Lampiran 2 Uji Validitas Dan Reliabilitas

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Lampiran 2


Uji Validitas Pola asuh otoriter Ayah

Item-Total Statistics
Scale Mean if Scale Variance if Corrected Item- Cronbach's Alpha
Item Deleted Item Deleted Total Correlation if Item Deleted
Pernyataan 1 5,77 6,875 ,539 ,654
Pernyataan 2 5,60 6,662 ,569 ,644
Pernyataan 3 5,77 7,702 ,489 ,713
Pernyataan 4 5,10 8,300 ,672 ,722
Pernyataan 5 5,60 6,938 ,454 ,666
Pernyataan 6 5,53 6,809 ,507 ,656
Total 3,03 2,102 1,000 ,492

Uji Reliabilitas Pola asuh otoriter Ayah

Reliability Statistics
Cronbach's Alpha N of Items
,703 7

Uji Validitas Pola asuh Permisif Ayah

Item-Total Statistics
Scale Mean if Scale Variance if Corrected Item- Cronbach's Alpha
Item Deleted Item Deleted Total Correlation if Item Deleted
Pernyataan 1 3,81 8,627 ,465 ,698
Pernyataan 2 3,67 9,056 ,443 ,728
Pernyataan 3 3,62 8,260 ,525 ,684
Pernyataan 4 3,91 9,408 ,414 ,732
Pernyataan 5 3,66 8,071 ,605 ,671
Pernyataan 6 3,70 7,965 ,665 ,663
Total 2,03 2,504 1,000 ,578

Uji reliabilitas Pola asuh Permisif Ayah

Reliability Statistics
Cronbach's Alpha N of Items
,756 7
Uji Validitas Pola asuh Demokratif Ayah

Item-Total Statistics
Scale Mean if Scale Variance Corrected Item- Cronbach's Alpha
Item Deleted if Item Total if Item Deleted
Deleted Correlation
Pernyataan 1 8,50 5,309 ,541 ,664
Pernyataan 2 8,86 5,586 ,483 ,708
Pernyataan 3 8,43 5,754 ,466 ,696
Pernyataan 4 8,40 5,771 ,414 ,693
Pernyataan 5 8,47 5,420 ,521 ,671
Pernyataan 6 8,43 5,574 ,480 ,680
Total 4,64 1,625 1,000 ,525

Uji reliabilitas Pola asuh Demokratif Ayah

Reliability Statistics
Cronbach's Alpha N of Items
,711 7

Uji Validitas Pola asuh otoriter Ibu

Item-Total Statistics
Scale Mean if Scale Variance if Corrected Item- Cronbach's Alpha
Item Deleted Item Deleted Total Correlation if Item Deleted
Pernyataan 1 6,38 8,215 ,439 ,700
Pernyataan 2 6,13 8,184 ,437 ,700
Pernyataan 3 6,40 8,310 ,411 ,705
Pernyataan 4 5,78 9,501 ,490 ,744
Pernyataan 5 6,18 7,901 ,537 ,683
Pernyataan 6 6,17 7,421 ,733 ,649
Total 3,37 2,415 1,000 ,584

Uji reliabilitas Pola asuh otoriter Ibu

Reliability Statistcs
Cronbach's Alpha N of Items
,725 7

Uji Validitas Pola asuh Permisif Ibu

Item-Total Statistics
Scale Mean if Scale Variance if Corrected Item- Cronbach's Alpha
Item Deleted Item Deleted Total Correlation if Item Deleted
Pernyataan 1 3,69 10,554 ,629 ,717
Pernyataan 2 3,63 11,201 ,482 ,747
Pernyataan 3 3,54 10,408 ,624 ,714
Pernyataan 4 3,84 11,504 ,420 ,748
Pernyataan 5 3,60 10,625 ,563 ,723
Pernyataan 6 3,69 10,374 ,695 ,709
Total 2,00 3,169 1,000 ,710
Uji reliabilitas Pola asuh Permisif Ibu
Reliability Statistics
Cronbach's Alpha N of Items
,724 7

Uji Validitas Pola asuh Demokratif Ibu

Item-Total Statistics
Scale Mean if Scale Variance if Corrected Item- Cronbach's Alpha
Item Deleted Item Deleted Total Correlation if Item Deleted
Pernyataan 1 8,34 6,498 ,555 ,709
Pernyataan 2 8,84 6,515 ,456 ,730
Pernyataan 3 8,37 6,639 ,436 ,723
Pernyataan 4 8,37 6,280 ,640 ,695
Pernyataan 5 8,30 6,707 ,528 ,719
Pernyataan 6 8,38 6,350 ,580 ,702
Total 4,60 1,906 1,000 ,648

Uji reliabilitas Pola asuh Demokratif Ibu

Reliability Statistics
Cronbach's Alpha N of Items
,741 7
Konsep Diri Perilaku Seksual

Uji Validitas Konsep Diri

Item-Total Statistics
Scale Mean if Item Scale Variance Corrected Item- Cronbach's Alpha if
Deleted if Item Total Item Deleted
Deleted Correlation
konsepdiri1 28.3810 38.583 .423 .909
konsepdiri2 28.0952 34.869 .674 .892
konsepdiri3 28.4286 31.373 .761 .883
konsepdiri4 28.3095 32.316 .720 .886
konsepdiri5 28.3571 33.894 .456 .904
konsepdiri6 28.4048 33.905 .548 .897
konsepdiri7 28.5238 28.304 .843 .876
konsepdiri8 28.7619 31.015 .663 .891
konsepdiri9 28.3333 30.520 .816 .879
konsepdiri10 28.1190 32.107 .830 .880

Uji Reabilitas Konsep Diri

Reliability Statistics
Cronbach's Alpha N of Items
.900 10

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