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Motto Roy: “Sa iasa focul din mine”

Motto Shion: “Hai saruta-ma cu foc”

Motto Ling: "Din hotie fac o arta"
Motto Furher: "Nu Degeaba Mi Se Spune Bossu"
Motto Pinako: " Astazi mi-a adus baiatul nora-n casa "
Motto Ed: "O zi pierd doua castig"
Motto Hoshi: " Multi Imi Spun Ca Sunt Frumoasa"
It was a nice sunny day. At the State Military a car had arrived.The driver went out and opened the left back
door ,waiting for the person inside to get out. A young pink haired girl around fifteen came out of the door and
gazed at the building in front of her.’So this is it,eh?’ Inside the building, a tall bald and fairly WELL, actually
TOO WELL built man was waltzing around with one of the officers, proudly telling them about the person
coming to visit” Oho~” Armstrong quickly nodded and skipped away like a ballerina, his sparkles following
after him..”I shall go and retrive the young lady !”Behind him stood no one but Roy Mustang himself .”Major,if
you please” he said while holding his hands behind his back,trying to look as decent as possible

A tall, dark haired girl with pale skin was watching them from the building. Shion Genki had a black right eye
and an eye-patch covering the other one. No one was sure how she got the eye-patch, but that little piece of cloth
was enough to inspire fear. That, and the frown which was there on her face almost all the time.‘That was what
all the ruckus was about.’ She was standing behind a window at the first floor, her eyes on the little group around
the car. So that was the guest they were all talking about. Shion herself had arrived the other night so she didn’t
have time to get used to the surroundings much nor did she receive a uniform yet. She decided to go outside as
well to welcome the newcome girl.

Of course,it had been a whole ruckus since the girl was actually related with Roy.In fact,she was his little
sister,but no one knew that.Not even Hughes,Armstrong or Riza.”Yo-ho~”Armstrong waved at the girl,which’s
name was Hoshi.She narrowed her eyes towards him,as the driver took her luggage out ”Yo”She replied,waving
at him.Roy didn’t reconize her anymore.That sudden change and most of all,pink hair for God’s sake?Why did
she do that to her previous colour which resembled his perfectly.He sighed softly,as he stepped forward looking
down at her ”Welcome,Hoshi”He told her,unaware that they were being watched by a certain person.

Shion stepped outside, the sunrays making her twitch her eye a little. It sure was a beautiful day. She walked up
straight to Roy Mustang and the new girl, without a glance at the other people there. Roy and the girl seemed to
know each other. ‘’Hello there.’’she said simply glancing down at the pink-haired girl. She was aware she was
still wearing the clothes she had worn the other night. Which mainly consisted in a rich rich captain outfit which
covered most of her body. She was also wearing a big dark hat with a white skull on it, the symbol of the pirates,
and some big feathers coming out on the side. She didn’t feel awkward the least.

Hoshi lifted her gaze up to meet with the unfamiliar girl.Oh God,now they’re keeping pirates too?She
thought,rolling her eyes.She was wearing a nice lollita dress,violet color with a tight corset on her body,different
models on it and a nice pink ribbon at the chest region.She had her hair tied in two ponytails caught with two
violet ribbons.Her light violet eyes narrowed towards her ”Bloody hell!”She said,as a small smirk curved her
lips ”You look smashing!”
Roy placed a hand over his forehead as he took a deep breath ‚This is going to be hard..’He thought ”Let’s go

Was that a compliment?! ‘’Why… thank you!’’ Shion replied, a little surprised. Then she nodded in agreement
at Roy’s words, avoiding to look at him directly. ‘’Aye.’’

Hoshi winked at her as she walked past her,smirking a bit.She knew how much Roy disliked waiting.Soon
enough,after they arrived in the office,Roy sat at his desk,tapping his fingers against the table ’’Hoshi,you
remember Furher,right?”He asked,narrowing his eye towards the girl,since the one was covered by an
eyepatch.”Yeah,what about him?” ”He’s still alive and that’s why I want you to leave this town as soon as
possible” Silence filled between the siblings for a second ”But I want to help!” ”It’s far too dangerous” ”You
always say that!You think I’m just in your way”Hoshi argued as Roy sighed ”Listen,I’ll have two people escort
you.They should’ve been here already,though..”He said,a bit annoyed.

‘’I could escort her.’’ Shion offered catching up with them. She didn’t want Roy to get angry or something. Plus
she didn’t have anything to do that morning anyway so she didn’t mind escorting a little girl. And also she didn’t
mind Roy seeing what a nice, caring person she was.

Roy looked at the girl that just spoke.He never had the chance to talk to her properly ”I have the Elric brothers
do that..Besides,I would like to talk to you afterwards and show you around,as well as tell you about your
rank”He told her.Hoshi shrugged ”And where are these..Elric brothers?”She asked,curiously ”I would like to
know that as well”
‘’Nii-san! We’re late.’’ A young boy with a blond ponytail at the back of his head and what seemed to be a large
animated armour were running down the halls of the State Military, heading to the room where Roy was waiting
for them. ‘’I know. We’re almost there.’’ the boy said. He didn’t like being late either.
Shion nodded, and looked down, feeling a little embarassed. Just then the Elric brothers made their appearance.
‘’Long time no see, Mustang!’’ Ed greeted him with a smirk before noticing there were two other people in the
room. ‘’Nii-san…’’ Alphonse Elric sweatdropped and waved at them shyly. ‘’Um, hi…’’ Ed greeted them
embarrassed, as he took a hand at the back of his head.

’’Ah,Fullmetal Shorty”Roy said,returning the smirk.Obviously their conversation was ironic ’’You do realise
how late you are,right? ’’He said,sounding dead serious about it.Both brothers turned white at the sight of him
’’But,since this is an important matter,I will skip over’’He said,spinning the chair,so he would face the window.
Hoshi turned her head towards the boys.You’ve got to be kidding ’’Are they the ones you were talking
about?”She asked,looking at them dead in the eye ’’Yeah”Roy replied simply ’’Oh,joy!”She said rushing by
their side ’’Hello,I’m Hoshi.It’s a pleasure to meet you!”She said,quickly then she looked at Al ’’Wow,that’s a
realistic armor you have there”Al looked down at her embarassed ’’T-Thanks”.

Ed didn’t reply anything to Roy’s remark. Was he trying to embarrass him in front of those strangers or what?
‘’You’re Eduard Elric?!’’ Shion asked, looking down at him raising the right eyebrow, the other one being
covered with a pretty large black eyepatch covering most of the left side of her face. ‘’The one and only.’’ he
replied, proud of himself. ‘’You’re…’’ Shion looked at him from head to toe. ‘’…short.’’
At that moment, Ed felt like he could explode. ‘WHO ARE YOU CALLING SO SHORT EVEN AN ANT
COULD STEP ON??’’ he snapped. Shion sighed. ‘’Chill. I wasn’t picking a fight.’’she said looking away. It
was true she didn’t like envolving in unnecessary fights.

Hoshi bursted out into laughing at their little ’chat’.At that very moment everyone went silent and stared at
her.Hoshi turned dead serious and started to play with strands of her hair ’’So,when do we leave? ’’She
asked,trying to change the subject ’’Right now’’ ’’Whaaat?”Hoshi whined and sighed “But I’ve just came
here!”She pouted “Hoshi..”Roy started “I”He said,with an evil aura surrounding him causing her to
back behind Al “Okay,I get it!”

’’Let’s go.’’ Ed told Hoshi and Al, waiting for them to come along. He was content about this small job Roy had
assigned him to, and he was glad he got to escort such a pretty girl.
Shion glanced at Roy, and swallowed. She felt a little insecure at the thought they’d be alone.

“Okay!”Hoshi said cheerfuly as she looked at Roy “See you soon,hopefully”She said,waving as she followed the
two brothers out of the building.
Roy only nodded and said a quiet ‘Take care’before turning around,this time facing Shion “I suppose you didn’t
see much of the Military”He said,standing up “I’ll show you around”It was ridiculous how he sent all of his
subordinates into different missions,so he had to do this job himself.

Ed glanced at Hoshi from time to time from the corner of his eye, trying not to make it obvious. Then he realized
he didn’t even know her name. ’’What’s your name?’’ he asked, casually.
Shion nodded. ’’Alright.’’ she said looking at him with her right eye. It was funny how both of them wore an
eyepatch. And on the same eye too! She tried to hide a smile as she followed him out of the room.

“Oh right!I’m Hoshi!”The girl replied in a friendly manner.Al looked down at her.She was very
energic.Well,that’s a good thing,or so he thought “It’s nice to meet you Hoshi-san.I’m Alphonse”He said,shyly
“Alphonse?That’s quite a lovely name”Hoshi replied,causing the boy to look away embarassed.
Roy instructed for her to follow him down the long halls.He realised he knew nothing about that girl,except that
she was a pirate.Was she an alchemist?He couldn’t ask that or else it would be suspicious “Your name is Shion,

‘’What a nice name!’’ Ed complimented Hoshi. He thought it meant ’star’ but he wasn’t sure so he remained
quiet about it. ’’Nice to meet you! I’m Edward Elric!’’ he replied in a similar, enthusiastic manner, pointing at
’’Yes!’’ Shion replied smiling for the first time that day. ’’I’m Shion Genki.’’ She thought how weird it was she
knew who he was but he didn’t know her. Oh well, it wasn’t like she hadn’t expected that when she returned the
other night. Yes, she had been there in that city before as a child, but she wasn’t familiar with the surroundings
of the State Military nor the building itself. But she knew about the Flame Alchemist and Alchemists in general.
She had also trained by herself to become one and join the State Military one day.
“Thank you,Edward!”Hoshi said,giggling.She was excited about this,since she had a feeling that they were going
to be really good friends!Al smiled at the sight of two of them,happy to see his brother trying to socialize with
While Roy showed her around,they met with Maes Hughes this time,his best friend,you could say “Getting
yourself busy,Roy?”He asked,teasingly.Roy looked away “Why would you say that?” “ particually
reason.By the way,did I tell you that Elicia can already ride a bike?!” “Sure you did..”

’You’re very welcome!’’ Edward replied with a broad smile. That day suddenly got better.
Shion didn’t know who they were talking about. A child, probably. But it wasn’t like her opinion was required
so she didn’t say anything. She didn’t want to make the wrong impression on her first day there. She was
watching Hughes with a small frown on her face, without being much aware of it.

“Hurry up,we have to catch the train!”Al informed as he started to walk a bit faster “But the station’s near”Hoshi
said,tilting her head to the side.
Roy was acutally thinking of an excuse,since he was tired of hearing him everyday babble about his ‘great’
daughter “Now,if you’d please,I will continue my tour with this wonderful lady,here”.

Ed chuckled softly at Al. Or… could he actually be wanting to leave them alone for a short while? He blushed a
little at the sight of that.
Shion didn’t let herself get much impressed by the small compliment. Where she came from, there was usually
nothing real behind compliments like that. But deep inside, she was happy he called her ‘wonderful lady’.

“Yes,but we need to buy tickets.I’ll go and buy them”Al offered as he rushed towards the ticket store.Indeed,he
wanted to give the two some time alone.Hoshi blinked,trying to understand what just happened.
Roy said goodbye to Hughes,glad that he escaped from the terror as he then left “I apologize for that”He told
her,as he looked at her over his shoulder.

Ed watched Al leave as he took a hand to the back of his head, embarrassed. ‘’So…’’ he started, unsure. ‘’How
have you met Roy?’’ he decided to ask. She looked pretty young to be an Alchemist and he was a little curious
too regarding her and Roy.
‘’It’s alright!’’ Shion assured him waving a hand in the air. ‘’Um… But what was he talking about?’’ she dared
to ask him, sweating a little.

“We grew up together”Hoshi replied softly as she flashed him a smile.She was prepared for anything “I’m
actually glad he entrusted you two to me”She told him honestly ‘Well better than Hughes or Armstrong..’She
“His daughter”Roy replied shortly,seeming terrified about the sight of Hughes. “But that’s not really
important”He said,as they arrived in front of several closets.He opened one of them and took out a
blue,traditional uniform and handed it to her.

‘’Grew up together??!’’ Ed was shocked. He didn’t see that coming! ‘’Wow… I wonder what he was like as a
kid...’’ he wondered out loud, an evil aura surrounding him. ‘’Oh… it’s our pleasure!’’ Ed said regarding
Hoshi’s comment.
Shion looked at the uniform. Great, the uniform which made everyone look fat. ‘’Thank you very much.’’ she
said politely, as she took the uniform from him, accidentally touching his gloved hands before pulling the
uniform close to her chest.

Hoshi giggled slightly at him “He was...very...stubborn”She said,remembering how they always fought over
minor things “Well,I can say it was an interesting experience”She said,scratching the back of her head.
Roy didn’t show to be affected by the sudden touch,but deep inside he was burning.Never once he let a woman
get so close to him.Not even when he went on dates,like everyone said “About your rank...You will be my
secretary starting from tommorow”.

Ed laughed evilly at the sight of that. ‘’Well… he hasn’t changed much.’’he told Hoshi, still chuckling.
‘’Aye!’’ Shion replied happily. That meant she’d get to be so close to him! It was more then she had expected.

“I noticed..”Hoshi said as she chuckled along with him “He likes to boss people around,doesn’t he?”She
asked,while stretching her arms.
Roy smirked slightly,pleased by her reaction “Well then,I will show you your room”He informed her as he
started to walk down the halls once again.

‘’He sure does…’’ Ed agreed crossing his arms at his chest. He looked away, remembering when he met Roy.
‘’Aye.’’ Shion said. She decided she would like it there at the State Military. Then she turned and followed him,
trying not to walk too close to him either.

Hoshi giggled and patted his back “Well,be happy that you got out of his sight for a while”She chirped “Come
on,your brother is probaly waiting for us!”
Roy stopped in front of a door,as he turned to face Shion “I’ll send one of my subordinates after you
tommorow”He informed,as he looked into her eye.Who would’ve think that a pirate would become his personal

‘’Y-yes. We should go to Al.’’ Ed said, snapping out of it. He felt so good around her, he almost forgot about the
tickets and the train.
‘’Thank you.’’ Shion replied looking back into his eye. She was determined to try to do this job to a T. She took
a ‘yessir’ pose before breaking the eye contact as she opened the door.

Hoshi nodded at him as they went to the station where they met with Al “Just in time!”He told them and
smiled,hoping that actually something happened.Well not that grand,but at least..”Oh,sounds good!”
Roy turned around “Have a good-night”He eventually told her before marching to his office.This oughta be
interesting,he thought,as a small smirk curved his lips.

The train had arrived in station already, as Ed could see. ‘’L-let’s go..’’he said awkwardly. He wondered when
he would get to see Hoshi again after they would have dropped her off, but he said nothing, as he didn’t see it fit.
Shion stood there for a second watching him before finally entering her room. It was quite spacious. Well, it was
bigger then the cabins on her ship anyway. She looked around the room. She was glad she had ordered someone
to take her trunks to her room, although otherwise she had a horror of letting others touch her things.

“Yeah”Hoshi said as she lazily let her arms rest behind her head.She was looking forward for this.But most of
all,she wanted to know the brothers better and you could say she had enough time,since the train would take at
least three days to arrive at the destination.
Roy leaned into his chair as he rested his chin into his palm,wondering if his sister was alright.He was too
concerned,which wasn’t like him!Even if deep inside he knew he cared about her,he wasn’t sure if the brothers
were going to make it.

Ed, Al and Hoshi go on the train and searched for a compartment just for the three of them. Lukily the train
wasn’t very crowded so they found one quite easily. ‘’After you.’’ Ed told Hoshi, pointing at the open
compartment door with his palm.
Shion changed into a long-sleeved white nightgown. Then she put her packed clothes into one of the trunks and
shut it slowly. A secretary. She had no idea what a secretary should do. But she was confident she’d carry it off.

“Why thank you!”Hoshi said as she took her luggage and entered the compartiment.Luckily,there was no one in
there,but the three of them.She sat down,gazing at the window curiously.
Roy had talked to Riza and told him his plans for tommorow and she asked her to go after Shion,which she
gladly accepted.He sighed,as he leaned into his chair some more.Probaly he was going to have someone he could
talk to,finally.

Ed grinned as he stepped inside after her and he was followed by Al. Ed sat down on the same bench as Hoshi,
but one or two seats away because he wanted to give her some space. This left Al to sit on the opposite bench
from in front of them.
Shion was thinking about her knew job. And her new superior. Roy Mustang, the Flame Alchemist. She was
now laying on the bed under the sheets, her hair spread on the pillow, her eyes gazing at the ceiling. She was
anxious about the next day.

Hoshi turned to face them soon enough,with a huge smile across her face “Do you travel alot?”She
asked,deciding to make an idle conversation for now,so she wouldn’t seem so weird.
By that time Roy took his uniform off as well,as he layed on his own bed and thought about the next day.What
should he do?How was he going to act around Shion?
Ed looked down before answering. The day him and Al burnt down their house and left their village was still
clear in his head. And everything that followed… ‘’Yeah. I’ve been traveling quite a lot for the past years.’’ he
answered sincerely. ‘’Mostly missions, stuff like that…’’
After a few minutes Shion stood up from her bed. She went and opened one window to let the cool night’s air
come in. She looked up at the stars on the dark sky, her hands resting on the window frame.

Hoshi noticed his sudden facial expression and felt sorry for asking that “Um..I’m sorry if I said something that
caused bad memories”She said,sounding honest.She knew the feeling.
Roy heard some movements comming from next door and couldn’t help but feel curious about it.He wondered if
everything was alright,but he just couldn’t burst in like that,since it would be suspicious.

‘’Don’t worry about it...’’ Ed said. ‘’Hey aren’t you tired? You couldn’t have gotten much rest today.’’ he asked
her, changing the subject. And he knew she had just arrived at the State Military when him and Al came to pick
her up. Then he moved on the other bench to give her some space in case she wanted to lounge or something like
Shion smirked. A secretary. It should be fun, why not. She returned to her bed and fell asleep soon enough,
events of that day playing again in her mind. She was pretty tired, considering she was used to going to bed

Roy had mentioned to her about the Elric brothers several times,but Hoshi wasn’t going to force them to say
anything.She nodded slowly at them,still feeling guilty “I’m fine,thank you”She replied,leaning her head against
the glass of the window.
When Roy heard the movements stopped,he closed his eyes,letting his head rest into his arms,as he soon enough
fell asleep.

‘’Are you sure?’’ Ed asked, a little worried at the sight of her leaning against the window. ‘’It will be a long
journey. Maybe you should get some rest.’’ Ed suggested trying not to be intrusive.

“I..”Hoshi started “have insomnia”She told him,without moving her gaze from the window.She wouldn’t want to
have him ask her to rest the whole journey or possibly,have him worried.

Ed sweatdropped. Was she really alright? ‘’I see…’’ he said, although he didn’t like the sight of it. Then he
leaned against the armour’s arm and let out a small yawn.

Hoshi glanced at him “You should rest tho”She adviced him as Al looked at Hoshi “I don’t really sleep
either..So don’t feel bad”He said,trying to cheer her up.

Ed felt awkward for being the only one who needed sleep there. But he needed to sleep and at least Al was there
to look after Hoshi. ‘’Y-yeah… Good night then.’’he said closing his eyes.
The next morning Shion woke up shortly before sunrise; she was used to waking up early in the morning. She
took a shower in the bathroom next to her room. Then she put on the uniform after she decided to wear her hair
in two braids behind her ears for that day and she carefully fixed her eyepatch in the mirror.

“Night”Hoshi replied.Her and Al didn’t talk much that night since they didn’t want to disturb Ed.
Roy woke up as well,as he rose from his bed and went to wash his hands and face before fixing his hair.He
looked decent,or so he thought.Riza woke up and pulled her uniform on,placed food in the dog’s plate and then
went to Shion’s room to pick her up.

When Ed woke up he twitched his eyes because the sunlight was entering the small compartment falling exactly
on his face. He took a hand to his forehead and he looked around the compartment and saw Al, who didn’t seem
to have moved an inch from the other night, and Hoshi. ‘’Hi again.’’ he said a bit embarrassed.
Shion walked up to the wall next to the door and leaned against it. Roy had said he’d sent someone for her.
Roy… he was cooler than she remembered him. She was actually very nervous to be around him. She was
wearing the blue uniform he had given her the previous evening and two additional weapons at the back of her
waist: a gun and a knife. She hadn’t received any weaponry from the Military and she preferred her old weapons
anyway. Walking around unarmed was not an option, she thought.

Hoshi turned her head towards him.She didn’t move at all,since she didn’t want to make noise.She nodded at
him “Hello”She replied,flashing him a small smile “Are you hungry?”She asked,tilting her head to the side.Al
smiled at the sight of the two getting along “There’s a food comparment here..”He said,suggestivly “But I have
food for both!”
Riza knocked on the door,before she dared to open it and step in “Good morning”She said,formally as she
bowed “I’ve heard you’ll be Colonel’s new secretary”She said “I’m here to tell you the basics and also guide you
to him”.

‘’I’m not hungry!’’ Ed lied. He didn’t want to cause her any trouble. But his stomach made a noise which
confirmed he was hungry, causing him to blush.
‘’Ah yes.’’ Shion said at the sight of Riza. ‘’Good morning.’’she replied and went in the hallway, waiting to be
taken to Roy.

Hoshi sweatdropped “Listen,you don’t have to hide yourself.You’re human too”She said,sighing softly “All you
have to do is ask.No one will bite you,no one will hurt you”She said,handing him a croissant.
Riza nodded.She liked the girl,because she wasn’t the type to make a whole ruckus out of it,probaly because she
didn’t knew what type of [man] Roy was.

Ed took the croissant timidly. ‘’Thank you… this is very kind of you…’’he said looking down. He was actually
very embarrassed, although she was right. He was just a human.
Shion followed Riza up to where Roy was without talking much. She was curious about the other woman’s rank
but she didn’t know how to put it. Eventually she decided to ask directly. She didn’t have anything to lose.
‘’What is your rank within the Military?’’

Hoshi nodded “Don’t mention it”She told him quickly.She was glad she could help him.
Riza looked at her from the corner of her eye “I work under the Colonel as well”She replied simply,as she kept
her hands behind her back while marching down the halls.

Ed chewed the croissant slowly, avoiding to look at Hoshi in the eye.

Shion had figured that much. ‘’I see.’’she said not wanting to appear rude.

Hoshi took a croissant for herself and started to nibble silently on it.Al just watched them silently.
When they arrived in front of Roy’s office,Riza fixed her hair and dusted her clothes before knocking.Roy said a
loud ‘Come in’.After hearing these words ,both women stepped in “Good morning,sir”She said,bowing
politely.Roy nodded at her “I did as I was told.Here’s the girl”.

Ed thought of something decent to say but nothing came to his mind. He was still feeling awkward for having
been to only one to sleep.
‘’Good morning, Sir.’’ she greeted Roy formally, hoping she addressed him the right way.

After Hoshi finished her croissant she took a bottle of water and handed it to Ed,since she probaly guessed he
was too nervous to ask for it.
“Good morning”Roy said,lacing his fingers under his chin “As you already know you’ll be my secretary starting
from today.You don’t have to do much,just obey my orders and everything will be fine”.

‘’Thank you.’’ Ed said and opened the bottle quickly, taking just a small sip from it since he didn’t want to abuse
her kindness and waste her food and water supplies like that. He then gave her the bottle back with a small
grateful smile on his lips.
‘’Sure thing.’’Shion said to show her cooperation, the ends of her mouth twitching. She was used to, like, giving
orders rather than receiving, but oh well, it wasn’t much of a big deal, he seemed like a reasonable guy. ‘’Is there
anything I can do… now?’’she asked, unsure.

Hoshi took the bottle and then opened it and took small sips from it too.It looks like she didn’t have a problem
with drinking after someone.
“Yeah,you could bring me a coup of coffee”Roy said,looking at her.He had to get used with her,but it was just
weird having a formal pirate as secretary.

Ed let out a small sigh. Why didn’t he bring some food with him? That way he wouldn’t have felt in debt. He
just rushed the other day to make it on time and he forgot.
‘’Aye. The coffee’s on its way!’’ Shion replied doing her best to grin and bear. She looked around and she saw a
coffee machine in a corner of the office. She had no idea how it worked.
Hoshi wasn’t sure of what to talk about,so she just remained silent for a while,gazing out the window at random
bushes and trees.
Roy chuckled at the sight of her.Such an energetic person.Riza stood close by his side.She didn’t trust this girl
too much.Who would trust a pirate after all?She wanted to make sure that Roy was safe.

Ed stared outside the window as well. ‘’Are you an Alchemist too?’’ he asked after a while.
After some time Shion eventually got the coffee done. She learned something new that day and she was excited
about it deep inside. She poured the hot coffee in a cup and placed the cup on its cup plate before walking up to
his desk with it. ‘’Your coffee.’’ she said simply, not knowing where to put it on the desk not to mess with his
paper work.

So,this question finally arrived,huh? “Yeah,I’m an Alchemist”Hoshi replied,with a faint smile.

Roy glanced at her.A clueless one,eh?This should be interesting.He stretched his hand out,and for a second his
fingers brushed against hers while taking the cup of coffe “Thank you”He replied,taking a small sip.

‘’I see.’’ Ed said. She didn’t seem to want to get into details so he didn’t say anything else. Maybe she too had a
sad background story, or something she just didn’t want to talk about, and he could respect that.
Shion retreated her hands quickly to not give away she was flustered over their fingers brushing together.
‘’Welcome.’’ she said. She appreciated that was a good start.

“Are you a State Alchemist?”Al decided to ask.Hoshi giggled softly at that “Nope,lost my rank as a State
Alchemist a while ago”She replied.Al was now confused.What’s so funny about that?
Roy raised an eyebrow at her tensing up.He just hoped that she wasn’t going to squeal around like a fangirl.That
would bother him “So,how did you end up here?”He asked,trying to find out more about her.

‘’How did that happen?’’ Ed dared to ask. He really wanted to know. Plus they wouldn’t have much to do until
they reached their destination so they could as well talk.
Shion thought it over for a second. ‘’Actually…’’ she made a pause. ‘’As an Alchemist, I thought I should find a
job here at the State Military.’’ she admitted deciding to leave out the part where she wanted to meet the famous
Flame Alchemist. ‘’That and I need money. Piracy doesn’t pay that well these days.’’she said trying to make a

“Equivalent Exchange”Hoshi started.She decided to go on and trust these kids “To obtain, something of equal
value must be lost...”She quoted “Which...I’ve never done” Al narrowed his eyes towards her “What do you
mean?” “I mean I’ve obtained what I wanted,but i never traded something in exchange”She said.
A pirate alchemist?Now this made Roy really curious “What kind of alchemist are you?”He asked.He could
change her rank and let her take the test to become a State Alchemist if he was going to obtain some answers.

Ed was confused now. How could you obtain something without giving something in return? He looked at her.
‘’I never knew that was possible.’’he said above a whisper.
‘’What kind… I’m what you would call an Electrical Alchemist.’’ Shion said looking at him with her right eye.

“Nothing’s impossible..”Hoshi said moving her gaze out the window.Some unwanted memories her words
brought to Al and probaly to Ed as well .
“Electrical Alchemist..”Roy repeated after her meditatively “Never heard of it”He told her sincerly.”But I would
like to see your abilities”.

‘’I guess..’’ Ed replied looking down.

Shion raised an eyebrow at him. ‘’Now?!’’

Al looked at his brother as he placed a hand on his shoulder and started to pat him,affectionaly.Hoshi thought she
said wrong again,she she remained silent.
Roy chuckled “Calm down.You can show them later”.

Ed sighed softly. He didn’t want to make the atmosphere anymore gloomy so he decided to change the subject
again. ‘’Why don’t you tell me more about Roy as a kid.’’he demanded with an evil grin.
‘’Don’t tell me to calm down…’’ Shion said a bit annoyed, looking away.

“Why so curious?”Hoshi asked with a small smile playing on her lips “You know both of us will be history if he
finds out”.
“Or else what?”Roy demanded for an answer,as he smirked slightly.

‘’Oh, just because we’re… friends…’’ Ed said taking a hand at the back of his head, playing all innocent
although he didn’t like stating he was friends with that selfish individual. ‘’If he finds out…’’he repeated after
her, underlining the ‘if’.
‘’Can I retreat if there’s nothing else you need?’’ Shion asked glancing at the cup of coffee, not wanting to play
his little mind games.

“Friends?”Hoshi said,with a dark chuckle “That...doesn’t sound like a word Roy would use”She said,finally
laughing “And oh..He finds out sooner than you expect..”She said,sweatdropping.
“Don’t avoid my question,Shion”Roy said,pressuring her name,as he looked at her dead in the eye.

‘’He can’t find out… unless there’s a traitor between us!’’ Ed said matter-of-factly with a big smirk as he raised
a forefinger in the air.
‘Make me.’ Shion replied in her head. ‘’What kind of answer are you expecting to get?’’ she replied staring back
at him. She couldn’t make a threat for real nor hit on him.

Hoshi laughed even more “That’s true..”She said,looking at Al dead in the eye.He panicated a bit,as he turned
chibi “M-Me?”He sweatdropped,pointing at himself “You never know..”Hoshi replied,smirking.
“The same as the answer you gave not a long time ago”Roy said,sounding as serious as possible.Riza looked
away,trying to avoid their conversation.

Ed turned his gaze to his brother and chuckled evilly. ‘’So it’s you, Al… I knew it.’’ he said continuing that little
Shion glared at him. He was a difficult one. ‘’Or else nothing.’’ she replied and turned around to walk a few
steps away.

“Huh?N-Nii-san!You don’t really think!”Al said,taking this whole thing serious.Hoshi tried hardly not to laugh
“Our faith is in your hands Al”She said,dramatically.
Roy shook his head a bit disappointed “If you say so..”He eventually replied,running his fingers through his hair.

‘’I have to admit I’m disappointed. My own little brother…’’ Ed said in a similar manner after he watched
‘’Yeah, I say so.’’ Shion said turning around to face him once more as she stood a few feet away from his desk

“B-But I!”Al started,twirling his fingers “It’s not true!” Hoshi tried to hide a smirk “When did you see an evil
character to admit his defeat?”
“I have to say that I was expecting something else”Roy said,tapping his fingers against the table.

‘’That’s right!’’ Ed agreed with Hoshi and winked at her.

‘’Well I’m afraid you won’t get it.’’ Shion replied.

Hoshi caught the sight of his wink and tried not to blush,as she went on with her little game “Your innocence
says all”.
“What kind of pirate are you?”Roy finally asked.

‘’You’ve betrayed me, Al…’’ Ed went on. His brother was so easy to tease!
Shion laughed at his question. ‘’You’re funny, Roy Mustang.’’ she said and grinned, just to tease him some

“But I don’t even talk to the Colonel!”Al said,trying to defend himself “..Betraying your friends is a
thing..but..betraying your own brother?That’s so....horrible!”Hoshi said,sobbing.
His eyebrow rose at her answer “Stubborn,are we?”He said,teasing her back.

‘’What kind of person does that…’’ Ed said and moved back on the same bench as Hoshi, where he had sat the
other night as well, only this time he was a little closer to her. He then looked at his brother. If Al had a human
body he would be in tears by now.
‘’Does it bother you?’’ Shion replied and smirked.
“What an evil brother you have..”Hoshi said as she narrowed her eyes towards Ed and tried to hide a smile.Al
still didn’t know how to deal with it.He looked down.
“I should be the one putting the questions here”Roy said,raising his voice a little.

‘’He’s really evil, isn’t he.’’ Ed said and took a hand to his mouth and chuckled softly. It was funny to see Al so
Shion let out a soft sigh. ‘’Are you going to try and pick a fight with me for the rest of the day? I think you’re
busy and I’m retarding you.’’she said trying to make Roy drop the subject.

“I don’t know what to say..I’m shocked”Hoshi said as she started to bite at her lip.It was hard for her not to
“I think I should be the one saying that.You may leave”Roy said shortly and coldly as he glared at her.

‘’Me too!’’ Ed said and burst into laughter. He hadn’t had such a good time in a very long time.
Shion frowned. ‘’Very well!’’she said and exited the room.

Hoshi started to laugh as well “Aww..your brother is so easy to tease!”She said,between her giggles.Al raised his
head “Y-You were making fun of me!”He said,finally figuring out.
Roy took another sip from his coffee.What a good coffee it was!He sighed.Maybe he was a bit rough with her.

‘’Of course! You’ve just realized it?’’ Ed mocked him.

Shion was standing in the hallway, leaning against the wall outside Roy’s office. She had to admit she was a
little disappointed. She didn’t expect the Flame Alchemist act like a spoiled brat.

“W-Well..”Al looked away embarassed.Hoshi giggled “It’s okay,it’s okay!”She said,reassuring him.
Roy started to look through paperwork as he sighed softly to himself.For some reason he couldn’t stop thinking
about the way he acted.

Ed grinned and nudged Hoshi. ‘’Now, you’re embarrassing him…’’ he said above a whisper.
Shion felt like wandering around the place but she didn’t move from that place because she didn’t want to cause
Roy any trouble. Why did she still care after how he acted towards her? She didn’t know.

“Oh!”Hoshi said and smiled and nudged him back “Al~ Let’ cards!”She suggested, grinning.
Roy stood up and opened the door of his office,only to find Shion there “What are you doing?”

‘’Do you have a deck of cards?’’ Ed asked, sweatdropping. He felt like an idiot for not having brought anything
Shion looked at him. ‘’You told me to leave.’’ she reminded him and made a short pause. ‘’I thought I should
stick around in case you needed something else.’’

“I do!”Hoshi said as she reached for her bag.She took a deck of cards and started to shuffle them.Al smiled
“Sounds good!”
“I see”Roy said and sighed “You may come back”He told her,as he retreated to his office,leaving the door wide

Ed smiled, happy they wouldn’t get bored. ‘’What do we play?’’he asked.

Shion followed him inside and closed the door silently behind her.

“Whatever you want!”Hoshi said cheerfuly.

Roy went to his office once again “Are you still mad?”He asked,sounding calmer now.

‘’Um… then… Solitaire?’’ Ed asked, scratching at his cheek.

‘’Who told you I was mad.’’ Shion said, looking away.

“With dares?”Hoshi asked.She wanted to make things even more interesting.

“Your expression did”Roy replied,as he watched her.

Ed blushed. He didn’t know what dares to make up if she lost. ‘’If you want.’’he said shyly.
‘’I’m not mad.’’ Shion told Roy looking back at him.
“Yay!”Hoshi said,even more excited than before.She gave cards to everyone and smiled “Al goes first!”
“But you were”Roy said with a smug smirk.

‘’Ok!’’ Ed said and watched Al.

‘’… Maybe.’’ Shion replied.

Al threw a card over the others and then did Hoshi “Ohhh bloody hell!”She giggled.
“So you admit, huh?” Roy said, slightly amused.

It was Ed’s turn now. He threw a card and looked forward to see what happened next.
‘’I’m not admitting anything.’’ Shion said digging her feet in and crossed her arms.

After Al threw the last card,after some time Hoshi realised she was the only one with cards in her hands “Oh
“A feisty one,huh?” Roy mumbled to himself “I guess it’s what pirates do”.

Ed looked at Hoshi. It looked like she was losing. He was a little unsure what to do. Would he be the one to say
the dare or Al? He wouldn’t want to say something wrong.
Shion’s good mood suddenly returned. She grinned at his words. ‘’What about you? Are you always this

“Oh snap!”Hoshi said as she looked at her cards “So what’s the dare im getting from you guys?”She
“Around you,yes.Around the others,no”Roy replied briefly “By the way,I’m hungry”.

‘’Um, let’s see…’’ Ed bit at his lower lip. ‘’I dare you to… I know! Tell me something embarrassing about Roy.
After all, you changed the subject earlier and never told me!‘’
‘Special treatement, eh?’ Shion sweatdropped a little. ‘’And what do you want me to do?’’ she answered in a
similar way.

“Heeey!”Hoshi made a face as she looked at him “That’s cheating!”She exclaimed,pointing her tongue out
“Well,you’re the one that wanted dares”Al reminded her “Fine..Let’s see...Roy used to sing me random songs
when we were little”.
“Food”Roy replied simply as he shrugged his shoulder.

‘’Random songs?’’ Ed chuckled. ‘’Like what?’’

‘’Ok, be right back.’’ Shion said and turned to leave. She knew just what to bring him.

“Kids songs!Like,like...LIKE...Twinkle Twinkle Little star!”Hoshi said and giggled.

Roy leaned his chin into his palm curious about it “Right”He said,as Riza stood by his side “Does she make a
good job,sir?” “I can tell she is”.

Ed chuckled with her. ‘’I… I really can’t imagine him like that!’’ he said between his chuckles. ‘’And don’t
worry, Roy won’t find out you told us this.’’ he assured her. ‘’Unless…’’ he turned his gaze to Al.
Shion went into her room and opened one of the trunks, where she had a supply of hardtacks. She giggled evilly
trying to imagine how he’d like those. Then she placed some on a plate and returned to his office, knocking on
the door before coming in.

Hoshi smirked as she looked at Al “You better not betray us,kay?”She said,threating him in a ‘nice’ way.Al
raised his hand to his chest as he turned chibi “I..I won’t!”He told them.
Roy glanced at the food and then at her.There was something fishy,but he decided to keep it to himself
“So,what’s this?”He asked,curiously.

Ed laughed. ‘’Ok, let’s trust him this time.’’

‘’Hardtacks. You didn’t specify what kind of food you wanted.’’ Shion told him. She had an evil satisfaction
from his reaction.

Hoshi laughed too.The train stopped in a station “Guys sorry to disappoint you but we’ll have to walk for now”.
“Oh”Roy said,feeling a bit embarassed as he took a hardtack and tasted it.In no minute he spat it out and wipped
the corners of his mouth “W-What the hell is this!”
‘’Aww and I was starting to feel so good here! Oh well. Walking never killed anyone.’’ Ed said and stepped
outside the compartment, waiting for Hoshi and Al to follow.
‘’It’s hardtacks, I told you.’’ Shion said trying to hide a smirk.

“D’aww,no worries,it’ll be fun!I assure you!”Hoshi said and giggled.Al stepped out as well “Where to now?”
“To the city!”
“You should definantely help yourself with these and bring me some normal food”Roy said and handed her the

Ed wanted that travel to never end. He kind of grew attached to Hoshi and he wanted to get to know her better.
He really hoped he could see her again after he and Al escorted her home.
Shion obediently took the plate and exited the room. After some time she returned. She brought him two meat
sandwhiches this time. ‘’Is this normal enough for you?’’ she asked flumping the plate against his desk.

“We have to go through five cities untill we get to mine”Hoshi informed as she looked at the boys “It’ll be
“Let’s say it is”Kenpachi [Roy] said and took a sandwhich,then started to nibble at it “Did you make it?”

‘’Five… cities?...’’ Ed was surprised. ‘’Just how long will that take?’’
‘’Do you like it?’’ Shion answered him with a question again.

“One or two days..”Hoshi replied meditatively as she grinned at them “Plus we’ll sleep at some hotel over night
and all this stuff”.
“It’s delicious”Roy replied as he flashed her a small smile.That kind of smile every single girl would dream of.

That part would be interesting! Ed thought but he didn’t say anything because it would most probably sound
wrong. ‘’It really sounds like fun!’’he decided to say instead.
Shion didn’t really hope for such a praise. ‘’Well then… yeah, I made it.’’she said blushing and looked away.

As they entered the city,everyone stared at them.The Fullmetal Alchemist and the Glass Alchemist.Now that was
something new.Hoshi looked around.She didn’t like with when people stared at her.
“You’re good then”Roy told her and shot her a playful wink before taking another bite from the sandwhich.

Ed was fine with people staring at him and Al. Or better said, he had gotten used to it.
Shion didn’t know how to react. Why was he nice all of a sudden? He was confusing her.

Hoshi couldn’t take it anymore,so she started to glare at them “Wachha`people starin` at?Shoo,shoo,get back to
Roy was actually trying to see how she would react.And the result was just like he had expected “Can you get
me another coffee?”

Ed sweatdropped. ‘’They would have left anyway, you know…’’ he said.

‘’Of course!’’ Shion replied happily and went to make another cup of coffee.

“No,they would’ve keep staring at us!”Hoshi said and pouted a bit.

Roy chuckled slightly at her.Riza smiled,glad to see that her Colonel was happy.

‘’Does it bother you that much?...’’ he asked curiously. ‘Well, I guess it can be upsetting…’’ he said, trying not
to worsen the situation.
Shion returned faster with the coffee than she did the first time, or with the food. It was as if she was motivated
to do her job well. ‘Here you are.’’she said handing him the cup of coffee.

“Nah,come on”Hoshi said and smiled “Let’s go and get some rooms and then we can wander around the city
untill tommorow”She suggested.
“You’re pretty hyper.What’s the reason?”Roy asked,recalling that the last time she acted all moody and mad.

‘’Ok.’’ Ed agreed, determined to pay the entire sum of the log in, and they headed towards a local hotel.
‘’Nothing, I just feel like it.’’ Shion said.
Hoshi pulled them to a hotel,as she looked around.It seemed luxurous “This one looks very nice”.
“I see”Roy replied.He didn’t want to get into an argument with her “Tell me,how was your life before you came

‘’It really does!...’’ Ed agreed as he looked around as well. ‘’Do you have any preferences?’’ he asked as he
started to walk to the reception desk. ‘’Floor, ground floor…?’’ He was fine with any kind of room.
Shion smiled. He sure liked to ask lots of questions. ‘’I travelled a lot..’’ she said. It was hard to summarise her
life in a few words.

Hoshi blinked several times “I guess..Floor sounds fine”She replied,scratching the back of her head.
Roy nodded “It seems like you had a pretty adventurous life”He said,chuckling .

‘’Ok then floor it is!’’ Ed said and grinned. Then he asked for two rooms at the floor at the reception and payed
for them.
‘’Yeah, you could say that.’’ Shion said feeling more relaxed around him. ‘’What about you?’’

Hoshi blushed a bit.She was going to pay for the next night for sure!She smiled and took her bags “Okaay
then!”Al followed close by,silently.
“It’s really bothersome sometimes..”Roy replied,after he finished his food.He chuckled softly “But I enjoy it”.

Ed followed Hoshi and Al. ‘’We got rooms 202 and 203.’’he announced as they climbed the stairs.
‘’I see. Well, it’s good that you enjoy it.’’ Shion said and took the plate to wash it.

“202...and 203..Oh it’s good that they’re next to each other!”Hoshi replied,positively.
“I still want to see your skills”Roy said,teasingly as he looked at her,a small smirk playing on his lips.

‘’Yep! Which do you prefer?’’ Ed asked stretching out the hand with the two keys.
‘’I want to show them to you too.’’ Shion grinned.

“Hmm..I’ll take 202!”Hoshi replied,as she reached to take the key from him.
“Then how about now?”Roy asked,with a fierce sparkle into his eyes.

‘’Ok. Then we have 203!’’ Ed told Al. ‘’We’ll wait you here until you unpack.’’Ed said next turning to Hoshi.
Him and Al didn’t have any luggage anyway.
‘’Ok…’’ Shion said, a bit unsure of what she was supposed to do. Did he want to test her alchemy abilities or her
electrical power, which was like an equivalent to his fire power? ‘’What should I do?’’ she asked.

“Ah,but please come in!I won’t eat you”Hoshi said,playfully,attemping to joke.She opened the door of her room
and stepped in.It was luxous!
“First of all,let’s go out and we’ll see afterwards”Roy said as he stood up and lead her out of the building.

‘’Okay…’’ Ed followed her timidly. He hadn’t been in a girl’s room before. Well it was a just a hotel room, but
Shion nodded and followed him outside.

When Hoshi arrived in her room,she looked around “It’s really nice,after all!”She said,as she placed her bag on
the back and started to take some clothes out.
When they arrived outside,Roy stopped few inch away from her,as he turned to face her “Now you can show

Ed looked away to give her some privacy. He didn’t want her to say he was peaking at her personal stuff or
Shion looked up at him as she started to unbutton her coat. A golden necklace with a transmutation circle was
resting on her chest. Clouds started to roll in when she held the pendantive, and thunder claps could be heard in
the distance. Soon the wind started to mess with their hair as Shion released and more of her power.

“Okay,I’m done!”Hoshi said excited after she placed the last t-shirt on the closet “Let’s go out and see what’s
this city about!”
Roy had his hands behind his back,trying not to look that surprised,although he really was.How was such a thing
possible?And not to mention..rain made him kind of ‘useless’.He sweatdropped at the sight of it.
‘’Alright!’’ Ed followed her and Al outside the hotel. ‘’Where should we start from?’’
All the atmospheric effects weren’t really necessary but Shion liked putting on a show. A mild rain started, as
electricity formed within the clouds. A lightning stroke the ground next to them, missing Roy by a few inches.

Hoshi sweatdropped at the sight of his question “Erm..I don’t really know..”.
Roy took several steps back as he dusted his clothes,sending her a small glare.What was she thinking about?
Attacking her superior like that “I think that’s enough”.

‘’Well… Let’s walk around and we should find something.’’ Ed suggested.

‘’Oops.’’ Shion whispered, without seeming to be sorry in the least, as a response to his glare. Then she grinned,
content he wasn’t taking her lightly. ‘’Ok.’’

“Okay!”Hoshi said.As they walked around she saw a big mall.Her eyes started to sparkle “Oooh,that
“I wasn’t expecting such power when you meant electricity,but I have to admit,you’re good”Roy said simply
before turning around.

‘’Let’s go inside then!’’ Ed suggested, happy to see Hoshi so excited about that mall.
‘’I’m honoured, Sir!’’ Shion mocked him a little and walked up to him to catch up with him.

“Okay!”Hoshi chirped as she walked with them to the mall.

“I bet you are”Roy said,the last part slowly.

‘’Wow… amazing!’’ Ed said as he gazed around. That place was so spacious. There were lots of shops and there
seemed to be a cinema too. ‘’Would you like to go see a movie?’’ he suggested, blushing a little. In other
circumstances he might have not dared to ask her, but Al was with them so he thought it wasn’t suspicious.
Shion smirked and followed him silently.

“Isn’t it?!”Hoshi looked around full of energy as she giggled,before answering his question “ A movie?That
sounds splendid!Haven’t seen one in a while!”
Riza looked after Roy and Shion,making sure that everything was fine “Are you hungry?”Roy finally asked.

‘’Great!’’ Ed exclaimed, glad she didn’t turn him down. ‘’What do you want to see?’’
Shion blinked. Did he really care whether she was hungry? ‘’A little.’’ It was true she hadn’t had a bite that day.

“Anything is fine with me!”Hoshi replied,and flashed him a small smile “Oh ,Oh I want a pair of 3D glasses as
Roy grabbed his jacket and threw it over his shoulders “Let’s go then”He ordered,as he headed towards a
different direction.

‘’Then…. let’s go to a 3D movie!’’ Ed suggested and picked up a flyer to see what movies they had at the
cinema that week.
Shion’s eye widened at the sight of his words. What did he mean, and why weren’t they returning to the
Military? She could guess what was going on. She took a deep breath trying to calm down.

“Yay!”Hoshi smiled as she peeked over his shoulder to read what movies they had as well.Al decided to go and
buy some popcorn for them.
Roy sighed as he stopped walking.He turned to Shion with a questionable look over his face “Are you comming
or not?”

‘’This seems interesting.’’ Ed told Hoshi pointing at a certain movie. He glanced at her and then back at the
flyer, nervous at the sight of her being so close to him.
‘’Y-yes of course! You don’t need to ask such silly questions!’’ Shion said and hurried to catch up with him.

“Then let’s go with that one!”Hoshi said,not appearing to be so intimidated by his presence so close to her.Al
returned with popcorn for Hoshi and Ed since he couldn’t really eat.
Roy chuckled at her.For a moment he thought she was going to turn him down,but he was glad she didn’t.Would
she consider it a ‘first date’?
‘’I’ll go buy the tickets then!’’ Ed announced and ran to the tickets house.
‘’What are you laughing at?’’ Shion asked, pouting a little.

Okay!”Hoshi said,sitting on one of the big couches,while waiting for him.

“Nothing”Roy replied,still slightly amused as he led her to a luxurous restaurant.

‘’Back!’’ Ed announced running at her with a big happy smile. ‘’Let’s go, Al!’’he called over his brother too.
Shion gazed around in awe. Then she glanced at Roy. He must have been rich to afford to take her there.

Hoshi stood up and fixed her clothes “H-Hai,Nii-san!”Al replied as he followed them.Mostly everyone stared at
the three of them because of the ‘big armor that followed them around’.
“Do you like it?”Roy asked,as he smirked slightly.Oh yes,this was his chance to make a good impression.

Ed was used to people staring at him and Al so he didn’t really mind. But then he remembered Hoshi’s reaction
earlier, when people stared at them. ‘’Let’s find out seats.’’ Luckily their seats were in the last row so they didn’t
have to worry about people complaining about Al during the movie.
‘’I like it… very much…’’ Shion said trying to remove the surprised expression from her face. She hadn’t been
in a restaurant for a long time, not to mention a luxurious restaurant like that one! ‘’Do you come often in places
like this?’’ she asked.

“Okays”Hoshi said,trying not to pay attention to the others.It was very irritating indeed.And most of guys stared
at her not because she was an Alchemist but because of her looks.She hated it the most.
“I do”Roy replied as he pulled the chair out for her.Surely he could be a gentleman at such times “What shall we
eat then?”He asked,softly.

Ed sat down next to Al, leaving Hoshi to sit next to Ed. Ed took the popcorn from Al and placed it on his knees
before taking a fistful of popcorn.
Shion nervously sat down on the chair he pulled out for her. She hadn’t expected to get so close to him from her
first day there. ‘’I don’t know. I’ll go with your tastes.’’she said, deciding not to tease him about ‘normal food’.

Hoshi sat next to Ed,as she put on the glasses and grinned.This was something new for her.Glancing at the
popcorn,she reached her hand and took some as well.
Roy walked to take his own seat,as he looked through the menu “Soup.Is that okay with you?”

Ed followed Hoshi’s example and put on his glasses as well. That was going to be an interesting experience!
‘’Yes!’’ Shion replied shortly. She was excited over the idea of having lunch with him, although she tried not to
make it too obvious.

Al put the glasses on as well.It looked sorta weird on him but he enjoyed the movie,which counted the
most.Hoshi payed attention to the movie,then she realised that the whole movie turned into a horror one.
Roy called for the waiter as he told him to bring two bowls of hot soup. “What do you usually drink?”

Ed sweatdropped. ‘’Are you scared?’’ he asked Hoshi teasing her a little.

‘’Water’s fine.’’ Shion said although she was used to alcohol but she thought she should stick to water for the
time being.

Hoshi spat the popcorn at the sight of him “S-Scared?M-Me?No!”But then a creppy sound was heard in the
background causing her and some other persons around the room to scream.
“Right”Roy said as he ordered two bottles of water as well.The waiter brought the soup and then the water
“So,tell me more about you”He said,looking at her.

Ed chuckled at Hoshi contradicting herself. ‘’It’s ok, I’m here.’’he assured her and winked playfully.
‘’What would you like to know?’’ Shion asked as she leaned her left cheek into her palm.

“B-But!”Hoshi protested,as she shivered slightly “You knew about this,didn’t you?That it’s a horror movie”She
said and pouted.
“I want to know you better,that’s all”Roy replied,as he grabbed the spoon and started to eat.

‘’No, I didn’t!’’ Ed said and raised his hands in defence. ‘’It’s… it’s Al’s fault!’’he said quickly, acting innocent
as he pointed at the armour next to him.
‘’Really?’’ Shion raised an eyebrow. ‘’Is this how you treat all the new employees?’’ she smirked.

“I wasn’t even there when you picked the movie!”Al said and sweatdropped.Hoshi raised an eyebrow “You
don’t have an excuse,sir”She said,smirking.
“No,it’s how I treat those whom caught my interest”Roy replied,wanting to see her reaction at this.

‘’Al, Al, what are we going to do with you…’’ Ed started too.

‘’Oh. I’m flattered.’’ Shion said. Then she started to eat the soup, thinking of what she should say about herself.
Now the life she had lived didn’t seem cool at all when she was talking to the Flame Alchemist. ‘’Well… I
travelled a lot, like I told you earlier.’’she decided to say.

“But it’s true!I went to buy popcorn!”Al said pointing at himself in a ‘it wasn’t me’ manner.Hoshi sighed
“Yeah,right and I’m the future queen of England”.
“Other than that”Roy said,as he laced his fingers under his chin and kept his gaze focused on hers.He had
finished his plate of soup and ordered spaghetti.

Ed chuckled. ‘’Don’t even try to lie to us, Al!’’ he said.

Shion hurried to finish her soup too. ‘’Let’s see. I can tell you I became an Alchemist a few years ago from the
desire to join the State Military!’’ she said enthusiastically.

Hoshi tried not to laugh.He was falling into the same trick again “Now we know he’s a traitor for real”.
Roy raised an eyebrow “Is that so?Why would you want to join the State Military?”He asked,slightly interested.

‘’Yeah. We won’t fall for the same trick twice!’’ Ed threathened his little brother.
‘’Actually, truth be told I inherited the love for Alchemy from my parents.’’ Shion said. ‘’And then I thought I
might as well give it a shot here at the Military. You seem to be leading an interesting life as a State Alchemist.’’
Shion added, wondering if her story was believable. In truth she went to the Military to meet the famous Flame
Alchemist but she considered it was wiser if he didn’t know.

“B-But”Al pouted.He looked as if he was going to cry.Hoshi nudged Ed’s arm and smirked “You
traitoooor~”She said,teasingly.
“Yes,I have my own interest here”Roy replied “But your story seems pretty interesting.How did you become a

‘’Al, you’ve betrayed us… Again…’’ Ed said nudging Hoshi back.

Shion tried to hide a smile. ‘’How I became a pirate… It all started when I began to travel on the sea, you could
say.’’she smirked ‘’Long story short, I became a pirate because I wanted to. But don’t worry, I’m not such a bad
pirate. But then again, you can’t trust a pirate.’’she smugged and giggled.

Hoshi chuckled loudly “What’s your excuse for this Al?”She asked,smirking “I-I!”Al waved his hands in the air.
“Exactly”Mustang said and chuckled “But then again you can’t trust the dogs of the military either,can you?”

Ed burst into a loud laughter, smacking a palm against his knees. He couldn’t remember the last time he had so
much fun.
‘’Aw, I’d give you a chance.’’ Shion said and giggled before taking a sip from her water.

Soon enough Hoshi joined Ed into a loud laugh as Al turned very chibi “Y-You tricked me again!”
“Why’s that?”Roy asked.Did he make such a good impression?

Ed laughed at Al being so slow. ‘’And you fell for it again!’’ he said and smugged.
‘’Let’s say I got to like you.’’ Shion said and smirked.

“It’s not funny,Nii-san!”Al scoffed.Hoshi laughed even more “It is funny for us!”
Roy nodded,trying to hide a small blush.This wasn’t like his other ‘dates’.Actually he was starting to like Shion
as well “The same goes for you”.

‘’It is funny for us, just like Hoshi said!’’ Ed agreed. ‘’There, there.’’he patted Al’s arm to confort him.
Shion smiled from the bottom of her heart. Maybe he wasn’t such a bad guy after all.
Al sighed.He couldn’t get mad,knowing that his brother was having the time of his life.Hoshi noticed that the
credits were rolling “Well then,let’s get going!”
After they finished eating,Roy stood up and went to the waiter and payed the bill then he cleared his throat and
looked at Shion.

‘’Alright!’’ Ed said standing up as he wiped a tear of joy. He had laughed with tears earlier.
Shion stood up as well. ‘’Where to now?’’ she asked.

Hoshi smiled as they walked out of the mall.She looked around the city curiously untill she spotted some people
gathered around a place “hmm..I wonder what’s that!”
“Considering that your job is done for today,let’s say,wherever you want”Roy replied.

‘’Who knows… Let’s go take a peak!’’ Ed suggested.

‘’Follow me then!’’ Shion said. ‘’I know just the place.’’

“Good idea!”Hoshi agreed as they walked and peeked through the crowd of people.She saw several girls dance
there.She felt her blood turn cold “Is this a joke?”In her opinion,they were horrible.
Roy was now curious “Where are we exactly going?”He asked,as he walked behind her.

Ed saw the girls dance too, with a confused expression on his face. What were they doing there? o_O
‘’You’ll see when we get there.’’ Shion said flashing him a devious smile. She took Roy to the port, where her
ship was. ‘’Ta-daa~!’’ she said stopping in front of the large wooden ship, pointing a palm at it.

Hoshi was about to freak out.She couldn’t get it “Perhaps we should leave before I go berserk”She
suggested,clentching her fists together.
Roy blinked,surprised “This is your ship?”He asked.He would never imagine himself in front of a ship that
especially belonged to his secretary.It was sort of creepy.

‘’Y-Yeah.’’ Ed said, looking at Hoshi surprised. He couldn’t undertstand why she got so upset at the sight of the
dancers, but he agreed to it. ‘’Are you alright?’’ he asked her.
‘’Aye!’’ Kaen replied and started to climb the ladder which took to the ship’s deck.

“I’ll be fine”Hoshi said as she turned around quickly.She hated seing such..untalented people.
Roy wasn’t sure whether he should follow or not,but after a while he finally decided to give it a chance

Ed followed her closely. He could tell she didn’t want to talk about it. Instead, he tried to think of something to
cheer her up.
‘’Welcome on Enchanted Blaze!’’ Shion wished him after they both got on the deck. She could tell he was
hadn’t expect that but she hoped he’d like it.

“Bloody people”Hoshi muttered under her breath.She felt as if her whole day was destroyed.
“Why thank you”Roy said,gazing around the place “Are there other pirates too?”

‘’Now, now. Why don’t we… have walk in the park?’’ Ed suggested. He hoped that would calm her down.
‘’It looks like we’re alone…’’ Shion said, looking around suspiciously.

Hoshi realised that this might affect the two brothers as well.She nodded,taking a deep breath “Yeah,that sounds
like a good idea”.
“Is that so..”Roy said a bit suspicious as well “You have a very nice ship”.

Ed smiled happy to see her a little better. ‘’Where should we go first?’’ he said looking around. It seemed like
the closest park was a fun park. And it was open, too!
Before Shion had a chance to reply to that, a few men surrounded them pointing guns at them. They were ready
to shoot when Shion turned around. ‘’Oi, it’s me!’’ she said, resting her hands on her hips. They all lowered their
guns at the sight of her words. ‘’We’re sorry, miss!… But what about the military dog?’’ ‘’He’s with me.’’

“Hmm..”Hoshi looked around as she placed a finger to her lips to think for a while “Everything looks
Roy raised an eyebrow “You have to be careful around them or else they might attack you as well.Some kind of
pirates they are”He said,chuckling slightly amused.

‘’Doesn’t it.’’ Ed agreed. ‘’Should we give the big wheel a try?’’ he asked looking up at it.
Shion sweatdropped a little. ‘’Excuse me.’’ she said then and went to talk to one of her pirates.

“Yeah,let’s give it a try!”Hoshi said,getting in a better mood all of sudden as she threw her fists in the air.
Roy nodded as he looked around and spotted a chair.He decided to sit there untill Shion returned.

Ed realized he liked to see Hoshi smile. He gazed at her for a moment before going to buy three tickets for the
big wheel. That must be one his best days so far.
Shion returned fast enough, as the men ran around to set the ship in motion. ‘It’s all set.’’she said with
satisfaction. ‘’I’m kidnapping you.’’ she told Roy and watched his reaction.

Hoshi giggled excited about this.She might as well enjoy this new challange.
Roy looked at her surprised ‘Never trust a pirate,huh?’He wondered,chuckling “And what are you going to do
next? Kill me?”

‘’Ready!’’ Ed announced happily returning with the tickets. Then he sweatdropped, thinking of how will Al fit
inside the big wheel cabin.
Shion burst into laughter. ‘’Nah, I think I’ll spare you. You’re kinda cute.’’ she said. She was feeling more like
in her element on the ship and that’s why she could joke with him like that.

“Splendid!”Exclaimed Hoshi as she too looked at Al “Umm..”She started,trying not to laugh “Traitors shall not
go to the wheel!”
Roy could swear he felt his face burn up at the sight of her words “Cute,huh..”He said, smirking ‘This may come
in handy..’

‘Poor Al…’ Ed thought, sweatdropping. But he really didn’t fit inside the cabins. ‘’I’m sorry, Al.’’ he said
honestly, trying to make Al feel a little better. Then they were told to get inside. ‘’We should go.’’ Ed said,
taking a hand to the back of his head.
Shion never thought to see Roy blush. He was even cuter that way, she thought. ‘’We’re just taking a spin along
the shore, you know.’’ she informed him chuckling and took a sit next to him.

Al sweatdropped too “It’s okay,Nii-san.I’ll stay here and wait for you!”He said,positively.Hoshi gave him
thumbs up “We’ll find something for you as well”She said,following Ed.
Roy looked at her “What if I will get you fired for this?”He asked,wanting to see her reaction.

Ed waved at Al and stepped inside the cabin. Wait a minute! He would be all alone with Hoshi! His cheeks
turney red at the sight of that and he looked outside the window to avoid Hoshi’s eyes.
Shion’s face turned emotionless at the sight of his words. Did he mean it? If he fired and her chances at the State
Military were ruined… she didn’t want to go back to being a simple pirate. Not after she had come so close to

Hoshi stepped after him.She had to admit she was a little scared of high places but that won’t stay in her way to
have some fun!
“Well?What’s wrong,Miss Shion?”Roy asked and smugged at her “Cat got your tongue?”

‘’This seems like fun!’’ Ed said trying to make his nervousness go away. ‘’Have you been in a big wheel
before?’’ he asked casually.
He couldn’t be serious, or else he wouldn’t take that matter lightly, Shion thought. ‘’But you’re not going to get
me fired, are you.’’ she dared to say trying to sound confident.

“Not really”Hoshi replied,leaning against the windowframe “But I have to admit that this sounds quite
interesting”She said,trying not to make it obvious that she was scared of high places.
“That depends on you”Roy said,leaning his chin into his palm.He enjoyed teasing her.

‘’Me neither.’’ Ed said, scratching at his cheek. ‘’Wow, the view is beautiful from here!’’ he said as the wheel
started to revolve.
‘’… It does?’’ Shion said a bit surprised raising an eyebrow at him. Things were getting interesting.
“Isn’t it?!”Hoshi grinned as she looked out the window “Although,it’s a bit scary..”
Roy nodded.He was going to test her with this ocassion,to see if she’s worth working for him or not.

‘’Are you afraid of heights?’’ Ed asked. He seemed to be fine with it.

‘’And what exactly do you have in mind?’’ Shion asked narrowing her eye at him.

Hoshi looked down and blushed a bit “Is it that obvious?”

“You might want to find out”Roy said,smirking.This was the begining of a new challange.

‘’It’s ok, you know’’ Ed said with a reassuring smile. ‘’Your secret’s safe.’’ he said trying to make a joke
referring to how they playfully accused Al to be a traitor earlier. That could be their little inside joke.
‘’I do want to find out. That’s why I asked.’’ Shion said pouting a little.

Hoshi chuckled “So I get it you arent’ a traitor,huh?”She asked,teasingly.

“Do your best then”Roy said matter-of-factly.

‘’Of course not! What, you don’t trust me?’’ Ed said feeling more relaxed around her.
‘’Do… my best?...’’ Shion sweatdropped. ‘’What the hell’s this supposed to mean?’’

“Well,since your brother is traitor..”Hoshi said,trying not to laugh “How do I know you won’t take his side?”
“Who knows?Figure out yourself.Pirates are smart,aren’t they?Since they plot all the crimes”Roy said,going on
with his little game.

Ed laughed. ‘’You don’t. You’ll have to trust me.’’he smirked.

‘’Well yeah, but we’re not mind-readers.’’ Shion pouted.

“Fine then.I’ll trust you this time”Hoshi said,smirking back.

“But you do have a brain. Or do you not?”Roy asked,teasingly.

‘’Good.’’ Ed said leaning his cheek against his palm and chuckled.
Shion clenched her teeth together and stood up glaring at him. That was too much! ‘’Fine then! I’ll figure it out
on my own!’’ she snapped and left for her cabin. She was afraid she’d strangle him or do something she’d regret
later if she stayed by his side any more.

“But..that doesn’t mean you have to trust me as well,does it?”Hoshi asked,trying to make things more
“And a short-tempered one”Roy said to himself as he watched her leave.

‘’Hmm… I guess…’’ Ed admitted after thinking about it a little.

Shion was standing in her cabin biting her nails. ‘What does he want from me?...’ She blushed. ‘’No, no, not
that.’’ She crossed her arms. ‘’But really, he only met me yesterday…What could it be that he wants… Tch,
what a detestable guy he is…’’

Hoshi chuckled lightly “Oh,now i’m a traitor as well”.

Roy stood up and looked around the ship.He saw several pirates that glare at him but he didn’t showed to be too
affected by it.

‘’I didn’t say that…’’ Ed smirked slightly.

Shion couldn’t think of anything. ‘’It can’t be this either.’’she said taking a hand to her chest where the golden
locket was, under her uniform’s coat.

“But you never denied it either..”Hoshi pointed out the truth.

One of the pirates saw Shion.She looked...sorta down.And he was sure it was all Roy’s fault.So he gathered the
other pirates and circled him,glaring “What have you done to our Leader?” “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Say it or we’ll blow your freaking brains out” Roy narrowed his eyes towards him “I’m not sure I understand

‘’True, I haven’t’’ Ed nodded in agreement.

Shion heard something and returned to the deck. ‘’What’s with all the -!’’ She looked at Roy and the pirates
gathered there. ‘’Oh. It’s you.’’ she said simply.

Hoshi smirked “Which means you might do”.

Roy glared at her “Are you sure you want your precious pirates to stay alive?”He asked,deadly serious.

‘’I might….’’ Ed smirked back.

Shion had almost forgotten he had powers too. And what powers! ‘’Wait, don’t shoot!’’ she ordered the pirates.

“You’re so evil”Hoshi said,still smirking.

Everyone looked at Shion “Do you fear him?”Someone asked.Roy coughed and dusted his clothes.

‘’Look who’s talking!’’ Ed said playfully. ‘’I bet you’re more evil than I am.’’
‘’I don’t fear anyone!’’ Shion said glaring at Roy. She was actually afraid he’d burn down the whole ship. She
was sure not everyone would make it out alive if he did.

“Me?”Hoshi said,pouting “What makes you say that?”

“Are you sure of that?”Roy asked,smirking slighty.A pirate dared to point his gun at him “There we go again”.

‘’Well, you said it first. So you’re more evil.’’ Ed decided trying not to smile.
‘’Of course I am sure! What are you implying?’’ Shion snapped feeling her anger rise again.

“That’s not true!”Hoshi said as the wheel started to lower them down “You’re more evil than I am!”
“I don’t know..Maybe your sudden anger rise..?”Roy said casually.

‘’What is your affirmation based on?’’ Ed asked looking outside the window.
Shion remembered then he’s not the only one with powers around. She’d have it all under control, like she could
start a rain in case he did try something. Of course! There was no reason to fear him. She started to chuckle.
‘’I’m not taking my words back.’’she said.

“Gah”Hoshi looked away too and tried not to laugh “Well..What makes you think I’m evil!”She said with
“Too bad,you did already”Roy said,teasing her.He almost forgot that she had the power to bring up a storm

Ed chuckled. ‘’Maybe the fact that you grew up with Roy. Doesn’t that make you both evil?‘’
‘’No I haven’t.’’ Shion replied. She was sure she hadn’t.

“Nuuu!I was a good girl!”Hoshi protested,pouting “Really..I have pictures!”

Roy sighed “Are we going to keep arguing like this?”

Ed’s jaw dropped at the sight of that. ‘’… P-Pictures?! Can I see?’’
Shion looked away. ‘’No.’’ she said. ‘’You started this argument anyway.’’she mumbled.

“Yeah,once we get to my house”Hoshi replied,nodding.

Roy sighed and fixed his clothes “Good”Then he looked around.He only saw fog in front of him “Where are you
exactly taking us?”

‘’I’m looking forward to that.’’ Ed staid with an evil aura surrounding him.
Shion looked around as well. She had been so caught up in the argument she hadn’t noticed the fog. ‘’We were
supposed to simply move along the shore, but with this fog I can’t be sure were we are…’’she said walking up to
the railing.

Hoshi sweatdropped at the sight of him “I can tell”She said with a quiet giggle.
“You got us lost”Roy said,raising an eyebrow “We might as well land to an island or something”.

Ed leaned his cheek against his palm again and chuckled evilly. He just couldn’t wait to confront that morally
bankrupt Colonel with a God complex with those pictures.
‘’An island, wouldn’t that be nice?’’ Shion said meditatively, rubbing at her chin. ‘’But as much as I’d like to
that, we should stay still until the fog clears.’’she said making a small, solemn pause. ‘’Don’t worry, we’re well
stacked with hard tacks!‘’ she added winking at Roy.
Soon the wheel landed down.Hoshi giggled and nudged him “Come on,we’re going!”She said,smirking.
“That wouldn’t be nice at all”Roy frowned as he placed a hand on his forehead.Sure he could call Riza and asked
for her help,but that would make the bad impression,right?He was the Flame Alchemist after all.

‘’I know, I know, don’t push me!’’ Ed said smiling and got out of the cabin.
‘’I’ll go tell the helmsman to stop the ship from advancing any further.’’ Shion said and so she did.

Hoshi chuckled “I ain’t pushin`ya”She said,shaking her head “Just giving you a wake up call”She
said,teasingly,as she got out as well.
Roy nodded “Do you have a map?It could come in handy”.

‘’Like I needed one!’’ Ed teased her back. Then he looked around for Al. He was supposed to wait for them right
‘’Yeah, there should be one in my cabin.’’ Shion said walking up to him. ‘’But what use is it, since we can’t see
anything with this fog?’’

“You looked like you did!”Hoshi teased him back as she stuck her tongue out “Umm..Where’s Al?”
Roy rolled his eye“We can figure the way out without seeing it,I guess”.

‘’No I didn’t.’’ Ed insisted. ‘’Um…’’ he sweatdropped. ‘’Al?’’ he looked around. ‘’Don’t tell me he got himself
in some sort of trouble again.’’
‘’Ok, come with me.’’ Shion said as she starting walking towards her cabin but she didn’t like it very much that
he was acting as if he was in charge.

Hoshi chuckled “You made it sound as if he always gets into trouble”She said,crossing her hands in front of her
chest “I guess that’s what traitors do,huh?”
Roy crossed his hands behind his back as he paced behind her “Your ship is pretty big”.

‘’I guess.’’ Ed sweatdropped. ‘’But to be completely honest to you… I don’t like it when we’re separated. He
makes me worry too much, really!’’
‘’Thank you.’’ Shion replied politely. Then when they entered the cabin, she pulled out from a drawer a map of
the area where they should be and handed it to Roy.

Hoshi smiled from the bottom of her head.She used to be like that with Roy “Don’t worry!I’m sure he worries
about you as well!And besides,do you think something bad can happen to him here?”
Roy took the map and unfolded it.Amazingly,it had every single detail on it “If we’re currently here”He
said,placing a finger on the location “We should..turn to the left and go forward..”

‘’Hm, you mean besides being mistaken with a normal armour and God knows what could happen to him? No, I
can’t think of anything.’’ Ed said sarcastically.
Shion leaned closer to see. And he was right! ‘’You’re actually good at this!’’ she exclaimed.

“Oh,exactly what I’ve been thinking of!”Hoshi replied in the same sarcastic tone “Okay,if you were Al.Where
would you go firstly?”
Roy chuckled,trying to act modest “Should we move on then?”He asked,glacing at her.

‘’Well… since I promised my big brother I’d stay here… I would stay here…’’ Ed said scratching at this head.
‘’Ok! Let’s do this!’’ Shion said and exited the cabin.

Hoshi sweatdropped “Maybe he looked around and got lost?”She said,trying to think of something.
Roy watched her leave.Actually,he was glad he could help,guessing that helped in making up with her “yeah”.

‘’Yeah… We should go looking for him.’’ Ed suggested.

Shion told the helmsman exactly what Roy had told her and returned in her room only to find him there. ‘’All
done!’’ she announced proudly.

“We have to be careful,so we won’t get lost from each other”Hoshi said.
Roy nodded at her.So she was worth working for him after all..”About that test..Are you going to take it or not?”
‘’Yeah… ‘’ Ed agreed. The last thing he wanted to happened was all three of them getting lost from each other.
He held out a hand for Hoshi, trying not to blush. ‘’For us not to get lost…’’he said shyly.
‘’I’ll consider it if you’re more specific about it.’’ Shion said leaning against the door, crossing her arms.

Hoshi glanced at him and then at his hand “Of course”She replied softly,before taking his hand.She did feel a bit
nervous about it,but she had to focus on helping Ed to find his brother.
“Do you want to be a State Alchemist or not?”Roy asked,raising an eyebrow “You’ll have to take an exam for

Ed bit at his lip, nervously. It was not the time to get nervous, he should focus on finding Al.
‘’I do.’’ Shion replied. ‘’And I’ll take the exam. And not only take it, but pass it too.’’ she said in a confident

Hoshi didn’t seem to have a problem with holding his hand.In fact,she felt safe “Where to,now?”
“I’d like to see that”Roy said,surprised by her confidence “Not many have passed it, you know”.

Ed had no idea where to start looking. ‘’He can’t be at the merry-go-round… Let’s walk around and we’ll
hopefully run into him’’
Shion shrugged. ‘’And just because of that, you assume I’m not able to pass either?’’

“Good idea”Hoshi said,nodding at him “You lead the way!”She told him,grinning.
“Never said that”Roy said,as he looked at her “I’m just saying you’ll need more than confidence to pass it”.

‘’Uh, fine..’’ Ed agreed sweatdropping. Al was neither at the merry-go-round nor at the other playground.
‘’Maybe he’s by the lake.’’he suggested.
‘’I know.’’ Shion said and chuckled. ‘’And what I’m saying is that I can do it.’’

Hoshi smiled.She thought he looked cute like that “By the lake?Wouldn’t something bad happen to him if he
gets wet?”She asked,curiously.
“Is that so?”Roy asked,leaning a bit forward “I’d honestly like to see that”.

‘’That’s why we should hurry!’’ Ed said hurrying the pace.

‘’I’ll try not to disappoint you then!’’ Shion replied.

“Okay,okay!”Hoshi said,sweatdropping a bit.

“You’d better”Roy said,smirking.

And there they found Al, feeding the swans on the lake with popcorn. ‘’Al!! What the hell! We’ve been looking
all over for you!’’ ‘’Nii-san…’’
‘’Or else…?’’ Shion asked smirking back.

Hoshi started to giggle at them “I think it’s sort of cute!”She admited,between her giggles.
“Or else you’ll remain my secretary”Roy said,dropping the subject,just to see her reaction.

‘’It’s not cute if he falls into the water, like you’ve noticed earlier!’’ Ed told her.
‘’I really wouldn’t want that.’’ Shion said and chuckled.

“But he wasn’t doing anything!”Hoshi said,defending Al,which only sweatdropped

“Why?Am I that worse?”Roy said,chuckling with her.

‘’Why are you defending the traitor..?’’ Ed asked narrowing his eyes at her.
‘’You’re very bad.’’ Shion said, nodding matter-of-factly. ‘’And you’re picky about food, too.’’

‘That again?’Hoshi thought,chuckling “Because the traitor only tried to feed the birds,that’s all”.
“It’s not my fault that you searched for a job at the State Military”Roy replied,matter-of-factly as well.

‘’And you sided with the traitor just now…’’ Ed said raising a forefinger in the air.
Shion pouted. ‘’You’re plain mean, did you know that?’’

“Did not!”Hoshi protested,sticking her tongue out at him.

“I guess I did”Roy replied,sweatdropping a bit.

‘’Did so!’’ Ed protested back, sticking his tongue out at her too.
Shion looked at him but commented nothing.

Hoshi crossed her hands in front of her chest and took a step closer to him “See?You’re being evil again!”
Roy shrugged “We should be back by now”.

‘’But you’re definitely more evil than I am!’’ Ed said confidently.

‘’Yeah… let’s go see.’’ Shion said and opened the door.

“That again?”Hoshi said and pouted.

Roy followed behind her silently.He was starting to enjoy her company,of course he never said anything about it.

Ed chuckled. ‘’Ok, ok. What would you like to do now?’’ he asked after he let go of her hand.
Shion and Roy were informed they were almost there. ‘’Good.’’ Shion said. That had been one tensioned little
trip. She didn’t think things would turn out like that when she decided to bring him on her ship but oh well it was
too late to fix anything.

Hoshi shrugged “Hmm...this lake looks pretty nice tho!”She said as she walked a bit closer to admire it better.
“So much for your kidnapping”Roy teased her,as he shook his head.

‘’Would you like to go with the boat?’’ Ed asked pointing at some boats there.
‘’It’s such a shame…’’ Shion replied in a similar manner.

Hoshi clapped her hands together “Yeah!”Al sweatdropped “Can I go too?”

“Isn’t it?”Roy asked as he placed his hands on the railling “The sea looks pretty nice”.

‘’Y-yeah…’’ Ed sweatdropped at Al. Last time we was too big, now he was too heavy. ‘’Uh…’’
‘’Doesn’t it. And you should see the sunset. It’s beautiful from here.’’ Shion said gazing afar.

Hoshi sweatdropped and nudged his arm “Let’s go then!”She said,cheerfully.

“We might catch the sunset if the ship keeps it like this”Roy said,as he looked at his clock.

Ed nodded. They hired a boat for the both of them, leaving Al alone again. ‘’Hey… you do not think he’s upset
with us, do you?’’he asked Hoshi glancing in Al’s direction.
Shion sweatdropped. ‘’Right…’’ she said and then yelled at the helmsman to hurry up. Then she looked at him.
‘’I’m sorry.’’

Hoshi followed him into the boat “Nah,I think he accepts it as long as you’re happy”She said,smiling.
“Don’t mention it”Roy said and smirked “I’m actually curious about it now”.

Ed looked down. ‘’I think that’s the case.’’he admitted. And he really was having a good time so Al should be
happy too. He still couldn’t help feeling sorry for Al though.
‘’Do you mean it?... You… you want to see the sunset from this ship…?’’ Shion replied in disbelief, placing her
hands on the railing too as the wind started to mess with their hair.

Hoshi brought up and arm and patted him on the back “It’s fine.I assure you he’s happy”.
“Yeah,what are you so surprised about?”Roy asked,raising an eyebrow curiously.

‘’Yeah… Thank you.’’ Ed said and flashed her a happy smile.

‘’N-no, it’s nothing.’’ Shion replied looking down.

Hoshi smiled back at him,glad that things were settled.Then she moved her gaze to the lake “It’s wonderful!’
Roy stepped a bit closer to her,as he tried to look at her in the eye “Weird,this isn’t like you”.

‘’Truly wonderful.’’ Ed agreed and glanced at her. He thought she was wonderful too, but he decided not to say
anything because it would be awkward.
‘’It’s… not like me?...’’ Shion mumbled, all nervous.
Hoshi nodded.She could spend a whole day just sitting and watching the lake.She loved the nature.
“Yeah”Roy said and grinned “You’re a tough girl”He said,confidently.

Ed admired the nature around as well. But he also sent Hoshi short glances when he thought she wasn’t looking.
He was really starting to like her.
Shion smiled. She was flattered and happy at the same time. ‘’I think you’re right.’’she smirked, trying to make
the nervousness go away.

Hoshi saw two swans by the lake,which she thought they looked like a couple and giggled “Awww,so cute!”
Roy chuckled to himself as he stared at the sky “It’s almost sunset time..”He announced.

Ed smiled widely. ‘’Do you like animals?’’ he asked casually, as he watched the swans.
Shion swallowed, slowly moving her gaze from him to the sky. It was weird. That day had been completely
messed up until that moment, but somehow she enjoyed it.

“I love them!”Hoshi replied immediatly “They’re..innocent”She replied.

Perhaps the sunset also meant the begining of a new relationship between the two of them “It already looks
good”Roy said,nodding.

Ed chuckled at her prompt answer. ‘’I agree.’’he said.

Shion took a deep breath trying to stay focused. ‘’And it’s only the beginning.’’she said.

“Really?”Hoshi turned her head towards him “I’m so happy that you think so!”
“I’m looking forward for this”Roy said,without removing his gaze from the sky.

‘’But of course!’’ Ed grinned.

Shion blushed and nodded silently, glancing at him from the corner of the eye before smiling to herself.

Hoshi laughed.She was happy cause she made friends with him and Al.
Roy glanced at her from time to time as well.He prepared for the grand sunset.

Ed laughed with her. ‘’Hey it looks like the sun is setting soon.’’he said looking at the sky.
Shion grinned happily at the sight of the sunset. It must have been the most beautiful she had seen in her life, or
so it felt.

“Yeah,it looks beautiful”Hoshi replied.She didn’t want to admit,but she found this quite romantic.
Roy blinked,amazed by the sunset.Shion was right.It was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen.

Ed thought it was romantic too and blushed a little at the sight of that. He was afraid of making the wrong
impression so he stayed quiet about it.
Shion just gazed into the sunset lost in her thoughts while she kept smiling a little.

Hoshi blushed a bit too,although she didn’t let him see that.She just gazed at the sky with a huge smile over her
Roy glanced at her.She was pretty.He was now aware of it.

Ed moved his gaze to the sky too. He kind of regretted that day was over but he was actually to be there that
moment with her.
Shion glanced back at him. ‘’We should go.’’she said as the ship slowed down and stopped in the port.

Hoshi without realising let her head rest against his shoulder.Al watched them,as he smiled.
“Yeah,we should”Roy agreed as he glanced at the sunset one more time before he followed her.

Ed startled and blushed at the sight of her being so close but he didn’t move because he didn’t want to disturb
her. He didn’t even dare to look at her, he just glanced at her from the corner of the eye.
Shion gave the pirates some last instructions before getting off the ship. She sighed. Now he must’ve thought she
was really strange. Not like she pretended to be a regular girl, but still. She didn’t want to know what Roy
thought of her.
Hoshi started to get lost into her own thoughts,while gazing into the blank,before realising that she was actually
leaning against Ed.Probaly her face was redder than a tomato,but hopefully the boat got them back just in time.
Roy watched her.She was indeed a though woman,which made him admire her even more.But probaly,she found
him irritating.He shrugged “This day didn’t turn out to be that bad after all”.

‘’This was nice…’’ Ed said taking a hand to the back of his head as he blushed. ‘’Where should we go now?’’he
Shion looked at him, surprised. She could sigh in relief. ‘’I’m glad you think so.’’ she confessed. Maybe they
could go out again, but she didn’t dare to ask him. For the moment she decided to content with the walk she’d
take with him back to the Military.

“Perhaps we should head back to the hotel.It’s getting really late”Hoshi suggested,smiling “We can stay and talk
some more if you want”.
Roy didn’t say anything else untill they arrived at the State Military.Riza was the first one to greet them.She was
worried that they had been so late,after all Roy announced that they were going to have lunch,but she was sure
something happened,yet she didn’t dare to ask in front of Shion.

‘’Sure, let’s go back to the hotel.’’ Ed said. ‘’We should have lunch or something.’’
Shion seemed to be in a good mood. She waved at Riza as a greeting, grinning.

“Sounds good to me!”Hoshi said smiling “I think I’ll go and read something”Al announced “I’ve heard they
have a good library here”.
Riza raised an eyebrow,even more suspicious about them now,but she nodded her head in sign of respect.

‘’Ok…’’ Ed said looking up at Al. He didn’t want Al to feel left out. But then he remembered Hoshi’s words
from earlier. ‘’Just make sure you don’t get lost, ok?’’
Shion thought she should leave. Roy had said she had the rest of the day off. ‘’Then, I’ll see you tomorrow!’’ she
told them although she didn’t care much about Riza and turned around to go to her room.

Hoshi watched Al leave.Did she say something wrong? “Yeah,see you Al”She replied,waving.Al nodded and
flashed them a small smile before walking away.
“Shion,one thing”Roy called “If you’re going to take the exam,please show up tommorow at 9 AM in the main
room”He informed her.

‘’Let’s go!’’ Ed said moving his gaze to Hoshi. ‘’Aren’t you hungry?’’he asked.
Shion turned around and looked at him while he spoke. ‘’I’ll be there.’’she replied and turned to leave once
more. She smirked as she marched down the hallway.

Hoshi giggled “I am hungry”She replied and nodded “Is Al upset with this?”
Roy smirked.He did belive that Shion could pass the exam.She was strong after all.

‘’I don’t think so.’’ Ed said above a whisper. ‘’I think it’s like you said earlier. He must be happy too.’’ Ed
decided. The next day he was determined to find something Al could join them in.
Shion soon arrived to her room. There was no way she’d stay his secretary, she thought as she closed the door
behind her. Then she remembered the face he made when she brought him the hardtacks and giggled.

“I hope so”Hoshi replied,smiling.Sure Al would be happy for his brother,but he must’ve been left out as well.I
mean he looked odd and now he was treated like that as well.
For the rest of the day Riza and Roy spoked about what happened and how Shion tried to kidnap him.Riza didn’t
seem to be very pleased,while Roy showed to be amused about it.

At the hotel’s restaurant, Ed led Hoshi to a table. It was a very nice restaurant. ‘’Hmm do you have any
preferences?’’he asked looking through one menu.
Shion opened her trunk with clothes. She realized she didn’t really have any ‘normal’ clothes. She changed into
a white shirt, a pair of brown pants and a pair of darks boots before sneaking out of her room.

Hoshi smiled “Not really”She said,flipping through the pages.There were some tempting titles but she decided to
go for the classic atole with milk.
Roy didn’t hear any suspect noises comming from Shion’s room,so he decided to relax.He looked through his
paperwork before gazing at the window,replaying scenes of that day in his head.
Ed went with atole with milk too and called the waiter to give the order.
Shion managed to sneak out of the Military’s building unnoticed. She crossed her arms behind her head like she
didn’t have any care. She just felt like wandering around the city.

Hoshi gazed around the restaurant “What a nice place!”She said,excited.

Riza left the room,not before wishing Roy a good night.She was still worried about what happened that day but
she kept it for herself.

‘’Isn’t it!’’ Ed agreed, glad to see her so excited. ‘’I’m really looking forward to seeing those photographs!’’ he
told her remembering their conversation in the wheel cabin.
Shion found a shop and decided to go in and try on some clothes.

“You’ll have to be patient if you want to see them”Hoshi said,teasing him a little “I have loads of photo
albums..Of course he doesn’t know about this”.
Roy eventually leaned into his chair some more untill he eventually fell asleep.

‘’H-He doesn’t?!’’ Ed exclaimed with a shocked expression on his face. ‘’This is even better…’’ he said
chuckling evilly.
Shion browsed through some clothes, convinced none of them looked good on her. She tried not to think of Roy
but it was no use. She wanted to buy something he’d like too.

Hoshi laughed “Yeah..he knows about few..But I really have bunches”She said,chuckling.
Riza stood up and decided to go and check on Roy one more time.When she saw him sleeping,she took some
covers and placed them over him and then left the room,smiling.

‘’Wow… you do know we can blackmail him easily, right?’’ Ed asked with an evil aura surrounding him. He
couldn’t wait.
Shion finally decided on a beige blouse, a pair of dark jeans and a pair of golden sandals. She wanted to have
something nice to wear if she ever went out with Roy again.

“I told you you’re evil!”Hoshi said as she tried not to laugh “But yeah,blackmailing him sounds...tempting”.

Ed smirked. ‘’So you’ll help me blackmail him?’’

Shion returned to the State Military with the shopping bags in her hands. She couldn’t help but wonder how Roy
was doing.

Hoshi raised an eyebrow “Never said that!”She said,sticking her tongue out “He’ll blackmail us both if he finds
out”She said,shaking her head.

‘’How? How can he blackmail us?’’ Ed asked, thinking about it. He was sure there was no way.
Shion returned to her room and sat on her bed. She couldn’t go to bed just yet. She stared at the stars through the

“Well,firstly by kicking you out from the in for me..don’t worry,he knows half of my life,so he could
easily blackmail me”Hoshi replied,sweatdropping.

‘’Oh.’’ Ed said looking down. ‘’That’s right.’’

Shion wondered what the exam consisted in. And did she have what it took to pass it? ‘I have to pass.’she told
herself. ‘There’s no other way.’

Hoshi reached to pat his back “Don’t worry,we’ll find a way to tease him somehow”She said,reassuring him.

‘’Do you promise?’’ Ed asked looking back at her as the waiter brought them the plates with atole.
Shion changed into her nightgown and started walking around her room in circles, thinking about the exam.

“I promise!”Hoshi said and grinned as she looked at the waiter which looked weirdly at them before he left.

Ed didn’t mind the waiter. He grinned back before tasting the atole. It was really good!
Shion thought she should go to bed if she wanted to wake up on time the next morning.
Hoshi smiled before tatsting the atole.It was delicious after all!She had wondered if Al was fine.But their
moment was ruined once Al got pushed in the restaurant by a blone-haired girl “Oh no..Say bye-bye to
dinner”Hoshi muttered under her breath.

Ed turned around and saw Al with Winry. He sweatdropped. What was she doing there?

“Oh joy~”Hoshi said somehow sarcastic.Why was she acting like this?Winry walked untill she stood in front of
the two “Ed,what’s the meaning of this?I went to the State Military,then I’ve been told you left to escort some
girl.How could you not tell me about it?!”She freaked out,causing everyone to stare.

‘’Uh, Winry…’’ Ed sweatdropped at her words. He didn’t remember having to tell her everything he did. ‘’What
were you doing at the State Military?’’ he glared at her.

“I wanted to check on you!”Winry said glaring back at him.What’s this?Some kind of family reuniunion?Well
for sure,Hoshi didn’t fit there.Al sweatdropped as well,deciding to stay out of it.

‘’I don’t need to be checked on!’’ Ed snapped. It wasn’t the first time she popped out of nowhere. But what
really got him this time was the fact that she was making a scene.

“Arguing in the middle of the restaurant is not the best option”Hoshi finally said,as she looked at them.Winry
totally ignored her as she continued going berserk “I always check on you!What’s wrong with you?”

‘’Winry, stop it!’’ Ed told her raising his voice a little, annoyed. His mood was ruined too now.

“Why should I?I only want the best for you”Winry said,her voice a bit shaky.She looked as if she was going to
cry.Hoshi felt the begining of a headache build up.

Ed sighed. Should he sent her back after she came all the way for him? But asking her to stay would’ve been
awkward with Hoshi. He wasn’t sure what he should do.

Hoshi scratched the back of her head.Did the awkward moment pass?But,not it was only the begining of
it.Winry actually dragged a chair and sat with them at the table.

Ed tried to resume eating although it was really awkward with Winry watching them.

Hoshi’s appetite died a long time ago,so she only stood watching them,while leaning her chin into her palm.

After Ed finished his food he glanced at Hoshi, only to see she hadn’t touched her plate since Winry arrived. He
could guess what was going on let out a deep sigh. ‘’We should go to our rooms.’’he told Hoshi and Al simply
as he stood up. He really hoped Winry was checked in at another hotel.

“Yeah,we should”Hoshi said,standing up.”Thank God I’ve got my room next to yours”Winry said standing up as
well.Hoshi mentally face-palmed at her.

Ed swallowed hard. She even knew the number of his room? He was starting to feel… stalked. He snorted and
went to the stairs. ‘’Come on, Al.’’

Hoshi quickly walked past them.Not only that she ruined her mood but her day as well.Winry walked behind Ed
without a word.

‘’Good night.’’ Ed wished the girls before entering his room, followed by Al. ‘’What a day…’’ He said and

“Night”Hoshi muttered before entering her room.”Good night!”Winry said,loudly.She seemed happier than the
others,or at least it seemed so.

Ed sighed as he got into bed. ‘’Night, Al…’’he mumbled and turned on one side. He fell asleep soon, because he
was very tired.
“Night,Nii-san”Al said,as he watched over his brother,worried.Hoshi went to her room and got changed.If that
girl was going to follow them for the rest of the trip then she’d make sure to call Roy and ask him about it.

Shion snapped her eyes open. The sun had already risen on the sky. Was she late? She looked around for a clock.
There was one on a wall. She still had an hour left until the appointment time. She took a quick shower, then put
on her uniform and went out to the main room.

Roy already woke up as he fixed the collar of his shirt and glanced at himself,before going after Shion.Today
was the day she was going to take the exam to become a State Alchemist.
Hoshi woke up as well.She packed her stuff,before leaving out the dress she was going to wear that day.She
went to take a hot shower and some strands of her hair.Then she took the outfit which was a black hat,with a
white shirt and a black tie with a cross drawed at the bottom,over it wearing a short,black jacket.She also wore a
mini-skirt,black with red and lines on it and chains at the end of it and to complete it she added a big belt just for
the design.With a dark pair of hoses and white boots,she exited her room along with her luggage,ready to see if
Ed was up,but when she stepped out,she noticed that Winry stepped in Ed’s room,as she tried to wake him up.

Shion looked around looked around. There were a few other candidates for the exam. But the one she wanted to
see was Roy. She hoped he’d be there too.
Ed woke up a bit alarmed to see Winry there. He demanded to get some privacy while he got dressed, before
exiting the room with Al. ‘’Good morning.’’he greeted the girls properly. Although he had to admit the
atmosphere was very tensed.

Roy walked down the halls,hoping that he wasn’t too late.When he opened the doors of the main room,he was
relieved to see that the exam didn’t begin already.He glanced at Shion and sat down.
Hoshi waited out untill he got ready as she smiled “Morning”She greeted.Winry eyed her suspiciously “Let’s go
then”She said smiling.It was Hoshi’s turn to raise an eyebrow “Excuse me.Perhaps I heard you wrong.I thought
you said ‘Let’s go’”.

Shion turned around when he saw Roy coming in. For a second she feared he wouldn’t show up. ‘’Good
morning!’’ she saluted enthusiastically running up to him.
Ed sweatdropped. A fight was the last thing he wanted. ‘’Winry, go back home. I’m on a mission here.’’he said
figuring out that if Winry left the atmosphere would chill down.

“Good morning”Roy said and chuckled at the sight of her being so energetic “So you’re prepared I see”.
“Why?I want to make sure you’re fine”Winry said,looking at Ed.Hoshi drawed a deep breath “Listen Winry..If
that’s your name.You came here,you saw him,you saw he’s well,right?”She nodded “Think about it.You know
him better than I do and your presence would only make him more know”Hoshi was always good
with psychology,she could easily understand people’s feelings but never mentioned anything about it.

‘’Of course! Did you have any doubts?’’ Shion said. ‘’All candidates come this way please!’’ a man announced
as he came out a door.
‘’Hoshi’s right, you know.’’ Ed said and smiled not to upset Winry any more. ‘’You can see I’m fine.’’

“Nope.Good Luck”Roy said as he peeked to look at her one more time.At first,one of the men handed her a test
paper,which containted questions about Alchemy.
Winry looked down “Are you sure?”She asked,bitting at her lip “Winry.We will announce you if something’s
wrong”Al said finally “Okay..”

Shion hurried to catch up with the others, his words still echoing in her head: ‘Good luck’. She looked at her test
paper. She knew how to answer most of the questions, luckily.
Ed sighed in relief. Finally. ‘’Should we walk you to the train station?’’ he suggested to make sure she wouldn’t
follow them, just in case.

That man gave her one hour limit to finish her test paper.All the time Roy watched her,his eyes never leaving
her,actually hoping that she’ll pass.
“No..I’ll be fine”Winry replied “See you soon!”She said and stormed out.Hoshi watched her silently.

Shion was trying not to get all nervous at the sight of Roy staying in the same room. She successfully avoided
looking in his direction while she focused on the questions of the test.
‘’Bye!...’’ Ed said watching Winry leave as he crossed his arms. ‘’We should grab a bite and be on our way.’’he
said after a few seconds turning to Hoshi and Al.

After the man took the test paper from her he told her to wait several minutes for the final result.Roy stood up
and walked to her “So,how was it?”
“Nii-san,how can you think of food in such moments?”Al asked,sweatdropping.Hoshi giggled.

Shion looked up at him. ‘’I think I did good’’ she replied giving him thumbs up.
‘’I’m a human, I must eat!’’ Ed said, regretting immediately those words. ‘’I mean we’d better have something
to eat before we resume our travel.’’he said and headed to the hotel’s restaurant.

Roy smirked “I knew you could do it”He said,matter-of-factly,as he glanced at the man that looked through her
test paper.
Al looked away immediately “Yeah..sure you have to eat”He said,sounding distant.Hoshi swallowed
hard.”Sooo,Al,come on,sing a song with me”She said,elbowing him “Huh?”He made a chibi face and looked at
her “Come on!So if we all come together,we know what to do,we all come together just to sing we love you!”

Shion’s cheeks turned a little red. ‘’Y-yeah…’’she mumbled and looked down.
Ed chuckled at the sight of Hoshi’s voice. He was glad he had her around. She was good at making people feel
better and he really appreciated it.

Roy sighed.He saw the man walk to them “I’m proud to announce that you have passed the first exam.Get
prepared for the other one”Roy turned to her “Well that’s some great news”
Al laughed ( O_o daca e posibil asa ceva ) at the sight of her.Hoshi grinned “So,what were you sayin`bout
food?”She asked,chuckling.

Shion stood up. ‘’Thanks.’’she said taking a hand to the back of her head, trying to act modest.
Ed took a sit at a table waiting for Hoshi and Al as he looked through one menu. He hoped Al wasn’t mad with

Roy stood up as well “You have practice at the second exam.Basically,you have to impress them with your
Hoshi looked through the menu as well “Hmm..I’ll have a cup o` tea and some egg with bacons”She replied

Shion nodded. ‘’Understood.’’she replied. ‘’Where’s that?’’ she asked. She couldn’t wait to finish with the exam
and become a full-fledged State Alchemist.
Ed smiled back. He ordered for a cheese omelette for himself. ‘’I’m sorry about earlier.’’he told Hoshi after the
waiter left.

“Outside”Roy replied as he led the way “It’s not that hard.You’ll get a clock and an extra name..Like I have the
‘Flame Alchemist’”He said,cooly.
“Don’t mention it”Hoshi said,waving a hand in the air “We all have problems,don’t we?”

‘’Wow!’’ Shion exclaimed with a ‘So cool!’( :X) expression all over her face when she heard about the names.
She bit her lip to stop herself from blabbering about how excited she was when she heard there was a Flame
Alchemist. She liked fire a lot, but it wasn’t like she minded the powers she had been entrusted with.
‘’Yeah, you could say that…’’ Ed sweatdropped. ‘’So what are your problems?’’he asked out of curiosity. He
hoped he wasn’t rude.

Roy chuckled at the sight of her being somehow cute.Wait,did he really think that?He could feel his cheeks burn
up a little “Win your name as well”He said and winked at her.
Al was curious about finding out about Hoshi as well.This was the begining of a beautiful friendship between
them.Hoshi grinned “Oh you know..this and that”She said looking at her nails casually “For example one of my
problems is...that I actually gave up on street dancing”She said with a ‘T___T’ face.Al sweatdropped
“That’s...such a..big problem”.

‘’I’ll do my best.’’ she replied looking away, nervous, for him not to see she was blushing.
‘’Really? You used to dance?’’ Ed said. ‘’Now that’s interesting!’’
“Go on then”Roy said as he glanced at the men that were waiting for Shion.
“I still dance in my spare time”Hoshi replied and grinned “You could show us sometime”Al suggested.

‘’Yeah. I’m going to win myself a name!’’ Shion said confidently and ran up to the examiners
‘’Yeah! You definitely should.’’ Ed said nodding at Al, thinking it was a great idea.

“Now that’s the spirit”Roy said throwing his fists in the air.Pretty odd moment for everyone.
Hoshi blushed “I will,I will”She said,scratching at her cheek.Al smiled at her “Sounds good!”

Shion giggled at the sight of him. She couldn’t recognize the stiff man who ordered her around the other day.
She saluted the examiners politely.
Ed chuckled. ‘’I’ll be looking forward to it!’’ he said and grinned at Hoshi.

Riza smiled as she watched them from distance.Roy scratched the back of his head a bit embarassed at the sight
of her giggle.
Hoshi laughed “It’s no big deal!”She said,waving her hands in the air nervously.

Shion had to do some transformations using Alchemy for her practical exam. She also received points for
creativity, for which she used her pendant, but she didn’t call forth a storm like she did the other day with Roy.
Ed chuckled. He thought she was cute trying to act all modest. Then the waiter brought them the order.

After she successfully passed the exam,the man called her and handed her a small thing,which looked like a
clock,as he proudly named her the “Galvanic Alchemist”.Roy thought it was an odd name,in a good way!It was
special and it suited her.
Hoshi glanced at her food.It looked so good!Recalling the British food..Ah,she loved it!Al looked at them and
stood up “Um..I’ll go and take the luggage!”

Shion thanked them and bowed politely. She had made it! Then she held her clock in her hands and gazed at it. It
was grey and shiny and it looked brand new! She seemed to be more excited over the clock than over the fact she
had passed.
‘’Oh, ok, you we’ll be here!’’ Ed told his brother. He sighed as he watched him leave.

Roy walked over her and reached to pat her head “I guess you’ve proven me that you can do this”He said,as he
looked away,a bit embarassed.
Hoshi rested her cheek into her palm as she watched Al leave.She sighed softly.Boy,he surely was upset.

Shion blushed at the sight of it. ‘’I, I guess…’’ she mumbled.

Ed resumed eating in silence. He wished there was a way to make up to Al.

“We’re throwing a party,right?”Hughes asked from behind Roy,startling him.Few anger marks appeared on
Roy’s head as he turned around “For sure,we will”He said,pressuring each word.
After Hoshi finished eating her food,she took a sip from her tea and smiled.She was sure that next city would be
as exciting as this one.

Shion looked at the new come. A party? Why not. Sure it made her nervous to know Roy would be there but it
was a good chance to get to know everyone a little better.
Ed glanced at the clock on the wall. Why was Al taking his time? The waiter came and Ed payed the bill before
standing up. ‘’We’ll wait for Al at the entrance.’’

Roy turned to Shion after Hughes left “Sorry about that”He said,as he fixed the collar of his shirt.
Hoshi stood up and nodded “I hope your brother is alright”She said,scratching at the back of her head.

‘’It’s ok.’’ Shion giggled. ‘’So, about this party… are you going?’’she asked casually.
‘’Me too.’’ Ed replied staring at the stairs. ‘’Should we check on him?’’

“I’m not missing parties for anything”Roy replied with a small grin “I suppose you need clothes”He said,looking
away “I can take you to the mall,if you want”.
Hoshi looked at him.He really cared about his brother.Such a strong bond..she couldn’t stay like this “Of
‘’Sure, I’d love that! If it’s not too much of a bother…’’ Shion said.
Ed led the way as they went upstairs after Al.

“Of course it’s not”Roy said and chuckled “Meet you in one hour,then?”He suggested.He wanted to give her
some space to get ready.
When they opened the door,Hoshi sweatdropped at the sight of Al petting a kitty.

‘’Aye!’’ Shion said and headed to her room. She was so nervous!
‘’What are you doing… Al?’’ Ed asked, half-surprised, half-angry.

Roy chuckled as he watched her leave.Maybe this wasn’t going to end up as a simple friendship after all.
“Nii-san!”Al said,surprised to see his brother there “You see..This kitty looked at me with it’s big eyes..almost
pleading to let her in!I couldn’t resist”Al confessed.Hoshi giggled at him.

Shion put on the nice outfit she had bought the other night and fixed her eyepatch in the mirror again to make
sure it wouldn’t fall off. She looked at her reflection and sighed. Who would look at a woman with almost half of
her face covered?
Ed looked like he could explode any minute. But then he took a very deep breath and calmed down a little.
‘’We’re not home, you can’t pick up animals just like that!’’he lectured Al. ‘’Besides, it probably belongs to
someone here. Let it go.’’

Roy went to his room and took a shower,then he put a white shirt and a blue jacket and a pair of blue-jeans along
with black shoes.
Hoshi patted his back and smiled “I think it’s sorta cute that he tried to help the kitty”She said,positively.Al
blinked at her but then listened to his brother and put the kitty down “Sorry,Nii-san”.

Shion opened the clock she had received. It was almost the time. She placed it in one pocket and the pendant in
another, before sitting on her bed and waited.
‘’Whatever. Let’s get going or else we won’t catch the train.’’ Ed said and headed outside.

After Roy finished getting ready,he headed towards Shion’s room and knocked.He was nervous himself.
Hoshi nudged Ed “Come on,don’t be mad~”She said,grinning.

Shion went and opened the door. He looked… breath-taking. ‘’Hi. Thanks for picking me up.’’she said as she
closed the door behind her.
Ed smiled. ‘’Ok, ok.’’he said glancing at Hoshi from the corner of his eye. ‘’Al, are you coming today?’’he said
turning around to sent his brother a small glare.

Roy thought Shion was beautiful as well.He looked away,his cheeks a bit red and nodded.He offered her his arm
as they started to walk down the street.
Hoshi grinned “Now that’s what I mean!”Al sweatdropped “Comming,comming!”

Shion took his arm, pretending she had the situation under control but in truth she was too afraid of blowing it
up. She swallowed. She noticed she was so excited she couldn’t speak.
‘’You’d better!’’ Ed said turning his back to Al. He wasn’t really upset, he just didn’t want to miss the train. And
he liked teasing Al too.

Mostly everyone looked at them on the street,some considering them as a couple as well.Roy didn’t like it they
way they stared,so he decided to hurry the pace a little.
Hoshi nudged Ed again “You’re such a meanie,you know that?”She said,stucking her tongue out at him.

Shion saw the people staring and then felt Roy hurry up and did the same to catch up with him. Of couse he
didn’t like being seen with her. She tried hard not to look down. She wouldn’t let it get to her.
‘’What did I do?!’’ Ed asked pouting a little as they headed to the train station.

It wasn’t that he didn’t like being with her.It was that he didn’t like it because he thought it would make Shion
feel weird.
“And you even dare to ask?”Hoshi laughed as she shook her head “So much for your innocence.

‘’So. You’re a party animal, like they say?’’Shion decided to break the silence.
‘’Hey, you’re not being fair!’’ Ed protested.

Roy turned his head towards her.Who told her that? “Is there something wrong with that?”
“Why’s that?”Hoshi asked,now it was her turn to pout.

Shion giggled. So he was. ‘’Nothing.’’

‘’You’re accusing me without any proof.’’ Ed said and chuckled. Well it was true he wasn’t very nice to Al but
he didn’t treat him bad either.

Roy titled his head to the side curiously “If you say so”He said,chuckling.
“But,but!”Hoshi said and pouted even more “You’re being evil again!”She said,blinking.

‘’Now, where are you taking me?’’ Shion asked casually as she looked around for a shop.
‘’That’s not true! I’m not being evil again- I mean I’m not being evil.’’ Ed replied.

“The mall”Roy replied,smiling “Or would you rather go to another place?”

“Ha!See?You just admited yourself”Hoshi pointed and smirked “You’re eviiil~”

‘’The mall’s fine!’’ Shion said quickly. ‘’I was just wondering how far it is, that’s all.’’
‘’N-No I didn’t!’’ Ed defended himself and raised his hands in the air. ‘’You misunderstood.’’

“It’s not that far”Roy said as he gazed at the big building in front of him “Here we are!”
Hoshi raised an eyebrow “No!You said ‘I’m not being evil again’”She said,teasingly.

‘’It looks nice!’’ Shion admired the building in front of them.

‘’I’m telling you I didn’t!’’ Ed replied.

“It looks nicer inside”Roy said,winking.”Come on then”He said,leading her in.

“And I’m telling you,you did!I’m not a liar!”Hoshi protested back.

‘’Aye!’’ Shion said. It looked indeed much better on the inside. She was ashamed to admit she’d never been in a
mall before.
‘’I’m not a liar either!’’ Ed said crossing his arms at his chest.

“Would you like to go to a particular shop?”Roy asked,moving his head to look at her.
“You are!You won’t admit what you’ve just said!”Hoshi said,crossing her arms in front of her chest too.

Shion looked around. Everything looked pretty. ‘’How about that one?’’she suggested pointing at the first shop
that caught her attention.
Ed sweatdropped. He didn’t know how to reply to that. He chuckled, thinking of something else. ‘’Will you
forgive me?’’he asked and smugged.

“That one will be then”Roy said as he gladly took her there “I’ll wait for you here”He said,sitting on a chair.
“Will I?”Hoshi said taking a thinking pose “Maybe,maybe not”She said and smugged back.

Shion nodded nervously at him and went deeper inside the shop to search for a pretty dress.
Ed chuckled at the sight of her. ‘’Ok.’’he said crossing his hands at the back of his head.

Roy glanced around the room,as he waited for Shion.Girls surely liked taking their time.
Hoshi smiled and nudged him “Of course I’ll forgive you!”

Shion did take her time indeed. She wanted to find something close to perfection.
‘’Took you long enough.’’ Ed teased her looking away.

Roy tried to think of something,so he wouldn’t get bored while waiting for her.
Hoshi raised an eyebrow “At least appreciate it!”She said,chuckling.

Shion finally found it. There was a type of dress which looked nice, kinda made you think of a seashell. She
thought it fit her, considering it was sea-themed and all. She decided to try on the black one with tints of purple
on the borders.
‘’Fine… I appreciate it…’’ Ed replied without looking too convinced. He was doing it all just to tease her.

Roy decided to take his time and call his sister.He took his cellphone out and dialed her number.Hoshi blinked
when she heard her cellphone ring.She picked up and grinned "Hello,hello,who might you be?" "I wonder.."
"Oh,if it isn't The Colonel himself!"She said and smugged at Ed.

Ed’s eyes widened in surprise. ‘’What?’’ he whispered before walking closer to her phone to hear the Colonel.
Meanwhile Shion bought the dress and started looking for some shoes and found these really nice, black sandals.

Hoshi tried not to grin as she saw Ed "How are you?"She asked "I'm good,although I' the mall"Hoshi
giggled "You went shopping or what?"She teased "Nah,waiting for a girl.." "A girl..?Did the great Colonel found
himself a girlfriend?!" "It's not what you think!" "Haha!Roy has a girlfriend!Roy has a girlfriend!" "Hoshi..She's
a new State Alchemist" "That's not an excuse!" "It is!" "Not!"

Ed chuckled. Did the Colonel really have a girlfriend? But seriously, what kind of person could stand such a
miniskirt obsessed, morally bankrupt pyro with a god complex?
Shion watched Roy from a distance. He seemed to be arguing with someone over the phone.

"So you found a ...manizer?"Hoshi said,trying hardly not to laugh "Huh?" "Womanizers need manizers"She
said,matter-of-factly "..It's the girl you met before leaving" "Huh?That...pirate-girl?" "Yeah.." "That's bloody odd
even for someone like you".

The pirate-girl? Ed could remember her slightly. An anger mark appeared on his forehead remembering how she
called him a super-short runt. He wondered if she could handle Roy.
Shion decided to walk up to Roy, trying to stay unnoticed. Maybe she could overhear what he was talking about.

"Psshh,this is what I get for actually worrying about you?"Roy asked,pouting a bit "D'awww"Hoshi giggled "No
worries,I'm fine"She said,glancing at Ed "So,I get it that the Fullmetal Shorty's doing a good job,eh?" "Yeah,the
two of them are brilliant!"

Ed’s cheeks turned a little rosey at the sight of the compliment. He hadn’t done much, really. But hearing Hoshi
praise him felt nice inside.
Shion figured Roy must be talking to the girl from two days ago, the one that was to be escorted by those two
State Alchemists. She remembered, one of them was very tiny. She found it a bit suspicious that Roy was talking
to her behind Shion’s back but decided to remain silent about it for the moment.

Hoshi smiled "I'm glad you're fine as well"She said.Roy nodded,as he noticed Shion's presence "I'll call you
later,okay?"He said,as he stood up "Best from Brits,Roy"Hoshi grinned "See you"With that he hung up the
phone and turned to Shion "Found a dress already?"

‘’Aye.’’ Shion replied. Wasn’t it obvious from the bag she was holding? But putting that aside, she couldn’t help
but wonder what was between him and that girl.
‘’That was an interesting conversation’’ Ed chuckled. ‘’He cares about you…’’he heard himself saying next, as
he felt a little jealous.

"I'm curious,but.."Roy paused "Don't spoil anything before the party,okay?"He said,chuckling.He wanted to call
that a special day.
"He does..."Hoshi said smiling "He had a girlfriend.."She said and bursted out into laughing "That womanizer
has a girlfriend!"

He was curious? Not to spoil anything before the party? That gave Shion an uneasy feeling deep inside. ‘’Yeah.
Sure. Whatever.’’she said trying to act cool.
‘’Hard to believe.’’ Ed said, shaking his head slowly. And then he started to laugh with her.

"Do you want something else?"Roy asked,as he looked away,a bit embarassed.
Hoshi giggled slightly as she then looked around,a question mark appearing above her head "Uhh..where's Al?"

‘’No, just this is fine.’’ Shion replied.

Ed let out a heavy sigh after he stopped laughing. ‘’… I wonder if he found another cat or something on the way.
Al, we’re missing the train! Come out!’’ he shouted.
Roy shrugged "Should we head back then?"He suggested,smirking.
Hoshi looked around too "I'm here..Nii-san"Al said from inside a box carried by two men.Hoshi blinked "..Why
is he THERE?"

‘’I think we should.’’ Shion replied smirking back.

‘’Oi, what are you doing to Al?’’ Ed yelled running up to those men holding Al captive.

"Shall we then?"Roy said,acting like a gentlemen as he offered her his arm,the smirk never leaving his place.
Hoshi sweatdropped and ran after him "What are you talking about?It's just an armor"One of the men replied.

Shion let out a soft sigh as she took his arm. He was such a womanizer.
‘’That’s my brother Al, damn it! Let go of him!’’ Ed snapped.

Roy chuckled softly as he led her back to the State Military.

Hoshi gently moved Ed out of her way "Excuse me,mister..But that's dust you're carrying I'm afraid"She
said.The man looked at her and then at the box.It was true.It was all dust.She took her time to practice Alchemy
while Ed and him were arguing.

‘’Thanks for taking me to the mall.’’ Shion told Roy trying to sound normal.
Ed glanced at the box. It was true, the armour was gone. Hoshi must have done it.

"Anytime"Roy replied casually.He didn't want to seem nervous in front of her.

"Where did the box go?"The man asked as he glared at Hoshi "Boo,that's scary"She said,grinning "I don't
know.Perhaps someone stole it?"He glared and grabbed her hair "Hey!Not my hair!"She said as she shot him a
death glare.He only laughed at her while she took her time to use Alchemy.Thousand shattered glasses flew
towards him,as she fixed her hair "Better".

‘’I guess I’ll see you at the party?’’ Shion said as they reached the State Military.
‘’W-wow…’’ was all Ed could say. Some skills she had! ‘’That was impressive…’’he said above a whisper.

"Yeah,I'll come and pick you up"Roy said,nodding "See you"He announced,waving,while heading towards his
Hoshi giggled,blushing a bit "Al's there"she said,walking towards the box that stood behind them.

Shion nodded. She couldn’t help but gaze at him as he left before entering her room.
‘’Al…’’ Ed laughed nervously. ‘’You really can’t keep yourself out of trouble, can you.’’

When Roy got back to his office,he started thinking what to wear so he could get her attention.
Hoshi helped Al get out of that box as he turned chibi "S-Sorry Nii-san!You know how it is"."Hey,guys!Looks
like our next destination is Resembool!Your hometown,isn't it?"

Shion took a shower and changed into the new dress and sandals. Next she caught her hair up in a messy
ponytail. She also put on a pair of long black sleeves and then she changed her eyepatch with one which was
smaller, covering less of her face.
Ed glared at Al but then nodded at Hoshi. ‘’True.’’he said simply.

Roy took a shower himself,as he then decided to wear a nice,simple black suit,yet it made him look really
handsome.He glanced at himself into the mirror,before he headed towards Shion's room.
Hoshi grinned "We can stay there for few days if you'd like"She informed them.

Shion put on some eyeshadow and dark lipstick. Then she leaned her cheeks in her gloved palms staring at her
image reflected in the vanity mirror.
Ed sweatdropped. It was obvious she didn’t know Winry was from Resembool too. ‘’I don’t think that will be
necessary.’’he said, deciding to avoid any possible fights. Girls were so complicated, he thought.

When Roy arrived in front of her door,he fixed his tie one more time,before knocking.
Hoshi tilted her head to the side "Okay then!"She said,getting into the train "Off we go!"
Shion lifted her head at the sight of the knocking. She took a deep breath and glanced at the mirror one more
time before going to open up to the door.
‘’Yeah. I’ll go buy the tickets.’’ Ed announced and headed to where the tickets were sold. Luckily there wasn’t a
long queue so he didn’t take long.

When Roy saw her he remained silent for several minutes.She looked gorgeous!Oh yes,he did make a good
choice "Ready?"He asked,smirking,trying not to seem too nervous.
Hoshi nodded as she took the luggage,luckily finding an empty compartiment once again.Al followed her

‘’Affirmative.’’ Shion replied firmly. He looked real good too, but she wouldn’t say it out loud. She couldn’t
help but wonder what he was thinking, before rolling her shoulders in a small shrug.
Ed followed them soon holding the three tickets in his hand. He took a sit furthest from the window, close to the
door and let out a soft sigh.

"Shall we then?"Roy asked,offering his hand to her,this time.

Hoshi looked at him.Al took a seat to the opposite bench,wondering if something's wrong with his brother.

Shion took his hand, regretting a little the fact that she was wearing gloves.
Ed looked at them. Why were they staring at him? ‘’What?’’

It wasn't only Shion who regretted wearing gloves.Roy sighed as he lead her towards the room where the party
Hoshi blinked "Ah,you looked upset for a second"She said,before moving her gaze to stare out the window.

‘’Anything wrong?’’ Shion dared to ask and bit her lip.

‘’Oh. I just looked like it.’’ Ed replied gazing out the window as well.

"Not at all"Roy replied,flashing her a small smile as he opened the door for her.
"If you say so"Hoshi replied,without moving her gaze.

Shion smiled a faint smile as she stepped inside the room. There were all sorts of Alchemists, all dressed nicely.
Shion couldn’t help but feel proud and grateful at the same they held a party for her.
Ed remained silent, thinking of what to say. Then he recalled the amazing skills Hoshi had just showed off. ‘’Al.
Have you thanked Hoshi for earlier?’’ he asked, frowning a little a his brother.

Everyone moved their gazes towards the 'couple' that just entered.It was no one but Shion herself,but with the
Colonel!That was the most surprising thing.Riza was the first one to walk to them and greet them.She wore a
black,long dress,with a V shape at the chest region,a brown ribbon tied at the middle and nice flowers on it.
Al blushed as he twirled his fingers together "T-Thank you,Hoshi-san"He muttered,looking away.Hoshi blinked
"It's okay!That's what friends to,right?"

Shion thought Riza looked nice and didn’t miss the chance to compliment her outfit. You could tell Shion was
having a good time.
Ed looked at Al, his frowned expression disappearing after several seconds. ‘’Alright. Shall we play cards or
something?’’ he asked.

Riza blushed a bit at the sight of her compliment,but she told Shion that she was very beautiful.Roy felt slightly
embarassed since he was part of a girly conversation.
Hoshi raised an eyebrow "Why?So I can lose again and you can ask me about Roy?"She asked teasingly,and

Shion said thank you but decided to leave out the part where Roy took her to the mall. She looked around the
room and noticed she didn’t know anyone, she didn’t even know the name of that nice man who suggested the
party and seemed to be friends with Roy.
‘’Yes, exactly.’’ Ed replied with an evil grin upon his face. But then the grin disappeared as he remembered how
uneasy he felt earlier about Roy calling Hoshi on the phone.

Havoc walked to Shion and introduced himself to her.He bowed politely and glanced at Roy.He had a frown
upon his face,which Havoc didn't like that much.Hughes appeared as well.He was holding several pictures of his
daughter "Do you think I should make this one as a poster?Or the other one?"He asked Shion,casually,causing
Roy to facepalm.
Hoshi looked at him.He had that look again "Then why so upset?"She asked.She could easily tell about
someone's mood and usually she tried her best to help that person.

Shion smiled in a friendly manner at Havoc and introduced herself as well. Then she looked over Hughe’s
pictures. ‘’I don’t know what to say. They all look good!’’she grinned. She really thought they were cute; sure,
Hughes made a fool of himself, but Shion didn’t mind it.
‘’No, nothing, really!’’ Ed said quickly, moving his hands in the air, in defence. He could feel his cheeks
burning. ‘’Do you mind if I open the window?’’he asked to change the subject.

Hughes smiled "Then I'll make all of them posters!"He said "Thank you!"He told her.He did really seem
greatful.Roy walked by her side and chuckled "And that's my best friend.."
Hoshi blinked.This was harder than he thought.She didn't want to force the answer out of him,so she respected
his wish "Not at all".

Shion smiled, happy she could do a good deed. ‘’Oh?’’ Shion was surprised. She didn’t really think Roy and
Hughes had much in common. ‘’I see.’’she said eventually and nodded matter-of-factly.
Ed sighed in relief as he walked up to the window and opened it. The fresh air felt so good. Then he returned to
his seat. ‘’So. Are we playing or not?’’

Roy tilted his head to the side "Are you hungry?"He asked,deciding to change the subject.
"Fine,fine.But i'm not losing this time!"Hoshi said,throwing her fists in the air as she giggled.

‘’I’m starving!’’ Shion replied enthusiastically.

‘’We’ll see about that!’’ Ed smirked.

"Let's go and eat then"Roy said,glad to see that she was so happy.
Hoshi chuckled as she took the pack of cards out and started to shuffle them.

‘’Aye!’’ Shion agreed and they walked to a table with appetizers.

Ed rested his cheek against his palm, smiling, as he watched her shuffle the cards.

Roy looked at the table.There were many delicious apperitives "What would you like then?"
Al walked to them.He wanted to play as well.Hoshi gave cards to everyone,hoping that this time she'll win.

‘’Um… some sandwiches…’’ Shion said glancing at all the food on the table. Then she reached to take a few on
a plate.
Ed chuckled evilly. ‘’So, you think you’ll win this time around?’’he tried to pshyche her out.

"Oh,okay"Roy replied as he took a sandwhich as well,his hand accidentally touching hers for a short time.
Hoshi giggled "I'm going to win,don't worry about it".

Shion startled for a brief second. She could swear he was doing it on purpose. But then she munched at a
sandwhich like nothing happened.
Ed grinned. ‘’If you say so.’’

Roy retreated his hand and acted cooly,as if nothing happened as well.He glanced at her and then started to eat.
Hoshi smiled "I'm 100% sure".

‘’You have interesting friends.’’ Shion said remembering Hughes and the photos.
‘’Then show me what you got.’’ Ed smugged as they began the game.

"Yeah,I find them pretty interesting as well"Roy said and sweatdropped.

Hoshi tried not to overthink at the sight of his words "I will,I will!"

Shion couldn’t help but giggle at his words. She could foresee she would have fun there.
‘’Ok…’’ Ed replied, looking forward to the outcome of the game.

"Do you dance?"Roy asked her,nervously.He saw many pairs on the dancefloor,so why not joining as well?
Hoshi grinned evily as she threw a card over the other ones.Soon,she finished "HA!In yer face,sir!"

‘’Yeah!…’’ Shion replied, just as nervous as he was.

Ed swallowed. It seemed like she won. He thought he might still have a chance, but Al came in second, which
meant Ed was the third, so he lost. He pouted a little. ‘’Fine, what must I do?’’

"Will you offer me this dance then?"Roy asked,extending his hand out to her.
Hoshi laughed evily "I told you!"She said and smugged at him "I win,I win!"Al smiled "Dare him"
"Hmmm..."She rubbed at her chin "Erm.."She sweatdropped "Tell me something funny that happened to you".

‘’I’d be delighted.’’ Shion replied and graciously accepted his invitation to dance.
Ed glared at Al with a ‘whose side are you on?’ kind of look. ‘’Something funny... I know! When Al was locked
up with the sheep. I turned my back to him for a few minutes and he was gone. I found him later with the sheep!
It was very funny.’’ Ed said and burst into laughter at the sight of that memory.

Roy smiled,actually he was a bit afraid that she would refuse him.He led her to the dance floor,where he
wrapped an arm around her waist while the other one reached to hold hers.
Hoshi started to laugh "Really?He..He got locked with the sheep!"She giggled,as Al made a chibi face "That's

Shion held his hand, her other hand resting on his shoulder. She smiled as their feet began to move in the rhythm
of the music.
‘’Yeah, can you believe it?’’ Ed said glancing at Al without stopping laughing. ‘’Priceless indeed. You
should’ve seen it!’’

Roy led the dance as he smiled slightly.He was proud that she was his partener out of all.
"I should've!"Hoshi said,between her giggles.Al blinked "Nii-san!It's not funny!"

‘’Tell me about yourself.’’ Shion demanded, a small smile playing on her lips.
‘’It’s very funny, Al’’ Ed contradicted his brother. ‘’It was hilarious!’’

"Tell you what?"Roy asked,raising an eyebrow "Depends on what you want to know".
Al turned even chibier as Hoshi kept giggling "I would've probaly record it !"

Shion giggled. ‘’I want to know a little better, that’s all.’’she smirked.
Ed chuckled. ‘’Let’s play cards again! Maybe Al loses this time!’’ he suggested and grinned.

"Like..what exactly?"Roy insisted,blinking.He didn't know what to say about himself.

"Okay!"Hoshi said,shuffling the cards once again "It should be his turn to lose!"

Shion thought for a few seconds. ‘’Like… how did you first decide to come here at the State Military?’’
‘’Exactly’’ Ed chuckled after they shared the cards.

"Well,Master Hawkeye taught me how to use alchemy and afterwards I decided to join the Academy"Roy told
Hoshi grinned evily "He has to lose!" "You're so mean.."

‘’Master Hawkeye?!...’’ Shion repeated, surprised. Didn’t that girl, Riza, have the same last name?
‘’It’s your turn, Al. It’s only fair.’’ Ed agreed with Hoshi.

"Yeah,she's related to Riza"Roy replied.He didn't like to talk about his past much.
"Yes,yes,so true!"Hoshi said.And it turned out to be like that.Al lost.

‘’I see…’’ Shion said noticing he wasn’t confortable talking about it. ‘’We’re one strange couple together.’’ she
said noticing the people stopping and staring at them.
Ed grinned evilly at the sight of Al losing this time. It was just like him and Hoshi had predicted. ‘’Mwhaha!!
What dare should we give him?’’

"I like the sound of 'couple' "Roy said with a faint smirk as he stared into her eyes "Wouldn't you agree?"
"He's your brother"Hoshi said,rubbing at her chin "You should dare him cause you know him better".
Shion grinned to hide her nervousness. ‘’Definitely.’’ she replied in a similar manner.
‘’But it would be funnier if you dared him...’’ Ed replied rubbing at his chin.

Roy chuckled "Why not make it official then?"He asked,narrowing his eyes towards her.
"Hmmm..."Hoshi started to think "Al..How about you...Hmm.."She started to think "I'm not going to be'll have to give us a piggy ride when we get to your hometown!"

Shion shrugged. ‘’If you want it that badly…’’

Ed looked at Al, as he felt the guilt which never really left him. He couldn’t help but feel responsible for Al’s
condition. ‘’That sounds like a fair dare…’’he said looking down.

Roy frowned and tugged her a bit closer to him"You don't seem to be pleased about it.."
Hoshi realised what she just said as she mentally slapped herself.Without realising she hugged Ed "I mean...Al
can take care of a kitty for two days!"

Shion grew nervous at the sight of the tug. ‘’I didn’t say no.’’she smirked.
Ed smiled. ‘’Yeah!’’ he agreed. He was a bit embarrassed by the hug, but he dared to gently hug her back.

"But you never said yes either"Roy said and smirked back.
Hoshi smiled at him,glad that they made up.Al giggled "I like the sound of it!"

‘’I’m saying yes now.’’ Shion replied watching his reaction.

Ed nodded. What should they do now? He looked out the window only to see they almost entered Resembool.
And he didn’t want them to stop-over there.

Roy felt his smirk widen as he dared to lean closer to her and kiss her on the lips,as a small prize for accepting to
be his girlfriend.
Al smiled.He was pretty excited that they'd get to visit their home after such a long time.After several minutes
the train stopped,which meant they arrived in Resembool.Hoshi stood up and smiled "Shall we go then?"

Shion blushed at the sight of it and shyly kissed him back.

‘’Fine…’’ Ed agreed after all. He didn’t want to upset her. But then he sweatdropped at the sight of Winry and
Hoshi meeting each other again. He wasn’t prepared for it.

Roy gently pulled away.They were in public after all "Wanna drink something?"He asked,casually.
Hoshi took her luggage.When they got out of the train Al found a cat which he took "There's the cat im going to
take care of!"He said,cheerfuly.

‘’Aye...’’ Shion replied, still flustered over what had happened. Then she walked up to the drinks, trying not to
make it too obvious.
‘’Great!’’ Ed chuckled walking up to him to inspect the cat. ‘’It’s pretty cute. Don’t you think?’’ he asked Hoshi.

"What do you drink?Rum?"Roy asked,attemping to joke,as he shook his head with a low chuckle.
Hoshi peeked over his shoulder and smiled "Aww!It's adorable"She nodded "Let's go then"Al said,starting to
walk towards the place they were staying at.

‘’Actually, yes.’’ Shion replied seriously before chuckling with him.

Ed followed Al and cleared his throat before turning to talk to Hoshi. ‘’Do you remember Winry…?’’ he started.
‘’We’re staying at her place.’’ He thought it was better if he told her in advance.

"Oh, rum for you then"Roy grinned as he took two glasses and poured rum into them.
Hoshi looked at him surprised.She was sure there had to be a reason for him to live with her.She nodded "That's
okay..I just hope she won't beat the hell out of me for tagging along"She said and sweatdropped.

Shion smiled. She would appreciate that night and make the most of it.
‘’I don’t think she will.’’ Ed sweatdropped. ‘’She’s got no reason to.’’

Roy handed her a glass and smiled "A toast..with rum for the unexpected?"He suggested, smirking.
Hoshi smiled "Okay then,let's go!" Al blinked.He thought that Hoshi disliked Winry.
‘’For the unexpected!’’ Shion smirked back raising her glass.
‘’Okay.’’ Ed replied. He was the happiest if the girls could get along.

After they glasses touched,Roy brough it close to his mouth and took a sip from it.
Al led the way and soon enough they reached the Rockbells'.Hoshi blinked several time "Careful!"She said and
pushed Ed away only to see a tool that a mechanic would use land inches away from them.

Shion took a sip from her glass too and glanced at Roy from the corner of her eye.
Ed sweatdropped. That was Winry’s doing. ‘’Hello to you too!!’’ he yelled at the house.

"Do you like it?"Roy asked as he glanced at her.

"Ed!Al"Winry called and laughed.Hoshi blinked.She called that entertainment.But when Winry rushed
downstairs and saw Hoshi her smile vanished.

‘’Oh yes.’’ Shion replied and smugged at him.

‘’We’re making a stop-over here tonight.’’ Ed announced Winry taking a hand to the back of his head.

Roy smugged back,only to have their moments ruined by Hughes "Ohh,lovebirds"He smirked,obviously drunk
"That's a good thing!"Winry smiled.Hoshi grinned,glad to see that they weren't going to argue.Winry's
grandmother came to check too "Well,look who's grown by a cm".

Shion blushed. Was he drunk? He sure seemed to be. ‘’Uh… hello again Mr. Hughes.’’ She sweatdropped.
A red anger mark appeared on Ed’s (yellow?) head. ‘’WHO’RE YOU CALLING A RUNT?’’

Roy looked at Hughes and glared "Mind your own business"He told him bitterly.Hughes shrugged "You don't
have to be so mean,Colonel".
Hoshi giggled as the old lady chuckled and shook her head "Welcome home,boys".

Shion giggled at Roy’s bitter reply.

‘’Y-yeah… Let’s go inside.’’ Ed said glancing at both Al and Hoshi.

Roy chuckled and scratched the back of his head as Hughes disappeared into the crowd.
Hoshi and Al followed behind Ed as Winry stood by Hoshi's side "So...there's a long way for you to go,huh?"She
asked,awkwardly "Not really..three more cities and we're done"Hoshi replied,in a friendly manner.

Shion smiled shaking her head slowly as she watched Hughes dissapear into the crowd. He was weird, yes, but
you could tell he didn’t mean any harm.
Ed sighed in relief at the sight of the girls getting along so far. Then he asked Winry’s grandma to bring some
hot chocolate for Hoshi, Winry and him.

“Is there something you would like to do?”Roy asked as he peeked over Shions’ shoulder curiously.
Hoshi watched as Al got some food for the kitty and giggled.She went to pet it,which caused the kitty to purr and
Al to smile “Did you name it yet?” Al blinked “Umm..not yet...but I’m really glad you let me take care of him!”
Hoshi smiled and hugged Al “Of course!”Al looked at her surprised.For once in a while he felt..alive.

‘’I don’t know.’’ Shion said shrugged after she took another sip from her glass with rum. ‘’What about you?’’
Ed smiled widely as he watched Hoshi and Al. Al seeemd really happy in her company. Ed was glad they made
friends with someone like Hoshi.

“I don’t know..that’s why I asked”Roy said and attemped to joke as he chuckled.

Hoshi then walked to Ed and the others and smiled “You have a nice house”She said,nodding.

‘’Oh. Right.’’ Shion chuckled with him and casually placed a hand on his arm as she started to feel a little
‘’Thanks. I mean, it’s Winry’s house, you know…’’ Ed corrected himself as he took a hand to the back of his
had, embarassed.

‘’Drunk already?”Roy teased as he looked at her and smirked.

‘’I know,I know”Hoshi said and smiled ‘’Thank you,Hoshi”Winry said peeking over Ed’s shoulder ‘’You can sleep in my room if you want”.

‘’No!’’ Shion pouted and frowned a little. She refused to believe she had gotten drunk from a little rum. She
should be used to it by now.
Ed was surprised Winry and Hoshi were acting so nice towards each other now. Maybe they had learned
something from their previous encounter or something like that. In any case he was glad he didn’t have to be
caught in another silly fight.

’’Then prove it”Roy said,the smirk widening as he dared to challange her.

Hoshi blinked surprised by Winry’s sudden change ’’Okay,sounds good to me” ’’I’ll go prepare the rooms

Shion gave him a suspicious look. ‘’… How?’’ she asked, obviously confused.
Ed silently watched Winry leave. ‘’I’m glad you too are getting along.’’ He told Hoshi with an honest smile.

‘’I don’t know..You’re smart.Figure it out”Roy told her teasingly.

Hoshi giggled ‘’Yeah,I’m glad too!I would hate if we had to fight or something”.

That again? Shion let out a deep sighed. ’’You could give me a clue.’’she said pouting again.
‘’Me too. I’m glad we feel the same.’’ Ed said and turned his gaze to Al and the cat.

’’Have some more rum then? ’’Roy suggested,as he held the bottle in front of her,grinning.
Hoshi nodded.She was happy she had made friends with such great people,but she was sad that the trip would
end soon.

‘’Ok...’’ Shion accepted and held out her glass, grinning back.
Ed thought about the trip ending soon as well. He thought he should find a pretext to see her again after their
mission was over. But he thought he still had plenty time for that.

Roy smirked satisfied as he poured some drink into his own glass.
’’Are you going to visit your mother,Edward?”Pinako asked as she peeked her head out the door’s kitchen while
cooking.Hoshi bit at her lip.She was told that their mother died a long time ago.

Shion took the glass to her lips and took a sip. Then a thought crossed her mind. Could Roy be trying to get her
drunk? She stopped drinking at the sight of that, glancing at him suspiciously.
‘’We’ll do that tomorrow morning!’’ Ed told grandma Pinako and forced himself to smile.

Roy raised an eyebrow ’’What?”He asked,almost glaring at her.

Hoshi didn’t want Ed to feel bad ’’I’ll come with you if you want”She offered and then mentally slapped herself.

‘’Nothing.’’ Shion said quickly staring at her drink. ‘’I just didn’t expect you to like rum so much.’’
‘’Um…’’ Ed was a little embarrassed. He didn’t want to make her feel uncomfortable. ‘’You can come along…
but only if you wish to. I’m not forcing you.’’he said eventually.

‘’What’s wrong with rum?”Roy asked,tilting his head to the side ‘’I thought pirates loved that”.
‘’It’s okay..really..”Hoshi said.It reminded her of her own mother,which passed away after she was born.She
looked down.

‘’But I do! I thought it was you who wouldn’t like it so much.’’ Shion replied simply.
‘’No, if this is upsetting you you shouldn’t really come.’’ Ed said noticing something was wrong with Hoshi.

’’Eh?I just happen to enjoy this as much as you do”Roy said and winked
’’It’s not about that!”Hoshi said,waving her hands in front of herself ’’I’ll come anyway”.

Shion couldn’t help but laugh at that. ‘’Good one! I think you’re turning into a pirate yourself!’’ she said and
‘’Are you sure?’’ Ed asked tilting his head to the side.

Roy raised an eyebrow at her.Him,a pirate?He chuckled loudly at the sight of that ‘’Maybe..”He said,smirking.
‘’Affirmative”Hoshi nodded,the smile returning to her lips.

Shion smirked back. ‘’Should we return to the dancefloor?’’ she said glancing at the other couples who got there
when the music started again.
‘’Pinako-baachan! How long till the dinner’s ready?’’ Ed yelled at the kitchen door to change the subject.

“If you’d like”Roy said as he took her hand and pulled her to the dancefloor.
“So,you decided to start eating so you can grow up?”Pinako teased him.Hoshi grinned.Oh the harmony.

Shion smirked as they got on the dancefloor again and she laced her fingers with his, the other hand resting on
his shoulder.
A huge mark anger appeared on Ed’s head. ‘’WHO’RE YOU CALLING AN UNDERFED SQUIRT???’’ he
said as he stood up agitating his fists in the air angrily.

Oh now she’s got the guts,huh?Roy thought as he chuckled silently,while his hand wrapped around her
waist,keeping her close to him.
Hoshi sweatdropped as she peeked over his shoulder “Umm..I think you’re tall enough for your age,if that makes
you feel better”.Pinako smiled.Some things never change,do they?

‘’What?’’ Shion asked tilting her head to the side. Had she said something funny?
‘’NO IT DOESN’T!!’’ Ed yelled. He was 17 already, he was supposed to have grown up more, but instead he
stayed the same chibi everyone loved to mock. Plus he was feeling like he was making a fool of himself in front
of Hoshi, and that was the last thing he wanted! He sat down again with a loud sigh.

“Nothing”Roy replied shortly as he led her in the rythm of the music.

Hoshi swallowed hard.She thought she only made the situation worse,so she sat next to him and dropped dead

‘’Oh really?’’ Shion insisted flashing a small grin.

‘’If you’re done picking on me, I asked you a question.’’ Ed said to Pinako looking away, upset and embarassed.

“Yes,really”Roy replied in the same manner.

“It’s almost ready”Pinako replied.Hoshi crossed her legs together as she looked out the window.

‘’Arrr!’’ Shion said and smugged.

‘’Ok.’’ Ed said without looking at Pinako.

‘So the drink’s finally taking effect on her’Roy thought,smirking a bit “Rawr”He growled and smugged back at
Winry came downstairs in the meanwhile.She looked at Ed and Hoshi.She still couldn’t remove the jealousy that
easily,but she tried to be nice “So Hoshi-chan,where do you come from?”She decided to ask in the
meanwhile.Hoshi snapped out of her thoughts “Oh,sorry”She apologized and smiled “England for now”.

Shion couldn’t help but giggle at the sight of that.

Ed listened to the girls making a conversation and decided to stay out of it for the moment.

Roy raised an eyebrow “You okay?”He asked,curiously.

“Ah,England..”Winry smiled.It was quite obvious since she had the British accent.Hoshi nodded.In the
meanwhile,Pinako brought food for everyone.

‘’Never been better!’’ Shion assured him and flashed a small smile.
‘’Finally…’’ Ed muttered under his breath staring at the food.

“Um..”Roy sweatdropped “Would you like to crash down?”

Hoshi stared at her food as well.It looked really good.Al was still outside playing with the kitty.Winry sat next to
Hoshi as she started to eat,glancing at her and Ed from time to time “Splendid food”Hoshi remarked after she
tasted it.

Shion wasn’t sure what that meant but she decided to say yes anyway. She nodded with a broad smile in
Ed tasted the food as well. ‘’It’s good indeed!’’ he agreed, feeling his good mood coming back.

Roy took her hand and started to pull her away from the party to a different room.Once arrived there,he leaned
against the door as he looked at her,silently making sure the door was locked [ ce perversa sunt].
Hoshi giggled.It was good to see that he was happy.”As expected from Pinako-baa-san”Winry agreed.

Roy took her hand and started to pull her away from the party to a different room.Once arrived there,he leaned
against the door as he looked at her,silently making sure the door was locked [ ce perversa sunt].
Hoshi giggled.It was good to see that he was happy.”As expected from Pinako-baa-san”Winry agreed.

Shion looked at him in silence. So that was what he meant by ‘crash down’.
Ed finished his plate the first, and asked for seconds. He just hoped Pinako-baa-chan won’t make another joke
about his height.

Roy didn’t want to make the situation awkward,so he went to sit on the sofa.
Pinako was happy to see that Ed didn’t lost his appetite.After Hoshi finished,she gazed around the small
room,untill her eyes fell on a certain frame.There was a beautiful woman,with long,black hair,however she had a
sad expression.It troubled her.

Shion watched him sit on the sofa before going and sitting on the bed. It was kinda awkward.
Ed followed Hoshi’s gaze to the framed picture. It was the portrait of a mysterious woman.

Roy wasn’t sure of what to do next.He indeed,brought her where he wanted,but now...he felt a bit weird about it.
Hoshi blinked “Ma’am,If I may ask,who’s in the picture?”She asked,politely.Pinako bit at her lip “I don’t
know,child.But she’s a very mysterious woman” “She seems sad”She stated “Very..sad”.

Shion decided to go and sit next to Roy. ‘’Is everything ok?’’ she asked him and smiled.
Ed tilted his head to the side. He didn’t know who it was either. But for some reason it reminded him of his
mother. ‘’I’m going to bed. I suggest you do the same.’’he told Hoshi. ‘’We’re waking up early tomorrow.’’

“The question is..are you ok?”Roy asked,as he looked at her from the corner of his eye.Was she still drunk?
“I can’t sleep,remember?”Hoshi pointed out the truth “But don’t worry about me.I’ll be fine”.

‘’Why wouldn’t I be?’’ Shion replied tilting her head to the side.
‘’But…’’ Ed tried to say something. Would she really be ok if she didn’t sleep? ‘’Fine.’’he sighed in defeat.
‘’Take care. I’ll see you tomorrow morning then’’he said and waved at her flashing a small smile before going

Now Roy was puzzled “Do you have a headache or something?”He asked,somehow anxious.
Hoshi flashed him a faint smile and waved back “Yeah,good night”She said.Winry announced she was going to
bed too and Al was still outside.Hoshi walked closer to the picture and stared at it.It looked as if it was trying to
say something..Or perhaps it was just her imagination.Pinako stood behind her “You resemble her
perfectly..”The old lady said,litting her pipe “What’s that supposed to mean?” “Didn’t you figure out?” “What?”
“That’s your mother..”Hoshi placed a hand over her mouth.She never knew how her mother looked like,since
she died immediatly after she was born.

‘’No. But I will in the morning!’’ Shion replied joyfully raising a forefinger in the air.
Ed went into his room and sat on the bed. He was anxious about the next morning.

“And that’s a reason to be cheerful?”Roy asked and chuckled.Strange girl,but he liked it.
“What do you know about my mother?” Hoshi asked,trying to recover from the sudden shock “Well..our
families were pretty close,so basically I was there when you were born”Pinako told her “But unfortunantely your
mother had recived bad news that your father has been murdered in the Ishval war and she suffered a heart
attack..” Hoshi bit at her lip.Roy never told her anything about this “And she?” “Next to Edward’s
mom.They were like best friends”.

Shion giggled at the sight of his question. ‘’There’s no point stressing over such a small matter!’’ she said
matter-of-factly and grinned.
Meanwhile Ed had no idea of the conversation Hoshi and Pinako were having downstairs. Sure he knew there
was a grave in the close vicinity of his mother’s, but he never gave it much importance since he didn’t know who
that person was.

“Is that so?”Roy asked and smirked at her “What should we do,then?”
Hoshi sighed softly as she leaned against the wall,saying nothing for the rest of the night,which slowly
passed.Early in the morning,she decided to help Pinako to prepare breakfast for everyone.

‘’Whatever you want.’’ Shion giggled and snuggled at his chest.

Ed went to sleep eventually, without changing his clothes. He wanted to be ready to move quickly. He knew
Hoshi wouldn’t sleep and he didn’t want to make her wait.

Roy grew a bit nervous at the sight of her touch.Sure,he enjoyed it,but usually he was the one to make the first
step.But for now,he wrapped an arm around her waist.
Hoshi and Pinako prepared eggs for everyone and then Pinako prepared some sandwiches and fruits for their

Shion smiled widely at the sight of his touch.

Ed woke up and came downstairs in a hurry.

Roy started to stroke her hair gently,as he kept her close to his chest.
Hoshi sat down,ready for the trip as she drank a cup of tea.

Shion let out a soft sigh and slowly closed her eyes.
Ed ran into the kitchen, seeing the living room was empty. ‘’Morning!’’ he greeted panting a bit.

Roy looked down at her and let out a soft smile.

“Good morning!”Hoshi replied,smiling.Al came in as well.Seems like everyone was ready.

Shion fell asleep soon, feeling confortable next to Roy.

Ed smiled back and sat down at the table after he took a plate of eggs for himself.

Roy rested his chin on the top of her head and closed his eyes as well.
Hoshi already finished her food.She wasn’t really in the mood.

The next morning Shion opened her eyes and looked around the room. Where was she? And more importantly,
who was she with? It was… Roy?! She swallowed a bit at the sight of it, not daring to move an inch, although it
was hard to ignore that headache.
Ed ate fast as well to catch up with Hoshi. He glanced at her from time to time. She seemed upset. Was it
something he said? He couldn’t help but feel a little guilty. ‘’Listen… you really don’t have to come…’’he

Roy wasn’t really aware that she woke up,since he was in a deep sleep.
“Don’t mention it..”Hoshi replied,as she looked back at him “I said I was going to come and and that won’t
change”She said with a determined look on her face.

Shion bit at her lip and moved slowly, carefully not to wake him up as she stood up.
‘’Ok…’’ Ed nodded, encouraged by her reassurance. ‘’Shall we go then?’’he said.

Roy leaned against the arm of the couch,as he continued to sleep,while hugging the pillow.
Hoshi stood up as she looked at the picture on the frame one more time before she thanked grandma Pinako for
everything.Then she left the house along with the brothers.

Shion had a bad headache. So she had drunk rum again. She walked up to the door in silence. It appeared to be
locked. Why was it locked…? She glanced back at Roy. Sure, they didn’t do anything, but people would talk…
After all, they disappeared just like that in the middle of the party. She couldn’t help but grin evilly of the sight
of the gossip. Then she decided to return on the sofa and watch him sleep. He looked so adorable! That headache
was a real pain, but she could endure it for his sake a little longer.
Ed kept glancing at Hoshi, trying to understand what was wrong, but he couldn’t figure it out. She seemed
alright the other evening. ‘’Um… is there something wrong?’’ he decided to ask.
Roy moved around,as he turned to the side.Probaly he was having a nice dream or something.But the begining of
a new headache causing him to open his eyes and gaze around the room curiously.
Hoshi bit at her lip “Kinda”She replied,as they climbed on a hill just to see a mountain of graves.Now which one
was her mother’s?She remember that Pinako mentioned it didn’t have her name on it.Only picture and the year
she was born along with the year that she passed away.

Shion smiled widely as she leaned closer and gently kissed him on the lips.
Ed saddened a little at the sight of her reply. He felt useless but he didn’t want to be rude so he decided not to
ask any further questions. ‘’We’re almost there!’’he announced and led her and Al to the grave of Trisha Elric.

Roy smiled a bit at the sight of her kiss and returned it then rubbed at his head,trying to remember what
happened last night.
Hoshi flashed a sad smile at the sight of the grave that was next to Ed’s mother.She walked towards it and
kneeled beside,just watching it silently.

Shion giggled. ‘’Headache, huh.’’she said watching him.

Ed looked at Hoshi from the corner of the eye. She was indeed acting very strange. Did she know the mysterious
woman buried there?

Roy chuckled “Just a small headache comparing with yours”He said,teasing her a bit.
Hoshi studied the grave.It looked beautiful indeed.It was decorated by numerous flowers and it had a picture of
her mother there.She reached to touch at the grave and shivered slightly.

Shion nudged him. ‘’Leaving that aside, did you know the door’s locked?’’ she asked teasingly pointing at the
door with her chin.
Ed tilted his head to the side. Something was definetly out of place. But he didn’t want to disturb her so he just
watched silently.

“Of course.I locked it”Roy said cooly as he stuck his tongue out at her.
Hoshi looked at it sadly.She wished she could met her mother,now that she heard many good things about her.

‘’So last night we sneaked away from the party, huh?’’ Shion said, as it all came back to her.
‘’Do you know who she is?’’ Ed decided to break the silence.

“Mhm..”Roy said “And..we were both drunk”He said,chuckling.

“Of course..”Hoshi replied,smiling “She’s my mother..”

‘’Especially you!’’ Shion replied crossing her arms at her chest, nodding matter-of-factly.
Her… mother?!... Ed stared at Hoshi in shock, and then at the grave. Now that was a surprise. He wasn’t sure
what to do. ‘’I’m sorry…’’ was all he could mumble. He knew what it was like to lose your mother.

“Me?”Roy raised an eyebrow “You were drunker than me!”He said,defending himself.
Hoshi nodded “No worries.I didn’t had the chance to meet her at all”She said,placing her hands to her knees.

‘’Calling a lady ‘drunk’, how rude!!’’ Shion said playfully pretending to be upset.
Without knowing what he was doing, Ed walked up to her and placed a hand on her shoulder, to let her know he
was there.

“But it’s true!”Roy protested as he narrowed his eyes towards her.

Hoshi blinked at the sight of his sudden touch but she said nothing.It was good to have someone by her side.

‘’But calling your girlfriend drunk is still rude! It doesn’t matter if it’s true or not!’’ Shion insisted and stuck her
tongue out at him.
Ed glanced at the graved before them sadly. Not even meeting your Mom must’ve been tough.

“You called your boyfriend drunk as well”Roy pointed out the truth and crossed his arms in front of his chest.
Hoshi sighed as she stood up “Should we go then?”She asked,looking at Ed.

Shion sweatdropped. He had a point there.

‘’Yeah…’’ Ed replied nodding slowly.

Roy grinned at her “I win”he said,proudly.

Hoshi took her luggage “Okay,then.We’d better or else we’ll miss the train”.

‘’Whatever.’’ Shion replied trying to act tough.

‘’Yeah. Let’s go.’’ Ed followed her, still a little flustered.

Roy nudged her “Tsk tsk,someone doesn’t like to lose”

They rushed to the train station and bought tickets and then went into the train.Hoshi sat down and sighed.

‘’Show me someone who does!’’ Shion replied shortly.

Ed sat down next to Hoshi, glancing at her in silence.

Roy smugged at her “You never know..Hey are you hungry?”

Hoshi rested her chin into her palm as she looked out the window.

Shion felt the smile return on her face. She couldn’t stay upset with him! ‘’I was just gonna suggest we got out!’’
she said glancing at the door as she nodded.
Ed glanced at her and then at Al. That silence was awkward and he didn’t like it.

“Oh that sounds like a nice idea”Roy said,standing up “Except..I have to fix my hair”He said,noticing that his
hair looked oddly.
Al looked back at Ed and sighed.Hoshi got lost into her thoughts,as a flashback ran through her mind.A ten years
old Hoshi could be seen staring from afar at kids with their parents.By her side stood her brother,Roy “Nii-
san..Why can’t we share such love as well?” She asked,tilting her head to the side. “Because..our parents left
us”.So he lied to her huh?

Shion’s lips trembled, as she tried not to laugh. ‘’Yeah, sure.’’she managed to say and coughed. She was actually
proud of him for being so self-conscious.
Ed sighed as well before moving his gaze to Hoshi. She seemed to be in deep thought.

Roy raised an eyebrow and sent her a playful glare before he went in front of the mirror and fixed his hair.
Hoshi snapped out of her moment.She realised she ruined everyone’s mood “Uhh..I’m sorry”.

Shion stood up and fixed her dress. It was ok, she didn’t look too messy.
‘’No, it’s ok!’’ Ed said quickly waving a hand in the air. Making her feel bad was the last thing he wanted.

“Shall we then?”Roy asked,as he turned towards her and smiled.

Hoshi flashed him a small smile “Okay..”She said,her voice trailing off slowly.

‘’Yeah.’’ Shion replied. ‘’After you.’’she said and smugged glancing at the locked door.
‘’Um… Is there… Is there anything I can do?’’ Ed offered, his cheeks turning a little red.

“No..After you my lady”Roy said,smugging back as he took her hand after he unlocked the door.
“Aww..”Hoshi giggled softly as she reached to hug him “Nah..You’ve done too much already”.

Shion stepped outside the room. The hall seemed to be empty. ‘’I wonder where’s everyone else.’’
Ed blushed at the sight of the hug. ‘’I… I haven’t done anything, really…’’ he mumbled.

’’Probaly sleeping”Roy replied as he looked around “Well..Good for them”He said,shrugging.

Hoshi smiled and snuggled into him “Don’t be silly!”

‘’Yeah…’’ Shion replied. ‘’Let’s go.’’

‘’Um…’’ Ed scratched at his cheek, embarassed.

Roy took her outside and to a fine,luxurous restaurant.There he found empty table,as he walked and pulled the
chair out for her.
Hoshi giggled.It seems like her good mood was back.Al smiled at them.
Shion flashed him a small smile as she took a sit on that chair. Then she looked around, admiring the restaurant.
A luxurious one again, huh? She smirked.
‘’What would you like to do now?’’ Ed asked.

Roy sat down as he looked at her.Ah,this brought back memories “So,what would you like to eat?”
Hoshi shrugged “I don’t know..What about you?”

‘’Hmm… Pencakes with cherry jam!’’ Shion said.

‘’Umm… play cards?’’ Ed suggested and sweatdropped at his own lack of imagination.

Roy sweatdropped.She wanted that after the whole headache and sickness?”Okay”.
Al sweatdropped too.Hoshi grinned “Why?Because it’s my turn to lose again?”

‘’Is there something wrong with it?’’ Shion startled a little.

Ed chuckled. ‘’Something like that…’’

“No.As long as you like it”Roy said and winked playfully.

Hoshi raised and eyebrow “You’re such a cheater,you know that?”

Shion blushed a little at the sight of the wink and looked down.
‘’Why do you say that?’’ Ed asked raising an eyebrow.

Roy chuckled softly as he reached to stroke her hair with his gloved hand.
“Because if it were you to lose,you wouldn’t’ve said a single thing about it!”Hoshi said,sticking her tongue out
at him.

Shion smiled weakly at the sight of his touch.

‘’But of course! Who would!’’ Ed said coolly and smugged.

Roy watched her with compassion “Is something wrong?”

It was Hoshi’s turn to raise an eyebrow “See?You’re a cheater which also makes you evil”.

‘’N-no, everything’s perfect!’’ Shion replied quickly. Everything was perfect indeed.
‘’I’ve already told you I’m not evil!’’ Ed protested.

Roy nodded as the waiter came.He ordered for her pencakes and for himself just cereals.
“But you’ve just acted evilish!”Hoshi said.

‘’Did you sleep well last night?’’ Shion found herself asking.
‘’Me?’’ Ed raising an eyebrow, acting all innocent. ‘’But I didn’t do anything!’’

“I did..I actually slept really good”Roy replied,blushing a bit.

Hoshi blinked “You just said you wouldn’t’ve asked to play cards if it were you to lose!”

Shion smiled widely at the sight of that. ‘’Really? Me too!’’she said.

‘’That doesn’t make me evil. Nor a cheater.’’ Ed replied matter-of-factly.

Roy smiled “I’m glad to hear that”He said,as the waiter brought them their food.
“Oh yes it does!At least for me it does!”Hoshi said,smirking.

‘’Itadakimasu!’’ Shion said cheerfully and tasted her food. The pancakes with jam were delicious! It wasn’t an
expensive restaurant for nothing.
‘’You’re not being fair!’’ Ed decided and punched her arm playfully.

Roy tasted his own food as well.It wasn’t the usual cereals he ate everyday.It was very delicious! “Would you
like to do something today?”
Hoshi giggled “Me?What about you!”She said,pushing him playfully.

‘’I don’t know.’’ Shion said. ‘’Whatever you like, I suppose.’’she said, glancing at him.
‘’You started it!’’ Ed said sticking out his tongue at her.
“It’s your choice”Roy insisted.
“But I stated the truth!”Hoshi said ,sticking her tongue back at him.

‘’Um… I’ll decide after I take a pain killer.’’ Shion told him and winked. She almost forgot about the headache
while she was with him.
‘’You did not!’’ Ed insisted.

Roy tried not to let himself intimidated by her wink as he nodded and resumed to his food.
“Did too!”Hoshi said,smirking.

Shion looked at her plate and resumed her food as well.

‘’Did not!’’ Ed pouted crossing his arms at his chest.

After Roy finished his food,he payed the bill to the waiter “What about a tour around the city?I don’t think
you’ve seen it before”.
“Paper,scissors,rock?”Hoshi suggested laughing.

Shion nodded. She wouldn’t miss a tour guided by him for anything in the world.
‘’Ok, paper,scissors,rock be it!’’ Ed accepted chuckling.

Roy grinned.He had a feeling that this day would turn out to be good.
“Okay!”Hoshi said as she started to shake her fists.

Shion grinned back before following him outside the restaurant.

Ed shook his fist too and he was rock.

Roy took her hand as he started to pull her into the city.
Hoshi got paper “Ha!See?!”

Shion didn’t tell Roy she was from the city on purpose. She didn’t remember most of it anyway, since she left
when she was only a child, and it changed a lot too.
‘’Hm!’’ Ed pouted again. Yeah, he was a sore loser.

The city was pretty big and it had lots of interesting things!Roy showed her around untill they noticed there was
a festival “Wanna go and check?”
Hoshi giggled and poked his nose “’S’okay!”

‘’Sure!’’ Shion replied. She was curious about it.

Ed chuckled nervously, trying not to blush. ‘’So what do you want to do?’’he asked again, to change the subject.

Roy nodded,delighted by her answer as they joined the crowd „Where do you want to go first?”
‘’I think we’ll be there soon”Hoshi said smiling.

‘’There?’’ Shio suggested pointing in a random direction.

‘’Ok…’’ Ed replied, saddening a little at the thought of the moment he’d have to tell her good bye was closer
and closer.

Roy chuckled ‘’As you wish,my lady”He said,leading her towards the direction she just pointed.
Hoshi stood up.This was the last city before they’d reach her own.She didn’t want to say good-bye to them..She
grew sorta attached to them.When the train stopped,she stood up and took her luggae “Shall we?”

Shion tried not to get distracted by his words, although it was hard. It seemed to be a festival celebrating the
city’s foundation. It looked like a normal festival, with food and music, but it also had Alchemy related stuff,
considering Center City was where the State Military was.
‘’Yeah, I’m right behind you!’’ Ed said snapping out of his thoughts and stood up.

The festival also celebrated the begining of winter,since they’ve had many decorations related to the season.Roy
looked around curiously “This looks entertaining”He said,delighted.
As they got out of the train,Al followed them only to hear “Al is that you?”When he turned around,he saw one of
his old friends,Flether.He smiled as his brother Russel walked behind him “Well if it isn’t Ed and Al” Hoshi
looked at them and backed behind Ed.She could be shy sometimes.

Shion glanced around, excited. ‘’Let’s start from here and take a look at everything!’’ she suggested. She had
never been to a festival in Central City.
‘’Hello!’’ Ed saluted simply them waving a hand at their old friends. ‘’How’s it going?’’

“Okay.If you’d like something,tell me”Roy told her and smirked.They saw certain familiar faces such as Sheska
or Havoc,or Hughes with his family.
Hoshi peeked over Ed’s shoulder as she looked curiously at the brothers “What brings you here?”Russel

‘’Don’t worry, I will!’’ Shion replied confidently and smirked back. She looked around at the familiar faces
smiling friendly. Then she looked away when she realized her and Roy were wearing the same clothes from the
party. That must be the most suspicious.
‘’I’m on a mission!’’ Ed replied proudly pointing at himself.

Roy decided to get them cotton candy.Sure that seemed childish but he loved it “Something wrong?”He
asked,when he returned to them.
Al and Fletcher started to discuss about their brothers.”A mission?”Russel asked,raising an eyebrow as he
glanced at Hoshi,which backed behind Ed again.

‘’No, nothing!’’ Shion replied quickly.

‘’Yeah, I’m escorting Hoshi.’’ Ed explained, pointing at Hoshi politely with a palm.

“Okay”Roy shrugged as he handed her a cotton-candy,while smiling.

Hoshi waved at him timidly.Russel chuckled “That’s cute.If you need a place to stay at over night,you’re
welcome to stay at mine”.

Shion took the cotton candy smiling back. ‘’I didn’t know the Flame Alchemist liked candy…’’ she said to tease
‘’Really? Thanks, man!’’ Ed said and grinned happily at Russel. ‘’Um, let me make the proper introductions…’’
he added. ‘’Russel, this is Hoshi, Hoshi, this is Russel, and that is his brother Fletcher!’’

“What’s wrong with candy?”Roy asked,as he pouted a bit.

Hoshi tilted her head to the side “Hello”She said,shyly “Nice to meet you”She said politely.Russel nodded.

‘’Nothing…’’ Shion giggled.

Ed smiled seeing they got along. ‘’Where to now?’’ he asked. Since they were all gathered they might as well do
something fun together.

‘’What’s so funny?”Roy asked suspiciously.

‘’I’ve heard there’s a circus near by.Wanna check?”Russel suggested.Hoshi blinked ‘’Circus..”

‘’Nothing.’’ Shion replied innocently before taking a bite from her cotton candy. ‘’It’s good!’’
‘’Yeah! What do you say?’’ Ed asked Hoshi.

Roy raised an eyebrow “If you say so”He said.Girls are weird..he thought.
“Of course!”Hoshi replied,excited.

Shion just smiled and resumed eating her cotton candy.

‘’Alright!’’ Ed said and took her hand before he realized what he was doing.

Roy only stared at her as he ate at his cotton candy.

Hoshi blushed a bit but she didn’t mind his touch.She enjoyed it.

‘’W-what?’’ Shion asked, growing nervous as he stared at her. ‘’Do I have something on my face?’’
‘’Can you lead us to the circus?’’ Ed asked Russel as he wasn’t very familiar with the surroundings and looked
back to make sure Al was coming.
“Not at all”Roy replied cooly as he smirked at her.
“Okay”Russel agreed as he led them to the circus.Hoshi was excited,since she’s never been to a circus before.

‘’Th-then don’t stare like that! Jeez!’’ Shion lectured him playfully, blushing a bit.
‘’This should be interesting’’ Ed said, looking forward to it. But more than that, we was glad to spend some
more time with Hoshi.

’I have the right to stare at my girlfriend,don’t I?”Roy asked,teasingly.

’Indeed”Hoshi agreed,as she nodded.Al and Fletcher followed behind them,as Russel looked at Hoshi

Shion swallowed at the sight of his question. ‘’Um… I guess… Do as you like.’’ she replied softening a bit.
Ed couldn’t help but frown at Russel. Why was he looking at Hoshi so much? Almost as if he wanted to take her
away from him. He tightened the grip of Hoshi’s hand inconsciously.

Roy shrugged ‘’Would you like to go to the Haunted House?”He paused ..”Or are you scared?”He
Hoshi blinked as she glanced at him.Was there something wrong?Russel led the way to the circus where they
bought tickets.

‘’Tsch.’’ Shion narrowed her eye at him. ‘’A pirate is not afraid of some ghosts!’’ she stated proudly. ‘’Let’s see
what this Haunted House’s got!’’
Ed took his own ticked without letting go of Hoshi’s hand. ‘’Where would you like to go first?’’ he asked Hoshi
and smiled, remembering when they got on the big wheel two days ago. It had been so nice!

’Yeah,lets”Roy said as he took her hand and led her to the haunted house ’I bet you’ll get scared”.
’Hmm..How about the animals?”Hoshi suggested excited ’You can feed them as well you know”Russel
said,grinning ’Really?!Thats so good!”

‘’I bet I won’t!’’ Shion replied stubbornly.

‘’Ok, let’s go there!’’ Ed exclaimed, happy to see her so excited.

‘’I bet you will”Roy said and grinned.

‘’Yosh!”Hoshi exclaimed.It was her turn to take his hand and pull him towards the place where they could see
the animals.Russel couldn’t help but wonder about their relationship.

Shion shook her head energetically. ‘’I bet I won’t.’’

Ed couldn’t help but smirk as he let himself dragged by her.

’What if you will?”Roy challanged her.

When they arrived there,Hoshi stared at some bears and giggled.

‘’Hmm..’’ Shion thought it over a little. ‘’Then… I’ll let you give me a dare.’’she said remembering there was a
game where the loser received a dare from the other players. She used to play it too when she was younger. ‘’But
it won’t be the case.’’
Ed couldn’t help but chuckle with her. ‘’Do you like bears?’’he asked, with interest.

’’Fine”Roy said,agreeing with her as he stepped into the haunted house.There were some vampires glaring at
them.Roy raised an eyebrow.
Hoshi nodded ’’Yes,I do!”She replied,enthusiasmatic ’’What about you?”

Shion wasn’t scared of vampires. ‘’I’m not scared yet.’’she whispered to Roy.
‘’Yeah, they’re… nice.’’ Ed replied taking a hand to the back of his head.

Roy nodded ‘’I know right”He replied matter-of-factly as they stepped forward,where they saw some mummies.
Hoshi giggled and nudged him before moving to look at the pandas ‘’Aww!”

Shion swallowed and clung onto Roy’s arm tightly.

‘’They’re cute!’’ Ed said. He liked pandas more.
Roy smirked ‘’What’s the matter?Are you scared?”He teased her.
Hoshi nodded as she reached to feed them and pet them.She kept giggling.

‘’Err… N-No?’’ Shion said, unsure, burying her cheek in his shoulder. She found mummies quite scary, as well
as zombies.
Ed watched her, with a smile that never left his lips. He was paying more attention to Hoshi than the animasls.
She was so cute!

‘Sure”Roy teased her as he reached to pat her on the head.As they walked past the mummies,they met with
several ‚demons’.
Hoshi grinned as Russel decided to feed the pandas as well .

Shion startled at the sight of the ‘demons’. She was more scared than she wanted to let him know.
Ed pouted a bit. He didn’t want to be left out so he decided to feed the pandas as well, like Russel and Hoshi did.

Roy tried not to laugh as he took her hand and gripped into it,letting her know that he was there for her.
Hoshi noticed that the panda started to lick her hand and she reached to hug it through the bars.

As they advanced, Shion and Roy came across some zombies this time. Shion let out a loud shriek before
grabbing a fistful of Roy’s shirt. ‘’I’m scared…’’ she said above a whisper as she held back her tears.
Ed’s smile returned at the sight of Hoshi petting the panda. ‘’You’re…good with the animals!’’ he noticed trying
to make a compliment.

Roy looked at her.Things were getting pretty serious ’’Should we leave then?”He asked,since he didn’t want to
hurt her.
Hoshi smiled ’’I love animals!”She exclaimed,joyfully as she walked towards some crocodiles ’’Oooh!Scary!”

Shion swallowed and tried to stop trembling. ‘’O-ok.’’she agreed to it.

‘’Be careful!’’ Ed found himself saying, although the animals were behind bars. ‘Silly me.’

Roy took her out and wrapped an arm around her shoulders ”Maybe the Haunted House wasn’t the best idea..”
”I shall be!”Hoshi said and nodded as she took some meat and threw it at the crocodiles.

‘’No, it’s my fault for being such a crybaby.’’ Shion said and flashed him a faint smile. She could still feel her
heart beat faster than usual.
‘’Can I join you?’’ Ed said running up to her. Feeding the animals seemed to be lots of fun.

‘’Hey,everyone has their fears,okay?”Roy said,trying to confort her.

Hoshi nodded ‘’Yes you can!”It was Russel’s turn to pout ‘’I wanna feed them too!”

‘’What are yours?’’ Shion asked and smugged at him, feeling a little better.
Ed sent him a short glare. Why did he keep coming between them? Then he returned his gaze to Hoshi and the
crocodiles he was feeding. ‘’Hey this is pretty cool!’’

‘’Homunculus”Roy replied,as he shrugged ‘’ The current Fuhrer”He replied,shivering.

‘’Isn’t it?!”Hoshi replied excited.Then she walked towards another cage which had monkeys and waved at
them.They stared curiously and crawled closer to
Hoshi ‘’Ello”She said,taking several bananas as she handed it to them.

‘’Fuhrer…?’’ Shion looked at him with a concerned expression. That character seemed dangerous. About the
Homunculs she had heard, but never seen one in flesh.
Ed looked at Hoshi. Now she was talking to them too, huh? That was weird, but in a cute way which suited her.
He joined her just to be close to her.

’’Yes,I’m going to kill this Fuhrer someday and I’ll replace him”Roy said,proudly.
Hoshi smiled as she watched them.They were peaceful.She turned her head to the side to face Ed “Where

Shion bit at her lip. So a was battle approaching. But she felt proud about him having set such high goals. ‘’And
I will support you all the way!’’she took a solemn oath.
Ed blinked, snapping out of his little daydream. ‘’Wherever you want.’’ he said. ‘’I’m only the escort.’’he added
and smugged.

Roy blushed a bit as he scratched at his cheek “T-Thanks”He said,embarassed.

“Nooo!”Hoshi pouted “We’re friends!And friends decided together”She paused to lean a bit closer to him
“Riiiight?”She smugged back.

‘’You’re very welcome!’’ Shion replied and reached to kiss his cheek. ‘’Back to me… I lost the bet.’’she said
looking a little sad, waiting for the dare.
Ed laughed nervously as he scratched the back of his head. ‘’That’s right, isn’t it… Alright, then how about the
bumper cars?’’he suggested eyeing a bumper cars floor.

Roy reached to touch the place where he had kissed her and smiled “I won’t do anything,this time,okay?”
Hoshi laughed “Yes!That looks very exciting!”She exclaimed as she took his hand.

‘’Okay!’’ Shion smiled widely. So now he was a good boy.

‘’Ok!’’ Ed replied and led her to the tickets house, where he bought tickets for them.

Roy hugged her “I think there’s going to be fireworks”He said,smirking “Wanna watch them?”
Hoshi smiled “So like,is it you versus me or us versus..” “Me”Russel finished,chuckling.

‘’Aye!’’ Shion agreed immediately. She loved fireworks.

‘’Us versus him sounds fair enough.’’ Ed said with a smirk.

“Let’s go then!”Roy said as he pulled her towards a hill where they could see the fireworks better.
“Oh yes,he’s gonna regret it”Hoshi said,evily.

Shion let herself dragged in that direction. That hill really had a great view. ‘’They’re gonna start soon!’’ she
said, excited, glancing at the crowd around who were as excited as she was. Then she moved her gaze to the sky,
‘’That’s right!’’ Ed chuckled evilly. ‘’Come on now!’’ he said and turned his gaze to the cars. ‘’Um… any
favourite color?’’ he asked Hoshi since he didn’t know which bumper car to pick.

Roy sat down as he pulled Shion in his lap,wrapping his arms around her waist.
“Blue one”Hoshi said as she pulled him “Who drives?”She asked,as she watched Russel get his own car.

Shion blushed a little at first at the sight of his touch, but she was actually confortable with it. Very confortable.
She leaned closer to him.
‘’Ok.’’ Ed said as they reached a blue car. ‘’Um… it’s up to you.’’he said.

Roy rested his chin on her shoulder as he stared at the sky.Soon many colours filled the sky,meaning the
fireworks started.
“Erm..I can’t dirve”Hoshi said and sweatdropped “So you’ll do it!”

‘’Wow… they’re so beautiful!’’ Shion exclaimed, feeling her heart race with excitement.
‘’As you wish my lady!’’ Ed said and smugged at her before sitting down at the wheel.

“They are...Doesn’t compare to you though”Roy said as he kissed her hair.

Hoshi blinked.’My lady..’She thought blushing as she sat next to him.Russel got in his car as well as he started
to drive towards them.

Shion felt a shiver down her spine at the sight of his reply. Did she really appear to be beautiful to him? She
wished it could be true. She reflexly took a hand to her eyepatch moving her fingers across it.
‘’Here we go!’’ Ed said to Hoshi before starting the car. He went in the different direct to avoid a frontal bump
from Russel’s car.

Roy watched her with compassion.Well,he knew what kind of burden she carried ,so he didn’t payed that much
attention to the eyepatch.
Russel followed them as he tried to bump them into the side,but they were just in time to avoid it.Hoshi laughed
“Yeah!Show him show him!”
‘’Our eyepatches. We must be kind of funny looking together.’’Shion said out loud voicing her thoughts as she
looked away embarrassed, and lowered her hand.
Ed sweatdropped. ‘’This game is actually about bumping, you know.’’he said. Althought it was true he was just
avoiding other cars. He was waiting for the right moment to attack. [>:D]

“Why’s that?Appearence doesn’t count all the time”Roy said,pointing out the truth,as he glanced at her.
Hoshi laughed even more “Ah,come ! It’s good that we don’t let him bump into us!”she said,positively.

‘’True…’’ Shion replied. She felt like an idiot for bringing that up, but he had a point there. And she was feeling
better about the eyepatch now and she had him to thank to.
‘’Ok, bumper cars expert!’’ Ed teased her as he made his way through the other cars.

Roy moved his gaze back to the sky as he watched the fireworks with a small smile.
Hoshi chuckled and nudged him “Get him!Get him!”

Shion moved her eyes to the sky as well. The fireworks were truly pretty, she thought, as a feeling of
contentment took over her.
Ed laughed. ‘’You just said it’s good not to bump! I can’t focus if you’re giving me contradicting orders,
miss!’’he joked.

Roy started to stroke Shion’s hair as he kissed her cheek.That’s all that he needed.Affection.
Hoshi laughed “You don’t let them bump into you but you bump into them!”

Shion smiled at the sight of the cheek kiss and the hair stroking. She felt like she was special to him and that
feeling alone made her day.
‘’Got it!’’ Ed replied with a wide grin. ‘’Here I go! Are you ready?’’ he asked eyeing some potential victims to
bump into.

Roy smiled back at her as he held her tightly into his arms.
“Yes!”Hoshi exclaimed,as she looked around,for Russel.She couldn’t spot him.

Shion admired the fireworks show, which came to an end in several minutes. ‘’Where should we go next?’’
Shion asked turning her head to face him.
Ed swerved in time to avoid a green car. Then he too looked around for Russel and finally spotted him. He was
much behind them. Ed decided to turn around and head towards him.

“Hmm...a carousel?”Roy suggested,chuckling.

Hoshi grinned excited ,thinking that this time they got him .She giggled evily as Russel turned the
opposite,trying to dodge.

‘’Alright!’’ Shion agreed flshing a small grin. She hadn’t been in a carousel in ages.
‘’You can’t run away!’’ Ed shouted at Russel, laughing. He was having loads of fun.

“Okay then”Roy said as he stood up and helped her as well “You pick which one”
Hoshi laughed as well “Yeah!You’re finished!”She agreed,nodding.Well,this wasn’t just a simple escort after all.

‘’Hmm…’’ Shion looked around. ‘’That one.’’she said eyeing the prettiest merry-go-around and grabbed his
hand pulling in that direction.
Ed chuckled evilly as he chased Russel around.

Roy laughed “I hope you aren’t scared of high places”He told her,grinning.
After a while,they finally managed to bump into Russel.Hoshi laughed “Gotcha!”She giggled.

‘’You’re really underestimating me!’’ Shion pouted. She was actually as afraid of heights as she was of the dead,
but she could take carousels.
‘’Right in your face!’’ Ed added and smirked at Russel.

“Is that so?”Roy teased her as he shook his head and bought two tickets to the carousel.
“That wasn’t fair!Two versus one..”Russel pouted.Hoshi giggled “You wanted it this way!”
‘’Aye...’’ Shion replied seriously, narrowing her eye at him. Then they went to the carousels. They were pretty
high indeed. But it took more than that to scare Shion. She grinned walking up to a black horse with a red
Ed smiled deviously. ‘’Yeah, you wanted it this way. Don’t be such a sore loser!’’he said sticking out his tongue
at Russel.

Roy followed her closely as he looked down.He indeed,felt a bit sick but didn’t say anything about it “Fun,isn’t
After that,they left the cars “Yeah”She nodded “Come on,let’s have a drink!”

‘’Aye.’’ Shion said smirking at him, fighting the urge to tease him a little about liking carousels. ‘’I haven’t been
in a carousel in a long time!...’’ she said then.
‘’Yeah, let’s!’’ Ed agreed and followed her. ‘’I hope Al hasn’t got lost again..’’he said glancing around.

Roy sighed “I’m glad you enjoy this”He told her,feeling really happy to have someone like her around him.
“Nah,I think he’s with Fletcher”Russel said,as he looked around “There they are!”Hoshi smiled to see that they
had such a strong relationship.

Shion smiled in response. Then she started daydreaming, remembering about her childhood.
Ed waved at Al and Fletcher. ‘’So what would you like to drink?’’

Roy looked at her,wondering what was she thinking about.

“Erm..I’d like a..”Hoshi started but then she noticed Fuhrer’s men “..Skip the drinks”Russel looked at her
“What’s gotten into you?”

Shion had a flashback of her father’s ship being attacked by pirates when she was young. She blinked and shook
her head to snap out of it. [Shion fusese adoptata, nu sita ca tatal lui Ed e si tatal ei]
‘’What…?’’ Ed asked, confused, before looking in the direction Hoshi was looking. Then he widened his eyes in
shock. Was Fuhrer there? But why, how? Anyway, he had a mission to complete. Keeping Hoshi safe. He
grabbed her hand dragging her in the opposite direction.

Roy looked at her “Are you okay?”He asked her,anxiously,as looked into her eyes.He wanted to make sure that
he was fine.
Hoshi let herself dragged by him,as Fuhrer’s men followed after them.They were close enough and several
gunshots were heard,luckily nor Ed or Hoshi got hurt,since Hoshi pushed Ed to the ground “Are you oka..”But
she didn’t manage to finish.Another gunshot was heard,this time hitting Hoshi on her arm,the bullet remaining

‘’Yeah.’’ Shion replied forcing a smile. ‘’And I’m not scared!’’she added proudly.
Ed glanced at her, horrified. It seemed like a serious injury. He transformed his right arm into a shield to protect
him and Hoshi from the bullets. Then he grabbed Hoshi’s hand with his left arm and kept running.

“I’m glad to hear that”Roy said,nodding at her.

Hoshi let herself dragged by him,but seems like her body wouldn’t react anymore.Her vision was getting
blurry,as then her legs stopped moving.

Shion tried to focus on the present and enjoy the ride on the carousel horse. She thought it was nice to lay back
every once in a while and have fun. She was feeling more confortable in Center City than she thought she would.
‘’Hoshi…’’ Ed whispered. He was scared. Scared of losing her, scared of failing his mission, scared of
confronting Fuhrer. But if he didn’t do anything… Ed pulled Hoshi behind a vending machine and told her to
stay there while he’d fight.

Roy reached to hold Shion’s hand as he looked at the sky.It was really beautiful and it was full of stars,enjoying
her company.
Hoshi blinked as she brought a hand to her forehead.She glanced at her wound.It was bleeding pretty bad and if
she wouldn’t hurry to a hospital she could die.Fuhrer’s men ran away since someone announced the police about
the whole incident.
Shion hold his hand tight, never wanting to let go. She looked at the stars too, following his example. The sky
beautiful that night, or at least so it seemed to her.
Ed watched them running away before hurrying to return to Hoshi’s side. He then made his metal arm return to
normal. His shirt’s arm was ripped off but he didn’t care. ‘’Can you walk?’’ he asked gently. ‘’A doctor should
see you.’’he said glancing at the bleeding wound.

Roy couldn’t help but smile.His feelings for her were growing per each day,even if they just met.
Hoshi tried to stand up but failed miserably.She swore she could pass out anytime “I’ll..try”She replied,weakly.

Shion smiled widely recalling how she and Roy acted towards each when they had just met. They had come a
long way in just two days. She hoped nothing would come between them.
Ed helped Hoshi up wrapping an arm around her waist. That moment he really regretted he wasn’t taller and
stronger. But his eyes fell on the vending machine. He hoped no one would miss it. Well, there more where that
come from so it wasn’t a big loss. Ed used Alchemy to turn the vending machine into a wheel chair and helped
Hoshi sit down. It was all he could do. ‘’Al! Al!’’ he called out his brother looking around. He never thought it
would be hard to look after two people at the same time.

After the carousel stopped,Roy got off the horse and helped Shion,like some kind of Romeo “Now where too?”
Hoshi didn’t had time to react since she passed out already.To much blood loss.Al immediatly rushed to them
along with Russel and Flethcher “What happened here?!”Al asked,shocked.

Shion accepted his help trying not to get too flustered over it. ‘’How about the big wheel?’’ Shion suggested.
‘’The view should be beautiful!’’
‘’She got shot in the arm!’’ Ed explained shortly to Al. ‘’Lead the way to the hospital.’’ he told Russel.

Roy smirked as he let her down,still holding her hand “Big wheel it is then!”He said,leading the way.
Russel got into the car as he started to tell him the details about where the hospital was.”That’s horrible!”Al
exclaimed as he looked at Hoshi.

Shion followed, excited about all this. That must’ve been the best date she ever had.
‘’Ok, thanks.’’ Ed thanked Russel and hurried to exit the park. ‘’Come on, Al!’’

“Would you like a drink as well?”Roy asked,while walking towards the big wheel.Indeed,that was one of the
best days ever.
“Comming,Nii-san!”Al said as he followed them.Soon enough they arrived at the hospital,where there,with a bit
of help,they managed to take Hoshi to a doctor.

‘’I’d like a coke.’’ Shion replied. She didn’t get a chance to drink coke often.
‘’Is it… bad?’’ Ed asked the doctor, concerned.

Roy smiled as he went to get two bottles of coke.”There you go”He said,handing one to her.
’’I can’t guarantate that she’ll get well too soon”The doctor told Ed ’’We had taken her to the emergency
room,so all we can do for now is wait”.

‘’Thank you.’’ Shion said and took the bottle. She opened it carefully not to spill the juice like she had another
time long ago and took a sip from it. ‘’It’s more delicious than I remembered!’’ she stated looking at the bottle
Ed nodded. ‘’Please... please save her.’’he said, his voice sounding less energic than usual, almost strangled. He
bowed his head, the bangs covering his eyes and clenched his fists, trying to be strong.

Roy figured out that she didn’t had much coke before but he was glad to see that she enjoyed it.
Al walked by Ed’s side as he patted him on the back ’’Nii-san,It will be fine”He said,trying to confort his
brother.After an hour,the doctors informed that they successfuly removed the bullet from Hoshi’s arm,but her
safety still wasn’t assured,due to the reaction of her body.

‘’Shall we go to the big wheel then?’’ Shion asked, tilting her head to the side.
Ed let out a deep sigh. ‘’Thanks, Al.’’he said flashing Al a weak smile. Then when the doctors announced
Hoshi’s state wasn’t stable, he sighed again, burying his face in his palms as he sat down on one of the chairs in
the waiting room.
’’Yes”Roy nodded as he took her hand and led her to the big wheel.He bought tickets,looking forward for this.
The doctor informed that Ed could go and visit her as well ’’But please,don’t make too much noise”He said,as he
walked away.In the hospital room,Hoshi stood in the room,resting.She had her arm bandaged,with many
machines surrounding her,one checking her pulse and for many different things.She even had a breathing mask
on her face.

Shion was looking forward to it as well, as she waited for him to return with the tickets. She might just get used
to that life. (il aduce pe Roy la sapa de lemn)
Ed approached Hoshi’s bed slowly. She looked so fragile, her life depending on those machines to survive!... He
grabbed her hand between his, gently running his fingers across the back of her palm.

( eee,are si el o femeie pentru care sa lucreze =D ) Roy smirked as he took her arm and pulled her into the cabin
’’I hope you’re enjoying this as much as I am”
Hoshi responded to his actions,since her hand twitched slightly at the sight of his touch.Her expression didn’t
show much,but she was really glad to have him by her side.

Shion blushed a little. ‘’I am, I am.’’she replied and nudged him.
Ed felt her hand twitch and let out a soft sigh in relief. That meant she was gonna be alright, right? ‘’I’m sorry I
couldn’t protect you…’’ he said above a whisper.

Roy winked at her as he leaned against the cabin,looking at the stars.

Hoshi’s eyes opened slowly as she looked at him.She wanted so much to tell him that it wasn’t his fault.After all
she did that to protect him,right?

Shion looked out the window too .She couldn’t wait for their cabin to go up so that she could see the city.
Ed leaned closer, seeing Hoshi opened her eyes. ‘’Hoshi?... Can you hear me…?’’

Soon,the cabin took them up.The view was indeed wonderful,as Roy wrapped behind Shion and walked her arms
around her waist.
Hoshi blinked slowly,moving her head in something that seemed like a small nod.

Shion smiled looking down at the city lights around, and gently placed her hands ontop of his.
Ed blinked before flashing her a faint smile. ‘’Everything’s gonna be alright.’’he assured her.

Roy rested his chin on her shoulder as he sighed happily.

Hoshi flashed him a faint smile which he probaly couldn’t see.

Shion glanced at him from the corner of the eye and smiled.
But Ed did see her smile. He was glad she was out of grave danger. ‘’I’ll stick around until you get better!’’ he
announced her.

Roy kissed her cheek and rubbed his own cheek against hers.
Hoshi let aut a soft sigh.She was very happy to known that he’ll be there to support her.

Shion’s smile widened. ‘’The city’s so beautiful at night!’’she exclaimed placing a hand on the cabin’s window.
Ed knew he should let her rest but he just couldn’t bring himself to leave her alone in the hospital room. ‘’Al’s
here too.’’he added looking around at Al.

’It makes you glow under it’s stars”Roy said,above a whisper,as he smiled back.
Al waved at Hoshi as he turned chibi.Hoshi made a quiet noise which sounded like a giggle.

Shion wasn’t sure how to reply to that so she just smiled back, blushing again.
‘’I think she’s happy to hear you’re here.’’ Ed teased Al.

Roy thought that she was cute while blushing,so he hugged her tighter.
Al blinked .’’R-Really?”He asked,full of hope as he looked at Hoshi,which seemed to be happy.

Shion returned the hug and rested her head on his shoulder.
‘’Really.’’ Ed replied grinning at Al.
Roy caressed her hair slowly as he looked down at the fragile girl.
Al looked away blushing.Hoshi smiled again.

Shion smiled up at him. ‘’I had lots of fun today…’’ she started. ‘’Thanks for everything.’’
Ed nudged Al teasingly before glancing at Hoshi. He was more at ease now that he could see her smile.

‘’..No,I should be the one thanking you for everything”Roy started,seriously.

Hoshi wished she could move at least for a bit,so she could actually get into a more confortable position.Al
scoffed embarassed ‘’N-Nii san!”

Shion looked at him surprised. ‘’You’re very welcome.’’she replied then smirking evilly.
‘’What, Al?’’ Ed replied innocently looking at Hoshi.

Roy raised an eyebrow suspiciously,wondering what’s with the evil smirk.

Al was tongue-tied,as he looked away,as red as a tomato.Hoshi giggled again.

Shion giggled and buried her face in his chest, snuggling at it.
Ed chuckled as well. Then he moved a chair next to Hoshi’s bed and sat down on it, looking at her. He was
feeling guilty for letting her get hurt.

Roy looked down at her ‘’What are you planning,you sneaky pirate?”He asked,teasingly.
Al peeked over Ed’s shoulder.Hoshi surely looked pale and weak ‘’You’ll see that tommorow she’ll be better!”

‘’Who knows.’’ Shion smugged at him.

Ed nodded slowly at Al’s words. ‘’Yeah. I’m sure she will.’’he said and reached to caress Hoshi’s hair.

’’Tell me,will ya?”Roy pouted,trying to hide a smirk.

Hoshi couldn’t help but smile at the sight of his lovely touch.

‘’That depends on you.’’ Shion replied echoing his words from when they were on the ship.
Ed smiled back. He had been so afraid of losing her! But now they were out of the woods.

’’Are you mocking me?”Roy asked,chuckling.

Al walked and sat on a chair as he watched his brother.He was glad that they met Hoshi,because this changed
him somehow,or so he thought.

Shion rolled her shoulders in a small shrug. ‘’Maybe…’’

Ed glanced at Al shortly before moving his gaze back to Hoshi, letting out a soft sigh.

’’That doesn’t answer my question..”Roy whispered.

Hoshi’s eyes closed slowly as her pulse started to decrease a bit.

‘’That’s right.’’ Shion giggled.

Ed looked at the machines. What did that mean?

’’Well then,are you going to answer my question or do I have to force it out of you?”
Al stood up ’’Nii-san,you should call a doctor”He suggested,noticing that Hoshi’s breath was getting heavier.

‘’Force it out of me!’’ Shion replied promptly before flashing a smirk.

‘’Yeah.’’ Ed said and hurried out of the room searching for a doctor.

’’You really want me to do that?”Roy said,smirking back.

Soon a doctor came in her room and noticed that her pulse was decreasing then increasing,then decreasing
again.He pushed Ed and Al out of the room,telling them to wait.

‘’Aye.’’ Shion replied with a smug.

Ed did as he was told. Who was he to aruge with a doctor when Hoshi’s life was at stake.

’’Such a pervert you are..”Roy said,shaking his head.

The doctor never came out of the room,which made Al worry ’’What’s taking him so long,Nii-san?”
Shion blushed a little. ‘’Like you’re the one to talk.’’she pouted crossing her arms at her chest. ‘’You got me
drunk last night on purpose!’’
‘’Hmmm…’’ Ed found it suspicious too. ‘’Let’s go check.’’he suggested and opened the door to Hoshi’s room,
peaking inside.

”Did not!You said that pirates drink a lot”Roy defending himself,sticking his tongue out.
To their surprise,the doctor wasn’t there anymore and Hoshi looked worse than before.

‘’Did too!’’ Shion replied sticking her tongue out back at him.
Ed ran up to Hoshi’s side. ‘’Hoshi!... What the…’’ He touched her cheek. ‘’Al, go call another doctor!’’ he
ordered his brother. There was something fishy going on.

’’Did not”Roy argued back,stubbornly,as he crossed his arms in front of his chest.
Al nodded as he ran around the hospital,something that he won’t be ignored.Hoshi had her eyes closed,she was
unconscious and the pulse was very weak.

‘’Are you calling me a liar?’’ Shion insisted, pouting.

Ed stood by Hoshi’s side this whole time, glancing around the room. Where had that fake doctor disappeared?
And more importantly, why would he hurt Hoshi?

‘’Maybe,maybe not”Roy replied,teasingly,as he smugged at her.

Soon,Al came with another doctor,which once again pulled them out of the room.He took care of Hoshi and
placed some perfusions in her hand.After he finished,he told Ed and Al that they couldn’t see her untill the next

Shion sent him a short glare before looking away, trying not to smile.
Ed saddened at the sight of the doctor’s words. But at least this time it was a real doctor speaking, so he decided
to obey.

When Roy was about to say something smart,his phone rang.Answering,he got some shocking news from a
doctor,which caused his eyes to widen in disbelief.After he hung up,he turned to Shion ‘’Pack your stuff,we’re
leaving to another city”He said,seriously.
Envy sneaked into the room where Hoshi was,as he looked at her with an evil grin ‘’Ah,you’re going to be so
useful to me..”He muttered to himself.Hoshi’s eyes opened slowly,as she stared at him shocked ‘’I’d kill you
right now but I still need you..”Were the last words she heard before she passed out.

‘’What happened?’’ Shion asked, turning as serious as he was as their cabin went down.
Ed took a sit on the hallway outside Hoshi’s room, deciding to stay there over the night.

’’I’m going to kill that Fullmetal..”Roy said,as he gritted his teeth together,as he grabbed her hand and pulled her
back to the place they stood up ’’Meet me in front of the State Military in ten minutes”.

Shion turned paler than she already was. They were going to kill another Alchemist?! She nodded quickly and
started running towards her room in the State Military building. She quickly changed into her uniform and took
her clock and locket as well. She didn’t have time to do her hair, which she let flowing down her back. Then she
hurried to the front of the building, hoping she hadn’t made Roy waiting.

Roy changed into his uniform as well as he announced Riza,which she decided to come with them.They met in
front of the state military and they took the fastest train to the city where Hoshi was.
The next morning when the doctor went to check on Hoshi,he was shocked to fiind her beaten up.He bandaged
her forehead and cleaned her wounds,but there was still a purple line ( let me set up my world ) around her
eyes.He helped her get into a wheelchair,as she pushed herself to the window and gazed ,the bangs covering her
eyes.When the doctor came out he told Al and Ed that they could go and see her.

Shion wasn’t sure what to say. The situation seemed pretty serious. Just what had that Fullmetal done? She was
anxious to find out what was going on.
Ed slowly walked up to Hoshi’s chair. ‘’Hey… Good morning…’’ he said timidly.
It would take several hours for Roy and the others to arrive in the city,but still he knew he had to hurry before it
was too late.
Hoshi nearly jumped at the sight of his voice ‘’Good morning..”She replied,softly,not daring to face him.

‘’What… exactly happened?’’ Shion dared to ask after a while. She wouldn’t say it out loud, but Roy’s
expression scared her.
‘’How… how are you feeling…?’’ Ed asked awkwardly, taking a hand to the back of his head.

Roy was really angry,but he decided not to throw it on Shion,as he replied ’’Do you remember the girl I sent
with them earlier?”He made a long pause and sighed ’’She got shot by Fuhrer’s men”.
’’Really awkward..”Hoshi replied,with a low,more like forced chuckle.

That Fuhrer again. Shion looked down. She remembered that short guy and the armour were supposed to escort
that girl. They obviously failed and angered Roy. Just what was that girl to Roy? Shion moved her gaze out the
window trying not get too affected by her suspicions.
‘’Oh…’’ Ed replied, unsure of what she meant by that.

Roy sighed heavly as he burried his face into his palms.How could he trust the brothers for a single second?He
regretted this so much.
Hoshi slowly turned towards Ed,with a forced smile on her face ’’How about you,then?”

Shion glanced at Roy. She had never seen him so upset. Well she hadn’t known him for long, but it was
upsetting to see him like that.
Ed gasped. She looked… terrible!... ‘’Who… who did this to you?’’ he asked above a whisper.

Roy gazed aut the window,trying to clean his mind,but he couldn’t take it that his sister was in grave danger.
Hoshi dropped her gaze ’’I think it was a Homunculus..”She replied,bitting at her lip.

Shion kept glancing at Roy in the awkward silence. She wished there was more she could do but for the moment
she decided to try to not anger Roy any more.
‘’… Envy…’’ Ed muttered through gritted teeth. He knew that Homunculus was a shapeshifter. He took a hand
to his forehead, trying to calm down.

‘Roy was focused on his sister’s health,so he wasn’t paying much attention around him.
Hoshi placed her hand on the wounded one ‘’I don’t know..”

Shion just wanted they got there already. The atmosphere was too weird in the small train compartment. And she
wanted to do something to help. She couldn’t help but wonder if the same would’ve happened if she escorted the
girl instead of Fullmetal. But then she wouldn’t’ve have done all the things she had done with Roy, she tought,
glancing at him.
Ed let out a loud sigh. ‘’It was better if you didn’t know him at all…’’ he said, more to himself. ‘’But I’m not
gonna leave you anymore.’’he assured Hoshi. ‘’I’ll stay here at all times.’’he decided crossing his arms at his
chest. He was convinced it would be alright if he and Al would become better guards.

After several hours of travelling,they made it to the city,as Roy got off and started to ask the citizens if they
knew something about the accident.An old lady,which was actually Lust,told him where Hoshi was.He thanked
her and hurried there.
’’Him..?”Hoshi wondered,as she tilted her head to the side,surprised by Ed’s words ’’Thank you..”

Shion and Riza followed Roy to the spital, after that lady’s instructions.
Ed smiled at her encouragingly. ‘’That’s what friends are for!’’

Roy went to the hospital,as he asked about Hoshi and the doctor led him in.When he opened the door of her
room,he rushed towards her and grabbed her shirt ’’Hoshi..the hell have you done here?”He asked.He was
worried and angry,so he didn’t knew how to express his feelings.Hoshi looked away ’’I was making sure my
friends are safe”She replied,pressuring the word ’’safe ’’.

Shion stopped in the doorway, watching Roy, before deciding to step inside the room slowly.
Ed stepped out of his way. When did he find out about what happened? He swallowed, feeling even more guilty
than the other night.
’’Friends..?”Roy questioned as he glanced at Ed ’’You’re actually telling me you’re friends with them?”
’’Yeah..I am”Hoshi replied ’’Unlike you,i’ve NEVER had a friend before,so I wouldn’t know how to act.So I
just thought that friends risk their own lives for each other!”

Ed looked down, feeling unworthy. The Colonel always gave him that feeling. ‘’It’s not her fault.’’he decided to
interviene, not wanting Hoshi to have to explain herself anymore.
Shion stood a few feet away, glaring at the three people as she watched the whole scene, trying to keep up with
what was going on.

Roy let go of her shirt as he went to Ed and lowered himself to his level ‘’I’m going to kill you with my own
hand..”He hissed,with a dangerous sparkle into his eyes.Hoshi looked down.This only made the situation worse
‘’Leave him alone,okay?It was my decision!..”

Ed looked at Roy without saying anything. He deserved to be punished for letting Hoshi get hurt. He wondered
about their relationship as much as Shion did, but it wasn’t the moment to get jealous or something. Shion took a
step closer, unsure.

”I told you to escort her safely not to get friends with her or anything!”Roy said,his anger rising by each
minute.Hoshi silently pushed her wheelchair towards Roy ”See what happens if you two share this friendship?
It’ll only lead to trouble and nothing more”Hoshi stood up.She was behind Roy now,she couldn’t walk
either.When Roy turned his head to the side,Hoshi slapped his right across his cheek,looking down ”Take that

Ed listened to Roy’s lecture without protesting. He knew he was right. But then he stared in disbelief at Hoshi
after she slapped Roy.
Shion’s eyes widened at the sight of the slap. The atmosphere was really intense.

Roy reached to touch at his cheek,he too,staring in disbelief.She’s never done that before! ”I’ve had enough of
you ruling my life,I want friends!I want to socialize with people!And lied to me about my past the
whole time!”She said ”W-What do you mean?”Everything dropped silent at that ”Get out”Hoshi said silently

Ed and Shion watched Roy and Hoshi. They seemed to be more than just friends.
‘’Hoshi…’’ Ed whispered placing a hand on Hoshi’s shoulder.

Hoshi could feel tears form at the corner of her eyes,but she had to be strong and fight them ’’I..I’m fine”She
replied,as Roy looked at her ’’I didn’t lie to you.I just didn’t want you to suff-’’ ’’You told me my mom and dad
left me!And the other day I found out they’re dead!”

Ed gasped, remembering how weird Hoshi acted the other morning at the grave. So it wsn’t him she was upset
with, it was Roy…
Shion saddened a little. She could sympathize with Hoshi. She wouldn’t’ve liked it either if she was lied about
her parents. (asa cum s-a si intamplat)

”You Mustangs are all jerks..”Hoshi muttered under her breath,as she gripped into her arm.Roy looked at her
over his shoulder ‘’Oh?Perhaps I should remind you you’re a Mustang yourself then”.

Ed moved his eyes to the other person standing in the room. It was the pirate girl from back then! What was she
doing there? At a closer look he noticed she was wearing the same uniform as Roy and Riza. So that meant she
had become a State Alchemist, huh?
Shion glared at him, measuring him like on their first encounter. What a short boy he was!
Then they heard Roy. What did he say…? Ed and Shion both raised their eyebrows at Hoshi. Ed couldn’t believe
such a thing. Hoshi and Roy, related…? But they had nothing in common. Hoshi was such a sweet girl!
Shion was relieved from the mild jealousy she had been feeling towards that girl. So they were family, huh…?

Hoshi looked away ”I will never identify myself as a Mustang”She said,poison dripping from each word ”Now
you may leave..”She said,trying to calm down,but she just felt her tension rise up.Roy looked at her.Something
wasn’t good definantely.Perhaps she was angry with him and she was going to apologize later,so he decided to
retreat for now.
Ed watched Hoshi. She was really upset. Then he glanced at Roy as he exited the room.
Shion followed Roy out, still shocked after that discovery.

Hoshi leaned back into her chair,as she brought her hand to her forhead,trying not to cry.
Roy sighed softly ”We’re staying over for few days,so let’s go and find a hotel”.

Ed decided to walk away to give her some privacy and went to take a sit on a chair in another corner of the room.
‘’Aye…’’ Shion agreed, crossing her arms behind her back.

Hoshi looked out the window.Probaly Ed was mad with her now,but she’d understand it.
Roy sighed as he reached to take her hand.He was so stressed.

Ed watched Hoshi in silence. It must be really tough for her, he thought, before glancing at Al. He hoped the two
of them would never turn like that.
Shion swallowed. She wanted to ask him more about what she had just witnessed but she knew he would most
likely not want to talk about it so she just followed silently.

Hoshi leaned to rest her forhead against the glass as she let out another sigh.She fell into a deep thought,thinking
that maybe she was a bit too harsh with Roy.
Roy stepped out as he looked around,trying to fiind a hotel as near as possible to the hosptial.

Ed replayed the earlier scene in his head as well. He wondered if they were brother and sister.
Shion looked around and she found a hotel. It was only two blocks away, so she suggested they’d log in there.

Al looked at him and then at Hoshi.Surely this turned out worse than they had expected.Hoshi took the bottle of
water as she took a sip,clearing off her thoughts.
Roy agreed with the idea as he went there and payed for two rooms.He glanced at Shion. Should he pay a room
for her as well?

Ed let out a soft sigh. Maybe it would’ve been better if Roy hadn’t came.
Shion looked around. The hotel looked nice.

Hoshi didn’t want to make the atmosphere worse,so she pushed the chair towards Ed and Al.
Roy turned to Shion ‘’Do you want a room for yourself?”He asked,nervously.

Ed looked at Hoshi before standing up to help her move the chair around.
Shion looked at him. Didn’t he have enough money? ‘’Oh. No, not really. No.’’

Hoshi looked at him and smiled ’’Thank you”She said softly.

Roy swallowed hard as he took her hand ’’Okay then”He said,pulling them to their room.

‘’Don’t mention it.’’ Ed replied gently. After her chair was close enough to his and Al’s, Ed returned on his seat
and looked at her. ‘’I’m sorry. About this.’’he said looking significantly around the hospital room and Hoshi’s
Shion blinked surprised as her heart started to beat faster. She didn’t mind sharing a room with him, on the
contrary, but she was still a little nervous about it.

Hoshi waved a hand in the air ’’Don’t mention it.I should be the one apologizing for having you see and go
through this all..”She replied,looking down.
When they arrived,Roy opened the door,as he waited for her to get in first,and then he followed.The room was
pretty nice,it had a fridge,a big sofa,a TV,a balcony,a small table..and one big bed.

Ed shook his head. ‘’No, no, please don’t say that.’’he said moving his hands in the air. ‘’It’s not like you
planned this to happen.’’he added and flashed her a small smile.Shion stared at the bed. So that night they’d
really sleep together, huh?

Hoshi smiled back at him.It was a sad smile ’’But..I’ve kept such an important information away from you!What
kind of friend does that..”
Roy tried not to think about that as he turned to her ’’Are you hungry?”
‘’That you’re Roy’s relative?...’’ Ed asked rethorically looking down. ‘’Well… I’m not upset’’,he said trying to
cheer her up. ‘’I’m just… surprised… That’s all…’’
‘’Yeah, definitely!’’ Shion said, remembering she hadn’t had a bite since the other day.

’’Yeah..I just wanted a friend..”Hoshi said,now obviously upset,as she looked down as well.Al tried to cheer her
up as well ’’Well,you do have friends now!So you don’t have to worry! ’’ ’’..Really?Don’t you dislike me for
being his sister?”
Roy nodded as they ordered some food in the room.He went to the balcony and sat on a chair.

Ed couldn’t help but let out a small laughter. ‘’We’re more open-minded than that!’’ he said patting her shoulder
in a friendly manner.
Shion followed him on the balcony. She walked up to the balustrade and admired the view, taking a deep breath
of fresh air.

Hoshi looked surprised ”But everyone that I met disliked me for being his sister!”She scoffed,waving her hand
in the air ( e ciunga de’o mana LOL )
Roy glanced at her.He had ordered some coffee as well.When the maid came,he paid her for the food and coffe
and returned to her,smiling.

‘’Really?...’’ Ed tilted his head to the side, before sweatdropping. ‘’Well… your brother is not the most likeable
person out there…’’ he started, ‘’but that’s not enough of a reason for us to dislike you!’’
Shion turned to him as well, taking a cup of coffee. ‘’Thanks.’’she said flashing a small smile before taking the
cup to her lips.

Hoshi sweatdropped as well ‘’Well..he’s BEEN nice to me”She added,pointing to herself,causing Al to chuckle
( daca se poate asa ceva ) .
”Yeah..”Roy replied,as he leaned against the balustrade,gazing at the sky.‘’Anyway…’’ Ed started. ‘’We’re still
friends! Right?’’ he stretched out a hand to her.

‘’So… she’s your sister?’’ Shion decided to ask.Hoshi glanced at his hand as she took it ‘’Yes,friends!”She
said,smiling from the bottom of her heart.
‘’Yeah..”Roy replied,staring into the blank.

Ed smiled back. He was still surprised she was Roy’s little sister but that didn’t change his feelings for her.
‘’What’s her name?’’ Shion asked further. She didn’t know the girls name. It was weird.
Hoshi was really happy to know that she had finally found someone she could trust.
’’Hoshi”Roy replied.Each time he looked at the stars he couldn’t help but remember her.

‘’What would you like to do?’’ Ed asked. He knew staying in hospital could be quite boring.
Shion sweatdropped a little at his short, direct answers. ‘Hoshi Mustang…’ They seemed to have a complicated

’’There’s nothing much we can do,right?”Hoshi asked,as she let out a loud sigh.
Roy glanced at her.Probaly he was being rude to her,so he decided to try make up with her ’’Do you want to go
for a night-walk?”

‘’I guess you’ve lost your deck of cards?...’’ Ed asked looking around the room. ‘’It would’ve been fun if Al lost
this turn.’’
‘’Yeah…’’ Shion agreed to it. It seemed like he wanted to change the subject and she didn’t want to upset him
with her questions.

’’I guess so..”Hoshi said,laughing nervously,as she scratched at the back of her head.Al blinked ’’Why?I’ve lost
Roy took her hand as he took his jacket and hers and led her out.He was still determined to make Ed pay for
letting Hoshi get hurt.

‘’So what?’’ Ed teased his brother and punched him playfully.

‘’Are you still upset?’’ Shion asked watching Roy. ‘’I’m sorry, of course you are… must be - are… Errr… I’ve
never had a brother so I can’t imagine how you’re feeling…’’ she finished her sentence looking away

Al quaked a bit,causing Hoshi to laugh ’’Nii-san!It was your turn to lose!”He said,petting the kitty.
Roy chuckled at her sillyness ’’It’s fine”He replied,as they walked down the street.The city looked beautiful at
night .

‘’Al…’’ Ed said simply and sent his little brother a frightening glare.
Shion blushed a little. ‘’Have you been here before?’’ she decided to change the subject.

Al twirled his fingers together ’’Well, I mean!”He started.Hoshi giggled even more.They were entertaining!
’’No,but it’s wonderful”Roy replied,gazing around the city.And he thought it was quite romantic as well.

‘’What do you mean?’’ Ed asked leaning closer to Al, narrowing his eyes at him.
‘’Yeah, it is…’’ Shion agreed looking around. It felt like a holiday… except for the part where Roy’s sister got

The Kitty started to purr,making the moment from a serious one to a funny one ( well,it was funny
already ).Hoshi bursted out into laughing at the sight of the cat ruining the moment.
Roy didn’t like seeing her upset ’’Let’s go to that waterfall!”he pointed,smiling.

Ed sweatdropped glancing at the kitty and then at Hoshi. Then he laughed with Hoshi. He was glad they were
Shion glanced at the waterfall. ‘’Ok!’’ she said throwing a fist in the air.

Hoshi reached to wipe a tear from her eye.Boy,it’s been a while since she’s had so much fun!
Roy chuckled at her being so hyper,but she managed to make him feel better.He led her to the waterfall and
watched it ’’Do you want to make a whish?”

‘’Are you ok? Does it hurt somewhere?’’ Ed asked with concern in his voice, startled at the sight of Hoshi
wiping a tear away.
‘’Oh yes.’’ Shion replied seriously and started searching for a coin in her pocket.

’’N-No!”Hoshi said between her giggles ’’It’s just too funny!”She said.
Roy watched her.Should he make a wish as well?He decided to give it a try as he looked for a coin as well.

‘’Ah…’’ Ed said and chuckled with her.

Shion coughed, trying not to laugh. She thought he was acting cute.

Hoshi grinned ’’Now what?”

Roy looked at her and then resumed to search for a coin.When he finally found it,he made a wish and threw it in
the waterfall.

‘’Hmmm…’’ Ed glanced at the clock on the wall. They really didn’t have anything to do while they were stuck
there but he wouldn’t bring it up again, as he didn’t want for Hoshi to feel bad. ‘’I don’t know…’’ was all he
could say, before glancing at the kitty.
Shion took the coin into her palms, closed her eye, made a wish and finally threw it in the waterfall. ‘’What did
you wish for?’’ she asked Roy looking at him from the corner of the eye.

’’Awww..”Hoshi pouted a bit ’’I wanna get out of here!”She started,stubbornly.

’’It wouldn’t come true if I were to tell you,right?”Roy replied,smartly,as he smugged at her.

Ed sweatdropped. ‘’You’re going to stay here as long as the doctor considers necessary.’’he said. He only
wanted what was best for her, and that was to stay there until she recovered.
‘’That’s right.’’ Shion admitted. ‘’But at least I tried.’’she shrugged.

’’But,but,but!”Hoshi started,with puppy eyes.Al looked away.He was easy to get corrupted.
Roy raised an eyebrow as he took her hand ’’You’ll see at the right time”.
‘’No but’s!’’ Ed said as he was talking to a little child. ‘’Your health comes first!’’
‘’Ok.’’ Shion smirked. Now she couldn’t help but wonder what it was.

’’Buuuuut!”Hoshi started,sticking her tongue out.

Roy sighed,glad she didn’t insisted ’’What would you like to do now?”

‘’I’ll buy you juice if you’re behaving!’’ Ed said and chuckled.

‘’No idea.’’ Shion said looking around to see if there was anything interesting.

Hoshi pouted even more.Did he pitty her? ’’You’re evil!”

’’Hmmm…”Roy looked around as well ’’How about we go to a movie?”

‘’Me?! Why?’’ Ed asked, raising his hands in the air as if to defend himself.
‘’Yeah. A movie sounds great!’’ Shion replied.

’’Because!”Hoshi said and rested her chin in her palm ’’I say so!”
Roy took her hand and pulled her to the cinema ’’What kind of movies do you like?”

‘’That’s not a good reason!’’ Ed said crossing his arms.

Shion took her time to answer. ‘’Anything is fine.’’she said eventually.

’’It is!”Hoshi protested ’’You’ve been evil for past three days!”
’’You mean it?”Roy said,teasing her a little.

‘’No I haven’t!! You’re making it all up!’’ Ed replied agitating his arms in the air.
‘’Yeah.’’ Shion replied innocently, not realising he was teasing her.

’’Yes you have!What good would it bring me if I made it up?”Hoshi asked,smirking.

Roy tried not to chuckle ’’Confident?’’

‘’I don’t know… maybe… Maybe you’re the one real evil here!’’ Ed decided.
Shion nodded. Should picking a film be that complicated?

Hoshi raised an eyebrow ’’Me?!What about the traitor there!”She said,pointing at Al.
Roy smirked evily ’’Okay..”He decided to pick a horror movie.

‘’Well…’’ Ed made a pause. ‘’You’re the second evillest after Al!’’

Shion raised an eyebrow at him. There was something suspicious about his smirk.

’’No!You are because you are his brother!”Hoshi said,defending herself.

Roy payed the tickets and bought some popcorn and juice ’’Let us go then!”

‘’No… you are because you started this whole ‘evil’ thing!’’ Ed protested.
‘’Aye!’’ Shion said before grabbing a fistful of popcorn. It was hard to resist the popcorn.

’But you started the whole ’Al is a traitor’ thing!’Hoshi continued.

Roy led them in the room as he found two empty seats and waited for the movie to begin.

‘’But… that doesn’t prove anything!’’ Ed defended himself before glancing at Al.
Shion took a sip of juice before moving her gaze to the screen. She sweatdropped. ‘’You took me to a… horror

’’Oh yes it does!You’re acussing your brother”Hoshi said,grinning.

Roy nodded ’’Don’t tell me you’re scared!”

Ed thought it wasn’t proper to remind her of her and her brother’s relationship. ‘’Ok, you win.’’he said.
‘’Need I remind you I’m a fearless pirate?’’ Shion said proudly.

”What took you so long?”Hoshi teased him and giggled.

”Need I to remind you about the haunted house?”Roy said,shaking his head.
Ed stuck out her tongue at her. ‘’Now, Al, be the nice little brother I know you are and get us some soda!’’ Ed
said with dignity handing Al the necessary money.
Shion glared at the screen while she smacked Roy over the shoulder.

Al stood up ‘’H-Hai!”He said,as he went out to buy two sodas for Ed and Hoshi.Hoshi giggled softly.
Roy blinked and stared at her ‘’The hell was that for?”

Ed leaned his cheek against his palm and smiled watching the door Al had passed through.
‘’My hand slipped.’’ Shion smirked. (mwhaha de cand vroiam sa folosesc replica asta!)

Hoshi wasn’t sure of what to say,so she just tilted her head to the side and remained silent.
’’Right”Roy muttered,as he reached to rub at his shoulder.

Ed looked at Hoshi. He just hoped she wasn’t really mad at him or something.
Shion said nothing as she kept stuffing her face with popcorn and juice. Maybe if she was paying so much
attention to the food she wouldn’t get so scared, or so she hoped.

Hoshi looked back at him.This seemed like a staring contest.

Roy glanced at her from time to time.Was she mad with him?

‘’W-What is it?’’ Ed asked, nervously.

At some point Shion grabbed Roy’s arm, leaning closer to him, as she narrowed her eyes to the screen.

Hoshi quickly looked away embarassed ’’N-Nothing!”She replied.

Roy looked at Shion and wanted to smirk,but he thought that would be mean,so he just patted her head

‘’Oh…’’ Ed looked down, embarrassed as well.

Shion blushed. ‘’Don-Don’t get the wrong idea! I-I’m here for you, so you don’t have to be afraid!...’’ she said
trying to act tough.

Hoshi scratched the back of her head ‘What’s taking Al so long!’She thought,trying to make the nervousness go
“Here..for me?”Roy said with a loud chuckle “Right,right”He said,smirking.

‘’I hope he hasn’t got himself in trouble. Again.’’ Ed said glancing at the door.
Shion pouted, never letting go of his arm. ‘’What’s so funny?’’

“Who knows..”Hoshi said giggling “Remember what happened last time?”

“You’re cute”Roy said as he kissed her cheek.

‘’Last time…’’ Ed had a small flashback of how Hoshi rescued Al the last time he got in trouble. ‘’I hope it’s
nothing that serious this time around!’’ Ed said scratching at his cheek.
Shion stared blankly for a second. She was cute? Really? Then she rested her head on his shoulder trying to
focus on the movie again.

“I hope so!”Just then Al entered with soda “I’m sorry,Nii-san!There were many people before me”He said,as he
handed them their drinks.
Roy sighed as he fixed his gaze back on the movie “So,scared already?”He asked,teasingly.

‘’Good.’’ Ed said snatching the drink from Al. ‘’I thought you’ve been kidnapped or something.’’
‘’No…’’ Shion lied snuggling closer to his arm.

Hoshi took the drink and smiled “Thank you Al”She said politely as Al sat down “N-No Nii-san, I can take care
of myself”.
“Suuuure” Roy teased her as he reached to nuzzle her cheek.

‘’Sure you can.’’ Ed said sarcastically. ‘’Remember what happened two days ago?’’
Shion rolled her eyes, but didn’t add anything else. After the movie finished, they went outside the cinema.
‘’That was quite a fascinating movie.’’ Shion said.

“But Nii-san!That was an accident”Al said,defending himself.Hoshi laughed.

Roy tutted at her “Are you sure it was the movie that was fascinating?”

‘’Right, an accident…’’ Ed narrowed his eyes at Al as he nudged him before laughing with Hoshi.
‘’What d-do you mean?’’ Shion asked stuttering a little as she tried not to blush.

Al laughed nervously.He was glad to see that the two of them were happy.
Roy winked at her “We both know what I mean..”

Ed nudged Al again and smugged. He wasn’t embarrassed, was he?

Shion blushed and looked away. ‘’I don’t know what you’re talking about.’’ she said, stubbornly.

Al looked at him as Hoshi poked Al and giggled.

“Oh yes you do”Roy said as he turned her chin back to him.

Ed chuckled before taking another sip from his bottle of juice. Al was such a nice little brother, he thought.
Shion couldn’t help but blush at the sight of his touch. ‘’You’re so stubborn, did you know?’’

Hoshi took a sip from her bottle of juice as well.She wished her and Roy could be like that.
“Nah, you’re such a stubborn pirate” Roy said and smirked “But..that makes me like you even more”.

Ed flashed a small smile as he remembered what they’d been through. He only knew Hoshi for a few days but it
felt like they had come so far from where they had when he met her in Roy’s office. Roy… He let out a soft sigh
remembering how upset Roy was with him. And the worst part was that he had all the rights to be.
‘’We should return to the hotel. It’s getting late.’’ Shion changed the subject trying to avoid his stare.

Hoshi smiled back at him as she leaned into her wheelchair and sighed softly.’Man,how boring’She thought
“Hoshi do you have any plans once you get home?” “Not really..It’s just boring there”.
“Why are you avoiding me?”Roy insissted,looking at her.

‘’Then we must find something fun to do when you get out of here!’’ Ed suggested trying to make her feel
‘’I’m not avoiding you.’’ Shion replied simply.

“Okays!”Hoshi said,excited about the idea.

“Yes you are”Roy said,stubbornly.

‘’Ok! It’s settled then!’’ Ed replied, happy to see her so excited over the idea.
‘’No I’m not!’’ Shion said just as stubbornly and turned to leave. ‘’I’m going back to the hotel.’’ she announced
and turned to leave.

Hoshi grinned and tugged into his arm like a little kid.
“Fine”Roy said as stubborn as her as he turned to the other side to leave.When they were far away from each
other,someone sneaked behind Shion and blindfolded ( daca asa se scrie ) her and placed a hand over her
mouth,disappeared without a trace.

Ed chuckled at her being cute and gently caressed her hair.

(da, ai scris bine) Shion didn’t even have time to think, let alone to react. Was she being attacked? By whom?

Hoshi leaned into his touch and smiled.

When they arrived into a well hidden place,the person threw her in a cell and left.Both her and Hoshi would have
a big surprise once they were gathered together.

Ed smiled too before kissing her hair.

Shion tried to keep up with what was going on. Had she just been kidnapped? Would someone be stupid enough
to put up with a pirate?
Hoshi blushed softly at the sight of his actions as she leaned to rest her head into his lap.
Envy tried to think of a way to reach to Hoshi. Switching to a doctor would be too obvious.

It was Ed’s turn to blush. ‘’Are you tired?’’ he asked as he gently caressed her cheek.
Shion tried to sit up and lean her back again the cell’s cold hard wall. So little ago she was happy with Roy. She
sighed deeply, trying to picture what he was doing. Would he worry about her? Would he return to the hotel to
see she was missing?

Al tried not to act too embarassed as he watched them.Hoshi smiled “A bit.”

Envy watched them all the time.He had to create a diversion somehow.

‘’Close your eyes then.’’ Ed said tenderly and resumed caressing her hair.
Shion started to get afraid. It had taken her a while to get used to seeing with one eye, but having both eyes
covered was a scary experience. She couldn’t help but wonder what was happening. She was feeling very

Suddenly an idea came to Envy as he transformed into Roy and walked to the doctors.He identified himself and
opened the door ‘’Fullmetal..I thought I told you to stay away from her”He said dead serious as he stepped
in.Hoshi jumped ‘’R-Roy?”

‘’Colonel?...’’ Ed raised an eyebrow at him. ‘’I thought you were off somewhere with your girlfriend!’’ he
teased Roy and smugged, trying to act smart.

”That’s no one of your business i sit?Now get aut”Roy said sharply,shocking Hoshi ”R-Roy what are you

Ed glared at Roy. ‘’Have you come to apologize?’’

’’I want to talk to Hoshi.Alone”Roy remanded as he narrowed his eyes towards the brothers.

Ed glanced at Hoshi, unsure. The last time they were alone they had gotten into a fight. ‘’Hoshi…?’’

Hoshi was confused herself.What could it be so imporant? ’’I’ll see what he wants,okay?”

‘’Ok…’’ Ed said sending the fake Roy another short glare. ‘’We’ll be right outside. Let’s go, Al.’’

Al nodded and stood up glancing at Roy a bit insecure.After they walked out,Roy didn’t waste any time and
grabbed Hoshi and jumped through the window.

Ed took a sit on a chair in the hallway and invited Al to do the same.

Meanwhile, Shion’s fear was turning into boredom. If only she had someone to talk to, or something to think

Al sat down,trying to ignore the noise he had just heard.

Soon enough,someone got thrown next to Shion,several bones cracking could be heard as well
‘’Damn..Damn..”She said,bitting at her lip.She tried to hold her tears.Roy then walked to Shion and unfolded the
blindfold ( O_o ) as he looked at her,smirking.

Shion’s face dropped at the sight of Roy. ‘’Roy…?’’ she stared at him in shock.

Hoshi leaned against the wall ’’What’s gotten into you?!”She yelled,as she glared at him ’’Now,now..”Roy
said,smirking ’’I’m just getting rid of useless things”.

‘’What do you mean, useless things?’’ Shion asked, starting to panick.

’’What do you think?”Roy asked,as he shot her a small glare.Hoshi stretched a bit,yelping in pain.

‘’Why are you hurting your own sister?’’ Shion asked further, glancing at Hoshi, who seemed to be in real pain.
‘’Let her go!’’ she almost yelled at him.
’’Why would I listen to you?”Roy said matter-of-factly as he glanced at Hoshi ’’It’s what she deserves.She’s
weak,that is”.

‘’Weak you say?!... That’s not a good enough reason, we’re not savages!... And even I say that, a pirate.’’ Shion
said. ‘’You don’t have any reasons to listen to me, it may be true…’’ Shion went on tilting her head to the side.
‘’But I refuse to believe you’re that heartless…’’

’’You really thought I was going to date you after a day? Please, I’ve dated at least thirteen persons and no one
of them were a true match for me ’’Roy said,trying to hold a chuckle.

Shion seemed to be affected by his words. She looked down, as if admitting defeat. That was her weak spot. A
few days ago she would’ve said something smart to that, but now after she’d opened up to him the way she did,
she was feeling… weakened.

Hoshi couldn’t belive it.Why was her brother doing such a thing?No,there had to be some sort of explanation for
this.After a short while,Roy turned around and left,closing the door,leaving the girls in pure darkness.Once he
met the other homunculi,he transformed into Envy,grinning evily ’’They’ll be here in a matter of time..”
Meanwhile,Roy was starting to get a bit worried that Shion hasn’t returned,so he decided to go and look after

Ed was starting to get anxious as well. Why weren’t any sounds coming out of Hoshi’s door? He decided to peak
inside and what he saw –the empty room, no trace of Hoshi or Roy- made him turn pale.
‘’Hi… I’m Shion Genki. You can call me Shion.’’ Shion said trying to act friendly to the girl she couldn’t see in
the darkness, remembering they had never been properly introduced to each other.

Al followed his brother’s actions as he swallowed hard ‘’What should we do now,Nii-san?”Al asked,panicated.
Hoshi moved her gaze to Shion.All the perfusions have been removed from her,so she was getting dizzy ‘’It’s
..nice to meet you”She said,above a whisper ‘’I’m Hoshi..Musta..”But she didn’t managed to finish.She passed
out right there.

‘’Search for her. He obviously got her out of the hospital.’’ Ed replied and hurried to the exit.
‘’I know who you a-‘’ Shion replied quickly. ‘’Huh? Hoshi, are you still there?’’

’’Where do we start from?”Al said as he followed his brother.

Hoshi layed on the ground as her body twitched slightly.

Ed had no idea where to start from. He looked at his right, then at his right and then he started to run down the
streets randomly.
Shion didn’t like that darkness and the silence. She swallowed. ‘’Hoshi?...’’she tried again.

’’Do you really think that was Roy?”Al decided to ask,as he tried to spot some suspicious place.
No answer.When the door opened ’Roy’ stepped in again,only to fiind Hoshi passed out ’’Oh well”.

Ed sighed. ‘’I really don’t know what to think.’’he made a pause. ‘’As far as we know, it could’ve been Envy,
taking his form… which means the real Roy’s gonna kill me.’’
Shion remembered Roy saying Hoshi was weak. Then she remembered she had been in a hospital. She gasped at
the sight of that. ‘’She must be taken to a hospital!’’ she yelled at him.

As they were running,Roy spotted them ‘’Fullmetal,what do you think you’re doing?”He asked,crossing his arms
in front of his chest.
‘’Let her die”Roy said simply,as he chuckled while looking at Hoshi .

Ed sweatdropped, stopping for a second. But then again maybe it wasn’t such a good idea, so he resumed
running. ‘’I’m busy!’’ he shouted over the shoulder and waved Roy goodbye.
Shion stared blankly. The Roy she knew would never say such a thing!... Would he?

’Busy?”Roy yelled after him ‘’Did something happen to Hoshi?”

Envy walked by Hoshi’s side and reached to check her pulse ‘’Eh,as I thought.She won’t make it”.
Ed stopped dead in his tracks. Maybe it wasn’t such a brilliant idea to lie to her brother. ‘’She was abducted by a
Homunculus.’’he said over his shoulder.
Shion’s eyes widened before coming at Roy. ‘’You!... You…!’’ was all she could mutter through gritted teeth as
she grabbed the collar of his shirt.

Roy raised an eyebrow.Perhaps the same happened to Shion ‘’I won’t get mad at you since I think that Shion’s
been abducted by one as well”.
Roy grabbed her hand and lifted her up ‘’I don’t recall you touching me”he said,glaring at her.

Ed bit his lip to stop himself to saying something really mean. ‘’Ok, chief, where do we start looking?’’ he
asked, crossing his arms at his chest.
Shion gritted her hand together because her arm was hurting. ‘’I don’t recall you being like this!’’ she said
glaring back, trying not to think of how cold Roy had been to her on her first day at the Military.

Roy sweatdropped ‘’Does it look to you like I have any clue?But..I wonder where would they hide..”
‘’You don’t know me at all”Envy hissed,before laughing.Of course,his plan was to waste time,so he’d make sure
Hoshi will die.

‘’We should hurry… do you really have no information on the Homunculi??’’ Ed asked, trying to think of
something himself. Then he spotted someone who looked like Lust. ‘’Come after me!’’he said above a whisper,
walking up in that direction.
Shion looked at him with mixed feelings. She moved her gaze to Hoshi and frowned. That girl needed help as
soon as possible.

Roy opened his mouth to say something,but then he wondered what was Ed up to.He shrugged and decided to
follow him for now.
Roy smirked as he looked at Hoshi as well ‘’She should be dead by now..”

Ed followed Lust around the city, hoping she’d lead them to the Homunculi’s hideout.
‘’She’s not dead.’’ Shion said as if she knew it for sure, to defy him. But in truth she was worried the fragile girl
won’t make it.

And so she did.Lust had no idea that she was followed, as she stepped into the hideout, followed by Ed and Roy.
‘’Wanna bet?”Roy asked,as he let out a small laugh.

Ed glanced behind to see if Roy and Al were following, and stepped inside the hideout.
Shion hurried to check Hoshi’s pulse. It was very weak indeed, but she was not dead yet.

Al said that he’ll remain outside to check if someone was comming.Roy heard some noises comming from a cell
as he glanced at Ed suspiciously.
”This is ridiculous”Roy said ,as he finally returned to his original form:Envy ”I said she’s going to die”He
said,kicking Shion in the back.

Ed glanced back at him. ‘’Let’s go.’’he said and headed in that direction.
‘’Ah!’’ Shion feel down in her hands. She gritted her teeth together. That was too much…

Roy was sure he hard a voice as well, which resembled Shion’s. He glanced at Ed one more time before he
kicked the door open. Envy looked at them and smirked ’’Well, well, well, what have we here?”

Shion looked around, still laying on the floor. What the hell? She tried to sit up slowly.
Ed looked around. The pirate girl, Hoshi and Envy. He ran up to Hoshi. He kneeled to her side, unsure of what to
do to not worsen the situation.

Roy looked at her ”Don’t move!”He ordered ,walking by her side ”Did he do anything to you?”
Hoshi slowly opened her eyes,her vision still blurry ”E-Ed?”She said,above a whisper.

Shion froze, moving her eyes to Envy and back to Roy. Did he do anything to her? Well no, except for the kick
in the back and the fact that he tried to screw with her mind, no. ‘’I’m fine.’’she said eventually.
Ed nodded once. ‘’I’m here.’’he said before wrapping her arm around his neck as he tried to lift her up. She had
to be taken out of there as soon as possible.
Roy sighed as he nodded ‘’Okay,we have to get you out of here”But too late.Sloth appeared behind Shion and
grabbed her,with a gun pointed to her jawline.
Hoshi smiled weakly ‘’That’s good..”She replied softly.Envy hissed ‘’I don’t think so Fullmetal”He replied,as he
took Hoshi and backed away,with a knife pointed towards her neck.

Shion watched Sloth, narrowing her eye at her. Great, now she was playing the hostage role!
Ed frowned. ‘’I don’t have time to play games with you!’’ he said before transforming his right arm into a big

Envy smirked as the knife pressed closer to her neck,cutting a bit of her skin ’’You sure of that,Fullmetal?”He
Roy glared ’’Let her go”He knew he couldn’t do anything,since Sloth had water powers.

Ed felt he was filled with rage as he came at Envy, ready to cut through him.
Shion glanced at Roy before looking down. Just words. He wouldn’t try to actually save her, huh.

Some blood dripped down Hoshi’s neck as Envy sighed ’’Take one more step and this knife is going through
Roy felt so incapable.Just like Riza said ( muhahaha.) Sloth stared at him emotionless.

Ed stopped attacking Envy and gritted his teeth together. Just seeing Envy hold Hoshi made him mad. But if he
didn’t do anything she’d die for sure… He glared at Envy.
Shion looked at Roy and back at Sloth. None of them seemed to be determined to make a move so she might as
well come up with something. ‘’You’re wasting your time, lady.’’she said to Sloth with a smirk.

Hoshi turned pale once again.Envy laughed softly ”So..if you had to pick between your”He paused to fiind the
right words ‘’Girlfriend or..”He made another pause.A longer one this time,the atmosphere getting intense
‘’Your sister,who would you pick?”
‘’Don’t worry,I am not”Sloth said,before Envy said the last words,pretty loud.

Ed blinked. What did he mean, he didn’t have any sister…? He turned around to see the pirate girl, captured by
Sloth. The ressemblence to Tricia Elric was still as disturbing as ever. Then he moved his gaze back to Envy and
Hoshi. Envy must’ve been blabbering to mess with his head.
Shion looked at Envy and raised an eyebrow… Sister? Wow, everyone seemed to be involved in some messy
relationships around there, it was scary. ‘’He’s obviously not coming after me anyway, so kill me or let me go.’’
Shion said referring to Roy, continuing to defy Sloth.

Envy glared as he tugged into Hoshi some more ’’Answer me!”He demanded,glaring.
’’I can’t come after you”Roy replied.He couldn’t help but feel guilty ’’She has water powers and I can’t do
anything against it”.

‘’You won’t obtain anything by bluffing like this…’’ Ed told Envy, pointing the dagger at him once more.
Shion sweatdropped. So that was the reason. ‘’Really, you’re no help at all…’’she told him shaking her head.
Then she moved her eyes to Envy. What an angry little person he was!

’’Must I tell you that this girl’s life depends on your words?”Envy asked,as he stroked Hoshi’s hair and then
harshly pulled at it,causing her to yelp a bit.
Roy looked away ’’Hey,it’s not my fault”He mumbled ’’I’ll find a way to rescue you”.

‘’I don’t know what you’re chattering about, but I’m going to rescue Hoshi!’’ Ed decided and came at Envy,
determined to end that fight once and for all.
‘’Suuure you will.’’ Shion mocked him a little and smirked. She wasn’t afraid. She knew that if the Homunculi
would’ve wanted her dead, they would’ve killed her earlier when they had the chance. Then something crossed
her mind. What if… it was Roy they were after?

”Sloth..Don’t hurt my sister”Envy snickered as he glared at the woman which resembled Ed and Al’s mother so
much ”We still need her…As in for this one…”He said,ready to stab Hoshi in her back.
Roy rolled his eyes ”Then I’ll leave you here to join forces with them,how’s that?”
‘’Please do so.’’ Shion replied raising her nose in the air arrogantly as she looked the other way. She was
bluffing in hopes to save him.
Ed’s eyes widened at the sight of Hoshi being attacked again and came at Envy once more, determined not to
show any mercy.

’’Fine then”Roy said matter-of-factly.He tried to act cold towards her to see her reaction.
Envy let the knife press into her back,as Hoshi’s eyes widened,tears pouring down her cheeks.

‘’Good. Then turn around and leave!’’ Shion said, hoping he’d be stupid enough to listen to her. ‘’I never want
to see you again!’’
Ed stabbed the dagger into Envy shoulder and pushed him away from him and Hoshi. Then he kneeled to
Hoshi’s side, feeling useless. He didn’t want to witness another death…

But Roy couldn’t say anything since Gluttony came at him,ready to eat him.He glared as he snapped his
fingers,sending flames towards him.
Hoshi fell on her knees as several sobs escaped her.Why did all of this happen to her?Was this the‘’doca coca’
( MUHAHAHAHA) she’s never paid?

Ed didn’t have anymore time to waste, so he took Hoshi into his arms and headed towards the exit, where Al
should be waiting.
Shion tried to remove the impressed look on her face. Roy’s power was way too badass, and seeing it first-hand
was better than what she’d heard.

Al was indeed waiting there ‘Nii-san,what happened?”He asked,shocked.

Roy got rid of Gluttony in no time, using this to approach Sloth and push her off and grabbed Shion’s arm,
dragging her towards the exit.

‘’Help me take Hoshi back to the hospital.’’ Ed said. ‘’I’ll explain you once we get there.’’
‘’O-ouch, it hurts!’’ Shion complained trying to keep up with him.

Al nodded and helped Ed,as the doctor told them to wait outside. .’’She looked really bad!”
Roy looked at her over his shoulder ’’We have to get away from here”He mumbled,as they reached the hotel
they were staying at.Gladly,they weren’t followed.

‘’Envy… it was that guy again…’’ Ed said before burying his face in his palms. ‘’Al, we have to be careful from
now on. We can confide in no one!’’
‘’You almost pulled my arm off!’’ Shion said rubbing at her arm before looking around the hotel’s reception.
Everything seemed to be normal all over again, as if no one had been kidnapped in the first place.

’’W-What did he do this time?”Al dared to ask.

’’But i’ve rescued you!”Roy pouted ’’You should at least be greatful”.

‘’Besides disguising as the Colonel to get past us? Well, he kidnapped Hoshi, and… that pirate girl… and… he
stabbed her… just like that.’’ Ed finished, trying to hold a sob.
‘’What if I didn’t need to be saved? What if I was serious earlier?’’ Shion said crossing her arms at her chest,
watching his reaction.

’’Nii-san..”Al said above a whisper.He’s never seen Ed like this before .

”Ah,lies”Roy said,confidently,waving a hand in the air ”You didn’t think I was going to leave you there,right?”

Ed sighed deeply, staring at the floor at his feet. Then he remembered something which made him feel uneasy.
Envy had said something about a sister. Ed had looked around and there were only Sloth and that pirate girl in
the room. He wasn’t sure whether it was true or not but he decided to share that piece of information with Al.
‘’Al… Envy’s said something about a sister of mine… and I think he was talking about the pirate girl.’’he said
staring at the floor. He didn’t know how to feel about that.
Shion blushed a little. She was glad he had so much trust in her. She, on the other hand… didn’t. She took the
Homunculus’s words like a fool. And maybe it was true she still had to learn some things about him, but she
knew what she would take on her shoulders when she returned to the Center City. She walked up to Roy and
hugged him tightly. ‘’Thank you.’’she said above a whisper.
Al’s eyes widened.A sister? ‘’Nii-san,but that’s impossible!”He said,waving his hands in the air ‘’Mom
would’ve never lied to us…right?”He asked,looking down as he let out a soft sigh.Just then the doctor came out
and informed that Hoshi had some serious health problems. And just when she was about to get better..It seems
like trouble always found her.
Roy was a bit surprised indeed,but he didn reply to her feelings.His arms wrapped around her waist as he hugged
her tightly.He kissed her hair and whispered ‘’I just wanted to see if you’d trust me..”He did sound sorry about

Ed sighed and thanked the doctor for taking care of Hoshi. Then he turned to Al. ‘’I don’t know, Al. I don’t
know anymore…’’
Shion snuggled at his chest and burst into tears. ‘’I trust you…’’ she confessed between her sobs.

’’I think we should think about it later..”Al said as he glanced at the door behind them ’’Let’s go and see Hoshi”.
Roy blinked as he felt his clothes get wet.He looked down at her and his expression softened ”That makes me

‘’Yeah. Let’s.’’ Ed said entering Hoshi’s room with a sad look upon his face.
Shion bit her lip. She was feeling even more guilty now for having doubted him.

When they entered,Hoshi simply layed in the bed,with lots of bandages covering her slim body.
Roy sighed as he took her hand and pulled her to their room ”It’s okay,now it passed”.

Ed sighed before walking up to her bed. He took a sit on a chair there and watched her.
Shion wiped her tears and went to wash her face as soon as they arrived to their room.

Hoshi’s eyes opened slowly,as she found herself in the hospital once again.
Roy watched her with compassion.When they got back into the hotel room,he ordered some food for them.

‘’Hoshi!...’’ Ed called her name with hope in his voice.

Shion fixed her eyepatch before returning to the bedroom. She went and sat down on the bed.

’’H-Hai..”Hoshi said above a whisper,as she smiled at him.

Roy took his jacket off,remaining into a t-shirt,as he sat on the couch ’’Feeling any better?”

Ed tried to hold back his tears. He was so happy she was alive after everything she had to put up with. ‘’I’m
sorry I didn’t come earlier to save you…’’ he started. ‘’But you’re gonna be fine. I promise!’’
‘’Yeah.’’ Shion replied flashing him a small smile.

Hoshi reached to hold Ed’s arm as she flashed him a small smile ’’Don’t be silly.I was just weak..”
Roy walked to her and wrapped his arms around her ’’Do you think that Homunculus was saying the truth

Ed shook his head. ‘’Don’t say that. You’re not weak.’’ he said returning the smile. ‘’Need I remind you who
rescued Al last time he got himself into trouble?’’ he added stroking her hair.
Shion remembered vaguely some blabber about a sister. The Fullmetal’s sister. And it was just them in the
room… but nah, he couldn’t have been referring to her, right? ‘’No…’’

’’But I couldn’t stand against a Homunculus..”Hoshi said sadly ’’I guess I’m not that strong..”
Roy raised an eyebrow,a bit surprised ”I wonder why else he wanted you safe..”

‘’You were already weakened when he kidnapped you, remember?’’ Ed said and sent her a playful wink.
‘’Maybe he knows he doesn’t stand a chance against you otherwise!’’ he said trying to confort her.
‘’I can’t be a Homunculus’s sister…!’’ Shion said, widening her eyes. She knew Roy feared Homunculi, and she
too, well, hated dead things, which was what Homunculi practically were, right?

Hoshi let out a small laugh ’’You think so?”She asked,grinning.

’’But you can be the Fullmetals’ sister know what a weird family he has…and besides that Homunculus is only
half brother of theirs”Roy said ’’We could do some reasearch about it”.

‘’Definitely!’’ Ed replied nodding matter-of-factly.

Shion smiled weakly. That boys’ sister…? ‘’Yeah. We should do that.’’ She was anxious to know the truth now.
It was hard to accepted she’d been lied to her whole life though.

’’We’ll definitely kick their asses next time!”Hoshi said,giggling.

Roy looked at her.Maybe talking about this wasn’t the best.Good thing that the maid brought them their food just
in time.

‘’Yeah, we will!...’’ Ed said. He actually didn’t like the idea of Hoshi fighting those Homunculi.
‘’But they were after you.’’ Shion said after the maid retreated. ‘’That’s why they kidnapped me…’’she said
munching at a croissant.

Hoshi now felt happy that she had them by their side.
’’No,they could’ve just kindap you and leave Hoshi alone if that.But i think he wanted to make some sort of

‘’Al and I will stay by your side until you recover.’’ Ed promised stroking her hair. He’d never forgive himself if
he let her life be in danger again.
‘’So, you really think… I’m related to that Homunculus… and Fullmetal?...’’ Shion asked taking a sandwich.
Now that was something hard to get used to.

Hoshi enjoyed his touch ’’Thank you” She said above a whisper.
’’I don’t find a reason for him to do all of this” Roy said, as he took a sandwich as well.

Ed smiled gently. ‘’We’re friends, right? This is what friends do, look after each other!’’
‘’Hmm…’’ Shion munched at her sandwich. She felt something that couldn’t be put into words. Her parents
were dead so she couldn’t confront them about this either.

‘’Friends..”Hoshi replied after him.Now that made her feel like bursting aut into tears ‘’Y-Yeah!”
Roy munched at his sandwhich as well.He still couldn’t get it,if it was true,how could she be related to the Elric

Ed blinked before flashing her a broad smile. ‘’I don’t like seeing you crying!...’’ he said reaching to wipe her
tear away.
Shion let out a small sigh before grabbing another croissant. Her complicated life had just become even more
twisted. She took a hand to her eyepatch, running her fingers across its borders.

’But..but…I’m so happy!”Hoshi confessed,as more tears rolled down her cheeks.

Roy watched her curiously ”How did you lose your eye?”

Oh, that was it, tears of joy… Ed chuckled softly. It was a heart-warming experience to know you could make
someone so happy with so little.
Shion swallowed. It wasn’t something she liked to talk about. But she had said she trusted him, and she did, so…
‘’I didn’t lose my eye.’’she admitted, looking down, a little nervous.

Hoshi blinked several times,as her cheeks turned a bit red.Probably she embarassed herself in front of him.
Roy raised an eyebrow ‘’Why are you wearing the eyepatch then?”

Ed felt a bit sorry for her, remembering her conversation with Roy. So she hadn’t had friends before, huh? That
must’ve been tough for her. ‘’It’s gonna be alright.’’he assured her before holding her hand, to show her he was
there for her.
Shion closed her eye before taking the eyepatch off. ‘’I… have heterochromia.’’ she admitted as she looked
down, feeling embarrassed. ‘’That’s why I’m wearing eyepatches.’’ she said and looked at him in the eye, ready
to be reject for looking so weird.

Hoshi didn’t want more than that.She just asked for a friend and perhaps luck did hit her after all!She might’ve
paid the equivalent exchange by going through so many,but she was glad she had someone by her side to support
her ‘’I belive so”.
Roy’s eyes widened a bit at the sight of the two eyes.So this was the infamous heterochroma, huh? He nodded
slowly,trying not to over-act ”Were you born like this?”
Ed nodded before flashing her a small grin. ‘’That’s the spirit! Right, Al?’’
‘’Yeah.’’ Shion said and sighed. ‘’I always knew I looked different but it wasn’t a bother until… the visions
started…’’ she made a pause. ‘’Actually I started wearing the eyepatch to stop the visions.’’she said.

’’Yes!”Al said as he waved his hands in the air.Hoshi laughed softly ’’Yeah,the spirit!”
‘’Visions?”Roy asked,getting slightly interested ‘’What kind of visions,exactly?”

Ed chuckled and nudged Al.

‘’Erm… bad visions.’’ Shion said trying to close the subject. Her visions were like sequences from thriller
movies. That’s why she had tried to forget all about them.

The kitty fell off from Al’s supposed stomach and ’’meow ’’ed.Hoshi started to laugh once again,as Al made an
innocent face.
’’I see”Roy decided not to force her talk about this if she didn’t want to ’’Is there a way to cure this?”

‘’Al, you were supposed to take care of that animal, not hurt it!’’ Ed teased his brother. The truth was he liked
pets too and didn’t like to see them mistreated.
‘’I don’t know.’’ Shion answered sincerely. Was he mad at her for not telling him earlier?

’’But Nii-san,you were the one that nudged me!”Al protested,defending himself.Hoshi giggled as she reached to
pet the kitty.
’’We can do a reasearch about that as well”Roy said.He was determined to help her.

‘’You should know better than giving these lame excuses!...’’ Ed continued to tease him. Then he glanced at
Hoshi and smiled.
‘’Th-Thanks…’’ Shion mumbled, surprised by his kindness. ‘’Anyway, I’d like this to stay a secret for
now.’’she said before putting back her eyepatch. ‘’So, what’s the secret behind your eyepatch?’’

Al sighed.He knew it was useless to defend himself,because Ed would fiind a way to turn him down.Hoshi
reached to take the kitty in her arms,which seems to be happy,since it licked her cheek.
Roy reached to touch at his eyepatch,unwanted memories running through his mind ‘’I’ve lost my eye in the
first battle I had with the Fuhrer”He told her.

Ed chuckled at the sight of Hoshi and the kitty being cute. Then he leaned his cheek in his palm as he watched
‘’Oh… Sorry…’’ Shion said and bit her lip. ‘’Can it… heal?’’ she dared to ask, feeling really sorry for him.

Al thought they were cute as well.Hoshi blinked as the kitty made confortable in her arms and fell asleep.
’’I don’t think so..”Roy replied,without a hint of hope.He was having a hard time talking about it.

‘’I think it likes you… You should give it a name!’’ Ed suggested.

‘’Oh…’’ Shion felt stupid for asking something so silly.

’’It’s a boy…so we should name it..”Hoshi started to think ’’Mr.Muffins”She said,giggling.

Roy tilted his head to the side ’’But still,there’s a chance that yours might be cured”He said,grinning.

‘’Mr. Muffins?’’ Ed repeated pensively. ‘’Sounds good to me!’’ he said then and reached to pet the cat too.
‘’Yeah…’’ Shion said weakly. How could she be happy when he couldn’t? After they finished eating, she
stretched and yawned.

Al nodded.Such a cheesy name,yet he liked it.Hoshi grinned as she watched Ed.

Roy smiled ’’Let’s go and rest then”He said,as a small yawn escaped him as well.

‘’Hello, Mr. Muffins!...’’ Ed started to talk with the cat while stroking its small head. It was really adorable!
Shion nodded and started to take off her clothes. She couldn’t sleep in the uniform, right?

Hoshi poked Mr Muffin’s nose and giggled ’’It likes you as well!”She said,noticing the kitty purred.
Roy swallowed hard as he quickly looked away embarassed, trying to take his time while she was getting ready
for bed.
‘’Really?’’ Ed leaned closer to her and the kitty.
Shion remained in her shirt and underwear. Then she packed her uniform, placed it on the sofa and got in bed
under the sheets.

’’Yep!”Hoshi replied,with a big smile ‘It’s not the only one..’She thought.
Roy let out a soft sigh as he turned around.It was his turn to change.He took his uniform off as well and
remained in a pair of black pants and a random dark blue t-shirt

Ed chuckled and tickled the Mr. Muffins.

Shion looked away, blushing a little. She had just realized what they were doing!

Mr Muffins woke up and started to meow.Hoshi laughed.

Roy quickly got in the bed as well,as he tried not let himself intimidated but he couldn’t help and feel nervous.

Ed smiled at Hoshi, glad to see her feel well again. She really gave him a fright earlier. But now he had the
confidence they’d make it through, somehow.
Shion looked at him and swallowed. She remembered when he asked if she wanted a room for herself… So that
had been his intention all along!... She blinked and turned her gaze to the ceiling.

Hoshi reached to pet Mr.Muffins ’’I think it needs food”She said,scratching her head. ’’I’ll go and get some
milk”Al offered,walking out.
Roy glanced at her from time to time ’’Are you alright?”He dared to ask.

‘’Ok!’’ Ed shouted after him. Well, at least now they wouldn’t get bored.
‘’Aye.’’ Shion replied timidly. ‘’You?’’ She asked and mentally facepalmed herself.

Hoshi smiled as she watched the kitty walk around the room
Roy chuckled lowly ‘’I’m fine”He eventually replied.

Ed watched the kitty too, glancing at Hoshi from time to time.

‘’Yeah…’’ Shion mumbled. ‘’Is is true you’ve dated 13 women before me?’’ she asked randomly. She just
happened to remember Envy’s words.

Hoshi stretched a bit as she giggled.Perhaps it wouldn’t be so boring after all.

Roy raised an eyebrow.He didn’t remember telling her that ’’What about it?”

‘’I hope Al hasn’t gotten lost…’’ Ed sweatdropped.

‘’Well… did you? Answer yes or no.’’ Shion replied.

Hoshi laughed ’’Well,I don’t think he did!”

’’What if i did?”Roy asked,expecting the worse.

‘’You can’t know that.’’ Ed chuckled. ‘’But I hope he’s alright.’’ Then he sweatdropped picturing in his head an
armour going around asking for milk for a cat.
‘’So you did…’’ Shion said raising an eyebrow at him.

Hoshi titled her head to the side ’’Probably..”She said,remembering when they had to look after him.That was
entertaining,for sure.
’’I did”Roy replied,scratching the back of his head.

Ed turned his gaze to the kitten once more, wondering what Al was doing. He couldn’t go search for him
because he had to stay by Hoshi’s side no matter what. Then he remembered about Roy and wondered what he
was doing.
‘’Hmm…’’ Shion let out a small sigh before looking away.

Hoshi wished she could walk at that moment.She also wondered how was her brother doing.
Roy looked at her ’’Now what?”It was before her.He did have the right to date other women.

Ed looked at Hoshi with compassion. He wondered what she was thinking about that moment.
‘’It’s frustrating.’’ Shion said making a pause. ‘’They seem to know so much about us…’’
’Hoshi noticed that she has blanked out and quickly snapped out of it ’’Sorry about that”.
’’Yeah,they’re always like that..”Roy said,staring at the ceiling ’’I don’t get them”.

Ed blinked. What was she talking about? ‘’No, no, there’s no need to apologize!’’ he said quickly waving his
hands in the air.
‘’They’re probably spying on us or something. It shouldn’t be too hard for the shapeshifter.’’ Shion assumed.

Hoshi grinned nervously as Al came back with milk for Mr Muffins ‘’Here”He said,sounding happy.
‘’Yeah,with Envy tricking the doctors twice must be something..”Roy said.

‘’Welcome back, Al!’’ Ed said trying not to sound mean.

Shion nodded. She really didn’t like that Envy guy.

Al nodded as Hoshi took the bottle of milk and called the kitty to her and fed her.
‘’But what are you going to do if they’re your brothers after all?”Roy asked,curiously.

Ed smiled watching the peaceful image of Hoshi feeding Mr. Muffins.

‘’I don’t know.’’ Shion said shaking her head. ‘’I guess I’d try to get to know them better…’’

Hoshi watched Mr Muffins eat as she smiled warmly.

’’I guess”Roy replied.It would be just weird to see her related to the Elric brothers.

‘’Mr. Muffin looks happy.’’ Ed said.

‘’Are you upset with me because of this?’’ Shion asked.

’’Mr Muffin does have a reason to be happy”Hoshi said,giggling.

’’It’s not your fault.In fact,you never really knew about this”Roy said,shrugging.

‘’I guess.’’ Ed agreed and chuckled softly.

‘’True…’’ Shion said, glad to hear it wouldn’t affect their relationship.

Hoshi chuckled with him as Al took Mr Muffins and pet him.

Roy sighed softly as he reached to hug her.

Ed looked at Al and the kitty. He was glad Al was happy.

Shion’s cheeks turned red at the sight of the hug before daring to hug him back.

’’Aren’t you tired?”Hoshi asked Ed,tilting her head to the side.He’s been up with her the whole night.
Roy chuckled and stroked her hair.

Ed hadn’t realized how tired he really was. ‘’I guess I am…’’ he said taking a palm to his mouth and yawned.
(asa ca mine acum *casca*)
Shion snuggled at his chest, making herself confortable, a small smile playing on her lips.

‘’Erm..well,this bed is pretty big”Hoshi said,nervously ‘’You can sleep next to me if you want,of course!”
Roy kissed the top of her head ‘’Good night then”He said,holding her close to him.

Ed swallowed. It was tempting, but he didn’t want to be rude so he refused. ‘’Um, no thanks… This chair is very
confortable!’’ he lied.
‘’Good night…’’ Shion replied and closed her eyes.

’’Really?”Hoshi glanced at the chair ’’I don’t think so.I won’t eat you,I promise!”
Roy closed his eyes as well,as he soon fell asleep.

‘’If you promise…’’ Ed tried to joke. ‘’Ok.’’ he agreed to it timidly walking up to the bed and laying next to her.
He was very nervous.
Shion fell asleep as well, feeling at ease in his arms.

Hoshi giggled at him ’’I won’t,I won’t”She replied softly.

Roy liked this feeling of having her so close to him.

Ed smiled, embarrassed as he rested his head on her pillow.

Shion smiled in her sleep. She seemed to be having a good dream.

Hoshi watched him from the corner of her eyes.

Roy planned to go and visit his sister tommorow and then take Shion on a date.

Ed soon fell asleep. He was more tired than he knew it. In his sleep, he turned to the side and rested his head on
Hoshi’s shoulder.

Hoshi blinked,getting a bit nervous at the sight of him being so close to her.She closed her eyes and for the first
time in a while she managed to rest.

The next morning, the sun was up in the sky when Shion opened her eyes slowly. She smiled at the sight of Roy
next to her.

Roy opened his eyes as well as he smiled at Shion ‘’Morning”He said,kissing her cheek.

‘’Morning.’’ Shion replied and snuggled at his chest. Everything felt right, like it hadn’t in a long while. The
Flame Alchemist hasn’t rejected her, on the contrary!… She smiled happily, letting our a soft yawn.

’’Hungry?”Roy asked,as he yawned softly and stretched his arms.It was good to have someone next to him

‘’Yeah.’’ Shion said and sat up, stretching her arms as well.

Roy ordered some eggs and bacon and coffee as well.Then he went to change so they could leave afterwards.
Meanwhile,Hoshi opened her eyes,but she remembered Ed was next to her,so she didn’t dare tom ove an inch.

Shion changed as well back into her uniform, while smiling, remembering the other night.
Ed didn’t wake up yet. He mumbled something in his sleep and snuggled at her shoulder.

Roy went to the balcony as he sat on the chair and drank his coffee.
Hoshi looked at him and tried not to giggle as she reached to stroke his hair.

Shion went to the balcony to join him, with her cup of hot coffee in her hands. ‘’Are we going to visit Hoshi
today?’’ she asked before taking the cup to her lips. That girl seemed to have been through much.

Roy nodded slowly ‘’Yeah,she needs food and I want to check on her.This hospital isn’t worth trusting”He

Shion nodded in understanding and started eating the eggs and bacon. The Fullmetal would be there as well,
huh? That will be one awkward encounter.

After they finished eating,Roy stood up and took her hand and led her to a small supermarket, where he got some
fruits for Hoshi and walked to the hospital.

Shion was a bit nervous about the whole thing. She wanted to built a good relationship with Roy’s sister and the
Fullmetal Alchemist, in case he was really her brother.

When they arrived at the hospital,the doctor told Roy he could go and see Hoshi.When he entered her room,his
jaw dropped open at the sight of Ed sleeping next to her.

Shion thought they were cute! ‘’Hello!’’ she saluted Hoshi and Al waving a hand at them.
Ed wrapped a hand around Hohi and smiled in his sleep.

Roy felt his face burn with anger as he stepped towards the bed and looked at Hoshi,which casted him an
innocent look.Al waved back and smiled.

Shion tried to understand Roy’s feelings and walked up to the bed as well glancing at Hoshi and Ed.
Ed opened his eyes slowly only to see the Colonel. He startled. Was it a nightmare? It looked so real!

‘’Roy!What an unexpected visit”Hoshi grinned nervously,as Roy’s eye twitched slowly ‘’What are you
doing…” ‘’Resting”She replied casually.

‘’Morning…’’ Ed said awkwardly. Being caught in Hoshi’s bed… it was so embarrassing… He didn’t want to
know what Roy was thinking.
Shion just smiled, trying to to nice. Then she looked at Al, frowning a little. He was Fullmetal’s brother, right?
Which meant he was her brother too…

’’ I will ask again..What are you doing?” Roy asked, glaring at Ed ’’ I invited him to rest, because he was tired.
Problems? Good, next question” Hoshi quickly replied, before Roy had any chance to say something.

‘’Hey!’’ Ed pointed a finger at Roy. ‘’How do I know it’s the real you this time? How do I know you haven’t
come to hurt Hoshi?’’
‘’He has an alibi. He’s been with me the whole night.’’ Shion said matter-of-factly, causing Ed to blush. That
wasn’t what he really wanted to know.

Just when Shion said that, the door opened, revealling a woman, with not a very friendly face and long brown
hair tied into a ponytail ‘’I’m sorry, could you repeat that?” She asked, sharply, causing Roy and Hoshi to turn
white ‘’No..” They both said.

Shion turned around slowly, raising an eyebrow at the woman who had just entered. Who was she and what was
her problem?
Ed looked at her as well, surprised. She seemed like a fearsome woman.

‘’You didn’t just say you spent your night with Roy..” The woman said, taking a step closer, eyeing Ed ‘’Oi you,
don’t get near her either!” Roy and Hoshi mentally facepalmed ‘’Madame Christmas…”They started ‘’Silence!”
Her voice, echoed the small room ‘’What a horrible brother you are, Roy “Roy turned white as Hoshi started to
chuckle “And Hoshi, you are weak” Now Hoshi turned white and Roy chuckled.

Ed was feeling very guilty. The atmosphere was so tense as if he was being questioned by the police. He
swallowed, trying to fight away the nervousness that had taken over him.
‘’I did say so.’’ Shion replied crossing her arms at her chest, glaring at the woman.

’’Oh no,she just didn’t..”Roy and Hoshi said,swallowing hard.Madame Christmas slowly turned towards Shion
’’Who is she?” Roy coughed ’’My girlfriend” “Her?Not only that you are a horrible brother,but you have
horrible tastes as well!”

An anger mark appeared on Shion’s forehead and Ed sweatdropped. Then he remembered that girl might be his
sister. Maybe he should say stuck up for her or something? But he knew nothing about her, not even know her
Shion took a deep breath trying to remain calm. ‘’I’m Shion Genki. A pirate.’’she introduced herself with a big
fake smile.

‘’Shyanna Geeki? ”Madame Christmas smirked as Hoshi sweatdropped ‘’That’s not necessary. .”She
said,blinking ‘’Why are you exactly here?”Roy asked ‘’To visit my little niece. She got hurt,didn’t she?”

Shion sweatdropped as well. Then she blinked. Oh, so she was their aunt!... Nice…
Ed got out of the bed. He looked down, trying not to make it too obvious he was blushing and went to stand by
Shion’s side looking at Hoshi’s aunt. He really regretted their first meeting had to be like that.

Hoshi sighed softly.The next thing she knew,her head got abruptly turned to the side,as Madame Christmas
looked closer at her injuries ”That hurts..”Hoshi said,above a whisper ”I’m checking on you”Of course,like usual
her breath had to smell like alcohool.Disgusting ( eu vorbesc?macar eu mananc guma LOL )

(guma? X_X tata si-a luat odorizant din ala de masina, cu miros de guma :|, ma sufoc cand intru in masina)
Shion sweatdropped at the sight of that. It looked more like an attack than a check-up.
Ed bit his lip. Hoshi seemed to be hurting. And how did he know it really wasn’t Envy again? ‘’Leave her
alone!’’ he heard himself saying.
’’Don’t tell me this is your boyfriend”Madame Christmas said,eyeing Ed suspiciously,as she reached to touch
her arm,causing Hoshi to yelp in pain.

Ed blushed. ‘’N-no!’’, he mumbled, moving his hands in the air, as his face got redder. ‘’We’re friends!’’
Shion looked at him and giggled. Now it was his turn to be critiqued. (<-- se pare ca asta e un verb!)

Madame Christmas continued to pull at Hoshi’s arm ’’S-Stop that!It hurts!”She almost begged as she struggled a
bit ’’I’m going to move you to another hospital then”.

Ed ran up to the bed. ‘’Can’t you hear her? You’re hurting her!’’ he told Madame Christmas before placing his
right hand on her arm.
Shion took one step closer to the bed too, unsure of what to do. She glanced back at Roy to see what he said.

Madame Christmas glared ‘’As long as I’m here,I make the rules,so quiet”She said,shaking her shoulder
off.Hoshi sighed softly.
Roy walked to her ‘’With all my respect,back away from my sister”He said,slightly serious.

Ed glared at Madame Christmas as he retreated his hand. How could she be so cruel to her own niece?
Shion nodded as if to back-up Roy’s words and crossed her arms at her chest. She thought aunts were supposed
to be… well, nicer.

Madame Christmas pressed her hands against Hoshi’s legs,but too her luck she felt nothing ”Can you
stop?”Hoshi asked,getting annoyed.Madame Christmas blinked ”You’re supposed to yelp in pain”
”Well,surprise I’m not” ”I suppose then I’ll have your legs cut off if they’re that useless” Hoshi froze.

‘’No, don’t!’’ Shion exclaimed and quickly grabbed Madame Christmas’s wrists before she knew what she was
Ed frowned and took a step closer, ready to help Shion if needed.

Madame Christmas easily knocked Shion away as Roy caught her before she landed on the ground ”If you came
here to hurt us,you’d better leave”.

Ed glared at Madame Christmas. He didn’t like how the situation seemed out of control. ‘’I agree with the
Colonel.’’he dared to say.
Shion stood up. She didn’t want to get really agressive because that was Roy’s aunt after all.

”Who’s that shrimpy?”Madame Christmas asked,slightly annoyed ”My friend and you’d better not mess with
him”Hoshi dared to say ”Wait..”She looked close at Ed ”That’s the Fullmetal Alchemist!” ”So?”Hoshi asked
slightly annoyed ”What do you mean so?He’s-” ”He’s human too”Hoshi intrerruped her abruptly.

Ed looked down. Then he clenched his fists together. ‘’That’s right, I’m the Fullmetal Alchemist. Edward
Elric.’’he said.
Shion swallowed. The atmospehere was pretty tense.

‘’What’s your problem Madame Christmas?He’s human too and wheter you like it or not he’s my friend”Hoshi
said ‘’And you’d better not insult him again or I’ll kick you aut of here myself”
Roy somehow felt proud of his little sister.

Shion was impressed by the girls’ guts, and so was Ed. ‘’I don’t think that will be necessary.’’he said placing a
hand on Hoshi’s shoulder before sending her aunt a small glare. ‘’Right… Madame Christmas?’’ he said. In
other words, he was telling her to leave.

Hoshi reached to hug Ed.Madame Christmas slammed her fists against the desk ’’Wrong”She said,angry ’’I
came all along to see you and this is what i get?”

Ed hugged her back and patted her shoulder. Then he moved his gaze to Madame Christmas. ‘’It looked like you
came to hurt her even more!’’ he dared to say.
Shion looked at Madame Christmas and Ed. He was quite brave!
’’Ehhh,agreed”Hoshi said,as she looked at her aunt.Madame Christmas looked surprised as Roy smirked proudly
’’Well,heard that,auntie?”He mocked her.

Shion smiled at Roy, happy to see things being sorted out.

Ed smirked too, hoping the woman would finally let herself convinced to leave.

Madame Christmas glared again as she left the room without a word.
Hoshi sighed relieved ’’Thank God”.

Ed too sighed in relief. What a tough woman Hoshi’s aunt was! But he could find a resemblance between her
and Roy. ‘’Now I know who your brother’s alike!’’ he told Hoshi, smirking at Roy.
Shion giggled. She kinda agreed with him. They were just as straightforward and manipulative, except Madame
Christmas was way more hysterical.

Roy glared at Ed ‘’Take that back”He ordered.Hoshi giggled ‘’I agree! They do resemble a lot!” Al
sweatdropped ‘’That woman’s scarry..”

Ed shook his head and smirked. He felt encouraged a little by Hoshi and Shion’s reactions as well.
Shion nodded. ‘’I agree with Fullmetal...’’she said, rubbing at her chin as she looked at Roy.

’’Traitors”Roy mumbled,as his eyes sparkled,sending them a death glare ”I should burn you all”
Hoshi raised an eyebrow ”Oh you wouldn’t burn your girlfriend,would you?”

Shion turned pale as she let her hand fall to her side. Did he… really say that? Would he burn them for real? She
looked like she could lose her balance so Ed hurried by her side, offering his arm for suport. ‘’Don’t worry, he
didn’t mean that.’’he tried to confort her. Shion was staring at the floor, uncapable to make a sound. ‘’Take back
your words!!’’ Ed yelled at Roy.

’’Make me!”Roy yelled back.Seems like they forgot they were in a hospital.Hoshi bit at her lip ’’Can’t you once
say something smart?All the time you have to bring an argument..”She told Roy ’’Actually…”She started
’’Grow up”.

Shion didn’t say anything, she just listened to the argument. She wished to dissapear from that place that
moment. Ed snorted as he glared at Roy. He wanted to fight him, but then he glanced at Hoshi and remembered
they were in a hospital.

Roy stared at Hoshi in silence.He didn’t knew if he was angry or disappointed.But somehow,he knew she was
right.He clentched his fists together ”All you care about is your damn promovation. If I were to die you wouldn’t
give a damn!”She said,her voice rising a bit.

Shion swallowed, remembering Envy the other day, when he was impersonating Roy. He was just like Hoshi had
described him. ‘’No.’’she decided to stick up for him. ‘’I’m sure the real Roy is not like that.’’ she said to
everyone’s surprise. Ed looked at her wide-eyedly. How could she be on his side after what he’d just said? He
decided not to say anything because that would mean either taking Hoshi’s side or his sister’s. He didn’t want to
make a choice like that.

Hoshi smirked a bit at Shion’s words ‘’You don’t know Roy at you?He’s my brother.If I don’t know
him,then who does?”She asked,seriously.

Shion felt Hoshi’s words like a knife stabbing her heart. She was aware she didn’t know Roy, why did everyone
have to keep reminding her.
Ed looked at Shion with compassion. She seemed to be really wanting to believe in Roy. But he couldn’t allow
his sister to suffer like this. ‘’I think it’s better if you stop seeing him.’’he told her seriously.

’’This is up to her”Hoshi said,leaning to rest her chin into her palm ’’Roy’s hurt many girls already.If you want
to be one of them as well,that’s fine with me” Roy glared at Hoshi as he grabbed her shirt and lift her up ’’What
are you trying to do?” ’’Save her from a womanizer?”

‘’I don’t need to be saved! I don’t need anyone’s help!’’ Shion snapped pushing Ed away. ‘’I can take of
’’Then go ahead and do whatever you want”Hoshi said matter-of-factly,as she shrugged.Roy looked at her.He
couldn’t belive it.His own sister was doing this to him ’’Perhaps Madame Christmas was right.You ARE weak”.

‘’Hoshi’s not weak!!’’ It was Ed’s turn to snap. ‘’Stop saying nonsense!’’

It was Roy’s turn to take revenge on Hoshi ’’She is weak.You never lived with her so you won’t know.The State
Military refused to have her as a member anymore because she was too weak” ’’That’s not true”Hoshi
snapped,looking down ’’My body was weak,not me!” ’’The same thing”.

‘’ROY! It’s enough!’’ Shion yelled at him. She’d had enough of that argument. He made it clear he wouldn’t
step back from burning her, so made maybe she was making a fool of herself after all. But she didn’t want Hoshi
to suffer. Nor the Fullmetal Alchemist. Nor Roy. She just wanted them to be able to talk like grown ups.
‘’It would be best for everyone if you left, like your aunt.’’ Ed told Roy coldly.

Roy turned towards them ‘’I belive you should leave”He replied,in the same cold tone,as he sent them a
glare.Hoshi looked away,just when Riza entered ‘’Sir..”She started softly ‘’Not now Riza”Roy replied,quite

‘’I’m not going anywhere!’’ Ed replied raising his voice as Shion moved her gaze to Riza.

’’ Oh yes you are”Roy replied,as he walked towards Ed.Hoshi tugged her legs to her knees.Her eyes
widened.She could move her legs again.Riza tried to catch up with what was happening in the room.

Ed transformed his right arm into a lance and pointed it at Roy, ready to confront him. Shion stepped between
them. ‘’You are not going to start a fight.’’she told them both reaching to touch her locket under her uniform’s
jacket. She would use her powers if she had to.

Roy glanced at Shion as he dared to push her away ‘’I’m going to teach him a lesson once and forever”He
said,ready to snap his fingers,but Hoshi grabbed his hand from behind ‘’I belive I said that NO ONE lays a hand
on him,including you,Roy”.

Ed smirked slightly at the sight of Hoshi sticking up for him. He was glad she was on his side.
Shion clenched her teeth together angrily and unbuttoned her shirt, revealing the shiny locket resting on her
chest, on the white shirt. She held the pendant with one hand, the other grabbing Roy’s shoulder, ready to
unleash a small bolt. She was calculating the amount of energy she should release not to kill him, just to knock
him out a little.

Hoshi let go of Roy just in time to watch him fly on the nearest wall.Riza rushed by his side, like a royal dog she
was ”Sir,are you okay?”She asked worried.Hoshi turned to Shion and stretched a little ”So,this is your

‘’You killed him…’’ Ed said above a whisper. ‘’Shut up, I haven’t killed him!’’ Shion replied. ‘’My
decision?!...’’ she repeated after Hoshi crossing her arms. ‘’Who knows…’’ she said glancing at Roy and Riza.

Roy groaned in pain,as he rubbed at his head ’What a tough woman’He thought.Hoshi nodded, respecting her
decision.Al walked by Hoshi’s side ’’You can walk again!”

Ed heard Al and walked up to Hoshi. ‘’D-do you need help?’’ he asked anxiously.
Shion narrowed her eye at Roy. She hadn’t hurt him that bad…

Hoshi looked at Ed and smiled ’’I’m fine,thank you”She said,kindly.

Roy managed to stand up as he glared at Shion ’’Let’s go..”He told Riza.

‘’Oh, ok…’’ Ed said crossing his arms at his back before looking at Roy and Riza. So he finally took the wise
decision and he was leaving, huh?
Shion felt shivers down her spine at the sight of his glare. It was just like when they had been on the ship. His
glare scared the hell out of her. Why did he have such an influence over her?
As Roy walked past Hoshi,she dared to say ’’Yeah,run away like a coward you are”But he didn’t waste his time
arguing with her anymore.He just left.

Ed glared at Roy before wrapping an arm around Hoshi’s shoulders. After Roy left, he allowed himself to sigh in
Shion stood there for a few seconds before silently taking a sit next to Al.

Hoshi sighed.She felt like crying .She let her head rest on Eds’ shoulder,as Al looked at Shion.He wanted to help
her ’’I’m sorry for this..”He said,silently.

Ed leaned his cheek against her hair and shushed her gently. He couldn’t even start to imagine how she must
have been feeling.
Shion watched them and then glanced at Al. ‘’No, don’t be. It’s not your fault.’’she said. And then she
remembered. He was her brother… ‘’What’s your name? Albert?’’

Hoshi reached to hold his hand,as she struggled to hold her tears.She must’ve thought Shion felt way worse than
Al sweatdropped ’’Uhh..It’s Alphonse”He replied,gently,as he scratched the back of his head.

Ed strenghten the hold of her hand a little and let out a soft sigh. ‘’I’m glad you can walk again.’’he said trying
to sound cheerful. ‘’You’re healing quite fast.’’
‘’Alphonse… Nice name!’’ Shion replied trying to make up for her mistake. ‘’How old are you?’’ she asked him
as she rubbed at her chin and eye-measured the armour.

‘’I think Madame Christmas’ words were meant to make me walk again”Hoshi replied,smiling.
Al blushed a bit,as he looked away ‘’I’m sixteen”That girl was his sister?She seemed nice.

‘’Oh… I haven’t thought of that….’’ Ed admited, a little embarassed. So it was that kind of tough love, huh?
Then maybe Roy was the same! ‘’I think Roy had similar intentions!…’’ he voiced his opinion.
‘’I’m twenty!’’ Shion thought she should let him know and flashed him a small smile. Then she glanced at Ed.
Maybe they had been too tough with Roy?... But no, no, he’d clearly said he’d burn them! She couldn’t get over
that that easily.

Hoshi nuzzled his cheek and giggled silently ‘’Maybe..I’m not sure”She replied,shrugging.
’’Ohhh!”Al said and clapped his hands ’’You’re not that old”He said,hoping he didn’t say anything wrong.

Ed sighed. Maybe they should apologize?... No, no, the thought of apologizing to that arrogant prick was simply
revolting at that moment.
Shion sweatdropped. ‘’You mean I look old? Is that it?’’ she asked as she glared at Al.

Hoshi looked at Ed a bit worried ’’ Is everything al right?”

Al sweatdropped too ’’ N-No,that’s not what I meant!”

‘’Yeah. Sure.’’ Ed said pretending he was fine. In truth he couldn’t help but wonder why was Roy such a big
idiot. ‘’The question is, are you alright?’’
Shion laughed. ‘’I know it’s not what you meant…’’ she said saddening a little remembering about Roy. She
wondered what he was doing now.

‘’I wish I could say the same,but I’m not”Hoshi replied,looking down.
Al looked at her and sighed softly ’’I’m sorry again”.

Ed hugged her tightly. He wasn’t sure what to say to make her feel better.
‘’Yeah…’’ Shion mumbled staring at the floor and sighed.

Hoshi hugged him back and burried her face into his shoulder.
Al reached to pat her on the back nervously.

Ed let out a soft sight. He wished there was something he could do for her.
Shion smiled. It was a strange sensation to be patted by an armour. ‘’Thank you, Alphonse. You are kind.’’
Hoshi let her hand rest around his neck as she sighed again.
‘’P-Please call me Al”He said,shyly.

‘’It will be okay…’’ Ed said. Did he really believe that? He wasn’t sure, but he hoped.
‘’Ok, Al!’’ Shion said and flashed him a small grin. Then her eyes fell on the cat. ‘’It’s cute…’’ she heard
herself saying.

‘’I hope so”Hoshi whispered.She really did.She wondered how was Roy doing.
Al nodded ‘’Mr Muffins seems to like you as well”He replied.

Ed wondered what Roy was doing as well. Was he feeling sorry for the stir he’d created?
Shion giggled as she reached to pet Mr. Muffins.

Hoshi wanted to call him and apologize to him but then again she didn’t.
Al chuckled as Mr Muffins licked Shion’s hand.

‘’Maybe you should return to your bed.’’ Ed suggested. He really didn’t want Hoshi’s state to aggravate.
Shion giggled. ‘’I think he really likes me!’’ she said. She realized she was feeling good around Al. She was
starting to feel like she had a family all over again.

Hoshi nodded as she turned around ’’Look,Mr Muffins’ made a new friend!”She giggled.
Al scratched the back of his head.Having Shion around felt really nice.

Ed turned around to see Shion playing with Mr. Muffins. ‘’Yeah… it does look like it, doesn’t it’’ he said and
smiled glancing at Shion and Al. He was glad his siblings were getting along. And if she was getting along with
Al, Shion couldn’t be a bad person.
Shion blushed a little at Hoshi’s remark. She was happy though she hadn’t stayed upset with her because she was
Roy’s girlfriend… if she still was. She sighed deeply.

Hoshi looked at Shion with compassion.She felt bad she liked a guy like Roy,because she was really nice.But
maybe she could change Roy into something better! ‘’Yep!Oh,maybe the doctor will let me out of the hospital if
I can walk!”

‘’Maybe…’’ Ed nodded. ‘’But how are you feeling?’’ he asked, concerned. He wanted her to be completely
healed when she got out of the hospital.
Shion took Mr. Muffins in her lap but she couldn’t distract her mind from Roy.

‘’Really good!”Hoshi replied.Seems like she was hyper ‘’I had enough of this hospital”She said,giggling.Al was
wondering how did Shion feel.

Ed chuckled softly at her being so hyper. ‘’I’m glad to see you so lively!’’ he said and flashed her a warm smile.
Shion sighed yet again, petting Mr Muffin’s head absent-mindedly.

Hoshi smiled back ‘’But it’s all thanks to you and Al!”She said,giggling.Al didn’t know what to say.He felt
useless at that moment.

‘’Hey, what about me?’’ Ed pretended to pout a little. ‘’Am I useless?’’

After a while, Shion put Mr. Muffins down on the floor and crossed her arms.

’’No!!”Hoshi replied quickly as she hugged him.

Al looked at her and tilted his head to the side ’’What’s wrong?”

Ed grinned as he hugged her back.

‘’Right now, everything.’’ Shion replied in a gloomy voice.

Hoshi smiled and nuzzled his cheek.

Al sweatdropped,a bit scared ’’E-Erm..Is there anything I can do for you?”
Shion closed her eyes and shook her head solemnly. Then she stood up and walked up to Ed. ‘’So… your theory
is that he’s not been saying all those mean things on purpose…?’’ Shion asked seriously. She had heard him
earlier when he talked with Hoshi. Ed nodded. He knew who she was referring to. ‘’Something like that…’’

Al shook his head and looked down,disappointed.Hoshi scratched the back of her head ’’Are you sharing the
room you’re staying at?It could be a chance to make things up with him if that’s what you want”.

Shion looked at her. ‘’That’s what I’m going to do.’’she said and headed to the door.
‘’Why don’t you give up on him already?’’ Ed asked, frustrated. Roy had threatened to kill her and bullied her,
just how much was she willing to put up with? Shion flashed him a small smile over her shoulder. ‘’… I don’t
give up.’’

Hoshi smiled.She had the spirit and she liked it ’’If the doctor’s letting me out of the hospital,I’ll come and help
you”She said,determined.

‘’Thanks.’’ Shion replied. And if she made up with Roy before she got out of the hospital, Shion promised
herself she’d drag Roy back and make him apologize for what he’d said to his little sister… and her little brother.
‘’I look forward to seeing you again!’’ she told them as she opened the door. ‘’You too, Al. You’re great
company!’’ she added sending him a playful wink and exited the room.

Al turned red,as deep inside he smiled,waving at her ’’Good luck!”He yelled after her,as Hoshi grinned ’’
Yeah!”She agreed,nodding.She belived Shion could make it.

‘’I hope she’ll be alright.’’ Ed said after Shion took off.

Shion started to feel a little insecure as she got out of the hospital and headed to the hotel. She hoped she
wouldn’t meet Roy’s death glare again.

‘’Nii-san,I’ll go with her”Al said,as he stood up determined as he walked after Shion.

Hoshi looked at Al ‘’Such a carrying brother you have”.

Ed scratched at his cheek. ‘’Yeah, I know.’’he said. But he felt really proud about his brother.
Shion looked behind. ‘’Al? Has something happened?’’ she asked, confused.

Hoshi giggled ‘’I need to ask the doctor to let me get out of here..”She said
‘’U-Uh no.I’d like to come with you!”Al said,nervously.

‘’Um…’’ Ed scratched the back of his head. ‘’I’d go search for a doctor, but I don’t dare to leave you alone…’’
he confessed. What if Envy showed up yet again? ‘’But don’t worry, I’m sure the doctor will come soon enough
to check on you!’’
Shion blinked. He wanted to come with her? ‘’Ok, do as you like...’’she said. He was cute.

Hoshi nodded,understanding the situation ’’We can’t risk,so let’s just leave without telling anyone”She
Al nodded as he walked behind her.He wasn’t sure whether she should ask her about her life or not.

‘’What?’’ Ed looked at her. He walked up to her and placed his left palm on her forehead. Maybe she had a fever
or something that made her talk like that. ‘’Are you sure you’re feeling alright?’’
‘’He’s probably in our room. I hope.’’ Shion told Al and headed to her and Roy’s hotel room. And the truth was
she was feeling more secure now.

Hoshi raised an eyebrow ’’I’m fine!”She replied,with the same giggle.

Al nodded ’’I hope so”He replied,trying to encourage her.

‘’Are you sure?’’ Ed chuckled.

Shion knocked on the door. Then she sweatdropped, realizing it wasn’t his office. It was their room. She shook
her head and opened the door widely.

Hoshi reached to take his hand and hold it ’’Possitive!”

Roy was actually standing there,looking at the TV when the door opened.He probally guessed it was Shion,but
seeing Al there made things worse ’’’s you”.
‘’Ok, if you say so…’’ Ed said and sqeueezed her hand before sitting down on the bed, to her side.
‘’Yeah, it’s me.’’ Shion replied, a bit insulted by his reaction. Then she stepped inside the room and glanced at
the tv. ‘’How are you?’’ she asked.

’’So,does that mean we’re running away?”Hoshi asked,smiling.

Roy shrugged ’’How am I supposed to feel after this whole thing?”He asked,narrowing his eyes towards her.

‘’No, it means you’re staying until the doctor says you can leave.’’ Ed said sticking out his tongue at her.
‘’Besides, your brother would really incinerate me this time.’’he said and sweatdropped.
‘’Happy… because you haven’t killed a person?’’ Shion suggested scratching the back of her head. It was true,
she had only interviened to stop him from hurting her brother.

’’AWWW”Hoshi said as she pouted ’’That’s not fair!!!”

Roy sighed ’’Not exactly”Surprisingly,he sounded either calm or not in the mood for an argument.

‘’It is, it is.’’ Ed nodded matter-of-factly.

Shion tilted her head to the side. What did she have to do to make peace with him?

’’Not at all!”Hoshi said as she poke his cheek.

Roy didn’t know what to say or do.He just remained silent,watching her.

Ed chuckled. ‘’It is because I say so.’’

‘’Are you upset with me?’’ Shion dared to ask.

’’Pshhh!No!”Hoshi said and pushed him playfully.

Roy sighed ’’A bit,yeah”He said,honestly.

Ed grinned and pushed her playfully as well. ‘’Stubborn!’’

‘’Good, cause so am I.’’ Shion replied. ‘’You said you’d burn me.’’she said pouting a little.

’’Full of yourself!”Hoshi said,punching him in the arm playfully.

’’Ever heard of losing your cool?”Roy asked,raising an eyebrow.

Ed chuckled. ‘’You’re more full of yourself!’’ he said teasing her.

Shion sighed. ‘’I forgive you if you forgive me.’’she suggested a fair trade.

’’Noo!!You’re full of yourself and evil!!!”Hoshi said,smirking.

Roy sighed ’’What a sneaky pirate’He thought.But he couldn’t stay mad at her ’’Agreed”.

Ed laughed. ‘’I thought we said I wasn’t evil…?’’

Shion grinned. ‘’Thanks for the compliment.’’

Hoshi grinned ’Well,I’ve changed my mind”.

Roy stood up and went to hug her .

Ed tutted. ‘’That’s not nice.’’he decided and punched her arm playfully.
Shion hugged him back feeling at ease and let out a soft sigh.

Hoshi caught him by his wrist and laughed ’’It is nice for me!”
Roy rested his chin on her shoulder.Al couldn’t help but feel relieved at the sight of the scene in front of him.

‘’It’s not.’’ Ed contradicted her shaking his head as he struggled to free his wrist.
Shion smiled widely. She regained confidence in their relationship. Sure, they had to get into a fight everyday,
but everything would be alright in the end.
Hoshi gripped into his wrist and grinned evily ’ It is!”
’’ I’m glad you’re okay”Roy said,as he pulled back to look at Shion.

Ed swallowed at the sight of the evil grin. ‘’It is… not.’’he insisted and chuckled nervously.
Shion flashed him a small smile. ‘’Of course I’m ok. I’m a tough girl, remember?’’ she said and giggled softly.

Hoshi dared to lean a bit closer to him ’’It is..too”She said,smirking.

’’Yeah,you’re a pirate.My pirate,to be precise”Roy said,proudly.

‘’No…’’ Ed smirked back, leaning closer as well.

Shion blushed a little. ‘’Aye!’’ she said and laughed softly.

’’ Yes…”Hoshi said,her smirk widening.

Al kinda felt like he shouldn’t be there,as Roy patted her back.

Ed’s smirk widened as well. He just realized they were all alone.
Shion pulled away slowly and turned around. ‘’Al! Make yourself confortable!’’

Hoshi realized that too.They were all alone and they were so close to each other.
’’U-Uh”Al looked around nervously ’’T-Thanks!”He said,sitting down.

Ed’s heart throbbed as he leaned closer, their lips melting into their first kiss.
‘’Would you like som-‘’ Shion started but then she remembered he didn’t eat. ‘’I mean, thanks for coming with
me!’’ she said awkwardly.

Hoshi felt her heart beat fast into her chest at the sight of the sudden kiss.Did that mean he liked her as much as
she liked him?Questions were running through her mind,as she kissed him back,losing the grip into his wrist,her
arm slowly wrapping around his neck.
‘’Alphonse,you have my respect for protecting one of dearest persons to me”Roy said,flahing Al a small smile,as
he nodded slowly.

Ed smiled into the kiss, feeling her grip on his wrist loosen as she wrapped her arm around his neck. Then he
pulled back slowly to look into her eyes.
Shion blushed slightly at the sight of his remark. She couldn’t put into words the satisfaction she felt that her
feelings were returned.

Hoshi stared back at him,her cheeks pretty red.You could easily tell it was her first kiss.
Roy glanced at Shion and tried to hide a smile as Al scratched the back of his head ”Thank you,Colonel”.

Ed smiled warmly at her. Who would’ve thought they would end up like that. But he was glad he met her,
because he liked her very much. He hoped she felt the same.
Shion couldn’t help but wish Al was her brother for real. Even if that meant the Fullmetal and the Homunculus
were her brothers as well. She realized she liked the thought of a family where everyone looked after the each
other. ‘’Oh yeah! I’d like us to return to the hospital…You should apologize to your sister… and my brother,
properly.’’ Shion told Roy, hoping he won’t get mad.

Hoshi wasn’t sure of what to say to him.She liked him a lot,but probably he could tell by now.She reached to
hold his hand as she smiled at him.
’ ’Do you have any proof that they’re actually your brothers?”Roy asked.He didn’t want to seem rude,but it was
the truth ’And yeah,I’ll go talk to Hoshi”.

Ed smiled back as he reached to play with some strands of her hair.

‘’No… I don’t. Yet.’’ Shion admitted. ‘’Ok then, what are we waiting for? Let’s go to the hospital!’’she said
enthusiastically. Actually, although she didn’t know much about medicine and genetics, she was wondering
whether she and Ed could take some sort of test at the hospital to determine if they were blood related.

Hoshi leaned to rest her chin on his shoulder,as she relaxed at the sight of his touch.
Roy liked that she was so optimistic about her being related to the Elric brothers.They were troublesome,but they
were good boys. ‘’Let’s go then”He said,standing up as he took her hand.

Ed patted her back gently, enjoying that silent moment. (care nu o sa dureze prea mult)
Shion smiled all the way to the hospital, glancing back from time to time to make sure Al was following.
Hoshi enjoyed the moment as much as he did,untill the door opened revealing her brother and Al,along with
Shion ‘’Hey Hoshi I came to..”He stopped as he saw the scene in front of him ‘’Apologize for being so rude”.

Shion looked at Roy and swallowed. Although she honestly found Ed and Hoshi cute together and she didn’t
have anything against them being together.
Ed pulled back a little as he moved his gaze to the Colonel, feeling a little embarrassed. But wait, he came to
apologize?! Who would’ve thought that!

Hoshi slowly backed away from Ed as she looked at Roy ”Really?”She asked,a bit shocked.Maybe Shion did
change him after all.Roy nodded,trying not to get mad at her for finding her with the Fullmetal.

Shion let out a silent sigh, glad Roy hadn’t exploded… neither figuratively nor literally.
Ed scratched the back of his head nervously. He wanted Roy to accept them as a couple, but he figured it must
be a hard thing for Roy to do. The same way he didn’t like the idea of Roy being with his sister.

Roy walked to Hoshi and looked at her ”I’m glad you’re feeling better.I’ll go talk to the doctor and ask him to let
you out”Hoshi blinked,surprised.Was that really Roy?

Shion couldn’t help but feel proud. She was right earlier, she knew Roy wasn’t a bad man. Maybe Hoshi realized
that too by now.
Ed looked at Roy suspiciously. He did seem.. unusually kind.

After Roy left,Hoshi couldn’t help but ask ”Erm,are you sure that was my brother that just left the room?”She
asked,raising an eyebrow.

‘’Aye.’’ Shion replied and grinned. ‘’What did you do to him?’’ Ed asked, still staring at the door. ‘’Nothing. He
wanted to come.’’ Shion answered and shrugged.

’’ What if it’s Envy again?”Hoshi doubted that was Roy.Acting so kind?He would’ve explod by now!
Al gasped.Now if he came to think about it…Roy wouldn’t forgive someone that easily,right?

Ed rubbed at his chin. Hoshi had a point there. What if it was really Envy? Shion laughed. ‘’I can assure you it’s
Roy.’’she said. ‘’Do you think he’s acting that strange?’’ she asked tilting her head to the side.

’’Yes,I have learned to trust less people around here.Last time Roy was so happy was when I got kidnapped and
that person was actually Envy”Hoshi replied,matter-of-factly.

Shion blinked. Hoshi might have a point there. They couldn’t know what he did after he left with Riza and until
she and Al found him in the hotel room. She swallowed hard. Ed sighed.

Hoshi leaned to rest her chin into her palm ”Well,we’d better fiind out if this is the real Roy or not”She said.
Al stood up ”I’ll go and check”He offered,determined.

‘’No, I don’t think we should separate at a moment like this.’’ Shion said frowning a little. ‘’Hmm..’’ Ed thought
it over. Shion was right. He’d hate it if he had to doubt even his little brother.

’’But Nii-san,he can’t hurt me as much as hec an hurt you”Al reminded them.Hoshi bit at her lip.It must’ve been
hard for him ’’No Al,you might can’t be hurt physically but you can be hurt in other ways”.

‘’I agree. You’re staying, Al.’’ Shion said. Ed nodded as he glanced at the door anxiously and swallowed. It felt
like they were waiting for an eternity. Shion slowly pulled out her gun, her eyes fixed on the door as well.

Al nodded and sat back,looking down.He did feel useless at that moment,like everyone else. Hoshi swallowed
too.If that was really Envy,then what happened to the real Roy?

The tension was growing with every minute Hoshi, Shion, Ed and Al were waiting for Roy, or Envy to return to
them. Shion sat down on the bed as well, facing the door. She was staring at the door, merely blinking from time
to time. Ed reached to hold Hoshi’s hand.
Hoshi held his hand and gripped tightly into it.When the door opened,Roy stepped in,as if nothing happened ’’
The doctor said we can leave right nowŢHe said,tilting his head to the side.Hoshi raised an eyebrow ’’”

Shion pointed the gun at ‘Roy’, ready to pull the trigger. She remembered Roy saying something about the
Homunculi wanting a reunion the other night. That would explain the haste. Ed just glared at Roy. But he was
still hoping it was the real Roy.

Roy blinked ”Did my words affect you that bad?”He asked ”No,it’s only that perhaps the doctor made me some
tests this morning and said I can’t leave untill tommorow?”Hoshi said,matter-of-factly.

That was a strong argument, Shion thought. From what she knew, Envy only intended to shorten Hoshi’s life!
But she couldn’t bring herself to pull the trigger just yet. Roy’s face stopped her from shooting. What if it
actually was Roy and there was a some sort of misunderstanding? She couldn’t risk killing Roy.

Hoshi wasn’t sure of what to do ”You can just tell us what happened to the real Roy and we’ll let you go”She
said,trying to be ”friendly”

‘’... Or else, I’ll shoot.’’ Shion added. Ed glanced at Shion. He’d fight too, to protect Hoshi.

‘’What are you talking about,I’m the real Roy!”He snapped,glaring at them.Hoshi shook her head ‘’The real Roy
was NEVER so nice and careless about the persons he trully cares about.And most of all,he’d never said he’d
burn his sister and girlfriend!”

‘’But wait, that WAS Roy!’’ Shion said. ‘’I know, I’ve slept with…!’’ and then she stopped. Could’ve Envy
switched with Roy when she was asleep that night. It was Envy holding her in his arms that morning, not Roy?
No, that was too twisted. ‘’I’m sure that was Roy earlier… when he said he’d burn us.’’she managed to say.
Ed didn’t know what to think anymore. It wasn’t out of character for Roy to be violent, but careless, yes. It was
too confusing.

‘’No!Roy tries to understand people!He did that countless time with the persons from State Military.I’ve seen
it!”Hoshi said ‘’I’m afraid that our Roy has been gone for some days..”

‘’For DAYS?’’ Shion freaked out. ‘’Then who the heck is this??’’ Were there two shapeshifters?
Ed tried to think of the last time he saw Roy. It was when he sent him to escort Hoshi a few days ago because he
wanted her safe. But after that, he couldn’t know.

’I don’t know but we can’t let this one escape”Hoshi said,eyeing the fake Roy ’This is ridiculous,you know
that?”Roy said,crossing his arms in front of his chest.

‘’I’ll immobilise him!’’ Shion said and jumped off the bed, putting her gun back in its pocket in midair. They
were in a hospital after all, she’d get them in bigger trouble if she shooted. Then she ran up to the fake Roy,
ready to shock him like she did earlier.
Ed watched her. He admired his courage. But he’d stay by Hoshi’s side instead if the villain managed to get past
Shion or something.

Roy hissed as he transformed back into Envy,pulling out a small knife,ready to stab Shion ‘’Aren’t ya smart?”He
Hoshi glared.So it was him after all!

Shion didn’t get scared at the sight of the knife, as she continued to run at him. She was angry. How dared he
fool her like that.
Ed stood up, unsure. It was like the other night. It was either his girlfriend, or his sister. But he knew it was a
diversion. If he went after Shion, Hoshi was dead.

Just when the two of them were about to start a fight,a loud explosion caused everyone to look at the door.A tall
figure,black hair tied in a ponytail,an evil smirk,State Military uniform.Oh no!
Hoshi swallowed hard ”Kimblee?”She dared to ask.At least he distracted the enemy.

Ed looked at the man. Kimblee? Who was that? ‘’Do you… know him?’’ he asked Hoshi.
Shion glared at that ‘Kimblee’. Was a he a Homunculus as well? Did he know where Roy was? So many
questions crossed her mind at the same time.

”I do”Hoshi replied,still staring at Kimblee in disbelief ”He was my bodyguard until..” ”Untill what?”Al asked
”He spent God knows how many years in jail!”
Kimblee smirked ”I heard you got injuried and decided to pay you a visit” ”Who released you?” ”Doesn’t really

‘’Your… bodyguard?’’ Ed asked, surprised. It seemed like trouble never ended for them.
‘’You’re not taking Hoshi from here!’’ Shion said. She swallowed remembering how Madame Christmas had
tried to get Hoshi out of the hospital as well.

’’Get a grip of yourself,I’m not here to steal her”Kimblee said,shrugging.Hoshi nodded ’’Why are you here
’’He’s here because I told him to come”Envy said,matter-of-factly.

‘’And why have you told him to come?’’ Shion asked.

Ed glanced at her and then at Envy and Kimblee. He wanted to know the same thing.

’’He’s going to blow up this place,I can tell”Hoshi said,insecure ’’Damn straight”Kimblee said evily,as he
cracked his knuckles.

‘’Not if I have something to say about it.’’ Shion said glaring at him. Then, without even looking at the window,
she shot an electrical bolt through it, breaking it. ‘’Al, take Hoshi and go.’’ ‘’Shion…’’ Ed started. ‘’It’s Captain
Shion.’’she corrected him. She was pissed off now. Ed nodded. ‘’It’s ok, Al, Hoshi. We’ll catch up with you

’’But,I want to help you!”Al said,as he stood up ’’It’s better if Nii-san takes Hoshi and leaves”He said,looking at
Hoshi sweatdropped ’’It isn’t the time to argue...”She said turning towards Kimblee ’’Are you really going to
kill the person you had to protect for so long?” ’’No,I want that girl”He said,eyeing Shion ’’She has something
that I need”.

Shion sighed softly and smiled. ‘’Alright, Al. You stay and Fullmetal takes Hoshi.’’ Ed nodded and took Hoshi
in his arms. ‘’I entrust you…’’ Shion started to say over her shoulder. ‘’Yeah, yeah, I know all that. I’ll keep her
safe.’’ Ed replied coolly. ‘’Good.’’ Shion said turning her gaze to Kimblee.

’’Be careful,Nii-san”Al said,a bit anxious as he watched him leave with Hoshi.Hoshi looked over Eds’ shoulder
’’Are you sure they’ll be fine?”

Ed nodded before jumping out the window. They landed in the garden. Ed started to run towards the gate,
holding Hoshi close. They had to get off the hospital property as soon as possible.
‘’Now…’’ Shion started eyeing Kimblee. ‘’You said earlier I had something you wanted. I wonder what that
might be.’’

Hoshi sighed softly as she leaned to rest her head against his chest.She was still worried about her brother.
’’Don’t act like you don’t know what I’m talking about.Come on,hand it over”Kimblee said,taking a step closer
to her.

Ed kept running until they got to the park they came to after they met Russel and Fletcher. He put Hoshi down
on a bench and sat down next to her. He need to catch his breath. Where should they go now? No place was safe
Shion took a step back, taking a hand to the shiny locket. Did he want her Doomed Medalion or what? ‘’No. It’s
mine.’’she said stubbornly.

Hoshi looked around.It was sorta cold,well probaly because she still had hospital clothes as well ‘’What are we
going to do now?”She asked.
Kimblee started to get annoyed ”Don’t play dumb.I’ll blow you brians out and take it anyway!”
Ed wrapped an arm around her, seeing she was trembling from the cold. ‘’We should go to Winry’s place. It’s
the safest place I can think of.’’he said.
‘’Tell me where Roy Mustang is and I’ll think about it.’’ Shion said trying to ‘negociate’.

‘’Isn’t that a bit too far?”Hoshi asked ‘’We need to find Roy as well,but I guess Winry’s place does it for now..”
‘’We’re not negociating him.It’s do this or die”Kimblee said,as he clentched his fist together.

‘’We’ll see what we can do about the Colonel later.’’ Ed said. ‘’Don’t worry, he should be ok…’’ he said,
thinking of Shion for some reason.
Shion tilted her head to the side. ‘’Then I’m surely not giving you anything!’’ she said confidently. Her goal was
to get Roy’s location out of Kimblee.

‘’Okay then,let’s go”Hoshi said,as she let out a soft sigh.

Kimblee reached to grab her arm,but Al stood in front,looking down at him ‘’Mister,that’s not very nice.I don’t
think she has anything that you want,so please leave”.

‘’Okay.’’ Ed said and reached to lift her in his arms once more. They were heading to the nearest train station.
Shion was proud of Al. Sure, if he if he was in his original body she’d say he was a fool, but now he must have
been sort of fearsome to their enemies.

Hoshi wrapped an arm around his neck for support.

Kimblee looked up at Al and smirked ’’I thought I killed you back then,but anyway,hand over the philosophers’

Ed gave Hoshi his coat to look less suspicious and keep her warm too, and bought the tickets. He was anxious to
get away from that city as soon as possible.
Shion took her hand quickly to her locket. It was true, she could feel a different warmth emanating from inside it.
She didn’t have to open the locket to tell it was the philosopher’s stone. ‘’How long are you going to keep
repeating yourself, like a parrot?’’ she dared to ask mockingly. ‘’I already said I’m not going to give it to you!’’

Hoshi blushed a bit,but after they got into the train,she couldn’t help but feel safe.
’’Out of my way,armor”Kimblee said,as he grabbed Al and exploded half of his body.

‘’Phew!’’ Ed said as he sat down next to her in the train compartiment. Then he bit his lip, as he staired at the
bench in front of them. He hoped Al was alright. And Shion too.
‘’AL!!!’’ Shion shrieked seeing him explode in front of her as she feel on her back. ‘’Damn you, Kimblee, or
whatever your name is…’’ she muttered. ‘’Take me to Roy Mustang and I’ll give you the darned stone!’’ she
said. She knew Envy wouldn’t let her get killed. Probably.

Hoshi looked at Ed.Probaly he was as worried about Al as she was about Roy.She reached to hug him.
’’I don’t know where the hell he is and I don’t care”Kimblee said,as he didn’t even look at Al.He just enjoyed
seeing people in pain.

Ed hugged her back, as he smiled weakly. Everything was so right a few hours ago. But now they’d learned their
lesson. They knew now they couldn’t trust anyone.
‘’I don’t believe you!’’ Shion said. ‘’You know where he is. And if you’re not telling me, I’m not giving this to
you. I’ll destroy it.’’she threathened, grabbing her locket in her fist. Luckily he’ll fall for that, because she didn’t
have a back-up plan.

Hoshi wasn’t sure of what to say,she just felt like she should stay silent and show him that she was there for him.
‘’You’re obsessed.If you destroy that,you’ll be powerless.And being powerless makes it easier for me to kill
you”Kimblee said.

Ed rested his head on her shoulder. He remembered how confortably he slept the other night next to her and tried
hard not to blush at the sight of that.
Shion clenched her teeth and shot a strong electrical bolt in his direction from her fingertips. The sun on the sky
disappeared behind heavy clouds as the wind began to blow and the weather got colder and colder.

Hoshi patted him on the back as she let out a small smile.At least they were going to e safe for a while.
Kimblee looked around ‘’Oh ho,so you’re getting mad now,hm?”
Ed looked outside the window. The weather was getting worse from what he could tell. He sighed.
‘’Oh yes. And you’re not going to like it.’’ Shion said sending him a dead serious glare.

Hoshi never got the chance to see Shion’s powers,so she wouldn’t know what’s going on.
’’I’m scared”Kimblee said and laughed ’’Not”.

As they were getting further from Russel and Fletcher’s city (stii ca am o problema cu numele oraselor), the
clouds stayed behind. After a while it was sunny again. Ed was thinking of what to tell Winry and Pinako not to
frighten them, when they got there.
Shion came at him fast and punched him in the face. Beating the hell out of him would give her more satisfaction
than simply electrocuting him.

After a while,Ed and Hoshi were back to Resembool.Hoshi looked around.Back to the peaceful atmosphere,or at
least she thought so.
Kimblee was shocked,but recovered pretty fast as he grabbed her and stole her locket.

Ed took Hoshi in his arms again and headed to Pinako’s house. He wouldn’t mind her walking, but she was
barefoot. He was hoping maybe Winry would let her borrow some of her clothes.
Shion gasped. That bastard! She jumped on him causing them both to fall on the floor, in a desperate attempt to
get her locket back. If she lost the locket, she lost everything. It was all she had. She punched Kimblee in the
face again causing him to bleed.

The door of the Rockbells’ opened,revealing Pinako.She watched Ed come with the small figure in his arms.She
sighed softly.
Kimblee only laughed.The punches didn’t hurt him as much as Shion thought,but finally,he got tired and pushed
her off,stood up and looked at Envy nodding.After a second,both of them disappeared without a single trace.

‘’Hello. Can we come in?’’ Ed said at the sight of Pinako, panting a bit. He was tired.
Shion tried to ran after them but she couldn’t follow them. She fell on to her knees on the cold floor. They were
gone. And with them, her power, and the philosopher’s stone AND her only chance to get Roy back. Outside, the
rain started to fall down.

’’Of course you can come in”Pinako said,moving a bit,so he could step in ’’What happened here and where’s
Al watched Shion.He felt useless.He got knocked out so easily and all he could do was watch his sister like that.

‘’He’s…’’ Ed started. ‘’It’s… a long story.’’ he said instead, entering the house.
Tears rolled down Shion’s cheeks as she started to sob loudly. She hit the floor with her fists, feeling useless. All
she wanted was to cry and forget about everything.

Pinako nodded,worried as she stepped in as well ’’What can I do to help you?”

Winry came down as well,but she didn’t quite enjoy the scene in front of her:Ed holding Hoshi in his arms.But
she tried to ignore that ’’Ed!Are you alright?”

‘’I’ve been better.’’ Ed told Pinako in a gloomy voice before putting Hoshi down, on the couch. ‘’Winry. Get
Hoshi something to change into.’’
A doctor found Shion on the halls of the hospital, but she ran away, back to what had been Hoshi’s room. ‘’Al,
are you ok?’’ she asked looking at the damaged armor.

Winry nodded and rushed upstairs.She came back with a t-shirt and a pair of jeans.Pinako sat down ‘’Now will
zou calm down and tell me what happened?”
Al looked at her ‘’Don’t worry about me,worry about yourself”He said,softly.

Ed watched Winry and then looked at Pinako. ‘’We got attacked by Envy and… Kimblee…’’ he said. ‘’We met
a pirate girl on our way… She and Al stayed behind to fight them.’’he ended the explanation.
Shion looked away. ‘’Let’s get the hell out of here then.’’she said and headed to the window.

Hoshi stood up and went to change while they were talking.Pinako raised an eyebrow ‘’That doesn’t help
much,you know”.
‘’Yeah”Al said,standing up,even if half of his body was gone.

Ed looked at her. What did she want from him? ‘’What else do you want to know?’’ he asked, a bit angry.
Shion was grateful he wasn’t a real boy that moment. She jumped out the window and waited for him, as she
looked around anxiously.

‘’This isn’t like you Edward”Pinako said,as Hoshi returned,pulling at the shirt a bit.It looked odd on her.
Al followed her.He couldn’t move that fast as she could ”Where are we going?”

Ed sighed. ‘’She told me… us to run. She said she could take care of them.’’ he said, feeling his worry grow by
every minute. He looked at Hoshi. At least she was safe. That was all that mattered. ‘’But thanks to Shion we
managed to get away.’’he finished.
‘’I don’t know yet.’’ Shion said. ‘’I don’t know.’’she repeated, disgusted with herself, but she continued to walk
around the place. The rain kept falling down, soaking her to the skin.

’’I see”Pinako replied.She figured out that this Shion was the pirate girl.Hoshi walked and sat next to Ed as she
rubbed her hands together.She still had a perfusion in her wrist.
’’What about the place you’re staying at?”Al suggested.He hoped his brother and Hoshi was safe.At least
them,since he failed to protect his sister.

Ed watched Hoshi with a worried expression. She should see a doctor, but Ed didn’t trust anyone. He sighed.
Maybe Pinako could help. He asked her if she could look after Hoshi, instead of calling a doctor to do so. He
explained it’s better not to involve people from the outside.
‘’I’m not going back there.’’ Shion said shortly. She kept walking around, without seeing anything. It was so
foggy, she was lucky she didn’t walk into a wall or something. Her hair was wet and she had water in her
military boots from stepping in all the puddles on the ground. But she wouldn’t go back to the hotel no matter
what. All she knew was she had to get away from that place as soon as possible.

Pinako looked at Hoshi and nodded.She’s never seen Ed so worried for anyone,except his brother.Poor
girl,must’ve been through lots of things,she thought.Hoshi now started to blow hot air into her palms,so she
could warm herself a little.
’’What if the Colonel is in Central City?”Al suggested once again.He at least wanted to give her hope.

‘’Pinako-baachan, could you make us some soup and stew?‘’ Ed asked gently. And he didn’t say it out loud, but
he appreciated Winry didn’t make a scene.
Shion looked up at him, narrowing her eye because of the constant rain falling down. She didn’t have the power
to make it stop. ‘’You can’t know that.’’she said.

‘’Yes”The old lady nodded as she walked towards the kitchen.Winry felt sorry for Hoshi.Hoshi just continued to
try to find something that could warm her a bit.
‘’Well,we could go and check!”Al said,positively ‘’I’m sure the others must know something about this”.

Ed asked Winry to bring a blanket to keep Hoshi warm. He stayed by Hoshi’s side at all times.
Shion had to admit that was their only lead. ‘’Alright, let’s go to the State Military.’’she said and headed to the
train station.

Pinako-baachan came with soup and helped Hoshi to eat while Winry brought a fluffy blanket and wrapped it
around her.
Al nodded and followed her to the train station .He hoped they could find Roy there,since it was the only way to
calm Shion down.

Ed smiled weakly, his eyes never leaving Hoshi. He was greatful to Pinako and Winry for taking care of Hoshi.
Shion and Al found a compartiment just for themselves. Luckily they weren’t many people around to stare at
them, most of them stayed indoors because of the bad weather.

Hoshi cuddled into the blankets as she thanked them for thanking care of her.
Al sat on the opposite bench as he watched Shion worried.

Ed patted her head affectionately. ‘’Are you feeling a little better?’’

Shion was staring outside the window, a small frown on her face. The sky was clearer as they got closer to the
Central City.

Hoshi nodded and flashed him a weak smile.

Al watched Shion the whole time.When they arrived at the Center City,he walked to the State Military with
Shion ‘’We should ask for some information”.

‘’I’m glad.’’ Ed replied and reached to kiss her cheek.

Shion nodded. She looked around hoping to see Hughes and give her some information. He had the habbit of
popping out of nowhere.

Hoshi blinked and blushed softly.Winry saw the scene and didn’t like it.
And Shion was right.Just then Hughes happened to pass by,looking at some pictures of his daughter,when he
saw them ’’Hello!”

Ed didn’t mind Winry. She was a just a friend to him. They knew each other since they were children and had
been through many things together, but he didn’t like her that way.
‘’Mister Hughes!’’ Shion called his name, sighing in relief. ‘’What do you know about Roy?’’

But Winry did like Ed that way and things weren’t going to remain like that.Hoshi snuggled close to Ed and
‘’Let’s see..”Hughes said,rubbing at his chin ‘’Lieutenant Hawkeye brought him back this morning.I was just
heading towards the hospital to see him”

Ed wrapped an arm around Hoshi’s shoulders and patted her arm gently.
‘’We’re coming with you!’’ Shion said, referring to her and Al, and grabbed Hughes’s arm.

‘’I’ll go and prepare two rooms”Winry said ‘’Erm..One room would be fine”Hoshi said ‘’One room?You’re
going to sleep in the same room?” ‘’Is there something wrong with that?” ‘’Of course!You’re a girl and he’s a
boy” ‘’” ‘’Nevermind,I’ll just go!”
Hughes looked at her and nodded.He led the way to the hospital where he asked about Roy.The nurse told the
room as they went to see him.

Ed sweatdrop of the sight of them fighting, before blushing at the thought of sharing a room with Hoshi. He was
very anxious about that.
Shion stepped inside the room as she felt a great relief at the sight of Roy. ‘’Roy… Roy!’’ she ran towards his

’’I think the girl’s right,Ed”Pinako said ’’She needs someone to look after her and perhaps you’re the best suited
for this job”.
Roy had several bandages around his stomach,since he used fire to regain conscious once again,after Envy
knocked him down.He probably had a scar there.He opened his eyes slowly,a bit surprised to see Shion ’’W-
What are you doing here?”

Ed nodded, embarassed. ‘’Y-yeah. I think you’re right.’’he said looking away.

Shion tilted her head to the side. ‘’What do you mean, what I’m doing here?’’ she asked placing her hands on her
hips. ‘’I came to see you, of course!’’

Pinako nodded,smiling a bit.Ah,young love.Winry came down and announced the room was ready.
Roy shook his head ’’You’re so stubborn you know that?”He chuckled softly ’’Come here”.

‘’Can you stand?’’ Ed asked gently as he stood up, offering Hoshi his arm.
Shion blushed a little and walked closer. She wasn’t sure whether to sit on the bed or not.

Hoshi reached to take his arm as she stood up ’’More or less”She said,giggling.
Roy wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer,stroking her hair slowly.

Ed smiled and helped her up. He was growing more nervous every second, as he led her to the room Winry had
just prepared for them.
Shion felt like crying. ‘’Is this really you, Roy?...’’ she asked softly leaning her head against his chest.
Hoshi said good-night to Winry and Pinako as she headed towards the new room.
Roy sighed ’’Who else?”He asked.Hughes smiled.It reminded him of him and his wife.

Ed told the two good bye as well before entering the new room. He helped Hoshi sit down on one of the beds.
There were two single beds in the room. Winry, obviously didn’t move them close to each other on purpose.
Shion bit her lip. ‘’I missed you so much.’’she whispered, hugging him tightly. She thought it wasn’t the right
moment to tell him about her lost locket and the philosopher’s stone.

Hoshi reached to untie her hair as it now hung down her lower back.She tugged her knees to her chest and
looked out the window.
‘’I’m sorry I put you through all of this”Roy whispered back as he returned the hug.

‘’Are you alright?’’ Ed asked awkwardly sitting down next to her. Although she was probably thinking of Roy,
he could figure out that much. He couldn’t help but wonder how his siblings were doing as well.
‘’When was… when was the last time we saw each other?’’ Shion dared to ask him. ‘’Envy transformed into you
at some point… he fooled us all…’’she confessed.

Hoshi snapped out of her thoughts as she looked at Ed ’’Yeah,I was just wondering why is Winry acting like
’’I know”Roy said and sighed ’’But I belive last time I saw you was that morning”By that morning,he meant the
morning when they shared a bed.

‘’Oh…’’ was all Ed could say. The whole situation was awkward for him.
Shion sighed in relief. At least until that morning it had been him.

Hoshi let out a soft sigh as she burried her face into her knees.
Roy smiled as he patted her head affectionally.

Ed sighed too before patting her head. He wished she didn’t have to go through so much.
‘’So… what has Envy done to you?’’ Shion asked. She wanted to make him pay for hurting Roy.

Hoshi leaned to rest her head against his shoulder

’’Just stabbed me in several places”Roy replied ’’That bastard..He tricked me”He couldn’t forgive himself.He
was ashamed.

Ed sighed softly caressing her hair, leaning his cheek against her head.
Shion made a wry face at the sight of his answer. ‘’He tricked us all.’’she replied, disgusted for having such a
low life brother. ‘’But you’re going to be alright, right?’’ she asked with hope in her voice, reaching the hold his

Hoshi wrapped her arms around his neck as she closed her eyes slowly.
’’Of course”Roy replied as he flashed her a small smile ’’I’ll be going to the top after all”.

Ed smiled seeing her relax, and continued to caress her hair. He didn’t want her to stay up that night, she should
get her rest.
Shion laughed, happy he didn’t lose his enthusiasm. ‘’Aye, Sir!’’ she said and smugged. ‘’How should I call
you? Fuhrer? Sir Fuhrer?’’ she asked playfully rubbing at her chin.

Hoshi enjoyed the sight of his soft touch.She was glad that he met him.
’’How about Roy?”He suggested and laughed ’’It’s still a long way to go untill I become Fuhrer”.

Ed was glad too he met her. And as weird as that may be, he had the Colonel to thank for.
‘’Okay.’’ Shion said and poked him playfully.

Hoshi soon enough fell asleep,drifting into her dream land.

Roy chuckled.He was glad to see she was so happy.He looked over his shoulder and saw Al ’’What happened to

Ed closed his eyes too, falling asleep shortly after. He was tired after everything.
‘’He… He protected me.’’ Shion said in a gloomy voice, recalling the battle with Kimblee.

‘’Oh..”That was the second time he couldn’t do anything to help her ‘’I see..”Riza was there as well.She was
glad to see that the Colonel was so happy.

‘’But your sister’s alright!’’ Shion said quickly. ‘’Hoshi… Fullmetal took her and left.’’she started to explain.
‘’I’m sure they’re somewhere safe now. There was a fight and…’’ she made a pause, avoiding the part with the
philosopher’s stone on purpose. ‘’But we’re ok. I mean I’m ok, thanks to Al…’’she said glancing at Al sadly.

‘’Ah,the Fullmetal”Roy nodded ‘’I guess I’ll have to thank him for now”Then he shrugged ‘’Nii-san might be at
Winry’s place.I can try calling Pinako-baachan and see if he’s there”Al offered.

‘’Please do, Al.’’ Shion said and watched him narrowing her eye at him a little. She was determined to do
whatever it took to get his body back.

’’H-Hai”Al said and walked out,ready to search for a phone cabin to contact the Rockbells’.Roy watched him
’’He sure has a big heart..”

‘’Yeah, he really does…’’ Shion agreed. ‘’You know… I wish I had a brother like him.’’she said and smiled at
the though of that. Yes, she would get the philosopher’s stone back for him and Ed.

‘’Maybe they are your brothers after all..”Roy heard himself say ‘’I’ll help you with the research as soon as I’ll
get out of here”.

‘’Ok. But don’t force yourself. I want you to rest for now, okay?’’ Shion said and winked at him.

Roy looked away,embarassed ’’Yeah,right”.Meanwhile Al managed to contact Pinako and tell her what
happened.He asked her to get Hoshi on the phone.Nodding,she told him to wait and went upstairs,where she
found Ed and Hoshi sleeping.She walked and gently shook her and Ed ’’Al’s on the phone”.

‘’Al…?’’ Ed repeated opening his eyes slowly. He stood up carefully and gently layed Hoshi on the bed trying
not to wake her up. Then he went downstair and picked up the phone. ‘’Yeah, Al?’’
‘’Maybe you should rest.’’ Shion suggested, remembering how she kind of barged in the room. ‘’You need rest
to recover.’’

’’Nii-san!I’m in Central City.We’ve found the Colonel”Al started ’’He had a fight with Envy and he ended up
pretty injuried”.
’’I guess so”Roy replied as he kept her close to him and rested his chin on her shoulder.

‘’I see… How are you? A-and Shion?’’ Ed asked, concerned.

Shion blushed a little but she was okay with staying there if Roy was confortable with it.

’’She’s fine,but I well..”Al started and swallowed hard ’’Y-You see I had to protect her body is
kinda…half gone!”
Roy ran his fingers through his hair as he took a deep breath.

Ed gasped. ‘’Al!... Are you serious? How could you let that happen?!’’ he asked, half angry, half worried. That
body was all Al had left.
Shion snuggled at his chest. She could use some sleep as well.

Hoshi got up from the bed since she felt that Ed was no longer there.She went downstairs,rubbing at her eyes.
’’But Nii-san!It can be fixed.I did it to make sure she’s fine!”
Roy closed his eye as he let out a soft yawn.

Ed nodded. ‘’Ok, if it can be fixed… So you said she’s fine, huh?’’ Now that some of his anger faded away, he
realized he was proud of Al for being so courageous.
Shion smiled as she fell asleep, feeling cozy there in his arms.

Al sighed and nodded ‘’Yeah,I’m not sure about the Colonel,he seemed pretty bad”.Hoshi was actually standing
there,listening to their conversation.
‘’Hmm… So you’re telling me he’s not going to be alright?’’ Ed asked. He wondered how Shion took that.

’’Not sure.He said he had to burn his own wound so Envy wouldn’t kill him”Al said.Hoshi swallowed
hard.Were they talking about Roy?

‘’That sounds tough… even for him…’’ Ed said biting at his lower lip. Burning his own wound sounded almost
cruel. That darned Envy. ‘’Then…’’ Ed wanted to ask more, but he wasn’t sure what. ‘’Are you sure you can be
fixed?’’ he asked, worried.

‘’I know”Al said,shaking his head ‘’I’m sure you can.It’s the same as when Scar hurt us back then..”Such
unwanted memories were haunting him.

Ed sighed. If only they could get a hold of the philosopher’s stone… they could solve their problems once and
for all. ‘’Ok, Al… I’ll talk to you later. Be careful.’’

’’I will.We might come there if the Colonel will be able to get out of the hospital.He’s worried about Hoshi”Al
said ’’Take care,Nii-san!”He said,before he hung up.Hoshi still remained on the stairs,in shock.So it was about
Roy after all..

‘’Ok.’’ Ed hung up as well. Then he turned around and saw Hoshi. ‘’Hoshi… I got a call from Al. He says him
and Shion made it to Central City… your brother’s in the hospital.’’he said, deciding to be honest with her.

Hoshi swallowed hard.She dropped to her knees as she felt tears run down her cheeks ‘’H-He..burned his own

Ed widened his eyes. Did she hear that? ‘’He’s… he’s gonna be fine…’’ he heard himself saying. ‘’It takes more
than that to bring the Colonel down.’’he said walking up to her.

’’He’s not going to be fine,I..I can tell!”Hoshi said as she placed her hands on her head.

‘’Don’t be so pessimistic…’’ Ed said gently in an attempt to calm her down. ‘’Al said they’ll come by when he
gets out of the hospital.’’

’’When will he get out of the hospital?This is not fair!I get out and he gets in..”Hoshi said,sobbing.

‘’I’m sure he’s being well looked after… Shion’s there too!’’ Ed replied and hugged her.

’’I don’t know..”Hoshi said and clinged into him’’I hope he’ll be fine..”

‘’I hope the same.’’ Ed replied wrapped his arm around her, keeping her close to him before kissing her hair.

Hoshi swallowed hard as she reached to wipe the tears away from her eyes.

‘’Roy wouldn’t like to see you like this.’’ Ed said watching her. ‘’You have to be strong for him!’’he said tilting
his head to the side.

’’Y-You’re right!”Hoshi said ’’No more crying”She muttered,bitting at her lip.

‘’That’s the spirit!’’ Ed said patting her head. ‘’Now, I think you should go back to bed!’’

’’Do you think we can go and visit him tommorow?”Hoshi asked hopefully as she stood up.

‘’I think we can.’’ Ed nodded and led her to their room.

’’Yay!Thank you”Hoshi said and hugged him as she entered their room.

Ed chuckled. ‘’You’re very welcome!’’ he replied and kissed her hair. Then he helped her return in her bed and
sat down next to her.
Hoshi giggled and snuggled closet o him ’’Night!”She said and closed her eyes.

Ed wrapped an arm around her. ‘’Night…’’ he replied and closed his eyes too, falling asleep again.

Hoshi fell asleep with a bright smile across her face.

The next day when Roy opened his eyes,he couldn’t help but smiled at the sight of the woman in front of him.He
still had his arms wrapped around her as one of them slowly made way in her hair,stroking at it.

When Ed woke up he sighed in relief at the sight of Hoshi being alright and kissed her cheek. He had a bad
nightmare that morning. It must’ve been the news from Al the other night which gave him the nightmare.
‘’Mm…’’ Shion snuggled closer at the sight of his touch. She opened her eyes slowly and looked around to see
the hospital room.

Hoshi opened her eyes slowly and smiled at him as she kissed his cheek back.She placed a hand over her mouth
as she let out a soft yawn.
Roy chuckled softly ’’Morning”He said,above a whisper.

Ed chuckled. ‘’Morning!’’ he said before sitting up and stretching out. He was feeling much better than the other
night. Nothing compared to a good night’s sleep.
‘’Mornin’…’’ Shion replied remembering how she got there. Then she swallowed hard, remembering Kimblee’s
face when he stole her locket.

Hoshi made some cute noises,as she stretched as well,before replying ’’Good morning!”
’’Something wrong?”Roy asked,as he narrowed his eyes towards her,

Ed smiled at her being cute and patted her head. ‘’Let’s go downstairs.’’he suggested. ‘’I bet Pinako-baachan
made us breakfast already!’’ he said. He couldn’t wait to get to Central City and make sure everyone was alright.
‘’No!’’ Shion lied looking away. ‘’How are you feeling?’’ she asked to change the subject.

’’Okays!”Hoshi said and stood up,stretching some more before she followed him downstairs,where Pinako-
baachan waited for them with breakfast.
Roy raised an eyebrow ’’Better”He replied ’’Are you hungry?”

‘’Good morning!!’’ Ed greeted her and Winry happily. Then he sat down at the table gazing at the food. ‘’It
looks delicious!!’’ he exclaimed.
‘’I’m glad to hear you’re feeling better.’’ Shion said and reached to give him a quick kiss on the cheek. Then she
nodded. ‘’I’ll go get some food.’’she said standing up. Then she turned around to face him, tilting her head to the
side. What if Envy showed up again? ‘’We need a password.’’she said. ‘’Something just the two of us will know.
In case Envy shows up.’’

Winry smiled at Ed ’’Good morning!” Pinako-baachan greeted them as well.Hoshi sat next to Ed ’’Good
morning”She said politely,gazing at her food.
Roy nodded ’’What should the password be,then?”He thought it was intelligent of her to come with such an idea.

Ed thanked for the food and started to eat, glancing at Hoshi from time to time. He was still worried about her
health, even though she said she was beter.
‘’Hmm… How about ‘the phone’s ringing’?’’ Shion suggested. ‘’That should confuse Envy’’ she said rubbing at
her chin.

Hoshi started to eat,she didn’t eat that much tho,since she wasn’t fully recovered she wasn’t that hungry.
Roy laughed ‘’Yeah,that sounds like a good idea”He said,nodding.

Ed on the other hand, was hungry. He asked for seconds after he finished his plate.
Shion smiled and got out of his room. She was happy they had found a way to keep the enemies away, at least
for now.

Hoshi rested her palms on her knees,as she looked around the house silently,untill her gaze meet the frame
picture once again.
Roy watched her live with a small smile on his face as he then gazed out the window,wondering how was his
After Ed finished eating, he looked at Hoshi. She looked upset. Then he followed her gaze to the framed picture.
He saddened a bit, empathizing with her pain.
Shion returned after a while with some croissants and apples from the cafeteria. She didn’t go to the market
because that would’ve taken too much time.

Hoshi sighed as she leaned to rest her head against his shoulder,her eyes never leaving the picture.
Roy looked at her and smiled ”Thank you”He said,as he reached to take an apple from her.

Ed swallowed. He didn’t know what he was supposed to do. ‘’Shall we get going then?...’’ he suggested.
Shion said nothing as she moved the plate away so that he couldn’t take anything from it. ‘’You didn’t ask for
the password.’’she said, considering it was suspicious.

‘’Yes please”Hoshi said,as she stood up ‘’Am I supposed to go like this?”

Roy chuckled ‘’Sorry,what’s the password?”He asked,teasing her.

‘’Erm…’’ Ed glanced at Winry shortly. ‘’Winry… could you lend Hoshi some of your clothes, please?’’ he
‘’No, you say the password.’’ Shion said matter-of-factly. ‘’You’re the most suspicious out of the two of us right

Winry rolled her eyes and said nothing.She went upstairs and picked some clothes and lend them to Hoshi,along
with a pair of shoes.Hoshi went to change.She wore a white shirt,along with a purple ribbon and a tight jacket on
her body.She also had a white skirt and a pair of long,black boots.
’’How do I know that it’s you for real?”Roy said,raising an eyebrow.

Ed thought she looked nice. ‘’You look good!’’ he praised her. ‘’Thanks, Winry!’’
‘’I knew about the password.’’ Shion answered narrowing her eye at him.

’’No problem”Winry said,trying to answer as nice as she could.Hoshi blushed a bit ’’T-Thanks!”
’’I know about it as well”Roy argued back ’’Say the password,since it was your idea”.

Ed smiled. ‘’Then… we’re off!’’ he said grabbing Hoshi hand and waving Winry and Pinako goodbye. ‘’Thanks
for everything!’’ he said glancing back at the house one last time.
‘’Oh yeah? You didn’t seem to know anything about it!’’ Shion said.

Hoshi smiled and waved as well ’’Thanks for everything!” Winry and Pinako nodded as they watched the
teenagers leave.
’’Well,of course I do.I was just testing you!”Roy said.Just then Al entered,his face turning chibi as he heard
them ’’U-Uh..”

Ed and Hoshi went to the train station and got tickets for the first train leaving for the Central City.
‘’Testing me…?!’’ Shion tilted her head to side. When Al entered she turned around and gave him a cold glare.
‘’Hold it right there!’’

’’I hope they’re fine”Hoshi said,wit ha hint of worry as they got into the train.
Al froze as he waved his hands in front of him ’’W-What is it?”Roy glared at him as well ’’How do we know
this is the real Al?”

‘’They’re fine…’’ Ed said in a reassuring voice. In truth, he was just as worried as she was. He couldn’t wait to
get there.
‘’I don’t know. Prove you’re Al!’’ Shion shouted at the armor.

Hoshi nodded as she sat down and gazed out the window.She swore the weather made the atmosphere even more
Al tilted his head to the side ’’Nii-san asked about you last night!”

Ed sighed and reached to hold her hand.

‘’What did he say?’’ Shion asked, continuing to glare at Al.
Hoshi gripped into his hand as she leaned to rest her head against his shoulder.
’’He asked if you’re alright””Al said,scratchingthe back of his head.

Ed hugged her and let out a soft sigh.

‘’That’s all?’’ Shion raised an eyebrow at him. ‘’Suspicious… Very suspicious, Alphonse.’’she said on purpose,
remembering how he’d asked her to call him ‘Al’.

Hoshi hugged him back tightly.The closer they were getting to the Central City,the nervous she felt.
‘’Alphonse..”Al repeated meditatively ‘’I thought I told you to call me Al..”

‘’Don’t worry, I’m sure the Colonel will be fine…’’ Ed said above a whisper.
Shion nodded. ‘’Good.’’she appreciated. ‘’Now you, you still didn’t say the password!’’ she said turning to Roy.

’’I hope so”Hoshi said as she swallowed hard.

’’The phone’s ringing”Roy said,as he narrowed his eye towards her.

Ed sighed and patted her head. When they got off the train, they hurried to the hospital.
Shion narrowed her eye at him as well. So it was him. ‘’Alright. You pass.’’she said. ‘’You can have the food I
brought for you.’’she said offering him the plate.

Hoshi looked around.Few days ago they left to head towards her hometown and now they were back once
again.When they arrived at the hospital,they asked the nurse about Roy and she led them to the room.
Roy rolled his eyes as he took an apple ’’Thanks”He mumbled,as the door opened,revealing Hoshi and Ed.
’’Hold it!”Roy said,nearly spitting the apple out ’’Obviously you’re not my sister.She can’t walk”.

‘’She can, actually, as you can see.’’ Ed said raising an eyebrow at Roy. ‘’But how do we know you’re the real
Roy?’’ he asked glaring at Roy. ‘’He is the real Roy, he just said the password.’’ Shion said. ‘’What password?’’
Ed asked, confused. ‘’Nevermind. Can you prove you’re the Fullmetal and Hoshi Mustang?’’

’’How are we supposed to do that?”Hoshi asked,raising an eyebrow.Roy glared ’’Miracles don’t happen just like
that,you know”.

‘’I’ve… I’ve been with her the whole time. This IS Hoshi!’’ Ed told Roy.
Shion glanced at Roy before looking back at Ed and Hoshi.

’’How can I trust you?Maybe you’re Envy”Roy had learned not to trust anyone either.Hoshi sighed ’’This is
ridiculous.I came all along to see you and you’re telling me I’m not Hoshi”.

Ed sighed. He could understand the Colonel in a way. ‘’Look, she can walk now. It’s as simple as that’’ he dared
to say.
Shion wasn’t sure what to say. She tried to come up with something.

‘’Okay,Okay,If i weren’t Hoshi would I know used to talk alot in your sleep when you were
little?”She said,evily.Roy sweatdropped ‘’That’s blackmail!”

Ed chuckled evilly. ‘’And if I weren’t Ed, would I be amused with that?’’ he said.
Shion tried to hide a smile. ‘’I think this proves it’s who they claim they are.’’she said.

’’Fine,you’re Ed and Hoshi”Roy said,looking away embarassed.Hoshi giggled and walked to him ’’How have
you been?” ’’I’ve been better actually” Hoshi pouted ’’Nyuuu~” Al walked to Ed ’’Nii-san!I’m glad you’re

‘’Thanks Al. But we should get you fixed as soon as possible!’’ Ed told his brother. Then he looked at Shion.
The woman his brother wanted to protect. ‘’Thanks for helping Hoshi and I get away.’’he told her, his
expression softening a bit. ‘’Oh… you really have nothing to thank me for…’’ Shion replied.

Hoshi reached to hug Roy,who was still looking away ‘’You know,I missed you”She said ‘’You sure you missed
me or teasing me?”Roy chuckled ‘’That’s so mean!” Al smiled ‘’I’m fine as long as you are safe”.

Ed glanced over at Hoshi and Roy and smiled. He knew how worried she’d been for him.
Shion sighed. On the one hand she wanted to tell them the truth…but she was afraid of their reaction, especially
Roy’s. She didn’t want him to worsen his condition.

Hoshi and Roy had a good time chatting about different things.Hoshi was glad that she found her brother and
now he was getting better.
Al knew that Shion was having a hard time and he decided to try and help her “Shion was so nice to let me come
along with her”.

Ed smiled at the sight of Hoshi and Roy getting along. He was tired of conflicts.
Shion snapped out of it. ‘’Is that so?’’ Ed asked. ‘’No, no… Al was kind enough to offer to come with me!’’ she
told Ed, taking a hand to the back of her head, embarrassed.

Hoshi smiled as she turned towards Shion,Ed and Al.She was glad to see they were getting along.”We’re having
a Christmas party as soon as I’m out of here”Roy announced.

Shion gasped. ‘’A Christmas party?!’’ She got excited just thinking about it. Her eyes got all glittery at the sight
of an expensive party and the pretty dress she’d get to wear. ‘’Yeah! Let’s do this!’’ she said throwing her arms
in the air. (XD)
Ed thought it was a nice idea. ‘’Sounds good.’’he said, not half as enthusiasmated as his older sister.

Hoshi sweatdropped.Surely,she was different from her younger brothers “Yeah,party,party”She

said,grinning.Roy chuckled “I should be able to get out this afternoon..”

Shion reached to hug Roy, squeezing him tightly.

Ed sweatdropped. But he too was looking forward to it.

Roy chuckled and hugged her back.

Hoshi stood up “ means new clothes and clothes leads to shopping!”She said,giggling.

‘’Not just new clothes, but beautiful, expensive clothes!’’ Shion corrected her in a dreamy voice. Ed
sweatdropped. Girls were weird when they got like that.

“We should go shopping together!”Hoshi suggested as she joined her in the ‘Lala Land’ ( XD )
Roy sweatdropped as well.Girls...Never try to understand them.

Shion nodded. ‘’We should!’’ she said holding Hoshi’s hands.

Ed scratched the back of his head. Well, at least they could have a break from Fuhrer’s attacks.

Hoshi giggled “Yep,yep”

Roy coughed “So,other than that..”He said,trying to change the subject.Al’s stomach coughed .Everyone stared
at him suspiciously “U-Uh..Cough,cough!”

Shion looked at Al and blinked. ‘’What the??’’

‘’Al.. what do you have in there?’’ Ed asked pointing at Al’s stomach.

Al sweatdropped as he started to grow nervous “N-Nothing important” “Boo”Ling said,from the

windowframe.Hoshi sweatdropped “Gosh who’s this guy?”She asked at the same time as Roy aske “What’s
this?A freak show?”

‘’And who coughed earlier?’’ Shion asked eyeing the weird man on the windowframe.
‘’Who are you??’’ Ed asked standing up

“Erm..”Al started nervously “You see there was an injuried girl with her panda and...well..I decided to take
her!”He said,sweatdropping.Hoshi raised an eyebrow “How did she fit there?”
Ling narrowed his eyes towards Ed “What do you mean who I am?I’m the greatest Prince of the Xingese
Emperor!”He said,a bit offended.Hoshi sweatdropped “What’s a Xignese Emperor?”

‘’No idea.’’ Shion said sweatdropping behind her.

Ed glared at him. It could’ve been Envy in disguise. ‘’What do you want from us?’’ he asked, irritated.
“You’re mean”Ling said and pouted a bit,before looking at Hoshi “Are you insulting me?”He asked,as he landed
on the floor.Actually he was taller than her,so she had to look up at him “Um..No,I’m just curious”She
said,shrugging “And besides,I want the girl he has.She’s with me”Ling added.
Roy sighed “You can’t just come in like that.People might want to kill you”.

Ed stepped in front of Hoshi.

‘’Al, give him the girl so he can leave.’’ Shion said.

Ling shrugged “Calm down shortie,I’m not looking for trouble”.

Al opened the door of his stomach,revealing a little girl wearing the traditional Chinese outfit,with two ponytails
and a panda sleeping.

Ed frowned at him. He didn’t like that man, he was suspicious.

Shion looked at the girl and the panda. ‘’Take her and leave.’’she told the man.

“What’s with you people being so mean?”Ling asked as he shrugged,walking past the others to get Mei-chan.But
after he got her,he landed a kick on Al’s stomach,sending him into a wall “Woops,that one slipped”.Hoshi
frowned “This guy is looking for trouble”.

Shion snorted as she took out her knife. She couldn’t forgive anyone who picked on Al.
Ed glanced at her and then glared at that bastard.

Hoshi sighed “Stop it”She nearly yelled “Violence isn’t the answer.He said he was the prince of Xignese
Emperor.I haven’t seen him before and I don’t think Envy would copy people that we don’t know,so let’s just
don’t fight”Ling smiled “What a smart girl”.

Shion pouted. ‘’Ok, but only because you say so.’’she told Hoshi, reaching to put away her knife.

Ling walked past Hoshi with Mei,as he stopped to pet her head ’’I should return the favour someday”He said,as
he jumped out the window.Hoshi blinked ’’What a weird guy”.

‘’Weird? More like, obnoxious!’’ Ed said crossing his arms.

‘’I never want to see him again…’’ Shion muttered. Then she ran up to Al to help him up.

Hoshi pouted a bit ’’Now,don’t be mean!”

Al stood up and sighed ’’H-Hey,he forgot the panda”He said,as he looked at the sleeping animal.

‘’He was horrible!’’ Ed said. ‘’Why arey ou sticking up for him, you don’t know him anyway!’’
‘’Do you think he’ll come back after it?’’ Shion asked raising an eyebrow at the panda.

‘’He only wanted the girl back”Hoshi said,crossing her arms in front of her chest.
”I don’t know..”Al said ”We have to take care of it”He said,reaching to pet the small animal,which woke up and
bit at his finger.Al blinked.

‘’He left us with an untamed animal!!!’’ Ed freaked out.

‘’I have a way to fix this!’’ Shion said pulling out her pistol to shoot the beast.

Hoshi sweatdropped ’Noo!Don’t shoot it!It’s innocent!”Al sighed softly ’It just wants to protect itself!”Roy
facepalmed ’You guys..”

Shion chuckled evilly. ‘’We can put it to torture!!’’ Ed rolled his eyes. ‘’It’s an animal, not a prisoner of war.
Shynanna.’’ ‘’Don’t call me that!!’’

Hoshi reached to take the panda before anyone could hurt it.The panda cuddled Hoshi ’’See?All innocent..”

‘’Until it bites you…’’ Ed said taking a closer look at it.

‘’So what now?’’ Shion asked crossing her arms as she glared at the panda.

’’Nah,it’s really innocent”Hoshi said and giggled.

’’We should wait for the doctor and announce that I can leave”Roy said,shrugging.
‘’If you say so…’’ Ed said glaring at the little animal suspiciously. He still had his doubts.
‘’Aye.’’ Shion replied glancing at Roy before looking at the panda curiously.

Hoshi turned towards Roy and smiled ’’I hope the doctor will let you out”.
Al looked at the panda ’’It’s mean..”

‘’You’re not keeping it.’’ Ed told Al.

‘’Hmm…’’ Shion nodded once, rubbing at her chin.

’’But I’m keeping”Hoshi said,glancing at the small creature.

Roy rolled his eyes.Great,first a kitty,nwo a panda.

Ed sighed. ‘’Don’t you think it’s suspicious they just dropped it here? There must be some strings attached.’’he
said. ‘’Colonel… say something!’’ he told Roy.

‘’Oh please,that guy could’ve just say so if he had something that involves us”Hoshi said ‘’Besides,a panda…
Leaving a panda?That’s just lame”
Roy rubbed at his chin ‘’I think we should kill it”.

‘’This is lame indeed…’’ Ed agreed.

‘’WHAT? NO!’’ Shion opposed to the idea of killing the panda. ‘’We can make millions if we sell it on the
black market!... Let me handle that.’’

’’You were the one that wanted to kill it first”Roy reminded,raising an eyebrow.
Hoshi kept the panda away ’’Sell it ?No!I wanna keep it”.

Shion sweatdropped. ‘’What’s your point?’’she asked pouting a little.

‘’But it’s a dangerous animal!’’ Ed protested. He didn’t like the idea of Hoshi keeping it.

The little panda pouted as it looked at Hoshi,who pet it.

Roy smirked ’’You wanted to kill it at know?You wanted to shoot it”.

Ed dared to come closer and pet it too. But with the right hand, because he didn’t want any unfixable damages if
he got bitten by the little beast.
‘’Tha-That’s not relevant!!’’ Shion said looking away.

Hoshi giggled as she looked at Ed and the panda,which seemed to enjoy his company.
”Right”Roy said and laughed.

Ed smiled at Hoshi. Maybe the animal was innocent, after all.

Shion pouted crossing her arms at her chest and turned her back to Roy.

Hoshi smiled as she quickly kissed Ed on the cheek before anyone could see.
Roy stood up and walked to Shion and hugged her.

Ed’s cheeks turned red at the sight of the sudden kiss.

Shion sighed and hugged him back.

Hoshi giggled as she reached to pet the panda some more.

Roy stroked her hair and sighed.Just then the doctor walked in and announced that Roy could go home

Ed glared at the doctor. There was no way to know he was the real doctor. Or maybe he was, because Roy had
said he was expecting the doctor to let him go home.
Shion smiled at the thought of that. She was looking forward to the shopping for the party!

Roy sighed.Finally!He picked his uniform and went to the bathroom to change.Hoshi was happy that everything
turned out well in the end.
Ed watched Roy and glanced at Shion shortly. He couldn’t understand what she saw in him. Then he turned to
Hoshi. ‘’I don’t think your brother will let you keep this panda.’’he said shaking his head slowly.
Shion looked around and smiled at Al.

‘’He doesn’t have to let me”Hoshi replied bluntly ‘’I’ll keep it at the apartament we’re going to stay at”.
Al smiled back ‘’I’m glad to see everything is alright”.

Ed chuckled. ‘’I don’t understand. You said ‘we’… Don’t you think he’ll see it?’’
Shion’s smile widened as she came closer to him. ‘’You and I both know everything isn’t alright.’’she said not
smiling anymore. Then she sighed softly.

Hoshi blinked ‘’It’s my apartament..I’m just offering you,the panda and Al a place to stay at”She said
Al sighed as well ‘’Are you going to tell him?”

‘’Not right now.’’ Shion replied.

Ed blinked. ‘’I-I’ll ask Al!’’ he said nervously. ‘’Al, did you hear?’’ he said hoping he would agree to Hoshi’s

’’Nii-san,that’s really nice!We’re going to stay there for sure”Al said nodding.
Hoshi giggled,delighted that they were going to stay with them.

Shion watched them and smiled. ‘’Please take good care of my brothers.’’she told Hoshi and winked at Al. Ed
sighed. ‘’Hey, I can take care of myself!’’ he said coolly narrowing his eyes at her. ‘’Suuure you do!...’’ Shion
said mockingly and reached to pat his head. ‘’H-hey!! ARE YOU SAYING I’M A CHIBI WHO CAN’T
DEFEND HIMSELF? Huh, is that it??’’ he asked agrily, causing Shion to laugh.

Hoshi giggled ‘’I will do that”Just then Roy came in ‘’Are you picking a fight with my girlfriend?”He

‘’Don’t call my sister your girlfriend!!’’ Ed said pointing a finger at Roy, threatheningly.
Shion sweatdropped. ‘’Chill, shorty…’’ ‘’DON’T CALL ME A SUPER SHORT RUNT WITH NO SELF

’’We both know she’s my girlfriend”Roy said as he teased Ed a bit.Hoshi sweatdropped too ’’Uhh..we should
get going”she suggested,chuckling.

‘’No!!’’ Ed argued. ‘’You! I don’t want you to date him!’’ he said pointing a finger at Shion this time. ‘’Let’s get
real…’’ Shion said shaking her head slowly. ‘’Oh! I’m right after you!’’ she told Hoshi. Ed glared at Roy one
more time before following the girls out.

Hoshi sighed softly as they walked out of the hospital.Roy turned to Hoshi ’’We’re going to the State
Military..Are you going to be alright with those two?” Hoshi rasied an eyebrow ’’You got them to take me
home,remember?” ’’Right..”Roy said a bit embarassed ’’Anyway,see you later!”Hoshi said and waved.

‘’See ya!’’ Shion waved back.

Ed mumbled something under his breath and turned around.

’’Yeah,bye”Roy said as he took Shion’s hand and walked the opposite.

Hoshi glanced at Ed ’’Aw,come on,its all right now”.

‘’I can’t wait for the party!’’ Shion said grinning.

‘’Ok, ok,’’ Ed said trying not to stay upset.

‘’Yeah,it’s going to be great”Roy said,nodding in agreement.

Hoshi reached to take his arm as they walked around the Central City.

‘’Yeah…’’ Shion said remembering their last party.

Ed smiled and held her close. The city looked nice. He recalled the day the Colonel asked them to go there and
escort Hoshi home.
Roy glanced at her from the corner of his eye and smiled.
Hoshi grinned.Just when she thought everything was better,she felt a dark,scary aura behind them ’’Erm..”She
started,swallowing hard.

‘’Hm?’’ Ed glanced at Hoshi, seeing she didn’t feel alright.

Shion was lost in thought, trying to figure out a way to reatreat the philosopher’s stone.

As Hoshi turned around,she froze.A tall man with a scary figure stood there ’’Do you happen to know this
Roy noticed her stare,but as he was about to open his mouth,a loud laugh intrerruped him ’’Well,well,well,what
have we here?”

‘’This is Scar…’’ Ed informed Hoshi and swallowed.

Shion widened her eyes at the sight of that voice.

’’S-Scar?”Hoshi swallowed as well.She heard some informations about him and they weren’t very bright.Scar
looked down at the two figures and glared ’’State Alchemists,huh..”His hand twitched.
Roy immediatly reconized the voice as well ’’What do you want,Kimblee?”At the sight of his name being
called,Kimblee stepped out of the shadows ’’Just wandering around”.

‘’Run!!’’ Ed told Hoshi and pulled her away trying to make an escape. He knew Scar killed State Alchemists
without mercy. Why did they have to run into him?
Shion narrowed her eye at Kimblee. She didn’t like the fact that Roy was there too. He would find out she gave
them the philosopher’s stone… She tried not to act impressed.

Hoshi couldn’t run yet.Her body was still weak after all she’s been through.Before they could go any
further,Scar grabbed Hoshi by her collar and lifted her up,to his level.Hoshi shivered.That man was scary.He had
a look that gave her the creeps.He wanted to kill her,but good thing that Ling was around and kicked
him,causing him to drop Hoshi ’’Yo”He said,waving at her.
Kimblee looked at Shion ’’ two are friends?I didn’t know!”He said,acting surprised. Roy rolled his eye
’’What do you want?” He had seen what Kimblee can do in the Ishval war.

Ed was relieved to see Ling. Then he remembered Ling saying to Hoshi he’d return the favour, back at the
hospital. He was glad he showed up.
Shion glared at Kimblee. She couldn’t understand what else he wanted. He had the philosopher’s stone already,
didn’t he?

”Y-You”Hoshi said,surprised,but relieved at the same time ”What are you doing here?” ”Returning the favour..”
”Ah..”Hoshi felt embarassed ”Thanks…” “Ling” He figured she wouldn’t know his name ”Ling”Hoshi
repetead,smiling ”Well then,we should meet again soon”He announced and disappeared before Hoshi could
mention about the panda.
Kimblee wanted to destroy the State Military ”You know what I want,Colonel”Kimblee replied,smirking.

Ed was thankful but he still didn’t like that guy… Ling. ‘’Let’s go.’’ he said pulling Hoshi in a different
direction from Scar.
‘’Can’t you burn him and end this once and for all?’’ Shion asked Roy. She truly believed his power was

’’Y-Yeah”Hoshi said and nodded as they walked away,followed by Al.Soon they arrived at her apartment.When
she opened it,she made the presentations ’’That’s the bathroom but there’s another one at the end of the hall,it
has a bedroom”She pointed each “There’s a living room,the kitchen..Ling eating”She said,passing by.She
blinked “Ling..eating?”She glanced at the young prince,sitting on the floor and eating meat “HOW THE
BLOODY HELL DID YOU GET IN?” “Window” “You’re eating my food..” “It’s delicious,did you make it?”
“I did,tha- HEY,PUT IT DOWN” “Heh,I said we’ll see each other soon,right?”
“It’s not that easy,he could explode the two of us as well,you know”Roy said,glancing at Kimblee insecure.

‘’Errm…’’ Ed sweatdropped at the sight of Ling. ‘’I think he lives on the streets.’’he whispered in Hoshi’s ear.
Shion pouted. Then she took a hand to her left pocket. There was something in there. When she pulled it out she
gasped at the sight of the philosopher’s stone. She gazed at it, surprised.
Hoshi giggled.His words calmed her down “So,you said you have two rooms..”Ling started “Now you’re
inviting yourself to stay at my house?That’s so selfish”.
Roy stared at it and widened his eyes in shock,as well as Kimblee “What the heck?I have the original
one.ME.There can’t be a copy”.

Ed thought Ling should get his butt kicked out of Hoshi’s house. How could they trust someone who barged in,
just like that?
Shion smirked. Somehow, she just knew it was the real thing, she could feel it. Then she realized the stone must
have simply returned to her, the same way it appeared in the first place. ‘’The principle of equivalent trade. If I
remember correctly, you never did give me something in return.’’

Hoshi blinked “Uhhh..yeah,take the room anyway”She shrugged.There’s nothing he could steal “Thank
you~”Ling chirped and stood up.
Roy couldn’t belive it.The philosopher’s stone has been by his side the whole time.What should he do?That
would help him become Fuhrer much more faster,but he couldn’t ask for it.It belonged to his girlfriend after all.

Ed blinked. Hoshi had just given her room to a total stranger. ‘’Is it really alright to let him in just like that?’’ he
tried to convince her to change her mind.
Shion looked at Roy and saw the craving in his eyes. She wasn’t sure how to react to that.

Hoshi shrugged “He doesn’t have anything to steal.Besides,let him be.I don’t think he wants to harm any of us”.
Roy sighed softly.He made up his mind.He wouldn’t ask for the stone.

Ed sighed in defeat. ‘’If you say so…’’ he muttered under his breath.
Shion put the stone back in her pocket. She considered it would be safer that way.

Hoshi hugged him and smiled.She belived everything will be fine.

Roy moved his gaze back to Kimblee.But he was gone.He escaped,once again.

Ed hugged her back, trying to believe in her and her reasoning.

Shion looked around for Kimblee. ‘’Is he… gone?’’ she asked, unsure. Maybe it was a trap.

“Are you hungry?”Hoshi asked softly.

“Perhaps it’s better this way”Roy said,as he took her hand and led her to the State Military.

Ed nodded. ‘’I’ll help you prepare lunch.’’he offered.

‘’Do you want it?’’ Shion asked Roy. ‘’The stone.’’

“Okays”Hoshi smiled and walked to the kitchen “Is there something you’d like?”
“No”Roy said and shook his head.

‘’No, I’ll go with whatever you like.’’ Ed replied and smiled.

‘’I’ve seen the look on your face.’’ Shion went on and sighed.

“Okay,how about crisps?”Hoshi suggested.

“But I don’t want it”Roy said,stubbornly.

‘’Sounds good!’’ Ed replied.

Shion looked at him and blinked. ‘’Promise you won’t tell anyone about it.’’ she decided to say. The less that
knew the better.

Hoshi giggled and took some potatoes and started to peel them.
Roy nodded.”I won’t”He said.Not even his sister,not even his friends.

Ed took some of the potatoes and started to peel them too. He wanted to be of help.
Shion was pleased to hear he’ll keep it a secret.

Hoshi smiled.She couldn’t ask for more.Al just stood watching the whole time.
Soon they arrived at the State Military “The party’s tommorow,so no one’s around.Mostly,they’re making the
preparations”Roy informed.

Ed smiled back and resumed peeling the potatoes. He didn’t have great cooking skills, but he could learn. It was
the least he could do for Hoshi for letting him and Al stay at her place.
‘’I see.’’ Shion replied looking around the place. ‘’What should we do now, then?’’

After they finished peeling,Hoshi placed the potatoes on the pan and let them crisp.
“I don’t know”Roy replied,shaking his head “What would you like to do?”

Ed watched Hoshi fascinated. ‘’You can cook…’’ he said awkwardly trying to make a compliment, as he
glanced at the pan.
Shion giggled. ‘’I don’t know, that’s why I asked you.’’she said and smugged.

Hoshi giggled “Yeah,is there something wrong with that?”Since she was lonely most of the time she had learned
to do many things.
Roy chuckled,scratching the back of his head a bit embarassed “I don’t know..How about we go out for romantic
lunch?”He suggested,smugging back.

‘’No, I didn’t mean it like that!’’ Ed said moving his hands in the air, embarrassed. ‘’I think it’s a great thing that
you can cook…’’ he admitted, blushing a little.
Shion nodded. ‘’I would love that!’’she replied and reached to cling to his arm.

Hoshi couldn’t help but ‘aww’ as she snuggled him“Thanks!”

Roy smiled and reached to pat her head affectionally “Do you want to change or..something?”He asked,a bit

Ed chuckled softly, relieved to see she wasn’t upset with him and hugged her.
‘’Oh, yes.’’ Shion said. She almost forgot she still had the uniform on her. ‘’I’ll go change into something else.’’

Al giggled from behind them.He was happy to see that they were happy as well.
Roy nodded “I’ll wait here then”He said and smiled.

Ed was a little embarrassed hearing Al giggle. He glanced over at the crisps. ‘’I they’re ready.’’he said.
Shion sweatdropped. ‘’It might take some time.’’she said and waved him goodbye as she headed to her room.
‘’See ya!’’

Hoshi was a bit amused but said nothing “Yep”She said,as she took the pan and placed the crisps into a bowl.
“Doesn’t matter”Roy said,as he watched her leave “See you!”

‘’They look delicious!!’’ Ed exclaimed looking at the crisps. They really looked good!
When she got to her room, Shion took a shower and washed her hair. Then she searched in her trunk with clothes
for something to wear. She eventually found a dress black and white dress and with flared gigget-sleeves and
insertion, which left her shoulders naked. She also put on a matching collar and a black hat with big red roses on
it. Then she headed back to where Roy was waiting.

Hoshi nodded “Here then”She said,handing him the bowl.It’ll be enough for the two of them.
Roy glanced around the halls,untill his gaze landed on Shion.She looked gorgeous.He swore his cheeks turned a
bit pink when he saw her.

Ed took the bowl and tasted a crisp. They were really good indeed. ‘’It’s delicious!’’
‘’Sorry to make you wait.’’ Shion said politely when she saw him. ‘’Should we go?’’

Hoshi blushed a bit and nodded as she took a crisp and tasted as well.She took the remote control and started to
switch on random channels,as she sat on the sofa,inviting him as well.
Roy nodded and swallowed hard,offering his arm to her “Let’s go”He had never seen her wear something like
that.It did fit her!

Ed approached her and sat down next to her, holding the bowl on his knees as he looked up at the television set.
‘’You have a nice house!’’ he told her, obviously delighted.
Shion smirked slightly at the sight of Roy getting nervous. She was becoming aware of how she affected him.
And she enjoyed every minute of it.

“T-Thanks!”Hoshi said,nervously,as she reached to take a crisp,while Al watched silently.

Roy led her out of the State Military,as he looked around for a nice restaurant “Hmm..”He noticed one that had
seats outside as well and pulled her towards it.

‘’You’re welcome!’’ Ed replied and flashed her a smile. Then he glanced around. He hoped Ling wasn’t causing
any trouble.
Shion let herself pulled in that direction. It looked like a nice place, she thought. Then she noticed some people
looking at her curiously. Her apparitions were always extravagant, it’s true, but she was used to people looking
at her.

Hoshi gladly smiled back at him as she switched on a movie channel.

Roy didn’t like the way people looked at her,especially when most of them were guys.He fasted up the pace,as
he sat at a table,near the entrace.

Ed took another crisp as he turned his gaze to the tv, waiting for the movie to start.
Shion sat down as well, in front of him. ‘’It’s a nice place.’’she said looking around trying not to pay much
attention to the guys looking at her.

Hoshi rested her head against his shoulder as she waited for the movie to start as well.It seemed interesting.
“Isn’t it?”Roy said,as he leaned his chin into his palm,gazing around the place,with a small smirk.

Ed smiled widely as he wrapped an arm around her. The movie started. It was actually an episode of a police
drama series. (nu am mai vazut Criminal Minds de cateva zile, trebuie sa ma intelegi.). Ed was sure he would
like it.
Shion wondered what was with the smirk but she didn’t say anything about it. Instead she took a menu from the
table next to them and looked through it.

Hoshi enjoyed shows like this.Actually she learned how to defend herself in some situations.Al watched from
behind as well.
Roy reached to take a menu as well.He decided to go for some pasta “What would you like?”

Ed liked shows like this as well. He munched a crisp, staring at the tv screem.
‘’Hmm… Pizza.’’ Shion decided skimming the pages of the menu book. She couldn’t remember the last time she
had a pizza.

Hoshi reached to take another crisp and munch at it silently,while staring at the tv screen.
“Okay”Roy said,in agreement as he called the waiter and gave the order for spaghetti and pizza.

Ed was focused on the tv screen as well. He wondered who the culprit was.
Shion smiled watching the waiter leave. She enjoyed spending time with Roy.

When the TV show ended,they didn’t show who the culprit was.It only said ‘To be continued..’ ( urasc fazele
astea )
Roy looked at Shion and flashed her one of those smiles every girl would dream of.

(lol) ‘’Aww…’’ Ed pouted, disappointed. ‘’I hate it when they do that!’’

Shion looked at Roy trying not to blush. She thought he was irresistable.

“Aww,this sucks”Houshi said and pouted as well.

Roy chuckled softly.The waiter brought them their plates as he glanced at his food.

‘’Exactly!’’ Ed nodded in agreement.

Shion started to eat her food in silence, wondering what Roy was thinking of her.

Hoshi giggled and reached to nuzzle his cheek.

Roy started to eat as well,as he glanced at her from time to time.After he finished,he asked “Would you like
some dessert?”
Ed chuckled at the sight of that and patted her head.
‘’Yeah.’’ Shion said raising her eyes from her empty plate.

Hoshi giggled some more.Ling peeked in curiously “You two are lovers?I didn’t know” Hoshi’s eye twitched
“Now you even stalk us?”
Roy nodded “Ice-cream?”He suggested,hopefully.

‘’Damned stalker.’’ Ed muttered under his breath. ‘’Oh yeah. Where’s that girl you took from Al back at the
hospital?’’ he asked, confused. ‘’And you can have your panda back.’’
‘’Okay.’’ Shion agreed. ‘’I want strawberry ice-cream.’’she said.

“She’s fine~”Lind chriped and stepped in the room.So carefree.Hoshi looked at him suspiciously “Here’s your
panda “ “It’s not mine” “Who cares?Have it back “ “It’s not Christmas yet,so no gifts ~ “ “Grrr..”.
Roy chuckled “Nice choice”He said,nodding “I’ll go for chocolate-flavour”He said,ordering the ice-cream.

Ed looked at Ling suspiciously as well. Something was wrong with that guy…
Shion giggled at his remark. ‘’Chocolate ice-cream is a good choice as well.’’she said giggling.

Ling shrugged and sat down.Hoshi crossed her arms in front of her chest and watched him.
“I know”Roy said,wondering what’s so funny about his choice.

Ed watched Ling as well, frowning a little. ‘’What do you want?’’

Shion laughed softly at his prompt reply and fixed her hat.

Ling smiled at Ed “Take it easy man,I won’t steal your girl”Hoshi almost blushed “That doesn’t answer his
question “ “I’m starving “ “You’ve just eaten!” “I know but..Please?” “No “ “Come on” “No” “But – “ “NO”.
“What’s so funny?”Roy finally asked,narrowing his eye towards her.

Ed sweatdropped listening to them argue, moving his eyes from one to another as they spoke.
‘’Nothing.’’ Shion said quickly still smiling and shook her head, causing her hat to move a little. She took her
hands to its borders and fixed it again.

Hoshi blinked as Ling stood up “You’re mean” “I’m mean?I’M MEAN?After I let you stay here when I don’t
even know you!” “Well,if you’re a host you should let the guest feel confortable you know..” “Go to hell
Roy raised an eyebrow suspiciously “If you say so”He said,shrugging.

Ed sighed deeply. ‘’Listen, Ling. Hoshi is right you know. Quit your bitching.‘’he said, annoyed.
Shion smirked. ‘’Won’t you try to force the answer out of me?’’ she asked remembering their small argument at
the festival and giggled.

“Maybe I am a bad host after all”Hoshi started,causing Al to sweatdrop.Ling chuckled “Calm down,I said I’m
not here to steal her.I just want some food,that’s all”.
Roy bit at his lip “You do know that there are many ways to force the answer out of someone,right?”He
said,pressuring the word ‘force’.

Ed patted Hoshi’s head. ‘’You’re not a bad host.’’he said and hugged her. ‘’Just give him some food, he’ll shut
up eventually.’’he said bitterly sending Ling another glare.
Shion’s smirked widened. ‘’Oh, I do…’’ she said and smugged at him.

Hoshi giggled and hugged him back “Fine,I will” “Ah,thanks,that’s really nice of you”Ling said,somehow
sarcastic.Hoshi rolled her eyes “To the kitchen with you”.
Roy smugged back “Just you wait..”He said as the waiter brought them their ice-cream.

Ed followed Hoshi and Ling to the kitchen. He knew it wasn’t such a good idea to keep Ling. But it was Hoshi’s
house after all, she could do whatever she wanted.
Shion giggled and started to eat her strawberry flavoured ice-cream. It was very good.
“Yay”Ling said as weird sparkles and hearts surrounded him.Hoshi pushed the background away and sighed
“Great,another baby to feed”She muttered under her breath as Ling sat at the table ( ce sec LOL ) .
Roy chuckled as he tasted his chocolate flavoured ice-cream.He glanced at Shion,planning to take her ice-cream

Ed sweatdropped. Then it hit him. ‘’What do you mean by that….?’’he asked crossing his arms at his chest, half
upset and half embarrassed.
Shion was looking down at her ice-cream, taking small bites from it without a care. She wasn’t paying much
attention to Roy.

Hoshi giggled “It’s not you,don’t worry”She said “Just my brother going all ‘I’m hungry and I’ve had a hard
day.Make me some food’ “She said,acting like Roy.
Roy smirked “You have ice-cream around the corners of your mouth..”He said,amused.

‘’Oh.’’ Ed sighed in relief. Then he laughed at Hoshi acting like Roy. ‘’What a spoiled baby he is…’’ he said
Shion’s cheeks turned red as she grabbed a napkin on the table and wiped her mouth with it. ‘How embarrassing!
…’ she thought.

Hoshi giggled and resumed to prepare food for Ling.She made some bacon and eggs along with a glass of juice
“There you go “ “Thank you ~ “Ling said,gazing at the food,before he started to eat.
Roy used the opportunity to take the ice-cream away and chuckle evily “It’s mine now”.

Ed crossed his arms at his chest as he watched Hoshi and Ling. ‘’I told you you were a good host…’’ he told
Hoshi and flashed her a friendly smile.
Shion gasped. So it’s been a tactic to steal her ice-cream. She sighed trying to keep her cool. ‘’You know…’’ she
started looking at him in the eye. ‘’You’re very much like a pirate.’’

Hoshi shrugged “I’m trying”She said,glancing at Ling eating.The small panda jumped on her shoulder.Hoshi
giggled and took a leaf ( nu stiu de unde ) and feed it.
Roy chuckled “Me,a pirate?”He shook his head “I would never..”He said,teasingly.

Ed watched Hoshi feed the panda. Maybe it wasn’t such a bad pet after all…
‘’Oh? You just proved how much of a sneak you really are, Roy Mustang.’’ Shion said and nodded matter-of-
factly before leaning her cheek in her palm as she watched him.

Hoshi reached to pet the panda which seemed to be happy.Ling watched while eating.
“That doesn’t make me a pirate”Roy replied,shrugging,as he smugged at her.

‘’You’re good with the animals.’’ Ed said looking at the panda and then at Hoshi.
Shion rolled her eye. ‘’Whatever.’’she sighed. ‘’Can I have my ice-cream back now?’’

Hoshi smiled and kissed his cheek “Thank you~”Ling wondered if they were lovers or not.
“No”Roy said,smugging some more “Give me the answer and I’ll give you the ice-cream”.

Ed chuckled softly and kissed her cheek as well.

‘’Now you’re a negotiator?’’ Shion asked raising an eyebrow at him. Then she snatched his chocolate ice-cream.

Ling stood up “Well then,thanks for the delicious food”He said,not wanting to take part to a romantic
show.Hoshi shrugged “Anytime”
Roy pouted “I don’t need it anyway!”He said,keeping her ice-cream,daring to taste some of it.

Ed looked Ling. At least he had some manners.

Shion swallowed as she watched him. ‘’Fine then! And I’ll keep this ice-cream!’’ she said.

Hoshi watched Ling leave “Well,at least he did ask this time”.
“I don’t want it”Roy said sticking his tongue out at her.

‘’Well, it was the case he learned some manners…’’ Ed said and shrugged.
‘’Fine!’’ Shion replied she too sticking her tongue at him.

“Don’t be so mean”Hoshi said and giggled.

Roy chuckled as he tasted the ice-cream again “It’s really good,you know”He said,licking his lips.

Ed pouted. ‘’I’m not!’’he said. ‘’Why do you like him so much anyway?’’
Shion swallowed again, unable to take her eyes off him. ‘’I know it’s good!’’she said matter-of-factly. ‘’That’s
why I chose it!’’

“Who said I liked him?I’m just being nice with him because he saved my life”Hoshi said,looking away.
“And that’s why I stole it”Roy said,smugging at her.

‘’Is that so?...’’ Ed said taking a few steps in the direction Hoshi was looking so she could face him.
Shion shook her head slowly and took a bite from the chocolate ice-cream. It wasn’t bad either.

“Yeah”Hoshi said.Did she seem that guilty?Well if she didn’t,she felt for sure.
Roy chuckled “So are you going to tell me or not?”

‘’Hmmm…’’ Ed wasn’t sure what to say. He was jealous but he didn’t want to argue with her.
‘’No.’’ Shion said shortly before resuming eating the chocolate ice-cream.

Hoshi looked down,feeling really bad.

“Damn it”Roy mumbled,as he finished the ice-cream.Then he payed the waiter for both food and ice-creams.

Ed thought it was suspicious. But maybe it was his fault he got angry with her earlier. He sighed. ‘’I’m sorry.’’he
said and hugged her.
Shion was a little confused. Was he upset with her? She finished her ice-cream too and stood up.

Hoshi swallowed hard and hugged him back tightly ’’Don’t worry..”
Roy looked at her ’’Should we go then?”

Ed sighed and rested his chin on her shoulder.

Shion nodded and grabbed his arm holding tightly onto it.

Hoshi reached to pat him on his back,nervously.

Roy looked down at her,wondering what’s gotten into her.

Ed sighed and caressed her soft hair.

‘’Are you upset?’’ Shion dared to ask him.

Hoshi nuzzled her face into his shoulder.

’’Do I have a reason to be upset?”Roy asked.

Ed chuckled softly. He thought she was being cute.

‘’No.’’ Shion said and shrugged. ‘’You stole my ice-cream, after all.’’she said matter-of-factly.

Hoshi blinked.Was that a good thing?

‘’Where are you trying to get at?”Roy asked,suspiciously.

‘’What would you like to do?’’ Ed asked taking a stept back as he looked around the room.
‘’Nowhere. I’m just saying.’’ Shion said and shrugged letting go of his arm. ‘’Are we going back to the
Military?’’ she asked stuffing her hands in the pockets of her dress.

’’I don’t know.What would you like?”Hoshi asked,smiling.

’’Yes,we are.It’s the party tommorow and we need to rest”Roy said,glancing at her.

‘’Do you have any picture of Roy as a kid here?’’ Ed asked. He would love to see some.
‘’Want to go to bed, then?’’ Shion smugged as they reached as they reached their destination.
’’I think I have an album!”Hoshi said as she rushed to the library to look for the photo album.Then she handed it
to Ed.It had pictures of her as well.
Roy smirked ’Oh..Is that so?Let’s go then”He said,leading the way to their room.

Ed chuckled evilly at the sight of the positive answer. Then he took the album and sat down on the couch before
opening the photo album.
Shion nodded in agreement and followed him to his room, feeling a bit nervous about it all.

Hoshi sat next to him,a bit nervous that he had to see pictures of her.
Roy led her to his room and closed the door.He remembered they’ve been there after the party.

Ed was very curious. On the first part of the album there were only pictures of Roy because Hoshi hadn’t been
born yet. He laughed at the sight of a little Roy.
Shion remembered when they had been there as well. Ah, the memories.

Hoshi giggled at the sight of Roy ’’Isn’t he cuuute?

Roy gazed around the room and turned towards Shion ’’Make yourself confortable then”.

‘’Oh yes…’’ Ed said mockingly. It was weird to see the Colonel like that.
Shion stuffed her hands in her pockets. She was a bit afraid. She had the stone in one of her pockets. What if he
tried to take it away? Like he did with the ice-cream. Suddenly she wasn’t so sure she could trust him.

’’Tsk tsk”Hoshi tutted and shook her head,with a small smile.

Roy looked around and swallowed hard.It wasn’t the first time they’d share a bed,but still…

Ed laughed. ‘’What?’’ he asked and nudged her.

Shion took off her hat and looked around for a place she could hide the stone while she was there.

’’Nooothing~”Hoshi said innocently.

Roy looked at her suspiciously ’’Something happened?”

Ed chuckled and turned some more pages of the albums. Then he saw some pictures of a younger Hoshi.
‘’Aww…’’ he said and nudged her. ‘’This is cute!’’he said teasingly.
‘’No!’’ Shion said quickly. ‘’I’m fine.’’she said and smugged.

Hoshi giggled and blushed ’’That’s not cute..I was fat..”She said,pouting.
Roy raised an eyebrow ’’If you say so”He said and shrugged.

Ed chuckled. ‘’I’s not true!’’ he said. (Ed: Trebuia sa il vezi pe Al ce grasut era!! >:))
Shion decided to leave the stone in her dress’s pocket for the time being.

’’It is!”Hoshi said and hid her face behind her palms.
Roy sighed.Did she doubt him again?He disliked that the most.

‘’If you think this is fat, you should’ve seen Al when he was little…’’ Ed said evilly.
‘’What’s wrong?’’ Shion asked tilting her head to the side.

Hoshi giggled.Al was right behind them ’’ think..I was fat?”He swallowed hard ’’YOU’RE SO
CRUEL”And with that he ran away (Asa a facut si cu pisica LOL )
’’Why do you doubt me?”Roy asked staring intently at her.

(…. o_O) ‘’Al!’’ Ed called his brother back as he stood up. ‘’Al, come back here!’’
‘’Because…’’ Shion made a pause. ‘’Because of Envy… And because… I hardly know you.’’she said
remembering what Envy’s and Hoshi’s words. Plus if she learned something those days, it was not to trust
anyone blindly.

Hoshi sweatdropped ’’I think he went to the other room”She said,swallowing hard.
’’Then why did you accept to go out with me in the first place?”Roy questionated,crossing his hands together.
‘’I should probably go see if he’s alright…’’ Ed said scratching the back of his head. Did he really say something
that bad?
Shion sighed. She didn’t mean to offend him. ‘’I didn’t mean it like that.’’she said.

’’Hmm,i’m comming with you”Hoshi said standing up as well as she took his arm ’’I’m sure it’s fine”.
‘’Answer my question”Roy said,cutting her off shortly

‘’Yeah, he’ll get over it…’’ Ed said coolly as they headed to the next room. But in truth he was a little worried
for Al.
Shion swallowed a little seeing him so cold all of a sudden. ‘’Because I wanted to, okay?’’ she said. She didn’t
like having to give explanations for what she was doing.

Hoshi raised an eyebrow but said nothing.When they arrived in the room Al stood there petting the kitty.Hoshi
went and hugged him.
‘’That..doesn’t make any sense”Roy said,shrugging ‘’You don’t know me but you date me”.

Ed shook his head slowly at the sight of Al petting the kitty but he walked up to him and Hoshi.
‘’I can say the same thing about you.’’ Shion replied crossing her arms at her chest.

Al blinked surprised ’’What are you doing here,Hoshi?”He asked ’’I was worried about you so I came to check
on you~”
’’State Military knows everything.So consider I did know about you”Roy said,leaning a bit forward.

‘’I came too.’’ Ed announced pouting a little he wasn’t being noticed.

‘’I don’t believe the State Military knows everything.’’ Shion said shaking her head.

’’Yep!”Hoshi said and took his hand,pulling him into a group hug.
Roy shrugged ”When will you ever learn to trust someone?”

Ed blushed a bit but he hugged her and Al. It was something new to him, that group hug.
‘’When they’ll gain my trust.’’ Shion replied.

Al smiled,forgetting about the whole incident ’’Aww,you guys are so cute”Hoshi said and giggled.
’’How about we put an end to this then?”Roy said,narrowing his eye towards her.

Ed blushed at the sight of the compliment. ‘’Uh… if you say so…’’ he said scratching at his cheek.
‘’No.’’ Shion said and shook her head. She didn’t wish to break up.

Hoshi giggled and nudged him ’’Should w ego back then?”

’’Then what do you want?”Roy asked,confused.

‘’Yeah, let’s.’’ Ed agreed. He was about to pick on Al again but he thought it wouldn’t be nice to hurt his
feelings again and besides he didn’t want to appear as a bully in front of Hoshi.
‘’For one thing I want you to stop asking these complicated questions.’’ Shion answered. ‘’And second, I want to
go to bed. I’m tired.’’ Shion said glancing at the bed and stretched her arms doing her best to act chill.

Hoshi grinned as they reached back into the main room. ’’Here then”She said handing him the photo album.
Roy raised an eyebrow ”You women are so complicated..”He said,rubbing at his temples and sighed ”Fine,I’ll
stop then”.

Ed smiled as he took the photo album. He bit his lip trying not to say something mean about Al being chubby.
‘’Like I was saying… you’re not fat.’’he managed to tell Hoshi.
Shion sighed in relief. ‘’Thank you.’’she said and walked up to him to hug him.

Hoshi chuckled softly ’’I was chubby”She said,pouting a bit.

Roy blushed a bit and hugged her back tightly.

‘’Just a little bit.’’ Ed replied and nudged her.

Shion sighed softly, glad they made peace again.
Hoshi giggled ’’ All babies are chubby!”She said.
Roy stroked her hair silently,glad that he didn’t had to break up.

Ed chuckled. ‘’What are you implying? That I was chubby?’’he chuckled. (si Al: de fapt da, ai fost)
‘’I’m sorry. It’s the stone that makes me act like this.’’ Shion said pulling out the red stone out of her pocket and
sighed gazing at it.

’’Nii-san,you were too skinny actually..”Al muttered,sweatdropping,taking his revenge for earlier.Hoshi
’’Is it?I didn’t know it could change people”Roy said,gazing at it as well

A big red anger mark appeared on Ed’s forehead. ‘’WHO ARE YOU CALLING A SKINNY AND
UNDERDEVELOPED UNDERFED RUNT??’’ he yelled jumping on his feet.
‘’I don’t think it really changes people… it just makes you think everyone is after it.’’ Shion replied. ‘’I know I
shouldn’t doubt you, you already said you don’t want it… right?’’

’’Nii-san,you called me fat”Al said and chuckled ’’So i had to take my revenge!”He said,waving his hands in the
air.Hoshi giggled.They were entertaining.
’’I did”Roy said,nodding ’’But..I guess I would feel the same as well if I had it”.

‘’And since when are you so vengeful?’’ Ed asked rubbing at his chin as he narrowed his eyes at Al. ‘’Where did
you pick that up? Did Shion teach you to act this way towards your brother?’’ he asked, knowing Al got along
well with their newly found sister, who happened to be a pirate.
‘’I see.’’ Shion said. She herself had absolutely no need of it, but she wanted to give Al back his body and help
Fullmetal as well while she was at it. But she would do more research on how to use the stone after the party.

Hoshi had to try not to laugh at their sillyness.Al crossed his arms in front of his chest ‘’Nii-san,that wasn’t very
nice,so I just thought of something as mean”.
‘’Didn’t you say you were tired?”Roy asked,standing up ‘’Come on,let’s go and rest”.

Ed snorted. He didn’t like it when Al talked back like that. ‘’Al. Do you have no respect for your big brother?’’
he asked resting his hands on his hips.
Shion nodded before putting the stone back into her pocket and walked to the bed sitting down on it as she let
out a soft yawn.

”Gomen,Nii-san”Al said,looking down.Hoshi went to get some drinks.

Roy smiled as he looked at her ”You’re cute..”He found himself saying.

‘’Much better.’’ Ed said proudly, glad they settled who was the boss.
Shion blushed. ‘’I hope that’s not a tactic to steal the stone.’’she said coolly.

’’You know,you don’t really looked that chubby”Came a voice,causing Hoshi to pour juice on the table ’’Ling?
What would you know..” ’’I saw the pictures” Hoshi swallowed hard ’’When?” ’’Right now,I just didn’t let
myself seen”.
‘Please,that’s not like me”Roy said as he went to sit next to her.

Ed was waiting for Hoshi to return with the drinks. He looked at Al and then around the room. It really was a
neat place!
‘’Yeah right…’’ Shion said narrowing her eye at him. ‘’You have stolen my ice-cream not so long ago…’’ she
reminded him and smugged.

”I thought I let you sleep in the living room,not wander around the house”Hoshi said matter-of-factly,ready to
leave,but Ling blocked her way ”Sorry,I couldn’t help it”He said,somehow sarcastic,causing her to swallow.
”Whatever,”She said,pushing him away as she stepped into the room cooly.
”That was just for fun..”Roy said,rolling his eye as he looked at her ”I wouldn’t even dare to joke about stealing
the stone tho.If the Fuhrer finds out you’ll be dead meat”.

Ed looked at Hoshi when she entered the room and smiled at her. ‘’Do you need help?’’ he offered standing up.
‘’Don’t worry.’’ Shion said. ‘’I’ll use the stone before he finds out I ever had it!’’ she added and winked at him.
She wondered if the stone could be used more than once. She really had to do some serious research about it.
Hoshi smiled back at him ‘’It’s alright,thank you”She replied,politely as she placed the drinks on the table.
Roy looked away,a bit embarassed at the sight of the wink.Sure he was used with other girls but this was a whole
differit story ‘’If you say so”.

‘’Ok…’’ Ed said and sat down. He took one of the drinks and took a sip from it.
Shion was surprised he didn’t ask what she would use the stone for. But it was better that way, she wouldn’t tell
him anyway.

Hoshi sat next to him and took her own juice,having a bad feeling that Ling was watching.Just what did that guy
want from her?
Roy guessed it would involve the Elric brothers,so he didn’t bother asking.

‘’It’s good!’’ Ed said lowering his glass. He looked around wondering where Ling was and what he was doing.
He also wondered what happened to the girl Al had found that morning.
Shion stretched again and layed on the bed. She blushed a little remembering she was in his bed.

Hoshi giggled softly ’’Why thank you”She said,pulling out a cute face.
Roy looked at her,before he let out a soft yawn himself and layed next to her.

‘’Don’t mention it!’’ Ed replied politely and smiled at her being cute. Then he reached to pat her head and kiss
her cheek.
Shion arranged her head on the pillow and let out a soft yawn. Maybe she was more tired than she thought.

Hoshi blushed a bit and kissed him back on the cheek,then she snuggled him.
Roy reached to pull the covers over them “Good night then!”

Ed chuckled softly before wrapping an arm around her waist. Then he let out a soft sigh and closed his eyes
Shion nodded. ‘’Good night…’’ she whispered.

Hoshi rested her head against his chest.She couldn’t sleep that much,so most of the night she remained silent,her
eyes wandering around the room.
Roy reached to give her a quick kiss on her lips before he wrapped an arm around her waist and closed his eyes.

Ed on the other hand didn’t have any sleep problems so he fells asleep soon, keeping Hoshi close to his chest.
Shion smiled and closed her eyes as well. She slept like a baby that night.

When Hoshi woke up,she carefully got up not to wake Ed,so she went to the kitchen and started to prepare
When Roy woke up,he noticed that Shion was still in his arms and he couldn’t help but smile.

Ed woke up after a while and he could feel a yummy smell coming from the kitchen, which made him smile. He
went to the bathroom to take a shower before going to the kitchen to see what Hoshi was preparing.
Shion was still asleep, breathing evenly. She was probably having a dream or something.

Hoshi looked over her shoulder and smiled at him “Morning”She said,cheerfuly,as she resumed to preparing
Roy started to caress her hair slowly,as he placed a kiss on the top of her head.

‘’Morning!...’’ Ed greeted her shyly. ‘’What are you making there?’’ he asked walking up to her.
Shion snuggled at his chest. She was too confortable to get up just yet.

“Mm,just some eggs and baccon”Hoshi replied,nodding to herself.”Good morning!”Came a cheerful voice.As
Hoshi turned around,her jaw dropped.A boy,similar to Ed stood in the doorframe,except his hair color was a bit
darker and his eyes were differit “Al..?”
Roy chuckled softly “Sleepy head..”He said,teasingly.

‘’A-Al…’’ Ed stared at the image of his little brother in disbelief. It was a really Al, a sixteen-year old Al. He
blinked, unsure of what to say.
‘’Mm!’’ Shion groaned. Then she opened her eyes slowly. It wasn’t like her to oversleep, after all. ‘’You got a
problem with that?’’she said acting offended.

“Nii-san!I’m not sure what happened,but I think it’s all thanks to Shion”Al said,as he went to sit next to
Ed.Hoshi raised an eyebrow.Did that mean she had the Philosopher’s Stone?
“No,but I have to remind you that today is going to be a long day”Roy said,smiling “The party,remember?”

‘’What do you mean, Al…?’’ Ed asked staring at his brother in disbelief. ‘’Does she have the philosopher’s
stone? Or what?’’ he said, thinking that was the only logical explanation.
‘’Oh… That…’’ Shion said. ‘’Fine, just let me…’’ she stopped in the middle of the sentence with a shocked
expression on her face. The philosopher’s stone was gone.

Al shook his head slowly “She might,I’m not sure.But I’m really glad I’m like this!”He said,staring at his
hands.He was human,again.Hoshi giggled and glomped him “Allll ~ You look so cute like this!”
Roy noticed her expression “What happened?”He asked,concerned.

Ed walked to his brother as well and hugged him tightly. He missed him so much, in that form. ‘’I’m so glad,
Al…’’ he whispered trying to hold back a few tears.
‘’The stone is gone!’’ Shion replied glaring at him. He must have hidden it while she was still asleep, that’s what
she thought. (iar incep suspiciunile >:))

Al blushed as he hugged him back “T-Thanks,Nii-san” Hoshi couldn’t help but smile.Ah,family union.She was
happy for them.
“Hey,what’s up with the glare?”Roy asked,narrowing his eyes towards her “You’re not blaming me,are you?”

Ed nodded and poked Al to get over the emotional moment. ‘’This means you can taste Hoshi’s tasty food! How
cool is that?’’ he asked.
‘’Who took it, then?’’ Shion asked raising her voice a little. She really needed that stone.

“I can’t wait!”Al replied excited as Hoshi brought two plates with food and placed them in front of the brothers
“There you go,boys!”
“How would I know?I thought we already got over that”Roy said and sighed frustrated.He didn’t want another

‘’Itadakimasu!’’ Ed started to eat, staring at Al ocasionally. He couldn’t believe his brother got his body back. It
was almost too good to be true.
Shion looked away. ‘’Ok, if you didn’t take it, then we should find it soon.’’she said and got up looking around
the room.

“Itadakimasu!”Al and Hoshi said as they started to eat as well.Hoshi was glad that everything turned so well.
“Maybe ask my sister and Fullmetal”Roy suggested,raising an eyebrow.

Ed wanted to talk to Shion. If she had the stone… well, if she had it, she shouldn’t have kept it a secret!
Shion looked at him confused. ‘’No, I had the stone… They don’t have anything to do with it…’’

After Hoshi finished eating,she noticed that Ling stood on the windowframe all the time,leaning confortable
against it.She almost dropped the plates,as she stared at him.
’’But you never know..I think it’s better to tell them,anyway.If they’re your brothers,they won’t appreciate you
for hiding it”Roy said,trying to give her a good advice.

Ed startled as well at the sight of Ling. He almost forgot about him. ‘’What are you doing there?’’ he asked
pointing at Ling.
‘’I was going to tell them…’’ Shion started. Then she put on her hat and turned to him. ‘’You should call
them.’’she suggested. ‘’I would, if I had a phone.’’she added.

‘’I’m hungry as well”Ling said and pouted.Hoshi sweatdropped.She indeed forgot about him too ‘’S-Sorry”She
muttered,handing him a plate of eggs and baccon too,glad she made enough fo everyone.
‘’We should just go to them.They live at Hoshi’s house,which isn’t that far”Roy said,as he stretched a bit.

Ed chuckled evilly seeing Hoshi wasn’t paying much attention to the other guest.
Shion smiled. ‘’Ok. Just let me change into something else. Be right back.’’she said and left for her room.

Hoshi looked at Ed over her shoulder and giggled innocently.

Roy nodded as he changed into the military outfit as well and waited for her to get ready.

Ed looked at his brother. It had been so long since he’d seen his face… Now he couldn’t help but wonder how
Shion got to be in the possession of the philosopher’s stone. He was jealous she could get Al his body back so
quickly while he couldn’t, in so many years. It really hurt his pride. And he didn’t know how to feel about Shion,
although he supposed he should be grateful...
Shion opened the door to her room and froze. Everything was upside down. She walked up to the bed. The sheets
were ripped apart and the pillows had all their stuffing taken out, the feathers lying on the floor. Shion looked
behind over her shoulder, to where her trunks were wide opened, their contents spread on the floor. It was like
someone had been there searching for something. She glanced at the broken window and mirror. She walked up
to the vanity mirror and gazed at her shattered reflection. Things were far worst than she’d thought. She headed
back to Roy’s room. There wasn’t anything she could do it hers anymore.

Hoshi walked and sat next to Ed,as she rested her head against his shoulder,letting out a soft yawn.She was
tired,but she couldn’t rest.Besides,she had to go shopping as well.
Roy looked at her.He tried to read the expression on her face,but he couldn’t.He walked up to her and looked
down at her “Spit it out”He said/demanded,staring at her dead in the eye.

‘’Hey, did you get enough sleep last night?’’ Ed asked concerned. If there was one thing he didn’t like about her,
it was her not getting enough rest. He thought she was damaging her health.
‘’Someone’s been in my room…’’ Shion replied briefly. ‘’They’ve obviosuly looked for the stone.’’she said
trying to regain control over herself.

’’ No,I can’t sleep that much”Hoshi replied,shaking her head,as she let out a soft sigh.Al looked at her and tilted
his head to the side ’’ Aww..”He pouted cutely “You should get some pills or something!”
’’ I’m just surprised we didn’t hear anything”Roy said,rubbing at his chin.

Ed nodded at Al. ‘’Yeah, that might be a good idea…’’ he agreed.

Shion shrugged. ‘’Shall we go to your sister’s place then?’’ she asked unpatiently.

“I’m allergic to pills!”Hoshi said and blinked.Al sweatdropped “Okay,okay,I’m sorry!”

“Yes”Roy said as he took her hand and led her out towards Hoshi’s house.

‘’Oh.’’ Ed sweatdropped as well. He didn’t know she was allergic to pills.

Shion couldn’t wait to get there and talk to her brothers.

Hoshi giggled and nudged Ed.

Roy glanced at Shion from time to time.He was still thinking who could burst into her room like that.Could it be

Ed nudged her back and chuckled. Little did he know his sister was on her way there.
Shion was wondering how the Elric brothers could’ve known about the stone she had had.

Hoshi smiled and snuggled him.

When they arrived in front of her door,Roy knocked before he entered,along with Shion “Morning
Hoshi,Fullmetal”His eyes landed on Al “...and Alphonse?!”

‘’Morning…’’ Ed greeted them shortly looking at Shion.

Shion smiled at him and then she stared at Al. She blinked. The ressemblence with Fullmetal was undeniable.

Al nodded,shyly “That’s me”He said,timidly.Hoshi giggled “Hello and welcome here!”Roy nodded “How have
you been?” “Really good,thank you!” “That’s nice to hear”He couldn’t just get into the main subject.He was
interested into his sister’s health too.

‘’But… how?!’’ Shion asked walking up to Al. ‘’That’s what I’d like to know.’’ Ed muttered and crossed his
arm at his chest.
Hoshi nodded “We belive it has something to do with the Philosopher’s Stone”She explained.Roy raised an
eyebrow.Could that be a hint?

Shion figured it made sense if the stone turned Al back into a human and then dissapeared. ‘’I’m sorry about this
morning. I should’ve known you wouldn’t take the stone.’’she told Roy thinking she owned him a proper
‘’Wait, wait. Are you saying you really had the stone all this time? And you didn’t bother to tell us?’’ Ed

Roy nodded “Don’t mention it”He said and hugged her.Hoshi raised an eyebrow.So Roy kept it a secret,huh?
“Exactly,they could’ve search around the world for the stone while the whole time it was right in front of their

Shion sighed as she hugged him back.

Ed glared at Shion. Although he should be grateful for Al, it was still frustrating to know the stone had been so
close to them. He wasn’t sure what to say.

Hoshi reached to hug Ed. “Erm,so about the party,should we go shopping?”She suggested,looking at Shion.Roy
sweatdropped.That again?

‘’We’re going, we’re going!’’ Shion chirped. ‘’Just let me take another look at my little brother!’’ she said and
glomped Al. Ed snorted and looked the other way. He didn’t like seeing them so close.

“Ohhh!”Al looked embarassed.He smiled widely before he hugged her back.Hoshi tried to confort Ed.Roy
sighed.It was a bit suspicious how her and Ed were so close all of sudden.

Shion giggled and hold Al tightly before patting his head. ‘’You’re so cute!’’ she told him.
Ed sighed as well. He smiled weakly at Hoshi appreciating her trying to confort him.

Al smiled.Indeed,it felt nice to be human once again.

Hoshi pouted a bit.She didn’t know what to say or do.She didn’t want to get Ed mad at her.

Shion smiled back and pinched his cheek. She couldn’t help herself, he was too cute.
‘’Weren’t you going shopping?’’ Ed asked tilting his head to the side.

“Hey!”Al pouted as he turned a bit red.

“Oh yeah”Hoshi giggled “I should go and get ready then”She said,standing up as she went to her bedroom to
pick an outfit.

Shion giggled and patted his head. ‘’It’s you fault for being so cute!’’ she told him. Ed sighed as he watched
Hoshi leave. Shion glanced at Hoshi as well. She was waiting for her to go shopping together.

“Cute...?”Al blinked as he turned redder than before.This was too much for him!
Hoshi opened her closet as her eyes landed on a light purple blouse,with not that much of a low-cut,deciding to
match it with a light brown scarf.She caught a hair pin at the top of her hair [ suna sec xD ],which looked like a
boquet of flowers.Then she put on a pair of blue-jeans and black boots and walked out “Okay,I’m ready!”

‘’You look nice!’’ Ed complimented Hoshi.

‘’Ok, let’s go!’’ Shion said sounding cheerful. She really was in a good mood. Seeing Al back to his human form
made her very very happy.

“T-Thanks”Hoshi said and blushed “See you later!”She waved before walking out with Shion.
Roy raised an eyebrow,thinking this was his chance to ask Ed about it.

‘’Bye bye~!’’ Shion told the boys as she walked out the door with Hoshi
Ed waved as well before taking a sit on the couch, glancing shortly at Roy and Al.

Hoshi and Shion went to the mall “Ohh,this looks like heaven”She said,with heart shapes into her eyes as she
looked around excited.
Roy glanced at the girls and mumbled a “Good bye “before turning to Ed “Okay,Fullmetal spit it out”.

Shion nodded in agreement, her eyes all glittery. She took Hoshi’s hand and pulled her into a clothing store to
browse through the dresses.
‘’Huh?’’ Ed looked at Roy confused. ‘’What do you want?’’

Hoshi looked through dresses.They were all beautiful!

“What’s between you and my sister?”Roy asked,awfully suspicious.

Shion went for a tight dress with a low cut, thin shoulder straps and a high cut on her right leg. Its colour was a
bright red.
Ed looked at the Colonel. So that was it. Actually it was almost the same thing as between the Colonel and his
sister. ‘’Would you mind if there was the same thing as between you and Shion? ’’ he replied coolly to push his

Hoshi peeked over Shion’s shoulder curiously “Go try it!I bet it’ll look gorgeous on you!”She adviced
her,nodding.Then she looked through the dresses some more.She found exactly what she needed.A red tie,with
white lines on it,a black had with a big red rose on it,a tight dress,with large,white, sleeves,continuing with
something that would look like a creasy skirt,which had the red colour.Then she also found a pair of black and
red hoses,along with a pair of shoes,skaters to be more precise.
Roy could feel anger bulb in his stomach “That doesn’t answer my question”Did he meant that him and Hoshi
were together?He would never allow that.

Shion nodded and went to the booth to try it on. She came out after a short while in the red sexy dress. ‘’What do
you think?’’
Ed grinned. ‘’We’re dating.’’he told Roy. He thought it was better to be honest about it from the start. And if the
Colonel commented something, Ed would only have to remind him he was dating his sister. (ma rog, ai inteles tu

Hoshi grinned “I told you it’ll look hot on you!”She said and winked.
“You’re ..what?”Roy’s jaw dropped for a second.He wasn’t serious.Him and Hoshi dating...”S-Since when?!”

Shion couldn’t help but grin proudly. She wondered what Roy would say when he’d see her. ‘’Ok, now it’s your
turn!’’ she said and pushed Hoshi in the booth with the clothes she’d found.
‘’Since…’’ Ed took a hand to the back of his head. ‘’Since a while ago!’’ he decided to say, remembering about
their kiss in the hospital.

Hoshi laughed as she tried the dress and came out.It was indeed,tight on her body “How does it look?”
Roy glared.He hated when his sister hid something as big as that from him.But,I guess they were equivalent
since he hid from her the Philosopher’s Stone as well.

‘’Very beautiful!’’ Shion exclaimed and clapped her hands.

Ed glared back as silence filled the air.

“Thanks!!”Hoshi blushed a bit and giggled.She changed her clothes back and went to pay for the dress.
Roy wasn’t sure whether to be angry or disappointed.Al just watched silently.

Shion did the same and also bought some high heels to go with the dres.
Ed crossed his arms. He thought it was Roy’s fault for asking.

“The boys will so love this”Hoshi said,confidently as she couldn’t stop grinning.
Roy looked around the room.Why did she had to pick him out of all?

‘’Hell yeah!’’ Shion agreed. ‘’Hey…’’ she looked around at the shops in the mall. ‘’Do you have any idea what
Roy would like to receive for Christmas?’’ Shion asked Hoshi looking away.
Ed rolled his eyes. But he could understand the way he felt. A little.

“Hmm..I’d say he recived his gift already”Hoshi said,smugging as she nudged Shion “But you can get him a
small gift..Like..Oh God,I don’t know!”
Al looked at the two of them.Surely they couldn’t stand each other and now they could even end up like

Shion giggled. ‘’Let’s go. Maybe we can’t find something for the boys as well’’ she said and dragged Hoshi
around the mall.
Ed glanced at Al. He knew he should be happy, but the Colonel managed to spoil everything. He sighed as he
looked out the window.

“Mhm!”Hoshi wasn’t sure herself what to get for Ed “Let’s get something for Al too!”
Al sighed softly.This surely was intense.Roy went to the kitchen to get a drink.

‘’Yeah!’’ Shion agreed. Al deserved to receive something as well and especially since it was a special occasion –
the day he got his body back.
Ed sighed in relief as Roy left the room. ‘’This Colonel… I don’t get him.’’

Hoshi grinned “Any suggestions?”She asked,tilting her head to the side.

“I think he’s upset”Al said scratching the back of his head.

‘’How about something to wear? Like a shirt or something!’’ Shion suggested.

‘’So what.’’ Ed said indifferently.

“Yes~Okay we have Al settled,wha about the boys?”Hoshi asked raising an eyebrow.

“Nii-san,he really seems upset.I don’t know if he’ll get along with this..”Al said,a bit worried.

‘’You know your brother… You must know what he’d like to get – I can’t say the same about Fullmetal.’’ Shion
said meditatively.
‘’And what do you want me to do about it?’’ Ed asked raising his voice.

“Well,pirate clothes!Since you’re a pirate”Hoshi suggested,giggling “I don’t know about Ed,tho”

Al startled.”I-I was just saying!”He said,waving his hands in front of his face.

‘’Yes!!’’ Shion said happily trying to picture Roy in pirates clothes.

Ed narrowed his eyes at Al but then decided to let him go. He had a point, even though Ed wouldn’t apologize to
the Colonel – he hadn’t done anything wrong, right?

Hoshi giggled “I think I might go for a plushie..”She said,evily.

Al never saw his brother so angry.He wouldn’t want to get him even madder,so he decided to remain silent.

‘’Good!!’’ Shion agreed nodding. ‘’But I’ll get Ed milk box.’’ She said rubbing her palms evilly. (cornul si
laptele LOL)
Ed looked around the room. It seemed that Roy wouldn’t return to the room where he and Al were anytime soon.

Hoshi laughed “That’s just mean!I don’t know what to get for Roy...I’d want a picture with an evil text on it..”
Roy decided to wait in the kitchen untill the girls returned so he wouldn’t argue with Ed anymore.

‘’Hmmm…’’ Shion tried to think of an evil text, but nothing really came to her that moment.
Ed was getting bored waiting for the girls to return.

“How about ...”Hoshi started thinking “Don't forget to use your mind fom time to time?”She asked,evily.
Al didn’t know what to say “Nii-san,are you alright?”

‘’Ok.’’ Shion giggled. ‘’Let’s hope it won’t upset him too much though. He might burn us all he gets mad’’ she
said matter-of-factly. Then she burst into laughter. ‘’You know what, you go ahead with that plan. He really
needs to use his head more often.’’she agreed with Hoshi.
Ed sighed. ‘’I’m alright…’’ he lied. ‘’I’m just bored. I hope Hoshi returns soon.’’

Hoshi started to laugh as well.She went to a small shop in the mall and told the lady from there to make her a
customized frame with a funny angry smiled that said ‘Don’t forget to use your mind from time to time’.
But Al wasn’t that easy to be tricked.He knew that Ed was upset,but he didn’t insist on the subject “I hope so..”
Meanwhile Shion bought the pirate outfit for Roy and a chocolate milk box for Ed.
Ed crossed his hands befind his head and stared at the ceiling.

Near the same shop,Hoshi found a really nice teddy-bear plushie and decided to buy it for Ed.She thought it was
Roy stood in the kitchen as he looked out the window,bored.

Before leaving the mall, Shion bought a really nice shirt for Al. Then they headed back to Hoshi’s apartment
where the boys were waiting for them.

When they went back,the first thing Hoshi heard was Roy call her to the kitchen.And he didn’t sound too
happy.She gulped as she stepped in,a bit nervous.
Al went and hugged Shion “Welcome back,Shion-onee-san!”

Ed glanced at Hoshi. He could guess what Roy wanted to talk to her about. He let out a deep sigh.
Shion hugged Al back and couldn’t help but flash a proud grin. ‘’Please, call me nee-sama!’’ That made Ed
glare. What was wrong with everybody today?

Hoshi closed the door after she entered in and looked at Roy “Yes?”She said softly.Roy didn’t look at her “Why
didn’t you tell me about you and the Fullmetal?”So,he found out,huh?Well better later than never.
Al blushed a bit “Okay,nee-sama!”He said,liking the sound of it “What did you buy?”He asked,curiously.

Ed rolled his eyes. ‘Nee-sama…’ Who did she think she was? He leaned his cheek in one palm as he watched
Shion giggled. ‘’Actually I got something for everyone.’’she said happily. ‘’Here’s your gift!’’ she said offering
Al the shirt, wrapped in a nice colored paper.

Hoshi looked down “I didn’t want to get you mad..”She said “ And you think I feel better now?” “Well no..but..”
“The fact that you hid this all the time doesn’t make me feel any better,really..”
Al looked at the shirt.A gift for him?He’s never recived one!He smiled wide “T-Thank you!”He said,taking it.

‘’You’re welcome!’’ Shion replied glad to see him so content. Then she glanced over at Ed. ‘’I got something for
you too!’’ she told him. ‘’I don’t want it, whatever it is.’’ Ed replied bluntly and sent her a short glare. Shion
walked up to him with the small box in her hands. Ed crossed his arms at his chest and looked away, upset.
Shion sighed. Where did she go wrong?

“L-Look..I’m sorry,I promise I won’t do it again,okay?”Hoshi said,a bit upset.Roy sighed “Whatever..”Hoshi
sighed and walked out of the kitchen,deciding to give him some time.Al looked at Ed “Nii-san!Don’t be like

Shion handed Ed the gift and glared at him shortly. He ruined the whole moment. Ed took the present.
‘’Whatever, I assume I should thank you and all that…’’he started. Shion looked at him as he unwrapped the
milk box.
Ed felt like exploding. ‘’… Milk?!... milk…’’ he repeated as the atmosphere become more and more tensed.
UP!!’’ he snapped and stood up to chase her around the room. ‘’But, but it’s chocolate milk! I thought children
were supposed to like chocolate!’’ Shion said over her shoulder to push his buttons. ‘’Why you~!’’

Just then Hoshi came out of the kitchen,causing her to bump into Ed and both of them to be sent on the
ground.She blinked a bit,embarassed.Al sweatdropped.This turned worse than before.But now maybe Hoshi
could calm him down!

Ed blushed a little. ‘’I-I’m sorry!’’ he said quickly, embarrassed. ‘’It’s her fault!’’ he said pointing at Shion.
‘’Hey~!’’ Shion pouted. Ed glared at her and she hid behind Al, giggling.

Hoshi giggled a bit “It’s okay,it’s okay”She assured him.Al looked at Shion and chuckled a bit.He could imagine
the future arguments betwen Shion and Ed,as well as the teasings.

Ed stood up and helped Hoshi up as well.

Shion wrapped an arm around Al’s shoulders and watched Ed’s reaction. As she expected, his face was burning
with anger.

Hoshi smiled and hugged him,trying to confort him.

Al blushed a bit.He felt trapped.His brother was angry and his sister seemed to enjoy it.

Shion giggled and hugged Al.

‘’How’s the Colonel?’’ Ed asked Hoshi finally taking his eyes off Al and Shion. For the moment.

Al hugged her back and caressed her hair.

“Could’ve been better”Hoshi replied,as she let out a soft sigh “Do not worry about that.He’ll be fine later”.

‘’What happened with Roy?’’ Shion asked concerned.

‘’What do you care?’’ Ed said. ‘’Erm, he’s my boyfriend, you know.’’ ‘’Tsch.’’

“Let’s not argue”Hoshi said and waved her hands in the air “Shion,perhaps you should go check on him.He’s
really upset”She suggested,shrugging.

‘’I’ll do that.’’ Shion nodded and went to the kitchen.

Ed curled his lip as he watched her. She and Roy deserved each other.

“Good luck”Hoshi said as she then looked at Ed “Uhh..are you okay?”She asked,softly.
Roy resumed to stare out the window,his chin resting into his palm,as he tried to clear his mind.

‘’I don’t get her! She’s doing everything she can to upset me!’’ Ed confessed. ‘’I know she’s a pirate, but… But
‘’Um… What happened ?’’ Shion asked Roy walking up to him slowly.

Hoshi stroked his cheek affectionally “I’m sure this will be only untill you will get along”.
Roy looked at her and let out another sigh “Just my sister giving me headaches..”

‘’If we will get along.’’ Ed said and sighed before glaring at Al as if it was his fault.
‘’What did she do?’’ Shion asked tilting her head to the side.

Hoshi sweatdropped “Come on,don’t say that..”She said as she took out the plushie she’s got for him “Look,isn’t
this cute?”
“She’s dating the Fullmetal..”Roy said as he gritted his teeth together.

‘’Um…’’ Ed blushed. Was it for him?... ‘’Y-yeah, it is…’’ he admitted.

‘’Oh…’’ Shion said. She guessed something like that was going on, but she didn’t see anything wrong about it.
‘’And it bothers you, right?’’ she asked awkwardly, looking away.

Hoshi almost forced the plushie into his hands “U-Uh..It’s for you”She said,blushing a bit.
Roy nodded “More like it bothers me that she didn’t tell me about it..”He said,looking away.

Ed’s face turned red as a tomato. ‘’Uhh… Thanks!’’ he said accepting the plushie. He’d never received anything
like that. He glanced at the toy and then kissed Hoshi on the cheek.
‘’She simply didn’t want you to get mad…’’ Shion assumed. ‘’And you do know now!’’ she said trying to make
things seem better.

Hoshi giggled softly before she returned the gesture and hugged him tightly.
Roy chuckled softly “I guess you are right..”He said,eventually giving up.

Ed patted her head affectionately before glancing at the plushie in his hands. He wondered if Hoshi liked him
that much and blushed a bit at the sight of that.
Shion sighed in relief. ‘’Let’s go back in the living room then!’’ she said stretching out a hand to him.

Hoshi snuggled into the side of his neck and smiled from the bottom of her heart.Meeting Ed was probably one
of the best things that happened to her.
Roy nodded and stood up “Yeah”Even if he was still upset,he wanted to try and cheer up for Shion.
‘’It’ll be fine, you’ll see’’ Shion told Roy to cheer him up. She didn’t like seeing him upset. Besides, she
couldn’t help but wonder how he’d react when she’d give him the gift. Would he get even more upet?
Ed glanced at Roy and Shion as they returned to the room. Great, what were they up to?

Roy nodded and kissed her cheek “Thanks for everything”He said,softly,before the entered the living-room.Al
walked to them and smiled “Roy-san!Are you alright?” “Y-Yeah..”
Hoshi looked at Roy.He didn’t really seem any better.

‘’Don’t mention it.’’ Shion replied softly.

Ed was in an awkward situation. He was aware he caused it, but he didn’t want to do anything about. He, after
all, was in the same situation as Roy. Although you couldn’t tell he cared about Shion the way Roy did about

Al reached to hug Shion “Nee-sama,I like the t-shirt a lot!Thank you”He said,smiling sweetly.
Hoshi thought this might disturb Ed “Erm,so when’s the party starting?” “In two hours”Roy replied
“Two...hours?”She sweatdropped “I won’t be ready untill then!”

Shion giggled. ‘’You’re welcome!’’ she said hugging Al back. It felt good. This all brother thing was new to her.
‘’Then I suggest you start to get ready!’’ she told Hoshi, not wanting to leave Roy and Ed alone. Who knows
what they might do.

Al smiled and snuggled her a bit.

Hoshi nodded and looked at Ed “Erm..will you be fine?”She asked,nervously.

‘’He will!’’ ‘’…I will.’’ Ed repeated after Shion, glaring at her for answering a question meant for him. ‘’I’ll be
fine, don’t worry about me!’’ Ed told Hoshi flashing her a small smile.

Hoshi nodded and kissed his nose before she headed towards her room,pulling the outfit out.Then she went to
take a shower,dried her hair and put the outfit on her.Afterwards,she painted her nails and added soft make up,at
the end tying her hair in two ponytails.
Roy chuckled.He thought it was fun getting Ed angry “Are you going to get ready as well?”He asked Shion.

‘’Erm…’’ Shion looked at Roy and then at Ed. ‘’Al, can you keep things under control while I’m away?’’ she
asked her little brother and nudged him.
Ed rolled his eyes. as if he needed babysitting at his age!

Al laughed and blushed a bit “S-Sure thing!”

Roy looked at Shion.Leaving him with the two brothers once again?He sighed and shrugged “That’s fine”.

Shion went into the bathroom and took a shower, then combed her hair, changed into the new dress, put on some
make-up and put on her newly acquired shoes.
Ed hoped Hoshi would be back soon. He didn’t like being alone with Mustang.

Soon enough Hoshi was ready and she came out from her room “I’m done!”
Roy looked at her.She looked gorgeous.No wonder,she was his sister after all.He felt proud of her,forgetting
about the argument.

Ed looked at her. She was so beautiful! He was proud she was his girlfriend. ‘’You look very nice!’’ he dared to
compliment her, feeling nervous about it.
Shion came out as well, a bit nervous. ‘’Hoshi! You’re so pretty!’’ she told Hoshi when she saw her in the new
outfit. She really was cute.

Hoshi blushed a bit at Ed’s compliments,but Hoshi’s as well “Aww,thanks,you too!”

Roy’s jaw almost dropped as he looked at Shion “My,you’re so wonderful”.

Ed smiled widely at her. ‘’I’m only telling the truth!’’ he said and smugged a little.
Shion grinned, proud of getting the result she wanted. ‘’Thank you.’’she accepted the compliment timidly.
‘’Shall we go?’’ Ed said, not liking the way Roy looked at Shion. (gelozia, gelozia!)
Hoshi smugged back at him and walked closer to him as she took his hand “Let’s go then”
Al put the new t-shirt on and came as well “I’m ready!”
Roy chuckled “Come on”He said,as he wrapped an arm around Shion’s shoulders.

Ed nuzzled his nose at her cheek and followed Roy, Shion and Al to the Military building, holding Hoshi’s hand
the whole time. He was looking forward for this. He hadn’t had a Christmas party in a very, very long time.
Shion could say the same thing as Ed, always travelling on the sea. But now she found a place she could call
‘home’ and friends… She wanted nothing more than to preserve that feeling.

Hoshi giggled softly.When they arrived at the State Military,there was loud music comming from the inside,lots
of balloons placed around the place and a big banner saying ‘Happy Holidays’.Hoshi was delighted.But that
wasn’t it.As soon as they entered in,everyone moved their gazes towards them.First they looked at Roy,then at
Shion and finally at Hoshi and Ed.Al as well!Wondering who was he.

Shion was delighted by the decorations and pretty lights. They had done a good job with that. She smiled at the
sight of people looking at them.
Ed on the other hand wasn’t so confortable with that. ‘’Let’s get some drinks.’’he suggested to Hoshi and pulled
her to a table with appetizers.

Roy was glad Shion liked the decorations.He came with some ideas as well,so he couldn’t help but blush a bit.In
the other hand,he didn’t like the way Ed seemed to ‘boss’ his sister around.
Hoshi let herself dragged by him and blinked “Okay”She said and smiled.Everyone was there.Including Winry
and Rose as well.When Rose saw Ed,she went and hugged him “Edward!Is that really you!”She exclaimed
happy.Hoshi glanced at her.

‘’I wouldn’t worry so much about them.’’ Shion told Roy, watching Ed and Hoshi. ‘’They can take care of
‘’Y-yeah…it’s me.’’ Ed replied awkwardly. ‘’How are you?’’

“Oh,trust me I would”Roy said,as he saw Rose hug Ed like that.He figured his sister would freak out anytime.
“I’m so glad you’re here!I haven’t seen you in like what?2 years?!”Rose giggled as she pinched Ed’s
cheek.Hoshi could feel her stomach bulb with anger.She was jealous indeed.

Shion sighed and glanced at Al. At least they did they didn’t have to worry about him too.
Ed blushed a little as he rubbed as his cheek. ‘’Yeah, it’s been a while…’’he nodded.

Winry giggled when she saw Al and started to hug him to death.
Hoshi bit at her lower lip as she poured juice into a glass.Rose clapped her hands together “I missed you a lot”.

Shion startled at the sight of Winry. ‘’Who are you?’’ she then asked glaring at Winry.
Ed scratched at his cheek nervously. He wasn’t sure what to say. It was an awkard situation for him, and since
Hoshi was there too he didn’t want to say something wrong.

Winry blinked as she looked at Shion.She glared back “Mind your own business,lady”Roy’s eye twitched “She’s
a childhood friend of their”He said,trying to avoid conflicts.
Hoshi tried to ignore their conversation but it was getting more awkard by each second.When she was about to
take a sip from her drink,someone covered her eyes from behind “Guess who”She figured it was a male’s
voice.And it sounded rather familiar.She gasped “Matt?” “Bin~go!”

Shion snorted as electricity built up in her body. She felt irascible for some reason and wanted to kick that girl’s
Ed glanced over at the new boy. Who the hell was he??

Roy glanced at Shion “I don’t like her that much either,but let her be for now”He told her.
Hoshi turned around and looked at Gil.He surely looked handsome now.He was much more taller than her,he
had red-eyes and gray hair ( nu era un mos. ) “What are you doing here?”She asked,giggling “I got in the State
Military” “Really?That’s great!”

‘’Fine…’’ Shion said through gritted teeth, trying to calm down.

Ed looked at this Gil suspiciously. He didn’t like seeing him and Hoshi that close.
“Let’s go and get a drink”Roy suggested,pulling her away from Winry and Al.He didn’t like seeing her upset.
Hoshi grinned at Gil “Are you here to sing something for us?” “Perhaps I’m here to serenade you” “No you’re
not!”Hoshi looked away quickly “How do you know?” “W-Well...I’m aware of it!You know Roy would kick
your butt if you did”.

Shion nodded and followed him. She tried to think of something else.
A serenade?! Now it was Ed’s turn to feel his stomach bulb with anger.

As Roy passed some people,he caught the sight of Gil and glared “That guy again?”He snickered.
Rose tugged into Ed’s arm “What’s wrong?”She asked softly.”Nee,Hoshi-chan,you’ve grown up so much ~ “Gil
said,studying her closely “Of course.It’ been almost seven years since we’ve seen each other!”

‘’Huh?’’ Shion looked over at Hoshi and Gil. ‘’You know him?’’
Ed didn’t reply anything as he continued to glare at Gil. He didn’t like him at all.

“Yeah,he’s a childhood friend of Hoshi’s”Roy explained “But honetly,he always wanted to be more than just a
Gil finally noticed Ed “And who’s that if I may ask?”He asked,pointing at him.Hoshi looked at Ed and smiled
“That’s my boyfriend”.

Shion nodded in understanding. ‘’That seems troublesome.’’she said.

Ed walked closer to them and wrapped an arm around Hoshi to let the guy know he shouldn’t mess with their
relationship. ‘’Edward Elric. Nice to meet you.’’

“Doesn’t it?”Roy sighed “Ah,Roy there you are!”Hughes said walking up to them with Elicia.He looked at
Shion and then at him “I see you’ve finally hit the jackpot,huh?” “Maes..”Roy sweatdropped,embarassed.
Hoshi giggled and snuggled Ed.Gil didn’t like it.He glared a bit before replying “Gilbert Beilschmidt”He

Shion giggled taking that as a compliment. Then she looked at Elicia. She was the little girl she’d seen in the
photos Hughes had shown to her. ‘’Hello!’’ she said smiling at the little girl, trying to act friendly.
Ed just smirked as he held Hoshi’s hand.

Elicia smiled back “H-Hi”She said timidly.Hughes giggled “Isn’t she just cute?!”He said,hugging Elicia.Roy
chuckled.Seeing Hughes like that made him feel happy.
Hoshi gripped into his hand.Gil rolled his eyes “You never told me you had a boyfriend..”He pouted “U-Uh..I
wasn’t even sure if you’re dead or alive,to be honest”She replied,sweatdropping.

‘’She’s adorable!’’ Shion agreed nodded, before patting Elicia’s head.

‘’So, you two are friends?’’ Ed said just to find out how they knew each other so well.

Hoshi nodded ’’We’re childhood friends!Gil is a great singer”She said,positively ’’And you’re a great
dancer,that’s why you’re going to dance while I sing,tonight”Gilbert said,evily ’’U-Uh..I haven’t danced in a

Shion smiled at Elicia and Hughes. ‘’I can see why you’re so proud of her!’’ he told him.
Ed was actually curious. He wanted to see Hoshi dance as well. ‘’I’d like to see you dance’’ he told Hoshi and

Hughes nodded and snuggled Elicia ’’Daddy~”The little girl,said blushing.Roy glanced at Hoshi from time to
time.He was actually glad the Fullmetal was there.
Hoshi turned as red as a tomato ’’F-Fine”She managed to choke out these words,still embarassed.

Shion laughed softly at Elicia and Hughes. She wondered what it would be like if she had a child of her own.
‘’How old are you, Elicia?’’ she asked the little girl. (intrebarea asta li se pune mereu copiilor mici o_o)
‘’Great!’’ Ed said and smiled encouragingly. He would keep his eyes on her at all times.

Elicia started to count her fingers ‘’Five!”She replied,nodding proudly.Roy sighed,happy as he watched
Shion.She’d make a good mother.
‘’Okay,I’ll go talk to the organizator.Untill then you go and change and afterwards I’ll come and explain you the
dance”Gil said as he walked off.Hoshi stared blankly ‘’O..kay?”

‘’I see. You’re such a big girl!’’ Shion giggled and winked at Elicia. She was getting the same feeling she had
around Al.
‘’… You have interesting friends’’ Ed told Hoshi. ‘’But I’m sure you’ll do great.’’he added and hugged her.

Elicia blushed a bit “A-Aw”She said,hiding behind Hughes,who chuckled lightly.Roy wrapped an arm around
Shion’s waist and smiled.
Hoshi sweatdropped “Honestly,I never thought I’d get to see him here”She said,hugging him back “I hope i

Shion blushed a little and glanced at Roy from the corner of her eye.
Ed thought it wasn’t the moment to get jealous. He didn’t want to make a scene and get into a fight with Hoshi.
He’d had enough of that with her older brother.

Roy looked back at her and kissed her cheek.

Hoshi couldn’t help but snuggle him “I’ll go and get ready for this dance then”She said,a bit suspicious “See you
soon,kay?”She said,giving him a short kiss on the lips,before heading to the backstage.

Shion smiled and returned the gesture. She could feel her feelings for him had grown.
‘’O-okay…’’ Ed replied, a bit puzzled. He hoped everything would turn out okay.

Roy watched Hughes and Elicia.He hoped he’ll have a kid someday as well.
Hoshi found a dress on the bed,it was very colorful,a black hat and black and white tights.She got dressed and
then Gil came and told her about the song and everything.

Shion too wanted to have children. ( :> nu poate fi o coincidenta!) She smiled at Hughes and Elicia resting her
head on Roy’s shoulder.
Ed looked around and grabbed a cheese sandwhich, having nothing better to do while he waited for Hoshi and

( las ca fac ei copii dupa party ) Roy caressed her hair affectionally.Then silence filled the room.They had been
announced that Gil’s performance will start soon.As two big screens popped out,on one of the no one but Hoshi
could be seen,in her new dress,with three girls behind her.She was in charge.As the song started,she sang the
lyrics and danced,untill she got intrerruped by Gil walking cooly in,probably melting girls hearts.

(yakusoku da? :o3) Shion looked at Hoshi and Gil. She didn’t know Hoshi would perform! She smiled at the
screen, looking forward to her performance.
Ed did the same, and besides rolled his eyes at Gil. What a macho.

Roy didn’t know either.Besides he found Hoshi cute performing.But that Gil..He ruined everything.
After Gil finished singing his part,Hoshi walked forward,casting some dance moves while singing.Ah,it’s been
so long since she did that.

Shion thought Hoshi was good. She was also very cute in the new outfit!
Ed felt the same as Roy. There was just something about Gil that he didn’t like. But then he smiled when he saw
her dance and sing at the same time. She was so good, he couldn’t take his eyes off her.

Roy was glad that Hoshi wasn’t that affected with the accident.After all,she got shoot.
The crowd enjoyed the performance as well.They didn’t know much about Gil,but they heard about Hoshi being
related to Roy.

‘’Your sister is very talented!’’ Shion told Roy smiling.

Ed sipped from his glass of juice as he enjoyed the show.

“She is..She is..”Roy said,proudly.

After the song finished,Hoshi got off stage as she walke to Ed,blushing a bit.

Shion’s smile widened. He really loved his sister. Maybe one day she and her brothers could be like that.
Ed clapped as he welcomed Hoshi. ‘’You rocked!’’ he told her, honestly. He was proud he was her boyfriend.

Al walked to Shion and Roy “Hoshi-chan was great!”He said,smiling.Roy nodded “That’s my sister!”
Hoshi scratched her cheek embarassed “T-Thank you!”She said,flashing him a small smile.

‘’That’s right!’’ Shion said and gave her unsuspecting brother a good noogie.
‘’You’re welcome!’’ Ed said above a whisper and hugged her tightly.

Al blinked “Ooooh!”He said surprised and giggled.

Hoshi hugged him back tightly and rested her chin on his shoulder.

‘’Where did you leave your girlfriend?’’ Shion asked Al, half serious, half joking.
Ed sighed softly and kissed her cheek. Nothing could come between them, of that he was sure.

“G-G-Girlfriend?”Al stuttered “I don’t have a girlfriend!”

Hoshi nuzzled her nose against his cheek.She was glad Gil wasn’t around her anymore.

‘’Heh ~?!’’ Shion nudged him teasingly. ‘’What about the girl from earlier? You seemed pretty close...’’
Ed was the happiest Gil wasn’t there to ruin there moment. He chuckled softly and caressed Hoshi’s hair.

”S-She’s my friend!Besides she doesn’t like me,she likes Nii-san”Al said,looking down.
Hoshi reached over his shoulder to take a glass and pour some juice in it.

Shion looked at Al and blinked. ‘’Is that so…’’ The Fullmetal seemed to be popular with the girls (fanele
astea…). She hugged Al to console him.
Ed took a glass as well for himself and poured some juice. Orange juice, because he liked it most.

Al hugged her back tightly “Mhm..”Roy looked at him with compassion.

Hoshi grinned as she looked at Ed “Is there something you’d like to do?”

‘’Hmm…’’ Ed looked around. ‘’Do you dance?’’ he asked Hoshi as the music started to play again. Shion
noticed the music started again and couples were gathering on the dancefloor. ‘’Can I have this dance?’’ Shion
asked Al charmingly tilting her head to the side.

Hoshi couldn’t refuse him.She smiled “Of course I do!”She replied,delighted.

Al blushed a bit as he watched her “Y-Yes!”He said,as he reached to take her hand.Roy smiled as he watched

Ed was relieved he wasn’t rejected. He took her hand and they went to the dancefloor.
Shion giggled seeing Al so shy and lead him to the dance floor, where they could see Ed and Hoshi. They
seemed to enjoy themselves.

Hoshi let herself pulled by him and when they got on the dancefloor,Hoshi wrapped her arms around his
neck.She saw Al and Shion and giggled “Look at that”
Al was still embarassed.He’s never got the chance to dance with someone untill now,so it was something new
for him.

Ed looked over at Al and Shion squinted his eyes. What the hell were they doing. He hadn’t forgotten she was
the one who helped Al the most by actually returning him his body. And they were siblings so there weren’t
doing anything wrong. Maybe what Ed felt was jealousy.
Shion waved at him from across the room, causing Ed to look away from her and Al. Then she placed a hand on
Al’s shoulder and smiled.

Hoshi watched Ed a bit worried.Maybe she shouldn’t’ve said anything about Al and Shion.
Al looked at Ed and smiled a bit before he looked back at Shion “You’re good at dancing!”

Ed took a deep breath. ‘’I’m chill, I’m chill…’’ he repeated to himself trying to calm himself.
‘’Why thank you!’’ Shion said happily as she led the dance. She was having a good time.

Hoshi blinked “Aw..”She started as she reached to hug him.

Al nodded.He was really glad that he got to meet Shion and that she turned out to be his sister.

Ed hugged her back. ‘’Thank you.’’he whispered.

Shion was glad too he was her brother. She would never admit it, but she was glad Fullmetal was her brother as
well. He was so fun to tease.

Hoshi sighed and kissed his cheek “Don’t mention it”.

After the music stopped,Al suggested they should go and eat something.Roy walked to them as well.

Ed flashed her a small smile. She was so good to him.

Shion agreed and looked at the appetizers. Everything looked tempting.

“Let’s go and have something”Hoshi suggested,taking his hand.

Roy peeked over her shoulder “Now please don’t drool,okay?”He said,joking of course.

‘’Sure!’’ Ed said as they went to a table. Ed looked over at Shion, glancing shortly at her before looking back at
Hoshi. ‘’What should we have?’’ he asked her.
Shion let out a short shriek at the sight of his voice in her ear. ‘’Please, pirates don’t drool.’’she told him trying
to act dignified as she turned around. ‘’Speaking of which, here’s your gift.’’she said handing him the bag with
the pirate clothes inside. (avusese cadoul in inventar, ca Simsii)

Hoshi scratched the back of her head “I want something italian!”She said,licking at her lips.
Roy raised an eyebrow as he took the bag “Pirates clothes?”He chuckled “Hold on,I’ll go and try them”

Ed chuckled. ‘’How about pizza?’’ he suggested eyeing some slices of pizza on a plater.
‘’Yay!’’ Shion clapped her hands happily. She couldn’t wait to see him in those clothes!

“Pizza!”Hoshi exclaimed and giggled “Okay!Pizza then!”She said excited.

Roy came back soon enough,the clothes fitting him perfectly.He felt a bit awkward as he looked at Shion”

Ed chuckled at her being cute and kissed her cheek.

Shion gasped at the sight of Roy in pirate clothes. He looked perfectly! ‘’Ahem, it matches your personality
well!’’ she smirked at him.

Hoshi blushed a bit and reached to take a slice of pizza.

Roy looked away,a bit embarassed “T-Thank you”.

Ed reached to take a slice of marguerite pizza. It was very tasty.

Shion giggled. ‘’Ahoy, Captain Roy!’’ she said with a grin and poked him.

Hoshi watched him and then she playfully nudged him.

Roy smirked “Oh,I like the sound of it”He said and reached to grab her finger.

Ed glanced at her and grinned as he nudged her back.

Shion laughed softly. ‘’I knew you would!’’ she said leaning closer.

Hoshi laughed and took a bite from her slice before she smugged at him.
“Of course”Roy said cooly,leaning closer to her.

Ed smugged back and took another bite from his slice of pizza.
Shion smirked as she looked him deeply in the eye.

Before Hoshi had the chance to say something else,she felt a pair of strong arms wrap around her waist.It was
Gil,indeed.She grew nervous “Oi Gil,I thought I already said I have a boyfriend”She said,starting to get a bit
Roy’s smirk widened,as when he was about to close the gap between their lips,no one but Madame Christmas
stepped between them.
A big sweatdrop appeared on Ed’s forehead when Gil popped up out of nowhere. He narrowed his eyes at Gil
before opening his mouth to talk. ‘’Keep your hands off my girlfriend!’’ he said angrily.
Shion startled at the sight of Madame Christmas. When the hell did she get there? And more importantly, she
ruined their moment. How rude. She couldn’t help but glare at Roy’s aunt.

Gil glared at Ed “Chill,dude,it was just a friendly hug”He said,matter-of –factly,before shrugging.Hoshi took a
deep breath “Would you please keep your distance?”
Madame Christmas raised an eyebrow “Roy,have you seen Riza?I know she’s always around you.I want to talk
to her”She said,more like demanded.Roy glared.How dared she talk about Riza in front of his girlfriend “I’m
afraid I haven’t”.

Ed wondered why Gil didn’t give up when Hoshi clearly told him she didn’t want him around. What a guy.
‘’Don’t you have somewhere else to be?’’ he asked Gil. It might have been Hoshi’s friend, but he was still acting
like a jerk.
Shion stayed out of the conversation, feeling a bit excluded. She couldn’t help but feel a bit jealous thinking how
she was only the new girl, while Roy and Riza seemed to share a past together. It really bugged her now.

Gil blinked “Nee,Hoshi-chan I thought you missed me as much as I missed you..” “I miss the old Gil.But this
Gil..I don’t know who the hell is he”She finished,coldly,before she took Ed’s hand “Come on,I don’t want to
argue anymore.This is supposed to be a special night”.
Madame Christmas glanced at Shion.She still didn’t like the fact that Roy had such a girlfriend “What’s with
these clothes on you?This isn’t a masquerade.Go change immediatly”She ordered.Roy frowned “This is a gift
that I adore and nothing will make me throw it away”.

Ed smirked. ‘’Right.’’he said as they walked away without looking back at Gil once.
Shion’s cheeks turn a little red at the sight of his words. She admired him for telling off his aunt like that.

Hoshi sighed softly.She felt the beginning of a headache kick in “Gosh,what a night..”She mumbled.
Roy glanced at Shion and smirked proudly.She gave him the courage to face his aunt.Madame Christmas wanted
to slap him “Perhaps you need an education lesson,hm?”

‘’Are you feeling alright?’’ Ed asked quickly, concerned. He didn’t want her to feel sick or something.
Shion didn’t like the way Madame Christmas talked to Roy. ‘’And who’s gonna give him that education lesson?
I hope not you!’’ she squinted her eyes at Madame Christmas.

Hoshi glanced at him “I’m not sure..”She replied,honestly.

Roy almost chuckled at Shion’s behaviour,but everything turned serious as soon as Madame Christmas layed her
hands on Shion’s dress, tugging slightly into it “You’re crossing over the border,little girl”.

‘’Here, have a sit!’’ Ed suggested leading her to a row of chairs without letting go of her hand.
Shion looked at Madame Christmas. It took more than that to scare a pirate girl. ‘’Take. Your. Hands. Off. Me.’’

“Thanks”Hoshi said,as she sat down.She glanced at Shion and Roy and..Madame Christmas “Oh joy.This night
is getting better and better..”
Madame Christmas wasn’t impressed “Are you trying to pick a fight on me?” “Madame
Christmas,please,leave”Roy said,poison dripping from each word.

‘’Uh-oh.’’ Ed gulped looking at Shion and Roy. He remembered the last time he saw Madame Christmas, in the
hospital, she tried to pull Hoshi out of the bed by her legs. So that cruel lady was back, huh . ‘’Let’s hope she
doesn’t see us.’’he whispered.
Shion tilted her head to the side. ‘’I will not repeat myself.’’ She built up electricity in her body and sent it
towards Madame Christmas who hadn’t taken her hands off her. It was enough to make the old lady lose

“She might’ve not notice us,but she saw my brother for sure”Hoshi said,as she watched her “This isn’t going to
end up good..”
At that moment everyone turned towards Shion and Roy and the unconscious lady.Roy looked around
“Okay,maybe this was too much..”
Ed gasped. His sister did that? ‘’Oops… it’s out of habit.’’ Shion said looking very small. ‘Auntie… Auntie…’
she heard some voices echoing inside her head. ‘’What is this?... They’re coming directly from my head.’’ she
said above a whisper, slowly looking down at the unconscious Madame Christmas. Then she could see before
her eyes, for a brief second, two children looking up: a dark haired boy and little girl, who appeared to be
siblings. ‘Is this Roy’s Aunt’s memory?...’

Hoshi stood up in no instant and rushed by their side “W-Why did you do that?”Even if Madame Christmas
could be harsh,she loved her.She was her aunt,the woman that took care of her and her brother when they needed
help the most.
Roy looked worried as well “Help me get her out of here”He said,as he reached to wrap her arm around his neck
and try to pull her up.

Ed wanted to say she deserved it, but he didn’t want to sound rude in front of Hoshi. Shion gulped. ‘’I tried to
limit myself…’’
She nodded at Roy and tried to help him pick her up, although she was heavy.

Hoshi felt her blood turn cold ‘She’ll be fine,she’ll be fine’She thought.Then she spotted Gil walk to her “Oh
Roy glanced at Hoshi “I’ll be back soon”He announced,before leaving with Shion to get his Madame Christmas
to a hospital.

Ed bit his lip as he watched Roy and Shion taking Madame Christmas away before wrapping and arm around
Hoshi’s shoulders trying to confort her.
‘’Do you have a car?’’ Shion asked Roy on their way out. She supposed he did, because she didn’t expect them
to crawl with his fat aunt all the way to the hospital.

Hoshi rested her head against Ed’s shoulder as she sighed softly “What a day..”She heard herself mumble.
“I do”Roy replied as with Shion’s help he got Madame Christmas on the back seat.Then he quickly drove to the
nearest hospital,hoping it wasn’t something serious.

Ed wasn’t sure what to say in order not to worsen the situation so he just patted her head.
Shion sighed watching the street lights from the back seat. She’d offered to sit next to Madame Christmas
because she was feeling guilty and, well, it wouldn’t have been exactly right to leave an unconscious person
alone in the back seat.

Gil approached them “Hoshi,can I help you ?”He asked,softly.Hoshi looked at him and shook her head “I’m
afraid not”.
When they arrived at the hospital,the doctor told them to wait outside.Roy walked around,his hands behind his
back.He was worried.

Ed looked at Gil with a what-do-you-want kind of look on his face.

Shion watched Roy as she simply leaned against the wall.

Gil shrugged.He only wanted to be there for Hoshi.

When the doctor came out,he announced that there wasn’t anything serious. Roy felt relieved as he thanked him.

Ed hugged Hoshi tightly. He knew she needed him there.

Shion was glad too Roy’s aunt would make it. That was a relief.

Hoshi hugged him back ”Hey..Let’s do something”She mumbled “I don’t want to be upset the whole night”.
Roy walked to Shion and hugged her.He was glad she didn’t had to feel guilty over this.

Ed nodded. ‘’Ok! You pick what we do!’’ he said with a small grin.
Shion returned the hug. ‘’I’m sorry. I got carried away.’’she whispered.

“Hmm..”Hoshi started,rubbing at her chin.No ideas came in her head.She sweatdropped “I don’t know..”
Roy nodded “It’s okay,I don’t blame you”Probably he would’ve done the same or even worse.

‘’I don’t know either.’’ Ed said and shrugged. Then he chuckled softly. He found the situation funny.
Shion remembered about the small vision she had had of Roy and Hoshi as little kids. From the little pieces of
information she had, that woman most likely was the one who raised them after their parents died. Shion didn’t
know how to tell Roy about what she saw, she didn’t want him to consider her a freak.

Hoshi pouted “What’s so funny?”She asked and poked Ed’s nose with her own.
Roy looked at Shion “Is there something wrong?”He asked with concern in his voice.

‘’You’re cute.’’ Ed said between the chuckles and poked her. (Ed: >:))
Shion gulped. ‘’Ugh… I saw you and Hoshi… in a memory of Madame Christmas’s.’’

“I’m..cute?”Hoshi asked,as her cheeks got slightly pink.She would never imagine herself being cute.
“What do you mean?”Roy asked.Could she have some sort of special power?

Ed nodded. ‘’Yes you are.’’he said matter-of-factly and kissed her forehead. She really was adorable, he didn’t
understand how could she still have doubts about that.
‘’It’s true.’’ Shion replied. ‘’I assume a circuit was built between your Aunt and me with electricity as the
medium… That’s strange, considering I don’t even that much power left since… Kimblee stole it. My locket.’’

Hoshi blushed even more as she burried her face into his shoulder “Aww..”She giggled silently.
“Wasn’t that supposed to have the Philosopher’s Stone?”Roy asked.He found the situation pretty awkward.

Ed smiled widely and patted her head. ‘’Would you like some juice?’’he asked glancing at the bottles on the
‘’Err… Actually…’’ Shion had a small flashback. ‘’Back then after he blew up Al’s body, Kimblee ran away
with my locket which had the Stone inside. Later when you got out of the hospital and met him again, I had the
Stone back, by some kind of miracle.’’ Shion narrowed her eye. ‘’After Al turned into a human the Stone
disappeared. But for some reason I don’t think it went to Kimblee. It’s almost as if the Stone has it’s own free
will... Back to my locket… Kimblee’s side have it.’’ she finished and sighed thinking of how much power it
gave to the Homunculi now.

“Yes please!”Hoshi replied excited as she clinged into his arm like a little child.Al smiled widely at them.
Roy nodded,listening carefully to her “Maybe the stone is somehow in Alphonse’s body,since that was the
reason he turned into a human after all”He said,rubbing at his chin.

Ed chuckled and pured some juice for the three of them, handing her a glass, then to Al and finally taking one for
‘’In his body?... Maybe…’’ Shion said looking down, concerned. ‘’It’s all so messed up…’’

Hoshi leaned to kiss his cheek and giggled before she took a sip from her juice.
“And if you get the stone back,perhaps he’ll turn back into the armor as well..”Roy said,scratching the back of
his head.

Ed winked at her before taking a sip from his own juice. ‘’How are you feeling, Al?’’ he asked looking at his
‘’Oh no.’’ Shion said. ‘’If the Homunculi learn about this, he’ll be in danger...’’ she whispered bit her lip. Then
she shook her head. ‘’I won’t let them touch him.’’

Hoshi giggled softly before she smugged at him.”Really good!”Al replied happily,before thanking him for the
“I guess we have to keep an eye on him for now”Roy said,sighing “Should we head back to the party?”

Ed smugged back at Hoshi trying to hold a chuckle. ‘’I’m glad to hear that.’’he smiled then at his brother. He’d
been through so much, he deserved some peace and quiet.
‘’I want to, but will your Aunt be alright here by herself?’’ Shion asked feeling a little remorse for what she’d

Hoshi grinned,glad that everything turned out to be alright.After all the two of them went through lots of things.
“Yes she will”Roy replied quickly,not really interested into the subject,knowing that she’s fine.
Ed took another sip from his juice. He hoped his sister and the Colonel would come back from the hospital with
some good news.
‘’Ok!’’ Shion agreed, eager to go back to the party. ‘’You have a nice car.’’she told him once they were back in
the car on their way to the Military State building.

Al looked around.He didn’t know the State Military had so many people!Hoshi watched him and smiled.He was
so cute!
Roy blushed as he took a hand to the back of his head “Thanks”He said softly as he got in and started to drive
back to the party.

Ed chuckled. His brother was always so innocent. (Al cel inocent XD)
Shion giggled softly before getting in the car. She was anxious to get back to the party. She couldn’t help but
wonder how Al and Ed were doing.

( Al cu cornu in frunte!!! ) Hoshi laughed and poked Ed “Now,don’t be evil!”

When they arrived there,Roy looked around for Hoshi untill he saw her.He took Shion’s hand and pulled her to

‘’What did I do?’’ Ed laughed and stuck out his tongue at her.
Shion sighed in relief at the sight of everyone being alright.

“You even ask?”Hoshi said and poked his nose,giggling.

Roy looked at Hoshi and Ed.He still didn’t got along with the idea of them being together,but eh,it was fine for

‘’Yeah, I even ask.’’ Ed replied and bit her finger.

‘’Al!!’’ Shion glomped her little brother.

Hoshi retreated her finger as she moved a bit closer to him “Figure out then”.
“Nee-sama!!!”Al exclaimed as he hugged Shion.Roy chuckled.He was glad to see Shion was so happy.

Ed chuckled but he didn’t say anything as he saw the Colonel was there too now.
Shion giggled and pinched Al’s cheeks.

Hoshi pouted a bit sad that their fun got ruined.

Al blushed “How are you?”He asked,softly.

‘’Is everything alright?’’ Ed asked Roy to fill the silence.

Shion laughed. Al blushing was always so cute. ‘’I’m fine. And so is Madame Christmas.’’ Shion replied and
winked. She decided it wasn’t the moment there was a possibility the Philosopher’s Stone was inside him.

“Yeah,everything is fine”Roy replied simply as he watched him and Hoshi.Hoshi scratched the back of her head
“I’m glad everything alright”She replied,feeling a bit lame.

‘’I see. That’s good to hear.’’ Ed said politely although he didn’t care about Hoshi’s aunt so much. She had been
plain mean to her niece. He glanced at his sister. Her powers were really something.
Shion looked down at him. ‘’What are you looking at, chibi-Metal?’’ ‘’I’M NOT A MINI-SIZED HUMAN
EVEN AN ANT COULD STEP ON!!’’ Ed snapped and chased her around the table, Shion laughing all this

Hoshi giggled softly as she watched them.They were entertaining.Al sweatdropped the whole time “Nii-san,you
have to learn to get over it..”He said softly “She’s going to make fun of you everyday” Roy chuckled as well.It
was fun seeing the Fullmetal get pissed so easy.

‘’AL!! ON WHOSE SIDE ARE YOU ??’’ Ed yelled over his shoulder. ‘’You, devious pirate, stay still!’’ ‘’Or
what?’’ ‘’Or else!’’
Shion stopped running as she clung onto Roy’s arm. ‘’What are you going to do now?’’ she asked Ed and stuck
out her tongue at him. ‘’Tiny, tiny human!’’ ‘’Argh, damn you!’’ Ed moved his fists in the air angrily.
Hoshi stepped behind Ed “How’s he short?He was shorter than me when we first met and look,now he’s
taller”She said matter-of-factly,causing everyone to go silent.Roy sweatdropped “That’s true...” Al
sweatdropped as well “See?You’re not short at all”.

‘’He’s still shorter than Al!’’ Shion pointed out the truth and smirked.
Ed glared. ‘’I hate you.’’

Hoshi hugged Ed “Ahhh,come on don’t pay attention to them”She said,trying to cheer him up.
Al waved his hands in the air,innocently “Only by few inches”He added quickly.

‘’A few inches make the difference.’’ Shion replied matter-of-factly.

Ed sighed deeply and hugged Hoshi back. He was grateful she was on his side.

“Cut it out”Hoshi said as she kissed Ed’s cheek.

Roy smirked.He thought Ed got himself a new babysitter.

‘’Fine…’’ Ed pouted a bit and sent Shion a short glare.

Shion giggled and hugged Roy.

Hoshi glanced at the clock “It’s midnight,huh?”

Roy chuckled and stood in front of Shion,protectivly.

‘’Already?!’’ Ed glanced at the clock as well.

‘’Guess time goes by quickly when you’re having fun XD’’ Shion said.

“Couldn’t agree more”Roy said,keeping her side.

Hoshi pouted “Does that mean the party is over too?”

‘’Aww…’’ Shion pouted a bit as well.

Ed didn’t want the party to be over either. He was having lots of fun when he was with Hoshi.

“Ah,can’t be helped then”Roy said,taking Shion’s hand.

Hoshi tugged into Ed’s arm like a little kid “We should get going then!”

‘’I guess you’re right.’’ Shion nodded and rolled her shoulders in a small shrug.
‘’Ok, ok!’’ Ed chuckled and kissed her hair. ‘’Let’s go.’’

Roy looked at Hoshi “See you tommorow then”He said,giving her a friendly hug “Take care”He
said,silently,since he didn’t want anyone else to hear him.He wasn’t used to this,so he was sorta embarassed.
Hoshi nodded “Take care too,Roy~”She said in a sing-song voice before turning the opposite direction,leaving
with Ed and Al.

Shion said goodbye to her brothers as well. She hugged Al and stroke Ed’s hair, much to his annoyment. Then
she smiled at Hoshi and the boys as they left.
Ed sighed in relief on the way to Hoshi’s home. He was always so fired up when Shion was around.

Hoshi smiled as she waved back “Waa,this was fun~”She cried,as Al nodded “Sure it was!”
Roy chuckled and waved good-bye as well “You’re so mean...”He told Shion after they left.

‘’I agree!’’ Ed said with a big smile upon his face. He tried not to think of Shion.
‘’You think?’’ Shion sweatdropped a little. ‘’Oh well, I guess it can’t be helped. I am a pirate after all!’’ she said

Hoshi giggled as she looked around the city.It was beautiful,decorated with all sort of lights and Christmas
themes.She liked it.
“My pirate”Roy corrected her,as if he stated the biggest fact in the world.

Ed thought the city looked beautiful too. It really matched his mood now when he was walking down the streets
with two of the most important people in his life.
‘’Awww you’re making me blush!’’ Shion giggled softly and buried her face in his chest.
Hoshi looked around like a little kid that recived candy for the first time.She giggled,excited about it.
Roy chuckled and caressed her hair affectionally “I’m sorry”He said,his voice filled with sarcasm.

Ed smiled at Hoshi and took her hand. Soon it started to snow.

Shion smirked. ‘’Oh really?’’ she replied in a similar manner.

Hoshi interwined his fingers with his as a snowflake landed on her nose.She giggled.
“Yeah,really”Roy replied as he flickered her nose and chuckled.

Ed chuckled with her before kissing her cheek.

Shion blinked and then she poked him playfully.

Hoshi grinned and kissed him back.Al wondered how did it feel like to have a girlfriend.
Roy caught her finger and bit it teasingly.

Ed smiled and glanced from Al from time to time. He wouldn’t want him to get lost.
Shion looked at him and then she smirked tilting her head to the side.

Hoshi smiled as they soon arrived home “What do you want to do now?”She asked cheerfuly.
Roy smirked back as he reusmed to walk to the apartament he was staying at.

‘’How about…’’ Ed looked around. ‘’How about we have some cookies? Oh ,and later we can look through
those photo albums again!’’ he suggested thinking that would be fun.
Shion followed him to his appartment. ‘’I think the party was a success.’’she said at some point. ‘’Everyone
seemed to really enjoy themselves!’’

“Cookies!”Hoshi exclaimed as she rushed to the fridge and took some cookies “Here you go!”She said as she sat
on the sofa and placed the cookies on the table.
“It was”Roy agreed as he opened the door and waited for her to get in.Then he scratched his head.He was a bit
embarassed,since it was a mess.

‘’Thank you!’’ Ed said taking cookie. ‘’Mm! They’re good!’’ he said reaching to take more.
Shion went and sat down on the couch. She looked around. So that was how a bachelor’s house looked like.

Hoshi blushed a bit as she nodded “Thank you!”Al reached to take a cookie as well “They’re really good!”
Roy sat next to her nervously “I’m glad you liked the party”.

Ed handed the bowl so he could take some cookies as well. ‘’So, where are those albums?’’ he asked with an evil
grin turning back to Hoshi.
Shion nodded ‘’Of course I did!’’ she replied happily. ‘’I’m glad I met Mr. Hughes’s daughter! I didn’t know
children could be so adorable! And…’’ she made a pause remembering about Madame Christmas. ‘’I wonder
what your Aunt wanted with Riza…’’

“Right here!”Hoshi said as she stood up and took all the family albums and handed them to him.
Roy looked away “That’s not important at all”He said,as he reached to hold her hands “Yes,children are very
nice..”He said,bitting at his lip.

Ed chuckled evilly as he took the albums and looked through them.

Shion smirked. ‘’I couldn’t agree more…’’

Hoshi rested her head against his shoulder as she looked at the albums as well.
Roy blinked “What’s that supposed to mean?”He asked,smirking as well.

Ed chuckled remembering how chubby Al really was when they were little but he decided not to open the subject
Shion shrugged. ‘’Nothing in particular.’’she said.

Hoshi snuggled into Ed as she saw a picture of Roy trying to fish.She chuckled.
“Liar..”Roy said,sticking his tongue out at her
Ed laughed at the picture. It was weird to see the Colonel as a child. He looked almost… innocent. ‘’This is
priceless!’’ he told Hoshi.
Shion laughed nervously and punched his shoulder for him not to notice she was blushing.

Hoshi poked Ed’s cheek and grinned “Isn’t it?”

Roy grabbed her hand and pulled her closer to him “Well?”

Ed laughed. ‘’It is, it is!’’ he said. ‘’I wonder how he’d react if he saw it.’’he chuckled evilly.
Shion looked up at him and bit her lip. ‘’Well what?’’

Hoshi sweatdropped “He’s going to kill me!Don’t show it to him!”

“You didn’t answer my question”Roy reminded her as he licked his lips.

‘’Yes, yes, I’m going to show it to him!’’ Ed took the decision by himself. He grabbed the photo and held it
close to his chest, laughing evilly.
Shion swallowed hard. ‘’So? What are you going to do about it?’’ she asked teasingly.

“See?You’re evil!”Hoshi pouted as she reached to take the photo from him.
“Who knows..”Roy said as he reached to play with her hair,his tone very provocative.

‘’No~!’’ Ed pouted reaching to take the photo back. ‘’Don’t take it!!’’
‘’Oh? I want to see what you’ve got.’’ Shion smirked.

“But but!”Hoshi said “YOU ARE EVIL”She claimed,crossing her arms in front of her chest.
“Are you sure of that?”Roy asked,chuckling.

‘’I’m not!’’ Ed pouted. ‘’I just…. I just… I’m not evil, okay?’’
‘’Aye…’’ Shion replied leaning a bit closer to him.

“Yes you are!”Hoshi said and pouted as well.

Roy leaned closer to her as well “What do you want to see..?”

‘’Nooo~’’ Ed protested. ‘’Your brother is the only one evil here. That’s why he must see this pic tomorrow!!’’
‘’What do you think?’’ Shion answered with a question.

“Yeees~”Hoshi protested back “You are very evil for showing that to him!”She said pouting.Al yawned a bit as
he announced he was going to sleep.
“Depends..”Roy replied,his eyes sparkling towards her.

‘’No~!’’ Ed insisted. ‘’Oh… goodnight, Al!’’ he said to his little brother.

Shion giggled and reached to kiss him on the lips.

“Night Al!”Hoshi said before fixing her gaze back to Ed “Oh yes!~”
Roy chuckled as he wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her back.

‘’No~!’’ Ed resisted. He was sure he wasn’t the evil one there.

Shion smiled into the kiss and wrapped her arms around his neck.

“Yes!”Hoshi argued back as she stuck her tongue out at him.

Roy smirked a bit as he leaned to make the kiss deeper.

‘’No.’’ Ed proved to be just as stubborn as Hoshi was.

Shion let her hands slid down his back as the kiss intesified.

“Yes”Hoshi said simply as she leaned to take the picture once again.
Roy pulled her closer to him,as he ended up with her on his lap.

‘’No~!’’ Ed stood up and started to run around the house with the picture in his hands.
Shion giggled at the sight of the two of them being so close and kissed his neck shortly.
Hoshi stood up and ran after him “Give it back~”She pouted.
Roy raised an eyebrow as he raised her chin and let his lips press against her neck.

‘’Or else what?’’ Ed said over his shoulder as he entered one of the bedrooms.
Shion smirked. ‘’Should we go to bed?’’ she whispered in his ear.

“You’ll see !”Hoshi said,chasing after him.

“Yes”Roy replied as he picked her into his arms and carried her to his bedroom

‘’Hee hee! You gotta catch me first!’’ Ed chuckled. He looked around the room and hid under a big table.

“I will!”Hoshi said as she looked around the room,trying to follow his voice “Just so you wait!”

Ed placed the photo in one of his pockets just to make sure he wouldn’t lose it anytime soon, and waited to be
found by Hoshi. It wasn’t such a big room after all.

Hoshi looked behind the couch and then finally under the table “Found ya!”She said,grinning.

Ed shrugged. ‘’It seems that way.’’

Hoshi reached to catch him “And I caught you as well!”She said proudly.

Ed chuckled. ‘’Good for you!’’ he teased her. ‘’And what are you going to do now that you caught me?’’

“Get my photo back”Hoshi answered smiling.

‘’But I already said I’m not giving it back to you!’’ Ed said and stuck out his tongue at her. ‘’Not before the
Colonel sees it, in any case.’’

“But he’s going to kill me!Do you want me to die?”Hoshi said and looked at him with puppy eyes.

‘’He’s not going to kill you!’’ Ed laughed. ‘’I will be there to protect you from any harm!’’ he said and winked
at her.

Hoshi blushed “Y-Yeah,right”She said teasing him as she crossed her arms in front of her chest.

‘’What, you don’t believe me?’’ Ed pouted a bit as well.

“Maybe I do,maybe I don’t”Hoshi said,leaning a bit closer to him.

‘’Well, make up your mind…’’ Ed replied leaning a bit closer as well.

“Never...”Hoshi replied as a small smirk curved her lips.

‘’You’re so devious!’’ Ed said and nudged her.

“So what?!”Hoshi said and pouted again.

Ed chuckled and nudged her again, almost pushing her her from under the table.

Hoshi reached to hold his hands “You’re so evil!”

Ed grinned. ‘’I know I am.’’

“See?SEE?”Hoshi said and laughed “You’re so evil!”

‘’So what?’’ Ed asked leaning closer.

Hoshi leaned closer as well “You finally admited”.

‘’Indeed. I was playing with you earlier.’’ Ed admitted.

Hoshi leaned to play with the collar of his shirt “Such a player you are”.

Ed blushed a bit. ‘’I-If you say so…’’

Hoshi smirked “You know you are”.

Ed gave her a short kiss on the lips before getting out from under the table. ‘’Aren’t you tired?’’ he asked her and
stretched his arms. ‘’Cause I know I am.’’

Hoshi kissed him back and nodded “I am”She replied,getting out as well.

‘’Good night then…’’ Ed said and let out a soft yawn before turning to go to his room.

“Night”Hoshi said and turned to walk towards her room.She changed into her ‘pijamale’ and went to bed.While
sleeping,she had a weird nightmare about her seeing a gate a certain creature mutter some words to her.Before
she had the chance to say something,she started to cough blood. ‘Feelings’ She finally heard the creature
mumble ‘I’d like to see how it is to have feelings..’Her eyes widened as she woke up with a sharp scream.

‘’Hoshi!’’ Ed hurried to his girlfriend’s room and slammed the door open. He was wearing the same clothes
from earlier, since he didn’t have any PJ’s (= pijamale) with him. ‘’It was just a bad dream…’’ he told Hoshi as
he walked up to the bed to make sure she’s alright.

Hoshi reached to cling into his clothes.She’d never thought dreams could be so painful.She let out a deep sigh,as
some sweat rolled down her forehead,before she coughed a great amount of blood.Al and Ling heard the screams
as well so they couldn’t help but go and check on her.

Ed patted her head keeping her close to him before seeing the blood she coughed. ‘’Al, call an ambulance!’’ he
said over his shoulder with a desperate expression on his face. He was scared to death.

“Nii-san,what happened?”Al asked horrified as he approached them.Hoshi coughed louder and because of the
blood loss ( parca asa se scria ) , she fainted in his arms.Ling leaned against the doorframe.He guessed
something happened or she’s seen something she shouldn’t have.

‘’I-I don’t know Al!’’ Ed raised his voice. ‘’Just call the ambulance already!’’ he said again, more like ordered,
and turned his gaze to the unconscious Hoshi.

“Okay!”Al said as he rushed to grab the nearest phone and dial the hospital.Soon enough an ambulance in front
of her house as they rushed in the room and checked for her pulse “What did exactly happen?”One of the men
asked,placing a hand on Hoshi’s forhead.

‘’I’m not sure.’’ Ed scratched his head. ‘’I heard her scream, I think she was having a nightmare or something
and then she coughed all the blood… Can you please take her to a hospital already and see what’s wrong?’’ he
said feeling like he was losing his patience.

The doctor nodded and took Hoshi to the ambulance and soon enough to the hospital.Al looked at Ed “Should
we let the Colonel know about this?”He asked,a bit scared.

‘’No.’’ Ed said a bit scared himself. ‘’We’ll call him in the morning.’’
That night Ed insisted him and Al remained in Hoshi’s room. He still couldn’t forget what happened the last time
she had been in a hospital. He would hate himself if something like that would ever happen to her again.

“Let’s hurry to the hospital”Al suggested as he reached to grab his cloak and place it over his shoulders.Ling
rushed to the hospital before them,as he couldn’t help but wander what happened.

Ed nodded and followed everyone to the ambulance’s car. When they arrived to the hospital they were told
Hoshi’s condition was still uncertain. Ed asked to stay in her room. He wanted to protect her.
The Doctors told them they weren’t sure of what happened to Hoshi and what caused the sudden blood loss,but
they let Ed and Al stay with her.In the room,Hoshi had some perfusions in her hands,to make sure she’ll recive
the needs and not to lose blood anymore.

Ed sighed, wondering why did Hoshi have to through so much. He was convinced she didn’t deserve all those
things that were happening to her. Eventually he fell asleep on the chair next to her bed, with his head leaning
against his palm.

In the morning,when Hoshi opened her eyes she felt hollow on the inside.She glanced around the room,finding
herself in the hospital yet again.And the worst thing was that she couldn’t remember a single thing of what
happened last night.
When Roy opened his eyes,he glanced at the beautiful woman next to him and smiled,remembering the last
night.Ah,what a long,pleasant night ( MWHAHAHA ).He moved a bit closer to her as he reached to stroke her

Ed opened his eyes too. He hadn’t got much sleep and he went stiff in that chair. He glanced at Hoshi for the
tenth time to check whether she woke up. He couldn’t help but smile when he saw she regained consciousness.
‘’Morning, beautiful!’’ he said leaning closer and grinned.
Shion smiled and opened one eye. Her black eye. She wasn’t wearing the eyepatch but she still was used to
keeping her left eye closed. ‘’Morning…’’ she said sleepily.

Hoshi moved her gaze on Ed,as she blinked slowly before she replied “Morning”There was something differit on
her.Perhaps her sounded rather distant.
Roy moved some hair out of her face as he kissed her forehead softly “How’s this special girl feeling today?”He
asked,flashing her a small smile.

Ed panicked a little as he sat up. ‘’Are you feeling ok? Does is hurt somewhere? I’ll call a doctor!’’ he said all of
that very fast because he was so worried for her.
‘’She’s feeling... perfect!’’ Shion replied and smiled back.

Hoshi reached to grab his wrist “It’s fine,really”She replied.Al woke up as well and looked at her “Hoshi!I’m
glad to see you’re alright!”Ling stared from the windowframe.He could easily tell there was something wrong
with her.
“That’s great to hear”He replied,before he rose from the bed and got dressed “Hungry?”He asked,while fixing
his hair.

Ed looked at her. ‘’Hoshi… You scared us to death last night! Do you remember?’’
Shion nodded. ‘’Can you cook?’’ she asked and smiled as she got dressed as well putting back on the same dress
from last night.

“Actually..”Hoshi paused “I was just about to ask what happened and why I am here”She replied.
“I can”Roy replied and winked at her before he walked to the kitchen “And what the princess like?”He

Ed looked down when he spoke. ‘’I heard you scream in your sleep last night and… When I got there you
coughed blood…’’ he made pause. ‘’So we called the ambulance.’’
Shion giggled. ‘’Hmm… I’ll leave that up to the chef.’’she replied and smirked back.

Hoshi suddenly rose from the bed “I see”She replied simply as she walked towards the window “For how long
are you going to keep stalking me?”She asked,glaring at Ling,who just looked at her innocently.
“Oh?”Roy chuckled as he opened the fridge “Does pencakes sound good?”He questionated,glancing at her.

Ed looked at her curiously. She never seemed to mind Ling’s stalking before.
‘’Aye!’’ Shion nodded energetically as she took a sit at the table in the kitchen.

Ling jumped in the room and looked at her “When are you going to tell us what’s wrong with you?”He
asked,crossing his arms in front of his chest.Hoshi looked at him “I don’t know what you’re talking about”She
Roy smiled at her being cute.He was glad she was his gilfriend.Oh yeah,he was so greedy,thinking she was only
his..He took the necessary ingredients and started to cook the pencakes.
‘’Hoshi… you don’t sound like yourself.’’ Ed said, agreeing with Ling.
Shion looked around the kitchen. It looked nice for a bachelor’s place.

Hoshi narrowed her eyes towards Ed “Agreed”Ling said “You’re not as hyper as you used to be”He added
“Hyper..?”Hoshi asked as if she never heard the word before.
Roy wanted to show off a bit,so he started to shake the pan a bit and spun the pancake in the air.

Ed looked at Al from the corner of his eye. Something was definitely wrong with Hoshi.
Shion watched him with interest and clapped to encourage him. It was fun.

Al waved his hands in the air.He didn’t know anything about it.Hoshi placed a hand to her side “So are we
Roy chuckled as he noticed the pancake didn’t fall back on the pan.He sweatdropped a bit.

‘’We’re not leaving… not until you get back to normal!’’ Ed told Hoshi.
Shion sweatdropped too as she stopped clapping. ‘’Don’t worry, it happens.’’she said trying to make him feel a
little better about it.

“Fine then I’m leaving without you”Hoshi said and shrugged as she walked past him.
Roy sighed,as a purple aura surrounded him,making the scene seem more dramatic.

Ed’s jaw dropped at the sight of that. In a brief moment he understood there was no way to talk her out of it.
‘’Al…’’ Ed swallowed. ‘’Call the Colonel.’’he said, expecting for the worse.
‘’Uh…’’ Shion moved her hands in the air and sweatdropped again. ‘’Maybe you should stop juggling with the
pancakes.’’she suggested. ‘’You need more practice.’’she added scratching at her cheek.

“H-Hai..”Al said silently as he reached to dial Roy’s number.Meanwhile Hoshi reached the door,ready to leave
the room.
“I shoul-“When Roy was about to say something cool his phone rang “Moshi moshi?” When he heard the news
he turned pale.

‘’Uh…’’ Ed grabbed Hoshi by the shoulders and looked over at Al. Maybe they could keep her in the hospital
until the Colonel came.
‘’What happened?’’ Shion asked and looked at him trying to read his face.

“Let me go”Hoshi said shortly,as she struggled a bit.

“That Hoshi is going to get me killed someday”Roy mumbled as he hung up.”We’re going to the hospital”.

‘’I can’t.’’ Ed replied and wrapped his arms around her waist. ‘’You should go back to the bed.’’he suggested.
Shon blinked. ‘’Ok…’’ she said and borrowed one of his coats because she was summarily dressed. It seemed
like it snowed the other night.

Hoshi struggled some more “I don’t need to go back to bed”She said,sharply.

Roy was a bit annoyed that he had to leave like that.He took Shion’s hand and headed towards the hospital.

‘’You coughed blood!!...’’ Ed said. ‘’You shouldn’t wander around like this!’’
Shion suggested they took the car. It was faster and warmer.

“That was yesterday”Hoshi replied matter-of-factly “Today could be better...or worst”She explained “Now let
me go”.
Roy agreed with her idea and pulled her towards his car,driving as fast as he could to the hospital.

‘’Err…’’ Ed looked at her puzzled. ‘’Your brother will be here any minute now! We should wait for him. Please
stop moving around.’’
Shion fastened her seat belt. She didn’t have much experience with cars, sea travelling was more of her area of
expertise. But she had heard it was good to fasten that belt.

“Brother?What brother?”Hoshi asked,struggling again “Let me go before I use force”.

When Roy arrived at the hospital he asked for Hoshi’s room.A nurse guided them there,as when he opened the
room,he was about to hit her with the door straight in her face.

‘’What do you mean…’’ Ed let go of her. She didn’t remember the Colonel?...
Shion stood right after Roy. She glanced inside the room from behind his shoulder.

“I mean what I said”Hoshi said as she glanced at Roy.

“Okay,what’s going on here?”Roy demanded for answer as he looked at Hoshi

‘’Look.’’ Ed grabbed Hoshi’s jaw and made her face Roy. ‘’Doesn’t that hidrophobic pyromaniac morally-
bankrupt, perverted face look familiar?’’ he asked. And he seriously doubted Roy was a person you could just
forget. Maybe Hoshi was just really really upset with him. He still couldn’t figure out why she acted that way,
Shion watched the scene without understanding a thing. She blinked.

Hoshi glared a bit as she faced Roy.His face inspired her nothing but rage.She felt like beating the crap out of
him “Not at all”She replied “But if you count me wanting to blow his brains out then it does,I guess”.
Roy looked at Ed “Shut it,shorty”He replied with the same coin,as he looked at Hoshi “Just what the hell

‘’Huh…?’’ Ed let go of Hoshi. ‘’H-Hoshi, what’s gotten into you?’’ He moved his gaze to Roy. ‘’She is like this
since she woke up… since this morning.’’he explained. ‘’I don’t know what caused this.’’
‘’Has she been brainwashed or something?’’ Shion asked. ‘’No, I don’t think so. She seems to recognize
everyone else…’’ Ed replied pensively.

“I might have an idea of what happened to her...”Ling started,causing everyone to stare at him.Roy tapped his
foot against the ground impatiently “Then tell us already!”He almost yelled.He had enough of his little sister get
hurt and this was the last thing he wanted.Ling tapped Hoshi on her shoulder “So,with Edward-kun being your
lover you must be very happy,nee?”He asked,smiling.Hoshi stared at him confused “Lover...?Happy...?” “She
doesn’t seem to recognize these emotions”Ling told them.

Ed looked sad. Shion walked up to Hoshi and lowered herself to her level. ‘’I can look through her memories
and see what happened.’’she suggested, dead serious. ‘’Now you’re a mind reader?’’ Ed crossed his arms at his
chest eyeing her suspiciously. ‘’No, dummy. I’m not.’’ Shion replied a bit irritated. ‘’But I can give it a try to
find out why she’s acting the way she is acting.’’she added stretching out a hand to touch Hoshi’s cheek.

Hoshi glared at Shion as she reached to yank her hand off “Don’t touch me,I don’t know where you’ve
been...”She said,narrowing her eyes towards her.Roy couldn’t belive it.Did his sister turn into a freak?Or did she
start to dislike them that much?He looked at Shion,a bit worried.

Shion looked concerned at Hoshi. That wasn’t the same girl she knew. Then she blinked and her expression
turned serious once more, looking almost angry. ‘’I’m only trying to help you, okay?’’ she said and grabbed
Hoshi’s head with the other hand.
She closed her eye and tried to focus on retrieving some memory that would be helpful. She only stood like that
for about a second, before gasping and snapping her eye open.

Hoshi struggled a bit but guess it couldn’t be helped “Are you happy now?”she asked,coldly.Roy reached to
catch her in his arms “What is it?What did you see?!”

Shion looked up at Roy. ‘’The Truth.’’she replied shortly, feeling chills down her spine as she recalled the big
gate she’d seen moments ago. That feeling... was pure fear.
Ed gasped. ‘’It can’t be…’’ he said looking horrified. Shion took a hand to her mouth, feeling like she was about
to throw up. ‘’Excuse me.’’she said and ran out of the room.

Roy turned pale.Just what happened to jus little sister?Then he rushed after Shion,wondering what happened to
his girlfriend “O-Oi,are you alright?”
Al looked horrified as well “Nii-san...”He whispered,looking towards Ed.Hoshi leaned against the wall.There
wasn’t much left to say.
Ed watched Shion and Roy leave and then turned to Hoshi. ‘’You saw the Truth?... Why didn’t you tell us
earlier?’’ he asked raising his voice a little. In truth he was just worried for her.
‘’No.’’ Shion replied looking pale. She looked down. ‘’I felt very sick when I saw that Gate for some reason…’’
she tried to explain. ‘’This kind of stuff always gets to me. I’m very empathetic, you see. That’s why I’m
wearing the eyepatch, to prevent this.’’ She made a pause. ‘’In any case, what happened to Hoshi-chan… is
something very powerful.’’

Hoshi looked away “I said I can’t remember anything of what happened”She said,matter-of-factly.
Roy reached to pat her on her back “What happened to her exactly?”He asked,watching her “Also,do you need

‘’Hmm…’’ Ed sighed and looked down. That meant she payed the equivalent trade. He couldn’t forget the night
him and Al payed for trying to resurrect their mother. Could it be the Truth had taken… her feelings?
‘’I think she payed the equivalent trade.’’ Shion replied. ‘’In the books I’ve read, there was mentioned such a
Gate… but seeing it with very eyes was more terrible then I imagined it.’’ She shivered. ‘’Yes, some water and a
pill would be nice.’’she said trying to smile a little.

Hoshi sighed as well “Are we going then?”She asked,as she opened the door,ready to leave.
“Equivalent trade?For what?She didn’t do anything as far as I remember...”Roy said “But then again who knows
what she did while she was in England

Ed sweatdropped. ‘’This again?’’

Shion shrugged. ‘’I don’t know either.’’

“Yes,this again.Honestly the doctors can’t open my head and fix my problems so there’s nothing left to do
here”Hoshi replied with a hint of sarcasm in her voice.Ling chuckled.He could get used with her character.
Roy nodded and went to get her a glass of water and a painkiller “There you go”He said,handing it to her.

Ed rolled his eyes. he couldn’t get used to this new Hoshi. ‘’Please Hoshi, get back here.’’he said grabbing her
‘’Thanks.’’ Shion replied as she took the painkiller. ‘’I wonder how your Aunt’s doing. Should we pay her a
short visit?’’

“What do you want me to do here?I don’t want them to think I’m a freaking psycho”Hoshi replied,as she paused
to glance at his hand holding her wrist.
“Okay”Roy agreed.Probably she was going to scold him and Shion for getting her in that statement,but he
couldn’t care less.

‘’Erm…’’ Ed let go of her arm. ‘’Ok…’’ he said seeing there was no way to talk her out of it.
Shion timidly opened the door to Madame Christmas’s room before stepping inside. That would be the day she
would get aut of the hospital, because she wasn’t hurt that badly.

Hoshi looked at him over her shoulder ‘’Are you comming or not?”She asked,after she walked out.
Roy approached his aunt’s bed and looked at her.She was still sleeping ‘’Perhpas she’ll get out from here by

Ed blinked. ‘’H-Hai!’’ he said and walked up her. ‘’Come on!’’ he told Al and Ling.
‘’I guess that’s right.’’ Shion replied and sweatdropped. ‘’Too bad she’s asleep. I wanted to apologize.’’she said
and tilted her head the the side. ‘’Oh well, I guess I’ll leave it for some other time.’’she rolled her shoulders in a
small shrug.

Al and Ling nodded and followed them.Hoshi stuffed her hands into her pockets as she headed towards the main
Roy chuckled and patted her head “Let’s go then”He said as he took his hand and just then he saw Hoshi “And
where do you think you’re going?” “Home..?”

‘’It seems that way.’’ Ed replied in Hoshi’s place. ‘’Are you two coming as well?’’
“Is it really okay for you to go home?What if that’s Envy trying to set us a trap once again?”Roy
asked,narrowing his eye towards Hoshi,who glared at him “Are you implying I’m a Homunculus?” “Who knows
what the hell you are anymore”.

‘’I don’t think she’s a Homunculus…’’ Shion dared to express her opinion. ‘’She seems to be Hoshi, the real
thing.’’ ‘’Hm, I don’t think it’s Envy either…’’ Ed agreed rubbing at his chin.

“It happened the same when that thing disguised into me”Roy said,as he looked closely at Hoshi.Hoshi closed
her eyes “ A hero of war,yeah that’s what I’ll be and when I come home they’ll be damn proud of me”She
quoted him.Roy stared at her in disbelief “Am I still a Homunculus?” “F-Fine..”He looked away,embarassed.He
remembered that was the last day before he left for the Ishval war.

Ed and Shion blinked. That must have been some password between the Mustang siblings, that much they
understood. ‘’Should we go then?’’ Ed said taking Hoshi’s hand.

Hoshi glanced at their hands a bit insecure “Yeah”She replied.Roy and Shion followed behind them.Roy still
couldn’t belive Hoshi remembered such a thing.

Ed sighed in relief at the short peaceful moment and they all headed to Roy’s car. Shion took the passenger’s
seat and Ed sat on the backseat with Hoshi, along with Al.

Hoshi glanced out the window,as she stared at the sky,while leaning her cheek into her palm.
Roy got on the drivers’ seat as they were now heading back towards Hoshi’s house.

Ed wondered what Hoshi did to pay such a terrible her price, but he didn’t dare to ask.
Shion thought about the same thing. If only she had a new Philosopher’s Stone…

When they arrived at Hoshi’s house,she entered in her apartament and glanced around the house.It didn’t feel the
Roy looked at Ed “Listen Fullmetal,no matter what happens don’t let her get out of your sight,get it?”

‘’Got it.’’ Ed nodded solemnly. ‘’I will take good care of her.’’
Shion looked at Al. The Stone had the power to nullify the equivalent trade. If she could summon it once more…
But what if Roy was right, then the stone was inside Al’s body. She didn’t want to take that away from him.

“I’ll leave it to you then”Roy said,patting him on the shoulder.There was no sense for him and Shion to stay
there,knowing that he’d only get in more arguments with Hoshi,which he didn’t want to.

‘’Ok.’’ Ed replied in a gloomy voice. He wasn’t sure what to do with Hoshi himself. He was taken by surprise by
Shion’s hug. ‘’We’ll get over this somehow.’’she promised him. ‘’Yeah. Thanks.’’he replied in a weak voice.
Then Shion went to hug Al. ‘’I’ll see you later.’’

Hoshi entered her room and glanced at the blood on the floor.So something did happen last night.Roy waited for
Shion to come as he sighed softly.It troubled him to see Hoshi like that.

‘’Um, I’ll clean up here!’’ Ed offered not wanting to upset Hoshi.

Shion bit her lip. It was a difficult situation for everyone.

“You don’t have to “Hoshi replied,as she watched him.

Roy wasn’t sure of what to do anymore.He led Shion back to the car and started to drive to his house.Well,now
their house.

‘’Um… Ok.’’ Ed replied nervously taking a hand to the back of his head.
Shion and Roy drove slow through the snow and the radio was all that they could hear.

Hoshi leaned against the window-frame “I won’t eat you”She said,blinking.

Roy got all worked up with the situation and all he could think of was his sister and he hoped that if Shion saw
the Gate,she won’t get affected in the same way.
‘’O-of course not.’’ Ed laughed nervously. ‘’Um… Shall we have a bite?’’ he suggested walking to the kitchen.
He remembered the cookies they had the other night and sighed. He missed the old Hoshi already.
Shion waited for Roy to unlock the door before stepping inside the house. She stretched a bit. It was warm and
cozy in there.

“Sure”Hoshi replied as she rose from the bed and followed him to the kitchen.Al peeked as well.He missed the
old Hoshi as well.And so did Ling.
Roy took his jacket off after he closed the door “Maybe we can have some food in peace now”He eventually

‘’What would you like?’’ Ed asked over his shoulder as he went to open the fridge.
‘’Yeah…’’ Shion replied and took a sit at the table leaning her cheek in her palm. She was still thinking about
Al, Hoshi, and the whole equivalent trade thing.

“Anything”Hoshi replied as she took a seat at the table.

Roy noticed she looked quite troubled,so he walked towards her and offered her a small massage on her
shoulders “It’ll be fine”He eventually said.

‘’Then… I’ll make some sandwhiches!’’ Ed announced, thinking he could handle preparing those.
Shion smiled and nodded once. ‘’I know. There’s no other way.’’

“Okay”Hoshi replied,as she watched him,while leaning to rest her chin in her palm.
Roy nodded and resumed to think of something to eat “What would you like to eat,then?”

‘’Um… yeah.’’ Ed sweatdropped and got started. He made two sandwhiches for each of them: him, Hoshi, Al
and Ling. Normally he’d just ignore Ling and make him feel miserable, but he didn’t feel like it today.
‘’Spaghetti.’’ Shion replied rubbing at her chin.

“Thanks”Hoshi replied as she glanced at her sandwhich.Al and Ling joined as well.It was awfully silent,which
was very awkward.
“Spaghetti it is then”Roy say happily and started to cook.

Ed joined them and they all four sat at the table. Ed munched at his sandwhich as he glanced at Hoshi constantly.
Shion giggled. ‘’I should learn to cook as well…’’ she said sweatdropping a bit.

Hoshi took a bite from her sandwhich as well.She wasn’t as hungry,but still she needed food.Her gaze was
focused on the sandwhich,not paying much attention to the others.
Roy chuckled “Pirates don’t cook?”He asked,teasing her.

Ed watched Hoshi with concern. ‘’Is it… good?’’ he dared to ask.

‘’No, but they compensate in other areas!’’ Shion replied vainly.

‘It’s awesome”Hoshi replied,as she nodded slowly.

Roy rolled his eyes and tutted ‘I see,I see”.

Ed sighed in relief. He now expected her to say something hateful or something like that. He was glad she was
acting normal.
Shion pouted. She tried to think of something he couldn’t do. ‘’I can keep a house tidy.’’she said, noticing his
house was kinda messy.

After Hoshi finished eating,she stood up and went to clean her plate.
Roy sweatdropped “Oh,really?I’ll teach you how to cook if you clean this house”He said,somehow sneaky.

Ed finished too and offered to clean Al’s and Ling’s plates as well.
‘’Okay!’’ Shion agreed to it smiling innocently.

Hoshi glanced at him from the corner of her eye.

Roy smirked “It’s settled then!”He said,proudly.

Ed gulped. He was feeling awkward. After she finished he went and cleaned the other plates.
Shion nodded. Then she walked up to him to watch and learn what he was doing.

After the rest finished eating,they retreated to their rooms,leaving Hoshi and Ed alone.
Roy looked at her and chuckled “Here,you should try”He said,as he handed her the spoon.

‘’So… what would you like to do?’’ Ed asked Hoshi and smiled a little.
‘’Uh…’’ Shion took the spoon and looked at it. Then she approached the counter and resumed Roy’s cooking.
She had a big frown on her face because she was very focused on what she was doing.

“I don’t know”Hoshi replied “Tho,I don’t want you to stay up if you’re tired..”She replied.
Roy chuckled as he gently took her arm and guided her hand “See?It’s not that hard”.

‘’It’s ok, it’s ok!’’ Ed replied waving a hand in the air. ‘’I’m not that tired!’’ he said. He wouldn’t leave Hoshi
unsupervised. Plus, he had promised Roy he’d look after her.
‘’Oh… it’s fun!’’ Shion said happily before reaching to kiss his cheek.

“You can come to my room then”Hoshi suggested eventually.

Roy blushed a bit and kissed her back on the cheek “I’m glad you think so!”.

‘’Ok.’’ Ed said and followed her to her room. He didn’t know what to expect. He was still puzzled by her new
After they finished cooking, Shion put the spaghetti on two plates on the table. ‘’Ta-da~!’’ she said admiring the
food. She was proud she helped preparing it.

Hoshi closed the door after they got in and she leaned sat on the windowframe ( LOL,parca s’ar sinucide ) and
admired the view outside.
Roy clapped “Now let’s see what did you cook here”He said,as he took a fork and tasted the spaghetti “Mmmm~
It’s good!”

Ed looked at her. He let out a small sigh before walking up to her. ‘’The view is nice, isn’t it?’’ he said to break
the silence.
Shion smiled. ‘’Thanks. But it’s all thanks to you. You’re a wonderful teacher.’’she told him and winked.

“It’s very pretty..”Hoshi said,staring into the blank.She really liked the view.
Roy scratched the back of his head “N-Not really”He said,chuckling “But see,now you know how to cook as
well!It comes in handy”.

‘’Do you like winter?’’ Ed asked sitting on the frame as well. (era o fereastra mare)
Shion giggled. ‘’True, true.’’she said. ‘’After we eat you can help me with the house cleaning!’’ she said with a
small grin.

Hoshi looked at him “Winter is my favorite season”She replied,nodding slowly.

“What?”Roy narrowed his eye towards her “That wasn’t our deal!”

‘’I like winter too. Snow is beautiful.’’ Ed said dreamily.

‘’Ok, I can handle it by myself.’’ Shion said proudly. ‘’You’d only get in the way.’’

“Snow is pure,too bad it melts so quick”Hoshi said,as she stared at her lap.
“Oh really?”Roy smugged,as he teased her “Well then,I won’t teach you how to cook anymore!”

‘’I have an idea!’’ Ed exclaimed. ‘’Let’s go outside!’’ he suggested.

Shion sweatdropped. ‘’That’s not fair!’’ she complained.

“Outside?”Hoshi blinked as she nodded “Sounds good to me”.

“It is fair!”Roy said and chuckled.

‘’Yay!’’ Ed rejoiced and brought her her coat. ‘’There!’’

‘’It’s not.’’ Shion insisted crossing her arms at her chest.

Hoshi placed the coat over her shoulders “Thank you”She said.
“It’s too”Roy said,smugging again.

‘’You’re very welcome!’’ Ed replied and flashed her a broad smile.

‘’It’s not.’’ Shion said pouting.

Hoshi took his arm and walked outside.It was evening already,and the lights were one,making the city see
mreally beautiful.
Roy sighed and reached to stroke her hair “That’s so not fair,using your cuteness towards me..”

‘’Let’s take a walk!’’ Ed suggested and took her hand.

‘’Is it working?’’ Shion asked and blinked cutely.

“A walk..”Hoshi stared blinked “Okay”She agreeing,looking at their hands.

Roy looked at her and sweatdropped a bit “It is working,indeed”.

‘’Earlier… ’’ Ed started. ‘’Why did you say you had no brother?’’

Shion giggled as she stood up to clean her plate.

Hoshi shook her head “He’s a jerk”She replied,simply.

Roy watched her curiously.Did she plan something evil?

Ed was speechless. ‘’Err… Erm…’’ He scratched his head. ‘’I guess he is. Isn’t he…’’ he said. It wasn’t like he
was defending Mustang, he just found it weird to hear Hoshi herself saying such harsh words.
‘’Can I borrow some of your clothes?’’ Shion asked heading to the bedroom. ‘’My room at the Military State
was rummaged, if you remember, and all of my clothing were ruined. I want to go shopping tomorrow.’’

Hoshi raised an eyebrow at him “You should know better”She eventually replied,as she reached to take some
snow in her free hand.
“My clothes?”Roy asked,nearly dropping the plate he was about to clean “Aren’t they a bit too large for you?”

‘’Y-yeah…’’ Ed nodded. ‘’What do you think about Shion?...’’ he asked looking away.
‘’Well, I can’t clean the house in this dress either…’’ Shion replied. ‘’Oh well.’’she shrugged. ‘’I guess I’ll start

Hoshi’s gaze fixed on the snow,as she replied “She’s alright,but I’m quite disappointing in her accepting to go
out with such a guy”.
“Yeah,we’ll go tommorow and pick your stuff”Roy announced,as he tried to cover his red face.

‘’Yeah, I don’t like that either…’’ Ed replied meditatively. (toti sunt impotriva lui Roy XD)
Shion laughed softly at Roy blushing so hard. ‘’Thank you.’’she said.

“Really?”Hoshi asked,as she looked at him.

Roy placed a hand on his warm cheek,as he resumed to clean the plate afterwards.

‘’Yeah.’’ Ed nodded. ‘’Are you surprised?’’ he asking blinking.

Shion crossed her arms at her chest and looked around the place. She couldn’t help but smile at the sight of how
far they had come.

“A bit,yes”Hoshi replied,nodding at him “Is it...a bad thing?”She asked,narrowing her eyes towards him.
After Roy finished cleaning the plates,he turned to Shion “Wanna watch a movie?”

Ed scratched the back of his head. ‘’That she’s dating the Colonel, yes. That you’re surprised, no.’’he replied.
‘’Sure!’’ Shion exclaimed happily. ‘’What movie are we seeing?’’

Hoshi rasied an eyebrow “I see,I see”She noticed that the snow in her hand started to melt.She sighed
“Hmm..What do you think?”Roy asked,as he rubbed his chin.

‘’What’s wrong?’’ Ed asked with a hint of concern in his voice.

‘’Whatever is fine with me. Just don’t make it horror.’’ Shion replied and sweatdropped.
“Ah,nothing.Just wtching the snow”Hoshi replied,as she looked at him.He was too kind with her.
“Oh,just what I was thinking about..”Roy replied,teasingly.

‘’I see.’’ Ed replied. Maybe she thought he was suffocating her. He smiled weakly as he watched her,
remembering Roy telling him not to lose sight of Hoshi. He must’ve trully cared about her sister, though Ed
wouldn’t try to convince her of it that moment.
Shion narrowed her eye. ‘’Meanie!’’ she said and punched his shoulder.

“I wish I could treat you the same way you treat me right now..”Hoshi started suddenly,her voice quiet.
Roy grabbed her hand and chuckled “Says a pirate”.

‘’Huh?’’ Ed looked at her innocently. ‘’Well, if you ask me, it’s only a matter of time until you get your feelings
back.’’he said and stopped walking as he held her hands in his. ‘’And I will be there to help you.’’
Shion blushed a little. ‘’Yeah, says a pirate.’’she said in a defying fashion and struggled to free her hand.

Hoshi stared at him and then at their hands “You’re too kind...”She said,above a whisper.
Roy smugged at her “Come on,we’ll eventually pick something”He said,leading her to the living-room.

‘’You’re making too much of a deal out of it…’’I only want to help you. After all we’re boyfriend and girlfriend,
it’s natural I would want to help you out!’’ he added laughing nervously. Now she would think he was silly.
‘’Ok!’’ Shion agreed. She looked through his collection of DVD’s. ‘’Hmm…’’ She couldn’t decide on one.
‘’You choose.’’

“Boyfriend and girlfriend...Love..”Hoshi seemed confused “I bet it’s really nice!..”

“I’ll pick an action movie”Roy said,as he finally took a DVD “Now I’ll get some popcorn and coke”.

‘’It is…’’ Ed said feeling his cheek burn. ‘’We’ll make it be nice!’’ he promised.
‘’Yay!’’ Shion clapped her hands. She was excited about this.

“I want to know more about it!”Hoshi said,determined.

Roy chuckled and kissed his cheek and then went to the kitchen to get some popcorn.

‘’You’ll learn about it in time.’’ Ed told her and reached to kiss her forehead. ‘’Both of us will.’’
Shion took a sit on the couch and waited patiently for him to return.

Oh..”Hoshi said,as her cheeks turned a bit rosey “O-Okay”.

Soon enough Roy came back with a bowl of popcorn and two bottles of coke.He placed the DVD in and waited
for the movie to begin.

Ed chuckled softly and patted her head. ‘’Let’s go back, shall we?’’
Shion took a handful of popcorn and leaned close him, staring at the screen.

Hoshi nodded “Let’s”She said,taking his hand.

Roy leaned to rest his head against his shoulder as his eye glued on the screen.

Ed smiled all the way back to Hoshi’s appartment. He was sad she’d lost her feelings, but for some reason he
was happy at the same time. It was a new beginning for them.
Shion munched at the popcorn in her hand. The movie was quite interesting. Then she took a sip from her bottle
of coke.

Al welcomed them,a bit worried “Nii-san,is everything alright?”Hoshi blinked.People surely cared for each other
around there.
Roy reached to grab a handful of popcorn as he munched,looking curiously at the movie.

‘’Hai, hai.’’ Ed replied and grinned at Al. ‘’Have we made you worry?’’ he asked.
Shion pulled her knees up to her chest and hugged her knees. She only blinked from time to time.

“A bit,yes”Al replied with a small nod.Hoshi watched them.Maybe she should try acting like that too.
Roy looked at her from time to time,before he reached to grab more popcorn,accidentally grabbing her hand as
‘’Don’t worry, we’re fine.’’ Ed said with an assuring smile. ‘’Let’s have some hot chocolate. Oh and cookies!’’
he suggested, knowing Hoshi liked those, and he wanted to cheer her up. Or at least try to.
Shion smiled at their hands touching but remained silent about it as she took a sip from her coke.

“Cookies!”Hoshi exclaimed,as the corners of her mouth twitched,pulling into a small line which resembled a
Roy almost chuckled as he snuggled into her a bit,burrying his face in the side of her neck.

‘’You smiled!’’ Ed told her. ‘’You smiled, you smiled!’’ He went and hugged her tightly.
Shion’s smile widened as she reached the caress his cheek and hair.

Hoshi was surprised by the hug.She wasn’t sure of what to do next so she just returned the hug “I did..”
Roy shivered a bit at the sight of her touch but leaned into it and smiled.

‘’You’re on the right path to recovering your feelings.’’ Ed told her and flashed her a broad smile.
Shion felt him shiver and smirked. She kissed him on the lips before wrapping an arm around his neck and
resuming watching the movie.

“I..I hope so!”Hoshi replied.It felt warm and cozy in his arms.
Roy kissed her back and chuckled,before his arms slid around her waist,resuimg to watch the movie as well.

‘’Come on, let’s have that hot cocoa and cookies!’’ Ed said and took her arm pulling her to the kitchen.
Shion sighed happily, her eyes following the motion on the tv screen.

“Hai!”Hoshi said as she let herself dragged by him.

Roy let out a soft yawn as he made himself confortable in her arms.

‘’You stay here, I’ll prepare everything!’’ Ed told Hoshi before turning around to face the kitchen counters,
thinking where to start.
‘’Tired already?’’ Shion asked teasingly and caressed his cheek gently.

“Huh?”Hoshi tilted her head to the side “I want to help you”.

Roy smirked slightly.Ah,the affection “Of course not”.

‘’Ok.’’ Ed accepted her help, sighing in relief a little.

‘’Oh really?’’ Shion tilted her head to the side and poked his cheek.

Hoshi tip toed after him,as she peeked over his shoulder “Cookies and cocoa?”She asked.
“Yeah,really”Roy replied,as he took her finger and kissed it.

‘’Yeah.’’ Ed nodded in response over his shoulder.

Shion giggled softly as she watched him.

Hoshi nodded back “Okay!”She said as she took two cups and cocoa.Then she stopped in her tracks “I thought
you disliked milk”.
Roy reached to interwine his fingers through her hair and caress it affectionally.

‘’So what?’’ Ed pouted a little. Then he smiled weakly as he went and brought the milk Shion had given him the
other day. ‘’Look, here’s more.’’ To his surprise, he wasn’t holding a grudge against his sister anymore.
Shion blinked before smiling and looking into his eye. He was so handsome. She felt she was falling in love with
him all over again.

“Well,if we drink cocoa,we’ll have to drink milk as well.Do you really want that?”Hoshi asked,a bit unsure,as
she reached to take the bottle of milk from him.
Roy slowly leaned closer to her as their foreheads touched.He sighed softly as his hands moved to her
back,patting it slowly.

‘’That’s alright with me.’’ Ed said, determined.

Shion locked her arms around his neck and smiled a little.
“U-Uh..”Hoshi started,holding his hands “You don’t have to!”
Roy smiled back,glad that she enjoyed this as much as he did.

Ed smiled. Even if she was thought to have no feelings, she still cared about him. That made him feel optimistic
about the future. ‘’I’m ok with it. Thanks for your concern, though.’’
Shion hugged him tightly, because she wanted to feel him close.

“O-Okay..If you’re sure”Hoshi said,as she poured milk into the cups and then prepared the cocoa.
Roy blinked,a bit surprised.He liked the sudden affection he was getting,so he decided to show affection as
well,by hugging her and kissing her hair.

Ed chuckled softly as he watched her. Yes, they would make it through.

Shion was happy they were getting along so well. They hadn’t gotten into a fight in a while. She hoped things
would stay that way.

Hoshi turned her head towards him “What’s so funny?”

Roy was greatful that she came there to work.He remembered how he made her be his personal assistant for a
day and couldn’t help but chuckle.

‘’Nothing.’’ Ed said quickly. I’m just happy.’’he said resting his head in his right palm.
‘’What’re you laughing at?’’ Shion asked raising an eyebrow.

“Happy..”Hoshi replied,nodding slowly “I’m glad”.

“Remember when you first worked for me?”Roy said between his chuckles.

‘’That’s close enough to happiness what you’re feeling! You may not be a lost cause after all.’’ Ed told her
Shion nodded. ‘’You make a terrible boss.’’ she said trying to hold a laughter. ‘’Now that I think about it all of
your subordonates must be scared of you.’’

“Really?”Hoshi asked as her face brightned up a bit “That’s good!”

Roy rolled his eye “Are you making fun of your boss?”He asked as he playfully punched her arm.

‘’Yeah, really!’’ Ed replied, flashing her a big smile.

‘’Who, me?’’ Shion asked faking an innocent look. ‘’No…’’

Hoshi nodded as she finished preparing the cocoa and sat at the table.
“Yeah,you...”Roy said,trying not to fall in her trap again.

Ed took his cup of cocoa and tasted it. ‘’Milk, huh…’’ he said mediatively staring down at the cup in his hands.
‘’No… I’m not.’’ Shion shook her head. ‘’I wouldn’t dare.’’she said holding a laughter.

Hoshi sat next to him and stared at him for a while,before she took a sip from her cocoa “Yeah..”
“Liaaar..”Roy said,as he raised an eyebrow at her “You’re being mean with me..”

‘’It’s quite good.’’ Ed said laughing softly. Then he turned towards Hoshi, all serious. ‘’Just don’t tell Shion I
drank milk. She’ll make fun of me for the rest of our lives…’’
Shion burst into laughter. ‘’I’m not’’ she denied the ‘accusation’.

“I won’t,I won’t”Hoshi said,making a sign with her hand as if she swore she wouldn’t tell.
“And now you’re laughing as well!Traitor”Roy said and pouted.

Ed sighed in relief. ‘’Good. Thank you.’’he said, thinking that was the last thing he needed, Shion laughing at
Shion smirked. ‘’What are you gonna do about it? Burn me??’’ she asked between her chuckles.

Hoshi nodded and reached to gently stroke his cheek.

“Burn you?”Roy asked,smirking back “Depends...”
Ed was taken by surprise by the sudden display of affection. But he enjoyed it. He closed his eyes, leaning into
her touch.
Shion smugged, before laughing softly. ‘’If you say so.’’

Hoshi enjoyed this as much as he did.She got a weird feeling into her stomach.
Roy pretended to look innocent “Oh,so you finally admit I’m the boss?”

Ed flashed her a small smile. ‘’Are you happy?’’ he dared to ask her.
Shion looked away. Well, inside the Military he was indeed her superior. ‘’What if I did?’’

Hoshi stared deeply into his eyes “I am happy..”

“Good girl”Roy said,teasingly as he kissed her cheek.He was of course,joking.

‘’So am I…’’ Ed replied staring back at her.

Shion frowned a little, taking his words for good.

Hoshi let out a deep sigh “Should we go back to my room?”She asked,blinking.

Roy chuckled.Teasing her seemed to be entertaining.

‘’Sure!’’ Ed agreed and stood up before taking her hand.

‘’Now you are laughing at me!’’ Shion complained crossing her arms.

Hoshi walked back to her room with Ed as she closed the door after them and leaned against the windowframe
once again
“Stick and stones..”Roy said,trying to hide a grin.

Ed hurried by her side once more. He didn’t want her to fall down and get hurt. Then he looked out. The street
lights were very pretty.
Shion glared at him a little. ‘’What’s that supposed to mean?’’ she asked pouting.

Hoshi stared at the city as well “Hey...”She started silently “How do you show your love towards someone?”
“Oh nothing”Roy said,as he reached to kiss her nose.

‘’Um…’’ Ed could feel his cheek turn a bit red as he continued to look out the window. ‘’There are… there are
many ways to do it, I guess…’’ he answered, unsure.
Shion raised an eyebrow at him. ‘’You’re lying.’’she told him.

Hoshi didn’t seem to be as affected as him “Can you show me?”She asked once again.
“Maybe,maybe not.Can’t prove it anyway”Roy said,shrugging.

Ed swallowed and tried to cover his red face. ‘’What… what do you want me to show you?’’
‘’If you say so… Boss.’’ Shion said narrowing her eye, mocking him a little.

Hoshi looked at him “A way to show love towards someone”.

Roy rolled his eye,smirking “I like the sound of it,you know..”

Ed thought it wasn’t the moment to get so fired up. He looked away trying to give her a good answer. ‘’There are
many ways... A way to show your love towards someone… is when you make cocoa for them, for example.’’ he
said with a smile, making a pause. ‘’Or when you find the philosopher’s stone to give their body back.’’he added
saddening a little.
Shion rolled her eye too. He had such a big ego. ‘’Well… Don’t let it go to your head!’’ she said stucking out her
tongue at him.

“Oh,is that the only way you can show love?”Hoshi asked “You seem sad about it”.
“Or else what?”Roy said,provocativly.

Ed sighed. ‘’I’m not sad.’’he said looking down trying to make the negative feelings he had about Al and Shion
go away.
‘’Or else…’’ Shion tried to think of something. ‘’Or else I’m not gonna clean up your house!’’
“Then stop giving me the wrong impression”Hoshi said softly.
“I’ll get a maid to clean it then”Roy said,playing along.

‘’Erm…’’ Ed sweatdropped. ‘’Okay, I’ll do my best.’’

‘’Yeah, but you’re gonna have to pay her.’’ Shion said matter-of-factly.

Hoshi nodded “Still,you didn’t make it clear to me about love”.

“So?”Roy said,matter-of-factly as well “It’s not like I’m poor or something”.

Ed bit his lip. It was awkward. He wasn’t her brother, to take advantage of a girl like that. He let out a soft sigh.
‘’Love is complicated…’’ he said, nodding at the wisdom of his own words. ( XD )
‘’I know you’re not!’’ Shion replied, well aware of the fact. ‘’I was just saying I can do it for free… And with
the money you save, you could buy me more things.’’she said fluttering her eyeslashes. (asta e de la prea multa
economie XD)

Hoshi titled her head to the side,slowly “What did our love used to be like?”
Roy sweatdropped “Selfish pirate”He said,smirking.

‘’You don’t remember?...’’ Ed asked, a bit dissapointed.

‘’But it’s true!’’ Shion said snuggling at his chest.

“I can’t seem to remember anything besides Roy being a jerk”Hoshi said,scratching the back of her head “I..I’m
Roy nodded and rested his chin on the top of her head “It’s true that you’re selfish”He added,teasingly.

‘’Re-Really?’’ Ed sweatdropped. That was… he didn’t know what to say about that.
‘’Birds of a feather flock together, isn’t it what they say?’’ Shion replied.

Hoshi nodded as she moved a bit closer to him “Yeah”.

“Maybe”Roy said,trying to seem innocent “Then again,maybe not”.

‘’Weird…’’ was all Ed could say.

‘’You’re so indecisive today.’’ Shion said shaking her head.

“I know right”Hoshi eventually said and sighed “I want my feelings back”.

Roy shrugged “If you say so”.

‘’And we will get them back!’’ Ed assured her.

Shion snorted as she shook her head and poked him.

“I That’s why I asked you about love.Because I thought that if you can show me,then we’ll be able to get them
back”Hoshi explained.
Roy grabbed her finger and bit it “Now you’re evil as well”.

Ed bit his lip. He was very nervous.

‘’Mwhaha.’’ Shion said, enjoying herself.

Hoshi blinked as she stared at him.

“I can be evil as well”Roy said,cooly.

Ed could feel his heart beat faster as he leaned closer, touching her cheek gently.
‘’Maybe that’s why your sister doesn’t like you.’’ Shion said sweatdropping a bit, remembering how cold Hoshi
was towards Roy.

Hoshi stared curiously at him,letting him have his way.She enjoyed the sight of his warm touch,but she didn’t
know how to show it.
Roy sweatdropped as well “That’s wasn’t really necessary,you know..”

Ed leaned closer slowly, letting their lips melt into a soft kiss. He thought that was a good way to show his love
although he was scared of being rejected at the same time.
Shion looked away with a sad expression. ‘’I’m facing the same problem here.’’she said. ‘’My own little brother
hates me…’’ She could still hear Ed’s words echoing in her head, even if she pretended she didn’t care.

Hoshi stared blankly for the past few seconds,before she realised what a delicious kiss she recived.Not sure of
how to act,she let her lips press against his,unaware of her feelings.
Roy reached to hug her “I know..but your brother is immature,no offence”He muttered “But my sister...She
wasn’t like this before”.

Ed couldn’t help but wonder how she felt, as he let his hands rest of her shoulders.
‘’Now, don’t pick on my brother!’’ Shion said sounding a little offended. ‘’Only I can do that!’’ she added
evilly. ‘’About your sister… I’m sure she’ll get back to normal… at some point.’’

Hoshi let her hands slide around his neck.This made her even more curious.
Roy smirked “Too bad cause I always pick on him when he comes to the State Military”He said,evily “And
yeah..I hope she will”.

Ed nervously pulled her closer, hoping he wasn’t doing anything too wrong.
Shion glared. ‘’You what?’’ she sweatdropped. ‘’Don’t do it anymore.’’

In fact,he made Hoshi like it even more.She was sure they were sharing a passionate kiss.
“Why?It’s so much fun seeing him get annoyed over minor things”Roy said,matter-of-factly “He does that as

Ed caressed her hair affectionately. He enjoyed the kiss as well.

‘’Really?’’ Shion asked with great interest. ‘’What does he do to annoy you?’’

Hoshi leaned closer to him,the sight of his touch sending shivers on her spine.
“Not telling”Roy said,crossing his arms in front of his chest.

Ed pulled away slowly, looking into her eyes and holding her hands. ‘’That’s… one way of showing your love.’’
he told her.
‘’Tell me, tell me!’’ Shion demanded. She wouldn’t give up until she found out what it was.

“It felt so nice...”Hoshi said,as she looked back at him.

“Or else what?”Roy asked,grinning

‘’I’m glad you think so…’’ Ed said above a whisper.

‘’Or else I’ll force the answer out of you!’’ Shion said grinning back.

“Is there more of it?”Hoshi asked,innocently.

“I can’t wait for you to do it”Roy replied,with a challenging look.

‘’More… of it?’’ Ed repeated, puzzled. ‘’Um…’’ He could feel his face turn red once more.
‘’Are you sure?...’’ Shion asked leaning closer to him.

Hoshi nodded quickly.This thing caught her interest [ cine nu ar fi interesat? 8D ]

“Very sure..”Roy replied,leaning closer as well.

[ :> ] ‘’I guess there is…’’ Ed said leaning over for another kiss.
‘’You’ll get your wish…’’ Shion whispered and pressed her lips against his.

Hoshi smiled as she kissed him back gently.

“Oh,I’m delighted”Roy replied,before he kissed her back,sliding a hand around her waist.

Ed wrapped his hands around her. It was all new to him as well.
Shion leaned over him holding onto the collar of his shirt.

Hoshi took a step closer untill their bodies were pressed together.She liked this new experience.
Roy pulled her in his lap,already loving this whole ‘i’ll force the answer out of you’ thing.
Ed liked the new experience as well. And he was glared he was sharing it with someone he trully liked.
Shion liked it as well. She felt shivers at the sight of his touch.

Hoshi couldn’t help but wonder how far could this love go.
Roy could feel her shiver and he smirked in the kiss,as his fingers moved to caress her hair.

Ed pulled away gently, not wanting any unnecessary things to happen at such a time. [ ei sunt minori XD ] ‘’I
like you a lot.’’he confessed to her, hoping she felt the same.
Shion enjoyed his touch. She let her hands slide around the buttons of his shirt.

Hoshi stared at him,her eyes burning with something that resembled passion “ you too!”
Roy chuckled,guessing that they would eventually come to something like this.Without breaking the kiss,he let
his fingers slide under hers,helping her unbutton his shirt.

Ed smiled at her. ‘’I’m glad we share this feeling.’’he said eventually.

Shion smirked as well feeling his fingers help her.

“I am too!”Hoshi said sounding full of life.

Roy grinned as he started to kiss her neck.

Ed was glad. He thought she ressembled the old Hoshi now.

Shion wrapped an arm around him, keeping him close.

Hoshi blinked as she stared at him,the smile returning to her lips.

Roy let his arms rest on her lower back,his fingers playing with the fabric of her t-shirt.

Ed smiled back and let out a soft yawn which meant he was tired.
Shion felt his hands play with her t-shirt and couldn’t help but smirk.

“Tired?”Hoshi asked,playfully “The bed’s all yours”.

Roy smirked back as he started to lift her shirt.

Ed sweatdropped a bit. ‘’Come with me.’’he said and pulled her towards the bed.
Shion chuckled softly. ‘’Naughty, aren’t we?’’ she said in between the kisses.

“O-Okay”Hoshi said,trying not to get the wrong idea.

“You know you like it”Roy said,grinning a bit.

Ed sat on the bed and pulled Hoshi closer in a tight but gentle embrance. ‘’I’ll rest better if I have you by my
side…’’ he said above a whisper.
‘’I do, I do.’’ Shion replied in a similar manner.

His words caused Hoshi to blush deeply as she swallowed hard and patted his back gently “Yeah..”.
Roy raised an eyebrow “Oh really?”

Ed smiled and closed his eyes slowly. It would be another night only he would sleep and he couldn’t help but
feel guilty somehow, but this time he would have sweet dreams because she was so close.
‘’Aye.’’ Shion replied seriously, looking forward to another interesting night.

Hoshi caressed his hair slowly.She was glad he could be by his side and show her affection towards him.
Roy licked his lips and leaned closer “Interesting”.

Ed felt asleep smiling, his arms locked around Hoshi. The next morning he opened his eyes and starting
caressing her hair, glad she hadn’t gone anywhere.
When Shion woke up she looked at the man next to her and let out a soft happy sigh.

Hoshi smiled as she looked at him “Morning there”She said,above a whisper,as she leaned to kiss his cheek.
Roy was still sleeping,as he wrapped his arms around Shion and pulled her closer.
‘’Good morning, beautiful.’’ Ed replied and returned the gesture. ‘’Did you sleep at all last night?’’ he asked her,
hopeful. He was worried for her health.
Shion smirked a little. ‘’Sleepy head.’’she teased him and poked his cheek.

“I think I slept around one hour or something”Hoshi said and shrugged then smiled at him.
Roy frowned a bit as he cuddled her “Yeah..yeah”.

‘’That’s a good start… I think.’’ Ed said sweatdropping a bit. ‘’Did you dream anything?’’
Shion giggled. ‘’You’re so cute when you frown!...’’ she told him.

“”Hoshi replied “All I did was to snuggle you all night long”.
Roy opened one eye and looked at her then chuckled “Thank you.I guess?”

Ed blushed a little. ‘’I see…’’ he said and blinked. ‘’Are you hungry?’’ he asked raising from the bed.
‘’You’re very welcome.’’ Shion replied blinking cutely.

Hoshi stretched a bit “Of course.But I’ll have a shower first”She announced as she stood up as well.
Roy smiled as he reached to caress her cheek gently.

‘’Ok.’’ Ed said nodding. Then he headed to the kitchen. He wanted to surprise her by making the breakfast
Shion smiled at the sight of his touch and reached to kiss his lips. ‘’Should we have breakfast?’’ she suggested
sitting up.

Hoshi headed towards the bathroom as she took a shower and came out with a towel on her head,while wearing
casual clothes.
“Yeah”Roy said and nodded as he kissed her back.

Ed succeeded in preparing some meat and cheese sandwhiches for him and Hoshi and he was proud of it. He
placed the plates on the table and took a sit waiting for Hoshi to join him.
‘’Maybe this morning you can make proper pencakes.’’ Shion said teasing him a bit.

Hoshi stepped in the kitchen,surprised to find the breakfast prepared.She flashed Ed a warm smile before she sat
next to him “You made all of this?”
Roy frowned “Why did you had to remind me?”He asked,sighing,as he stood up.

‘’Yes! I did.’’ Ed replied proudly, smiling back. ‘’Let me know what you think of it.’’he told her waiting for her
to take the first bite.
‘’I guess I couldn’t just miss the chance.’’ Shion replied shrugging before getting dressed.

Hoshi leaned to kiss him “It looks so delicious!”She exclaimed as she reached to take a bite “And it is
Roy got dressed as well and went to wash his hands and face “You’re evil”.

Ed’s cheeks turned a little rosey. ‘’I’m glad…’’ he said before tasting the sandwhich on his plate. ‘’Mm, you’re
‘’I can’t help it.’’ Shion replied shrugging again.

Hoshi giggled “I told you!”She said,happily “I can’t wait till Roy comes to visit.I’ so pranking him..”She
“I know right”Roy replied as he walked to the kitchen and once again started to prepare the necessary stuff for

‘’Oooh, I wanna know all about it!’’ Ed said evilly. ‘’Please tell me what you’re gonna do to him!’’ he asked,
very interested in Hoshi’s evil plans.
Shion giggled. Then she went to take a shower until the pencakes were ready.

“I’m still going to be that girl that knows nothing about feelings for only that Mustang is a jerk”Hoshi said and
Roy succeded in preparing the pancakes this time,as he took some syrup and placed it on the table along with
some drinks,waiting for Shion to return.

‘’Mwhaha! He’ll be scared as hell!’’ Ed said rubbing his hands evilly. He was looking forward to it.
Shion returned and smirked at the sight of the pencakes. ‘’Oh my! You can actually make pencakes!’’ she said
acting surprised.

“I know right”Hoshi said,as she reached to pour some juice in a glass and then drink.
“Very funny”Roy said as he looked at her with a straight face.

Ed nodded. Then he remembered Shion would come along with Roy. He wondered how he should act around
her, as he munched at his sandwhich.
‘’You know I’m kidding.’’ Shion said quickly, kissing him on the cheek.

Hoshi grinned.After she finished eating she reached to take both plates and clean them.
“I know”Roy said and smiled as he looked at her “I hope you like the pencakes. ”

‘’I want to help!’’ Ed offered walking up to her.

Shion tasted a pencake and munched at it silently before giving the verdict. ‘’It’s good.’’

“It’s okay!”Hoshi replied,cheerfuly.

Roy blushed a bit “T-Thanks”He replied,as he took to grab one as well.

‘’Okay…’’ Ed said retreating. He didn’t want to make her mad.

Shion smiled and resumed eating. She was jealous. She wanted to know how to prepare meals as well.

After Hoshi finished washing the dishes she turned to Ed,the towel almost falling off her head.
Roy looked at her “You should learn to cook pancakes too”He said,teasingly.

‘’Careful!’’ Ed said grabbing the towel before it could fall off. ‘’Um… I’ll wait here until you dry your hair.’’he
said retreating his hands.
‘’And toss them in the air like you.’’ Shion added, remembering how hard the failed the other die at flipping the
pencake over.

Hoshi laughed “It’s okay!I won’t bite you”She said,grinning as she reached to take the towel off her head.
“Hopefully”Roy said and sweatdropped.

Ed nodded in silence at her words.

Shion giggled softly and resumed eating the pencakes with syrop.

Hoshi walked back to their room and took the hair dryer and started to dry her hair.
Roy poured juice in his glass and then he looked at her “We should go and visit Hoshi”He suggested.

Ed followed her and sat on the bed waiting for her to finish.
‘’I thought you would take me shopping today…’’ Shion said pouting a little.

After Hoshi finished she looked at him “What now?”

“I never said that,did I?”Roy asked,raising an eyebrow “But I’ll take you,I guess”.

‘’Now we wait.’’ Ed said glancing outside the window.

‘’Come on, I won’t take long! And then we’re going straight to your sister. Please!’’ Shion begged him fluttering
her eyes in a cute way.

“This waiting might take forever”Hoshi said,as she rolled on her tummy.
Roy chuckled as he reached to pinch her cheek “Okay,okay”.

‘’I still got this.’’ Ed said pulling a photo out of his pocket. It was the photo of child Roy fishing from two nights
ago. ‘’How about we show it to him when he comes here today?’’ he asked with a grin, convinced she wouldn’t
say no this time.
Shion grinned. She knew he couldn’t resist her.
Hoshi frowned “Hey!I thought I told you to give it back!”She said,pouting,as she reached to take it from him.
Roy looked at her “Are you ready for shopping then?”

‘’No!’’ Ed stretched out his hand so she couldn’t reach it. ‘’I thought you wanted to be mean to him! What better
chance than this will you get?’’
‘’Absolutely.’’ Shion replied heading to the door. She was looking forward to this.

“But he’s going to find out that I gave you the picture or how else did you find it unless you stalked my
stuff”Hoshi said and chuckled as she clinged into his arm,still trying to get the photo back.
Roy stood up as he took her hand and grabbed the keys of the car and walked outside.He led her to the car and
drove to the mall.

‘’Well then, I stalked your stuff.’’ Ed said with a soft chuckle, still not letting her reach the photo.
When they got to the mall, Shion looked around and smiled remembering when they went their the first time for
her to pick a dress for her welcoming party.

“Nuuu”Hoshi pouted as she crawled a bit closer to try and take it.
Roy remembered that too and smiled as well “Where do you want to go then?”

‘’Yeeeeees’’ Ed nodded crawling a little further.

‘’Hmm… Oh, there!’’ Shion said pulling him to an expensive clothes store.

Hoshi crawled closer “Noooooo”She said,reaching a hand in the air.

Roy let himself dragged “Okay”He said and chuckled.He liked seeing her so happy.

‘’Yeeeees.’’ Ed insisted. He liked teasing her like that. (e evil)

Shion skipped up to the clothes and started browsing through them. After a while she chose some and went to try
them in the changing booth.

“Nooo...”Hoshi chuckled as she fell on his lap.

Roy sat on a chair as he waited for her.He was sure she’d look pretty in any outfit.

‘’Yes.’’ Ed said nodding, trying hard not to laugh. She was so cute when she was pouting.
Shion came out wearing a dark tiny miniskirt and a long red coat which from knees down was made of pink
fabric. On her chest was resting a generous pale pink ribbon, covering the white shirt underneath. She also wore
white boots up her knees, and black socks underneath, just a tad higher than the boots. ‘’Well?’’ she asked
flashing a winning smile.

“But but”Hoshi started,as she looked at him with puppy eyes.

Roy nearly fell of his chair as he looked at her.His face burned up as he swallowed hard “You look...very good”.

Ed shook his head trying to resist her cuteness. ‘’Please don’t make this cute face…’’
Shion looked down at him and smirked. ‘’I’m buying them.’’she told the clerk holding the pile of clothes she had
picked. She didn’t have time to try everything on right now, because they had to go to Hoshi’s.

“Or else what?”Hoshi asked,grinning.

“Okay”Roy said and nodded.Well,let’s say that to him she looked very appealing [ 8D eee ]

‘’Or else… I won’t be able to resist you.’’ Ed confessed looking at her straight in the eyes.
Shion was very happy about her new acquisitions. They payed for the clothes (adica Roy), they put the shopping
backs on the backseat of the car and then they drove off to Hoshi’s house.

Hoshi felt her cheeks turn a bit red “I-Is that so?”She said,trying to continue with their little game.
After Roy payed for the clothes they got in the car again and drove to Hoshi’s house.

Ed nodded in response, without looking away. ‘’It’s true..’’he said above a whisper.
When they got to their destination, Shion and Roy walked up to Hoshi’s house and knocked on the door.

“I see...”Hoshi whispered as she smirked.

Al went and opened the door “Nee-sama,Roy-san!”He said cheerfully.

Ed smirked back. Just then he heard the door. ‘’I think they’re here.’’
Shion glomped Al. ‘’AL! How’s my cute little brother today?’’ she asked kissing his cheek.

“Yep”Hoshi said and rolled off him and stood on the bed,pulling off the emotionless.
Al laughed “It’s good to see you too!”Roy looked around suspiciously,wondering where Hoshi is.

Ed went to greet Roy and Shion first. ‘’It was about time you showed up!’’ ‘’You were waiting for us? Sorry for
being late, we took a small detour at the mall.’’ Shion said simply. Ed took a good look at her brand new clothes
and shook her head. ‘’So this is the kind of woman you are… wallet vampire.’’

Roy coughed,getting his attention “Now,where’s Hoshi?”He asked.Just then Hoshi came in the view “Right
here”She replied,monotonely.Roy dropped his head.Hopeless.Al looked at Hoshi “I thought you’d feel better
today..”He confessed sadly “Unfortunantely I am not”.

‘’Why you~!’’ Shion had just caught Ed and was pulling his ears when she saw Hoshi. Ed too stopped struggling
as he watched Hoshi. She was such a good actress!

Roy stepped closer to Hoshi and looked at her “There has to be some way for you to get back..” “Keep your
distance”Hoshi said,matter-of-factly,as Roy glared at her.

Ed blinked. She was good. If he didn’t know better, he would think her state didn’t improve at all since the other
Shion glanced at Roy sadly before looking at Hoshi, as she let go of Ed. ‘’Hoshi-chan…’’

Hoshi tried not to laugh as she stared at Roy.Roy sighed,he was actually worried,as he backed away from Hoshi
“Very well,we’ll take you back to the hospital then”.

‘’I don’t think that will be necessary.’’ Said Ed trying to help Hoshi. ‘’Can’t you cope with the thought that she
hates you?’’ he asked evilly. Shion glared at him. Was all of that really necessary?

“Yes,that won’t be necessary unless the doctors can get me some artificial feelings”Hoshi said,crossing her arms
in front of her chest.Roy glared at Ed “Stay out of this,Fullmetal”.

‘’I thought so.’’ Ed replied with a big smirk and shrugged a little, feeling an evil satisfaction from Roy’s reply.
Everything was going according to plan.
‘’Stop it!’’ Shion snapped and grabbed Ed by the collar, wanting nothing more than to wipe that stupid smile off
his face. ‘’Why do you side with him? Do you love him? Or do you love his money?’’ Ed asked rhethorically,
poison dripping from every word. Shion’s hands were trembling on his collar. ‘’The truth hurts, doesn’t it.’’he
added. Right when he finished the sentence, the sharp sound of a slap filled the room.

Hoshi’s eyes widened a bit at the sight of the slap,as Roy glanced at her “And also this was a whole scene,wasn’t
it?Hoshi is back to normal”Hoshi swallowed hard.She couldn’t care less about the prank now.She just hoped Ed
wouldn’t freak out that much.Roy remained silent after he heard Ed’s words.Could it be true?

Ed wondered if he went too far as he slowly took a hand to his reddened cheek.
Shion looked at him for a second with a serious look on her face before exitting the room.

Hoshi walked by Ed’s side and reached to touch at his cheek “A-Are you alright?”She asked,softly.Roy crossed
his arms in front of his chest.Seeing that his sister payed more attention to her boyfriend,he walked after
Shion,trying to confort her.

Ed remained silent as he stared blankly. He couldn’t believe she just slapped him.
Shion was pouring herself a glass of water, to try and calm down. She glanced at Roy shortly before taking a sip
from the glass.

Hoshi reached to hug him and patted him on the back gently.
Roy didn’t say anything,knowing that it probably get her mad at him,so he just remained silent,watching her.
‘’Could it be… I overdid it?’’ Ed wondered looking down.
‘’You’re wondering if I’m still mad.’’ Shion said eventually looking down at her glass. ‘’I’m… ’’ She sighed.
‘’I’m ok...’’ she said not looking too sure about it.

“I don’t think that’s the problem”Hoshi whispered.

Roy sighed as he wrapped his arm around her waist and hugged her “It’s okay..You don’t have to listen to him”.

‘’Then what is the problem?’’ Ed asked her, raising his voice a little. He was sick of problems.
‘’Do you believe him?’’ Shion asked acting almost as emotionlessly as Hoshi, without hugging him back.

Hoshi stared at him “Maybe she’s had a bad day or something...”She said,trying to come up with something
“No”Roy said “We’ve been through lots of things to belive you’d only do that”He said,softly.

‘’Maybe…’’ Ed replied running his fingers over his still warm cheek.
Shion rested her forehead against his chest. He was so good to her.

Hoshi reached to kiss him on the spot he got slapped “I’m sure of it”.
Roy ran his fingers through her hair,as he rested his chin on the top of her head

Ed smiled at Hoshi, feeling his good mood return little by little.

‘’He’s such an idiot…’’ Shion said above a whisper. She was glad she slapped him after all.

Hoshi smiled at him and reached to stroke his hair.

“It takes time untill you get to know each other better”Roy said.

‘’Thanks…’’ Ed said above a whisper. She was so kind.

‘’I guess we should go back then.’’ Shion said. ‘’Nothing’s gonna change otherwise.’’ She headed to the living
room, after she took a cold compress for Ed.

Hoshi giggled “You’re very welcome!”

“Yeah..”Roy said as he followed her silently.Al looked at her worried “Nee-sama!Are you alright?”

Shion ignored Al for the time being, fact which caugh Ed’s attention. He took a deffensive pose as he watched
her walk up straight to him. To his surprise, she lowered herself to his level and pulled out a compress, silently
nursing the hurt cheek. Ed didn’t know what to say, as he looked at her face, which was very close by now.

Al felt hurt as for once in a while he got ignore.And by his own sister too!Hoshi tensed up a bit,thinking that
Shion would hit him again but then she sighed in relief as she watched them.

‘’T-Thanks…’’ Ed mumbled, a bit unsure. By now he grew to understand her hot tempered personality. ‘’Don’t
mention it.’’ Shion replied in an even voice. It was a weird scene, compared to the anger burst from only a few
minutes ago.

Hoshi looked at Roy,who looked away,a bit grumpy.She giggled and walked to him “Come on Roy,don’t be like
that”She said and pouted.Roy sighed “You called me a jerk you know..” “But But but!”

‘’That wasn’t nice, you know, Hoshi-chan.’’ Shion said glancing at her and Roy from the corner of her eye as
she straightened up. Ed swallowed, feeling a bit guilty about the whole situation.

“I just wanted to see if he figures out that I returned to my old self”Hoshi said and shrugged.Roy glanced at her
“I almost did..Almost”He said,shaking his fist in the air.Hoshi stuck her tongue out “Right”.

Shion tilted her head to the side. She wondered if she would ever even begin to understand with this sibling
rivalry. Ed remained quiet.

“SOOO~”Ling started,as he peeked his head out from the kitchen.Hoshi jumped “Were you stalking us again?”
“Maybe” “Give a proper answer,damn it!” “I was~” Roy rolled his eyes “This guy is still here?”

Ed startled. He almost forgot about Ling. Again.

‘’What are you doing here?’’ Shion asked startling a little as well. He remembered him from the hospital. She
thought he was very dubious.

“Hoshi-chan was nice enough to let me stay over ~”Ling said,as he waved his hands in the air.Hoshi chuckled “I
hope you didn’t eat everything again”Silence filled the room.And silence...and more silence “I have no idea what
you said!”Ling said,innocently “WHY YOU”Hoshi freaked out as she started to chase him around the house.

Ed and Shion sweatdropped watching the whole scene.

‘’Hey… Where’s the girl that was with you?’’ Shion asked.

After Hoshi caught Ling she gave him a good noogie before Ling turned towards Shion “I don’t know.She
disappeard”He explained,shrugging.

Shion raised an eyebrow. ‘’So, you haven’t kidnapped her or anything… Cause I’d hate to know Hoshi-chan
lives under the same roof with a man who kidnaps little girls and does bad things to them…’’
‘’I don’t think he’s that smart to come up with such elaborate plans.’’ Ed said rubbing at his chin.

Ling pouted “You’re so mean..”He told Shion as he crossed his arms in front of his chest.
Hoshi nudged Ed “How would you know?”

‘’I’m a pirate, that’s my job.’’ Shion said with a wide smirk.

‘’Then you’re finally admitting he’s suspicious?’’ Ed asked Hoshi.

“Trust me,she speaks the truth”Roy said,sweatdropping.

“No”Hoshi said,blinking “Look at him.If he were stupid then...” “I wouldn’t be the first one to notice something
was wrong with Hoshi the other day”Ling finished,smiling.

‘’What’s that supposed to mean?’’ Shion asked turning around to face Roy.
Ed rolled his eyes. ‘’Big deal.’’he said crossing his arms at his chest. It was childish, but he didn’t like Hoshi
praising Ling.

“I’m just agreeing with you”Roy said,chuckling.

Hoshi shrugged as Ling started innocently at them.

Shion rolled her eyes. ‘’Yeah right.’’she said laughing softly.

‘’What are you staring at?’’ Ed asked Ling all of a sudden.

Roy reached to poke her nose and grinned.

Ling looked surprised “Am I not allowed to stare?”He asked,lifting an eyebrow.Hoshi swallowed hard “Let’s not

Shion sighed and smiled a little shaking her head a little. ‘’You’re so devious.’’
‘’Fine.’’ Ed said looking away from Ling.

“So what?”Roy said,cooly.

Hoshi sighed as she reached to hug Ed.

‘’We’re so much alike.’’ Shion replied with a happy sigh as she rested her head on his chest.
Ed hugged her back. ‘’Come on, let’s do something fun!’’ he suggested to change the subject.

“Aren’t we?”Roy repeated meditativly a he stroked her hair.

“Like what?”Hoshi asked,looking forward for the new idea.

Shion nodded in response and smiled.

Ed smirked evilly. ‘’Like…’’ he started, pulling out the photo of Roy. ‘’Hey Colonel, look what I’ve got!’’

Roy raised an eyebrow but before he could see the photo,Hoshi jumped to take it ‘’It’s nothing really!”

‘’Oh, but it is something…’’ Ed smugged backing away from Hoshi.

Shion walked behind Ed and looked at the picture. ‘’Oh? Is that Roy as kid?’’
’’N-Nani?”Roy’s cheeks were burning with embarassment as he stepped to look at the picture ’’HOW DID
Hoshi sweatdropped as she started to back away,trying to make herself unseen.

‘’I stalked through Hoshi’s stuff.’’ Ed answered to Roy’s question.

‘’He~!’’ Shion exclaimed and snatched the picture to take a better look at it.

Hoshi couldn’t belive he actually said that.She blinked.

Roy frowned ’’Why am I not surprised?”

Ed chuckled evilly. ’’Mwhaha!’’

A quesstion crossed Shion’s mind as she inspected the picture. What would Roy’s children look like?... Then she
gulped, feeling her face get hot.

Hoshi hid behind Ed as she tried not to giggle.

Roy raised an eyebrow as he noticed Shion’s red face and couldn’t help what’s wrong.

Ed patted Hoshi’s hair affectionately. Roy didn’t get mad at her, after all.
Shion shook her head. ‘’You were cute as a child.’’she managed to tell Roy.

Hoshi giggled softly as she leaned into his touch.

Roy felt his face burn ‘’I-I’m sure you were too!”

Shion shook her head trying not to think of children anymore.

Ed smiled. ‘’So.. did you catch anything?’’ he asked Roy glancing at the photo.

Roy looked at Ed ”What if I did?”He said,crossing his arms in front of his chest.
”Of course you did catch something.After all after we ate that fish we didn’t get hungry for like two days”Hoshi

‘’So you did, huh.’’ Ed said, mockingly.

‘’Edward, don’t be mean.’’ Shion said tilting her head to the side.

’’Now,now,don’t lecture him,he’s old enough to know that himself”Roy said,sarcastically.

Hoshi blinked .’’Hey hey!You were about the same when you were seventeen as well!”

‘’That’s – that’s right, Shion!’’ Ed said, his cheeks turning rosey. ‘’I don’t need to be told what to do, Shion.’’he
added crossing his arms. ‘’It’s ‘nee-sama’ for you.’’ Shion corrected with an evil smirk. Ed frowned. He’d never
call her that.
‘’Really?’’ Shion turned to Hoshi. ‘’Tell me more!’’ she told her grabbing her hands.

Hoshi giggled softly as she looked at Roy ,an evil aura surrounding her ”Roy never knew how to cook untill I
teached him.He’d rather starve than actually try to make some food”She started,as Roy glared her ”Stop that!

‘’Reaally???’’ Shion said wide-eyedly. ‘’Well, even now he can’t flip the pencakes over roperly.’’she informed
Hoshi leaning closer as if it was some secret, but she didn’t lower her voice much, so anyone could hear her.
‘’Oh…. Is that so?...’’ Ed said nudging Roy.

Hoshi laughed.Poor Roy.Getting assualted by his own girlfriend!Too priceless ’’That’s not something new”She
said,as she smugged at Roy ’’Says that one that used to sleep with a teddy-bear untill a year ago”Roy

Shion smiled a strange smile. When she was Hoshi’s age she didn’t sleep with plushies. In fact when she was
Hoshi’s age she didn’t even have a stable home.
Ed looked at Hoshi and chuckled softly, not that it bothered him, but he thought it was cute. ‘’That’s irrevelant.
Now we were talking about you.’’he told Roy.

Hoshi pouted as she looked away embarassed ‘’Well at least you still sleep”She mumbled.
Roy now felt bad for saying that but he glared at Ed ‘’Why must you always stick your nose in our
business,Fullmetal Shorty?”

‘’D-DON’T CALL ME AN UBER SHORT CHIBI CHIBI RUNT!!!’’ Ed said agitating his fists in the air. Shion
grabbed his wrists. ‘’He-Hey! Let go.’’ ‘’Nuh uh.’’ Shion shook her head. ‘’It’s ‘please, onee-sama’.’’

Hoshi and Roy watched the whole scene sweatdropping.

Al sighed ’’Nii-san,be nice with Shion”.

Ed rolled his eyes. ‘’Please.’’ Shion faked a sad look. ‘’Edward is being mean to me!’’she said and burried her
face in Al’s chest.

Hoshi glomped Ed ‘’He’s not mean at all”She said,giggling.

Al patted Shion’s back ‘’D-Don’t worry.I’m sure he didn’t mean it”.

‘’Yes he is.’’ Shion replied, sobbing.

Ed glared. ‘’Can’t you tell she’s pretending?’’he asked Al.

Al sweatdropped ’’Nee-sama for how long are you two going to keep fighting?”
Hoshi rested her arms around Ed’s neck and sighed.

Shion decided it was time to give up. ‘’Ok, ok, Al-chan. No more fighting.’’
Ed hugged Hoshi and sighed as well, glad it all ended well.

”Yay!”Al cheered as he smiled at his older sister.

Hoshi nuzzled Ed’s cheek and giggled.

Shion grinned at Al. He was a good kid.

Ed smiled and kissed Hoshi’s forehead.

Roy walked tot hem,with his arms crossed in front of his chest,as he pouted.
Hoshi grinned and snuggled him.

Shion looked and Roy and smiled, before reaching to give him a tight hug.
Ed let out a soft chuckle and poked her nose.

Roy was a bit surprised by the sudden hug as he returned it,smiling from the bottom of his heart.
Hoshi blinked as she poked his nose with hers.

‘’You’re cute when you pout.’’ Shion told Roy and giggled softly.
Ed chuckled. ‘’Who’d like dinner?’’ he asked turning around to look at everybody.

’’You’re cute all the time”Roy replied,knowing he hit a soft spot.

’’Oh,me,me!”Hoshi raised her hand excited ’’And me!”Al agreed ’’Me too!”Ling said,innocently,causing
everyone to go silent.

Shion blushed a bit before glancing at Ed. „Oh, me too.”

Ed sweatdropped. He wondered how long Lau planned on hanging around. Then he slowly started to prepare
dinner for everybody.

“Hoshi-chan was nice enough to let me stay over ~”Ling said,as he waved his hands in the air.Hoshi chuckled “I
hope you didn’t eat everything again”Silence filled the room.And silence...and more silence “I have no idea what
you said!”Ling said,innocently “WHY YOU”Hoshi freaked out as she started to chase him around the house.

An red anger appeared on Ed’s right temple „Keep it down! I can’t focus!” he screamed from the kitchen.
„This place is so lively!” Shion said smiling widely.

Roy chuckled at the sight of her not saying anything in return.

Hoshi blinked. ”Was there a single time when you actually didn’t ask for food?” ”Hmm ~ Unless I got it myself,
no.” ”That’s not what I meant!” ”Sorry, I don’t understand the language that well. ~”
Edward sighed with irritation as he resumed preparing soup [la plic.]

Hoshi skipped after Ed. „Can I help you?~” She asked, innocently.
Roy remained in the room with Shion, wondering if she still felt sick.

„I’m almost done!” Ed announced, proudly. „You could get me the bowls.” he said, since he didn’t know where
they were.
Shion glanced at Al and without a warning, she glomped him.

„Yes sir!” Hoshi replied, grinning as she went to look for bowls and spoons.
Al tried to keep his ballance, as Roy watched amused.

„Now can you help me get these to the table?” Ed asked as he started to pour soup into the bowls.
Shion chuckled, thinking Al was a really cute little brother.

„Ja, ja~” Hoshi chirped as she took each bowl and placed them on the table.
Al blushed, as he fidgeted and looked away.

Ed smiled as he watched her. „I’ll go call them.”he said as he returned back to where the others were. „Dinner’s
ready.”he announced with a straight face. He never thought the day would come when he would serve dinner to
Roy Mustang.
„Yay ~! I can’t to see what you prepared ofr us~!” Shion chirped and skipped to the kitchen.

Hoshi giggled as she took her seat at the table, waiting for the others. Roy looked at Ed and chuckled at the sight
of him being the ‚housewife’, as Al went to the kitchen as well.

„You made this delicious-looking soup all by yourself?” Shion asked as she took a sit at the table. „Why yes, I
did…” Ed said laughing nervously. „My, your wife is gonna be so lucky ~ !” „D-don’t say such embarassing
things at the table!!” Ed snapped, causing Shion to giggle.

„But I am proud of him already.” Hoshi said, casually, causing merely everyone to look at her. „What? Untill he
gets a wife, I can be proud ~” Roy narrowed his eye suspiciously as he took a seat at the table. „It looks too good
to be made by you. Maybe he used alchemy.”

Ed blushed at the sight of Hoshi’s words. Shion grinned at Hoshi. „Is that so ~?...” she said looking at her with a
wide smirk.
„Did not!” Ed defended himself in front of Roy. „Why is it so hard to believe I made it myself?” he said,

„Well of course” Hoshi replied with modesty, trying to hide a smirk.

„I bet you didn’t.” Roy replied, as Al sweatdropped and Ling sat somewhere next to Hoshi.

Shion didn’t say anything more, as she chuckled softly.

„Well, guess what, I did!” Ed replied as angry as ever.

Hoshi watched Ed and Roy as she coughed. „The soup will get cold.”
Roy rolled his eye.

„And I’m sure Hoshi-chan would make a great mother.” Shion said and smugged at Hoshi before tasting the
soup. „This is quite good!” she said and gave Ed thumbs up.
Ed blushed again and remained quiet.

Hoshi wanted to take a small sip from the spoon, but she dropped it, as her face turned as red as a tomato. „I
err...You’d make a great aunt too!”
Roy raised an eyebrow. He barely got used to Ed being Hoshi’s girlfriend.

„Thank you, that’so nice of you!” Shion replied cheerfully at the unexpected compliment.
Ed swallowed. „S-so how’s the soup? Is it too salty?” he asked Hoshi to change the subject.
Hoshi grinned and focused her attention towards Ed. „Ah, it’s perfect ~” She replied, nodding.
Roy started to eat silently as well.

„Really? I’m glad.” Ed replied proudly. He then glanced at Shion shortly, afraid she might make another joke
about spouses and parents.

Hoshi was actually just as embarrassed, but didn’t let that be seen.
„Hey, chibi. Your cooking skills aren’t bad.” Ling complimented.

Ed glared at Ling. „HOW YOU CALL ME A MINI-SIZED RUNT!!” he snapped.

Shion smiled as she watched the comic scene. What a lively family they were…

Ling waved his hands in front of him, trying to defend himself.

Hoshi giggled silently at them. Roy thought they were immature.

Ed agitated his fists in the air, trying to reach Ling and hit him with the spoon.
Shion thought they were funny.

Hoshi reached to grab his arm. „I don’t think it’s worth fighting over such a thing ~ Besides, you got a lot taller
since we’ve met!”
Ling watched innocently.

„Y-you think…?” Ed asked reluctantly as he lowered his arm.

„She’s right! Must be the milk I got you the other day!” Shion intervened casually.

„Ja, of course.” Hoshi grinned and kissed his cheek.

Roy snorted at the sight of Shion’s comment.

Ed blushed a bit at that and resumed eating the soup in silence.

Shion glanced at Roy from the corner of her eye and elbowed him playfully.

Hoshi resumed eating as well, glancing at the others shortly.

Roy raised an eyebrow. „What is it?”

Ed couldn’t help but think Ling was suspicious. He wondered how long he planned on staying there with them.
„Nothing.” Shion replied cheerfully before focusing on her bowl of soup.

Ling on the other hand didn’t seem to be as affected. Hoshi soon enough finished her bowl.
Roy chuckled and watched her.

Ed finished eating too and glanced at the others, waiting for all of them to be ready.
„Thanks for the meal.” Shion said when she finished. Ed waved a hand in front of her. „I know, I know, it was
the best meal you’ve ever had.” he said arrogantly. Shion chuckled.

Hoshi rested her hands on her lap as she glanced around the kichen.
Roy blinked. „I’ve had better than this.” He said, teasingly.

„No you haven’t.” Ed pouted.

Shion sweatdropped.

Roy smirked. „I did. „

Hoshi sweatdropped as well.

„You didn’t!” Ed said stubbornly.

Shion leaned her cheek in her palm as she watched them.

„Calm down, Fullmetal.” Roy said, casually.

Hoshi sweatdropped even more.

„Don’t tell me to calm down after you provoke me!” Ed snapped again.
Shon shook her head. „Stop teasing my little brother already…” she said as she placed a palm on Roy’s arm.
„Don’t call me super tiny!!” Ed told Shion as he pointed a finger at her.

Roy grinned at Shion. „You’re right...” He said, as he glanced at Ed, amusedly. Hoshi reached to pat Ed’s back.
„Don’t pay attention to them.”

„Right…” Ed muttered as he started to clean the table. It was embarassing for him to do such chores in front of
the Colonel. He now had more reasons to pick on him.

Hoshi stood up and helped him before Roy had the chance to say anything about it.

Ed silently appreciated Hoshi’s help as he lifted the bowls in front of Roy and Shion.
Shion thought they were a cute couple and was glad they were all friends.

Hoshi glanced at Roy, who rolled his eye and stood up. Al chuckled softly, thinking they were all good friends in
the end.

Ed sighed as he placed the bowls in the sink.

„What should we do now?” Shion asked.

Hoshi offered to wash the dishes instead.

„Hmm...”Roy thought for a second. „Is there anything you’d like to do?”

Ed nodded as he took a step back and watched her.

Shion shrugged. „We could all go for a walk, or stay inside and watch tv, or…” she started, unsure.

Hoshi finished cleaning the dishes as she turned towards Ed.

„We should take a walk.” Roy suggested.

„Alright then let’s go!” Shion agreed to it quickly. „Are you coming?” she asked Ed and Hoshi and Al. „Yeah,
sure.” Ed replied. He couldn’t stay there with Ling any longer.

„Of course~” Hoshi chirped as she grinned widely. Al nodded and stood up as well. Ling was going to follow
just in case.

“Where should we go first?” Shion asked stuffing her hands in her pockets when they walked outside the house.

„I think we should take a walk around the town.” Hoshi suggested. „Yeah” Roy agreed, nodding.

“Sounds good.” Ed said and reached to take Hoshi’s hand.

Shion smiled as she glanced at them all.

Hoshi laced their fingers together and walked with him.

Roy offered his arm to Shion.

Ed glanced at her and flashed her a confident smile.

Shion gladly accepted his arm as they walked after Ed and Hoshi.

Hoshi smiled back widely, glad that they got the chance to meet.
Roy followed closely, along with Al and Ling who more or less went to the Central due to having some business.

Ed glanced over his shoulder and said goodbye to Al and Ling, glad Ling left them.
Shion wondered if Al was going to be alright, all alone with that suspicios Chinese guy.

Hoshi glanced at Ling and Al and sweatdropped.

Roy didn’t seem to be as affected, as he shrugged.

Ed tried to focus on this date with Hoshi, as Shion sighed softly.

Roy didn’t pay much attention around him either, as he tried to focus on Shion. Little did they know they were
actually followed.

Shion looked around at the town, thinking what they could do to have some fun.

„Should we have a drink?” Roy suggested, unsure of what they should do.
Hoshi wondered whether to go with them or give them their own space.

“Sure!” Shion agreed, as Ed glanced at Hoshi, unsure.

Hoshi shrugged. „Erm, I think we should just enjoy the walk.” She suggested, knowing her brother probably
needed time.
„Very well.” Roy said, turning the opposite direction. „Fullmetal, you’d better be careful this time.”

Ed grinned. “Of course!” he replied confidently as he and Hoshi furthered from Roy and Shion.
Shion waved them good-bye, looking forward to spending time with Roy.

Hoshi giggled softly as she clinged to Ed’s arm.

Roy sighed, glad he could spend time with Shion for now.

Ed chuckled and kissed Hoshi’s hair.

Shion was glad all the fighting was over for now.

Hoshi giggled. Little did they know that Envy was around as well.
While Envy went after Ed and Hoshi, Gluttony and Lust decided to follow Shion and Roy. Roy led Shion to a
luxurous restaurant, using the opporunity.

Ed walked with her proudly around the town. He felt especially good since she admitted he had grown a little
Shion was impressed by the restaurant. “I could get used to this.”she said chuckling as she admired the place.

Envy didn’t really like watching them. Hoshi was proud to have Ed as her boyfriend.
„You should.” Roy said and nodded as he pulled the chair for her.

Ed was proud to have her as his girlfriend too. He leaned closer and kissed her cheek.
“My, I wonder what that’s supposed to mean.” Shion said slyly as she took a sit.

Hoshi blushed a bit at the unexpected action and leaned on her tip toes to return the gesture.
„Just so you wait and see.” Roy replied mysteriously, as he took a seat in front of her.

Ed chuckled. “You’re cute.”he heard himself tell her, honestly.

Shion grinned, excited. “Oh ~? I like surprises!” she said, as she started to think what it could be.

Hoshi blushed softly as she scratched her cheek. „T-Thank you!”

Roy chuckled lowly. „I can tell you do.” He said, grinning.

Ed chuckled and wrapped her arms around her, hugging her tightly.
Shion smirked. “You know me so well…”

Hoshi wrapped his arms around his neck and nuzzled him gently.
„Ah, but of course.” Roy replied with an ironic smile.

Ed smiled and rested his cheek against her forehead, sighing happily.
Shion chuckled as she reached to take a menu and look through it.

Hoshi burried her face in his shoulder, feeling safe and loved.
Roy sighed contently and reached to take the menu as well.

Ed reached to stroke her hair gently.

“Hmm…” Shion looked through the extravagant food names, before finally deciding on lobster.
Hoshi leaned soflty into his touch. Envy could feel like burning.
Roy didn’t know what to pick, so he decided to go with Shion’s choice.

Ed was unaware Envy was there spying on them. In fact, his half brother was the least of his worries at the
Shion just smiled as she leaned her cheek into her palm and watched Roy.

Hoshi wasn’t aware of it either. She was too busy enjoying their moment.
Roy flashed her a small smile as he called the waiter to give the order.

“Should we resume our walk?” Ed asked as he slowly let go of her.

Shion glanced around the restaurant once more, thinking what a nice place it was.

„Mmm ~” Hoshi nodded as she took his hand and laced their fingers.
Roy watched Shion the whole time, waiting for the food to arrive.

Ed leaned to kiss her cheek as they resumed the walk.

Shion glanced back at Roy and sighed happily as she reached to hold his hand.

Hoshi blushed and returned the gesture. Envy was preparing to attack.
Roy looked at their hands, as he gently carrassed hers with a small smile.

Ed chuckled as he led her around the town.

Shion returned the smile as a warm feeling filled her heart.

„Oh, if it isn’t Fullmetal and his girlfriend~” Envy said from behind them. Hoshi froze. That guy again?
Roy sighed contently as the waitress ( faceau pe ture) brought them their food, who was actually Lust.

Ed glared. Why did he leave them alone already?

Shion glanced shortly at Lust approaching them but she didn’t pay her much importance.

Hoshi remembered the last time how he stabbed her and pretended to be her brother. She was scared. Envy
grinned like a psychopat. „Oh, what a lovely reaction”
Roy didn’t seem to pay much attention to Lust either, to their disavantage.

Ed took a step forward and stretch out a hand in front of Hoshi, protectively. “Leave her alone.” he said through
gritted teeth. He didn’t forget what Envy made them go through, how he nearly killed Hoshi.
Shion made herself confortable in the chair as she waited for the food to be set on the table.

„I didn’t even start my business with her.” Envy said. „But have you forgotten? She lied to you the whole time
about her identity.” He said, motioning his hands in the air. Hoshi just watched, horiffied.
After the food was set on the table, Lust left, planning to attack when they would plan to leave. But little did they
knew that Shion’s food was poisoned.

“She didn’t lie about anything.” Ed replied confidently, and the trust he had in Hoshi could be heard in his voice.
Shion grinned at the appealing plate of food before starting to eat with small bites.

„But she didn’t tell you she was Colonel’s sister until a while back.” Envy said. Hoshi looked down,
Roy chuckled, glad to see her so happy, as he started to eat as well.

Ed snorted, as he kept glaring at Envy. “And what’s it to you?” he asked.

Shion didn’t think at all that the food might be poisoned, and she kept eating without a care.

„Betrayal, the fact that you risked your own life for nothing. A non-existant person.” Envy said, evilly. Hoshi
sighed. He was right.
Roy didn’t think about it either, as he ate silently.
“Why are you so concerned with it in the first place?” Ed demanded, raising an eyebrow. He obviously tried not
to let his guard down.
Shion suddenly stopped eating. “I… I’m not feeling so well…” she confessed, moving a hand over her stomach.

„I just want the best for my little brother after all.” Envy replied, smirking. Hoshi clenched her fists.
Roy stopped eating, as he watched her with concert. „W-What’s wrong?”

“For some reason I don’t believe that.” Ed said, managing to keep his composure. He even forgot to get angry at
the sight of the word ‘little’.
“The food’s poisoned.” Shion replied glaring down at her plate, before falling off the chair, collapsing with a
furious convulsion.

Envy pouted. „I don’t want you near those who may hurt you.” Hoshi frowned. „You’re one of them.” She dared
to say.
Roy’s eye widened as he stood up and caught her, the chair falling backwards with a loud sound, causing
attention. „Shion?...Shion?! ...Shion!”

“She’s right.” Ed added quickly enough, still keeping his eyes on Envy, ready to counter any possible attacks.
Shion didn’t answer anything, as she lost her consciousness.

Hoshi was glad that Ed supported her in such a difficult situation. „How disappointing.” Envy said and shook his
head, before taking his real form.
Roy grit his teeth together as he held her close to his chest. „Someone call an ambulance!”

Ed grabbed Hoshi and pulled her away from the ugly form of Envy.
Shion didn’t have any reaction, as she just layed there unaware of the surroundings.

Hoshi stared at Envy wide-eyed, as she also heard the voices of the poor souls attached by Envy’s side
screaming in pain. ( asa faceau mereu in anime. )
Soon the ambulance arrived as two men came and carried Shion inside the car, along with Roy who insisted to
come as well.

( aoleu. ) Ed glared. Envy’s new form made him feel even smaller.
The ambulance quickly reached the nearest hospital and Shion was immediately interned.

Hoshi didn’t know how to react. She seemed to be too shocked. Envy was ready to attack Ed and pierce through
him with one of his sharp tentacles, but a short scream of „Ed” was heard before everything that surrounded
them was covered in blood.
Roy frowned as he waited outside, since the doctors were taking care of Shion.

Ed’s eyes widened in shock. A small “Winry…” escaped his lips as he watched the gorey scene, horrified.
After a while, Shion came to and Roy was allowed to enter her room.

Hoshi watched horiffied too. She might not really like Winry, but she didn’t wish to see her like this.
Roy sighed as he thanked the doctor and walked inside, looking at Shion.

Ed couldn’t believe what had just happened. Seeing his childhood friend dying in front of his eyes… it was more
than he could take. But that only made him realize once more how fragile a human life was. He grabbed Hoshi’s
hand and without a warning he pulled her in the opposite direction, searching for a place where they would be
Shion tilted her head to the side and watched Roy. She was still confused over what had happened.

Hoshi was still in shock and having a weak body made her barely able to keep up with Ed, as she couldn’t help
but think about the echivalent exchange and a human’s life.
Roy sat beside her as he reached to take her hand. „Shion...are you alright?”

Ed kept running, never letting go of Hoshi. He would never forgive himself if anything happened to her.
Shion’s lips curved into a timid smile. “Yeah…” she said above a whisper. “The food from the restaurant… it
was poisoned.” she added and frowned.
Hoshi started to pant softly, hoping that they would stop soon enough or else she wouldn’t make it.
Roy grit his teeth. „I know, but I am surprised mine wasn’t as well. Maybe someone set us a trap...”

Ed glanced at her over his shoulder. “Are you alright?” he asked, slowing down.
Shion sighed. “Do you think it was the Homunculi?”

„I can’t keep up like this” Hoshi confessed between small gasps.

„Most likely.” Roy replied, sort of angry.

Ed watched her with compassion. He couldn’t blame her. “All right, I think he lost our trace.” he said as they
entered the park.
Shion remained silent. She felt terrible for being caught off-guard.

„Mhm, I hope so.” Hoshi said and nodded, as she looked around.
Roy felt horrible for not being able to do anything.

Ed sighed softly and led her towards a bench near the lake. It was a nice place and it looked like they would be
out of danger in that area.
Shion glanced at him and in a second understood how he felt. She caressed his hand in an attempt to make him
feel better.

Hoshi turned around so she could stare at the lake while catching her breath. „It’s pretty!”
Roy looked at her hand and then flashed her a weak smile.

“It is indeed!” Ed replied with a small nod.

“Don’t worry, we’ll bring them down.” Shion told him assuringly, even if she didn’t know how they’d do that,
since the Homunculi’s attacks kept surprising them.

Hoshi giggled and leaned her head against his shoulder.

„Definantely.” Roy said with a small nod as he gripped her hand.

Ed wrapped an arm around her shoulder and kept her close to him.
Shion leaned closer and kissed his cheek.

Hoshi smiled, feeling safe at the sight of his touch.

Roy chuckled softly and returned the gesture.

Ed smiled too, glad he could help Hoshi stay safe.

Shion sighed softly as she rested her head against his chest.

Hoshi stared at the swans, trying not to think about earlier.

Roy reached to run his fingers through her hair.

[ LOL erau in parcul Cismigiu. ] Ed watched the swans too, thinking they were beautiful.
Shion smiled at the sight of his touch, feeling perfectly well, even though she had just been poisoned.

Hoshi sighed softly, wondering whether Envy would chase them or not.
Roy watched her with compassion as he kissed her temple.

Ed hoped Envy didn’t follow them. He still felt uncomfortable after seeing Winry die the way she did.
Shion snuggled at his chest, purring happily.

Hoshi just wanted the trouble to end once and forever.

Roy chuckled and stroke her head. „Good kitty.”

Ed wished for the same thing, but he knew it wasn’t going to be easy.
Shion giggled at the sight of that name. “Meow!” she said cutely.

Hoshi tried not to think of it as she reached to hold Ed’s hand.

Roy grinned at the sight of that and nuzzled her cheek.
Ed held tightly onto her hand. “How are you feeling?” he decided to ask. Maybe it wasn’t the smartest thing, but
he didn’t know what else to say to her right now.
Shion giggled some more, feeling glad he was her boyfriend.

Hoshi laced their fingers together. „I’m feeling much better now, thank you. How” She eventually
Roy sighed contently as he watched her.

Ed took his time to answer. “Better.” he replied shortly, trying to act normal.
Shion smiled at him widely. “I’m happy.” she confessed.

Hoshi nodded, deciding not to insist on the subject.

„Good. That’s how I want you to be.” Roy confessed.

Ed sighed softly and reached to hold Hoshi in his arms.

Shion blushed at his words. No one ever said that to her before.

Hoshi made herself comfortable, resting her head against his chest.
Roy stroke her cheek gently and leaned to kiss her softly.

Ed watched the swans on the lake in silence, trying to fight the mixed feelings of fear and anger he still felt after
encountering Envy.
Shion gladly returned the kiss; she was feeling happy and loved.

Then Al came up behind them. „Nii-san, found you!” He announced, with Ling following close behind. Hoshi
startled a bit at the sight of them.
Roy looked at her and smiled softly.

Ed startled too, since he didn’t expect his brother to be there. “A-Al… Hey-, how do I know it’s you and not
Envy in disguise?” he asked, suspiciously.
Shion smiled back, but then a thought crossed her mind. “I hope Hoshi, Al and Ed are alright…” she said,
concerned for their younger siblings’ safety.

Hoshi glanced over Al’s shoulder at Ling/Greed. „I don’t think he can disguise as two persons at the same
time..Unless Ling is actually Envy.” „Huh? How ridiculous.” Too bad that was Greed and not Ling.
„Hmm...I don’t see why they wouldn’t be.” Roy said.

Ed narrowed his eyes at both of them, thinking they were still suspicious. “Then prove you are not Envy.” he
Shion sighed softly. “Do you think I worry too much?” she asked with a faint smile.

Al scratched the back of his head, as he pulled a bit at his red cloak, revealing a kitty he just took. Ling/Greed
crossed his arms in front of his chest stubbornly. „Do you want me to tell you the whole food I ate today? ~” He
seemed to be cheerful once again. It creeped Hoshi out.
Roy chuckled and kissed her forehead. „Maybe”

Ed sweatdropped. “N-no, you don’t have to.”he told Ling before turning to Al. “You’re not keeping that.”
Shion chuckled too. “Hey, it’s New Year’s Eve soon! We should throw a party and invite everyone!!” she
suggested, to lighten the atmosphere.

Al pouted a bit. „Now you prove that you’re Fullmetal and his girl.” Ling/Greed said, raising an eyebrow. Hoshi
blushed at the sight of his words.
Roy seemed delighted by the idea. „At the State Military, huh?”

Ed’s expression filled with sorrow, remembering the scene he and Hoshi had witnessed. “I know this doesn’t
count much as a proof .. but we ran into Envy earlier… And he murdered Winry.” he said, not thinking how Al
might react to the news.
“Yeah!” Shion said and nodded enthusiastically. “I can’t wait!”
Al was completely shocked by the news, that he even dropped the kitty. „Nii-san...” He whispered, reaching to
place a hand on his shoulder. Greed/Ling looked away, trying to get over the uncomfortable moment. Hoshi
looked down, remembering how she couldn’t do anything.
„We have to announce my sister and your brothers” Roy said, rubbing at his chin.

Ed avoided to look into Al’s eyes, thinking his brother probably blamed him for their childhood friend’s death.
Shion nodded. “True.”she said and rose from the bed, since the doctor said she wasn’t in grave danger.

Instead Al reached to hug Ed. Hoshi took several steps away, giving them some space.
Roy sighed softly. „You shouldn’t pressure yourself too much.”

Ed bit his lip and hugged him back, tightly.

“I’m fine, I’m fine!!” Shion said. “I’m a tough girl after all!”

Hoshi thought that it was all her fault for not being able to react in time.
Roy smirked. „That’s my girl” He said proudly.

Ed on the other hand was glad Al and Hoshi were safe. “You haven’t encountered any Homunculi at all?” he
Shion grinned proudly, resting a hand on her hip. “Are you coming?” she asked, reaching for the door’s knob.

Al shook his head as he smiled. „I was safe from them.” Little did he knew that Ling/Greed himself was a
Roy nodded as he stood up and reached to take her hand. „Let’s go then.”

Ed sighed in relief. Then another thought crossed his mind. “I wonder if Shion’s safe…” he said in a low voice.
He still remembered how she was kidnapped with Hoshi a while ago and who knos what she had to endure from
the Homunculi. To his own surprise, he was concerned for her.
Shion smiled happily as she intertwined their fingers and walked out of the hospital’s building.

Al tilted his head to the side. „She’s with the Colonel, so she most likely is!” He said, trying to be optimistic.
Hoshi couldn’t help but worry about them as well.
Roy flashed her a small grin as they walked out. „Should we look after them?”

“I guess you are right…” Ed said trying have faith and at the same time refraine from saying something insulting
about Hoshi’s elder brother.
“Yes! I wonder where they migh be…” Shion said glancing around the streets.

Al nodded. „Maybe we should look after them!” He suggested. „I think we should.” Hoshi agreed. Ling
Roy blinked. „I don’t know...”

“Yeah…” Ed said as he took Hoshi’s hand and they exited the park.
“I think they’re that way.” Shion said starting to walk towards the left.

Hosahai nodded and glanced at Ed, worried.

Roy nodded as he followed Shion.\

Ed seemed lost in thought as they walked around the town looking for Shion and Roy. He hoped they wouldn’t
encounter Envy or any other Homunculi right now.
Shion had a hunch where Al and the rest were. It was probably due to the philosopher’s stone.

Hoshi didn’t seem to pay much attention to anything beside worrying about Ed.
Roy wondered where they could be as he glanced at Shion. „Something wrong?”

Ed tried to act normal, not wanting to worry his girlfriend or his brother any more than he did.
Shion shook her head. “No.” she said. “Oh, there they are.” She pointed a finger at Ed, Hoshi, Al and Ling, who
were crossing the street a few feet away.
But the way Ed acted only worried Hoshi even more. Yet, she snapped at the sight of Shion’s voice. „Oh, hello!
We’ve been looking for you.” She said, smiling. Roy looked at them. They didn’t seem too fine.

Shion tilted her head to the side, wondering if one of them could be a Homunculs.
Ed was thinking about the same thing, as he stopped Hoshi. “Prove you’re not Envy.”he told Shion and Roy,
with a serious look on his face.

Hoshi stopped dead in her tracks as she glanced at Et over her shoulder. Roy frowned as he tried to think of
something. „My little sister used to –„ „You’re Roy.” Hoshi cut him off quickly, glancing at Shion.

Shion blinked innocently. “You don’t think this cute face could belong to a Homunculus, do you?” “That’s
exactly what I think-” Ed replied, knowing how much of a sneak Envy could be. But before he could finish his
sentence, he saw Shion glomping Al. “I guess that means you pass…” Ed sweatdropped.

Hoshi couldn’t help but giggle at the sight of their silly conversations. Al blinked surprised. „Woaah!” He
exclaimed, trying to hold her still. Roy sweatdropped as well.

Shion giggled at his reaction and reached to pinch his cheeks. She thought he was adorable.
Ed sighed. “Hey, stop harassing Al.” he told Shion. “But I’m not…” Shion started, holding Al close to her chest.

Hoshi peeked over Ed’s shoulder, glad to see that they were such a big, happy family. Roy chuckled lowly.
„Jealous, Fullmetal?”

Ed glanced at Roy surprised. “Sh-shut up!! Wh-why would I be jealous!!” he said, blushing.
Shion giggled as she kept squeezing Al.

„Yeah, I think you’re the one jealous for not recieving as much affection as Al does.” Hoshi said, sticking up for
her boyfriend. Roy glared. „Who’s side are you on?!” Al sweatdropped.

Ed crossed his arms at his chest, nodding in agreement to what Hoshi just said.
Shion sighed softly. “Guys, guys, you don’t have to fight over my affection.”she said with an devious grin as she
finally let go of Al.

Hoshi smiled a bit at Ed, as Roy snorted. „Right.” He said simply, deciding to drop the argument.

“By the way, are you coming to the New Year’s Eve party we’re throwing at the State Military?” Shion invited
them, hoping they’ll say yes.

„Oh?! I would love to go!” Hoshi replied excited. Al grinned. „Me too!” He replied. „What about you, Nii-san?”

“Me too,” said Ed with a small smile. “Yay~” Shion said and glomped Ed. “Y-you don’t have to do that.” Ed
said as hestruggled to push her away.

Hoshi laughed lightly at that. „What a nice, sibling love.” She said.
Roy shook his head and chuckled.\

Ed sighed, giving up on the argument, as Shion returned by Roy’s side.

Hoshi nudged him playfully and kissed his cheek.

„Perhaps we should announce the others too...”Roy said and sweatdropped at the sight of Hughes telling him
about his daughter again.

“Yeah, we should!!” Shion agreed. Then she turned to face Hoshi, face all luminous. “We should go shopping!”
she said reaching to hold Hoshi’s hands, as she started to imagine all sorts of dresses for the New Year’s. Ed

Hoshi’s eyes started to sparkle. „Oooh, this is a must to do thing!” She said excited. Their way of acting caused
Roy to sweatdrop too. Al giggled.

Shion nodded enthusiastically. “Definitely!!” she said, all excited.

Hoshi giggled softly as she couldn’t help but feel happy.
„Should we go back?” Roy suggested.

“Hell yes!” Shion nodded as she reached to take his left arm and Al’s right arm. Ed sighed as he took Hoshi’s
hand, never paying much attention to Ling.

Hoshi watched them with a big grin before she turned her attention towards Ed and kissed his nose.
Roy glanced at Al and smiled to himself. This seemed almost like a happy ending.

Shion grinned happily as she produly walked bacl to the Military State building with her boyfriend and little
brother. Ed blushed a little and chuckled softly before patting her head.

Hoshi giggled and leaned into his touch before she resumed to the walk. Roy sighed as he glanced at everyone
around him. He wasn’t use with such an atmosphere.

Ed smiled at her and wrapped an arm around her shoulders. Shion thought it was really cold outside, especially
since she was wearing a mini skirt, but luckily they soon reached their destination.

Hoshi felt happy and glad even since they met. She was grateful for the day that Roy sent the Elric brothers to
escort her home.
Roy did like the way Shion was dressed, but of course he wasn’t going to say it outloud.

Elric was grateful for being able to meet Hoshi as well. Who would’ve thought they’d end up as boyfriend and
Shion glanced around at the halls of the building she had gotten to know so well in the past year.

Hoshi couldn’t believe that almost one year posted since they’ve been together.
Roy led them inside, where he started to tell everyone about the party.

Ed unexpectedly kissed her cheek. He was already feeling a whole lot better than he did after they escaped from
Shion was excited about the idea of a new party, and stood by Roy’s side the whole time he invited their

Hoshi blushed at the sight of the unexpected kiss and gladly returned the kiss. Al watched them happily.
Everyone seemed to be delighted by the party and they decided to start the preparations tomorrow.

Al shook his head slowly “She might,I’m not sure.But I’m really glad I’m like this!”He said,staring at his
hands.He was human,again.Hoshi giggled and glomp
ed him “Allll ~ You look so cute like this!”
‘’We’re going, we’re going!’’ Shion chirped. ‘’Just let me take another look at my little brother!’’ she said and
glomped Al. Ed snorted and looked the other way. He didn’t like seeing them so close.

‘’Al!!’’ Shion glomped her little brother.

Shion glomped Al. ‘’AL! How’s my cute little brother today?’’ she asked kissing his cheek.

Shion glanced at Al and without a warning, she glomped him.

Shion blinked innocently. “You don’t think this cute face could belong to a Homunculus, do you?” “That’s
exactly what I think-” Ed replied, knowing how much of a sneak Envy could be. But before he could finish his
sentence, he saw Shion glomping Al. “I guess that means you pass…” Ed sweatdropped.

Hoshi blushed at the sight of the unexpected kiss and gladly returned the kiss. Al watched them happily.
Everyone seemed to be delighted by the party and they decided to start the preparations tomorrow.

The awaited day finally came. It was the last day of the year, and everyone was looking forward to the party that
was going to be held that night at the State Military building.

The girls just returned from shopping and Hoshi couldn’t feel more excited than that. She arrived to the
apartment where her, Ed and Al ...and Ling lived and put the bags down.
Meanwhile Roy was waiting for Shion’s return.

“Welcome back!” Ed greeted her and gave her a light hug. “Did you have fun?”
After she dropped Hoshi home, Shion drove back to the place she and Roy lived at. [ luase masina lui Roy. ] She
was still excited after the shopping session, and entered the house humming a happy song.

Hoshi smiled and returned the hug along with a small kiss. „You bet I did!”
( Avea un Mustang. ) Roy heard her and chuckled to himself as he stood up to greet her. „Welcome back!”

Ed chuckled and glanced down at the shopping bags, wondering what kind of dress she bought.
( clar. ) “It’s good to see you ~!” Shion chirped as she dropped the bags and threw herself in his arms.

Hoshi wanted to keep it a surprise until that night. „How are you guys? ~ Hungry?” „I am. ~” Ling chriped from
the other room.
Roy grinned as he wrapped his arms around her and kissed her forehead. „How did it go?”

Ed sweatdropped at the sight of Ling. That guy never changed. “I am too.” he eventually said.
“Great!” Shion said smiling up at him. “It was a lot of fun, and we managed to buy the perfect dresses too!”

Hoshi giggled softly. „Alright then~” She had to cook something special after all.
„I can’t wait to see.” Roy confessed as he watched her lovely figure.

Ed grinned. “And what’s Chef Hoshi going to make?” he asked curiously.

“But you’ll have to wait till the party.” Shion said matter-of-factly.

„I’m going to make ‚sarmale.’It’s something I learned from Romanians.” Hoshi explained, skipping to the
Roy pouted as he shook his head. „Fine.”

“Oooh…!” Ed whispered, impressed buy her vast knowledge. “Is it complicated?” he asked, blinking innocently.
Shion chuckled and reached to pat his head.

Hoshi shook her head slowly. „Not at all!” She said cheerfully.
Roy sighed and looked like a kicked puppy.

“Okay! Can I help you?” Ed offered, curious about this new meal.
“Aww…” Shion started to feel guilty. “Don’t make that face…”

„Mmm ~ You can help me prepare the cabbage” Hoshi said, nodding.
Roy tried to do his best to keep that face.

“Okay!” Ed said as he went to take the needed cabbage and returned with it soon enough.
Shion looked impressed. “Aww, I can’t resist that face ~!” she admitted.

In the meanwhile Hoshi took the meat and prepared it.

Roy tried to hide an evil grin at the sight of that.

Ed remained in her proximity, trying to memorize what she did.

“Fine, I’ll show you.” Shion finally said and picked up the bags with the dress and accessories she’d bought.

Hoshi prepared everything and then put them to boil. „Here we go ~”

Roy rubbed his hands as he looked at the dress, impressed. „That’s gorgeous.”

Ed nodded to himself. “Cooking is like Alchemy.”he found himself say.

“I know, right!” Shion exclaimed proudly.

Hoshi giggled. „What makes you say that?~”

„You have wonderful tastes.” Roy complimented her.

Ed shrugged. “It just doesn’t seem that difficult. And it’s like equivalent trade – you turn raw ingredients into a
delicious meal.”
“I’m glad you think so!” Shion replied and went to hug him.

Hoshi never thought of that. She clapped her hands excited. „How smart!”
Roy hugged her back and nodded. „What should we do?”

Ed blushed a bit. “Y-you think?” he asked, trying to sound modest, as he took a hand to the back of his head.
Shion shrugged. “Anything you want.”

„Ja, ja~!” Hoshi nodded and leaned to kiss his cheek.

Roy sweatdropped. That didn’t help much.

Ed grinned proudly. “Is it done yet?” he asked glancing at the ‘sarmale’.

Shion laughed nervously as she scratched the back of her head.

„It has to boil for about half and hour!”Hoshi explained.

Roy chuckled and pated her head.

“So much time?!” Ed exclaimed. “Maybe if we use alchemy…” he started.

Shion sighed softly as she watched him.

Hoshi laughed at that. „It will goo ‚BOOM!’” She exclaimed, gesturing her hands.
Roy looked around. „How about a movie?”

“How scary.” Ed said and chuckled.

“Sounds good!!” said Shion.

Hoshi nodded. „Really scary!”

„Mhm ~ What kind of movie?” Roy asked.

“I see.” Ed sweatdropped a bit.

“Mm… Action?” Shion suggested.

Hoshi giggled and nuzzled him.

„Action it is then.” Roy said as he walked into the other room.

Ed chuckled and hugged her tightly. “What should we do till lunch is ready?”
Shion crossed her arms behind her back and followed him.
Hoshi laughed and shook her head. „Whatever you want~ „
Roy setlled himself down, after he prepared the video, waiting for Shion.

“Let’s see what’s on tv!” Ed suggested and pulled her towards the living room.
Shion brought some packed popcorn [ “floricele reci”, cum a zis un coleg de serie ] along with a big bowl and
made herself confortalbe on the couch. “I’m ready!”

„Alright!” Hoshi giggled, letting herself dragged by him.

[ ce trist. ] Roy smiled slightly as he wrapped an arm around her and played the movie.

Ed glanced around the room and sighed in relief at Ling not being there. The turned on the tv and invited Hoshi
to sit down by his side.
Shion leaned against him, snuggling at his chest as she focused her gaze on the screen.

Hoshi hurried to sit next to him, as she rested her head against his shoulder.
Roy kissed her hair as he focused his gaze on the movie.

Ed sighed happily as he watched her make herself confortable.

After some time Shion glanced at Roy from the corner of her eye and started to tickle him.

Hoshi sighed contently as she started to cuddle him.

Roy started to chuckle as he tried to make her stop.

Ed chuckled as he wrapped an arm around her, holding her close to him.

Shion chuckled too and kissed his cheek.

Hoshi sighed contently as she couldn’t help but feel happy.

Roy blushed a bit and returned the gesture.

Ed felt happy too. Above all, he was happy Hoshi was safe.
As soon as the movie was over, she glanced at the clock. “Oh, we should get ready.”

„I think they’re done~” Hoshi said as she rushed to the kitchen.

„Yeah, we probably should.” Roy announced, standing up.

“Oh, right.” Ed said. He’d almost forgotten about the food. “I’ll go call Al.”
“I’ll go take a shower.” Shion announced and walked off to the bathroom.

Hoshi nodded and started to prepare a bowl for everyone.

„Alright.” Roy said, waving a hand in the air.

“Oi, Al, come to eat. The lunch’s ready!” Ed called as he searched for his brother in the other rooms of the
Shion finished soon enough and went to put on her newest dress.

But there was no sign of Al to be around the house. Instead, Ling was already in the kitchen.
Roy went to change himself into a more formal clothes.

Ed scratched the back of his as he returned to the kitchen. “Have you seen Al?” Ed asked Ling.
Shion admired herself in the mirror. She was wearing a plain, knee-long, strapless black dress, along with a
silvery belt, a pair of black shoes, and a bracelet with expensive-looking stones on her wrist.

Ling shook his head. Hoshi pouted. „Maybe he went outside...”

Roy was in the other room, waiting for Shion.

“I’ll go get him.” Ed announced and headed to the door to go after Al.
Shion stepped into the room soon enough. “Are you ready?”

„O-Okay.” Hoshi said, growing nervous at the sight of being left with Greed/Ling.
Roy looked at her and couldn’t help but feel proud. „You look gorgeous!” He said, offering her his arm.
Ed thought Ling was silly, but he didn’t believe he would harm his girlfriend. He spotted Al not far away. “Al!”
he called at his brother. “Hoshi’s made lunch! Are you coming?”
Shion grinned. “You look very handsom youself!” she told him honestly as she took his arm.

To Hoshi’s surprise, Ling started an idle chat with her. „Oh, Nii-san! Coming!” Al said nodding, as he followed
his brother.
Roy nodded and blushed a bit. „Should we go and pick Hohi, Fullmetal and Alphonse up?”

“You’re not trying to get another stray cat into the house, are you?” Ed said, giving him a suspicious look.
“Sure!!” Shion agreed to it. “Can I drive?” she asked, making a cute face.

Al laughed nervously. „Of course not!” Hoshi took her time and learned few new things about Ling.
„If you promise to bring us back in one piece...”Roy told her teasingly.

“Good.” Ed said as he led Al back to the house, while telling him about the Romanian recipe Hoshi tried.
“Of course I will!! I’m not that bad at it, am I?” Shion said, making in a ‘X3’ face.

Al seemed delight by the idea. When they got back, they found Hoshi and Ling at the table, speaking.
„No, of course not.” Roy replied and kissed her cheek.

“We’re back.” Ed announced and went to take a sit next to Hoshi.

Shion smirked as they soon arrived at the car. She opened her door and slipped inside, on the driver’s seat.

„Welcome back!” Hoshi said, cheerfuly as Ling nodded and Al took a seat between his brother and Ling.
Roy went at the front seat, putting the belt on, as he glanced at her.

“This looks interesting…” Ed said glancing at the ‘sarmale’ on his plate. He’d never eaten anything like that
Shion put on her safe belt too, before starting the engine. “Here we go!” she said as she set the car in motion at a
wild speed.

„It does!” Hoshi admited, proud of her cooking, as she grinned from ear to ear.
Roy sweatdropped at the sight of the speed.

Ed took a deep breath and decided to give it a try. To his surprise, it tasted quite good. “Mm, I like it! Have you
made this before?”
Shion on the other hand didn’t seem to be corncerned about the speed, and narrowly avoided being hit by a
larger car.

„Mm~ No!” Hoshi admited as she gave it a try as well. „It is good!”
Roy thought they would never make it with that speed and sweatdropped even more.

Ed nodded. “You are a great cook.” he complimented her.

But Shion was confident in her own skills. “We’re almost there.”

Hoshi blushed at the sight of his compliment.

Roy nodded. „Be careful.”

Ed smiled at her and then glanced shortly at Al and Ling.

“I always am.” Shion said before parking the car in the proximity of Hoshi’s house.

Hoshi smiled back at him and continued to eat.

Roy sighed contently, glad they arrived there safely.

Ed ate quickly, and soon finished. Then he went to take another plate of food.
Shion stepped out of the car and put the keys in her purse, before walking up to Roy and taking his hand.

Hoshi watched him and giggled. Ling was at his third plate already.
Roy smiled and laced their fingers together.
Ed glared at Ling from the corner of his eye before he too started the third plate of sarmale.
Shion smiled back as they walked up to Hoshi’s door and knocked on it.

Hoshi sweatdropped at the sight of them and then stood up and went to open the door. „Oh my ~ But who are
these two gorgeous persons?” She asked, grinning.

Shion giggled. “Aren’t you getting ready? We’ve come to pick you up.”
Ed glanced over his shoulder, wondering who it was, but then he heard Shion’s voice and sighed.

Hoshi smiled. „Ah, we were just having lunch. But I’m done. So please come in until I get ready!” She said
stepping out of the way. Roy still couldn’t understand how Hoshi could be so cheerful after everything that

“Okay.” Shion said and stepped in. Ed peaked from the kitchen.

Roy stepped after Shion as he peeked his head in the kitchen and chuckled.
Hoshi rushed to take a shower and change.

“Hi.” Ed greeted them simply before cleaning the table. Shion waved at Ed, Al and Ling, but she mainly focused
on Al. “Al! How’s my favourite brother?” she asked, glomping him.

Roy was amused to see Ed do all the work. Al blushed a bit and scratched his cheek. „Very well! And you?”
Hoshi came out of the shower as she rushed to her room, where she took her dress out. It was a plain brown
dress, although at the chest region it had more like a teal colour and in the middle a a sparkling emerald with a
butterfly. ( improvizam.) Around her neck she put a gold necklace and a scarf, just to make sure she’d be well
dressed and then she tied her hair in a ponytail, finally putting her boots on and walking out.

“I’m great!” Shion replied, cuddling him. “But hey, shouldn’t you get dressed?”
Ed frowned. Why was Al her favourite brother anyway? He finished doing the dishes, and just then he turned
around and saw Hoshi. She looked superb. “You look… beautiful.”he confessed.

Al pouted and nodded. „I should!” He said, scratching the back of his head.
Hoshi blushed timidly as she scratched her cheek. „T-Thank you.”

Shion giggled, thinking he was cute.

Ed patted her head affectionately before turning toward Al. “We should change too.” “You should.” Shion
agreed and let go of Al.

Al sighed as he went to change with Ed.

Hoshi giggled softly as she watched him go change. Roy sat down, still amused.

Shion grinned evilly and her eye sparkled as she stepped behind Hoshi and… glomped her.
Meanwhile Ed pulled out of the wardrobe the best suit he had – it was new and expensive and it looked really
neat on him.

Hoshi startled a bit as she nearly fell on the ground and burst out into laughing.
Al looked for a nice suit as well and put it on him.

Shion laughed with her. “You’re so cute, Hoshi-chan!”

When they were done, Ed fixed Al’s collar, like the caring older brother he was and returned to the living room,
where the others were waiting for them.

Hoshi blushed at the sight of her words. „Thank you!” Then she turned her attention towards Ed and Al and her
jaw literally fell open. They both looked very good. Especially Ed...he was breath taking.
Al looked around the room, blushing furiously.

( eee. ) “Edward, you look so nice!” Shion said, sounding surprised. “Don’t you think so, Hoshi-chan?” she
asked, evilly, narrowing her eyes at Hoshi, and then shrugged. “Or at least he looks decent for a short person.”
“Why you --!” Ed threw his fists in the air, angrily.
Shion managed to dodge him and made it to Al’s side. “Your blushing face is simply adorable.” she whispered to
him, a big smile plastered on her face.

„H-He does.” Hoshi stuttered several times as she blushed a bit. „He’s not short, though.” Al pouted and refused
eye contact as Roy stood up and dusted his clothes.

“O-of course I’m not short!” Ed said crossing his arms at his chest.
Shion chuckled. “Let’s go.” she said heading to the door.

Hoshi walked up to Ed and leaned to kiss his cheek.

Roy walked after her and reached to take her hand.

Ed blushed at the sight of that and remained silent as they followed Shion and Roy to the car.
Shion got in the car and started the engine, waiting for everyone to get in.

Hoshi smiled brightly and took his arm, following them to the car, along with Al.

Shion glanced at them over her shoulder, and adviced them to put on the safety belts.

Roy couldn’t help but sweatdrop and agree with her. Hoshi grinned and did as told.

Ed heard a meow and eyed Al suspiciously. “Al…” he started, slightly irritated.

Shion chuckled. “Do you have a kitty back there?” she asked, appearing amused.

Al startled at the sight of him „W-What is it, Nii-san?” He asked, worried and then looked at Shion. „O-Of
course not!” Hoshi giggled and Roy sighed.

Shion laughed softly. “Lying won’t do any good!” she scolded him lightly. “Exactly.” Ed replied, and then
blinked. Did he just agree with Shion?

“Of course.” Shion teased him and glanced at him over her shoulder.
“H-hey, keep your eyes on the road, will you?” Ed told her, sweatdropping.

Hoshi sweatdropped as well. „I don’t want to die young...”She muttered under her breath.
Roy snickered, a bit amused.

“Really, why doesn’t anyone trust me…” Shion pouted, glancing at Roy from the corner of her eye.

Roy sweatdropped at the sight of that. Everyone sweatdropped. Including the kitty Al was hidding. [ sunt beata. ]
Hoshi sighed. She couldn’t wait for the party to start!

[ sa nu mai bei vin seara.] Shion took a dangerous curve and several minutes later they arrived at the State
Ed sighed in relief. “I thought we were gonna die…” he said in a low voice so that only Hoshi, Al and the kitty
could hear him.

[ am baut doar ceai cu miere. ]

Hoshi felt sort of dizzy as she got out of the car and nodded. „I know...”She whispered. Al sweatdropped and
kept the kitty well hidden.
Roy got out of the car and then went to open Shion’s door.

Shion thanked him as she got out of the car. “Ah, it looks like we made it on time!” she said happily, glancing at
her wrist watch.

„Thanks to you.” Roy replied as he chuckled lowly.

Hoshi sweatdropped behind them but said nothing.

“You’re welcome!” Shion grinned.

Ed sighed and took Hoshi’s hand. “Come on!”
Hoshi nodded and followed him eagerly.
Roy reached to take Shion’s hand as well.

The two couples along with Al reached the inside of the building, where everything was neatly prepared for the

Hoshi looked around impressed. „This looks really good!” She exclaimed.
Roy nodded, thinking they did a good job.

“It really is!” Ed agreed.

Shion glanced around. Eveyone they knew was there. As she skimmed the partiers, she could see Hughes
approaching them.

Hoshi smiled. „What do you want to do?”

Hughes approached them in an instant and greeted them. „Yo!” Roy sweatdropped. „Hello.”

“We can check out the appetizers.” Ed suggested.

“Hello.” Shion greeted him politely, knowing him and Roy were good friends.

Hoshi nodded and followed him and to their surprise, Ling was already there eating.
„Elicia learned to write the first letters of the alphabet!” Hughes started, showing Roy pictures, causing him to
sweatdrop even more. „I see..”

Ed frowned. “What are you doing here?” he questioned Ling.

“She can already write at her age?” Shion glanced over the pictures, seeming interested.

Hoshi chuckled at the sight of them. „Yo~” Ling said cheerfuly.

„Of course she can!” Hughes said proudly. Roy sighed, glad that his friend was out of danger.

“That didn’t answer my question.” Ed sighed.

Shion chuckled. “Is she coming here tonight?”

„Am I not allowed to come at the party?” Ling asked, opening his eyes for a second.
„She should be.” Hughes replied nodding. „That’s great.” Roy said eventually.

Ed sighed again. “Whatever.”he said, dismissing the issue, as he focused his attention on the inviting plates on
the nearby table.
“I see.” Shion replied smiling.

Hoshi sighed softly. „We’ve come here to feel good after all!”
Roy looked over Hughes’ shoulder, seeing several familiar faces such as Havoc or Maria Ross.

“… You’re right.” Ed admitted eventually.

Shion also spotted some new faces she’d never seen before.

Hoshi nodded and patted his back.

Roy glanced at her curiously and then suddenly saw Olivier Armstrong.

Ed smiled at her, thinking she was really nice. “So, what would you like from here?” he said pointing at the
desserts on the table.
Shion looked at Olivier Armstrong curiously. Who was she?

Hoshi looked around. „Ahhh, they all look good!” She admited, unsure.
Roy avoided to see her, since...he lost the bet after all.

“Then… let’s try them all!!” Ed proposed, greedily.

Shion on the other hand had no stress in staring at her.

Hoshi giggled softly. „If my stomach cand handle it, then let’s!”
Roy glanced at her from the corner of his eye. „What is it?”
“Mwahaha!!” Ed made an evil face as he approached the table.
“Who is that?” Shion asked, curious.

Hoshi laughed with him as she approached the table, looking at all the desserts. Ling watched amusedly.
„Just a State Alchemist.” Roy replied.

Ed reached to take some pie and cake.

“…. Aside from the obvious.” Shion said, sweatdropping.

Hoshi reached to take some as well.

„Major Armstrong’s sister.” Roy said simply.

“Hey would you like something to drink?” Ed asked spotting the glasses of water, juice and alcoholic drinks.
“Oh, I never knew he had a sister.” Shion said, seeing the ressemblence between the two of them now.

„Mhm!” Hoshi replied between small munches.

Roy sweatdropped at the sight of that.

Ed stretched and grabbed a bottle of wine, pouring some for both himself and Hoshi.
Shion shrugged. She believed Roy knew more, but she decided to drop the subject.

Hoshi watched him as she grinned at the sight of the wine.

Roy didn’t really want to meet up with her and ruin the party.

Ed chuckled as he watched her. “Cheers!” he said before taking his glass to his lips.
Shion blinked innocently, glancing around.

„Cheers~” Hoshi replied happily before she took a small sip from the wine as well.
Roy glanced at her. „Would you like to get a drink?”

Ed smiled as he watched her.

“Do you need to ask?” Shion grinned widely.

Hoshi blushed a bit and gladly returned the smile.

Roy chuckled softly and led her to the table.

Ed grinned, as he took one more sip. He never saw Shion and Roy approaching.
“Hello again!” Shion told them before stealing the bottle of wine from Ed.

Hoshi sweatdropped at the sight of Shion and laughed lightly. Roy narrowed his eyes at Ed and Hoshi. „What are
you doing?”

Ed raised an eyebrow. What had he done now? “What does it look like we’re doing?”
Meanwhile Shion poured some wine for her and Roy.

„Are you getting my sister drunk?” Roy asked, glaring at him.

Hoshi sweatdropped at the sight of that.

“What the hell are you talking about!” Ed snapped. “I’m not!”
Shion sweatdropped too, and sighed.

Roy frowned. „Don’t make up excuses!”

Hoshi pouted. Weren’t they there to have fun?

Ed looked away. “You’re ridiculous.”

Shion decided to intervene, and placed a hand on Roy’s shoulder. “I don’t think Ed would do such a thing.”

„I think he would.” Roy said, crossing his arms in front of his chest.
Hoshi sighed softly. „He would not!”
“Why do you have to always pick on me?” Ed asked, crossing his arms as well.
Shion sighed. “Roy, stop it.”

Roy scowled a bit. „Whatever.” He said, turning around to leave.

Hoshi couldn’t help but feel bad.

Shion gave Hoshi and Ed a tight-lipped smile before turning around to follow Roy.
Ed glared, thinking the Colonel was really unfair.

Roy wanted to get lost in the crowd at that moment.

Hoshi shook her head and huffed.

Shion tried to think of something to say that would make him feel better.
Ed sighed, slightly irritated. “That brother of yours is gonna be the death of me.”

Roy rested his hands behind his back, irritated.

Hoshi reached to massage his shoulders. „Don’t mind him.”

“Are you… still upset?” Shion asked in a small voice.

Ed remained silent, waiting for the bad mood to go away.

Roy glanced at her and said nothing.

Hoshi pouted and kissed his cheek.

Shion looked away, not wanting to make him even more mad.
Ed sighed and stroke her hair affectionately.

Roy frowned. Maybe his night was ruined.

Hoshi scowled, unsure of what to do.

Shion glanced around, desperately searching for a thing to do in her head, when she noticed the Major
Armstrong’s sister approaching them.
Ed wrapped her arms around her, resting his chin on his shoulder.

Roy noticed her too. Great, this was getting far worse. „Hello, Colonel.” Olivier greeted them in a somehow
sarcastic tone.
Hoshi reached to stroke his hair, remaining silent.

Shion glanced at Olivier and then at Roy, remaining quiet.

Ed smiled softly and kissed her on the cheek. He was grateful for her presence.

„Hello.” Roy replied simply, feeling uncomfortable.

Hoshi giggled as she returned the gesture.

“Good evening.” Shion dared to greet Olivier too. “I don’t think we’ve met before.”
Ed grinned as he picked up a plate with desserts and offered some to Hoshi.

Olivier looked at Shion with a cold look. „Who are you?”

Hoshi clapped her hands together at the sight of that. „Thank you!”

“I’m Shion Genki, the Galvanic Alchemist.” Shion introduced herself and stretched out a hand to Olivier.
Ed chuckled. “You’re very welcome.” he said and kissed the tip of her small nose.

Olivier nodded and reached to shake her hand. „I’m General Olivier Armstrong.”
Hoshi blushed at the sight of that and started to nibble at the cake.

Shion looked impressed. So she was a general, huh? “It’s nice to make your acquaintance, General.”
Ed did the same, glancing at her from time to time.
Olivier nodded and looked at Roy. „Is she your girlfriend?” She asked, seriously. „Why yes, she is.”
Hoshi giggled and nuzzled him.

Shion blushed. Olivier’s straightforwardness made her feel nervous, almost unconfortable.
Ed chuckled softly and kissed her cheek.

„Don’t forget about our bet.” Olivier said, as she glared at Roy for a second before she simply left.
Hoshi grinned and kissed the tip of his nose.

“What bet was she talking about?” Shion asked Roy, after Olivier left.
Ed blinked, taken by surprise, but then chuckled.

Roy sweatdropped at the sight of that and cursed her. „A bet her and I made a long time ago...”
Hoshi blushed a bit and looked away.

“Interesting.” Shion said narrowing her eyes.

Ed watched her amused, as a slow melody started. “Shall we?” he asked, holding out a hand to her.

Roy heard the melody as well. „Would you grant me this dance?” He asked.
Hoshi placed her small hand in his. „Of course.”

“I would love to.” Shion replied charmingly.

Ed grinned proudly and led her to the dance floor.

Roy sighed contently and took her hand.

Hoshi blushed a bit as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

Shion smiled as she followed him.

Ed wrapped his arm around his waist as they started to dance.

Roy held her hand while his other one wrapped around her waist.
Hoshi looked in his eyes and smiled.

And Shion held his hand while her other one rested on his shoulder. She couldn’t help but smile at the memory
of their first dance.
Ed returned the smile as he le her in the rhythm of the music. “How are you feeling?” he asked.

Roy flashed her a charming smile, glad to have her as his girlfriend.
„Trully incredible.” Hoshi replied above a whisper.

Shion gazed at him lovingly, feeling special.

“Me too.” Ed replied in a similar manner, staring deeply into her eyes.

Roy leaned to press their foreheads together, the smile never leaving his face.
Hoshi could feel her cheeks turn rosey as she didn’t break eye-contact with him.

Shion smiled too, realizing how much she loved him.

Ed leaned a tad closer and kissed her gently.

Roy loved her just as much, but he was actually too nervous to say it.
Hoshi smiled from the bottom of the heart in the kiss and gladly returned it.

Shion was afraid to say it too, because she believed it might upset him.
Ed soon broke the kiss, since they were in public after all. After the song ended, he led her back to one of the
tables with food.

As soon as the song was over, Roy gave her a short kiss. „The countdown will begin soon!”
Hoshi smiled and followed him gladly.
“Ah, yes!” Shion replied glancing at the clock. “Oh, I wanna see the fireworks!” she said and pulled him towards
the balcony, from where the fireworks would be seen better.
Ed glanced around at some people, hearing them talk about the countdown. Then he glanced at his State
Alchemist badge to check. “The countdown starts in several minutes. Are you ready?” he glanced back at her,

Roy chuckled as he followed her eagerly as he looked at the sky, waiting for the fireworks to start.
Hoshi giggled and clapped her hands together. „I am!” She replied. „Let’s go out!”

Shion stood by his side the whole time, as she too rose her gaze to the starts, thinking standing in cold was worth
Ed nodded and let her outside. He was just as anxious about entering the year 1917 as she was.

Roy reached to wrap his arms around her and smiled.

Hoshi looked up at the sky, excited.

Shion smiled too, as she leaned her head against his shoulder. Soon she could hear the countdown: “… Five!
Four! Three!...”
Ed put an arm around Hoshi, as they both gazed at the sky.

Roy sighed contently as he held her close to him.

Hoshi rested her hands against his chest, her eyes glued to the sky.

Shion smiled and snuggled at his chest.

Ed grinned as he reached to hold her hands. “…One!” he could hear the cheerful cries of the crowd. “Happy
New Year!” he wished her, with a big smile on his face.

„Happy New Year!” Roy wished her discretly, yet still from the bottom of his heart.
Hoshi grinned widely as she hugged him tightly. „Happy New Year!”

“Happy New Year!” Shion replied, smiling from ear to ear.

Ed hugged her back, sighing happily.

Roy reached to kiss her gently.

Hoshi giggled excited, as she saw people going around with plates filled with glasses of champaigne.

Shion returned the kiss and giggled happily.

Ed noticed that too and took a pair of glasses of champaigne from one of the waiters there.

Roy broke the kiss to reach for a glass of champaigne as well.

Hoshy grinned from ear to ear.

Shion decided to say no to alcohol for now.

Ed smiled at her and handed her one of the glasses. “There you go.”

Roy glanced at Shion but didn’t question her actions.

“Thank you!” Hoshi smiled widely at him.

Shion glanced back at him and smiled deviously.

“Welcome.” Ed replied naturally and held the glass as if for a toast.

Roy chuckled lowly in return.

Hoshi held her glass for a toast as well. “Cheers~”

Shion blinked innocently.

“Cheers~!” Ed replied chuckling.

Roy reached to pat her head.

Hoshi grinned and linked their arms together and took a sip.
Shion blushed a bit. “You’d probably make a decent father…” she said suddenly, with a dreamy look on her
Ed stared deeply into her eyes and then took a sip too.

Roy choked on his drink and looked at her. “Huh?”

Hoshi sighed contently.

“Ah?” Shion startled a bit at his reaction.

Ed tilted his head as he watched her.

“What…was that?” Roy asked, raising an eyebrow.

Hoshi watched him in silence.

Shion dropped silent at that and fidgeted nervously.

Ed chuckled. “You’re so quiet tonight. Are you not feeling well?”

Roy blinked at her.

Hoshi shook her head. “I’m fine!”

Shion swallowed hard. “I wanted to wait a little longer before I told you…”
“Good.” Ed grinned and then glanced around looking for his siblings.

Roy paled a bit. “T-Tell me what?”

Hoshi peeked over his shoulder for any familiar faces.

“I’m pregnant.” Shion declared bravely.

Ed spotted Shion and Roy, and was wondering where Al could be.

Roy stared at her for the past few minutes. Pregnant, pregnant, pregnant. He glanced towards Ed’s direction.
This couldn’t end up good.
Hoshi spotted them as well and took Ed’s hand, walking up to them.

Shion stared back, waiting for a reply. Any kind of reply.

Ed followed Hoshi, unaware of the drama that was about to explode.

Roy opened his mouth to speak, but he closed it when Hoshi and Ed popped in the view. “Oh hey, you look paler
than a ghost.” Hoshi grinned, unaware of the news he had received.

“Yeah, what happened? You look terrible.” Ed laughed at Roy.

Shion just glanced at Hoshi and Ed shortly.

“Shut up.” Roy cut him off sharply. Hoshi snickered. “Share your pain with us~”

“Hey, what’s your problem?!” Ed snapped back, almost shouting. He was annoyed.

“My problem is my problem not yours.” Roy said, just as annoyed. Hoshi coughed. “We’re family, so we have
the rights to know.”

Ed gritted his teeth angrily and glared at Roy. “Why do you have to always be such an ass?” he shouted again,
before noticing how quiet Shion had been the whole time. That was strange.

“Look, it’s the New Year’s party and I don’t want to argue.” Hoshi interfered before any of them could speak
anymore. “Can we have a normal conversation?” She turned on her heels towards Shion. “You look pretty pale

“Yes, I’m not feeling too well. Plese excuse me.” Shion said and turned on her heels.
Ed watched Shion and then turned toward Roy. “What did you do?” he demanded, trying to keep his composure
for Hoshi’s sake.

Hoshi blinked and turned to Roy as well. Roy glared. “I didn’t do anything.”
“LIKE HELL YOU DIDN’T!!!” Ed snapped again and grabbed Roy by the shirt’s collar, shaking him.

Roy frowned and shoved Ed off of him. “She said I was out to be a father. How the hell am I supposed to react to
that?” Hoshi stared blankly.

Ed stared, shocked. “… What?!”

“Exactly.” Roy mumbled and cleared her throat. Hoshi stared just as shocked.

But Ed seemed to be able to snap out of it sooner than Hoshi and threw a punch at Roy. “YOU BASTARD!!”

Roy dodged the punch and glared. “What the hell is wrong with you?” Hoshi startled and took a step back.

Ed lost control at the sight of those uncaring words. “YOU ASK THAT AFTER WHAT DID TO HER?!!

Hoshi stood between them and shook her head. “I think this is the time where we’re supposed to be by Shion’s
side, not fight.”

“TELL THAT TO YOUR BROTHER!” Ed screamed at her and then glared back at Roy.

Roy grabbed Hoshi and pulled her behind him. “You do not have the right to scream at her as long as I am here.”
He told Ed. Hoshi shook her head.

“Oh?! But you have the right to treat Shion the way you do??!” Ed retorted angrily.

“I wasn’t treating her anything. I couldn’t even tell my opinion because you made a scene.” Roy hissed back.

“Well, you made your opinion pretty clear!!” Ed snapped and stomped his foot on the floor.

“Will you ever grow up?!” Roy questioned looking at him dead in the eye.

Ed glared. “Never, if growing up means becoming a bastard like you!!”

In the mean time, Shion was in the ladies’ restroom, standing by the sinks and wall mirrors and crying her heart

Roy frowned at him. Hoshi rubbed her temples.

In the meanwhile another woman stepped in the ladies restroom. Or so it seemed like.

Ed frowned back and then tried to beat him again with punches and kicks.
Shion tried to wipe her tears before looking at the other person.

But Roy easily dodged that. Hoshi watched them.

Artmostrong’s sister stood there, looking at her, without a word.

Ed didn’t let himself discouraged by that and kept fighting.

Shion looked up at her and bit her lip. “Hello again.”

Roy shoved him off.

“Hello.” Olivier said simply and narrowed her eyes.

Ed growled and transmuted his right arm into a spear.

Shion took a deep breath. What an akward moment.

Hoshi frowned, pondering whether to interfere or not. Roy took his glove off.
Olivier crossed her arms in front of her chest.

Ed noticed that, as he was positioning himself better for a frontal attack.

Shion sighed softly and walked by Olivier to leave the room.
Roy snapped his fingers, making a few flames appear by.
But the door was slammed immediately in her face. “Where do you think you’re going?”

Ed gritted his teeth together and then jumped at Roy, ready to slash him with his metal arm which served as a
close range weapon now.
“Huh?!” Shion startled a little and glanced at Olivier from the corner of her eye. “What’s wrong?”

Just then Hoshi jumped in between them, being the one to get injured instead.
“Don’t avoid my question.” Olivier said sternly.

When Ed realized what had just happened, he let out a pained scream.
“I… wanted to go back to everyone else.” Shion replied, surprised by Olivier’s dubious behaviour.

Roy grabbed Hoshi from behind as she fainted.

“Too bad.” Olivier replied ironically.

Ed leaned closer, his eyes fixed on his dear lover. “Hoshi!”

Shion frowned. “Why are you picking a fight with me?”

Roy glared at Ed and picked Hoshi up.

“I am not.” Olivier said simply.

Ed glared back. “This is your fault.”he said in a small voice.

Shion shook her head and reached to open the door again.

“Your fault.” Roy said simply and turned to leave with her to the hospital.
Olivier slapped her hand away.

Ed decided to follow closely.

Shion yielped at that. “What do you want from me?” she demanded.

Roy only hurried to the hospital.

Suddenly Olivier transformed into Envy. “Guess~”

Ed didn’t lose sight of them even for a moment.

Shion gave him a startled look. “You…”

Hoshi looked as pale as ever. Roy sighed.

“Me~” Envy snickered.

Ed looked really upset. How did Hoshi always end up in that condition?
Shion took a step back and glared at the Homunculus who was supposedly her other half-brother.

Roy got her to the hospital. Al spotted them and tagged along. “What happened?!”
Envy took a step closer with a devious smirk.

Ed glanced at Al with a sorrowful expression. “Hoshi got herself injured. Again.”

“Stay away from me!!” Shion cried. Homunculus were dead things originally. Dead. And with Shion’s
necrophobia it wasn’t hard to understand her reaction.

“How?!” Als asked horrified.

“Oh?” Envy’s smirk widened considerably. “No one’s here to save you.”

Ed glanced at Roy and then looked away displeased. “It doesn’t matter anymore. All that matters is that she gets
well.” he said. “By the way… where’s Shion?”
Shion shook her head. “Stay away!”

“ I thought she was with the Colonel.” Al confessed. Roy went to speak to the doctors in the meanwhile.
“What if I refuse?~” Envy asked, stepping closer.
Ed looked around. “That darned bastard! Where is he?”
Shion almost froze, but soon remember she had a gun on her so she swiftly took it out and pointed it at Envy.
“I… I’ll shoot.”

“Taking care of Hoshi!” Al replied.

“That won’t affect me.” Envy replied indifferently.
“Al, you have to go back to the party. Our… Our sister is still in there, all alone and… possibly in danger.” Ed
instructed his little brother wisely.
Shion gulped and placed the other hand on her chest where her locket used to be. Gone. Of course, she never got
it back from Kimblee…

“I-I should go and check on her.” Al suggested. Roy stepped out as well. “I’m coming with you.” He said
seriously, looking at Ed with a ‘I’m leaving Hoshi to you, you better be careful’ look.
Envy laughed out loud at the sight of her lack of reply.

Ed nodded just as seriously, and his eyes mirrored a similar message, except it was reffering to Shion instead of
Shion recalled the last time she saw Envy. He had been violent to her both physically and verbally. Yup, those
definitely weren’t some very nice memories. “What’s so funny?” she finally asked.

Roy and Al hurried back to the party place. Hoshi was resting in the meanwhile. Fortunately, it wasn’t anything
“You are funny ~” Envy replied entertained.

Ed asked the doctors to let him see Hoshi.

“I don’t think I am,” Shion snickered.

The doctors allowed him but told him to be quiet.

“Your opinion doesn’t count.” Envy mumbled.

Ed did as told and slowly slipped into Hoshi’s room.

Shion frowned at him. “I heard that! Stupid palmtree.” she mumbled the last part too.

Hoshi was sleeping peacefully.

Envy grit his teeth annoyed at the sight of that. “You’ll pay for that.”

Ed walked up to the bed and smiled softly when he saw her peaceful figure.
“Really?” Shion asked and blinked lazily. Why did he hesitate so much in attacking her then?

Hoshi didn’t hear him come in though.

Envy waited for the right moment to attack. “Yes.”

Ed glanced around and then grabbed a chair to sat by her side.

Shion swiftly put away her gun and took out her knife instead. Oh yes, she was never unprepared. “Show me
what you got!”

Hoshi snored silently, having a nice dream.

Envy raied an eyebrow. “You sure of that? It might harm your….baby.” He grinned wickedly.

Ed sighed softly and caressed her hair, while wondering how Roy was handling the situation back at the party.
Shion gave him a stern look. “I refuse to play the role of the victim.”

Hoshi seemed to lean her head a bit in his touch.

“Then you wouldn’t mind your baby dying!” Envy said, clapping his hands.

Ed startled a bit, afraid she might wake up.

Shion gritted her teeth. “I hate you.”

Hoshi made a content noise.

“I don’t~ “ Envy said, as he took a step closer, deciding it was time to end up the games.

Ed chuckled lowly. She was so adorable, even asleep.

Shion moved her knife to stab Envy in the stomach.

Hoshi opened her eyes slowly.

Envy grabbed her hand and twisted it so she would be stabbed instead.

“Hoshi…” Ed whispered and leaned closer.

“Where is Nee-sama?” Al asked Roy when they got to the Military State building. The party was still on

Hoshi looked at him. She didn’t blame him becaue it was her who got in front to protect Roy.
“We haven’t seen her.” A man replied. “The bathroom.” Roy mumbled.

“How are you feeling?” Ed asked her with genuine concern.

Al’s cheeks flushed red. “Bath…room?!”

“I’m…fine.” Hoshi replied with a weak smile.

Roy gave a nod, unaffected. “Let’s go!”

“I’m sorry.” Ed said sounding honest. “I didn’t mean to do that…”

Al followed without any further comments.

“I shouldn’t have gotten in the way.” Hoshi mumbled.

Roy frowned and pushed everyone aside trying to reach the bathroom faster.

Ed nodded. “Yeah, you shouldn’t have.”he agreed with her.

Al thought that Roy looked really concerned.

“Sorry, the stubbornness comes from Roy.” Hoshi replied grinning.

Roy sighed as they finally made it to the bathroom, where he saw that Envy had stabbed Shion.

Ed sighed. “I guess that explains everything, doesn’t it…” He made a long pause. “Do you think it’s true?
That… you’re going to be an Aunt?”
Shion didn’t start to cry nor scream at the sight of being stabbed, but only carefully removed the blade from her
body, and then gave Envy a fierce glare.

Hoshi shrugged a bit. “I don’t think they’d mess with such things…”
Roy’s expression displayed anger. He’d burn up that whole freaking bathroom.

Ed heaved a deeper sigh. “I guess… But still!”

“Nee-sama…” Al watched Shion wide-eyed. He was scared to death for her. Shion gave Roy a sidelong glance
but that was about it.

“What? Can’t handle that you’re going to be an uncle?” Hoshi asked teasingly.
Envy snickered and turned to face Roy. “We meet again~” He chirped. “And this will be the last time!” The
Flame Alchemist declared enraged.

Ed’s face flushed deep red. “So-something l-like that…” he mumbled.

“Al, get away from here.” Shion asked of her half brother, since things were getting considerably dangerous.

“How cute.” Hoshi decided smiling.

Al shook his head. “I-I’m staying here!” He declared bravely.

Ed pouted, very affected by her words.

Shion gave Al a serious look. “Don’t be stupid.”

Hoshi kissed his cheek.

Al glanced back at her. “I’m staying.” He said seriously.
Ed glanced at her surprised. “What was that for?...”
“Go away. You’ll only get in my way. Stupid brat.” Shion declared coldly.

“Being cute.” Hoshi replied.

Al was slightly affected by her words. “N-No.” He mumbled.

Ed blushed further. “D-don’t call me cute so casually!~”

Shion glanced at Roy next. “Why are you here?”

“Or else what?~” Hoshi asked.

“You should get away instead of asking pointless questions.” Roy said bluntly.

Ed pouted again. “Just… don’t, okay?”

Shion groaned. She didn’t like being treated like that.

“Fine…cutie.” Hoshi teased again.

Roy rolled his eyes.

Ed nudged her playfully. “I said stop it!”

Shion glanced at Envy next. She still didn’t understand what that bastard wanted. Oh yes, he didn’t know she
didn’t have the Stone on her anymore. But she decided to keep him in the dark for the time being.

Hoshi giggled at the sight of that.

“Ah, how boring.” Envy pouted as he yawned. “I guess I’ll play with you again.” He said, turning towards Roy.

Ed sighed and ruffled her hair. “You can be so annoying sometimes…”

Shion gasped at that and pointed her gun at Envy again. And she shot.

“But you still love me~” Hoshi pointed out.

Envy stepped to the side and so did Roy or else the bullet would’ve shot him.

Ed gasped at the sight of that and looked really embarrassed. “I… Yes, I do.”
Shion groaned again. That situation was getting on her already sensitive nerves.

Hoshi smiled warmly. “As I do~”

Roy groaned as he once again removed his glove, though he couldn’t do much since the situation wasn’t that

Ed glanced at her and a wide smile curved his lips. “Good to know.”
Shion pushed Al out of the room and then followed after him, hoping to give Roy some space to burn to death
that Homunculus.

Hoshi reached to hug him tightly.

Roy was grateful for that as he turned to Envy and started to fight once again.

Ed returned the gesture and hugged her back just as tightly.

Shion grabbed Al’s arm forcefully, the other hand holding onto her bleeding stomach. “Are you crazy? You
could’ve gotten yourself killed back there!”

『 Roxie 』: da Al n-are rp
Sofi: ....
『 Roxie 』: nici Hohenheim..
Sofi: n-are rp
『 Roxie 』: ...
『 Roxie 』: n-are motot
『 Roxie 』: LOL
『 Roxie 』: motto
Sofi: nu-l are pe Motoc
『 Roxie 』: ROFL asa isi tinea si Shion cutitu

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