Bleach Gakuen

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The students who assembled in Las Noches High that day, too, passed through the tall gate

with angelic smiles

on their faces. Their pure bodies and minds were wrapped in white-colored school uniforms. The pleats on
their skirts and their white sailor collars should have always been tidy.
That was what the advertisment promised.
Truth be told, the Las Noches High was a place with some very intriguing faces, Kaen thought as she occupied
her seat in front of the class. Her long purple hair was worn in twin braids and she her blue eyes were hidden
behind the lenses of a pair of dark red framed glasses.

Everyone was looking forward to the new year, especially those who had just begun high-school, like a certain
class which’s main subjects were leaning towards Literature, mainly. Well, Literature, History, Geography…
Interacting with people, mainly.
When the bells rang, the students occupied their seats, except one that seemed to be empty. They didn’t know
each other, and didn’t have the time for introductions yet, as the teacher would arrive anytime.
A pair of short legs ran desperately towards the class, hoping she wasn’t too late. It was just that she got last
and couldn’t find where the room was, that until she asked a teacher. When the door was opened, mostly
everyone expected the teacher to show up, but instead it was only a… ridiculously short girl, with long,
beautiful blue hair caught in twin tails, holding a few books at her chest. The uniform was even too large on
“What’s a middle class doing here?” Someone around the class couldn’t help but question.

“This is class 1-A.” Kaen informed the little girl generously with a tilt of her head.
A boy with long, pitch-black and big round, green eyes just stared at the newcomer.

“Then I got the right class!” The girl exclaimed jovially, as she walked around, taking the last empty seat.
Everyone involuntary turned their heads after the newcomer.
“Tch, kinder-garden is in another building.” A quite-well framed man with spiky blue hair commented rudely,
from the back of the class.

“She just said she got the right class.” Ulquiorra pointed out smartly.
“Shh!” Kaen said exasperated. “The homeroom teacher must be here any minute.”

“Shut up.” Grimmjow snapped as he sent a glare towards Ulquiorra’s direction.

Yuki placed the books on her table and sat down, glancing out the window.

Ulquiorra only stared, with an obvious air of superiority.

Kaen turned around as she sat at the first desk to glare a bit at Grimmjow.

Grimmjow arched an eyebrow, not impressed.

Yuki glanced at the clock. It was already past 8 AM and the home-room teacher didn’t show up yet…

Kaen pulled out a book and started to read it.

Ulquiorra passed his time staring out the window.

Grimmjow snarled. How did he end up in a class of book-worms, again?

Yuki fell asleep with her head on the table.

The bell rang announcing the beginning of the first break. Kaen sighed a bit as she closed her book.
Ulquiorra didn’t even flinch.

Grimmjow stood up from his seat, displaying the fact that his shirt was undone.
Yuki didn’t even hear the bell. She seemed in a deep sleep.

Kaen frowned at Grimmjow’s indecency.

Grimmjow stomped over to Ulquiorra’s desk and lifted him up by his shirt. “So you think ye’re smart, huh?!”
『 Roxie 』: Grimmjow: Eu fac legea.
『 Roxie 』: Aizen: Si astazi vom invata despre reproducere...
『 Roxie 』: Yuki: ma arunce cineva pe geam.

Ulquiorra stared at Grimmjow. “So you think you can’t win an argument unless you resort to physical violence?
That says a lot about the kind of trash you are.”
Kaen startled a bit at Grimmjow’s violent reaction.

“Why you--!” Grimmjow grit his teeth, raising his fist to punch the smaller man.

Kaen stood up to bravely intervene but the doorbell rang, leaving her no time to react.

Grimmjow dropped Ulquiorra harshly and returned back to his seat.

Ulquiorra’s gaze followed Grimmjow in silence.

Kaen sat down, a bit frustrated.

Yuki was still sleeping in the meanwhile, causing a lot of students to stare at her and sweatdrop.

The door opened this time, revealing Biology Professor Aizen Sousuke. ( era varianta cu ochelari )
Kaen had her book, notebook and pen ready.

Grimmjow rolled his eyes. Figures…

The students weren’t sure what kind of teacher he was, so they stood silent.

“Good morning, esteemed students. I am Aizen Sousuke and this year we will have the pleasure of studying
Biology together.” Aizen announced as he glanced around the glass. “Now, if someone would be kind enough to
wake up your little classmate…”

Grimmjow would have probably hit her if she wasn’t that far.
Yuki didn’t seem to be aware of the surroundings.

Kaen wondered what to do, but Ulquiorra threw an eraser in the direction of Yuki’s head.

Yuki startled at the sight of that and lifted her head, her sleepy figure being visible.
The whole class chuckled at her.

Kaen fixed her glasses to hide her smile.

Ulquiorra turned to face Aizen again, who announced they would start by studying the human reproduction

Yuki wished she was still asleep. She opened the book and placed it in front of her, so nobody would see her
flushed her face.
Some students commented on how cute she was.

Kaen was pretty good at hiding her emotion, so no one guessed how embarrassed she was.
And of course, no one knew what Ulquiorra was thinking.

Grimmjow seemed as casual as ever with the subject.

Yuki was drawing at the end of her notebook.

Kaen sighed in relief when the class ended.

Ulquiorra closed his book without a sound.
Grimmjow smirked at the embarrassed students. What, have they never heard of such things?
Yuki was playing on her cell phone.

Kaen threw her books in the bag and took out her lunch instead.
Ulquiorra was staring blankly.
『 Roxie 』: L!
『 Roxie 』: ...
Sofi: ...

Grimmjow was headed towards the exit as well and happened to walk by her side.
Yuki was focused on her game.

Kaen looked away from him.

Ulquiorra walked over to Yuki’s desk.
Sofi: Ulquiorra despre Yuki: O plac, dar nu pot sa-i spun.
Sofi: Kaen despre Grimmjow: Il plac, dar daca ma doare?

Grimmjow raised an eyebrow. What a weird woman.

Yuki looked at him curiously.

Kaen opened her lunchbox, which was beautifully ornated and looked very appetizing.
Ulquiorra stared at her. “Does it hurt?”

Grimmjow went to the buffet to order himself something, since he didn’t have any food with him.
Yuki looked around, wondering if she was talking to her. “W-What…do you mean?”

Kaen started eating with the chopsticks in silence.

Ulquiorra wondered why she had to be so slow. “…From when I hit you with the eraser.”

Grimmjow bought whatever he thought it looked good and sat beside Kaen.
Yuki blinked. “I almost forgot about that. “

Kaen pulled her chair further from him and her lunch box too.
“Are you always such an airhead?” Ulquiorra asked, almost sweatdropping.

“Scared? I don’t bite. ….Too hard.” Grimmjow said deviously.

Yuki shrugged. “I didn’t pay much attention to it.”

Kaen ignored him as she took the chopsticks to her mouth.

“…Yet it did woke you up.” Ulqiorra pointed out.

“Hah. What an annoying attitude. No wonder you’re here by yourself.” Grimmjow commented.
“But that doesn’t mean it was painful.” Yuki replied smartly.

Kaen glared at him. “I don’t need you to look after me.”

“I see.” Ulquiorra said and leaned over her.

“Don’t worry, I wasn’t.”Grimmjow replied cruelly.

Yuki felt her cheeks burn. Too close…too close.

“Good.” Kaen replied sternly.

Ulquiorra’s intention was actually to reach for the window to open it.

Grimmjow snorted. He could almost like her.

Yuki only stared at him stupidly, trying to make her nervousness go away.
Kaen glanced at the food he bought.
Ulquiorra straightened up again and turned to leave, stuffing his hands in his pockets.

Grimmjow was eating in a not very elegant way.

Yuki slapped her cheeks gently and resumed her game.

Kaen shook her head in disapproval.

Ulquiorra returned to his seat, eyeing Grimmjow. Was he harassing that girl?

Grimmjow shrugged at that. “Not everyone can be as perfect as you.”

Yuki glanced at them, too. That girl was nice to her in the morning.

“You don’t even know me.” Kaen replied.

Ulquiorra looked as bored as ever.

“It doesn’t take much to realise what kind of person you are.” Grimmjow mumbled.
Yuki seemed to be entertained by her game.

“Right back at you.” Kaen mumbled back.

Ulquiorra stared at Yuki.

Grimmjow snorted. “Your point?”

Yuki felt as if she was being stared at, so she glanced back at him.

Kaen shrugged. “I’m just surprised someone like you has managed to stay in school for so long.”
Ulquiorra was wondering if that game she was playing was all that fun.

“Well, waddaya know.” Grimmjow smirked to himself, proudly.

Yuki placed her cell phone on her desk and yawned.

Kaen hoped he’d leave. Soon.

Ulquiorra fought back a yawn himself.

Grimmjow was one that simply loved annoying people, so he planned on staying.
Yuki tried not to giggle.

For the last class they had History, with Professor Jumon Hogosha. He introduced himself similarly to Aizen-
Kaen looked a bit petrified as she stared at him.

Yuki thought that the teacher looked oddly young.

Grimmjow didn’t appear to pay attention.

Kaen opened her book ( to page 394 ) in silence.

Yuki dropped her pen and pouted. “Muuu.” She complained to herself and got off of her seat to take it back. …
She was actually smaller than when she was sitting down.

Hogosha’s eyes flickered in her direction.

Kaen was almost fuming.

Yuki panicked a bit at that and apologised for being clumsy.

Some of the students chuckled again.
『 Roxie 』: Hogosha: Tiny frame, blue hair, large clothes....You must be a lolita!

“It’s… quite alright.” Hogosha replied and cleared his throat.

Yuki nodded in embarrassment and returned to her seat.

“…I want to pinch her cheeks.” Someone whispered among the class.

Hogosha smiled at Yuki indulgently.

Kaen hid her face in her book.

Yuki looked down, her cheeks still pink.

Grimmjow couldn’t understand what the big deal was.

Hogosha resumed teaching as if nothing happened.

Kaen looked like she had a headache.

Yuki noted everything down, like a good girl.

Grimmjow grinned at Kaen. He’d pick on her later.

When the class ended, Hogosha gave them an essay as homework. ( pana ora viitoare, oricand ar fi fost ea )
Kaen was relieved school was over, as she hastly threw her things back inside her bag.

Everyone left the class, excluding Yuki, Kaen and Grimmjow, among a few other students.
Yuki packed her stuff and dared to walk up to Kaen. “U-Um…” She started nervously. “About earlier…thank
you for being so nice with me.”

Kaen had no idea what she was talking about. “Yeah… you’re welcome.” she replied hastly before turning
toward the door.

Yuki tilted her head silently and then walked out as well.
Grimmjow was by Kaen’s side in no second. “Someone’s gloomy.”

Ulquiorra was just exiting the school gate. Hogosha was still in the teacher’s room.
“And she wants you to keep your distance, too.” Kaen added.

Yuki sighed. What a day…

“Or else?” Grimmjow dared to ask.

Hogosha was signing some papers.

Kaen shook her head, which reminded her of her headache. “Aw…”

Yuki leaned against one of the walls, since she didn’t want to go home just yet.
Grimmjow tilted his head.

Some teachers watched her as they passed in the hall.

Kaen pretended she was fine as she walked towards the town.

Yuki closed her eyes slowly.

Grimmjow tagged along, since he had nothing better to do.

Hogosha stopped in front of her. “Amaterasu-san?”

Kaen entered a supermarket and bought some food.

Yuki startled at the sight of that and opened her eyes. “Jumon Sensei…”
Grimmjow used the pretext that he was going to buy something, too.

“Why’re you here, all by yourself?” Hogosha asked, genuinely curious.

Kaen let him do as he pleased as she put into her basket everything she needed, and then went to pay for them.

“I…I just needed a break from the others, I guess.” Yuki muttered bashfully.
Grimmjow bought some hair gel. ( LOL )

“Did they… hurt you?” Hogosha dared to ask.

Kaen snorted, amused.

“Not hurt. Just…bullied. “Yuki answered.

Grimmjow glared at her.

Hogosha frowned. “How so?” he demanded further.

Kaen exited the building and started to walk ahead.

“My height.” Yuki said, feeling herself shrink.

Grimmjow was fast, so he tagged along again.

Hogosha raised an eyebrow. “Your height…”

Kaen raised an eyebrow at him. “Were are we going now?”

Yuki nodded fast at him. “L-Like….getting called a midget.”

“The town.” Grimmjow replied bluntly.

“How dared they…” Hogosha got upset.

“Really.” Kaen replied skeptically.

“Please don’t get mad, Sensei…!” Yuki pouted, waving her hands.
“Really.” Grimmjow said seriously.

Hogosha didn’t even hear her. How dared they make fun of… make fun… of the Lolita!
Kaen chuckled at him.

Yuki slid down on the floor.

Grimmjow raised an eyebrow. “What?”

Hogosha crouched by her side, watching her fascinated.

“You’re funny.” Kaen confessed.

Yuki glanced at him. “You…won’t make fun of my weight?”

“Is that so…?”Grimmjow asked. He didn’t aim for being funny.

Hogosha shook his head. “I like your height.” he confessed.

“Yeah. I’m going home.” Kaen declared.

Yuki blushed. This was wrong…coming from her teacher. “You’re not saying that just be nice, r-right…?”
Grimmjow laughed harshly. “Scared?”

Hogosha stared at her but didn’t answer.

“…No.” Kaen replied.

Yuki looked down. So he was doing it just because he was being nice…
“Then why are you running away?” Grimmjow asked.
『 Roxie 』: Yuki: Nu, nu, nu e cazul sa ma consolati, domnule profesor.
『 Roxie 』: Yuki: Va multumesc ca ati ajuns la timp. Dupa cum stiti dinaintea mea....sunt scunda.
『 Roxie 』: Kaen, Hogosha, Grimmjow si Ulquiorra: ...

Hogosha stood up and offered her his hand.

“What exactly am I running away from?” Kaen asked.

Yuki stared at his hand, before she hesitantly accepted it.

“I don’t know. You’re probably goin’ to say you’re going to study your brains out.” Grimmjow mumbled.

Hogosha lifted her up on her feet again.

Kaen frowned at him. “Somehow I feel insulted by your remark.”

Yuki tried to hide her stupid smile.

“Too bad.” Grimmjow replied, careless.

Hogosha looked away.

“But I have to make dinner…” Kaen replied glancing at her groceries bags.

Yuki felt a tad embarrassed.

“Ah, so you’re a…what’d they call it again? Ah, yea’. House wife.” Grimmjow smirked.

“You should go wash your face.” Hogosha suggested.

“I’m not married to that person…” Kaen contradicted him in a weak voice.

Yuki nodded. “Y-Yes. Thank you very much!” She bowed politely
“Huh?” Grimmjow blinked. “What person?”

Hogosha watched her warmly.

Kaen shook her head. “No one you should know about.”

Yuki turned to run towards the girl’s bathroom.

“…Ha? You’re confusing.” Grimmjow confessed.

Hogosha shook his head. He had to stay focused… He was her teacher after all.
“Yeah… Thanks for walking me.” Kaen said as she stopped in front of a luxurious looking house.

Yuki was feeling quite better. After she washed her face and fixed her hair, she walked out again.
“So, I get to know where you live? Nice.” Grimmjow grinned widely.

Hogosha was just leaving the building.

“…That’s about all you will get.” Kaen sweatdropped.

Yuki nearly bumped into him.

“Ah well.” Grimmjow didn’t appear troubled by it.

Hogosha turned around and placed his hand on her shoulder. “Ah, it’s you, Amaterasu-san.”
Kaen reached to unlock the door.

“I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to!” Yuki spoke quickly.

Grimmjow glanced at her, before walking away eventually.

Hogosha blinked. “It’s alright.” he said releasing her.

Kaen was grateful he understood to leave her alone finaly.
Yuki pursed her lips. She was too clumsy.
Grimmjow headed towards the place he was staying at.

Hogosha walked with her in silence. “Is your house far?” he asked to break the silence.
Kaen was making dinner for two.

“Not that far.” Yuki answered, bumping into a few students. She was so small, that they didn’t even notice her.
Grimmjow grimaced at the thought of him having to share a room with Ulquiorra.

Hogosha sighed and took her hand.

Kaen made a nice warm dinner and then went to her room.

Yuki felt hopeless. Clinging to her own teacher like that…

Grimmjow walked down the streets in silence.

“Where to?” Hogosha asked. He might just as well walk her home.
Kaen started her essay.

Yuki pointed her small finger towards the direction of her house.
Grimmjow didn’t even think of doing his homework.

Hogosha swallowed hard. “My house is right next to yours…”

Kaen was half-way through.

Yuki stared at him silently. That moment couldn’t have been more awkward.
Grimmjow was slightly bored.

Hogosha cleared his throat. “Then…” he started to walk towards their houses.
Kaen looked out the window, thinking on Grimmjow’s words.

Yuki nodded and walked by his side.

Grimmjow cursed himself for not even asking for her name.

Hogosha took a deep breath. “Would you like to come over for dinner?” He didn’t want to be rude.
Kaen layed her head on the desk.

Yuki gasped. A dinner with her…teacher….She felt as if she was at school and just couldn’t say no. “Y-Yes…”

Hogosha turned away and opened the door for her.

Yuki leaned to take her shoes off, before stepping in.

Hogosha did the same and stepped after her. A delicious smell was coming from the kitchen.

Yuki barely even moved from her place. She didn’t want to seem indecent.

Hogosha looked around before asking Yuki to join him at the table.

Yuki obeyed him mechanically, as she dared to place her bag on a near-by chair.

Hogosha pulled her chair, acting like a gentleman, before sitting across from her.

Yuki crawled in the chair, a tad embarrassed. She was surprised she could even reach the table.
Hogosha thought she was adorable.

Yuki tried to act mature, as she nodded to herself with determination.

Hogoha thanked for the food and then started to eat with grace.

Yuki did the same, wondering who cooked so well in the house. Maybe…Maybe Jumon Sensei had servants?!

“What would you like to drink?” Hogosha asked at some point.

“Anything!” Yuki answered gently. She didn’t want to seem like she was abusing his kindness.

Hogosha reached for a bottle of sake and two glasses.

Yuki wondered if she was even allowed to have alcohol.

Hogosha thought it was all right. He was used to acting like an adult in many ways anyway.

Yuki waved her legs under the table silently.

Hogosha offered her the drink.

Yuki accepted the drink easily.

Hogosha took a big sip from his own glass of sake.

Yuki took a sip from her own dink, cautiously.

Hogosha watched her lovingly.

Yuki beamed a bit.

Hogosha sighed happily and patted her head.

Yuki instinctively leaned against his hand.

Hogosha patted her head quite affectionately, and then reached to caress her cheek.

Yuki nuzzled his hand, unaware of the effect that the drink had on her.

Hogosha swallowed hard. She was so adorable… he wished she could stay forever. “Amaterasu-san, it’s getting
quite late… What if you stayed here tonight?”

“What, what?” Yuki asked, her cheeks a tad pink. “Staying here…? I…it doesn’t sound that bad.”

Hogosha’s glasses reflected the light, so his expression was unreadable, but he seemed to be smiling.

Yuki purred contently.

Hogosha wrapped his arms around her.

Yuki watched him curiously. She wasn’t thinking straight anymore.

Hogosha offered to show her where they’d sleep.

Yuki appeared content with that.

Hogosha led her towards the old fashioned, Western looking bed. “Are you used to beds?”

“Hm…I usually sleep on futon.” Yuki replied. “But this looks really luxurious!”

Hogosha shruggged. “I guess…” he replied, acting innocent.

Yuki seemed impressed by the big bed.

Hogosha watched her a bit amused. “You are so cute…”

“Hee ~ !” Yuki giggled and then hic-upped since she was sort of drunk.

“Hao~” Hogosha squealed a bit at her cuteness. She was… perfect to him.
『 Roxie 』: *incearca sa si-l imagineze pe Hogosha zicand Hao*
Sofi: ar suna ca... K1
Sofi: sau Battler

Yuki blinked, a tad oblivious.

Hogosha dared to take her hands in his. “Amaterasu-san… you’re so beautiful.”

Yuki blushed deeply at that and looked down.

Hogosha dared to lift her chin gently to make her face him again.
『 Roxie 』: Am citit "Hogosha dared to lift her skirt"

Yuki stared at him, feeling as vulnerable as ever.

Hogosha stared down at her deeply and leaned closer.

Yuki dared to reach and pull his glasses off. [ si nu mai vedea Hogosha nimic. xD ]

Hogosha smirked at that and pulled her onto his lap.

Yuki rested her hands on his shoulders.

Without further warning, Hogosha kissed her.

Kaen was in the kitchen, cooking again.

Yuki gasped at the bruising kiss and tried to return it.

Hogosha pulled her even closer to his body.-

Kaen frowned. Why hadn’t Hogosha let her know he came home? And more importantly… why were both
chairs warmed? Could it be… he brought a girl home??

Yuki slid her tiny arms around his neck instead.

Hogosha smirked a bit into the kiss.

Kaen had dinner alone in the meantime.
Yuki wasn’t sure of what was going on. She was just drunk, needy and a teenager.
『 Roxie 』: Yuki: Nu mai pot controla hormonii.
Sofi: Hogosha: nici eu. let's make the most of it.

Hogosha was in the same situation, plus she was just his type of girl.

Yuki was sure she’d be traumatized in the morning.

Hogosha on the other hand didn’t think beyond that night.

Kaen leaned her ear against a glass which she placed against Hogosha’s bedroom door to eavesdrop on his

Yuki was glad that there was no one to hear them, or so she thought.

Kaen’s face turned slowly red and then ran to her own room as fast as she could. If she were caught she’d get in

In the morning, Yuki didn’t want to believe she had to get up for school, or that she wasn’t at her house…
Grimmjow was already at school, since he was living right next to it.

Ulquiorra had actually gotten to school even before Grimmjow.

Kaen skipped breakfast and left for school through the window.
Hogosha was still deep asleep.

Yuki ended up sleeping with Hogosha’s shirt, which looked like a dress on her.
Grimmjow glared at Ulquiorra. It was only the two of them in the classroom.

Kaen sighed. She had left in a hurry and forgot to buy a bento box on her way to school.
Hogosha turned around in his sleep.

Grimmjow found it awkward, so he walked out of the classroom.

Yuki didn’t even move. Her presence wasn’t noticed in the first place.

Kaen was just preparing to enter the classroom, so she accidentally bumped into Grimmjow.
Hogosha looked at the clock. It was already morning.

Grimmjow snarled and looked down at her, but then he chuckled when he saw who it was. “Someone’s
sleepy…” He taunted her.
Yuki curled up in the sheets. She was comfortable.

Kaen blinked. “You’re early.” she stated, confussed.

Hogosha tried to go back to sleep.
Sofi: Hogosha: I say: come over to my place.
I want you in my bed,
and i want you now.

“Yea’, well, I don’t live far from the school.” Grimmjow mumbled.
Yuki yawned a bit. School…she had school…

“You live in the dormitories, then?” Kaen asked, tilting her head.
Hogosha pulled all the covers over him.

Grimmjow only nodded in return. Ugh, and the same room as Ulquiorra, too…
Yuki looked down at herself. Something wasn’t right…and her head was throbbing.
“I see…” Kaen replied. Should she pity him?
Hogosha was snoring softly.

Grimmjow stuffed his hands in his pockets. “So, yesterday I got to know where you live, but you never told me
your name.”
Yuki froze. So that’s…how it was. She remembered vaguely.

“Ah, that’s right.” Kaen nodded and raised her hands to draw her name in Kanji with her finger on her left
palm. “It’s Kaen. Written like this.”
Hogosha wasn’t aware of his surroundings.

Grimmjow narrowed his eyes, trying to remember the symbols. “I see…”

Yuki looked around for her clothes, trying to make as less noise as possible.

“What’s yours?” Kaen asked anxiously.

Hogosha rubbed his eyes sleepily.

“Call me Grimmjow.” He replied simply, not too formal, not too informal.
Yuki tried not to stumble across the shirt.

Kaen tilted her head, trying to memorize it. “Gurin-jo…ou?... With the Kanji for ‘king’ (王, ou) at the end?”
Hogosha thought he heard some noises, so he put on his glasses and looked around the room.

“…No.” Grimmjow blinked. “Ow. W, not U. “ He corrected her.

Yuki startled a bit at that.

“Oooow….” Kaen tried to get it right this time.

Hogosha smiled at her. “Good morning there.”

Grimmjow laughed at her.

“G-Go-Good morning…” Yuki replied bashfully.

Kaen blushed. “Ow-kun….” she mumbled with a pout.

Hogosha thought she was cute when she was shy.
Sofi: Kaen: How long have you been a 10th grader? Grimmjow: ...a while.

“…Ow-kun?” Grimmjow repeated, raising an eyebrow.

Yuki pouted a bit and picked her clothes up.

Kaen raisd an eyebrow back.

Hogosha did the same, trying to think of a topic.

“Weirdo.” Grimmjow declared and ruffled her hair roughly.

Yuki slipped her school uniform back in the meanwhile and folded Hogosha’s shirt neatly.

“A-ah, you’ll ruin my hair!...” Kaen declared on the verge of crying as she tried to catch his hand to make him
Hogosha thought she’d make a nice wife – but no, he had to stay focused. “What would you like for breakfast?”
he dared to ask.

Grimmjow stopped. Definitely weird. Yesterday she was all tough and now she was being whiny…
Yuki tilted her head to the side. “Hmm…I don’t mind anything. But do we have time for breakfast?”
Kaen was still emotionally disturbed by what she knew had happened under her roof. She tried to fix her hair,
but it was in vain, since her braids were messed up.
“Then how about a lunch box for school?” Hogosha offered.

Grimmjow was unaware of that.

“Mkay!” Yuki agreed with a nod.
『 Roxie 』: Grimmjow: I'm bringing sexy back, and other fuckers don't know how to act..

Kaen ran to the bathroom to fix her hair.

Hogosha went to the kitchen and took out a bento box out of the fridge. “I’m sorry, it’s all I got.”

Grimmjow’s eyes trailed after her.

Yuki gasped. “Y-You don’t have to! “ She muttered softly. “I’ll …I’ll buy something at school!”

Kaen reached to undo her hair and start all over again. “That idiot…!”
“But I’d feel bad about it…” Hogosha countered and pushed the lunch box to her.

Grimmjow returned back in the class.

“But…But…” Yuki pouted, looking at the box.

Kaen headed back to glass, wondering if their homeroom teacher would come that morning.
“It’s alright. Take it.” Hogosha assured her.

A few more students showed up in the class, by then.

“If you insist…” Yuki said and reached to take her school bag.

Kaen occupied her seat and opened her bag. Yes, there no bento box had miraculously appeared in there.
Hogosha held out the school bag for her.

Grimmjow was still waltzing around the classroom.

Yuki smiled at that. “Thank you!”

Kaen watched him. What an interesting character.

“Don’t mention it.” Hogosha replied before holding the door open for her.

Grimmjow was actually pretty bored.

“Thanks!”Yuki giggled and stepped out

Kaen thought that maybe someone would share their lunch with her. Maybe that Lolita from the other day.
Hogosha smiled and walked by her side. They were both walking towards the school after all.

Grimmjow wondered what their first class was.

Yuki looked at the sky. It looked like it would rain that day…

Kaen stared at the blackboard.

Hogosha didn’t care much, since they had spare umbrellas at school.

Soon, the bells rang, announcing the beginning of a new class.

Yuki sighed when they arrived at school.

Kaen yawned a bit. She hadn’t gotten much sleep last night.
“I’ll see you later.” Hogosha said before walking to the teacher’s staff room.

Grimmjow returned by his seat.

Yuki nodded and ran to her classroom, before the teacher would arrive.

Kaen closed her eyes and rested her head in her palms.
Ulquiorra was wondering if Yuki got lost or fell somewhere.

Just then, Yuki entered the class, just like yesterday, having everyone stare. She calmly occupied her seat, as
Grimmjow eyed her suspiciously.

Kaen could almost chuckle.

Ulquiorra followed her with the eyes.

Yuki tried to get rid of all the unwanted attention by looking out the window.
Grimmjow scowled. He didn’t like her much.

Ulquiorra looked away.

Kaen rested her head on the desk.

Soon, a man with long, white hair tied in a ponytail stepped in the class. He wasn’t young, but he wasn’t /that/
old either. Under his arm he held the class-book which said “1-A.” He must have been their home teacher!
Everyone stood up and greeted him properly, which caused the man to smile. After the students occupied their
seats, he introduced himself as Juushiro Ukitake and apologised for missing the other day.

Ulquiorra stared, unimpressed.

Kaen was listening intently.

Ukitake asked for everyone to introduce themselves and say a few words that described them. Yuki swallowed
nervously at that.

Kaen went tot the front of the desk and wrote her full name on the blackboard. “…My hobbies are drawing and
going to festivals. I don’t like bullies. My blood type is A and my Western sign is Gemini.”

Ukitake nodded in acknowledge at that. Grimmjow ‘tch’ed. What was wrong with bullies?
When Yuki’s turn came, everyone laughed at the fact that she couldn’t even reach the blackboard. Ukitake
watched her with compassion and asked for the class to be silent, while he offered her his chair to reach the
Yuki pouted and wrote her name. “My hobbies are…s-singing and, and….making friends. I…don’t like crowds.
My blood type is O and my Western sign is Sagittarius…” She confessed in embarrassment.
Ukitake patted her head. “Here.” He offered her a lollipop with a wide smile.

Kaen thought that Yuki was cute and that their teacher was… a bit scary.

Yuki walked back to her seat with the lollipop in her hand.

Ulquiorra was next. He wrote his name in both Romaji and Katakana. “Ï like doubting things. I don’t like
coming up with answers. My blood type is irrelevant. My birthday is 1 st of December.”

Yuki tilted her head at Ulquiorra. He was really interesting, in the end. Ukitake sweatdropped a bit at
Ulquiorra’s bluntness.
Grimmjow followed shortly, and didn’t even write his name on the blackboard. He just said his name out loud.
“I like picking on brats. I don’t like smartasses. My blood type doesn’t matter and my birthday is on July 31st. “
『 Roxie 』: Yuki le scria zilele de nastere tuturor
『 Roxie 』: Yuki: ....Stai-- Pe aia o cheama Jumon!
Sofi: Kaen: .... Guzen da.
『 Roxie 』: Yuki: CE-AM FACUT, DOAMNE!!!!
『 Roxie 』: Yuki: Jumon Sensei...spune-mi ca e doar o coincidenta de nume.
『 Roxie 』: Hogosha: ... >.<
『 Roxie 』: Hogosha: Vezi? Ti-am spus ca nu o sa agat lolite din cauza ta. *Se uita urat la Kaen.*

Kaen frowned at Grimmjow and crossed her arms. Was it just her or did he keep on insulting her?
Ulquiorra rolled his eyes.

Grimmjow went back to his seat. Yuki didn’t like that man.
Soon enough, the bells rang, announcing the end of the first class.

Kaen went over to Yuki’s desk. “Hello, Amaterasu-san.”

Yuki blinked and looked up at her. “Ah hello—Jumon-san, was it?” She smiled brightly before realisation hit
her. Jumon…Jumon…Jumon Sensei! Oh God, what had she done?!

Kaen nodded with a bright smile. “You’ve remembered!” The lunch was so close… so close…
Sofi: Kaen: I like you. Come over to my house and f*** my brother!

Yuki tried her best not to pale. Would Kaen pick on her? “H-How…may I help you?”

Kaen blinked. “I just wanted to talk to you.”

“I see…” Yuki muttered, feeling a tad cornered.

Kaen sat by her side. “You’re really small, aren’t you!”

“Y-Yes…I’ve always been like this.” Yuki confessed, looking down.

Kaen chuckled at her. “You’re so lucky, Ukitake-sensei even gave you candy…~!”

“Does that really count as being lucky…?” Yuki asked, sweatdropping.

“Of course. Getting things for free can’t be a bad thing.” Kaen pointed out.

“I don’t want people looking down on me just because I’m small.” Yuki declared bravely.

“That’s understandable.” Kaen agreed.

Yuki smiled a bit at the sight of that.

The bell rang and Kaen returned to her seat.

Now they had Math with Professor Kurotsuchi.

Yuki was still bothered by the fact that Kaen was a Jumon…What if she knew?
Everyone went dead silent when Professor Kurotsuchi announced that he’d give them a test.

Kaen stared at the questions for a moment, before answering them all.
Ulquiorra stared at the questions for a longer time, displeased.

Yuki was almost delighted, as she answered the questions.

Grimmjow grunted. He knew nothing of the shit written down there.

Kaen was the first to turn in the paper.

Grimmjow tried to peek at someone while Kurotsuchi Sensei took the paper from Kaen. Yuki handed the paper
over, too.
Ulquiorra handed the paper next, with a straight face.

Grimmjow glared at them and then decided that he wasn’t going to write anything on the paper at all.

The class ended shortly after that. Kaen pouted. She was hungry.

Grimmjow frowned. Stupid test.

Yuki glanced at her bento awkwardly, wondering whether to eat or not.

“What a nice bento!!” Kaen exclaimed popping up by Yuki’s side again.

Yuki froze at the sight of that. She didn’t…recognise it…right? “A-Ah, yeah. Thank you.” She replied bashfully.
『 Roxie 』: Ulquiorra: ..Femeie, o sa sperii lolita. Vrei sa sperii lolita? *Fata dreapta.*

“So, are you going to eat it or not?” Kaen teased her a little.

“Well…I…Yeah.” Yuki mumbled, and opened the bento. “Would you like some?”

Kaen nodded. “Okay!”

Yuki nodded as well and put the bento in the middle of the two of them.

“Itadakimasu!” Kaen said as she reached to take some of it.

“Itadakimasu…” Yuki replied in a quiet voice and started to eat as well.

“Did you make this, Amaterasu-san?” Kaen asked, delighted.

“N-No-N-No…” Yuki replied in a strangled tone.

『 Roxie 』: Yuki: Nu, nu, nu, nu, nu, da, nu, nu, nu, nu, nu.
『 Roxie 』: Yuki: Daca mai mananci din bento...Jumon Sensei e adoptat!

Kaen giggled. “It tastes and looks just like the bento I make.”

Yuki wanted to disappear. So they…really…were…”A-Ah, is that so?”

“Yeah.” Kaen nodded and munched on some rice.

Yuki fell awkwardly silent at that.

Kaen wasn’t suspecting anything just yet.

A few more hours passed and the P.E. class came at last. Kaen headed toward the girls locker to change.

Yuki had a medical sheet which prevented her from taking P.E, so she was just wasting her time around.
Grimmjow thought this was finally something he liked,

Kaen appeared wearing the white t-shirt which emphasized her curvaceous body and white knee socks as well
and the navy blue panties (?) the school provided them with.
Ulquiorra was wearing a white t-shirt and knee-long pants and didn’t seem amused.

Grimmjow was wearing the same clothes as Ulquiorra and grinned widely. He was looking forward on taunting
a certain student.
Yuki wondered if she really had to stay there. She wanted to go home, or something.
Professor Zommari announced they would have a marathon.
Kaen frowned. She hated useless running.

“What, can’t keep up?” Grimmjow teased her.

Yuki walked out of the building.

“I wasn’t even talking to you.” Kaen pointed out.

Ulquiorra just glanced at Yuki shortly as she left.

“It didn’t take much to read the atmosphere.” Grimmjow replied with the same coin.
Yuki cursed when she stepped in the rain.

Kaen shook her head and decided to focus on her running instead.
Hogosha blinked. He just spotted Yuki from the window he was at.

Grimmjow was fast…like a panther, so he easily kept up with her.

Yuki opened an umbrella and took a step forward, but just as she did so, a person passed by with their bike and
splashed all the mud on her. “Muuu!”

Kaen wasn’t used to running so she ran out of breath first.

Hogosha frowned and disappeared from the window.

Grimmjow tut loudly at that. “Poor ya.”

Yuki could almost cry.

“Shut… up…” Kaen panted.

Hogosha stepped up to Yuki, holding an umbrella himself.

“Not much of a sportive, are you?” Grimmjow taunted her further.

Yuki stared at him in awe.

Kaen frowned, but refused to answer. The answer was obvious either way.
“Your clothes are all wet. Why don’t you come back inside?” Hogosha offered.

Grimmjow smirked cockily at the lack of answer.

Yuki nodded slowly, trying not to think of Kaen.

Kaen turned around, as the teams for the volleyball were formed.
“Shouldn’t your class be having P.E. class now?” Hogosha asked.

Grimmjow thought that was a piece of cake as well.

“I don’t take P.E.” Yuki replied in a small voice.

Kaen thought that she was better at this. She wasn’t going to lose to Grimmjow.
Hogosha smiled widely at that. Perhaps it was too dangerous for her.

Grimmjow was good at anything related to sports.

Yuki scratched her cheek awkwardly.

Kaen hit the ball a few times, feeling proud of herself.

Hogosha tilted his head. “You should change your clothes.”

Grimmjow snorted. He could be better.

“I don’t have…any clothes to change.” Yuki confessed, and right after that, she sneezed.

Kaen grinned as she jumped to hit another ball.

Hogosha rubbed at his chin. “You could borrow something from the Theatre Club.” he suggested.

Grimmjow jumped as well, sending it right back to her.

“Ooh, that sounds good!” Yuki beamed at him.

Kaen frowned and hit it, sending it back to him.

Hogosha nodded. “You know where the Theatre Club’s room is, right?”

Grimmjow chuckled at her stubbornness and hit the ball again.

“I do.” Yuki nodded, determined.

Their classmates stared. Something was off about how they kept ignoring everyone else and play together.
“Okay then. Good luck.” Hogosha said and waved at her.

Grimmjow didn’t even notice that.

“Thank you!” Yuki replied with a polite bow and ran towards the Theatre Club.

Kaen was taken by surprise when the bell announced the end of the class and the end of school as well.
Hogosha was in the teacher’s office again.

Grimmjow shrugged. It had been fun, alright.

Yuki came out of the Theatre, wearing a Lolita dress, since it was the only one that fit her.

Kaen wiped her forehead. She need a shower. Now.

Hogosha was unaware of that yet.

“Not bad.” Grimmjow commented.

Yuki walked down the halls, towards the exit.

“Not bad yourself.” Kaen nodded.

Hogosha hoped she’d be all right.

Grimmjow grinned stupidly at that.

Yuki thought she was going to catch a cold.

Kaen headed towards the girls locker again to have her well deserved shower. ( scriam sugar )
Ulquiorra spotted Yuki. What was with those ridiculous clothes…?

Grimmjow was heading towards the school.

Yuki spotted him as well. Ulquiorra, was it?

Kaen thought of the recent events as the water ran down her face and body.
Ulquiorra stuffed his hands in his pockets as he approached her. “Why are you dressed like that?”

Grimmjow wondered if she’d return to school.

“My clothes got dirtied by mud…” Yuki explained with a pout.

Kaen did indeed return to the school building, and she was wearing once more her uniform, but her hair was
down this time, for the first time.
“And why… Lolita?” Ulquiorra asked further.
Grimmjow was distracted by that.
“Becauseitwastheonlyonethatfitme.” Yuki said quickly, in embarrassment.

Kaen looked away, tossing some hair over her shoulder.

“What? Are you nervous?” Ulquiorra asked staring down at her.

Grimmjow arched an eyebrow.

“No! What gave you that idea?” Yuki asked, puffing her cheek.

Kaen headed to the exit.

Ulquiorra stared at her.

Grimmjow walked after her.

Yuki stared back at him.

Kaen felt a shiver at that. He wasn’t following her, right?

„Do you have something else to add?” Ulquiorra asked.

Grimmjow snorted. She was hopeless.

“…But you started this conversation.” Yuki pointed out.

Kaen frowned as she crossed her arms behind her head.

Ulquiorra looked away. “I should be on my way.”

“Not very lady-like.” Grimmjow commented.

“Hee…” Yuki tilted her head, oblivious.

Kaen grinned. “So rafined ladies are your type?”

Ulquiorra headed to the boys dormitories.

“Not really.” Grimmjow answered.

Yuki only watched him silently.

Kaen snorted and looked away, her expression turning a bit serious then.
Hogosha was done with his work too and headed to the school’s gate.

Grimmjow watched her. “Don’t tell me I offended you.”

Yuki was heading towards the same direction, actually.

“Ah, no, no.” Kaen replied. She was actually thinking of something – someone – else.
Hogosha smirked a bit at the sight of Yuki.

Grimmjow watched her with a puzzled expression.

Yuki wasn’t aware of his presence yet.

“Where are you heading?” Kaen asked him to change the subject.
Hogosha easily caught up with her, with his long strides.

“No particularly place. Hangin’ out in the town. Why?” Grimmjow smirked. “Wanna tag along?”
Yuki couldn’t help but stare at that.

“I don’t want to tag along…” Kaen replied.

Hogosha blushed at the sight of her. She was wearing the perfect clothes…!
“You will, now.” Grimmjow said, and without a warning he grabbed her wrist and pulled her away.
Yuki was a bit oblivious to his thoughts.

Kaen gasped at that. Was he kidnapping her?

“You look nice in those clothes.” Hogosha said politely.

Grimmjow smirked to himself.

“Thank you…!” Yuki replied with a timid smile.

“So? Where are you taking me?” Kaen asked.

Hogosha patted her head.

“The town.” Grimmjow replied bluntly.

Yuki purred instinctively at that.

“That’s too broad.” Kaen tilted her head. “Where to exactly?”

Hogosha sighed contently.

“The club.” Grimmjow replied again.

Yuki watched him with big eyes.

Club…?! Kaen blinked. That sounded… Right?

Hogosha looked back at the road. “Let’s go, then.”

Grimmjow flashed her a wicked smirk.

“Right!” Yuki agreed and followed him.

Kaen looked away at that. She wasn’t used to clubs but she hoped she could handle it.
Hogosha wondered if that person was at home by now. She probably was.

Grimmjow was confident they were going to have fun.

Yuki was thinking of Kaen , too.

Kaen looked around the club. It was dark, noisy and smelled like cigarettes.
Hogosha opened the door to his house cautiously, as if expecting someone to be in there.

Sofi: Battler: Bo-chan. Lion: *bitchslap*

Grimmjow glanced at her. “Wanna drink something?” He asked, casually.

Yuki watched him almost amused.
Sofi: Kaen: am fost rapita… si adusa direct in club!
『 Roxie 』: Grimmjow: Ataaat! Bumptzi, bumptzi, bumptzi!

“Yeah.” Kaen nodded, wanting to act chill.

Hogosha raised an eyebrow at her. “Yes?”

Grimmjow chuckled at her and went to order some strong alcohol.

Yuki smiled to herself. “Nothing!”

Kaen took off her jacket in the meantime, since it was pretty hot in there,
Hogosha took off his shoes and stepped inside the house. This time no smell or warmth was coming from the

Grimmjow returned with tequila.

Yuki wondered what to do.

Kaen watched him intrigued.

Hogosha invited her inside the house.

Grimmjow sat beside hit, not caring if he sat too close.

Yuki anxiously stepped in.

Kaen focused on the drinks.

Hogosha tried not to squeal at her cuteness.

“Do you even know how to drink?” Grimmjow challenged her.

Yuki placed her school bag in the same place as earlier.

“What are you talking about? It’s not all that complicated.” Kaen replied confidently.
Hogosha decided to show her around the house.

“Then do it.” Grimmjow said in a quite loud voice.

Yuki seemed fascinated of how luxurious the house was.

Kaen took a deep breath and then poured the tequila down her throat.
Hogosha showed her everything except for one single room.

Grimmjow watched her with interest.

Yuki didn’t ask about the room, already suspecting to whom it belonged.

Kaen lowered the glass and scowled.

Hogosha didn’t want to bring Kaen up.

Grimmjow drank his own glass of tequila.

Yuki remained silent.

Kaen watched him in silence.

Hogosha turned on the tv to watch the news.

Grimmjow didn’t seem to make a big deal out of it, although it was burning his throat.
Yuki peeked at the TV as well.

Kaen looked at her hands, wondering what to do.

Hogosha sighed as the murders of the day were shown on the screen.

“Care for another one?” Grimmjow asked, daringly.

Yuki pouted a bit and looked away.

“Sure~!” Kaen replied. She didn’t want to lose the game.

Hogosha changed to a channel where a pop star was singing.

Grimmjow grinned, revealing his sharp teeth and asked for another drink.
Yuki was actually dancing in the background.

Kaen grinned too, imitating too. “What sharp teeth you have….” she commented.
Hogosha caught sighed of her and flushed red

“Hah.” Grimmjow grinned wider at that. “Scared?”

Yuki wasn’t aware of his staring.

Kaen shook her head. “No.”

Hogosha wished to take some photos.

Grimmjow offered her another glass of tequila.

Yuki seemed to have a lot of fun with her moves. ( like jagger )

Kaen took it simply and drank it in one shot.

Hogosha thought of something better. Recording her!

Grimmjow watched her intently.

Yuki was humming along to the song.

Kaen shuddered a bit, as she felt all warmed up.

Hogosha took out his high resolution cell phone and filmed her.

Grimmjow smirked a bit at that.

Yuki was enjoying herself.

Kaen blinked a few times. She was dizzy.

Hogosha was having a good time too, just by watching her dance.

Grimmjow pulled her up by her arm. “C’mon, let’s dance.”

Yuki jumped around the room.

Kaen followed him, and it was a wonder she didn’t stumble.

Hogosha chuckled lowly.

Grimmjow gave her a mischievous look.

After the song was over, Yuki tried to catch her breath.

Kaen smugged back at him.

Hogosha put away his cell phone. “Orange juice?” he offered.

Grimmjow snorted. “Can you keep up?”

“Y-Yes please!” Yuki replied between pants.

“The question is can YOU keep up?” Kaen asked as she started to dance.
Hogosha complied with her request and disappeared into the kitchen.

“You have no idea.” Grimmjow replied in a similar manner.

Yuki grinned and sat on the couch.

Kaen smiled cheekily as she danced seductively in front of him.

Hogosha returned soon with the desired drink, with ice-cubs in it too.

Grimmjow couldn’t help but stare at her.

Yuki clapped her hands excited.

Kaen never broke the eye contact.

Hogosha chuckled and sat by her side.

Grimmjow liked that.

Yuki leaned her head against the back of the couch.

Kaen was enjoying herself too actually by teasing him.

Hogosha put the glasses down on the table in front of her.

Grimmjow slid an arm around her.

Yuki blinked at that and reached to take the glass of orange juice.

“You can look but you can’t touch.” Kaen said with a wink and slid out of his grip, but not far enough to be out
of his reach.
“Have you considered a career in entertainment?” Hogosha asked casually.
Sofi: Kaen la Hogosha: We were born the same day
We even think the same way
It couldn't be more right
We are what they call a perfect match
It's something that you can't touch
Down to the last bone, you're my baby
But to be honest
There's just one thing
A part that is missing
You don't seem to care at all

Sofi: Kaen la Hogosha: A neverending dream, a dream of you, I believe I received a sign of you...
tonight I want to hide my feelings too,
as you do and I want to be with you

Grimmjow growled and pulled her back. "That rule doesn't apply."
Yuki tilted her head clueless. "...Mm?"

Kaen tilted her head and laughed at him.

“You seemed to be having such a good time earlier.” Hogosha explained.

Grimmjow narrowed his eyes.

Yuki blushed deeply at that and fell silent.
『 Roxie 』: Before I would hurt a child, I would slit my wrists.
Michael Jackson
Sofi: asa zice si Hogosha
『 Roxie 』: LOL
Sofi: Kaen: ... I beg to differ.
『 Roxie 』: Hogosha: Adu' lama sa-mi tai venele.
Sofi: Yuki: what, what are you doing.
『 Roxie 』: da da da
Sofi: Aizen: This fate could have been avoided IF he had a sassy loli friend.

Kaen didn’t seem to mind him anymore as she danced to the rhythm.
“You could join the Drama Club for a start.” Hogosha suggested.

Grimmjow was too distracted by her to dance.

Yuki played with strands of her hair. "Y-You really think so?"

After Kaen got tired, she retreated back to the bar.

Hogosha chuckled. “Of course! I mean, look at yourself!”
『 Roxie 』: Hogosha: Uita-te cat de loli esti!

Grimmjow stalked after her like a pet.

Yuki giggled quietly.

Kaen asked the bartender for another tequila.

Hogosha sighed happily.
Grimmjow smirked. "You seem up for a lot more than that."
Yuki waved her legs back and forth.

“Maybe.” Kaen replied mysteriously.

Hogosha looked around trying to sense an extra presence.

"Oh?" Grimmjow watched her intrigued.

Yuki tilted her head cutely.

Kaen glanced back at the dancefloor.

Hogosha glanced at her and patted her head.

Grimmjow smuggled at her.

Yuki nuzzled his hand.

Kaen focused on her drink.

Hogosha blushed a bit.

What they didn't know was that a red-head was watching them from afar.
Yuki smiled innocently.

Kaen excused herself and went to the ladies restroom.

Hogosha poured more juice for her.

Grimmjow shrugged at that.

Yuki beamed brightly.

Kaen fixed her make-up and opened two buttons of her shirt, but when she came out she couldn’t find her way
back to Grimmjow.
Hogosha admired her clothes in silence.

A certain red-head bumped into her.

Yuki wasn't aware of that.

Kaen tutted. “Are you blind?” she asked rudely.

“Are you hungry?” Hogosha asked.

"Shouldn't I be the one asking that?" Renji asked.

Yuki nodded in embarrassment.

“You’re the one who bumped into me.” Kaen pointed out.
Hogosha took her hand and pulled her toward the kitchen. Right, Kaen wasn’t there, which meant there was no
dinner made either.

"Because you weren't looking for yourself." Renji commented simply.

Yuki looked around the familiar place.

“Idiot.” Kaen mumbled and walked past him.

Hogosha ordered some Chinese food.

Renji raised an eyebrow. "...Right."

Yuki only watched him silently.

Kaen looked around for Grimmjow.

Hogosha returned by her side.

Renji only watched her from afar.

Yuki was curled up on the couch.

Kaen crept up behind Grimmjow and covered his eyes. “Guess who.”
Hogosha watched her lovingly. He had to ask Kaen if she had any Lolita dresses.

Grimmjow didn't even flinch at that. "Oh, I wonder."

Yuki made some cute noises.
『 Roxie 』: Guess Who: Si te gandesti cateodata ce semnificatie are numele meu, dar de fapt asta e un pretext sa-l agheti pe Grimmjow.

“Exactly, who else would follow you to a club.” Kaen agreed as she sat back next to him.
Hogosha huggled her rubbing his cheek agaist her cheek.

"Mhm." Grimmjow agreed.

Yuki squeaked at the sight of that.

“Will you take me home?” Kaen asked Grimmjow with a devious smile.
Hogosha took the food from the delivery boy and place it on the table in front of Yuki. “Itadakimasu.”

"Oooh...Are you inviting me over?" Grimmjow replied in a similar manner.

Yuki nodded and crossed her legs. "Itadakimasu!"

Kaen only grinned sheepishly in return.

Hogosha glanced at her from time to time, slowly forgetting all about Kaen.
Sofi: si o sa fie ceva gen:
Sofi: Kaen: Hogosha.
Sofi: Hogosha: Kaen.
Sofi: Yuki: Jumon-san.
Sofi: Grimmjow: Sensei?

Grimmjow smirked. "Let's go, then!"

Yuki was eating in a very elegant manner.

Kaen watched the night sky as they soon reached her and Hogosha’s house.
Hogosha was just cleaning the table when he heard some noise from the front door.

Grimmjow stared at the house. He'd spent there the rest of the night.
Yuki swallowed a bit.

Kaen opened the door without stress.

Hogosha tensed up visibly.

Grimmjow arched an eyebrow.

Yuki wanted to hide.

Hogosha glanced at Yuki and then ran up to the front door to welcome…
“Hogosha. You’re home.” Kaen said, displeased.
“Is that Jaeggerjaquez-san with you?” Hogosha asked, disgusted.

Yuki startled. So Kaen did live with him after all!

Grimmjow stared at Hogosha in awe.
Kaen looked around. “Are you alone?” she asked, as Hogosha blocked her view. “Why are you hanging out with
the likes of Jaeggerjaquez-san?” “What I do in private is none of your concern.” Kaen answered boldly.

"Oi, what's this guy doing here?" Grimmjow asked, out of blue.
Yuki in the meanwhile hid in a closet.

“We live together.” Kaen answered to Grimmjow.

“I think it’s time for you to leave.” Hogosha told Grimmjow.

"Nah, she asked me to stay over." Grimmjow replied with a slight smirk.

“Leave.” Hogosha asked through gritted teeth before pulling Kaen inside the house.

"Sorry Sensei, I didn't mean to anger you." Grimmjow replied sarcastically.

Hogosha frowned and closed the door his face.

Kaen stomped to the kitchen.

Yuki was awfully silent.

Grimmjow glared. He could knock the door down.

Kaen looked around. “You had dinner. Without me.”

“Yeah, you were busy hooking up with your classmate.” Hogosha replied bitterly. “Don’t act like you care,
Hogosha. You haven’t even called me all night.”

Yuki started regretting that she was there. Hogosha and Kaen seemed like an old married couple.
Grimmjow was thinking of how to get in again.

Kaen retreated to her room soon. She was too mad at Hogosha to think straight anymore.
Hogosha looked around anxiously, searching for Yuki.

Yuki was sitting down in the closet, with her face buried in her knees.
Grimmjow decided to try the window.
『 Roxie 』: Grimmjow: Didn't think I'd listen to your filthy brother, did you?

“Yuki?” Hogosha whispered.

Kaen lay sprawled on her single bed in the middle of the room.

Yuki made a muffled noise from the closet. She wasn't crying!
Grimmjow casually entered through the window.

Hogosha turned on a light as he searched for her.

Kaen startled and sat up.

Yuki buried her face deeper in her knees.

Grimmjow waved at her.

Hogosha started looking through the closets.

Kaen waved back and smirked.

Yuki was feeling quite depressive.

Grimmjow approached her silently.
『 Roxie 』: acuma Grimmjow si Kaen sunt in Romeo si Cinderella
As drunk as she was, Kaen was impressed with Grimmjow’s actions. No one had gone so far for her before.
Definitely not Hogosha. “You came.” she said sounding appreciative.
Hogosha froze at the sight of Yuki. Why hadn’t he thought of that before?...
『 Roxie 』: Hogosha: Care gatu matii te ascunzi in dulap si crezi ca poti sa ma furi-- ...Yuki, tu esti?

Grimmjow snorted. “Do I look like one who’d listen to what the others are saying?” He asked almost cheekily.
Yuki startled a bit at the sight of that and raised her head, displaying her teary face.
『 Roxie 』:
XII I : ...Nu.

Radu Corina: Ce faci, Sofia?

Ana: Plec.
Sofi: DA. DA. DA. DA. DA. DA. DA. DA. DA. DA. DA. DA. DA.
『 Roxie 』: LOL

『 Roxie 』: Constantinescu: Buna ziua, dragi fluturasi.

Sofia -sama: Alexander Rybak: that sounds old.

Kaen sweatdropped. “Not at all…”

Hogosha crouched in front of the closet. “You’ve been crying.”

Sofi: Hogosha: people die when they are killed.

『 Roxie 』: Hogosha catre Kaen despre SS: IF WE DIE FOR THEM, I'LL KILL YOU, KAEN!

Grimmjow nodded, proud of himself.

Yuki wiped her tears hastily. “It’s nothing.”

Kaen giggled at his attitude.

“ You can tell me.” Hogosha offered.
『 Roxie 』: Yuki: Ce alta varainta am?
『 Roxie 』: Hogosha: Te ascult.
Sofi: Yuki: au atacat rusii.
『 Roxie 』: Hogosha: Ghinionul lor.
『 Roxie 』: Yuki: Am o placinta in cuptor.
『 Roxie 』: Hogosha: O fi mai buna ca a lui Kaen.
Sofi: Kaen: *ii trage cu tava in cap*
『 Roxie 』: Yuki: Am musafiri.
『 Roxie 』: Hogosha: Sper ca nu e ...Hitsugaya-kun. ( a preluat de la Aizen cu -kun )
『 Roxie 』: Yuki: Sunt pe stop.
『 Roxie 』: Hogosha: Atunci sa iti dam play din nou.

Grimmjow glanced at her. “Huh?”

“I…I’m sorry.” Yuki sniffed. “It’s all my fault that you argued with her. I…I distracted you and…and…” She tried
to find her words. She even hiccupped several times.

Kaen stopped laughing as she tried to catch her breath.

“No, no…” Hogosha offered her some more juice. “She’s just… oversensitive.”

Grimmjow frowned in annoyance.

Yuki blinked her tears away and took the glass from him. “B-But…”

Kaen yawned a bit.

Hogosha tilted his head as he watched her.

“Tired already? You’re no fun.” Grimmjow complained.

Yuki watched him with a pouty expression.

“Not even close to tired!” Kaen replied cheerfully.

Hogosha wondered if he should be getting her out of there.
Sofi: Hogosha: idealul meu in viata e femeia Lolita
“Oh?” Grimmjow tilted his head, intrigued.
Yuki hiccupped again.

Kaen smugged deviously in return.

Hogosha sighed deeply.

Grimmjow smirked playfully.

Yuki rubbed her eyes.

Kaen reached to play with the collar of his shirt.

Hogosha wrapped his arms around her to take her out of the closet.

Grimmjow didn’t oppose to that and even pulled her closer.

Yuki rested her head on his shoulder.

Kaen grinned sheepishly at that.

Hogosha decided to take her to the bedroom, since she seemed tired.

Grimmjow watched her curiously.

Yuki rested her arms around his neck.
『 Roxie 』: si acuma se auzeau sunete obscene din celalalt dormitor
Sofi: din care ?
『 Roxie 』: Kaen si Grimmjow
『 Roxie 』: Hogosha: .....
『 Roxie 』: Yuki: ...
Sofi: Hogosha: hai si noi.
『 Roxie 』: da da da
『 Roxie 』: sau
『 Roxie 』: Hogosha: *ii pune dopuri in urechi la Yuki* scuza-ma pentru un minut. *merge si se destrabaleaza in camera la Kaen si Grimmjow.*

Kaen blushed as she tried not to think Hogosha’s bedroom was right beyond the wall at her left.
Hogosha looked around for something Yuki could wear as pajamas, but all his shirts were too large for her.

Grimmjow couldn’t understand her.

Yuki wondered how Kaen would act if she knew about her.

Kaen wondered if Hogosha was really alone.

Hogosha placed Yuki on the bed at last.

Grimmjow tried to catch Kaen’s attention again.

Yuki curled up against the sheets.

Kaen smiled at him widely and leaned a tad closer.

Hogosha thought she was adorable as lay by her side.

Grimmjow grinned triumphantly and leaned closer, too.

Yuki rolled around to watch him.

Kaen was almost amused by how easily she manipulated him.

Hogosha reached to tickle her.

Grimmjow pulled her in a fierce kiss.

Yuki burst into cute giggles at that.

Kaen returned the kiss to the best she could.

Hogosha seemed a bit distracted by that but he resumed tickling her.
Grimmjow seemed pleased by that.
Yuki tried to catch her breath, before laughing again.

Kaen slowly forgot about her supposed brother.

Hogosha stopped and watched her.

Grimmjow didn’t care about that in the first place.

Yuki had a wide smile while breathing slowly.

Kaen gasped for air.

Hogosha thought he heard something from the other room, but it was probably his imagination.

Grimmjow trailed kissed down her jaw.

Yuki tilted her head.
Sofi: Hogosha la Kaen: Guilty, I feel so... empty, yeaaa, empty, you know how to make me feel...

Kaen wrapped her arms around his neck.

Hogosha focused on Yuki again and caressed her cheek softly.

Grimmjow smirked predatory at that.

Yuki purred lowly at that.

Kaen smirked too.

“I don’t want to see you sad again.” Hogosha confessed.

Grimmjow worked on leaving a mark.

Yuki seemed impressed by that.

Kaen gasped at that and yelped a bit with pain.

Hogosha watched her anxiously.
『 Roxie 』: Iara'i sara iara'i vara iara vine amu
Un cocalar sexos si amoros, bengos de cazi pe drum
Nu da Doamne ca pe Kaen sa-o intalaneasca ca va deveni a lui mireasa
Merg pe strada sa vada cu toti ce cool sunt
Imi arunca cu bani in pijamale si nu stiu ce cant
Nu da Doamne ca pe Kaen sa-o intalaneasca ca va deveni a lui mireasa
『 Roxie 』: XD

『 Roxie 』: Asa ca Kaen, hai, fugi repede acasa

Grimmjow te-asteapta cu flori si vin pe masa
『 Roxie 』: xD
『 Roxie 』: Tu stii prea bine ca privind atat la freza lui
Te va baga in pat hai hui

Grimmjow licked at the mark in apology.

“I’ll try.” Yuki promised.

Kaen took a deep breath trying to calm down.

Hogosha smiled and took her hand. That was what he wanted to hear.

Grimmjow glanced at her. She seemed pretty worked up.

Yuki laced their fingers together nervously.

Kaen grinned. She could take a lot more.

Hogosha leaned to kiss her cheek.

Grimmjow tut slowly at her.

Yuki squealed at that.
Kaen stuck out her tongue at him.
Hogosha chuckled and bit her cheek.
Sofi: Grimmjow la Kaen: Nu pot, iau foc, de tot,
Nu pot sa ma abţin, deloc
Nu-s orb, tu eşti bună de tot,
Ai înnebunit toţi baieţii de la bloc,
Hogosha la Yuki: Domnişoara vrea discreţie
E secretul nostru, nu vrem atenţie
Nu suport nicio indiscreţie,
Asta mică e o bestie.

Hogosha la Yuki: Să facem ceva neconvenţional

Ce n-ai mai făcut, o sa fie mortal,
Grimmjow la Kaen: La marele final vreau un zgomot infernal
Vecinii tai o sa-ti bata-n ţeavă chiar,
Hogosha la Yuki: Ai prea multe filme in canal,
Vreau sa ajung mai repede în pat
Grimmjow la Kaen: Fetele cuminţi mie îmi plac,
Că-s înnebunite de baieti răi, de fapt.

Grimmjow leaned to bite her tongue.

Yuki gasped loudly at that, since she was sensitive.

Kaen gapsed loudly too, since she didn’t see that coming.
Hogosha thought he heard something from the other room. No, he had to stop thinking of Kaen. She would let
her ruin his night.

Grimmjow snorted quietly.

Yuki pouted a bit.

Kaen felt daring so she pushed him down the bed.

Hogosha kissed her cheek and then her lips.

Grimmjow pulled her down on top of him.

Yuki's cheeks flushed a tad as she kissed him back.

Kaen gladly followed him and grinned.

Hogosha couldn’t help a smile as he pecked her lips again and again.

Grimmjow smuggled at her.

Yuki giggled, enjoying that.

Kaen tried to bite his neck to return the ‚favor’.

Hogosha chuckled too, with her.

Grimmjow was quite amused by that.

Yuki sighed contently.

Kaen pouted as she determinedly sank her teeth in his flesh.

Hogosha slid an arm around her waist to tug her closer before pulling the covers over them.

The next morning, Grimmjow couldn't care less about what time it was.
Yuki didn't want to wake up yet.

Kaen was fuming, as she stalked around the room. She was in her uniform like the other night never happened
in the first place. She glanced at the clock again. They were late.
Hogosha had already left, leaving behind a note for Yuki.
Grimmjow was sleeping soundly.
Yuki got up and dressed, looking at the note curiously.

Kaen shook Grimmjow. “Gu-ri-n-jo-ooow-kun!”

The note said that she shouldn’t worry about that day’s lunch and that Hogosha would talk to the homeroom
teacher about her absence and also warned her not to set foot in the room next door.

Grimmjow groaned in annoyance.

Yuki giggled at how caring he was and decided to exit through the window.

„We’ll be late for class!” Kaen said raising her voice.

Ulquiorra was already in school.

"Don't care." Grimmjow said boldly.

Yuki ran towards the school.

Kaen sighed, exasperated. „I’m going.”

Ulquiorra looked around. Grimmjow hadn’t come yet, and Jumon and Amaterasu were missing too...

Grimmjow waved a hand in the air.

Yuki soon stepped in the class.

Kaen really turned around and left.

Ulquiorra followed her with the eyes.

Grimmjow was too comfortable to move.

Yuki took her seat at her desk.

Kaen arrived just before the teacher did and collapsed to her seat. She had run all the way.
They were having the Religion Class now.

Professor Stark was just introducing himself.

Yuki was silently doing her History homework.

Kaen thought it was ironic they were having Religion now. No, ever.
Yuki had no idea two girls had eyed her with no good intentions.

Yuki was oblivious, but she was proud of how her homework came out so far.
Grimmjow was absent that day.

Loly and Menoly nodded at each other.

Kaen was relieved when the bell rang and went to the cafeteria to buy herself some food.

Everyone beside Yuki and the two girls exited the class-room.

“What do you have there?” the girl with black ponytails stole Yuki’s History notebook.

"H-Hey, give it back...!" Yuki protested weakly. She didn't want to share her History homework.
『 Roxie 』: Yukio: You're an exception, Ayumu-san. Because you look like you're 12.

Loly browsed though the poor girl’s notebook. „Oh, you did your homework.”

Yuki pouted. "Could you please hand it back?"

„I will. When class is over.” Loly replied nonchantally.

"It has my name on it." Yuki replied in the same manner.

Loly snatched a pen and did some changes on the front page. „Now it has MY name on it.”

"But my handwritting is different from yours!" Yuki protested, standing up.

„They’re not THAT different.” Loly pointed out smartly. Menoly snickered.

Yuki glared. "Give it back."

„Let me think... No.” Loly gave the final answer and returned to her seat.
『 Roxie 』: Yukio: Care Dumnezeii Zeilor te crezi sa imi pocesti numele! Huooo, "inteligentule" ! ....Ayumu-san, tu esti?

Yuki stomped after her, determined to get her History notebook back.

Menoly easily caught her arms, restraining her.

Yuki struggled stubbornly. "Give it back! Give it back!"

Menoly and Loly smirked at her vulnerability. „You need to learn to respect your superiours.”
Kaen was in the cafeteria in the meantime, with her head rested on the table.

"You're not superiour to me in any way." Yuki declared.

Grimmjow was making fun of younger brats.

„Oh?” Loly walked right up in front of Yuki, staring down at her to make the height difference all the more
Kaen glanced around. Hadn’t she left Grimmjow at home...? But more importantly, she had to protect the
innocent. She ran up to the juniors.

YUki crossed her arms in front of her chest. "That doesn't make you superiour to me."
Grimmjow glanced at Kaen shortly.

„Really?....” Loly asked with a malicious smirk before punching her.

Kaen frowned at Grimmjow, to leave the kids alone.

Yuki gasped and held her face in shock.

Grimmjow only snickered in return.

Menoly held Yuki, while Loly applied to her violent punches and kicks.
Kaen raised an eyebrow expectantly.

Yuki struggled weakly, but apparently it was no use.

Grimmjow shrugged careless.

Loly thought that should teach her a lesson not to mess with them.
Kaen watched the kids leave and then turned to Grimmjow. „So you finally came. I was worried I’d find you
where I left you.”

"Tch. Whatever." Grimmjow mumbled, interrupted by the bells.

Everyone started gathering in the class and by that time, Yuki made it back to her seat, facing the window, so
no one would really see her crying face, or the fact that she was all beat up.
„We have History now.” Kaen stated and turned to go to the classroom.
Loly and Menoly highfived, unseen by the other kids.

Yuki frowned. She couldn't cry. Because she made a promise.

Grimmjow glared. He didn't want to go there.

Kaen didn’t want to go there either, but she needed to have a perfect attendance.
Ulquiorra stared at Yuki. Something was off about her.

Yuki rested her head against the table.

Grimmjow eventually went back to Kaen's house.

Hogosha arrived in classroom shortly after Kaen.

Ulquiorra wondered if they were related.

Yuki didn't even raise her gaze, when the other students stood up.

Kaen followed Hogosha’s gaze and turned her body around partly to stare at Yuki stupidly. „Up!” she said
again. As the class rep, she was in charge with having the whole class greet the teachers at every beginning and
end of every class.

Yuki didn't even flinch at that. The class stared at her silently.

„Amaterasu Yuki. Why are you not standing up?” Ulquiorra asked boldly.
Kaen was almost grateful to him.

Yuki didn't answer at that, either. It was almost like she wasn't even breathing.

Kaen was getting angry.

Hogosha walked between the rows of single desks and stopped by Yuki’s side. „Amaterasu-san...”
『 Roxie 』: Hogosha: Esti simpatica.
『 Roxie 』: Yuki: ...Nu incercam sa fiu simpatica.
『 Roxie 』: Hogosha: N-am zis ca incercai, am zis ca esti.

Yuki chewed her lower lip. She couldn't face him in her current state.
Sofi: Hogosha: hai dincolo Kaen, ca au cu pui

Hogosha noticed that things were pretty grave. If he panicked, he ddin’t let it show.
„Amaterasu-san. I’m talking to you.” he told her and lowered himself to be on the same eye level.
Kaen could almost pout.

Yuki gulped and gathered all her courage to turn her head towards him. She wasn't crying, but she looked like
she could.

Hogosha thought she really looked terrible. „Are you hurt somewhere?” he wasked with unmasked concern.
Kaen raised an eyebrow. Was it really something serious, then?

Yuki was actually really messed up. She tried to say something, but she ended up cowering in fear.

Hogosha reached to pat her head.

Kaen thought he was too kind.

Yuki was almost too horiffied to notice that.

Hogosha stroke her head gently. „If you’re in no condition to attend the class, you should take a rest in the
nurse’s office.” he offered.
„I’ll walk her.” Kaen offered wanting to make up for misjudging Yuki’s intentions.

"T-Thank you..." Yuki murmured in an almost inaudible voice, as she stepped in front of the class. "By the way,
please have in knowledge that Menoly's notebook does not belong to her." She announced, before stepping out
of the class.

Hogosha turned to Menoly with a dark look.

Kaen was holding Yuki carefully, like she could break any instant.

Yuki was satisfied that she said that, as she glanced at Kaen. "You...didn't have to come with me." She said
Menoly glared away. That little pest...!

„What?” Kaen exclaimed cheerfully. „I’m your class rep, which something like... your boss. It’s only natural for a
boss to take care of his underlings, is it not?”
『 Roxie 』: Hogosha: Stiai ca idolul meu e Hitler? Numai pentru asta m-a mfacut profesor de istorie.

"...Right." Yuki agreed, trying not to roll her eyes.

Kaen pouted. “Ungrateful…” she pouted, acting hurt. As they arrived at the hospital wing, the nurses seemed
busy, so Kaen let herself in and placed Yuki in the furthest bed, next to the window. “There.”

Yuki winced a bit at the pain that shook through her tiny body at the sight of being pulled in the bed. “Thank
you, Jumon-san.” Jumon…still.

Kaen nodded and pinched her cheek. „Welcome!” she replied cheerfully before looking around for some nurse.

Yuki squeaked and rubbed at her cheek, blinking slowly. “O-Okay.”

Kaen eventually managed to get the head nurse Isane to check Yuki, while she went and lay on the bed next to
Yuki and pulled the curtains. She needed her rest too, and this was too good of an occasion to simply miss.
Isane lifted Yuki’s limbs carefully and asked her how she got hurt exactly.

Yuki replied that it was a violent act. She had no reason to lie to the nurse, right?

Isane decided to give her some pain killers for the time being and then brought some bandages too.
Kaen in the meanwhile drifted to sleep slowly but steadily, forgetting to even cover herself with the blanket,
leaving her white thighs revealed.

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