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Study of three dimensional equilibrium.


 Study equilibrium conditions of five forces in a three dimensional system

Apparatus Description:

Apparatus HST27/M/E/01 is a rigid cubical

frame made of angle section and vertical rods are
mounted two mirrors on one pair of adjacent sides
and two transparent sheets of plastic scribed with
centimeter on other pair. A provision has been
made for aligning the mirrors and grids at right
angles to each other at vertical side of the cube,
and the vertical rods extend below the cube to four
leveling feet. At the four top corners of the cube
there are swiveling pulleys over which a set of four
cords and support a vertical cord and hanger.

All five cords within the cube carry a pair of

colored markers 100mm apart. Set of five cords is Figure 1: HST27/M/E/01 3D Equilibrium
attached with space frame in concurrent Apparatus


Apparatus can be adjusted according to any arrangement in three dimensional

space i.e. either concurrent or non-concurrent system

A system in three dimensional space must satisfy same rules as in two

dimensional system. i.e.

ΣF= 0 and ΣM = 0

Depends on the system property of being concurrent or non concurrent. For three
dimensional system summation of forces along any axis must be zero.

ΣFx = 0 ; ΣFy = 0 ; ΣFz = 0


Thread the four long cords of five cord (concurrent) assembly over the four
pulleys at the top corners of the box frame. Apply weight hangers to the ends of all
cords, allowing the fifth cord to hang in the middle of the frame, so that all of the marker
beads on the cords lie within the limits of both of the graph grids.

Ensure that the pulley lie in the same plane as the cords. They can be swiveled
in their housing until correctly aligned. It may be worthwhile subjecting the point of
concurrence of the cords to minor displacements in a number of directions, to establish
the “best” equilibrium condition. Gently tapping the box frame may also helpful in
achieving this. If this is done, it may be necessary to readjust the pulley positions.

Select a cord and record the total load (hanger plus added weight). Note the
color of the beads on the cord and fill the table with recorded values.

Establish the co-ordinates of each marker bead. This is done by aligning the
marker bead with its mirror image, when observing it through the grid. Firstly identify the
bead and its image in YZ mirror. Look through the YZ grid, and move the eye until the
image is coincident with the bead. The point through which the coincidence is observed
will have the same Y and Z co-ordinates as will the marker bead. Use centimeter grid to
fix the position and then estimate the coordinate to within a millimeter by eye, bearing in
mind the Y scale increases leftward. Note these co-ordinates. The viewing screen will
be found useful for this procedure; it gives a uniform background in the mirror, making it
easier to use one eye to achieve the required no-parallax condition. Repeat, using the
ZX mirror and grid, noting that the X scale increases rightward.

The “Z” co-ordinate can be determined from either of the two graph grids, but for
best accuracy use one grid for all the Z values. As long as the grids and mirrors are
correctly aligned in their vertical planes, there should be no discrepancy between the
two values obtained. Should a consistent, substantial discrepancy appear, the grid and
mirror alignments should be checked.

Record all cords, noting also the magnitudes of the associated forces.

Table 1:

Force Total Co-ordinates of Marker Beads (cm)

No. Weight XA YA ZA XB YB ZB
Table 2:

Force Tension Projected Components (cm) Resolved Forces (N)

No. Coefficient X= (xA-xB) Y= (yA-yB) Z= (zA-zB) t.X t.Y t.Z
Σt.X Σt.Y Σt.Z

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