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To privately funded students

Scholarships from Private Foundations

More than 30 kinds of scholarships are available for international students
who have “Student ” visa.

Recommendation by the University

The details information of each scholarship will be provided at the Students Support Group of
the Faculty or Graduate School 6 times a year.
Application period
Term Application period Name of the foundations
‘Rotary Yoneyama Memorial Foundation Inc’ and other 6
1st Aug. to Oct.
2nd Feb. ‘Kumahira Scholarship Foundation’ and other 6 foundations

3rd Mar. ‘Korean Scholarship Foundation’ and other 5 foundations

‘Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO) (Monbukagakusho
4th Apr. Honors Scholarship for Privately Financed International Student)’
and other 5 foundations
5th June ‘Nikki・Saneyoshi Scholarship Foundation’
6th Oct. ‘Hiroshima Daigaku Gaikokujin Ryugakusei Enjosurukai’
Applicant qualification
Enrolled students with “Student” visa.
The conditions depend on the foundations. Please ask the Students Support Group of the
Faculty or Graduate School concerned.
・You cannot apply for more than one foundation at the same time.
・When the number of candidate is limited, the applicant is selected by inner university selection.
・You cannot apply for another scholarship while you are waiting for the result of current applying.
・You are requested to fill in the application form by yourselves.

Individual application
・The information will be provided at the Students Support Group of the Faculty/ Graduate
School or on Momiji. You are requested to ask each foundation directly.
・The Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO) provides scholarship information, please
visit the following website for more details.

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