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P van Beek, K Koelemeijer and D J van Zuilichem, 2. The quality of intermediate and final products is 0013

Agricultural University, Wageningen, The Netherlands strongly influenced by time and physical param-
M P Reinders, Agrotechnological Institute (ATO-DCO), eters (temperature, humidity, and atmospheric
Wageningen, The Netherlands composition) in the chain between producer and
H F Th Meffert, Veluviaweg 3, Wageningen, consumer. Hence, there is a special need for
The Netherlands
This article is reproduced from Encyclopaedia of Food Science, 3. Packaging technology plays an important role in 0014
Food Technology and Nutrition, Copyright 1993, Academic Press. the quality development of, as well as protection
of, foods. It also influences the design of processes,
size of units, and equipment for physical trans-
Introduction formation and preservation by heating, chilling,
0001 Until the 1980s, logistics was synonymous with in- or freezing.
ventory control, production, and transport planning. 4. The agrorhythm of the primary production must 0015

In later years, the coordination between departments be obeyed for biological and technical reasons.
directly concerned with the flow of goods has attained Nevertheless, a constant flow of final products of
more importance, covered by the term integral constant quality must be achieved.
logistics. 5. The production of linked products in the case of 0016

0002 The task of integral logistics is to develop control many intermediate and final products from one
concepts for chain processes which avoid sub- primary product.
optimization of links and result in win–win struc- 6. The high expenditure on logistic efforts to bring 0017

tures. the primary product in a suitable state to the con-

0003 These chain logistics have to be based on knowl- sumer, which can amount to more than 300% of
edge of the processes involved, added value and cost the value of the primary product.
per link, and a framework of obligatory and volun-
tary limitations. The flow of goods through the Agrologistic Chains
consecutive links is defined by: While focusing on the agrofood industries, it should 0018

be recognized that other segments of agroindustrial

0004 . The composition of intermediate and/or final
activity form comparable logistic systems, including
0005 . The production processes, and the protection
Based on these considerations, agrofood logistics 0019
can be defined as ’the integration of organization,
0006 . The allocation of added value and cost throughout
planning, and control of acquisition, transport, stor-
the links of the chain.
age, processing, and packaging related to the
0007 . The allocation of logistic processes in the chain
movement of foods from the origin of the primary
with respect to the final quality of the product.
product to the final destination at the point of con-
0008 . The structure of the flow of information between
the links.
Information technology, storage and transporta- 0020

0009 The principal question is how to control the flow of tion technology, and process technology must be con-
goods to reach predetermined criteria of perform- sidered to play a most important role in the flow of
ance: flow time, cost, quality, level of service, flexibil- goods of agricultural origin.
ity, and added value. Table 1 gives some idea of the mass flow in the food 0021

0010 The application of logistic principles in the agro- chain to consumers in Europe.
food industry has revealed specific characteristics The following considerations are relevant for the 0022

of the chains of activities. This has resulted in the control of chain processes for the distribution of food
formulation of agro (food) logistics. (and feed) products.
0011 The specific characteristics relate to: Perishability of Products
0012 1. The variation of basic material in quality and The quality loss of primary, intermediate, and final 0023

composition, within lots of primary products, products requires the integration of quality models
over the seasons. The final product must still into the logistic concepts. The final product has to
comply with firm specifications. comply with requirements of warranted quality

tbl0001 Table 1 The food basket of European consumers, 1987/1988 integrated models can take account of economic
(kg per capita per year)
factors explicitly in terms of fixed and variable
Category EC UK Italy Netherlands costs, for equipment, labor and energy.
Deep-frozen and frozen 16 27 6 16
Chilled 207 218 177 232 Telematics Rationalizing the exchange and process- 0028

Fresh and chilled 205 124 276 231 ing of communications by telematics allows improve-
Nonconditioned 211 228 195 186 ment of the competitive edge of enterprises by
Total 639 597 654 665 increasing reach and/or flexibility. The investment in
Beer 64 81 16 86
telematics has to be balanced against logistic advan-
Wine 43 10 72 14
Population: EC c. 340 million tages or savings in the total chain.
Europe c. 675 million
Logistic services In recent years logistic services to 0029
Excluding icecream.
Adapted from: Agricultural Figures (NL) (1990) The Hague: LEI.
the customer have become an important part of the
marketing strategy of companies. Many enterprises
concentrate on core activities, thus creating new op-
portunities for service industries. Although not spe-
and availability. These requirements have to be cific to the agroindustry, this development increases
translated into actions within the links. Two main the number of links in the chain and therefore adds
parameters can be recognized per link: residence or to the number of actors, and consequently can hamper
throughput time – a logistic parameter – and physical control.
condition, e.g., temperature – a technical parameter. Audits, ad hoc or on a regular basis, of all actors in 0030
Generally, both fall within certain distribution the chain, or commodity boards of a permanent char-
boundaries. acter, are important instruments in accomplishing the
0024 The translation of requirements into conditions or necessary cooperation. Strong consumer preferences
actions in the chain is of crucial importance for the for high quality and freshness strengthen the need for
final result, in terms of cost and quality. Based on a effective control of logistic operations.
fundamental knowledge of products and transform-
ation processes, the cost-sensitivity of alternatives Operations research Agrologistics based on bio- 0031
which comply with the given quality requirements logical, physical, and economic sciences leads to
of the market can be studied. complicated problem solutions. Operations research
presents a common mathematical base whereby
Autonomy of Actors quantitative models are combined and developed,
and algorithms are designed for planning logistic
0025 Agroindustrial chains consist, in most cases, of a large
structures and procedures.
number of links, acting autonomously, and this
These models are integrated together in decision- 0032
hampers control and optimization. Concepts have to
support systems (DSS) for use in the development of
be developed which allow for effective control and
logistic structures in enterprises and chain operations.
avoid suboptimization; realization of such control
Such models can be focused on the minimization of
concepts needs information technology. Effective
specific or general expenditure, with fixed values of
and efficient systems and procedures for the exchange
performance criteria. The balance of fixed, location-
of information between the actors in the chain have to
dependent costs, and costs of transportation is one of
be developed.
the instruments of decision.
0026 Autonomy of actors and product perishability
require special attention for the following items:
Logistic structures In comparison with general 0033

industry, the logistic structure of an agroindustrial

0027 Modeling The impact of actions in the fields of enterprise depends more strongly on the primary
process, storage, and transport technology can be product, its properties and availability, and the
evaluated with models that couple process param- market for the final product.
eters to product qualities. Technological models Product design can be considered to be a most 0034

describe the development of quality (of a lot) of a important variable for the logistic process. The
product as result of flow time–environmental factor composition of the product, based on primary and
distributions along the chain. By adding economic intermediate products, and production processes
information, such models are expanded to logistic determines the location for production units for com-
models, which allow quality–cost optimization ponents, intermediates, and final products. In add-
by comparison of various logistic channels. Such ition, telematics, technology and requirements for

production, processing, storage and transportation of the operation. With conflicting aims in the differ-
determine the logistic structure of an enterprise. ent echelons, the goals defined and agreed at manage-
0035 Models for the quantitative evaluation of the inter- ment level cannot be implemented properly in the
dependency between these variables and their com- daily operation. In such cases, the creation of a
bined influence can be a powerful support for Logistics Department between administration and
decisions on strategic, tactical, and operational levels operations departments can offer the necessary co-
for the structure and operation of agroindustrial ordination and integration of effort.
systems and enterprises. The fresh market, in particu- The management must be able to communicate 0038

lar, presents examples of the distribution of effort, with, to coordinate, and to inspire the different
by translating the aim of a high quality level at the areas of science and technology, contributing to
consumer into actions in the links of the logistic agrofood logistics at the strategic, tactical, and
chain, e.g., to improve temperature management or operational levels (Figure 2).
to reduce throughput time, or both.
Logistic Processes

A Systems Approach A systematic approach to logistic chain operations 0039

reveals the basic tasks of conveyance of mass, energy,

0036 The characteristic of agrologistic chains appears to be and information from origin to destination. Trans-
the rapid quality degradation that results from sub- formation and transport can be recognized as basic
optimal environmental factors and extended lead characteristic processes: product transformation to
times. Logistical methods and techniques commonly bring the material to be conveyed into a certain con-
being used in other industries, such as manufacturing dition, goods transformation to bring it into a shape
resources planning (MRP) and optimized production to comply with the requirements of the transport
technology (OPT) cannot be applied directly to dis- processes. For agrofood logistics in distribution
tribution networks for perishable foodstuffs. Control networks, preservation processes and unitization
of environmental factors and lead time in a complex processes are important links to food and transport
system is essential for the success of the total oper- technology. Packaging plays a role as well in both
ation. The complexity of the distribution of food goods and product transformation, for unitization
products can be demonstrated by an aggregated as well as conditioning (Figure 3).
picture of the logistic system (Figure 1).
Logistics in Organization Customer Service
0037 The management of an organization defines the goals Customer service links logistics to marketing. As the 0040

with respect to product quality (e.g., minimum qual- output of logistic operations is perceived by the cus-
ity level at delivery, customer service level). In prac- tomer in terms of products and services performance,
tice, it proves difficult to implement this policy at the a marketing approach is needed to determine the
operational level. The actors on the workfloor are optimal level of logistic efforts throughout the supply
specialists in their field: sales managers, technicians, chain.
operators, who all have different views of the target A logistic system contributes to distribution channel 0041

profits by enhancing the efficiency of movement of

goods, insuring quality maintenance, and providing
time and place utility. In addition to a cost-oriented

Product Market
Logistics department:
regulating, coordinating, allocating
Infrastructure Processes

Purchase Production Sales Inventory Expedition

Figure 2 Logistics in the organization of an enterprise. ß CIVO- fig0002

fig0001 Figure 1 The agrologistic triangle. ß ATO-DLO. TNO.



Transformation Transport

Goods transformation Product transformation Storage

Unitization Preservation/conditioning Transfer
Aggregation/packaging drying Transportation
stacking salting
bundling sterilization
wrapping pasteurization
Segregation freezing
unstacking, etc. chilling
modified atmosphere
controlled atmosphere
Appearance Keepability Availability
Quality life in space and time

fig0003 Figure 3 Physical processes relevant for agrofood logistics.

approach, the revenue-generating role of customer . Product: the commodity that the market is looking 0048

service and its use as a tool of competition have for, including purchase of the raw material, pro-
increasingly received attention. Logistics defines cus- cessing and packaging, pollution, and politics.
tomer service as ’a process for providing significant . Place: availability of the product in space and time 0049

value-added benefits to the supply chain in a cost- at consigned points of destination at the conveni-
efficient way.’ ence of the consignee.
0042 In models of logistic operations, customer service is . Price ultimately expresses the monetary value of 0050

generally considered as a constraint which must be the product in the marketplace for the consumer,
met while minimizing costs. More attention, however, but determines at the same time the span between
should be given to the maximization of customer ser- cost and revenue, the possible profit.
vice within cost constraints. In this perspective, cus- . Promotion is a means of dealing with nonuniform 0051

tomer service becomes an instrument of competition. supply and demand. Customer service may be used
0043 Relevance of time and place utilities, and quality as an argument in promotion. On the whole, pro-
maintenance, which add value to the product, shifts motion is strongly interrelated with the flexibility
along the consecutive links of logistic channels from of the logistic system to respond to discontinuities
mainly technological to mainly consumer-oriented in product flow.
Circumstantial factors can be designated the six
0044 At the central storage and distribution center, mass
’small Ps’:
and volume of units, protection against abuse (mech-
anical and thermal), and information are important. . Purchase reaches forward to the raw material in 0052

0045 On the retail level, reliability, speed, and punctual- order to meet the requirements for processing in the
ity of delivery and accurate compliance with the chain.
ordered quality and quantity are most important. . Processes are necessary to bring the primary prod- 0053

Services of the preceding link in terms of continuity, uct into a state and shape to satisfy the different
communication, flexibility, and claims handling requirements of handling along the logistic chain,
become more important. and of usage at the ultimate customer.
0046 Consumers do not explicitly consider technology . Package indicates not only mass or number, volume, 0054

and logistics, but instead focus on subjective attri- and shape in which the product satisfies the various
butes, like sensorial aspects, convenience, nutritive requirements in the logistic chain, but also the pro-
value, keepability, and waste disposal. Retailers tecting, preserving, and presenting function, espe-
translate consumer desires into their own demands. cially in the downstream links of the chain.
0047 Marketing activities are traditionally described in . Pollution: environmental concern is becoming an 0055

terms of the four ’big Ps’ of product, place, price, and important aspect concerning the use of resources,
promotion: raw materials and energy, contributing to ozone

depletion and the greenhouse effect. Also, product optimum production planning technique (COPPT),
losses and waste disposal (product and package which requires an accurate integral cost-accounting
material) must be considered. Product pollution system per unit of sales, including fixed and variable,
by production, processing, and packaging has to labor, energy and maintenance costs of processes and
be excluded for reasons of public health. equipment through all relevant links of the logistic
0056 . Politics interfere on different levels in the distri- system.
bution of perishable foodstuffs. Public health
authorities have developed a strong interest in Total cost analysis The formulation of a total cost 0062

food processing and packaging, which has recently analysis is not without practical problems; the appre-
been paralleled in the field of pollution. Also, ciation of quality development and its balance against
prices, conditions, and quality life (date marking) capital costs represents a specific problem.
are under political control all along the chain.
Regulations, guidelines, and standards for equip- Modeling
ment, processes, and labor conditions can greatly Multiechelon models have been developed that inte- 0063

affect the logic of logistic chains and, consequently, grate the links of the distribution channel. Although
the cost/quality balance, which demonstrates the customer service is considered, in a narrow sense, as
need for anticipating research and information. out-of-stock and/or delivery time, these models offer
0057 . Public opinion: apart from political pressure, atti- possibilities for modeling logistic operations, and
tudes and opinions determine the actions of the enable users to consider customer service as goal,
consumer. Attentive retailers are aware of these variable, and constraint.
marketing aspects, and try to follow trends of
consumer preference.
The Physics of Physical Distribution
Integration of Logistics and Marketing
Logistics and Technological Processes
0058 The need for efficient distribution of perishable prod-
ucts, i.e., to meet quality requirements at minimum Two types of processes play important roles in logistic 0064

costs, has strengthened the need for integral planning chains–transformationandtransport.Transformation

of logistic activities. Customer service, considered as brings the products into a state and shape in which
a goal variable and a constraint at the same time, they can endure the rigors of the transport processes.
must be analyzed from a total distribution channel Goods transformation brings the products into a 0065

perspective. This implies an integration of logistic and form convenient for handling in the links of the
marketing theories. logistic chain.
0059 Once the way is open to performing logistic oper- Product transformation conditions the product 0066

ations in order to maximize customer service, the into a state in which it can comply with the require-
issue of allocation of channel cost–benefits emerges. ments of quality at the point of destination.
This may give rise to alterations in distribution chan-
nel structures, resulting in forward or backward inte-
Goods transformation Agricultural products 0067
gration along the chain, and changes in distribution
become available in a given form, which is generally
channel power.
not the most convenient for handling in a transport
chain. Small products have to be aggregated into
Budgeting and Accounting
larger units; large products have to be segregated
0060 The growing need for the quantification of logistic into smaller units. Portioning, packing, and utiliza-
efforts has induced new developments in budgeting tion are common physical processes in agrofood
and accounting, such as direct product costing (DPC) operations. For fluid products, the implementation
and direct product profitability (DPP). In view of of these processes is simple compared to those for
stricter energy management and rising energy costs, solid products which cannot be fluidized. Mechaniza-
energy accountancy has been used to compare differ- tion of goods transformation is easy to accomplish for
ent products with respect to their energy consump- fluidizables. Solid products are more difficult to
tion, including processing, handling, and packaging. handle. Mechanization closely follows human actions.
The same can be done for other cost elements, as long Sorting and grading are prerequisites for the forma-
as they are accounted separately. tion of commercial units for the trade and, as such,
are part of customer service.
0061 Integral Cost Accountancy The integral revenue- Goods transformation processes affect the appear- 0068

expenditure concept can be recognized in cost ance of a product. Generally, an appearance has to

aggregate, to protect, and to present both the product Materials Handling Bureau of Australia (c. 1980), the
and information about the product. It must also fit International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
into the systems of transport, distribution, infor- (in the early 1980s) and the US–Canadian Modular-
mation and, most important for perishables, of ization-Unitization-Metrification Project pursued the
conditioning. same line.
0069 These requirements can lead to contradictions with A problem rises from the choice of the module. The 0073

conventional solutions, and require special measures early adoption of the manload as the module (1968)
with respect to conditioning, design of appearances, has led to diverging developments in unit loads,
and creation of the necessary external conditions. The leading to the continuation of the problem in the
importance of the functions of an appearance varies domain of transport units. The result is a very unsatis-
with the size of the unit. For the smaller units and factory situation of competing unit loads and incom-
articles, the presentation function often outweighs the patible transport units.
protection, whereas the larger preparations mainly
serve aggregation and protection purposes. With the Standardization Standardization of mass and di- 0074

larger size, the protective function includes facilita- mensions is necessary for the operation of an efficient
tion of conditioning, which switches from outside to logistic system. Good examples are the Australian
inside, e.g., pallet versus container (Table 2). and the North American approach. Unfortunately,
Europe cannot adopt a uniform, simple system as
0070 Unitization The formation of units by aggregation long as industries adhere to two standard unit loads.
to larger appearances, or by segregation to smaller In spite of the recommendation of the ISO to prefer
ones, is summarized as unitization. In more detail, the 1200  1000 mm unit as maximum plan view
stacking, bundling, wrapping, and their counter- size (MPVS) or gross unit load size (GULS) and
processes are concerned. central modular standard, some industries stick to
0071 Unitization is a necessary step in rationalizing 1200  800 mm units, which makes the manload
transport processes. Its interference with transform- (600  400 mm) the central module on a lower level
ation and conditioning processes should be fully of aggregation and means a loss of flexibility of
recognized. Methods and materials for unitization, configuration within the unit load.
such as glueing, bundling by straps, wrapping in foils
or nets, by pallets, slip-sheets, slip-pallets, shipping Modeling Goods transformation process modeling 0075

cases, and ballet boxes, isolate the product from ambi- has to start from the dimensions of the articles that
ent conditions by the dimensions and properties of the have to be accommodated in the subsequent aggre-
material. Thus, more or less protection, e.g., resistance gated unit, taking account of the necessary toler-
against external conditioning, is built up by insulation ances for the design, stacking, deformation, and
or permeability. Perforation of the separating covers conditioning.
and application of pressure differences across the units
are means of controlling external conditioning. Design systems The design of modular packaging 0076

is greatly facilitated by the existence of transport

0072 Modularization It is obvious that a coordinated package and loading pattern selection tables and
relationship between the dimensions of appearances palettizing charts, as well as graphical and graphical-
greatly rationalizes handling, utilization of storage, plus-calculator design systems. Comprehensive com-
and transportation space and use of equipment. An puter programs are available to evaluate all factors
early example is the unicube concept, developed in influencing the basic package design. They are con-
The Netherlands, c. 1965. In later years, the National sulted to determine all three dimensions of the unit

tbl0002 Table 2 Thermophysical properties of appearances; results of goods transformation

Domain Mass (kg) Diameter (m) Cooling time (h)a Overtemperature (  C)b

Product 0.1 0.05 0.2 0.2

Article 0.5 0.1 2.0 1.0
Manload 15 0.3 18 6.0
Unit load 500 1.0 180 Thermal explosion
Transport unit 7500 2.5 900 Thermal explosion
Storage unit 30 000 5.0 3600 Thermal explosion
With external conditioning.
Heat generation 100 W t1.

load and the manloads which form it. Thus a means is N.B: fermentation and microbiological growth can
provided to produce an extensive list of options and also cause CO2 and heat production. Both groups
to evaluate the various compromises rated against the can be divided into two subgroups:
factors contained in the input data. Computer pro-
grams also allow for the use of average industry al- A. Those in need of a process of maturation to reach 0083

lowances for many factors involved, which reduces maximum consumer quality: red meats, cheeses,
the preparation work. With regard to conditioning, fresh fruits (banana, peach, pear, plum).
the thermophysical properties of product and pack- B. Those which start commercial life at maximum 0084

age have to be considered, as well as penetration by consumer quality: sterilized, pasteurized, and
the conditioning medium, which is generally air. frozen products, white meats, fish, fresh vege-
tables, mushrooms, bakery products, prepared
0077 Product transformation By various processes, agro- meals.
food products can be transformed into a state in Group A products, represented by c. 16% of the food
which they can meet the requirements of a given basket, need controlled holding times and conditions
transport process within given limits of quality. The to reach maximum quality. From then onwards, they
choice is between chilling, freezing, pasteurization, require limited throughflow times in the logistic
sterilization, salting, and drying, in order of increas- chains, adjusted to the environmental conditions for
ing keeping times and decreasing approximation tolerable quality loss, as do group B products.
to the fresh product. Food preservation technology
is thus linked directly to agrofood logistics. Irradi- Quality models The necessity for quality models to 0085
ation, modified-atmosphere (MA) and controlled- be incorporated into logistic models results from the
atmosphere (CA) treatments also transform the great number of alternative logistic processes which
product with respect to its keepability. Generally, have to be evaluated in the design of distribution
these techniques require close temperature control as chains. Quality loss of food is largely determined by
well. There is also a link to packaging with respect to the cumulative effect of the environmental conditions
heat and mass transfer. Refer to individual processes. throughout the handling history of the product. The
simple rules of additivity and exchangeability are
0078 Quality life Keeping time or quality life, as depend- obeyed better the less the product is processed.
ent on the environmental conditions around the It is impractical and expensive to conduct product 0086
product, limits the throughput time of products in spoilage tests for all possible scenarios. Mathematical
the logistic chain. Parts of the total quality life are models can be chosen after verification by simple
often considered separately, as storage life (the first experiments on the basis of statistical tests on the
part) or as shelf-life (the last part) of the total lack of fit against experimental error. By measuring
economic quality life. and modeling deterioration reactions, quantitative
0079 The quality life of a product is limited by the rate of data are collected, and models as well as model
quality loss or deterioration and the imposed limita- parameters can be generated. For integration into
tions. A difference can be made between high-quality process or logistic models, quality models for the
life and practical quality life; these differ in the degree influence of environmental factors should comply
of change of characteristic properties of the product. with the following, in the order presented:
Development of quality with time can be attributed to
different principal processes of a physical, chemical, 1. The broadest possible application on the processes 0087

or biological nature, the rates of which are dependent considered.

on environmental factors such as temperature, water 2. Appropriate consideration of the mechanism of 0088

vapor concentration or pressure deficit, and atmos- the reaction.

phere composition. (See Storage Stability: Mechan- 3. Simplicity of determination of parameters, and 0089

isms of Degradation; Parameters Affecting Storage application.

Stability; Shelf-life Testing.) 4. The smallest deviations from experimental values. 0090

0080 These quality-affecting processes act in different 5. No discontinuities. 0091

ways on two main groups of foodstuffs:

These models may be based on the time-course of 0092

0081 1. Dead products: subject to (bio)chemical and specific components or properties from physical,
microbiological processes. chemical, or sensorial analysis or, in the absence of
0082 2. Living produce: in addition exhibiting biological objective information, on expert judgment, always
processes, dissimilation with O2CO2 conversion keeping in mind the possibility of adjustment of the
and heat production. quality scale of the chosen model.

0093 Zero or first-order reaction mechanisms can Temperature and time distributions Average time 0097

cover practically all deterioration processes re- and temperature provide only a crude way of describ-
gardless of their nature. Arrhenius-type relationships ing the flow of goods and the influence of environ-
satisfactorily describe the influences of temperature; mental conditions in the chain. Statistical mathematics
linear, hyperbolic, or squareroot relationships re- offers a way of dealing with the time and temperature
quire the same type of parameters. For other envir- distributions encountered in practice. The Weibull
onmental factors, more direct relationships to the distribution appears to yield the most general model
driving force exist. For the combined influence of for time and temperature distributions in the links
temperature and gas concentration, special models of logistic chains. The background for the ready
have to be derived from specific experimental re- modeling of logistic distributions by the Weibull func-
search. tion is given by the fact that the minimum value
is given by a solid physical condition, whereas the
0094 Combined models For temperature-dependent de- maximum is open to stochastic influences. Two par-
terioration processes, combined heat-transfer models ameters for scale and shape allow for the modeling
are most useful. They allow prediction of the effects of a wide range of practical situations, from plug
of management decisions on quality life of condi- flow to ideal mixing, with all possible intermediate
tioned products, especially on the shelf-life. Better situations.
protection during transport processes, by reducing
the time–temperature load, can be balanced against Arbitrary distributions A more direct approach can 0098

lower temperature levels or shorter flow-times in one be based on the fractional distribution of time and
or more links of the chain. conditions in the links of the chain. The stepwise
0095 It is obvious that the performance of deterioration calculation of the final quality distribution after a
tests for all possible scenarios is highly impractical number of links, from the distributions of time and
and expensive. Mathematical modeling, computer- temperature in the links, and the initial quality distri-
ized on the basis of experimentally established bution, can easily be computerized. This approach
parameters, and a few validation experiments can presents a means of balancing profits of quality
perform the necessary sensitivity analyses and assist retention against expenditure for throughflow time
in finding the optimal operational conditions. and improvement of conditions, if the cost–revenue
analysis is done in appropriate figures.
0096 Chain reactions A product passing through a logis-
tic chain generally encounters a sequence of environ- Standardization As in goods transformation, prod- 0099

mental conditions. The final state when leaving the uct transformation also presents reasons for stand-
nth link of the chain is decisive. If the prerequisites of ardization in terms of quality life, temperature
additivity and exchangeability are fulfilled, the result sensitivity and, as a consequence, keeping equipment,
of the chain reaction can be described on the basis storage facilities, as well as transport vehicles and
of average time and temperature conditions by a transfer processes. Products can be categorized
sequence of ideal reactors. according to keeping temperatures and quality life at

tbl0003 Table 3 Categories of refrigerated foodstuffsa

Code Reference temperatureTref (  C) Temperature increment B (1/K) Examples

DF 18 Positive/negative Regulations

F 12 Deep-frozen, frozen products
C04 þ4 Negative Small meat portions, ready-to-eat vegetables, pasteurized
meals, salads, large meat portions, sterilized meals, dairy
C07 þ7
F00 0 Positive Leafy vegetables, berries, pears
F04 þ4 Apples, oranges, potatoes
F07 þ7 Green beans, subtropical fruits
F10 þ10 Avocado, mango, subtropical, and tropical produce
F13 þ13 Bananas, pineapple, tropical produce
Quality life at temperature T: t ¼ tref exp[B(T  Tref)].
Temperatures and commodities quoted are arbitrary examples. They can vary by national regulation or specific product requirements. From Meffert
HFTh (1990b) Chilled foods in the market place. In: Processing and Quality of Foods, vol. 3. London: Elsevier Applied Science, with permission.

tbl0004 Table 4 Time–temperature matrix of keepability characteristicsa

Denomination Time, tref (days) Temperature increment, B(1/K)

< 0.05 Low 0.05^0.15 Medium 0.15^0.25 High > 0.25 Extra sensitive

Chilled product (category CO4)

Extra short <3 Kitchen-ready vegetables
Leeks Cabbage Carrots
Very short 3–7 Minced beef Poultry Pork
Short 7–14 Beef slices Pasteurized milk
Medium 14–30 Beef joints (CO2-packed)
Long > 30 Lamb carcass (cryo-vac)
Frozen product (category DF)
Extra short < 30
Very short 30–100 Cooked meals Cured pork
Short 100–200 Seafood
Medium 200–400 Cream Carcass meat Vegetables
Long > 400 Butter, lamb Raw dough, poultry Green peas, fruit
Examples are given for two categories from Table 2.
From Meffert HFTh (1990c) Quality development of foodstuffs under time–temperature conditions in cold chains. In: Progress in the Science and Technology
of Refrigeration in Food Engineering. Paris: International Institute of Refrigeration, with permission.

a reference temperature and temperature sensitivity, treat transport in agrofood logistics in terms of
as shown in Tables 3 and 4. volume. Figure 4 depicts a scheme of the mass flow
0100 Standardization in such a way facilitates the design in distribution chains for refrigerated foodstuffs.
of distribution processes in existing chains and of new All activities of moving goods between origin and 0104

operations, especially if paralleled by a standardiza- destination can be understood as transport, storage

tion of storage and transport equipment, and transfer being transportation with zero speed. Generally, the
processes, in terms of operational performance, e.g., goods pass a number of storage and transportation
temperature maintenance by a degree of thermal links on their way through the chain. All links are
protection derived from the nonaccomplished tem- interfaced by transfer or transshipment processes.
perature fraction. Existing classification and stand- As a rule, a reduction of the links in the logistic 0105

ardization of these types of equipment and processes chain reduces cost and losses; in addition, it saves
do not attempt to enter this problem area. ISO, ATP, time. This pleads for careful consideration of the
and Lloyd’s classification are based on technical rather necessity of the links, which can lead to integration
than technological performance characteristics. of processes, such as product transformation by
0101 Recent European Community and national legisla- chilling or freezing, into the transportation link. In-
tion concerning the temperature of frozen and chilled transit treatments, thermal or by gas injection, are
products may create a need for a more operational also practiced for disinfection or disinfestation.
approach to product, equipment, and process classifi- The second important rule is the rationalization, 0106

cation, or even standardization, as explained above. for time and cost reasons, of the transfer process,
which links transport closely to goods transform-
Transport ¼ Storage–Transfer–Transportation ation.
0102 The second, more genuine logistic process is that of The maintenance of the established condition of 0107

transport. Generally, the transport in a logistic chain the product is a specific task in the transport chain
involves mass, energy, and information (M–E–I). of agrofood products, in addition to the general task
Mass flow downstream and information flow up- of conveyance.
and downstream are easily recognized. Less obvious
is the transport of energy. For refrigerated products, Interrelationships with transformation and condition- 0108

this aspect is closely related to product transform- ing Modular coordination, i.e., dimensional cap-
ation and conditioning. Attention is required for ability of appearances and equipment as elements of
reasons of economy in quality protection. a system, is a prerequisite for rationalization of trans-
port processes, and as such subject to standardiza-
0103 Mass The most apparent transport process is that of tion. Elements of a covering system for modular
mass. However, as agrofood products are mostly in coordination are represented by ISO standards on
the category of high-volume goods (load density manloads, unit loads, and transport units in ISO
lower than 500 kg m3), it is more appropriate to 668–1968, 3676–1983, 6780–1988, 3394–1984,

Level Fish Meat Dairy Fruit/vegetable Imports
Slaughtering Slaughtering Collecting Collecting (T)
1 Processing Processing Processing Processing

Cold store Cold store Cold store Cold store

(T) (T) (T) (T) (T)

2 Port cold Central Port cold

store store store

(T) (T)

3 Distribution/wholesalers, cold store

(T) (T)

Catering: Retail:
4 refrigerators, back-up stores,
display cabinets display cabinets

Home refrigerators

fig0004 Figure 4 Principal structure of distribution chains for refrigerated foodstuffs (T), transportation and transfers. Note that for products
with extremely or very short quality life, the distribution link is cut short by direct links between processing and retail/catering. Adapted
from Nowotny S (1988) Computer-modeling of cold chain systems. In: Cold Chains in Economic Perspective, Paris: International Institute
of Refrigeration.

1496/2–1988. Unfortunately, the system is not prac- which make the modular system work. The larger the
tical for conditioned units, because of the space unit handled, the shorter are the transfer times per
requirements for insulation, air circulation, and the mass between the links of the transport chain. Shorter
necessary equipment for conditioning. The Australian times of exposure, together with a small surface-to-
Standards represent a more logical coordination. volume ratio, improve the thermal protection.
Revision of the dimensions of the transport unit for
better compatibility with unit loads has so far met Storage
much opposition. Elements for a better-fitting system
Facilities for storage in logistic chains are destined to 0111
appear in European and US traffic regulations, and in
buffer discontinuities of the product flow between
the standards of the European Normalization Centre
supply and demand. They can be subdivided into
(CEN) for removable vehicle bodies (swap-bodies),
types differing in task, size, and operational condi-
allowing extra width for conditioned road vehicles.
0109 For perishable products, conditioning is necessary
to keep the quality loss in logistic chains within a 1. Primary or production stores. Storage space at the 0112

preset span. Distribution of time and conditions, the production site serves as a buffer volume between
most important being the temperature, are the the discontinuities of the inflow from the produc-
governing process variables. tion process and the outflow of products to sec-
0110 Methods of unitization generally interfere with ondary stores. Residence times are short. The band
conditioning processes. Pallets, slip-sheets, slip-pallet, of conditions cannot be kept small because of the
etc., and wrappings influence the distribution of con- high turnover. For unitized products, row storage
ditioning air. Perforations and build-up of pressure on pallets is preferred.
differences around the unit promote air penetration. 2. Secondary or central stores. In the case of seasonal 0113

This must be considered in the choice of tolerances production, central stores are loaded within a

short period, but emptied slowly. Volume-saving For the reception of a discontinuous flow of 0119

block storage of unit loads or transport units, goods at the retailer, a conditioned back-up store
if necessary with supporting frames, minimizes can form a buffer. This is kept as small as possible.
investment in conditioned space. The principle of Row storage is used. Conditioning is problematic,
first-in–first-out (FIFO) cannot be fully realized owing to the high turnover rate; thus residence
because of the limited accessibility of the units. times have to be kept at a minimum, depending
0114 Nonseasonal products are supposed to pass on consumers’ buying attitudes.
central stores rapidly to keep investment in space
and product low. Owing to the high turnover rate, Standardization Generally, storage facilities up to 0120

the FIFO principle cannot be strictly observed, tertiary level are built to customer specifications, in-
but through-flow racks, gravity or mechanically cluding layout for unit loads and, in some cases, even
driven, can help. whole transport units. Standards apply for technical
0115 Storage conditions are optimized within a equipment. Exceptions are the standard cold stores in
narrow band of environmental factors. Residence East Europe, which are classified for layout, size, and
times vary according to the type of product, but storage conditions.
tend to be a substantial part of quality life. The usage of space by different stacking methods 0121

0116 3. Tertiary or distribution stores. Distribution stores can be given approximately as:
are mere turnover facilities designed for rapid
handling of flows of various products. Again the . Block storage 100% 0122

FIFO principle cannot be applied; mixing of . Movable racks 80–90% 0123

products of different age is usual. Incomplete . Row storage 60–80% 0124

unit loads remain longer in store than complete . Rack storage 50–60% 0125

depending on the height. Additional space has to be
0117 Rack storage, manually or automatically oper-
provided, according to the equipment, for the con-
ated for separate accessibility of units, is fre-
quently used, in spite of the large loss of space. veyance of goods.
Heat load from ambient and air circulation 0126
Arrival and departure areas are separated, and
performance, which determine the quality of condi-
commissioning areas are provided, mostly with
tioning, are chosen for economic considerations, in-
only partial protection against external condi-
cluding losses of mass and quality. Small storage and
tions. Environmental conditions are not optimal,
retail cabinets are built serially. Detailed general
but residence times are comparably short. In par-
standards exist only for refrigerated display cabinets
tially protected areas, a high flow rate of products
(ISO 1992/1–8; ISO 5160/1–2).
must keep the ambient load low.
0118 4. Quarternary stores, retail cabinets. At the retail-
ers, display cabinets of fractions of a cubic meter
shelf volume per meter present the product to the Processes of cargo transfer or transshipment are char- 0127

consumer. Because of the great influence of the acterized by transfer times and degree of protection
ambient conditions in the shop, and the fact that against ambient conditions. Cargoes are handled in
the product is handled in articles rather than man- units from manloads to transport units, with various
loads, conditioning is possible only within a broad types of equipment from manhandling to large fork-
band. This restriction must be compensated for lift trucks or cranes for whole transport units. Fortu-
by extremely short, carefully watched residence nately, the rate of cargo transfer and the degree of
times, which also keep at bay the comparatively protection increase with the size of the unit, and costs
high costs per volume per time in this link. decrease per unit of volume (Table 5).

tbl0005 Table 5 Cargo transfer in large and small units: time, protection, cost

Operation Transfer time (min) Relative cost (%)

Long-haul truck,
18 pallets of 720 kg, with lift truck Load/unload, 15 100
560 manloads of 28 kg, belt conveyor Load/unload, 84 140
Delivery truck, 16 deliveries of 20 manloads of 15 kg
On pallet Load, 13; unload, 16  5 100
Per manload 37 16  18 250

0128 Flow times in the transfer links are determined by Standardization Standardization of means of trans- 0135

the rate of transfer and the volume to be transferred. portation is traditionally concerned with external
The need to condition the transfer area depends on the aspects. Only recently has the principle of vehicle
external climate. The degree of protection in this case design around the cargo been introduced by allowing
is a function of time. double-pallet-wide, conditioned road vehicles in the
EC and the USA. ISO is also paying attention to this
0129 Standardization The standardization of appear- aspect by standardizing the minimum internal dimen-
ances in transport chains has led to a standardization sions of thermal containers (ISO 1496/2–1988).
of transfer equipment in terms of speed, volume, and Modular coordination with unit loads has not been
mass that can be handled (conveyors, trucks, cranes). attained yet.
Standards for containers (ISO) and regulations for 0136
road vehicles and railcars (Economic Commission for
0130 Means of transportation exist for the land, road and Europe) exist for thermal insulation and refrigeration
rail, sea and air modes. The intermodal container power, but not for operational characteristics, such as
has united these and closed the protected-chain the temperature band.
operation. On a regional scale, the removable body Standardization of road vehicles, railcars, ships, 0137

or swap-body serves the same purpose. and aircrafts as carriers is linked to the external di-
0131 Road vehicles account for the largest part of the mensions of unit loads or transport units to be accom-
transportation of agrofood products. On a national modated within the limits given by the traffic system,
basis in the EC, up to 90% of the flow of foodstuffs is by law or by convention.
by road transport that must conform to traffic regu-
lations; this has resulted, practically, in standardiza- Degree of protection For all conditioning processes 0138

tion according to size and mass. Containers and in the transport chain, the degree of protection
removable bodies (swap-bodies) comply with strin- against temperature rise can be defined by means of
gent ISO standards for external and internal dimen- the nonaccomplished temperature rise of the product
sions. Conditioned road vehicles and swap-bodies as the fraction of the difference from the target or
can comply better with ISO unit loads than do ISO reference temperature to ambient.
containers. For both types of vehicle, performance is For refrigerated spaces, the quotient-heat load 0139

regulated. Residence times are close to transit times, factor over air circulation is a specific operational
and almost uniform, except for delivery runs, which criterion of performance. For the evaluation of the
are mostly short. conditioning process, the influence of air distribution
0132 Railcars are larger and comply with standards of and product heat load can be introduced by an
the railroad administrations, not necessarily with unit empirical coefficient.
load standards. Ships are built to customers’ or For transient processes, such as the temperature rise 0140

builders’ standards, and aircraft largely to builders’ during cargo transfer, transient heat transfer theory
standards, which include compliance with unit load, offers suitable models for the estimation of the degree
pallet, and/or container regulations. Unfortunately, of thermal protection, which now depends on time.
air cargo unit load devices other than air/surface con-
tainers are not part of the ISO modular system. Energy If the accumulated energy per conveyed unit 0141

0133 Conditioning depends on the specifications of the of mass by the processes in the chain is recognized as
customer and the performance of the builder. In sea transported energy, the concept of energy transport in
carriage, narrow bands of conditions are normally distribution chains becomes meaningful, especially if
realized, much less in air transportation, which leans the energy input is accounted for. Particularly for
on the advantage of short transit times. perishable products which have been subjected to a
0134 Residence times under transit conditions are product transformation, the energy accumulated by
mostly close to transit times, because waiting times the transformation process and by the subsequent
are under pressure in all links of the chain. On short conditioning for protection against quality loss
distances by rail, waterways, and air, waiting times makes the quality of energy management visible. A
can be considerable, depending on schedules. The very basic approach considers the total energy input
speeds of land and sea transportation are practically for primary production, processing, and handling, as
the same, between 30 and 60 km h1 (considerably well as for auxiliary materials. More chain-relevant
less on inland waterways), but transit times are in fact information takes account of chain processes only
restricted by the frequency of departures for inter- (Tables 6 and 7).
modal combined transportation, and by regulations Low degrees of protection in the links of a chain 0142

concerning the active time of drivers for the road leg. mean great deviations from the target temperature

tbl0006 Table 6 Energy consumption in distribution chains of refrigerated foodstuffs

Link Frozen Chilled

Energyrate Time (days) Energy accumulated Energyrate Time (days) Energy accumulated
(W t1) (kJ kg1) (W t1) (kJ kg1)

Product transfer 400 40–120

Central store 13–60 165 100–850 50–125 5–12
Transportationa 1 600 570
Distribution store 30–120 46 120–480 100–250 1 9–22
Transportationb 1 850 1 800
Retail cabinet c. 2000 10 c. 1700 c. 10 000 1 c. 860
Domestic refrigerator c. 500 23 c. 1000 1500–3000 1 125–250
Total 246 4850–5850 4 1834–1979
20.5 t  500 km. Frozen, þ15%; chilled, þ10%.
5.6 t  200 km. Frozen, þ15%; chilled, þ10%.
Adapted from IIF/IIR (1980).

tbl0007 Table 7 Fuel energy inputs for transportation goods flow in case of unforeseen developments of the
Means of transportation Load capacity MJ km 1 1
MJ t km 1 market. Downstream communication should contain
(tonnes) Fully loaded information on the product and its peculiarities, qual-
Empty Full
ity life and reference conditions (date marking). More
Ship 49 000 0.127 relevant are remaining quality life, required condi-
Rail 1000 0.36 tions, and handling recommendations. These should
Truck and trailer
be communicated in advance of the goods. They must
Rural 20.6 12.1 15.3 0.74
Urban 20.6 17.1 26.9 1.31 be matched by information on equipment and condi-
Truck tions in the links. Standardization of information is
Rural 5.6 8.3 9.8 1.75 helpful to reduce variations and mistakes, and to
Urban 5.6 12.1 14.5 2.59 speed up the information flow. Bar-coding and scan-
ning at the interfaces backed by a computerized
Rural 0.4 4.3 4.8 12.0
Urban 0.4 6.7 7.3 18.3 inventory management system is a powerful means
of quality management of an agrologistical chain of
From IIF/IIR (1980).
operations. Its introduction again requires standard-
ization of information and procedures, and must be
the subject of a careful cost–benefit analysis.
and bad energy management, leading to additional Processing of these data for operational purposes is 0146

costs of energy to restore conditions and quality loss. only possible by powerful computer systems with
0143 Finally, the economic consequences of distribution specific software. In the preparatory phase, for the
processes boil down to cost accounts (Table 8). establishment of the necessary tools, even more com-
puting capacity is needed to evaluate possible alterna-
0144 Information Transport processes are controlled by tive chains and networks by modeling calculations
the demands of the market. In order to realize just-in- and simulation in a reasonable time. It is in this
time (JIT) delivery, the signal for replenishment has application that large computer capacities and high
to be sent in due time, allowing for the necessary calculation speeds are required.
time for the order cycle. A scheme of the information
flow in a cold-chain system with computer-assisted Inventory management In many cases, the conven- 0147

guidance, management, and supervision is shown in tional FIFO concept is not able to satisfy the justified
Figure 5. quality requirements of the customer. Limitation of
throughflow time deals with one aspect of quality
0145 Data acquisition and processing Upstream commu- management, limitation of temperature with another,
nication along logistic chains mostly concerns the whereas only the combination of the two can yield
order procedure, which has to be initiated by reliable the appropriate measures. Inventory management,
information from the outlets. Because the signal has therefore, should be based on information about the
to be given in advance of stock depletion, a model is time–temperature load on the product rather than
needed to predict the necessary JIT delivery. Further on time-based information alone (shortest remaining
information upstream can be required to redirect the shelf-life instead of FIFO as a management criterion).

tbl0008 Table 8 Average production and distribution costs for three main food chains (Netherlands, FI kg1)

Meat andmeat products Milk and dairy products Fruit and vegetables
Preserved Fresh

Primary product 5.0 0.75 1.43

Processing and packaging 0.92 0.27 2.71 0.39
Wholesale trade 0.62 0.06 0.54 0.17
Retail trade 3.10 0.27 1.31 0.55
Consumer price 9.64 1.35 5.99 2.54

From Meffert HFTh (1990a) Economic developments pertinent to chilling foods. In: Chilled Foods, the State of the Art. London: Elsevier Applied Science,
with permission.

Mainframe computer microbiological, or electronic bases and with indicat-

Management ing or integrating functions, or both.
information system As it is impossible to keep track of the quality 0150

Modem development of every product by time–temperature

Local reports Host computer Production line integration with one or even a handful of built-in
deterioration models, solutions can be found in the
classification of products and corresponding sensors
Modem with direct indication, or sensors readable by a com-
Bar-code printer puter-based system which compares the monitored
Hand-held time–temperature load with stored keepability data,
Cold store T
and converts the result into information on the
remaining quality life expectation of the product.
T Modem
For a wider use of such instruments, standardiza- 0151
Interface center tion of sensors and information processing equipment
Modem T is necessary.
Hand-held Simple time–temperature integrating devices can
Retail 0152
stockroom monitor distribution chain operations for the general
Barcode reader purposes of quality management. But even highly
sophisticated monitoring systems remain in need of
fig0005 Figure 5 Schematic presentation of a system for a computer- expert supervision, because of the general rule that
assisted guidance, management, and supervision system of a
cold-chain system. From Nowotny S (1988) Computer-modeling
the sensor is not identical with the product.
of cold chain systems. In: Cold Chains in Economic Perspective.
Effects of Scale
Paris: International Institute of Refrigeration.
Costs per unit of storage and transport rise ap- 0153

proximately with the square root of volume. There-

This requires a new system of control which, in its fore, large stores and vehicles are greatly favored by
simplest form, is represented by cheap, physico- logistic enterprises. Whereas production stores can
chemical, time–temperature integrators for each lot afford uniformly conditioned facilities of maximum
of product. A more suitable approach can be expected size, distribution storage is in need of compartmenta-
from the application of microelectronic sensors tion and separate conditioning to meet the require-
backed by a computer-assisted inventory manage- ments of different product groups. Towards the end
ment system. of logistic chains, at the retail outlets, storage facil-
0148 Modern miniaturized, self-contained, time–tem- ities and deliveries become necessarily smaller, dic-
perature data-logging sensors, with readable and/or tated by high surface charges and problems of
barcode readout, and computer-assisted processing of accessibility in cities. At the same time, compartmen-
the information, allow a system to control the flow- tation and separate conditioning becomes more
time down the chain according to the remaining problematic.
quality life of the product. The same reason, low cost linked to a high degree 0154

of protection, favors large appearances for transfer

0149 Monitoring product conditions During recent operations. Warehouses exist which handle whole
years, a great number of devices for temperature transport units, i.e., containers, porthole or integral
monitoring in conditioned distribution chains have reefers, but also flats with superstructures to be
been developed, on mechanical, physicochemical, covered by an insulated hood when in transit. Mostly,

however, unit loads (on pool-pallets) are the normal For production with a quality life longer than the 0158

appearances for transshipment. Smaller units, carts minimum lead-time through all the links of the chain,
with supporting superstructures, are favored at the a buffer station can most economically, in terms of
retail level for closed-circuit operations. both cost and quality, be situated at the point of
0155 As the transportation link tries to maximize deliver- maximal aggregation.
ies, a trend emerges leading to maximum size, multi- If quality life and lead-time are of the same magni- 0159

compartment, multitemperature, expensive vehicles. tude, the buffer function tends to move towards the
This tendency towards large vehicles is counteracted end of the chain. The storage function of all the
by traffic situations and regulations, which restrict preceding links is minimized for a maximization of
the accessibility of cities and, because of the need quality at the retail outlets. The retailers, however,
for supplementary deliveries JIT, add to the logistic favor daily shopping, which generates greater sales,
costs. and reduces quality problems that result from long
0156 Also, the degree of protection is generally greater at residence times at suboptimal conditions at the retail
large facilities and operations, owing to their more end of the chain. The buffer function is thus located at
sophisticated technical equipment and better supervi- the wholesalers and distribution centers, which often
sion of operations. For this reason, large-scale oper- have to take care of the delivery service as well,
ations in logistic chains for conditioned products governed by effective order processing.
serve two purposes – low cost and good protection
of quality. Costs per unit per time increase remark- Combination of Product Flows
ably towards the end of the chain, where smaller A powerful means of reducing logistic costs is given 0160

facilities are in use, together with decreasing protec- by the combination of goods in consecutive links of
tion. Longer lead-times for storage at large facilities the distribution chain; Table 9 gives an example.
lead to cost and quality savings. Shorter lead-times at The possibilities for combination depend on the 0161

small facilities are favored for the same reason, and required conditions and lead-times, but can also be
reduce inventory costs. An effective information enlarged by multicompartment, multicondition facil-
system is necessary to guarantee the continuity of ities for storage and transportation. In this field, pro-
the product flow to the customer. tective packaging for specific products has its special
merits, allowing for combinations which are other-
Location of Facilities along the Logistic Chain
wise impossible.
0157 The general model of a logistic chain for agrofood Considerable reductions of transportation costs are 0162

products is the tree of Pythagoras, showing the col- reported through savings on labor, equipment, and
lecting and the distributing function on both sides of energy costs. The total savings percentages are much
the trunk. Small facilities are located at the beginning less spectactular, but interesting enough with respect
and at the end of the logistic system, implying high to price competition. In storage links, the advantages
flow speeds for cost and quality reasons. Large of combination are more indirectly realized by sim-
facilities mark the middle of the trunk, the center plified, uniform inventory administration and order
of the logistic system. processing.

tbl0009 Table 9 Integration of product flows for delivery at retail level; developments in Europe (Netherlands) and USA, 1984–1990

Product group Conditioning Average volume flow (%)

Europe (NL) USAa
1 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4

General grocery n 52 D 53 D 42 D 42 D 67 D 76 D
Meat products ch 8R 6R 23 D
Cheese/eggs ch/n 2R 2R 2R
Fruits and vegetables ch/n 18 R 11 R 17 R
Frozen food df/f 2R 2R 2R 9R 7D
Fresh meat ch 5R 5R 7R
Milk products ch 13 R 9R 13 R 13 R 13 R 13 R
Bakery products n 10 R 7R 11 R 11 R 11 R 11 R
100 100 100 100 100 100
First digit (1,2) represents different stores; second digit (1–4) represents steps of development.
n, nonconditioned; ch, chilled; f, frozen; df, deep-frozen; D, from distribution center; R, from regional depot/wholesaler.

Logistical Policy AUF, Australian United Fruit and Vegetable Organ- 0170

ization. 1980, Product Manual.

0163 In agrofood logistic systems, storage and trans-
EC, European Community. Directive Deep Frozen 0171
portation – the main activities in all logistic systems
Food for Human Consumption, 1990, Brussels.
– are, in addition, characterized by critical design
ECE, Economic Commission for Europe. Agreement 0172
considerations originating from product quality de-
on the international carriage of perishable foodstuffs
velopment in time, and conditioning. The two activ-
and on the special equipment to be used for such
ities compete for minimum costs, by aiming for the
carriage (ATP), Geneva, 1970, and amendments,
largest possible facilities in the relevant links of the
revised 1991.
transport chain, but under the limiting influences of Food Marketing Institute. MUM-project. Trade 0173
differentiated product requirements and restrictions
Practice Recommendations for the Fresh Fruit and
imposed by high housing costs and traffic regulations
Vegetable Industry, Washington, DC (1982).
in cities.
IIR/IIF, International Institute of Referigeration, 0174
0164 Total cost analysis provides a methodology for the
Saving of energy in refrigeration, Paris, 1980. Re-
integrated design of activities along the whole chain
frigeration of perishable products for distant markets,
of operation. For a complete analysis in the planning
1982. Cold chains in economic perspective, 1988.
phase, a wide variation of design alternatives has to be
ISO, International Organization for Standardization. 0175
considered: alternative location of primary (produc- 3674-1984, Packaging – Unit Load Sizes – Dimen-
tion), secondary (distribution), and tertiary (retail)
sions. 3394-1984, Dimensions of rigid rectangular
storage facilities, type of transportation, shipment
packages – Transport packages. 6780-1988, Gen-
size, appearances, equipment for processing, condi-
eral-purpose pallets for through transit of goods –
tioning, and handling.
Part 1: Principal dimensions and tolerances.
0165 As decision criteria, maximum service, maximum
1496/2-1988, Series 1 freight containers – Specifica-
profit, maximum competitive advantage or minimum
tions and testing – Part 2: Thermal containers.
investment (hired services) may be used. Regardless
SAA, Standards Association of Australia. AS 2348- 0176
of the chosen strategy, the desired level of customer 1980, Modular Unit Loads.
service should be accomplished at minimum total
UK, Food Hygiene Regulations, 1990, London. 0177
cost. The number of possible alternatives to reach
this aim can only be tested by the use of mathematical
models. The formulation of a total cost analysis is not See also: Storage Stability: Mechanisms of Degradation;
Parameters Affecting Storage Stability; Shelf-life Testing
without practical problems, especially the appreci-
ation of quality degradation.
0166 Limitations of throughflow time deal only with the Further Reading
general logistic aspect of product flow. The limitation Broetz W (1958) Grundriss der Chemischen Reaktionstech-
of conditions, the most important of which is tem- nik. Bergheim/Weinstrasse: Verlag Chemie.
perature, is considered the second most important Derens E, Canourges EM, Bennahmias R and Billiard F
aspect for perishable products, whereas only the com- (1990) Les enregistreurs de temperature. Revue General
bination of the two can yield the appropriate criteria du Froid, July/August: 63–68.
in terms of quality maintenance in the chain. Jordan JL, Shewfelt RL, Prussia SE and Hurst WC (1985)
0167 Supervision of chain processes, therefore, should Estimating the price of quality characteristics for toma-
be based on information on time–temperature load toes. Horticultural Science 20(2): 203–205.
on the product rather than only time-based informa- Karel M (1982) Prediction of shelflife of stored food. In:
Refrigeration of Perishable Products for Distant
tion (shortest remaining shelf-life instead of FIFO as
Markets, pp. 202–209. Paris: IIF/IIR.
the management criterion). This requires a new Kast FE and Rosenzweig JE (1985) Organisation and
system of control, which in its simplest form is pre- Management. New York: McGraw-Hill.
sented by cheap physicochemical, directly readable, Koelemeijer K (1991) A conceptual model of customer
time–temperature integrators for each lot of product. service evaluation. In: Bradley F (ed.) Marketing
A more suitable approach can be expected from the Thought around the World. Dublin: University College.
application of microelectronic sensors backed up by a Labuza ThP (1982) Shelf Life Dating of Foods. Westport,
computer-assisted inventory management. CT: Food and Nutrition Press.
LaLonde BJ, Cooper MC and Noordewier TG (1988) Cus-
tomer Service, a Management Perspective. Oak Brook:
Standards and Recommendations
Council of Logistic Management.
LaLonde BJ and Zinszer PH (1976) Customer Service:
0169 ANSI, American National Standards Institute. MH Meaning and Measurement. Chicago, IL: National
10.2–1973. Council of Physical Distribution Management.

Levenspiel O (1972) Chemical Reaction Engineering, 2nd Schoorl D and Holt JE (1981) Fresh fruit and vegetables
edn. New York: Wiley. distribution management of quality. Scientia Horticul-
Meffert HFTh (1990a) Economic developments pertinent turae 17: 1–8.
to chilling foods. In: Chilled Foods, the State of the Art. Shewfelt RL, Prussia SE, Hurst WL and Jordan JL (1985) A
London: Elsevier Applied Science. system approach to the evaluation of changes in quality
Meffert HFTh (1990b) Chilled foods in the market place. during postharvest handling of southern peas. Journal of
In: Processing and Quality of Foods, vol. 3. London: Food Science 5: 169–772.
Elsevier Applied Science. Simpson R, Lee Ken-Youn and Torres A (1989) A manage-
Meffert HFTh (1990c) Quality development of foodstuffs ment tool to improve microbial quality of refrigerated
under time–temperature conditions in cold chains. In: foods. In: Technical Innovations in Freezing and Re-
Progress in the Science and Technology of Refrigeration frigeration of Fruits and Vegetables. Paris: International
in Food Engineering. Paris: International Institute of Institute of Refrigeration.
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D A Bender, University College London, London, UK b-oxidation of fatty acids, the metabolism of ethanol,
Copyright 2003, Elsevier Science Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
ketone bodies, and a number of amino acids. For each
mole of acetyl CoA oxidized in this pathway, there is a
yield of 12  ATP equivalents, arising from:
Background . 3  nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADþ) re- 0003

0001 The tricarboxylic acid cycle is the major energy- duced to NADH, equivalent to 9  ATP when reox-
yielding metabolic pathway in cells, providing the idized in the electron transport chain;
greater part of the reduced coenzymes that will be . 1  flavoprotein reduced, leading to reduction of 0004

oxidized by the electron transport chain to yield ubiquinone, equivalent to 2  adenosine diphos-
adenosine triphosphate (ATP). The pathway is some- phate (ADP) when reoxidized in the electron trans-
times known as the citric acid cycle, or the Krebs’ port chain;
cycle, after its discoverer, Sir Hans Krebs. In addition . 1  guanosine diphosphate (GDP) phosphorylated 0005

to its role in energy-yielding metabolism, and the oxi- to guanosine triphosphate (GTP), equivalent to
dation of 2-carbon units, the cycle is also the major 1  ATP.
pathway for interconversion of 4- and 5-carbon com- The four-carbon intermediate, oxaloacetate, reacts
pounds in the cell, many of which arise from, or are with acetyl CoA to form a six-carbon compound,
intermediates in the synthesis of, amino acids. Oxa- citric acid. The cycle is then a series of steps in
loacetate, a key intermediate in the cycle, is the main which two carbon atoms are lost as carbon dioxide,
precursor for gluconeogenesis in the fasting state. followed by a series of oxidation and other reactions,
eventually reforming oxaloacetate. The CoA of acetyl
CoA is released, and is available for further formation
Reactions of the Tricarboxylic Acid Cycle
of acetyl CoA from pyruvate, fatty acids, or ketone
0002 As shown in Figure 1, the tricarboxylic acid cycle bodies.
provides a pathway for the oxidation to carbon Although oxaloacetate is the precursor for gluco- 0006

dioxide and water of the acetate moiety of acetyl coen- neogenesis, fatty acids and other compounds that give
zyme A (CoA) arising from the oxidative decarboxyla- rise to acetyl CoA or acetoacetate cannot be used for
tion of pyruvate (the end product of glycolysis), the net synthesis of glucose. As can be seen from Figure 1,

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