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Co-Vid 19 - The Rise of the Pandemic Culture

A Case of Iran

I. Background of the Study

What is a corona virus? The coronavirus family causes illnesses ranging from the
common cold to more serious diseases such as severe acute respiratory syndrome
(SARS) and Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS), according to the World
Health Organization. They circulate in animals and some can be transmitted between
animals and humans. Several coronaviruses are circulating in animals that have not
yet infected humans. The new coronavirus, that is known to affect humans, has been
named COVID-19.Common signs of infection include fever, coughing and breathing
difficulties. In severe cases, it can cause pneumonia, multiple organ failure and death.
It is contagious before symptoms appear which is why so many people get infected.
The WHO recommends basic hygiene such as regularly washing hands with soap and
water, and covering your mouth with your elbow when sneezing or coughing.

It is an illness that originated in Wuhan, China, and which has spread to several
other countries around the world including the Islamic Republic of Iran. Iran was the
first Middle East country to report a death due to coronavirus. On the 19 th of February
2020, Iran reported its first confirmed cases of infections. The government
publicly confirmed two deaths caused by COVID-19 in the religious city of Qom,
which has a population of 1.2 million. The virus may have been brought to the
country by a merchant from Iran who had travelled to China. After a month, Iran’s
coronavirus cases reached 41,000 on March 31st, while death toll reached 2,700. Iran
announced a 15-day shutdown of all non-essential businesses and services in a
number of provinces on 19 March, in order to control the spread of coronavirus.
The outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has created a global
health crisis that has had a deep impact on the way Iranians perceive their world and
their everyday lives. It has changed how they work, play and learn.

Therefore, in this study, I am going to discuss the impact of the new pandemic
culture in The Islamic Republic of Iran, in terms of Economic, Socio-Cultural and
Politico-Legal and discuss the threats and opportunities of each category.
II. Economic Aspect
This is overall economic forces that could impact on success of one country.
Examples are economic trends, growth rates, industry growth, seasonal factors,
international exchange rates, International trade, labor costs, consumer disposable
income, unemployment rates, taxation, inflation, interest rates, availability of credit,
monetary policies, raw material costs, etc.
a.2.1. Threats:
This coronavirus outbreak in the middle of US license is likely to affect Iran’s
economy. The US forced fresh license on the country by avoiding five Iran-based
companies as well as individuals for supporting terrorist groups. This is the third
round of permit forced by the US, despite requests from the Iranian government to
raise the sanctions. I think one of the affected wealth and resources of Iran is
Hydrocarbons or the oil and gas. Oil and gas is the major source of revenue of Iran.
We all know this is affected due to reduced travel during the coronavirus outbreak.
The other oil- producing nations competing to sell their reserves has already resulted
in an important fall in global crude oil prices. The oil market’s collapse during that
week of coronavirus was another unlikely blow for Iran, where the authorities have
struggled to contain the coronavirus outbreak in the Middle East while keeping afloat
an economy that has long relied on oil exports but has been troubled by American
permit. So as you can see the demand for fuel sharply declined with fewer factories
online, planes in the air and cars on roads. The trend was worldwide. According to the
news in Iran, by April 1, “the price of Iran’s heavy crude fell to below $14 per barrel
— down from $44 or more per barrel in February.” Iranian leaders have significantly
lessened their trust on foreign purchases of Iran’s oil. The president of Iran said in a
cabinet meeting, falling oil prices “has created problems for all of us, even for us,”
“Because our dependency on oil was reduced — by choice or not, willingly or
enforced by the enemy — definitely our losses will be less.” The oil revenue makes
up about 10 percent of Iran’s budget. I read in one article that the world is shocked
because of the crashing oil prices due to the coronavirus. I also read about the other
news in Iran that the government can manage the country without relying on oil
revenues in two years. I think it’s very contradicting statement because as of now the
estimate show 15% of Iran’s economy is affected by the coronavirus outbreak.

You can see how it goes down. Iran has been forced to sell oil at an even cheaper
price and offer incentives to buyers because of U.S. sanctions reemployed in
November 2018. Revenue loss will be problematic for Iran and other exporters
including its regional competitor Saudi Arabia with budgets based on much higher
prices. Of course this is one of the major problem of one country because if they
lessen the price of oil it might affect to the economy, but if they go with the higher
price, the people or company will go the other product which have less price, in that
case it will affect also to the country. Due to lesser demand of power in industries, use
of fossil fuels or conventional energy sources have been lowered considerably.
According to the OilPrice.Com website, the budget for the Iranian year, which started
on March 20, was based on sales of 1 million barrels per day (bpd) at an average of
$50 per barrel. The estimate was optimistic even before the coronavirus outbreak. In
April, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) projected that Iran’s exports will
average only 500,000 bpd in 2020 – half of what Tehran needs. In March, Iran
reportedly exported as little as 140,000 bpd. In April, it reportedly exported as little as
70,000 bpd.
However, as you can see in the graph, according to what I’ve researched the cost
of living has raised since the United States reforced sanctions in November 2018.
Between mid-2018 and mid-2019, the cost of red meat and poultry rose 57 percent,
dairy and eggs by 37 percent, and vegetables by 47 percent. The stress on household
budgets has reportedly pushed as many as 1.6 million Iranians below the poverty line
since late 2018. In April 2020, the IMF projected inflation would be at least 34
percent in 2020. Inflation could be worse if the government prints money to back the
COVID-19 incentive package.


The cost of a pandemic can be very large in one country. The response should be
large enough to reduce the effects of the pandemic one it appears. Economic growth
of Iran from 2020 to 2023 is expected to remain weak because they experiencing a
slow recovery from the oil exports. The small pickup in exports and consumption on
the demand side and industry sector on the supply side in the outer years will remain
weak also. Based on my research also a university professor and economic analyst,
says he believes Iran’s economy could lose $20-30 billion due to the virus.
Unemployment in Iran suffering from high rates which 3-4 million jobs at risk,
potentially pushing the actual (not official) unemployment rates from around 20
percent now to more than 35 percent in just few months. In other country which
employs more than half of all working Iranians are the one who hit hardest. Those
working in the informal economy and daily wage earners, are likely to be the worst
affected. With no fixed salaries, little to no savings, and insufficient coverage from
formal insurance and social protection systems, these workers face the greatest risk of
infection as they cannot afford to stop working and are fully dependent on their daily
earnings. One of the unemployed Iranians, who uses his personal car as a cab just to
have money in their everyday life said, “We have no choice but to work because we
cannot afford to sleep at home and not to work with these high prices.” These people
who really need attention and help from the government because I know, government
can do a lot when it comes to their citizen. But the negative effect that happened here
was the drivers died from the virus and more than people contracted it. Even the
people who wants to be employed, don’t have chances because they life will be at
risk. So they don’t have any option, their only option is to be unemployed.
“Two million Iranians who lost their jobs due to the coronavirus crisis will
receive financial assistance from Iran Red Crescent Society” according to a report
by Persian media Radio Farda.
b.2.2. Opportunities
At first, while I am doing this research, I can’t think any possibility that one
country’s economic will have opportunities during this pandemic. I’ve researched so
many articles to found this, but I think a lot of government not just the country of Iran
turned the threat of COVID 19 into an opportunity for greater support.
Turning the focus to American sanctions switched attention from Iran’s own
failings and aligns with Iran’s policy objectives. “Iran sees an opportunity to
influence the coronavirus to pressure the U.S. to relieve its maximum pressure policy
because they are at a deadlock with the economy,” said Siamak Ghasemi, an Iran-
based economist. “Of course sanctions relief will give the government more financial
resources to battle coronavirus, but they are also thinking long term.” Some analyst
said that the administration of Trump sees the virus as an opportunity, this is an
additional tool that in tandem with sanctions could force the Iran to surrender to
American demands, including the tougher nuclear agreement, limit on its regional
activities and renegotiated. “The Trump administration believes that the outbreak
has succeeded where sanctions failed to weaken the economy even further,” said Ali
Vaez, Iran director for International Crisis Group. “They think that the timeline for
bringing Iran to its knees has shortened because of the coronavirus.” There’s no
question that the virus has smashed Iran’s already shaking economy.
c.2.3. Proposed Innovative Ways
I think the most important thing that happened in this pandemic is the government
response or the proposed ways of government in Iran. I think that every government
prepared many ways to solve this kind of problem. As I saw in the articles, the
government announced several initiatives to moderate the impact of COVID-19. On
March 29, the government approved $6.3 billion incentive package that included
funding for the health ministry, increased unemployment insurance, and aid to
businesses, workers and families. On April 6, Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei
approved Rouhani’s request to withdraw 1 billion euros ($1.09 million) from the
National Development Fund to supplement the health ministry and unemployment
insurance. According to the Wikipedia, measures would include guaranteeing bank
credit of 10m rials to 23m families (which they have to pay back with 4% profit) most
of the population and low-interest rate loans up to 20m rials to lower-income
households as care packages. The Administrative and Recruitment Affairs
Organization ruled that telecommuting of government employees would be
permissible. On 24 March, Rouhani announced that half of all government employees
would work remotely at home. In order to restrict the spread of the disease, most
businesses believed non-essential were closed. According to Rouhani, "the
authorities had given the go-ahead for the resumption of certain economic
activities 'step by step' from April 11". On 26 March, Rouhani requested to withdraw
1 billion dollars from National Development Fund and Khamenei allowed the
withdrawal after eleven days. On 28 March, Rouhani announced that 20% of the
country's annual budget would be allocated to fight the virus. The following day, he
defended against criticisms of the government's response to the outbreak, saying that
he needed to weigh protecting the country's economy that was already affected by US
sanctions while fighting the worst outbreak of the region.
On April 18, 2020, Iran allowed some businesses in Tehran and nearby towns to
re-open with a third of government offices employees still working from home,
restaurants, malls and grand bazaar remained closed and school/study from home are
still must to do.
The government is mixing up to offer loans to the 23 million households already
receiving monthly cash transfer subsidies, known as Yaraneh. However, given the
tiny size of these loans less than $65 or equivalent to the monthly income needed for
a family of two in Iran to remain just above the extreme poverty line the effectiveness
of such measures in reducing the economic impact of COVID-19 is highly
questionable. Initially, these loans were to be extended with a 12 percent interest rate,
but realizing the political risks associated with such a move, the government later
decided to make them interest-free.
“The Iranian Government didn’t botch the response. I’m not an advocate of the
adyujministration but the Iranian Government, as soon as it discovered what the
problem was, it began to deal with it, but they didn’t know how to scope of the
problem.” said of the Iranian political analyst. So as you can see, Iranian government
have response in this.
III. Socio-cultural
When it comes to socio- cultural, social attitudes, behaviours, and trends that
impact on one organization and target market of a country. Examples are attitudes and
shared beliefs about a range of factors including money, customer service, imports,
religion, health, work, population growth and demographics, immigration/emigration,
family, lifestyle trends, etc.
a. 3.1 . Threats
One of the affected is the environment; population growth, imports, religion,
health, work, family and lifestyle trends. Threat when it comes to population growth
in Iran, as we expect
All local and central administrations worldwide have literally put a ban on free
movement of their citizens outside their home in order to avoid community
transmission. The various religious, cultural, social, sport, and political mass
gathering events like, Hajj, Olympics are cancelled. Various types of industries are
not functioning; all types of travels are cancelled; all international flights to Iran have
been suspended. Nobody arrives, and nobody departs. Iranian health tourism
companies and relevant travel agencies have now been partially closed. Not only have
most of them stopped their development plans, but they have also had to lay off their
staff and downsize their structures. The companies and activists in this industry only
hope and attempt to survive these days and keep their expenses at minimum.
Hospitals and health centres are facing high treatment demands from the Coronavirus
contraction, and people prefer to postpone their plans for even the most common
treatments. According to the news in Iran, The Stores from high-end malls to the
meandering alleyways of Tehran’s historic Grand Bazaar are opened doors, though
the government limited their working hours until 6 p.m, while the restaurants, gyms,
and other locations remain closed too. The Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance,
Iran, has called for the cancellation of film and television show shootings across the
country since they are potential transmission group due to the large number of staff
involved. Further, art and culture programmes across the country have been closed for
an indefinite time, they said that since 01 March and licensing for cinematographic
and non-cinematographic works has been suspended too.
Not just that, but the other companies are shut down or partially closed. Development
and growth have been replaced by concerns for continued existence. Worse than that,
it is impossible to plan clearly and accurately for the expected future. According to
the report published by McKinsey & Company that analyses economic data, the
world will be struggling with COVID-19 until the second quarter of 2020 in the best-
case scenario. Travel restrictions and social distancing in Iran will reduce the number
of customers and make them more careful. At the same time, business investments
will be severely limited.
When it comes to the religion of Iran, authorities announced that they would close
the shrine of the eighth Imam Reza in the city of Mashhad, and Fatimah bint Musa,
in the holy pilgrimage city of Qom *city in Iran*, in order to control the spread of the
disease. Qom was one of the first places where the epidemic broke out in Iran.
Shortly after the announcement, angry demonstrators gathered in front of the two
sanctuaries and tried to break through the gates leading to the shrines, because we
know that Iranians are very active when it comes to their religion. So the shrines are
normally open for prayers around the clock. Health officials had told pilgrims that
kissing and touching the shrines could spread the virus, and had urged clergy to close
them for weeks. Worshippers who entered the shrines chanted objections to the
closures. In a statement, religious leaders and a prominent Qom seminary urged
pilgrims to rely on wisdom and patience during the crisis. Even the Mosques and
shrines remain closed after earlier being suspected of being a transmission source for
the virus. That’s even as the holy Muslim fasting month of Ramadan is due to begin
later this week. Many changes happened when it comes to their mass gatherings, we
all know that this is one of big adjustment to all the people who always worship.
According to the research, Rouhani said some sites will likely open May 4, around 10
days into Ramadan. But Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, who has
final say on all state matters, has already suggested that mass gatherings may be
banned throughout Ramadan.
We all know that the relationship between human health and disease is neither a
new concept nor a new subject. This virus is highly infectious and can be transmitted
through droplets and close contact, which can affect in many people, not just in Iran
but around the world. The health of every people most of all the health workers and
other simple people is very important in one country. When it comes to the mental
health of people it is inducing a considerable degree of fear, worry and concern in the
population at large and among certain groups in particular, such as older adults, care
providers and people with underlying health conditions. In public mental health
terms, the main psychological impact to date is important rates of stress or anxiety.
Sometimes you will hear levels of loneliness caused by this isolation can all lead to
negative over thinking, depression which can lead to worries about contracting the
virus or of one’s loved ones getting sick, drug use, and self-harm or suicidal
behaviour are also expected to rise to people because of this quarantine, so that kind
of levels will appear to them because they were only in their house. Then add some of
misinformation and mere rumors can make a person feel even more out of control and
disoriented. This can lead to anxiety, fear, stress, depression, and emotional
exhaustion. The public health plays very important role in disease prevention efforts
in both the developing world and in developed countries not just in Iran, through local
health systems and non-governmental organizations. Healthcare is an important
aspect of any country, as without it, a nation would struggle to exist.
b. 3.2. Opportunities
According to the research Iran couldn’t immediately start rapid testing for
coronavirus, due to sanctions by the US disallowing access to test kits and drug
imports. However, China came to Iran’s rescue and has sent coronavirus test kits and
traditional medicines to treat coronavirus patients. They give clothes and face masks
to the Iranians who don’t have enough money to provide those things. While the
World Health Organization (WHO) too has started sending coronavirus test kits to
Iran. Across Iran, 40 laboratories have been facilitated to perform coronavirus testing.
Iran has also formed collaboration with Russia to jointly fight the coronavirus
outbreak. The two countries will exchange experiences and consulting on the disease.
“The government plans to tap into the country’s sovereign wealth fund to
provide $1bn in support for the healthcare system. It has also requested for $5bn
in emergency aid from the International Monetary Fund (IMF).” One of the
opportunities that I can consider is this because finally the government will give
funds to their citizens that will help them in their everyday life. Also, according to the
news, The Iranian government released more than 120,000 prisoners following cases
in prisons such as the one in Evin, Tehran (one of the place in Iran). The first batch of
prisoners was released in early March after ensuring that they have not contracted the
nCoV. The release was applicable to prisoners sentenced for less than five years and
those not sentenced for violence. I think the government did this because they know
that the coronavirus will easily spread through the prisons. They prevent it
immediately so that it will lessen their problems and will lessen the case of the corona
This physical distancing that Iran experienced, is very challenging experience but
it can turn out to positive because most of people who stays in home, not ordinary
people or ordinary people made the most of family time, because this kind of
quarantine helps them to focus to each other that they didn’t did this even before.
They used to do routines to support family health and wellbeing. Doing exercises is
one of the bonding that they did. They stay connected with others, with their family in
other places or country in very creative ways. If they had family conflict they can
manage it easily in positive ways. Staying home can give you more opportunities to
spend together as a family. It can build relationships, safer, and more relaxed during
this experience. There’s a lot of thing that one family can do that they didn’t do
c.3.3. Proposed Innovative ways
As I research, according to the Tasnim news agency, Southwest Asia’s largest
factory producing face masks in Iran was opened by Mohammad Mokhber, director
of the Headquarters for Execution of Imam Khomeini’s Order on 14 April 2020. The
factory is able to "produce 4 million masks per month". According to the report of
EIKO's officials, the EIKO has provided several medical facilities to fight with the
coronavirus pandemic in Iran, they including " 25 million three-layered and N95
masks, launching a production line of medical masks, production of Iranian test kit
for coronavirus infection, research on the medicine of the disease, launching the 4030
phone line with the help of 2,200 doctors and paramedics for answering people’s
questions about coronavirus, making oxygen concentrator (with producing 50
machines every day), and production of 400,000 liters of disinfectant gel". I think this
is very good way to lessen the virus in their country, I am glad that the president of
the Iran never stops helping his citizens. On March 2, the government announced
plans to assemble 300,000 soldiers and volunteers to combat the spread of the virus,
as well as to organize water cannons to disinfect streets. There’s a plan was
announced to clear streets, shops, and public places by the Revolutionary Guards.
They also added 1,000 fixed and mobile discovery clinics would be set up, the army
would work alongside medical staff as well as producing face masks and gloves, and
army beds would be made available for patients. They say that the head of the
Medical Council of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Mohammad Reza Zafarghandi, said
that 22 million Iranians had been screened and that the condition of a one and a half
million was being monitored.
Aside from all of that, I am proposing an innovative ways to lessen the negative
vibes of this virus. Talking about this virus is okay, most of all to the younger people
in your house, be willing to talk because we know they already have heard something
about this, silence do not protect ourselves and the children in our house. This is a
way to communicate to your children so that they know how to protect themselves.
School shutdown is also a chance to make better relationships with your children and
teenagers. One-on-One time is very free and fun. It makes children feel loved and
secure, and shows them that they are important. Having routines everyday makes you
positive and healthier also. Routines can strengthen family relationships. For
example, if you’re all at home during physical distancing, it might be easier to share
regular family meals. And family meals can be a great time for you to check in on
each other. When it comes to your mental health, first thing is to limit the amount of
media exposure, most of all the fake news that spreading out there, as coronavirus
updates can cause a state of impatience. Being informed about the situation through
the World Health Organization is enough staying informed without the negative
effect on mental wellbeing. These are reliable sources that will not issue false
information for the purpose of gaining more views the way media outlets would.
Another way to calm yourself is allow your skin to get some sunlight through walks
which helps boost mood and lead to calmness. This can help those who have been
struggling with symptoms of anxiety and feelings of depression since the start of
quarantine. Lastly, keep your body moving with home workouts. Exercise is a natural
stress reliever and mood booster. Mental health is certainly as important as physical
health and should also be addressed throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. The longer
our society goes without social interaction, the more likely mental health decline is to
take place. Addressing the concerns around the growing mental health decline is a
must to avoid the increase in anxiety and depression that have been experienced in
quarantine situations.
IV. Politico-Legal
Political or politically motivate factors that could impact the organization of the
country. The examples are government policy, political stability, corruption,
competition regulation, foreign trade policy, tax policy, funding grants and more.
a.4.1. Threats
The political effects of the coronavirus in advanced economies could be as
substantial as the economic effects. Due to coronavirus, The Central Bank of Iran
(CBI) has approved the release of $5bn worth emergency funding, which will used to
provide cheap loans to businesses that have been impacted by the coronavirus
outbreak. The loans will be offered at a heap rate of 12% and will have a repayment
period of two years. The government has also deferred loan payments till May for
three million lower income families, who will also receive payments of up to six
million rials ($400) in four stages. This is one of threats that experiencing of one
country because instead of using this fund in building a roads and establishments,
they used it to provide the poverty of their citizens. I personally witnessed how the
political top and society at large were simply overwhelmed by the scale of this crisis.
Government officials were unable to roll out early response measures because by the
time Iran’s globally renowned research institutions and medical experts were
consulted to provide urgently needed policy advice on how to react, the virus had
already spread across the country. The poor state of Iran’s economy is mainly due to
corruption and mismanagement. However, the surrounding sanctions government
forced unilaterally by the US make worse these internal problems. Tehran says that
because of the US sanctions, central banks keep Iran from using its foreign exchange
reserves. At the end of February, the Trump administration had agreed to a sanctions
waiver to transfer humanitarian aid via a Swiss channel. But on March 11th, The
Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman claimed the US did not allow Iran to use that
channel. Despite the presence of world-class medical staff, the increasing effect of
decades of sanctions has left the country’s health sector with minimal capacities in
terms of medication and equipment.
The world will be struggling with COVID 19 until the second quarter of 2020. So
the business investments will be strictly limited. Other than that the delay of
economic recovery to the next year will increase bankruptcy rate, and pressure on
banking and financial institutes and decrease development investments. This will
postpone the emergence of new businesses in health tourism and other developments
When discussing constitutions in Iran, keep in mind the relationship between the
state and the concept of justice is copied from the religious principle of Islam. The
sharia, it is the general and particular rules of Islamic corpus juris, is not just a code
of law but a code of conduct of behaviour and ethics, a combination of law and
morality, inseparable. As I saw in their constitution, I read that they have many
constitutions, but the sameness of their constitution was their religion was only one.
In Iran in the middle of the coronavirus pandemic we are witnessing a lack of
emergency measures. Hassan Rouhani, the Iranian president who has damaged the
power of constitutionalism does not want to use the emergency powers to fight with
COVID 19. In Iran we have witnessed major disagreements between the views of the
President and Iran’s supreme leader, minority of lawmakers and medical experts,
about how to control the spread of COVID-19, and the use emergency powers.
According to the research Iran demonstrates a very high mortality rate from this
virus. Another feature of the pandemic in Iran is that many government officials have
surrendered to it. According to Iranian Abdulrez Mesri, at least 23 deputies of the
Majlis have been infected with Covid-19. The first Vice President of Iran, Eskhak
Jahangiri, Iranian Vice President Masume Ebtekar, Ali Akbar Velayati the
adviser to the spiritual leader of Iran Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Mohammad
Sadr, member of the Council for determining the appropriateness of decisions,
Minister of Tourism, Cultural Heritage and Crafts Ali Asgar Munesan, Minister
of Commerce, Industry and Mines Reza Rahmani. In addition to them, among
the afflicted is Deputy Minister of Health, who led the government coronavirus
group, Iraj Harirchi, and the head of the emergency medical service, Pirhossein
Kulivand. So as you can see, not just an ordinary people are the ones who affected,
because even in the politics, they experiencing the effect of this pandemic, because
anything else they are the one who are prone in this virus, because they have many
interaction to people. I guess, aside from their health, the projects and the campaigns
that they want to do are affected also.

b.4.2. Opportunities
The current crisis may help restore the value of competence and honesty in
democratic politics. Fighting a pandemic is very different from fighting political
adversaries. It is less about beliefs and devotion and more about ability and
leadership. This is the time that voters have a rare opportunity to discover leaders at

The crisis will affect not just the timing of election, it could also affect the outcomes
of elections by changing who votes, where they votes and who is the worthy one to
vote. So for the government or should I say for the politics who even in the small
areas, this is their opportunity to show to the people that they were correct that they
voted them. I know that Iranians have been helping each other pull through this crisis
by doing good deeds for one another. A little kindness can go a long way, especially
during these dark days. Politics are distributing food aid to poor families and bought
extra faces masks for the heath workers and to those who need it.
This is the first time in six decades that Iran has requested a loan from IMF to
fight the coronavirus outbreak, they used it to fill in the needs of the citizens of Iran
and I know this is not enough. What we need in these days is to help each other to
become one so that one country can fight this virus together. We don’t need a corrupt
people who will abuse this kind of problem to become the top. This is the opportunity
of many people and most of all the government to do good things.
But sometimes at the end of the day this pandemic will be seen by some as an
opportunity to take advantage of the emergency to abuse their power for private gain.
In this unique circumstance, it is critical that corruption not be ignored.
c.4.3. Proposed Innovative Way
I think in this kind of pandemic citizens in country need a good government who
are there to support the needs each of everyone. When government is always one with
its citizens I think they can solve this kind of pandemic, not to cure the virus but they
can work out it together. A country, then, needs to not only protect, its citizens from
one another, but it needs to organize to prevent this kind of problem. Elected leaders
in Iran or other country must do their best to contain the health crisis and provide
economic relief while maintaining a strong commitment to protect their countries
institutions: fair elections, checks and balance, and independent media. Citizens must
continue to stay informed and make their voices heard in elections and through civil
society engagement. The long-run wealth of the region will depend not only on
healthy economies but, in equal measure, on healthy democracies.
The other factor is that it’s not yet clear how investors should price the risk. Right
now, what we have is a lot of uncertainty. And always remember, uncertainty is the
situation in which we don’t know how to solve the probability of different scenarios
in the future. What we need for investors to find a way to price the risk of assessing in
quantitative way what the exposure is going to be, and how long it might take for the
economy, financial markets and more to come back. That’s why I think we see the
markets going down 10% one day and then the next day, coming up 5%. Investors are
looking for clues or information as to how to price the problem.


“COVID-19: How to Manage Your Mental Health during the Crisis.” Mayo Clinic, Mayo
Foundation for Medical Education and Research, 2 Apr. 2020,

Hawryluck, Laura, et al. “SARS Control and Psychological Effects of Quarantine, Toronto,
Canada.” Emerging Infectious Diseases, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, July 2004,

“The Mental Health Benefits of Exercise.”, 29 Apr. 2020,

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