55-Julia-Large Dimension Parametrization With Convolutional Variational Autoencoder

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Large Dimension Parametrization with Convolutional

Variational Autoencoder: An Application in the History

Matching of Channelized Geological Facies Models.
Potratz, Julia, Canchumuni, Smith W. A., Castro, Jose David B., Emerick, Alexandre A.,
Pacheco, Marco Aurélio C.

Júlia Potratz
Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil

July 1-4, 2020

Introduction to the Problem

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Schematic architecture of the convolutional

variational autoencoder (CVAE).
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● Most trainable parameters used CVAE network for

large models.

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Adopted Methodology

● We present two innovative deep learning

architectures based on the traditional CVAE
network to work with large dimension imagery.

● CVAE network incorporated the Inception

Module in it’s structure (CVAE-IN).

● CVAE network incorporated the depthwise

separable convolution in it’s structure

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CVAE with Inception Module

Schematic architecture of the convolutional

variational autoencoder with Inception Module

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CVAE with Depthwise Separable

Schematic architecture of the convolutional

variational autoencoder with depthwise separable
convolutional Module (CVAE-DSC).
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Apply Decoder Networks with ES-MDA

● Apply decoder architectures to the historical

matching using ES-MDA algorithm.

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Experiments and Results

● Dataset

○ Case 1: 45 x 45 ○ Case 2: 100 x 100

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Experiments Setups

● Computational resource
○ We used NVIDIA TESLA P100 GPU cluster
○ This work was implemented with Keras

● Training mechanisms:
○ Early stopping
○ Learning rate decay by a factor of 0.5.
○ ADAM with method for stochastic optimization

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Experiments Setups

● Dataset:

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Experiments Setups

● Tuning the models

○ Latent vector dimension

■ best value = 500

○ Batch-size training


Case 1 24 20 32

Case 2 12 24 32

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● Number of training parameters

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● Reconstruction accuracy in validation set


Case 1 96.7% 96,0% 96,2%
Case 2 95,4% 93,1% 95,1%

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● Reconstruction realizations in Case 1

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● Reconstruction realizations in Case 2

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● History Matching with ES-MDA

○ For all cases, we used:

■ Ne = 200 realizations

■ Na = 4 iterations for Case 1

■ Na = 10 iterations for Case 2

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● Production Curves in Case 1 and Case 2

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● It was observed that the number of parameters for the

CVAE-DSC alternative increases very little in
comparison with the original CVAE.

● The architecture CAVE-IN proposed, that it is invariant

to the size of the reservoir model.

● The experiments showed that this modification

does not affect the capability of the network to
preserve the geological realism of the models.

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Thank you everyone!

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