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Exercise: Prepare a BIA Questionnaire

Prepared by : A. Naseem

BIA Questionnaire

Department Name
Respondent Name

1. Departments Role

(Describe precisely the department’s role)

2. Key Functions of the Department (for each function please fill this section)

Function Name
Function Description
Function Participants
Inputs (Resources Required) Just inputs (provide additional resources below)
Outcomes/Outputs The output or outcome on proper completion of the function
Recipients of (who uses what is produced by the process)
Service Peak times any periods of times (ie: time of year or specific events) that demand is
higher than usual from a time standpoint
Function Criticality How long can the Firm go without this process during a disaster?
Define in hours/days and provide explanation for the answer

2.1. What are the minimum resources required?

Please list bare minimum at which you can provide the service at a satisfactory level)

Potential Business Impact (PBI):

Type of business Impact
 Business Operation and Financial – Biz, Op & Fin:
 Legal and regulatory obligations: Legal oblitn:
 Reputation damage and loss of Good will: Loss of GW
 Personal Information: Personal Info

Impact Level
 Low (L) , Medium (M), High (H), Very High (VH)
The impact if this service is not restored (associate impact level with type of impact example: Biz, Op &
Fin: L)

Resource Type Desired Recovery Time PBI

(Be specific) (hours/day) L, M, H, VH
Finance Biz, Op & Fin:
Legal oblitn:
Loss of GW:
Personal Info:
Equipment Biz, Op & Fin:
Legal oblitn:
Loss of GW:
Personal Info:
Personnel (skills) and no. Biz, Op & Fin:
Legal oblitn:
Loss of GW:
Personal Info:
SOP/Work Instructions Biz, Op & Fin:
Legal oblitn:
Loss of GW:
Personal Info:
Data/Records Biz, Op & Fin:
Legal oblitn:
Loss of GW:
Personal Info:
Other Documents Biz, Op & Fin:
Legal oblitn:
Loss of GW:
Personal Info:
Vendor’s Services Biz, Op & Fin:
Legal oblitn:
Loss of GW:
Personal Info:
Physical Workspace Biz, Op & Fin:
Legal oblitn:
Loss of GW:
Personal Info:
Access/Privileges/WFH Biz, Op & Fin:
Legal oblitn:
Loss of GW:
Personal Info:
Software Biz, Op & Fin:
Legal oblitn:
Loss of GW:
Personal Info:
Facility/Space Biz, Op & Fin:
Legal oblitn:
Loss of GW:
Personal Info:
Internet access Biz, Op & Fin:
Legal oblitn:
Loss of GW:
Personal Info:
Corporate Network Access Biz, Op & Fin:
Legal oblitn:
Loss of GW:
Personal Info:
Customers Who are Include internal and Biz, Op & Fin:
dependent on it external customers Legal oblitn:
Loss of GW:
Personal Info:

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