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4. (10.) savjetovanje
SO1 – 14
Trogir/Seget Donji, 11. - 14. svibnja 2014.

Alen Hatibović, electrical engineer (PhD student)

Electrical network designer, Baja (Hungary)




This paper shows a complete mathematical solution for calculation of the conductor length using
integral calculus. The presented method is based on the parabola model and is applicable for spans
approximately up to 400 metres, i.e. in those cases when the difference between the catenary and the
parabola is negligible, and so the catenary can be approximated by a parabola. The algorithm is prepared
for inclined spans, but it is also usable in levelled spans. Since the conductor length changes with
temperature, each calculation refers to a chosen temperature of the conductor, using the maximum sag
concerned to that temperature, beside the chosen tension and conductor type. Hence, the maximum sag
of the parabola is one of the input data for the calculation.
Beside the conductor length calculation in a full span the provided algorithm also gives a
possibility to calculate the conductor length in an arbitrary part of the span. Thus, it can solve classical
tasks in practice, but also some unconventional ones. The use of the algorithm and its universal formula
are presented in different types of the span.

Key words: inclined span, sag, parabola, overhead lines, vertex point




Referat prikazuje cjelovito matematičko rješenje za izračun duljine voda uporabom integralnog
računa. Prikazana metoda se zasniva na modelu parabole i može se primjenjivati za raspone do oko 400
metara, tj. u onim slučajevima kada je odstupanje između lančanice i parabole zanemarljivo, te se
lančanica može aproksimirati parabolom. Algoritam je izrađen za kose raspone, ali se takođe može
primjenjivati i za ravne raspone. Obzirom da se duljina voda mijenja sa temperaturom, svaki izračun se
odnosi na izabranu temperaturu voda, uz uporabu najvećeg provjesa za tu temperaturu, izabrano
naprezanje i tip vodiča. Stoga, najveći provjes parabole je jedan od ulaznih podataka za proračun.
Pored izračuna duljine voda u cijelom rasponu izrađeni algoritam takođe pruža mogućnost
izračuna duljine voda u prizvoljno izabranom dijelu raspona. To znači da riješava klasične, ali takođe i
neke nekonvencionalne zadatke u praksi. Uporaba algoritma i njegove univerzalne formule je prikazana u
različitim vrstama raspona.

Ključne riječi: kosi raspon, provjes, parabola, nadzemni vodovi, tjemena točka


Due to the sag of the overhead line (OHL), the conductor within the span is always longer than the
span itself. Thus, the conductor length calculation is important for constructing overhead lines. In case of the
parabola based calculation for an OHL design the existing scientific literatures generally give a solution for the
conductor length in levelled spans only. The same length formula is frequently in use also in inclined spans
despite the fact that it makes errors in calculations. This is the reason for providing the universal algorithm for
calculation of the conductor length, which ensures correct results in each case, i.e. in levelled and inclined
spans as well. Such a complex task can be effectively solved by the application of the integral calculus. In
addition, this approach also solves the conductor length calculation in any part of the span.
The maximum sag of the parabola can be obtained by a sag–tension calculation or taken from the
available sag–tension–temperature tables. The determination of the maximum sag is not the task of this
paper. It is discussed in details in [1], [2]. The conductor sag is well seen in Figure 1.

Fig. 1. Overhead line

For providing a universal algorithm for the conductor length calculation, which is based on the
parabola model, Figure 2 will be used. It contains all applied symbols and shows a parabolic conductor curve
in an inclined span. The equation y(x) of the curve is essential for the deduction and it can be defined by the
application of the three known points A, B and C of the parabolic curve [3]. Using the coordinate system
shown in Figure 2 the necessary data for all calculations are the following in this paper: the span length,
the heights of the suspension points with respect to the x–axis and the maximum sag. The additional
input data ( x1 and x2 ) are necessary only for the conductor length calculation in part of the span.

The following symbols are used in Figure 2:

A (0;h1) – left–hand side suspension point,

B (S;h2) – right–hand side suspension point
MIN (xMIN ; yMIN) – vertex point
C (xC; yC) = C (S/2; (h1 + h2)/2 – Dmax ) – conductor’s point with a maximum sag
S – span length
Dmax – maximum sag
y (x) – parabolic conductor curve
ψ – angle of the span inclination
x1, x2 – start and end points of part of a span, x1 < x2
E (x1; y (x1)) – start point of the conductor in part of a span
F (x2; y (x2)) – end point of the conductor in part of a span

h2 B

A ψ D max


0 x1 x MIN x C = S / 2 x2 S

Fig. 2. Parabolic conductor curve in an inclined span with h1 < h2

The equation for the parabolic conductor curve in Figure 2 is (1). It is given in the vertex form of the
parabola equation according to the basic expression (2) [4], [5] where xMIN (4) and yMIN (5) present the
coordinates of the parabola's vertex point. The a (3) is a coefficient of the parabola and it defines its shape. Let
us mention that this coefficient is the same in both vertex and general forms of the parabola equation [6].
Being a quadratic function, the parabola belongs to the group of algebraic functions.
2 2
4 Dmax  S  h2 − h1   h −h 
y( x) = 2  x − 1 −  + h1 − Dmax 1 − 2 1  x ∈ [0, S ] (1)
S  2 4 Dmax   4 Dmax 

y ( x ) = a ( x − x MIN ) + y MIN

4 Dmax
a= (3)
S  h2 − h1 
x MIN = 1 −  (4)
2  4 Dmax 
 h −h 
y MIN = h1 − Dmax  1 − 2 1  (5)
 4 Dmax 

In order to simplify the deduction, equation (2) will be applied for providing the algorithm, but (3) and
(4) will be used at the end of the deduction. The special final formulas for the characteristic tasks in connection
with the conductor length calculation will be separately defined.


2.1. Conductor length in part of an inclined span

The length of the parabola (2) on the interval [x1, x2], shown in Figure 2, can be determined by the
following mathematical formula:
x2 2
 dy 
Lx1 x2 = ∫
1 +   dx
 dx 

Using the basic derivation rule (7), the first derivative of (2) is (8). Squaring it results in (9):

(cx n ) = ncx n−1 (7)

= 2a ( x − x MIN )
 dy 
  = [2a ( x − x MIN )]
 dx 
Inserting (9) into (6) and evaluating the integral by the application of the substitution method are shown step by
step in the following lines:

Lx1 x2 = ∫ 1 + [2a ( x − x MIN )] dx


2a ( x − x MIN ) = sht (11)

2adx = cht ⋅ dt (12)

dx = cht ⋅ dt (13)
t = arsh (2a (x − x MIN )) (14)

x = x1 ⇒ t1 = arsh (2a ( x1 − x MIN ))

x = x2 ⇒ t 2 = arsh (2a (x 2 − x MIN ))
Lt1 t2 = ∫ 1 + sh 2 t cht ⋅ dt (16)
1 2 2
2a t∫
Lt1 t2 = ch t ⋅ dt (17)

1 2 1 + ch 2t

2a t∫
Lt1 t2 = ⋅ dt (18)

1 2
(1 + ch 2t ) ⋅ dt
4a t∫
Lt1 t2 = (19)

1  sh 2t  2
Lt1 t2 = t +  (20)
4a  2  t1

Lt1 t2 =
(t + sht ⋅ cht )tt21 (21)

Lx1 x2 =
[arsh (2a (x − x MIN )) + sh (arsh (2a (x − x MIN ))) ⋅ ch (arsh (2a (x − x MIN )))]xx21 (22)
arsh (2a ( x − x MIN )) + 2a ( x − x MIN ) ⋅ 1 + (2a ( x − x MIN )) 
1 
Lx1 x2 =
4a   x

1 2 

Lx1 x2 =  arsh (2a ( x − x MIN )) + (x − x MIN ) ⋅ 1 + (2a ( x − x MIN )) 

1 (24)
 4a 2  x1

arsh(2a ( x 2 − x MIN )) − arsh (2a (x1 − x MIN )) +
1 1
Lx1x2 =
4a 4a (25)
+ ( x 2 − x MIN ) ⋅ 1 + (2a (x 2 − x MIN )) − ( x1 − x MIN ) ⋅ 1 + (2a ( x1 − x MIN ))
1 2 1 2

2 2
Substituting (3) and (4) into previous expression yields (26):
S2  8D  S h − h1    S2  8Dmax  S h − h1   
Lx1x2 = arsh max  x 2 − 1 − 2

  −
  16 D arsh   x1 − 1 − 2

  +

16 Dmax  S2 2  4 D   S2 2  4 D   
  max  max   max

1 S h − h1    8D  S h − h1    (26)
+  x 2 − 1 − 2   ⋅ 1 +  max  x 2 − 1 − 2
  −
2 2 4 Dmax    S2

 2 4 Dmax   
1 S h − h1    8D  S h − h1   
−  x1 − 1 − 2   ⋅ 1 +  max  x1 − 1 − 2 
2 2 4 Dmax    S2

 2 4 Dmax   
Formula (26) is a universal one for the conductor length calculation based on the parabola model since it can
be directly used for deriving the final formulas for calculations in a full inclined span, but also in a levelled span
(full or its part).

2.2. Conductor length in a full inclined span

In order to obtain the formula for the conductor length calculation in a full inclined span expression (24)
can be used from the previous section, but the integral limits have to be changed into: x1=0 and x2=S. In fact,
this is the special case of the span–part when the integral limits present the x–coordinates of the two
suspension points of the conductor in the given span. The main steps for the determination of the final formula
are the following:
S 2
 dy 
L = ∫ 1 +   dx (27)
0  dx 
1 2
L =  arsh(2a ( x − x MIN )) + (x − x MIN ) ⋅ 1 + (2a (x − x MIN )) 
1 (28)
 4 a 2 0

arsh (2a (S − x MIN )) − arsh (2a (0 − x MIN )) +

1 1
4a 4a (29)
+ (S − x MIN ) ⋅ 1 + (2a (S − x MIN )) − (0 − x MIN ) ⋅ 1 + (2a (0 − x MIN ))
1 2 1 2

2 2

arsh (2a (S − x MIN )) + arsh (2ax MIN ) +

1 1
4a 4a (30)
+ (S − x MIN ) ⋅ 1 + (2a (S − x MIN )) + x MIN ⋅ 1 + (2ax MIN )
1 2 1 2

2 2
After substituting (3) and (4) into the previous expression it becomes (31):
S2  4D  h − h1   S2  4D  h − h1  
L= arsh  max 1 + 2   +
 arsh  max 1 − 2   +

16 Dmax  S  4 Dmax   16 Dmax  S  4 D max  
2 2
S h − h1   4D  h − h1   S h − h1   4D  h − h1  
+  1 + 2  ⋅ 1 +  max 1 + 2   + 1 − 2  ⋅ 1 +  max 1 − 2 
4 4 Dmax   S
  4 Dmax   4 4 Dmax   S
  4 Dmax  

Equation (31) is the final formula for the conductor length calculation within the whole span. It is
needed more frequently than the adequate formula for the conductor length in the part of the span given by
(26). Let us mention that both (26) and (31) are obtained by the application of the same algorithm, with the use
of the appropriate integral limits in two different cases.

2.3. Application of 1/cosψ multiplier and its impact on the conductor length calculation
The same parabola curve in levelled and inclined spans mathematically has the same maximum
sag [6], [7]. In other words if the span length and the coefficient a remain unchanged, then the change of
the span inclination does not cause the change of the maximum sag of the parabola. It is different in the
case of the catenary. Its maximum sag increases when the span inclination increases. This contradiction
is partly compensated using 1/cosψ multiplier [7] to increase the parabola's sag in an inclined span in
comparison to its sag in a levelled span. The following formula is in use for the maximum sag:
Dmax ψ = ⋅ Dmax (32)
After the application of 1/cosψ, the maximum sag in an inclined span is denoted as Dmax ψ. The multiplier
1/cosψ can be obtained by (33):
h −h 
= 1 + tg 2 ψ = 1 +  2 1  (33)
cosψ  S 
The following expression is the equivalent of the previous one and thus gives equal results. However, it is
not so frequent in use, due to its complexity.
  h − h 
= ch (arsh(tgψ )) = ch  arsh 2 1  
1 (34)
cosψ   S 
The impact of 1/cosψ can be well seen in Figure 3, which shows three conductor curves in an inclined
span, i.e. the catenary and its parabolic approximation with and without the application of 1/cosψ
multiplier. The three curves are denoted as:
• ycat(x) – catenary
• ypar(x) – parabolic approximation of ycat(x) without the use of 1/cosψ
• ypar ψ(x) – parabolic approximation of ycat(x) with the use of 1/cosψ


ψ MIN par ψ
MIN par

MIN cat
y par ( x ) MIN par – vertex of y par ( x )
y par ψ ( x ) MIN par ψ – vertex of y par ψ( x )
y cat ( x ) MIN cat – vertex of y cat ( x )
0 Distance S

Fig. 3. Conductor curves in an inclined span

The lengths of the curves in Figure 3 can be appropriately denoted in the following way:
• Lcat – length of ycat(x) on the interval [0,S]
• Lpar – length of ypar(x) on the interval [0,S]
• Lpar ψ – length of ypar ψ(x) on the interval [0,S]
According to Figure 3, the application of 1/cosψ ensures better parabolic approximation of the catenary.
As a consequence, the length calculation is also more accurate. Two following relations concern to
inclined spans with low inclination. Note that in steep spans the parabola is not used, only the catenary.
y par ( x ) > y par ψ ( x ) > ycat ( x ) ∀ 0<x<S (35)

Lpar < Lpar ψ < Lcat (36)

Taking into consideration (36), the use of 1/cosψ multiplier is recommended when calculating the
conductor length in inclined spans (full or its part) because it gives better results. In levelled spans the
correspondent relations of the two previous ones are given by:
y par ( x ) ≡ y par ψ ( x ) > ycat ( x ) ∀ 0< x < S (37)

Lpar ≡ Lpar ψ < Lcat (38)

Since cos(0)=1, thus 1/cosψ has no any impact in the case of a levelled span.
It is important to emphasize that the use of 1/cosψ is actual only in the case when the maximum
sag (Dmax ψ) in an inclined span is unknown, but has to be determined by the known maximum sag (Dmax)
in an equivalent levelled span. As the maximum sag is one of the input data for the conductor length
calculation in each case of the span (full or part, levelled or inclined, h1<h2 or h1>h2), it is important here
to mention the appropriate use of 1/cosψ and its relation to the maximum sag. In fact 1/cosψ multiplier
slightly modifies the parabolic curve in an inclined span (in comparison to the same in a levelled span)
making it more similar to the catenary.


3.1. Conductor length in part of a levelled span

The levelled span is a special case when the suspension points of the conductor are on the same
elevation and so the vertex point of the conductor curve is located at a mid–span. Actually, it is a
simplification of an inclined span. Figure 4 presents a levelled span with equal supports in a flat terrain.

D max y(x)


0 x1 x MIN = S / 2 x2 S

Fig. 4. Parabolic conductor curve in a levelled span

Using (26) and taking into the consideration that h1=h2=h, it is easy to get the special formula for
the conductor length calculation in part [x1, x2] of a levelled span.

S2  8D  S  S2  8D  S 
Lx1x2 = arsh  max2  x2 −   − arsh  max2  x1 −   +
16 Dmax  S  2   16 Dmax  S  2 
2 2
1 S  8 Dmax  S  1 S  8 Dmax  S 
+  x2 −  ⋅ 1 +  2  x 2 −   −  x1 −  ⋅ 1 +  2  x1 −  
2 2  S  2  2 2  S  2 

Instead of the full algorithm shown in section 2.1., its final formula is directly applied here to obtain (39).
The size and location of the span–part [x1, x2] can be arbitrarily chosen on the interval [0, S].

3.2. Conductor length in a full levelled span

Since the parabola is an even function, the length of its curve in a levelled span can be
determined as a double length of the curve in one half of the span, according to (40). The main steps for
providing the final formula (43) are given by (41) and (42).
S 2 S /2 2
 dy   dy 
L=∫ 1 +   dx = 2 ∫ 1 +   dx (40)
0  dx  0  dx 

1  S  
  S   S  
L= arsh  2a  x −   + 2a  x −  ⋅ 1 +  2a  x −    (41)
2a    2   2   2  
 0

arsh (aS ) + ⋅ 1 + (aS )

1 S
2a 2
S2  4 Dmax  S  4 Dmax 
L= arsh   + ⋅ 1+   (43)
8 Dmax  S  2  S 
Equation (43) is a formula for the conductor length calculation in a full levelled span. Naturally, the
appropriate application of (26) or (39) would give the same formula, but here the aim was to show a
special use of the algorithm from section 2.1. Equation (43) has also another form (45) obtained by using
identity (44) in equation (43).
arsh( x ) = ln x + 1 + x 2 ) (44)

S2  4D  4 D max   S
 4 Dmax 

L= ln  max
+ 1+   + ⋅ 1+   (45)
8 D max  S  S   2  S 

Finally, let us mention the length formula (46) which is very frequent in professional literatures for
overhead line design.
8 D
L = S + ⋅ max (46)
3 S
Contrary to the exact length formula given by (45), the previous one (46) is approximate. However, in levelled
spans it gives similar results as (45) does. On the other hand, the use of (46) in inclined spans is not
recommended, since it can make unacceptable errors in calculation. The error’s value increases with the span

A universal algorithm for the conductor length calculation based on the parabola model has been
shown in this publication. It makes possible to determine the conductor length not only in a full span, but
also in any part of the span. Universality of the algorithm is reached by the use of the integral calculus. It
is a fact that the conductor length calculation in the part of the span is a very rare, unconventional task in
practice, but it has to be mentioned that the conductor length calculation in a full span as a very frequent
task is just a special case of the conductor length calculation in the part of the span. In that special case
the start and end points of the span–part are in fact the x–coordinates of the suspension points of the
conductor in the given span. As the shown algorithm is able to solve the conventional tasks and also
some special ones, its usability in practice is wide.
In this paper point MIN is deliberately called the vertex point instead of the lowest point of the
conductor, although these are identical in Figures 2, 3 and 4. The reason is that the xMIN and yMIN
coordinates used in the algorithm always concern to the vertex point, even in those special cases of the
inclined span when the vertex point is out of the span and it then differs from the lowest point of the
conductor [6], [8].

Presenting the deduction step by step in section 2.1. helps an easy understanding of the shown
algorithm for the length calculation of the parabolic conductor curve. Different ways of the algorithm
application are presented in sections 2.2., 3.1. and 3.2. The final formulas for the conductor length
calculation have been provided in four characteristic cases: in a part of an inclined span, a full inclined
span, a part of a levelled span, a full levelled span. Also the role of 1/cosψ multiplier and its usage in
inclined spans are explained when computing the conductor length.
Despite the fact that the basic algorithm has been done for case h1<h2, it is also valid for the
other case of an inclined span, i.e. h1>h2. It is partly due to placing the origin to the bottom of the left–
hand side support; this is an unusual approach in comparison to existing scientific literatures for similar
topics [9], [10].
By the use of the provided formulas in numerical examples it can be shown that:
• The parabolic conductor curve in an inclined span is longer than it is in an equivalent levelled
span. The length difference increases with the span inclination.
• When calculating the conductor length in an inclined span using the known maximum sag in an
equivalent levelled span, the application of 1/cosψ multiplier gives more accurate results than
when not applying it. This fact is expressed mathematically by inequality (36).
The facts listed above clearly highlight the importance of the new formulas, meanwhile the application of
the existing approximate formula (46) for the conductor length calculation is acceptable only in levelled


[1] CIGRÉ Technical Brochure No. 324, ”Sag–Tension Calculation Methods for Overhead Lines”,
CIGRÉ WG B2–12, 2007
[2] Lajos Jozsa, ”Nadzemni vodovi”, ETF Osijek, 2011
[3] Alen Hatibović, ”Parabola and Catenary Equations for Conductor Height Calculation”, Electro–
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[4] Gyula Obádovics, ”Matematika”, SCOLAR, Budapest, 2012
[5] Maurice D. Weir, Joel Hass, ”Thomas’ Calculus”, Pearson, 2010
[6] Alen Hatibović, ”Determination of the Lowest Point of the Conductor in Inclined Spans Based on a
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[7] Alen Hatibović, ”Analysis of the Quadratic Equation for the Conductor Sag Based on a Given
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[8] Alen Hatibović, ”Vezetékgörbe egyenletének meghatározása a parabola ismert legnagyobb
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[9] Douglass Dale A., Thrash Ridley, ”Sag and Tension of Conductor”, Taylor & Fransis Group LLC.,
[10] Leonard L. Grigsby, ”Electric Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution”, Taylor & Fransis
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