4.26 Problems

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Design values and adjustment factors in the following problems are to be taken from the NDS. Assume wood will be used in
dry-service conditions and at normal temperatures unless otherwise noted.


a. Describe softwoods.

b. Describe hardwoods.

c. What types of trees are used for most structural lumber?

4.2 Sketch the cross section of a log. Label and define the following items:

a. Annual ring

b. The two types of wood cells

c. Heartwood and sapwood

4.3 Define the following terms:

a. Moisture content

b. Fiber saturation point

c. Equilibrium moisture content

4.4 Give the moisture content ranges for:

a. Dry lumber

b. Green lumber

4.5 What is the average EMC for an enclosed building in southern California? Cite a reference.

4.6 List the components of the Wood Design Package.

4.7 List the mechanical properties of wood for which reference design values are provided in the NDS Supplement.

4.8 Determine the dressed size, area, moment of inertia, and section modulus for the following members. Give values for
both axes. Tables may be used (cite a reference).

a. 2 × 4

b. 8 × 8

c. 4 × 10

d. 6 × 16


a. Give the range of sizes of lumber in Dimension lumber.

b. Give the range of sizes of lumber in Timbers.

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c. Briefly summarize why the design values in the NDS Supplement for members in these broad categories are given in
separate tables. What NDS tables apply to Dimension lumber and what tables apply to Timbers?

4.10 Give the range of sizes for the following size and use subcategories. In addition, indicate whether these categories
are under the general classification of Dimension lumber or Timbers.

a. Beams and Stringers

b. Structural Light Framing

c. Decking

d. Structural Joists and Planks

e. Posts and Timbers

f. Light Framing

g. Stud

4.11 Briefly describe what is meant by the terms "visually graded sawn lumber" and "machine stress-rated (MSR)
lumber." What tables in the NDS Supplement give design values for each? Are there any size distinctions? Explain.

4.12 Assume that the following members are visually graded lumber from a species group other than Southern Pine.
Indicate whether the members are a size of Dimension lumber, Beams and Stringers (B&S), or Posts and Timbers (P&T).
Also give the appropriate table in the NDS Supplement for obtaining design values. The list does not include material that
is graded as Decking.

a. 10 × 12 e. 2 × 12

b. 14 × 14 f. 6 × 12

c. 4 × 8 g. 8 × 12

d. 4 × 4 h. 8 × 10

4.13 Repeat Prob. 4.12 except the material is Southern Pine.

4.14 What grades are listed in the NDS Supplement for visually graded Hem-Fir in the following size categories? Give the
NDS table reference.

a. Dimension lumber

b. Beams and Stringers (B&S)

c. Posts and Timbers (P&T)

4.15 What grades are listed in the NDS Supplement for visually graded Southern Pine in the following size categories?
Give table reference.

a. Dimension lumber

b. Beams and Stringers (B&S)

c. Posts and Timbers (P&T)

4.16 Give the reference design values for No. 2 DF-L for the following sizes. List values for Fb, Ft, Fv, Fc⊥, Fc, E, and Emin.
Give the NDS table reference.

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a. 10 × 10 e. 2 × 10

b. 12 × 14 f. 6 × 12

c. 4 × 16 g. 6 × 8

d. 4 × 4 h. 10 × 14

4.17 Using the format conversion factor KF, determine the nominal design values for LRFD for Prob. 4.16. What
resistance factor ϕ would be used for each value?

4.18 Give the notation for the following adjustment factors. In addition, list the design properties (that is, Fb, Ft, Fv, Fc⊥,
Fc, E, or Emin) that may require adjustment (NDS Table 4.3.1) by the respective factors.

a. Size factor e. Temperature factor

b. Time effect factor f. Wet service factor

c. Load duration factor g. Flat-use factor

d. Repetitive member factor

4.19 Briefly describe the following adjustments. To what design values do they apply? Give the NDS reference for
numerical values of adjustment factors.

a. Load duration factor

b. Time effect factor

c. Wet service factor

d. Size factor

e. Repetitive member factor

4.20 Distinguish between the load duration factor and time effect factor.

4.21 Give the load duration factor CD associated with the following loads:

a. Snow

b. Wind

c. Floor live load

d. Roof live load

e. Dead load

4.22 Give the time effect factor λ for the following load combinations:

a. 1.2D + 1.6S + L

b. 1.2D + W + L + 0.5S

c. 1.2D + 1.6L + 0.5S with L from occupancy

d. 1.2D + 1.6Lr + L

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e. 1.4D

4.23 What reference design values for wood, if any, are not subject to adjustment for duration of loading (ASD)? For time
effect (LRFD)?

4.24 Above what moisture content is it necessary to reduce the reference design values for most species of (a) sawn
lumber and (b) glulam?

4.25 Under what conditions is it necessary to adjust the reference design values in wood design for temperature effects?
Cite the NDS reference for the temperature adjustment factors.

4.26 Distinguish between pressure-preservative treated wood and fire-retardant treated wood. Under what conditions is
it necessary to adjust reference design values in wood design for the effects of pressure-impregnated chemicals? Where
are adjustment factors obtained?

4.27 Should lumber be pressure-treated if it is to be used in an application where it will be continuously submerged in

fresh water? Salt water? Explain.

4.28 Given: A fully braced structural member in a building is subjected to several different loads, including roof loads of
D = 3 k and Lr = 5 k; floor loads of D = 6 k and occupancy L = 10 k; and W = 17 k (resulting from overturning forces on the
lateral-force-resisting system). Consider the ASD load combinations described in Sec. 2.17 and assume the wind load acts
in the same direction as the gravity loads.

Find: The critical ASD combination of loads.

4.29 Given: A fully braced structural member in a building is subjected to several different loads, including roof loads of
D = 5 k and Lr = 7 k; floor loads of D = 6 k and occupancy L = 15 k; S = 18 k; and W = 17 k and E = 12 k (resulting from
overturning forces on the lateral-force-resisting system). Consider the ASD load combinations described in Sec. 2.17 and
assume the wind and seismic loads act in the same direction as the gravity loads.

Find: The critical ASD combination of loads.

4.30 Determine the ASD reference and adjusted design values for the following members and loading conditions. All
members are No. 2 Hem-Fir and are fully braced to prevent lateral-torsional buckling. Bending occurs about the strong

a. Roof joists are 2 × 10 at 16 in. o.c. which directly support the roof sheathing. Loads are (D + S).

b. A 6 × 14 carries an equipment load that can be considered a permanent load.

c. Purlins in a roof are 4 × 14 at 8 ft o.c. Loads are (D + L).


d. Floor beams are 4 × 6 at 4 ft o.c. Loads are (D + L). High-humidity conditions exist, and the moisture content may
exceed 19 percent.

4.31 Determine the LRFD nominal and adjusted design values and adjusted design resistances for the following
members and loading conditions. All members are No. 2 Hem-Fir and are fully braced to prevent lateral-torsional buckling.
Bending occurs about the strong axis.

a. Roof joists are 2 × 10 at 16 in. o.c. which directly support the roof sheathing. Loads are 1.2D + 1.6S.

b. A 6 × 16 carries an equipment load that can be considered storage using 1.2D + 1.6L.

c. Purlins in a roof are 4 × 14 at 8 ft o.c. Loads are 1.2D + 1.6L.


d. Floor beams are 4 × 6 at 4 ft o.c. Loads are 1.2D + 1.6L with L from occupancy. High-humidity conditions exist, and the
moisture content may exceed 19 percent.

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4.32 Determine the ASD reference and adjusted design values for the following members and loading conditions. All
members are Select Structural Southern Pine and are fully braced to prevent lateral-torsional buckling. Bending occurs
about the strong axis.

a. Roof joists are 2 × 6 at 24 in. o.c. which directly support the roof sheathing. Loads are (D + S).

b. A 4 × 12 supports (D + 0.75(L + Lr )).

c. Purlins in a roof are 2 × 10 at 4 ft o.c. Loads are (D + L).


d. Floor beams are 4 × 10 at 4 ft o.c. Loads are (D + 0.75(L + 0.6W)).

4.33 Determine the LRFD nominal and adjusted design values and adjusted design resistances for the following
members and loading conditions. All members are Select Structural Southern Pine and are fully braced to prevent lateral-
torsional buckling. Bending occurs about the strong axis.

a. Roof joists are 2 × 6 at 24 in. o.c. which directly support the roof sheathing. Loads are 1.2D + 1.6S.

b. A 4 × 12 that supports 1.2D + 1.6L + 0.5Lr with L from occupancy.

c. Purlins in a roof are 2 × 10 at 4 ft o.c. Loads are 1.2D + 1.6L.


d. Floor beams are 4 × 10 at 4 ft o.c. Loads are 1.2D + W + L.

4.34 Estimate the amount of shrinkage that will occur in the depth of the 4 × 14 sawn lumber beam in Figure 4.A. Use the
simplified shrinkage approach recommended in Ref. 4.26. Assume an initial moisture content of 19 percent and a final MC
of 10 percent.

Figure 4.A Top of roof beams set higher for shrinkage.

NOTE: The top of the wood beams should be set higher than the top of the girder by an amount equal to the estimated
shrinkage. After shrinkage, the roof sheathing will be supported by beams and girders that are all at the same elevation.
Without this allowance for shrinkage, a wave or bump may be created in the sheathing where it passes over the girder.

4.35 Estimate the total shrinkage that will occur in a four-story building similar to the one in Example 4.3. Floor joists are
2 × 10’s instead of 2 × 12’s. The initial moisture content can be taken as 19 percent, and the final moisture content is
assumed to be 9 percent. All other information is the same as in Example 4.3.

4.36 Use a computer spreadsheet or a database to input the reference design values for one or more species (as
assigned) of sawn lumber. Include values for both Dimension lumber, Beams and Stringers, and Posts and Timbers sizes.

 The purpose of the spreadsheet is to list reference and nominal design values (Fb, Ft, Fv,
Fc⊥ , Fc, E, or Emin) as output for a specific problem with the following input being provided by the user:

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a. Species (if values for more than one species are in spreadsheet or database)

b. Grade of lumber (e.g., Select Structural, No. 1, etc.)

c. Nominal size of member (for example, 2 × 4, 6 × 12, 6 × 6, and so on)

d. ASD or LRFD

4.37 Expand or modify the spreadsheet from Prob. 4.36 to develop adjusted ASD or LRFD design values. The
spreadsheet should be capable of applying all the adjustment factors introduced in Chap. 4. The input should be expanded
to provide sufficient information to the spreadsheet template so that the appropriate adjustment factors can either be
computed or selected from a database or table.

 Output should include a summary of the adjustment factors and the final design valuesF ′b, F ′t, F ′v, F ′c⊥, F ′c, E ′, or E ′min.
Default values of unity may be listed for any adjustment factor that does not apply.

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