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C o n t rov e r s i e s i n

Ma x illof acial Traum a

Daniel J. Meara, DMD, MS, MD, FACSa,*, Lewis C. Jones, DMD, MDb

 Facial fractures  Titanium and absorbable fixation  Timing of surgical repair
 Open versus closed treatment  Antibiotics for facial injuries

 The decision regarding open versus closed treatment of mandibular condyle fractures is multifac-
torial, and patient-specific factors often determine the most appropriate management.
 The evolution of absorbable fixation materials and techniques have made it a viable option in the
management of facial fractures, although it must be used with caution in adult mandible fractures.
 Extraction of teeth in the line of fracture is guided by the condition of the tooth and the associated
risk of poor healing as well as its impact on bony reduction.
 Current literature suggests that mandible fracture repair outcomes are not improved with immedi-
ate versus delayed repair.
 There is little evidence to support the routine use of antibiotics in the treatment of facial wounds and

INTRODUCTION forward and any subsequent complications can

be addressed and anticipated. This is the authors’
Controversies in craniomaxillofacial trauma still opinion—and like the rest of these topics, is up for
exist despite advances in technology, surgical debate.
techniques, and peer-reviewed literature. The pur-
pose of this article is to highlight current areas of OPEN VERSUS CLOSED REDUCTION FOR
controversy in facial trauma management and to CONDYLAR FRACTURES
review the most applicable literature in an attempt
to provide some clarity, and possibly resolution, to Condylar fractures do not plague all facial sur-
the presented topics. At minimum, these topics geons—just those who care about restoring pa-
should generate discussion. For many situations tients to optimal occlusion. The debate regarding
and treatments, definitive indications and contra- open versus closed treatment of these fractures
indications do exist. A surgeon, however, is often has been discussed, and it lives on because there
required to make clinical decisions that lie within is no single parameter that exists to determine the
the gray zone—where there is no clear indication necessity of an open reduction or acceptability of
or contraindication. The result is that the surgeon a closed reduction. Even with regard to closed
is required to make a judgment call, and the best reduction of condylar fractures, the method for
surgeons are those who couple the existing scien- closed reduction (wire vs elastic maxillomandibu-
tific literature with clinical experience. This way,

lar fixation) and the length of time in treatment

the treatment and healing process can move vary. Regardless of the treatment modality,

Disclosure: The authors have no disclosures.

Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery & Hospital Dentistry, Christiana Care Health System, 501 West
14th Street, Suite 2W40, Wilmington, DE 19801, USA; b Department of Surgical and Hospital Dentistry, Univer-
sity of Louisville, 501 South Preston Street, Louisville, KY 40241, USA
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address:

Oral Maxillofacial Surg Clin N Am 29 (2017) 391–399
1042-3699/17/Ó 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
392 Meara & Jones

complications can occur. These complications Bilateral subcondylar fractures, on the other hand,
were outlined by Ellis in 19981 to include malocclu- present more frequently with loss of facial height,
sion, hypomobility, asymmetry, degeneration, and resultant apertognathia, and difficulty with restora-
iatrogenic injury. tion of premorbid occlusion/function with closed
Few clear indications for open reduction exist. In reduction.1 For the bilateral fractures, open reduc-
1983, Zide and Kent2 published the definitive indi- tion has demonstrated statistically and clinically
cations for open reduction of a condyle. These significant improved function (opening/excursion/
include the following 4 conditions: protrusion) and occlusion in comparison with
closed reduction.6
1. Displacement of the condyle into the middle The level of the fracture is assessed to ensure
cranial fossa or external auditory canal that adequate bone exists on the superior frac-
2. Lateral extracapsular dislocation tured segment to allow for placement of internal
3. Contaminated open joint wound fixation. A variety of methods and plates exist for
4. Inability to obtain adequate occlusion subcondylar fractures, but the bone must be
The first 3 conditions are binary and leave little adequate to allow for placement of some form of
wiggle room. The last clause, obtaining adequate fixation if the fracture is opened.7,8
occlusion, is where the real controversy exists. First, Displacement of the fracture is a consideration,
a surgeon has to decide what constitutes because it would be difficult to justify an open pro-
“adequate.” For the conscientious facial surgeon, cedure for a nondisplaced fracture. Ellis9 has
the goal is restoration of premorbid occlusion, demonstrated that degree of displacement
when possible. Some trauma results in loss of teeth (measured on Towne and panoramic views) corre-
and alveolar bone such that restoration of premorbid lated to the clinical finding of dropback on exami-
occlusion is no longer possible and the challenge to nation at the time of surgery. This requires
obtain the best possible result ensues. When there is correlation of clinical and radiographic examina-
no loss of dentition or alveolar bone, attaining pre- tion (with emphasis on the clinical examination)
morbid occlusion should be possible; thus, the to aid in the determination for the need for an
need to open a subcondylar fracture to help obtain open procedure—the surgeon should also note
this occlusion must be determined. that even a closed reduction can result in addi-
Conservative treatment can avoid the risks tional displacement.10
associated with open reduction, which includes The condition of remaining dentition also has im-
injury to the branches of the facial nerve, postoper- plications in the treatment of subcondylar frac-
ative malocclusion, sialocele formation, and facial tures. Presence of intact posterior dentition aids
scarring. The complication of facial nerve weak- with maintaining the vertical dimension during
ness has been demonstrated at 12% to 30% the healing period of closed treatment. A lack of
with resolution by 6 months postoperatively.3–5 posterior teeth can allow for collapse in the vertical
Open reduction results have demonstrated sound dimension and development (or persistence) of a
restoration of occlusion, improved range of mo- malocclusion.
tion, and the ability for functional convalescence. The presence of other facial fractures, especially
Subcondylar fractures should be approached in the bilateral subcondylar fracture patient, may
with considerations and principles in mind that require the surgeon to open at least one side to
help guide the treatment to attain restoration of re-establish the vertical dimension of the mandible
premorbid occlusion and function. The following for facial reconstruction.
are considerations in the optimal management of A skeletally immature patient has significant
subcondylar fractures: healing and remodeling potential.11 Therefore, the
initial treatment of these patients is closed treat-
1. Is it a unilateral subcondylar fracture or bilateral ment if possible.
subcondylar fracture? The decision to open a subcondylar fracture is
2. Where is the level of the fracture? not always a simple one, but it can be guided
3. Is the fracture displaced? by careful thought and consideration of these
4. What is the degree of displacement? factors.
5. What is the condition of the remaining
6. Are there other facial fractures?
7. Is the patient skeletally mature? Another conundrum a facial trauma surgeon en-
counters is when to extract a tooth in the line of a
Many unilateral fractures can be treated closed
mandible fracture. Some investigators/surgeons
with proper follow-up and patient compliance.
have advocated for retention of healthy teeth in
Controversies in Maxillofacial Trauma 393

the line of fracture with the use of rigid fixation of the bone removal on the placement of fixation.
(with few caveats).12 A tooth left in the line of frac- Lateral bone removal at the third molar site may
ture, however, can lead to localized infection, hard- preclude placement of a superior lateral border
ware infection/failure, and osteomyelitis and plate or external oblique (Champy) plate.
contribute to postoperative pain. Unfortunately, A viable treatment option for mandible fractures,
this is a commonly encountered problem as although seldom selected by patients, is closed
approximately 50% to 85% of mandibular fractures reduction. Closed reduction can be performed
present with a tooth in the line of fracture.13,14 with low (3%) morbidity in angle fractures with
Alpert’s13 investigation in 1978 demonstrated that partially impacted teeth in the line of fracture.15
32% of patients with a tooth in the line of fracture In angle fractures, however, closed reduction
went on to experience some form of morbidity. should be reserved for nondisplaced, favorable-
Ellis14 study in 2002 demonstrated a 19% infection type fractures.
rate of angle fractures whether the tooth was
retained or extracted.14 A meta-analysis of angle PROPHYLACTIC ANTIBIOTICS IN FACIAL
fractures with teeth in the line of fracture demon- FRACTURES
strated an infection rate of 10.7% for fractures
where the tooth was removed and 11.1% where A chasm exists between the current practice and
the tooth was retained. In all 3 studies, the compli- the evidence supporting the prescription of post-
cations occurred irrespective of the management of operative prophylactic antibiotics for facial frac-
the tooth (extraction vs retention). Thus the debate tures. Studies have consistently shown that not
rages on. Should the tooth be extracted, and does it only are they often prescribed but also the pre-
matter if it is extracted? scription of antibiotics does not correlate to a
Again, there are myriad variables, including con- decrease in infection in the postoperative
dition of the teeth, type and location of fracture, period.16–20 Certainly, there are traumatic sce-
and planned method of fixation, to name a few, narios (a class IV wound/penetrating trauma) that
which complicate the decision-making process. warrant postoperative antibiotic therapy.21 The
Considerations with regard to extraction of teeth practice of routine administration postoperative
in the line of fracture (as well as the timing of any antibiotics, however, is not supported by the liter-
extractions to be performed) include ature and should be curtailed in this era of
evidence-based medicine.
1. Does the tooth help with the fracture reduction? A recent review of literature by Mundinger19
2. Does the tooth aid in proximal control? (looking at 44 published studies) resulted in rec-
3. Is there any evidence of existing disease/infec- ommendations that included extrapolated data
tion associated with the tooth? from orthopedic and oncologic literature. These
4. Will bone need to be removed to perform the recommendations included perioperative antibi-
extraction? And if so, is this bone crucial to otics within 60 minutes prior to incision (up to
the fixation? 120 minutes for vancomycin or clindamycin) for
If the tooth aids with reduction of the fracture, it open fractures or clean-contaminated procedures
makes little sense to extract the tooth prior to and cessation of antibiotics within 24 hours of the
placement of fixation. This can be true of fractures procedure. Mundinger did note that “unique situa-
anywhere in the mandible, but by anecdotal expe- tions in the management of craniofacial fractures,
rience, is especially true in the angle region where such as contamination of fracture sites from the si-
control of the proximal segment can prove difficult nuses, exposure of fractures to intraoral bacteria
and the presence of a third molar may aid in stabi- from mucosal tears, and delay in fracture manage-
lizing the segment during application of fixation. ment, intuitively suggest that there may be benefit
Teeth with existing disease should be extracted to preoperative and prolonged postoperative anti-
with débridement of adjacent affected tissues. If biotic administration in craniofacial fractures.”19
the tooth aids in reduction, the fracture can be first Considerations that aid this decision may include
fixated and the extraction performed subsequently the following:
with careful attention to avoid displacement of the 1. Is the host immunocompromised?
recently fixated fracture. 2. What is the mechanism of injury?
Occasionally, a tooth is present in the fracture 3. Which anatomic structures are involved, and is
site that requires significant bone removal for the surgical approach sterile?
extraction. This is most often an impacted third
molar at an angle fracture or an impacted anterior An immunocompromised patient has an
tooth at a parasymphysis fracture. Consideration increased risk of postoperative infection. Condi-
should be made with regard to the implications tions, such as diabetes mellitus, HIV, substance
394 Meara & Jones

abuse, and use of immunosuppressants, in- also been reported to cause an inflammatory
crease the risk of postoperative infections. response leading to orbital/ocular complications,
Although this is intuitive, it has been studied including restriction.33,34 Other surgeons have
and correlations exist between these immuno- stated, however, that titanium implants do not
suppressed states and increased rates of infec- cause restriction.35,36 This exemplifies the contro-
tion after facial trauma.22–25 In cases of an versy of orbital plate selection.
increased risk inherent based on medical history, Titanium reinforced porous polyethylene has the
prolonged postoperative prophylactic antibiotics rigidity, stability, and radio-opacity of titanium
may be prudent. while avoiding the sharp margins that occur with
The mechanism of injury may dictate the pres- trimming titanium. The disadvantage of this option
ence of contamination, such as animal bites or is the decreased porosity for drainage.
open wounds with retained foreign material. Absorbable plates used in orbital reconstruc-
Débridement of these wounds can prove difficult tion include plates made of a wide variety of ma-
and frustrating. The wound classifications encoun- terials. Details regarding the various properties
tered in facial trauma surgery are most often clean have been nicely outlined in previous publica-
contaminated (class II) or contaminated (class III). tions.37–39 Early absorbable implants were
A clean (class I) case is rarely encountered in facial made of high-molecular-weight polymerized
trauma, and even closed fractures are often poly L-lactide (PLLA), which degraded slowly
addressed with transoral approaches, rendering and had a late inflammatory reaction.40 Newer
the case clean contaminated (class II). These materials, such as poly L-lactide-co-glycolide
wound classifications correlate with the risk for and poly D-lactide/L-lactide (KLS Martin), claim
postoperative surgical wound infection rates and to avoid much of the late inflammatory complica-
should be taken into consideration when deter- tions of PLLA and resorb within approximately
mining the duration of antibiotic therapy,26,27 Mul- 12 months to 30 months. These are not opaque
tiple studies have shown no decrease in infection on postoperative imaging but have the advan-
rates with increased length of time of postopera- tage of resorption.
tive antibiotics beyond 24 hours.28–32 Therefore, Autogenous calvarial bone has the distinct
when prescribing for a timeframe beyond 24 hours (and major) disadvantage of donor site morbidity
postoperative, there should be a reason to justify that is avoided with all the alloplastic materials. It
the duration of antibiotics. is also difficult to contour but is biocompatible,
Finally, the overriding confounding factor in this rigid, and radiopaque.
discussion is a patient’s expectations. Often, a Finally, current research in the field of patient-
patient and/or family expect to receive an anti- specific implants is performed on orbital floor
biotic, and failure to prescribe can be perceived repairs. This allows for a snap-in–type effect and
as inadequate care, especially if any healing com- restores the orbital volume. These are generally
plications occur. Thus, surgeons must understand fabricated from titanium, and their main disadvan-
the literature and should incorporate shared tages are added cost and time for fabrication.
decision-making into everyday practice. If the perfect material existed for orbital floor/wall
repairs, then there is only 1 option. Because the
MATERIALS FOR ORBITAL FLOOR REPAIR perfect material does not exist, however, surgeons
use a variety of methods depending on the scenario
There is plenty of controversy surrounding orbital encountered. Bartoli and colleagues41 study of 301
fractures—timing of repair, surgical approach, orbital floor fractures illustrates this, implementing
and material for reconstruction are the main cul- 8 different materials for repair of the fractures.
prits of controversy. This discussion only ad- Thus, when selecting the material, the following
dresses the surgeon’s choice of orbital implant. can be taken into consideration:
There are of options ranging from porous polyeth-
ylene, titanium, titanium coated with porous poly- 1. What is the age of the patient? (Titanium is
ethylene, autogenous calvarium, and resorbable often avoided in immature orbit.)
materials. Which material is preferable, and in 2. What is the size of the defect? (Increased rigid-
what situation? ity is required for maintenance of orbital volume
Although titanium does have its advantages, with a large defect.)
including visibility on postoperative imaging, 3. Is fixation of the implant likely to be required?
malleability, ease of placement of fixation screws, (Some of the absorbable options do not have
and strength, it also has drawbacks. Titanium re- the ability to be fixated).
quires large incisions for placement and has unre- 4. What works best in each surgeon’s hands?
fined/sharp margins when trimmed. Titanium has (A valid, albeit arbitrary, factor.)
Controversies in Maxillofacial Trauma 395

Controversy will continue to exist unless studies almost 90% of patients with frontal sinus outflow
comparing methods reach unequivocal results tract injury had spontaneous reventilation.
that illustrate a material’s superiority. Recent pub-
lications elucidate some of the advantages and Advancements in Technology
disadvantages of reconstructive materials, but
The advances in technology have led to improved
additional analysis is required to eliminate this
diagnostic imaging and treatment options. Specif-
ically, Koento47 highlights the enhanced imaging
quality from CT, which assist surgeons in deter-
FRONTAL SINUS FRACTURES mining the significance of any FSTO involvement.
The ideal intervention for frontal sinus fractures has Also, advances in endoscopic sinus surgery offer
been controversial, because it relates to the crea- a rescue surgical option in the event that sinus
tion of a safe and more predictable sinus. The aeration does not occur in the early healing period,
concern regarding mucocele and mucopyocele for- or if complications arise in delayed fashion. Guy
mation, as well as the development of sinusitis and and Brissett48 suggest that even when there are
frank meningitis, is what has seemingly created the comminuted fractures of the frontal recess with
controversy and variability in frontal sinus fracture narrowing of the outflow tract, endoscopic pro-
management. Treatment options range from crani- cedures, such as the Lothrop and Draf type III
alization to nasofrontal duct and sinus obliteration widening procedures, can correct this narrowing
to simple observation, but the implementation of without the need for obliteration. Gabrielli and col-
endoscopic techniques for the treatment of the leagues49 discuss the use of stents along the
fontal sinus outflow tract has seemingly decreased naso-frontal outflow tract to maintain patency
the need for more aggressive intervention.44 How- and allow for mucosalization during the initial heal-
ever, patients with frontal sinus fractures often ing period.
need to be monitored for life, but in many cases,
the patients do not continue with postoperative Less Is More
visits once they are healed and feeling well. Pawar and Rhee50 suggest that a more conserva-
There is no real controversy regarding the need tive approach leads to better patient outcomes as
to perform surgery in patients with frontal sinus a result of reduced surgery-related morbidity.
fracture–induced cosmetic deformities or the
persistence of a cerebrospinal fluid leak. The con- Soft Tissue Versus Hard Tissue for Obliteration
troversy arises in the management of the sinus
cavity and the nasofrontal ducts. In the event that a need to obliterate the frontal si-
nus is determined, no consensus exists for the
Sinus Obliteration Versus Sinus Observation best material. Rodriquez and colleagues,51 how-
ever, discuss the benefits of calvarial bone dust
Historically, the predilection has been toward the plus demineralized bone matrix. The study high-
more aggressive management of frontal sinus lights the unlimited availability of biomaterials
fractures due to the concern of delayed complica- and the avoidance of a donor site. Furthermore,
tions and the difficulty with predicting which the potential negatives of soft tissues, such as
patients are most at risk for downstream compli- autogenous fat and/or muscle, is that these tis-
cations. Frontal sinus mucoceles and mucopyo- sues can result in an inadequate seal of the outflow
celes have been reported more than 20 years tract and the development of dead-space with
after the repair of a frontal sinus fracture and resorption or necrosis.
many patients are lost to follow-up long before The investigators of this article suggest that in the
such complications can develop. In the general absence of evidence-based guidelines for treat-
population, however, the frontal sinus is the most ment, that the more conservative approach should
common paranasal sinus location for routine be given first consideration, in an attempt to reduce
mucocele formation (unrelated to frontal sinus treatment variation and health care costs, but each
trauma). Mucocele cases observed decades after individual case still requires a treatment plan that is
frontal sinus trauma may be unrelated to the tailored to the specific patient.
trauma management.45 Thus, with the develop-
ment of endoscopic sinus surgery and coupled TIMING OF REPAIR FOR MANDIBLE
with the lack of definitive evidence-based guid- FRACTURES
ance, the controversy rages on. So what does
the literature suggest? The most recent evidence The unpredictability of facial trauma and the timely
suggests that a more conservative approach is and convenient access to operating room time are
reasonable. Jafari and colleagues46 noted that challenges for surgeons, especially for common
396 Meara & Jones

injuries, such as mandible fractures. Thus, the inability to take orally, uncontrolled pain, and sig-
timing of mandible fracture repair and the associ- nificant displacement with inability to place bridle
ated complications are continued areas of contro- wire), the literature suggests that complications
versy. Does the timing of a mandible fracture are rare if mandible fracture repair can occur within
repair have an impact on the outcome? Furr and the first 5 to 7 days.
colleagues16 in a retrospective review of 273 pa-
tients state that there were no statistically signifi- RIGID VERSUS ABSORBABLE FIXATION IN
cant relationships to lag time to repair, patient CRANIOMAXILLOFACIAL TRAUMA SURGERY
demographics, fracture site, length of hospitaliza-
tion, or the use of antibiotics. Furthermore, the Absorbable fixation has become more common-
article suggests that the development of infection place in synostosis surgery and upper midface
and nonunion correlates most with a history of to- trauma repair, but its use in orthognathic surgery
bacco and alcohol use in patients undergoing and mandibular fracture repair continues to be
open reduction and internal fixation. controversial. Benefits of absorbable fixation are
Luz and colleagues52 noted that a delay in frac- the elimination of the need for plate removal, the
ture repair was more likely associated with the absence of radiographic scatter, and the applica-
need for reoperation, as were substance abuse, tion to pediatric cases. Can absorbable fixation,
dental condition, and open fracture repair. The however, be a reasonable alternative to titanium
mean time elapsed between the trauma and fixation? Park,56 in his review of bioabsorbable
the initial treatment, however, was 19.1 days in osteofixation, discusses that 3 main materials
the reoperated group and 13.5 days in the group include polyglycolic acid (PGA), poly-L-lactic acid
without complications. The group without compli- (PLLA), and poly-D-lactic acid. PGA degrades in
cations still had a delay of almost 2 weeks 6 weeks and PLLA can take 3.5 years; thus, poly-
(average of 13.5 days) before mandible fracture mers alter the behavior to allow for strength during
repair, but only 20% of these patients had open the initial healing period but with a resorption time
treatment. closer to 1 year. Inflammatory complications can
Biller and colleagues53 evaluated complications occur as a result of the resorptive process.56
and the time to repair of mandible fractures in a Absorbable material composition affects handling,
retrospective chart review that divided patients fixation stability, and resorption and is critical to its
into 2 groups: those repaired in 3 days or less success in clinical care.
and those repaired after 3 days, from the time of Absorbable materials are more readily accepted
injury. Furthermore, those who experienced com- for use in orthognathic surgery and offer insight
plications were further subdivided into 2 groups: into their application to maxillofacial trauma. A
infectious and technical complications. The inves- PLOS ONE meta-analysis by Yang and col-
tigators concluded that patients with mandible leagues57 evaluating the complications of absorb-
fractures treated after 3 days do not have a higher able fixation in maxillofacial surgery included 20
risk of developing an infectious complication, but studies and revealed that the absorbable group
the risk is elevated in patients with substance had significantly more complications than the tita-
abuse. Technical complications increased, how- nium group, with the main issue foreign body reac-
ever, with treatment delay, including weakness to tion and mobility. No overall differences were
the marginal mandibular nerve, malocclusion, noted for infection, temporomandibular disorders,
and chronic pain. The study noted that those fistulation, palpability, dehiscence, malocclusion,
without any type of complication were repaired exposure and relapse. Furthermore, for the bimax-
an average of 5 days after the injury. illary (orthognathic surgery) subgroup, the absorb-
Lucca and colleagues54 performed a retrospec- able group did not have a significant increase in
tive chart review of 92 patients comparing out- complications. No differences were noted for bilat-
comes with early versus late treatment. Early eral sagittal split osteotomies and Le Fort I
treatment was rendered within 48 hours of the osteotomies.
injury and late intervention occurred after more A 2015 systematic review by Al-Moraissi and
than 48 hours since the injury and no statistically Ellis58 evaluated the differences in skeletal stability
significant difference was noted, regarding com- and material-related complications for titanium or
plications, among the 2 groups. Barker and col- biodegradable fixation in orthognathic surgery.
leagues55 also found no relationship between The findings included no statistical difference for
complications and timing to repair, with the mean skeletal stability, wound problems, plate and
time to repair 6.7 days. screw removal, and palpability, but there was a dif-
In the absence of an absolute need for urgent ference for intraoperative fracture of plates and
mandibular fracture repair (airway compromise, screws in the biodegradable group.58
Controversies in Maxillofacial Trauma 397

Meara and colleagues59 demonstrated the ben- maxillomandibular fixation was part of treatment.
efits of poly-DL-lactic acid mesh and ultrasonic Bony healing occurred in all cases, but malocclu-
welding as an alternative to titanium fixation, in sions at 1 week were twice as common in the Inion
Le Fort I osteotomies. No tapping for screw place- group. As a result, the investigators recommend a
ment is needed, decreasing time needed for fixa- short period of maxillomandibular fixation. Wound
tion. The most common complication was sterile healing complications were similar in both groups.
abscess formation, occurring in only 1.9% of Absorbable fixation has a legitimate role in cra-
patients. niomaxillofacial trauma surgery, but its use as the
Bakelen and colleagues60 in a randomized con- sole fixation in mandible fracture repair cannot
trol trial at 4 institutions with 230 patients be recommended based on the existing literature.
compared biodegradable and titanium fixation
systems in all types of maxillofacial surgery, SUMMARY
including fracture repair. The study resulted in
the biodegradable system requiring more 2.2 Craniomaxillofacial trauma management has
times higher plate and screw than the titanium continued to improve and evolve over time as a
group. Almost all of the issues arose in the result of advances in technology and scientific in-
mandible, due mainly to abscess formation. quiry. Controversies still exist, however, because
there is insufficient evidence-based literature, in
certain aspects of facial trauma management, to
Mandible Fractures
unequivocally guide treatment in areas, such as
Vazquez-Morales and colleagues61 performed a frontal sinus management, rigid versus absorbable
prospective clinical trial of 50 mandibular fractures fixation, open versus closed treatment of mandib-
using an Inion 2.5-mm 4-hole absorbable plate ular condyle fractures, extraction of teeth in the
adapted along the ideal line of osteosynthesis. line of fracture, optimal timing for repair of
Every patient, however, was placed into maxillo- mandible fractures, antibiotic use for facial
mandibular fixation for approximately 3 weeks. wounds and fractures, and reconstructive mate-
Primary bone healing was achieved in all the rials in orbital fracture reconstruction.
cases, but 10 complications were noted: 5 soft tis- The current evidence-based literature has not
sue infections, 4 plate dehiscence, and 1 maloc- resolved the controversies discussed in this article
clusion. No malunion, nonunion, plate facture, or but does provide some clarity around the most
osteomyelitis was noted and no reoperation was ideal management strategies and techniques in
performed, despite a long-term follow-up of the optimal management of craniomaxillofacial
10 months. The article states that the Inion System trauma. Ultimately, the goal is to create
is approved by the Food and Drug Administration evidence-based guidelines to guide the surgeon,
for mandible fixation with an appropriate period to reduce variability, improve operative efficiency,
of maxillomandibular fixation.61 and enhance patient outcomes. Thus, work re-
Ahmed and colleagues62 performed a prospec- mains to erase the remaining areas of controversy.
tive, randomized study to compare bioabsorbable
plates with titanium plates for mandibular frac- REFERENCES
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