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Exercise – Write a BCP for Loss of Network Connectivity for the Pune Manufacturing Plant

Document Control

Document ID P12/2020 Version 2.0

Document Name Document Control Process Revision 1b

Version 2.0 Author John Doe

Prepared by John Doe Prepared Date

Reviewed by Reviewed Date

Approved by Approved Date

BCP for Loss of Network Connectivity for the Pune Manufacturing Plant

1. Statement of Purpose ................................................................................................................. 3
2. Scope .............................................................................................................................................. 3
3. Objectives ..................................................................................................................................... 3
4. Plan Activation............................................................................................................................. 3
4.1. Scenario................................................................................................................................. 3
4.2. Assessing Magnitude of The Situation and Communications ..................................... 3
4.3. Response Structure / Chain of Command....................................................................... 4
4.4. Execution Procedure .......................................................................................................... 4

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BCP for Loss of Network Connectivity for the Pune Manufacturing Plant

1. Statement of Purpose
This document describes the actions to be taken in case of Network Connectivity Loss (NCL) for the
Pune Manufacturing Plant within the Pune Operations. It specifically outlines the activities to be
undertaken within the Pune Operations for the emergency response and recovery operations.

2. Scope
The scope of this plan is to provide directions to the Pune Operations within the My Food business
when the business continuity plan is activated.

3. Objectives
The objective of the Business Continuity Plan is to coordinate the recovery of Network Connectivity
Loss for the Pune Manufacturing Plant within the pre-defined threshold (RTO) and restore the
business operation in the event of a disruption.

4. Plan Activation
4.1. Scenario
This plan shall only be activated on the occurrence of the following scenarios.

This scenario assumes that the network link to the Pune site is down. Applications that run on the
machine are available, but those that require connectivity are not. Nearly every enterprise or
business application requires connectivity, including email, instant messaging, Sharepoint, Voice
Over IP. Further definition of the systems that may be impacted and the established actions to bring
them back into operations are described in Appendix A – Execution Procedure.

4.2. Assessing Magnitude of The Situation and Communications

4.2.1. Assessment

The Director of ICT as the Team leader of Pune Operations Disaster Recovery Team, together with
the Pune Operations Disaster Recovery Team, will assess the level of the situation and the effects it
will have on daily operations.

4.2.2. Communications

Team Leader of Pune Operations Disaster Recovery Team will report the situation to Business
Continuity Team Leader at HQ.

The Team Leader of Pune Operations DR Team will use both email, sms and push notification app to
send a text message and phone extension and mobile phone to send an audio message.

The notification recipients are pre-programmed into email, sms and push notification app, phone
extension and mobile phone this includes mobile numbers, phone extension numbers and email
addresses of persons of concern compiled by the Pune Operations Disaster Recovery Team.

4.2.3. Other Persons of Concern to be communicated

# Name Designation Mobile Extension Email

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BCP for Loss of Network Connectivity for the Pune Manufacturing Plant


4.3. Response Structure / Chain of Command

Command Center at HQ will not directly involve in this situation.

The Director of ICT (Pune Location), Team Leader of Pune Operations Disaster Recovery Team is the
in charge of the activation of plan and the recovery operations.

The Director of ICT (Pune Location), is not available this role will be assigned to Command Center by
Business Continuity Team Leader at HQ.

Manager System Support Services will manage the restoration field operation, reporting to Director

If Manager System Support Services is not available Manager Network Operations Pune will take
over the role.

4.4. Execution Procedure

See Annex A of this document for Execution Procedure

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BCP for Loss of Network Connectivity for the Pune Manufacturing Plant

Annex A – Execution Procedure

This procedure shall be available (intact) with the persons and places mentioned in this document.

1. Outline:
1.1. Detect and assess level of disaster condition
1.2. Notify persons responsible for response and/or recovery
1.3. Implement Business Continuity Plan response and recovery procedures
1.4. Establish the designated alternate location
1.5. Disseminate information and seek assistance when indicated
1.6. Stand down process

2. Immediate Consequences of a Disruption

1.1. Welfare of individuals: no harm to any personnel is anticipated during the disruption
1.2. prevention of further loss: Further loss will be continue to incur is the service is not
restored within 4 hours
1.3. unavailability of prioritized activities: prioritized activities from this location will continue
to be unavailable if the service is not restored within 4 hours
1.4. protection of the environment: no harm (any nature) to the environment is anticipated
during the disruption

3. Scenario

This plan shall only be activated on the occurrence of the following scenario.

This scenario assumes that the network link to the Pune site is down. Applications that run on the
machine are available, but those that require connectivity are not. Nearly every enterprise or
business application requires connectivity, including email, instant messaging, intranet, groupware,

4. Detect and assess level of disaster condition

Problem Identification & Declaration of disaster the Director of ICT (Pune Location), Team Leader of
Pune Operations Disaster Recovery Team has the authority to put the BCP in place and active – If not
available the Business Continuity Team Leader at HQ then will make this decision.

3.1. Restoration Threshold

The restoration threshold for this scenario is 2 hours.

If service is not restores within this threshold (RTO) then the Business Continuity Team Leader at HQ
shall be notified.

5. Notify persons responsible for response and/or recovery

Disaster Notification:

# Name Designation Mobile Extension Email


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BCP for Loss of Network Connectivity for the Pune Manufacturing Plant


6. Initiate Business Continuity Plan Response and Recovery Procedures

5.1. Business Continuity Plan:

Manager System Support Services will be placed in charge of collecting all Master data adds or
changes during the down time – and assign to staff once system is back up

Manager System Support Services will work with the Purchasing manager to assist the Purchasing
department will the entry of Purchasing orders – Purchasing Manger has developed Manual PO
forms and Spread sheet for bulk of Purchase orders once system is back up.

5.2. Strategies and Solutions

A. Strategies
# Strategy Time to activation
1 Activate ISP 2 Backhaul connection 1 hrs from activation of the
2 Activate ISP 3 Backhaul connection 1 hour from failure of ISP2
3 Activate Private Wireless Backhaul connections 1 hour from failure of ISP3
4 Activate VSAT connections 1 hour from failure of Private
Wireless connection

B. Solution

Make ISP 2 backhaul connection the primary network connection and continue in the order of the
strategies listed above if the first item fails to work until VSAT connection is established.

If all connections fail and falls back to VSAT connection and the VSAT connection cannot be
established regard this as an unresolvable issue and report back to Business Continuity Team Leader
at HQ.

C. Key Decisions

# Task Responsible Person Resource Time Frame

1 Call ISP 2 to activate Manager Network Operations 1. Mobile 1 hour from
the backhaul Phone activation of the
connection and 2. Network plan
reconfigure primary configuration
connection settings manual

D. Backlog recovery:

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BCP for Loss of Network Connectivity for the Pune Manufacturing Plant

When system are back in running condition – All staff members of the System Support team will
work to get all data into the respective software systems – this may involve overtime depending on
the workload

E. Establish the designated Alternate Location

Alternate Location Activation: (execution of this plan does not require an alternative location)

7. Disseminate Information and Seek Assistance When Indicated

Notification to end users will take place either via – Email or Phone and end users can seek
assistance vi a the below phone number.

xxx 12345 xxx

8. Stand down process

When the primary network connection is restored and BAU is achieved, Business Continuity Team
Leader at HQ shall be notified of the deactivation of this plan and resumption of BAU status,
followed by all persons mentioned in this document.

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