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Important Information

While participating in the unit, you will need to access a variety of information and data to complete
assignments and activities. This information and data will be available to you in an folder, via one of the
following methods:
acQuireLearning Installation (installed onto the learning computer that you will be using).
USB flash drive
Training server
Your instructor will advise how you can access the data.

Storing and Submitting Assignments

You will need to create a folder in the requested file management structure for the unit. Please refer to the File
Management Structure for Assignments handout for more information.
You will store all the data for your assignments in this folder.
Important: If the data is not stored in the correct folder/s, your assignment will not be assessed.
A personal folder has been set up for you on the training server. This folder has security so that it can only be
accessed by yourself and your instructor.
To submit an assignment:
1. Create a backup of your database.
2. Store the database backup, workspace tree and your assignment folder (in the correct structure) on the
training server each time that you submit an assignment.
Note: Please do not delete previous copies stored. Please use the naming convention outlined in the File
Management Structure for Assignments handout.
3. When you have completed your assignment, send an email to your instructor advising that you have
completed the assignment and it is ready for assessment.
Note: You must submit your assignments by the due date.

Assessment of Assignments
Assessment and resubmission of assignments will continue for a two week period after the last day of delivery
of the program. If assessments have not been finalised by this time, a hold result will be issued and your
company/manager will be informed. If a hold result is issued, outstanding assignments can be completed but
there may be a charge for assessment.
Competency for the unit will be attained when all assignments have been submitted and assessed as

If you require any clarification, please ask your instructor.

Handout - Important Information 1

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