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MACIEJ MATASEK FCE TESTS 20 TESTS at the FCE level with KEYS Copyriant by Macie| Matasek Wydawnictwo HANDYBOOKS: Poznah 2008 Wezelkio prawa zastrzezone, Kazda reprodukcja lub adaptacja catosci lub czesoi ninieisze| publikacj, niazaleznie od zastasowanej techniki repredukgl « drukarskie), Komputerawa, Tolograficane), Ksaragaaficzne| id. - wymaga pisemne| zgady ‘Autora oraz Wydawey, ISBN 978-89-914207-2.0 Wydawniciwa HANDYBOOKS: Poznah-Rekietnica ul. Legionow Polskich 26 Telaks (061) 6675106 \wydawnictwo@handybooks.pl wwrw.handybooks pl TEST 1 TEST 2 ... TEST3 . TEST 4 .... TEST 5 ..... TEST6 ..... TEST 7 ..... TESTS ..... TEST D8 secessscessssrecseee TEST 10 TEST 11 TEST 12 viecsssesterssessenans TEST 13 . TEST14 icwincsieinnisiiuits TEST 18 vie csseetstertes steers TEST 16 TEST 17 TEST 18 .. SPIS TRESC! TEST 20 ..... KLUCZ TEST 1 |, Put the words in brackets in the correct form. There is a spark of innovation in all of us. It is one of those things about being human. We all have bright ideas some time or another finding something new or how to do things better. There are those who have enough .. (DETERMINE) to carry their idea through right to the end. However, all innovetoes, as we call them, experience successes and .. (FAIL) along the way. Take the example of Branco Bobic - (FAME) for inventing a device for putting out oil wells after the Gulf War. Branco has lost his home, business and life . (SAVE) when he failed to attract manufacturers attention. He has leamed the hard way just as many others have. Trevor Boylis, for instance, invented the clockwork radio which he designed for use in Africa where batteries are expensive or simply .. (OBTAIN), No producers had agreed to buy his patent until his , (APPEAR) on TV. iris Whyte has designed plastic potty WhICh iS .....0..0....0....--.. (EQUIP) with @ moisture-activated device that speaks to an infant being toilet-trained. This novelty is supposed to help teach the child. So far, Iris has not been ......... . (SUCCEED) in selling her innovative idea. Another serious inventor, Joshua Silver, has had an idea for cheap, ., (COMFORT) spectacles for poor people in developing countries. (INVENT) might contribute to a considerable (IMPROVE) in the quality of life for billions of people, there is nobody ‘wing to put the device into ... .. (PRODUCE), So, he still manufactures his spectacles himself in his garage. All these individuals have had to learn what oo... vs. (PERSIST) and (PATIENT) mean. Even if they have ft quite made it, they are . (CONVINCE) success |s not far away. And what tips do they have tor other would. be inventors? There is one: KEEP ON TRYING. Although his . ll, Paraphrase the following sentences, 41, Someone has suggested closing the factory. 2, Itisa sandy beach, THEE oes 3. | suggest that you should visit an obstetrician. How 4. Martin began studying law just two weeks ago. (for) 5, Alan says he likes driving a car more than being driven. (prefers) 6. | do not know much about programming. (knowledge) 7, Mrs Nillis f garden. (mind) Mountaineering .... 9. Whose are those diskettes? (belong) 10. These two photographs are not the same, TINOPE ooo eee stseecseeeseeseesse eens WU. Fill each gap with one correct word. 41, You do not need ..........0+. worry about anything as ............... a8 you stay . your parents’ house, is nothing | would not do for you, honey. Michael come .............. ? Scotland or Ireland? 4, How .... . d0es ... . cost to hire a bike for .............. day? 5. You could ... ... told me you were wo... Charge of the project. 6. | don't know , veo itis right .............. punish all of them for .........056 has happened. 7, Let's ....... soos fishing next Saturday, .............. Wwe? BVM SOMY ws. sceeeeee laughing ............, you. Ijust couldn't ............ itwhen | saw you in that funny hat. .. when have the children been playing .............. Of deors? 10. . matter how hard you try, you won't ever succeed ........... collecting the amount of money .... is required. 11, The guerrilla troops Were MADE oo... SUITENDET oo... ee cn @-SMall unit Of well-trained special forces, 12... like about Muriel is her unique voeeers Of hUMOUT, 13, None . oo US Was prepared .., .. the conference as we had not .. informed about it ............... advance. 1. occu... Moise our neighbours’ children make is really hard ..............,put up 15, How much money was ........ park bench yesterday? . in the wallet ................you found on the IV. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form. 4, How long .... oe (you / know) the boy WhO .. oo... ase (phone) last night to ask you out? 2, Before oo sccsee (take) a loan it's advisable .... ccssssvsen, (Calculate) ‘the interest that ore . ve (Nave) to pay on it. 3. Mr Haris, WAO oo. eee ceeeeeee (ME) last WINRAR, cece OTK) FOr charity for almost twenty years. 4, ‘Who .....(fun) the business with you?’ ‘I'm the only one a (do) It.’ 5, Becky says she ........ right now, 6. The colonel hardly ever considers himself 7, There Is no point in. oo (MOE FEE!) LiKE. .eseccesssssesreeeeeee(Play) cards: seccoreesses (@SK) for other officers’ opinions, He (be) the best strategist. coe tty) v scaneseeasees(f@pair) the old set. | _ (aready / $ee) to it twice. its dead broken, 8. it weather ... (not inaprove) until tomorrow, we. (not have) any other aletiative but. +» (gO) back oo 9, Mr Tall says he is against ....... vee (let) people .... (wander) across the ruins. 10, ‘How long 0... cosas Ait / take) ...cccecses esses (Cover) the distance on foot?’ “| don't know. | .. not walk) this way yet.’ 11, Stop ... . (do). We are old enough sue (tell) Us what . (know) ourselves. ... ot hear) from James since October. Last time he (phone) he.was somewhere in the north of Alaska. vo., (the thieves / carry) into their lorry when the police .. (catch) them last night? 14. She asked m me e really strange questions, | .. strtrtrreseeee (NOT ASK) SUCH questions before. 15, The fishermen advised us not cross) the river at that place as there MIQHE .........000ee ses (be) dangerous whirlpools, 12, We 13. What V. Complete the phrasal verbs with the following verbs in the correct form. bring come get go look make put stand take turn (you) up your mind yet? Do you know which holiday offer to choose? 2. | don't know what somnambulist means. | have to .................... itup in my dictionary. 3. Could you ... us up for a night or two? We won't make trouble. 4. Yesterday morning we . up really late, as usual on Sunday. 5. Hundreds of people expected to see their favourite TV star but she didn't up at all that day, 6. My brother .. , up karate seven years ago. Now, he’s a champion, 7. Food prices . -up tecently. Everything costs more now. 8. Mr Lee was born in Taiwan but he was adopted and ». Up by an American family in Texas. 9. Our pupils have to ...... classroom. 10. The quality of the shoes | ordered from the catalogue doesn't quite . up to my expectations. . up when their teacher comes into a VI. Choose the correct answer. 1, It doesn't make much ...... i .. to send a message in a bottle. a) right b) sense c) well d) reason 2, It's not sere asking Peter's advice, He knows nothing, a) use b) advantage ¢) point d) worth 3. Mr Roth was the first to...........0.:.0..5. for the vacant position. a) apply b) enquire c) order d) demand 4. Uncle Ross is a... .. Smoker, He smokes two packets a day. @) habitual b) continual 6) frequent d) permanent 5, Last night, the poor woman ....... . birth to her eighth child. a) made b) delivered c) gave ) took 8, Once you leave, who's going to b@ i... Of the Public Relations department? a) power b) charge ¢) rule d) responsibility 7. AS a child | was always .............. .. for what my younger brother had done. a) complained b) disapproved c) faulted d) blamed 10 o It's biting cold outside. We'd . csc you to stay and play at home. @) rather b) better c) prefer d) more 9. I didn't switch off my mobile phone justin ...... wae LWaS looked for by my boss. a) case b) way ¢) occurrence d) event 10, This marvellous mountainous landscape ...... me of the village I grew up in. a) memorises b) reminds ¢) resembles. d) remembers TAS as | know, this marble statue is not genuine. a) wide b) long ¢) far d) near 12. It's the only map we have. ... on vo» that you don't lose it. a) Think 'b) Mind ¢) Bother d) Regard 13. | didn't see the whole occurrence. | just managed to catch @ oo... cee OF It a) glimpse b) look ¢) sight d) view 14, Does it make a big ......000....0...... If] pay you in dollars instead of pounds? a) variation b) contrast ¢) opposition d) difference 45. Take Dorothy's advice. She's got a lot of ............ --. SENSE, a) common b) real ¢) popular d) wide ‘VII. Write in the correct words. 1. Only aunt Martha can make such delicious cakes. The ___¢ _ _ _ isher secret. 2. There is a picture of the Prime Minister on the _ _ v _ _ of the magazine 3. ‘Mind your _ _ _ m _ _ s young mani’ shouted an elderly lady at the boy who swore in front of her and the other passengers, | wouldn't bet so much money on the local team, They're rather _ _ | _ to win the Cup Final B 5. Ifyouhope to ___h _ _ _ _ asuccess in business you must invest money with care. 8. John was fired from work because he _ _ . 6d to work overtime. 7. If you pay for six months in the landlord will reduce the monthly rent by about ten percent, 8. The Browns are notas _ _ a _ _ _ _ as thelr neighbours are. They own just one house and a second-hand car, 9, We took these magnificent photos duringour_ _.g9 = .__@ _ _-_ tour around the coastline. 10, Mark is neither tall nor short, just _ _ _ r _ _ _ height, 11. The low price of the generatoris its great__ __ _ t _ _ _ but the running costs are a minus in the long run. 12, The officers were ordered tobe __t __ f _ _ for any signs of movement in the area under observation. 13. Several fans _ _ i _ _ ed during the star's performance probably because of lack of fresh air. They all came round after a while. 14. Mrs Harris never cooks at home. She buys ___ _ Vv _ _ _ ¢ _ food ata take-away restaurant near her office 15. More than a hundred policemen and volunteers set off in __e __ _ _ ofthe missing child. The boy was finally found alive fifteen kilometres from his house. VII. Complete the sentences with the verbs do” or “make” in the correct form. do / make 1. Mr Woods is said to have ........... cusses. @lOt of Money on some illegal business. Bei Locus YOUr beds children, it's time to sleep. 3. Can you 00.2... i me a favour, Gill? 4, Peaple of the world: . peace not war! 5. | went out as | couldn't stand looking at him ....................... @ fool of himself. 6. The doctor advised me to .........:::40:+::+... fegular exercise at least three days a week, 7. We expect our téaM tO .........0...0..+. their best in the final game, 8. The torch batteries are low, When it goes off completely, we'll have to .. do without it for some time. 9. Don't be afraid of the dog, It WON't ....cceeeeeeee any harm to you. 10. Take a walk in the open air, it will ... you good, for sure. 411, Something's wrong with the calculations. | must have somewhere, 12. Last year, the company ........ 13. ‘How is Frank?" ‘Thanks, he's .. 14. The officer always ...0.0........ 15. ‘What does your brother ........ Humpton.” amistake a loss of about one million cree f@ally fine." a point of inspecting his soldiers’ rooms. .. for a living?’ ‘He's an attorney in 12 TEST 2 |. Put one suitable word in each gap in the following text. Enjoyment is what drinking wine is all about. However, the more you know, (1) easier it becomes to select the right wines for you or your guests. Wine is basically grape juice to . ++. (2) yeast has been added causing it to ferment and produce alcohol, Alcohol is favourless, so there must be something more .... (3) wine than this. Many of the secrets of wine lie within the grape. Its pulp isa y suger ‘solution which contains the things that give a wine its fruity flavour. In a dry wine, most of a grape’s sugar has been converted . «. (4) alcohol. In a sweet one, more sugar is left. This can be felt on the . (5) of the tongue. The pulp also contains acidity which gives the wine "crispness' that makes the mouth water. Too much . (6) it can make you wince, too little and the wine could taste dull. The skin contains flavour and tannin, Tannin produces a tingling sensation in the gums and gives a wine firmness. White grapes have their skins removed before fermentation so tannin is only really found in red wines. The pulp of black and white grapes is .. (7) Same pale colour. The fact that the skins of black grapes are left on .. (8) the wine is fermented gives red wine its colour. The wines which are often considered to be the best are ............... (9) where all the elements balance one another. There are many grape varieties grown in many climates which influence the emphasis given to these features and this is ........ (10) wines can be so wonderfully different, Il. Translate the following sentences into English. 1. Nie mam pojecia, kogo winié za ten nieszczesiiwy wypadek, Ihave ... for the unfortunate accident, 2. Powiedziane nam, aby nie korzystac z tej drukarki poniewad jest zepsuta, We. a evaeuuaans vents 3. Z kim powinienem parozmawiac o moich problemach? NWANNO sicsccccrsssciasg tamieceincinasa me nbaantaniaiN wears . my problems? 4, Czy nie byloby lepie), gdybys zloty! podanie w kilku miejscach na raz? Hadn't seosseeoe aesssesssvasesasssiss QPPHCALION se.ccssererereeerteees vo ata time? 13, 5. Co sprawilo Ze tak wiele osdb zrezygnowelo 2 uczestnictwa w nasze/ kampanii? taking What made . campaign? 6, Jeszeze rad nie spotkalem kagos, Kio potrafiiby tak klamaé, jak ana, Ihave .. -» WHO... she os, i chorabe zaionych krow moze dotrzec do wszystkich europejskich krajow, the mad cow disease . seronrrens, COUNTIES, 8. Gayoyscie potceabowal patie: nie 9 wahajie ‘en nas na pean Incase . : ., don't .. e 9, Disczego nie aby! colvaniacay? Mah /przeciez ame sobie nage lub reke, Why ..... the safety pads? He ... his leg or his arm 10. Ne wiadomo io poalodyl ogier w fabryce. Sledztwo nie jest jeszcze zakoriczone, It... .. in the factory. The investigation - yet. Ill. Choose the correct answer. 1. | suggested ... ke .. to this letter as soon as possible. a) Mark to raphe 'b) to Mark replying c) that Mark reply d) replying by Mark 2. By next Sunday, our children... cscs at the camp for ten days. a) will have been staying b) will be staying c) will have been stayed d) will stay 3, We'd rather... ne ., the wire. It may be live a) that you don' t touch b) you shouldn't touch ¢) you not to touch d) you didn't touch 4, The boy cried because he ........ sovenes fO play with the ether children, a) hadn't been allowed b) hadn't been allowing c) hadn't allowed d) hadn't to allow 5, All of the candidates: / coos. their physical strength, a) were making display b) made to display c) were made to display d) were made display 6. Neither she Nor he ......0............... the police what had really happened. a) did tell b) told ¢) did not tell d) were told 4 7, Look at the sky. It's 2... . .. SOON. a) unlikely that will rain b) unlikely to rain ¢) unlikely raining d) likely not to rain 8. Susan is always 50 extravagant. She . sa .. acelebrity. a) behaves to be b) behaves as if she were ¢) behaves that she is d) behaves being 9. Would you mind ......... veces at your drawings for a while? a) me to let the students to look b) that | will let the students look ¢) my letting the students look d) to me letting the students look 10, UNIeSS .......-e serie reese US the whole truth, we won't let her go. a) she tells b) does she not tell ¢) does she tell d) she doesn''t tell IV. Put the words in brackets in the correct form. 41, Experience, flexibility and involvement are the main ... (REQUIRE) of employers nowadays. 2. Tom stood in detence of the woman who was attacked by a mugger. He was later praised and awarded for his . (BRAVE). 3, The minister is going to make a .. (PERSON) appearance on TV to account for the gossips. 4, The detective says he can see a striking . these four robbery cases. § Don'tbe..... 6. There's every ... will be called off, 7. Keep this plant in a dark place. It's very... . (SENSE) to light, 8. You don't cover the .......... sisssus (POST) costs. Ordered goods are delivered to your door free of charge. 9. The introduction of the tax relief will certainly be ...... to large exporters. 10, The trade unions insist on firing the Chief Executive, They claim he is quite (CONSCIENCE) of the problems in the factory, 11. I'm sorry for hitting you with the ball, It was ..... ceisseineeenes (ACCIDENT). 12. Look at your .. (REFLECT) in the mirror. There's no sign of the scar you had before the surgery. 13, Adam's oo... .cccccceesseeseees (ENTERTAIN) character makes him the most favourable person to stick with (SIMILAR) between (KIND) to Alice, She never treats you in a bad way. (LIKELY) that our next week's military training socceeeees (BENEFIT) 14. Ever since both of them were made redundant, they have been .......... (DESPAIR) for money. 15, Everybody knows there is a fierce 00.00.00... and William for the managerial position, .. (RIVAL) between Mike V. Complete the following sentences with the phrases from the box. advance comparison with debt exchange for favour of the mood for order to pursuitof sight — spite of 41, Leave me alone. |'m not in wo . your silly jokes. 2. This woollen jacket seems quite cheap in ..,. .+.. that leather one, BoM ccc. the risk of another avalanche, the rescuers went on looking for the missing skiers. 4, Although he was not ti ..........::cesrse eee MY proposals, the managing director admitted that there was need for improvement. 5. Frank's gone to the bank i 2... esses PICK Up SOME Money. 6. | would like to be informed in ... sees, @bout any changes you're Planning to introduce in your department. 7, Ever since he took a loan for that brand new car, he's been In 8. Who shall we ask for the way? There are no people in Be sisica cove coceess Mirrors, combs and other goods of minor value, the Incas presented the Spanish conquistadors with precious golden artefacts, 10. Right after the emergency call, the police set out in... fugitives. Two of them have been captured so far. VI, Complete the sentences with the verbs ‘be’ or ‘have’ in the correct form. be or have 1, The workers demand to ............. their say in the industrial dispute. 2, Since when haven't you ....... . in touch with your parents? 3. You may use my computer. | see Nothing against it. 4, We do know how it is to be on the dole, We have so... cece res Our hard time. 5. Ever since he admitted having been a secret agent, he's everybody's lips, 6. What's worrying you Cindy? What ......... cesseseeeeees ON yOur mind? 7. ‘This crossword-puzzle is a nuisance. | cannot doit’ ‘Letme .... ago atit.’ 8. Before he was fired for some dirty plays, Mr Hicks had charge of the accounting department for about two years 9, Debbie is a perfect candidate for a baby-sitter. She certainly a way with children, 10, Peter has .. 41. Don't worry. We .. whatever happens. on ..... in low spirits ever since his girlfriend left him. v.allon your side. We'll stand by you 12. I'll pay you fifteen pounds extra and we'll... .......cj.sceeeseeee done with this bargaining. What do you say? 13, You. vivid ooo in the wrong. It wasn't Elvis Presley who sang the song first. It was Frank Sinatra, 14, Mrs Willis... scores @ fondness for car races because her father used to be a racer. 15. Seeing that Tom and Greg .o......ccceseseseeees+ 80 little in Gommon, they won't make great friends. Vil. Complete the idiomatic phrases with the verbs in the correct form. beat call cry face hit keep make pull skate take 1. If you suffer consequences of your unwise actions, you sciereseeeeee the music. 2. If you decide to stop working, you .................. ita day. 3. You get really angry if you .................. the roof. 4, Ifyou . the bull by the horns, you face a difficult situation bravely. 5. If you .. something under your hat, you consider it to be secret. 6. IEYOU -.............4. YOUR Socks up, you start acting better. 7, If you don't tell directly what is on your mind, you ...,......... about the bush. 8. You ... ...., @ Mountain out of a molehill if you pay too much attention to unimportant things vs» @n thin ice, you are in a risky position. soo OVOr Spilt milk, you despair over something that cannot be changed or repaired. TEST 3 |. Find one unnecessary word in some of the lines of the following text. Standing in a modern supermarket, it may appear unbelievable that ........ (1) anyone today could have had a deficiency of vitamins and minerals. But . (2) appearances can be dangerously misleading, Consider, for the instance, . (3) that about 25 percent of all the calories we average modern people . (4) consume come from added sugar, which it contains nothing but calories. . (8) We may safely cross out one-fourth of our diet as a potential source of . . 6) vitamins and minerals. If we exclude those who have never drink at all, (7) those remaining take in, on an average, some 20 to 25 percent of all ........ (8) calories from alcohol. Alcoholic beverages contain at best only traces of ........ (9) vitamins and minerals. So between the sugar and the alcohol, an average ........ (10) person he is now getting approximately half of their daily calorie quota (11) from sources that are hardly but nutritious. Even more calories in a typical « (12) modern diet come from processed fats — cooking fats, salad oils as well as . (13) oils added to baked goods. Such fats — which they contain only minimum ~ (14) amount of vitamins - may constitute another 15 to 30 percent of daily . (15) calories. Ironically, the same food technology that has been given us the . (18) opportunity to eat like kings has also made it possible for us to waste two- . (17) thirds of our daily diets on food that could not keep a mouse in alive, Still, ........ (18) most of us know that vitamins and minerals play an increasingly important - (19) role in how we to feel and perform, ceaveuswt20) Il. Paraphrase the following sentences. 1, How much does this furniture set cost? 2. Mr Wilkins smokes cigars all the time, (addicted) 3. | can't redecorate flats. (skilled) 4. What is her annual income? sececenesfeeeerersereesceserecseess QUAM? lots broke out anew. No sooner 6. It seems he doesn't care what is going on around him, 7. Who made these ay) arena. iby) 8, You don't have to pay for the delivery. (charge) The delivery .. i 9. Why did she faa so 5a that day? (the eu! 2 10. Martha is both a talented singer and a promising pianist. Not only . il, Fill each gap with one suitable word. 4, Jenny says she is already looking ... are still two months... 2 gO. Bo ceseceececeee, WhO are willing to ............... part in the performance please raise their hands. 3. Lam fond ............... all the Olympic disciplines except ............... fencing. 4, Mr Woods .. soso into trouble for not submitting his annual tax declaration me last year. §. Much ............... Prespect Mr Gardener, | strongly disagree .............. his opinion on nuclear energy. 6, ‘Somehow, | cannot remember .... .. dulia looks like. Does she take . her mother?’ 'Oh yes, she . ‘ They are so alike. 7, You didn’t KNOW .....:+ +1 Our teacher told us .., do because you were AOb cuss, ENOUGH attention to his instructions. B. ..sccee. the beginning, the task seemed a .............., AS PIG, DUE... eee the ond we had to call a specialist coe help us out. cove Spgaking, lam not. favour of putting this project into operation, Itwill Only oe eee things worse. 10. ‘How long ... . we expected to refrain .............., smoking, sir?’ "You will not » allowed to SMOKE... the whole experiment ends,’ was Alan ............... Suggested an immediate action. If it hadn't been ne sre him, the whole thing might .. ended tragically, 12. Ever .... .. She was promoted ... the position of a manager, Leila has behaved as ... She knew everything better. 43. ‘This painting was faked In............... 19" century.’ ‘Who. .. to Christmas even . 9.. q. set 19 14. Seven hundred people were laid that lam... 15. Who's going to eat this all? You ......... .. Of it in the fridge. got... . by the factory including myself. Now .. of work, | know what life ... ... @ shoestring means. .. Not have bought so much food. We've IV. Complete the sentences with the verbs in the correct form, 1, attend 2. take 3. complete 4. investigate 5. refuse a) Mr Lee is not available at the moment. He ........00c006 a very important conference. b) Before | decided which course to choose, | quite a few introductory meetings. c) The Prime Minister promised he ..........0......00..0.. the annual conference the following year. a) My brother is an ice hockey lover, He .........:6 ccc delight in playing it and watching it on TV, b) Elisabeth and | haven't spoken to each other ever since she sone Offense with me. c) By next year, our company .... on more than two hundred of new employees {GF the new departments. a) Now that you .... seoseosu sone the language course, you can take the First Certificate exam, b) From ten to eleven, the applicants ............... vn the forms. Then, the interviews will follow. C) The writer ...........c0ccce (not) his last novel before he died. a) A special police department . scesrosecroe the crime from March till June last year, but got nowhere. b) The case of missing plutonium .. commission right now, c) This detective is said ... ‘of such difficult cases so far. A) ae .» (you) to help us if we hadn't paid you the money? b) We still hope Mr Nilson will agree to represent us in court. He sess. (NOt) Our proposal yet c) ih we ear t a credible documents, the bank ... to give us a loan. . by a special .. more than a hundred 20 Vv. Complete the phrasal verbs with the verbs in the correct form. carry come drop fall look point put run turn work 1. Jake and Barry don't talk to each other. They ...................... out yesterday. 2. The fire broke out right after midnight and was only ... out three hours later. 3, Michael .............-.-...-... Out of university because he couldn't cope with so much work and stress. 4, The truth about Mr Dowson’s numerous love affairs ..... cero, Out when his wife left him. 5, Our teacher didn’t want to help us a bit. He told us ta oteseeeseeees OUt the solution by ourselves. 6. The situation became dramatic when the survivors’ food and fresh water supplies HAD cece GUE, 7, Because he refused to ........0......0.... Out Orders, the private was punished with solitary confinement. 8. Itwas Tina WhO wo... Out the problem to us. Before, we hadn't realized it existed, 9. ooecccesseseeesees, OUT! There may be snakes in the grass 40. When | saw Michael first | thought he was a conceited young man. Only after we got to know each other better, he... scores Out to be a mast sociable character. VI. Choose the correct answer. 41, Close the windows please. This horrible noise is .....................0. M€ Crazy. a) riding b) running c) moving d) driving 2. Hadn't you -....00....0....... wait for the final decision before you change your mind? a) rather b) better c) more d) still 3. We'd like all of you to ..... tecssrcsee, What you've just heard into consideration. a) take b) lay ¢c) think d) bring 4, Brian says he is ....................... of dealing with this difficult task successfully. a) able b) clever c) capable d) skillful 5. We have asked our teacher to ........................ writing the test until next week. @) postpone ¢ b) abandon ¢) prevent d) hinder 21 6. An investigation was ........... after the confidential files had been smuggled out of the country. a) fired b) burst c) ejected d) launched Poll swan .. Of torrential rains, several villages were completely under water, a) reason b) outcome c) result d) cause 8. We'd susestteereeseeess) OUP Children not to take part in this exhausting excursion. a) prefer b) favour ¢) rather d) like 9. Ms Higgins usually writes business letters on her boss's oo... cee « a) authority b) name ¢) behalf d) reference 10. It cesursse. Me that you are satisfied with your new occupation. a) enjoys b) pleases ¢) contents d) appreciates 11. Let's take torches. They may come in when we go dewn the cave. a) usage b) helpful ¢) advantage d) handy 12. Cindy is much more intelligent if ................0..... With her older sisters, a) comparison b) likelihood ¢) opposition d) similarity 13. David is in charge here. It's 0.4.00... to him whether we will stop at this. point or make another movement. a) on b) up ¢) down d) about 14. The charges have ........................ doubt on the minister's credibility, a) dropped b) thrown c) cast d) launched 15. Like his grandfather and his father, Thomas hopes to ..................0... @ SUCCESS: In medical research, a) reach b) capture c) achieve d) acquire VII. Write in the correct words. 1, One of the soldiers was punished because he would refuse to __ _f __ the captain's orders. 2. Right after the church ceremony the newly-wed and their guests went to awedding_ _ __ p__ _ _ that took place in a posh restaurant. 3, It was the scary stories about the castlethat_ __.¢_ © __ ed most of the kids from visiting it. Only few of them volunteered to go 4, Schools in our district have held anti-drug campaigns for years, This is why drug _ »_ _ _ is nota problem among our students, 5. If you ever need my help, donot _ _ t _ _ _ to ask for it. I'll stand by you. 6, I'm sorry, Mr Lee can’t meet you at five, He's gota(n)___o9_______ with his lawyer. Come tomorrow, please. 22 7.I's _ _ _ | _ g cold here. The temperature must be about minus ten degrees. | wish | had taken my cap and my gloves. 8. James can be boring at times, butonthe _ _o _ _ he is a decent man and a good companion. 9. This plot of land, the forest and the old buildings constitute Mrs Webster's ee PLL Lee s . She inherited it all from her great-grandfather. 10. What Adam says is beyond _ _ _ _ _ f. He claims to have travelled in time. 41, Instead of spending our time on the beach, let's goon aboat__u___ around the gulf and the magnificent coral islands. 42. Under no circumstances, should anyone see these files. The information they include is strictly __._f__-_-nm____. 13. Many people donot = _ _ _ _ v _ of drinking alcohol in public places. This is why our local authorities are considering putting a ban on it. 14, David has little _ _ _ _ u _ _ time after school. His teachers give him a lot of homework so he rarely goes out to play with other children. 15, Several passenger were _ _ | _ _ ed in the bus crash. Fortunately, nobody's life was in danger. VII. Complete the sentences with the following words. burning forwarding = laughing roaring = running shooting spitting striking turning waking 1, Look at Muriel, Isn't she a concooses Image of her mother? 2. The problem of missing tools is no .... . matter. We have to handle it 3. The shop was closed down because the visser costs were much higher than the earnings. 4. Winning the Oscar Award was the «00.00.00... 5, Widespread famine has been a issue in Africa for years. 6. Suddenly, | got these ........ soe pains in my left leg. 7. You won't have to walk far. The church is within ..... . distance. 8, To deliver these parcels, We NED Aves Address, 9. The critics say this play is a ...... soon SUCCESS, We must soe it. 10, He's a millionaire, He spends alll his ....................... hours enjoying himself. - point in the young actor's life. 23 TEST 4 1. Choose the right word for each gap. If you go to Stockholm, you are quite .......... (1) te come across people talking loudly to themselves in the streets. At first, you think they must have .......... (2) crazy. But when you have a closer .......... (3) at them, you spot a tiny headphone with a hardly visible strip of black wire in their ears, This is when you realize that the thing you see is the latest gizmo — a craze of a new fashion among the Swedes. What is it exactly? ¢ mini-headphone that comes with a mobile phone. The set.......... (4) a combination of a Walkman and a modern stage microphone. The mobile can be seated in your pocket .......,.. (5) the headphone stays in the ear. Although the set is a costly thing, it is expected to reach wider markets soon. The advertisers are already trying to .......... (6) people that the headphone set eliminates the range of dangerous radiation . (7) by mobiles. The Swedes are known to be .......... (8) about their health just as they care about the proper upbringing for their offspring, This is why they have recently bought thousands of electronic toy animals which are placed inside a plastic egg. seserre (9) to experts, the toys can help teach children to be systematic and responsible. .......... (10) cats ar dogs, the electronic pets need to be fed and taken for a regular walk, And they can be even more demanding than live pets. However, they do not (11) much trouble to parents. Whenever a child forgets about feeding time or ignores the pets’ natural needs, the pets will whine and squeal in a horrible . (12), The real problem starts when children bring their beloved pets to school, Lessons are broken on several occasions when a hungry or thirsty pet loudly .......... (13) of its existence. One teacher has found a good solution .......... (14) the trouble. She ws ». (1) her pupils build a mini-zoo where they are asked to leave their artificial pets before coming into a classroom. The children may only see and play with their darlings during the lunch-break, 1. a) probably b) likely c) possibly —_d) really 2. a) gone b) driven ¢) grown d) run 3. a) notice b) sight G) view d) look 4. a) resembles b) remembers c) reminds d) recognizes 5. a) otherwise b) nevertheless c) thereafter d) while 6. a) realize b) convince ¢) prove d) confirm 7. a) issued b) emitted ¢) poured d) distributed 8. a) concerned b) considerate ¢) committed d) conscious 24 9. a) According b) Following c) Agreeing d) Regarding 10. a) Similar b) Approximately c) Like d) Equivalent 11. a)reason bb) design ~—cc) establish —d) cause 12. a) habit b) manner ¢) approach d) custom 13. a) reminds b) recalis ¢) memorizes d) remembers 14. a)on b) at c) to d) with 15. a) did b) wanted ¢) asked d) made Il. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form. 4, Thomas: ‘...... Alice: ‘No, he (leave) for the US last week. | guess HE o.oo a job and a good place to stay there,’ Thomas: 'I thought he ... hotel before he Alice: ‘As a matter of fact, before ........, (call) several work agencies and even . in a hotel, but because he wasn't sure which city he .. (you / hear) from Alan recently?” . (not phone) me ever since he .... (still / look) for .. (arrange) for some job and a decent (go)." (leave), he (book) a room (settle) in, he later (cancel) the booking.’ Thomas: 'So you ...... ‘ ss (not Know) exactly where he is now, do you?’ Alice: ‘That's right. But | hope he sav (Ot) MO vscaisicicnee (know) as soon as he... aivabieie (work) his problems out there. Thomas: 'I think everything occu (BE) fine with Alan, Don’t forget . (wish) him luck from me next time you voces (talk) to him,’ 2. Sally: ‘Hi, James. bo... cc. ce cue... (lok) for you since morning. Where .. (you / be) all this time?’ +» (phone) me early in the morning to say that he .. ae (arrive) in London for a business meeting BNE sicssvisveracanccnicay TOKE MB ccvccs « (pick) him up from the airport at seven thirty. So |... . (drive) there at seven, Unfortunately, his flight was delayed more than one hour so | (spend) this time in my car waiting for the plane (touch) down, When it finally ...... o .. (turn) out my father was not on boats so 7 James: 'My father .. (land), Bsns (start) .» (worry) what .. (happen) to him, bo. .. (waste) about three ‘Slanara UYING sisirecraiie explain) my father’s 25 disappearance when suddenly my mobile phone (ring) and |... (hear) my father’s voice. Sally: ‘And what ..,... {he/ say) ?° James: ‘Well, it's hard .. (believe) but he . (tell) me that the meeting ... a se (cancel) and he simply . (forget)... (phone) me and say that (not come). | was furious at him.’ . (you / tell) him that?’ James: ‘Of course not. HE .......0...6.cce (apologize) to me and | told him seegtaoneg one yas ++» (Not worry) because | ......... teres (Nave) the day off anyway.’ Ill. Translate the following sentences into English. 1. Mowi sig, it takie zachowanie jest typowe dla dzieci w tym wieku, Such behaviour this age 2: od eels at ie Ziateabto tak przekonujacych dowodéw isinienia starozyine cywllizacji na tym obszarze, It's been ..« Such convincing in this AFe@ .....cccses 3. Bardzo mio z twoje/ strony, Ze znalazies dla nas tak duto czasu. vestesmy wdziceni rarbumno 78 za twoja pomoc, jak | twoje cenne wskazOwki. .. forus. We are invaluable advice. 4. Zaluje, 2e nie przyjalem tamtej oferty pracy. Gdybynt to 270b dzisiaj byfbym kierownikiam jednego zdziatow, I regret ........ ... that job offer. If only .. one of the departments. 5. Katdy wor robié to, na co ma ochotg, Zamiast wykonywaé rozkazy innych ludzi. Everyone prefers 2.02.0... occ cece eee tes tee tener eens .. feel like .. were Other people's or orders, 6. Nie woine nam bylo przejeched przez granice, dopoki ni pokezalsny wszysikich dokumentow. We were not .... .. Until We... , our docunnants: th Ne ‘abs iit wszysthich drewi na klucz. Wystarezye zamknaé drewi giowne. There's .. the doors. It's the main door. 26 8. Skad wiesz jak ona sie teraz czuje? Dla ciebie to tylko zabawa, ale mogles zlamas jej serce. How ... .« NOW? For you ... < a DUE YOU occ eceeee ers wher heart 9, Choislibyémy, ay rasa teed: wychowywaly sie w duzo epeaych werunkach ni my. We'd like ...... . much better conditions ....... 40, MySlelmy, 2e dom zosial wyremontowany. ‘Ale okazato sig, Ze prébuja nam snrtedas rudere. We believed ... a ruin. But it 0.0.2... \V. Put the words in brackets in the correct form. A. PAUI'S.....cccccccsssees (DETERMINE) to finish the race was applauded by his supporters, 2. There were no .... (SURVIVE) of the plane crash in Lockerby. 3. The conjurer's tricks were quite .. sigevavenee (BELIEVE). Somehow, | can't imagine how he cut his assistant into two halves and then put her together. 4, Doctors claim that the new virus IS ..........:0c:eeerese (RESIST) to any kind of treatment 5. | don't think we should employ the girl, To me, she lacks self-....... (CONFIDENT), 6. The couch says he is rather .........0ccs (SATISFY) with the score, Although his team have won, he hoped for a much better performance. TRISIN oc. cccceseeeseeescsss (EMPLOY) may lead to more strikes.’ - said one MP. 8. I'm sorry sir. You will have to leave the country immediately. Your passport Is . . (VALID). 9. Evers since the couple declared they were going to split up, there has been a great atin sa. (CURIOUS) about their relationship. 10. If get another .........csssecscsseeeee (REJECT) of my job application, | will have to think of changing my profession, 11. I've never heard about William Dobson. For sure, he wasn't AMY ooo. eneseee (HISTORY) character. 12... (PRIVATE) is what music stars and film celebrities are said to be deprived of. 13. All the members of the gang have been sentenced to six years in prison for numerous ... .. (THIEF) and robberies. 14. You can’t stay in the USA without a visa. It's ve (LEGAL). 15. We thanked warmly all the neighbours who helped us with the ... (MOVE) and invited them to visit us in our new house in New Hampshire. 27 V. Complete the pairs with the correct words from the box. again arm bear bits cons dogs ends fire go high parcel sound soul square thick 4. You will have to get used to the principle of reporting your every move to the boss, Is partand o.oo... Of the job. 2. | know you can't stand aunt Bertha’s visits. You will have to grin and soeasnene soo It, anyway. 3, Adam's very busy these days. It's touch-ands..............-.000...... whether he will ‘turn up at the party. 4, Before taking a decision, it's good to consider all the pros and of it, 5. ‘What's in the box?’ ‘Nothing special. Just a few eer sooo, and pieces.’ 6, Play fairand ......................... and you won't be disqualified again. 7. | don't know where my gloves are, I've looked for them ...... and low and | still cannot find them. 8. Everyone likes Monica, She is the life and .......... .. of our company. 9, Josh and I have gone through ................... and thin. That's why we're such close friends, 10, Forget about an afternoon walk. It's raining cats and . 11, We can't afford this brand new car. It costs a(n) . and a leg. 12, ‘What have you bought at the shops?’ ‘Just odds and ...... Nothing special.’ 13. The missing girl was found safe and ......................... after eight-hour search, 14. Time and ... eee ..., the river overflows and turns the local residents’ lives into a nightmare. 15. It's hard to understand why they have decided to go their separate ways now that they've gone together thorough ....................... and water. 28 TEST 5 |. Put the missing phrases in the correct gaps in the following text. There are many reasons to start a butterfly garden in your backyard or on your window sill. ............. (1) In this way, many species of butterflies that are threatened with extinction are successfully preserved. Additionally, attracting marvellous butterflies and nurturing them around your house brings unusual enjoyment to a nature lover, Attracting butterflies into your garden is not difficult. ............. (2) If you plant the right flowers they will come and make your garden their home. Butterflies can identify their favourite plants from miles away and travel for hours to taste the nectar of the flowers, They will lay eggs and remain nearby as long as you maintain your garden, ......3). It may be surprising to learn that the butterflies will probably arrive within only a few hours of the season's first blooming flowers, tt is not a great effort to make your backyard and your garden home to dozens of butterflies, which will give you immeasurable pleasure and help the environment at the same time, Butterflies may live nearby in a park or on a neighbouring tree and may use your flower box as their primary source of food, (4). With the careful selection of flowers you may even be surprised to find a few caterpillars as well. Each butterfly species has its own favourite flower, .......... (5). Flowering nectar bushes and the like are favourite haunts for these colourful creatures. The butterflies suck out the nectar travelling from flower to flower, carrying pollen with them, This close relationship is one of nature's finest natural cycles. (6). For instance, yellow Sulphur butterflies prefer yellow cassia, which provides them with excellent camouflage among flowers. This relationship is mutually advantageous as well as equally satisfying to a flower gardener and butterfly observer. The growth cycle of the butterfly, from egg, to caterpillar, to chrysalis, ..... vo» (7), takes only a few short weeks. The needs of the caterpillars should also be taken into consideration. Adult butterflies that arrive in your garden will make it their lifelong home if they have a ready place to lay eggs. .......... (8), 80 Specific types of leaves and shrubs will have to be included. Many species depend on a single plant type for their caterpillar food source. As a result, .......... (9) on the plant that will be best for their new-born caterpillars. Including the right caterpillar plant in your garden |s the perfect invitation .. (10). 29 @) so itis even possible to plan your garden to attract your favourite varieties b) keeping it healthy and blooming ‘¢) and finally to the emergence of a fully-fledged butterfly d) for long term butterfly residency in your garden ‘@) whenever you plant flewers, you help bring them back into urban areas f) caterpillars are fussy eaters g) dropping by for a snack several times a day h) an adult butterfly will spend hours carefully selecting the praper leaves i) butterflies are also known to be attracted to specific colours j) butterflies are equipped with a finely tuned and highly sensitive sense of smell Il, Ghoose the correct answer. 1, Let's invite all our schoolmates to the party, ........0c0 a) do b) shall ¢) don't d) will 2, It was nice of Tom us about the changes in the schedule, a)has informed b)informing c) tohave informed —d) having informed Mr Grant says he doesn't mind ........... cow his snow shovel. a) our borrowing b) us borrow c) to our borrowing d) to borrow us if only | had known about your problems, | sore there to help you, a)couldbe b)wastobe c)mightbe —_ di) would have been asaaeT of us volunteered to rake fallen leaves. a) Nobody b) None c) No d) Not anybody 6. Somebody scratched his car with a stone, .......0.........4. made him furious. a) which b) that ¢) so d) what 7. This book was ..... interesting that | couldn't stop reading it. a) such an b) so ©) such d)soan 8, Don't go out unt YOU ....,...:...1-+.0++++= Cleaning all the rooms in the house. a)have finished —b) willfinish = ¢) have beenfinishing —d) finished 9. Somebody has suggested that the canteen eGR a) were subsidized b) be subsidized c) subsidizes _—_d) to be subsidized 10, We'd rather you ... anybody what you have heard from us. a) didn't tell b) not to tell ¢) not telling d) haven't told 44, This skyscraper is knOWN ...................... Since the eighties, a) tobe building >) having been built c)tohave been built —d) to build 412. Your photos won't be good unless cecseseeee More light in the room. a) to be b) there is c) it will be d) isn't we? e > 30 , isn't So strong in fact. a) who you are afraid of b) of that you afraid ¢) whom you are afraid d) that you afraid of are 14, What's the point of ........... ..... by an engineer? | can do the repairs myself. a) removing the faults b) having removed the faults ¢) being removed the faults d) having the faults removed 15, Under no circumstances .................., open the door to strangers . a) must you not b) you may not ¢) shouldn't you d) are you allowed to ill, Paraphrase the following sentences. 4, The children don't want to play the board game any more. (bored) 2. There is not much difference between these two projects. (differ) 3, Greg is the most hard working employee in our group. No other .. 4, We wouldn't have succeeded in the campaign without our sponsors’ support. iit... — 5, It was not st unt we of ned the vault that w we realized | itwas sserioly: Only when .. oF 6. | expected the quality of the receiver to ti ‘ach better ‘(come ‘apy 7. We do want you to investigate the case. (Insist) 8 if were in ‘Adam's 's place, | would ‘apologize ‘© Mrs Perry ato once Adam had 9. The visitors’ team have scored stew: pots so far. (hardly) 40. Mr Robbins was the first man who spoke for the rights of the racial minorities. “ (o) Mr Robbins was. 1V. Fill each gap with one suitable word. 4. What .. We to do in. cs . of a thunderstorm? Would .. » be reasonable to hide under a tree? 2. You... «better not interfere .. . Rita’ matters. She is rather sensitive ... having her privacy violated, 31 being a member of the local authority, Mr Halley hardly takes part ...... a .--- public festivities. 4.its.. .. Suggested that the old accountant .... be ‘epiaced , . somebody younger. 5, The movie star ‘said she hated .. 6 . asked too many private questions inquisitive reporters: 6. Although Mark .. Charge of the unit, he is not responsible supervising their every action. .. duty is it to report fiteissecteeeees th DOSS?" 'Not mine, voy Sure 8.No, . had the plumber left than the pipe started leaking again. HO ineeiscany soe NOt have done @ good oo... cee. hepairing it. 9. Most of us object . Switching to a night shift. the management promise to pay us extra money. 10, They say the unit can be assembled one hour but it steereeersesrerscen MN@ two hours just to get acquainted « the instructions. 41. The boy says he will learn hard .........,. i condition that he Is paid pocket MONEY oo... QVOFY Good Mark he gets... school 12, Believe me, |....., ‘ . want to buy that silk scarf you, but when | got back te the ‘shop there were no scarves oe 13. | wonder MONNY, oe eee ecco iS Only ten, is: ‘able to care of her younger brother whan we go to the party. 14. before have | seen . newecnicnn .. good a performance. 15, If you don't remember Brian’s phone number you can ook it. GN the wo. I'S on the desk in my room. Vv. Complete the phrasal verbs with the verbs in the correct form. come dawn get hold keep five put rely take turn 1, The company managers are considering ............ cess ON hundred new workers next month 2. I got on the bus and it suddenly ..... ticket. sescecndss ‘on me that | didn't have a 32 3. Thanks to the marvellous new diet, | managed not to ........ é on weight too much. 4. Ever since they met in the students’ hostel, Pete and Barry have .... ‘on with each other. 5. ‘Hello, John Wolf speaking. Could | talk to Mr White, please?’ ‘.. on a second. I'll check if he is in." 6, I don’t know what happened to the dog. It was always so gentle but on this one. oceasion it...... .n the postman and bit him on the leg. 7. The riddle is really hard to solve but I'll .. .on trying until I've succeeded. 8. | can always ...............8 .. on David when | need support. He's never let me down. 9. Do vegetarians. .......6:ccecessee ON fruit and vegetables only? 10. The lights went off at about three a.m. and onlly ...........000 later, .. ON five hours VI. Choose the correct ans+ser. 1. Mr Turner is known to have a ... . for cigars. a) favour b) approval c) fondness d) affection .. to torrential rains, the next round of the golf tournament has been postponed. a) Due b) Because ¢) Resulting d) Subject 3. This handwriting is ..........06 , [Can't read what it says. a) eligible b) iliterate ¢) illegible d) liable 4, Had itever..................... to you that you might have been under observation? a) realized b) occurred c) imagined d) assumed 5. The policemen wear bullet-proof jackets for ........ ‘of being shot. a) safety b) danger c) case d) fear 6. In the reporters’ opinion, the Russian fighter doesn’ beating the American champion. a) stand b) run c) sit d) lie 7, The accused man says he is eager to ... a) refer b) talk ¢) state d) speak » achance of .. his case in court. 8, Thanks for your dropping the ...................-. . Without it, | would have failed the test. a) hint b) suggestion c) tip d) advice 9. Unfortunately, there's No ..................... to the museum on Mondays. a) acceptance b) allowance c) availability d) admission 33 410. You will catch a cold if you keep walking with your jacket . a) unlocked ‘b) unfit ¢) undone d) undertaken 11. It's pointless to ask Fiona for help. She’s rather ............. .... to our problems. a) indifferent b) unconcerned ¢) disaffected d) irrelevant 12. We've devised a provisional plan of action and so itis ..................... to changes a) potential b) subject ¢) possible d) liable 13. The ultimate ... . of his operation was easy to predict. He never makes good decisions, a) outline b) outbreak c) outcome d) output 14. |'ve missed a few weeks from school. I'm afraid | won't be able to .......... up on everything. a) run b) catch ¢) seize d) hold 15. Will YOU ...ccsceeccee @ hand with the renovation work on Saturday? a) lend b) provide ¢) contribute d) borrow Vil. Choose the right word ‘home’ or ‘house’ to complete the compounds. home / house 1, These vegetables are so delicious because they are ......c.ccc ccs ereee -QFOWN, 2. It's not me who owns the cottage. Mr Ricks is the ............. holder. 3, There are dozens of .. ants around Mandy's flat. 4, Do you like this cake? It's ......... oenmade, 5. Mrs Earnest doesn't work, She is a full-time ............. wife 6. Simon is living far away from us now. | wonder if he is ever ... 7. Our cat is ss. trained. It won't behave badly. BEA svecix warming party was launched by one of my friends last night. 9. Every month we set aside a certain sum of money for ...................keeping 10, London is not my town, | come from Newcastle. sick, 11. Susan is 80.0.0... proud, She takes great care of her downtown flat. 12. The Stanfords paid me to ........0...0....8it in their villa while they went on holiday to Spain 13, Rick is Dutch, Holland is WIS 0... es ere land, 14. More attention should be paid to the problems of .....................1688 people, 416. After getting married, they both turned Into ....................bodies. They rarely go out and spend most of their free time doing some . work. 34 TEST 6 1. Find one or more synonyms of the words in boldface. Long-lasting droughts, raging (1) floods, destructive hurricanes and other natural disasters struck in many parts of the globe at the turn of the century, Weather can change within seconds. Biting cold turns into scorching heat faster than ever. Landslides, heavy (2) rains, halls as well as earthquakes prevail in everyday news, What is really going on? What are we heading for? The major (3) symptoms of climatic transformations can be observed in the way temperatures change. The global warming is no taboo nowadays. We have all heard or read about the phenomenon (4) at some time. The global temperature is the key factor (5) in the process. |t has been on the rise for the last hundred years. Although it may appear (6) that a few-grade change will not constitute (7) any serious danger, authorities believe it to be the core (8) of the problem. As an example they give the three-degree fall in the global temperature eighteen thousand years ago, which left more than half of the globe surface covered in thick ice. So, why is it getting hotter? One theory puts a considerable (9) amount of blame (10) upon the greenhouse effect. High industrial emission of carbon-dioxide, methane as well as water vapour results in thickening atmosphere that prevents (11) the heat from moving out. Another theory refers to an increased activity of the Sun marking regular anomalies that occur (12) every hundred thousand years. However, it is the man’s activity that adds much to the problem. So far, people have not devised (13) a way to influence the forces of weather. Some have tried changing the route of a tornado over the Mexican Gulf, which proved to be unfeasible (14) against its overwhelming forces. An attempt at setting off (15) a rainfall by means of a chemical missile failed, too. Only local climates can be influenced and regulated to some extent (16). Building dams and reservoirs as well as planting trees may help improve (17) humidity in a small area. itis rather unlikely that glaciers will melt soon and flood vast areas, however the global climate is undoubtedly (18) undergoing rapid and disturbing transformations. It is expected that there is more to come. What we are in for are freezing cold winters, heavy rainfalls and even more severe (19) droughts. There can be more volcanic eruptions and snowfalls in hot countries. Doesn't it all look like the earth is beginning to take its revenge (20) upon us? 35 . a)violent b)messy c)wild d)anxious e) courageous a) mild b) torrential c)pouring d) slender ) grave . a) sufficient b) astounding c)chief dd) crucial e) vital . a)incident b) capacity c)estate d) device @) occurrence a) plot b) circumstance c) resolution d) aspect e) pattern a) forecast b)seem c)presume d) observe e) envision a)oblige b)include c)regard d) acknowledge ) make up a)trap b)jessence c)pledge d)spot e) centre 9, a) substantial b)large c)reasonable d) faire) endless 10. a) liability b) involvement c) guilt d) strain) responsibility 11, a) affects b)hinders c) restrains d) imprisons e) issues 12, a)come about b)bringin c)setout d)doup take over 13. a)revealed b)conceived c)workedout d) supplied ) created 14, a)relentless b) inaccessible c)impossible d)impracticable e) undone 415. a) stimulating b) enforcing c) initiating d) solving) concealing 16. a)power b)scope c)remark d)range ) scheme 17. a)amend b)release c)preceed d)refresh e) dispose 18. a) fortunately ) neglectfully c) definitely d) unlikely) doubtless 19. a)extreme b)harsh c)fierce d)merciless ) abundant 20. a) compensation b) retaliation c) abuse d)pay-back ) injury SBytO9ArRwna Il, Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form. Lacevgaacaereeetss (you / remember) .. scan (make) yourself and your little sister sandwiches to schoo! tomorrow moming, Greg? 2. As SOOM aS they isis sees » (complete) ..... the hippodrome, the horse-riders . ae .. (practise). 3. Betore her boss arrived, Diane .. (carry) out all the orders he .... 4, It's predicted that by the end of this year more than three hundred private firms sissidegaiqaabnee (go) out of business. 5 Asa child, Ms Murphy . why she's not scared of... v» (reconstruct) «. (be able) to resume (travel) a lot with her parents, that’s » (fly). 6.1 hate ......... .. (be) So Short. If OnLy | oe. secces eee eeeees eee: (6) thirty centimetres s higher, ‘nobody earjerpereseamsessare (call) me a midget. 7. So far, we ..... sesso (Show) only two of all the tourists attractions that the guides . (Promise) .......-.-seeeeeeeseesees (take) Us to. 36 Te eeeesese Spotted the place ............... the gang were hiding, the police cscs: Up a trap to catch them all 8. In exchange ............... the hosts’ hospitality, the foreign guests paid them extra, .... had never happen before. of a sudden, our beloved daughter made up her her family home. She said she wanted to ............... an independent life .. a§ the fishermen were casting their nets, they heard a series of thumps under their boat. They got scared when it turned ............... thatit was a whale swimming below and hitting its tail .... the bottom of the boat. 11, The whole commotion resulted ...... misinformation that ........0.0. been 9 leave 9. 10, ‘spread ... the enemy propaganda 12, You were . to be found yesterday. We had a problem ve discuss but you were ..,......,..... In your office nor .». your house. 13, Watch out . snakes, They are quite. in the area, so you are likely to... soe, @GMOSS SOME. 14, ‘When is Barbara's baby ............... ?" ‘Her doctors say she is seen Bit next month,’ 15... is not difficult to devise a plan ............... action. The worst thing is vi ae PULTtccesees practice effectively. V. Choose the correct answer. 1, Because they couldn't... .., to wait any more, the protesters undertook more radical steps. a) hold b) bear c) suit d) run 2. The new technologies are said to be ............... more environment-friendly than the ones that most plants in the country employ. a) far b) wide c) deep d) long 3, Mandy has .... with children. That's why she makes a perfect baby-sitter. a) amethod b) an approach ¢) a manner d) a way 4, I've heard this name several times. It's quite ............... tome. a) familiar b) accustomed c) knowledgeable d) famous §. Let's send an order. We're running .........-..... Of our medicines supplies, a) small 'b) tiny c) short d) low 6. If his condition gets worse, our dog will have to be ............... ina vet surgery. a) cured b) healed ¢) restored d) treated Some students say that professor Norton is a monster. But as a matter of ooo he is just very demanding, a) truth b) fact C) reality d) honesty 2A 78 8. We'd rather Michael stayed in our department. He's ... aj) to b) of c) with d) at 9. The new play by Oliver Woods is going to be............... by the National Theatre. a) fulfilled b) displayed c) exhibited d) staged 10; By staying in the area without Inoculation you .. the risk of contracting an infectious disease like malaria. a) go b) walk c) run d) stand . great use to us. VI, Put the phrasal verbs in the correct form in the gaps. catch up with comeupwith cutdownon do away with go down with make up for putin for runupagainst standupto walk outon 1. I'm thinking Of... ccs newspaper. 2, Doctors advise their smoking patients to... cigarettes they smoke daily if they hape to tive ‘longer. 3. Suddenly, it became cold and our little SOM... .0 Fores the flu. 4, My suitcases have got lost and the airport administration don't know how to explain it. Somehow they will have to oa. My losses, 5. Everyone liked the idea that Jenny ... It was brilliant, indeed. 6. Unfaithful husbands are said to . . their wives more often than ‘women do. 7, After such a long break from school, Mike will find it hard to ‘the other pupils. It's probable that he won't get a promotion. 8, Right at the beginning, the detective ..... .. hard-to-solve mysteries. The rest of the investigation wasn't easy, either. 9. They will criticize you because they consider you to be their strongest competitor. You should always ...... - unjust criticism. OE or eccomcacornnmnn tt method ‘of production . It's totally inefficient. .. the job of a copywriter advertised in today's vo the number of 19 TEST 14 |. Read the text and write questions to the answers below it. From the Mongolian steppes, the horsemen of Genghis Khan rode out to conquer the Great Empire. They travelled across a vast grassland that stretched from Mongolia to the Pacific. In eastern Mongolia, the steppe still remains intact. Deep beneath, there are valuable gold and oil reserves. The challenge |s to find ways of preserving one of the world's last wildernesses. The eastern steppe of Mongolia is sparsely populated and for a good reason; it is a harsh environment with constant wind, freezing winters and fiercely hot summers. Here, a thinly spread human population coexists. with animals and birds numbering in millions. The Mongolians have a fondness for limitless space, Economic development threatens the habitat that is home to numerous rare species like the black stork and the Przhevalski's horse, This kind of habitat, once widespread, is now largely spoilt in neighbouring China and Russia, Covering three hundred thousand square miles, which is approximately the size of Japan, the eastern steppes of Mongolia are the last unspoilt and continuous grassland ecosystem in the northern hemisphere. Somewhere between the forests of Siberia and the Gobi dessert, the Mongolian steppes are home to a proud race of traditionally semi- nomadic people who stand at the cross-roads between old and new. Here, the people constitute the inherent, organic part of nature. They never talk about taking something from nature or conquering it, they are a part of it and this is how they survive in this harsh climate. Mongolian nomads traditionally had no concept of the ownership of land. The grasslands have always been shared by all. For researchers, the grassland is a treasure because of its still unclassified plants and species which might once become a cure for some of the scourges of the planet like malaria, HIV or cancer. Mongols have always lived close to the earth supplementing what they can harvest from their herds with hunting for food and skins. They traditionally move their herds and their homes at least twice each year to reduce the impact on the land. This is why they have preserved the nature of Mongolia in a relatively undamaged condition. Central to Mongols nomadic life is the horse. Here, children learn to ride before they learn to walk, which later develops inte a life-long love between people and horses. To Mongols, horses represent the well-being status as well as a good means of transportation. After years of political isolation, the appeal of traditions and undisturbed nature of Mongolia is nowadays opening up for unavoidable influences of civilization. The endless horizon, the peace and simplicity of the Mongolian steppe for many constitute an irresistible challenge, a call to alter and shape the nature of the grasslands to benefit people. 80 1 They rode out from the Mongolian steppes. It remains intact in eastern Mongolia. Gold and oil reserves 4 Because it is a harsh environment. With animals and birds. 6, essai iallenets cersneraupnase rasmaneeptemeansnerauentl For limitless space. In neighbouring China and Russia. 8. aot 9. rat Because of its still unclassified plants and species. Aesinwe ie Aisa ena E ANT They might become a cure for malaria, HIV or cancer. “2, They represent the well-being status and a means of transportation. For unavoidable influences of civilization, L Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form. 4. The actors 0... eee (fehearse) for two months now. Tomorrow is the dress rehearsal and the play «+. (stage) for the first time next Saturday night. 2, Would you mind our (receive) our foreign guests in your conference room? Ours ............c060s4s2+++s (NOt renovate) since the fire. 81 3. James said he .. . ons his brand new sports car in the afternoon but | told him we (be) busy at that time, so he offered (come) th the following day, 4. | ought to have unplugged the amplifier before .. (see) to it. THEN, acces . (not suffer) from an electrical shock. 5. The parents objected to .. .. (let) the young nurse .. (make) an injection to their son, They said they'd prefer .. (give) us a ride in someone more jeigienenced ae (do) it 6. bee .. (the police / find) the place where the bomb was hidden by the ti time it went toft? 7. If you come at lunchtime, Muriel .......0.....000..0...00. (Still / Work) in the kitchen. Come at eight. She .. (finish) working by then, for sure. 8. The Prime Minister was surprion . (hear) about the dramatic situation of the flood victims, He promised he ............. cesses (BO) everything (ease) the poor people's suffering, 9. Upon . (arrive) at the hotel, We... ccc eee (iMform) that there were no vacancies, 10. Mark should... ++» (Not interrupt) his boss while he . (make) his speech. It was rude. VA. AREF cece (hit) 86 hard by his opponent, the German fighter refused .. (continue) .... (fight). 12. You ccvevee ues (D8) Naughty, Jeff, Stop ...... (pull) Mary by her hair or else | . (make) you . (go) to bed earlier, 13. All this week, seafood ..0.0..00.00000.0..... (Serve) in our restaurant. Normally, we: (not serve) it here, 14. | love . (touch) her skin. It... .. (feel) as soft as velvet, .. (be) a long time since Ann i (last / . +1: (give) a live performance. That's whi she oe (DAQIN) oo... ccc ueueeese (WOrTy) about her career. lll, Paraphrase the following sentences. 1. Mike hasn't done much to improve his pronunciation. Little 2. Unless you stop coming late, | will make you ratay longer in the 18 office, ‘(otherwise) 82 3. ‘How many times had the boy shoplifted before he was caught red-handed?’ Someone asked .. fobs 4. His answers might ave = ‘inlet but thay were sti ti: Unelear ............... ray 5. | think James is the best aavntant that \ trie e ever had. I consider ... ‘ stars 6. The dog was barking & at someone. Someone . iaaceetteaanaacaet 7. twas wrong 9 of Stella to have let the attangare i in. We wish........ 8. Let's have the house ‘decorated bye an n intartor designer: ‘(about) 9. Julia prefers being served to serving other people. Rather .. “0. Nobody knows ifthe missing crew will be four alive, (touch) IV. Put the words in brackets in the correct form. 4. He will keep rejecting any offer of help from anyone, His... (OBSTINATE) is really hard to understand. 2. .. (REGARD) of my previous achievements, they decided to fire me from work. 3. One of the buttons has come .. . {DO}, Will you sew it on for me? 4. Professor Dunhill's theory on black holes is quite ivcveawenaoa ea eudas (REVOLUTION), He claims they constitute passages to other universes. 5. It's reported that ... vsoun (EXTEND) damage has been caused by a tornado on the east coast of the island. 5. Most women agree that the washing machine Was A(N) ......ccccce seer re (VALUE) invention T. Henry's great .......c:scscseserserrers (INVOLVE) in the task was well awarded by his superiors. 3. Some of the mountainous regions of the country are ................. (ACCESS) by land. They can only be reached by air, 9. The investigation showed that the accident was just a(n) (FORTUNE) occurrence and so there was nobody to blame for it. “0. Weather is quite .......................... (PREDICT) here. It can change within seconds, 83 11. Having noticed a tiny tape recorder in his pocket, | became quite ..... cmeiees (SUSPECT) of the guy. | even assumed he was a spy. 12, The government seem to be ...... . .. (CONCERN) about the dramatic situation of the farmers. They have done much to support them. 13. You should be ashamed of yourself. You got blind drunk and your behaviour at the party was Most .......................... (OBJECT). 414. The village is well known for its ....0...ccccccsseee (PICTURE) surroundings. Really breathtaking. 15. You could see disappointment on the coach's face. His team’s performance was more than ... .» (SATISFY). V. Write in the correct words. 1. My daily _ h _ _ _ 8 include cleaning my room, collecting my younger sister from the kindergarten and of course doing my homework. 2, James wants to be rich enough to travel around the world. He says he has no other _ a_ 8 inlife 3. The doctors advise that you stay a few weeks longer in hospital to make sure your _.--VY _-_y is complete 4. It doesn't look like the rain is going to __ a _ _ off soon. We'll have to give up playing tennis in the afternoon 6. It's not my duty to clean the floor. You are under a(n) ____g__i__ to do it. 6. Don't forgetto _ __ _ t _ _ your seatbelt before driving away. 7. The criminal will stand _ _ _ a _ once he's captured by the police. 8. There'sno _ _m _ _ _ for varnished furniture any longer and so the production has been stopped, 9. The food they serve in ourcanteenis ___ _ t _ _ _ & _ . That's why! pre! to cook my own meals at home, 10. Mary has a(n) ___ ¢ ___ _t_ _ _ te gain weight quickly even though she tries not to eat much. There's not much time left for us to submit our applications. The ____d__ _ _ is next Monday, 12. It's good when parents’ proper behaviour representsa ___ t _ _ _ 1 to follow for young people. It's not good if they look for examples elsewhere. 13. We've told him twice about the leaking pipes. But the landlord seems to be rather _n___f__ _ n _ tothe problem. He's done nothing so far. 14. | woke up in hospital and only remembered | had fallen down a stairs, 1 of 84 1. Some people believe that herbs constitute an effective __m _ _ _ for many health disorders. Vi. Combine the words into one word and put them in the right gaps. air copy eye fire foot + about beat cat ground mail heart motor net play round sight steps way wood work He behaves like his older friends do, . outdoors right now, 41, Dave's such a. 2. The children are having fun in the ii 3. Is there enough ....... . to make a bonfire? BOM Bicester: ONE e may drive faster than on other roads. 5, | usually send letters by. Hangers to the USA, 6. First, the doctor checked the ........ vey of the woman who'd fainted, 7, Mike's got poor 5 He has to wear glasses all day round 8. Turn right at the second .........0..... .. and then drive toward the bridge. 9, At school, we have a computer ..... . composed of twenty PCs, 10. | wasn't sleeping so | could hear the ......... of people walking by. birth book day hand head + break man mare name point middie nick night pay view rate roll way worm writing 11, Everyday, Mr Simpson gets up very early at 12. !’m no longer on the company's ..... month. 13. Statistical data show that ...........0.0.......... in Poland is falling rapidly. Each year fewer children are born. 44. Hil I'm Paul but people call me Darkié. It's My ............:cceeee 45. Itwas a horrible dream, a really. 46, Mr Jones earns a living as a ........ . He buys properties from people and sells them to his clients. 417. Susan does nothing but read and learn. She’s a reall ... ey 18, What's your ..... ‘on soft drugs being legally accessible to ‘youths? Do you approve of it? 49. THE ooo eceecsceses iS unclear, | can't read the note. 20. The extra lessons she took helped our daughter a lot, She made a remarkable .. at school last year, Iwas made redundant last 85 15. The people say they had no idea there were hiding places full of gold and silver artifacts all over the house and they had discovered them by _ h _ coincidence, V. Complete the prepositional phrases with the words from the box. achange alltheworld asong fear of hire part safekeeping the sake of 4, FOr my .....00..........42+.., the idea sounds good. | don't know what the others think. 2. The Burkes put a considerable share of their salaries aside. They say it's for ose sense their children's future, 3, Must we always listen to jazz? Can't we put on pop MUSIC FOF... 2 4, During the storm, the sailors hid in their cabins for .......-..0..000. being struck by lightning. 5, Before going abroad, we put all our savings and valuables in the bank just for 6.1 didn’t pay much for the lamp. It looks like a luxury but! got it for... eee 7, The students say they're looking for a cheap flat for 8. Mr Gravy says he wouldn't sell his old roadster for... attached to it, He's so VI. Choose the correct linking words. 1, Despite / Although being poor, the Carltons never refuse to donate to charity. 2. Our flight was cancelled due to / or else unfavourable weather conditions. 3. The audience were bored at times but all iin all / however it was a good lecture. 4, Let's hide behind the trees in case of / lest the caretaker should see us. 5. Tom works well and moreover / whereas he's very loyal to his superiors. 6. The atmosphere was such as though / so that something wrong had happened. 7. Nevertheless / Provided he agrees to testify, his punishment will be less severe. 8, Peter was expelled from the scouts except for / on account of his misbehaviour. 9. Robert does nothing but / only play computer games all day. Isn't it an addiction? 10. Unless / However attractive she was, she couldn't find a job as a model. 112 TEST 20 1, Write in the correct words. Falconry is one of the most ancient _ _ _ h _ _ s (1) of hunting. Hawks or falcons trained to capture birds or wild game for their hunters were known as early as 2000 BC. The history of falconry probably started in China and Japan. Later, this original sportbecame __ d __ _ rr _ _ _ (2) in India, Persia, Egypt and Rome. With the Roman conquer of Europe, falconry was popularized in some European countries. In Middle Ages, falconry became a favoured _ 9 _ _ (3) of entertainment among the English _ _ y _ _ (4) family. Depending on the social _ _ _ _ u _ (§), various types of falcons were used. Only the king of England had the privilege of hunting with the gyrfalcon, After hunting guns were _ _ v d (6), popularity of falconry started to decline. Nowadays, the sport is popular _ m _ _ _ (7) enthusiasts mainly in Great Britain, Canada, the US and central Europe. However, in the countries where faicony ~~ 2 gL Lk d (8) from it has remained equally popular. Hawks and falcons are used in hunting for partridges, rabbits, hares and other wild fowl. Before letting them fly, hunters or falconers carry their hawks to the field, The birds' heads are often hooded to __ _ v _ _ _ (9) them from flying at any prey. Then, dogs are released to flush birds or to start game. Afterwards, the hoods are removed from the falcons’ heads and the birds set offina _ u_ = _ _ (10) of their defenceless prey. Sometimes falconers release their falcons and let them fly high and wait fora preyto _ _ p _ _ _ (11). Once the prey is spotted, the falcon can plummet at an unusual speed and _ _r_ _ _ (12) an extremely violent and often deadly blow with its claws or _ _ a _ (13). Birds used in falconry are taken from the _ — 8 _ (14) as young eyas and specially trained before they learn to co-operate with their holders and pointing dogs. Falconers, before starting their exciting hobby, must too learn to understand the belligerent nature of these _i _ _ _ (15) of prey. Il, Translate the following sentences into English. 1. Jezel nie miales zamiaru pracowa¢ jako szef kuchni, to co sklonilo cig do zlozenia podania o te prace? If... then.. . a chief the job? your intention 113 2. Niepotrzabnie wymienilismy tak duzo pienigdzy na funty. Nie znalezlismy tutaj nic, co warto by byto kupic. We need ... pounds. We haven't found. Mia et 3. O.co ona jest taka zezdrosne? Prrecio2 | rie m ma nic, ape yo nis ‘mogleby m med z zate a sz pieniadze, kt6re odzledziczyta. What... vie FTHOTO 1B sicscsesroneees 4, Jedyng rzecza, jakiej Zaluje jest to, te nie mialem dosé odwagi, aby oSwiadezyd sie Betty. The only thing enough courage 5. Czy gdybys wiedzial, 2e twoja sytuacia zmieni sig na gorsze, kupifbys tarisze mieszkanie? ene ? po cqunetoerananegeenprsasncesse-cerstim .. for worse, 8 cheaper flat? 6. Jak ‘yhko ta tajemnicza przesyika zostanie dostarczona, jej zawartosé zostenie zbadana wlaboratorium, Immediately the mysterious mail ain the ie Tabara: 7, Wpiatek minie tydzien od kiedy piloci strajkujq. Jak dotad, 2adne 2 ich 2adari nie zostala speinione. By Friday, for a week So far . vase 8. Kiedy pnt oO rn canta, pracownik stagji serwisowe) powiedzial, Ze ast wlasnie naprawiany. When | the garage worker said 9. Od kiedy obydwoje stracilismy prace, nie rnaioey pozwolic sobie na jadanie w restauracjach. Ever since +. Our jobs, we pa ah aoa ranbeee Hee ena ETEN Coane UH Vee Mee cesT ERS REN --out. 10. Nie mage sig doczekac wyjazdu na wakacja. Rodzice obiecall, Ze pozwolg mi spedzié diva tygodnie nad morzem z moimi prayjaciétmi. I'm looking .. ... holiday. My parents Have promibed iii ices vise waes mai nee My ends: Ill. Paraphrase the following sentences. 1. The lecturer was speaking very slowly, but we didn't understand him anyway. However oo... ry 2. You didn't need to answer every nj question’ ‘rom the reporters. TINOPG WAB occ cse ie cee tesae sie eenaedaeaeeiesane eee 114 3. Tom regrets having studied sociology instead of economics. Tom would prefer . e 4, To threaten him with prison was 5 the re way we Sead = him peak Only by oo. Aah cewanras aioe 5. One of the passengers refused t to fasten thes seat 4 belt (objection) 6. Sony usually makes. vague promises. It's typical rr 7. You have too little experience 16 — asa a fight oriollak.. You are not... eat 8, Do we have tow wear ar the badges ‘al the time? (ol igatory) 9. it there were to be any demonstrations, the police would be on the alert. Were .... 10. Don't forget that the dog should be fed twice a day. IV. Put the words in brackets in the correct form. 1, Jaguar is a luxury car ..... .. (AFFORD) to most of the society. 2. Life . .. (EXPECT) has risen considerably in the last two centuries due to advance in medical sciences and people's awareness of healthy lifestyle. 3. Because there’s been a constant .............. .. (SHORT) of candidates, the philosophy department will probably be closed, 4. It was only when | read the report that | found out | had been .......... (MISTAKE) about the causes of the plane crash. The facts were much different from what I thought. 5, | have always considered Jack to be my fiercest... cies For years, | have falsely thought he’s wanted to get rid of me. «+» (LAW) practices like bribery should be severely punished. 7. [know how long the Channel is but | don't know its exacts (WIDE). 8, The witness was quite (EVADE) with his answers, He either didn't know the facts or just wanted to hide them. 9, David's .. . (CONTEMPT) approach to my suggestions struck me. ! wrongly assumed he was in favour of my ideas. 10. The beauty of the ancient city of the Aztecs is quite (COMPARE). | have never seen anything more beautiful, ». (ADVERSE). 11S 11. Drug addicts are instructed to use (DIPOSE) syringes and needles to eliminate the risk of spreading the HIV virus. 12. It's a pity that such a minor argument has developed into a burning tetteeiteuesssessees (HATE) between Joshua and Malcolm 13. These tiny blue flowers are (PREVAIL) in the area. You will see them around wherever you go. 14. Strength, courage as well as strong will are ........................ (DISPENSE) qualities to do the survival course. 15. Imagine the ...... .... (NEGLECT) of the nurses who forgot to give medicine to patients. Unbelievable, isn't it? V. Choose the correct answer. 1, Let's bury thé «0.0.00. coe .. - It'S No good arguing all the time. a)axe b)saw —c) hatchet ~—d) knife 2. Stop pulling occ cceee «Over my eyes, Tell me the truth, a) wool 'b) cotton c) suede d) threads 3. You're just .... hairs, The case isn't worth arguing about. a) cutting b) splitting ¢) pulling d) trimming 4, Once the secret code was deciphered, the allies were able to cook their enemy's a) duck b) goose c) turkey d) chicken 6. Jim found it really hard to .................0.0+. himself together after Susan left him. a) push b) cast ¢) pull d) thrust 6. | promise to deal with your case later. Now, | have other . to fry, a) fish b) meat c) eggs d) vegetables 7. Itwas hard to make head or ........................ of what the man was talking about. a) neck b) back ¢) nose d) tail 8. You're barking up the wrong steneisceas » Gary is at fault, not Ben. a) tree 'b) wind ¢) bush d) branch 9. The situation is difficult but we have to take the a) goat b) deer c) moose d) bull 10. Ron lost the case in court but he did keep a stiff upper a) lid b) ear c) lip d) brow by the horns, 116 ‘Vi. Complete the phrasal verbs with the verbs in the correct form. come get give go knock make talk take 1. Sally is in hospital. She was ........... her left leg broken. ey os 3. You will 4. In her last will, Mrs Butler ............ which shocked her children a lot. Tom hasn't made up his mind yet which university to choose. I've advised him to .,. the problem over with his parents. I iknow it hurts to be left by someone you love. But you will ... over as soon as you find a new boyfriend. | haven't read the report in full yet. | just . . The speech the lecturer delivered didn’t quite .. audience didn't understand the topic. .. over by a speeding driver and got over singing this silly song. I'm fed up with it . over Mr Dale's duties while he’s on holiday next week. .. over all her riches to the charity, a a a over it in the morning, . over. Most of the @ VIL. Make the correct compounds and put them in the gaps. by down in off on up + flow keep lookers pass pour spring VT coceccccccccccescsess Of immigrants in the country has been under strict control of the Immigration Board. 2, The weather forecast was promising so we were surprised by the sudden . AS we had no raincoats, we returned home soaked to the ski 3; To avoid avy traffic in the city centre, | advise you to take the 4, The mansion is really imposing but its ... .. Must cost the Browns a great deal 5. We are so proud of our.. secueee » Wendy plays the piano while Jahn sings in a choir. And they: are both ‘under seven. 6, One of the nui va Was Seriously injured when a racing car rushed into a group of people. 117 Klucz do cwiczen TEST 1 |. determination, failures, famous, savings, unobtainable, appearance, equipped, successful, comfortable, invention, improvement, production, persistence, patience, convinced I. 1, thas been suggested that the factory (should) be closed, 2. There is a lot of sand on the beach. 3, How about visiting an obstetrician? 4. Martin has (only) been studying law for two weeks. 5, Alan prefers driving a car to being driven. 6,1 do not have a good / wide knowledge of programming. / | have a poor knowledge of programming. 7. Mrs Nillis does not mind our playing in her garden, 8. Mountaineering does not interest Tom, 9, Who do these diskettes belong to? 10, There is a difference / are differences between these two photographs. Ml. 1. to, long, at 2, There 3. does, from 4. much, it, a/one 5. have, in 6. if/ whether, to, what 7.go, shall 8 for, at, help 9. Since, out 10. No, in, that/ which 11, to, to/by 12. What, sense 13. of, for, been, in 14. The, to, with 15, there, that/ which IV. 1. have you known, phoned 2. taking, to calculate, has / will have 3. died, had worked / had been working 4. runs, to do/ doing §, does not feel, playing 8. asks, tobe 7. trying, to repair, have already seen 8. does not improve, will not have, to go 9. letting, wander 10. does it take, to cover, have not walked 11. telling, to do, toknow 12, have not heard, phoned 13. were the thieves carrying, caught 14. had not been asked 15, not to cross, be V. 1. Have you made 2. look 3. put 4, got 5. turn 6. took 7, have gone 8, brought 9, stand 10. come Vi 1b2d3.a4.a5c6.b7d8c 9a 10.b 11.¢ 12.b 134 14.4 ha Vil. 1, recipe 2, cover 3, manners 4, unlikely 6. achieve 6, refused 7, advance 8, wealthy 9, sightseeing 10. average 11, advantage 12, watchful 13. fainted 14. convenience 16, search VII, 1, made 2, Make 3, do 4, make §. making 6, do 7. do 8, make 9,do 10.do 11. made 12.made 13, doing 14, makes 15, do 121 TEST 2 1.1. the 2. which 3. to 4. into 5. tip 6. of 7. the 8. while 9. those 10. why Il. 1. | have ne idea who to blame/ should be blamed for the unfortunate accident. 2. We have been told not to use the printer because it is out of order. 3, Who should I talk / ought | to talk with about my problems? 4, Hadn't you better submit an application in several places at a time? 5. What made so many people give up taking part in our campaign? 6. | have never met anyone who can lie the way she does. 7. It is said that the mad cow disease can/could/ may reach all European countries. 8, In case you need a loan, don't hesitate to ask us. 9, Why didn’t he put on the safety pads? He could have broken his leg orhis arm. 10. It is unknown who set fire in the factory. The investigation has Not (been) finished yet. Whic2and4a5chb7b&baxe 10.8 IV. 1. requirements 2. bravery 3. personal 4. similarity 5. unkind 6. likelihood 7. sensitive 8. postage 9. beneficial 10. unconscious 11. accidental 42. reflection 13. entertaining 14, desperate 15. rivalry V. 1. the mood 2. comparison with 8. spite of 4. favour of 6. order to 6. advance 7. debt 8, sight 9. exchange for 10. pursuit of VI. 1, have 2, been 3. have 4, had 5. been 6, is 7. have 8. been 9, has 10. been Vi, are 12, have 13. are 14. has 15, have Vil. 1, face 2, call 3, hit 4, take 5, keep 6. pull 7. beat 8 make 9, skate 10. cry 11-2. had 3, the 4,- 6. it 6- 7, have 8.an 9,- 10,- 11, he 12, but 13. - 14, they 15.- 16, been 17.- 18. in 19.- 20. to Il. 1, What is the price of this furniture set? 2. Mr Wilkins is addicted to (smoking) cigars. 3, | am not skilled at/in redecorating flats, 4. How much does she arn annually? §, No sooner had the police gone away than the riots broke out 122 anew. 6. He seems not to care / He does not seer to’care what is going on around him. 7. Who were these clay figurines made by? 8. The delivery is free of charge. 9. What was the reason for her feeling so low that day? 10. Not only is Martha a talented singer, but also a promising pianist, Ill, 1, forward, though, to 2. Those, take 3. of, for 4. got, in/on 5. as/though, with 6. what, after, does 7. what, to, paying 8. In, easy, in, to 9. Frankly ‘Honestly, in, make 10. are, from, be, till/until 11, It, who, for, have 12. since, to, if/ though 13. the, by 14. off, out, on 15. need / should, enough / plenty IV, 1. a) is attending b) had attended c) would attend 2. a) takes b) took c) will have taken 3, a) have completed b) will be completing c) had not completed 4, a) was / were investigating / investigated b) is being investigated c) to have investigated 5, a) Would you have refused b) has not refused c) will refuse V. 1, fell 2. put 3. dropped 4. came 5. work 6. run 7. carty 8. pointed 9. Look 10, turned Vi41d 2.b3.a4.c 5.a6d7.c 8a 9c 10.b 11.0 12.4 13.b 14.¢ 15.¢ ‘VII. 1. fulfil 2. reception 3, discouraged 4. abuse 5. hesitate 6. appointment 7, biting 8, whole 9, properties 10. belief 11, cruise 12. confidential 13, approve 14. leisure 16. injured Vill. 4, spitting 2. laughing 3. running 4. turning §. burning 6. shooting 7. striking 8. forwarding §. roaring 10. waking TEST 4 1b 2€ 928 10¢ 110 12.b 13.8 14.¢ 15.4 Il, 1, have you heard, has not phoned, left, is still looking, had arranged, went, leaving, (had) called, (had) booked, would settle / was going to settle, cancelled, do not know, will let/lets, know, works / has worked, will be, to wish, talk 2. have been looking, have you been, phoned, was arriving, asked / to ask, to pick, drove, spent, to touch, landed, turned, started, to worry / worrying, had happened, (had) wasted, to explain, rang, heard, did he say, to believe, 123 told, was cancelled / had been cancelled, forgot, to phone, was not coming, Did you tell, apologized, not to worry, had Ill. 4. Such behaviour is said to be typical of children of / at this age. 2. It's been (many) years since such convincing evidence of existence of an ancient civilization in this area was found. 3. It is/was very nice of you to have found 0 much time for us, We are grateful both for your help and for your invaluable advice. 4, | ragret not accepting / not having accepted that job offer. If only | had done it, today, | would be a manager of one of the departments. 5. Everyone prefers doing what they feel like (doing) to carrying out other people's orders. 6. We were not allowed to cross the border until we had shown all our documents. 7. There's no need to lock all the doors. It's enough 1o lock the main door. 6. How do you knaw how she is feeling now? For you, it is only a game, but you could have broken her heart. 9. We'd like our chiidran to grow up in much better conditions than we did, 10. We believed that the house had been renovated / the house to have been renovated. But it turned out / appeared that they were trying to sell us a ruin, IV. 1. determination 2. survivors 3, unbelievable 4. resistant 5, confidence 6. dissatisfied / unsatisfied 7. unemployment 8. invalid 9. curiosity 10. rejection 14. historical 12. privacy 13. thefts 14, illegal 15. removal V. 1, parcel 2. bear 3.go 4, cons 5. bits 6, square 7. high 8. soul 9. thick 10, dogs 11, arm 12, ends 13, sound 14, again 15. firo Ltie2)3b4g5a617.0819.h 10d ibp2¢3a4d506a7bD8a9.b 10.8 11.¢ 12.b 13a 14.0 15.0 UL 1. The children are bored with playing the board game, 2. These two projects do not differ much. 3. No other employee in our group is as hard working as Greg (is). 4. If it had not been for our sponsors’ support, we wouldn't have succeeded in the campaign, 5. Only when we opened the vault did we realize it was empty, 6. The quality of the receiver did not come up to my expectations. 7, We insist on your investigating / that you (should) investigate the case. 8. Adam had better apologize to Mrs Perry at once. 9. The visitors’ team have hardly scored any 124 points so far, 10. Mr Robbins was the first man to speak for the rights of the facial minorities. IV, 1, are / ought, case, 2. had, in/with, to 3. Despite, ever, in 4, been, should, with 5. being, by 6. in, for 7. Whose, to, for 8. sooner, could, job 9. to, unless 10. within, took, with 11.0n, for, at 12. did, for, left 13. if/ whether, who, take 14, Never, so 15. up, directory V. 4. taking 2.dawned 3. put 4. got 5. Hold 6 turned 7. keep 8. rely 9. live 10, came Vi1.02.a3.04.05.d6a7.08a9.d 10.¢ 11a 12.b 13¢14.b 15,4 Vil. 1. home 2. house 3. house 4. hame 5. house 6. home 7. house 8. house G. house 10. home 11. house 12. house 13, home 14. home 15, home, house TEST6 Liac2be3.cde4 5.b,d 6.b 7.e 8 b,e 9.a,b,cd Mace 11.b,¢ 12.a 13.b,c,e 14.0,d 15.a,c 16.b,d 17.a 18 c,e 12..a,b,0,d 20.b,d i. 1, Do you remember / Will you remember, tomake 2. complete / have completed, reconstructing, will be able, practising 3, had managed, to carry, had given 4, will have gone 5. travelled / used to travel, flying 6, being, were, would call 7, have been shown, have promised, to take 8, will be charged, deliver 9. has been, tohave caused 10. are launching, are not taking 11, have forgotten 12. saw, were fighting, came, (nad) escaped 13. were 14, had the doctor left, felt 15. have been trying, to find, have achieved Wib2c3a4adbha6b7bedaa Wc IV. 1. confusion 2. advantageous 3. recovery 4. insufficient 5. continual 6. friendship 7. restless 8. maintenance 9. unfortunate 10. unintentional 11, refusal 12. pointless 13, accusations 14. attentive 15. seasonal V. 4, available 2. provided 3. equipment 4, culsine 5, suicide 6. robbery 7. planted 8. withdraw 9. attitude 10. truant 11, survey 12, account 13, audience 14, notorious 15, retired 125 Vi. 1, a) surprised b) surprising 2. 2) postponed b) delayed 3. a) economical b) Economic 4. a) inedible b) illegible 5. a) rejected b) refused 6. a) hardly b) hard 7. a) special b) especially 8. a) laid b) lay 9. a) evading b) avoiding 10. a) likelihood b) unlikely TEST? 1.1, 0n 2, as 3. from 4. for 6. In 6 than 7. of 8 for 9, between 10, for 11, between 12. 0n 13. for 14. in 15. to 16. to 17. with 18. in/of 19. at 20. for 21. since 22. of 23. with 24. to/with 265. in Il. knew, was, lived, attended, liked, had, would change / was going to change, became / has become, was walking, saw, drowning, did not think, took, jumped, to rescue, did notfind, to save, lost, (had) pulled, was getting, heard, turned, saw, realized, was being shot, (had) intruded, managed, (had) gathered, had already stood, was smiling, congratulated / was congratulating, heard, Have you ever thought, will give, try, has acted / has been acting, has been asked / was asked, Is recognized Ill. 1. Had | more time, | would finish assembling all of these sets today, 2, There's little likelihood that we will be able to see the shooting star, 3, No objections have been raised (by them) as yet. 4. It must have been Alice that | saw at the bus stop. 5, There is no comparison between these two designs, 6, The Hunters have been (staying) here since three o'clock. 7. No sooner had | managed to ask one peddier out than another came in. 8. The Arabs are accustomed to walking in scorching heat. 9. Isn't it about time you were going to bed? 10. There is no admittance to the gallery on Wednesdays. = . Itseemed impossible that there was somebody else who knew something about ourplans. 2, You needn't have taken all that equipment. Haven't | told you that ‘the expedition will not be / is not going to be dangerous? 3. Not till | read his testimony myself did | realize that he could not have had anything to do with this horrible crime. 4. The minister was expected to explain the reason for his decision, but he did not say a word why he had decided / resolved to stand down. 5. All inhabitants have been advised to stay indoors until / till the hail ends / has ended. 6. Despite causing us some trouble at times, we all consider him to be our best friend. 7. Ever since he admitted being ill of AIDS, his family and friends have turned their back on him. 8. The attorney said he would take / 126 deal with our case if only he had not so many other cases to handle. 9. The ski-jumping tournament was to have started on Saturday but it has been postponed / put off till Sunday because of / due to a heavy wind. 10. Rather than wait for the next fast train for five hours | would go by a slow one. V. 1. take 2, call 3. given 4. break 5. set 6. let 7. doing 8. turn 9. fill 10. pull Vi. 1, heart 2. chance 3, no means 4. and large 5. word of mouth 6. degrees 7. virtue of 8. mistake 9. birth 10. nature TEST 8 1. 1, Where did they go over spring break? 2. How long did they stay downtown Athens? 3, Why were they hungry? 4, Whatis plaka? 5, What were the waiters doing? 6. What was the restaurant named after? 7. What did the seafood salad look like? / How did the seafood salad look? 8. Why did the man with the camera leave? 9. How did they feel? 10. What were they sick of? 11, What did they hear as they were eating? / What did the noises that they heard as they were eating resemble? 12. When did they pay the waiter? 13. Why did they wait for the waiter to come back? 14, How big was the tip that he got? 15, What did they find out the popping noises really were? I. 1, has been 2, had already begun 3. was walking, told, had been 4. improved §, to have witnessed, are hearing / are going to hear 6. have lost, have put, (have) forgotten 7, have kept, have won 8. will still be sleeping, (should) come, will have got 9. did you take it, spent 10. had Jeff supervised / had Jeff been supervising, quit 11. are always screaming / always scream 12, was sitting, entered 13. has sold, opened 14. had his broken leg healed, broke 15. is going to rain, does not bother, am not going Ill, 1, Never before had | seen such an extraordinary creature. 2. It was Jane who discouraged us from watching the film. 3. It was such thick ice that we couldn't make a hole in it. 4. Who has this proposal been made by? / By whom has this Proposal been made? §, Steve is bound to get into trouble. 6. I'm afraid | am ‘Not patient enough to wait for my turn se long. 7. Should you have any misgivings about the scheme, talk to your manager. 8. One is not allowed to touch the exhibits in the museum. 9. Sue and Larry did not tell us about their 127 engagement until last week. / It was not until last week that Sue and Larry told us about their engagement. 10. It's impossible that you saw me at the bus step last night. IV. 1. refusal 2. disrespectful 3. annoyance 4. devotion 5. sympathetic ‘6. economize 7. creative 8. hopeful 9. unprecedented 10. inefficient 11. frightening / frightful 12. appearances 13. natural 14. preference 15. independent Wia2d3d4b5d6¢7a8¢90 10.c 11.b 12.6 13.4 14.40 1a VI. 1, frame 2, point 3. bone 4, stroke 5. bundie 6. mine 7. walk 8. grain 9, salt 10. bag 11. nick 12. freak 13. prime 14. apple 15. pack 16. dead 17. neck 18. slip 19. figment 20. ray TEST9 |. 1, serves 2, spans 3. likely 4, point 5, rather 6. lives 7, harm 8, period 9. undergo 10, suffer 11. find 12. matter 13. offspring 14. treating 15. respect W1ib2638¢4a5b6.d74a869.a 10.0 Ml, 1, Never before have / had | met anyone'so skilled at/ in imitating animal voices, 2. Whose duty was it to let the general know about the mistake that occurred? 3. You ought not te / should not have told everyone about our intentions. It was not reasonable of you. 4. On no account may you / are you. allowed to enter the laboratory without your teacher's permit. 5. Before the plane took off, the technicians had carefully checked / inspected all the measuring instruments. 6. He's sure / certain to have had an illegal / a fake passport. Othenwise he would not have gone abroad. 7. Although we had never met, I felt as if/as though we had known each other for years. 8. It's a waste of time repairing that old boiler. Hadn't you better buy a new one? 9. In case you (should) encounter / come across / run into any difficulties, don’t hesitate to ask us for assistance. 10. Hasn't it/ Didn't it occur to you that playing with matches might end tragically? IV. 1. At, be, of, end 2, There, in, does 3. should, of, up 4. about, pick, who/ that, to/with 5, those, part, to 6 as/though, be, up 7. who / that, large, yet 8. made, up, on, on, couple, up 9, best/ job, to, will 10. little, case/ 128 respect / matter / situation, of 11. long, in, about 12. of, amount, species, ever 13. run, why 14. What, at/with, towards, will, way/manner 15. For, ‘on, by, means V. 1. entitled 2. damages 3. flattery 4. monk 5, account 6. headlines 7. anxious 8. fumes 9. orchard 10. insist 11. smuggler 12. evidence 13. grief-stricken 14. influence 15. occupation Vi. 1, hills 2, church mouse 3. bell 4. peas 5. scarecrow 6. hare 7. razor 8. bee 9. rake 10. ice 11. weather cock 12. peacock 13. lamb 14. brass 16. post 16. rain 17. dirt 18. pie 19, life 20. clockwork TEST 10 |. 1, what 2, of 3. such 4. times 5. the 6. easy 7. for 8. take 9. all 10. In 11. up 12. top 13. with 14. be 15. nothing I. 4,- 2.+ 3.a 4. been 5, will 6.- 7. in 8 be 9,- 10.- 11, with 12.- 13.- 14, of 15. In 16. An 17, being 18. it 19.- 20.to 21,- 22,- 23.4 Ill, 4, had, look, have been digging 2. will have set, (will) have already started, getting / to get, to colonize 3. not asking / not having asked, had told, would have known, to act 4, put, have disappeared, to look, have taken 5. reached, had been walking / had walked 6. avoid, walking, are bitten / should be bitten 7, was charged, had spent, was released 8. is going to lead / is leading/ will lead, has agreed, to stand 9. have had, keeps, blowing 10. is cleaned / has been cleaned, filled, will put 11. has been issued, is believed, to have won 12. did we know, learned, were going to be 18. (had) managed, to escape, are still being looked 14, eases, will take, to climb 15, to (have) let, had not known, would have made IV. 1. If it had not been for our sponsors’ support, the concert wouldn't have taken place. 2, Much as/ though | respect you, | do think you're wrong in this case. 3, We were ordered not to walk far from the headquarters. 4. No matter who you talk to, don't keep your hands in your packets. 5. Rafael Gaudy was a tutor of ours. 6. To have kept a loaded gun in his drawer was most irresponsible of the officer. 7. He hid his money in his sock for fear of having it stolen by someone. &. Isn'tit high time the children were going out to school? 9. I hate the way you are 129 pulling wool over my eyes. 10. It can’t have been Ginger who lett the message. V. 1, unconvineing 2. acquaintance 3. thoroughly 4. lengthen 5. assumption 6. ineffective 7, abundant 8. insistent 9. fruitless 10. unavoidable 11. confirmation 12. envious 13. burglary 14. retirement 15. irresistible Vi. 1. gone 2. put 3. come 4. tell 5. giving 6. set 7. laid 8. broken 9. are going to let 10. cut Vil, 1. red 2. blue 3. green 4. pink 5. black 6. blue 7. red 8, white 9. black 10. yellow TEST 11 1. 1, has always provoked 2. have been 3. were rewarded 4. are honoured 5. reached 6. became 7, accompanied 8. was sparked 9, arrived 10, had ‘thrived 11, extended 12, to contro! 13, stunned 14. was built / was being built ‘had been built 15, spread 16, was used 17, did not understand 18. was considered 19. was referred 20. constituted 21, converting 22, oppressing 23. looting 24. melting 25. rooting 26, to exist 27. stolen 28. was converted 29. to escape 30, has succeeded I. 1, It's not certain how long Adam will have to stay in hospital. However, what we know is that his life is out of danger. 2. Ever since he got the job in the Ministry, he has been introduced ta a number of well-known politicians, 3. It's about time you found a job. We can not provide for you any longer. 4. The first man who spent /to have spent more than one hour in the open space was Harold Monroe, 5, It wasn't until yesterday that the exam results were announced. Everyone passed it but / except for Mark. 6, How many candidates had been heard before the best ten of them were chosen/ selected for the programme? 7, [wish | had insured my car against theft, | could recover at least a share of the money, 8. There's little /nothing we can do to help you, We find it hard to make ends meet ourselves. 9. It is said that the construction of the motorway will be finished in five years’ time. 10. Had the car which /that the President was being driven in been driving faster, the assassin would not have had so much time for precise targeting. Ill. 1. The question has not been discussed (as) yet. 2. Monica has a taste for / in expensive clothes. 3. The museum has been broken into. 4. Nigel is likely to have lost / may have lost / must have lost our address and phone number. 130 5. The other student may nave learn more, but Tom got better marks than them / they did. 6. Only when | returned to the office did | remember | was supposed to collect the mail. 7, Howard is nat experienced enough to work ina team of professionals, 8. Since when have you been obliged to wear these funny badges? 9. Frank is indifferent to our problems. 10, You ought to have warned me about the danger. IV. 1, mammals 2, disabled 3, access 4, checkout 5, depart 6. surprise 7. unwilling 8. purpose 9. pavement 10. bulk 11. customs 12. artificlal 13. surgery 14. cancel 15, condition Viid2b3a4b5.a6c7b8d9¢ 10.8 Vi1.up, on 2. In, up, up, in 3. to, in/ by, of 4. to, in, from 5. to, in; with, from 6. in, for 7. in, for, with 8. of, forward, by 9. to, of, on 10. into, of 11. with, by 12. for, of 13. to, of, for 14. to, on, on, to 15. to, with, in Vil. 1. out 2, up 3. in 4. out 5. up 6, in 7,up 8, out 9, in 10, out TEST 12 1.1, True 2. False 3, False 4. False 5, True 6. True 7. False 8. True 9. False 10. True 11, False 12, False 13, True 14, False 15. True Wib2c3b4a5d6a7.c8.d 9b 0a Il, 1, Under no account are the soldier allowed to leave the barracks. 2, Despite being a wealthy person, she wouldn't spare a pound on charity. 3. Traces of the fugitives have been reported to have been spotted. 4. They aré likely to have forgotten about our order. 5. There was no need for us to buy the car insurance. 6. | don't have a memory for people's surnames. 7. It was such a noisy place that ! couldn't hear my own voice. 8. Joe said he did not mind my sitting in the lab as long as | did not touch anything. 9. | haven't ever seen a higher skyscraper, 10. These high heeled shoes are out of fashion, IV, 1. fearful 2. spacious 3. irresistible 4. striking 5. likelihood 6. advantageous. 7. illiteracy 8. replacement 9. unimaginable 10. adjustments 11. habitual 12. generosity 13. convertible 14. defenceless. 15. intrusive 131 V. 1. touch 2. debt 3. sight 4. advance 5, need 6. recognition 7. use 8. mood 9. view 10. common TEST 13 Lib2d3a4c5d6.a 7b 8c 9.¢ 10.d tia 12.4 13.d 14.c 15.b 16.4 17,d 18.b 19.¢ 20.¢ Il. is reported / has been reported, have been missing, have been found, have practised /have been practising, set, losing, had reached, (had) established, (had) rested, decided, reaching, was broken, did not wait, notifying, to be, have suffered has shown / shows, suffer, be, have planned / are planning, instructing, to look, has led, will offer / will be offering, will improve, to take, are advised was granted, has spent, to hunt, has only managed, to track, tobe shot, does not seem, surpass, sharing, to have shot, will have been, Is treated, is admired, to beat, have never shot Ill. 1, Despite having recorded so many songs, he has never been asked for an autograph yet. 2, We were told yesterday that the date of the exam had not been set yet, 3. Do you happen to knaw how many essays we are supposed to write? 4, You were to have taken a decision by Thursday. However, none of you has informed us about your intentions as yet. 5, But for your father's immediate reaction, you could / would have been hit by falling pieces of rock. 6. We insist that you (should) stop /'on your stopping eavesdropping on our private phone calls. 7. Mark seemed to be a talented boy, It's a pity he has given up the career of an opera singer. 8, Hawever hard his own lite was, he (would) never refuse / never refused to help other people. 9. We have been warned not sit on the ground for fear of an attack of some dangerous insects, 10, Should you feel worse, | advise you to call a doctor, WV. 1. for, as 2. way, to, to 3, matter, with, carry 4. till, did, in 5. consideration /account, all, how 6. bother / annoy / warry / upset, got, to 7. Having, where, set 8. for, which 9. All, mind, live/lead 10. Just, out, against 11, rom, had, by 12. nowhere, to, neither, in 13. for, common / prevalent, come 14, due, giving 15, It, of, ta, into 132 Ve vi. Lb2a3.d4a5c6d7b8b9.d 10.¢ 4, putting in for 2. cut down on 3. went down with 4. make up for 5. came up with 6. walk out on 7, catch up with 8, ran up against &, stand up to 10. do away with TEST 14 m4 Where did the horsemen of Ghenghis Khan ride out from? 2, Where does the steppe still remain intact? 3, What resources are /is there deep beneath the steppe? 4. Why is the eastern steppe of Mongolia sparsely populated? What does the thinly spread human population coexist with? 6. What do the Mongolians have a fondness for? 7, Where is this kind of habitat now largely spoilt? 8. What do the people constitute? 9, Who have the grassiands been shared by? 10, Why is the grassland a treasure for researchers? 11, What might the unclassified plants and species once become? 12. Why do the Mongols move their herds and their homes at least twice each year? 13. What (animal) is central to Mongols nomadic life? 14. What do horses represent to Mongols? 15. What is Mongolia opening up for nowadays? a 1, have been rehearsing / have rehearsed, is (being) staged 2. receiving, has not been renovated 3, wanted, to give, were / would be, tocome 4, seging, ‘would not have suffered 5, letting, make, todo 6, Had the police found 7, will still be working, will have finished 8. to hear, would do, to ease 9, arriving, were informed 10. not have interrupted, was making 11. being hit / having been hit, to continue, fighting 12. are being, pulling, will make, go 13. is being served, do not serve 14. touching, feels 15. has been, was last invited, to give, has begun / is beginning, to worry Little has Mike done to improve his pronunciation, 2, Stop coming late, otherwise | will make you stay longer in the office. 3. Someone asked how many times the boy had shoplifted before he was caught red-handed. 4, Unclear as / though his answers might have been / were, they were not untrue. 5. | consider James to be the best assistant that | have ever had. 6. Someone was being barked at by the dog. 7. We wish Stella had not let the strangers in. 8. How about having the house decorated by an interior designer? ‘9. Rather than serve other people, Julia would be served. 10. It's touch and go whether the missing crew will be found alive. 133 IV. 1. obstinacy 2. Regardless 3. undone 4. revolutionary 5. extensive 6. invaluable 7. involvement 8. inaccessible 9. unfortunate 10. unpredictable 11, suspicious 12. unconcerned 13. objectionable 14. picturesque 15. unsatisfactory V. 1. chores 2. goals 3. recovery 4. ease 5. obligation 6. fasten 7. trial 8. demand 9. tasteless 10. inclination 11. deadline 12. pattern 13, indifferent 14. flight 15. remedy VI. 4, copycat 2. playground 3. firewood 4, highway 5, airmail 6, heartbeat 7. eyesight 8. roundabout 9, network 10. footsteps 11, daybreak 12, payroll 13, birth-rate 14, nickname 15. nightmare 16. middleman 17. bookworm 18. viewpoint 19. handwriting 20. headway TEST 15 1, The 2. the 3. the 4, the 6.2 6,- 7.a 8-9, the 10,- 11a 12.- 13,- 14,- 16.- 16.4 17. the 18.- 19. the 20.- 21.- 22.4 23.a 24. the 25.- 26.4 27, the 28.- 29.4 30, a 31. the 32, the 33.- 34.- 35. the 36. an 37.- 38. - 39.- 40. - Wie2aab4d5chb7d8ada ie Il. 1. Who is she engaged to? | thought she was not going to get married, 2. The ‘captain may have been sleeping in the cabin. He must have been very tired after such a busy night. 3. Not till he saw the results of the opinion poll that he realized he had lost his popularity among voters, 4. Neither Mr James nor any ‘of his employees have confirmed their arrival as yet. 5, Despite having so little time, David managed to let everybody know that the conference would start / ‘was starting an hour earlier. 6. Unless some new problems arise, the maintenance will have been finished by next Sunday. 7. Ought Mary to have ‘stayed on the spot of the occurrence? Does the fact that she drove away mean her being punished? 8. There is nobody to trust/ who | can trust here. All of these politicians have let me down. 9. Before moving / we moved into our own house, we had lived / had been living in a hired flat for about four years, 10. Our maths teacher insists that we (should) take / on our taking part in the preparations for the contest. 134 IV. 1. They made me sign the document, which was against my will, 2. Carl didn't use to wear such extravagant clothes when he was younger. 3. How much information has been supplied by the press agencies so far? 4. OK. 5. Ifit hadn't been for / Hadn't it been for the doctor's quick arrival, the man could have died. 6, Since they met for the first time, they have liked each other a lot. 7. is there anything | can do to help him recover quickly? 8, Frank suggested that | (should) not talk to Jane in case she asked about our intentions. 9. If he were accustomed to working hard, he would find a job easily. 10, No sooner had | Started to read / reading the first chapter than | felt sleepy V. 1, as/though, to, good/kind 2, will/ do, on, longer/ more, around / round 3.need/ought, each/every 4, takes/ shows, on, either 5, being, gust 6. But, have, in 7, point, there, with 8. from, in, about/for 9. To, it, been 10. With, to, whom 11. large, What, meet/ satisfy 12. speck, feels, while 13, Under, may/can, being 14. having, call 15. No, but, the Vtb2d3d4a5a6b7b8d 9b 10.b ‘VIL. 4. random 2. will 3. dawn 4, all hours 5. fault 6. times 7, all costs 8, short notice 9. hand 10. a loss [eo LUf2i3b4e6j6a7g98¢9h 10d I. 1, have known, matters 2. are working, to be done 3. offering, found, was sentenced 4, have sunk, to find 5. to inspect, had been looted 6. would not agree, to marry, to get, are going to marry 7. are known, taking, to satisfy 8. coming, had been broken 9. would visit, was 10. crying, kissing / kiss 11. served, have kept 12. not to watch, 13, (should) be closed, was damaged 14. have graduated, are expected, to earn 15. will not be cancelled, are sold / have been sold Il, 1, You will have to account for your having missed so many lessons. 2. Who has the parcel been unwrapped by? 3.1 am in ne mood for playing tennis now. 4, Ifyou had complied with the regulations, you would not have had to pay a fine. 5, The soldiers have been drilling for three hours, 6. Make sure you have locked the door before leaving the office. 7. As far as | am concerned, | am for the project. 8, James has difficulty in adapting to new places, 9, There has been a 135 considerable increase in food prices recently. 10. What we heard was beyond belief. IV. 1. unfaithful 2, sparsely 3. denial 4, wasteful 5. disposal 6. attachment 7. worsened 8, abundance 9. companionship 10. belongings 11, exhaustion 12. arguments 13. fulfilment 14. unstoppable 15. poisonous V. 1. hard 2. awake 3, mortgages 4. terminal 6. knowledge 6. justice 7. handle 8. gear G, prone 10. shrunk 11. contrary 12, mention 13, worthwhile 44. sparkling 15. relieve VI. 1, let 2. gone 3. run 4. bring 5. turned 6. settled 7. knocked 8. standing 9. come 10. put Vil. 1. stiff 2. deadly 3. blind 4. highly 5. crashing 6. hard 7. short 8. well 9. prettily 10. dead TEST 17 \. 1. a8 2. for 3. to 4.0n 5. about 6. for 7. to 8.to 9.in 10. for 11. in 12. in 13.as 14. for 15.as/so 16.0n 17, to 18. up 19. about 20. since Il. 1, had you worked / had you been working, decided, started, was making / had made, was given, worked, was laid, to quit, was employed, had been making / was making, put, had taken / took, Did they not want, have already found, am starting do you like, was, find, have heard, are going to get / are getting, spilt, went, began, only saw, decided, (had) told, had met, have been, to overcome, will find am talking, to have experienced, has agreed, did the story take, woke, went, looked, thought, hurry, started, was walking, work / worked, started, felt, was turning / had turned, were hitting, thought, looked, did not see, saw, thought, looked, saw, were jumping, did you think, was playing / had played, found, to have experienced nN o Ill. 1. | have not got accustomed to working in the new conditions yet. Probably, it will take me a few weeks to adjust. 2. The handbag has just been found on a platform. It must have been left here by a traveller. 3. It wasn't until Frank came 136 WV. 1 8, back from work and told us how he had been treated by his superiors that we understood what had really happened. 4. How about organizing a graduates’ reunion? | wonder if! couid / wauld oe able to recognize all my schoolmates. They are sure to have changed a lot. 5. Edward Probe, who | have talked to three times so far, makes an impression of a very intelligent man, 6. The heritage park isn't worth being visited. The only interesting thing one can see there are nineteenth century farmers’ tools. 7. We disapprove of the views she expresses / vcirws. Perhaps, this is why she is so hard to get on with. 8. Don't you wish you had taken advantae of the scholarship abroad? You cour nave visited this wonderful country and (could have) made new friends. 9, We were told / ordered / made to stay in the coach until our passports were checked / had been checked by the customs officers. 10. George Baker is said to have been an ingenious discoverer. However, only after his death were his remarkable achievements appreciated / praised / acknowledged . purpose 2. behalf 3, display 4, second thoughts 5. approval 6. duty 7. sale average 9, no account 10. principle Vitd2a3d4¢5a6b708b9b5 10d TEST 18 treatment, numerous, consciousness, suggestion, variety, attention, repetitive, difficulty, relationship, motivation(s), expectations, depth, dependent, emotional, capability, successful, liinesses, relief, additional, usefulness, addictions, reliable W1d2a3a4b5.d6a758d9.a 10a . 1. Dave attaches little / does not attach (any) importance to (wearing) fashionable clothes. 2, Scarcely ever does Michael forget about the promises he makes. 3, The woman threatened to call / that she would call the police unless the youngsters stopped devastating the greenery. 4. Such was his hunger that he ate ten hamburgers, §, That diet of yours in deficient in nutritious elements, 6, The investigator enquired how long the baby had not been taken care of. 7. The star can't stand being asked to sing during an interview. 8. We were taken aback by Sir Dunkan's indifferent approach. 9. The quality of the oll leaves much to be desired, 10. | am thinking of taking a loan from a bank 137 IV. 1. as/ though, every/each/a, to, then 2. whose, to, by 3. Hardly / Scarcely, these, where 4. should/ ever, for 5. top, would, into 6. to, from, from, on 7. read / say, on, in, for 8.sake, point 9. Whereas / Although, for 10. Mind, in/with 11. The, anthem 12. like, wait 13. of, now 14, though, Nor/ Neither 15. what, Like V. 1. off 2.in 3.0n 4. by 5. behind 6. after 7. through 8. up 9. at 10. over VI. 1. a) Besides b) beside 2. a) adapted b) adopted 3. a) respectful b) respectable 4. a) Remind b)resemble 5, a) humane b) human 6. a) exceptional b) acceptable 7. a) priceless b) worthless 8. a) industrious b) industrial 9. a) effect b) affect 10. a) doubtful b) undoubtedly TEST 19 Liage2bgqe3ac¢gd4bde5ae6abade Ze Bbd 9ae 1ab,d 11.¢4,e 12b¢ 13a de 14.b 15a, boc 6.¢6d,6¢ 17.66 18a ¢ 1946 ¢@ 20a d Il. 1, torespect, to avoid, paying 2. being, reconsidering 3. learned / learnt, had lived / had been living, was going to be pulled / would be pulled 4, tosee, had read 5, come/ have come, will have been done 6, are released, are imposed were driving, blaring, was burning 8, has John surprised 9. are doing, to be playing 10. arrive / are arriving, are (being) shown, are (being) taken, starts / is starting 11. ended, did we know 12. to be granted / to have been granted, have to / will have to 13. to open, (to) prevent, triggering 14. are becoming, is reported, to be developing 15. had not emigrated, Do you miss / Are you missing = IN. 1. When | asked him, Eric denied leaving / having left the door unlocked and so did Mike, 2. You need not have ordered more of the exotic fruit. We have got ‘enough of them in stock, 3, Would you rather | told you what! know or hid the truth? 4, OK 5. To have done something like this required possessing a strong character. 6. | was supposed to take over all Mr Adams’ duties except (for) typing. 7. In spite of the weather being 0 fine, we were not allawed to play outdoors. 8. It's been suggested that some of us (should) come earlier to do the cleaning. 8. How many times had Al tried to give up smoking before he finally 138 succeeded? 10, It's been so cold ever since our honeymoon began. We wish we had chosen a hotter country. IV. 1, expired 2. offence 3. uneven 4. deliberately 5. lining 6. breed 7. grain 8. stale 9. liking 10. exposure 11, bound 12, complied 13. being 14. conscience 15, sheer V. 1, part 2. the sake of 3, achange 4. fearof 5. safe keeping 6. a song 7. hire 8. all the world VI. 1, Despite 2. due to 3. all in all 4. lest 5. moreover 6. as though 7. Provided 8. on account of 9. but 10. However TEST 20 1. 1, methods 2, widespread 3. form 4. Royal 5. status 6. invented 7. among 8. originated 9, prevent 10, pursuit 11, appear 12. strike 13, beak 14, nest 15, birds IL. 1, If it was not your intention to work as a chief, then what made you apply for the job? 2, We need not have exchanged so much money into pounds. We haven't found anything worth buying here. 3. What is she so jealous / envious of? There is nothing she cannot buy for all the money she has inherited, 4. The ‘only thing | regret is not having enough courage to propose to Betty, 6, Had you known that your situation was going to change / would change for worse, ‘would you have bought a cheaper flat? 6, Immediately the mysterious mail is delivered / has been delivered, its contents will be inspected in the laboratory. By Friday, the pilots will have been striking / will have struck for a week, So far, none of their demands has been fulfilled / satisfied / met. 8, When | asked about my car, the garage worker said it was just being repaired. 9, Ever since both of us lost our job, we have not been able to afford to eat / dine out. 40. I'm looking forward to going on holiday. My parents have promised to let me spend two weeks at the seaside with my friends. x Il 1. However slowly the lecturer was speaking, we didn't understand him anyway. 2. There was no need for you to answer every question from the reporters. 3. Tom would prefer ta have studied economics instead of sociology. 4. Only by ‘threatening him with prison could we make him speak. 5, One of the 139 passengers had / expressed an objection to fastening the seat belt. 6, It's typical of Sony to make vague promises. 7. You are not experienced enough to work as a flight controller. 8. Is it obligatory for us to wear the badges all the time? 9. Were there to be any demonstrations, the police would be on the alert. 10. Bear in mind that the dog should be fed twice a day. IV. 1. unaffordable 2. expectancy 3. shortage 4. mistaken 5. adversary 6. Unlawful 7. width 8. evasive 9. contemptuous 10. incomparable 11. disposable 12. hatred 13. prevalent 14, indispensable 15. negligence Vie 2.a3.b405c6a7d8a9d 108 VI. 1. knocked 2. Give 3. take 4. made 5. talk 6. get 7. went 8. come VII. 4. inflow 2. downpour 3. bypass 4. upkeep 5. offspring 6. onlookers 140, |, 128 of 134, View on SlideShare Like this slideshow? 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