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Kurdistan Regional Government-Iraq Year : First

Ministry of Higher Education & Scientific Research

Subject: Engineering Drawing
Duhok Polytechnic University
Due Date: 10:30 pm, 5/7/2020
Duhok Technical College of Engineering
Dept.: Highway & Bridges Engineering
Final Report (Group 1) – 2ed Semester – July 2020
The final assessment consists of Four Parts
Part 1) Using AutoCAD, draw common external tangents to circles of diameters 60 and 32,
the distance between centers is 80 showing all the steps. Then make a pdf with the template
below. scale is (1:1)
Name: SCALE:

(10 %)

Part 2) Using AutoCAD, draw an ellipse using four center method, with a Major axis (120)
and Minor (80). Then make a pdf for the drawing with the template in Q1. scale is (1:15)

(20 %)

Part 3) Using AutoCAD. Draw Top, Right and front Side Views with all needed dimensions
using the scale is (1:5) for the figure below. Then make a pdf for the drawing with the
template in Q1

(35 %)
Part 4) Write a brief report (about 2000 words) about Drawing Engineering in general and the
using drawing engineering in highways and bridges project and how the applications of scales
can be useful in the site. The student is free to make his/her report style; however, this report
should have a:
a- Title page (see the attached example) (35 %)
b- Table of contents, figures, tables….
c- An introduction (introduce your work and show your aims and adjective)
d- Main body (this can be more than one chapter depend on you. Also, you may need to
put figures, tables…. etc. for more illustration.
e- Conclusion (conclude your work and ideas)
f- Reference list (from where you had your information, you should have several).

1- ensure your name and group number, then, follow the instructions of each part.
2- You need to submit your work via DPU Moodle before due date or you will lose
makes for late submission.
3- Make a file and name it with your name (e.g. Azad Salim Ahmed). Next, put all of
your work in it and compress it. Then upload it via Moodle on Engineering
drawing page in the final assessment file.
4- This file should have all the pdf files named in questions number (e.g. part 1) and
name the AutoCAD file with your name.
5- The report should be in pdf format and AutoCAD 2018 or less version (save as
2018 if you have newer version).
6- The report should be in pdf format with your name on it.
7- The drawing will be marked base on the pdf and the AutoCAD file.
8- The AutoCAD file must contain all the drawing and your name inside.
9- The report will be marked base on its’ Scientific value, clarity, writing style,
originality, formatting, and choice of reference.
10- You may be asked for an oral exam via google meet later.

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