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A river bed consists of a layer of sand 8.25m thick overlying impermeable rock; the depth of water is 2.50m. A long cofferdam 5.50m wide is formed by driving two lines of sheet piling to a depth of 6.00m below the level of the river bed, and excavation to a depth of 2.00m below bed level is carried out within the cofferdam. The water level within the cofferdam is kept at excava- tion level by pumping. If the flow of water into the cofferdam is 0.25m*/h per unit length, what is the coefficient of permeability of the sand? What is the hydraulic gradient immediately below the excavated surface? be amet me ~auolestcato (Prtaqeia) ~ Collerser Excavacton = 0.25 well Dikerencies\ W deerorgfa > Rewkidier Ae wtenclal C\ fondo deunrio consiste cle macagade arena de 3.25 Yur esta spore Focer rgermentol2 ; la gefmdidad dela Od de 150. Un adaguia Unvlestaca) de 3.5m de Gndne es formada (ontiroida) wedlowte tncado de clas cantatas de cilotes esta ona gvofondidad de BW doloae Ad donde del cio, Y ona excavacicn es veal\ tad A UWA Rrfond' dad dur ebay del fonde dal rio, Fl aqua dentro del olaggyia |e constambelnivel) debida A qve'sa realize bomloco , “Sh efWwjo dewkre de thaquia 2s de O.2Smt]h gor wetrs, cuales la condve Mutdad Wrdraulicn en La arena 9 Coaleded Qradienrte 5 Widrerdlice losts debayo de \A supetficle exconacad n= Bre Yw “a? _ bin g = 0.25 [n/n a a Gira Ag = ki KM \ende Darcy | As bn ut 4= S Ay = AqNr , . Leametes de flujo d= k An W)U) Me LAw de anche An= +S Dy carichers expargatenciaales Roreste erllema Ne=3 x(2)=b os = k(45)(3) No =40 2x OS ads, Bs) W=45 K= (6.25)40) © THsItey = O-OT8 le \c= 0.043m b= 2.6xA0 nls, Mw os An= 4s 270°US ua 40 A= OUSm _ 0.60 Giudlewte Widveirlice (orto deleaie de \Q excavaclarny

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