure.

L = Length of the brick (mm)
W = Width of the brick (mm)
T = Thickness of the Bricks
5.Testing of Aggregate Concrete Blocks

Specimen L (mm) W Area ( P (N) σ (N/mm )2

NO. (mm) mm )

B1 397 199 79003 131003 16.582

B2 398 199 79202 133525 16.859
B3 398 194 77212 139496 18.067
Average 17.16933
P 1 1310039
σ 1= = =16.582 N /mm2
A1 79003
P2 1335258
σ 2= = =16.859 N /mm 2
A2 79202
P3 1394962
σ 2= = =18.067 N /mm2
A3 77212

σ 1+ σ 2+σ 3 16.582+16.859+18.067 51.508

Average= = = =17.16933 N /mm2
3 3 3

Result: Based on the results of the average of

compressive strength , the concrete blocks are suitable
and in Class(A).
5.Testing of Aggregate Concrete Blocks

In IQS 1077/1987, for both types of solid and hollow
concrete blocks, the minimum compression strength and
absorption limits are in the following table:
Min. Compression Strength N /mm2
Block Type Average of 3 Blocks One Block
limit %
Solid A 13 11 10
B 9 7 15
Hollow A 7 6 15
B 5 4.5 20
5.Testing of Aggregate Concrete Blocks


*If there is a crack or a chip in concrete block that will

affect on a masonry built structure negatively and in
this case we should fill the spaces between cracked
blocks and that will take more time to built.
*Testing compressive strength of concrete blocks allows
us to know if the concrete blocks are suitable or not
suitable to build and to know the class of concrete
*The errors that may occur when performing this test
are in the area calculation of blocks.

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