Rohjani Rubric

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Rohjani Alvarado - Assignment 6: Portfolio (40%)

You are to develop a portfolio to provide the evidence of the work done during this
Section Content Basic Requirements

Section 1: ● An introduction to the portfolio.

Introduction and ● Your personal background on what life circumstances led you to want to
Personal become a teacher.
Background ● Your personal philosophy of teaching and learning.
● A description of the strategies you used to attain the intended learning
outcomes of the course.

Section 2: ● Classroom Management Plan: make sure to include a brief, but clear
Context of Field description of the school and classroom settings in which you taught.
Experience ● The Attendance Log
● Provide photographic evidence of your service activities at the school

Section 3: ● Completed, signed and dated copies of the observation instruments you
Lesson Observations used to observe the Cooperating Teacher
and Reflections ● Your reflections on each observation

Section 4: ● Lesson Plans (follow the UB format provided)

Lesson Plans and ● Photographs of Teaching/Visual Aids used in the teaching practice
Lesson Reflections ● Examples of alternative assessment tools used in the teaching practicum
● Feedback form from UB Supervisor
● Feedback form from Cooperating Teacher on each lesson
● Samples/photos of students’ work from teaching practicum

Section 5: ● The Importance of Instructional Planning (original and revised)

Written Papers ● Challenges of Managing a Classroom (original and revised)

Section 6: ● Photographs/copies of the audio/visual resources used in the classroom

Educational ● An annotated bibliography of at least six educational resources (books or
Resources journal articles that you used during this course). Write one to two
paragraphs to describe the relevance of each reading to your teaching
practice. Be sure to justify your views. Include them in your reference list
at the end of the Portfolio.

Section 7: ● A reflective essay on Lessons Learnt from My Field Experience

Reflection and ● Conclusion


5 3–4 1–2
Presentation: Document is presented in a well- Document is bound. Some of the elements Document not bound; several
Organization, organised fashion either in a are missing. elements missing
Structure and binder or bound Document reflects at least one innovative Plain, printed document prese
Creativity Contains Cover page, Title Page, or creative idea in terms of presentation
Table of Contents, Introduction,
and Conclusion.
Document reflects innovative or
creative ideas in terms of
Introduction Clearly explains the rationale for Briefly explains the rationale for the Vaguely explains the rationale
the portfolio. Provides details portfolio. Provides details about the portfolio. Provides few if any d
about the expectations, duration expectations, duration and location of the about the expectations, durat
and location of the Field Field Experience and structure of the location of the Field Experien
Experience. Clearly outlines the portfolio, but some items are missing. structure of the portfolio.
structure of the portfolio.

Personal The personal background clearly Adequate description teaching post and The personal background is
Background outlines and explains teaching years of teaching experience, but some incomplete or not present
post and years of teaching questions remain unanswered Professional and academic
experience; Professional and Professional and academic qualifications qualifications are not presente
academic qualifications are are presented, but some gaps exist incomplete
presented in a clear and coherent One or two relevant details (date of birth, Vague details or section omitt
manner place of birth, educational and teaching completely
Other relevant details (date of experiences etc. are omitted
birth, place of birth, educational
and teaching experiences etc. are

Philosophy Outstanding, clear and detailed Adequate identification of two beliefs on One or two beliefs on aspects
description of at least two beliefs aspects of teaching and/or learning teaching and/or learning iden
on aspects of teaching and/or Main reason identified and supported with poorly described
learning. some evidence. Lacks a clear reason; unclear
At least one theory, and its Adequate description of relationship or none given.
theorist, are cited and clearly between beliefs and philosophy; Vague relationship if any mad
explained satisfactory sequencing between beliefs and philosop
The philosophy is relevant and poorly sequenced
clearly sequenced; strong,
focused description of
relationship between beliefs and
Strategies Detailed description of strategies Satisfactory description of strategies used Identification of at least one s
used that draw upon personal that draw upon personal stories.

5 3–4 1–2
Attendance 20-hours logged Observation, Log included; some omissions re Log included but not clearly s
Log teaching, service signatures by cooperating teacher. the cooperating teacher.
Log included and signed by the
cooperating teacher.
Classroom Very detailed discussion on Detailed discussion on procedures, Brief discussion on procedure
Management procedures, routines and rules for routines and rules for organising classroom routines and rules for organis

Plan organising classroom relationships. No diagram of classroom classroom relationships; seve

relationships; may contain organisation included. questions remain unanswered
diagram of classroom

Photographic More than five pictures included Two to four pictures included to provide Only one picture included to p
Evidence to provide evidence for practice. evidence for practice. evidence for practice.

Observations All four observations are included, All included, but a few sections are Several categories are incom
and all categories are completed. incomplete. more one or more instrument

Reflections Well-written, detailed reflections; Reflections tend to be descriptive; includes Brief or vague reflections on e
(After includes discussions on discussions that focus on one or two lesson; mainly descriptive; ve
Observations strengths, weaknesses, thoughts, criteria for reflection; little indication of reflective phrases included
) feelings and explanations; and lessons learnt
lessons learnt that will influence
future practice
10 8–9 6—7 1—5
Lesson Plans All of the lesson plans are Some of the lesson plans Lesson plans are Vaguely written les
well-written and include are well-written; and include adequately written but lack plans.
almost all criteria expected almost all criteria expected significant details e.g. class
of UB lesson plans; include of UB lesson plans; may size, references that follow
information on class size exclude details on class APA criteria or photos of
and references that follow size; references that follow materials or actual
APA criteria; contains APA criteria; photos of materials.
photos of materials or materials or actual
actual materials. materials.
14—15 12—–13 9—11 1—8
Lesson Well-written, detailed Well-written, detailed Brief evaluations/ reflections Vague evaluations/
Evaluations/ evaluations/reflections on evaluations/reflections on on each lesson; includes reflections.
Reflection each lesson; includes each lesson; includes discussions only on
discussions on strengths, discussions focus mainly on strengths, weaknesses; no
weaknesses, and lessons strengths, weaknesses; little discussion on lessons learnt
learnt that will influence indication of lessons learnt
future practice
Reflective Both original and revised Both original and revised Both original and revised Only the original or
Essays versions of both essays are versions of both essays are essays are included; essays are included
included; concerns from the included; concerns from the concerns from the original No revisions of orig
original drafts are very well original drafts are mostly drafts are minimally drafts.
addressed. addressed. addressed. In one or both
5 4 3 1-2
Audio/visual Photo, descriptions and Photos of visual aids; rules, Photos of visual aids; rules, Photos of visual aid
resources explanations of visual aids, procedures, explanations procedures, explanations included in another
including rules. may not be included, but not be included, but questions remain a
questions remain. questions remain. explanations, rules
Use of Excellent use English Few grammar, spelling or Occasional grammar, Errors reduce read
language and grammar, spelling and punctuation errors; errors spelling and punctuation frequent grammar e
grammatical punctuation. do not affect readability or errors; needs moderate suggest that the rul
structures distort meaning editing. not known; needs s

In- Class Participation/Preparation Rubric

Consistent participation, preparation and a positive attitude are a vital part of learning in this class.

Category Excellent [5] Good [4] Satisfactory [3]

Contributions Routinely provides useful Usually provides useful Sometimes provides

ideas grounded in ideas grounded in useful ideas when
personal experience and experience and/or participating in classroom
research when research when discussion. Many not
participating in the participating in classroom grounded in research or
classroom. A definite discussion. A strong experience. A satisfactory
leader who contributes a student who tries hard. student who does what is
lot of effort and who required.Through the
makes class discussions
class of field Experienc
I have been attentive
and participated in clas
activities and works.
Attitude and Teamwork Student is always Rarely is critical of ideas Often or occasionally has
respectful of his or her or work of others. Often a positive attitude about
self, others, and teacher, has a positive attitude the task(s) and behaves i
has a positive attitude, about the task(s). Usually a respectful manner. May
and does not criticize treats others and self with not always display team
anyone else’s ideas or respect. A team player. spirit.
work. Students feel safe
participating in her
presence. A true team-
player. I am always
willing to learn and
work with others. I
listen to when others
talk both in groups and
class. I have always
maintained utmost
respect for my teacher
and classmates.
Preparedness Always comes to class on Very rarely late, almost Sometimes late to class,
time, follows all classroom always brings needed often brings materials but
procedures, brings materials to class, almost sometimes needs to
needed materials to class always follows classroom borrow. Usually follows

and is always in her seat procedures and is ready procedures and is usually
ready to work. to work.. Focuses on in- in her seat ready to
class work and what work. .
needs to be done most of
the time.
However I have
reached late times to
class and missed a few
classes because i was
sick, but i do focus and
complete classwork and
do what needs to be
done in clas.
Quality of Work Provides work of the Provides quality work that Provides work that meets
highest quality that reflects effort from the the requirements, but
reflects the student’s best student. more effort or time could
efforts. have been given. at
times I have had poor
time management skill
and do not always
revise my work so I
cannot say that I have
produced the finest
works but I always
make sure that my
works are done by me
and are not plagiarized

Focus Consistently stays Focuses on in-class work Focuses on the task and
focused on in-class work and what needs to be what needs to be done
and what needs to be done most of the time. some of the time. Often
done. Self-directed and I always participate in must be reminded about
highly motivated. games done in class, and what needs to get done
finish tasks given my

Listening Skills Student listens when Student listens when Student seldom listens
others talk, both in groups others talk, both in groups when others talk, both in
and in class. Student and in class.I am always groups and in class.
incorporates or builds off willing to hear other
of the ideas of others classmates idea and
respectful when others
are presenting.


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