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LASS 2.0.

1 Changes for ARC



• Added Master Load All/Save All


• Added Load/Save support


• Added Load/Save
• Added a new "Smart Menu" for layering instruments on a KS
• Unassigned KSs now let MIDI pass through (more keyboard range for your
• Added a note value to the Articulation List for easier workflow
• Added 2 additional KS sets
• Added program change support
• Improved default CC behavior
• Fix for simultaneous KS bug

Stage & Color

• Added simultaneous view modes with click-able blips

• Added textual display of current layout
• Added 6 additional presets with 6 new Sonic Profiles: Bat Man, Lost, Fantasy
on Thomas Tallis, Sul Pont - and for sords: Bat Man, Lost
• Stage OFF by default
• Added discrete loading of Stages and Colors
• Time to transmit ARC presets roughly cut in half
• Significantly lower CPU required to transmit presets

Real Legato:

• Added Load/Save


• Added Vel Atten CC assign

Auto Arranger/DNH:

• Added Load/Save For All Presets

• Added true persistent Preset support
• Added DNH CC assign

New Multis

Good multis for playing chords with AA on:

AA Batman Cries Harmony (KS MIDI Ch 1).nkm -- Play anything up to a triad from
Middle C and above... and take out a hanky.
AA Harmony Vlns+Vlas+Cli (MIDI Ch 1).nkm -- Another general spread voicing
Multi for lines or chords up to a triad. Play from Middle C and above.
FX Tutti (Ch1 - play above middle C).nkm -- Play anything up to a triad and
ride CCs 83 and 111 (and the Mod-wheel for dynamics). Be afraid... very afraid.

Long Articulations Key Switched per section:

KS Airy Basses Long (KS MIDI Ch 16).nkm
KS Airy Cellos Long (KS MIDI Ch 16).nkm
KS Airy Vlas Long (KS MIDI Ch 16).nkm
KS Airy Vlns I Long (KS MIDI Ch 16).nkm
KS Airy Vlns II Long (KS MIDI Ch 16).nkm

Short Articulations Key Switched per section:

KS Shaws Basses Short (KS MIDI Ch 16).nkm
KS Shaws Cellos Short (KS MIDI Ch 16).nkm
KS Shaws Vlas Short (KS MIDI Ch 16).nkm
KS Shaws Vlns I Short (KS MIDI Ch 16).nkm
KS Shaws Vlns II Short (KS MIDI Ch 16).nkm

Instrument Fixes

• Fix for instrument level AA range bug

• Fix CC Attenuator default settings to "Off" on Trills.
• Fix Octave KS disparity on certain patches
• Various other small fixes.

For a more detailed look at these changes, go to:

All content © Audiobro and may not be reproduced or posted without prior written
permission by Audiobro.

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