2.17 Seismic-Forcescomponents

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Seismic Forces—Components
The seismic forces which have been discussed up to this point are those assumed to be developed in the primary LFRS of a
building as it responds to an earthquake. However, when individual components of the structure are analyzed separately, it
may be necessary to consider different seismic effects. One reason for this is that certain elements which are attached to the
structure respond dynamically to the motion of the structure rather than to the motion of the ground. Resonance between the
structure and the attached element may occur.

ASCE 7 provisions for component seismic forces can be found in two primary locations.Section 12.11 addresses structural
walls and their anchorage, and Chap. 13 addresses nonstructural components. Per ASCE 7 Chap. 11 definitions, structural
walls include both bearing and shear walls (walls that are part of the gravity system or LFRS). Because of their role in these
structural systems, different criteria are used. Chapter 13 provisions address components (nonstructural walls or other) that
are attached to the structure. For these items a component seismic force, termed Fp, is used.

The basic equation for out-of-plane seismic forces for design of structural walls can be found in ASCE 7 Sec. 12.11.1, which is
applicable to SDCs B and up. The specified force is Fp = 0.4SDS I eWp, but not less than 0.1Wp. SDS is the design spectral
response acceleration, I e is the importance factor used for the main structure (as opposed to a component importance factor
I p), and Wp is the weight of the wall. This is a strength level force that can be multiplied by applicable load factors for allowable
stress forces. Design will be addressed in a later chapter. Anchorage forces and anchorage detailing requirements for
structural walls are provided in Sec. 12.11.2. The provisions of Sec. increase forces for walls supported by flexible
diaphragms. The provisions of Sec. impose additional detailing requirements for anchorage of concrete and
masonry walls. Where in ASCE 7-05, Sec. only applied where concrete or masonry walls were supported by flexible
diaphragms, it now applies regardless of diaphragm type.

The seismic force for design of components Fp will be introduced for calculation of parapet forces. Seismic forces and design
requirements for nonstructural components are addressed in ASCE 7 Sec. 13.3. The component forces also apply to a wide
range of architectural, mechanical, and electrical components. Architectural components addressed include interior and
exterior nonstructural walls and partitions, parapets, chimneys, veneer, ceilings, cabinets, etc. In fact, in higher SDCs virtually
everything on or attached to the structure requires design per ASCE 7 Chap. 13. ASCE 7 Sec. 13.1.4 provides a list of seven
categories of components exempt from design:

Furniture except storage cabinets

Temporary or movable equipment

In SDC B, all architectural components having component importance factor I p equal to 1.0 are exempt, except parapets
supported by bearing walls or shearwalls.

In SDC B, all mechanical and electrical components are exempt.

In SDC C, all mechanical and electrical components are exempt provided they either have I p equal to 1.0 or a weight less
than 20 pounds, or 5 pounds per foot for a distributed system.

In SDC D, E, and F, discrete mechanical and electrical components are exempted when a series of configuration and
attachment requirements are met.

In SDC D, E, and F, distributed systems are exempt when a series of requirements are met.

The force on a portion of the structure is given by the following formula:

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0.4ap SDS Wp
(1 + 2 )
Fp =
Rp /Ip h

with Fp limited to the range:

0.3SDS Ip Wp ≤ Fp ≤ 1.6SDS Ip Wp

where Fp = component seismic design force centered at the component's center of gravity
and distributed relative to the component's mass distribution
SDS = short-period design spectral acceleration, discussed in Sec. 2.15
ap = component amplification factor per ASCE 7 Table 13.5-1 or 13.6-1
Ip = component importance factor per ASCE 7 Sec. 13.1.3
Wp = component operating weight
Rp = component response modification factor per ASCE 7 Table 13.5-1 or 13.6-1
z = height in structure of point of attachment of component with respect to the
structure base . For items attached at or below the base, z shall be taken as
h = average roof height of structure with respect to the structure base
This equation for Fp was developed based on building acceleration data recorded during earthquakes. See the NEHRP
commentary for further discussion. The term 1 + 2z/h allows Fp to vary from one value for components anchored at the
ground level to 3 times that value for components anchored to the roof. This matches the general trend seen in recorded
acceleration data. If the elevation at which the component will be anchored is not known, this term can default to 3.

The second paragraph of ASCE 7 Sec. 13.3.1 gives further direction on use ofFp component forces. Typically Fp will be
considered in two perpendicular horizontal directions, combined with a vertical force component of plus or minus 0.2SDS Wp.
Where the component under consideration is a vertically cantilevered system, Fp will be considered to act in any horizontal
direction. It is specifically noted that the redundancy factor ρ will be taken as 1.0 for components. New in ASCE 7-16 is the
Sec. 13.3.1 direction to use the overstrength factor, Ω0, for design of anchorage to concrete where required by Chapter 13, and
the inclusion of Ω0 factors in Tables 13.5-1 and 13.6-1. Similar to the overstrength factor of Chapter 12, this amplifies strength
level forces to maximum anticipated forces for anchorage to concrete or masonry. This is used to reduce the likelihood of
brittle failure of this anchorage. As with the seismic base shear equations, component forces Fp are at a strength level.
Appropriate load factors are to be used in the load combination equations. Example 2.16 illustrates the use of Fp component
forces for seismic forces normal to a wall.


EXAMPLE 2.16 Seismic Forces Normal to Wall

Determine the seismic design force normal to the wall for the building shown in Figure 2.20. The wall spans vertically
between the floor and the roof, which is 16 ft from ground level. The wall is constructed of reinforced brick masonry that
weighs 90 psf. Known seismic information:

Mapped short (0.2-sec) spectral acceleration, SS = 150% g = 1.5g

Site (soil) Class = D

Site coefficients Fa = 1.0, ASCE 7 Table 11.4-1

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Seismic Design Category D

Importance factor, I e = 1.0

Figure 2.20 Seismic design force normal to the wall for a building.

Compare the seismic force to the wind force on components and cladding. Assume an effective wind area of 10 ft2.
Known wind information:

Wind speed, V = 115 mph

Exposure B conditions

Topographical factor, Kzt = 1.0

Note that wind and seismic forces are not considered simultaneously.

Seismic Forces for Design of Wall Element

The equations for calculation of component force, Fp, and wall out-of-plane force, Fp, are based on the design spectral
response acceleration SDS . SDS is calculated as follows:

SMS = FaSS = 1.0 × 1.50g = 1.50g

SDS = 2/3 × SMS = 2/3 × 1.50g = 1.0g

Calculation of Wall Seismic Forces

Forces wu1 and wu2 act normal to the wall in either direction (i.e., inward or outward). These forces have the subscript u,
denoting that the seismic forces are at a strength or ultimate level. Force wu1 will be calculated for wall out-of-plane design
for portions of the wall other than the parapet. Force wu2 will be calculated for the parapet using the component force

wu1 = 0.4SDS Iewc

Solving with SDS = 1.0, I e = 1.0, and wc = 90 psf

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wu1 = 0.4wc
wu1 = 0.4 × 90 psf = 36 psf

For the parapet

0.4ap SDS wc
(1 + 2 )
wu2 =
Rp /Ip h

Solving with

SDS = 1.0,
ap = 2.5, ASCE 7 Table 13.5-1
Rp = 2.5, ASCE 7 Table 13.5-1
Ip = 1.0, ASCE 7 Sec. 13.1.3
wc = 90 psf
z = h = roof height

(1 + 2)
wu2 = 1.2wc = 108 psf

with Fp limited to the range:

0.3SDS Ip wc ≤ Fp ≤ 1.6SDS Ip wc
0.3wc ≤ Fp ≤ 1.6wc

Before comparing these forces with wind forces, several adjustment factors need to be considered. The basic equation for
E, earthquake forces, is

E = ρQE ± 0.2SDS D

The variable ρ is permitted to be taken as 1.0 for design of components. The component 0.2SDS D is acting vertically, and
would be combined with the wall dead load, to determine a worst-case condition for axial plus flexural forces on the wall
component. In addition, the vertical component should be considered in checking anchorage of the component. For
purposes of forces perpendicular to the wall surface, the vertical component has no effect.

Seismic forces calculated in accordance with ASCE 7 are at a strength or load and resistance factor design (LRFD) level,
as are the wind loads, so direct comparison of these loads can be made.

Wind Forces

Height and exposure factor:

λ = 1.0 for 0 ≤ hmean ≤ 30 ft in Exposure B

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Wall forces—Interior Zone 4 for effective wind area of 10 ft2:

23.8 psf (inward pressure)

pnet30 = {
−25.8 psf (outward pressure)

Design wind pressure:

1.0(1.0)(23.8) = 23.8 psf (inward pressure)

w = pnet = λK ztpnet30 = {
1.0(1.0)( − 25.8) = − 25.8 psf (outward pressure)

Wall forces—End Zone 5 for effective wind area of 10 ft2:

23.8 psf (inward pressure)

pnet30 = {
−31.9 psf (outward pressure)

Design wind pressure:

1.0(1.0)(23.8) = 23.8 psf (inward pressure)

w = pnet = λK ztpnet30 = {
1.0(1.0)( − 31.9) = − 31.9 psf (outward pressure)

Wind< seismic
∴ seismic governs

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